JXN Water Quarterly Report

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The Consolidated Report of Ac�vi�es

for the quarter ended March 31, 2024

The Interim S�pulated Order as Entered on November 29, 2022
By United States District Judge Henry T. Wingate
In Case Number 3:22-cv-00686-HTW-LGI
The United States v The City of Jackson, Mississippi
EPA Grant Numbers 84054501, 84060101 SDWA Sec�on 1442 (b)

April 30, 2024

Prepared by Edward “Ted” Henifin, P.E.

The Interim Third-Party Manager
Of the City of Jackson’s Drinking Water System

Page 1 of 127
Table of Contents
Section Page
Executive Summary 3
A Purpose 8
B Introduction 8
C Projects and Activities Conducted During the Reporting Period 9
D Precautionary Boil Water Notices 21
E Summary of Delays Encountered or Anticipated 59
G Accounting of Grant 84054501-0 (ITPM Professional Budget) 64
I Accounting of Grant 84060101-0 (1442b Projects) 66
J Spending Plan 67
K Modifications to Priority Project List or Schedule 69
L Project Status 74

Page 2 of 127
Execu�ve Summary

Priority Project Status

Project Descrip�on Current Comments

No. Comp
1 O&M Contract Phase 1 2/2023 In place - COMPLETE
1 O&M Contract Phase 2 7/2024 Nego�a�ons con�nue
2 Winteriza�on 12/2023 COMPLETE
3 Corrosion Control JHF 12/2023 COMPLETE
3 Corrosion Control OBC 12/2024 Awai�ng equipment and MSDH approval
4 Emergency Water Supply 9/2027 COMPLETE - Available throughout ISO term
5 System Planning and 12/2025 Underway since 1/2023. Technical Memo
Stabiliza�on submited Q1 2024 to detail progress and
a. Distribu�on System further schedule.
b. System Stabiliza�on
and Sustainability
6 System Stabiliza�on and Combined with PPL 5
Sustainability Plan
7 SCADA 12/2026 Design at 30%
8 Chemical Systems 12/2024 Design at 90% - expanded scope to include
chlorine system.
9 Chlorine System at OBC – 2/2023 COMPLETE
temporary improvements
9 Chlorine System at OBC – 12/2024 Included in design for PP 8
10 Intake Structure Repairs 12/2025 SRF project ini�ated
11 Treatment Facili�es TBD Assessment report dra� complete 9/2023
under review. Upon review comple�on cost
loaded schedule will be developed
12 Sludge Assessment and TBD Plants cannot be shut down long enough
Removal for assessment at this �me.
13 Resilient Power Plan 12/2025 Assessment complete and technical memo
submited Q1 2024. Design ini�ated to be
accomplished with SRF project.
This table reflects modifica�ons approved by EPA via email on January 17, 2024 and March 7, 2024.

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Financial Dashboards

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Audited Financial Statement

JXN Water struggled to find an accoun�ng firm to audit the 2023 JXN Water financial statements. A�er
being turned down by 3 firms, Christopher Hearn, with Banks Finley White was engaged on March 5,
2024. The audited statements are projected to be complete by the end of Q2 and will be submited to
the par�es as soon as they are available.

Page 5 of 127
Minority Par�cipa�on

DBE/SWAM Spend to Date $ 19,042,164.30

$ -
Total JXN Water Spend to date $ 131,616,807.78
Jacobs Contract $ 33,012,199.51
Total JXN Water Spend w/o Jacobs $ 98,604,608.27

Precau�onary Boil Water No�ces

There was one city-wide precau�onary boil-water no�ce issued during the repor�ng period. A rou�ne
system sample tested posi�ve for e-coli. The MSDH issued the boil-water no�ce before confirming the
results per the EPA regulatory process. Confirma�on samples tested nega�ve and MSDH li�ed the no�ce
immediately. JXN Water believes the posi�ve sample was a false posi�ve, perhaps contaminated in the
lab as a sample from the City of Flowood tested posi�ve on the same day.

The con�nued accelerated efforts to find and fix leaks in the system along with regular pipe breaks
con�nues to require issuing many localized precau�onary BWN each month. These precau�onary BWNs
are a posi�ve in that they indicate that system defects are being aggressively fixed. In January there was
a deep freeze event that caused more breaks than usual, requiring more BWNs. There were 233 issued
during the quarter with an average of 143 connec�ons impacted for 4 days each. A lis�ng of the BWNs
issued during the repor�ng period can be found in Sec�on D of this report.

Winter 2024 Deep Freeze

The Jackson area experienced an extended period of temperatures below freezing in mid-January 2024.
This weather event was the first test of the work done to winterize the treatment plants and other water
facili�es. The winteriza�on efforts proved to be very successful as both plants con�nued full opera�ons
throughout the freeze and related recovery. Total plant produc�on peaked at 80 MGD, responding to a
tremendous demand put on the system by pipe breaks, proac�ve freeze-proofing (dripping faucets), and
what appeared to be a deliberate atempt to sabotage the water system.

While ul�mately the 80 MGD produc�on could not be maintained long enough to prevent pressure loss
impacts in the distribu�on system, the number of connec�ons that experienced low pressure was
limited to a por�on of five zip codes and pressure was restored to nearly all connec�ons within days.
Overall, the water system fared much beter than many other systems in the region that experienced the
same record low temperatures. The ongoing work to �ghten up the distribu�on system promises to
provide further resilience to future weather events.

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Water Produc�on (Total OBC and FHF)

The dashboard below tracks water produc�on (net pumped into distribu�on system) for the thirteen
months from March 2023 through March 2024. A top priority for JXN Water has been to eliminate leaks
throughout the system to reduce demand on the plants. The work accomplished over the past year
appears to be finally crea�ng a downward trend in overall water demand, with March 2024 showing
more than 16 percent reduc�on from a total of 48.14 MGD in 2023 to 40.50 in 2024. This trend is very
encouraging and will con�nue to be monitored and reported in future quarterly reports.

Based on metered flow, total demand (to meet actual usage by customers) on the JXN Water system is
approximately 18 MGD. Once daily plant demand (customer needs plus water loss) drops below 35
MGD, total water supply needs could be met with only the OB Cur�s plant in opera�on. Evalua�on of the
impact of elimina�ng JHF is underway.

Page 7 of 127
A. Purpose

The Interim S�pulated Order, Sec�on 16.a. requires quarterly repor�ng to include the following

i. A descrip�on of the projects and ac�vi�es conducted during the repor�ng period to comply
with the requirements of this S�pulated Order.
ii. A summary of any delays encountered or an�cipated that may affect the ITPM’s
performance or implementa�on of this S�pulated Order, including the Priority Project List,
and any ac�ons taken to address such delays.
iii. Any modifica�on to the Priority Project List or Implementa�on Schedule consistent with
Paragraphs 15 (Priority Project List) and 18 (EPA Review);
iv. An accoun�ng of the expenditures from, addi�ons to, and remaining balance of the ITPM
Professional Budget.
v. A projec�on of work to be performed pursuant to this S�pulated Order during the next or
succeeding Quarter; and
vi. In each Status Report filed in the month of January, except in the Status Report due January
31, 2023, an audited financial statement of the ITPM Professional Account, O&M Account,
and Capital Improvements Account for the City’s previous fiscal year. Any informa�on
revealing bank account numbers or cons�tu�ng personally iden�fiable informa�on shall be

The EPA Grant that funded the Interim Third-Party Manager also has quarterly repor�ng requirements
that include the following:

• A comparison of actual accomplishments to the outputs/outcomes (these are deliverables,

reports, milestones) established in the assistance agreement work plan for the period;
• The reasons why established outputs/outcomes were not met; and
• Additional pertinent information, including, when appropriate, analysis and explanation of cost
overruns or high-unit costs.

As these reports have similar requirements, this consolidated report is intended to meet the purposes
and requirements of both the ISO and the EPA Safe Drinking Water Act (SDWA) Section 1442 (b) grant.

B. Introduc�on

On December 20, 2022, the US EPA awarded grant number 84054501 under the authority of the Safe
Drinking Water Act, Sec�on 1442 (b). The stated purpose of the grant is as follows:

This agreement will provide support to the City of Jackson, MS, which is currently experiencing
a drinking water emergency. The City entered into an Interim Stipulated Order with the
Environmental Protection Agency and Department of Justice approved in Federal District Court
on November 29, 2022, and this funding will be used to fulfill commitments established in the
Order. The activities include establishing an Interim Third-Party Manager who will then hire
support staff, enter into and maintain contracts to accomplish tasks required in the Order and
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deemed necessary to address violations of the Safe Drinking Water Act. Anticipated
deliverables include hiring staff, entering into and maintaining contracts allowing for proper
operations and maintenance of the system. Expected outcomes include supporting the System
in complying with the Safe Drinking Water Act, fulfilling commitments established through the
Order, and ensuring residents of Jackson have clean and safe drinking water. Intended
beneficiaries include approximately 160,000 persons served by the City of Jackson Public Water
System. No subawards are included in this assistance agreement. City of Jackson Public Water
System Emergency Drinking Water Grant.

This report is required by the grant agreement and covers eligible ac�vi�es that began January 1, 2024,
through March 31, 2024. These reports are aligned with the repor�ng requirements of the Interim
S�pulated Order that appointed the Interim Third-Party Manager funded by and managing this grant.
This report is submited for the Court’s review and approval.


The ISO includes thirteen priority projects for the ITPM to accomplish under the terms of the ISO. The
activities conducted related to the priority projects (PP) are included in Section M of this report. Beyond
the priority project work, many activities have been conducted to comply with the requirements of the
ISO during this reporting period. These include:

Billing and Collections: JXN Water continues to work to resolve billing issues that have hampered
collection of water-related revenues. On March 18, 2024, the newest version of the Oracle billing
system went live adding significantly more functionality to customer self-service as well as adding an
easier interface for customer service representatives. The new system is fully cloud based and
eliminated many hosting and licensing costs associated with the older version of the billing system. The
new system going live represented a significant milestone in the 3-year effort to build a complete meter-
to-cash solution with our vendor, BOSS USA. Oracle recognized this project as the “Initiative of the
Year” at their annual EDGE Conference in March 2024.

Revenues continue to grow through the significant efforts of our billing staff. Severance (the process to
disconnect customers for non-payment) started in March 2024 with a focus on large commercial
accounts with high outstanding balances. Additionally, a list of properties receiving water without
accounts has been generated and provided to the meter service contractor to start disconnection of
these premises.

Cash flow challenges will continue until all water users are paying their bills on time each month. The
table below shows the actual income for the previous quarter as compared to the reporting period.
Revenues have increased significantly quarter over quarter, but still lag behind budgeted needs in excess
of $8 million per month.

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Monthly Income to Lockbox - Local Revenues (actuals)

Total Income Trash Service Income Net Water Monthly Avg per Quarter
October $ 5,697,583.82 $ 1,028,249.33 $ 4,669,334.49
Novemeber $ 5,826,654.06 $ 902,189.51 $ 4,924,464.55
December $ 5,232,460.86 $ 970,589.34 $ 4,261,871.52 $ 4,618,556.85
January $ 6,765,284.60 $ 1,312,906.01 $ 5,452,378.59
February $ 8,407,109.31 $ 1,115,751.69 $ 7,291,357.62
March $ 6,814,740.85 $ 986,537.14 $ 5,828,203.71 $ 6,190,646.64
Average $ 5,404,601.75

Obtaining Funding: The ITPM worked with EPA to apply for the por�on of the funding provided by the
US Congress in the CAA, 2023 flowing through the authority of the SDWA, Sec�on 1442 (b). The first
phase grant was awarded on May 11, 2023, in the amount of $115.1 million (of the appropriated $150
million) as listed below.

Projects Approved in First Phase Application for SDWA 1442 (b) Grant 84060101-0

Project Description 2023 2024 2025
5.a.ii Valve and Hydrant Assessment $ 7.4 $ 4.9 $ 2.5
5.a.vii Service Line Inventory $ 0.1 $ 0.1
Distribution System Leaks –
5.a.iv $ 22.5 $ 10.0 $ 7.5 $ 5.0
Find and Fix
Phase 2 O&M Contract - Open
1 $ 12.0 $ 12.0
Book Actual Cost
Phase 3 O&M Contract - Long
1 $ 63.0 $ 13.0 $ 25.0 $ 25.0
Term Fixed Price
System Stabilization and
6 $ 2.0 $ 2.0
Sustainability Plan

ITPM Professional Budget $ 8.5 $ 0.9 $ 3.8 $ 3.8

Grant 84060101-0 $115.5 $42.9 $38.8 $33.8

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SRF Funding: The balance of the funding from the CAA 2023 will be provided through the exis�ng State
Revolving Loan Fund (SRF). The ITPM developed a work plan for these funds for inclusion in the state’s
intended use plan. The Mississippi Local Governments and Rural Water Systems Improvements Board
approved the Intended Use Plan (IUP) for the DISASTER RELIEF SUPPLEMENTAL APPROPRIATION (a
por�on of the $450 million appropria�on) on June 30, 2023.

With more information about the system, the IUP was amended in Q1 2024. The public hearing for the
amended plan is scheduled for mid Q2. The OB Curtis Chemical Feed and Chlorine Conversion project
was added. The ITPM is working with MSDH to continue to refine other required modifications to the


The ITPM responded to a solicitation by the Mississippi Local Governments and Rural Water Systems
Improvements Board for two new programs funded as part of the Bi-partisan Infrastructure Law (BIL) on
June 19, 2023, requesting funding for Lead Service Line Replacements (LSLR) and for addressing
Emerging Contaminants. Both were included in the approved IUPs, but at a fraction of the total project
cost. The LSLR project is estimated at $88 million (18,000 * $4,888/EA) across a 10-year construction
period. Based on preliminary inventory data, Jackson has approximately 18,000 galvanized service lines.
The ITPM is working with the JXN Water technical and legal teams to evaluate whether these lines will
have to be replaced under the proposed LSRI. We will not know for certain until we see a final LCRI later
this year.

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The Emerging Contaminant project, scoped to add Granular Activated Carbon (GAC) filtration to the OB
Curtis Water Treatment Plant, is estimated at $119 million. Sampling and testing for PFAS in source and
finished water revealed no issues with PFAS, all samples tested well below EPA’s new PFAS MCL levels
The GAC project will be executed for future emerging contaminants and seasonal taste and odor issues.
This project will not be initiated until existing treatment and distribution needs are addressed.



Disputed Debt: The ITPM inherited nearly $56 million in billing arrearages. Many accounts had
arrearages dating back years due to the many metering and billing challenges over the past decade in
Jackson. Almost all account arrearages could be attributed, in whole or in part, to those challenges or to
billing for inadequate or non-existent services. Hundreds of these bills had been disputed prior to the
appointment of the ITPM, and the disputes remained unresolved. Lacking adequate information to
defend prior billing or resolve disputed bills, the ITPM instituted a program to compromise debt that
pre-dated the ITPM appointment for all disputed accounts. To accomplish this, the ITPM retained
Promise Pay to gather attestations from customers that had aging arrearages (prior to December 1,
2022) and that had disputed these charges.

The program ended on August 31, 2023. The number of people accessing the program had dropped to
less than one per week and the cost to keep the program open was significant resulting in JXN Water’s
decision to close that program. A total of 8,251 accounts attested their dispute through Promise Pay and
$19,513,774 in disputed charges were compromised (removed from individual accounts).

The disputed debt program demonstrated the overwhelming majority of the aging arrearages were the
result of disputed bills. As a result, all arrearages prior to November 29, 2022, have been moved in the
billing system to a separate Service Agreement (SA) and are no longer visible on customer bills. At some
future point JXN Water may choose to pursue these arrearages but at the current time, staff is focused
on getting all customers using water into the system and current on their bills. It is estimated JXN Water
would spend more on collection efforts for the aged arrearages (prior to November 29, 2022) than
would be recovered.

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Low Income Household Water Assistance Program (LIHWAP): For debt that accrued post the
appointment of the ITPM, the ITPM retained Promise Pay to identify qualified applicants and apply for
the LIHWAP grant funding on behalf of JXN Water. The program expired on September 30, 2023, with
no extension or replacement program currently moving in Congress. As of the end of the program,
413 accounts received Federal LIHWAP grant assistance through the state for a total amount
of $756,263.76.

Community Engagement: The ITPM participated in numerous meetings to discuss the ISO and the ITPM
role in stabilizing and restoring the Jackson water system. The ITPM made presentations the following
groups during the reporting period:

1/24/2024 Capitol Day

1/25/2024 Doing Business with JXN Water event
2/3/2024 Quarterly Public Meeting
2/6/2024 North Jackson Rotary Presentation
2/8/2024 Jacksonians 4 Jackson meeting
2/29/2024 Vicksburg Rotary Presentation
3/21/2024 Kamstrup Manufacturing Facility Ribbon Cutting - Alpharetta, GA
3/22/2024 WLBT World Water Day In the Kitchen Segment
3/26/2024 Oracle EDGE Conference - Panel presentation and award ceremony

Minority Business Enterprise Engagement: JXN Water continues to focus on MBE for direct contracts.
Eliminating bonding challenges and paying invoices within days has made JXN Water friendly to MBEs.
The spend to date has been significant, over $19 million, 14.5 percent of the total overall spend to date.
The Jacobs Operations and Maintenance contract is by far the largest contract with JXN Water. There
were no MBE firms available to meet that need. When that contract value (paid to date) is removed
from the total spend, MBE spend accounts for 19 percent of the total JXN Water spend.

JXN Water entered into a contract with the Jones Group to assist with developing and executing a Small
Minority Business Initiative (SMBI). An early focus has been working with Jacobs, Stantec, and HDR to
help DBEs navigate the process to qualify as subcontractors with their firms. Another goal is to create
and/or develop small Black owned firms to provide some of the specialized skills that are not currently
available in the Jackson area. Examples include valve and hydrant maintenance and piping contractors.
These needs will go on perpetually in Jackson, long after the Interim Stipulated Order is finished.

During this reporting period JXN Water hosted an informational event focused on SMBI contractors to
assist interested contractors make connections with JXN Water prime contractors and consultants. Over
50 people were in attendance.

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Firm Total Spend To Date

Advanced Environmental Consulting $ 18,871.43

Art Mekanics $ 34,500.00
Bless Hands Cleaning $ 40,975.00
BOSS Utility Solutions $ 5,209,493.49
Fahrenheit Creative Group $ 271,607.56
GCW Paving $ 6,494,458.82
Hardaway Realty $ 39,000.00
Hydroflow Solutions $ 1,123,850.00
IMS $ 687,671.54
Iron Horse Grill $ 1,308.00
The Jones Group $ 58,000.00
Kelly Factory $ 1,800.00
Love Trucking $ 719,430.00
Phoenix Security $ 490,839.58
Promise Pay $ 1,334,722.24
Q Solutions $ 360,844.56
R&L Unlimited $ 1,867,465.94
SD Systems $ 63,000.00
SOL Engineering $ 25,846.14
Southern Infrastructure Solutions $ 198,480.00
DBE/SWAM Spend to Date $ 19,042,164.30
$ -
Total JXN Water Spend to date $ 131,616,807.78
Jacobs Contract $ 33,012,199.51
Total JXN Water Spend w/o Jacobs $ 98,604,608.27

MBE Percentage Total Spend 14.5%

MBE Percentage without Jacobs 19.3%

Call Center: ProTel has been in business supporting clients throughout Mississippi for more than 30
years. A contract for 24/7 call center operations was developed and the JXN Water customer service
number (601-500-5200) went live on June 5, 2023.

