Historical Dictionary of The Republic of Macedonia (Historical Dictionaries of Europe) (PDFDrive)
Historical Dictionary of The Republic of Macedonia (Historical Dictionaries of Europe) (PDFDrive)
Historical Dictionary of The Republic of Macedonia (Historical Dictionaries of Europe) (PDFDrive)
Dimitar Bechev
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United Kingdom
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Editor’s Foreword
Rarely has there been so much concern about a name. The country that
calls itself the Republic of Macedonia (ROM) is called, by the Greeks
and some others, the Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia
(FYROM). This confusion is just a continuation of many earlier quar-
rels over what Macedonia was and—above all—whom it belonged to:
the old ‘‘Macedonian Question,’’ one not answered entirely, even today.
The modern country still has a very mixed population, which can be a
source of not only diversity and richness but also friction and conflict.
And its borders are illogical and could possibly be contested, although
it seems that the ROM or FYROM is here to stay. Now that the country
has existed in its present form for more than a decade, it is becoming
somewhat easier to understand its importance and how it could evolve
over the coming years. This is important because Macedonia is located
in a very strategic part of the Balkans, and it is in the interest of its
neighbors that it be a success.
Since this country is difficult to understand, more so even than others
in that confusing region, this Historical Dictionary of the Republic of
Macedonia is essential. It goes back almost three millennia to the initial
Kingdom of Macedon and follows the country’s journey through many
metamorphoses, until the present day when it has become a shadow of
its former self. The long and complicated voyage is charted in some
detail by the chronology, then given considerably more depth in the in-
troduction. The dictionary then examines the many people and events
that have shaped the country, including kings, commoners, politicians,
partisans, artists, writers, and educators. There are also entries on major
places and organizations, as well as general topics such as the economy
and foreign policy and the more sensitive issues of language and reli-
gion. The bibliography, although not large, is impressive given the lim-
ited literature.
Although it deals with the same country and has a title similar to an
earlier volume in the series (Historical Dictionary of Macedonia, no.
22), this is a completely new book written by a new author, Dimitar
Bechev. Not from the Republic of Macedonia itself, he grew up in
nearby Bulgaria and obtained master’s degrees in both law and interna-
tional politics from the University of Sofia. He has since moved to Great
Britain, where he received a DPhil in international relations from Ox-
ford University and is presently a research fellow at the European Stud-
ies Centre, St. Antony’s College, Oxford. He is affiliated with South
East European Studies at Oxford and engages in policy analysis for var-
ious think tanks, including Oxford Analytica. He has also written arti-
cles for major journals on eastern Europe and the Balkans. This book
will be an excellent guide for those of us who want to know more but—
until now—did not know where to start.
Jon Woronoff
Series Editor
Reader’s Notes
Č ч ch in cheer
Ç (Turkish/Albanian) — ch in cheer
Ć Ћ (Serbian) ty in let you
Dj Ђ (Serbian) dy in would you
Dž Џ (Serbian/Macedonian) j in joy
Дж (Bulgarian)
Ë (Albanian) — i in birth
Ğ (Turkish) — not pronounced;
lengthens the
preceding vowel
I (Turkish) — i in birth
J J (Serbian/Macedonian) y in yes
Й (Bulgarian); Ju rendered
as Ю and Ja rendered as Я
Š III sh in shout
Ş (Romanian/Turkish) — sh in shout
Ŭ Ъ (Bulgarian) i in birth
Ü — ew in new
Xh (Albanian) — j in joy
Y (Albanian) — ew in new
Ž Ж s in pleasure
Acronyms and Abbreviations
Former Yugoslavia, 1945–1991 (courtesy of the University of Texas Libraries,
University of Texas at Austin)
Geographic Macedonia (reproduced with kind permission of www.collinsbartholomew.com digital databases)
8th century BC The Kingdom of Macedon is established.
336–323 BC Reign of Alexander the Great. Macedon reaches the
peak of its power with Alexander’s conquests in Africa and Asia.
315 BC King Cassander of Macedon founds Salonica.
168 BC Macedon is conquered by Rome.
42 BC October: Near the Macedonian town of Philippi, Mark An-
tony defeats the troops of Caesar’s assassins, Gaius Cassius Longinus
and Marcus Junius Brutus.
c. 51 AD St. Paul preaches and wins converts in present-day Greek
Macedonia. He visits the same area again in 57–58 AD
306 St. Demetrius is martyred in Salonica.
395 The Roman Empire is divided. Macedonia falls into the eastern
half known as Byzantium.
Middle Ages
482 The Eastern Roman emperor Justinian the Great is born in the
province of Illyricum. One of the likely birthplaces is in the vicinity of
present-day Skopje, where some researchers locate the Byzantine city
of Justiniana Prima built by the monarch.
520s–630s The Slavs invade and settle the Balkans. Parts of Macedo-
nia become exclusive Slavic areas, called Sklaviniai. Slavic tribes lay
siege to Salonica several times between 597 and 626.
and Bulgarians. The resolution shapes the policies of all Balkan com-
munist parties and is embraced by the remnants of the leftist IMRO
(United). 19 May: The IMRO is suppressed in Bulgaria after a military
coup overthrowing the government in Sofia. 9 October: An IMRO as-
sassin commissioned by the Croatian Ustaše shoots dead King Alek-
sandar in Marseilles.
1936 March: A group of left-leaning Macedonian students in Zagreb
found the Macedonian People’s Movement. 4 August: In Greece, Gen-
eral Ioannis Metaxas establishes a right-wing authoritarian regime that
embarks on an assimilation campaign targeting the Slavic speakers in
the northern districts.
1937 In Skopje, a group of local intellectuals start publishing Luč
(Beam), which contains articles written in the Slavic Macedonian dia-
lect. 27 April: The Macedonian-dialect play He Trod on Man (also
known as Hadži Teodos) is performed in the Skopje theater. Money
Kills by Risto Krle follows a year and a half later.
1938 In Sofia, Venko Markovski releases two books of poems written
in the dialect of Veles, People’s Bitterness and The Fire. After 1944,
Markovski is celebrated as the father of modern Macedonian literature
before falling out of grace because of siding with Joseph Stalin against
Josip Broz Tito during the Cominform (Communist Information Bu-
reau) split. July: Turkey signs a convention with Yugoslavia, agreeing
to accept Muslim immigrants. October: The Macedonian Literary Cir-
cle is established in Sofia by communist writers such as Nikola Vapc-
arov, Venko Markovski, Kole Nedelkovski, and others.
1939 Spring: The Society for Macedonian Studies, the leading Greek
academic institution researching the history of the region, is established
in Salonica. April: Italy annexes Albania. 25 November: Koco Racin
publishes his collection of poems White Dawn in Zagreb.
1940 October: At its fifth conference held in Zagreb, the Communist
Party of Yugoslavia calls for preserving Yugoslavia’s independence and
affirms the right of self-determination through autonomy of all national
groups inside the country, the Macedonian Slavs included. The Mace-
donian Question is to be solved within the framework of Yugoslavia,
rather than in a broader Balkan federation.
the communist Yugoslavic state and in line with the latter’s ideology of
‘‘brotherhood and unity.’’
The Macedonian Question, however, was not put to rest. Global audi-
ences were reminded of it with the televised images of hundreds of
thousands of Greeks marching in Salonica on 14 February 1992 to as-
sert their right over the heritage of Alexander of Macedon and the Hel-
lenic identity of the province of Macedonia in northern Greece. The
perceived enemy was a minuscule country that had just emerged from
the ashes of the Yugoslav federation. Many also believed Macedonia
would regain its place as the Balkan apple of discord, with its neighbors
rushing to claim chunks of its territory. The country’s large Albanian
community in relation to the simmering cauldron in Kosovo was yet
another source of uncertainty. In the spring and summer of 2001 Mace-
donia was on the brink, with security forces battling the Albanian guer-
rillas in the mountains above Tetovo and Kumanovo. Yet history need
not repeat itself. External intervention by the European Union (EU) and
the United States halted violence, in contrast to the futile efforts of the
great powers in the 1900s. Macedonia, bedeviled though it may be by
its painful transition from communism and the difficulty of navigating
the stormy waters of ethnopolitics, is now moving slowly toward the
European mainstream along with the wider Balkan region.
Macedonia located in Greece and the region around the Pirin Mountain
in Bulgaria.
According to the latest census conducted in 2002, Macedonia’s popu-
lation is some 2,022,547, which makes it one of the relatively smaller
countries emerging after the collapse of Yugoslavia (by comparison,
Bosnia-Herzegovina has around four million inhabitants over a territory
of 51,280 square kilometers). Ethnic Macedonians, a Slavic people
closely related to neighboring Bulgarians and Serbs, represent 64.2 per-
cent while Albanians are around 25.2 percent. Most Slavic Macedo-
nians are Eastern Orthodox, while Albanians are predominantly Sunni
Muslims. There are also tiny Albanian Catholic (mostly in Skopje) and
Orthodox groups. Other ethnic communities include Turks (3.9 per-
cent), Roma (2.7 percent), Serbs (1.8 percent), Macedonian-speaking
Muslims (Torbeši), and Vlachs. With the exception of the Orthodox
Vlachs and Serbs, most other groups profess Islam in its Sunni form.
Statistics show that Macedonian Albanians and Turks had, in the latter
part of the 20th century, considerably higher birthrates than Slavic
Macedonians. Though there are indications that these communities’
birthrates are now declining, it should come as no surprise that the issue
of demographic balances has been at the center of interethnic relations,
both prior to Macedonia’s independence (1991) and after it.
The principal urban settlements are Skopje (506,926), Bitola
(80,000), Kumanovo (71,000), Prilep (68,000), Tetovo (60,000), and
Ohrid (51,000). However, Kumanovo and Tetovo come respectively
second and third in size after Skopje if one considers the population of
the greater municipalities including the surrounding suburbs and vil-
lages. Tetovo, or Tetova in Albanian, is the main cultural and political
center of the Macedonian Albanians who dominate the country’s north-
western corner (the Polog and Debar areas) and are present in large
numbers in Skopje and Kumanovo. The urban population accounts for
more than 60 percent, up from 30.8 percent in 1948. As a result of de-
mographic changes, with the rapid urbanization and industrialization
after World War II, many rural areas have been heavily depopulated.
The 2002 census shows that 121 villages are now completely aban-
Historically the present-day Republic of Macedonia has been a coun-
try exporting migrants, both to the neighboring Balkan regions and fur-
ther afield to North America, Australia, and western Europe. It is
estimated that in the 1960s and 1970s the migration rate from south-
western Macedonia was as high as 30 percent. Similar to the majority
Slavs, the other ethnic communities have migrated in great numbers,
driven by the demographic pressures and the limited access to jobs in
the formal sector. Despite economic development under socialist Yugo-
slavia, chronic unemployment, affecting more than one-fifth of the
labor force by the 1980s, was a key push factor. Joblessness has re-
mained a grave problem ever since. Official figures released by the
Skopje government in March 2007 indicated that there were 372,078
unemployed, 37 percent of the overall workforce.
the Orthodox millet (millet-i Rum, literally ‘‘the millet of the Romans,’’
referring to the legacy of the Eastern Roman Empire) headed by the
Patriarch of Constantinople and his metropolitans at the local level. The
patriarchate consolidated its control over the Macedonian hierarchy
after abolishing the Ohrid Archbishopric in 1767 established by Em-
peror Basil II in 1019 to replace the Bulgarian Patriarchate linked to
the House of Tsar Samuel. Though the archbishopric was dominated by
Greek-speaking prelates from the very outset, the memory of its closure
became a rallying cry of Slavic activists during the 19th century in their
struggle against the ecclesiastical hierarchy of Constantinople. Still,
shared religious identity was an important resource for Slavs, Vlachs,
and Orthodox Albanians, helping them to achieve higher social status
through integrating in Greek communities in urban centers such as Sa-
lonica, Bitola (Manastir), Castoria, or Serres. In any case, the Orthodox
creed did not become an object of Hellenization prior to the advent of
the modern Greek nation-state in 1830.
The gradual loss of power by the Ottoman Empire had tremendous
consequences for Macedonia. As early as 1689, Skopje (or Üsküb in
Ottoman Turkish) was razed to the ground by the Austrian general Eneo
Piccolomini. Further to the east, the Austrian raid provoked an abortive
rebellion led by Karpoš, previously serving the Ottomans as head of a
Christian auxiliary unit. More importantly, with the Ottoman decline
Macedonia was becoming increasingly open to western trade. This
strengthened the Orthodox element, which took in its hands exchanges
with central Europe and, to a lesser degree, the Mediterranean. Greeks
and Hellenized Vlachs or Slavs established extensive networks procur-
ing goods such as tobacco, poppy resin (afion), grain, rice, cotton,
leather items, and so on. Their power grew in towns at a time when the
Muslim population was in decline because of the adverse effect of the
ceaseless wars with Austria and Russia, the internal political turmoil,
and epidemics. This newly emerging commercial class was the main
patron of Greek schools proliferating across Macedonia at the end of
the 18th century. The uprising of 1821, then, sent shockwaves through
southern Macedonia, where Greek influence was the strongest. Many
local Orthodox, both Greek and non-Greek speakers, joined the move-
ment as some of them had done earlier during the First Serbian Uprising
fov). This opened the door for incursions from Greek and Serbian
bands, which challenged the power of both the IMARO and the Bulgar-
ian Exarchate across Macedonia. Despite its dire consequences, the
Ilinden myth became entrenched in popular consciousness. During
World War II, it was taken aboard by communists of the Vardar region
who chose 2 August 1944 (Ilinden) to proclaim the establishment of a
national state of the (ethnic) Macedonians.
During that period, Macedonia also saw the rise of Albanian and
Aromanian (Vlach) nationalism. In 1908, a congress held in Bitola
worked out the modern Albanian alphabet, a unifying factor for a peo-
ple split between Orthodoxy, Catholicism, and Islam. Importantly Al-
banian leaders projected the vilâyets of Skopje and Bitola as parts of
their nation’s future homeland. A major Albanian revolt in 1912 culmi-
nated in the seizure of Skopje. Home to a large Vlach community, Bi-
tola was the site of ferocious fighting between a pro-Greek and pro-
Romanian faction. In 1905, the Porte recognized a separate Vlach mil-
let, by which time Bucharest was already spending considerable
amounts on the maintenance of schools and cultural institutions in Mac-
edonia and other Vlach-populated areas in the Ottoman realms.
