Welcome Pack School 2022

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Welcome to the Eagles Family

This welcome pack includes all the information

pertaining to the school including rules and
code of conduct. Parents MUST please read this
document together with their child.

Isaiah 40:31“But those who wait on the Lord shall renew their strength; they shall mount
up with wings like eagles, they shall run and not be weary, they shall walk and not faint.”

School Tel : 015-2636067/8 or Email: [email protected]

Welcome to Eagles Nest Vision Statement of Faith
Christian School Our Gr6, Gr 9 and Gr 12's write the To equip and enable learners to devel-
Independent Examination Board We believe in :
We are an Independent Private (IEB) examinations. The school has its op their full potential as Christian
Christian School, which is registered own boarding facilities for students leaders. The Holy Trinity, Eternal Father, Son and
as a non-profit organisation and from grades 4* to 12. Holy Spirit, who created man in His
public beneficial. We develop each Mission image. The Bible as God’s inspired and
learner in spirit, body and soul. Your child's education, spiritual and authoritative word, revealing Jesus Christ
personal wellbeing is our first Our mission is to equip and enable
learners through Christ Centred Education
as the Son of God.
Each year we have a full priority.
to develop in totality : That is spirit, soul
programme which includes
and body. Eagles Nest Christian School will
outreaches to a local orphanage and
We trust that your child will enjoy offer excellent and quality Christian
drop-in centres, an international growing spiritually, mentally and education to prepare learners to success in
outreach to Zambia/Botswana/ physically at Eagle’s Nest future academic studies.
Namibia/Zimbabwe/Malawi and a Christian School!
national leadership camp which our Learners are equipped with an integrated
school is hosting together with the biblical worldview.
Association for Christian Schools
International (ACSI), etc. Every aspect of the curriculum will be per-
meated with Biblical interpretation, to cre-
Our school is closely related with ate opportunities and develop their God
Cornerstone Christian Academy in
given talents.
USA and Fort Saskatchewan
Christian School in Canada.
Eagle's Nest Christian School
educators undergo training each Eagle’s Nest Christian School we bless you with our prayers,
year in teaching Christ-Centred
Education which is presented by the For Christ-centred education and discipleship you’ve shared.
Foundation for Cross Cultural
Education We thank you Lord for your guidance, for this beacon light that shines,
With eagle’s grace we are soaring over problems we might find.
We are grateful to God for our IEB Eagle’s Nest Christian School,
matrics pass rate which stands as
follows : A beacon of God’s light,
* 2005 –2017 - 100% In His Service, A vision born from heaven,
* 2018 - 87% May you always have your flight.
Mac and Elsa van den Berg
* 2019 - 96%
* 2020 - 100% Principal & Deputy Principal
Eagles Nest Christian School
Eagle’s Nest Christian School
Eagle’s Nest Christian School
Spiritual Individual
• A learner who knows God intimately and has a • A confident learner who knows who they are and
deep relationship with Him; who knows where they are going.
• A learner who understands and applies the • A learner who is academically in a position to
power of prayer on a daily basis; pursue their dream and to reach their fullest
• A learner who fulfils the great commission potential.

• A learner who understands that God has a • A healthy, well-balanced learner who under-
specific plan for their lives and who make stands his/her responsibility towards God, her/
decisions based on the desire to fulfil that plan. himself, his/her family and the community.
• A learner who is always striving to improve

• A learner who takes up his/her responsibility in the community and who can lead the community
through word and action.
• A learner who is involved in the protection of the environment.
• A learner who will be part of the solution in areas of need.

Eagle’s Nest Christian School
Welcome to Eagle’s Nest Christian School! Intermediate Phase
SCHOOL RULES 1. Students are not allowed on the veranda or outside the classroom during class-

1. The school day starts promptly at 07:15. time, except if sent by a teacher or with permission slip.
2. No games may be played on the veranda during lesson time.
2. The bell rings at 07:10. All students move silently and swiftly to register class/
assembly. 3. All learners will receive a school timetable, which they follow daily.
3. The register teacher on duty will lead the children with prayer and 4. Children may not eat in class.
discuss the topics of prayer for the week and make all the necessary an- 5. Learners are expected to be clean and neat.
nouncements. 6. Classrooms should be left neat and tidy, with chairs pushed in.
4. Each class has one hour allocates a Bible period per week. 7. Learners remain in classes with the leaders on duty.
5. No children are allowed outside classes after school starts. No learner will be 8. Children may not walk over the lawn.
allowed to loiter outside the classrooms.
9. Children should walk in a single line , enter the classroom silently, stand
6. Coming late for school is unacceptable. Children who arrive late must notify
behind their chairs, greet, sit down and take out their subject books before
their register teachers & office immediately.
school and after break.
7. Preschool/Foundation phase pupils have Aftercare classes available from 13:30 10. Children are not allowed in any classrooms without permission from the
until 17:00. teacher during break, before school and after school
8. No junior learners are allowed near the high school classrooms during 11. The relevant teacher will lock his/her classroom during break time.
waiting class time as High school still has class until 15:00 12. No sweets or drinks inside the classroom or eating.
9. No running towards buses, taxis or any other forms of transportation.
10 Learners wait for the final bell to ring before they move to their taxi collection
point. All children must be collected on time to ensure that they do not stay behind Test periods
on the school grounds without adult supervision. (Teacher and Security on duty at 1. Total silence during test periods at all times
waiting points after school).
DAY PROGRAM 2. No students, junior or senior is allowed to leave the test rooms. If per
chance a problem arises, the teacher on duty will announce the course
Class Monday, Tuesday, Friday of action and honesty is essential!!!
Eaglets 7:15- 15:00 7:15- 15:00 7:15-13:20

