Impact Assessment of The Organic Agriculture Produ

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ISSN 2348-1900 (online) HORIZON

Vol 10(3): 409–416 e-Publishing Group


Impact assessment of the organic agriculture production training

program in Northern Philippines
Marah Joy Alsiken-Nanglegan

Department of Extension and Training, Ifugao State University, Ifugao 3605, Philippines

*Email: [email protected]

A study was conducted to assess the impacts of the Organic Agriculture
OPEN ACCESS Production (OAP) Training Program of Ifugao State University (IFSU) on
beneficiaries. The Australian Centre for International Agricultural Research
ARTICLE HISTORY (ACIAR) framework for impact assessment was used in tracing the impact
Received: 20 February 2023 pathways of the program. It utilized quantitative methods of data collection.
Accepted: 20 May 2023 The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics and the
Available online Likert scale. Respondents were the beneficiaries of the training that served
Version 1.0 : 28 June 2023
Version 2.0 : 01 July 2023 as the treatment and non-beneficiaries that served as the control. The
majority of the treatment and control respondents are young adults and
middle-aged, female, married, finished secondary and college, have less than
five household members, and are employed. Most of the respondents in the
Additional information study have organizational affiliations. The inputs to the program were from
Peer review: Publisher thanks Sectional Editor and the Technical Education and Skills Development Authority (TESDA) and the
the other anonymous reviewers for their
contribution to the peer review of this work. IFSU. The use of these inputs produced technological and capacity building
outputs. All the training respondents received their National Certificates,
Reprints & permissions information is which means that they are all competent in the use of the OAP technologies
available at and that they can produce new products that they can utilize for subsistence
and livelihood. The evidently used adoption pathways were capacity
building and communication. Respondents from the treatment group
Publisher’s Note: Horizon e-Publishing Group
remains neutral with regard to jurisdictional “agreed” that their participation in the training resulted in capacity building
claims in published maps and institutional outcomes utilized at a personal and organizational level. The training
program showed significant impacts on farm income, total annual income,
employment, organizational affiliation and involvement, and adoption.
Indexing: Plant Science Today, published by
Horizon e-Publishing Group, is covered by Policy recommendations for the improvement of the program are discussed.
Scopus, Web of Science, BIOSIS Previews,
Clarivate Analytics, NAAS,UGC Care etc.
index.php/PST/indexing_abstracting Keywords
Organic agriculture training; impact assessment; Ifugao, Northern
Copyright: © The Author(s). This is an open- Philippines
access article distributed under the terms of the
Creative Commons Attribution License, which
permits unrestricted use, distribution and
reproduction in any medium, provided the Introduction
original author and source are credited (https:// Organic agriculture production (OAP) has been gaining popularity worldwide
because people have become aware of its benefits, especially for health,
CITE THIS ARTICLE wellness, and the environment. It has been contributing to food security (1-
Alsiken-Nanglegan M J. Impact assessment of
the organic agriculture production training 3), poverty reduction (4,5), health and well-being (6-8), as well as reducing
program in Northern Philippines. Plant Science environmental impacts from agriculture, especially if it is implemented in a
Today. 2023; 10(3): 409–416. https:// well-designed food system (9,10). As opposed to conventional or traditional
farming, it has frequently been claimed to be more sustainable (11).
Organic agriculture is "a holistic production management system that
avoids the use of synthetic fertilizers, pesticides, and genetically-modified
organisms, minimizes pollution of air, soil, and water, and optimizes the

Plant Science Today, ISSN 2348-1900 (online)