Political upheavals in Macedonia had important consequences for the
Ottoman state as a whole. In June 1908, the Third Macedonian Army
staged a coup d’état under the leadership of modernizing officers. One
of them was Mustafa Kemal, later known as Atatürk, born and raised in
Salonica and schooled in Bitola. The Committee of Union and Progress
(or the Young Turks) restored the Ottoman constitution, which had been
in force for a brief period from 1876 to 1878, declared the equality of
all nations in the empire, and organized elections for a multiethnic and
multiconfessional parliament. It won the enthusiastic support of the left
wing in the IMARO headed by Jane Sandanski, whose forces even
helped the Young Turks suppress a revolt in Constantinople in 1909 try-
ing to bring back the ancien regime. The Young Turk Revolution put a
temporary halt to the endemic violence in the Macedonian countryside
by Bulgarian (IMARO), Greek, and Serbian bands.
However, the reforms could not prevent the ambitious Balkan states
from exploiting the vulnerability of the Ottoman Empire taking over
its European domains. In October 1912, Greece, Serbia, Bulgaria, and
Montenegro jointly launched the First Balkan War, and by the spring of
the next year the Ottoman army was pushed as far as the outskirts of
fighters were involved in the military coup of June 1923, and it was one
of the IMRO guerrilla leaders who brutally murdered prime minister
Aleksandŭr Stambolijski. Another prominent victim was the Yugoslav
king Aleksandar, assassinated in Marseilles by an IMRO hitman in Oc-
tober 1934 commissioned by the Croat separatists and trained in Hun-
The interwar period was one of the most significant thresholds in the
history of Vardar Macedonia. Bulgarian influence was in decline due to
the dismantling of the exarchate’s schooling system and the abolition
of its cultural and ecclesiastical institutions. A new generation of Mace-
donians grew up in the 1920s and 1930s that had not been exposed to
Bulgarian education and the standard Bulgarian idiom. By and large,
the Bulgarian nationalist elites, growing locally since the mid-19th cen-
tury, sought refuge in Bulgaria, joining more than 100,000 Slavs arriv-
ing from Greek-held Macedonia as a result of the wars and the
population exchanges in the early 1920s. The IMRO’s power waned,
initially because of the endless internecine struggles between the sup-
porters of Ivan (Vančo) Mihajlov and General Aleksandŭr Protogerov
but chiefly due to the organization’s suppression in Bulgaria in May
1934. The left-wing IMRO (United), to a large degree a branch of the
Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP), was not particularly influential on
the ground either. Everyday life in the Vardar region was under heavy
Serbian influence reflected, among other things, in the changes within
the vernacular. By the 1930s, Belgrade and Zagreb, not Sofia, attracted
Macedonian youth as centers of culture and higher education.
These processes catalyzed a sense of separateness built around the
notion of Macedonia as a homeland. With the gradual liberalization of
the Yugoslav regime in the 1930s, fiction and drama in Macedonian
dialects began to appear sporadically. Marginal figures such as Krste
Petkov Misirkov, celebrated in today’s Republic of Macedonia, had
previously foreseen the Macedonian Slavs’ development into a separate
nation. Yet their vision came to fruition only once the border between
Vardar Macedonia and Bulgaria (including the Pirin region) deepened.
In the 1930s, the idea of the Macedonians being neither Serbs nor Bul-
garians but a distinctive Slavic people gained greater acceptance. It was
taken up by the communist movement. In 1934 the Comintern adopted
a special resolution to that effect, which was embraced by both Bulgar-
ian and Yugoslav communists. Both parties saw Macedonism as a mu-
tually acceptable solution to the national question in the area and a basis
for a future union between the two countries or even a Balkan federa-
tion, a cause that had been previously espoused by the IM(A)RO left.
In the late 1930s, procommunist circles in Sofia published propaganda
brochures on the issue as well as poetry in Macedonian. While the BCP
was later blamed by nationalist historians for its ‘‘national treason,’’
clearly Macedonism was a much more palatable solution than the utter
Serbianization of the Vardar, which in certain places such as Skopje
was well advanced.
Macedonian bishoprics had previously belonged, and thus the other or-
thodox churches around the world have not extended recognition.
The project of creating a Macedonian nation was a success. It was
speedily transforming the erstwhile masse flottante into ‘‘ethnic Mace-
donians’’ parallel with the unfolding process of socialist modernization.
Rising literacy levels and upward social mobility associated with the
country’s gradual industrialization and urbanization consolidated na-
tional feelings. A key element was the legitimacy of the Yugoslav so-
cialist system. Importantly, the Yugoslav communist state gave up in
1953 the policy of forceful collectivization, which had been a source of
many grievances in rural areas. After the first decade of deprivations,
Titoism created unprecedented levels of prosperity in a land that had
long suffered from political turmoil and economic underdevelopment.
This was not offset even by the lasting reality that Macedonia was
among the poorest parts of the federation, experienced high levels of
unemployment, and depended on transfers from the richer north. If
identifications with Bulgaria had survived in some quarters into the
1940s, they largely became extinct with the coming of age of the post-
1944 generations of Macedonians. Macedonization had a similar impact
on populations and regions that had in the past espoused Serbian na-
tional identity. Yugoslavism and the orientation toward Belgrade, still
considered the real center of public and cultural life, played no small
part in that. Notably, newspapers, periodicals, and books in Serbo-
Croatian were widely available and popular in socialist Macedonia,
often more so than the local ones. This led Lazar Koliševski to reflect
at one point whether Macedonia should not accept the federation’s main
language as its official one, as an inevitable step on the road to socialist
modernization. In the 1960s, this view provoked a backlash by more
nationally-minded communists around the new party leader Krste
Crvenkovski. In 1966, Crvenkovski aligned himself with the Croat
leadership in bringing down Aleksandar Ranković, the key exponent of
‘‘centralist’’ tendencies within the Yugoslav leadership and patron of
the ‘‘pro-Serb’’ Koliševski.
Overall, the Yugoslav experience was about the promotion, not the
dilution, of Macedonian identity. Tito’s support for the communist-
dominated Democratic Army of Greece during the civil war (1946–
1949) raised hopes for annexation of Aegean Macedonia, or at least the
western districts of Castoria (Kostur), Florina (Lerin), and Edhessa
lished its firm grasp over the Albanian-majority areas. Georgievski also
pursued a rapprochement with Bulgaria. In February 1999, he signed
with his Bulgarian counterpart Ivan Kostov a declaration whereby the
two countries renounced all territorial claims. A diplomatic formula
was found to circumvent the ‘‘language issue’’ that had deadlocked rela-
tions in the past. The declaration and all bilateral treaties in its wake
had to be signed in the ‘‘constitutional languages’’ of both states. The
IMRO-DPMNU government also kicked off the privatization process,
which led to some foreign investment, mainly from nearby Greece.
Murky privatization deals and corruption scandals, however, from early
on tarnished the image of the parties in the coalition, notably its pillars
Xhaferi and Georgievski.
Macedonia went through very difficult months in late 1998 and the
first half of 1999. As the Kosovo crisis next door went into full swing,
250,000 Albanian refugees poured into the country, threatening the
shaky ethnic balance. Only the international community’s unwavering
support for Macedonia and the end of the conflict with an agreement
signed by the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) and Serbia
in the Macedonian town of Kumanovo (June 1999) upheld stability.
The war, however, polarized society, with the Albanians strongly en-
dorsing the NATO campaign and Kosovo’s detachment from Serbia as
an international protectorate, and many Macedonians sympathizing
with the Serbs and harboring fears about the dismemberment of their
own country. In tune with this attitude, the SDAM candidate in the
presidential elections of November 1999, Tito Petkovski, ran on a radi-
cally anti-Albanian ticket, a U-turn in the politics of his party marked
by the ‘‘Old Fox’’ Gligorov’s pursuit of balances. This helped Boris
Trajkovski (IMRO-DPMNU), who won the race largely thanks to the
Albanian vote.
Peace proved short-lived. In early 2001, Albanian paramilitaries
from the National Liberation Army (NLA) launched attacks against
Macedonian police and occupied a number of remote villages along the
border with Kosovo. From its headquarters above Tetovo, the NLA de-
clared that it fought for equal rights for the Macedonian Albanians. The
Skopje government was in a limbo. As the conflict escalated in the
course of 2001 and army units were thrown in, the NLA won the sym-
pathies of all Albanians dissatisfied with Xhaferi. With more than 1,000
casualties on both sides and thousands of internally displaced, Macedo-
radical group (IMRO-People’s Party), used the figures to call for a par-
tition of the country along ethnic lines.
The greatest challenge came in November 2004 after opposition
groups initiated a referendum to block new legislation redrawing the
boundaries of several important municipalities, which would increase
the share of the Albanian population in Skopje beyond the one-fifth
threshold required to have one’s language recognized as official. Low
turnout saved prime minister Hari Kostov and Branko Crvenkovski
(elected president in April 2004), who were additionally bolstered by
the U.S. recognition of the republic’s right to use Macedonia as its
name. That came as an unpleasant surprise for Athens, which was nego-
tiating with Skopje, offering it alternative names such as Slavomacedo-
nia or Upper Macedonia.
Political stabilization came hand in hand with closer relations with
the West. Back in 2001, Macedonia became the first Yugoslav successor
state aside from Slovenia to sign an association agreement with the EU.
In December 2005 it was recognized by the EU as a candidate country
that had declared two years earlier at the summit of Salonica that the
crisis-ridden areas of former Yugoslavia and Albania (‘‘the Western
Balkans’’) were eligible for membership. Together with Albania and
Croatia, partners since 2003 in the Adriatic Charter Process, Macedonia
hoped to be included in the next expansion of NATO. Its ambitions
were fueled by the positive signals from the George W. Bush adminis-
tration at the alliance’s summit in Riga (November 2006). Achieve-
ments in the international arena, however, could not offset frustration at
home. The majority of Macedonian citizens saw little improvement of
their living standards. Macedonia trailed behind other southeast Euro-
pean countries in terms of foreign investment and growth, particularly
in the industrial sector. Thousands of Macedonians, notably the former
premier and the IMRO-DPMNU leader Georgievski, opted for Bulgar-
ian citizenship, lured by the opportunities of visa-free travel into the
Schengen area and Sofia’s membership in the EU, which stirred contro-
versy on the pages of the Skopje dailies. In addition, the SDAM-led
government of Vlado Bučkovski was marred by corruption scandals.
The combined effect of the internecine fights within the governments
and widespread social discontent turned the tables again in favor of the
IMRO-DPMNU, which had again moved to a more centrist and reform-
minded position. The party obtained the largest chunk of the votes in
that came under Greek rule after the Balkan Wars (1912–1913). It
includes parts of the old vilâyets of Manastir (Bitola) and Salonica
and has a territory of 34,603 square kilometers (51.57 percent of geo-
graphic Macedonia). The main urban centers include Salonica, Ser-
res, Drama, Kavala, Kilkis/Kukuš, Edhessa/Voden, Veroia/Ber,
Katerini, Florina/Lerin, Grevena, Kozani, Ptolemaı̈da/Kayilar,
Naoussa/Neguš, and Castoria/Kostur. After the Lausanne Convention
of 1923, the central and eastern parts of the province saw the settle-
ment of 1.5 million Greek refugees from Asia Minor, the southern
Black Sea coast, Eastern Thrace, and Bulgaria. The same areas were
affected by a mass migration to Turkey and Bulgaria. The western
districts, heavily populated by Macedonian Slavs, were one of the
major battlegrounds during the Greek Civil War (1946–1949).
Aegean Macedonia was in the spotlight of the Internal Macedo-
nian Revolutionary Organization’s plans for an autonomous Mace-
donian entity in the interwar years, and it was also part of Josip Broz
Tito’s designs for enlarging the Yugoslav Macedonia in the late
1940s. The area was at the forefront of the nationalist upheaval in
Greece following the independence of the Republic of Macedonia in
the early 1990s. Slavic speakers of different national orientations still
constitute a substantial minority in the west, despite the mass migra-
tions to Canada, Australia, and the interior of Greece during the
1950s and 1960s. See also AEGEANS; EMIGRATION AND DIAS-
by Serb colonists. The tobacco trade was centralized into the hands
of the State Monopoly, which, in effect, kept incomes low. The world
economic crisis after 1929 took a heavy toll, too. Whereas a kilogram
of opium cost 1,200 Yugoslav dinars in 1928, by 1932 the price was
just 200.
The communist regime implemented another land reform between
1945 and 1948. It ratified the expulsion of Serb colonists carried out
by the Bulgarian authorities in 1941. It also broke down larger estates
and put forward a radical and largely coercive collectivization pro-
gram following the Soviet model. The collective farms (Selsko-
rabotnički zadrugi or SRZs) drew in the Slavic Macedonians to a
greater degree than the other ethnic groups. In 1953 the course
toward collectivization, which encountered a great deal of grassroot
opposition across Yugoslavia, was abandoned. Only about 3 percent
of the cultivated land, mostly state owned, remained in the collective
farms. The authorities reduced the allowed limit for privately owned
plots from 25 to 10 hectars, nationalizing the surplus.
Due to the pressures of overpopulation, land scarcity, and state-
imposed restrictions, the share of the rural population in Yugoslav
Macedonia dwindled from 75 percent prior to World War II to less
than 30 percent in the 1980s. Villagers headed for the expanding
cities or sought employment abroad (see EMIGRATION AND DI-
ASPORA). The share of agriculture in the gross national product also
decreased from roughly one-half in the 1950s to one-quarter in the
early 1970s. During the socialist period, most privately run farms
were small in size and depended on state subsidies. There was an
expansion of so-called technical crops: tobacco, sunflower, sesame,
cotton, and rice.
In the mid-1990s, large public (‘‘socially owned’’) farms that had
a virtual monopoly in food processing were privatized (see PRIVATI-
ZATION). Macedonian agriculture suffered from the breakup of Yu-
goslavia, which constituted the most important market for its
produce. Though its importance has decreased over time, agriculture
continues to be an important sector in some regions of Macedonia
such as Strumica (vegetables), Tikveš (viniculture), and Gevgelija
and Resen (fruits). The country continues to export processed foods,
beverages, and tobacco. At present, agriculture accounts for about 12
percent of the gross domestic product. See also ECONOMY.
