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Thesis submitted in fulfilment of the requirements

for the degree of
Master of Science

December 2022

I would like to convey my gratitude to Allah SWT for giving this opportunity in

completing my master's studies. This thesis became a considerably more efficient and

thanks to the generous support and assistance of many individuals, for which I am

grateful. A very special appreciation goes out to my mother, Fadzilah Kassim and the

whole De’Abraham family members for the encouragement which insisted me in

completion of this study. Not forgetting to the crucial person in this research which I

am immensely grateful, my supervisor, Dr. Nurul'Ain Jabit, for her undying support,

patience, motivation, enthusiasm, and vast knowledge. Her advice was invaluable to

me throughout the research and writing of this thesis. I could not have imagined

having a better advisor for my master’s project. My sincere appreciation also goes to

my fellow friends who are willingly helped me out with their own potentiality. Finally,

I would like to acknowledge to technical staffs from USM and JMG Terengganu who

helped me during this study.


ACKNOWLEDGEMENT ......................................................................................... ii

TABLE OF CONTENTS ........................................................................................... ii

LIST OF TABLES ................................................................................................... vii

LIST OF FIGURES .................................................................................................. ix

LIST OF SYMBOLS .............................................................................................. xiv

LIST OF ABBREVIATIONS ................................................................................. xv

LIST OF APPENDICES ........................................................................................ xvi

ABSTRAK .............................................................................................................. xvii

ABSTRACT ............................................................................................................. xix

CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION .......................................................................... 1

1.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 1

1.2 Problem statement ............................................................................................ 4

1.3 Objective .......................................................................................................... 6

1.4 Scope of study .................................................................................................. 6

CHAPTER 2 LITERATURE REVIEW .............................................................. 9

2.1 Introduction ...................................................................................................... 9

2.1.1 Titanium mineralogy ...................................................................... 10

2.1.2 Ilmenite mineralogy ....................................................................... 13

2.2 Natural weathering of ilmenite ....................................................................... 14

2.3 Crystal structure of ilmenite ........................................................................... 17

2.4 Diversity of raw materials for titanium production ........................................ 20

2.5 Manufacture of titanium dioxide .................................................................... 21

2.5.1 Sulphate process ............................................................................. 22

2.5.2 Chloride process ............................................................................. 23

2.6 Process of upgrading ilmenite ........................................................................ 24

2.7 Design of experiment (DOE) ......................................................................... 25

2.7.1 Evaluation of MINITAB data ........................................................ 26

2.8 Factor affecting direct leaching ...................................................................... 27

2.8.1 Particle size .................................................................................... 27

2.8.2 Acid concentration ......................................................................... 29

2.8.3 Temperature ................................................................................... 32

2.8.4 Solid to liquid ratio......................................................................... 33

2.8.5 Reducing agent ............................................................................... 35

2.9 Kinetic study of ilmenite leaching ................................................................. 37

2.9.1 Selection of leaching kinetic models .............................................. 38

2.9.2 Kinetic study of hydrochloric acid leaching .................................. 40

2.10 Research background on prospecting area ..................................................... 43

CHAPTER 3 MATERIALS AND METHODOLOGY .................................... 49

3.1 Study description ............................................................................................ 49

3.2 Site description ............................................................................................... 51

3.3 Materials and reagents .................................................................................... 53

3.4 Characterization analysis................................................................................ 53

3.4.1 Sample preparation ......................................................................... 53

3.4.2 Morphological studies .................................................................... 54

3.4.3 Particle size distribution (PSD) ...................................................... 55

3.4.4 Mineral phase identification using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD) ...... 56

3.4.5 Elemental composition using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF) ............ 56

3.4.6 Mineral Liberation studies ............................................................. 57

3.5 Batch Leaching experiment ............................................................................ 58

3.6 Batch leaching ................................................................................................ 61

3.6.1 Analytical measurement for leaching analysis ............................... 63

3.6.1(a) Determination of iron and titanium in leaching

solution .......................................................................... 63

3.6.1(b) Leaching residue ............................................................ 64

CHAPTER 4 RESULT AND DISCUSSIONS ....................................................... 65

4.1 Introduction .................................................................................................... 65

4.2 Mineral Characterization ................................................................................ 67

4.2.1 Mineral phase identification ........................................................... 67

4.2.2 Chemical composition discovery through XRF analysis ............... 69

4.2.3 Particle size distribution (PSD) ...................................................... 70

4.2.4 Ore morphological studies ............................................................. 73

4.2.4(a) Optical light microscope ................................................ 73

4.2.4(b) Polarized Light Microscope ........................................... 75

4.2.4(c) SEM Analysis ................................................................ 78

4.2.5 Mineral Liberation study ................................................................ 81

4.2.6 Conclusion for mineral characterization study............................... 84

4.3 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) .................................................................... 85

4.3.1 Statistical analysis .......................................................................... 85

4.3.2 Effect of significant variables towards Fe leached (%).................. 91

4.3.2(a) Effect of main variables ................................................. 91

4.3.2(b) Variables interaction towards Fe leached (%) ............... 93

4.3.3 Effect of significant variables towards Ti leached (%) .................. 96

4.3.3(a) Effect of main variables ................................................. 96

4.3.3(b) Variables interaction of Ti leached (%) ......................... 97

4.3.4 Overlay between responses ............................................................ 98

4.3.5 Responses optimization .................................................................. 99

4.3.6 Conclusion for ANOVA analysis ................................................. 101

4.4 Mechanism and leaching kinetic evaluation ................................................ 102

4.4.1 Performance of leaching............................................................... 102

4.4.1(a) Effect of acid concentration and Fe-Ti Correlation in

ilmenite leaching .......................................................... 102

4.4.1(b) Effect of temperature and Fe-Ti correlation in
ilmenite leaching .......................................................... 105

4.4.2 Discussion on kinetic modelling .................................................. 108

4.4.2(a) Factors affecting apparent rate constants ..................... 113

4.4.2(b) Reaction rate order ....................................................... 114

4.4.2(c) Activation energy......................................................... 117

4.4.3 Overview mechanism for ilmenite leaching................................. 120


5.1 Conclusion .................................................................................................... 129

5.2 Recommendations for Future Research ....................................................... 131

REFERENCES ....................................................................................................... 132





Table 2.1 Properties of pure titanium (Nesse, 1987).......................................... 11

Table 2.2 Typical TiO2 content of several titanium minerals (Nesse, 1987) ..... 12

Table 2.3 Physical properties of ilmenite (Cook & Kirk, 2018) ........................ 14

Table 2.4 Chemical composition of ilmenite from different origin ................... 17

Table 2.5 Summary of crystal structures of ilmenite and related oxides ........... 19

Table 2.6 Production of titanium dioxide (Nguyen and Lee, 2019) .................. 21

Table 2.7 Summary of the various processes used for the processing of
ilmenite............................................................................................... 25

Table 2.8 Effect of particle size on ilmenite leaching ........................................ 29

Table 2.9 Effect of hydrochloric acid concentration on ilmenite leaching ........ 31

Table 2.10 Effect of temperature on ilmenite leaching ........................................ 33

Table 2.11 Effect of solid liquid ratio on ilmenite leaching................................. 34

Table 2.12 Effect of reducing agent on ilmenite leaching ................................... 36

Table 2.13 Kinetic parameters for ilmenite leaching in hydrochloric acid

solution ............................................................................................... 43

Table 3.1 Lists of materials and reagents. .......................................................... 53

Table 3.2 Symbols, Actual, and Coded Levels of the Parameters Used ............ 58

Table 3.3 Design Summary ................................................................................ 59

Table 3.4 Point Types ........................................................................................ 59

Table 3.5 Design Table (randomized) ................................................................ 60

Table 3.6 Summary of overall design table with uncoded unit.......................... 61

Table 4.1 Phase quantification data obtained from XRD by Rietveld

refinement .......................................................................................... 69

Table 4.2 Chemical composition of analysed samples by XRF analysis in
(wt.%) ................................................................................................. 70

Table 4.3 Summary of data from Particle Size Analysis ................................... 73

Table 4.4 Experimental design matrix and results ............................................. 88

Table 4.5 Analysis of variance for full quadratic for iron leached .................... 90

Table 4.6 Analysis of variance for full quadratic for titanium leached.............. 91

Table 4.7 Optimum leaching conditions and comparative results between

predicted and experimental .............................................................. 100

Table 4.8 Summary of effect of variables on apparent rate constants and

diffusivity in HCl leaching of ilmenite samples. ............................. 114

Table 4.9 Initial rate data (dX/dt) and at various HCl concentrations at
selected temperature ......................................................................... 116

Table 4.10 Reaction order for ilmenite sample .................................................. 117

Table 4.11 Activation energy for ilmenite sample ............................................. 119



Figure 1.1 World production of ilmenite in the years 2020 and

2021(Gambogi, 2021; Geological Survey, 2021) ................................ 2

Figure 2.1 Summarization of titanium ores ......................................................... 13

Figure 2.2 Crystal structure of rhombohedral ilmenite(Kuganathan et al.,

2019). ................................................................................................. 18

Figure 2.3 Model of ilmenite crystalline structure(Sanchez-Segado et al.,

2015) .................................................................................................. 19

Figure 2.4 Illustrates various mechanisms of leaching (a) Shrinking sphere

particle model, (b) shrinking core model and (c) combination of
shrinking core-shrinking sphere models (Safari et al., 2009) ............ 40

Figure 2.5 Ti(IV) chloride speciation diagram for 0.1 Ti(IV) activity at 298 K
............................................................................................................ 41

Figure 2.6 Map showing the localities of sample in Bukit Kelip, Hulu
Dungun, Terengganu, Malaysia (Developers Guide for QGIS —
QGIS Documentation documentation, 2002) ..................................... 45

Figure 2.7 Study area in Bukit Kelip, Hulu Dungun, Terengganu (Sources:
JMG Terengganu 2014) ..................................................................... 46

Figure 2.8 Topography and river map in Bukit Kelip, Hulu Dungun,
Terengganu (Sources: JMG Terengganu 2014) ................................. 47

Figure 2.9 Geological map of Bukit Kelip, Hulu Dungun, Terengganu

(Source: JMG Terengganu 2014) ....................................................... 48

Figure 3.1 Experimental flowchart for overall analysis for ilmenite sand
sample ................................................................................................ 50

Figure 3.2 Studied area is labelled as A in geological map of Peninsular

Malaysia. Source:(Yusri & Kadir, 2018) ........................................... 52

Figure 3.3 A flowchart depicting steps implied in the characterization of the
samples in this work ........................................................................... 54

Figure 3.4 A schematic diagram for dissolution experiment. (i) waterbath; (ii)
peristaltic pump; (iii) pH meter; (iv) pH/ORP probe; (v) ATC
probe; (vi) overhead stirrer (vii) thermometer (viii) alihn condenser
............................................................................................................ 63

Figure 4.1 Image of sample (a) ilmenite sand, IS, (b) concentrate ilmenite, CI,
and (c) tailing ilmenite (TI) ................................................................ 66

Figure 4.2 XRD patterns of ilmenite sand, concentrate ilmenite and tailing
ilmenite............................................................................................... 68

Figure 4.3 Particle Size Analysis Graph for Bulk Sample .................................. 72

Figure 4.4 Image of raw ilmenite sample under the optical microscope (200
X magnification). Abbreviation: ilm: ilmenite, rut: rutile, hem:
hematite, zr: zircon, leu: leucoxene and qtz: quartz ........................... 75

Figure 4.5 Major minerals discovered in IS under different magnification ........ 77

Figure 4.6 Photomicrographs of concentrate ilmenite, CI (A-D) and tailing

ilmenite, TI, E: 50X and F: 100X magnification has ilmenite and
subhedral colourless zircon assuming to ubiquitous in tailing
sample ................................................................................................ 77

Figure 4.7 SEM/EDX Elemental mapping of IS ................................................. 79

Figure 4.8 SEM/EDX Elemental mapping of CI................................................. 80

Figure 4.9 SEM/EDX Elemental mapping of TI ................................................. 81

Figure 4.10 Refers to (+53-63) µm size fractions. (A) Original BSE image, (B)
counted particles, (C) mineral of interest in locked form, and (D)
After removal numbers of interlock ilmenite particle, remaining of
mineral particles' interest which is liberated, FM .............................. 83

Figure 4.11 Percentage of mineral liberation obtained for each particle size
fractions of (+53-63) µm, (+63-75) µm and (+75-90) µm which
were measured using Eqs. (4) ............................................................ 84

Figure 4.12 Pareto chart of the standardize effect for full quadratic (A)
percentage of iron leached, and (B) percentage of titanium leached
............................................................................................................ 89

Figure 4.13 Effect of independent variables towards % Fe leached ..................... 93

Figure 4.14 Combination effect of variables on % Fe leached (a)contour plot

for HCI (M) vs temperature (°C), (b) response plot for HCI (M) vs
temperature (°C), (c) contour plot for temperature (°C) vs solid
liquid ratio (g/L), (d) response plot for temperature (°C) vs solid
liquid ratio (g/L), (e) contour plot for temperature (°C) vs
concentration of reducing agent (g/g), (f) response plot for
temperature (°C) vs concentration of reducing agent (g/g), (g)
contour plot for solid liquid ratio (g/L) vs HCI (M), and (h)
response plot for solid liquid ratio (g/L) vs HCI (M)......................... 95

Figure 4.15 Effect of independent variables towards % Ti leached ...................... 97

Figure 4.16 Combination effect of variables on % Ti leached (a)contour plot

for HCI (M) vs temperature (°C), (b) response plot for HCI (M) vs
temperature (°C) ................................................................................. 98

Figure 4.17 Overlay of the models describing the relationship between process
parameters in both responses ............................................................. 99

Figure 4.18 SEM micrographs (a) ilmenite residue taken after leaching (b)
roughness surface of particle (c) spotted area with EDX spectrum
analysis ............................................................................................. 100

Figure 4.19 Effect of acid concentration on Fe and Ti dissolution. (a) titanium

extraction (%), and (b) iron extraction (%) at 90°C, solid liquid
ratio = 4 g/L, leaching time = 4h, reducing agent, iron powder =
0.4g/g................................................................................................ 104

Figure 4.20 Correlation between extraction of Fe and Ti from ilmenite samples

at temperature 90°C, solid liquid ratio = 4 g/L, t = 4h, reducing
agent, iron powder= 0.4g/g .............................................................. 105

Figure 4.21 Effect of temperature on Fe and Ti dissolution (a) titanium
extraction %, and (b) iron extraction ([HCl]= 9M, solid liquid ratio
= 4 g/L, HCI=9M, t = 4h, reducing agent, iron powder= 0.4g/g ..... 107

Figure 4.22 Correlation between extraction of Fe and Ti from ilmenite samples

at temperature (a) 6M (b) 7M (c) 8M (d) 9M (temperature= 60°C
-90°C, solid liquid ratio = 4 g/L, t = 4h, reducing agent, iron
powder= 0.4g/g ................................................................................ 108

Figure 4.23 Kinetics analysis graph (a) fraction X (b) shrinking core model (c)
shrinking particle model (d) combination model for Fe under
different concentration(6M-9M) at temperature= 90 ˚C, size
fraction= -53=63µm, solid liquid ratio= 4g/L and reducing agent=
0.4g/g................................................................................................ 110

Figure 4.24 Kinetics analysis (a) fraction X (b) shrinking core model (c)
shrinking particle model (d) combination model for Ti under
different concentration(6M-9M) at temperature= 90 ˚C, size
fraction= -53=63µm, solid liquid ratio= 4g/L and reducing agent=
0.4g/g................................................................................................ 111

Figure 4.25 Kinetics analysis graph (a) fraction X (b) shrinking core model (c)
shrinking particle model (d) combination model for Fe under
different temperature (60 ˚C -90 ˚C) at HCI concentration= 9M,
size fraction= -53=63µm, solid liquid ratio= 4g/L and reducing
agent= 0.4g/g .................................................................................... 112

Figure 4.26 Kinetics analysis graph (a) fraction X (b) shrinking core model (c)
shrinking particle model (d) combination model for Ti under
different temperature (60 ˚C -90 ˚C) at HCI concentration= 9M,
size fraction= -53=63µm, solid liquid ratio= 4g/L and reducing
agent= 0.4g/g .................................................................................... 113

Figure 4.27 Fraction (X) of Fe dissolution with respect to time at different acid
concentration for polynomial fitting (a) fraction reacted (X) for Fe
(b) fraction reacted (X) for Ti at 90°C, solid to liquid ratio = 4 g/L,
iron powder as reducing agent= 0.4g/g, and size fraction = +53-63
µm). .................................................................................................. 116

Figure 4.28 Logarithmic plot of (a) initial rates (dX/dt)Fe and (b) initial rates
at 90 °C as a function of acid concentration ([HCl] = 6-9 M, solid
liquid ratio = 4 g/L ,iron powder reducing agent= 0.4g/g and size
fraction= +53-63 µm). ...................................................................... 117

Figure 4.29 Arrhenius plot for Fe and Ti dissolution on ilmenite samples at 90

°C as a function of acid concentration [HCl] = 6-9 M, solid liquid
ratio = 4 g/L ,iron powder reducing agent= 0.4g/g and size
fraction= +53-63 µm ........................................................................ 119

Figure 4.30 Illustration of shrinking core model for ilmenite in hydrochloric

acid leaching system ........................................................................ 120

Figure 4.31 SEM EDX images of raw ilmenite sand before leaching conducted
.......................................................................................................... 127

Figure 4.32 SEM- EDX result of ilmenite grain particles taken after 4 hours
leaching that is covered with solid layer produced (a) spectrum 1,
(b) spectrum 2, and (c) spectrum 3. ................................................. 129


°C Degree Celsius

µ micron

θ Theta

. Full stop

, Comma

x Multiplication sign

+ Addition sign

÷ Division sign

% Percent sign

; Semicolon

- Hyphen


IS Ilmenite sand
CI Concentrate ilmenite
TI Tailing ilmenite
PSA Particles size analysis
OM Optical microscope
XRD X-ray diffraction
XRF X-ray fluorescence
AAS Atomic adsorption spectroscopy
ICP Inductively coupled plasma
DOE Design of experiment
ANOVA Analysis of variance


Appendix A -Table A Effect of HCl concentration on efficiency of Fe and Ti

leaching from ilmenite
-Table B Effect of temperature on efficiency of Fe and Ti
leaching from ilmenite




Potensi pasir ilmenit dari Sungai Cheniah, Bukit Kelip, Terengganu, Malaysia

untuk menghasilkan sintetik rutil melalui kaedah larut lesap reduktif yang

menggunakan asid hidroklorik sebagai reagen larut lesap dan besi sebagai agen

penurunan dikaji. Oleh kerana bijih berbeza dalam mineralogi dan komposisi

bergantung pada lokasi, adalah penting untuk menyiasat sifat fizikal dan kimia ilmenit

Malaysia yang digunakan dalam kajian ini. Dapatan kajian ini dapat memberi

gambaran tentang tingkah laku proses ilmenit semasa larut lesap. Mengikut analisis

pencirian, pasir ilmenit, IS dikelaskan sebagai gred rendah kerana kandungan TiO2

hanya 41.53%. selepas proses pra-rawatan dijalankan, dan sebatian lain seperti hematit

(Fe2O3, 38.09wt%) juga ditemui dalam sampel. Mineral lain juga seperti ‘gangue’

mineral seperti silikon dioksida (SiO2, 9.91wt%), magnesium oksida (MgO, 3.14

wt%), alumina (Al2O3, 2.86 wt%), mangan oksida (MnO, 1.89 wt%) telah dikesan

tetapi hanya dalam tahap surih. Sementara itu, fasa kristal dalam sampel IS, ilmenit

(01-073-2233) merupakan fasa yang paling boleh dikenal pasti dan diikuti oleh hematit

(04-002-7501), zirkon nitrat (04-011-3510) dan kuarza (01-087-2096). Daripada

analisis taburan saiz zarah, ia adalah nilai rentang yang agak tinggi yang menunjukkan

perbezaan taburan saiz. Oleh itu, ilmenite inin boleh dikategorikan bahawa sampel IS

adalah pecahan saiz pasir sederhana.