health and productivity of interdependent communities of resources invested, there is a need to assess if this program
plants, animals, and people" (12). It is guided by the has impacted the lives of the beneficiaries. This is very
principles of health, ecology, fairness, and care (13,14). important because it can greatly improve the management
With all these promising possibilities, consumer demand and effectiveness of the programs, rationalize the use of
for organic products will continue to expand and flourish public funds, and provide directions to policy makers and
(15). funding institutions. Aside from that, one common
According to data on global production, there are at problem in Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) in the
least 3.1 million farmers overseeing 72.3 million hectares Philippines, including IFSU is the lack of studies on the
of agricultural land in 187 countries that practice organic impact of extension services.
agriculture. In 2019, global sales of organic food and drink An impact assessment (IA) study is a valuable tool
exceeded 106 billion euros (16). Since the 1970s, expansion for identifying, assessing, and quantifying the impacts of a
of organic production has begun as more people became program/project. It is evidence-based and answers the
interested in their own health and that of the environment questions of what works, what does not, and why (20). It is
(17) and this has been steadily increasing over the years a method for determining whether observed changes in
(16). outcomes among project target groups may be attributed
The Philippines ranked 8th among the top 10 to development programs (21). It was defined as the
countries worldwide with the highest increase in organic process of determining the expected or actual implications
land, 4th in Asia, and first in the Association of Southeast of a development intervention on social, economic, and
Asian Nations (ASEAN) with 234,642 hectares and 165,958 environmental issues (22). On a spectrum, the application
organic practitioners in 2015 (18). These figures increased of impact assessment can be classified as ‘proving impact’
and have been continuously increasing in the country over on one side and ‘enhancing procedures’ on the other (23).
the years due to the emphatic support of the Philippine For continuous improvement, the organization must
Government with the passage of the Organic Agriculture analyze and assess the project that has already begun.
Act of 2010. The act involves the development and This study was conducted to assess the impacts of
adoption of production and processing methodologies the OAP Training Program from the perspective of its
that have already been created or are currently being beneficiaries.
created, as well as the promotion and commercialization
of organic farming practices, ongoing research and
improvements, the development of farmers' capacities Materials and Methods
and consumer education, and the provision of support to The study was guided by the ACIAR framework for
local government units (LGUs), people's organizations assessing impacts. It used quantitative methods of
(POs), nongovernmental organizations (NGOs), and other investigation. Specifically, the study utilized a cross-
stakeholders. sectional survey. This method was used because the data
In response to this act, the TESDA, with its mandate were collected four years after the training program’s first
to fund programs and projects for technical education and year of implementation.
skills development, has been offering and funding OAP The study was conducted in the Province of Ifugao.
training programs in partnership with public and private Ifugao is a province in the Philippines that is part of
Technical Vocational Institutions (TVIs) all over the Luzon's northern-central region and is located in the
country. These programs catered to various clients/ Cordillera Administrative Region (Figure 1). About 1,010.82
beneficiaries including but not limited to indigenous square miles or 2,618.01 square kilometers make up the
peoples, persons with disabilities, senior citizens, and province's land area. The 2020 Census found 207,498
rebel returnees (19). people living there (24).
In the Province of Ifugao, one of the TVIs is the Ifugao is a group of 11 municipalities with Lagawe
Ifugao State University (IFSU). The IFSU has been as its capital, including Lamut, Kiangan, Asipulo, Hingyon,
accredited by the TESDA as one of its Training and Banaue, Hungduan, Aguinaldo, Mayoyao, Alfonso Lista,
Competency Assessment Centers for various qualifications. and Tinoc. The economy is agriculture-based (25), with
The accreditation led to the establishment of the IFSU- rugged terrain, river valleys, and massive forests. The study
Training and Competency Assessment Center (IFSU-TCAC). sites were the municipalities of Banaue, Kiangan, Lamut,
Henceforth, IFSU through the center has been conducting Lagawe, and Hingyon where the beneficiaries of the
training to cater to various learners who are interested in Organic Agriculture Production (OAP) training program are
enrolling in TESDA registered courses, especially, in from.
agriculture. These programs are geared towards the There were two sets of respondents: the
attainment of National Certificates (NCs) for the trainees. beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries of the OAP Training
Trainees are granted scholarships. Program. For the first set, respondents were the
Since 2017, the IFSU has produced a total of 280 beneficiaries of OAP trainings conducted from 2018-2020 in
graduates from the different municipalities of Ifugao, and the different municipalities of Ifugao. Stratified random
almost all of them received their national certificates. sampling was done among the 220 beneficiaries by
Training grants totaled Php 5,336,800. With the time and location, generating a sample size of 105. For the second