Gr RR - R 7:15-15:00 7:15-15:00 7:15-13:20

Gr 1 - 3 7:15- 15:00 7:15-15:00 7:15-13:20

Gr 4 - 7 7:15-15:00 7:15-15:00 7:15-13:20

14:15- Outreach/ 14:15-13:00-
Gr 8-12 Clubs 13:15 – Sports/Clubs – 7:15-13:20 3
15:00 15:00
Eagle’s Nest Christian School
Exams starts in Grade 4 On the School grounds
1. The children will be divided into examination rooms. 1. Any student who wishes to see the Principal must arrange to do so
2. Learners and quiet atmosphere is a necessity.
through the HOD/Vice Principal after following the necessary protocols.
3. Disruptive behaviour and dishonesty will be punished.
2. Electronic devices, cell phones, tablets, Ipads are prohibited during
4. Primary school learners will be studying in class during exam time. school hours.
No learners may stay at home during the exams. Only learners in High School may 3. The use of bad language or swearing is totally forbidden, on and off the
stay at home and study on the days they are not writing. Parent’s co-operation in
this regard is essential. school grounds.
5. High School learners do have block time during exams and are allowed to study at 4. Climbing trees, fences or walls is strictly forbidden.
5. Students should always greet teachers, parents and other visitors.
6. If a child is absent during the exams, a sick note from a qualified doctor must be
handed in to the register teacher or the school secretary. 6. Before and after school as well as during break times, no student is
allowed in the classrooms.
7. Children who have missed a test or exam should make alternative arrangements
with the subject teacher to supplement the paper he/she missed. 7. Respect each others personal belongings.
8. No learner will be allowed to start an exam if they arrive 20 min late or later than 8. Parking areas for teachers and visitors are strictly off limits for all
the scheduled time. students.
9. In exam time the school closes at 13:00.There will be waiting classes until 3 pm 9. All trash must be thrown into a waste bin, if you see rubbish lying
for Preschool and Gr 1-7 learners around please pick it up and drop in the dustbin nearby.
In the Classroom 10. Intentional destruction of any school property, the school grounds,
electronic equipment's etc. will lead to severe punishment and parents
1. Children may not walk and talk unnecessarily in class. will be held liable to replace or repair any broken objects.
2. Children may not climb on their chairs.
3. Children must keep their classrooms clean and tidy at all times. Bathrooms
4. Homework must be done diligently and with Godly excellence. 1. No children are allowed in the staff toilets.
5. All visitors and teachers must be greeted when they enter the classroom. 2. Toilets may not be used as a local gathering place. Finish up and move
6. Children must take turns to speak, they are not allowed to shout out. If they want on.
to ask a question or answer a question, they should raise their hand. 3. After flushing toilets please lift the handle to ensure that the water flow
7. All tasks given by the teacher in class, should be completed promptly and neatly. stops.
Remember the standard of the work you give proves who you are.
4. Children may not throw wet toilet paper against the ceiling of the
8. Learners maintain the same place in class unless moved by a teacher. toilets.
10. Most of all, have fun learning!!! 5. Taps must be closed properly.
6. Keep the toilets clean and hygienic.
7. Any items in the toilet that are broken or missing must be replaced, by
the child responsible and his/her parents.
8. No boys are allowed in the girls toilets or girls in boys toilets.
9. Every phase have their own toilets. No learners are allowed to use the
toilets of other phases.
Eagle’s Nest Christian School
Textbooks and Workbooks Announcements and Circulars
1. All textbooks and workbooks remain the property of Eagle’s Nest Christian 1. The teacher on duty will make all announcements during
School. assembly. In case an important announcement has not gone
2. Learners should take care of the textbooks entrusted to them. out, time will be set aside to make this special announcement.
3. All workbooks must be covered with plain colour paper and labelled clearly. 2. Most announcements will be distributed on the same day they
Front page for books will be given out to be pasted on the book.
(No cartoon character will be allowed) are handed out at school.
4. All textbooks should be covered with plastic and kept neat and intact. 3. Circulars are imperative for communication. All circulars must be
5. Children may not write inside a textbook except the child's name who is using given to the parents.
the text book for the year 4. An sms will be sent to all parents for important announcements
6. Lost or badly kept textbooks will have to be replaced by the parents.
7. All textbooks must have the name of the child using the book for the year Telephone messages and calls
8. Each textbook must have an Eagle’s Nest School stamp in front, if your book 1. Children may not use the telephone in the schools office.
does not have a stamp please bring it under the attention of the subject
teacher. 2. Only emergency calls and messages will be relayed to the

Behaviour on and off the students. No child may make private calls during school times,
unless arranged with his/her teacher to do so.
school grounds Extra mural activities and sport
1. A child that is enrolled in Eagle’s Nest Christian School must always show
good behaviour They are not only the image bearers of the school, 1. Parents and students who decide on the extra mural activities will
participate in it during the course of the year for example Soccer Starz.
but also of Christ.
2. Students must diligently attend all extra mural activities they signed up for.
2. Children in school uniform carry the image of the school towards the
3. No student is allowed to stay away from practice. A prior arrangement must be
community. Have respect for your school and keep yourself neat and clean. made with the relevant teacher.