The call center can address many billing questions (majority of calls), dispatches the metering contractor
for meter issues, dispatches appropriate resources for leaks, low pressure, discolored water, etc. Call
center key performance indicators for the quarter are shown below.

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Call Center KPIs for Q1 2024

Total Calls Average Talk Time Average Wait Time

42,581 3:28 minutes 2:48 minutes

Mississippi Municipality & County Water Infrastructure Grant Program Act (MCWI): The ITPM worked
with the MCWI staff to consolidate previously awarded grants into two grants; one for drinking water
projects and one for sewer projects. This will provide the most flexibility for leveraging this funding.

There is one active project in the drinking water agreement, the OB Curtis Filter Improvements. This
project was designed and bid prior to the effective date. The ITPM made award after the effective date
to the low bidder, Hemphill Construction. The work includes full rehabilitation of conventional filter 5 to
place that filter back into service after years of dis-repair. This will increase the capacity of the
conventional side of OB Curtis by 16 percent. Construction has begun. The contract has been modified
to include rehabilitation of the other 5 conventional filters at OBC. Other details can be found in the
priority project status updates at the end of this report.

System Pressure Improvements: Work to address system pressure challenges continued throughout the
reporting period. Wachs Water has been working with JXN Water staff to continue to find valves, make
repairs, and change positions (typically from fully closed to fully open). This reporting period the
following work was accomplished (cumulative numbers included for reference):

• Valves fully exercised: 769 (3349 Cumulative)

• Op nut repairs: 3 (48 cumulative)
• Uncovered: 90 (234 cumulative)
• Frozen repaired: 0 (11 cumulative)
• Position changed: 80 (439 cumulative)
• Hydrants: 346 (1021 cumulative)
• Leak Loggers Installed: 23 (23 cumulative)

Pressure throughout the system has stabilized. The system is operating as designed with all tanks
floating on the system allowing lower discharge pressures and volume from the plants.

Leak Find and Fix:

During the reporting period the Find and Fix program continued and made significant progress. Larger
leaks are included in the Priority Project reporting at the end of this report. Small diameter leaks (6-Inch
and less) are reported and mapped here. Using a combination of local contractors, JXN Water
completed 1102 repairs (since inception) with an additional 588 repairs under construction at the end of
the quarter.

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Find and Fix (6-inch diameter and less)


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Metering: The contract to install Automated Metering Infrastructure (AMI) con�nued in the quarter.
More than 60,000 meters have been installed. Efforts con�nue to iden�fy premises without accounts
that were omited from the original scope of this contract. Based on this effort it is es�mated that
another 7,000 meters will need to be installed in the coming months to complete the project.

Meter Project Status

All communica�on efforts are led by JXN Water Communica�ons Manager Ameerah Palacios.

Implementa�on of the communica�on strategy con�nued through Q1 of 2024, with a special focus on
the rate structure updates, winter weather recovery, leak detec�on and repair, procurement
opportuni�es to work as a contractor for JXN Water, and priority project progress.

During Q1, implementa�on of the communica�on strategy shown below commenced. A social media
reach report is included in Appendix A of this report.

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Paid Media Campaign

JXN Water’s paid media campaign with WLBT, the number one ranked news sta�on in the Jackson
market includes sponsored ar�cles placed prominently on the WLBT home page, short community video
ads, display ads on WLBT social media and website, as well as sponsorship of a new a�ernoon lifestyle
show – Studio 3. Specific reach focused on the Hispanic community through placement on Spanish
media remains an ongoing effort.

Page 19 of 127

See Appendix A for full paid media campaign for the quarter.

JXN Water launched an overhaul to JXNwater.com in March 2024. The upgrades included visual,
naviga�on, and content enhancements.

The redesigned website homepage features a new repor�ng sec�on that provides detailed informa�on
on priority project expenditures with the goal of promo�ng public access on priority project spending.

See Appendix A for each month’s website analy�cs.

Video Communications
In Q1, JXN Water con�nued to generate video content and populate the YouTube channel established in
mid-2023. During this repor�ng period, the channel received 689 views and increased the volume of
content from 10 to 18 videos.

Page 20 of 127 Q1 YouTube Uploads
Topic Link
Ways To Pay 1/3/2024 htps://youtu.be/EwoRa3ip0U0
O.B. Cur�s Water Treatment Plant Tour 3/1/2024 htps://youtu.be/Nep5wQ0qb-U
Doing Business With JXN Water 3/11/2024 htps://youtu.be/EpPQmMLkbBo
2024 Winter Weather Recovery Update 3/11/2024 htps://youtu.be/dR-hZ6YJMmM
Student Field Trip Feature 3/11/2024 htps://youtu.be/cFL0mYH6DBg
How To Detect A Toilet Leak 3/13/2024 htps://youtu.be/vl4MXzKNkX0
JXN Water – People Stories 3/25/2024 htps://youtu.be/4ammuSVBLv4
Doing Business with JXN Water – Event Recap 3/25/2024 htps://youtu.be/ThJlhbcNvEc

D. Precau�onary Boil Water No�ces

There was one city-wide precau�onary boil-water no�ce issued during the repor�ng period. A rou�ne
system sample tested posi�ve for e-coli. The MSDH issued the boil-water no�ce before confirming the
results per the EPA regulatory process. Confirma�on samples tested nega�ve and MSDH li�ed the no�ce
immediately. JXN Water believes the posi�ve sample was a false posi�ve, perhaps contaminated in the
lab as a sample from the City of Flowood tested posi�ve on the same day.

The con�nued accelerated efforts to find and fix leaks in the system along with regular pipe breaks
con�nues to require issuing many isolated precau�onary BWN each month. These BWNs are a posi�ve
in that they reflect how aggressively JXN Water is finding and fixing system defects. In January there was
a deep freeze event that caused more breaks than usual, requiring more BWNs. There were 233 issued
during the quarter with an average of 143 connec�ons impacted for 4 days each. A lis�ng of the BWNs
issued during the repor�ng period is in the table below.

Precautionary Boil Water Notices

Boil Water Boil Water Duratio Surf W Area Impacted Conne

Notice Date Notice Lift n Days ace ell ctions
1/2/2024 1/5/2024 3 X 404-618 Willow Bay Dr 33
1/2/2024 1/5/2024 3 X 1820-1967 Ventura Dr 45
1901-1954 Catalina Dr
1/3/2024 1/5/2024 2 X 4510-4530 Gilbert Ave 2
1/3/2024 1/5/2024 2 X 2898-3002 Timber Falls 110
2156-2187 Colt Crossing
2103-2162 Stable Lane
2110-2132 Wandering
2011-2161 Gaites Lane
Page 21 of 127
1/5/2024 1/11/2024 6 X 102-235 Factory St 15
1/5/2024 1/11/2024 6 X 324-443 Glendale St 37
2019-2115 Bailey Ave
2009-2103 Gordon St
2017-2117 Rondo St
1/5/2024 1/11/2024 6 X 109-199 Roosevelt St 24
1344-1424 N Mill St
1533 Blair St
1/5/2024 1/11/2024 6 X 4936-4971 Lurline Dr 22
1911-1942 Stillcreek Dr
4941-4947 Barrier PL
3-7 Lois Cove
1/6/2024 1/11/2024 5 X 710-796 Lorraine Street 26
1014-1028 Spengler Street
1/6/2024 1/12/2024 6 X 1728-1796 Cheswood 21
724-740 Raymond Road
2430 Peoala Street
1/6/2024 1/11/2024 5 X 700-860 S. Prentiss Street 58
1500-1820 Central Street
1601 Robinson Road
750,804 Buena Vista
1/6/2024 1/11/2024 5 x 220-234 Erie Street 15
1514-1618 Wood Street
1/7/2024 1/11/2024 4 X 1807-1865 Park Ridge 22
4232-4248 Forest Park
1/7/2024 1/11/2024 4 X 570-731 Reddoch Drive 97
5300-5434 Jamaica Drive
5200-5307 Wayneland
400-477 Pimlico Place
1/8/2024 1/11/2024 3 X 504-568 N Park Ln 68
503-628 N Park Dr
4413 Hanging Moss Rd
1/8/2024 1/11/2024 3 X 513-735 Campbell St 101
505-729 Watson St
505-741 Maple St

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1/8/2024 1/11/2024 3 X 804-1068 Briarfield Rd 123
810-1006 Briarwood Dr
5416-5535 Melwood Dr
912-976 Park Ln
1/8/2024 1/11/2024 3 X 2306-2385 Twin Lakes Cir 50
2207-2259 Greenbriar Dr
2320-2331 Pebble Ln
1/9/2024 1/12/2024 3 x 727-1125 Carlisle St 34
1103-1211 Whitworth St
1006-1119 Manship St
1/9/2024 1/12/2024 3 x 1416-1540 Robert Dr 155
3925-4050 Berkley Dr
3920-4070 Roxbury Rd
3927-3960 Eastline Dr
3917-4120 Northeast Dr
3928-4085 Eastwood Dr
1-50 Waterstone PL
1/9/2024 1/25/2024 16 x 103-2135 Alta Woods Blvd 153
104-511 Pinecrest Cir
419-545 Merigold Dr
403-2361 Oakhurst Dr
1904-2046 Willow Way
508-2033 Will O Wisp Way
127-544 Mockingbird Ln
216-540 Oriole Dr
1812-2138 East Dr

1/10/2024 1/12/2024 2 X 906-1048 Stuart St 28

1/10/2024 1/12/2024 2 X 714-836 Euclid Ave 26
1810-1813 Pine St
1/10/2024 1/12/2024 2 X 4407-4544 Forest Park Dr 41
1607-1705 E Northside Dr
1605-1638 Kent Ave
1606-1645 Lockwood Ave
1607-1627 Pine Ridge PL
1/10/2024 1/12/2024 2 X 100-231 Rolling Meadows 72
227-330 Meadowoods Dr
103-123 Rolling Creek Dr
102-127 N Meadows PL

Page 23 of 127
304-333 Meadow Creek

1/11/2024 1/19/2024 8 X 1301-1851 Wiggins Rd 336

5520-5584 Dolphin Dr
5011-5577 Deckard Dr
5502-5576 Draughn Dr
5501-5566 Delmonico Dr
5015-5725 Gault St
5102-5705 Williams Dr
5510-5825 Turner St
1312-1854 Reddix St
988-1873 Dewey St
5604-6248 Montgomery
141-568 School Cir
5757 Industrial Rd
100 Peach PL
1/11/2024 1/25/2024 14 2603-2622 W Capitol St 15
134-180 Delaware Ave
1/8/2024 1/11/2024 3 X 7003-731 Hillmont Dr 137
723-748 Nimitz St
704-726 Westmont Dr
4201-4611 Meadowmont
701-723 Glenmont Dr
701-740 Verdemont Dr
4201-4630 Larchmont St
1/12/2024 1/25/2024 13 X 2000-2016 Hill Ave 10
1/13/2024 1/22/2024 9 X 4200-4270 Brussels Street 23
1/13/2024 1/22/2024 9 X 100-356 Mills Street 47
1/14/2024 1/19/2024 5 X 1500-1653 Wallace Street 75
1500-1724 Truman Street
5813-5824 Turner Street
1500-1733 Dewey Street
5820-5725 Montgomery
1/15/2024 1/25/2024 10 X 700-1087 Comb Street 66

Page 24 of 127
1/16/2024 1/22/2024 6 X 122-205 Glenmary Street 74
303-752 Broad Street
1/16/2024 1/25/2024 9 X 126-304 Bradley Street 38
117-341 Bon Air Street
2100-2108 W. Capitol
2112-2130 Lee Street
1/17/2024 1/22/2024 5 X 900-1030 Euclid Avenue 55
1313-1849 Peachtree St
901-1017 Fairview St
903-1018 Arlington St
1405-1720 Hazel St
1/17/2024 1/22/2024 5 X 1101-1217 Kenwood Pl 57
939-1125 Poplar Blvd
1006-1119 Manship St
1000-1125 Carlisle St
1145-1211 Whitworth St
1/17/2024 1/22/2024 5 X 2403-2710 Holmes Ave 35
603-927 Spring Ave
1/17/2024 1/30/2024 13 X 3917-4189 Del Rosa Street 87
102-157 Pasa Robles Ave
113-170 Del Rio Street
110-154 W. Northside
3918-4004 Oaklawn Drive
1/17/2024 1/23/2024 6 X 2012-2204 Pleasant Ave 43
510-533 Glendale Street
175-203 West Woodrow
420-509 Hull Street
2210-2220 Prosperity
2203-2223 Peace Street
2203-2121 Content Street
1/18/2024 1/25/2024 7 X 39209 12000
1/18/2024 1/22/2024 4 X 2401-2715 Meadow St 21

Page 25 of 127
1/18/2024 1/22/2024 4 X 324-443 Northside Cr 33
3943-4005 Hanging Moss
1/18/2024 1/23/2024 5 X 836-1012 N West St 42
310-361 Mckee St
312-352 E Davis St
1100-1120 N Lamar St
1/18/2024 1/23/2024 5 X 3900-4090 Berkley Drive 209
1300-1550 Robert Drive
1300-1600 Eastover Drive
3900-4250 Roxbury Road
3927-3960 Eastline Drive
3912-4120 Northeast
1437-1453 Rebel Drive
1438-1510 Douglass Drive
1415-1463 Meadowbrook
1315-1355 Simwood Place
1302-1488 Roxbury Court
1404-1447 Roxbury Place
1-20 Waterstone Place
1/18/2024 1/22/2024 4 X 505-642 Witsell Rd 76
4308-4408 Meadowlane
607-671 Piermont St
507-583 Woodward Ave
1/18/2024 1/23/2024 5 X 770-955 North State 18
615-809 Barksdale Street
739-939 North President
1/18/2024 1/23/2024 5 X 4638-4686 Londonderry 126
480-570 East Northside
506-654 Wellington Road
4607-4670 Churchill Drive
4628-4674 Cedarhurst

Page 26 of 127
505-655 Belvedere Road
501-655 Avalon Road

1/19/2024 1/23/2024 4 X 1509-1810 Belmont St 230

1502-1841 Myrtle St
1504-1844 Devine St
1516-1846 Howard St
1516-1846 St Mary St
1502-1846 St Ann St
1512-1836 Lyncrest Ave
1600-1845 Linden Pl
1515-1845 Piedmont St
1509-1623 Ivy St

1/19/2024 1/25/2024 6 X 701-853 Mcdowell Rd 143

2605-2955 Belvedere Dr
304-2975 Fairhill Dr
2801-3039 Woodbine St
2902-2971 Barwood Dr
1/19/2024 1/22/2024 3 X 919-1085 Meadowbrook 30
1001-1077 Cedar Hill Dr
1/19/2024 1/22/2024 3 X 1612-2008 E. Northside 54
1600-1662 Pineridge Drive
1700-1940 Bellewood
1/19/2024 1/22/2024 3 X 104-533 Stillwood Dr 57
3701-3844 Azalea Dr
3704-4448 Winston St
3715-4452 Desoto St

Page 27 of 127
1/20/2024 1/22/2024 2 X 4100-4311 Meadowlane 195
404-486 Hanging Moss
314-368 Beaverbrook
4205-4527 Hanging Moss
500-630 N. Park Lane
622-671 Piermont Street
508-583 Woodward Ave
1/20/2024 1/22/2024 2 X 4101-4310 Oaklawn Drive 31
1/20/2024 1/23/2024 3 X 111-356 Millsaps Avenue 54
1840 N. Mill Street
1619-1701 N. West Street
2120 A-B N. Lamar Street
1/20/2024 1/22/2024 2 X 2804-3034 Bailey Ave 300
819 W. Ridgeway Street
2801-3032 Bishop Ave
812 Bishop Street
2815-3031 Smith
Robinson Street
511-808 Stonewall Street
2812-3030 Randolph
704-763 Roadway Street
615-619 Dr Moton Street
2820-3030 Marion Dunbar
2805-3027 Booker
Washington Street
499 W. Ridgeway Road
1/20/2024 1/23/2024 3 X 1013-1224 Trinity Street 138
925-1231 W. Ridgeway
1015-1264 Warren Street
2953 Pullen Street
1009-1269 Gentry Street
1/20/2024 1/23/2024 3 X 625-663 N. State Street 15
620-700 High Street
601 George Street
Page 28 of 127
1/20/2024 1/25/2024 5 X 2110-2604 John R Lynch 243
2011-2127 Robinson Road
1106-1186 Aberdeen
903-1195 Pecan Blvd
903-1173 Arbor Vista Blvd
923-1181 Alta Vista Blvd
999-1125 Wiggins Street
1/21/2024 1/30/2024 9 X 3511-4156 Hawthorne 103
4013-4325 Robin Drive
809-932 Avondale Street
1/21/2024 1/23/2024 2 X 111-272 S. Canton Club 31
5780 Ole Canton Road
5806-5807 Canton Park
1/21/2024 1/23/2024 2 X 5620 Shaw Road 60
6021-6030 Samantha
5740-5780 US HWY 80
6013-6029 Kennedy Road
200-209 Paco Way
1/21/2024 1/25/2024 4 X 2398-2520 Gunda Street 10
1/22/2024 1/25/2024 3 X 1208-1820 Jones Ave 126
1207-1837 Hill Ave
1206-1823 Topp Ave
1801-1807 Washington
1706-1809 Lincoln Ave
1/22/2024 1/26/2024 4 X 5305-5390 Cedar Park Dr 31
405 Bounds St
1/22/2024 1/26/2024 4 X 915-932 Avondale St 35
3520-3820 Hawthorne Dr
3547-3729 Old Canton Rd
1/22/2024 1/25/2024 3 X 2312-2376 Oakhurst St 52
139-349 Colonial Dr
155-445 Alta Woods Blvd
312-466 Cummins St
Page 29 of 127
1/22/2024 1/25/2024 3 X 1602-1622 Valley Street 46
1602-1822 Hill Ave
1607-1863 Barrett Ave
1624 Grant Ave
1603 Washington Ave
1/22/2024 1/25/2024 3 X 701-748 Nimitz St 77
4221-4226 Larchmont St
702-731 Hillmont Dr
701-740 Verdemont Dr
4233-4349 Meadowmont
1/23/2024 1/25/2024 2 X 307-858 Buena Vista Ave 180
1601-1730 Robinson Rd
400-859 Eastview St
1602-1720 1st Ave
1719-1761 Grand Ave
303-853 S Prentiss St
1716-1901 Central St
1/23/2024 1/26/2024 3 X 1510-1728 Edgewood St 137
714-836 Euclid Ave
722-838 Oakwood St
721-859 Fairview St
721-856 Arlington St
744-846 Belhaven St
1421-1704 N Jefferson St
1390-1718 N State St
1600-1813 Pine St
1/23/2024 1/26/2024 3 X 1520-1813 Pine Street 95
722-838 Oakwood Street
1700-1808 N. State Street
714-836 Euclid Ave
1608-1717 Edgewood
721-859 Fairview Street
732-856 Arlington Street
1/24/2024 1/24/2024 0 X 101-348 Clairmont Street 45
1914-2002 W. Capitol
1/25/2024 1/30/2024 5 X 903-1180 Arbor Vista Blvd 65