ALIU, ALI (1934– ). Leading Albanian literary critic and scholar from
former Yugoslavia, born in the village of Krani near Resen.
Schooled in Bitola and Skopje, Aliu graduated with a degree in Al-
banian literature from the University of Belgrade. In the period
1959–1969, he edited the Albanian-language daily Flaka e Vëllazëri-
mit (Flame of Brotherhood), based in Skopje. Accused of spreading
ethnic unrest through his columns discussing the Albanian demon-
strations in Tetovo, Aliu relocated to neighboring Kosovo and found
employment in the local paper Rilindja (Renaissance). In 1974, he
obtained a doctorate from the newly inaugurated Prishtina Univer-
sity. Aliu taught at the university and authored a great number of
books dealing with Albanian language and literature. He was ex-
pelled from his post in 1990 by Slobodan Milošević’s regime. In
1996, Aliu was elected to the underground Academy of Sciences and
Arts in Kosovo. In the late 1990s he settled in Tetovo and began
holiday 18 August, the date when the Mirče Acev battalion was cre-
ated back in 1943 (see PARTISAN MOVEMENT). In the 1990s,
however, Macedonia’s armed forces had very inadequate capabilities.
In the federal setting, the republics maintained their own territorial-
defense structures (Teritorijalna odbrana), constituting the second
tier of the Yugoslav strategic setup. The Socialist Republic of Mace-
donia’s territorial defense in 1969 involved 74,000 personnel and was
run by a local headquarters. This was hardly a solid basis to build
upon. During their relocation, the YPA troops took away most of the
military hardware and heavy weaponry. Furthermore, despite the
proportional representation principle, only a few Macedonians had
occupied top positions in the YPA echelons, so the pool of experi-
enced officers to draw on was very limited. This condition necessi-
tated the deployment of international civilian and military observers
along the republic’s borders in order to prevent a spillover of the con-
flicts raging at the time in other parts of former Yugoslavia (see
The ARM gradually upgraded its capacity, in no small measure
thanks to the support of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization
(NATO). However, it was effectively challenged by the ethnic Alba-
nian National Liberation Army (NLA) during the conflict in 2001.
The ARM troops, 20,000 strong, had an upper hand in terms of heavy
weaponry, especially tanks and the Soviet-designed Mi-24 helicopter
gunships piloted by Ukrainians, and were reinforced by police para-
military units (e.g., the Lions established by Minister of Interior
Ljube Boškovski, drawing on a list of 7,000 reservists). However,
the NLA guerrillas maintained control over the mountain villages
near Tetovo and Kumanovo and appeared near Skopje in June 2001.
Following the Ohrid Framework Agreement (August 2001), the
army implemented reforms aimed at securing Macedonia’s member-
ship in NATO, charted in the Membership Action Plan of 1999. As
in the case of the police, one of the chief preoccupations of the Ohrid
Framework Agreement, more Albanians were promoted to higher
positions. There have also been several Albanian deputy ministers of
defense. Reforms also involved restructuring the ARM into a more
compact, mobile, and better resourced force. This entailed a decrease
of personnel numbers to some 7,700 and the early retirement of offi-
cers. To comply with the NATO requirements, the ARM has also
ART • 19
passed its border control duties to the specialized police units. In Oc-
tober 2006, conscription was abolished and the ARM was fully pro-
fessionalized. Yet, as in other transition countries, there are concerns
over corruption in the military. In July 2007, Metodi Stamboliski,
former chief of staff, was arrested on allegations of public-funds em-
bezzlement worth $2.5 million in connection with military procure-
ment contracts.
Since the mid-1990s, the ARM has been part of a number of
NATO exercises, initiatives, and operations. It is a founding party to
the Multinational Peace Force in Southeast Europe, established
through a regional agreement signed in Skopje (26 September 1998).
More than 100 Macedonian infantrymen were deployed after 2002 as
part of the International Security Assistance Force in Afghanistan. In
2003, Macedonia also sent troops to the United States-led contin-
gent in Iraq.
ART. Macedonia’s art traditions reflect its rich and multifaceted histor-
ical legacy. This is observable in the Byzantine frescoes in its medie-
val churches and monasteries, including some fine examples of the
Paleologue renaissance to be found in the historic town of Ohrid.
There are also famous portraits of monarchs and noblemen from the
14th and 15th centuries preserved in the monasteries of Staro Nagori-
čane, Lesnovo, Matejče, and Varoš (Prilep). As elsewhere in the Bal-
kans, Ottoman rule left its mark too. It is seen in the magnificent
mosques and public buildings in Skopje, Bitola, and other localities,
lushly decorated with painted tiles and stucco details, many of which
date back to the classical period of Ottoman art (15th–18th centu-
ries). Yet another strand is represented by folk arts and crafts that
20 • ART
and the partisan movement during World War II. See also CIN-
areas of Bitola, Tikveš, and in the eastern districts. See also SERB
Skopje and Sofia belonged to the exarchate and were often employed
in its educational network throughout the Ottoman provinces. Exarch
Joseph I and the clergy nevertheless opposed the radical methods of
the organization. Indeed, because of the Ilinden Uprising, the Bul-
garian Exarchate’s position was eroded. Villages came under pres-
sure from Greek and Serb bands, backed by the Constantinople
Patriarchate’s episcopate, and the Serbian Church based in Belgrade
(autocephalous since 1879) switched sides. In return, the IMARO
campaigned to return those to the exarchate.
The exarchate’s network in Vardar Macedonia was destroyed
after the Balkan Wars when both its clergy and many representa-
tives of the Exarchist intelligentsia sought refuge in Bulgaria. Its
legacy lasted in the interwar period but waned with the coming of
age of a new generation that had not been through its school system.
BYZANTIUM. Term used since the 19th century with reference to the
Eastern Roman Empire. For extensive periods of time, Byzantium
ČETA. Armed guerrilla unit. The word is common in South Slavic lan-
guages as well as in Turkish (çete). The četa represented a basic op-
erative unit within the structure of the Internal Macedono-
Adrianopolitan Revolutionary Organization. Each četa was led by
a captain (vojvoda) and secretary. In the narrower Yugoslav context,
četnik (member of četa) has come to be associated mainly with the
Serb right-wing resistance movement during World War II and the
paramilitaries involved in the conflicts in Croatia and Bosnia in the
1990s. Serbian četniks of the 1940s traced their origins to the Serbian
bands operating in Macedonia and Kosovo before the Balkan Wars,
irrespective of the fact that the original četnik leader Kosta Pećanac
(1879–1944) was executed in 1944 on the orders of General Dragol-
jub ‘‘Draža’’ Mihailović (1893–1946), the commander-in-chief of
the Yugoslav royalist forces. In that period, četniks were present in
some areas of Vardar Macedonia with strong pro-Serb sympathies
such as Azot, Poreče, and the Kumanovo region. See also KOM-
Embassy. For this, Čulev was sentenced to 10 years and died while
in prison. See also ANDONOV, METODIJA.
lated a number of liturgical books and parts of the Bible into the
Slavic dialect of Salonica, which served as the basis of Old Church
Slavonic. In Great Moravia the brothers entered into conflict with the
local German clergy but successfully defended the cause of Slavic
liturgy and letters before the papal authorities. Cyril died in Rome in
869, but Methodius continued his work and was appointed bishop of
Great Moravia in 880. However, after his death five years later, his
disciples were expelled from the country by the German clerics, and
they found refuge in the newly Christianized Bulgarian Principality.
Two of them, St. Clement and St. Naum, later founded the Ohrid
literary school in the present-day Republic of Macedonia.
The cult of the two saints was embraced widely in the Slavic lands
with the rise of nationalism and Panslavism in the 19th century—first
by the Czechs and later by the Bulgarians, including in Macedonia.
Their feast, 11 May (in the Julian calendar), was typically marked by
rallies attended by the Exarchist communities and schools. With the
emergence of Yugoslav Macedonia, the saints were claimed as prom-
inent national figures, mainly on account of their place of birth. The
University of Skopje (established in 1949) is named after St. Cyril
and St. Methodius. In 1979, Pope John Paul II pronounced the two
brothers as patron saints of Europe. See also MACEDONIAN LAN-
Delc̆ev’s myth loomed large even in his lifetime and was later en-
shrined by the historiographies in both Yugoslav Macedonia and Bul-
garia. Born in Kukuš, Delčev graduated from the Bulgarian
Exarchate’s high school in Salonica and enrolled in the Military
School in Sofia. He was soon expelled for spreading socialist litera-
ture. Delčev found employment as a teacher at one of the Exarchist
schools in Štip where he was initiated into the IMARO in the autumn
of 1894 by his colleague Damjan Gruev. At the organization’s first
congress in 1896 he was elected to the Foreign Representation in
Sofia and, two years later, appointed commander of all četas in Mac-
edonia and Thrace. Over the following years, Delčev traveled exten-
sively through Macedonia and the district of Adrianople.
Delčev was a staunch proponent of the IMARO’s autonomy from
the Bulgarian government. His desire, reflected in the organization’s
1896 statute that he drafted together with Gjorče Petrov, was to
build a common front with all ethnic and religious groups in Macedo-
nia and other Ottoman provinces opposed to the Hamidian regime
in Istanbul. Yugoslav Macedonian historiography interprets this
stance as a form of Macedonian separatism, an ideology embraced
by Jane Sandanski and the IMARO’s left (see FEDERALISTS;
MACEDONISM). By contrast, Bulgarian historians claim that while
Delčev, much like all other IMARO grandees, struggled for the au-
tonomy of Macedonia, and also of the Adrianople vilâyet, he never
denied his Bulgarian ethnicity. They quote evidence drawn from Del-
čev’s correspondence (see also MACEDONIAN QUESTION).
Delčev was skeptical of the chances for success of large-scale
armed action against the Ottoman Empire. He did his utmost to neu-
tralize the incursions of the Supreme Macedono-Adrianopolitan
Committee into Macedonia aiming to forestall Ottoman reprisals
against the non-Muslim population. Delçev also opposed the IMARO
Central Committee’s plan for a mass uprising in the summer of 1903.
Instead, he favored terrorist tactics and personally commanded sev-
eral dynamite attacks against the Ottoman railway and telegraph net-
works. Delčev was absent from the IMARO’s congress in Salonica
in January 1903, which endorsed the uprising, but his personal in-
fluence informed a decision to order full-blown mobilization solely
in the revolutionary districts of Bitola and Adrianople, and pursue
guerrilla tactics elsewhere. Delčev did not live to see the plan’s exe-
Though Skopje was the capital of Dus̆an’s empire, the tsar’s ambi-
tion, not unlike that of earlier Slavic strongmen such as the Bulgarian
rulers Simeon and John II Asen, was to conquer Constantinople.
Dušan had spent six years of his youth in the imperial capital and was
an admirer of Byzantine culture and institutions. He was not able to
fulfill his dream, as he died while preparing the campaign. The em-
pire did not outlive its founder and was partitioned by Dušan’s vas-
sals (see MRNJAVČEVIĆ DYNASTY). Serb rule left scores of
churches and monasteries across Macedonia as well as in neighbor-
ing Kosovo. The memory of Dušan’s power and glory was a driving
force behind Serb nationalism’s cultural and political ambitions in
the Vardar region, part of the coveted Stara Srbija (Old Serbia), at
the end of the 19th and the first half of the 20th centuries. See also
ECONOMY. Well into the first half of the 20th century, the region of
Macedonia was dominated by small-scale subsistence agriculture
and transhumant sheep- and cattle-breeding. In the Ottoman period
there were also larger landholdings (çiftliks), typically owned by
Muslim magnates and cultivated by sharecroppers. Despite the mod-
ernizing influences in the Tanzimat era, associated with the growth
of trade, foreign investment, and the construction of railroads, inten-
sive agriculture never fully developed in Ottoman times. The short-
age of land in the western and southwestern portions of Macedonia
resulted in practices of labor migration (known as pečalba or gurbet).
Itinerant workers from Macedonia sought employment in Bulgaria,
in Serbia, and as far afield as southern Romania and Istanbul, and
later the United States. As elsewhere in the Ottoman Empire, town
economies functioned around guilds of craftsmen and merchants, in-
cluding leatherworkers, weavers, metalworkers, goldsmiths, whole-
salers, grain dealers, and bakers. By the close of the 19th century,
however, the crafts were mostly in decline, unable to adapt to foreign
The end of Ottoman rule in Vardar Macedonia led to the redistri-
bution of sizable plots of lands left after the exodus of Muslim land-
lords. Much of the land was allocated to the 70,000 Serb colonists
who were settled by Belgrade in the interwar decades. The Yugoslav
state controlled sectors such as tobacco processing, a major employer
in urban centers such as Skopje and Prilep. Still, Vardar Macedonia
remained one of the least industrialized regions in the kingdom, with
only the mining and hydroenergy sectors making modest advances.
The communist regime emerging after World War II launched a
modernization program aimed at industrialization and infrastructure
development. Economic growth delivered through the five-year plans
was perceived as an instrument in forging a new collective identity
in the framework of socialist federal Yugoslavia. At the First Con-
gress of the Communist Party of Macedonia, Lazar Koliševski
pledged that a new national economy would come into being. How-
ever, Yugoslavia’s heavy investment in the defense industries disad-
vantaged Macedonia, as did also the severance of links with the
Soviet Union, the principal source of capital, in the wake of the
Cominform crisis.
The situation changed in the late 1950s with the influx of central-
state resources. The scheme was institutionalized with the Federal
Fund for the Accelerated Development of the Underdeveloped Re-
publics and Kosovo set up in February 1965. By the 1970s, industry
contributed 33 percent of Yugoslav Macedonia’s gross national prod-
uct, nearly triple its share back in the 1950s. Large enterprises such
as the steelworks and the pharmaceutical and chemical industries
around Skopje and Kumanovo came into operation. Other sectors
included textiles, with capacities in Tetovo, Štip, and Veles, food
processing, and mining in the east. The tourism sector’s importance
grew, particularly in Ohrid but also in mountain resorts such as Ma-
vrovo and Pelister. Industrialization spurred migration into urban
centers, yet by the 2000s agriculture still employed half of the work-
ing population.