Transportation 4. Children must make alternative arrangements if they have transport problems, and
discuss it with the relevant teacher
1. Any complaints from bus or taxi drivers must be reported to the office
and will be acted upon. Injuries during school hours
2. Children may not run to buses or taxis. They should wait at the waiting 1. If a child has been injured or feels ill, he/she must report to the
area and approach the transport in neat rows and enter the buses in a
single file. register teacher, the register teacher will bring the learner to the school
3. Bus trips to and from athletics meetings, outreaches or fieldtrips: office, where the secretary will attend to his/her ailment.
- Students must be dressed in school clothes or sports attire. 2. If a child is injured before school, after school or during break times the
- No eating or drinking on the buses unless permitted by the driver. teacher on duty will attend to the injury or ailment.
- Children should behave in a civilised manner. 3. An ill or injured child may only be collected from the school with
4. The name of your driver and where you are picked up and dropped off permission from the parents of the child.
and the relevant contact numbers must be made available to the school 4. The school secretary will notify parents if the child does not feel well.
secretary. 5. No student should phone his/her parents to notify them of any injuries or
ailments before consulting with the HOD and register teacher
1. No one leaves the school grounds during school hours without prior Preschool Phase Eaglets (2 years - Grade R)
permission from the HOD, Principal or Deputy Principal. A Christ centred foundation is laid by the development of Biblical knowledge of the child.
We develop the child’s balance ,the motoric skills, language, numeracy, social, personal and emotional skills.
2. If a child is absent from school whether due to illness, a funeral or We also develop their music, sharing and creative skills.
transport problems, the child must present a Doctor’s Sick note or any Eagles Nest provides a safe playing -learning environment for Eaglets where they can feel loved.
relevant letter. This letter can be given in to the register teacher or the FOUNDATION PHASE (GR R—Gr 3)
HOD. We have a numeracy, literacy and life skills program that works with the child’s abilities and development
3. If you know that you are going to be absent, please notify the school level, and is not limited to their age. They can excel with their God given talents with us you work faster if
offices in advance either telephonically or in writing. they are able. We incorporated our Christ Centred view in all our subjects. Subjects for this phase are English
Home Language, Mathematics, Bible Studies, Life Skills, Afrikaans (only GR 3)
4. It is the responsibility of all absentees and their parents to catch up with GR 4 - Gr 6
school work or homework given during his / her term of absence.
• English Home Language
SPORT CULTURE • Afrikaans 1st Additional Language or Sepedi
1st Additional Lang
Netball, Mini Netball Debate, Chess • Mathematics
Soccer, Volleyball, Tennis Worship Dance, Outreaches • Natural Science and Technology
Gr 3,6 write IBT exams in
• Bible Studies Mathematics and English
Athletics, Cross Country Drama • Social Science
Gymnastics Preschool, & Gr 0-3 Choir • Life skills(4-6)
Jukskei Foundations for Farming • Natural Science and technology
Horse Riding- Pre school & G1-7 Journalism, Art GR 7-9
Swimming lessons Preschool & Gr 0-3 Worship dance
• English Home Language
Golf Preschool & Golf Gr 1-7 Eistedfod • Afrikaans 1st add OR Sepedi 1st additional language
Cricket Bible Olimpead • Life Orientation
• Mathematics

Human Social Science
Economics and Management Science
MEETINGS • Creative Art
• Natural Science and Computer Literacy
1. Children must be dressed in the correct school uniform. • Technology and Bible
2. Children must look after their belongings GR 10-12 Gr 12’s write IEB Exams in all
3. Learners must keep all sport facilities neat and clean. • COMPULSORY SUBJECTS: subjects
4. Behave well on the bus to avoid unnecessarily disturbing the bus • English Home Language SST : Gr 9—Maths & Eng
• Bible Studies and Life Orientation
driver. • Afrikaans 1st OR Sepedi 1st language IeBT : Gr 11—Maths & Physical

Mathematics or Mathematics Literacy
• Accounting or Life Science or Tourism
Parent meetings are held on the second Thursday of every quarter. (except Quarter 3) • Business Studies or Physical Science or History
Reports are normally handed out on Parent evenings • CAT or Agricultural Management Science or Geography
• Learner studying Physical Science have to take Mathematics
Please attend these meetings since important issues are discussed . 6
Eagle’s Nest Christian School Parent Evenings
Parent meetings will be held on a regular basis. The Principal and all
staff are always available for any questions or suggestions.
- All new school students must pay a registration fee of R1000
when the child is admitted. Please feel free to contact us at any time to make an appointment.
- School fees must be paid a month in advance, on or Notice of parent meetings is sent to parents in advance via circular,
before the 7th of each month. D6 or sms.
- School Fees are payable by direct debit, debit card at the
office or Bank deposit.
- School Re-enrolment of R750 per child per year is required Aftercare
to secure a space for the next school year Aftercare centre will administer the vision, mission, statement of
- Yearly development fee of R750. faith, demerit system and school rules of Eagles Nest Christian
- NO cash or cheques will be accepted at the office. School at all times.
- January fees are payable before the school re-opens. A qualified, Christian aftercare teacher who will assist the learners
- If fees are behind with one month’s payment or more, the with homework and reading. Teacher Roseline and Teacher Flora.
child will not be allowed back in the class room. They are First Aid trained. Parents still need to make sure all home
- Fees arrangements must be made in writing and in work is done. An assistant will be on duty to supervise the learners
advance. School fee structures differ from phase to phase, who are playing outside. 10% of the income will be given to Eagles
and are available at the office. Nest for less privileged learners or to the Eagles Nest Trust as pay-
ment for the rental of the classes.
School Banking Details: Staff will make sure learners attend sport and other activities that
learners are enrolled in. Games and educational toys will be available
Eagles Nest Christian School for pre-schoolers and learners who are finished
First National Bank with their homework. Learners will be provided with a
snack and a juice.
Account no: 62056121628
Time : 13:30 - 17:30 (Penalties charged after 17:30pm)
Branch no.: 200919
Type: Cheque Aftercare fee : R700pm (will increase each year)
REF :Student ID and Surname 7 Application forms : Can be collected at the office.
At Eagle’s Nest a healthy food policy is followed to ensure active and clear minds!
We would like to encourage parents to make sure that their children have proper breakfast in the morning.
Our suggestions for your learner’s lunch boxes are :
Beverages: Fruit or/Vegetable Juice, water and yogurt drinks.
Snack : for your child to enjoy at break time. fruit, vegetables, dried fruit, nuts, biltong,
Food/Sandwiches: for your child to enjoy for Lunch/(for break time if they didn’t eat
breakfast) All fruits and vegetable, Whole grain or enriched cereals / crackers, cheese, snack cracker pretzels,
yogurt, boiled eggs, sandwiches, cheese, last night’s dinner cooked meals ect. just make sure the items
sugar content is not too high.
Tuck Shop: Please only give your child money only once a week if they want to buy sweets.
Avoid sweets, chips (Simba’s) or soft drinks as they attract bees and some leaners are allergic to the bees.