Untuk menentukan keadaan optimum proses pelarut lesapan reduktif untuk

ilmenit Malaysia, parameter seperti kepekatan asid hidroklorik, nisbah asid-kepada-

pepejal, suhu, dan kepekatan agen penurun telah dikaji menggunakan reka bentuk

eksperimen (DOE). Hasil daripada proses larut lesap dinilai menggunakan analisis

varians (ANOVA) dan kriteria optimum ditunjukkan ialah 9M, 90°C, 0.4g/g, dan 4g/L.

Pemulihan maksimum ialah 96.42% Fe dan 97.24% Ti. Dengan membangunkan

analisis ini secara statistik yang berdasarkan model matematik, ia boleh berguna untuk

meramal dan memahami kesan keadaan eksperimen.

Untuk menjelaskan kinetik tindak balas dan mekanisme pelarut lesapan ilmenit

Malaysia dalam larutan HCl, pelarut lesapan kelompok langsung telah dilakukan dan

kesan kepekatan HCl dan suhu larut lesap dengan korelasi Fe-Ti dinilai. Kecekapan

larut lesap Fe dan Ti meningkat apabila kepekatan HCl meningkat. Daripada plot

korelasi Fe-Ti untuk 6-7M HCl, ia menunjukkan bahawa Fe larut lebih dua kali

berbanding dengan pelarutan Ti, manakala peningkatan kepekatan HCl, kadar larut

lesap untuk Ti meningkat dengan ketara. Ini boleh diperhatikan daripada cerun yang

diperolehi yang menghampiri 1. Trend yang sama juga boleh dilihat untuk kesan

suhu.Pelarut lesapan kelompok ilmenit mematuhi model kinetik “shrinking core” yang

mengatakan bahawa resapan proton melalui lapisan produk yang terhasil adalah

mekanisme yang mengawal kadar pelarutlesapan. Ini boleh disokong oleh nilai tenaga

pengaktifan yang diperolehi untuk kedua-dua Fe (32.3 kJ/mol) dan Ti (30.2kJ/mol)

iaitu di bawah 40 kJ/mol yang menunjukkan kadar kawalan resapan. Ini boleh

disimpulkan bahawa tindak balas plearutlesapan tidak dikawal sepenuhnya oleh tindak

balas kimia kerana melibatkan permukaan mineral dan kadar pelarutlesapan titanium

dan besi dan oleh itu boleh disimpulkan bahawa pelarut lesapan ini mematuhi model

teras yang mengecut




The potential of ilmenite sand from Sungai Cheniah, Bukit Kelip, Terengganu,

Malaysia to produce synthetic rutile through a reductive leaching method that uses

hydrochloric acid as a leaching reagent and iron as a reducing agent is studied. Because

ore varies in mineralogy and composition depending on location, it is critical to

investigate the physical and chemical properties of the Malaysian ilmenite used in this

study. The findings of this study can shed light on the behaviour of ilmenite during the

leaching process. According to the characterization analyses, the ilmenite sand, IS is

classified as low grade since the TiO2 content is only 41.53%. after pre-treatment

process conducted, and others compound such as hematite (Fe2O3, 38.09wt%) found

in the sample. Other minerals also which consider gangue minerals such as silicon

dioxide (SiO2, 9.91wt%), magnesium oxide (MgO, 3.14 wt%), alumina (Al2O3, 2.86

wt%), manganese oxide (MnO, 1.89 wt%) were detected but only in trace levels.

Meanwhile, crystalline phase in IS sample, ilmenite (01-073-2233) is the most

identifiable phase and follow by hematite (04-002-7501), zircon nitrate (04-011-3510)

and opaque mineral such as quartz (01-087-2096). From the particle size distribution

analysis, it is relatively high span value which indicates an apart of size distribution.

Thus, it can be categorized that the IS sample is medium sand size fraction. The value

of Cu is 1.8662 whilst Cc is 0.9327 by mean it can be classified as poorly graded

indicates that most of the grain size of particles in bulk sample is identical.

To determine the optimum conditions of the reductive leaching process for

Malaysian ilmenite, parameters such as concentration of hydrochloric acid, acid-to-

solid ratio, temperature, and concentration of reducing agent was studied using design

of experiment (DOE). The result of the leaching process was assessed using analysis

of variance (ANOVA) and optimal criteria were pointed out to be 9M HCl, 90°C,

0.4g/g of iron powder, and 4g/L solid liquid ratio. The maximum recovery is 96.42%

Fe and 97.24% Ti. By developing this analysis statistically which is based on the

mathematical models, it could be useful for predicting and comprehending the effects

of experimental conditions.

To elucidate the reaction kinetics and mechanism of Malaysian ilmenite

leaching in HCl solution, direct batch leaching was performed and the effect of HCl

concentration and leaching temperature with Fe-Ti correlation was assessed. The

leaching efficiency of Fe and Ti was increased as the HCl concentration increased.

From the Fe-Ti correlation plot for 6-7M HCl, it showed that the Fe dissolved two-

time folds compared to Ti dissolution, while increasing the HCl concentration the

leaching rate for Ti increased significantly. This can be observed from the slope

obtained which is close to 1. Similar trend also can be seen for the effect of

temperature. The batch leaching of ilmenite particles obeyed a shrinking core kinetic

model, supporting the view that the proton diffusion through a product layer is the rate-

controlling step. This can be supported by the activation energy values obtained for

both 32.3 kJ/mol Fe and 30.2kJ/mol Ti which is below 40 kJ/mol which indicates the

diffusion control rate. This can be inferred that the dissolution reaction was not

controlled wholly by the chemical reaction involving the mineral's surface and

titanium and iron dissolution rates and therefore can be concluded this leaching were

obeying shrinking core models.



1.1 Introduction

Titanium dioxides (TiO2) have been extensively used due to their fascinating

general features in a variety of fields that have an impact on the quality of human life.

According to the U.S. Geological Survey’s (USGS) National Minerals, since 2021,

With 37% of the world's ilmenite production in 2021, China remained the primary

producer and consumer of titanium mineral concentrates. South Africa and

Mozambique were also two of the top producers of titanium mineral concentrates.

Meanwhile, about 3.6 million tonnes of titanium mineral concentrates were imported

from China in total, a 21% increase from 2020 which can be illustrated in Figure 1.1.

Referring to Global Titanium Dioxide Market Report (2021), the demand for

titanium dioxide reached USD 16.98 billion in 2020 and is projected to increase at a

CAGR of 8.3% from 2020/21 to 2028. This suggests that it will be in high demand

from producers and consumers in the global market for nano-paints, sheets, beauty

products, photocatalysis substances, and antibacterial agents, as well as in civil

applications, self-cleaning products (Wahyuningsih et al., 2013, 2014; Guo et al.,

2014; Lakshmanan et al., 2016; Nguyen & Lee, 2019; Ihekweme et al., 2020; Yang et

al., 2020; Fouda et al., 2021; Shao et al., 2021). Plastics represent the fastest-growing

market segment of the titanium dioxide pigment, with growth rates ranging between 5

and 18 percent over the last two decades(Sasikumar et al., 2007; Zhang & Nicol, 2010;

Chia et al., 2012; Sanchez-Segado et al., 2015; Por et al.,, 2017; Jabit & Senanayake,

2018; Gambogi, 2021). Examples of some of the other uses of titanium dioxide

pigments include applications in ceramics, concrete, food, titanates, and photovoltaic

Figure 1.1 World production of ilmenite in the years 2020 and 2021(Gambogi,
2021; Geological Survey, 2021)

Anatase, brookite, ilmenite, leucoxene, perovskite, rutile, and sphene are some

of the minerals which encompass titanium dioxide, but ilmenite and rutile are

commonly commercialized these days (Nesse, 1987; Wahyuningsih et al., 2014;

Sanchez-Segado et al., 2015; Por et al., 2017; Jabit & Senanayake, 2018; Nguyen &

Lee, 2019). However, natural rutile supplies are rapidly depleting, necessitating the

extraction of ilmenite resources to develop titanium industries. In fact, consumption of

low-grade rutile is less beneficial contradicting ilmenite which still can be as titanium

feedstock even in a lower grade. For instance, rutile production in China has a

multitude of challenges, which include low-grade rutile, fine granularity, and features

that are similar to other valuable minerals, making the separation among it complicated

and operational costs high.

Ilmenite is a mineral that is being mined nowadays since it is one of the several

titanium oxides resources that is currently available which can be profitably exploited

since the world issued with a rutile’s shortage. The processing of ilmenite is very

complex due to its mineralogical complexity. There are several methods used in

processing ilmenite. From the early method pyrometallurgical process, concentrated

sulphuric acid treatment to hydrometallurgical treatment, ilmenite treatment with

hydrochloric acid or chloride process had been progressively improved to obtain the

best condition in producing titanium dioxide. The Benilite process, the Becher process,

the Murso process, and the Altair process are just a few of the suitable methods of

substitution ilmenite from rutile(Nguyen & Lee, 2019). Nevertheless, due to the high

energy consumption as well as expenditures of these processes, further

scientifical work is required in order to develop cost-effective processes and enhance

titanium dioxide production.

Meanwhile, the chloride process which requires rutile or upgraded ilmenite as

a feedstock, has a more cost-effective flowsheet and produces less waste compared to

other methods which will be discussed in chapter two. Several articles have been

published in the past few decades on the use of the leachant hydrochloric acid for

upgrading ilmenite to synthetic rutile. The majority of ilmenite leaching studies to

hydrochloric acid were carried out in order to select the optimal conditions for

upgrading ilmenite to synthetic rutile.

The presence of reductant also such as metallic iron powder to hydrochloric

acid was known to improve ilmenite leaching(Mahmoud et al., 2004; N. A. Jabit &

Senanayake, 2018; Nguyen and Lee, 2019; Daba et al., 2022). This research study is

interested in the dissolution of ilmenite in hydrochloric acid at the prospecting area.

Previous researchers emphasized enhancing the efficiency of the dissolution reaction

by study in several conditions such as particle size of the feed, concentration of acid,

temperature, solid to liquid ratio, reducing conditions and additional pre-treatment

process(Tsuchida, 1982; Olanipekun, 1999; Mahmoud et al., 2004; Habib et al., 2006;

Babu et al., 2009; Baba et al., 2013; Das et al., 2013; Guo et al., 2014; Hosseini et al.,

2018; Jabit & Senanayake, 2018; Nguyen & Lee, 2019; Daba et al., 2022; Kurniawan

et al., 2022). However, a fundamental understanding of the processes is still lacking,

and more research is necessary to fully understand the reaction in kinetic and its

mechanism. Therefore, the aim of the present study is to evaluate more the kinetics of

titanium and iron dissolution in concentrated hydrochloric acid solutions, as well as

the leaching mechanism.

1.2 Problem statement

Numerous researchers have been looking into the dissolution of ilmenite in

acid solutions, utilizing various methods to enhance the process, particularly in the

chloride method. Almost all of the world's heavy mineral beach sand deposits contain

minerals that are the result of ilmenite's natural weathering and alteration, and thus

contain iron in the form of iron (III). Generally, ilmenite is composed of 52.7 % TiO2

and 47.3 % FeO. However, mineral constituents of ilmenite differ from different

regions. Moreover, a weathered deposit not only influences the titanium content of the

ore but also appears to change its chemical behaviour.

Ilmenite concentrates may contain significant levels of impurities, either

internal or external to the grains, which can affect the leaching process as well as the

output especially in its market value due to TiO2 recovery. Owing to different mineral

contents, standard leaching cannot be used on all types of ilmenite deposits due to

differences in mineral content. To solve this problem, the characterization of the

ilmenite sand from Cheniah river, Dungun, Terengganu is studied and subsequently

proceed to the leaching process in different parameters which will investigate through

its iron and titanium extraction result. From here, the optimum condition of ilmenite

leaching can obtain which able to facilitate an additional information in designing the

leaching process as to achieve maximum recovery of TiO2.

There have been numerous studies on ilmenite dissolution kinetics in acid

solution, however, the kinetics mechanism and rate of reaction in acid solution have

not been accurately documented or truly addressed. This knowledge is vital for the

accurate design and interpretation of hydrometallurgy reactions, allowing these

processes to be improved and monitored. To propose a dissolution mechanism, the

measured kinetic parameters must support the mechanism.

The concentration of reagents and the temperature have an impact on the rate

of dissolution or leaching reactions. The order of reaction and the activation energy

are the two kinetic parameters as a result. The order of a reaction is the most crucial

kinetic parameter in determining the dissolution mechanism. It explicates how the rate

is affected by the reagent concentration. The activation energy, on the other hand, is

temperature dependent. Diffusion of reactants from the bulk solution to the ilmenite

surfaces, adsorption at the surface, formation of appropriate complexes of iron and

titanium with chloride, desorption of the products such as complex species from the

surface, and diffusion back into the bulk solution are all part of the ilmenite leaching

process. Controlling the overall dissolution rate is one of the processes, and it's critical

to figure out which steps are controlling so that the complex behaviour of ilmenite

leaching can be understood, and the hydrometallurgy operation's performance can be

optimized. As a result, the dissolution kinetics model will be investigated, as well as

the shrinking core model, shrinking particles, and mixed control.

1.3 Objective

The main objectives of this research work:

1. To characterize the Sungai Cheniah ilmenite as potential resources for

titanium dioxide production.

2. To determine optimum parameters in ilmenite leaching through

statistical design method for titanium extraction from ilmenite using iron as

reducing agent.

3. To elucidate the kinetics and leaching mechanism of ilmenite in

reductive leaching system.

1.4 Scope of study

In this research study, samples were explored extensively in characterization

analysis prior to the leaching procedure. Ilmenite sand sample is collected from a

preliminary studied area at Bukit Cheniah, Terengganu, Malaysia using the grab

sampling method, the practical way to collect representative samples. This exploration

is undertaken at the main river source, Cheniah river of the catchment area. After

sampling, the sample subsequently undergoes sampling method by using Jones Riffles

sampling method that is exerted for further minimization of the sample’s quantity.

Afterward, magnetic separation is implemented to distinguish between magnetic

minerals and non-magnetic minerals.

Characterization analysis is performed by outlining the ilmenite sand,

concentrate ilmenite, and tailing ilmenite through several applications such as x-ray

diffraction (XRD) and x-ray fluorescence (XRF), and then proceed with a polished

section for detailed mineralogical studies in different sizes fraction. These samples

were analysed under microscopic observation that is a polarized microscope, digital

microscope, and scanning electron microscope with energy dispersive energy, SEM-

EDX. Whilst, other portions of ilmenite sand are used to determine particle size

distribution, PSD. For good estimation in selecting the best size fraction as the leaching

input, a mineral liberation study is conducted by inspecting different size fractions of

ilmenite sand sample.

Concentrate ilmenite is subjected to screening to separate the sample into

selected size fraction regarded as the leaching input. Prior to testing ilmenite leaching,

the leaching experiment is designed based on the Response Surface Design method,

RSM using MINITAB 18 software. Parameters chose in this experiment are

hydrochloric acid concentration, temperature, solid to liquid ratio, and concentration

of reductant is iron powder. Batch leaching is set up and operated according to DOE

design. Batch leach tests are carried out in a 500 mL jacketed vessel where the ilmenite

particles will be completely suspended by rotating the stirrer at a high enough speed.

The solution of hydrochloric acid will then be added and heated to the required

temperature. The ilmenite samples are transferred into the reactor once the set

temperature is reached. The leaching experiments will be carried out for a total of 5

hours. The slurry will be filtered using a pump filter after the experiment is completed,

and the leaching solution will be stored in dark glass bottle samples to prevent any

further reactions. Residue and aliquot obtained from the leaching testing is examined

using inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry, ICP-OES, Atomic

Absorption Spectroscopy, AAS, SEM-EDX, and XRD for iron and titanium

determination. Data acquired from these analyses were used for determining leaching

efficiency which was calculated based on the leached solution or residue analysis.

Mass balance will be calculated based on leached residue elemental analysis. The

leaching statistics (highest Ti or Fe dissolution after complete leaching) will be

analysed using a statistical method (ANOVA, MINITAB 18 Software) in order to

develop statistical models of the leaching process.

For kinetic analysis, a narrow size range of input leaching is selected and

performed in an optimal condition where the concentration of acid and temperature

were selected as the parameters. The operational setup procedure for this study is

similar to the previous batch leaching test adding with the withdrawal of 10mL leach

liquor from the reactor using a syringe at various time intervals and filtering through

Whatman Celulose Nitrate membrane filters with pore size of 0.45 µm. Leaching

kinetic studies are performed by emphasizing two parameters HCI concentration and

temperature whilst other parameters will be fixed as the optimum condition. Iron and

titanium determination will be tested using residue and aliquot obtained from leaching

testing by evaluating the contents of the element using ICP-OES, AAS, SEM-EDX,

and XRD. Detailed dissolution mechanism and kinetic used to formulate statistical

mathematical modelling of leaching process using the shrinking core model.



2.1 Introduction

Titanium oxide is extensively used in many industries due to its valuable

features that can produce various outputs. The outstanding properties, such as excellent

temperature and corrosion resistance, high strength-to-weight ratio, biocompatibility,

and high catalytic activity, titanium and its derivative products are widely used in

aerospace, navigation, medical, and catalytic industries(Chen et al., 2017).

Meanwhile, in Malaysia, ilmenite is typically found in Perak and Selangor as a by-

product at the mining sector. Several factories located in Klang Valley, Selangor and

Kinta Valley, Perak produce by-product or also known as amang product where

ilmenite from tin ore is used as their feedstock.

Beside, Langkawi black sand that is believed has ilmenite is used to develop

titanium-based products even if the grade is low (Azman et al., 2019). In this

prospective study area, a few articles also have been reviewed on ilmenite deposits

located in Sg Cheniah, Bukit Kelip, Hulu Dungun, Terengganu (Fateh Chand, 1978;

Nazri & Hadi, 2014). Nonetheless, due to inadequate information and knowledge

regards ilmenite present, this recent study is an effort to obtain more data from the

study area through details analysis on occurrences, characteristic and extraction


An exquisite deposit like ilmenite or namely known to be iron titanium oxide

is one of the listed decisive ores nowadays as it sorts of titanium oxide or titanium

which is capable of being produced commercially. This world encounters a depletion

of natural rutile resources supply and requires imperatively ilmenite ores to take place

for the development of titanium industries. Thus, this has led to an invention and an

effort to convert abundant ilmenite to synthetic rutile.

2.1.1 Titanium mineralogy

A valuable element suchlike titanium was first discovered by Reverend

William Gregor on the southern Cornish coast of Manaccan Cornwall in 1791(Russell,

2013). He did elaborately detail his black magnetic sand sample where according to

his analysis this sand almost has nearly the same characteristic as mineral ilmenite

(FeTiO3). An expert historian known to be M. H. Klaproth, a German chemist who

also discovered titanium element a few years later in his impure rutile, TiO2 from

Hungary. Both decided to establish a proper name for the new discovery element and

a name titanium is adapted to this new element.

Nearly all these precious inventions are mined extensively throughout the

entire world for manufacturing purposes, which turn out to be the most important

sources of the cultural growth of civilization. It is known to be the ninth of the most

profuse structural metal around 0.5% in a crust of the earth (Gázquez et al., 2014).

This element is eventuated from numerical ore deposits, mainly rutile and ilmenite

which are widely formed throughout the whole world either in crust or lithosphere.

From periodic table, titanium is denoted as a symbol of “Ti” which is

recognized as one of the transition metals. It is silver-grey material with 4510 kg/m3

of density somewhere that is quite heavy in between aluminium and stainless steel. It

behaves resistantly corrosive with a high boiling point of around 3287°C. Table 2.1

displays the properties of titanium specifically.