In the 1950s and 1960s, the Yugoslav communists moved away
from the Stalinist economic model, adopting the doctrine of self-
management (samouprava), which gave enterprises a greater degree
of independence to seek market profit. The liberal line, which was
advocated in Macedonia by Krste Crvenkovski, put pressure on in-
efficient operations by capping state subsidies. Yet this effort ran into
bureaucratic resistance in the 1970s. Like other southern republics,
struction was changed from Serbian to Bulgarian, but unlike the pre-
1912 Exarchist schools, many of the teachers had to be sent from
Sofia as the locals’ command of standard Bulgarian was inadequate.
The Bulgarian authorities also established a full-fledged university in
Skopje. However, by the end of World War II there were still less
than 200 people with higher education, and high school education
was a mark of social distinction.
Mass education came only in the period of communist Yugosla-
via. Eight-year education was made compulsory in 1950, and the
number of pupils at the elementary school level rose from 11,272
in 1938–1939 to 330,698 in 1973. Coupled with the expansion of
secondary education and mass media, this helped spread the newly
standardized Macedonian language and increase dramatically liter-
acy rates. In 1949, the republican authorities established the St. Cyril
and St. Methodius University in Skopje and in 1979 the St. Clement
of Ohrid University of Bitola. The Macedonian Academy of Sci-
ences and Arts followed in October 1967.
Yet university education, unlike secondary or primary education,
was available only in Macedonian. The Albanians, representing up to
23 percent of the republic’s population, accounted for less than 7 per-
cent of students (the respective percentage was 12.4 in high schools).
Higher education in Albanian became a hotly contested issue after
Macedonia’s independence with the establishment of the university
in Mala Rečica near Tetovo in 1994, officially recognized only in
June 2003. It followed in the footsteps of the South East European
University, a private institution providing education in Albanian,
Macedonian, and English, which was established in Tetovo in Octo-
ber 2001 with support from Western donors, including the European
Union and the United States. It came to be known as ‘‘[Max van
der] Stuhl’s University’’ following the name of the High Commis-
sioner for Minorities at the Organization for Security and Coopera-
tion in Europe. In October 2007, the government of Nikola Gruevski
opened yet another state university in Štip named after Goce Delčev.
In 2006–2007 there were 57,011 university-level students (17.8 per-
cent higher compared to the previous academic year). Yet, dissatis-
faction with the quality of higher education in the country prompts
many Macedonian students to seek higher education abroad, in the
neighboring countries such as Serbia or Bulgaria, whose universi-
70 • ELAS
speakers from all parts of Macedonia left from 1912 to 1923 for the
Ottoman Empire and, later, republican Turkey. Another 186,000 Yu-
goslav Muslims, mostly Turks and Albanians from Macedonia and
Kosovo, settled in Turkey in the 1950s and 1960s.
The Greek Civil War led to a wave of Slavic Macedonian mi-
grants to the countries of the communist bloc. Many found their way
to Canada and Australia, home to communities from the Castoria/
Kostur and Florina/Lerin regions established in the early 20th cen-
tury and the interwar period (see AEGEANS). By the beginning of
the 1980s, the Aegean diaspora was successfully co-opted by the So-
cialist Republic of Macedonia, despite the sporadic competition by
Bulgaria. Many of the pre-1940s migrants, on the other hand, pre-
served their pro-Bulgarian sympathies. Skopje’s efforts were di-
rected by a specialized republican agency (Matica na iselenicite od
Makedonija), which was inaugurated as early as 1951.
From the 1960s onward, unemployment drove many inhabitants of
Vardar Macedonia to seek their fortunes in western Europe, Canada,
and Australia. This was facilitated by Yugoslavia’s liberal policy on
emigration. It included also minorities: by the 1990s there were up to
40,000 Macedonian Albanians residing in Switzerland alone. Mi-
grant remittances became a vital income source. By 1981, statistics
showed that 101,393 citizens of Yugoslav Macedonia worked abroad.
In the regions around Bitola and Resen, labor migration affected
more than 15 percent of the active population. As in the 19th and
early 20th centuries, this migration was circular, with many coming
back for a period of time to leave again in search of employment.
Parts of the Macedonian diaspora embraced radical nationalism,
often directed against Yugoslavia. The Movement for Liberation and
Unification of Macedonia (Dviženje za osloboduvanje i obedinu-
vanje na Makedonija) in the mid-1970s contributed to the establish-
ment of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization-
Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity and other pro-
independence groups. Organizations such as the Canada-based
United Macedonians sponsored Macedonian activists in Aegean and
Pirin Macedonia. They also propagated a version of national iden-
tity focused on Ancient Macedonians, downplaying the Slavic ele-
At present, there are about 83,000 people of Slavic Macedonian
res (hence, the name serčani, people from Serres, by which they were
known) and the Strumica revolutionary districts. After the Ilinden
Uprising, Sandanski quarreled with IMARO leaders such as Hristo
Matov and Boris Sarafov. He insisted on cooperation with all ethnic
and religious groups in the Ottoman Empire and envisioned the in-
clusion of Macedonia and the district of Adrianople in a Balkan fed-
eration as a solution to the Macedonian Question. The Federalists
were also for the decentralization of the IMARO. This was opposed
by the right-wing (‘‘centralist’’) supporters of the hierarchical princi-
ple in the organization, eager to counteract the Greek and Serb bands’
incursions into Macedonia (see MELAS, PAVLOS; SERB COM-
Sandanski and his comrades welcomed the Young Turk Revolu-
tion and launched the People’s Federative Party, established in Au-
gust 1908. It published the newspapers Konstuticionna zarja
(Constitutional Beam) and Narodna volja (People’s Will). Aspiring
to unite all of Macedonia’s nationalities, the party succeeded in set-
ting up only a Bulgarian section. It was also stymied by the internal
conflict between the central bureau dominated by socialists (Dimitar
Vlahov, Hristo Jankov, Lazar Tomov) and the IMARO četa com-
manders Sandanski and Hristo Černopeev together with their sup-
porters Čudomir Kantardžiev, Atanas Spasov (Taskata Serski)
(1876–1923), and Aleksandŭr Bujnov (1879–1924). In January
1910, the former wing expelled the latter. The Ottoman government
banned the party at the end of the year. Federalist paramilitaries led
by Sandanski and Todor Panica contributed to the Salonica expedi-
tion corps in 1909 organized by the Young Turks to suppress a count-
ercoup in Istanbul. In the First Balkan War the serčani fought
alongside the Bulgarian army and their centralist rivals.
In the aftermath of World War I, the late Sandanski’s supporters,
such as Panica and Dimo Hadžidimov, gravitated toward the Mace-
donian Emigrant Federative Organization (Makedonska emigrantska
federativna organizacija, MEFO) established in 1921 by Dr. Filip
Atanasov, architect Nikola Jurukov (1880–1923), and Slave Ivanov
(1888–1948). The MEFO succeeded the reconciliation commission,
which existed briefly in 1919 with the goal of bridging the divide
between the left and the right in the Macedonian movement. Backed
by Aleksandŭr Stambolijski’s government, the MEFO campaigned
long the hallmark of the party, which he chaired until 2003. Geor-
gievski served as Macedonia’s vice president for a short period after
the proclamation of independence in 1991 but soon clashed with
Kiro Gligorov and resigned. He also embraced a radical anti-
Albanian rhetoric and questioned in several publications the standard
historical narrative of the communist period anathematizing figures
such as Todor Aleksandrov and Ivan Mihajlov (see also REVI-
SIONIST HISTORIANS). Georgievski and the IMRO-DPMNU also
boycotted the second round of the 1994 general elections in protest
against alleged manipulations by the ruling Social Democratic Alli-
ance of Macedonia.
Georgievski led the IMRO-DPMNU to victory in the general elec-
tions of 1998. His term as prime minister was bedeviled by multiple
corruption scandals linked with the privatization process as well as
the crisis sparked off by the Albanian National Liberation Army in
2001. Georgievski also advocated a heavy-handed approach toward
the rebels, which put him at odds with the international community
as well as with president Boris Trajkovski. After losing the 2002
elections, Georgievski withdrew from the leadership of IMRO-
DPMNU to form in July 2004 the Internal Macedonian Revolution-
ary Organization-People’s Party (Vnatršena makedonska revolucion-
erna organizacija-Narodna partija), which he led until May 2007.
On several occasions, Georgievski declared his view about the ne-
cessity of partitioning the Republic of Macedonia to solve the Alba-
nian issue in the country. In the summer of 2006 Georgievski
provoked another controversy after it transpired that he had acquired
Bulgarian citizenship. In the early 1990s, Georgievski was seen as
Bulgarophile, and he contributed to the improvement of bilateral re-
lations with Sofia in 1999. See also ALBANIANS; GRUEVSKI, NI-
flourished, with Greek capital and goods pouring across the border.
Major Greek companies such as OTE, Hellenic Petroleum, Titan, and
Mihailidis were involved in the privatization of public enterprises
and established themselves in sectors such as tobacco processing, en-
ergy, banking, telecommunications, and others. According to sources
in Athens, the overall Greek investment in Macedonia in 2007 stood
at one billion euro, some 60 percent of the total inflows in the coun-
try. Macedonia also benefited from Greek initiatives for encouraging
the EU enlargement toward the Balkans, such as the summit in Sa-
lonica in June 2003.
Economic normalization has led to an improved political relation-
ship, despite the unabating nationalist sensitivities of Greeks in the
northern provinces regarding the Macedonian Question and the per-
sistence of the name issue. Since 2003, Slavic Macedonian refugees
from the Greek Civil War were allowed to visit their native villages,
while the Rainbow Party established by Slavic activists from Ae-
gean Macedonia participated in Greek elections. See also ECON-
DAG in the battle of Grammos and forced it into retreat across the
border with Albania. The Greek Civil War devastated many areas in
Aegean Macedonia and spurred emigration from the region into the
socialist bloc countries, North America, and Australia. It included
28,000 children between the ages of two and fourteen evacuated by
the DAG in 1948 into Yugoslavia and Albania, the majority of whom
were Macedonian Slavs. See also AEGEANS; EMIGRATION AND
mer faction. Gruev mediated between the two at the Rila Monastery
in 1905, but his efforts bore no fruit as he fell in a skirmish with
Ottoman troops in December 1907. See also ILINDEN UPRISING.
particular history and identity, setting them apart from their neigh-
bors (see MACEDONIAN QUESTION). Since 1957 the institute is-
sues its periodical Glasnik (Bulletin) featuring articles by all notable
Yugoslav Macedonian historians. It has also published numerous
monographs, edited volumes, document collections, and conference
proceedings. The focus is on Macedonia’s medieval past, the Otto-
man period and especially the late 19th and the first half of the 20th
centuries, the Internal Macedono-Adrianopolitan Revolutionary
Organization, and the partisan movement during World War II.
In 1969, the institute released the three-volume History of the Mace-
donian People edited by Mihajlo Apostolski, and in 2000 a histori-
cal dictionary written by a team of leading historians. The institute
is currently directed by Todor Čepreganov, who succeeded Novica
Veljanovski at the post. See also BITOSKI, KRSTE; KATARDŽIEV,
ISLAM. Islam spread in Macedonia with the incorporation into the Ot-
toman Empire in the late 14th century. In the empire, the Sunni
106 • ISLAM
the Bulgarian Communist Party (BCP) and, after living in the So-
viet Union from 1926 to 1933, entered the Internal Macedonian
Revolutionary Organization (United), too. Ivanovski contributed
to the left-wing Macedonian newspapers in Bulgaria such as Maked-
onsko zname (Macedonian Flag) and in December 1934 authored the
pamphlet Zašto nie makedoncite sme otdelna nacija (Why We the
Macedonians Are a Separate Nation) published by the Macedonian
People’s Union in Detroit (see PIRINSKI, GEORGI). The publica-
tion listed historical and ethnographic arguments in favor of the Mac-
edonian Slavs’ emancipation. Following World War II, Ivanovski
took part in the commission charged with the codification of the liter-
ary Macedonian language but returned to Sofia in 1945 after a con-
flict with the authorities. A member of the BCP Central Committee,
Ivanovski was sentenced to seven years in prison at the 1949 trial
against Trajčo Kostov, a high-profile victim of the Stalinist purges in
KARPOŠ. Rebel leader from the mid-17th century. Karpoš was active
in the Dospat area of the Rhodope Massif (southern Bulgaria). Dur-
ing the 1689 Austrian offensive into the Ottoman territory, he
marched toward the Znepole region, located in the present-day bor-
der between Bulgaria and Serbia, and together with the Habsburg
troops captured the town of Kriva Palanka. He proclaimed himself
king of Kumanovo and a vassal to the Habsburg emperor. His
‘‘reign’’ did not last. An Ottoman counteroffensive supported by Cri-
mean Tatar cavalry defeated Karpoš’s army. He was captured and im-
paled in Skopje, with his head put on display at the stone bridge over
the Vardar River. See also PICCOLOMINI, ENEO.
town and the nearby region while working as a shoemaker. In the late
1930s, Krle wrote plays in his native dialect. They portray everyday
life in Macedonia with a strong moralistic tone. Performed at the
Skopje theater, the plays enjoyed a great deal of popularity. After
1945, Krle was among the founders of the Macedonian Writers’ As-
sociation and wrote several new plays and poems. See also ILJOSKI,
Exarchate in the early 1870s. In 1873, Kusev was appointed the exar-
chate’s representative in Plovdiv (Philippopolis) in Thrace. From
1894 until his death, he was the metropolitan of Stara Zagora. Kusev
was active in various organizations of the Macedonian diaspora in
Bulgaria. See also NATHANIEL OF OHRID.
Vlado Maleski, what some critics would call ‘‘the first postwar gen-
eration’’ of Macedonian literature. It delved into subjects such as
Macedonia’s turbulent past, rural life, and the challenges posed to
traditionalist communities by modernity.
As Yugoslavia moved away from the Stalinist dogmas in the
1950s, a new wave of authors broke from the mold of socialist real-
ism. Key figures among it were the prose writer Simon Drakul
(1930–1999), the poets and essayists Mateja Matevski and Gane
Todorovski, as well as the critics Milan Gjurčinov (b. 1928) and
Georgi Stardelov (b. 1930). Yet it was from the 1960s onward that
Macedonian-language literature reached a stage of maturity with the
short stories of Živko Čingo and the poetry collections of Petre An-
dreevski, Vlada Urošević (b. 1934), and Bogomil Gjuzel. Though
the generation was nurtured in state- and party-sponsored institutions
such as Skopje University, the Writers’ Association, and the poetry
festivals at Struga and Veles (Racin’s Days), some of its representa-
tives did not shy away from challenging the conformist attitudes of
the day. The poet Jovan Kotevski (1932–2001) was even imprisoned
in 1985 by the regimes for his dissenting views, spurring a campaign
for his release by the international PEN club.