We advise that the sugar content stay as low as possible in your child’s lunch
box. A high sugar content makes the learner’s energy levels spike for a short while
and after +/- 40min, the sugar is worked out and the child becomes very tired and
can’t concentrate.

2021/2022 Eagle’s Nest Christian School - Dress Code Policy
MONDAYS Gr1-11 –Formal School Wear (ties can be taken off after assembly)
Girls Boys
Summer School Royal blue pleated skirt (Gr 8-12) or school skort (Gr Grey Short Pant, Short sleeved school shirt with tie, School Pull over /
1-7). Short sleeve school shirt with tie, School Pull over/ Blazer/Jacket. Blue long school socks, Black leather school shoes Lace
Blazer/Jacket. Royal blue thin short socks Gr 1-11 (no white up. (shoes are optional in summer for Grade 1-6). However at assem-
socks). Black leather school shoes-buckle/Lace shoe. (shoes bly shoes and socks are compulsory. Learners are free to remove the
are optional in summer for Grade 1-6). However at socks and tie after assembly. Hats for Lunch and Break time( no hats
assembly shoes and socks are compulsory. Learners are free allowed in class)
to remove the socks and tie after assembly. Hats for Lunch
and Break time (no hats allowed in class)
Winter Long sleeve school shirt with tie, School Jersey/Blaze/Jacket. Grey long Pants with grey socks, Long sleeve school shirt with
Gr. 8-11 school skirts and school long blue socks. tie ,School Jersey or formal Blazer, Jacket. Black school shoes lace up
Gr 1-7 Short blue school socks and Long Grey Pants. No compulsory for all. Beanies allowed outside class. No tracksuit tops.
tracksuit tops (Gr 8-11 Wednesday only- Pantyhose). School Gr 4-12 No hats/Beanies in class. Gr 1-3 are allowed to wear beanies
in class. (Asbestos type)

WEDNESDAY AND FRIDAYS Gr 1-11 —Informal School Wear

Summer Formal Summer School wear as on Mondays without tie. Formal Summer School wear as on Mondays without tie.
Winter Formal Winter School wear as on Mondays without tie. Formal Winter School wear as on Mondays without tie.

TUESDAYS AND THURSDAYS GR 1-11 / sport events—Sports wear

Summer School golf shirt in school time and at events athletics shirt/ School golf shirt in school time and at events athletics shirt/netball/
netball/soccer clothes. Blue school Quantex shorts. White soccer clothes, Blue school Quantex shorts. White short Eagles sport
Eagles sport socks. No long blue school socks with sports socks . Or blue eagles Soccer socks for Soccer only. School hats/caps
clothes. School hats/caps only @ break time/lunch/sport to be worn only break time/lunch/sport time not in class. No blue
time not in class. No other outreach/celebration t-shirts can long school socks to be worn with sports clothes. No other camp/
be worn. Sport tekkies (no sneaker/tommy tekkies). celebration t-shirts should be worn. Sport tekkies (no sneaker/

Winter School golf shirt, sport tekkies (no sneakers / no tommy School golf shirt, sport tekkies (no sneakers / no tommy tekkies),
tekkies), Blue school Quantex shorts /Tracks suit pants Girls Blue school Quantex shorts or Tracksuit pants, white Eagle sport
white sport short socks. School caps or hats. School Track- socks School blue socks .School caps or hats. Beanie, Tracksuit Top
suit Top only. No Formal school socks to be worn with only. No Formal school socks to be worn with sports clothes. no hats/
sports clothes, no hats/beanies in class beanies in class
Gr 12’s May wear– white shirts, white pullover and Gr 12 Jackets Mondays—Formal wear Girls and Boys wear white shirts and white pullovers in
the summer with tie and long white shirt and pullover / Gr 12 Jackets in the winter with tie Tuesdays and Thursdays– Normal school sports wear as in other
Grades. Wednesdays and Fridays in summer and winter learners can wear white short /long–sleeved shirts without ties. Girls Leaders must wear royal blue
panty hose on Mondays and Fridays, other Gr 12 girls can only wear panty hose on Wednesdays with school uniforms Fridays– Formal wear without tie. 7
Eagle’s Nest Christian School
Dress Code Policy-Hair and Accessories
Hair Hair
• Hair to be kept short ,natural and tidy. • Fashion accessories, only plain (black or silver) clips, crocodile
• No beards or Moustaches of any size is allowed
clips (black or navy blue), plain flat hair bands in school colours
• Hair may not be coloured or highlighted
• No outlandish or weird hairstyles
• No weird hairstyles or dreadlocks
• No loose dreadlocks – must be plaited
• No long finger nails
• Hairpiece colour No. 1 & 2, no Yaki braid (black hair piece only)
• No hair may be coloured or highlighted. If hair braid touches
collar it must be cut or tied in a round bun. If natural hair touches
• No jewellery except Medic alert
• Watches (Black, brown, navy blue, silver or gold) • Hair must be straight up or straight back
• No nail polish or long nails allowed • No side lines, plaiting singles with wool
• No earrings, no tattoos allowed • No make-up! No nail polish! Nails must be clean and short
• No chewing gum • Singles can be plaited, but ONLY box braids are allowed. All
• Lips – only clear lip ice singles must be in a bun during school hours : 07:15—15:00
• No slippers or push-ins with uniform • Blue hair accessories can be used. ONLY prefects may use white
• No blankets hair accessories.
• No beanies during summer and assembly
• No Hats or caps allowed in classrooms or assembly
Girls Accessories
• All learners MUST wear the prescribed uniform. • No jewellery, bracelets or necklace except Medic Alert and one
pair of plain gold/silver stud earrings. No hoop earrings
• Watches (black, brown, navy blue, silver or gold)
School Uniform sold at School. • No blankets during school hours
Please contact Frik Stroh at 0849226281 • No nail polish or long nails allowed, no tattoos allowed
• No chewing gum
Clothing store open Weekdays
• Lips – No lip gloss (shiny lips)
Mon –Thursday 2:30-3:30pm,
Friday 1:30-2:30 • Only clear lip ice
8 • No slippers or push-ins with uniform
• No “beanies” or scarves to be worn in summer
Parents Role Class Rules
• Share the Word of God everyday, PRAY with your child • Learners should line up outside the classroom at the beginning of the period
• Know the School’s Code of Conduct and encourage your and wait till the educator invites them in.
child to uphold it; • Learners should stand up at all times when greeting educators, parents and

