Amputechture Album Crawl

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A Mars Volta Album Crawl by Duncan Hall

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1 Vicarious Atonement 5 Asilos Magdalena
You find a well equipped corpse along the side of the road. It has no face. Along the stairwell are small, open stone cells. They're mostly empty or
When you examine it more closely it breathes to you "don't pretend that have a few bones of past prisoners, but in one is a crude simulacrum of an
I'm not alive". It begs you, "Find the stone circle, stop the Baphomets antlered faun made of mud and bones. Next to her is a scroll written in
before they kill us all, but first that one (points to a random PC) must be what appears to be blood. It lays out the ritual in which Magdalena will be
exorcised, only the whole can be saved" sacrificed. "Tomorrow I will be laid in the hands of Nechrubel, when the
faithful repent their past lives and raise their entrails as an offer, the Day
2 Tetragrammaton of the Baphomets will come! It is glorious and terrible that I must give my
The trip to the next town takes 2D6 hours. On the road, the possession life for this great injustice, but such is the way of mankind, that they
takes root. The possessed character begins to shake and vomit worms, would kill me to destroy themselves."
every hour they must test TOU or suffer D4 damage (ignores armor, they
cannot rest). To exorcise them, characters must attempt the following: 6 Viscera Eyes
At the bottom of the spiral staircase is an orrery made of spiked balls,
- Test PRE to recite holy texts
obviously a trap. At the center of the orrery is a wrought-iron crown
FAIL: Rusbel lashes out dealing D4 damage
shaped to look like a swarm of crawling maggots. The orrery is no longer a
- Test TOU to hold them down functional trap, but each of the spiked balls is, and any attempt to disarm
FAIL: Possessed suffers D4 damage the orrery will trigger a spiked ball to explode spraying spikes everywhere
- Test AGI to apply sacred unctions (D8). When you take the Crown of Maggots, Rusbel revives and attacks.
FAIL: Arcane Catastrophe for random char.
- Test STR to beat back the worms 7 Day of the Baphomets
FAIL: Someone tests TOU against Infection 7 Nuns in red are gathered around a pair of massive stone hands in the
ruins of a temple. Blood is rising from the hands creating a shimmering
When all four have been attempted, the Demon Rusbel crawls from the red monument. The Nuns begin to chant. Whenever a creature dies (Nun or
possessed character's mouth, she has dirty red hair, wears a gruesome otherwise), a Nun will spend an action to raise its entrails as an offer,
fetish necklace of follicles, and runs away on all fours like an animal. when they do, roll 1D6. On a 5 or 6, the ritual summons a very angry
Baphomet. Tendrils of blood bind the Baphomets to the monument. As the
Nuns die, the monument diminishes. When the last Nun is slain, the
3 Vermicide monument collapses, and all the Baphomets are banished.
In town, every house has been burned to the ground by a mad priest. “The
place was tainted, but it was no use, the nuns have already begun their Nuns of the Burning Wheel HP: 8 Morale: -
ritual, see?” It begins to rain, and 2D6 huge Fleshworms writhe up from Deadened Sensation: -D2 Gutting Blades: D4
the ground below. On a hill in the distance you can see the stone circle. *on a damage roll of 4, add another D4 damage

Fleshworms HP: 5 Morale: -

Meat: -0 Lamprey Teeth: D4
HP: 66
Morale: -
4 Meccamputechture Bloodslick Hide: -D4
Hellish Stren gth: D
As you near the stone circle, you can see that it is made of shattered Horns: D6, bo n us Hor 12
statues, feet and hands pillared from the ground and shattered heads half ns attack when ch
sunken in mud. At the center is a spiral staircase descending into the
argin g
ground, and the demon Rusbel stands before it. She says in a growling 8 El Ciervo Vulnerado
demon voice that “the Day of the Baphomets has come, GO NO FURTHER.” In the stone hands, where the monument is an injured faun (Magdalena).
b el
The Demo n Rus
Pieces of it have been sliced as if to be eaten, it looks in your eyes as if it is
M o r a l e: 6 begging to be made whole once more.
HP: 17 er skin: -D2
l a l ia c o at s h - Eat the Faun Heal D6 HP, but you are cursed to forever ROT. Test
Glosso TOU at the start of each day, on a failure, a random body part falls
: D 6 , R an g e d
Phantom Limbs h a n t o m lim bs each tu rn off (finger, nose, hand, eye, etc.)
D6 p
*Attacks with - Ignore the Faun She will haunt and advise you until you remove
her somehow. If you go against her advice, suffer -2. She harbors a
“Amputechture” is an independent production by Duncan Hall and is not hatred toward mankind.
affiliated with Ockult Örtmästare Games or Stockholm Kartell. It is
published under the MÖRK BORG Third Party License. MÖRK BORG is - Heal the Faun She will heal you to full HP, cure infections, and
copyright Ockult Örtmästare Games and Stockholm Kartell. heal an injury.

This Album Crawl is based on the album “Amputechture” by The Mars Volta

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