1. A graph between stopping voltage and i. Explain why there is no emission of an electron if the frequency is too
frequency of incident radiation for a metal is low.[2]
shown in figure.[h = 6.62 x 10-34 JS] ii. State two other pieces of evidence provided by the photoelectric effect
a. From the data given in the graph determine which suggest that electromagnetic radiation has particle
the value of threshold wavelength. [2] properties.[1]
b. Calculate work function of the given metal b.
in electron volts. [2] i. The work function of the metal is 3.8 eV. Calculate the minimum
c. If the metal surface is incident by photon frequency of electromagnetic radiation that causes photoelectric
of energy 3eV, find the velocity with which the ejected electron moves away emission. [2]
from the surface of the metal. [3] ii. An electron at the surface of the metal is emitted with a kinetic energy
d. State one application of the phenomenon observed from the graph in daily of 4.5 x 10 – 19 J. Calculate the energy of the incident photon in eV.[2]
life. [1] c. Mention any two applications of photo-electric effect in our daily life.[1]
2. Sodium has a work function of 2.3eV. Planck’s constant h = 6.63 x 10 -34JS, 7. For Caesium the value of ∅ is 1.35 eV.
velocity of light in vacuum, C = 3.0 x 108m/s, 1eV = 1.6 x 10-19 C and mass of a. What is the longest wavelength that can cause photo electric emission from
an electron, me = 9.1 x 10-31kg. a Caesium surface? [1]
a. Find the threshold frequency for sodium metal. [2] b. What is the maximum velocity with which photoelectrons will be emitted
b. Calculate the maximum kinetic energy and velocity of the photoelectrons from a caesium surface illuminated with light of wavelength 4.0 Х 10-7 m?[1]
when the sodium is illuminated by light of wavelength 5.0 x 10-7m.[3] c. What potential difference will just prevent the current passing through a
c. Find the value of stopping potential. [2] Caesium photocell illuminated with light of wavelength 4.0 Х 10-7 m? (e =
d. Define photoelectric effect. [1] 1.6 Х 10-19 C, m = 9.1 Х 10-31 kg, h = 6.6 Х 10-34 Js). [1]
3. d. How did Einstein explain photoelectric equation? [2]
a. Can one photon eject more than one electron at a time? Explain.[2] 8. The graph below shows the maximum
b. Copper and sodium have work function 4.5eV and 2.0eV, respectively. kinetic energy of the emitted
Radiation of wave length 4000Å fall on the two surfaces. Can there be photoelectrons as the frequency of the
photoelectric emission in both metals? [2] incident radiation on a sodium plate is
c. Explain, how is photoelectric effect used in fire alarms? [1] varied.
4. This graph shows the variation with frequency f a. From the graph determine the
of the maximum kinetic energy Ek of the minimum frequency of incident
electrons emitted from the surface of a metal: radiation that can cause a
a. photoelectric effect? [1]
i. Use the photoelectric equation to show b. Calculate the work function for sodium.[2]
that the gradient of the graph is equal c. Use the graph to calculate the value of the Planck constant in Js.[2]
to Planck's constant. [1] 9.
ii. Obtain a value for Planck's constant a. What is photon? [1]
from the graph. [1] b. Do all the photons have same mass? Explain [1]
iii. State how the work function energy c. Does the mass of a body changes when it emits or absorbs photons?
can be obtained from the graph. [1] Explain. [1]
b. Obtain value of work function energy.[1] d. The graph in the given figure was
c. Imagine that the graph is redrawn for a metal with a smaller work function. measured in a photoelectric experiment.
State how the gradient and intercept of the new graph compare with the old i. What does the slope and intercept of
graph. [1] V0 verses f graph give? [1]
5. ii. Obtain the for Planck’s constant from
a. Why does photoelectric emission not take place if the frequency of the the graph. [1]
incident radiation is less than threshold frequency? [2] iii. Obtain the value of work function of
b. How does Millikan’s explain the Planck’s constant? [3] a metal analyzing the graph? [1]
c. 400nm wavelength of light falls on a photo sensitive material of work iv. What is the minimum frequency
function 2.3 eV. Compute the maximum energy of photo electron. [3] required to take out electrons from
this metal surface? [1]
6. In the photoelectric effect, when electromagnetic radiation strikes the surface of v. Imagine that the graph is redrawn for a metal with a smaller work
a metal, electrons leave the metal surface. However, when radiation of less than function. State how the gradient of new graph compares with the old
a certain frequency strikes the surface, it is observed that there is no emission graph. [1]
of electrons.
10. There are several factors associated in photoelectric emission; work function
of metal, the orbit through which the electron revolves and what energy it
provides to the electron.
a. Why are alkali metals preferred for photoelectric emission? [1]
b. Why don’t free electrons in metal emit out spontaneously? Why is external
energy required to eject them out? [ 1]
c. Why do different metals have different work functions? [2]
d. The graph in the given figure was measured in a photoelectric effect
i. Write down the general relation between
stopping potential and frequency of
incident radiation. [1]
ii. Find the work Function of metal (in eV)
analyzing the graph. [1]
iii. What experimental value of Planck’s
constant is obtained from these data?[1]
iv. The work function of metal is 4 eV what
does it means? [1]
1. A clean nickel surface of work function 5.21 eV is exposed to the light of
wavelength 235 nm. What is the maximum speed of the photoelectrons emitted
from their surface? [1.56 x 105m/s]
2. When the light of frequency 5.4 x 10 Hz is incident on a metal Surface, the
minimum energy of the electrons emitted is 1.2 x 10 -19J. If the same surface is
illuminated with light of frequency 6.6 x 1014 Hz, the maximum energy of the
electrons emitted is 2 x 10-19 J. Find the value of Planck’s constant.
[6.67 x 10-34 Js]
3. A photoelectron from the surface of Caesium has a kinetic energy of 4.0 x 10 -
19J. The work function of Caesium is 1.8 eV. What is the maximum wavelength
of light that can cause metal surface to eject electron? [2.88 x 10-7 m]
4. The energy of an electron emitted by a photosensitive plate is 1.5eV. If the
threshold wavelength is 2500Aº, calculate the wavelength of incident light.
[1.92 x 10-7m]
5. When ultraviolet light with wavelength 400nm falls on certain metal surface,
the maximum K.E. of emitted electrons is 1.10 eV. What is the maximum K.E.
of photoelectrons when light of 300nm falls on the same surface? [2.137 eV]
Give reason
1. Can photoelectric effect be explained on the basis of wave theory of light?
2. Which has more energy, a proton in the infrared region or photon in the
3. If wavelength of electromagnetic radiation is doubled, what happens to the
energy of photons?
4. Explain why photoelectric effect cannot be observed with all wavelengths of
5. Does the intensity of light change kinetic energy of photoelectrons?
6. Light from bulb falls on wooden table but no photoelectrons are emitted, why?
7. Photoelectric emission is an instantaneous process but not spontaneous, why?
8. Some photographic plates are not affected by red light but are immediately
blackened by white light. Justify your answer.
9. The work function of silver is 4.73 eV. What does this mean?