Page 30 of 127
1/28/2024 1/30/2024 2 X 2104-2159 Crossbridge 165
115-116 Bridgeton Plaza
4201-4309 Summerton
701-733 Meadows Way
502-510 Westbridge Cove
601-633 Oakview Way
5301-5338 Gardens Way
301-314 Jared Cove
1-26 Old Bridge Cove
402-417 Justin Cove
1/29/2024 1/31/2024 2 X 1402-1557 Jones Ave 65
1408-1521 Hill Ave
1402-1534 Topp Ave
1850 Harrison Ave
1/29/2024 1/31/2024 2 X 1302-1540 Hair St 68
1303-1519 Cox St
1306-1538 Booker St
1/29/2024 1/31/2024 2 X 905-920 Rondo St 26
500-534 Oak St
501-533 Scott St
1250 MLK Jr Dr

Page 31 of 127
1/29/2024 1/31/2024 2 X 408-1010 Lake Dockery 508
417-1006 W. Lake Dockery
516-530 Lake Dockery
420-460 Powell Cove
701-765 Forest Woods
104-152 Forest Lake Drive
200-225 Berlin Place
308-316 Erie Cove
104-257 Gaddy Drive
1467-1685 Gregory Drive
100-1553 Torrence Cove
210-1468 Forbes Drive
320-350 Runnels Cove
420-460 Powell Cove
220-270 Bryan Cove
3101-3132 Tynes Drive
3202-3218 Ryan Cove
319-372 Barfield Drive
220-287 Turtle Creek
605-695 Dorothy Lane
12-34 Brock Drive
44-62 Lester Cove
1205-1259 Wildwood
1205-1230 Wildwood
70-83 Walbash Cove
50-65 Lee Cove
551-580 Buchanan Drive
1/30/2024 2/2/2024 3 X 1421-1704 N Jefferson St 47
712-1018 Arlington St
1/30/2024 2/2/2024 3 X 615-635 Warren Harding 86
405-559 Roosevelt Cir
306-355 Roosevelt Pl
114-135 Presidential Pl
6622-6687 Presidential Dr
Page 32 of 127
6911-7004 Franklin D
Roosevelt Dr

1/31/2024 2/5/2024 5 X 5377-5689 Brookhollow 213

100-197 Thousand Oaks
2100-2165 Thousand Oaks
1107-1148 Oak Glen PL
1305-1346 Whispering
Oaks Cv
1501-1545 Cedar Pine Dr
1700-1779 Brookhollow
5483 Brookview Dr
1603-1651 Oak Brook Dr
1/31/2024 2/5/2024 5 X 1118-1538 Deer Park St 45
817-838 Rhodes Ln
1219-1539 Pittsburg St
836-838 Dalton St
2/1/2024 2/6/2024 5 X 4512-4564 Normandy Dr 57
4519-4551 Manila Dr
4505-4568 Meadow Ridge
426-550 Naples Rd
2/2/2024 2/7/2024 5 X 101-234 Gaylyn Dr 43
210-295 Deason Dr
5045-5127 Clinton Blvd
2/2/2024 2/7/2024 5 X 502-1140 Bullrun Dr 255
804-855 Bullrun Cir
7214-7286 Tumbleweed
109-113 Dupuy Cir
208-260 Austin Cir
9821-9904 Crooked Creek
9903-9935 Crooked Creek
Page 33 of 127
5003-5060 Wagonwheel
1001-1026 Windmill Dr

2/3/2024 2/7/2024 4 X 611-760 Eagle Ave 26

4101-4102 Seminole Ave
4346-4348 Council Circle
2/4/2024 2/7/2024 3 X 4424-4585 Kings Hwy 38
454-510 Meadowbrook
387-405 Naples Road
2/5/2024 2/7/2024 2 X 105-424 Robinhood Rd 68
4424-4794 Kings Hwy
4624-4693 Casablanca Dr
2/6/2024 2/9/2024 3 X 903-1187 Pecan Blvd 103
1017-1186 Aberdeen St
1012-1075 Claiborne Ave
2120 Central St
2/6/2024 2/9/2024 3 X 1204-1529 1st Ave 34
321-519 Hemlock St
2/6/2024 2/9/2024 3 X 123-247 S Alabama Ave 29
2/6/2024 2/9/2024 3 X 100-402 Sheppard Rd 156
5018-5080 Durfey St
405-787 Benning Rd
304-878 Lawrence Rd
4918-5094 Woodmont Dr

Page 34 of 127
2/8/2024 2/12/2024 4 X 4308-4550 Manhattan Rd 147
1111-1260 Druid Hill Dr
1114-1174 Martingale Rd
1003-1093 Meadow
Heights Dr
1002-1084 Parkwood Pl
1000-1078 Whitsett Park
1001-1077 Cedar Hill Dr
4220-4240 Old Orchard Pl
100-4555 Holly Dr
335-1351 Lynwood Dr
2/8/2024 2/12/2024 4 X 711-934 Pinehurst St 73
744-1038 Belhaven St
703-932 Gillespie St
1334-1421 N Jefferson St
1405-1322 Hazel St
2/9/2024 2/15/2024 6 X 612-962 N State St 65
802-1255 North St
711-939 N President St
530-601 George St
615 Barksdale
2/12/2024 2/15/2024 3 X 3919-4087 Oaklawn Dr 75
3917-4189 Del Rosa Dr
113-170 Del Rio St
102-157 Pasa Robles Ave
2/12/2024 2/15/2024 3 X 3616-4139 California Ave 230
3616-4121 Warner Ave
3610-4130 N Wabash St
2011-2125 Utah St
2107 Idaho St

Page 35 of 127
2/12/2024 2/15/2024 3 X 2929 I-55 South 163
405-450 Conner Ave
420-451 Sennett St
422-462 Floyd Ave
421-472 Fielding Ave
421-472 Clark Ave
421-472 Dunlap Ave
421-471 Arbor Hills Dr
421-431 Kingswood Ave
2825-3092 Lasalle St
2806-3014 Englewood
2995-3080 Greenwood
2/12/2024 2/15/2024 3 X 4341-4465 Woodland Ave 157
4086-4408 El Paso St
208-452 Pine Ridge Rd
106-163 Woodsia Ln
109-157 Wacker Dr
108-148 Iris Ave
208-495 Forest Ave
4104-4310 Oaklawn Dr
2/13/2024 2/15/2024 2 X 3526-2746 Old Canton Rd 74
120-263 Ridge Dr
114-185 Woodland Cir
139-171 Woodland Dr
108-460 Glenway Dr
200-418 Wood Dale Dr
2/13/2024 2/15/2024 2 X 302-446 Decelle St 83
3012-3316 Oxford Ave
3311-3415 N State St
3303-3501 Northview Dr
305-451 Dunbar St
304-560 Hartfield St
2/13/2024 2/15/2024 2 X 1706-1940 Bellewood Dr 75
4615-4646 Northampton
2017-2047 Culleywood Rd
1712-2035 E Northside Dr
2/13/2024 2/15/2024 2 X 332-379 Dellwood Dr 15

Page 36 of 127
2/13/2024 2/15/2024 2 X 2210-2465 Wild Valley Dr 155
2107-2477 E Northside Dr
4501-4614 Katherine Blvd
2210-2258 Bellingrath Rd
4418-4434 Deer Creek Dr
4422-4451 Audubon Park
4418-4466 Wedgewood St
4302-4343 Dalrymple Ct
4404-4461 Woodlark Dr
2/13/2024 2/15/2024 2 X 1403-1823 Poplar Blvd 155
1126-1826 Lyncrest Ave
1102-1350 Linden Pl
1034-1398 St Ann Street
1305-1344 St Mary Street
1201-1240 Rosehill Cir
2/13/2024 2/16/2024 3 X 1211-1221 Browning Drive 28
301-520 Browning Drive
2/14/2024 2/16/2024 2 X 4220-4544 Forest Park Dr 147
1805-2042 Meadowbrook
1605-1638 Kent Ave
1606-1645 Lockwood Ave
1615-1634 Norwich Ave
4318-4435 Manhassett Dr
1711-4205 Berlin Dr
1807-1865 Parkridge Dr
4215-4277 Athens Dr
2-6 Charleston Pl
2/14/2024 2/16/2024 2 X 4303-4319 Patch Ave 109
4201-4313 Pyle Ave
4201-4314 McCain Ave
4203-4235 Chennault Ave
401-607 Nimitz St
302-508 Lindsey Dr

Page 37 of 127
2/14/2024 2/16/2024 2 X 505-709 Witsell Rd 185
4103-4348 Meadowlane
314-850 Hanging Moss Cir
314-368 Beaverbrook Dr
504-568 N Park Ln
502-628 N Park Dr
507-583 Woodward Ave
607-671 Peirmont St
2/15/2024 2/21/2024 6 X 1309-1405 Canterbury Ln 115
108-135 Hampton Ct
3443-3473 Warren St
3407-3455 Dundee Ln
3409-3461 Shannon Dale
3375-3505 Forest Hill Rd
2/15/2024 2/21/2024 6 X 3454-3835 Britton Ave 210
414-528 Rockdale Dr
203-469 Wilshire Ave
200-533 Stillwood Dr
3704-4448 Winston St
3715-4452 Desoto St
3516-3845 Mosley Ave
3720-3844 Azalea Dr
3512-3561 Fort St
390-540 Collier Ave
3519-3555 Cottage St
3519-3562 Lucky St
3512-3561 Ingersoll St
2/15/2024 2/21/2024 6 X 3721-3925 W Northside 9
2/15/2024 2/21/2024 6 X 1006-1119 Manship St 57
1204-1233 Monroe St
1145-1210 Whitworth St
1204-1214 Kenwood Pl
1015-1125 Poplar Blvd

Page 38 of 127
2/15/2024 2/22/2024 7 X 339-2970 Fairhill Dr 170
2603-2901 Pinebrook Dr
2902-2971 Barwood Dr
2801-3038 Woodbine St
2805-2854 Engleside Dr
2/15/2024 2/21/2024 6 X 230-595 Beasley Rd 32
2/15/2024 2/21/2024 6 X 3695-4328 Council Circle 66
3951-4099 Redwing Ave
2/16/2024 2/21/2024 5 X 4210-4235 Hanover Pl 22
100-212 Autumn Ridge Dr
202-210 Meadow Knoll Dr
111 Winwood Dr
2/16/2024 2/21/2024 5 X 900-1029 Euclid Ave 33
1718-1719 Hazel St
904-1017 Fairview St
1709-1723 Peachtree St
1611-1728 Edgewood St
2/17/2024 2/21/2024 4 X 4210-4235 Hanover Place 6
2/17/2024 2/23/2024 6 X 311-642 Cummins Street 131
2135-2267 Alta Wood
2315-2548 Coronet Place
2260-2261 Paden Street
2324-2349 Oakhurst Drive
2255-2303 Belvedere

Page 39 of 127
2/18/2024 2/21/2024 3 X 1833-2014 Edwards Lane 209
3509-3539 W. Northside
2010-2048 Marshall Place
343437-3570 Jo Ann Drive
3503-3575 Michael Clay
102-127 Michael Clay
101-118 Michele Court
1902-2022 Chandler Drive
104-141 Dale Court
3440-3482 Carley Drive
3467-3513 Rita Drive
104-129 Rita Court
3409-3434 Dye Street
3402-3544 Jackye Lane
3541-3548 Dye Cove
2/19/2024 2/21/2024 2 X 1305-1650 Robert Drive 108
3926-3987 Berkley Drive
1304-1616 Eastover Drive
3927-3985 Roxbury Road
3917-3984 Northeast
3927-3960 Eastline Drive
3928-4004 Eastwood
2/19/2024 2/21/2024 2 X 4850 Watkins Drive 6
Northwood Village
2/20/2024 2/22/2024 2 X 519-615 Court Street 7
2/20/2024 2/22/2024 2 X 948-1093 Meadow 31
Heights Drive
2/20/2024 3/1/2024 10 X 185-191 Thompson Street 10
110-143 Capers Ave
1128-1300 W. Capitol
2/21/2024 2/23/2024 2 X 1515-1842 Piedmont 43

Page 40 of 127
2/21/2024 2/23/2024 2 X 2803-3103 Greenwood 124
405-420 Conner Ave
3032-3092 LaSalle Street
420-440 Senneth Street
422-462 Floyd Ave
2/21/2024 2/23/2024 2 X 732-869 Monterey Road 100
702-963 Myrtlewood
701-1087 Combs Street
2/21/2024 2/23/2024 2 X 218 Yerger Street 1
2/21/2024 2/23/2024 2 X 113-175 Ash Street 31
1156-1201 Wood Street
2/21/2024 2/23/2024 2 X 1114-1174 Martingale 29
4220-4040 Old Orchard
1121-1142 Meadowbrook
1-134 Ashley Park Drive
2/21/2024 2/23/2024 2 X 580-669 Briarcliff Circle 93
495-526 Chelsea Drive
3618-3907 Marlendo
532-575 Spryfield Road
2/21/2024 2/23/2024 2 X 3903-4348 Council Circle 93
3914-4074 North State
4001-4099 Redwing Ave
2/22/2024 2/27/2024 5 X 4006-4099 Pine Hill Drive 105
342-375 Iroquois Ave
3803-3895 Northview
315-346 Audubon Place
303-438 E Mayes Street
2/22/2024 2/27/2024 5 X 1316-1846 St. Mary Street 65
1820-1821 Pinehurst
1701-1711 Poplar Blvd
1705-1810 Belmont Street

Page 41 of 127
2/22/2024 2/26/2024 4 X 6148-6413 Northfield 22
6288-6397 Quail Lake
2/22/2024 2/27/2024 5 X 129-511 S Pearl Street 6
106-200 S. President
2/22/2024 2/27/2024 5 X White Oak Estates 65
Glencross Drive
2/22/2024 2/27/2024 5 X 1114-1174 Martingale Rd 145
4308-4322 Manhattan Rd
1001-1078 Cedar Hill Dr
919-1127 Meadowbrook
4206-4245 Brookdale St
930-1232 Buckley Dr
3604-4247 Crane Blvd
3911-4043 Old Canton Ln
4001-4043 Cabell Ln
4220-4240 Old Orchard Pl
2/22/2024 2/26/2024 4 X 5800-5895 Ferncreek Dr 65
5812-5816 Ferncreek Cv
5720-5848 Orchard View
1404 Plantation Blvd
2/22/2024 2/27/2024 5 X 1109-1282 Dardanelle 48
2205-2295 Charmwood
2/22/2024 2/26/2024 4 X 2255-2331 Forest Glen 195
2261-2300 Village Drive
6619-6697 Glen Ridge
6506-6696 Lake Forest
2306-6664 Lake Glen
616-631 Lake Glen Place
1390-2322 Forest Ave

Page 42 of 127
2/22/2024 2/26/2024 4 X 5800-5895 Ferncreek 34
2/23/2024 2/28/2024 5 X 3705-3737 Thomas 1060
Jefferson Rd
3706-3732 James Madison
3706-3755 John Adams Rd
6580-6588 Johnson Pl
3651-3692 James Monroe
101-138 James Monroe Pl
105-310 James Garfield Cir
6501-6582 Van Buren Rd
103-253 Rutherford B
Hayes Cir
6704-6781 Goerge
Washington Dr
119-162 Lincoln Pl
104-333 Grover Cleveland
108-357 William Mckinley
6302-6683 Abraham
Lincoln Dr
6303-6733 Lyndon B
Johnson Dr
6602-7704 Franklin D
Roosevelt Dr
3601-3886 John F
Kennedy Blvd
6622-6804 Presidential Dr
6762-6857 Harry S
Truman Dr
405-539 Roosevelt Cir
306-355 Roosevelt Pl
615-638 Warren Harding
5712-6612 Trace Dr
102-384 Overlook Cir
3520-3575 N Flag Chapel

Page 43 of 127
108-116 Truman Cir
106-117 Truman Pl
118-135 Presidential Pl
105-249 Flag Chapel Cir

2/23/2024 2/27/2024 4 X 3903-4055 Mary Edith St 9

2/23/2024 2/27/2024 4 X 102-266 Upton Dr 50
111-175 Richardson Dr
4607-4628 Womack Dr
94-100 Shubuta St
112-128 Riley Dr
4125-4217 W Northside
2/23/2024 2/27/2024 4 X 744-1037 Belhaven Street 42
2/24/2024 2/28/2024 4 X 3708-3737 Thomas 28
Jefferson Road
6638-650 Lyndon B.
Johnson Drive
Page 44 of 127
2/24/2024 2/28/2024 4 X 2365-2751 Glenn Street 101
205-349 Colonial Drive
2442-2752 HIllside Drive
316-404 McDowell Street
2/24/2024 2/27/2024 3 X 4409-4474 HIckory Ridge 35
4407-4479 Northover
2128 Southwood Road
2/25/2024 2/27/2024 2 X 3800-3855 Yarbo Street 10
4023-4052 Mary Edith
2/25/2024 2/28/2024 3 X 110-398 Brookwood Lake 35
2/26/2024 2/28/2024 2 X 4315-4466 Wedgewood St 47
4404-4468 Woodlark Dr
2405-2466 Southwood Rd
2/26/2024 2/29/2024 3 X 605-695 Dorothy Ln 117
319-375 Barfield Dr
671-683 Pine Cv
200-288 Turtle Creek Dr
105-147 Lake Dockery Rd
1231-1259 Wildwood Cv
1205-1230 Wildwood Rd
2/26/2024 2/28/2024 2 X 109-199 Roosevelt St 42
1533-1536 Blair St
1326-1424 N Mill St
2/27/2024 3/1/2024 3 X 14031542 Belle Glade St 72
1305-1452 Kimwood Dr
1500-1540 Kimwood Cir
1309-1503 E Northside Dr
2/27/2024 3/1/2024 3 X 5040-5280 Sedgwick Dr 103
5110-5195 Shirlwood Dr
5123-5195 N Hill Dr
5005-5265 Sunnyvale Dr
5070-5256 Romany Dr
2/27/2024 3/1/2024 3 X 402-550 Naples Rd 45
4611-4663 Kings Hwy
4519-4550 Manila Dr
4512-4564 Normandy Dr