The socialist period also witnessed the growth of literature in Alba-
nian and Turkish, cultivated by state institutions such as the minority-
language periodicals, theaters, and, from the 1970s onward, the uni-
versity in Prishtina. Beyond doyens such as Luan Starova or Ljutvi
Rusi, the names to note are Ali Aliu, Abdulazis Islami (b. 1930),
Murat Isaku (b. 1928), Agim Vinca (b. 1947), and Kim Mehmeti.
As Yugoslavia disintegrated, writers, playwrights, and literary
critics entered party politics. The poet Ljubčo Georgievski and
Ljubiša Georgievski laid the foundations of the anticommunist op-
position, while the eminent poet and critic Venko Andonovski (b.
1964) joined the Social Democratic Alliance of Macedonia. Ando-
novski and his colleagues, such as academician Katica Kjulafkova (b.
1951), have been at the forefront of debates on history and identity
in the media, though critical engagement with the national grand nar-
rative has rarely been their forte. At present yet another wave of au-
thors seeks to overcome the petty politicking and provincialization of
literary life, represented by the circle around the journal Blesok
MARKO, PRINCE. Heroic figure from the epic folk songs and leg-
ends of the South Slavs. The prototype was Marko Mrnjavčević
(1350s–1395), the lord of Prilep, who succeeded his father Kral(j)
(king) Vukašin. Hence the name Krali or Krale Marko (Macedo-
nian/Bulgarian) and Kraljević Marko (Serbian). In the popular mem-
ory, Marko is celebrated for his superhuman strength and many
exploits. The actual historical character, however, died fighting for
his Ottoman suzerain in a battle in Wallachia in 1395. See also
cratic Union for Integration. Mehmeti stands out as one of the most
prominent young public figures from the Albanian community. See
stock, and arguing for secession from the federation. His supporters
were persecuted in both communist Yugoslavia and in Bulgaria (see
MIHAJLOVISTS). There are indications, however, that by the 1980s
Bulgarian authorities were in contact with Mihajlov, who shared
many of their views on the Macedonian Question. In the early
1990s, Mihajlov’s legacy was claimed by both the proindependence
and nationalist Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization-
Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity in the Republic
of Macedonia and the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Orga-
nization-Union of Macedonian Societies in Bulgaria.
the second such initiative by Moscow and Vienna after the so-called
village-guard reforms of February 1903 intended to empower Chris-
tian peasant communities in Macedonia. The reforms stalled due to
resistance from the local officials and squabbles among the powers.
In June 1908, a new reform initiative was launched in Reval (Tallinn)
by Russian Emperor Nicholas II and King Edward VII of Great Brit-
ain, but it was not implemented because of the Young Turk Revolu-
NEUILLY, TREATY OF. Peace treaty signed by Bulgaria and the Al-
lied Powers in the Paris suburb of Neuilly-sur-Seine on 27 November
1919. The treaty cemented the territorial status quo in Macedonia es-
tablished after the Balkan Wars with few minor changes. It trans-
ferred Strumica and its region as well as three other enclaves along
the Bulgarian border with Serbia (the so-called Western Regions) to
the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (Yugoslavia). Bulgaria
also ceded Western Thrace, which first came under Allied control and
was later transferred to Greece. The agreement also imposed repara-
tions on Bulgaria for its part in World War I and limited the number
of its active forces to 20,000. See also BUCHAREST, TREATY OF.
grade Opera choir during the interwar period, was also the author of
the libretto of the Legend of the Lake ballet by the eminent Bulgarian
composer Pančo Vladigerov. See also ILJOSKI, VASIL; KRLE,
tions in June and October 1943 calling for the unification of the three
parts of Macedonia. In August–September 1943, the partisans carved
out a ‘‘liberated zone’’ in several villages in the Debarca region close
to Ohrid. It was there that the newly created CPM formed the first
significant guerrilla units, such as the Mirče Acev Battalion (205
fighters) and later the First Kosovo-Macedonian Brigade, both under
a headquarters directed by Mihajlo Apostolski. Other areas of parti-
san activity included the Kozjak Mountain north of Kumanovo, ad-
jacent to the liberated zone in Crna Trava in southern Serbia as well
as the mountains in Meglen, Aegean Macedonia. In the winter of
1944, the partisans attempted to penetrate from the south the central
and eastern parts of Vardar Macedonia, but their campaign achieved
little relative to the heavy losses sustained (see FEBRUARY
In the summer of 1944, with the advance of the Soviet army
toward the Balkans, the partisans gained the initiative. They con-
vened the Antifascist Assembly of the People’s Liberation of Mac-
edonia on 2 August 1944 and proclaimed the establishment of a
Macedonian republic within Yugoslavia. The partisan forces fought
alongside the troops of the Bulgarian army, which had joined the
anti-Nazi coalition in September 1944, against the retreating German
forces during the autumn of 1944. In December, Yugoslav commu-
nists called a general mobilization in Macedonia, and the 15th Mace-
donian Corps was formed and dispatched to fight the Wehrmacht in
Yugoslav Macedonian historiography has claimed that during the
People’s Liberation Struggle 25,000 communist fighters lost their
lives. The accuracy of this figure has been disputed. It also counts
among the victims 7,148 Jews deported to the Nazi death camps as
well as 2,500 casualties from the campaign against the German
forces in Vojvodina after December 1944.
edonian Albanians. The PDP was founded in April 1990 near Tet-
ovo. In the period 1992–1998, it was part of the governing coalitions
led by the Social Democratic Alliance of Macedonia. The party
gradually lost ground to the Democratic Party of Albanians (DPA),
which split from it in 1994. The PDP was moderate in comparison to
the DPA despite the fact that it refused to vote in favor of the 1991
constitution arguing that it downgraded the rights of the Albanians.
Over the years, the PDP was led by Nevzat Halili, Xheladin Murati,
Abdurahman Aliti, Imer Imeri, and Abdylmenaf Bexheti. In 2004,
Abdulhadi Vejseli was elected as party leader. The PDP entered a co-
alition with the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization-
Democratic Party for Macedonian National Unity coalition in
June 2007, which ended its partnership with the Democratic Union
for Integration. Following the early elections in June 2008, the
PDP announced its merger with the DPA. See also POLITICAL
member of the republic’s assembly since the early 1980s and served
as its deputy speaker (1991–1994) and speaker (1996–1998).
As the SDAM candidate in the 1999 presidential elections, Petkov-
ski ran a pronouncedly anti-Albanian campaign, which helped Boris
Trajkovski to win in the second round. Following the defeat, Pet-
kovski emerged as a rival of Branko Crvenkovski in the SDAM.
His supporters split in November 2005 to establish the New Social
Democratic Party (NSDP), a member of the governing coalition led
by Nikola Gruevski, which came to power in August 2006. In 2008,
Petkovski’s party reoriented itself toward the social democrats and
joined the Sonce (Sun) coalition at the early elections in June. Pet-
kovski was elected to parliament from the third constituency cover-
ing northeastern Macedonia. Yet the poor performance in the vote led
to a split within the NSDP as a faction around Lazar Elenovski, de-
fense minister in Gruevski’s government, established the Social
Democratic Union. See also POLITICAL PARTIES.
ROMA. According to the 2002 census, Roma account for 53,879 (2.66
percent) of Macedonia’s population. The census also registers 3,713
Egyptians, a group related to Roma that inhabits the regions of
Ohrid, Struga, and Kičevo. Unofficial estimates, including by the
London-based Minority Rights Group, indicate that the real number
of Roma could be well beyond 200,000, making them the third
largest group in the country after the Macedonians and the Alba-
nians. Due to the social stigmatization attached to Romani identity,
many Roma declare Macedonian, Albanian, or Turkish ethnicity.
This discrepancy between official and unofficial data on Roma is a
common trend present across eastern Europe.
Roma live across the country, though half of them are concentrated
in the Šuto Orizari (Šutka) municipality north of central Skopje.
Roma who came to Europe from western India through Persia settled
in Macedonia at the turn of the 13th and 14th centuries, and they are
mentioned in sources regarding the medieval Serbian Kingdom. As
elsewhere in Europe, they earned a living as itinerant craftsmen (es-
pecially blacksmiths), musicians, and actors. During the Ottoman
rule, most Macedonian Roma converted to Islam, though some, such
as the later settlers from present-day Romania, remained committed
to Orthodox Christianity. In interwar Yugoslavia Roma were ne-
glected by the authorities as a marginal group. Roma were, by and
large, spared from extradition to the Nazi death camps during World
War II, mainly due to their treatment as part of the larger Islamic
community. During the communist period, Roma were recognized as
an ethnic group in Yugoslav Macedonia in 1974 and at the federal
level in 1981. Still they remained internally divided along religious,
linguistic (various Romani dialects, Albanian, even Romanian), and
clan lines into many communities. Yugoslavia was also more liberal
compared to other socialist countries and did not practice forced set-
Roma suffered from the devastating earthquake in 1963 that struck
the Skopje neighborhood of Topaana (Tophane). Many families were
resettled in Šuto Orizari, which became the center of Romani politics
and social life. With one of the biggest communities in Yugoslavia,
Macedonia was also the birthplace of high-profile Roma such as the
singer Esma Redžepova.
After the 1991 independence, Roma were recognized as a national
minority on an equal footing with established communities such as
the Albanians and the Turks. Their number grew after the arrival of
Roma from Kosovo after the war in 1999. Still, as elsewhere in Eu-
rope, they suffer from unemployment, marginalization, and racial ex-
clusion. Several political parties have attempted to campaign for
Roma votes, including the Party for Complete Emancipation of the
Roma in the Republic of Macedonia, represented in parliament by
Faik Abdi from 1991 to 1994, the Union of Roma in Macedonia with
the businessman Amdi Bajram at its helm, and the United Party of
Roma led by Erdoan Iseni. There are also many established and polit-
ically active Roma nongovernmental organizations supported by
Western funding, such as the Sonce (Sun) association in Tetovo and
the DROM Center (Kumanovo). See also KEPESKI, KRUME;
made his first recordings in 1946 at Radio Skopje. His voice was
popular not only across Yugoslav Macedonia but also in Bulgaria
and elsewhere. Sarievski is remembered for his rendition of land-
mark tunes such as Uči me majko, karaj me (Teach Me Mother, Scold
Me) and Zajdi, zajdi, jasno sonce (O Set, O Set, Clear Sun). He was
also a founding member of the Tanec (Dance) ensemble. See also
with Moscow. Šatev was arrested in 1949 and after 11 months in the
Skopje prison he was put under house arrest in Bitola, where he died
cial Committee. The CPY leadership also sentenced to death the ren-
egade functionary. Yet this did not undercut his power within the
local party structures, as only Koliševski and Vera Aceva opposed
his views. After the Comintern ruled in favor of the Yugoslav stance
in September 1941, Šatorov, whom Koliševski and his supporters ca-
sually called ‘‘the old Bulgarian,’’ was removed from his leadership
position and sent back to Sofia in October 1941. There he resumed
his position as member of the BCP Central Committee and head of
the party’s district committee in Sofia. Šatorov was killed in a skir-
mish with the army in the Rhodope Mountain on 4 September 1944,
days before the communist takeover in Bulgaria. There have been al-
legations that he was murdered by fellow partisans.
Dismissed by the Yugoslav historiography for being a defeatist
and Bulgarophile, Šatorov is celebrated as a Bulgarian patriot by
scholars and propagandists in Sofia. In November 2005, an academic
conference was convened at the Macedonian Academy of Sciences
and Arts that made an effort at rehabilitating Šatorov on account of
his support for the cause of united Macedonia and the introduction
of the Macedonian language in the communist organizations across
the Vardar region. See also COMMUNIST PARTY OF MACEDO-
bands were then dispatched south, using the border town of Vranje
as a base, much like the IMARO did with respect to Kjustendil and
Dupnica in Bulgaria. The organization liaised with the Serbian con-
sulate in Skopje and attracted some activists of the IMARO and its
rival, the Supreme Macedono-Adrianopolitan Committee, like
Gligur Sokolov(ić), adventurists such as the former monk from Sla-
vonia Vasilije Trbić, as well as local firebrands such as Micko Krstić
or Jovan Dolgačo. In 1904–1908, the Serb bands managed to carve
out substantial areas of influence in northern and central Macedonia,
around Kumanovo and Kratovo, north of Skopje, in the Poreće and
Azot regions. They took advantage of the IMARO’s state of disarray
following the defeat of the Ilinden Uprising. The rivalry ended in a
stalemate at the time when the Young Turk Revolution broke out in
the summer of 1908. Its commanders assisted the Serb army during
the Balkan Wars and World War I. Gavrilo Princip, who shot Arch-
duke Franz Ferdinand in Sarajevo in June 1914, was connected to
Vojislav Tankosić, a member of both Crna ruka and the Serb Com-
mittee for Četnik Action. See also ST. SAVA SOCIETY; SERBS.
val state (see DUŠAN THE MIGHTY). In the latter half of the 19th-
century, local Slavic labor migrants, particularly from western Mace-
donia, headed to Belgrade and other urban settlements in Serbia
proper. Those migrants were an important channel for Serbia’s in-
fluence. Another factor was church affiliation. North of the Ohrid-
Prilep-Strumica line, the Patriarchist Slavs sided with the Serbian
Orthodox Church, independent since 1879, rather than with the Hel-
lenizing Constantinople Patriarchate. These were commonly
called by the Bulgarophile population sŭrbomani, a derogatory term
meaning ‘‘fanatical Serbs.’’
The numbers of Serbs dropped dramatically in World War II
when the Bulgarian authorities forced the colonists out of Macedo-
nia. In postwar Macedonia, formerly pro-Serb areas such as Poreče
were effectively Macedonianized. Still Serbs were recognized as a
national community under the constitution and were granted the
right of education in their own language.
By and large, local Serbs, unlike their kin elsewhere in former Yu-
goslavia, accepted the secession of Macedonia in 1991. They formed
the Democratic Party of Serbs in Macedonia (Demokratska partija
Srba u Makedoniji) in 1990 to participate in the political process.