Table 2.1 Properties of pure titanium (Nesse, 1987)

Properties Identification
Atomic Number 22
Atomic Mass 47.88 u
Group Family in periodic table Group 4 (IVB) Transition metal
Colour Dark, silver grey and shiny metal
Specific gravity 4.70-4.79
Melting Point (°C) 1660.0
Boiling Point (°C) 3287.0
Specific heat (cal/g. °C) 519.0
Density (kg/m3) 4510
Streak Black
Mohs Hardness 6.0
Cleavage of Fractures None
Luster Metallic
Fracture Conchoidal to sub-conchoidal
Magnetism Paramagnetic
Crystal System Trigonal

On most occasions, titanium is largely can be obtained from rutile, TiO2

minerals. North America, Africa, Brazil, India, and Australia are the most common

countries that acquire a high enough quantity of rutile deposits. It usually can be

spotted either on a seashore or in alluvial deposits or mining through dredging and

mining like open-pit methods. Rutile is preferred to be the most economical ore for

titanium element because it contains the highest amount titanium bearing mineral

roughly around 93.0% to 96.0% of titanium content depending on its geological

factor(Survey, 2021). Table 2.2 shows the typical TiO2 content of several titanium


Table 2.2 Typical TiO2 content of several titanium minerals (Nesse, 1987)

Mineral Composition TiO2 content %

Rutile TiO2 (tetragonal, twinned) 97.0-98.5
Brookite TiO2 (orthorhombic) >95%
Anatase TiO2 (tetragonal, near >95%
Ilmenite FeTiO3 38.5-61.0
Magnetite Fe3O4 8.0-11.0
Perovskite CaTiO3 0.0-54.0
Arizonite Fe2O3·nTiO2·mH2O -
Geikielite MgTiO3 -
Titanite or sphene CaTiSiO5 -
Titaniferous (FeTi)2O -

Out of the many minerals that encompass titanium element as their essential

component, ilmenite (FeTiO3) is also the most abundant in Earth’s crust which

comprises 31.8% to 61.0% of titanium element and significantly has a huge possibility

of the continuous production of titanium metal in the future (Nesse, 1987).

Tremendous ilmenite deposits are evolved in Canada and United State manufactured

on this economic titanium mineral (Geological Survey, 2021). Production of titanium

from ilmenite can be encountered through various methods by converting ores to

synthetic rutile.

Ilmenite and rutile have a high proportion of titanium elements as well as

leucoxene is also a primary ore for titanium resources. Another remarkable source

includes perovskite (CaTiO3), anatase, brookite, and sphene (CaTiSiO5) by which it is

clearly that titanium rarely exists in a pure form. This will lead to extraordinary work

for a producer because of the difficulty of isolating the ore into a pure titanium

concentrate with eventually capable to raise the marketing price. However, only

certain minerals that have a high constituent of titanium element are economical to be

processed and commercialized.

Figure 2.1 represents a summarization of titanium ores accordingly. As stated

in Figure 2.1, titanium ores can attain from three different chemical compounds

titanates, silicates, and oxides. These chemical compounds composed of titanium

oxides for instance perovskite, ilmenite, and arizonite are classified under the titanates

group. Meanwhile, silicate group such as sphene consist of silicon and oxygen with

titanium oxide.


Titanates Ilmenite


Titanium ores Silicates Sphene


Oxides Brookite


Figure 2.1 Summarization of titanium ores

2.1.2 Ilmenite mineralogy

Generally, ilmenite ore can be found in almost all types of rocks either in

igneous rocks, metamorphic rocks, and common heavy minerals in clastic sediments.

Formation of this mafic igneous rock begins when it crystallizes out of magma

relatively resulting in a denser crystal of ilmenite layer at the bottom of a magma

chamber. Some ilmenite also crystallizes in veins and cavities and sometimes occurs

in pegmatites and some other metamorphic rocks. It also has a huge resistance to

weathering process. Weathered ilmenite ore causes itself to disperse and segregates

during stream transport and accumulate with sediments.

An opaque ilmenite mineral is a black metallic mineral in hand specimens and

reddish black streaks due to intergrown hematite. It is also known to be a weak

magnetic mineral as it associates with undeveloped magnetite grains. Ilmenite with a

chemical composition of FeTiO3 has similar composition and structure to other

minerals such as hematite and corundum from which it consists of hexagonal close-

packed O atoms with ferum and titanium ions. The shape is believed in tabular shape

and tends to be elongate rectangular. It also forms in an anhedral grains or granular

masses as is common lamellar intergrowth in magnetite. Table 2.3 shows the physical

properties of ilmenite.

Table 2.3 Physical properties of ilmenite (Cook & Kirk, 2018)

Properties Identification
Chemical Classification Oxide
Colour Black
Streak Reddish Black
Mohs Hardness 5.5 to 6
Luster Metallic
Diaphaneity Opaque
Specific Gravity 4.7 to 4.8
Magnetism Weakly magnetic mineral

2.2 Natural weathering of ilmenite

A high grade of titanium dioxide pigment is frequently expended in the

manufacture of plastics, papers, and paints due to its whiteness and opaqueness.

However, this pigment does not pertain to titanium oxide naturally in nature and

usually is in the form of paragenesis of titanium dioxide content. For example, Ilmenite

which one of the sources of titanium dioxide may found with a association with

numerical minerals likewise chromium, zinc, copper, aluminium, silica, and calcium.

This is because ilmenite which has undergone weathering process prompt to have the

diversion of its chemical composition, and therefore most of ilmenite sources are found

in divergent percentage of titanium dioxide content.

Most in common, ilmenite undergoes minerals alteration by which it triggers

modification of the mineral itself in terms of its chemical decomposition in

crystallography. Mineral such ilmenite experiences various natural processes suchlike

oxidation, hydration, and exsolution resulting in titanium-rich by the removal of iron

from crystal lattice and namely to be altered ilmenite (Temple, 1966). In detail,

alteration of ilmenite (FeTiO3) in nature is associated with the process of oxidation

and removal of iron gradually to give a product of enrichment in TiO2.

Weathered ilmenite or altered ilmenite has different crystal structures from the

origin, especially in their particular Ti and Fe pattern which suggest following a

sequence of continuous weathered Ti mineral from ilmenite into pseudorutile, rutile,

and anatase (Temple, 1966; Sanuprava et al., 2015; Ramakokovhu et al., 2020). The

occurrence of various forms of ilmenite typically has a composition of 40-65% of

titanium dioxide (TiO2), and iron (II) oxide (FeO). Nevertheless, the proportion itself

is more dependent on its geological history. Table 2.4 shows chemical of ilmenite from

different origin.

According to the research done by (Por et al., 2017), ilmenite of 52% TiO2 is

weathered naturally by water as the main agent in weathering process and continuous

runs of the agent lead to the iron oxidation producing intermediate iron titanate from

which the name of pseudorutile of 65-70% TiO2 is proposed. Long exposure in the

stream water causes the weak iron in pseudorutile to migrate and decompose into

leucoxene. On the other hand, pseudorutile weathering would be transformed into

rutile as transitional minerals or anatase formation before it proceeds to be final

product, leucoxene.

Basically, there is two stages model introduced by Grey and Reid (1975) which

reveals relevant facts on alteration process for ilmenite. In the early stage of ilmenite

alteration, it encounters oxidation of all ferrous iron into ferric iron namely

pseudorutile whereby one - third of iron is vanished through leaching process.

6Fe (II)TiO3 + 3H2O + 1.5O2→ 2Fe (III)2Ti3O9 + 2Fe (OH)3 Eq. 1.0

On second stage, pseudorutile is altered by going through two processes

synchronously which is dissolution and reprecipitation process. Both of two elements

iron and titanium dissolved but once the iron is leached out the titanium will be

redeposited forming a rutile. This can be described by Eq. 2.0.

Fe (III)2Ti3O9 + 3H2O → Fe (III)Ti3O6(OH)3 + Fe (OH)3 Eq. 2.0

As stated earlier, pseudo rutile carries weak iron and cause it to be unstable in

deposit and endorse itself to vanish the iron from the grains and thus converts it to

rutile. This stage can be narrated according to the equation below:

Fe (III)2Ti3O9→ 3TiO2 + Fe2O3 Eq. 3.0

Table 2.4 Chemical composition of ilmenite from different origin
Reference Oxide and metal composition % (w/w)






Das et al., 50.0 85.7 38.6 30.1 0.2 - 0.8 - - 1.6 -
Olanipekun, 44.0 100.6 45.3 1.5 3.0 - - - - - -
Tsuchida, 52.0 60.6 27.2 - 0.4 - 3.0 0.1 - 2.3 -
Mahmoud, et 41.1 28.6 24.4 - 0.6 0.4 0.3 0.3 0.1 0.6 0.1
al., 2004
Zhang & 44.6 - 35.2 3.2 5.4 0.2 0.7 - 2.0 2.5 0.1
Nicol, 2010
Mehdilo & 32.9 44.6 - 5.9 3.6 - 2.1 - 2.2 2.5 -
El-Hazek et 44.1 21.4 28.5 0.7 0.8 0.1 1.1 0.2 0.9 0.9 0.2
al., 2007
Li et al., 2008 47.2 5.5 34.2 2.7 6.2 0.1 0.6 - 1.0 1.4 -
Guo et al., 45.9 17.1 31.6 2.8 1.2 - - - 0.1 1.0 -
Li et al., 2008 49.7 12.9 35.9 5.2 0.1 - 1.2 - 0.1 3.1 0.5

2.3 Crystal structure of ilmenite

To comprehend the process of creating an output like titanium dioxide from

ilmenite, it is compulsory to analyse the FeTiO3 crystal structure. Table 2.5 shows

summary of crystal structures of ilmenite and related oxides. Ilmenite somehow has

some resemblance to normal spinel structure, which is cubic in contrast with the

hexagonal structure of ilmenite, as shown in Figure 2.2. Ideally, FeTiO3 exhibits a

rhombohedral structure that sort of alternative octahedral FeO6 and TiO6 layers. In

Figure 2.3, the oxygen is hexagonally packed that is bonded by metal ions like Fe2+

that are tetrahedrally coordinated whereas Ti4+ adopts itself vigorously on octahedral


As the cations in octahedral sites act very energetically, the ilmenite crystal

structure occupies alternating layers which give a rise to alternation structure on it by

the substitution of various cation elements such as Fe3+, Cr3+, and Mn3+. In this

alternate structure, there is also competition for other divalent ions such as Mg2+ and

Ca2+ to take place which may replace Fe2+ depending on the number of charges at the

octahedral sites. Thus, the general formula of ilmenite can be expressed as

(Fe,Mg,Mn,Ti)O3. Some ilmenite is also scattered by fine zircon and monazite and

extremely difficult to separate physically. This will reduce the value of ilmenite for the

synthetic rutile production which is why the ilmenite deposits with higher

concentrations of zircon and monazite are undesirable for mineral beneficiation.

Figure 2.2 Crystal structure of rhombohedral ilmenite(Kuganathan et al., 2019).

Figure 2.3 Model of ilmenite crystalline structure(Sanchez-Segado et al., 2015)

Table 2.5 Summary of crystal structures of ilmenite and related oxides

Type of Formula System Cell constant

mineral (Å)
Ilmenite FeTiO3 Rhombohedral a =5.0881±
c = 14.29±
Hematite α-Fe2O3 Rhombohedral α = 5.035
c = 13.72
Magnetite Fe3O4 Cubic (fcc-inverse α = 8.33-8.38
Pyrophanite MnTiO3 Rhombohedral a = 5.137
c = 14.29
Geikielite MgTiO3 Rhombohedral a = 5.054
c = 13.898

2.4 Diversity of raw materials for titanium production

Titanium can be found naturally in oxide or mixed oxides with variable

impurities. Ideally, mineable ore of titanium deposits comes from volcanic origination

genesis which comprises one or more types of elements on it. However, under nature

circumstances, the grade titanium ore can be arisen gradually when the ore is

weathered due to the liberation of ores itself creating higher of titanium content.

This world currently consumes the ores for generating titanium dioxide

pigment which is about 90% to 95% of the ore global titanium ore extraction whereas

the rest is for producing titanium metal. Commercial production of TiO2 pigment can

be made in either the sulphate process or the chloride process. Nevertheless, the type

of raw materials for the feedstocks precisely needs to consider producing high grades

of titanium dioxide pigment and reduce huge consumption of energy with less waste

production. Table 2.6 depicts the type of raw materials that are used to produce

titanium dioxide pigment.

According to Table 2.6, only five raw materials from the top are used in

producing titanium dioxide materials. Natural ilmenite, leucoxenized ilmenite, and

ilmenite can be found in nature whilst synthetic rutile and titanium slag are not

originated from nature, and it is man-made that require several stages to produce TiO2

outputs. Titanium slag is produced by ilmenite smelting concentrate that is usually

applied to low-grade ilmenite concentrates that are high in iron oxide.

Table 2.6 Production of titanium dioxide (Nguyen and Lee, 2019)

Raw material TiO2 content (%) Usage in

Natural rutile 92-98 Chloride process
Synthetic rutile 89-93 Chloride process
Leucoxenized ilmenite 55-65 Chloride process
Titanium slag 75-85 Sulphate process
Ilmenite 37-54 Sulphate process
Anatase 90-95 None
Brookite 90-100 None
Perovskite 40-60 None
Sphene (titanite) 30-42 None
Titanomagnetite 2-20 None

2.5 Manufacture of titanium dioxide

Normally, there are two main processes used to produce a high grade of

titanium dioxide from deposit ores namely chloride process and sulphate process. The

chloride process is the prevalent process as it generates superior pigment rather than

the sulphate process. However, sulphate process capable to treats multivariable grades

of ores on the same period and successfully can eliminate the iron and other impurities

simultaneously. Later will explicate more in the next section.

Several studies have been made on the hydrometallurgical processing of either

low-grade or high-grade ilmenite covers immensely by hydrochloric acid leaching

(chloride process), and sulphuric acid leaching as well for ilmenite up-gradation. More

than 60% of TiO2 in the world are generated through the chloride route and the rest

from the sulphate process either in natural or synthetic rutile or titanium-rich slag.

Considering cost-efficacy and relatively better waste management, the chloride

process is observed to be more profitable than the traditional sulphate process. The

huge waste output of iron sulphate is produced from the traditional sulphate process

and thus reduces the quality of products due to the high concentration of iron present

in raw materials.

2.5.1 Sulphate process

The sulphate process was the first industrial process that is introduced for

manufacturing titanium oxide pigment in 1915 in Norway(Lakshmanan et al., 2016).

This process is called sulphate process due to the consumption of the main leaching

agent, sulphuric acid (H2SO4) in order to terminate undesirable elements from ilmenite

ore (FeTiO3) into a high grade of titanium dioxide.

The sulphate route is perceived to be less environmentally friendly but acid

recycling or neutralization, combined with other by-product developments can make

it as clean as the chloride route. This conventional sulphate process is ordinarily having

a feedstock with varied types of outputs either in low-grade ilmenite (44% TiO2) or Ti

slag (>70% TiO2) and subsequently does not require a distinct grade of TiO2 to upgrade

the ilmenite into synthetic rutile. Therefore, incompatible kinds of ilmenite ores have

been processed simultaneously using this method.

The sulphate process is run as a batch process that sort of only a few units of

operations. The steps for this process involve three main stages:

1. Digestion: Normally, the ore is grounded or being as titanium slag which is

subsequently digested in concentrated sulphuric acid producing titanyl sulphide

(TiOSO4) at the condition of 150-180°C to dissolve the titanium and iron according to

Eq. 4.0.

FeTiO3 + 2H2SO4 → TiOSO4 + FeSO4 + 2H2O Eq. 4.0

2. Precipitation: the ferric ions in feedstock solution are reduced with scrap iron

to ferrous sulphate. Iron sulphate is removed from the solution The titanium liquor is

then concentrated and hydrolysed to produce titanium dioxide hydrated as shown in

equation below.

𝑇𝑖𝑂𝑆𝑂4 + 𝐻2 𝑂 = 𝑇𝑖𝑂2 𝑛. 𝐻2 𝑂 + 𝐻2 𝑆𝑂4 Eq. 5.0

3. Calcination: after successfully removing the iron, the titanyl sulphate is

hydrolysed to titanium dioxide hydrate. The precipitate is then chemically purified,

filtered, and calcined at 800 to 1100°C to produce titanium dioxide formation of pure

TiO2 crystals.

𝑇𝑖𝑂2 𝑛. 𝐻2 𝑂 = 𝑇𝑖𝑂2 + 𝑛𝐻2 𝑂 Eq. 6.0

2.5.2 Chloride process

The chloride process was first commercialized in the United States in 1958.

The process is continuous and is usually conducted in a fluidized bed reactor. The

chloride route produces a purer product with a tighter range of particle size. The main

process steps are as follows:

1. Chlorination: Dry ore is fed into a chlorinator together with coke and

chlorine to make titanium chloride. The chlorination reaction is exothermic and is

carried out at approximately 900°C in a reducing atmosphere. atmosphere. The basic

reactions can be written as follows:

TiO2 + 2Cl2 + C → TiCl4 + CO2 Eq. 7.0

2. Condensation and purification: volatile chloride species that are used as

titanium tetrachloride (TiCl4) are purified by fractional distillation

3. Oxidation: The next step involves the oxidation of titanium chloride by

burning it in oxygen together with another combustible gas. By adding seed crystals,

the titanium dioxide is formed as a fine solid in a gas stream and is filtered out of the

waste gases. Crystal growth is controlled by adding nucleating agents to the gas stream

and the products are cooled by mixing with chlorine gas. The product is then washed

and dried before milling and surface treatment.

TiCl4 + O2 → TiO2 + 2Cl Eq. 8.0

2.6 Process of upgrading ilmenite

Apart from the chloride and sulphate processes, ilmenite ores also can be

upgraded into “synthetic rutile” products by involving a combination of

hydrometallurgical and pyrometallurgical processes suchlike Becher and Benilitte

processes. Table 2.7 displays numerical processes of upgrading along with their pros

and cons. Each of the processes gives different outcome circumstances either

favourable or on the other side of it. Thus, there is always extendible improvement that

drives research to develop innovative processes for ilmenite beneficiation.

Table 2.7 Summary of the various processes used for the processing of ilmenite.

Process Pyro-treatment Leaching Advantages Disadvantages

Becher Oxidation of a) NH4CL Allowing High energy
process Iron to Fe2O3 b)0.5M diverse ilmenite consumption,
and reduced to H2SO4 ores into the emission of CO2
metallic Fe at feed and multistep iron
1200 ºC conversion
Benilite Convert Fe (III) 18 – 20M Simple one step Limited ilmenite
process to Fe (II) by HCl conversion type as feed
carbo thermo
Kataoka Conversion to H2SO4 Less corrosive Large iron
process ferrous form compared to sulphate waste is
HCI acid produced
Laporte Iron conversion 18% HCI Ease for Despite lower
process to FeO with leaching FeO temperature,
lower emission of CO2 is
temperature and still high
controlled CO2
Auspact Magnetization 25% HCl Magnetic Higher acidity
process occurs at 800 – separation for needs to leach of
1000 ºC higher >97% the remaining
TiO2 magnetic iron

2.7 Design of experiment (DOE)

A strategic plan and a well-executed experiment can provide a ton of

knowledge regarding the influence on a response variable. Design of experiments

(DOE) is used to evaluate input factors and to determine their effect on outputs

(response) which also allows ascertaining an interaction between selected factors. The

design of experiments (DOE) technique is a structured and systematic tool for

determining any circumstance in which the response depends on the amount of one or

more independent variables. DOE is designed to solve complicated situations in which

more than one variable influence response and two random variables connect.

In this case study, the design of the experiment (DOE) is performed to acquire

the optimum conditions for Malaysian ilmenite sand in a hydrochloric acid leaching

system. DOE was done by using Minitab 19 software. The MINITAB program

interface is intended to be simple straightforward. There are several other effective

programs available, but rarely used since they are difficult to run. Despite its obvious

simple structure, MINITAB covers a wide variety of sophisticated methods.

MINITAB facilitates the majority of the statistical models and techniques which most

users require to design and evaluate experiments (Arnold, 2006). The effect of

concentration of hydrochloric acid, acid to solid ratio, temperature, and concentration

of reducing agent was studied with the aid of the software.

2.7.1 Evaluation of MINITAB data

Screening designs, factorial designs, response surface designs, mixture

designs, and Taguchi designs are among the five types of designs available in Minitab

(Arnold, 2006). The response surface design (RSM) was chosen because the goal of

the scoping study was to optimize the interesting responses that are influenced by the

variables or known to be the factors (Donkoh et al., 2012). RSM is more likely a

beneficial design than other designs. For instance, screening design can evaluate more

variables in the very least experimental runs, but it cannot interpret the interaction

between variables since it only can run with two levels. Unlike RSM which can apply

intermediate level can evaluate the main effects, two-factor interactions, and terms that

can measure the curvature induced in the response by each variable (Arnold, 2006).

