Aitc TN 21 2005
Aitc TN 21 2005
Aitc TN 21 2005
1/ 9
⎛ 12 in. ⎞
CF = ⎜ ⎟ Equation 3
⎝ d ⎠
This factor was applied as a modifier to the published allowable bending stresses for members having a depth other
than twelve inches. The use of this equation assumes a bending member supporting a uniformly distributed load and
having a span-to depth ratio (L/d) of 21. For other conditions of loading or L/d ratios other than 21, appropriate
modifications can be made to the base value calculated by Equation 3. While only the depth of the member is shown
as a variable in equation 3, the effect of member length was also considered in development of the size factor.
The size factor defined by Equation 3 was recommended to adjust bending design values for both vertically-laminated
and horizontally-laminated structural glued laminated timber members until 1991. For horizontally laminated
members, this factor was limited to a maximum value of 1.0.
Volume Factor
In 1987, a small series of tests on structural glued laminated timber beams indicated that the size factor defined by
Equation 3 might not adequately describe the effects of beam size on strength. This information caused considerable
concern within the laminated timber industry. More stringent quality control measures were instituted throughout the
industry including the requirement of tension tests for end joints and statistical process control (AITC 1992, ANSI/AITC
1992). Research was also commissioned to evaluate the existing database to better quantify the size effect for
structural glued laminated timber.
An evaluation of these various test data was reported in Analysis of Size Effect in Glulam Beams (Moody et. al.1988).
This study included beams up to a maximum size of 9 in. wide by 31.5 in. deep. The results of the study, indicated
that the effects of depth and length on the bending strength of glulam beams were different than previously accounted
for by the use of the size factor. In addition, the results of this analysis indicated that the width of the member also has
an effect on overall beam bending strength. The authors recommended adoption of a volume factor (CV) as defined
by Equation 4.
1 1 1
⎛ 5.125 in. ⎞ x ⎛ 12 in. ⎞ y ⎛ 21 ft ⎞ z
CV = k ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ Equation 4
⎝ b ⎠ ⎝ d ⎠ ⎝ L ⎠
Although there had been no indications of in-service problems associated with the use of the size factor in the design
of laminated beams, the structural glued laminated timber industry initiated a series of large scale beam tests to
determine if changes were needed. As an interim measure, AITC recommended the adoption of the volume factor
(CV), proposed by Moody et. al. to replace the size factor (CF) as a stress adjustment factor for horizontally laminated
structural glued laminated timbers (AITC 1990).
In 1989, AITC completed a series of full scale bending tests of large Douglas fir glued laminated timber beams at
Washington State University. These beams, believed to be the largest glulam beams ever tested, had a cross section
of 8-3/4" x 48" with a test span of 64 ft. The results of these tests and numerous other full size beam test programs of
Douglas fir, as reported in Strength of Glulam Beams - Volume Effects (Moody et. al. 1990), support the use of the
volume factor as indicated by Equation 4 for determining the design bending stresses for Douglas fir. Based on these
AITC Technical Note 21
tests and other available data, AITC recommended the use of the volume factor for determining the allowable bending
stresses for glulam beams laminated from Western species with the coefficients of x, y, z all set equal to 10.
An AITC test program to evaluate the effect of member size on large glulam beams laminated using Southern pine
was conducted at Louisiana State University in 1990 (Gopu 1992). These test beams were 8-1/2" x 48-1/8" in cross-
section with a test span of 63-1/2 feet. The results from these Southern pine beam tests did not support the use of the
empirical exponential coefficient of 10 for use in the volume effect equation as derived for Western species. Based on
engineering judgment, AITC recommended the use of an empirical exponential coefficient of 20 for use in the volume
effect equation for Southern pine. This exponent was chosen to make the volume factor for Southern Pine timbers
roughly equal to the size factor previously used.
The glued laminated timber industry recommended the use of a volume factor as defined by Equation 5 for the design
of structural glued laminated timber members in 1991. This factor was adopted in the 1991 edition of the National
® ®
Design Specification (NDS ) for Wood Construction (AF&PA 1991).