Page 45 of 127
2/28/2024 3/4/2024 5 X 1095-1190 Big Creek Rd 25
2/28/2024 3/4/2024 5 X 2901-2961 Shelia Dr 117
2914-4227 Oakmont Dr
802-850 Primos Ave
2840-3150 Robinson Rd
901-926 Lindsey Dr
2/28/2024 3/4/2024 5 X 906-1048 Stuart St 92
864-964 Reaves St
907-1054 Winn St
2429-2520 Gunda St
2/28/2024 3/4/2024 5 X 100-231 Rolling Meadows 173
103-123 Rolling Creek Dr
102-127 N Meadow Pl
227-357 Meadowoods Dr
304-333 Meadow Creek Pl
6-50 Northtown Rd
2-9 River Oaks Pl
4-5100 Northtown Dr
33-49 Meadowoods
4-32 Meadowoods Pl
2/29/2024 3/4/2024 4 X 508-4315 Oak Hill Dr 127
561-816 Hickory Ridge Dr
4011-4144 Carol Dr
506-759 Beaverbrook Dr
4212-4249 Crescent Pl
504-744 Meadowview Dr
4306-4454 Liberty Hill Rd
2/29/2024 3/4/2024 4 X 1001-1243 Langley Ave 70
1020-1119 Hunter St
406-638 Guidici St
530-706 Railroad Ave
300-535 W Porter St

Page 46 of 127
2/29/2024 3/4/2024 4 X 3505-3845 Lampton Ave 233
902-1220 Eminence Row
3505-3839 Edwards Ave
3504-3848 Bailey Ave
3502-3843 Fontaine Ave
3522-3844 Douglas Ave
905-1286 W Northside Dr
1215 Collier Ave
2/29/2024 3/7/2024 7 X 1305-1480 St Mary Street 63
1204-1475 St Ann Street
1619-1823 Poplar Blvd
1201-1240 Rosehill Cir
1820 Pinehurst St
2/29/2024 3/4/2024 4 X 1001-1243 Langley Ave 75
406-537 Guidici Street
500-611 W. Porter Street
515-601 Winter Street
1023-1120 Hunter Street
530-706 Hunter Street
3/2/2024 3/7/2024 5 X 4615-4680 Hickory Ridge 17
2034-2104 E. Northside
2000-2086 Culleywood
3/2/2024 3/7/2024 5 X 1311-1733 Dewey Street 60
5817-5813 Turner Street
5725-5820 Montgomery
235-568 School Circle
570-5722 Gault Street
3/2/2024 3/7/2024 5 X 809-896 Brandon Ave 37
2116-2204 Robinson Road
2119-2203 1st Ave
3/2/2024 3/7/2024 5 X 4203-4235 Chenault Ave 29
3/3/2024 3/7/2024 4 X 307-520 East Pearl Street 11
119-219 S. President
125-201 S. Congress Street

Page 47 of 127
3/4/2024 3/7/2024 3 X 2006-2076 London Ave 97
4214-4277 Athens Dr
4202-4267 Brussels Dr
4113-4344 E Ridge Dr
1711-4293 Berlin Dr
108-249 Ashcot Cir
2-8 Charleston Pl
3/4/2024 3/7/2024 3 X 4723-4794 Kings Hwy 137
4324-4693 Casablanca Dr
4609-4658 Manila Dr
4611-4653 Normandy Dr
4600-4652 N State St
4600-4660 Meadow Ridge
105-424 Robinhood Rd
216-440 E Northside Dr
3/4/2024 3/7/2024 3 X 4185-4328 Whitehall Ave 70
1706-1752 Hampton St
1704-1745 Dixie Dr
1721-1848 Kenmore Dr
1804-1857 Westover St
4270-4436 Robinson St
4208 Fairfax Ave
3/4/2024 3/7/2024 3 X 513-735 Campbell St 234
501-741 Maple St
505-729 Watson St
613-737 Randall St
502-708 Ash St
501-735 Erie St
501-630 Scott St
500-534 Oak St
905-1521 Rondo St
1055-1641 Maderia Ave
1390-1905 Piney Woods

Page 48 of 127
3/5/2024 3/7/2024 2 X 2210-3200 Utica St 67
1215-1263 AME Logan St
1210-1263 Wiggins St
21-1267 Newton St
1217-1355 Hattiesburg St
1245-1255 Tunica St
1212-1268 Valley St
3/6/2024 3/11/2024 5 X 110-300 Capers Ave 15
185-191 Thompson St
716-800 W Monument St
1128-1450 W Capitol St
146 N Green Ave
3/6/2024 3/11/2024 5 X 1700-1779 Broodhollow 250
5384-5689 Brookhollow
1603-1762 Oak Brook Cir
1501-1545 Cider Pine Dr
1305-1346 Whispering
Oaks Cv
1107-1148 Oak Glen Pl
2100-2165 Thousand Oaks
100-197 Thousand Oaks
3/6/2024 3/11/2024 5 X 383-413 Parks Rd 145
100-350 Wildwood Blvd
127-131 Cedar Cv
100-108 Sweet Gum Dr
200-212 Elm Dr
1100-1140 Parks Blvd
1201-1215 Parks Pl
81-150 Carpenter Dr
292-413 Parks Rd
1524-2005 W Parks

Page 49 of 127
3/6/2024 3/11/2024 5 X 5501-5574 Deckard Dr 140
5520-5584 Dolphin Dr
5502-5575 Draughn Dr
5501-5566 Delmonico Dr
1483-1664 Wiggins Rd
1465-1643 Peach Pl
5510 Turner St
3/7/2024 3/12/2024 5 X 104-141 Pine Bay Dr 132
101-361 Lake of Pines Dr
101-235 Pine Island Dr
103-160 Needle Cove Dr
106-154 Green Harbor Dr
4902-5026 Watkins Dr
3/7/2024 3/12/2024 5 X 401-824 State St 78
523-792 Commerce St
410-740 S Jefferson St
650-711 E South St
701 E Silas Brown St
316-736 S President St
512-615 Court St
555-777 Tombigbee St
3/8/2024 3/12/2024 4 X 3106-3294 Washington St 125
3103-3296 Booker St
3105-3288 Burch St
911-1185 Craft St
977-1231 Mclean St
3213-3300 Mable St
3/9/2024 3/12/2024 3 X 3904-4132 O Bannon 243
2206-2737 Idaho Street
2125-2735 Utah Street
4101-4139 California Ave
4036-4121 Warner Ave
2208-2726 Newport Street
3/9/2024 3/12/2024 3 X 4504-4686 East Cheryl 21

Page 50 of 127
3/11/2024 3/13/2024 2 X 103-454 Windsor Dr 156
5106-5260 Nantuckett Dr
112-555 Clubview Dr
102-166 Clinton Cr
104-154 Clinton Park
206-243 Merrimack St
204-234 Clintview St
201-216 Quincy St
159-245 Meadowview St
5103-5273 Andover Dr
3/11/2024 3/13/2024 2 X 206-214 Glen Ct 103
210-241 Brookridge Dr
5102-5132 Brookview Dr
5100-5208 Brookhollow
105-115 Windward Ct
105-116 Jamestown Ct
208-269 Idlebrook Dr
103-120 Bendwood Ct
101-114 Fieldtree Ct
3/11/2024 3/13/2024 2 X 5530-5661 Spencer Dr 85
4400-4437 New Post Rd
4407-4447 Will O Run Dr
5501-5533 Dogwood Trl
4417-4427 Sundrop Ct
3/12/2024 3/14/2024 2 X 205-400 W Rankin St 20
302 Guice St
318-440 Beatty St
1244-1327 S Gallatin St
3/12/2024 3/14/2024 2 X 3917-4189 Del Rosa Street 109
113-170 Del Rio Street
102-157 Pasa Robles Ave
110-154 W. Northside
3919-4086 Oaklawn Drive
3/12/2024 3/14/2024 2 X 6621-6993 Richmond 26
Grove Road
6971-6975 Holden Street
1820-1831 Lowe Lane
1735-1767 Russell Lane
1770-1775 Minor Lane
Page 51 of 127
3/12/2024 3/14/2024 2 X 210-222 Glen Court 9
3/12/2024 3/14/2024 2 X 1504-1844 Devine St 106
1502-1841 Myrtle St
1516-1846 Howard St
3/12/2024 3/14/2024 2 X 218-403 Mt Vernon Ave 214
105-145 Sumner St
221-297 Redwood Ave
117-229 Sollitt St
115-139 Owsley St
150-269 Sewanee Dr
111-413 Galvez St
123-575 Rd of
201-275 Segura Ave
301-611 Holden St
320-432 Heloise St
3/13/2024 3/15/2024 2 X 500-654 Wellington Rd 141
505-655 Belvedere Rd
501-655 Avalon Rd
4607-4707 Churchill Dr
4628-4674 Cedarhurst Dr
506-640 E Northside Dr
510-662 Robinhood Rd
4638-4706 Londonberry
3/13/2024 3/15/2024 2 X 458-706 Roach St 40
101-231 South St
423-610 S Farish St
210-216 W Hudson St
515 Martin St
114 Hinds St
3/13/2024 3/15/2024 2 X 306-3309 Downing St 127
300-487 E Ridgeway St
3415-3619 Northview Dr
202-340 Dunbar St
203-247 Stirling St
200-355 Decelle St
201-247 Donald St

Page 52 of 127
3/14/2024 3/19/2024 5 X 602-999 S State St 51
500-518 Beasley St
630-700 E Silas Brown St
601-842 Commerce St
618-829 S President St
607-740 S Jefferson St
3/14/2024 3/22/2024 8 X 4946-5200 Clinton Blvd 178
102-166 Clinton Cir
103-245 Windsor Dr
5106-5259 Nantucket Dr
5109-5118 Curtis St
159-245 Meadowview St
607-637 W Hillsdale Dr
103-520 E Hillsdale Dr
103-109 Gay Ct
103-110 Club Ct
103-110 Fair Ct
103-113 Elcrest St
3/16/2024 3/19/2024 3 X 3509-3551 I-55 South 5
Frontage Road
3/18/2024 3/21/2024 3 X 619-986 S West St 38
105-233 E Rankin St
350-413 E Silas Brown St
817-830 S Congress St
3/18/2024 3/21/2024 3 X 3927-3960 Eastline Dr 215
1305-1650 Robert Dr
3917-1510 Northeast Dr
3920-4245 Roxbury Rd
1304-1840 Eastover Dr
1304-4050 Berkley Dr
3933-4085 Eastwood Dr
1440-1741 Douglass Ave
3909-4041 Pinewood Dr
1314-1355 Simwood Pl
1440-1438 Roxbury Pl
1302-1488 Roxbury Ct
1-20 Waterstone Pl

Page 53 of 127
3/18/2024 3/21/2024 3 X 98-441 E Northside Dr 217
4519-4655 Manila Dr
4611-4794 Kings Hwy
4512-4653 Normandy Dr
4625-4693 Casablanca Dr
4504-4660 Meadow Ridge
320-550 Naples Rd
108-420 Robinhood Rd
214-332 Melbourne Rd
3/18/2024 3/21/2024 3 X 101-231 South St 42
458-706 Roach St
423-610 S Farish St
210-216 W Hudson St
515 Martin St
114 Hinds St
3/19/2024 3/22/2024 3 X 3303-3781 Northview Dr 143
3918-3950 Royal St
201-316 Conti St
306-3309 Downing St
300-487 E Ridgeway St
202-340 Dunbar St
203-247 Stirling St
200-355 Decelle St
201-247 Donald St
3/19/2024 3/25/2024 6 X 1101-1280 Greenbriar St 311
1115-1345 Winnrose St
5820-5914 Medallion Dr
1104-1294 Plantation Blvd
5917-5920 Concord Dr
1205-1270 Winterview Dr
5804-5829 Pepper Ridge
5809-5833 Fallview Dr
1135-1158 Plantation Ct
903-1048 Bayridge Dr
1107-1151 Ridgewood
1139-1291 Ferncrest Dr
3/19/2024 3/25/2024 6 X 5280-6392 Ridgewood 13
Court Drive
Page 54 of 127
3/19/2024 3/22/2024 3 X 102-166 Clinton Cir 179
4946-5200 Clinton Blvd
156 N Flag Chapel Rd
103-245 Windsor Dr
159-245 Meadowview St
607-637 W Hillsdale Dr
103-520 E Hillsdale Dr
103-109 Gay Ct
103-110 Club Ct
103-110 Fair Ct
103-113 Elcrest St
5106-5259 Nantucket Dr
5109-5118 Curtis St
3/20/2024 3/22/2024 2 X 511-808 Stonewall St 133
2805-3027 Booker T
2804-3034 Bailey Ave
2801-3032 Bishop St
2820-2982 Marion Dunbar
2812-3030 Randolph St
2815-3031 Smith
Robinson St
819 W Ridgeway St
3/20/2024 3/25/2024 5 X 145-524 Lorenz Blvd 132
2817-2905 Oxford Ave
121-565 Taylor St
203-532 Mitchell Ave
207-244 Gunter St
204-232 Stonewall St
2720-2951 Downing St
2816-2904 Windsor Ave
502-526 Fondren Pl
2567-2913 N West St

Page 55 of 127
3/20/2024 3/25/2024 5 X 5272-5386 Wynndyke Rd 128
2446-5365 Wynndyke Cir
5308-5338 Chalet Ave
2301-2442 Ladd St
2352-2388 Riffle Ave
5307-5349 Sheronn St
220-250 Speights St
343 Westhaven Blvd
3/20/2024 3/25/2024 5 X 1-6 Pierce Cv 66
1-7 Laurel Cv
1-6 Pecan Tree Pl
1-6 Rivers Creek Dr
1-11 Cypress Ln
2-10 Pecan Hollow Dr
1-9 Crestview Cv
100-118 Green Dr
106-115 Meadowbrook N
3/20/2024 3/26/2024 6 x 3209-3284 Woodview Dr 77
1006-1181 Wooddell Dr
1015-1125 Woody Dr
3207-3283 Oak Forest Dr
3207-3231 Lakewood Dr
3/21/2024 3/25/2024 4 X 5321-5689 Brookhollow 212
1700-1779 Brookhollow
2100-2165 Thousand Oaks
100-197 Thousand Oaks
1107-1148 Oak Glen Pl
1305-1346 Whispering
Oaks Cv
1501-1545 Cedar Pine Dr
1603-1651 Oak Brook Dr
3/21/2024 3/25/2024 4 X 101-220 Poole St 10
3/23/2024 3/26/2024 3 X 900-1029 Euclid Ave 21
1718-1719 Hazel Street
3/25/2024 3/28/2024 3 X 206-939 N President St 78
110-905 S President St

Page 56 of 127
3/25/2024 3/27/2024 2 X 445-755 Nakoma Dr 272
4600-4669 Nisqually Rd
4605-4678 Norway Dr
4602-4698 Nordell Dr
4500-4690 Village Dr
710-752 Neering Trl
107-115 Nimrod Cir
4601-4808 Kirkley Dr
3/25/2024 3/27/2024 2 X 1500-1532 Sherman Ave 131
1459-6237 Northlake Cir
1442-1545 Kristen Dr
1435-1576 Northlake Dr
3/25/2024 3/27/2024 2 X 1414-1434 Woodcrest Dr 51
5305-5554 Meadow Oaks
Park Dr
3/26/2024 3/28/2024 2 X 1338-1655 Whiting Rd 66
4515-4675 Dixie Dr
4603-4678 Van Winkle
Park Dr
4716 John R Lynch St
3/26/2024 3/28/2024 2 X 101-170 Windy Hill Cv 43
100-130 Spring Valley Dr
5715-5956 Springridge Rd
3/27/2024 3/29/2024 2 X 501-655 Avalon Rd 153
505-655 Belvedere Rd
506-654 Wellington Rd
510-662 Robinhood Rd
505-669 Broadmoor Dr
4607-4855 Churchill Dr
4628-4761 Cedarhurst Dr
4604-4706 Londonderry
480-706 E Northside Dr

Page 57 of 127
3/27/2024 3/29/2024 2 X 3806-3861 Eddy St 117
200-318 Cameron St
3812-3851 Nichols Blvd
211-270 Winfield St
206-280 Savanna St
103-254 Creston Ave
3706-3736 Veld Dr
122-224 Fleming Rd
3704-3743 Hines Ave
3703-3724 Gretchen St
3/27/2024 3/29/2024 2 X 419-469 W. Silas Street 27
907-947 S. Gallatin Street
907-932 Union Street
918-958 Summer Street
3/28/2024 4/2/2024 5 X 320-550 Naples Rd 187
4322-4435 Childress Dr
4519-4655 Manila Dr
4515-4794 Kings Hwy
214-332 Melbourne Rd
4504-4660 Meadow Ridge
4512-4653 Normandy Dr
4625-4693 Casablanca Dr
98-441 E Northside Dr
3/28/2024 4/2/2024 5 X 101-141 Maple Ridge Dr 43
101-304 Cedar Ln
2914-2922 Terry Rd
3/29/2024 4/3/2024 5 X 115-436 Broadmoor Dr 112
105-424 Robinhood Rd
4815-4898 Churchill Dr
4803-4898 Sheridan Dr
4801-4891 Maplewood Dr
4805-4899 Woodmont Dr
4803-4876 Windermere
3/29/2024 4/3/2024 5 X 1682-3453 Springridge Rd 67

Page 58 of 127

No delays that should impact the achievement of the objectives of the ISO were encountered during the
reporting period.

Page 59 of 127

Goal 1 - Establish the Interim Third-Party Manager (ITPM) to operate, maintain, manage, and control
the System in compliance with the SDWA. Comply with all requirements of the Order.

Goal 1 was achieved during the quarter ended March 31, 2023. The ITPM established JXN Water, Inc., as
the business en�ty required to achieve the goals and objec�ves of the Interim S�pulated Order and this

The approved grant workplan included five tasks under Goal 1 for the Interim Third-Party Manager.
While the stated goal was accomplished with establishment of the ITPM, these five tasks will continue
throughout the term of the grant.

• Implement the Project Priority List Implementation Schedule.

The Priority Project schedule was developed and submitted. Progress on PPL projects is
provided within this report. This work will continue throughout the grant period in
accordance with the schedule.

• Advise, consult, and collaborate with the Director of Public Works.

Regular communications and meetings are held with the Director of Public Works and will
continue throughout the grant term.

• Perform reporting requirements; and respond to requests.

All reporting requirements and requests during the quarter have been satisfied.

• Hire, enter into contracts, alter existing contracts, seek out other funding sources, and
make purchases for the benefit of the System.
See details herein.

• Develop and implement a Financial Management Plan for the System.

A revised Financial Management Plan (FMP) was developed and submitted on January 30,

Support Personnel:

The organiza�onal chart for the ITPM and JXN Water is shown on the following page. The two orange
blocks represent contract employees performing staff func�ons. The Business Manager posi�on is not
grant funded. Funding for that posi�on is from local revenues.