Analysing data from the RSM technique is used for modelling curvature in

data and classifying factor settings that optimize response. Surface design is typically

used after a factorial or fractional factorial experiment has defined the most significant

aspects (factors) in the process. Two types of response surface designs that are Central

Composite designs (CCD) and box-Behnken designs. CCD is being used to describe

the design before analysing data. A complete quadratic model can be accommodated

by Central Composite designs. Since it can encompass details from a properly planned

factorial experiment, these designs are commonly used when the design plan demands

sequential experimentation (Rostamiyan et al., 2015). Box-Behnken designs, on the

other hand, tend to have fewer design points than central composite designs. It can

estimate first and second-order coefficients efficiently but cannot provide factorial

experiment runs. In contrast to central composite designs, which can add up to five

levels per factor, Box-Behnken designs only can have three levels per factor.

After the experiment takes place, a model from the experimental data is

constructed as the mathematical description of how the response behaves as a function

of the input variable or variables. In this case study, analysis of variance (ANOVA) is

the model used to determine whether survey or experiment results are significant

which can figure out whether either test needs to reject the null hypothesis or accept

the alternate hypothesis(Arnold, 2006). This is a computational approach with the

primary goal of estimating the relative influence of every factor on the overall response

(Shivprakash & Harsha, 2017). At last, a confirmation test is performed to validate

the optimal process parameters obtained through process parameter design.

2.8 Factor affecting direct leaching

2.8.1 Particle size

The author, Olanipekun (1999) has published a kinetic study of the leaching of

Nigerian ilmenite in a chloride solution at temperatures ranging from 70 to 90°C. In

his study, titanium and iron dissolution were explored in 7.2 M HCl solution at 70°C

using three particle size fractions: 20-37, 37-53, and 53-74 µm. The result shows that

the highest dissolutions rate of both metals shown at the finest particles, in the case

study was 20–37µm.

Similar views by several authors (El-Hazek et al., 2007; Samal, 2011; Mehdilo

& Irannajad, 2012; Ramadan et al., 2016) where an average of fine particles was

inversely proportional to the rate of dissolution of titanium and iron. This is because

the decrease in particle size which consists of large surface area will expose more to

the leaching solution (Ramadan et al., 2016). Under ideal leach conditions, coarser

fractions showed up to a 10% reduction in dissolution(Van Dyk et al., 2002; El-Hazek

et al., 2007). On the other hand, Table 2.8 show the effect of particle size on ilmenite

leaching by other authors. It discovered the optimum particle size to get greater

extraction of titanium and iron in ilmenite leaching.

Table 2.8 Effect of particle size on ilmenite leaching

Optimum size fraction

extraction (%)


Fe Ti

Period (hr)
S/L (g/L)


stir rate
T (°C)


20-37 70 1:300 500 5 7.2 67 62.0 20-37


37-53 60.0 52.0

53-74 54.0 46.0

104-107 80 1:20 * 5 12 * * 61-74

al., 2007
Hazek et


74 rtpa 1:20 * 2 6 * * 74

200 95 1:4 * 1 1.3 92 10 100


150 89 7
, 2012

100 88.3 3.9

75 75 2.3
+1000 70 1:6 300 3 6.5 47.5 45.4 63
710-1000 48.1 46.0
Ramadan et al., 2016

500-710 50.9 47.8

355-500 54.6 51.7
250-355 58.3 55.4
150-250 63.0 60.0
90-150 65.3 63.2
63-90 71.2 66.0
-63 72.4 68.1
75-90 80 1:4 * 5 7 78.2 62.3 53-63
63-75 78.2 72.8

53-63 80.0 82.5

45-53 53.0 97.0
rtpa -room temperature
* - not reported

2.8.2 Acid concentration

According to(Wahyuningsih et al., 2013) controlling the concentration of

hydrochloric acid encourages iron dissolution and could dissolve titanium at the same

time. The precipitation of TiOCl2, which does not occur at high acidity, (Samal, 2011)

discovered that the leaching percentage of titanium was lower than that of iron at low

acidity. Meanwhile, (El-Hazek et al., 2007) high acid concentration (12M) leaching at

80°C is recommended to prevent titanium hydrolysis at a high solid to liquid ratio

(S/L). Other researchers revealed that high acid concentrations enhanced titanium and

iron dissolution which can be referred at Table 2.9. It also mentioned that the

maximum leaching percentage of these metals was obtained at a specific HCl

concentration, depending on other factors (Olanipekun, 1999; El-Hazek et al., 2007;

Das et al., 2013). In the HCl range of 0.75–1.5M at 50°C, the leaching solution of pre-

treated titanium slag was quite turbid and difficult to filter.When the HCl concentration

was higher than 1.5M, the filtrate became clearer and had fewer finely suspended

particles, but precipitation occurred in this solution after a few days, according to

Middlemas et al (2013). The hydrolysis of dissolved titanium appears to occur at either

low acidity or low temperature.

Some studies had also analysed the effect of HCl concentration on the selective

leaching of iron from ilmenite over titanium (Mahmoud et al., 2004; Lasheen, 2005;

Guo et al., 2014; Gireesh et al., 2015; Ramadan et al., 2016). Mahmoud et al., (2004)

discovered that under reducing conditions, almost all the iron was dissolved in 30 wt%

HCl, while titanium was barely dissolved. According to Guo et al., (2014) and

Ramadan et al., (2016), the concentration of 20 wt. % HCl was at optimum acid

concentration for selective iron leaching and therefore raising the amount of TiO2 in

the residue. Meanwhile, referring to the literature Guo et al., (2014), a leaching

solution containing more than 220 g/L HCl should only be used to produce a product

comprising upwards of 92 % TiO2. Other researchers noted that as the acid

concentration increased from 2 to 12M, the iron leaching efficiency increased, but the

solubility of TiO2 appeared to be negligible in this acid concentration range(El-Hazek

et al., 2007; Gireesh et al., 2015).

Table 2.9 Effect of hydrochloric acid concentration on ilmenite leaching

Parameter(s) Extraction (%)

Optimum HCI (M)

Period (hr)

Size (µm)
S/L (g/L)

Stir rate
T (°C)

References Fe Ti

Olanipekun, 1999 7.2 70 1:300 500 5 53-74 52.5 42.5 9.6

8.4 70.0 60.0
9.6 82.5 75.8
Mahmoud et al., 2004 5.2 110 1:7.23 400 6 -75 64.3 72.2 6.9
6.2 85.7 97.4
6.9 88.0 99.4
8.6 89.4 99.9
10.3 87.9 99.9
Lasheen, 2005 4.0 90 1:5 350 4 * 17.5 0.5 12.0
5.0 19.0 0.6
6.0 21.0 0.7
7.0 23.0 0.7
8.0 27.0 0.8
9.0 32.0 0.9
10.0 40.0 1.0
12.0 55.4 1.2
El-Hazek et al., 2007 7.0 80 1:20 350 5 74 25.0 50.0 12.0
8.0 78.0 78.0
9.0 80.0 82.0
10.0 84.0 85.0
11.0 85.0 87.0
12.0 92.0 92.0
Li et al., 2008 3.5 100 1:10.5 * 4 100- 85.1 82.0 6.9
5.2 200 9.4 94.0
6.9 93.3 100.0
8.7 93.1 100.0
Jonglertjunya & 1.5 90 1:18 250 2 106- 1.8 0.1 3.5
Woranart, 2009 2.0 150 2.6 0.4
2.5 2.9 0.7
3.0 4.1 0.9
3.5 6.0 1.8
Samal, 2011 1.0 rtp 1:20 350 1 -74 12.0 5.0 6.0
2.5 32.0 12.0
5.0 48.0 48.0
6.0 54.0 54.0
8.0 50.0 52.0
9.0 46.0 44.0
10.0 42.0 41.0
Wahyuningsih et al., 1.0 95 1:50 * * * 55.0 9.0 5.0
2013 2.0 67.0 10.0
3.0 78.0 13.0
4.0 69.0 17.0
5.0 77.0 19.0
Middlemas, 2013 0.5 50 1:10 * 4 45-53 52.5 42.5 2.0
1.0 70.0 60.0
1.3 82.5 75.8
1.5 64.3 72.2
2.0 85.7 97.4
Guo et al., 2014 6.2 108 1:10 * 7 74-200 88.0 99.4 9.0
7.2 89.4 99.9
9.0 87.9 99.9
Gireesh et al., 2015 3.3 50 1:10 * 8 * 17.5 0.5 9.8
6.5 19.0 0.6
9.8 21.0 0.7
* - not reported

2.8.3 Temperature

As the temperature increased from 25°C to 80°C, the possibility of acquiring

titanium and iron from ilmenite leaching significantly increased(El-Hazek et al., 2007;

Baba et al., 2013; Das et al., 2013a; Fouda et al., 2021). A great ilmenite leaching

efficiency can be obtained at elevated temperatures (>80°C), however, there were

several drawbacks under these circumstances, including increased HCl vapor loss and

the hydrolysis of solubilized titanium (Tao et al., 2012; Baba et al., 2013; Das et al.,


Meanwhile, Lasheen,(2005) and El-Hazek et al.,(2007) stated that the poor

leaching efficiency of iron and titanium at room temperature was attributable to

ilmenite's low reactivity, whereas the leaching percentage of iron expanded more

progressively than titanium because the temperature is raised from 20°C to 50°C due

to partial hydrolysis of titanium.

According to Gireesh et al., (2015), a higher temperature of reaction

will increase ion mobility and therefore will improve the interaction between reactants

in solids and liquids. Interestingly, raising the reaction temperature above 100°C tends

to affect titanium leaching owing to excessive polymerization and hydrolysis of

titanium without adversely impacting iron (El-Hazek et al., 2007; Fouda et al., 2021).

The hydrolysis reaction of TiOCl2 is expected to increase at higher temperatures, so

perhaps the percentage of TiO2 recovered from ilmenite residue using moderate HCl

solution increased with raised temperature (Mahmoud et al., 2004; Jonglertjunya &

Woranart, 2009; Guo et al., 2014).

Table 2.10 Effect of temperature on ilmenite leaching

References Parameter(s) Maximum

temperature (°C)
extraction (%)

Fe Ti

S/L (g/L)

Stir rate

T (°C)


Olanipekun, 70 7.2 1:300 500 5 hrs 53-74 50.0 46.0 90
1999 80 69.0 60.0
90 84.0 75.0
Mahmoud et al., 85 6 1:7.2 400 6 <75 46.2 49.2 110
2004 95 3 47.2 51.2
105 48.4 52.7
110 88.0 99.4
Lasheen, 2005 50 4 1:5 350 4 * 5.0 0.0 90
60 7.0 0.2
70 12.0 0.5
80 17.0 0.8
90 19.0 1.2
El-Hazek et al., 50 12 1:20 350 5 74 78.0 99.0 80
2007 80 98.0 98.0
100 98.0 96.0
Sasikumar et al., 30 3.5 1:100 * 1 * * 43.0 75
2007 50 45.0
70 48.0
Li et al., 2008 80 6.9 1:5.5 * 4 100-200 89.1 94.0 100
90 3 91.9 98.0
100 93.3 100.0
Tao et al., 2012 70 4 1:25 800 4 * 81.0 * 90
80 92.0
90 99.4
100 99.7
Das et al., 2013 60 5 * * 4 <75 91.3 91.1 70-80
70 98.7 95.8
80 98.8 96.3
Baba et al., 2013 70 3.7 1:1 480 2 90-125 * 54.0 80
80 58.0
90 65.0
Guo et al., 2014 30 6.5 1:5 500 8 <74 * 30.0 110
70 70.0
110 110.0
Gireesh et al., 40 9.7 1:10 * 8 * 62.0 * 70
2015 50 78.0
60 83.0
70 90.0
* - not reported

2.8.4 Solid to liquid ratio

Another paramount factor influencing the ilmenite leaching efficiency is the

solid to liquid ratio or ilmenite to HCI concentration ratio. As depicted in Table 2.12,

the optimal condition of solid-liquid ratio is 1:10.8 (Mahmoud et al., 2004) compare

to (El-Hazek et al., (2007) using solid-liquid ratio of 1:8 but only with a higher

concentration of HCI with additional 100g of iron as reductant. Li et al., (2008) also

found that utilizing a low solid-liquid ratio (1:7.3) yields 93.6% of iron extraction yet

took longer retention time because of using low HCI concentration respectively.

Table 2.11 Effect of solid liquid ratio on ilmenite leaching

References Parameter(s) Maximum

Optimum condition S/L


ratio (g/L)
Period (hr) Fe Ti
S/L (g/L)


Stir rate
T (°C)



Mahmoud et 1:6.1 110 6 400 6 hr * 75 86.6 97.3 1:10.

al., 2004 1:7.2 88.0 99.4 8
1:8.8 89.8 99.5
1:10.8 90.1 99.6
1:11.5 90.4 99.7
El-Hazek et 1:7 80 12 350 2.5 100 74 42.0 * 1:8
al., 2007 1:8 >12 hr g 95.0

Li et al., 1:4.4 100 6.93 * 4 hr * 100-200 91.6 97.0 1:5.5

2008 1:5.5 93.3 98.5
1:7.3 93.6 98.8
1:11 93.9 99.0
* - not reported

2.8.5 Reducing agent

Reduction in solution can significantly increase the reactivity of ilmenite ore

during leaching with hydrochloric acid(Mahmoud et al., 2004). The existence of

metallic iron powder in ilmenite leaching as a reductant enhanced the production of

titanium and iron (Wahyuningsih et al., 2013). Nevertheless, the additional of a huge

amount of iron powder had a detrimental effect on ilmenite leaching because iron

dissolution rises the acid intake, and therefore monitoring the quantity of iron powder

used is essential in reductive leaching (El-Hazek et al., 2007; Wahyuningsih et al.,

2013, 2014). According to Mahmoud et al., (2004) a small excess of a reductant during

the reductive leaching process could reduce Ti (IV) to Ti(III), significantly reducing

the tendency for Fe(II) ions to be oxidized to Fe (III). This is due to the breaking up of

the grain structure caused by the reductive dissolution of ferric iron, the reactivity of

ilmenite ore rising, causing further diffusion of acid protons to pores created in the ore


In this process, dissolved Ti (IV) is hydrolysed and precipitated, resulting in

largely ferrous chloride in the leaching solution and high purity TiO2 in the ilmenite

residue.Besides, Das et al., (2013) discovered that the leaching efficiency of titanium

and iron was in the order CaCl2 >MgCl2 > NaCl in his study on the leaching of ilmenite

ores by HCl solution in the presence of these chloride salts as the reducing agents. The

CaCl2 was concluded to be the most effective salt because of its high solubility.

Meanwhile, Gireesh et al., (2015) reported that leaching efficiency of ilmenite and the

leaching residue can be enriched progressively by the presence of sulfate salts for

instance CaSO4, MgSO4, NaSO4, and K2SO4 where divalent sulfate metals (Ca and

Mg) giving better performance rather than monovalent sulfate metals (Na and K).

Table 2.12 Effect of reducing agent on ilmenite leaching

Parameter(s) Maximum
extraction (%)

Optimum condition RA
Fe Ti

Pulp Density (w/w)


Stir rate (rpm)

Period (hr)

Size (µm)
S/L (g/g)
T (°C)

Mahmou none 70 9.8 * * 6 75 4.0 88.6 92.6 More

d et al., CaCl2 3.3 96.4 96.6 effective
2004 (460 with
g/L) additional
of CaCl2
CaCl2 5 4 87.0 90.0 High
(405 chlorine
CaCl2 98.0 96.0 concentrat
g/L) ion can
acquired a
CaCI 99.0 98.0 Better
(745g/L) leaching:
MgCl2 90.0 88.0 CaCI>
(543g/L) MgCl2>
NaCI 59.0 57.0 NaCl
Mahmou none 11 6 1:7.3 400 6 75 * * 29.0 Additional
d et al., 0 Fe tends
2004 to produce
0.075g 98.0 more
Fe extraction
powde of
r titanium
in residue.

El- 100g 80 12 1:10 350 2.5 74 * 94.0 * Low iron

Hazek Fe extraction
et al., without
2007 Fe.

* - not reported

2.9 Kinetic study of ilmenite leaching

Kinetic studies are frequently utilized to determine the ideal reaction rate

model, which can primarily be explained by the mechanism reaction of the experiment

under study. The word “kinetic” is describing the study of chemical reactions’ rates on

the reactant and the product formed which allows for the prediction of reaction

conditions. This kinetic study is also capable to elucidate a piece of essential

information from the mechanistic reaction which some circumstances condition how

chemical reactions take place, factors that control the reaction rates, divulging some

uncertainty of intermediate occurring, and indeed is very important for further

enhancement of productivity the process being studied. On the other hand, such

information acquired from this knowledge can also give a well understanding of the

mineral behaviour and perceive the way it is weathered.

Exploitation of valuable minerals from impurities is a crucial part many of

fields for instance hydrometallurgy, geochemistry, pyrometallurgy, and other fields

related to the processing of this creature. In industry, a piece of knowledge in terms of

its kinetic reaction and mechanism of dissolution can assist in the prototype,

development, and optimization of processes for the extraction of the metals. To obtain

a very systematic and optimum condition in the leaching of ilmenite studies, the

essential information in kinetic of the dissolution behaviour of titanium and iron in

concentrated acid should be considered which has been done by a few authors. Despite

that, merely of them are considerable uncertainty data and still required further

analysis to cope with the hesitation.

2.9.1 Selection of leaching kinetic models

Over the past few years ago, several models were introduced as new attention

to give shed light on the leaching operation which subsequently gives a great

significant development in valuable mineral extraction. These models include kinetic

models, reaction models, thermodynamic models, empirical and semi-empirical

models, variable activation energy models, geochemical models and thermodynamic

models were used regarding the attention studied.

In the hydrometallurgical process, and efficiency of the kinetic leaching

process is influenced by numerical factors, for instance mineralogy, area of the surface,

the concentration of reactants, formation of product layers, and temperature. By using

a small range of size fraction samples, it is capable to give a clear vision and more

comprehensibility on kinetic reaction study, especially regarding the response of

substance presents and the most convenient way for valuable metals recovery.

Methods used in this study to assess the relationship between leaching

efficiency and leaching parameters were demonstrated using three models. Under the

premise that the particles are homogeneous and spherical, the shrinking sphere,

shrinking core, and a combination of internal diffusion and chemical reaction models

are the kinetic models for the dissolution of sized particles. Figure 2.4 shows the three

models used in this case study.

In the shrinking sphere model shown in Figure 2.4(a), the rates are controlled

by a chemical reaction at the surface of the reacting particles, where it is an analogous

to the situation where the product completely dissolves in the liquid and the reaction

occurs on the exposed surface of the particle. Whereas in the shrinking core model

shown in Figure 2.4(b), the rates are controlled by mass transfer through a thickening

product layer on the surface. This condition is where the particles are dissolved as they

react to liquid reactant giving itself to be to be shrinking and a gelatinous layer

formation around the surface of the unreacted core. The other model, shown in Figure

2.4(c), illustrates the combination of chemical and diffusion reactions. These equations

can be written as integrated rate equations for the reaction involving H+ ions for the

reaction A(aq) + bB(s) = products as follows:

For the shrinking core model:

1 − 3(1 − 𝑋)2/3 + 2(1 − 𝑋) = 6𝑏[𝐻 + ]𝐷𝐻+ 𝑟 −2 𝑝−1 𝑡 = 𝑘𝑝1 𝑡 Eq. 9.0

1 − 3(1 − 𝑋)2/3 + 2(1 − 𝑋) = 6𝑏[𝐻 + ]𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑘 𝐷𝐻+ 𝑟 −2 {(1 − 𝜀)𝑝}−1 𝑡 Eq. 10.0

= 𝑘𝑝1 𝑡

For the shrinking particle model:

1 − (1 − 𝑋)1/3 = 𝑏[𝐻 + ]𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑘 𝑘𝑟 −1 𝑝−1 𝑡 = 𝑘𝑠𝑠 𝑡 Eq. 11.0

For the combination models:

− ln(1 − 𝑋) = 𝑘𝑝1 𝑡 Eq. 12.0

where X = fraction dispersed at time t, kss, kpl = apparent rate constant, [H+]

= acid concentration in bulk solution (mol cm-3), DH+ = H+ diffusion coefficient

through the product layer (cm2 -1s), r = initial particle radius (cm), = molar density of

the dissolving metal in the initial particle (mol cm-3), = particle porosity, b =

stoichiometric factor

Figure 2.4 Illustrates various mechanisms of leaching (a) Shrinking sphere
particle model, (b) shrinking core model and (c) combination of shrinking core-
shrinking sphere models (Safari et al., 2009)

2.9.2 Kinetic study of hydrochloric acid leaching

According to Van Dyk et al., (2002), when ilmenite encounters the

hydrochloric acid solution, as predicted by the chemical reaction Equation 13, both

iron and titanium dissolve. At this point, the rate is determined by the rate of the

chemical reaction. In hydrochloric acid solutions, Ti(IV) polymerizes.