1 1 1
⎛ 5.125 in. ⎞ x ⎛ 12 in. ⎞ x ⎛ 21 ft ⎞ x
CV = k ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ⎜ ⎟ ≤ 1.0 Equation 5
⎝ b ⎠ ⎝ d ⎠ ⎝ L ⎠
Subsequent studies conducted at the Forest Products Laboratory verified that the use of a volume factor with x equal
to 10 was appropriate for several hardwood species (Manbeck et. al 1993, Moody et. al 1993, Shedlauskas et. al.
1996). In 2001, the “k” factor was dropped from the volume factor equation in the NDS for design purposes (AF&PA
2001). The “k” factor is still recommended for use in adjusting test data to the standard case of a uniform load. The
volume factor was officially adopted as part of ASTM D3737 in 2003 (ASTM 2003).
The volume factor described by Equation 5 is applied to the design bending stress, Fbx, for horizontally laminated
timbers. For timbers with loads applied parallel to the bond lines (vertically laminated timbers), the size factor (also
known as the flat-use factor) should be used to adjust the design bending stress, Fby, for size effect.
Structural glued laminated timbers with variable depths require special consideration. For tapered beams or pitched
and tapered curved beams, the volume factor should be calculated using the depth at each cross section of interest,
with L=span.
The volume factor is not applied cumulatively with the stress interaction factor or beam stability factor. Application of
the volume factor is illustrated and discussed in more detail in the Timber Construction Manual (AITC 2004).
AITC Technical Note 21
Newlin, J.A. and G.W. Trayer. 1924. Form factors of beams subjected to transverse loading only. Report No. 181,
National Advisory Committee for Aeronautics, Washington, D.C. (Reprinted as Report 1310, Forest
Products Laboratory, October 1941.)
Freas, A.D. and M.L. Selbo. 1954. Fabrication and design of glued laminated wood structural members.
Technical Bulletin 1069. Madison, Wisconsin: U.S. Forest Products Laboratory. 220 p.
Bohannon, B. 1966. Effect of size on bending strength of wood members. Research Paper FPL 56. Madison,
Wisconsin: U.S. Forest Products Laboratory.
Moody, R.C.; C. Dedolph; and P.L. Plantinga. 1988. Analysis of size effect for glulam beams. In: Proceedings of
the International Conference on Timber Engineering; 1988 September; Seattle, WA. 1:892-898.
Moody, R.; R. Falk; and T. Williamson. 1990. Strength of glulam beams-volume effects. In: Proceedings of the
1990 International Timber Engineering Conference; 1990; Tokyo. 1:176-182.
AITC. 1992. Inspection manual for structural glued laminated timber. AITC 200-92. Centennial, Colorado:
American Institute of Timber Construction. 117 p.
ANSI/AITC. 1992. American national standard for wood products---structural glued laminated timber. ANSI/AITC
A190.1-1992. Centennial, Colorado: American Institute of Timber Construction. Gopu, V.K.A. 1992.
“Large” southern pine beam tests, final report - projected conducted for American Institute of Timber
Construction. Baton Rouge, Louisiana: Louisiana State University.
AITC. 2004. Timber construction manual. Hoboken, New Jersey: John Wiley and Sons, Inc. 477 p.
Manbeck, H., J. Janowiak, P. Blankenhorn, P. Labosky, R. Moody, and R. Hernandez. 1993. Performance of Red
Maple Glulam Timber Beams. Research Paper FPL-RP-519. Madison, Wisconsin: U.S. Forest Products
Moody, R. R. Hernandez, J. Davolos, and S. Somnath. 1993. Yellow Poplar Glulam Timber Beam Performance.
Research Paper FPL-RP-520. Madison, Wisconsin: U.S. Forest Products Laboratory.
Shedlauskas, J.P., H. Manbeck, J. Janowiak, R. Hernandez, R. Moody, P Blankenhorn, and Labosky, P. 1996
Efficient use of red oak for glued-laminated beams. Transactions of ASCE, 39(1):203-209.
ANSI/AF&PA. 1991. National design specification for wood construction. Washington, D.C.: American Wood
ANSI/AF&PA. 2001. National design specification for wood construction. ANSI/AF&PA NDS-2001. Washington,
D.C.: American Wood Council.
ASTM. 2003. Standard practice for establishing allowable properties for structural glued laminated timber
(glulam). ASTM D3737-03. West Conshohocken, Pennsylvania: ASTM International.