2012 Pulp and Periodontal Tissue
2012 Pulp and Periodontal Tissue
2012 Pulp and Periodontal Tissue
The healing after traumatic dental injuries has long been or lost tissue is regained by new tissue which restores
known to be very complex and often unpredictable (1). structure and function, whereas repair or scar formation
This complexity relates primarily to the large variations is a biologic process whereby the continuity of the
in injury types, which may involve six luxations and nine disrupted or lost tissue is regained by new tissue which
fracture types each resulting in a unique injury to hard does not restore structure and function (4). The term
and soft tissue (1). When it is further considered that tissue metaplasia is used when tissue of one type (e.g.
fractures and luxations are often combined, i.e. 54 pulp) is replaced by another type (bone, cementum, and
(6 · 9) healing scenarios exist (2). These injuries affect PDL). In this analysis, the alveolar bone injuries and
the dental organ that consists of at least 19 cellular PDL injuries will be the first to be described followed by
systems, most with a different healing potential. pulp injuries.
The multitude of trauma scenarios combined with the In the pulp and periodontium tissue, a number of
many cell types involved may explain why so many specific cells, located in the pulp, PDL, and alveolar
variations in healing may occur such as repair- and bone, are found which each has a certain capacity of
infection-related root resorption, cervical invasive root healing (5).
resorption, loss of marginal bone support, and ankylosis- The type of healing is determined upon the stem cell
related resorption, all related to periodontal ligament capacity in the given location (Fig. 1). Furthermore, a
(PDL) healing events (1). In regard to the pulp, race between different tissue compartment cells whereby
pathological healing events may include pulp canal a damaged PDL area can be occupied by bone cells and a
obliteration (PCO), root canal resorption, (repair and pulp space may become invades by PDL cells, PDL, and
infection related), and tissue metamorphosis where PDL bone cells or bone cells alone. These facts complicate
structures such as bone PDL and cementum are found significantly the healing after trauma and surgery.
inside the pulp. Altogether, at least 13 deviations in
healing (1, 3) are present. The purpose of the present Alveolar bone
article is to present a survey of the experimental and
clinical studies which may to a certain extent explain this
Alveolar bone loss
marked variation in the healing of the dental structures
after trauma. In this aspect, the following types of The healing events after surgical removal of the labial
traumas will be described: tissue ischemia, tissue crushing, bone plate have shown that this structure will be
and tissue loss (1). In this study, the following healing completely reformed (6, 7). This is explained by the
terminology will be used: regeneration is used for a bone-inducing capacity of vital PDL residing on the root
biologic process whereby the continuity of the disrupted surface (11) (Fig. 2).
Cementum loss
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. (a) Isolated removal of the alveolar part of the periodontal ligament (PDL). (b) Healing of the entire PDL.
(a) (b)
Fig. 4. (a) Contusion or ischemia of the entire periodontal ligament. (b) This may lead to ankylosis.
Fig. 5. (a) Isolated removal of the cemental part of the periodontal ligament. (b) This may lead to transient ankylosis (c and d).
revascularization process becomes arrested (8, 30, 31). In Such events lead to severe changes in the pulp chamber,
teeth with immature root formation, pulp revitalization ranging from pulp regeneration, pulp repair with accel-
will occur, although at a slower rate compared with a erated dentin formation (PCO) (1), or pulp metaplasia
situation where the ischemic pulp is preserved (32–34). where PDL ± bone invade the pulp and finally a sterile
or infected pulp necrosis may occur (1) (Fig. 10). The
revitalization process appear to be very dependent upon
Pulp ischemia
the size of the apical foramen, being very frequent with
This event happens in all tooth displacement injuries apical diameters above 1.0 mm and infrequent with
where the vascular supply is damaged or ruptured (1). diameters below 0.3 mm (35).
(a) (b)
Fig. 6. (a) Larger injury to the cemental part of the periodontal ligament has taken place. (b) A permanent ankylosis is formed.
(a) (b)
Fig. 7. (a) Small osteotomy plus removal of periodontal ligament (PDL) and cementum. (b) Reformation of a functional PDL with
new cementum.
(a) (b) have shown that this event represents a high risk of
infected pulp necrosis as well as a risk of PCO or PDL
plus bone invasion. This addiction arrested root devel-
opment is a frequent finding (12, 13). All of these events
possibly relate to the damage or loss of HERS whereby
invasion of periodontal structures (cementum periodon-
tal ligament and bone) obtain a preference to invade the
pulp chamber (1).
This survey of the healing responses in the pulp and
periodontium after trauma strongly indicates that the
survival of the cell layer next to cementum appears to be
crucial for PDL healing including alveolar bone. The
Fig. 8. (a) Apicoectomy. (b) Reformation of a functional survival of HERS appears to be decisive for further root
periodontal ligament with new cementum. development. Finally, the presence of ischemic but intact
pulp tissue appears to be strongly related to survival or
regeneration of tertiary dentin. However, the latter will
only occur of the ischemic pulp tissue do not become
Pulp contusion damage
infected, and the apical foramen has a certain critical
This injury may occur subsequent to intrusion into the width allowing the revitalization of the ischemic pulp
bone of teeth with immature roots (12, 13). Statistics tissue.
(a) (b)
Fig. 9. (a) Hertwigs epithelial root sheath is damaged. (b) Bone and periodontal ligament invasion may take place in the root canal.
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