The document discusses fertilization, including the structure and roles of gametes, the process of fertilization, and internal fertilization in mammals. It describes the anatomy and development of sperm and eggs, the recognition and fusion of gametes during fertilization, and mechanisms to prevent polyspermy. Key events include capacitation of sperm, the acrosome reaction, binding to the zona pellucida, and membrane fusion triggered by proteins like Izumo and Juno.
The document discusses fertilization, including the structure and roles of gametes, the process of fertilization, and internal fertilization in mammals. It describes the anatomy and development of sperm and eggs, the recognition and fusion of gametes during fertilization, and mechanisms to prevent polyspermy. Key events include capacitation of sperm, the acrosome reaction, binding to the zona pellucida, and membrane fusion triggered by proteins like Izumo and Juno.
The document discusses fertilization, including the structure and roles of gametes, the process of fertilization, and internal fertilization in mammals. It describes the anatomy and development of sperm and eggs, the recognition and fusion of gametes during fertilization, and mechanisms to prevent polyspermy. Key events include capacitation of sperm, the acrosome reaction, binding to the zona pellucida, and membrane fusion triggered by proteins like Izumo and Juno.
The document discusses fertilization, including the structure and roles of gametes, the process of fertilization, and internal fertilization in mammals. It describes the anatomy and development of sperm and eggs, the recognition and fusion of gametes during fertilization, and mechanisms to prevent polyspermy. Key events include capacitation of sperm, the acrosome reaction, binding to the zona pellucida, and membrane fusion triggered by proteins like Izumo and Juno.
Chapter 6 - Fertilization (Beginning a New Organism)
BIO. SCI. 10 - Developmental Biology
Cristel Joy C. Mallari
Instructor I Overview A. Fertilization B. Structure of Gametes C. Internal Fertilization in Mammals Fertilization • gametes fuse to begin the creation of a new individual • genome from both parents • to transmit genes from parents to offspring • to trigger the egg cytoplasm - onset development Four (4) Major Events at Fertilization
• Contact and recognition between gametes
• Regulation of sperm entry into the egg
• Fusion of the genetic material of sperm and egg
• Activation of egg metabolism to start development
4 Structure of Gametes The egg activates the sperm metabolism that is essential for fertilization, and the sperm reciprocates by activating the egg metabolism needed for the onset of development. Sperm • 135 years - role in fertilization • Anton Van Leeuwenhoek - parasitic animals in semen • spermatozoa = “seed animals” • Preformationist - contained preformed embryo • Sperms were seeds, female merely provided nutrient soil Nicolas Hartsoeker • co-discoverer • Draw the picture of what he hoped to find a miniscule human (homunculus) within the sperm Lazzaro Spallanzani • importance of sperm in reproduction • male toads to ejaculate and found toad semen so filtered to be devoid of sperm; such semen did not fertilize eggs • semen had to touch the eggs in order to be functional • spermatic "animals" were parasites in the fluid • egg contains the embryo • activates by spermatic fluid J. L. Prevost and J. B. Dumas (1824) • sperm were not parasites • active agents of fertilization • existence in sexually mature males, absence in immature and aged individuals • sperm entered the egg and contributed materially to the next generation Albert von Kolliker • described the formation of sperm from cells in the adult testes • denied there was any physical contact between sperm and eggs • sperm excites the egg – the same way a magnet communicates its presence to iron Karl Ernst von Baer • First description of fertilization • Sea urchins and tunicates • Fertilization envelope • Migration of sperm nucleus to the egg • Early cell divisions of development Why sea urchins? • (Paracentrotus lividus) • common • sexually mature throughout most of the year • eggs were available in large numbers • transparent even at high magnifications Sperm Anatomy Each sperm cell consists of a haploid nucleus, a propulsion system to move the nucleus, and a sac of enzymes that enable the nucleus to enter the egg Centriole - long flagellum at posterior end; Golgi apparatus - acrosomal vesicle at the future anterior end; Mitochondria - collect around the flagellum, incorporated into the midpiece; Remaining cytoplasm is eliminated; Nucleus condenses. *The size of the mature sperm has been enlarged relative to the other stages. Acrosome • nucleus - DNA becomes tightly compressed • derived from the Golgi apparatus • modified secretory vesicle • contains enzymes that digest proteins and complex sugars • digest outer layers of an egg cell *acrosome and nucleus constitute the sperm head Flagellum • an individual sperm can travel by whipping • Axoneme - flagellum’s major motor portion • structure formed by microtubules emanating from the centriole at the base of the sperm nucleus • Dynein – provides force for sperm propulsion • an ATPase, hydrolyzes ATP to release chemical energy Axoneme Core • consist of two central microtubules surrounded by a row of a 9 doublet microtubules • Only one microtubule of each doublet is complete (13 protofilaments) • the other is C-shaped • Has only 11 protofilaments • made up of tubulin – dimeric protein In mammals • sperm released can move • don’t yet have the capacity to bind and fertilize • Capacitation - final stages of mammalian sperm maturation • don’t occur until inside the female reproductive tract • increase in membrane fluidity, lateral movement of cholesterol to the apical region, and cholesterol efflux from the sperm plasma membrane to the extracellular environment Egg (Ovum) • Stored all the materials necessary for development • Oocyte (developing egg) conserve its cytoplasm • Oocyte either synthesizes or absorbs protein • Yolk - act as food reservoir for the developing embryo • Egg accumulates cytoplasmic storehouse during maturation Egg’s Cytoplasmic Trove Includes: • Nutritive proteins - supply of energy and amino acids • Ribosomes and tRNA - structural proteins and enzymes • Messenger RNAs - encode proteins • Morphogenetic factors - direct cell differentiation • Protective chemicals - DNA repair enzymes, ultraviolet filters The Egg and its Environment • Cell membrane • capable of fusing and regulating the flow of certain ions during fertilization • Extracellular matrix – outside cell • Forms fibrous mat around the egg • sperm-egg recognition • Most animals (invertebrates) - vitelline envelope (glycoproteins) Sea urchin egg cell surfaces. (A) Scanning electron micrograph of an egg before fertilization. The cell membrane is exposed where the vitelline envelope has been torn. (B) Transmission electron micrograph of an unfertilized egg, showing microvilli and cell membrane, which are closely covered by the vitelline envelope. A cortical granule lies directly beneath the cell membrane.(From Schroeder 1979, courtesy of T. E. Schroeder.) Zona pellucida • thick matrix that separates extracellular envelope • glycoprotein layer surrounding the cell membrane of mammalian oocytes • Cumulus - layer of cells surrounding the mammalian egg • ovarian follicular cells -nurturing the egg at the time of release • Corona radiata – the innermost layer of cumulus cells, adjacent to the zona pellucida Mammalian eggs immediately before fertilization. (A) The hamster egg, or ovum, is encased in the zona pellucida, which in turn is surrounded by the cells of the cumulus. A polar body cell, produced during meiosis, is visible within the zona pellucida. (B) At lower magnification, a mouse oocyte is shown surrounded by the cumulus (R. Yanagimachi.) Cortex • thin layer of gel-like cytoplasm • beneath the cell membrane • high conc. globular actin molecules • Polymerize -> microfilaments - cell division • Extend the egg's surface into small projections - microvilli (aid the sperm entry) • Cortical granules - contain proteolytic enzymes Cortical granules • membrane-bound, Golgi-derived structures • homologous to acrosomal vesicle of the sperm • Mucopolysaccharides, adhesive glycoproteins, and hyalin protein • Enzymes and M - help prevent polyspermy • AG & HP - support for the cleavage-stage blastomeres Recognition of Egg and Sperm 5 Basic Steps of Gamete Interaction 1. Chemoattraction of sperm to egg by soluble molecules secreted by the egg 2. Exocytosis of sperm acrosomal vesicle to release enzymes 3. Binding of the sperm to the ECM (VE/ZP) of the egg 4. Passage of the sperm through this ECM 5. Fusion of egg and sperm membranes C. Internal Fertilization in Mammals 1. Getting the gametes into the oviduct • Ampulla – the region of the oviduct where fertilization takes place • In humans, approx. 