From 2002 to 2006, the party, led by Ivan Stoiljkovic, supported the
Social Democratic Alliance of Macedonia–led coalition, and their
representatives were appointed to government positions.
as the capital of Dušan the Mighty’s Serbian empire. The town was
seized by the Ottomans in January 1392 and soon acquired a Muslim
majority. During the 15th and 16th centuries, the local Ottoman gov-
ernors erected a number of religious and secular buildings: magnifi-
cent mosques, a clock tower, inns, marketplaces, and public baths
that defined the urban environment of the city (see ISA BEG; ISHAK
BEG; MUSTAFA PAŞA). Skopje was devastated by fire and plague
in 1689 after it was captured by the Austrian general Eneo Piccolo-
mini. The city recovered slowly to become again an important com-
mercial and administrative hub in the 19th century. It was at a center
of a vilâyet covering today’s northern Republic of Macedonia and
In 1912 Skopje was conquered by the Serbian army and was fully
incorporated into the Kingdom of Serbs, Croats, and Slovenes (Yu-
goslavia) after World War I. Run for many years by mayor Josif
Mihailović-Jurukoski (1887–1941), a Belgrade-educated architect
hailing from Tresonce in the Reka area, it developed considerably
in the 1920s and 1930s. The interwar Yugoslav authorities groomed
Skopje as an economic and cultural center of the newly acquired
lands in the south. It became the capital of the Vardar Banate estab-
lished after the royalist coup in 1929 (see KARADJORDJEVIĆ,
ALEKSANDAR). The new architectural milieu was dominated by
landmarks such as the Officers’ Club and the King Petar I Square on
the south side of the Vardar River. On the north side was the old
town area defined by its Ottoman heritage: the bazaar (čaršija), the
fortress (kale), and the principal mosques. The city’s demographics
changed owing to Muslim emigration to Turkey and the advent of
peasants as well as of administrative and military personnel and set-
tlers from various parts of Yugoslavia. It also grew rapidly, from
41,000 in 1921 to 80,000 only 20 years thereafter.
Skopje developed significantly after World War II as it became a
republican capital. At that time, many new agencies, cultural institu-
tions, and industrial enterprises were opened, and new waves of rural
migrants settled in. On 26 July 1963, Skopje was struck by a power-
ful earthquake that killed 1,000 of its inhabitants, left another
120,000 homeless, and destroyed many public sites (including the
Officers’ Club). It was followed by a major international campaign
that channeled vast quantities of aid toward the rebuilding of the city.
UNITED STATES. The United States has been a key foreign partner
of Macedonia since the early 1990s. Washington made a significant
contribution to the United Nations Preventive Deployment Force
and stabilizing the country. It recognized Macedonia (as Former
Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia) on 8 February 1994 and estab-
lished full diplomatic relations in September 1995, following the sign-
ing of the Interim Accord with Greece. Washington consistently
sought a mediating role in the bilateral dispute. The Interim Accord
was accomplished thanks to the efforts of Richard Holbrooke, assis-
tant secretary of state. In the period 1990–2004, the United States
also granted Macedonia financial aid worth $320 million. Beyond the
concern over Balkan stability, this policy was partly driven by the
lobbying efforts of the Macedonian American communities whose
roots go back to the early 20th century (see EMIGRATION AND
Macedonia acted as a U.S. ally during the conflict in Kosovo in
1998–1999. Successive governments also pursued membership in the
North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). Macedonia sent
troops to the NATO mission in Afghanistan as well as to Iraq. Skopje
has been active in the Partnership for Peace, and in 2003 it cofounded
the Adriatic Charter, a pro-U.S. grouping involving also Albania and
Croatia. In consequence, the George W. Bush administration has
been very supportive of Skopje’s bid to join NATO.
The U.S. diplomacy invested a great deal of effort in the resolution
of the 2001 armed conflict between the Skopje government and the
ethnic Albanian National Liberation Army. Its envoy James Par-
dew was one of the international mediators who brokered the Ohrid
WOMEN. In Macedonia, which was until the latter half of the 20th
century an overwhelmingly rural country, women’s traditional roles
were confined to the household. Women had important functions as
a workforce in agriculture. In areas where long-distance labor migra-
tion was common, like southwestern Macedonia, married women
headed the family. Women played a role in communicating tradi-
tional identities to children. The writer Henry Noel Brailsford re-
corded how Vlach women kept their native language alive by
passing it on to the next generation.
The gradual changes in social life from the mid-19th century on-
ward had important effects on women. In urban settlements the
spread of education led to an increase in female literacy. As a result
women were involved in the various nationalist movements taking
root in Macedonia (see BUNEVA, MARA; KŬRNIČEVA, MENČA).
Women were also disproportionately affected by major upheavals in
the first half of the 20th century, such as military conflicts (the Bal-
kan Wars, World War I), rural violence (e.g., in the aftermath of
the Ilinden Uprising), forceful displacement, and emigration. Start-
ing from the 1930s, women were active in the communist party. Ac-
tivists such as Vera Aceva and Mara Naceva were involved in the
partisan movement during World War II, a topic studied by the
historian Vera Vesković-Vangeli, and were among the local commu-
nist leaders. Typically those activists had higher education (often at
the Belgrade University) or hailed from the minuscule Macedonian
working class.
Socialist modernization advanced the emancipation of women and
promoted gender equality. As in other communist countries, this was
achieved through inclusion in the industrial workforce and public life
through organizations such as the Conference for the Social Activity
of Women. Legislation on divorce and abortion was liberalized. By
the 1970s women accounted for 40 percent of university students and
34 percent of the labor force in Yugoslavia. However, women re-
mained underrepresented in the party hierarchy, the administration,
and the economy. The modernization campaign had a more limited
effect on ethnic communities such as the Macedonian Albanians,
Debar, Struga, and Kičevo and merged them with its protectorate
Albania. These areas were transferred to German military control in
September 1943 as Italy capitulated to the Anglo-Americans. As they
arrived in the region on 24 April, the Bulgarian military and adminis-
trative authorities were initially welcomed by the local populace. Un-
like in other parts of Yugoslavia or even Greek Macedonia, there was
no significant resistance movement, whether communist or right
wing, up until the autumn of 1943. The civilian victims of the occu-
pation include mainly the 7,148 Jews deported to the death camp of
Treblinka in March 1943 as well as the Slavic and Albanian peasants
killed in communal strife in the western regions where the partisans
clashed with the Balli Kombëtar and other Albanian nationalist
groups (see GOSTIVARI, XHEM). Other paramilitary units included
the pro-Serb četniks loyal to General Dragoljub ‘‘Draža’’ Mihajlović
in Poreče, Azot, and the mountains of Kozjak and Skopska Crna
Gora in the north and the counterinsurgent bands organized by the
Bulgarian gendarmerie to fight the partisans, which employed former
members of the Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organiza-
tion. Yugoslav Macedonian historians have accused the Bulgarian
forces of a number of atrocities, such as the massacre of 16 civilians
at the village of Vataša in June 1943. By contrast, their Bulgarian
colleagues maintain that the relations with the local population were
far from hostile despite the gradual disenchantment with Bulgarian
The state of affairs in Macedonia changed dramatically with the
arrival of the Soviet troops in the Balkans in August 1944. Local
communists established the Antifascist Assembly of the People’s
Liberation of Macedonia, which proclaimed the creation of a Mace-
donian republic within new federal Yugoslavia. Bulgarian troops
started withdrawing from the region on 2 September as the new pro-
Western government of Konstantin Muraviev declared war on Ger-
many six days later. Meanwhile, the Red Army’s Third Ukrainian
Front entered Bulgaria and a communist-dominated administration
was installed in Sofia. On 28 September the latter signed an armistice
with the allies, including Josip Broz Tito’s partisans. At that mo-
ment, Soviet troops moved into Yugoslav territory supported by Bul-
garia’s First and Second Armies. The German forces in Greece had
to march north to avoid being cut off. On 13 November, Yugoslav
Total: 25,333 sq km, land: 24,856 sq km, water: 477 sq km
Total: 2,055,915 (July 2007 est.)
Ethnic groups: Macedonian 64.2 percent, Albanian 25.2 percent, Turkish 3.9 per-
cent, Roma (Gypsy) 2.7 percent, Serb 1.8 percent, other 2.2 percent (2002 cen-
sus). Ethnic data based on the censuses in former Yugoslavia and the Republic
of Macedonia.
Religions: Macedonian Orthodox 64.7 percent, Muslim 33.3 percent, other Chris-
tian 0.37 percent, other and unspecified 1.63 percent (2002 census).
Languages: Macedonian 66.5 percent, Albanian 25.1 percent, Turkish 3.5 percent,
Roma 1.9 percent, Serbian 1.2 percent, other 1.8 percent (2002 census).
Political Parties
Internal Macedonian Revolutionary Organization–Democratic Party for Macedo-
nian National Unity (Vnatrešno-Makedonska Revolucionerna Organizacija-
Demokratska Partija za Makedonsko Nacionalno Edinstvo): 52 members of Par-
liament (MPs)
IMRO-DPMNU-led coalition
Total votes at the June 2008 elections: 481,501, 47.43 percent.
Socialist Party of Macedonia (Socijalistička Partija na Makedonija): 3 MPs; Demo-
cratic Union (Demokratski sojuz): 1 MP; Democratic Renewal of Macedonia
(Demokratska Obnova na Makedonija): 1 MP; Democratic Party of Turks of
Gross domestic product: $5.601 billion; at purchasing power parity: $16.96 billion.
Gross domestic product per capita (purchasing power): $8,300 (2006 est.).
Gross domestic product per sector: agriculture: 12.6 percent, industry: 29.5 per-
cent, services: 57.9 percent (2006 est.).
Unemployment rate: 36 percent (2006 est.).
Budget: revenues: $2.132 billion, expenditures: $2.167 billion (2006 est.).
Exports: $2.396 billion f.o.b. (2006 est.). Export commodities: food, beverages, to-
bacco; textiles, miscellaneous manufactures, iron, and steel. Export partners:
Serbia and Montenegro 23.2 percent, Germany 15.6 percent, Greece 15.1 per-
cent, Italy 9.9 percent, Bulgaria 5.4 percent, Croatia 5.2 percent (2006).
Imports: $3.682 billion f.o.b. (2006 est.). Import commodities: machinery and
equipment, automobiles, chemicals, fuels, food products. Import partners: Rus-
sia 15.1 percent, Germany 9.8 percent, Greece 8.5 percent, Serbia and Montene-
gro 7.5 percent, Bulgaria 6.7 percent, Italy 6 percent (2006).
Free trade agreements: Stabilisation and Association Agreement with the EU
(2001), Ukraine, Turkey, the European Free Trade Association countries (Nor-
way, Iceland, Liechtenstein, Switzerland). Bilateral agreements with Albania,
Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Serbia, Montenegro, UN Mission in Kosovo,
and Moldova were replaced with the membership in the Central European Free
Trade Agreement, December 2006.
Foreign Relations
States recognizing the name ‘‘Republic of Macedonia’’: United States, United
Kingdom, Russia, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Serbia, Montenegro, Slovenia, Croatia,
Bulgaria, Canada, Hungary, Moldova, Poland, Romania, Turkey.
Countries recognizing the name ‘‘Former Yugoslav Republic of Macedonia’’:
Greece, Germany, Italy, France, Spain, Australia, India, Vatican.
States that have used both names: Austria, Albania.
Membership in international organizations: BIS, CE, CEI, EAPC, EBRD, FAO,
Interpol, IOC, IOM (observer), IPU, ISO, ITU, ITUC, MIGA, OIF, OPCW,
Sources: CIA Factbook, 2007; U.S. State Department; Wikipedia.
Appendix B
Institutions and Officeholders in Macedonia
Republican Leaders
November 2000), Xhevdet Nasufi (DPA, from May 2001), Kemal Musliu (DPA,
from May 2001), Zoran Krstevski (LP, from May 2001), Ilija Filipovski (SDUM,
May–November 2001)
Foreign Affairs: Aleksandar Dimitrov (DA, until November 2000), Srgjan Kerim
(LP, until May 2001), Ilinka Mitreva (until November 2001), Slobodan Čašule
Defense: Nikola Kljusev (until August 2000), Ljuben Paunovski (until May 2001),
Vlado Bučkovski (SDAM, until November 2001), Vlado Popovski (LP)
Justice: Vlado Kambovski (DA, until December 1999), Xhevdet Nasufi (DPA, until
May 2001), Inxhet Memeti (DPA)
Interior: Pavle Trajanov (DA, until December 1999), Dosta Dimovska (until May
2001), Ljube Boškovski
Finance: Boris Stojmenov (until December 1999), Nikola Gruevski
Trade: Nikola Gruevski (until December 1999), Miljana Danevska (until August
2000; the ministry was merged with the Ministry of Economy)
Economy: Žanko Čado (DA, until May 1999), Mihajlo Tolevski (until December
1999), Borko Andreev (until November 2000), Besnik Fetai (DPA)
Development: Milijana Danevska (until December 1999), Trajko Slavevski (until
August 2000; the ministry was merged with the Ministry of Economy)
Transport: Bobi Spirkovski (DA, until August 2000), Ljupčo Balkoski (Minister of
Transport and Construction)
Construction: Duško Kadievski (until August 2000)
Agriculture: Vladimir Džabirski (until May 1999), Marjan Gjorčev
Environment: Toni Popovski (DA, until November 2000), Vladimir Džabirski
Health: Stojan Bogdanov, Petar Miloševski (LDP, until November 2001), Gjorgji
Orovčanec (ND)
Culture: Dimitar Dimitrov (until December 1999), Ljuben Paunovski (until August
2000), Ganka Samoilovska-Cvetanova
Science: Merie Rushani (DPA, until December 1999), Nenad Novkovski (until Au-
gust 2000)
Information: Rexhep Zlatku (DPA, until December 1999), Vebi Bexheti
Education: Nenad Novkovski (until December 1999), Gale Galev (Minister of Sci-
ence and Education from August 2000)
Sport and Youth: Georgi Boev
Diaspora: Martin Trenevski
Local self-government: Xhevdet Nasufi (DPA, until December 1999), Xhamail Saiti
(DPA, until May 2001), Faik Arslani (DPA)
Ministers without portfolio: Gjorgji Naumov, Adnan Kâhil (DA), Ernad Fejzullahu
(DPA), Xhevdet Nasufi (DPA), Zoran Krstevski (LP, November 2000–May
2001), Radovan Stojkoski (LDP, 1999)
Introduction 260
General 266
Dictionaries, Encyclopedias, and Reference Works 266
Travel Guides 267
Society 267
Culture 267
Diaspora 268
Education 268
Ethnic Groups 269
Folklore 271
Language 271
National Identities 272
Religion 274
History 274
General 274
General Histories 274
Historiography 275
Documents and Document Collections 277
By Period 279
Macedonia in Antiquity and the Middle Ages 279
The Ottoman Period 280
From the Balkan Wars to 1945 283
Macedonia in Tito’s Yugoslavia 287
Aegean (Greek) Macedonia from 1913 until Present 289
Pirin (Bulgarian) Macedonia from 1913 until Present 290
Memoirs 291
Biographies 292
Historical Travel Writing 293
Local History 293
Economic History 294
Current Affairs 295
Electronic Resources 299
General Information 299
Society and Economy 299
Culture and Education 299
History 300
Institutions 301
Media 301
Political Parties 302
Policy Institutes and Nongovernmental Organizations 302
Diaspora 303
2000) is a reliable entry point for the general reader. The book exam-
ines the postindependence politics in the Republic of Macedonia against
the background of the country’s turbulent history. Poulton himself is a
human rights activist, and he is at his best when it comes to the discus-
sion of minorities inside Macedonia and the role of Islam. As the book
was published in 2000, it is slightly outdated and does not cover the
2001 conflict and the period following the Ohrid Framework Agree-
ment. One should therefore read Poulton’s work in conjunction with
more recent publications such as the reports of the International Crisis
Group or Macedonia: Warlords and Rebels in the Balkans (2004) by
John Phillips, a correspondent with The Times, which chronicles the
turbulence of the early 2000s.