When the titanium concentration in the solution exceeds 10–3M, Ti(IV)

polymerizes, and the diffusion of polymerization away from the reaction interface

becomes the rate limiting step in leaching which can be referred to in Figure 2.5. Over

a certain duration of time, the titanium concentration in the leaching solution attains a

certain level, leading to the formation of TiOCl2 in the pores of the particles as fine


As a result, the rate-determining step was switched to the diffusion of the active

species through the product layer(Van Dyk et al., 2002). The researcher also

discovered that at high solid to acid ratios, the diffusion of hydrogen ions to the

reaction interface became the rate-limiting step due to the formation of a TiO2.H2O

precipitate in the existing product layer.

𝐹𝑒𝑇𝑖𝑂3 + 4𝐻𝐶𝐼 = 𝐹𝑒𝐶𝐼2 + 𝑇𝑖𝑂𝐶𝑙2 + 2𝐻2 𝑂 Eq. 13.0

Figure 2.5 Ti(IV) chloride speciation diagram for 0.1 Ti(IV) activity at 298 K

Besides, (Olanipekun, 1999) reported a kinetic study on the leaching of a

Nigerian ilmenite using a hydrochloric acid solution at temperatures ranging from 70

to 90°C. The researcher mentioned that throughout the reaction, two diffusion

processes are involved: (i) diffusion of H+ and (ii) diffusion of Ti4+ and Fe2+ obtained

by the surface chemical reaction at the unreacted core. But since H+ diffuses faster

than Ti4+ and Fe2+, the reaction rate is controlled by the diffusion of titanium (VI) and

iron (II) through the product layer.

Another reports mentioned that the dissolution rate of hydrochloric acid

solution is diffusion controlled and follows the shrinking core model, with an apparent

activation energy of 17 kJmol–1(Ramadan et al., 2016). The analysis of kinetic data on

the leaching of rutile ore in HCl solution revealed that the dissolution mechanism

followed a diffusion controlled shrinking core model (Baba et al., 2013). According

to (Tsuchida, 1982) discovered that in the range of temperature between 30–50°C, the

dissolution rate of titanium from ilmenite was well demonstrated by the rate equation

based on the rate-determining step of surface chemical reaction, whereas at >60°C, the

surface chemical reaction became so fast that the dissolution rate was limited by

diffusion through the product layer. The rates after 4 hours at 70°C or 3 hours at 80°C,

nevertheless, deviated from the rate equation attributed to the formation of hydrous

titanium (IV) oxide on the ore's surface. Table 2.13 summarizes the published kinetic

parameters for ilmenite leaching in hydrochloric acid solution.

Table 2.13 Kinetic parameters for ilmenite leaching in hydrochloric acid solution

Origin Condition Models Activation energy References

Japan 11.3-11.6M Shrinking 81.2 (Ti), 73.2 (Fe) (Tsuchida,
HCl, 30-80°C, particle/core 1982)
Jos 7.2-9.6M HCl, Shrinking 67.1 (Ti), 62.4 (Fe) (Olanipekun,
Plateau, 70-90°C, core 1999)
Nigeria S/L=0.5/150
Banglades 6 M HCl + Shrinking 16.5a (Ti), 21.8a (Fe) (Habib et al.,
h 0.5M CH3- particle/core 66b (Ti), 90b (Fe) 2006)
H2O, 45–
110°C, S/L=
Nigeria 2M HCl, Shrinking 38.4 (Ti) (Baba et al.,
80°C, S/L = particle 2013)
Abu 20% HCl, 40– Shrinking 17.6 (Ti) (Ramadan et
Ghalaga, 110°C, core al., 2016)
Egypt S/L=1/6
Western 4-9M, 60- shrinking 90.1 (Ti), 71.9 (Fe) (N. A. Jabit
Australia, 80°C, S/L= core and
Australia 2/25 Senanayake,
a is low temperature, b is high temperature

2.10 Research background on prospecting area

Bukit Kelip is a mountainous area that is in a sub-district of Terengganu,

Malaysia namely Hulu Dungun, and approximately 150km from the south of the

capital Kuala Terengganu which connects it through the Jerangau – Jabor highway. Its

geographical factor is 768 meters above sea level and surrounded by floras like rubber

and oil palm cultivation in the north of the mountainous area.

Ilmenite sands were obtained from the head of Dungun province situated at the

Malaysian state of Terengganu (latitude 04°38’49.5” N, longitude 103°03’56” E) with

an above sea level is 768 meters. The sample collection was carried out at the main

river source, the Cheniah river of Kelip Hill, which flows towards the northern part of

the area, as illustrated in Figure 2.6-2.9. The stream system has a dendritic pattern and

is predominantly used for agriculture (rubber and oil palm activities).

According to the annual JMG report 2014, a reconnaissance evaluation for

metallic mineral resources was carried out by the Department of Mineral and

Geoscience Malaysia (JMG). This area was selected based on previous studies

showing favorable ilmenite anomalies with an estimated reserve is 3060 tonnes (Nazri

& Hadi, 2014). This geochemical anomaly is found at the main river of the study area,

Sungai Cheniah which flows to the north of Bukit Kelip as shown in Figure 2.8 (Nazri

& Hadi, 2014). As claimed by JMG’s report, estimation has been made for the quantity

of ilmenite which is around 83.2% to 95.7% with average content is 91.87%. On the

other hand, chemical analysis shows an average value for TiO2 is 40.78% whilst P2O5

is 0.05%.

The general geology of Bukit Kelip and its vicinity is composed of sedimentary

rock, metamorphic rock, and intrusive diorite as shown in Figure 2.9. Sedimentary is

an aged rock of the early carbon that belongs to the Sungai Perlis Formation. The

Sungai Perlis Formation is composed of carbonated slabs of sandstone, limestone,

sandstone, and conglomerate which overlain Diorite Kelip. The diorite rock is named

Diorite Kelip after the hill of the study area. The corollary rocks are extending north

and south with a size of medium grainy and dark grey. The main fault is also in the

same direction. The contact zone between the Sungai Perlis layer of Perlis and the

intrusive rocks of the diorite produced the hormone rock in the study area.

Figure 2.6 Map showing the localities of sample in Bukit Kelip, Hulu Dungun,
Terengganu, Malaysia (Developers Guide for QGIS — QGIS Documentation
documentation, 2002)

Figure 2.7 Study area in Bukit Kelip, Hulu Dungun, Terengganu (Sources: JMG
Terengganu 2014)

Figure 2.8 Topography and river map in Bukit Kelip, Hulu Dungun, Terengganu
(Sources: JMG Terengganu 2014)

Figure 2.9 Geological map of Bukit Kelip, Hulu Dungun, Terengganu (Source:
JMG Terengganu 2014)



3.1 Study description

Sample was examined throughout the characterization analysis. Multiple

analyses were used to characterize samples taken from Cheniah river, Kelip hill,

Terengganu, as a crucial aspect in meeting the needs of ilmenite leaching criteria. The

ilmenite morphology, chemical composition, mineral phases, particle size distribution,

and mineral liberation of ilmenite samples are all evaluated in this study. This

characterization survey's information and analysis aided in the identification and

design of an appropriate treatment method for this ilmenite sand.

Prior to testing ilmenite leaching, a leaching experiment is designed using

MINITAB 19 software applying the Response Surface Design method (RSM). Batch

leaching is set up and run-in accordance with Design of Experiment (DOE)

specifications. The data collected from these investigations were used to calculate

leaching efficiency, which was calculated based on leached solution and residue

analysis. To develop statistical models of the leaching process, the leaching statistics

(highest Ti or Fe dissolution after complete leaching) will be analyzed using a

statistical method that is analysis of variance (ANOVA). Leaching kinetic studies are

carried out by focusing on two parameters: HCI concentration and temperature, with

the rest of the parameters set to the optimum condition. Dissolution mechanism and

kinetics are described in detail, as well as statistical mathematical modeling of the

leaching process. Figure 3.1 shows a flowchart of the overall analysis for the ilmenite

sand sample.

1 2 Determination of leaching efficiency & significant parameters

Sampling by panning method at Sampling by Coning Magnetic

Magnetic Batch leaching design using Response
Bukit Kelip, Terengganu & Quartering method Surface Methodology (RSM)

Characterization on Non- Concentrate

bulk sample Magnetic
Leaching parameters:
on concentrate Temperature, HCl Concentration, S/L
Mineral Liberation Physical Characterization
ratio, time, reducing agent (RA)
Studies on tailing
Optical microscope
Mineral Phases
SEM/EDX Grinding using XRD
Ring Mill

< 75µm
Characterization on Residue
Elemental leaching solution
composition XRF
Vacuum filtration

3 Determination of mechanism, kinetic and rate of determining step

Parameters for kinetics Batch leaching design using


} Fe &

Fractional Factorial Design

Leachate taken at Characterization
Temperature, HCl Concentration on residue
interval time


} Ti & Fe

Figure 3.1 Experimental flowchart for overall analysis for ilmenite sand sample
3.2 Site description

Ilmenite sands were acquired from the head of Dungun province in the

Malaysian state of Terengganu (latitudes 04°38'49.5" N, longitude 103°03'56" E, at an

elevation of 768 meters above sea level). The specimens were taken at the main river

source, Kelip Hill's Cheniah stream, woth reference to Figure 3.2, the site sampling is

labelled as A. According to the Mineral and Geoscience Department Malaysia report

in 2014, a part of this particular earth’s surface is made up of sedimentary rocks,

metamorphic rocks, and intrusive diorite rocks. Carbonaceous slate, phyllite, siltstone,

conglomerate, and sandstone constitute most of the sedimentary and metamorphic

rocks which dominate the geological setting of the study field Meanwhile, based on

this Figure 3.2, the geology of Terengganu is roughly made of carboniferous marine

shales, sandstones, limestones and volcanics with Eastern Belt- I type granitoids.

Figure 3.2 Studied area is labelled as A in geological map of Peninsular
Malaysia. Source:(Yusri & Kadir, 2018)

3.3 Materials and reagents

There are few materials and chemical reagents used during this project.

Table 3.1 Lists of materials and reagents.

Chemical Formula Purity Manufacture Uses

Epoxy Resin - - Eurochemopharma Sdn .Bhd Polished
Epoxy - - Eurochemopharma Sdn. Bhd Polished
Hardener section
Hydrochloric HCI 37% Merck, Germany Acid leaching
acid fuming
Iron powder Fe 99% GoodFellow Cambridge Reducing

3.4 Characterization analysis

3.4.1 Sample preparation

The ilmenite sand (IS) was prepared as illustrated in Figure 3.3 before initiating

the interpretation on characterization analysis. IS was applied to the Jones Riffles

sampling method to predetermine the chosen randomly ilmenite from a wide fraction

in order to minimise sample quantity and corroborate the sample's homogeneity and

representativeness. The IS was examined for particle size analysis using a

representative sample. Another fraction of the sample is being prepared for

morphological study, elemental composition, mineral liberation, and phase

identification. Next, using the magnetic separation method, magnetic samples,

concentration ilmenite (CI), and non-magnetic samples, tailing ilmenite (TI), were

recovered. Since the samples were gathered were in a broad size fraction, it would still

have to be reduced to less than 75 m using a ring mill for subsequent characterization

study such as x-ray diffraction (XRD) and x-ray fluorescence (XRF). These samples

were then filtered using sieves with 75 size openings to get range sizes less than 75 m,

and the samples were processed in accordance with each analytical requirement, as

stated more in the next section.

Figure 3.3 A flowchart depicting steps implied in the characterization of the

samples in this work

3.4.2 Morphological studies

Preliminary morphological studies were done via Stereo Zoom Microscope

(Kunoh Robo) for optical images of the samples. Pulverized samples were mounted

with mixture matrix of epoxy resin and hardener with ratio of hardener to resin is 1:1

respectively and left overnight for completely hardened before proceeding to polishing

step. Initial polished were done with a rotary grinder (Metaserv) using 180, 240, 320,

400, 600, 800, 1000, 1200, and 2000 grit size of sandpapers and subsequently using

oil-based lubricant on the Metaserv grinder polisher. This samples then were visualize

under optical microscope, Stereo Zoom Microscope (Kunoh Robo) for surface

morphological studies. Colour, size and shape exhibit by mineral grains under

microscope can indicate the type of mineral present yet it is less accurate technique for

understanding the morphology and phases of substances. Thus, sample is required to

be analysed with FESEM/EDX (Zeiss Supra 35VP-24-58) as to bridge the gap of

mineral abundance and liberation. All the samples were coated with carbon to make

the mineral surface conductive. In this case study, back scattered electron (BSE)

images were made used for mineral identification by physically, whilst EDX is utilized

providing elemental composition of the samples. Mineral phases were also defined by

elemental mapping study offering such information of elemental distribution present

in different colours that constitute in the samples.

3.4.3 Particle size distribution (PSD)

Ilmenite sand sample was subjected to particle size distribution (PSD) which

is vital in determining optimum size of feed for leaching process and for obtaining

maximum efficiency of the leaching. This analysis was conducted with screens from

500 µm to 53 µm in the laboratory. Cumulative size distribution such as D10, D30, D50,

D60 and D90 were procured from particle size distribution. Further analysis by

quantitively was done by calculating the coefficient of uniformity (Cu) and the

coefficient of curvature (Cc) mathematically using equation 14 and equation 15. The

span value (Y) meanwhile for distribution of the sample is defined as equation 16.

Cu =
𝐷10 Eq.14

(𝐷30 )2
Cc =
(𝐷60 X𝐷10 ) Eq.15

𝐷90 − 𝐷10
Span value (Y) =
2𝐷50 Eq.16

3.4.4 Mineral phase identification using X-Ray Diffraction (XRD)

The mineralogical phases of the samples in powdered form with size fraction

between 0 to 20µm are examined by X-Ray diffraction (XRD) using (Bruker D8

Advanced X-ray Diffractometer) giving quantitative data in terms of weight percentage

of the phases present. The XRD was operated at a generator voltage 40kV and 30mA

current with diverge range of 2 from 20º to 70º. The recognition of minerals of the

samples is performed using PANalytical X’Pert Highscore Plus software by which the

most suitable PANalytical ICSD databases will match to measured profile offering to

mineral phase identification. In order to refine theoretical line profile to the experimental

data profile, Rietveld method is executed for every samples. Once mineral phases

identified, the data is imported to OriginPro 8.6 Software to plot graph intensity (a.u)

versus 2(º).

3.4.5 Elemental composition using X-Ray Fluorescence (XRF)

An ascertainment of elemental composition of the samples were done via X-

Ray Fluorescence (Axio Max) with maximum volt of up to 60 kilovolts and 160

microamps (µA) and equipped with several crystals such as PE002, LiF200, PX1, and

Ge 111. Samples were required to pulverize below than 75µm using ring mill grinder

and each sample was ground into 50µm grain size using a motorized grinding machine

and was further ground manually to a finer grain size of 20µm, suitable for X-ray

fluorescence (XRF) analysis. The specimen for the XRF analysis was made by igniting

0.5g of sample and 5.0g of spectroflux at 1100˚C for 20 minutes, before it was cast

into a glass disc, 32mm in diameter.

The specimen was analysed for 10 major elements using a fully automated

PanAlytical Axios Max (Holland) XRF spectrometer, with a standard elemental setup.

The calibration technique was employed. The 10 element curves were constructed

using 30 high quality international standard reference materials, comparable in

composition to the samples. For minor and trace elements, each sample is formed into

pressed-powder pellet using 1 gram of sample baked with 6 grams of Boric acid in a

32mm diameter round shaped disc with the sample placed at the centre and Boric acid

as a binder around it. The sample was pressed with a hydraulic press machine at 15

tonnes for 2 minutes. The XRF analysis was done by scanning for the presence of

elemental peaks using the Omnian software.

3.4.6 Mineral Liberation studies

Three different size fractions were chosen, which are (-90 +75) µm, (-75 +63)

µm, and (-63 +53) µm respectively. Each sample is observed under scanning electron

microscope via energy dispersive x-ray analysis (SEM/EDX) by taking image at

different spots of the sample. Then, summation of interest minerals was counted with

ImageJ software using equation 17 aiming to evaluate degree of liberation of interest


FM Eq.17
% Mineral Liberation = x 100

FM= Total area of mineral particles (of interest) which are liberated
LM= Total area of mineral particles (of interest) in locked form

3.5 Batch Leaching experiment

In this experiment, design of experiment (DOE) is performed to determine the

optimum conditions for Malaysian ilmenite sand in hydrochloric acid leaching system.

DOE was done by using Minitab 18 software. The effect of concentration of

hydrochloric acid, acid to solid ratio, temperature, and concentration of reducing agent

were studied by the aid of the software. The actual and coded values of the parameters

(factors) are presented in Table 3.2. As the objective of the scope study is to optimize

the interested responses which is influenced by the variables (factors), response surface

design is selected as illustrated in Table 3.3-3.6

Table 3.2 Symbols, Actual, and Coded Levels of the Parameters Used

Variable Units Lowest Low Center High Highest

level level Level level level
( -2) (-1) (0) (+1) (+2)
Temperature °C 60 70 80 90 100

HCI % 6 7 8 9 10
Solid to liquid g/L 4 6 8 10 12
Concentration of g/g 0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4
reducing agent

Table 3.3 Design Summary

Factors: 4 Replicates: 1
Base runs: 31 Total runs: 31
Base blocks: 1 Total blocks: 1

Table 3.4 Point Types

Cube points: 16
Center points in cube: 7
Axial points: 8
Center points in axial: 0

Table 3.5 Design Table (randomized)

Run Blk A B C D
1 1 1 -1 -1 1
2 1 0 0 -2 0
3 1 0 0 0 0
4 1 -1 -1 1 -1
5 1 1 1 1 1
6 1 1 -1 1 -1
7 1 -1 1 1 1
8 1 0 0 0 0
9 1 0 0 0 0
10 1 -1 1 1 -1
11 1 0 0 0 0
12 1 0 0 0 0
13 1 0 -2 0 0
14 1 -2 0 0 0
15 1 1 -1 -1 -1
16 1 0 0 2 0
17 1 0 2 0 0
18 1 1 1 -1 1
19 1 1 1 1 -1
20 1 0 0 0 0
21 1 1 1 -1 -1
22 1 -1 -1 -1 -1
23 1 1 -1 1 1
24 1 -1 -1 1 1
25 1 -1 1 -1 1
26 1 2 0 0 0
27 1 0 0 0 2
28 1 -1 -1 -1 1
29 1 -1 1 -1 -1
30 1 0 0 0 -2
31 1 0 0 0 0

Table 3.6 Summary of overall design table with uncoded unit

StdOrder RunOrder PtType Blocks Temperature HCI (M) S/L ratio RA

(g/L) (g/g)
10 1 1 1 90 7 6 0.3
21 2 -1 1 80 8 4 0.2
28 3 0 1 80 8 8 0.2
5 4 1 1 70 7 10 0.1
16 5 1 1 90 9 10 0.3
6 6 1 1 90 7 10 0.1
15 7 1 1 70 9 10 0.3
27 8 0 1 80 8 8 0.2
29 9 0 1 80 8 8 0.2
7 10 1 1 70 9 10 0.1
26 11 0 1 80 8 8 0.2
30 12 0 1 80 8 8 0.2
19 13 -1 1 80 6 8 0.2
17 14 -1 1 60 8 8 0.2
2 15 1 1 90 7 6 0.1
22 16 -1 1 80 8 12 0.2
20 17 -1 1 80 10 8 0.2
12 18 1 1 90 9 6 0.3
8 19 1 1 90 9 10 0.1
31 20 0 1 80 8 8 0.2
4 21 1 1 90 9 6 0.1
1 22 1 1 70 7 6 0.1
14 23 1 1 90 7 10 0.3
13 24 1 1 70 7 10 0.3
11 25 1 1 70 9 6 0.3
18 26 -1 1 100 8 8 0.2
24 27 -1 1 80 8 8 0.4
9 28 1 1 70 7 6 0.3
3 29 1 1 70 9 6 0.1
23 30 -1 1 80 8 8 0.0
25 31 0 1 80 8 8 0.2

3.6 Batch leaching

Batch leach experiments is carried out in a 500 mL jacketed vessel glass reactor

with overhead magnetic stirrer (IKA RW20 digital) to agitate the slurry which can be

illustrated in Figure 3.4. The ilmenite particles will be completely suspended by rotating

the stirrer at a high enough speed (400rpm). Water bath (XMTX704) is used to heat the

reactor where peristaltic pump is used to transport the heated water through tubing.