Page 60 of 127
ITPM and JXN Water Organiza�on Chart

Contractual Support for ITPM

With addi�onal experience, the roles of various contractors have been evaluated and modified from the
original grant workplan. At this �me these are the contractors suppor�ng the ITPM:

Legal Services – Regulatory and General Counsel – AquaLaw (Paul Calamita) has been engaged with the
local support of Forman Watkins (Malissa Wilson). Mr. Calamita has over 30 years of experience
represen�ng public drinking water and sewer u�li�es na�onwide. Ms. Wilson is a Partner at Forman
Watkins and her team is able to provide a wide range of necessary support with extensive experience
with Mississippi clients.

Accoun�ng – Kim Hardy, CPA with Mathews, Cutrer, and Lindsay has been retained. Horne has been
retained to assist with compliance monitoring.

Financial Advisor – PFM (Ricardo Callender) has been retained to provide financial advisory services.
There may be addi�onal support necessary under this item related to the debt re�rement.

Billing Support – Horne has been retained to assist with cleaning up the customer account data in
addi�on to the grant compliance support they are providing.

Communica�ons Support – HDR (Ameerah Palacios) has been retained to lead the JXN Water
communica�ons effort. This broad tasking includes, client consulta�on, project management,
communica�ons strategy, crisis communica�ons, internal and external communica�ons, copywri�ng,
Page 61 of 127
copy edi�ng, graphic design, social media management, website design and development, and public
rela�ons services.

Goal 2 – Establish an Opera�ons and Maintenance Contract for the City of Jackson Water
This goal was accomplished when Jacobs entered a contract with JXN Water for Opera�on and
Maintenance of the two water treatment plants, the wells, and the storage tanks throughout the system
on February 20, 2023. This contract is an open-book �me and materials contract for a six-month term.
During this term Jacobs will develop a beter understanding of the cost to operate and maintain the
plants and will use that data to inform their fixed-price bid on a ten-year contract. The contract term has
been extended through June 30, 2024, as the par�es con�nue to nego�ate liability language important
to Jacobs and other contractors working for the ITPM.

The contract requires Jacobs to meet all SDWA standards, MSDH regula�ons, and any other applicable
laws, regula�ons, and standards. The plant outcomes for this quarter are shown below.

Water Produc�on (into Distribu�on System) in million gallons per day

Plant Q1 2024 Q4 Average Q3 Average Q2 Average Q1 Average

OBC Conven�onal 13.6 17.6 16.1 13.3 15.1
OBC Membrane 18.2 19.1 21.7 22.4 21.8
JH Fewell 16.6 19.3 15.9 11.5 13.4
Total 48.5 55.9 53.7 47.2 50.2

Power and Chemical Cost for Water Treatment

January February March Q1

2024 2024 2024 2024 Average

Plant Flows MG (Total all plants) 1798 1357 1256 1470

Es�mated Chemical and Power Cost $202 $512 $855 $523/MG

Per MG

Page 62 of 127
O&M Contract Staffing Plan and Progress

Jacobs has con�nued to recruit to fill all posi�ons in their staffing plan. The plan calls for a long-term
total of approximately 54 people with a short-term requirement for an addi�onal 12 maintenance
people to expedite correc�ons and deficiencies related to deferred maintenance. Eighteen full-�me and
one part-�me posi�on have been filled with former City of Jackson employees. As of March 31, 2024,
48.5 posi�ons of 66.5 are filled (73 percent).

Jacobs Opera�on and Maintenance Contract Staffing Plan and Status

Page 63 of 127
G. Detailed Accoun�ng of Grant 84054501-01

Grant 84054501-01 will end on April 30, 2024. The workplan from 84054501 will be incorporated into
Grant 84060101-01 as a project. The final month of this grant will be reported with the Q2 2024
quarterly report.

Page 64 of 127
Page 65 of 127

Project Goals, Outputs, and Outcomes

The main goal of the project is to implement the necessary actions as defined in the Stipulated Order to
restore reliable and safe drinking water to all customers of the Jackson Water System. The Consolidated
Appropriations Act, 2023, included $150 million in 1442b grant funding for the City of Jackson’s water
system. This grant application includes eligible pre-award costs beginning on February 1, 2023.
Additionally, because these contracts are required to mitigate the existing emergency situation,
noncompetitive procurement may be used based on 2 CFR 200.320(c)(3), the public exigency or
emergency for the requirement will not permit a delay resulting from publicizing a competitive
solicitation. Further, the Stipulated Order specifically exempts the Interim Third-Party Manager from
compliance with Mississippi procurement laws and regulations.

Progress on specific projects funded by this grant is detailed herein. Financial reports follow:

I. Detailed Accounting of Grant 84060101-0 Funding

Eligible expenses for the projects approved in the first phase of the grant have been charged to the
grant and the ITPM has drawn down Federal funding to pay these costs during the reporting period.
Costs incurred after February 2, 2023, are eligible.

Page 66 of 127
Grant 84060101-0 – Budget versus Actual
Project Description Spent to Date 3/31/24
Budget (M)
5.a.ii Valve and Hydrant Assessment $ 7.4 $ 2,578,613.72
5.a.vii Service Line Inventory $ 0.1 $ 920,766.26
Distribution System Leaks –
5.a.iv $ 22.5 $ 33,374,349.42
Find and Fix
Phase 2 O&M Contract - Open
1 $ 12.0 $ 32,018,453.53
Book Actual Cost
Phase 3 O&M Contract - Long
1 $ 63.0
Term Fixed Price
System Stabilization and
6 $ 2.0 $ 3,531,344.92
Sustainability Plan

3 Corrosion Control $ $ 660,105.91

2 Winterization $ 247,514.45

ITPM Professional Budget $ 8.5

Grant 84060101-0 $115.5 $73,993,709.48

Page 67 of 127
J. Spending Plan

The Financial Management Plan, submited on January 29, 2024, included a spending plan that
extends through the 20-year planning period. The first 5 years of the plan (through 2029) are
shown below. y
Source Project No. Description Total 2023 2024 2025

1442b 2 Winterization $ 0.3 $ 0.3

1442b 3 Corrosion Control $ 7.0 $ 0.3 $ 6.7
1442b 5.a.ii Valve and Hydrant Assessment $ 7.4 $ 1.9 $ 5.5
1442b 5.a.vii Service Line Inventory $ 1.0 $ 0.2 $ 0.8
1442b 5.a.iv Distribution System Leaks - Find and Fix $ 37.4 $ 23.2 $ 14.2
1442b 5 and 6 System Stabilization and Sustainability Plan $ 8.8 $ 2.8 $ 4.0 $ 2.0
1442b 4 Emergency Water Supply $ 2.9 $ 1.4 $ 1.0 $ 0.5
1442b 13 Resilient Power Plan $ 0.5 $ - $ 0.5
1442b Small Pipe Replacement Pilot $ 5.5 $ 5.5
Grant Management Services $ 0.6 $ 0.3 $ 0.3
1442b EPA Administration $ 3.9 $ 1.5 $ 1.2 $ 1.2
1442b ITPM Professional Budget $ 6.0 $ - $ 3.0 $ 3.0
$ 81.3
1442b 1 O&M Contract $ 68.7 $ 26.7 $ 30.0 $ 12.0
TOTAL 1442b $ 150.0 $ 58.3 $ 72.7 $ 19.0

ARPA Savanna Street Improvements $ 10.0 $ 10.0

ARPA Small Pipe Replacement $ 10.0 $ 10.0

ARPA 11.a,g OBC Filters/Conventional and Membrane $ 9.6 $ 9.6

ARPA Sewer Find and Fix $ 16.0 $ 4.0 $ 12.0


Comm Grant Maintenance Facilities Improvements $ 2.2 $ 2.2

Comm Grant WSBA Facility Replacement $ 1.8 $ 1.8

Pay-Go Distribution System Repairs $ 75.0

Pay-Go Plant Treatment Processes $ 75.0
Pay-Go Small Pipe Replacement $ 65.0
Pay-Go Sewer System Repairs $ 182.0 $ 12.0 $ 17.0
TOTAL PAY-GO $ 397.0

Active SRF Loan 3 Membrane Train $ 0.3 $ 0.3

Active SRF Loan 3 Membrane Building $ 1.5 $ 1.5
Active SRF Loan 3 OBC Winterization $ 4.1 $ 4.1
Active SRF Loan 3 JHF Corrosion Control $ 5.0 $ 5.0
Active SRF Loan 3 JHF Filters 24/26 $ 1.8 $ 1.8

SRF Omni 5.a.v Distribution System Optimization $ 54.5 $ 4.5 $ 30.0 $ 20.0
SRF Omni 10 Intake Structure Repair $ 5.5 $ 2.0 $ 3.5
SRF Omni Find and Fix Water Leaks $ 24.0 $ 12.0 $ 12.0
SRF Omni Chemical Feed Repair OBC $ 24.0 $ 24.0
SRF Omni Treatment Process Renewals $ 90.0 $ 40.0 $ 50.0
SRF Omni Small Pipe Replacement $ 30.0 $ 10.0 $ 10.0 $ 10.0
SRF Omni Retire Private Debt $ 160.0 $ 160.0

SRF Omni Retire SRF $ 60.0 $ 60.0

SRF Omni EPA Administration/Technical Assistance $ 2.0 $ 1.2 $ 0.4 $ 0.4

SRF Omni (CD) 11.g General Filter Repairs at JHF $ 2.8 $ 2.8

USACE 219/WRDA 100 MGD Pump $ 5.0 $ 5.0

USACE 219/WRDA Membrane Cassette Purchase $ 10.0 $ 10.0
USACE 219/WRDA Small Pipe Replacement $ 40.0 $ 15.0 $ 15.0
USACE 219/WRDA Sewer System Work $ 50.0 $ 5.0 $ 20.0 $ 30.0
USACE 219/WRDA Dredging Storm Basins at Savanna $ 25.0 $ 10.0 $ 15.0

Page 68 of 127
Each of the 13 Priority Projects included in the ISO have funding sources iden�fied in the Spending Plan.
The Spending Plan has these 13 projects accomplished by the end of 2026. While that is the plan, many
of the priority projects are s�ll at a conceptual level. Where engineering has not been ini�ated that may
increase es�mates or iden�fy long-lead �me materials that could delay one or more of the Priority
Projects. The quarterly reports will provide regular updates for each Priority Project.

K. Modifica�ons to the Priority Project List or Schedule

A modified Priority Project List Implementa�on Schedule was submited to EPA and MSDH on December
19, 2023. On January 17, 2024, EPA responded with no objec�ons. As such, the following is the current
Implementa�on Schedule for the Priority Projects.

On March 3, 2024, the ITPM submited a request to combine Priority Projects 5 and 6. On March 7,
2024, EPA responded posi�vely with the requirement that the combined project be “System Planning
and Stabiliza�on” with two subparts; “a. Distribu�on System”, and “b. System Stabiliza�on and
Sustainability Plan.” The list below has been modified to reflect this approved change.

1. O&M Contract
a. Establish, support, and maintain a contract(s) for operation and maintenance of
the System. The contract must establish clear level of service goals including
minimum appropriate staffing in accordance with Miss. Admin. Code § 15-20- and all applicable laws and regulations.
• Phase 1 – Contract operations for both plants and wells based on open-
book cost plus model. This phase allows for continued negotiations to
long-term contract while contractor is learning more about costs to
operate to start by March 2023
• Phase 2 – Contract operations of complete system – including distribution
system with an initial 5-year term with options to renew. July 2023 New
Date 10/31/2023 in Q1 report. Continuing to address liability concerns
with ISO Parties and legal teams. New target date December 31, 2023,
subject to resolving liability concerns. Ongoing discussions with DOJ and
EPA regarding liability concerns of Jacobs with a long-term contract
continue to delay this project. New target date is July 1, 2024, for a long-
term contract (10-years) with Jacobs for water treatment plant O&M.

2. Winterization of system – This project completes work in progress as of the effective date. This
work was contracted by the City of Jackson. JXN Water is managing these contracts through
Jacobs Consulting. This work is almost complete and Jacobs is reviewing the plants for any gaps
and will provide a detailed assessment of any needed further measures.

a. Develop and implement to the extent funding and schedule permit a

Page 69 of 127
comprehensive plan to properly winterize both O.B. Curtis and J.H. Fewell.
• Short term immediate measures – March 2023
• Plan for longer-term measures – July 2023
• Implement plan for winter 2023/2024 – December 2023
b. Complete membrane winterization project.
• August 2023 Winterization is complete. Final close out underway.

3. Corrosion control – This project was originally intended to complete the projects that were
under construction as of the ISO effective date. A full review has resulted in JXN Water requesting
a change from the approved OCCT from the MSDH. Approval is anticipated based on discussions
with MSDH and implementation will be complete by the end of Q4.

a. Address any outstanding issues impeding full implementation of optimized

corrosion control treatment (“OCCT”) at J.H. Fewell and O.B. Curtis, and complete
implementation of such OCCT as required by MSDH and consistent with the
MSDH-approved OCCT plans to meet State-approved water quality parameters.
• September 2023 Lead time on equipment slowed the completion of the
JH Fewell OCCT. This system was completed in October 2023 and put
into full operation in December 2023. Re-evaluation of the approved
OCCT plan for OB Curtis resulted in changing from the Soda Ash based
system to liquid lime and CO2 (matching the OCCT for JH Fewell). A
request for approval of that change was submitted to MSHD in
December 2023 and implementation is moving forward in anticipation
of approval. Completion of the OCCT at OB Curtis (assuming MSDH
approval) will be June 30, 2024 December 31, 2024.

4. Alternative water source plan

a. Implement an Alternative Water Source Plan (“AWSP”) including entering into
agreements for the immediate provision of alternative water - at least one gallon per
person per day. A revised plan scope was submitted to EPA on September 19, 2023.
EPA and MSDH provided no comments within the 20-day comment period. The
new scope is as follows: Implement an Emergency Water Supply Plan to provide
pressurized temporary connections and tanker truck supplied potable water to
customers impacted by JXN Water work on the distribution system or as a
temporary measure until distribution system improvements can be completed.
• The plan was implemented effective September 30, 2023

5. System Planning and Stabilization

a. Distribution system
b. Develop a plan for EPA review and approval for distribution system study and analysis to
include at a minimum: Plan submittal July 2023 (within 60 days – no schedule adjustment
required) Development of this plan was slowed by the need to complete mapping and
the hydraulic model before the study and analysis could be completed. This work was
Page 70 of 127
further slowed by the extensive engineering effort required to assist with leak detection
and “find and fix”. The model became functional in November 2023 and the study and
analysis is proceeding per the technical memo submitted in Q1 2024.
I. A GIS-based dynamic hydraulic model
II. Valve and hydrant location and assessment, including valve size
III. An asset management system
IV. Water loss identification and reduction
V. System operation optimization and configuration standards
1. Pressure study – HGL analysis
2. Implement pressure control/pressure zones/booster pumping as
recommended and as funding and schedule permit.
ii. Corrosion control
iii. Service line inventory and replacement planning
1. Prioritize replacement of any lead lines found, with schedule
approved by EPA and MSDH.
2. Update lead service line replacement plan in compliance with Lead
and Copper Rule Revisions.
b. Implement plan as funding and schedule permit. Implementation of many activities
has commenced with all elements to commence no later than plan approval date.
Implementation will continue into 2024 and beyond.
b. System stabilization and sustainability plan - March 2023 New date 10/31/2023 in Q1 report.
I. Develop a sustainable plan to stabilize and invest in the water system to ensure safe
and reliable drinking water for all of Jackson, all the time.
II. Key areas to be addressed include sustainable revenue models, appropriate levels
of renewal and replacement, asset management plan, service levels, water demand
modeling, and other related factors.
• This plan requires input from distribution system plan (PPL 5) as well as
Jacobs’ condition assessment (draft submitted in October 2023).
Completion by December 31, 2024.
6. Combined with 5 above

7. SCADA system improvements – sensors, actuators, sensors, etc. This project is to evaluate and
replace the SCADA system at OB Curtis and JH Fewell.

• September 2023 – unable to estimate completion until upgrade evaluation is

completed in September 2023 (30 percent design) at which time construction schedule
will be developed and submitted. Design work commenced. SCADA replacement
estimated complete in 2026.

8. Chemical systems at plants and wells

• Assess and repair, as necessary, all chemical feed pumps and associated equipment at
all facilities, including but not limited to; controls, sensors, weight indicators, and feed

Page 71 of 127
lines, to return all chemical feeds to fully functional status, ensure operational
redundancy, and establish flow paced automated dosing for all chemical feed systems.
• Complete Oct 2023 This project changed from a repair effort to a complete
replacement of all chemical feed systems at OB Curtis once engineering
began. PP 9 has been included in the design currently at 90 percent.
Schedule for contract completion extends to end of 2024. Construction
schedule to be refined in Q2 2024 by CMAR. Project to be funded with SRF.
Public hearing scheduled for Q2 2024.

9. Chlorine system improvements at O.B. Curtis

a. Make replacements or immediate interim repairs as necessary for continuous safe

• February 2023 – Complete to operate in accordance with Jacobs’ safety

b. Develop and implement plan to eliminate use of gaseous chlorine at O.B. Curtis.

• Plan has been developed and design started to be accomplished in

coordination with PP 8. Design is at 90 percent. Construction schedule to be
refined by CMAR in Q2 2024.

10. Intake Structure Repairs

a. Assess and repair, as necessary, the intake structures at J.H. Fewell and O.B.
Curtis, including, but not limited to, sensors (including related remote SCADA
capabilities), chemical feed systems, valves, electrical components, screens,
physical structure, and any appurtenances, to return the intake structures and
related components to fully operational status.
• Complete December 2023 – JHF scope may be much more complex and if
so – a specific schedule will be developed once assessment is complete
in Summer 2023.
• This has been delayed by other priorities at the OB Curtis Plant. Jacobs
will begin assessment and design in early 2024 with an estimated
completion date of December 2025 due to the SRF funding process.

Page 72 of 127
11. Treatment facilities (J.H. Fewell and O.B. Curtis as applicable) unit processes and pumps –
evaluate performance and restore redundancy – Start Dec 2022 with assessment by JACOBS.
Work accomplished throughout 2023 in coordination with JACOBS as contract operator. No
completion date can be established until the extent of repair/remediation/replacement
work can be fully determined.
a. Membrane system
b. Raw water pumping and screening
c. Oxidation basins
d. Rapid mix
e. Flocculation and sedimentation
f. Sludge removal
g. Filters
h. UV
i. Transfer pumping
j. High service pumping

12. Sludge assessment in all finished water storage facilities

a. Assess sludge levels and remove as required. Develop operating procedures to
minimize future sludge accumulation in all finished water storage facilities.