If the reader is tempted to delve further into the historical aspects of
the Macedonian Question with all its twists and turns (or mutations, to
borrow a phrase from Kofos), he or she should consult titles such as
Duncan Perry’s The Politics of Terror: The Macedonian Liberation
Movements 1893–1903 (1988), devoted to the IMRO and its Doppel-
gänger, the Supreme Macedono-Adrianopolitan Committee, and Die
Mazedonische Frage (1979) by the German historian of the late Otto-
man Empire Fikret Adanır; both studies rely to a great extent on pri-
mary archival material. For its part, Maps and Politics: A Review of the
Ethnographic Cartography of Macedonia by Henry Wilkinson (1951)
examines the ways in which nationalist claims were mapped out onto
the region’s social fabric.
Another valuable source is the accounts of Western travelers and
journalists in ‘‘Turkey in Europe’’ like the oft-quoted Macedonia: Its
Races and Their Future (1906) by Henry N. Brailsford. The author vis-
ited the region after the Ilinden Uprising as a representative of the Brit-
ish Relief Fund, which also employed another Edwardian authority on
the Balkans, Edith Durham. Brailsford depicts in a vivid manner rural
life in Macedonia as well as the social impact of rival nationalist pro-
Regrettably, the history of Vardar Macedonia in Yugoslavia, both in
the interwar decades and after the end of World War II, remains under-
studied by Western historiography. Postwar Macedonian scholarship
has focused almost exclusively on the ‘‘National Liberation Struggle’’
of 1941–1944. Burdened by the ideological schemata of Marxist history
writing, it made a major effort to prove the local partisans’ contribution
era, the former Archive of Yugoslavia); and Albania (the Albanian State
Archive in Tirana). There are large repositories of diplomatic reports at
the archival institutions in the major European capitals, such as Lon-
don’s Public Record Office or the Österreichisches Staatsarchiv in Vi-
enna, a good part of which have been published in Skopje, Salonica,
and Sofia (see the relevant section below). One should also mention the
Comintern archives, part of Russia’s Federal Archival Agency, whose
contents are now extensively digitalized (www.comintern-online.com).
Needless to say, for those researching the Ottoman period, the Istanbul-
based Directorate of Ottoman Archives is indispensable.
Since the mid-1990s, the Internet has become a fertile ground for
disseminating information on Macedonia’s history, current politics, and
society. Much like the case of official historiographies, a great deal of
the content is marked by the symbolic battles around the Macedonian
Question in its multiple shapes and forms. Yet the exponential growth
of the web has brought online a range of valuable resources readily
available to the individual researcher. The advent of Wikipedia has been
particularly beneficial, although the variety—and reliability—of its au-
thors is at times questionable. The encyclopedia’s English version now
features a broad range of entries on Macedonia, republic and region,
which give a voice to many different perspectives and provide copious
links to external sites. The best access points are en.wikipedia.org/wiki/
Portal:Republic_of_Macedonia and en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonia
(region). If one would wish to delve further into the nitty-gritty aspects
of the Republic of Macedonia’s economy and social trends, one should
consult the website maintained by the State Statistical Office (www.stat
.gov.mk), available also in English. Popular Skopje-printed dailies such
as Utrinski vesnik (Morning Herald, www.utrinski.com.mk), Dnevnik
(Diary, www.dnevnik.com.mk), or the Albanian-language Koha (Time,
www.koha.com.mk) are now fully online, including archives of articles
going back to the early 2000s. This is also the case of the news service
on A1, a privately owned TV channel (www.a1.com.mk). English
speakers are advised to refer to the following websites: www.mia
.com.mk (Macedonian Information Agency), www.birn.eu.com (Balkan
Investigative Reporting Newtork), www.rferl.org (Radio Free Europe),
or www.setimes.com (Southeast European Times).
The web abounds with sites containing articles and books on the
modern history of Macedonia (region). Irrespective of their somewhat
Dictionaries, Encyclopedias,
and Reference Works
Detrez, Raymond. Historical Dictionary of Bulgaria. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow
Press, 1998.
Elsie, Robert. A Dictionary of Albanian Religion, Mythology and Folk Culture.
London: Hurst, 2001.
———. Historical Dictionary of Kosova. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 2004.
Georgieva, Valentina, and Sasha Konechni. Historical Dictionary of the Republic
of Macedonia. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow Press, 1997.
Grothusen, Klaus-Detlev, ed. Südosteuropa-Handbuch. Band I: Jugoslawien
[Southeast Europe Handbook, vol. 1: Yugoslavia]. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck &
Ruprecht, 1975.
Hristov, Hristo, et al. Pirinski kraj: Enciklopedija [The Pirin Region: Encyclope-
dia]. Blagoevgrad: Blagoevgrad Municipality, 1995 (vol. 1) and 1999 (vol. 2).
Hutchings, Raymond. Historical Dictionary of Albania. Lanham, Md.: Scarecrow
Press, 1996.
Karajanov, Petar, Hristo Andonovski, and Jovan Pavlovski. Ličnosti od Makedonija
[Personalities from Macedonia]. Skopje: Mi-An, 2002.
Kiselinovski, Stojan. Makedonski dejci (XX–I vek) [Macedonian Activists (20th
Century)]. Skopje: Makavej, 2002.
Kiselinovski, Stojan, et al. Makedonski istoriski rečnik [Macedonian Historical Dic-
tionary]. Skopje: Institute for National History, 2000.
Koliopoulos, John, and Ioannis Hassiotis. Modern and Contemporary Macedonia:
History, Economy, Society, Culture. Salonica: Papazissis, 1993.
Kumanov, Milen. Makedonija. Kratŭk istoričeski spravočnik [Macedonia. A Brief
Historical Reference Book]. Sofia: Tina Press, 1993.
Lukan, Walter, and Peter Jordan, eds. Makedonien: Geographie, ethnische Struktur,
Travel Guides
Deliso, Christopher. Hidden Macedonia. London: Armchair Travel, 2007.
Evans, Thammy. Macedonia. Second edition. London: Bradt Travel Guides, 2007.
Aleksiev, Aleksandar. Osnovopoložnici na makedonskata dramska literatura
[Founders of the Macedonian Drama Literature]. Skopje: Misla, 1972.
Brown, Keith. ‘‘Macedonian Culture and Its Audiences: An Analysis of Before the
Rain.’’ In Ritual, Performance, Media, ed. Felicia Hughes-Freeland. London:
Routledge, 1998.
Mančevski, Milčo, et al. Special Section on Before the Rain. Rethinking History 4,
no. 2 (2000): 127–192.
Ristovski, Blaže. Makedonskiot stih 1900–1944 [The Macedonian Verse 1900–
1944]. Skopje: Misla, 1980.
———. Portreti i procesi od makedonskata literaturna i nacionalna istorija [Por-
traits and Processes from the Macedonian Literary and National History].
Skopje: Kultura, 1989.
Danforth, Loring M. The Macedonian Conflict: Ethnic Nationalism in a Transna-
tional World. Princeton, N.J.: Princeton University Press, 1995.
Ellis, Burcu Akan. ‘‘The Turkish Saatli Maarif Calendar: Tradition-Making among
Urban Muslims in Macedonia and their Diaspora in Turkey.’’ In Muslim Tradi-
tions and Modern Techniques of Power, ed. Armando Salvatore. Berlin-Hamburg-
Münster: Lit Verlag, 2001.
Gounaris, Vassilis. ‘‘Emigration from Macedonia in the Early Twentieth Century.’’
Journal of Modern Greek Studies 7, no. 1 (1989): 133–153.
Kirjazovski, Risto. Makedonskata politička emigracija od Egejskiot del na Maked-
onija vo Istočnoevropskite zemji po Vtorata svetska vojna [The Macedonian Po-
litical Emigration from the Aegean Part of Macedonia in the Countries of Eastern
Europe after the Second World War]. Skopje: Kultura, 1989.
Michaelidis, Gregory. Salvation Abroad: Macedonian Migration to North America
and the Making of Modern Macedonia. Ph.D. Thesis. University of Maryland,
Mitev, Trendafil. Bŭlgarskata emigracija v Amerika i borbite za osvoboždenieto na
Makedonija, 1919–1945 [Bulgarian Emigration in America and the Struggles for
the Liberation of Macedonia, 1919–1945]. Sofia: Sv. Georgi Pobedonosec, 1993.
Nikolovski-Katin, Slave. Makedonskiot iselenički pečat (1945–1992) [The Macedo-
nian Emigrants’ Press (1945–1992)]. Bitola: Društvo za nauka i umetnost, 1996.
van Boeschoten, Riki. ‘‘Unity and Brotherhood? Macedonian Political Refugees in
Eastern Europe.’’ in ‘‘Minorities in Greece—Historical Issues and New Perspec-
tives.’’ Special issue of the Jahrbücher für Geschichte und Kultur Südosteuropas
5 (2003): 189–202.
Vasiliadis, Peter. Whose Are You? Identity and Ethnicity among the Toronto Mace-
donians. Toronto: Arms Pr, 1989.
Božinov, Voin. Bŭlgarskata prosveta v Makedonija i Odrinska Trakija (1878–1913
g.) [Bulgarian Education in Macedonia and Adrianopolitan Thrace (1878–
1913)]. Sofia: Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, 1982.
Dimova, Rozita. ‘‘‘Modern Masculinities’: Ethnicity, Education, and Gender in
Macedonia.’’ Nationalities Papers 34, no. 3 (2006): 305–320.
Kajčev, Naum. Makedonijo vŭzželana . . . Armijata, ǔcilišteto i gradežŭt na naci-
jata v Sŭrbija i Bŭlgarija (1878–1912) [Macedonia, You Coveted Land. Army,
School, and Nation-Building in Serbia and Bulgaria (1878–1912)]. Sofia: Para-
digma, 2003.
Koneski, Blaže. Kon makedonskata prerodba. Makedonskite učebnici od 19 vek
[Toward the Macedonian Revival. The Macedonian Textbooks of the 19th Cen-
tury]. Skopje: Institute for National History, 1959.
Ethnic Groups
Ancel, Jacques. La Macédoine, son évolution contemporaine [Macedonia. Its Con-
temporary Development]. Paris: Armand Colin, 1930.
———. Peuples et nations des Balkans [Peoples and Nations of the Balkans]. Paris:
Editions du C.T.H.S., 1992 (first edition, 1926).
Assa, Aaron. Macedonia and the Jewish People. Skopje: Macedonian Review,
Babuna, Aydin. ‘‘The Albanians of Kosovo and Macedonia: Ethnic Identity Super-
seding Religion.’’ Nationalities Papers 28, no. 1 (2000): 67–92.
Brailsford, Henry N. Macedonia: Its Races and Their Future. London: Methuen &
Co., 1906.
Brunnbauer, Ulf. ‘‘Fertility, Families and Ethnic Conflict: Macedonians and Alba-
nians in the Republic of Macedonia, 1944–2002.’’ Nationalities Papers 32, no. 3
(2004): 565–598.
Capidan, Theodor. Die Mazedo-Rumänen [The Macedo-Romanians]. Bucharest:
Dacia-Bücher, 1941.
Cohen, Mark. Last Century of a Sephardic Community: The Jews of Monastir,
1839–1943. New York: Foundation for Sephardic Studies, 2003.
Cvijić, Jovan. Remarks on the Ethnography of the Macedonian Slavs. London,
1906. (original published in Serbian. Belgrade: G. Kon, 1906).
Dimova, Rozita. Lost Objects: Ethnicity, Consumption and Gendered Spaces in
Macedonia. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Cultural and Social Anthropology,
Stanford University, 2003.
Doda, Bajazid Elmaz. Albanisches Bauernleben im oberen Rekatal bei Dibra
Michailidis, Iakovos. ‘‘The War of Statistics: Traditional Recipes for the Prepara-
tion of the Macedonian Salad.’’ East European Quarterly 32, no. 1 (1998): 9–21.
Neofotistos, Vasiliki. Resisting Violence: Hegemonic Negotiations of Ethnicity in
the Republic of Macedonia. Ph.D. Thesis, Department of Anthropology, Harvard
University, 2002.
———. ‘‘Beyond Stereotypes: Violence and Porousness of Ethnic Boundaries in
the Republic of Macedonia.’’ History and Anthropology 15, no. 1 (2004): 1–36.
Ortakovski, Vladimir. Minorities in the Balkans. Ardsley: Transnational Publishers,
———. ‘‘Interethnic Relations and Minorities in the Republic of Macedonia.’’
Southeast European Politics 2, no. 1 (2001): 24–45.
Pettifer, James, and Hugh Poulton. ‘‘The Albanians of Macedonia.’’ In The South-
ern Balkans. Minority Rights Group Report 4/94. London: Minority Rights
Group, 1994.
