Tutorial # 2

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Tutorial # 2

1. For a turbulent flow in pipes determine the value of y at which the point velocity is equal
to the mean velocity of flow. [Hint: v = V, use the for which you can apply this
relationship easily, y will be in terms of R]

2. Determine the diameter of a cast iron pipe which is required to carry water at 10°C at the
rate of 250 litres per second, if the loss of head is not to exceed 2 m per 100 m length of
pipe. The average height of the pipe wall projection is 0.36 mm and kinematic viscosity
of water at 10°C is 0.013 stokes. (Assume f = 0.018) [ Hint: use this formula:
f LV 2
hf = ]

3. Solve Problem # 2 using graph when value of f is not provided. (Hint: assume D value
from Problem #2 )

4. A rough pipeline of diameter 0.1 m carries water at 20°C at the rate of 50 l/s. If the
average height of the protrusions on the pipe surface is 0.15 mm, calculate the friction
factor, maximum velocity, shear stress at the pipe surface and the shear velocity. For
water at 20°C take υ = 1.0 × 10–6 m2/s and ρ = 1000 kg/m3 (102 msl/m3). [ formula based,
use appropriate formulas]
5. A smooth two-dimensional flat plate is exposed to a wind velocity of 100 km per hour. If
laminar boundary layer exists up to a value of Rex equal to 3 × 105, find the maximum
distance up to which laminar boundary layer persists, and find its maximum thickness.
Assume kinematic viscosity of air as 1.49 × 10–5 m2/s. [ Hint: calculate mean velocity
using continuity equation, then use Rex to get value of x and finally delta to get boundary
layer thickness]

6. Find the drag force on plate 1.2 m wide and 3 m long at a velocity of 2.4 m/s in water at
23°C. Make allowance for the fact that the boundary layer will change from laminar to
turbulent over the plate. ’υ’ for water at 23°C is 0.9 × 10–6 m2/s and ρ = 1000 kg/m3.
[ Hint: calculate ReL, then Cf and then Fd]

7. Calculate the friction drag on a plate 0.15 m wide and 0.45 m long placed longitudinally
in a stream of oil flowing with a free stream velocity of 6 m/s. Also find the thickness of
the boundary layer and shear stress at the trailing edge. Specific gravity of oil is 0.925
and its kinematic viscosity is 0.9 × 10-4 m2/s [ Hint: use laminar boundary layer equation
as while calculating Rel you will get that for entire plate you have laminar boundary

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