Assessment June 2023 – Assessment could not be completed. Divers met with
JXN Water staff and Jacobs on site to plan assessment and determined the
treatment facilities are unable to safely shut down for the time required for the
divers to perform assessment. This project will be re-evaluated at the end of
2024. Accomplishment is dependent on continued progress on distribution
system repairs and plant redundancy.
Removal, if required, December 2023

13. Resilient power plan

a. Assess power vulnerability throughout the system and develop and implement a plan
to address issues identified in the assessment, as funding and schedule permit.

Assessment September 2023. Technical Memo submitted Q1 2024. Initiating design

to be accomplished under SRF. Schedule of construction yet to be determined.

Page 73 of 127
L. Project Status Updates
Status Updates from JXN Water

Status Change Quarter Status Quarter Ending March 31, 2024 Projection of Work Ending Quarter Ending June 30, 2024
Ending March 31, 2024
Entire System Stabilization
Continued stabilization None JHF Flow Control (West) - Replace valves on Fewell southwest
actions Proactive management during the January freeze resulted in the repair of side to allow control 36” and 24” transmission lines.
over 120 leaks in 7-day window. During peak winter operations 14 repairs
crews and 2 valve crews worked 7 days straight to reduce system water Complete construction of 30” transmission main repair running
loss. Plant production was maintained throughout winter operations, with along Woodrow Wilson south to Fortification Street.
81MGD peak production, and no reduction of treated water
quality. Customers used over 11 mgd more than normal through their Improve functionality of Forest Tank to allow flowthrough and
meters during this event. Functional pressure was maintained to most of turnover.
the city, although high points and areas south of I-20 did experience an
outage. No system wide boil water notice was required. A boil water notice Continue acoustic leak detection program.
was issued for specific zip codes that experienced low to no pressure .
Continue evaluation of distribution system and implement
The new 20” transmission main running from Palmyra to Prentiss on corrective actions to further stabilize the system.
Fortification Street was tied in and brought online. This tie in allowed the
abandonment of the old 20” transmission main. This abandonment further
Continue to coordinate with plants to set system pressure
reduced water loss by over 1 mgd. This also removed a valve that was
requirements and goals.
broken closed that divided the OBC and JHF plant pumping. These ties ins
have allowed increased system flexibility.
Continue evaluation of high-pressure areas (consistent water
A combination of transmission repairs and water loss reduction has allowed line breaks) for valve closures.
the system the ability to rely on tanks for system pressures rather than just
pumps. Tanks are now managed by filling at night and letting tanks drop Continue systematic replacement of inoperable fire hydrants.
throughout day. This helps reduce water age and allows us to reduce
breaks by running the system at a lower pressure. Pressure previously was Go live with work order and asset management system.
between 86-91 PSI. Pressure now is maintained between 78-84 PSI. This
also allows for shutdowns and repair work to occur at the plants without Continue to test water quality from hydrants on transmission
disruption to customers. lines to verify the corresponding treatment plant for the area
and the quality of that water.
JHF Flow Control (North)– Transmission valves were replaced on the North
side of JHF Fewell allowing control of the 30”, 36” and 16” transmission

Page 74 of 127
lines leaving to the north. Six transmission valves were replaced during a
five-day period.

Began systematic replacement of inoperable fire hydrants.

Well system water loss was also reduced. Two wells are often turned off on
the well system allowing for more flexibility, repairs, and routine

Sample tap replacement began.

Response time to bad water calls improved.

Finalizing design and configuration of work order and asset management


Completed second round of acoustic leak detection identifying

approximately 500,000 gallons a day of leaks.

South Jackson System Stabilization

Continued stabilization Pressure monitors increased 10-12 psi in the south Jackson system due to None Continue small line (2”) replacements.
actions repairs made on central city transmission lines and reduced water loss.
Continue evaluation of distribution system and implemented
Central Mississippi Medical Center (CMMC) pressure is 35-38psi daily now. corrective actions to further stabilize the system.

First small line (2”) replacements started. Continue pressure checks along known transmission water lines
to verify elevation/grade levels historically.

Continue to search known water line maps to find valves that

could be causing pressure build-up or stagnant water based on
field findings.

Page 75 of 127
Status Projec�on of
Summary of Work
Change Work
Task Order(s) Quarter Ending March Summary of Delays
PPL Descrip�on Quarter Quarter Ending
Quarter Ending March 31, 2024 31, 2024 Encountered
Ending March June 30, 2024
31, 2024

1 O&M Contract O&M Opera�ons Jacobs General Work with JXN

contractor Consul�ng Support Water and others
Con�nued recrui�ng and
progressing and Safety Audit to support the
hiring ac�vi�es according
work. op�miza�on of
Opera�ons Jacobs to staffing plan: 48 filled
storage and
Consul�ng Support posi�ons of 66.5 total
distribu�on while
and Safety Audit planned posi�ons.
maintaining water
(Amendment 1)
age and water
O&M Secondment Jacobs quality.
Con�nued preventa�ve
O&M Secondment Jacobs maintenance schedules Finalize design for
(Amendment 1) and rou�nes at both OBC repair of por�on
and JHF. Rou�nes of the main
O&M Secondment Jacobs include, but are not entrance road to
(Amendment 2) limited to, regular OBC to maintain
sedimenta�on basin access for plant
O&M Phase 2 Jacobs
cleanings and membrane personnel and
O&M Materials Jacobs train cleanings. deliveries.

O&M Condi�on Jacobs

Con�nued regular Complete
communica�on protocols sampling for
O&M Evalua�on Jacobs with JXN Water to

Page 76 of 127
O&M Staff Jacobs coordinate plant and crypto and
Augmenta�on distribu�on system giardia.
(Amendment 1 and ac�ons during periods of
2) high demand and cri�cal
repairs. Complete
O&M Phase 2 Jacobs
(Amendment 1)
Completed quarterly and
annual sampling.
O&M Phase 2 Jacobs
(Amendment 2)
installa�on of

Page 77 of 127
Completed PFAS remaining
sampling for all source membrane train
waters. No detec�ons. cyclic valves at

Start remote
Received and installed
membrane fiber cassetes
for membrane treatment
trains at OBC.

Replaced 1 membrane
installa�on of
train cyclic valve at OBC.
new chlorine feed
equipment and
Con�nued repairs monitoring at all
needed to return the six wells.
Residual Handling Facility
to service at OB Cur�s.
Ini�ated design for repair maintenance
of por�on of the main clean system.
entrance road to OBC to
maintain access for plant
personnel and

Page 78 of 127
Con�nue tank
inspec�on and
Con�nued with pulling,
repairing, and returning
to service raw water
pumps, high service
pumps, and transfer
pumps, and blowers to
further stabilize the

Began Installa�on of new

chlorine and ammonia
feed equipment at JHF.

Began installa�on of new

chlorine feed equipment
at all six well sites.

Con�nued flushing and

inspec�on of distribu�on

Page 79 of 127
Performed jar test to
op�mize treatment at
both OBC and JHF WTPs.

Page 80 of 127
2 Winteriza�on Project OBC Winteriza�on Hemphill Winteriza�on Delays related to the Winteriza�on
construc�on Project – CO2 Tank pad loca�on
Construc�on is complete Project
is completed. Construc�on and decision on soda
and MSDH has completed construc�on is
Contract ash and
their walkthrough, completed.
dehumidifica�on scope
closeout is pending. Administra�ve
of work impacted
project closeout.
OBC Winteriza�on project comple�on
Project – Final date.
Membrane Building
Change Order Complete and final
reconcilia�on change
order and closeout is in Project
OBC Membrane process. MSDH has construc�on is
Building – completed their final completed.
Construc�on walkthrough. Administra�ve
Contract project closeout.


3 Corrosion Control - JHF CO2 JHF CO2 Chemical Hemphill JHF CO2 Chemical Feed JHF CO2 Chemical Feed JHF CO2 Chemical
JHF CO2 Chemical Chemical Feed Equipment Equipment Project Equipment Project Feed Equipment
Feed Equipment Feed Project Construc�on Construc�on Project
Project Equipment Construc�on Construc�on
Construc�on is complete Equipment
Construc�on Project
JHF CO2 Chemical and MSDH has completed procurement delays Project
Feed Equipment their walkthrough, have added 27 days per construc�on is
Project closeout is pending. Change Orders 1, 2, and completed.

Page 81 of 127
Project Construc�on Administra�ve
construc�on Contract project closeout.
is completed.
JHF CO2 Chemical
Feed Equipment
Project – Change
Order #1 – Water
Line Repair and

JHF CO2 Chemical

Feed Equipment
Project – Change
Order #2 - Sump
Pumps at Lime Silo
Containment Area

JHF CO2 Chemical

Feed Equipment
Project – Change
Order #3 -
Dele�on and CO2
Tank Orienta�on

JHF Corrosion
Control -Site Paving
and Storm

Page 82 of 127
Improvements –
Change Order #4

JHF Corrosion
Control -

Final Reconcilia�on
Change Order –
Change Order #5

3 Corrosion Control – Consultant Corrosion Control Jacobs Corrosion Control – OBC Corrosion Control – Corrosion Control
OBC Liquid Lime progressing – OBC Liquid Lime Liquid Lime OBC Liquid Lime – OBC Liquid
work status Modifica�on and Lime
Prepared 30% Design None.
Redesign of the
Drawings. Prepare 90%
Liquid Lime and
Design Drawings
Carbon Dioxide Issued Supplemental
System to Op�mal Agreement to CMAR for
Corrosion Control procurement of the
Treatment at OBC – equipment.
(Task Order #7)
Issued PO to purchase
ini�al equipment items.
Agreement 01 –
OBC Chemical Feed
- Preconstruc�on

Page 83 of 127
5a Distribu�on Plan Completed N/A – Plan included Stantec/Jacobs Submited plan to JXN None. Con�nue to
for EPA Review and plan and in already exis�ng Water for submital to advance efforts
Approval submited to Task Orders for EPA for review and outlined in the
JXN Water. Distribu�on Work approval. submited plan.
PPL 5 Combined
with PPL 6. Q2
2024 status table
will reflect that

5.a.i Distribu�on System Consultant Development of Stantec Data Collec�on None. Con�nue
Assessment and progressing data analysis, collec�ng and
Con�nued gathering data
Modeling work. hydraulic modeling, documen�ng data
for hydraulic model
and alterna�ve and the team will
development as data
analysis. review and
becomes available
analyse data for
TO1 Amendment 2 including recent SCADA
hydraulic model
was approved by data and groundwater
development as
JXN Water which well data.
data becomes
included scope and
Stantec con�nued available.
budget to perform
analyzing data and
surge analysis, tank Con�nue
iden�fied data gaps and
survey, and upda�ng the
technical issues with the
miscellaneous model based on
LEC/IQ2 pla�orm. Stantec
modelling newly acquired
downloaded the data
analyses. data and
from the pla�orm weekly
TO1 Amendment 3 and imported into a
discovered in the
is under spreadsheet for ease of
development to reviewing.
build an all-pipe
Page 84 of 127
model based on Hydraulic Modeling Con�nue
the GIS Network. performing model
Completed adding the
analyses as
groundwater system
requested by JXN
transmission model.
Reviewed the GIS
Submit a Model
database and provided
Calibra�on and
comments to the GIS
team with the ul�mate
goal of having a one-to-
Analysis Report.
one rela�onship between
the model and the GIS. Update the model
to be an all-pipe
Dra�ed the Model Build
model based on
and Pressure Zone
the GIS a�er TO3
Boundary Analysis Report
is closed.
and it is currently
undergoing internal
review. This report
discusses the model build Perform a
progress to date, model transient (surge)
calibra�on and the analysis of the
pressure zone boundary distribu�on
analysis. system to iden�fy
Con�nue to update the
measures for
hydraulic model of the
water hammer in
surface water system that
the system that
can be used for
preliminary analyses and

Page 85 of 127
support JXN Water in may be causing
iden�fy immediate new water leaks.
solu�ons to the system.
The transmission model
development will be on-
going, and the model will
con�nue to be updated
as the latest informa�on
is acquired.

South Jackson
Alterna�ve Analysis

None this period

Tank Analysis

Stantec performed an
aerial drone survey of the
14 tanks that do not have
flight restric�ons. Stantec
will update the model,
hydraulic profiles of the
exis�ng Jackson Surface
Water System including
the elevated tanks and
iden�fy discrepancies
between exis�ng data
and survey.

Model Analysis

Page 86 of 127
Stantec performed the
following analyses using
the model: Amazon
facility analysis, Water
age analysis,
miscellaneous scenarios
to support design and
construc�on (e.g.
For�fica�on project),
Hwy 18 Out of Service,
Groundwater System
Water Quality and
Opera�on Op�miza�on,
Flushing Plan for

Surge Analysis

Stantec received approval

to perform a surge
analysis of the surface
water treatment plant
high service pumps.
Stantec held a kick-off
mee�ng with JXN Water
and Jacobs and decided
to postpone the analysis
un�l some construc�on
projects are completed.
Field tes�ng was

Page 87 of 127
performed in the
following repor�ng
period on April 2, 2024.

5.a.ii Valve and Hydrant Consultant Management of Stantec Major valve None. Assessment of
Assessment progressing Leak Detec�on replacements completed, the distribu�on
work. Services, GIS frozen valves repaired, areas.
Mapping, and Field and minor repairs
GIS mapping for
Support Services completed.
the distribu�on is
Assessed the valves, ongoing.
logged working issues.
Con�nuing valve
Started repair plan. assessment and
hydrant tes�ng
Maintained spreadsheet
of issues.

Emergency responses –
pressure issues
troubleshoot valve.

Hydrant tes�ng program

has started.

5.a.iii GIS Mapping Consultant Technical Stantec 18000+ sheets digi�zed Quality and consistency Iden�fica�on of
substan�ally management of GIS comprising both of maps to be digi�zed. poten�al gaps
complete system map to transmission and where likelihood
Considerable number (>
with ini�al support hydraulic distribu�on mains. All of JXN assets exist
100) of unmapped /
mapping modeling, the priority areas have been but no drawings
unknown valves;
effort. hydrant, valve and completed. to correlate to
significant �me to
flushing / flow them.

Page 88 of 127
tes�ng program, Developed and deployed reconcile with exis�ng Ini�alize work to
and opera�ons and Esri site to func�on as data from drawings. capture and
maintenance central hub to access GIS integrate into GIS
ac�vi�es data for project. completed and
proposed capital
Deployed process to
create a grid and map
centroid map for all
georeferenced images.
Intent is to have a “dot
map” showing where all
drawings are physically
located to help iden�fy
loca�ons within JXN
service area where water
service is provided but
there are no drawings, to
indicate poten�al gaps
where there is no exis�ng
mapping to convert to

Reviewing completed
mapping to iden�fy gaps,
issues, and other
discrepancies as part of
QA/QC closeout and
se�ng up process to
resolve them.

Page 89 of 127
Writen new task order to
integrate into GIS all work
from other Task Orders
completed to date or in

5.a.iii Informa�on & Consultant Development of Stantec Completed tes�ng and Cartegraph Go Live was Finalize
Asset progressing Asset Management configura�on of Phase 1 pushed out 3 weeks addendum for
Management work. system to support Cartegraph into Q2 to including sewer
opera�ons Implementa�on that accommodate assets into
ac�vi�es. includes Dispatch, Call addi�onal �me needed current scope.
Center, and Inspectors for migra�ng the tes�ng
Begin designing
and produc�on
Completed a condi�on U�lity Network
analysis of field data for for inclusion of
valve and hydrant sewer assets.
inspec�ons to determine
Begin planning for
data and formulas to be
used for determining
of sewer assets.
Began determining Level
Go Live with
of Failure (LOF) for Risk
Cartegraph Phase
u�lizing condi�on data.
Delivered Level of Service implementa�on.
Technical Memo with
relevant KPIs
baseline KPIs for
Developed 16 SOPs measuring
(Standard Opera�ng performance.

Page 90 of 127
Procedures) for Determine
maintenance of water Consequence of
distribu�on assets. Failure (COF) data
requirements for
the asset

Calculate current
condi�on of
valves and

5.a.iv Distribu�on System Consultant Management of IMS Evaluated backlog of None. Con�nue to
Leaks – Find and progressing Leak Detec�on and known leaks (focus on progress project
Fix work. Repair Program pipe diameters 6 inches and issue repair
and smaller). work orders.

Performed Drive-by Con�nue real-

Windshield Leak �me leak
Detec�on Survey of all detec�on
roads in the JXN Water iden�fica�on.
service area.
Con�nue PM
Performed real �me leak Field Related
detec�on iden�fica�on Ac�vi�es.
and issued Work Orders
Begin 2nd Drive-
to Contractors.
by Windshield
Provided Weekly Leak Detec�on
Summary Update of Survey of all
program progress. roads in the JXN

Page 91 of 127
Provided Quarterly Water service
Update of Program area.

5.a.iv Distribu�on System Consultant Management of Stantec 48-inch main break on 48-inch main break on 48-inch main
Leaks – Find and progressing Iden�fica�on and former Colonial Country former Colonial break on former
Fix work. Repair of Major Club Country Club Colonial Country
Water System Club
Project complete. Mul�ple rain events
and depth of main Project complete.
break delayed
comple�on of the

Depth of break on
above required
addi�onal equipment
to be sourced and
brought in.

48-inch ARV leak on East 48-inch ARV leak on 48-inch ARV leak
Beasley Road East Beasley Road on East Beasley
Road –
ARV Installed and tested None
Project complete.

30-inch main break 30-inch main break 30-inch main

crossing Town Creek at crossing Town Creek at break crossing
For�fica�on and Pren�ss For�fica�on and Town Creek at
Streets Pren�ss Streets For�fica�on and
Pren�ss Streets

Page 92 of 127
Project under ac�ve Mobiliza�on �me An�cipate repairs
construc�on, bore under slower than expected. to complete end
creek completed and of April 2024.
ac�vely installing pipe.

20-inch break on railroad 20-inch break on 20-inch break on

easement south of railroad easement railroad
For�fica�on Street – south of For�fica�on easement south
Street of For�fica�on
The bore under the
railroad is complete with Mobiliza�on �me
installa�on of casing slower than expected. Pipeline
under KCS Railroad, pipe replacement is
installed but not �ed in. an�cipated to be
Pipe needs to be �ed into completed by the
exis�ng pipes and end of April
brought on-line. 2024.

Pipe and Valve Pipe and Valve Pipe and Valve

Replacement @ Replacement @ Replacement @
Intersec�on of Pren�ss Intersec�on of Pren�ss Intersec�on of
and For�fica�on and For�fica�on Pren�ss and
Pipe installed, tested, and
�ed in. Pipe replacement

Northside Dr 24-inch Northside Dr 24-inch Northside Dr 24-

Valve Replacement and Valve Replacement and inch Valve
Chastain Dr. Valve Chastain Dr. Valve Replacement and
Replacements Replacements Chastain Dr.

Page 93 of 127
Two new valves and None. Valve
associated piping were Replacements
installed, and site
Project complete.