Poulton, Hugh. ‘‘The Roma in Macedonia: A Balkan Success Story?’’ RFE/RL Re-
search Report 2, no. 19 (1993): 42–45.
———. ‘‘Changing Notions of National Identity among Muslims in Thrace and
Macedonia: Turks, Pomaks and Roma.’’ In Muslim Identity and the Balkan State,
ed. Suha Taji-Farouki and Hugh Poulton. London: Hurst, 1997.
Tomovski, Krum, et al. Etnologija na makedoncite [Ethnology of the Macedo-
nians]. Skopje: Macedonian Academy of Sciences and Arts, 1996.
Weigand, Gustav. Ethnographie von Makedonien: geschichtlich-nationaler,
sprachlich-statistischer Teil [Ethnography of Macedonia: Historico-National and
Language Statistics Part]. Leipzig: F. Brandstetter, 1924.
Wilkinson, Henry. Maps and Politics: A Review of the Ethnographic Cartography
of Macedonia. Liverpool: Liverpool University Press, 1951.
Winnifrith, Tom. The Vlachs: The History of a Balkan People. London: Duckworth,
Cepenkov, Marko. Makedonski narodni umotvorbi [Macedonian Folklore]. ed. Kiril
Penušliski. Skopje: Makedonska kniga, 1972.
Šapkarev, Kuzman. Sbornik ot bŭlgarski narodni umotvorenija [A Collection of
Bulgarian Folklore]. 5 vols. Sofia: Bŭlgarski pisatel, 1969. (originally published
in 1891–1894 in Sofia by Liberalnij klub).
Andriotis, Nicholas. The Federative Republic of Skopje and Its Language. Salonica:
Society for Macedonian Studies, 1991 (first edition, 1966).
Clarke, James F. Macedonia from S. S. Cyril and Methodius to Horace Lunt and
National Identities
Adanir, Fikret. ‘‘The Macedonians in the Ottoman Empire, 1878–1912.’’ In The
Formation of National Elites: Comparative Studies of Governments and Non-
Cacanoska, Ružica. ‘‘The Emergence and Development of Protestantism in Mace-
donia.’’ Religion, State and Society 29, no. 2 (2001): 115–119.
Cyril, Patriarch of Bulgaria. Bŭlgarskata ekzarhija v Odrinsko i Makedonija sled
Osvoboditelnata vojna (1877–1878) [The Bulgarian Exarchate in the Adrianople
Region and Macedonia after the War of Liberation (1877–1878)]. Sofia: Publish-
ing House of the Holy Synod, 1969.
Dimevski, Slavko. Crkovna istorija na makedonskiot narod [Ecclesiastical History
of the Macedonian People]. Skopje: Macedonian Orthodox Church, 1965.
Ilievski, Done. The Macedonian Orthodox Church: The Road to Independence.
Skopje: Macedonian Review Editions, 1973.
Najčevska, Mirjana, Emilija Simoska, and Natasha Gaber. ‘‘Muslims, State and So-
ciety in the Republic of Macedonia: The View from Within.’’ In Muslim Commu-
nities in the New Europe, ed. Gerd Nonneman, Tim Niblock, and Bogdan
Szajkowski. Berkshire, N.Y.: Ithaca Press, 1996.
Pavlowich, Stevan K. ‘‘The Macedonian Orthodox Church.’’ In Eastern Christian-
ity and Politics in the 20th Century, ed. Pedro Ramet. Durham, N.C.: Duke Uni-
versity Press, 1988.
Petrov, Petŭr, and Hristo Temelski. Cŭrkva i cŭrkoven život v Makedonija [Church
and Church Life in Macedonia]. Sofia: Macedonian Scientific Institute, 2003.
Snegarov, Ivan. Istorija na Ohridskata arhiepiskopija [History of the Ohrid Arch-
bishopric]. Sofia: Marin Drinov, 1995 (first edition, 1924).
Thirkell, John. ‘‘Islamization in Macedonia as a Social Process.’’ In Islam in the
Balkans, ed. Jennifer Scarce. Edinburgh: Royal Scottish Museum, 1979.
General Histories
Apostolski, Mihailo, et al. Istorija na makedonskiot narod [History of the Macedo-
nian People]. Skopje: Nova Makedonija, 1969.
Bitoski, Krste, ed. Istorija na makedonskiot narod [History of the Macedonian Peo-
ple]. Skopje: Insitute for National History, 2004.
Bitoski, Krste, et al., eds. Macédoine: articles d’histoire. Skopje: Institute for Na-
tional History, 1981.
Apostolski, Mihailo, and Marija Jovanović. Historiographie de Macédoine, 1945–
1970 [Historiography of Macedonia]. Skopje: Institute for National History,
Brown, Keith. ‘‘A Rising to Count On: Ilinden Between Politics and History in
Post-Yugoslav Macedonia.’’ In The Macedonian Question: Culture, Historiogra-
phy, Politics, ed. Victor Roudometof. Boulder, Colo.: East European Mono-
graphs, 2000.
———. ‘‘Villains and Symbolic Pollution in the Narratives of Nations: The Case of
Boris Sarafov.’’ In Balkan Identities: Nation and Memory, ed. Maria Todorova.
London: Hurst, 2004.
Brunnbauer , Ulf. ‘‘Writing the Nation: Historiography in the Republic of Macedo-
nia.’’ Historein 4 (2003–4): 161–182.
———. ‘‘Historiography, Myths and the Nation in the Republic of Macedonia.’’ In
šević, Andreas Kappeler, Walter Lukan, und Arnold Suppan. Special issue of
Oesterreichische Osthefte 16, no. 1–2 (2002): 435–453.
Troebst, Stefan. ‘‘Geschichtspolitik und historische ‘Meistererzählungen’ in
Makedonien vor und nach 1991’’ [Politics of History and Historical ‘‘Master Nar-
ratives’’ in Macedonia before and after 1991]. In Klio ohne Fesseln? Historiogra-
phie im östlichen Europa nach dem Zusammenbruch des Kommunismus, ed.
Alojz Ivanievic, Andreas Kappeler, Walter Lukan, and Arnold Suppan. Special
issue of Österreichische Osthefte 16, no. 1–2 (2002): 453–473.
———. ‘‘IMRO 100 FYROM? Kontinuitäten und Brüche in den makedo-
nischen Nationalbewegungen in historiographischer Perspektive’’ [IMRO100-
FYROM? Continuities and Breaks in the Macedonian National Movement in
a Historiographical Perspective] in Österreichische Osthefte 40 (1998): 217–234.
(English version in James Pettifer, ed. The New Macedonian Question).
———. Das Mazedonische Jahrhundert: von den Anfängen der nationalrevolu-
tionären Bewegung zum Abkommen von Ohrid 1893–2001 [The Macedonian
Century: From the Beginning of the National Revolutionary Movement to the
Ohrid Framework Agreement 1893–2001]. Munich: R. Oldenbourg Verlag,
Veljanovski, Novica, et al. Istoriografija na Makedonija [Historiography of Mace-
donia]. Skopje: Studentski zbor, 1982.
By Period
Banac and Katherine Verdery. New Haven: Yale Center for International Area
Studies, 1995.
Semerdžiev, Petŭr. BKP, Makedonskijat vŭpros i VMRO [The Bulgarian Commu-
nist Party, the Macedonian Question, and IMRO]. Sofia: Dike, 1995.
Sfetas, Spyridon. Makedonian und interbalkanischen Beziehungen 1920–1924
[Macedonia and inter-Balkan Relations 1920–1924]. Munich: Hieronymus,
Smatrakalev, Mihail. Makedonskiot literaturen kružok [The Macedonian Literary
Circle]. Skopje: Misla, 1993.
Stamenov, Mitre. Atentatŭt v Marsilija—Vlado Černozemski: Život otdaden na
Makedonija [The Marseilles Attack—Vlado Černozemski, A Life Devoted to
Macedonia]. Sofia: IMRO-Union of Macedonian Societies, 1993.
Stojčev, Vanče. Bugarskiot okupaciski sistem vo Makedonija 1941–1944 [The Bul-
garian Occupation System in Macedonia 1941–1944]. Skopje: Grigor Prličev,
Swire, Joseph. Bulgarian Conspiracy. London: R. Hale, 1939.
Terzioski, Rastislav. Denacionalizatorskata dejnost na bugarskite kulturno-
prosvetni institucii vo Makedonija [The Denationalization Activities of the Bul-
garian Cultural-Educational Institutions in Macedonia]. Skopje: Institute for Na-
tional History, 1974.
Todorovski, Gligor. Okupacijata na Zapadna Makedonija (1941–1944) [The Occu-
pation of Western Macedonia (1941–1944)]. Skopje: Studentski zbor, 1982.
———. Makedonija po balkanskite vojni: opštestveno-ekonomski i prosvetni priliki
vo Vardarska Makedonija, 1912–1915 [Macedonia after the Balkan Wars: Socio-
Economic and Educational Conditions in Vardar Macedonia, 1912–1915].
Skopje: Kultura, 1981.
Todorovski, Mile. Partizanskite odredi i Narodnoosloboditelnata vojska na Maked-
onija vo Osloboditelnata borba i Revolucija 1941–1944 [The Partisan Detach-
ments and the National Liberation Army of Macedonia in the War of Liberation
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Todorovski, Zoran. Vnatrešnata makedonska revolucionerna organizacija, 1924–
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———. ‘‘Führerbefehl!’’—Adolf Hitler und die Proklamation eines unabhängigen
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Mather, William D. Muckydonia, 1917–1919, Being the Adventures of a One-time
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gland: Stockwell, 1979.
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Miletič, Ljubomir, ed. Materiali za istorijata na makedonskoto osvoboditelno
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General Information
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Portal:Republic_of_Macedonia: Portal in Wikipedia.
en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Macedonia_[region]: Information on the wider geographic
regions of Macedonia.
www.macedonia.co.uk: Macedonian Cultural and Information Center, an English-
language portal.
www.arhiv.gov.mk: State Archive of Macedonia.
www.soros.org.mk/archive: Web page developed by the State Archive of Macedo-
nia in Skopje, containing historical documents and images.
www.macedonian-heritage.gr: Greek site containing a range of academic publica-
www.kroraina.com/knigi/en/: Bulgarian online library on the history of Macedonia.
quod.lib.umich.edu/b/bosnia/: Travels in Southeastern Europe, an e-library contain-
ing Western travelers’ accounts of the Balkans.
www.makedonika.org/ini: Institute for National History, Skopje.
www.auburn.edu/forlang/macedonia/mmm: Collection of Slavic and Greek manu-
scripts from medieval Macedonia.
www.cdnh.edu.mk/index.php: Digitalizing National Heritage, an Internet portal to
various projects presenting the history, folklore, and nature of the Republic of
Macedonia. Maintained by the Institute of Informatics, Skopje University.
www.cassorla.net: Sephardim of Monastir, information about the Jewish commu-
nity in Bitola.
www.angelfire.com/super2/vmro-istorija: The history of the IMRO, containing bio-
graphical data, historical documents, and books about Macedonia.
www.mmkm.kcl.ac.uk/main.htm: Mapping Migration in Castoria, a website con-
taining demographic and geographical data on population movements in the
western parts of present-day Greek Macedonia since 1880.
www.lib.utexas.edu/maps/macedonia.html: Collection of historical maps at the
Perry-Castañeda Library, University of Texas.
www.inisbgd.co.yu/celo/publikacije.htm: History Currents, a journal published by
the Institute for Modern Serbian History.
www.imma.edu.gr: Museum of the Macedonian Struggle, Salonica, containing aca-
demic articles and other resources on Macedonia’s history in the 19th and 20th
www.osaarchivum.org: Open Society Institute archives, containing documents and
reports on Yugoslavia during the Cold War, including items related to interna-
tional politics in the Balkans and the Macedonian Question.
www.digital.nbs.bg.ac.yu/novine/politika: Electronic archive of Politika, a Bel-
grade daily, 1904–1941, containing articles and news items about Macedonia.
www.sobranie.mk: National Assembly of the Republic of Macedonia.
www.vlada.mk: Government of the Republic of Macedonia.
www.president.gov.mk: President of the Republic of Macedonia.
www.mfa.gov.mk: Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
ec.europa.eu/enlargement/the_former_yugoslav_republic_of_macedonia: The EU’s
relations with Macedonia.
www.sep.gov.mk: Secretariat for European Affairs, a government agency.
www.bim.org.mk: Islamic community.
www.mpc.org.mk: Macedonian Orthodox Church.
www.zels.org.mk: Association of the Local Self-Government Entities.
www.dnevnik.com.mk: Dnevnik, a daily newspaper.
www.utrinskivesnik.com.mk: Utrinski vesnik, a daily newspaper.
www.koha.com.mk: Koha, an Albanian-language daily.
www.a1.com.mk: A1, a TV channel.
www.mia.com.mk: Macedonian Information Agency.
www.vest.com.mk: Vest, a daily newspaper.
www.lobi.com.mk: Lobi, an Albanian-language newspaper.
www.makfax.com.mk: Makfax, a news agency.
www.micnews.com.mk: Macedonian Information Center, a news agency.
www.rferl.org: Radio Free Europe.
www.birn.eu.com: Balkan Investigative Reporting Network.
iwpr.net: Institute for War and Peace Reporting.
www.kapital.com.mk: Kapital, a business journal.
www.novamakedonija.com.mk: Nova Makedonija, a daily newspaper.
www.setimes.com: Southeast European Times.
www.telma.com.mk: Telma, a TV channel.
www.kanal5.com.mk: Kanal 5, a TV channel.
sitel.com.mk: Sitel, a TV channel.
www.vecer.com.mk: Večer, a daily newspaper.
Political Parties
www.vmro-dpmne.org.mk: IMRO-DPMNU.
www.sdsm.org.mk: SDAM.
www.bdi.org.mk: DUI.
www.pdsh.info: DPA.
nsdp.org.mk: New Social Democratic Party.
www.lp.org.mk: Liberal Party.
www.ppd.org.mk: Party for Democratic Prosperity.
www.pollitecon.com: Pollitecon, a Macedonian publisher in Australia. The website
contains the archives of the Makedonska Iskra (Macedonian Spark) newspaper
published from 1946 to 1957.
www.umdiaspora.org: United Macedonian Diaspora.
www.macedonian.org: Macedonian Patriotic Organization.
www.unitedmacedonians.org: United Macedonians Organization of Canada.
About the Author