Employability Skills Rubric

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Employability Skills Rubric

1 2 3 4
Rarely Inconsistently Usually Consistently
Student is rarely: Student is inconsistently: Student is usually: Student is consistently:

o Attending Class o Attending Class o Attending Class o Attending Class

Preparedness o Prompt to class o Prompt to class o Prompt to class o Prompt to class
o Prepared with required o Prepared with required o Prepared with required o Prepared with required
materials materials materials materials

Student rarely: Student inconsistently: Student usually: Student consistently:

o Engages in the learning. o Engages in the learning. o Engages in the o Engages in the learning.
o Models respectful o Models respectful learning. o Models respectful
interactions with other interactions with other o Models respectful interactions with other
students students interactions with other students
Personal o Collaborates with peer and o Collaborates with peer students o Collaborates with peer and
Responsibility teacher. and teacher. o Collaborates with peer teacher.
o Reflects upon learning and o Reflects upon learning and teacher. o Reflects upon learning and
opportunities for growth. and opportunities for o Reflects upon learning opportunities for growth.
o Demonstrates academic growth. and opportunities for o Demonstrates academic
integrity o Demonstrates academic growth. integrity
integrity o Demonstrates
academic integrity

Student is rarely: Student is inconsistently: Student is usually: Student is consistently:

o Contributes to a welcoming o Contributes to a o Contributes to a o Contributes to a welcoming

academic environment. welcoming academic welcoming academic academic environment.
Productivity o Demonstrates a thorough environment. environment. o Demonstrates a thorough
understanding of content. o Demonstrates a o Demonstrates a understanding of content.
thorough understanding thorough
of content. understanding of
The employability rubric tool assists with determining a student’s employability skills by looking at the three biggest skills employers are looking for in future
employees. These categories are Preparedness, Personal Responsibility, and Productivity. Students will be graded upon these categories every week in class and
will be able to fill out a self-assessment so that they can see how they have improved or not improved week by week.

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