20-inch Pipe 20-inch Pipe 20-inch Pipe

Replacement Emergency Replacement Replacement
(For�fica�on – Palmyra Emergency Emergency
to Pren�ss) (For�fica�on – Palmyra (For�fica�on –
to Pren�ss) Palmyra to
Pipe installed, tested, and
�ed in. None
Project complete.

20-inch Pipe 20-inch Pipe 20-inch Pipe

Replacement Design Replacement Design Replacement
(For�fica�on – Pren�ss (For�fica�on – Pren�ss Design
to I-220) to I-220) (For�fica�on –
Pren�ss to I-220)
Stantec has prepared a Railroad easement
preliminary alignment to access permissions and Railroad
replace pipeline. permits need to be easement access
obtained. permissions and
Stantec is preparing
permits need to
pothole plan. SRF Funding Facili�es
be obtained.
Plan to be approved
Stantec required some
before project can be Project design
addi�onal soils borings
bid. comple�on
for various RR Crossings.
an�cipated by
Stantec is wai�ng on new
October 2024.
soils borings to be

Page 94 of 127
completed and
geotechnical reports to
be prepared for boring
design at RR crossings to

30-inch Pipe Design 30-inch Pipe Design 30-inch Pipe

(Galla�n & McDowell) (Galla�n & McDowell) Design (Galla�n
& McDowell)
Stantec prepared a Railroad easement
preliminary alignment access permissions and Complete design
study to replace pipeline. permits need to be and specifica�ons
obtained. for public bidding
Stantec prepared a
and procure
potholing plan based on New easements will be
the preliminary required to be obtained
alignment. for RR Crossing bore An�cipate repairs
pits and staging areas. to begin
Stantec is preparing plan
September 2024.
of profile of pipeline Structural analysis of
replacement plans. exis�ng aerial crossing.

SRF Funding Facili�es

Plan to be approved
before project can be

Potholing work taking

longer than expected
due to weather/ traffic/
and loca�ng issues.

Page 95 of 127
20-inch Pipe Design 20-inch Pipe Design 20-inch Pipe
(Siwell Rd - McCluer St to (Siwell Rd - McCluer St Design (Siwell Rd
Terry Rd) to Terry Rd) - McCluer St to
Terry Rd)
Site survey completed. SRF Funding Facili�es
Plan to be approved Complete design
Stantec preparing
before project can be and specifica�ons
preliminary alignment
bid. for public bidding
and potholing plan.
and procure

An�cipate repairs
to begin
November 2024.

30-inch Pipe Design 30-inch Pipe Design 30-inch Pipe

(West St and Rankin Rd) (West St and Rankin Design (West St
Rd) and Rankin Rd)
Site survey and
geotechnical Railroad easement Complete design
inves�ga�ons access permissions and and specifica�ons
completed. permits need to be for public bidding
obtained. and procure
Stantec preparing
preliminary alignment SRF Funding Facili�es
and potholing plan. Plan to be approved An�cipate repairs
before project can be to begin
bid. December 2024.

Sampling Sta�on Sampling Sta�on Sampling Sta�on

Replacements Replacements Replacements

Page 96 of 127
Contractor has An�cipate Repairs
completed sample sta�on to be completed
replacement of Packages by May/June
1 & 2 and is working on 2024.
Package 3.

Valve and Hydrant Valve and Hydrant Valve and

Replacements Valve and Replacements Valve Hydrant
Hydrant Replacements and Hydrant Replacements
Replacements Valve and
Stantec is working with a
condi�on assessment Condi�on Assessment
team (Wachs) to iden�fy Comple�on
replacements. JXN Water to
SRF Funding Facili�es
publicly bid
Stantec has prepared Plan to be approved
projects and
preliminary bid packages before projects can be
to replace vales and bid.
hydrants to date that
have been assessed as An�cipate non-
non-opera�onal valves emergency valve
throughout the water and hydrant
system. replacements to
begin once SRF
Non-opera�onal valves
Funding has been
and hydrants have been
replaced as emergency
projects, as needed, to
facili�es repair work.

Page 97 of 127
Management Valve Management Valve Management
Repair Program Repair Program Valve Repair
Ini�al assessment of 11 Valves tes�ng is on hold
al�tude valves un�l sufficient system An�cipate having
completed. pressures can allow level of effort for
tanks to overflow to addi�onal
Developed scope of work
evaluate the valve al�tude valve
to replace the al�tude
performance. replacement in
valve at Chastain Tank.
Q2 2024.
UCI was selected to
perform the work.

UCI began work to

replace the al�tude valve
and all associated pipe
September 2023.

Stantec has been

directed to develop plans
to replace all ineffec�ve
al�tude valves.

Chastain tank al�tude

valve replacement
completed November

Distribu�on System Distribu�on System Distribu�on

Ongoing Construc�on Ongoing Construc�on System Ongoing
Support Support

Page 98 of 127
Oversight over two Railroad permit, Construc�on
projects: Riverside Drive resolved during this Support
Improvements, and 48-in quarter.
36-in water main
transmission line
Railroad bore failed. �e-in Riverside
The designed route Drive, to be
Received railroad bore must be revised. scheduled when
permit for 48-in the water system
transmission main. is stable enough
to allow for a
Railroad bore failed. The
temporary shut
designed path is being
off of the exis�ng
abandoned and the
36-in pipe.
project route is being
reconsidered. Commissioning of
the completed
36-in water line
por�ons of the
comple�on is delayed
due to system issues
preven�ng the temporary
main expected Q2
shut off on the exis�ng
36-in pipe.
Design changes to
the original 48-in
water line route
being considered
by design team.

Merit Hospital Fire Line Merit Hospital Fire Line Merit Hospital
Connec�on Pipeline Connec�on Pipeline Fire Line
Page 99 of 127
Design (Project No. Design (Project No. Pipeline Design
2309) - 5 Percent 2309) - 5 Percent (Project No.
2309) - 5
Easement research and SRF Funding Facili�es
coordina�on completed. Plan to be approved
before projects can be An�cipate design
Exis�ng easement to be
bid. comple�on for
cleared to allow access
public bid by July
for survey/potholing
needed to begin pipeline

Pothole and survey

proposed alignment to be

Stantec has completed

preliminary alignment to
avoid easement

5.a.iv Distribu�on System Consultant Development of Stantec Pilot Project Pilot Project Pilot Project
Small Main progressing Engineering
Pilot project – NTP None Construc�on for
Replacement work. Standard Details
awarded to Wicker the Pilot project
and Specifica�ons
Construc�on on looks to be ahead
for 2-Inch Water
02/26/24. Project of schedule and
Main Replacement
construc�on has started. should be
Pilot Project
The contractor is completed on
proceeding as scheduled �me.
with no problems to
date. Waterlines have
Page 100 of 127
Management of been installed on
Leak Detec�on and Dovewood Dr. and
Repair Program. Woodburn Dr.

Choctaw Village Water & Choctaw Village Water Choctaw Village

Sewer Replacement & Sewer Replacement Water & Sewer
Design (Project No. Design (Project No. Replacement
2310) 2310) Design (Project
No. 2310)
60% Design completed SRF Funding Facili�es
and reviewed. Plan to be approved Design and
before projects can be specifica�ons will
Water line potholing in
bid. be completed for
Choctaw Village
Choctaw Village,
and the project
Gas line potholing to be will be publicly
completed. bid. An�cipate
project to be
Stantec working toward ready for bidding
90% Design. by July 2024
Sewer lines adjacent to assuming funding
waterline replacements is SRF allocated.
have been inspected
using CCTV and manhole
inspec�ons have been
completed and reviewed.
Recommenda�ons for
replacement to begin
sewer have been
determined and design of
Page 101 of 127
sewer replacements in
streets is at 60%.

Broadmoor Area Water Broadmoor Area Water Broadmoor Area

& Sewer Replacement & Sewer Replacement Water & Sewer
Design (Project No. Design (Project No. Replacement
2311) - 1 percent 2311) - 1 percent Design (Project
No. 2311) - 1
Stantec is preparing SRF Funding Facili�es
design scope and fee. Plan to be approved
before project can be An�cipate project
Not a contracted project
bid. NTP on design
work in Q3 2024.
Potholing to confirm line
size and loca�on.

Brown Street Water & Brown Street Water & Brown Street
Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement Water & Sewer
Design (Project No. Design (Project No. Replacement
2312) 2312) Design (Project
No. 2312)
Stantec is preparing SRF Funding Facili�es
design scope and fee. Plan to be approved An�cipate project
before project can be NTP on design
Not a contracted project
bid. work in Q3 2024.

Potholing completed to
confirm line size and

Page 102 of 127

East Oak Forest/Emerald East Oak East Oak
Hills/Emerald Acres Forest/Emerald Forest/Emerald
Water & Sewer Hills/Emerald Acres Hills/Emerald
Replacement Design Water & Sewer Acres Water &
(Project No. 2322) Replacement Design Sewer
(Project No. 2322) Replacement
Stantec is preparing
Design (Project
design scope and fee. SRF Funding Facili�es
No. 2322)
Plan to be approved
Not a contracted project
before project can be An�cipate project
bid. NTP on design
Potholing completed to work in Q3 2024.
confirm line size and

Oakdale Water & Sewer Oakdale Water & Oakdale Water &
Replacement Design Sewer Replacement Sewer
(Project No. 2323) Design (Project No. Replacement
2323) Design (Project
Stantec is preparing
No. 2323)
design scope and fee. SRF Funding Facili�es
Plan to be approved An�cipate project
Not a contracted project
before project can be NTP on design
bid. work in Q3 2024.
Potholing completed to
confirm line size and

Page 103 of 127

Westside Park Water & Westside Park Water & Westside Park
Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement Water & Sewer
Design (Project No. Design (Project No. Replacement
2327) 2327) Design (Project
No. 2327)
Stantec is preparing SRF Funding Facili�es
design scope and fee. Plan to be approved An�cipate project
before project can be NTP on design
Not a contracted project
bid. work in Q3 2024.

Potholing completed to
confirm line size and

Surface Restora�on Surface Restora�on Surface

Projects Water & Sewer Projects Water & Restora�on
Replacement Design Sewer Replacement Projects Water &
(Project No. 2328) Design (Project No. Sewer
2328) Replacement
Stantec is preparing
Design (Project
design scope and fee. SRF Funding Facili�es
No. 2328)
Plan to be approved
Not a contracted project
before project can be An�cipate project
bid. NTP on design
Potholing to confirm line work in Q3 2024.
size and loca�on

Page 104 of 127

Briarwood Water & Briarwood Water & Briarwood Water
Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement & Sewer
Design (Project No. Design (Project No. Replacement
2329) 2329) Design (Project
No. 2329)
Stantec is preparing SRF Funding Facili�es
design scope and fee. Plan to be approved An�cipate project
before project can be NTP on design
Not a contracted project
bid. work in Q3 2024.

Potholing completed to
confirm line size and

Canton Heights Road & Canton Heights Road & Canton Heights
North Colony Water & North Colony Water & Road & North
Sewer Replacement Sewer Replacement Colony Water &
Design (Project No. Design (Project No. Sewer
2330) 2330) Replacement
Design (Project
Stantec is preparing SRF Funding Facili�es
No. 2330)
design scope and fee. Plan to be approved
before project can be An�cipate project
Not a contracted project
bid. NTP on design
work in Q3 2024.
Potholing completed to
confirm line size and

Page 105 of 127

5.a.v Lead Service Line Consultant Management and Stantec Addi�onal public There was a 1-week ACE Pipe Cleaning
Inventory progressing field services in outreach materials delay between Round 2 (potholing
work. detec�ng and generated, including and Round 3 of contractor)
inventorying of customer consent forms potholing. This is not expected to
lead service lines. to dig on private expected to impact the complete all four
property, and pre- and overall schedule, as the phases of
post- instruc�ons for lead contractor has ramped potholing
or galvanized service line up the number of program.
replacements. crews.
Lead Service Line
Total of 948 potholes dug Inventory Esri
at 315 sites (schools and Solu�on up and
residen�al/commercial running. Working
proper�es) to date. 541 with predic�ve
potholes dug at 175 sites modeling
during Q1 2024. consultant Blue
Conduit to have
Coordina�on mee�ngs
predic�ons within
with Blue Conduit
the solu�on.
(predic�ve modeling),
ACE Pipe Cleaning Lead or
(potholing contractor), galvanized service
HDR (public rela�ons), line
and Jacobs (water quality replacements, if
tes�ng). Bi-weekly encountered.
mee�ngs are now
established with JXN
Water, Jacobs, and HDR.

LSL dashboard
reconfigured to include
Page 106 of 127
the different phases.
Visual components of
dashboard changed to
indicate complete vs.
non-complete loca�ons.

One private-side
galvanized requiring
replacement service line

Second batch of results

given to Blue Conduit.
Third batch received.

5.a.vi Program Support Consultant Technical support Stantec Water Rate Modeling None. Support
Services progressing in the analysis, development of
Updated rate modeling
work. development, and dra� rate design
with latest billing data
implementa�on of summary for JXN
refined by Horne & BOSS
new water rates. Water.

Contract Administra�on None. Complete and

Development of a Support integrate process
contractor with JXN Water.
Dra� documents
compiled and submited
applica�on and
and under review with
JXN Water.
instruc�ons to

Page 107 of 127

prospec�ve Field GIS verifica�on and Addi�onal nego�a�on SOL to complete
bidders. loca�on logging of the needed with SOL to first pass of meter
recently installed water determine who is verifica�ons –
meters. doing which tasks and verify all
cost associated with remaining easily
Successfully verified
each task. accessible
17,691 meters, totaling
50,944 verified meters.
Finalize change
Iden�fied 4,280 poten�al
order with SOL for
inaccessible meters and
reshoots and
determined Stantec will
serial number
reconcile these.
Developed a process for
Train SOL crews
SOL to collect high-
on reshoot and
accuracy GPS points for
serial number
the remaining 3,098
meters that were
previously collected with
bad accuracy. Begin developing
a plan for Stantec
Developed a process for
to reconcile
SOL to re-verify the 383
meters they previously
collected without a valid
serial number.

Stantec is nego�a�ng a
change order with SOL for
these 2 new processes

Page 108 of 127

and will train the crews
within the next month.

Procurement Support None. Con�nue

suppor�ng JXN
JXN Water contracted
Water in
with the recommended
online bidding
service, PlanetBids.
support service.

Page 109 of 127

5.a.vi Corrosion Control Consultant Review of Designs Jacobs Desk-top Study: Desk-top study: No Review report
Renewal progressing and Related Studies addi�onal delays with JXN Water,
Conducted desk-top
work. (Task Order #7) beyond those outlined Stantec, and
corrosion control
in prior quarterly report HDR.
Corrosion Control modelling efforts and
pertaining to lack of
Desktop Study prepared desk-top Schedule mee�ng
available historical data
(Task Order #5) corrosion control study with MSDH to
and required efforts for
report. Coordinated with discuss report
Corrosion Control data collec�on and
JXN Water on con�nued and next steps.
Desktop Study sampling delays due to
collec�on of expanded
(Task Order #5 security issue in field.
distribu�on system water
Amendment #1)
quality data. Corrosion Control
Treatment: Schedule for
Corrosion Control
implementa�on of
liquid lime and CO2 for
Coordinated with MSDH OBC dependent on
on review of liquid lime MSDH approval
and CO2 concept design �meline to ini�ate
and JHF WQP equipment
modifica�ons. procurement.

Advanced liquid lime

system design and
ini�ated procurement of
por�on of liquid lime
system equipment.
Coordinated with CMAR
during design.

Page 110 of 127

Con�nued op�miza�on
of JHF liquid lime and
CO2 system

Developed holis�c plan

for compliance with Lead
and Copper Rule Revision
and Lead and Copper
Rule Improvements

Consultant Third Party Review HDR No work performed this None. Complete a third-
progressing of Corrosion period. party review of
work. Control Desktop Jacob’s dra�
Assessment (Task corrosion control
Order #4) desktop
assessment and

6 PPL 6 has been

combined with PPL
5 and status will be
reflected in Q2
2024 Report.

Page 111 of 127

7 SCADA Consultant SCADA, Jacobs Completed 30% None. Prepare scope
Improvements progressing Opera�onal Schema�c Design effort. and work plan for
work. Technology and 90% effort and
Ini�ated purchase of
Cybersecurity constructability
VTSCADA so�ware and
Schema�c Design reviews.
licenses for project
(PSA Task Order
integra�on. Ini�ate 90% level
design effort.

8, 9 OBC and JHF Consultant Replacement of OB HDR Reviewed De Nora’s final There are a few Respond to
Chemical Feed progressing Cur�s Chemical procurement proposal. miscellaneous items CMAR, Jacobs,
Improvements work. Feed Building that are addi�onal and JXN Water
Atended mee�ng with
(including Chlorine System – Basis of scope to the project. 90% comments.
De Nora and Jacobs to
System Design These items may
discuss De Nora’s Prepare and
Replacement at impact the design
proposal. conduct 90% in-
OBC) schedule: however,
person review
Replacement of OB Coordinated with De they are not an�cipated
workshop with
Cur�s Chemical Nora on schedule and to impact the overall
JXN Water,
Feed Building shop drawing review. design fee at this �me.
Jacobs, and
System Change Currently, the design
Con�nued coordina�ng fee is tracking below CMAR.
Order #2 - Survey
with Jacobs on ac�vi�es budget.
and subsurface Submit 90% OPCC
and informa�onal needs.
u�lity evalua�on to JXN Water and
These addi�onal scope
(SUE) will be Met weekly with HDR Jacobs.
items are:
required. The project leadership to
Review second
addi�onal effort report on project status. 1. Fluoride
round of De Nora
includes the Building was
Prepared for and shop drawings.
following items: relocated to
scheduled CMAR Kickoff
Page 112 of 127
complete Workshop with JXN loca�on south Review CMAR
topographic, Water and Jacobs. of the schedule.
planimetric and Membrane
Con�nue progressing Review JXN Water
Level C SUE of the Facility,
design to 90%. and CMAR
en�re OB Cur�s requiring a
WTP site. complete re-
design. Assist JXN Water
Prepared detailed
and Jacobs with
maintenance of plant 2. A second soda
Replacement of OB submi�ng design
opera�ons plan (MOPO) ash tank was
Cur�s Chemical to Mississippi
and presented plan to added to the
Feed Building Department of
CMAR, JXN Water, and project.
System Change Health.
Order #3 - 3. Raw Water
Finalize u�lity
Incorpora�on of Revised MOPO plan Pump Sta�on
water demands
addi�onal based on comments Electrical
and complete
geotechnical received. Building was
u�lity water
borings and included in the
Responded to CMAR 60% model technical
geotechnical report design for
constructability review memorandum.
to support design electrical
of chemical feed comments. maintenance of Finalize 100%
systems. Atended CMAR Kickoff plant design.
Workshop with CMAR, opera�ons.
Provide bid phase
JXN Water and Jacobs. 4. De-Nora’s services
Task Order #1
Submited CMAR Kickoff system requires
Amendment #1 –
Workshop Mee�ng Notes a water pre-
Con�nue design
to Jacobs. treatment
through final
design, including Submited 60% OPCC. consis�ng of
CMAR construc�on
booster pumps,
Page 113 of 127
document manganese
produc�on. Both filters, and
Submited 90% design to
chlorina�on system carbon filters.
JXN Water, Jacobs, and
and ammonia
CMAR. 5. JXN Water
system included in
plans to deliver
the design Prepared and conducted
the contract
project. 90% virtual model review
using CMAR.
workshop with JXN
Water, Jacobs, and
is the CMAR. A
mee�ng is
Received comments scheduled with
during model review the CMAR to
workshop and distributed review
mee�ng notes. constructability,
schedule, and
Received JXN Water and equipment
Jacobs 90% review procurement.
6. The project will
Reviewed De Nora shop also be funded
drawings (FRP Tanks and via SRF,
OSHG System). requiring Davis-
Distributed reviewed Bacon and AIS
submital to Jacobs. contract

Developed civil site plan

to address significant
ponding of water

Page 114 of 127

occurring at the site
following project
previously designed by
others. Coordinated plan
with Jacobs.