Additional data were obtained through field visits and

In terms of the inputs, outputs, and adoption
pathways used, data were obtained from the IFSU-TCAC,
Lamut Campus.
Descriptive statistics, particularly frequency counts
and percentages, were utilized to describe the profile of
respondents in terms of socio-demographic and
organizational characteristics. A narrative description was
done for the inputs, outputs, and adoption pathways of
the program. A 4-point Likert scale was used to analyze the
outcomes: strongly agree; disagree; agree; and strongly
disagree. Inferential statistics specifically the F test
utilizing Analysis of Variance, was used to test the
difference in adoption of OAP technologies when grouped
by profile variables, the difference in outcomes when
grouped by profile variables, and the impacts between the
treatment and control groups of respondents.
To avoid selection bias, the study involved
matching beneficiaries and non-beneficiaries based on
socioeconomic indicators that were as close to those of
the beneficiary households as possible. Only families that
were systematically similar were compared; households
that were systematically dissimilar were excluded from the
Figure 1. Location map of the study
In assessing the impacts of the OAP training
set, respondents were non-beneficiaries, who have similar program, the study established counterfactual measures.
characteristics to those of the first set of respondents. This was done by identifying the following: 1) treatment
Following the same sampling procedure, the sample size is groups, who received the intervention; and 2) a control
105, totalling to 210 respondents. group, with the same characteristics as those of the
Secondary data was sourced from program treatment groups but who did not receive the
documents. These included the inputs, the outputs, the intervention.
intended outcomes, and the adoption pathways of the
OAP Training Program. For the primary data, a survey
instrument was designed. The instrument was adopted Results and Discussion
from Davis, et al. (20), from the impact assessment survey The socio-demographic profile of the respondents is
of TESDA (26), and from the Feed the Future Indicator presented in Table 1. Ages ranged from below 20 to 61 and
Handbook (27) and fitted for the OAP Training Program above. The majority of the respondents from the
subjected to IA. The instrument included socio- treatment group were 40 and younger, while the majority
demographic characteristics, organizational of the respondents from the control group were 41 and
characteristics, capacity building outcomes, adoption of older. Most of the treatment and control respondents are
OAP technologies, and impacts. The instrument was female, married, have finished secondary and college,
subjected to validity and reliability testing and yielded have less than five household members, and are
99% and 0.81, respectively. employed.
There were two sets of survey questionnaires: one The organizational characteristics of respondents
for control and one for treatment. The following are presented in Table 2. Results reveal that the majority of
components made up the control instrument: socio- respondents in the treatment group, in contrast to the
demographic characteristics; organizational control group, have more organizational affiliations. This
characteristics; and adoption of OAP technologies. The could be attributed to their participation in the training
following components made up the treatment's program. “Working in a Team Environment” was one of the
instrument: socio-demographic characteristics; program’s modules that taught participants how to define
organizational characteristics; capacity building team roles and responsibilities, as well as how to describe
outcomes; adoption of OAP technologies; and impacts. work as a team member. Involvement, however, is not
Letters to the Barangay Local Government Units maximized.
were given to seek permission and assistance in the The OAP Training Program is a resource sharing
gathering of data. Survey questionnaires were used to program between the TESDA and Ifugao State University
conduct in-person interviews with the respondents. (IFSU). For the inputs, the TESDA provided two scholarship
grants. The IFSU on the other hand, was the training

Plant Science Today, ISSN 2348-1900 (online)


Table 1. Socio-demographic characteristics of respondents

Socio- demographic Treatment Control

characteristics Frequency % Frequency %

≤20 1 1 2 2
21-30 27 26 17 16
31-40 28 27 28 27
41-50 19 18 31 30
51-60 19 18 12 11
≥61 11 10 15 14
Total 105 100 105 100
Male 17 16 32 30
Female 88 84 73 70
Total 105 100 105 100
Civil Status
Single 20 19 21 20
Married 73 70 75 71
Widow/Widower 11 11 7 7
Others 1 1 2 2
Total 105 100 105 100
Highest Educational
Primary 7 7 19 18
Secondary 34 32 38 36
Technical/ Vocational 2 2 4 4
College 61 58 44 42
Post Graduate 1 1
Total 105 100 105 100
Household Size
<5 71 68 84 80
6-10 33 31 20 19
>10 1 1 1 1
Total 105 100 105 100
Yes 89 85 79 75
No 16 15 26 25
Total 105 100 105 100