• Strengthen the Code of Conduct by taking visitors.

• Behave towards all people as you would behave towards the Lord.
primary responsibility for your child’s discipline;
• Learners must at all times be proud of their appearance and dress only in the
• Create a safe atmosphere for your child, so that he/she can
proper school uniform
grow and develop positively; • Learners must show good stewardship of everything (talents, as well as
• Ensure your child’s regular and punctual attendance at property) with which the Lord has blessed them.
school. • Learners should at all times be proud of their surroundings and not litter.
• Communicate reasons for your child’s absence to the school; • Learners have to be on time for school.
• Communicate regularly with your child about his/her school • Homework must be done diligently and parents must sign daily.

day. Children always have the need to share what happened at • Learners have to sit to raise their hands if they want to communicate with the
educators. Learners have to sit on their own chairs with both feet on the
• Get to know your child’s teacher. A good parent-teacher.
• During break times no learner is allowed in the classroom, except with the
relationship ensures a happier child with a strong sense of permission of an educator.
security. This is an advantage when manipulative behavior • No running is permitted in and around the classrooms.
needs support and correcting. • Learners are not permitted to play in the vicinity of the parking area.
• Re-enforce learning at home by going over their child’s home • Electronic and communication devices including cell phones, earphones,
work. earpods, Bluetooth speakers, gaming gadgets are prohibited from use during
• Be involved by supporting his/her academic and extramural school hours and within Eagles Nest Christian School premises.
• Any of these gadgets found to be in use during school hours will be
confiscated for a period of 1 year.
• Listen with an open mind to your child and the educator.
• Teach your children to find positive solutions to problems that they
encounter daily, and to manage confrontation without violence.

Eagle’s Nest Merits—Intermediate Phase
Code Merits
Intermediate Phase merit procured
• A learner shall sign against a merit given her/him in the teacher’s file. M1 Effort with classwork/homework +4
M2 Doing extra work +4
• A learner shall get a single merit per month for one category of merits
from the same teacher. M3 Neat work/books throughout a period of time +4

• For each class a learner who gets the most number of merits per M4 Neat clothing throughout a period of time +4
month shall be given the title ‘Learner of the month’ . M5 Respectful towards school property, fellow +4
learners, teachers and other staff members.
• A Learner of the month child shall be given a badge for that month M6 Friendly towards school property, fellow learners, +4
he/she has that title. teachers and other staff members.
M7 A good steward of the school. +4
• A Learner of the month child shall be given a trophy (floating) for that
month he/she has that title. M8 Obedient +4
M9 Excellent performance in a test/examination +4
• Learners of the month children shall have their photographs taken (>75%)
which shall be pasted on the High School notice board for that month. M 10 Good sportsmanship and/or sporting achieve- +4
• At the end of the year the learner who has receives the ‘Learner of M 11 Discipleship +4
the month’ award the most number of turns will become the learner
of the year and will be duly rewarded. M 12 Servanthood +4
M 13 Punctual +4
• Merits given by a teacher are only valid for a month.
M 14 Caring and kind attitude towards others +4
Merits will be collected by the designated on the last Frida of every M 15 Diligent +4
Hebrews 12: 11 M 16 Willingness +4
M 17 Showing fruits of the Spirit +4
For the Moment all discipline seems rather unpleasant, but later it
yields the peaceful fruit of righteousness to those who have been M 18 Sharing +4
trained by it. M 19 Handing in tasks before the time +4
M 20 Honesty +4
M 21 Contributing to a positive classroom environment +4
M 22 Excellent performance in a specific subject for the +10
10 quarter (>75%)
Eagle’s Nest Merits — High School
Code Merits Points
The philosophy of Eagle’s Nest Christian School is to correct
and change misbehaviour so that learners can develop a
Christian lifestyle and model the way for others as disciples of
HM1 Neatness of clothes + 10
Proverbs 22:6
HM2 Friendliness + 10
Start children off on the way they should go, and even
when they are old they will not turn from it. HM3 Stewardship +10
The merit system will be administered as follows: HM4 Obedience +10
• A learner shall receive merits from teachers making use of a mer- HM5 Good participation in devotion / assembly +10
it form.
HM6 Servanthood +10
• For each class (Grade 8-12) a learner who gets the highest num-
ber of merits per term shall be given the title “Learner of the HM7 Punctuality - always in time for class / school activities +10
Term”. HM8 Kindness towards other learners +10
• The “Learner of the Term” shall be given a badge for the term HM9 Faithfully attending Local Outreaches + 10
he/she has the title.
HM10 Attended an International Outreach + 40
• All leaners who receive the “Learner of the Term” award shall
have their photographs taken which shall be posted on the High SPORT
School notice board for that term. HM11 Outstanding participation at Inter-house competitions + 10
• At the end of the year the learner who received the “Learner of HM12 Outstanding participation in league / cup games + 20
the Term” award on the most frequent base will be rewarded with
the title “Learner of the Year” and will receive proper recognition. HM13 Participation at District Level Position 1, 2 & 3. + 30

