UFM-T 05 Standard / Superplus UFM-T 1/10/20 UFM-T 100/20HP: Technical Data Sheet

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UFM-T 05 standard / superplus

UFM-T 1/10/20
UFM-T 100/20HP

The zero-loss condensate drain

Product description: Applications:

The UFM-T’s are compressed air The electronic control of the drain Compressed air zero-loss draining of
zero-loss, electronically controlled monitors the proper operation contin- condensate at:
condensate drains. uously. • compressors
The diaphragm operation and the Automatic malfunction routines and a • aftercoolers
large internal cross-sections for drain- potential free alarm contact for remote • receiver-vessels
ing ensure reliable operation even control ensures safe operation at all • pre- and after-filters of fridge dryers
when dealing with dirty, particle pollut- times. You can react to malfunctions • pre-filters of adsorption dryers
ed condensate: before they are obvious by water in • condensate- and oil-removal filters
Less downtime, less trouble and more the condensate line at the point of • pipe bends
safety for the application. use!
Additionally the condensate becomes
less emulsified – when compared with
time controlled solenoid valves which
spray/atomise the condensate. Less
emulsification results in better function
of oil/ water separators: longer compli-
ance with legal discharge limits, less
running costs! As there is no air-loss
whilst purging these drains work silent
– a very important feature when this
drain is installed within a working
area: No noise nuisance anymore!

Technical alterations reserved (R07/ 2008/02/18)

Donaldson Filtration Deutschland GmbH · Industrial Filtration Solutions · Büssingstraße 1 · D-42781 Haan · Telefon +49/21 29/569-0 · Telefax +49/21 29/569-100
GB Technical Data Sheet
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Features: Benefits: Materials:

Zero-loss No expensive air-losses, silent operation, Top (thread) Aluminium, coated

less emulsification of the condensate (not T05)
Aluminium parts coated, Suitable for the agressive condensate of oil-free
diaphraghm and O-rings from compressors. Parts under pressure glass fibre
VITON re-inforced plastic
UFM-T05/T1/T10 and T20: Universal use world-wide
Voltage range from 24 to 230 V Diaphragm and VITON
Info channel Serial interface for the connection of the
Programmer; Individual setting of control para-
meters (applies to UFM-T1, 10, 20, 100, 20HP Temperature range:
and UFM-T05 superplus)
Without heater +1°C to +60°C
Connection power supply/ Via plugs according to DIN 43650, design C;
alarm contact Housing does not have to be opened; With heater -20°C to +60°C
More simply for service and installation
(applies to UFM-T1, 10, 20, 100, 20HP and
UFM-T05 superplus)
Electronic control Automatic malfunction routines, continuous Heater 24 V; 110 V; 230 V
control of operation, potential-free alarm contact Programmer superplus
for remote control
Sloped display Easy reading of function LED and easy use of
the manual purge button even if the drain is Service parts:
installed above eye-level
Set: O-rings, diaphragm, springs, anchor
Sensors without moving parts Safe function without sticking or blocking of the plate
Condensate inlet from the top Quick and easy installation under filter housings

Alternative condensate inlet on Quick and easy installation under low ground
ground level clearance conditions
Condensate inlet vertically and Quick and easy installation to different pipings Options:
horizontally by a turnable (UFM-T05 only)
ellbow adapter (UFM-T05 only) Adapter with integrated vent for UFM-T10,T20.

Power Alarm Power consumption

Type Protection
supply contact
without heater with heater
T05 only 7W */*
T05 SP
T1 24 - 230 VDC 230 VAC/DC
90 - 230 VAC 0,092 A
T10 50 - 60 Hz
IP 65 25 W
T20 5W
Adapter to 1/2“ (T100: 3/4“)
T100 24 V DC 300 VDC BSP or NPT for installation under filter housings;
110 - 230 VAC 247 VAC bolt connection with coupling ring.
T20 HP 50 - 60 Hz 0,092 A */*

Pressure Capacities1)
Type range (m3 / min)
(bar) Compressor Fridge Dryers Filter
T05 0.8-17.2 5 30 kW 10 50
10 60 kW 20 100
T20 20 120 kW 40 200
T100 100 600 kW 200 1000
T20 HP 1,2-42 100 600 kW 200 1000
1) Nominal capacities are related to moderate climate for example: inlet conditions : 1 bar a, 20°C, 70% r.F. / 7 bar ü (UFM-T20HP 40 bar ü), 35°C, 100% r.F.
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T 05





T 1 / T 10 T 20





T 100 / T 20 HP

Weight A/A1/A2 B C1/C2 ØD E F

(kg) mm mm mm mm mm mm
T 05 0.7 100/92 90 130 / 145 G 1/2
T1 0.9 126 124 13
T 10 1.0 133 95 144 G 3/4
G 1/2
T 20 1.2 147 175
T 100 3.7 203 150 240 14
G 3/4 G1
T 20 HP 3.3 191 114 245

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