Table 2. Organizational characteristics of respondents

Treatment Control
Yes No Yes No

Freq. % Freq. % Freq. % Freq. %

Organizational Affiliation 59 56 46 44 39 37 66 63
Involvement in the Organization 32 31 73 69 10 9 95 91

provider. Counterpart funds/resources from the university different communication strategies. Commercialization
include faculty and personnel time, facilities and utilities. and regulatory pathways, however, were not evident.
The use of these inputs produced outputs classified into Respondents from the treatment group “Agreed”
two categories: technology and capacity built. Under that their participation in the training resulted in capacity
technology, it involved OAP technologies that included building outcomes utilized at a personal and
sixteen (16) processes and five (5) products derived organizational level, as shown in Table 3. At a personal
therefrom. Whereas, the capacity building output was the level, they agreed to have gained, used, and shared
capacity building skills of beneficiaries in the use of OAP knowledge and skills in OAP production; produced better
technologies. All the OAP training respondents received outputs; performed better at work; received promotion
their National Certificates II, which means that they are all and pursued work opportunities; as well as gained greater
competent on the use of the OAP technologies and that satisfaction at work. At an organizational level,
they can produce new products such as organic chicken, respondents “Strongly Agreed” that the program has
organic vegetables, organic fertilizers, organic concoctions increased efficiency in undertaking OAP; the program
and extracts, and organic hogs, which they can utilize for added to the quality of OA products; the program has
subsistence or as a livelihood/additional source of income promoted a more innovative culture in the organization to
for the family. The evidently used adoption pathways were which they belong; and the program improved the
capacity building and communication, since the nature of capacity of the organization which has allowed it to attract
the intervention is a capacity building program utilizing more funding.
Table 3. Capacity built outcomes of respondents

Outcomes Mean Description

I was able to apply the knowledge/skills gained to my work 3.01 Agree

I continue to use the knowledge/skills gained 2.98 Agree

I increased my professional collaboration with organizations 3.44 Agree

I have trained others in the skills I learned 2.75 Agree

I was able to secure additional resources to expand or enhance my work 2.80 Agree

The networks made during the program have enabled me to produce better outputs 2.95 Agree

The technologies/ knowledge/ skills gained from the program enabled me to perform better at
2.94 Agree

I was offered a promotion as a result of my training 4.13 Strongly Agree

I have pursued work opportunities in the field 2.99 Agree

As a result of what I learned and have applied, I gained greater satisfaction from my work 3.10 Agree

The organization has increased its efficiency in undertaking OAP 3.77 Strongly Agree

The program added to the quality of OA products 3.76 Strongly Agree

3.80 Strongly Agree

The program has promoted a more innovative culture in the organization

3.76 Strongly Agree

The improved capacity of the organization has allowed it to attract more funding

Over-all 3.30 Agree

Plant Science Today, ISSN 2348-1900 (online)


The identified economic impacts of the OAP of every 10 were employed. This implies that the training
Training Program were in terms of food consumption program has a remarkable impact on the employment of
patterns, household assets, income, and employment. beneficiaries. The result corroborates the funding agency’s
There is a significant difference in the food consumption main goal of providing quality technical education and
patterns of respondents from the treatment and control training programs to Filipino citizens so they can be
groups in the last seven days and during the past twelve employed in various industries.
months, which implies that whether or not respondents The identified social impacts were organizational
attended the OAP training, they have similar food affiliation and involvement. There is a significant
consumption patterns. This result could be attributed to difference in organizational affiliation (Table 6) and
the values of the Ifugaos of hard work and giving food involvement (Table 7). There were more respondents from
premium priority, as evidenced by the carving of the the treatment group who joined organizations and were
majestic rice terraces in the mountains. In fact, in 2016, the actively involved either as officers/members compared to
Province of Ifugao was headlined (28) as a consistent respondents in the control group. Salazar (30) emphasized
champion in nutrition implementation when it bagged the the significance of institutional, organizational, and social
highest award in the nutrition landscape in the country, variables in the development of organic agriculture. The
the Nutrition Honor Award. In terms of household assets, development of organic farming has been accompanied by
there is no significant difference in the household assets of various social arrangements and a supportive
respondents from the treatment and control groups, environment, such as training opportunities, resource
which implies that whether or not respondents attended access, and organizational assistance.
the OAP training, they have similarities in terms of
household assets. In terms of income, there is a significant In terms of adoption and patronage of OAP
difference between farm annual income and total annual technologies, there is a significant difference in the
income, as shown in Table 4. This means that respondents adoption of OAP technologies, specifically in raising
who attended the OAP training program have significantly organic chicken, producing organic vegetables, producing
higher incomes compared to the respondents in the organic fertilizers, and producing organic concoctions and
control group. extracts (COC 1 to COC 4). The treatment group generated
higher means for COC 1 to COC 4 than the control group
In terms of employment, a few years after the (Table 8). Respondents who participated in the training
training program, it is very interesting to note that most of program showed a higher level of adoption than those
them (89) or 85% claimed to have employment (Table 5). who did not join the program. In terms of patronage, there
This means that 8 out of every 10 are employed. This result is no significant difference in the patronage of OAP
is higher compared to the employment rate of Technical products. This implies that whether or not respondents
Vocational Education and Training (TVET) graduates in attended the OAP training program, they are the same in
2020 (29) which was 78.57 percent, or approximately 7 out terms of patronage of OAP products.