• Merits given by a teacher must be sent to the HOD (Discipline) HM14 Provincial Colours in any School Sport +40
for immediate processing. HM15 National Colours in any School Sport + 80
• Senior Leaders are not authorised to give merits, but they may
recommend the issuing of merits.
• A merit form must be sent to the HOD (Discipline) so that action
can be taken immediately.

Eagle’s Nest Demerits
Merits Point awarded Intermediate phase and High School procedure

High School (continue) • After a misconduct a learner shall sign a demerit form given to the learner by a teacher.

• (Level 1) – If a learner accumulates -40 demerit points, the learner will be subjected
CULTURE to counselling, which shall be preceded by an SMS and a letter that the parents/
guardians must sign (printed in duplicate and a copy kept in the disciplinary file).
HM16 Outstanding participation in league / cup tournaments + 10
• (Level 2) If a learner accumulates -80 the demerit points, the learner will be subjected to
HM17 Participation at District Level Position 1, 2 & 3. + 20 a hearing which shall be preceded by parents/guardians receiving an SMS and a letter
printed in duplicate and a copy kept in the disciplinary file). The learner will then will be
HM18 Provincial Colours in any School Culture activities + 30 subjected to detention and certain privileges may be taken away from the learner for a
period of 7 days.
HM19 National Colours in any School Culture activities +40
• (Level 3) If a learner accumulates -120 demerit points, the learner will be subjected
to a disciplinary hearing which shall be preceded by the parents/guardians receiving an
ACADEMIC SMS and a letter (printed in duplicate for a copy to be held in the learners file and in the
disciplinary file). The learner be subjected to for detention and certain privileges may be
HM20 Overall Average 70%-79% (Term 1 & 2 report marks) + 10 taken away from the learner permanently depending on the seriousness of misconduct.

HM21 Overall Average 80%-89% (Term 1 & 2 report marks) + 20 • (Level 4) If a learner accumulates – 160 demerits, the learner will be subjected to an
disciplinary hearing which shall be preceded by parents/guardians receiving an SMS and
a letter (printed in duplicate and a copy kept in the disciplinary file). Such a learner will
HM22 Overall Average 90%-100%(Term 1 & 2 report marks) + 30 be subjected to either suspension/expulsion/deregistering, depending on the serious
ness of the misconduct.

HM23 TOP TEN in Grade (Merit award in Term 3) + 30 • (Counselling) A learner will go for counselling immediately after going for detention
and thereafter counselling can be done at intervals of - 60; -100 and lastly -140.

HM24 Participation in External Academic Competitions / + 10 • The merit/demerit system does not seek to prescribe how many times or at what time
Olympiad learners should go for counselling; rather counselling of students should be done when
deemed necessary by the register / subject teachers, HODs or Vice Principal.
HM25 Participation in Academic Competitions / Olympiad at + 20
Provincial level. • Senior Leaders are not authorised to give demerits, but they may recommend the
issuing of demerits.

HM26 Participation in Academic Competitions / Olympiad at + 30 • Any Serious misconduct including D30 & D31 must be confirmed by a teacher and
National level. reported to the Vice Principal immediately.

• All demerit forms must be submitted ASAP after misconducts; otherwise it will expire
within a week.
Proverbs 6:23
• A demerit form must be sent to the HOD in charge of discipline to ensure that
For this command is a lamp, this teaching is a light and correction, and in- immediate action is taken.
struction are the way to life.
• Each learner’s merit/demerit will be recorded and analysed exclusively independent from
each other.

12 • The demerit / merit status of a learner will appear on the learner’s school report.

