generated Images
Mobile Phone Art Manipulation
• The mobile phone that you Program)
constantly hold has evolved from
a mere communication tool into a Inkscape
creative device that allows you to Xara Extreme
generate original works of art for Artweaver
an entire range of purposes. Draw Plus
• These could be personal
photographs and videos that you
Paint star
can manipulate with myriad
Smooth Draw
special effects, both visual as well
as sound and music. They could
also be school projects or reports
Adobe Photoshop Express
that requires you to combine
Corel Paintshop Pro
images, incorporate text, even
include simple animation.
The task that traditional photo
editors used to perform manually:
Digital Photography
Another means of generating an original image is capture it first as a digital
file. In case of today's electronic technology, that would mean recording the
image using a digital camera or a device with built- in camera like your
mobile phone, android device, or tablet.
- Automatically makes all the adjustment in lighting, focus, zoom-in and
zoom-out, even the removal of "red eye" with the user being given some
leeway for slight adjustment.
- It offers image enhancement, like adjusting color and brightness
imbalances, as well as sharpening or blurring the image.
- It may offer unique effects like "fish eye" or filters that allow presetting the
photo to be taken with a colored tint or a special texture.
- Allows the user to immediately review the photos taken without waiting for
a complex developing process - and to delete any unsatisfactory images
while restoring the good ones for future needs.
Digital Painting
A method of creating an artwork using a computer.
Also refers to a technique using a graphic software program to create an
artwork that is totally virtual.
The canvas, brushes, paints and other tools are all virtual, existing only
within a computer.
And the finished work is also stored in virtual format, to be shared
through cyber space.
- is an example of online resource for teaching yourself digital painting for
free. via simple videos and mini tutorials.
Video Technology
Social Media Purposes
- Another tremendously powerful and innovative field that technology has
revolutionized is that of creating and presenting videos.
- There are also personally mode videos uploaded in Youtube facebook,
Tiktok- from dance, music and stage performance. tutorials, documentaries,
prenup videos etc.
Medical/Scientific Purposes
- Imaging videos in the field of medicine science.
1. It is produced digitally.
2. It is easy to reproduce since it is digitally made.
3. It allows communication between the artist and the audience.
4. It can be easily accessed and shared with the use of gadgets and the
5. It uses different qualities of an art elements in creating visual effect.
Evgeny Parvenov
He created this brilliant Morrissey
illustration for Rolling Stone
Magazine. He also created work
for clients including Wired and
Kaya Oldaker
A versatile fantasy artist who
created digital arts from Great
Britain. Drawing dragons were her
favorite thing to make.
Antonio Gorordo
Cityscape Antonio Gorordo, c 2010-2012