Table 4. Difference in terms of income between treatment and control respondents

Area of Implementation Group of Respondents Mean SD t-value p-value Remarks

Treatment 48330.1238 56118.01348 4.051 0.000 Significant

Farm Annual Income
Control 21994.5673 35458.44295
Treatment 38232.9524 64524.59046
Non-Farm annual Income -0.325 0.746 Not Significant
Control 41421.1154 76999.26143
Treatment 86563.0762 80600.98346
Total Annual Income 2.118 0.000 Significant
Control 62811.7238 81921.49480

Table 5. Employment status of respondents

Treatment Control
Frequency Percentage Frequency Percentage
Yes 89 85 79 75
No 16 15 26 25
Total 105 100 105 100

Table 6. Difference in terms of organizational affiliation between treatment and control respondents

Organizational Affiliation Total
Treatment Control
Yes 67 46 113
No 38 59 97
105 105 210
Chi-Square: 8.449 p value: 0 .004 Significant

Table 7. Difference in terms of organizational involvement between treatment and control respondents

Organizational Involvement Total
Treatment Control
Yes 93 66 159
No 12 39 51
105 105 210
Chi-square: 18.879 P-value:0.000 Significant

Table 8. Difference in terms of adoption of OAP technology between treatment and control respondents

Adoption of OAP Technology Group Mean t-value p-value Remarks

COC 1: Adoption of raising control 0.223 -4.811 .000 Significant
organic chicken treatment 0.648 -4.811 .000 Significant
COC 2: Adoption of producing control 0.4171 -7.874 .000 Significant
organic vegetables treatment 1.2024 -7.874 .000 Significant
COC 3: Adoption of producing control 0.158730 -5.388 .000 Significant
organic fertilizers treatment 0.644444 -5.388 .000 Significant
COC 4: Adoption of producing control 0.100000 -4.834 .000 Significant
various concoctions and
treatment 0.467460 -4.834 .000 Significant
COC 5: Adoption of raising control 0.1119 -1.140 .256 Not Significant
organic hogs treatment 0.1810 -1.140 .256 Not Significant

Conclusion Organize the OAP Training Program graduates into

an alumni network and assist them towards enterprise
The findings show that Ifugao State University's Organic
build up.
Agriculture Production (OAP) Training Program has a
substantial impact on farm income, total annual income, Develop an extension program for the OAP
organizational membership, organizational involvement, graduates towards enterprise build up.
and the adoption of OAP technology.
To further enhance the program, the following Acknowledgements
should be considered:
The author thanks the Ifugao State University
Additional inputs to the program on the part of the administration headed by Dr. Eva Marie Codamon-Dugyon
funding agency are start-up toolkits. It is recommended to for approving the study, Dr. Generose S. Ognayon for
include these in all scholarship programs, and have these assistance with the statistical analysis, Dr. Ivan D. Baguilat
kits distributed right after the training. On the part of the for technical advice, and Ms. Jaynie Jaravata for aid with
university, a policy to incentivize personnel working on the administration and data collection.
program should be put in place.
The adoption pathways communication and
capacity building should be enhanced in consideration of Compliance with ethical standards
the following: a) development of information, education, Conflict of interest: Author does not have any conflict of
and communication (IEC) materials in the local language interests to declare.
and availability of the same on or before the training; b)
Ethical issues: None .
evaluation of IEC materials and modules; c) development
of an online OAP training program; d) regular field
monitoring or home visits to beneficiaries even after the References
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