• Learners with hairstyle/clothing infringements will be sent home to fix their appearance and will only
Eagle’s Nest Demerits
Intermediate phase
Code De-merit Points Warnings ID23 Dishonest in a test/examination -20
ID1 Late for school/does not attend -4 1 ID24 Theft -20
assembly ID25 Lying -10
ID2 Homework not done/ incomplete. -4 1 ID26 Selling in the school -40 Confiscation of
ID3 Going to the tuck shop and or Junior -4 products + a fine
school toilets without permission equivalent to the
ID4 Does not carry out given tasks. -4 1 value of the mer-
ID5 Does not study for tests/examinations. -4 chandise
ID27 Vandalism (not being a good -40 Report the learner
ID6 Do not have/forgot textbooks/ -4 steward) immediately to Sir
workbooks/important documents at Mac/Sir Zhak
ID7 Disrupts class atmosphere. -4 ID28 Sexual misconduct -40
ID8 Bad behaviour towards a teacher/fellow -4 ID29 Fighting/physical violence/ -20
learner/staff members. bullying
ID9 Appearance different to school rules. -4 ID30 Possession or smoking and using Suspen- Suspension will
ID10 Copying of homework/classwork. -4 alcohol or drugs on school sion take place after a
ID11 Moodiness and having an attitude. -4 premises or in school uniform disciplinary hear-
(-160) ing, if the learner is
ID12 Noisy and general disobedience. -4
allowed to come
ID13 Books/tasks handed in late. -4
back to school he/
she must go for
regular counselling
ID31 Carrying dangerous weapons on Suspen- Suspension will take
ID14 Absent from class without excuse. -4 school premises or during school sion place after a discipli-
ID15 Litter in class/school grounds. -4 activities. nary hearing, if the
learner is allowed to
ID16 Damage to property. -10 come back to school
ID17 Bunking class/absent from detention. -10 he/she must go for
regular counselling
ID18 Victimisation of teachers/fellow learn- -20 ID31 Pornography -40
ers and staff members. ID32 Cell phone/other technology -10
ID19 Lying -10 issues
ID20 Use of foul language -10 ID33 Leaving school grounds during -40
ID21 Challenging/rebellious/defiant behav- -10 school hours without permission.
iour ID34 Dangerous games -20
ID22 Disruptive during assembly -4 ID35 Non-compliance with COVID- -40
12 19 safety measures
Eagle’s Nest Demerits-High School
Code De-merit Points Number of Further HD15 Not co-operating -10
Warnings intervention during class
HD01 Homework incomplete/ -10 1 HD16 Disrespectful to- -30
not done wards staff mem-
HD02 Leaving books at home/ -10 1 bers / parents/
hostel visitors
HD03 Going to the tuck shop -10 HD17 Using foul language -20
and or Junior school toi- HD18 Stealing -40
lets without permission HD19 Lying -10
HD04 Arriving late for class / -10 1 HD20 Disobeying -10
school instruction
HD05 Bunking class / being at -10 HD21 Defiance or disorder -10
the wrong place during devotions
HD06 Misbehaving in and out -30 HD22 Disruptive during -10
of school assembly
HD07 Wearing civilian clothes -10 HD23 Bullying of any form -40 Disciplinary hearing with the
at school during school (This may include learner will be held in the
activities cyber, physical, presence of parents/
HD08 Improper uniform/ hair- -10 emotional, body guardians.
style shaming and sexual
HD09 Disruptive behaviour -10
during class HD24 Leaving the school -40 Disciplinary hearing with the
HD10 Not being honest during -30 premises without learner will be held, the par-
class permission ents will also be involved
HD11 Cheating in a test / exam- -30 HD25 Unauthorized use or -20 Confiscation of the product/
inations possession of prohib- gadget for 1 year
HD12 Copying homework -10 ited technological
HD13 Having a bad attitude to- -20 gadgets during
wards teachers, class- school hours
mates or leaders HD26 Littering in the -10
HD14 Being absent from / ab- -40 A discipli- school yard
sconding or defying nary hear- HD27 Selling merchandise -40 Confiscation of merchandise
detention ing with the on school property and a fine equivalent to the
learner in value of the merchandise
the presence
of parents/
Eagle’s Nest Demerits—High School
HD29 Vandalism/ writing/ scribbling on walls, tables or -40 Report the learner immediately to the HODs or
chairs (not being a good steward) Vice Principal

HD30 Using or possession of cigarettes, alcohol or drugs on (-160) Suspension will take place immediately after the incident.
school premises or while in school uniform. If the learner is allowed to come back to school the learn-
Suspension er must go for private counselling and or rehabilitation
with regular feedback to the school.

HD31 Carrying dangerous object weapons on school (-160) Suspension will take place immediately after the incident.
premises or during school activities The learner will be subjected to a disciplinary hearing. If
Suspension allowed back to school the learner must go for private
counselling and or rehabilitation with regular feedback to
the school.
HD32 Subversive Behaviour (Undermining teacher’s author- -20
HD33 Assault/Fighting -80 Counselling sessions at school and disciplinary hearing
with child will be held in the presence of parents.
HD35A Immoral/Indecent Behaviour -80 Counselling sessions at school and disciplinary hearing
with child will be held in the presence of parents.
HD36 Other acts of misdemeanor -10

Eagle’s Nest HOSTEL
List to bring to Hostel?
Hostel registration form must be completed and updated yearly. Address 1. A Bible and notebook for daily devotions
and phone numbers are of extreme importance; especially contact numbers 2. Own bedding: 2 blankets , duvet set, pillow, 2 sheets
in case of an emergency. Please note that only students that have paid in 3. A torch with batteries, school suitcase, stationery & English dictionary
advance will be admitted. 4. Clothing: 3 Sets of School clothing, 4 sets of casual clothing, A
5. Jacket for winter, 2 sets of sleepwear, rain coat/umbrella,5 sets of
Hostel Payments underwear.
Hostel Fees must be paid monthly before the 7th of each month OR quarterly 6. Toiletries, face cloth, towel, soap, toothbrush & paste, cream,
on the 1st day of each quarter. Registration fee of R850 is required for new 7. Deodorant, personal medicine, toilet paper, comb/brush,
learners and a re-enrolment fee of R650 for current learners. Note that the 8. Please use a small suitcase/bag to pack all clothes.
hostel and school have two separate accounts. No refunds will be made if 9. Only 6 sets of casual clothes and 4 sets of school clothes will be
the parent pays the money into the school account instead of the hostel washed per week
account. A monthly hostel and school statement will be given to the parent
10. No denims, jerseys, tracksuits, bedding and towels will be washed at
each home weekend. Please see that you receive this when picking up your
the hostels. Learners must please take these items home on home
child. Please notify the office in writing in advance if the child is taken out of
weekends to be washed.
the hostel. If the parent fails to do so, the running hostel account has to be
11. All clothes, bedding, towels etc. must be marked clearly with student
paid for the time the office wasn’t notified.
number given on the day of admission.
12. Please supply your child with pocket money. The tuck-shop will be
If parents are in arrears with more than 1 months fees, the child / open in the afternoon.
children will not be allowed back in the hostel and the parent 13. Should your child have a problem with bed-wetting, supply extra
responsible will be handed over to the attorneys. sheets (bed linen), underwear and big plastic to cover the mattress
14. Each child will have certain tasks to perform daily: Make his/her own
Home Weekends bed, tidying his/her room and bathroom facilities, do kitchen duty e.g.
All home weekends are compulsory. If your child is not collected before help with washing dishes ect. Wash own underwear and socks, taking
15:00, you will have to pay an extra R 50 per child per day. Our policy is care of the surroundings
clear. We believe it to be of the utmost importance that our students go
home at least once every 3 weeks. It is important for the children to
Visiting Hours
experience the security and love in their own homes too. Monday to Friday from 15:00 – 16:15
After a home weekend your child can return to the hostel at Saturday to Sunday from 13:30 – 17:00
15:00 – 18:00 on the Sunday, or Monday morning at 06:00 NO visitors during study and meal times!
The Hostel register book should be signed when a child is fetched or
brought back after a weekend or holiday and given to the hostel teacher Contact person : Lelanie van den Berg 079 884 2615
on duty. 15
Eagle’s Nest HOSTEL Hostel Merit and Demerit system
-30 demerits = detention. –60 = 2nd detention (calling in parents, 1st warning) -90
Supervision = suspension and 2nd warning, -120 = dismissal