During the tests, alihn condenser with circulating water is used to reduce evaporation of

the solutions from the reactor. A thermometer was connected to another neck to obtain

real-time temperature.

The solution of hydrochloric acid will then be added and heated to the required

temperature. The ilmenite samples are transferred into the reactor once the set

temperature is reached. The leaching experiments will be carried out for a total of 4

hours. The slurry will be filtered using a pump filter after the experiment is completed,

and the leaching solution will be stored in dark glass bottle samples to prevent any

further reactions.

For kinetic analysis, a narrow size range of input leaching is selected and

performed in optimal condition where concentration of acid and temperature were

selected as the parameters. Operational setup procedure for this study is similar to the

previous batch leaching test adding with withdrawn of 10mL leach liquor from the

reactor using syringe at various time intervals and filter through Whatman Celulose

Nitrate membrane filters with pore size of 0.45 µm.




Figure 3.4 A schematic diagram for dissolution experiment. (i) waterbath; (ii)
peristaltic pump; (iii) pH meter; (iv) pH/ORP probe; (v) ATC probe; (vi) overhead
stirrer (vii) thermometer (viii) alihn condenser

3.6.1 Analytical measurement for leaching analysis

3.6.1(a) Determination of iron and titanium in leaching solution

After leaching process is completed, an aliquot of the solution is taken and

analysed for Fe and Ti concentrations using Inductively Coupled Plasma Atomic

Emission Spectroscopy (ICP-OES). An Agilent 5100/5100 VDV ICP-OES model was

used as the instrument. To get the concentration within the linear calibration range,

each leach liquor was diluted 25 times which used to determine concentration of

titanium in aliquot.

Meanwhile iron content is ascertained through Atomic Absorption

Spectroscopy (AAS). AAS standard are prepares by 1, 2, 3, 4, 5mg/L where 5mg/L is

the sensitivity check between 0.16 to 0.17. The leaching data (maximum Ti or Fe

dissolution after complete leaching) will be analysed using a statistical method Minitab

to develop statistical models of the leaching process and assess the interaction of

alteration factors with leaching efficiency.

3.6.1(b) Leaching residue

To remove any remaining HCl, the residues will be washed with de-ionized

water, and the process is repeated until all contaminants have been eliminated. The

residues were dried for 24 hours at 105 degrees Celsius. The residue samples will be

stored in a desiccator after drying before being analyzed. Analysis is performed on the

leaching residues (SEM/EDX). Carbon was applied to the samples to create a

conductive mineral surface. Backscattered electron (BSE) images were produced in this

study to be used for mineral identification physically, while EDX is used to provide the

elemental composition of the samples. Mineral phases were also defined by elemental

mapping research, which provided information about elemental distribution in the

samples' vivid colors. In addition, elemental composition of the residue was done via

Micro X-Ray Fluorescence spectrometry.



4.1 Introduction

In this research study, bulk sample, ilmenite sand (IS) was explored extensively

in characterization analysis prior to the leaching procedure. First, The IS sample

undergoes sampling method by using Jones Riffles sampling method that is exerted for

further minimization of the sample’s quantity and subsequently proceed with pre-

concentration process. Preconcentration process is the process wherein the

concentration of an intended mineral is acquired by rid of gangue material as quickly as

practical. Magnetic separation is implemented to distinguish between magnetic minerals

and non-magnetic minerals which is one of the preconcentration process.

The process of magnetic separation involves attracting magnetic materials with

a magnet to separate the components of mixtures. Non-magnetic substances are

separated from magnetic ones through using magnetic separation process. Therefore,

two output were produce which are magnetic samples and non-magnetic samples.

Magnetic samples were labelled as concentration ilmenite (CI), meanwhile for

non-magnetic samples referred as tailing ilmenite (TI), as shown in Figure 4.1. Three

samples that are IS, CI and TI were evaluated its morphology, chemical composition,

and mineral phases which were discussed later in mineral characterization part. These

samples were ground in iron ring mill for comminution purpose and subjected for

screening and sieving to obtain different size fraction for particle size distribution and

mineral liberation analysis.

After obtaining information from characterization analysis, the CI sample is

undertaken for screening process for acquiring narrow range size fraction of feedstock

for batch leaching analysis. For batch leaching experiment, four parameters are applied,

HCI concentration, temperature, solid to liquid ratio and concentration of reducing

agent. These experiments were designed based on Response Surface Method (RSM)

using Minitab 19 software. After the experiment completed, liquor solution and residue

obtained from the experiment were tested for determination of iron and titanium content

as the outputs and evaluate input factors used analysis of variance (ANOVA) and find

its optimal leaching conditions.

Kinetic studies are utilized to determine the ideal reaction rate model, which

primarily be explained by the mechanism reaction of the experiment and in fact able to

understand which species are existed at certain period in the leaching experiment. This

kinetic study elucidates essential information from the mechanistic reaction which some

circumstances condition how chemical reactions take place, factors that control the

reaction rates which were explained in this chapter. Two factors were discussed in this

study, HCI concentrations and temperature. The effect of both factors, kinetic, reaction

rate order, activation energy and finally the mechanism take place were discussed

further in this chapter.

Figure 4.1 Image of sample (a) ilmenite sand, IS, (b) concentrate ilmenite, CI,
and (c) tailing ilmenite (TI)

4.2 Mineral Characterization

4.2.1 Mineral phase identification

Three samples were tested using XRD to characterize mineral phases. The

samples are ilmenite sand (IS), concentrate ilmenite (CI), and tailing ilmenite (TI). From

Figure 4.2, it shows crystalline phase in IS sample, wherein ilmenite (01-073-2233) is

the most identifiable phase and follow by hematite (04-002-7501). Others phases also

found in the sample, such as zircon nitrate (04-011-3510) and opaque mineral such as

quartz (01-087-2096) were also recorded by XRF spectra. This data is somehow

correlative to chemical composition details given in Table 4.1, where the XRF data is

shown which will be discussed in the next section.

Apart from the raw ilmenite sample, CI also depicts similar minerals but

different in diffraction patterns or inorganic crystal structure database (ICDD) number

which is shown in Figure 4.2. From the figure, ilmenite (04-006-6597) displays the

highest crystalline phase located at 2θ that is 32.344° which can assume that both

samples for IS and CI have a similar major phase that is ilmenite. The diffraction peaks

of both samples were matched well with the standard XRD pattern of hexagonal

structure of FeTiO3 (01-073-2233 & 04-006-6597). Other magnetic mineral phases were

also detected such as hematite (04-002-7501), and zircon nitrate (04-011-3510).

On the other hand, the diffractogram graph as depicted in Figure 4.2 clearly

shows that the TI sample has a major component of silica (SiO2, 98-005-4679), which

can be categorized as gangue phase that is also supported by XRF data in Table 4.1. To

confirm the XRD data, the Rietveld refinement technique, utilizing PANalytical X’Pert

Highscore Plus software, has been used to stipulate a better model fit data by certifying

the Goodness of Fit (GoF) as in Table 4.1 where samples IS, CI and TI perform positive

outcomes whereby GoF for all is less than 5 that is 2.08, 1.50 and 2.78 respectively with

weighted profile factor (Rwp) are less than 10 either. Overall, it can be concluded that

every pattern of the samples’ peak was said to be well-matched and fit each other.

Figure 4.2 XRD patterns of ilmenite sand, concentrate ilmenite and tailing

Table 4.1 Phase quantification data obtained from XRD by Rietveld refinement

Sample Compound Rexp Rp Rwp GoF

IS Ilmenite (01-073-2233), hematite (04- 1.49 1.91 3.10 2.08
002-7501), zircon nitrate (04-011-3510)
and quartz (01-087-2096)
CI Ilmenite (04-006-6597), hematite (04- 1.43 1.44 0.64 1.50
002-7501) and zircon nitrate (04-011-
TI Quartz (01-087-2096) 3.89 7.88 9.84 2.78

4.2.2 Chemical composition discovery through XRF analysis

In general, ilmenite theoretically has a variable titanium content in the range of

40% to 60% of TiO2 in the earth’s crust which used for TiO2 production(Shao et al.,

2021). As can be compare with the XRF data which can be referred from Table 4.2, the

IS is formed by the following variation minerals; 39.14wt% of TiO2, 34.44wt% of Fe2O3

17.87wt% of SiO2 is still within the range of ilmenite theoretical value(Shao et al.,

2021). Meanwhile, it can be suggested that there is also possible of impurities presents

in IS such as 1.73wt% MnO, and 2.436wt% MgO which can be refer in Table 4.2. The

TiO2 recovery ascended significantly after a magnetic field was introduced to IS, which

tends to result the CI from 39.14 wt.% to 41.53 wt.%.

According to this analysis, it is confirmed that the CI is primarily comprised of

titanium dioxide (TiO2, 41.53 wt.%), hematite (Fe2O3, 38.09wt%) and silicon dioxide

(SiO2, 9.91wt%)). This CI possesses the desired mineral, the TiO2, and is suitable to be

used as the feedstock or input for the leaching process since gangue minerals present

are also in low amounts compare to the IS. Compounds such as magnesium oxide (MgO,

3.14 wt%), alumina (Al2O3, 2.86 wt%) and manganese oxide (MnO, 1.89 wt%) were

detected but only in trace levels that not less than 5% will be dissolved during the acid

leaching process whilst TiO2 content will be enriched in the final product.

Therefore, the XRF result as displayed in Table 4.2 pointed out that the CI

representing a successful detachment of non-magnetic mineral (tailing ilmenite) from

magnetic mineral (concentrate ilmenite) in the magnetic separation process, such that

the concentrate ilmenite has more titanium dioxide (41.53 wt.%) in the sample

compared to ilmenite sand (39.14 wt%). Moreover, the study of non-magnetic minerals

called the TI exposes the highest content of quartz (SiO2, 85.86%), low titanium dioxide

(TiO2, 2.11wt%) content and other several chemical compositions are also observed

exhibiting lower content suchlike hematite (Fe2O3,1.98wt%), magnesium oxide (MgO,

0.22wt%), alumina (Al2O3, 3.17wt%) and manganese oxide (MnO, 00.8wt%).

Table 4.2 Chemical composition of analysed samples by XRF analysis in


Major analysis (wt %)

Compound IS CI TI

TiO2 39.14 41.53 2.11

Fe2O3 34.44 38.09 1.98
SiO2 17.87 9.91 85.86
Na2O 0.08 0.09 0.07
MgO 2.43 3.14 0.22
Al2O3 2.77 2.86 3.17
P2O5 0.08 0.06 0.10
K2O 0.10 0.05 0.40
CaO 0.75 0.84 0.55
MnO 1.73 1.89 0.08
Total of minor trace elements 0.58 1.53 5.44

4.2.3 Particle size distribution (PSD)

The test is aspired to separate the sample according to the size fraction as it varies

in particle mass of the samples. Sieving gives an information on particles that passed or

retained in set of sieves that are arranged accordingly and particle size distribution of

the sample. In this case study, particle size analysis is vital in determining optimum size

of feed for leaching process and for obtaining maximum efficiency of the leaching. This

analysis unlikely to give such information on shape of the particles whether it angular

or rounded. Nevertheless, the particle shape can be examined under microscope which

will be explained later in optical microscope analysis.

The sieve analyses were conducted with screens from 500 µm to 53 µm in the

laboratory. The plot of the particle size distribution of bulk sample by sieving is shown

in Figure 4.3 while Table 4.3 gives a summary of the of data obtained. Particle size such

as D10, D30, D50, D60 and D90 were obtained from particle size distribution graph for

instance D10 is grain diameter (mm) corresponding to 10 percent passing on the particle

size distribution curve. The letter D denotes the apparent diameter for any size of the

sample and the subscript is the finer percentage out of the total size of the sample.

Further analysis by quantitively was done by calculating the coefficient of uniformity

(Cu) and the coefficient of curvature (Cc). By referring to the Figure 4.3, the value of

coefficient of uniformity (Cu) and the coefficient of curvature (Cc) can be calculated

mathematically as shown below:

𝐷60 Eq. 18
𝐶𝑢 =

(𝐷30 )2 Eq. 19
𝐶𝐶 =
𝐷60 𝑋 𝐷10

From the particle size distribution curve in Figure 4.3, the result shows that the

grain size of the bulk sample has over 90% (D90) of the particles below 0.315 mm and

size 50% (D50) passing 0.18 mm aperture sieve size whilst 10% (D90) passing of

0.106mm, respectively. From these values, the width of the particle size distribution,

expressed as span value, is reported as 1.225. This relatively high span value indicates

an apart of size distribution. Thus, it can be categorized that the bulk sample is medium

sand size fraction. The value of Cu is 1.8662 whilst Cc is 0.9327 by mean it can be

classified as poorly graded. According to Unified Soil Classification System (USCS),

poorly graded sample indicates that most of the grain size of particles in bulk sample

is identical (American Society of Testing and Materials, 2005)

Summation Percentage (%)

0.010 0.100 1.000
Particle Size (mm)

Figure 4.3 Particle Size Analysis Graph for Bulk Sample

Table 4.3 Summary of data from Particle Size Analysis

Particle Size Analysis

D90 0.3105
D60 0.1904
D50 0.1700
D30 0.1346
D10 0.1020
Uniformity Coefficient (Cu) 1.8662
Coefficient of Gradation (Cc) 0.9327
Span Value 1.2265

4.2.4 Ore morphological studies

4.2.4(a) Optical light microscope

Preliminary visual inspection was performed on IS for mineral identification

(e.g. colour, shape, size, texture, and mineral association) directly through the reflected

light microscope (Stereo Zoom Microscope Kunoh Robo). Within this case study, an

image of IS is magnified at a certain level, offering a great image as the first perspective

on mineral morphology and phases of the sample as shown in Figure 4.4. A

representative image of ilmenite as displayed in Figure 4.4 suggested that this sample

has minerals such as ilmenite (dark metallic particle), rutile (dark brown), zircon (light

reddish colour), and colourless quartz. By referring to this figure which has been closed

to 200 times of magnification, it also exhibits that the sample has small variation in size

in such a circumstance that the particles are almost of the same sizes. This has been

mathematically proven through data acquired from particle size distribution analysis,

where it is classified as either a poorly graded sample or a uniformly graded sample

since these particles appeared to be of identical size.

As can be seen in Figure 4.4, most of the particles depict angular shapes and

medium sphericity. Part of it also shows very low sphericity, which bears a resemblance

to flaky shapes with a very sharp edge. These features can draw a first deduction on its

history of events such as weathering effect, transportation, and depositional condition

of the IS (Goldich, 1998). Considering the shapes of the grains, ilmenite sand has the

least weathering as it has been less crushed artificially along the river in a very short

distance and deposited upstream untimely. Nonetheless, ilmenite sand may alter due to

the weathering effect which can be seen in this figure wherein the red arrow (labelled

leu) shows mineral of ilmenite with half-completed of leucoxenization interchanging

the major and minor element of the original ilmenite sand composition. This elemental

chemistry of ilmenite sand is also discussed in elemental composition analysis through

XRF study evinces that the presence of this ilmenite sand (IS) is variant among common

ilmenite sand composition since it is associated with various minerals. For instance, it

can be suggested that rutile and ilmenite make up a portion of the TiO2 accordance with

the XRF analysis.

Figure 4.4 Image of raw ilmenite sample under the optical microscope (200 X
magnification). Abbreviation: ilm: ilmenite, rut: rutile, hem: hematite, zr: zircon, leu:
leucoxene and qtz: quartz

4.2.4(b) Polarized Light Microscope

Further evaluation of the morphological study was also viewed under the

polarized light microscope. In general overview, some minerals were easily identifiable

as it appeared in colours and transparency, such as yellowish to colourless quartz, which

can be seen in Figure 4.6. Ilmenite appears to be greyish to dark-coloured metallic

ilmenite, as shown in Figure 4.5 and 4.6, while rutile in dark brown. Other typical trace

minerals were also identified in the samples, for instance, hematite (dark reddish

colour), magnetite (solid black colour), leucoxene (combination of minerals), and

anatase (dark blue), as exhibited in Figure 4.5 and 4.6. Figure 4.5 IS encompassing

several opaque and non-opaque mineral variations, also with opaque variants vastly

outnumbering than the non-opaque. As depicted in photomicrographs Figure 4.5(A) and

4.5(B), the sample is mainly dominated by opaque minerals such as magnetite (mag),

ilmenite(ilm), and a few quartzes (qtz) as the non-opaque minerals. Meanwhile, the CI

as shown in both Figure 4.6(A) and 4.6(B) has mineral grains that are mostly the same

as in the IS exclude for minerals such as quartz as it is a non-magnetic mineral.

Both Figure 4.5 and 4.6 are predominantly composed of sub-rounded to sub-

angular grains where most of the grains were dark shaded colour. Blue anatase (anat)

features are shown in both figures as angular to subangular corners and identified by its

blue grain boundaries. Both possess rutile (rut) granules that are recognizable by their

distinctive yellowish-brown interference colour. As can be viewed from Figure 4.5 and

4.6, this ilmenite sand is genuinely altered. The mineralogical texture of the altered

ilmenite grains shows a subparallel fractured row of exsolution lamella. This ilmenite

alteration is primarily in the form of subangular grains however, some also contain

exsolved laths, some fractured shown in Figure 4.6(C, D) and irregular bodies with the

interlocking of hematite, as can be seen in Figure 4.5(C). Further alteration of the grains

has occasionally resulted in a new crystalline mass such as anatase as shown in Figure

4.5(A, B) and 4.6(A, B) and leucoxene, depicted in Figure 4.6(B).

The alteration of titanium-bearing minerals such as leucoxene is illustrated from

the figure has a potential to have a great combination of rutile and ilmenite. The

formation of leucoxene after the ilmenite is not interrogated, as there are all the

transitional varieties in the ores(Chernyshev et al., 2010). Despite that, these deposited

minerals might have gone through erosion and transferred through streams that transport

the minerals, causing the ilmenite sample to be altered. In the meantime, it also can be

suggested that abundant quartz was spotted in the non-magnetic sample as shown in

Figure 4.6 since the appearance under the microscope is non-opaque and colourless to

yellowish colour with subrounded and low sphericity shapes and only small numbers of

ilmenite particles visible here.

Figure 4.5 Major minerals discovered in IS under different magnification

Figure 4.6 Photomicrographs of concentrate ilmenite, CI (A-D) and tailing

ilmenite, TI, E: 50X and F: 100X magnification has ilmenite and subhedral
colourless zircon assuming to ubiquitous in tailing sample

4.2.4(c) SEM Analysis

Another aspect of the present study is scanning electron microscopy (SEM) by

evaluating the mineral constituents or chemical composition of the IS, CI, and

TI. Scanning electron microscopy with energy dispersive X-ray spectrometry (SEM–

EDX mapping) allows for analysing elemental morphology and mineral composition

of the sample. Based on Figure 4.7, the EDX spectrum (full area scan) displays a

detailed morphology in terms of the shape where subrounded shapes and moderate

sphericity are the majorities among the IS grains. It comprehends major elements such

as titanium and iron, which coincide with XRF data, presenting higher numbers of

TiO2 (39.14%) and Fe2O3 (34.44%). This IS is predominantly comprised of higher

titanium and iron grains, proved through the generalities number of grains appeared in

copper brown colour indicates the iron grains meanwhile titanium, turquoise colour

grains in Figure 4.7, where titanium content is 29.88 wt% and Fe content 31.37wt%.

Via EDX analysis through Backscattered Images (BSI), CI is also observed

revealing more information regarding the mineral content as shown in Figure 4.8. For

CI, it has a high multiplicity in compliance with the morphology. As specified in the

EDX spectrum data, CI grains substantially encompass titanium (31.45 wt%) and iron

(31.97 wt%). It could be seen that the CI contains more magnetic minerals, compare

to IS. This elemental mapping revealed that the CI composed of primarily of titanium

followed by iron, and then very least of silicon, aluminium, and magnesium. The EDX

spectrum is also implied to ilmenite tailing proffering that the sample constitute of

silicon element as depicted in Figure 4.9.