300 million sperm are ejaculated into the vagina, but only 1 in a million enters the Fallopian tube • Translocation of sperm from the vagina involves several processes Sperm motility • Motility/flagellar action – sperm through the cervical mucus then to the uterus • Promiscuous female – sperm from the same male will form “trains” or aggregates = faster sperm Uterine Muscle Contractions • Sperm appeared to be transported to the oviduct by the muscular activity of the uterus Sperm Rheotaxis • “Sperm also receive long-distance directional cues from the flow of liquid from the oviduct to the uterus.” • Migrate against the direction flow using CatSper calcium channels • sense Ca influx and monitor the direction of the current 2. The acrosome reaction and recognition at the Zona pellucida • Bind and penetrate the egg’s zona pellucida • Mouse ZP, 3 glycoproteins (ZP 1, 2, and 3) • Human ZP, 4 glycoproteins (addition of ZP4) • ZP2 – critical for human sperm-egg binding Gain-of-function experiment demonstrating that human sperm bind to ZP2. Of the four human zona pellucida proteins, only ZP4 is not found in mouse zona. 3. Gamete fusion and the prevention of polyspermy • Once the sperm penetrates ZP via secretion of enzymatic contents of the acrosome – expose the inner acrosomal membrane, equatorial region • membrane fusion between sperm and egg begins • In mammalian gamete fusion process, an immunoglobulin-like protein called Izumo • found in the acrosomal granule membrane Izumo interacts with Juno • Recruits the egg membrane protein CD9 to the area of sperm-egg adhesion • female mice with the CD9 gene knocked out are infertile due to fusion defects Izumo protein and membrane fusion in mouse fertilization. (A) Localization of Izumo to the inner and outer acrosomal membrane. Izumo is stained red, acrosomal proteins are green. (B) Diagram of sperm-egg cell membrane fusion. During the acrosome reaction, Izumo localized on the acrosomal becomes translocated to the sperm cell membrane. There it meets the complex of Juno and CD9 proteins on the egg microvilli, initiating membrane fusion and the entry of the sperm into the egg. (After Satouh et al. 2012; M. Okabe.) Polyspermy • the fertilization of an egg by more than one sperm • a slow block to polyspermy occurs when enzymes released by the cortical granules • modify the zona pellucida sperm receptor proteins such that they can no longer bind to sperm • Ovastacin – protease found in the cortical granules Polyspermy • prevented by Juno protein • “As the sperm and egg membranes fuse, Juno protein appears to be released from the plasma membrane. Thus, the docking site for sperm would be removed.” 4. Fusion of genetic material • Mammalian pronuclear migration- about 12 hours • single mammalian sperm that finally enters the egg carries its genetic contribution in a haploid pronucleus • DNA of the sperm pronucleus is bound by protamines—basic proteins that are tightly compacted through disulfide bonds. Glutathione in the egg cytoplasm reduces these disulfide bonds and allows the sperm chromatin to uncoil 4. Fusion of genetic material • “Microtubules join the two pronuclei and enable them to migrate toward one another. Upon meeting, the two nuclear envelopes break down. However, instead of producing a common zygote nucleus, the chromatin condenses into chromosomes that orient themselves on a common mitotic spindle.” • Thus, in mammals a true diploid nucleus is seen for the first time not in the zygote, but at the 2-cell stage. 5. Activation of the mammalian egg • transient rise in cytoplasmic Ca2+ is necessary for egg activation in mammals • Fertilization triggers the production of the enzyme phospholipase C (PLC) by the sperm head = activates Ca2+ release • Egg activation (resumption of meiosis, cortical granule exocytosis) and formation of the pronuclei Laboratory Activity 3 (Materials) • Fertilized/fresh chicken eggs (min. 2 per group) • Unfertilized chicken egg • Egg tray (anything that keeps the egg in place) • 1L beaker or glass container • Rock Salt • 1L distilled water • Dissecting kit (spatula and scalpel) • Microscope slides and cover slips • Petri plate • Stove and pan • Pencil / coloring materials
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