During the week and over weekends your child will be under adult supervi- Learners are therefore expected not to… Demerits

sion, this excludes home weekends. Your child will be under constant super- Go out of the school bounds without accompaniment from parent/guardian and signed out by teacher on duty
(Learners to have a permission slip ALWAYS) Suspension
vision of the hostel staff and we have your child’s best interest at heart. The
teachers can however not be held liable for any injury or loss of property. Leave the school premises (including MJ Gateway and the Junction) without school uniform.
-30 (detention
When this occurs, please contact the hostel secretary at the office and fill in
Possess/Use intoxicating substances which include alcohol, nicotine and any form of “drugs”
a form of complaint. The hostel father /mother will look into the situation. -90
When the child needs to leave the school premises during school days and
Disturb and make any unnecessary noise during meals, study and after lights out -30
weekends, the parent must contact the hostel father or mother before he/
Be involved in any form of teasing and bullying / fighting -30 to -60
she can give permission for the child to leave school premises. No child is
Use and possess cell phones/musical instruments Confiscation
allowed to leave the premises alone and must be accompanied by a teacher
Second confiscation from same student Suspension
or family member. No child will be released without parent’s / guardian’s
Using someone else’s cellphone -30
consent. Medicine must be handed in at all times to the Teacher on Be late for any activity / leave bed or place untidy -10
duty Skipping classes, studies and any activity without permission from hostel authority (no one allowed in the
hostel during school/study time) -15
Phoning Use and possess any pornographic materials and information -30 to -90
Hostel phone is available on the school premises at the teacher on duty. Show any form of disrespectful (defiant) behaviour towards fellow learners, visitors and members of staff.
-10 to -30
Learners can make arrangements with the teacher on duty to phone. Cellular
phones must be handed in at the hostel to the teacher on duty on Mondays Vandalise of school and friends’ property. (Damaged property has to be replaced) –30 to -60
after home weekends. Cell phones are not allowed in the hostel. Keep and eat food inside the hostels and at meal times (food should always be kept in the designated school -10 to -20
food lockers) (confiscation)
Damaging of Property Be involved in any form of immoral behaviour, no person of the opposite sex shall be allowed in each oth-
Parents will be held responsible for any damage to hostel property. The er’s hostel – being found in suspicious (secluded) dark places -90
money due for the broken item must be paid within 2 weeks. Wear any indecent dressing (shabby and those exposing private body parts) -10 to –30
Use electrical appliances (Switching on/watching TV without educator’s permission) -30
Meals Use foul language (swearing) and “back chatting”. -10 to –30
Each hostel resident will receive 3 balanced meals daily, as well as a snack Possess / use of dangerous object (weapons i.e. knives, guns etc.) -30 to -120
for break times. If you wish to send some food with your child, each child has Putting on caps/hats during meal times -10
a food locker that opens each afternoon at 15:30. (confiscation)
Be involve in any form of pranks such as smearing someone with syrup, shaving cream, wetting each other’s
Study Time clothes or beds, etc -10 to –30

There are study time each afternoon and evening where the children are Entertain day scholars/visitors in the hostel without permission from hostel authorities (parents should al-
ways contact the teacher on duty first before seeing their children
given chance to do their homework and study for tests. During examinations -10
the study time automatically increases. The study time is compulsory for
Use/play/take someone’s property without permission (stealing).
each child Bible Study every week days in the mornings and on Sundays the -10 to –30
Hostel learners attend a church service . Switch on lights after lights out time/be found in another room after lights out
Share or exchange sleeping places, clothes or changing of eating groups without teachers’ consent.
-10 to -20
School Anthem Eagle’s Nest
Eagle’s Nest Christian School Christian School
We bless you with our prayers, Contact Details
For Christ-centred education Secretary: A Vermaak- Accounts
F Marè –PA/ Admin head
And discipleship you’ve shared. L Jacobz—High School
C Venter– Intermediate

We thank you Lord for your guidance, R. Espach—Reception/Admissions

M. Delport– Buyer
For this beacon light that shines, Office hours: 7:30 – 15:00
Physical address: Plot 32(17)
With eagle’s grace we are soaring,
Over problems we might find. Polokwane, 0787
Postal address: PO Box 856
Fauna Park
Eagle’s Nest Christian School, Polokwane

A beacon of God’s light, 0787

Fax to email : 0866162701
A vision born from heaven, e-mail: [email protected]
Principal: JN van den Berg
May you always have your flight.
School Tel : 015 263-6067/8
17 www.encs.co.za

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