Figure 4.7 SEM/EDX Elemental mapping of IS

Figure 4.8 SEM/EDX Elemental mapping of CI

Figure 4.9 SEM/EDX Elemental mapping of TI

4.2.5 Mineral Liberation study

This analysis is more precise as it analyses mineral composition at each size

fraction of the IS, which is based on BSI images from SEM compared to XRF and

XRD techniques representing the overall composition of the IS. Considering such

information from this assessment can ease and save costs for mineral plants operation

by proffering the minerals content at each particle size fraction(Ismail et al., 2016). It

can reduce the difficulty of handling size reduction of input separating associated

minerals and cut expenditure for the operation as well (Olubambi et al., 2008; Ismail

et al., 2016).

A good estimation of the optimum size reduction to the liberation correlation

was achieved with the help of SEM-EDX and Fiji ImageJ 1.53e software. Figure 4.10

demonstrates the 53μm size fractions discriminate between liberated ilmenite and

unliberated ilmenite of the sample tested in this project. The liberation degree

assessments were carried out using Equation 17 (refer at chapter 3) and the statistics

of the analysis methods are shown in Figure 4.11.

The first mineral liberation study for the IS is introduced after grinding to a

size of -90 +75μm. Based on the results obtained, approximately 42.70% of mineral

liberation was discerned at 75μm, as well as further grinding up to 63μm (-75 +63μm)

slightly an increment value of mineral liberation, that is, 47.80% of the available

ilmenite phase. Meanwhile, at the 53μm (-63 +53μm) particle size shows the highest

mineral phase liberation, which is nearly 68.71%.

According to this assessment, the sample exhibits unliberated particles the most

is 75μm size fraction where it is the largest size being analysed and is not suitable to

be as the leaching input. This scope analysis aiming size fraction which consists of

minerals that are more liberated from the non-valuable mineral, which gives a

significant quality in determining the efficacy of future processes for the recovery of

valuable minerals. Hence, the most accurate size fraction as leaching input is sample

of 53μm particle size which will be used to study the mechanism and kinetic reactions

of Malaysian ilmenite ore in hydrochloric acid leaching systems.

Figure 4.10 Refers to (+53-63) µm size fractions. (A) Original BSE image, (B)
counted particles, (C) mineral of interest in locked form, and (D) After removal
numbers of interlock ilmenite particle, remaining of mineral particles' interest which
is liberated, FM

Mineral liberation study %



Mineral Liberation %







53 63 75
Particle size (µm)
Liberated particles Locked particles % Mineral liberation

Figure 4.11 Percentage of mineral liberation obtained for each particle size
fractions of (+53-63) µm, (+63-75) µm and (+75-90) µm which were measured using
Eqs. (4)

4.2.6 Conclusion for mineral characterization study

The Cheniah river contains a diverse assortment of minerals, in this case,

ilmenite sand (IS) found as discrete minerals in grains, but some exist with trace

elements which encompass of 39.14 wt% of TiO2. The TiO2 recovery increased

significantly ever since a magnetic field was implemented on the IS samples, leading

to a CI sample of 41.53 wt. % TiO2. The most recognized phase in both IS and CI are

ilmenite, magnetite, and rutile, but CI detects another compound, hematite.

Meanwhile, TI contains a significant amount of silica classified as gangue phase

corroborated with the XRF data. IS had a small size variance which was quantitatively

verified through particle size distribution analysis data, categorized as a poorly graded

sample since particles appeared to be about the similar size. Most are angular in shape,

with medium sphericity and flaky geometries with a sharp edge proving the weathering

effects and formation of leucoxenization minerals. In mineral liberation analysis, 63-

53µm range size fraction has the least unliberated particles among other size fractions,

resulting in a significant quality in determining the efficacy of future processes.

Even after ilmenite sand undergoes the pre-concentration process, the magnetic

separation, the concentrate ilmenite still has unacceptable content of gangue minerals

suchlike silicates and impurities which can be clarified as the low grade of ilmenite

since the TiO2 content is only 41.53%. Alternatively, direct leaching technique able to

upgrade this ilmenite sample, and thus future assessment will be conducted to study

on the mechanism and kinetic reactions of Malaysian ilmenite ore in hydrochloric acid

leaching system by using concentrate ilmenite with the size range of -63 +53μm as the

leaching input.

4.3 Analysis of Variance (ANOVA)

4.3.1 Statistical analysis

Minitab 18 statistical software was used to analyse experimental leaching data

and generate the best model through analysis of variance (ANOVA). Table 4.4

represents the experimental design matrix coded and uncoded unit variables and result

of dependent variables. A test for significance of the individual model coefficients with

a lack of fit test was performed to fit a good model. The significance of each component

and factor interaction was determined using through its P-value which were represents

in Figure 4.12, in pareto charts, meanwhile Table 4.5 and 4.6, describing the analysis of

variance (ANOVA) for each response. According to Figure 4.12, all the main factors

for response percentage iron and titanium leached are pass the lines indicating great

significancy of the variables towards response.

Analysis of variance (ANOVA) as depicted from the tabulated data, the Table

4.5 and Table 4.6, illustrate that the overall P-value for linear models are less than the

level of significance (α=0.05). Some interaction between independent variables

expresses as significant interaction such as X1X2, X1X3, X1X4 and X2X3 in response iron

leached whilst for response titanium leached, X1X3. The greater F-value and lower the

P value, which is lower than 0.05, the greater the significance of the related coefficient.

The F-value for quadratic model 17.03 for response iron leached and 13.13 for response

titanium leached indicate that’s the model is significant.

As claimed by Gunst, et al., (1996), a good fit of a model requires a correlation

coefficient of at least 0.80, whereas a high R2 value indicates higher agreement between

the estimated and observed outcomes within the range of experimentation. Both

responses indicate that models suffer no lack-of-fit as the P-value is lower than the level

of significance (0.05). The correlation coefficient for iron leached (R2=0.9575) clearly

illustrates the model equation's proximity to the experimental data. The adjusted

determination coefficient (R2=0.9202) is equally high, implying that the model is

relevant. Same goes to correlation coefficient for response percentage of titanium

leached (R2=0.9052) and adjusted coefficient (R2=0.8815). The nearer the adjusted R2

value is to one, the higher the correlation between the experimental and predicted

values(Gunst et al., 1996). In fact, results shows that each response has a better statistical

model where its R2 adjusted are closer to R2.

Following ANOVA, the chosen model was validated, and a regression model

equation was developed. The models’ equation of two-way interactions that represents

for each response were expressed as variables for coded units as given in Equation 20

and Equation 21 where X1, X2, X3 and X4 correspond to independent variables of

temperature (˚C), HCI concentration (M), solid to liquid ratio (g/L) and concentration

of reducing agent (g/g) respectively. As a result, the mathematical models can estimate

the outcomes in the range of variables under consideration. The coefficient of multiple

determinations, R2. The high R2 value implies that the cubic equation can represent the

system within the experimental region.

%𝐹𝑒 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑑 = −315 + 6.03𝑋1 + 35.4𝑋2 − 17.39𝑋3 + 427𝑋4

− 0.01778𝑋1 2 − 0.093𝑋2 2 − 0.526𝑋3 2 − 57.2𝑋4 2

− 0.411𝑋1 𝑋2 + 0.1654𝑋1 𝑋3 − 2.35𝑋1 𝑋4 + 1.183𝑋2 𝑋3

− 22.2𝑋2 𝑋4 + 1.11𝑋3 𝑋4 Eq.20

%𝑇𝑖 𝑙𝑒𝑎𝑐ℎ𝑒𝑑 = −237 + 1.33𝑋1 + 38.4𝑋2 − 7.3𝑋3 + 716𝑋4

− 0.0206𝑋1 2 − 0.08𝑋2 2 − 0.580𝑋3 2 − 136𝑋4 2

− 0.067𝑋1 𝑋2 + 0.345𝑋1 𝑋3 + 1.63𝑋1 𝑋4 − 1.08𝑋2 𝑋3

− 65.5𝑋2 𝑋4 − 25.8𝑋3 𝑋4 Eq.21

Table 4.4 Experimental design matrix and results

Coded level of Uncoded level of variables Dependent

variables variables
Run X1 X2 X3 X4 T [HCI] [S/L] [RA] % Fe % Ti
(˚C) (M) (g/L) (g/g) leached leached
1 1 1 -1 -1 1 90 7 6 0.3 91.01 82.74
2 1 0 0 -2 0 80 8 4 0.2 90.06 81.87
3 1 0 0 0 0 80 8 8 0.2 85.73 71.44
4 1 -1 -1 1 -1 70 7 10 0.1 35.05 17.53
5 1 1 1 1 1 90 9 10 0.3 88.57 73.81
6 1 1 -1 1 -1 90 7 10 0.1 79.11 65.93
7 1 -1 1 1 1 70 9 10 0.3 76.42 63.68
8 1 0 0 0 0 80 8 8 0.2 84.37 70.31
9 1 0 0 0 0 80 8 8 0.2 80.90 67.42
10 1 -1 1 1 -1 70 9 10 0.1 75.29 62.74
11 1 0 0 0 0 80 8 8 0.2 83.42 69.52
12 1 0 0 0 0 80 8 8 0.2 87.46 72.88
13 1 0 -2 0 0 80 6 8 0.2 79.31 66.09
14 1 -2 0 0 0 60 8 8 0.2 68.30 52.54
15 1 1 -1 -1 -1 90 7 6 0.1 88.40 7.37
16 1 0 0 2 0 80 8 12 0.2 66.16 50.89
17 1 0 2 0 0 80 10 8 0.2 93.01 84.55
18 1 1 1 -1 1 90 9 6 0.3 95.35 86.68
19 1 1 1 1 -1 90 9 10 0.1 89.00 74.17
20 1 0 0 0 0 80 8 8 0.2 87.46 72.88
21 1 1 1 -1 -1 90 9 6 0.1 92.06 83.69
22 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 70 7 6 0.1 64.73 49.79
23 1 1 -1 1 1 90 7 10 0.3 80.29 66.91
24 1 -1 -1 1 1 70 7 10 0.3 56.84 40.60
25 1 -1 1 -1 1 70 9 6 0.3 91.46 83.15
26 1 2 0 0 0 100 8 8 0.2 90.54 82.31
27 1 0 0 0 2 80 8 8 0.4 89.45 74.54
28 1 -1 -1 -1 1 70 7 6 0.3 82.38 68.65
29 1 -1 1 -1 -1 70 9 6 0.1 87.80 73.17
30 1 0 0 0 -2 80 8 8 0 79.04 65.87
31 1 0 0 0 0 80 8 8 0.2 85.32 71.10

Figure 4.12 Pareto chart of the standardize effect for full quadratic (A) percentage
of iron leached, and (B) percentage of titanium leached

Table 4.5 Analysis of variance for full quadratic for iron leached

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Model 14 4397.44 314.10 17.03 0.000
Linear 4 3493.68 873.42 47.36 0.000
X1 1 1324.62 1324.62 71.83 0.000
X2 1 882.58 882.58 47.86 0.000
X3 1 1072.27 1072.27 58.14 0.000
X4 1 214.20 214.20 11.61 0.004
Square 4 200.47 50.12 2.72 0.067
X12 1 90.45 90.45 4.90 0.042
X22 1 0.25 0.25 0.01 0.909
X32 1 126.83 126.83 6.88 0.018
X42 1 9.36 9.36 0.51 0.486
2-way interaction 6 703.30 117.22 6.36 0.001
X1X2 1 270.60 270.60 14.67 0.001
X1X3 1 175.03 175.03 9.49 0.007
X1X4 1 88.27 88.27 4.79 0.044
X2X3 1 89.49 89.49 4.85 0.043
X2X4 1 79.12 79.12 4.29 0.055
X3X4 1 0.78 0.78 0.04 0.839
Error 16 295.08 18.44
Lack-of-Fit 10 262.65 26.27 4.86 0.033
Pure Error 6 32.43 5.40
Total 30 4692.52
DF= Degree of freedom, SS= sum of square, MS= mean square, R2=0.9575, adj.
R2=0.9202, pred. R2=0.7748

Table 4.6 Analysis of variance for full quadratic for titanium leached

Source DF Adj SS Adj MS F-Value P-Value

Model 14 7136.41 509.74 13.13 0.016
Linear 4 4856.29 1214.07 7.46 0.001
X1 1 834.51 834.51 5.13 0.038
X2 1 2370.23 2370.23 14.57 0.002
X3 1 724.16 724.16 4.45 0.051
X4 1 927.39 927.39 5.70 0.030
Square 4 279.79 69.95 0.43 0.785
X12 1 121.16 121.16 0.74 0.401
X22 1 0.20 0.20 0.00 0.972
X32 1 153.74 153.74 0.95 0.345
X42 1 53.15 53.15 0.33 0.576
2-way interaction 6 2000.33 333.39 2.05 0.118
X1X2 1 7.23 7.23 0.04 0.836
X1X3 1 763.65 763.65 4.70 0.046
X1X4 1 42.68 42.68 0.26 0.615
X2X3 1 75.25 75.25 0.46 0.506
X2X4 1 685.56 685.56 4.22 0.057
X3X4 1 425.96 425.96 2.62 0.125
Error 16 2602.23 162.64
Lack-of-Fit 10 2579.72 257.97 68.74 0.000
Pure Error 6 22.52 3.75
Total 30 9738.64
DF= Degree of freedom, SS= sum of square, MS= mean square, R2=0.9453, adj.
R2=0.8974, pred. R2=0.706

4.3.2 Effect of significant variables towards Fe leached (%)

4.3.2(a) Effect of main variables

The results were obtained through ANOVA, and the influence of experimental

conditions for all factors on the percentage iron leached were significant, that is

concentration of HCI, solid liquid ratio, concentration of reducing agent, and

temperature as displayed in Figure 4.13. As shown in this plotted figure, a low

percentage of iron were observed at moderate temperature but raised starting from 80°C

to 100°C. This might be linked to an increase in mass transfer rate or diffusion rate,

which can also contribute to greater metal dissolution. Another dependent variable that

considered as significant factor is concentration of hydrochloric acid. As can be seen

from the same figure, the increment value consumption of hydrochloric concentration

increases the percentage recovery of iron dissolved.

This figure also depicts the influence of solid-to-liquid ratio on percentage iron

leached throughout four hours in the range of 4 to 12g/L. The influence of the solid-to-

liquid ratio on the iron leach percentage was studied. As illustrated in this figure,

lowering the solid-to-liquid ratio will increase the percentage iron leached. By mean of

this, as the solid-to-liquid ratio decreases, metal impurities can be effectively distributed

and interacted with acid, increasing the proportion of iron leached. Furthermore, the

high concentration of hydrochloric acid significantly increase the availability of Cl- to

react with metal impurities by providing increased contact between sample and acid

(Olanipekun, 1999; Das et al., 2013b). It also displays the percentage of iron leached at

various reducing agent concentrations in this case iron powder, as well as the current

concentration of reducing agent. Iron powder is one of the reducing agents which

provide H+ ion to accelerate the leaching in reducing agent. As indicated in Figure 4.13,

after 4 hours, a low proportion of iron was leached when a significant huge amount of

reducing agent was used. This might be because of present of catalyst; the iron powder

requires to dissolve its iron content first and later will reduce all iron from sample from

Fe3+ dissolved to Fe2+ nevertheless still increase the value of iron leached.

Figure 4.13 Effect of independent variables towards % Fe leached

4.3.2(b) Variables interaction towards Fe leached (%)

Interaction between independent variables is determined through significancy

and effectiveness of two- way interactions between independent variables. The

outcomes are demonstrated graphically in the three-dimensional space on right side

and two-dimensional space of the left side as contour plots which were displayed in

Figure 4.14. As can be seen from the Figure 4.14a and 4.14b, the maximum leaching

of iron is at the highest temperature, 100°C with the highest value of hydrochloric acid

concentration at a fixed value of solid liquid ratio 0.8g/L and 0.4g/g of iron reductant.

Contradict to the rate iron leached response which decreases at low level concentration

of hydrochloric acid and lower temperature. An increment value hydrochloric acid can

possibly give a better leaching of iron in elevated temperature compare contrast to

consumption of lower temperature.

It can be observed that the lowest consumption of solid liquid ratio with highest

temperature indicates the highest value of iron leached. In fact, more than 90% of iron

leached can be obtained at 70°C at least amount of solid liquid ratio that is 4 grams of

sample per one litre of hydrochloric acid as shown in Figure 4.14c and 4.14d. Surface

plot from Figure 4.14d illustrates that intensifying the hydrochloric acid content with

reduce number of solid liquid ratio can potentiality to procure highest recovery of iron

leached. But at the same time, discerned here that lower consumption of hydrochloric

acid content can also raise the amount of iron leached even only lower usage of solid

liquid ratio that is 4g/L.

Figure 4.14f shows the 3D response surface relation between temperature and

reducing agent on iron recovery of ilmenite. It was obvious that the highest iron

recovery was achieved at the high level of temperature and at all range of reducing

agent yet still able to obtain 80 to 90% of iron when applies 0.4g/g of iron powder. A

correlation between solid liquid ratio and HCI concentration is also discussed in this

study which can be refer in Figure 4.14e and Figure 4.14f. The highest outcomes of

iron leached in interaction between HCI concentration and solid liquid ratio at

moderate concentration of hydrochloric acid with low consumption of sample per one

litre of hydrochloric acid.

Figure 4.14 Combination effect of variables on % Fe leached (a)contour plot for
HCI (M) vs temperature (°C), (b) response plot for HCI (M) vs temperature (°C), (c)
contour plot for temperature (°C) vs solid liquid ratio (g/L), (d) response plot for
temperature (°C) vs solid liquid ratio (g/L), (e) contour plot for temperature (°C) vs
concentration of reducing agent (g/g), (f) response plot for temperature (°C) vs
concentration of reducing agent (g/g), (g) contour plot for solid liquid ratio (g/L) vs
HCI (M), and (h) response plot for solid liquid ratio (g/L) vs HCI (M).

4.3.3 Effect of significant variables towards Ti leached (%)

4.3.3(a) Effect of main variables

As can be observed in the displayed Figure 4.15, titanium levels were low at

low temperature but increased as the temperature rose, yet it degrades a bit when

reaching at l00°C. The influence concentration of hydrochloric acid on the rate of

titanium dissolving was evaluated in the range of 6-10 M. The findings reported in

Figure 4.15 are as expected, increment value of titanium leached can be with higher

implementation of hydrochloric concentration.

This figure also portrays how well the effect of the ratio of sample weight

expressed in gram to the volume of leaching solution represented in litters had on the

leaching of ilmenite. The proportion of titanium which disperses in an acidic solution

is proportionally increased by a decrement in the solid weight of the sample. This has

cause attempting to reach a significant level at the sample's very lightest weight.

Comparable patterns can be observed for the concentration of the reducing agent. The

percentage of titanium recovery in the leached solution is at its highest with highest

consumption of reducing agent and degrade with applying a small quantity of iron


Figure 4.15 Effect of independent variables towards % Ti leached

4.3.3(b) Variables interaction of Ti leached (%)

The relationship between temperature and HCI concentration is depicted in

figure 4.16a and 4.16b. According to the findings, to generate better dissolution of

titanium, it's indeed necessarily need to use at elevated temperature and simultaneously

preserving with plenty consumption of HCI concentration. It is also evident from the

low P-value of this interaction through ANOVA analysis indicating the significance

of the two-way interaction of temperature and the HCI concentration.

Figure 4.16 Combination effect of variables on % Ti leached (a)contour plot for
HCI (M) vs temperature (°C), (b) response plot for HCI (M) vs temperature (°C)

4.3.4 Overlay between responses

Overlaid contour graph of HCI concentration versus temperature that has been

plotted as shown in Figure 4.17. This was done with the intention of illustrating the

best feasible variables for multiple responses. The white area graph demonstrates the

combination values of HCI, which signifies the most fitted values for both response

variables while all other parameters are statistically controlled. This plot is displayed

when the other parameters are held constant.

It is possible to deduce from this figure that whenever the reducing agent is

sustained at 0.4g/g and the solid-to-liquid ratio is sustained at only 4g/L. The

possibility to accomplish 90% to 95% of the iron leached and 80 to 90% of titanium

leached when the leaching assessment is carried out at any condition of the white area.