Filled out SRF loan

funding forms for JXN
Water and Jacobs.

Reviewed and
coordinated front ends
with Jacobs.

Coordinated 90% in-

person review

Con�nued coordina�ng
with Jacobs on ac�vi�es
and informa�onal needs.

Started working on 90%


Con�nued progressing
design to 100%.

11 Performance Subject work Opera�ons Jacobs Visually assessed major None.

Evalua�on and completed. Evalua�on at OBC (parent) WTP assets. Did
Redundancy Plant and JHF – Phase 1 not perform predic�ve
Page 115 of 127
Treatment (MSA Task Order tes�ng because of None. Phase1
Processes #3) upstream and complete in Q1
Restora�on downstream equipment 2023.
Condi�on Jacobs
unknowns and sensi�vity
Assessment at OBC
to WTP upsets.
– Phase 1 (MSA
Task Order #2)

11 Source Water Consultant OBC Raw Water Jacobs Finalized Raw Water None. None.
Quality/Treatability progressing Characteriza�on Characteriza�on and Completed.
Characteriza�on work. and Treatability Treatability Study
Study (OBC and Study (Task Order Report.
Barnet Reservoir) #6)
Completed dynamic
simula�on model for
both WTPs and prepared
Process Hydraulic
Technical Memorandum
Assessments at
OBC and JHF and
JHF and OBC Raw
and Treatability
Study (Amendment

11.a,g OBC Filter Contractor Filter Rehabilita�on Hemphill Filter 5 – Filter Cell Working through long Filter 5 – Filter
Conven�onal and progressing Contract for OBC Rehabilita�on lead �mes for Cell
Membrane work. procurement of Rehabilita�on
Progressed the
construc�on project. Progress the
Demoli�on and disposal procurement and
Page 116 of 127
OBC Filter of the exis�ng clay construc�on
Rehabilita�on – underdrain system. New project.
Change Order #1 - underdrains ordered. All
Valve and Actuator valves and actuators have
Manufacturer been released for Filter 1-4, 6 –
Change and procurement. Filter Cell
Sediment Basin Rehabilita�on
Temporary sludge
Drain Line Scope
removal system Ini�ate
installa�on procurement
packages for
Completed design,
equipment and
OBC Filter incorpora�ng
Rehabilita�on – constructability
Change Order #2 - comments.
Incorpora�on of
Finalized approach to
ARPA Language
equipment procurement.
Membrane Cassete
Replacement (through
Jacobs OM Contract)
Complete design.
Received membrane
cassetes and installed. Ini�ate

Page 117 of 127

11.g JHF Filters Project JHF Filters 24 and Hemphill Construc�on is complete Change Order 01 and Project
construc�on 26 Contract and MSDH has completed 02 added 89 days to the construc�on is
is completed. their walkthrough. contract. complete.
JHF Filters 24 and
26 Change Order #
1 – Concrete Crack
and Leak Repair

JHF Filters 24 and

26 Change Order #
2 – Filter to Waste
Tie-in to Waste
Gullet and 30-in
Backwash Valve

JHF Filters 24 and

26 Change Order #
3 – Final
Change Order

11.j OBC High Service Consultant Engineering/Design Jacobs Due to ongoing None. Project
Pump VFD progressing Support and improvements on the suspended.
work. Exis�ng Contract distribu�on system,
Redesign Services project has been
(Task Order #4) suspended at 30% design
level and will be
reassessed for purpose
and need at a later �me.

Page 118 of 127

12 Sludge Assessment Work paused Engineering/Design Jacobs During previous quarters, Determined �me Con�nue to
at Finished Water due plant Support and it was determined that requirements to monitor
Storage Facili�es produc�on Exis�ng Contract �me requirements to complete inspec�on of distribu�on
demands. Redesign Services complete inspec�on of facili�es exceed system stability
(Task Order #4) facili�es exceed available available opera�onal for appropriate
opera�onal window to window to shut plant �me to shut
shut plant down to allow down to allow safe down individual
safe inspec�on. This inspec�on. clearwells to
status con�nues as the allow for
distribu�on system is s�ll inspec�on.
undergoing significant
stabiliza�on efforts.
Distribu�on system
stability will con�nue to
be monitored and
inspec�on will be
undertaken when it is
deemed suitable to
ensure both inspector
safety and uninterrupted
service to the distribu�on
system. The assessment,
risk to opera�ons and
outlined in summary

Page 119 of 127

13 OBC Electrical Consultant OB Cur�s WTP HDR General project Project is tracking None.
Resiliency and progressing Electrical System management. under budget and
Reliability work. Reliability & slightly behind
Prepared informa�on to
Evalua�on Resiliency schedule.
present at 60% design
Evalua�on (Task
review workshop.
Order #3)
Addressed all comments
received by JXN Water
and Jacobs.

Updated OPCC and

incorporated into
technical memorandum.

Submited final technical


Other Plant Opera�ons Consultant Jackson Water Jacobs Completed None. Work with JXN
Program progressing Program implementa�on of Water to refine
Management work. Management construc�on phase tools dashboard and
Support (Task and processes. Key Performance
Order #2) Indicators (KPIs)
Con�nued managing
delivery of services
according to established
Jackson Water
processes and tools.
Management Con�nued to improve
Support (Task processes and tools as
Order #2 needed to increase
Amendment #1) delivery efficiency.

Page 120 of 127

Managed and
construc�on phase

Con�nued updates of
schedules, progress
reports and dashboard.

communica�ons support
and coordina�on with
JXN Water.

Other Forrest Hill Surface Subject work Engineering/Design Jacobs Completed post- None. Prepare final
to Well Conversion completed. Support and conversion sampling and report
Exis�ng Contract analysis. summarizing
Redesign Services results of post-
(Task Order #4) conversion
sampling and
analysis effort.

Other Strategic Consultant Workshops HDR Implementa�on of the None. Launch Water
Communica�ons progressing communica�on strategy Academy.
Visual Strategy
Strategy and work. with a special focus on
Manage direct
Consulta�on Social Media the rate structure
mail newsleters
Management updates, winter weather
for monthly
recovery, leak detec�on
Website customer
and repair, procurement
Management updates.

Page 121 of 127

Video Updates opportuni�es, and Manage earned,
priority project progress. owned, shared,
As Needed
and paid media
Support, Advising Created videos for Ways
and Consulta�on. To Pay, O.B. Cur�s Water
Treatment Plant Tour, Manage paid
Doing Business with JXN media campaign
Water, 2024 Winter for Spanish-
Weather Recovery speaking
Update, Student Field households (TV,
Trip Feature, How To radio, in-person).
Detect A Toilet Leak, JXN
Water People Stories
feature, and the Doing
Business with JXN Water
Event Recap. Support quarterly
public mee�ng.
Managed all media
rela�ons, social media, Facilitate JXN
and JXNWater.com Water content for
content updates. DOH, City of
Jackson and EPA
communica�on, strategy,
messaging, talking points Launch priority
and public project
educa�on/engagement. dashboard and
Managed 2024 WLBT
Paid Media Campaign.

Page 122 of 127

Managed Quarterly Update
Public Mee�ng support JXNWater.com.

Managed Social Impact

Strategist onboarding and
supervision support.

Met weekly/daily with

JXN Water leadership.

Supported as-needed
direct mail, public no�ce
mailings and ITPM

Provided as-needed
communica�ons and
graphic design support.

Other Construc�on Consultant Construc�on Jacobs Progressed onboarding of Final payment Provide ongoing
Management progressing Management the CMAR. coordina�on has construc�on
Services for OBC work. Services for OBC experienced delays management
Con�nued improving,
and JHF Winteriza�on and working through City services
upda�ng, and using
JHF Corrosion payment procedures. throughout the
construc�on project
Control (Task Order quarter for the
management system .
#7) OBC Filter
(Trimble ProjectSight).
Amendment #1 to
Monitored payment project and
process to iden�fy construc�on
payment issues. efforts related to

Page 123 of 127

Services (Task Con�nued construc�on construc�on
Order#7) site visits for observa�on efforts conducted
and inspec�on. as part of ongoing
Construc�on Con�nued contract
Management administra�on including
Services (Task payment applica�on Provide ongoing
Order #3) review, submital reviews, construc�on
answering RFI’s, management
coordina�on with Plant services for the
Opera�ons, wri�ng JXN Water CMAR,
requests for change projected to
proposals, developing begin in 2024.
work change direc�ves
and change orders.

Atended and then

conducted monthly
construc�on mee�ngs for
each project.

Coordinated with
contractor, City of
Jackson, MSDH SRF
Coordinator, and JXN
Water on contract
payments and close-out

Completed all final

construc�on close-out

Page 124 of 127

payments and paperwork
for OBC Membrane
Winteriza�on project,
OBC Winteriza�on
Project, JHF Corrosion
Control, JHF Filter 24 and
26, and JHF Corrosion
Control CO2 Equipment


ARV = air release valve MSDH = Mississippi State Department of SCADA = supervisory control and
BIM = Building Informa�on Modeling Health data acquisi�on
NTP = No�ce to Proceed SOP = standard opera�ng
BODR = Basis of Design Report
O&M = opera�ons and maintenance procedure
CIP = Capital Improvement Plan P&ID = piping and instrumenta�on SRF = State Revolving Fund
diagram TM = technical memorandum(s)
CMAR = Construc�on Manager at Risk QA/QC – quality assurance/quality
CMMS = Computerized Maintenance Management control WCD – Work Change Direc�ve
WTP = Water Treatment Plant
CO2 = carbon dioxide RR = Railroad
GIS = geographic informa�on system

Page 125 of 127

Page 126 of 127

Page 127 of 127

REP ORT FOR JANUARY 1, 2024 - MARCH 31, 2024




66,216 38,080 117,696 40,510

Previ ou s p eri od Previ ou s year Previ ou s p eri od Previ ou s year Previ ou s p eri od Previ ou s year Previ ou s p eri od Previ ou s year
148 % 10 0 % 129 % 10 0 % 17 2% 10 0 % 145% 10 0 %


Page t it le Se s s io n s Se s s io n De f au lt C h an n e l Gro u pin g Se s s io n s

Hom e - JXN Water 39,669 + 16 ,6 0 9 O rgan ic Search 24,936
Man age You r Accou n t O n lin e - JXN Water 12,7 47 + 10 ,116 Referral 19,996
JXN Water - Jackson Mississippi Water System 8,97 8 + 8 ,9 7 8 Direct 15,664
Apply for Services an d Fin d Form s - JXN Water 5,826 + 4,6 12 O rgan ic Video 1,826
My Accou n t - JXN Water 4,048 + 4,0 48 Un assign ed 1,084
Ways to Pay - JXN Water 3,7 7 4 + 3,7 7 4 O rgan ic Social 1,049
Precau tion ary Boil Water Notices - JXN Water 3,199 + 2,430 O rgan ic Sh oppin g 136
Ways to Pay You r Water Bill - JXN Water 3,164 + 3,0 8 6
Display 5
You r Water - JXN Water 3,147 + 2,8 9 6
Abou t JXN Water - JXN Water 1,962 + 8 15


Eve n t Name Eve n t C o u n t Eve n t Name Eve n t c o u n t pe r u s e r
P r e vio us p e r io d u ser_en gagem en t 3.10
page_view 31.9% + 2.4% page_view 2.91
session _start 17 .8% - 0 .7 % scroll 2.25
u ser_en gagem en t 17 .0% + 3.2% click 2.10
click 11.8% - 3.1% session _start 1.62
scroll 10.5% - 0 .8 % file_down load 1.61
first_visit 10.3% - 1.0 % view_search _resu lts 1.33
file_down load 0.7 % - 0 .0 % form _start 1.20
form _start 0.0% - 0 .0 % form _su bm it 1.20
form _su bm it 0.0% - 0 .0 % first_visit 0.99

1 of 3


18,668 88,461 21.1 0% 13.4

Previ ou s p eri od Previ ou s year Previ ou s p eri od Previ ou s year Previ ou s p eri od Previ ou s year Previ ou s p eri od Previ ou s year
18 9 % 10 0 % 123% 10 0 % 29 % 10 0 % -6% 10 0 %


Qu e r ie s C lic ks Impr e s s io n s Avg. C T R Avg. po s it io n

jxn water 7 ,37 9 + 4,525 10,550 + 6 ,56 7 69.94% - 1.7 1% 1.1 + 0 .1
jackson water 2,285 + 1,7 7 7 5,086 + 3,19 0 44.93% + 18 .13% 2.3 - 1.1
jackson water bill 7 46 + 57 8 3,486 + 1,428 21.40% + 13.24% 4.2 - 2.5
jxn water login 489 + 38 5 57 2 + 412 85.49% + 20 .49 % 1.0 - 0 .0
jxn water 485 + 251 563 + 29 1 86.15% + 0 .12% 1.0 - 0 .0
jxn water pay bill 464 + 314 7 27 + 330 63.82% + 26 .0 4% 1.4 - 1.1
jxn water.com 348 +90 436 + 125 7 9.82% - 3.14% 1.0 - 0 .0
jxn water.com /m y accou n t 194 + 19 4 234 + 234 82.91% + 8 2.9 1% 1.0 + 1.0
www.jxn water.com 168 - 12 204 - 34 82.35% + 6 .7 2% 1.0 =
jxn water.com 165 +83 207 +99 7 9.7 1% + 3.7 8 % 1.0 - 0 .0


Eve n t Name Eve n t C o u n t Eve n t Name Eve n t c o u n t pe r u s e r
page_view 117 ,696 u ser_en gagem en t 3.10
session _start 65,439 page_view 2.91
u ser_en gagem en t 62,617 scroll 2.25
click 43,596 click 2.10
scroll 38,558 session _start 1.62
first_visit 38,081 file_down load 1.61
file_down load 2,413 view_search _resu lts 1.33
form _start 12 form _start 1.20
form _su bm it 12 form _su bm it 1.20
view_search _resu lts 8 first_visit 0.99



10 ,0 0 0
41.1 2%
7,50 0

5,0 0 0

2 ,50 0

Previ ou s p eri od Previ ou s year

J an Feb Mar 4% 10 0 %

2 of 3
De vic e T ype Avg. C T R
Tablet 26.7 9% 1.78
Mobile 22.62%

Desktop 18.7 3%

Previ ou s p eri od Previ ou s year

10 % 10 0 %


Page s C lic ks Impr e s s io n s Avg. C T R Avg. po s it io n

/ 12,441 + 7 ,244 64,540 + 34,50 3 19.28% + 1.9 7 % 9.6 + 0 .5
/m an ageyou raccou n t/ 2,354 + 2,248 18,461 + 16 ,9 59 12.7 5% + 5.6 9 % 3.1 - 0 .6
/apply-for-services/ 1,560 +666 31,7 11 + 19 ,156 4.92% - 2.20 % 4.5 + 0 .5
/waystopay/ 937 + 9 37 18,7 22 + 18 ,7 22 5.00% + 5.0 0 % 3.8 + 3.8
/m y-accou n t/ 7 43 + 7 43 5,567 + 5,56 7 13.35% + 13.35% 5.4 + 5.4
/abou t/ 243 + 116 22,57 7 + 8 ,9 10 1.08% + 0 .15% 2.9 - 0 .5
/jxn -water-an n ou n ces-n ew-water-rates-an d-fees-for-20 24 / 234 + 20 0 10,466 + 9 ,8 16 2.24% - 2.9 9 % 5.9 - 1.3
/you r-water/ 210 + 20 6 29,125 + 27 ,58 5 0.7 2% + 0 .46 % 3.0 - 0 .8
/rates/ 168 + 16 8 3,7 02 + 3,7 0 2 4.54% + 4.54% 7 .4 + 7 .4
/boilwatern otices/ 126 + 115 22,7 45 + 13,8 6 2 0.55% + 0 .43% 5.7 + 1.2


1 A count of the numbe r individuals that have initiate d a s e s s ion during the date range s pe cifie d.
2 Dire ct is the we bs ite addre s s that matche s what the us e r type s in. Organic is how the s ite is found through s e arch. Re fe rral traffic is a
link that dire cts folks to the s ite from othe r s ource s . Paid traffic is a campaign run through ad buys . Dis play traffic come s from a dis play
ad e ithe r place d or organic.

3 of 3

JXN Water 24,482,834 104,589
Flood the Market
Sept 2023 – Feb 2024

Time Period
1/1 – 3/31

Broadcast Television

Time Period 2,549,000 90.4 3.7 133

1/1 – 3/31

Premion Streaming TV 155,214 86,628 1.79

Time Period
1/1 – 3/31

Premion Streaming TV 155,214 86,628 1.79
(Page 2)


Time Period
1/1 – 3/31

Premion Streaming TV- 94,116 31,515 2.99

Time Period
1/1 – 3/31

Premion Streaming TV 94,116 31,515 2.99
Spanish (Page 2)


Time Period
1/1 – 3/31

Audience Targeting 292,646 446 0.15%
Display (Hispanic)


Time Period
1/1 – 3/31




Audience Targeting 292,646 446 0.15%
Display (Hispanic)
Page 2

Time Period
1/1 – 3/31


Streaming Audio 427,018 414,763 97.13%

Time Period
1/1 – 3/31


Streaming Audio 427,018 414,763 97.13%
page 2

Time Period
1/1 – 3/31



WLBT Display Ads

934,020 427 0.05%

Time Period
1/1 – 3/31


WLBT Pre-Roll Video

261,648 2,125 50.99%

Time Period
1/1 – 3/31


WLBT Livestream OTT
435,453 0.00% 99.07%
Time Period
1/1 – 3/31


Native Articles

18,593,823 101,195 .92%

Time Period
1/1 – 3/31

Flowing Forward: Introducing

the New Social Impact
Strategist for JXN Water


Homepage Takeovers

739,896 396 0.05%

Time Period
1/1 – 3/31


MS Weekend
Sponsorship on
Studio 3 Lifestyle

Time Period
1/1 – 3/31

Thank you!

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