For instance, fixing 9M concentration of HCI at temperature of 90°C. Therefore,

higher chances to get at least 90% of iron dissolution and more than 80% of titanium

when fixing those parameters.

A declaration has been made to proof the overlaid plot graph by conducting

one experiment by fixing the variables; 0.4g/g reducing agent, 4g/L solid-to-liquid

ratio, 9M concentration of HCI and 90°C temperature. From the experiment

conducted, it has proved conclusively about 97.24% of iron and 96.24% of titanium

has been accomplished even it is beyond the estimation but still acceptable. Therefore,

presumption from the graph is valid and can be accepted.

Figure 4.17 Overlay of the models describing the relationship between process
parameters in both responses

4.3.5 Responses optimization

The optimal conditions were measured by using Minitab software and Table

4.7 indicates that the experimental responses were linked directly with the predicted

values. As an outcome, the models were identified as suitable for process prediction

and optimization. Experiment was organized at the optimal variables suggested to

check the model’s validity and the result were outline in the Table 4.7 showing that

the prediction is justified. The percentage of iron leached is characterized by using

AAS whilst the recovery of titanium leached is tested using ICP-OES. From the

experimental outcomes, it indicated that the optimum conditions generated by the

Minitab software were relatively reliable.

These estimations also been tested by using SEM-EDX analysis on leaching

residue after leaching, as illustrated in Figure 4.18. Figure 4.18(a) is a

photomicrograph of SEM displays the ilmenite particles residue. It can be observed

that porous texture of the particle surface area as shown in Figure 4.18(b) and possibly

due the effect of ilmenite leaching.

Table 4.7 Optimum leaching conditions and comparative results between

predicted and experimental

Leaching condition Leaching efficiency (%)

Temperature HCI Solid Concentration Predicted Experimental

concentration to of reducing Ti Fe Ti Fe
liquid agent
90 9 4 0.4 93.84 91.9 96.42 97.24

Figure 4.18 SEM micrographs (a) ilmenite residue taken after leaching (b)
roughness surface of particle (c) spotted area with EDX spectrum analysis

4.3.6 Conclusion for ANOVA analysis

The influence of temperature, acid concentration, reducing agent, and solid to

liquid ratio on iron and titanium recovery of ilmenite was examined using CCD under

RSM in this research. Minitab software was used to create a selected model showing

iron and titanium recovery stated as a function of these four variables. A statistical

analysis (ANOVA) was performed to investigate the influence of the individual factors

as well as their interactions. The analysis indicated that the effects of the individual

factors, as well as some of the interactions among the variables, were statistically

significant. The predicted iron and titanium leached values using model equations

agreed well with the experimental data. The projected models are presented as 2D

contour plots and 3D response surface plots to acquire a better understanding of the

effect of the variables on the iron and titanium leaching process.

Response surface methodology was used to examine the ilmenite leaching

process by optimising acid content, temperature, reducing agent concentration, and

solid-to-liquid ratio. The optimal criteria were pointed out to be 9M, 90°C, 0.4g/g, and

4g/L. The maximum recovery for Fe and Ti are 96.42%Fe and 97.24%Ti and as for

validation, SEM-EDX has done on ilmenite’s residue. As a result, this work

demonstrated that developing statistically based mathematical models for leaching

processes might be valuable for predicting and understanding the impacts of

experimental conditions. It is vital to remember that RSM does not explain the

mechanism of the examined leaching process, but just the effects of factors on response

and interactions between variables. As demonstrated by this study, this is critical for

optimising operational conditions.

4.4 Mechanism and leaching kinetic evaluation

4.4.1 Performance of leaching

4.4.1(a) Effect of acid concentration and Fe-Ti Correlation in ilmenite


The effect of HCl concentration on the leaching efficiency of Fe and Ti was

studied by varying the HCl concentration between 6 and 9 M, using a particle size

fraction of +53 to 63µm, 4 g/L solid to liquid ratio at 90°C for 4 hours. Figure 4.19

shows the leaching curves whilst Table A (Appendices A) lists the proportions of Fe

and Ti dissolved at various acid concentrations throughout the period. Ilmenite is

significantly affected by the concentration of the leachant, however in no case was the

fraction of titanium and iron leached beyond 97.70% and 74.70%, respectively at

highest temperature which is 90°C. Similar trend was reported by (Olanipekun, 1999;

Mahmoud et al., 2004; Jabit & Senanayake, 2018) who discovered that when acid

concentration increased, leaching efficiency for Ti and Fe accelerated simultaneously.

Figure 4.20 illustrates the correlation between Fe and Ti dissolution at various

acid concentrations under constant condition selected. According to the results, the Fe-

Ti correlation is affected by the concentration of HCl. The linear relationship was true

at 6M HCl concentration until it deviated after 1 hour of leaching. The slope (0.5)

indicates that iron dissolved two orders of magnitude more than titanium until

equilibrium was reached after 60 minutes. A similar trend can be seen at 7M HCl,

while 8M and 9M have a higher correlation. It demonstrated a linear relationship for

the dissolving of Fe-Ti with slopes that generate a slope of 0.7 that is exceedingly close

to 1 by means both iron and titanium dissolved at almost in equal amount. However,

when the leaching time exceeded 60 minutes, the result showed some deviation from

its linearity. Based on this observation, the leaching behavior of ilmenite varied below

7M HCl. Fe was leached first, followed by Ti, and their rates of leaching were

comparable for the first 60 minutes before Ti began to slow, resulting in lower

dissolution than Fe. This leaching behavior could be attributed to the hydrolysis and

precipitation of dissolved Ti, which reduced Ti leaching efficiency. This demonstrates

that different reactions occurred as a result of changes in solid composition and

solution concentration(Van Dyk et al., 2002)

Figure 4.19 Effect of acid concentration on Fe and Ti dissolution. (a) titanium extraction
(%), and (b) iron extraction (%) at 90°C, solid liquid ratio = 4 g/L, leaching time = 4h,
reducing agent, iron powder = 0.4g/g.

Figure 4.20 Correlation between extraction of Fe and Ti from ilmenite samples at
temperature 90°C, solid liquid ratio = 4 g/L, t = 4h, reducing agent, iron powder=

4.4.1(b) Effect of temperature and Fe-Ti correlation in ilmenite leaching

The ilmenite sample with size fraction of 53-63 µm was used to study the effect

of temperature on Fe and Ti leaching efficiency at 60°C,70°C, 80°C, and 90°C.

According to El-Hazek et al., (2007) and Mirazimi et al., (2013), as the temperature

rises from 25°C to 80°C, the extraction of Fe and Ti from ilmenite leaching increases

significantly. Figure 4.21 reveals that the leaching temperature has a significant

influence on how effectively Ti and Fe dissolves from ilmenite sand.

Based on this study, it can be seen from the data in these figures, both metals

at the same concentration were extensively dissolved the most at 90°C. Fe recovery

increased to 97.7% at the leaching temperature of 90 °C as opposed to 77.3% at

temperature of 70 °C when other parameter is fixed to 9M HCI, 4g/L of solid liquid

ratio and 4.4 g/g iron powder as reducing agent. Meanwhile for the Ti recovery in the

same conditions, the leaching recovery reached 74.7% in contrast to 41.4% at low

temperature of 60 °C.

Generally, a reaction's rate is increased as temperature goes up. The average

energy of the reactant molecules will ascend as the temperature rises. Consequently, a

higher proportion of molecules will possess the minimal amount of energy required

for an effective collision in which in this case the reaction between reactants sample

ilmenite and leaching acid, the hydrochloric acid. However, due to increased rates of

corrosion and HCl vapor loss, tests at higher temperatures would be less

acceptable(Tao et al., 2012; Baba et al., 2013; Das et al., 2013b).

As shown in Figure 4.22, Fe-Ti correlation for 60°C shows that the iron

dissolved more than titanium in accordance with the slope (0.48). Whereas at 70°C

and 80°C, both show quite similar trends because both slopes are around 0.6. At first

20 minutes, these two slopes portray a greater dissolution on titanium rather than iron

and nevertheless the result drifted when the leaching time was prolonged. Meanwhile

for 90°C, it possesses the greatest correlation, rather than other temperature since the

linear relationship for the dissolution of Fe-Ti produces a slope that profoundly close

to 1. It can also be explained that both iron and titanium are dissolved at nearly similar

quantities. Therefore, it can be encapsulated that all temperature is deviated from its

linearity, with slopes are less than 1.

Figure 4.21 Effect of temperature on Fe and Ti dissolution (a) titanium extraction
%, and (b) iron extraction ([HCl]= 9M, solid liquid ratio = 4 g/L, HCI=9M, t = 4h,
reducing agent, iron powder= 0.4g/g

Figure 4.22 Correlation between extraction of Fe and Ti from ilmenite samples at
temperature (a) 6M (b) 7M (c) 8M (d) 9M (temperature= 60°C -90°C, solid liquid
ratio = 4 g/L, t = 4h, reducing agent, iron powder= 0.4g/g

4.4.2 Discussion on kinetic modelling

Kinetics can be viewed as a tool for evaluating the rate of chemical reactions

and comprehending whether different methods are influenced. Kinetics is related to

profitability and requirements engineering, and it has a wide range of applications,

including estimating the quantity and volume of reaction materials, designing reactors,

controlling, controlling, and scaling up the process (Faraji et al., 2022).

Three models were utilized to demonstrate the processes implemented in this

study to evaluate the association between leaching efficiency and leaching parameters.

The kinetic models for the dissolution of sized particles are the shrinking sphere,

shrinking core models, and a mix of internal diffusion and chemical reaction

model under the assumption that the particles are homogeneous and spherical.

The rates are determined by a chemical reaction at the surface of the responding

particles in the shrinking sphere model, whereas mass transfer through a thickening

product layer on the surface dictates the rate in the shrinking core model. Meanwhile

the other model is a combination of chemical and diffusion reactions. These models

can be written in the form of integrated rate equations for the reaction with H + ions

for the reaction A(aq) + bB(s) = products as follows:

For the shrinking particle model:

1 − (1 − 𝑋)1/3 = 𝑏[𝐻 + ]𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑘 𝑘𝑟 −1 𝑝−1 𝑡 = 𝑘𝑠𝑠 𝑡 Eq.22

For the shrinking core model:

1 − 3(1 − 𝑋)2/3 + 2(1 − 𝑋) = 6𝑏[𝐻 + ]𝐷𝐻+ 𝑟 −2 𝑝−1 𝑡 = 𝑘𝑝1 𝑡 Eq.23

1 − 3(1 − 𝑋)2/3 + 2(1 − 𝑋) = 6𝑏[𝐻 + ]𝑏𝑢𝑙𝑘 𝐷𝐻+ 𝑟 −2 {(1 − 𝜀)𝑝}−1 𝑡 Eq.24

= 𝑘𝑝1 𝑡

For the combination models:

− ln(1 − 𝑋) = 𝑘𝑝1 𝑡 Eq.25

where X = fraction dispersed at time t, kss, kpl = apparent rate constant, [H+]

= acid concentration in bulk solution (mol cm-3), DH+ = H+ diffusion coefficient

through the product layer (cm2 s-1), r = initial particle radius (cm), = molar density of

the dissolving metal in the initial particle (mol cm-3), = particle porosity, b =

stoichiometric factor.

The kinetic reaction for the effect of temperature is shown in Figure 4.23 and

Figure 4.24. The kinetic rate for the effect of HCI is shown in Figure 4.25 and

Figure4.26. These plotted graphs are based on the equations above Equation 22 until

Equation 25 as a function of time for the ilmenite sample can be deduct that only

shrinking core model gave a highest correlation (R2≈1) for the time period of 0 to 4

hours both for Fe and Ti dissolution as depicted in Figure 4.23 -4.26. The slopes of the

linear relationships of these plots provide a value for kpl or known as apparent rate

constant. These figures demonstrate that the shrinking core model fits the data the best,

with an R2 value that is very close to 1.

Figure 4.23 Kinetics analysis graph (a) fraction X (b) shrinking core model (c)
shrinking particle model (d) combination model for Fe under different
concentration(6M-9M) at temperature= 90 ˚C, size fraction= -53=63µm, solid liquid
ratio= 4g/L and reducing agent= 0.4g/g

Figure 4.24 Kinetics analysis (a) fraction X (b) shrinking core model (c) shrinking
particle model (d) combination model for Ti under different concentration(6M-9M)
at temperature= 90 ˚C, size fraction= -53=63µm, solid liquid ratio= 4g/L and
reducing agent= 0.4g/g

Figure 4.25 Kinetics analysis graph (a) fraction X (b) shrinking core model (c)
shrinking particle model (d) combination model for Fe under different temperature
(60 ˚C -90 ˚C) at HCI concentration= 9M, size fraction= -53=63µm, solid liquid
ratio= 4g/L and reducing agent= 0.4g/g

Figure 4.26 Kinetics analysis graph (a) fraction X (b) shrinking core model (c)
shrinking particle model (d) combination model for Ti under different temperature
(60 ˚C -90 ˚C) at HCI concentration= 9M, size fraction= -53=63µm, solid liquid
ratio= 4g/L and reducing agent= 0.4g/g

4.4.2(a) Factors affecting apparent rate constants

All the rate constants, kpl values are derived from the shrinking core models’

slopes are listed in Table 4.8. The dissolution of iron is four to five times Ti dissolution

as referred to kpl values from the Table 4.8. The increment value of kpl as the

temperature and HCl concentration were set up in elevated quantity which following

to the conventional tendency. Out of this, it is possible to deduce that the apparent rate

constant is influenced by the factors temperature and HCI concentration as well.

Table 4.8 Summary of effect of variables on apparent rate constants and
diffusivity in HCl leaching of ilmenite samples.

HCI (M) Temperature (˚C) Kpl (min-1)

Fe Ti
9 60 0.0969 0.0197
9 70 0.1072 0.0292
9 80 0.1528 0.0557
9 90 0.2434 0.0957
6 90 0.1033 0.0236
7 90 0.1324 0.0475
8 90 0.1680 0.0753

4.4.2(b) Reaction rate order

Initial rates of metal dissolution (%) as a function of time can be used to discover

reaction orders, and these orders can then be applied to suggest potential reaction

processes. A reduction in surface area or the deposition of an insoluble product layer on

a particle surface, which affects the diffusion of reactants to the surface and

products from the surface, is ordinarily the consequence of a decrement in the reaction

rate of particles over time at given concentrations of reagents.

Ilmenite and HCl reactions affect the kinetics of ilmenite dissolution and

gradually alter the reagent concentrations. Therefore, by using initial slope at t=0 is

preferable since it offers the reaction rate equivalent to the initial concentration of

reagents. To determine the reaction orders (n), Equation 26 below is used where the

initial rate (RM) to the concentration of a reactant, in this case H+. [M] is the

concentration of dissolved metal in solutions, X is the dissolved percentage of metal

after time t, and kap is the apparent rate constant. The rate RM is a derivative at time zero

(dx/dt) t=0 where it can be obtained by fitting a polynomial equation to the data of the

responded fraction (X) against time (t) data as shown in Figure 4.27.

𝑑[𝑀] 𝑑𝑋 Eq.26
𝑅𝑀 = 𝑜𝑟 = 𝑘𝑎𝑝 [𝐻 + ]𝑛
𝑑𝑡 𝑑𝑡

Figure 4.28 is displayed in logarithmic plots of (dX/dt) Fe and (dX/dt) Ti as a

function of acid concentration [H+]. This plot measures up the log initial rates (RM) at

time zero to the log [Y], whereas when all other influences were held constant, it

yielded a line with a slope (n) that can be attributed to the reagent Y's reaction order

where can be expressed in equation below:

𝐿𝑜𝑔𝑅𝑀 = 𝑛𝐿𝑜𝑔[𝑌] + 𝐿𝑜𝑔𝑘𝑎𝑝 Eq.27

For instance, the slopes of the lines as can be seen in Figure 4.28(a) and (b)

correspond to the reaction orders for the dissolution of titanium and iron, respectively,

and are 3.1 and 0.6, respectively. The reaction order (n) obtained from experiments

were listed in Table 4.10.

Figure 4.27 Fraction (X) of Fe dissolution with respect to time at different acid
concentration for polynomial fitting (a) fraction reacted (X) for Fe (b) fraction
reacted (X) for Ti at 90°C, solid to liquid ratio = 4 g/L, iron powder as reducing
agent= 0.4g/g, and size fraction = +53-63 µm).

Table 4.9 Initial rate data (dX/dt) and at various HCl concentrations at selected

Temperature (°C) HCI concentration Initial rates (dX/dt) (min-1)

(M) Fe Ti
90 6 0.5145 0.3659
7 0.5299 0.5982
8 0.5797 0.7967
9 0.6438 1.3857

Figure 4.28 Logarithmic plot of (a) initial rates (dX/dt)Fe and (b) initial rates at
90 °C as a function of acid concentration ([HCl] = 6-9 M, solid liquid ratio = 4 g/L
,iron powder reducing agent= 0.4g/g and size fraction= +53-63 µm).

Table 4.10 Reaction order for ilmenite sample

Temperature (°C) HCI concentration Reaction order (n)

(M) Fe Ti
90 6-9 0.6 3.1

4.4.2(c) Activation energy

The minimal adequate amount of energy that perhaps a reactive molecule needed

to revolutionize into a product is regarded as activation energy. The lowest relative

quantity of energy required to stimulate or activate molecules or atoms in allowing for

them to interact in a chemical reaction or transformation is another way to define it. The

activation energy for a reaction can be calculated using the Arrhenius equation. The

Arrhenius plot of Ln dX/dt as a function of -1000/RT, as seen in Figure 4.29, can be

used to determine the activation energy, and listed in Table 4.11.

This research study has demonstrated that a temperature increases of 10 °C

causes double or triple the rate of a chemical process. The activation energy, or the

minimal amount of energy required for a process to proceed is degrading as temperature

increases. A greater portion of the reactant molecules have the minimal energy needed

to collide and react because of the increase in particle kinetic energy brought on by the

absorbed heat. Highlight here, a phenomenon that is meant by the term lower activation

energy because of the reactant molecules having a higher kinetic energy at higher

temperatures due to the presence of vibrational, transitional, rotational, and other

energies. At the state of temperature 90°C which low activation energy obtained that is

32 kJ/mol and 30 kJ/mol for iron and titanium.

Figure 4.29 Arrhenius plot for Fe and Ti dissolution on ilmenite samples at 90 °C
as a function of acid concentration [HCl] = 6-9 M, solid liquid ratio = 4 g/L ,iron
powder reducing agent= 0.4g/g and size fraction= +53-63 µm

Table 4.11 Activation energy for ilmenite sample

Temperature (°C) HCI concentration Activation energy (kJ/mol)

(M) Fe Ti

90 6-9 32.335 30.224

4.4.3 Overview mechanism for ilmenite leaching

The mechanism for hydrochloric acid leaching of ilmenite, which was

collected from Cheniah river in Dungun, Terengganu, Malaysia was also studied. The

dissolution rates of titanium and iron were investigated by using the shrinking core

model for reaction control, are assumed that the ilmenite particle is homogeneous

spherical solid phase. From this analysis, the batch leaching kinetics of ilmenite in HCI

solutions obeys the shrinking core model, with the rate of dissolution controlled by

diffusion of proton through product layer. The flow mechanism of ilmenite in

hydrochloric acid leaching can be illustrated as in Figure 4.30 where thickening

product layer is formed on the surface.

Figure 4.30 Illustration of shrinking core model for ilmenite in hydrochloric acid
leaching system

The possible chemical reactions involved in the reactions are proposed here to

demonstrate the extraction mechanisms. The hydrochloric acid is utilized to

disintegrate the ilmenite fraction as follows:

𝐹𝑒𝑂. 𝑇𝑖𝑂2 + 4𝐻𝐶𝐼 = 𝐹𝑒𝐶𝐼2 + 𝑇𝑖𝑂𝐶𝐼2 + 2𝐻2 𝑂 Eq. 28

This can also be illustrated by referring to Figure 4.30 where during the first

period of leaching, hydrochloric acid penetrates the ilmenite particle in the formed H+

causing acid protons to diffuse into the ilmenite protons. After 20 minutes of leaching,

the reducing agent, iron powder is added to the solution which causes the formation of

nascent agent, H+ and ferrous chloride, FeCl2 which can be referred to in Equation 29.

This nascent hydrogen somehow formed as hydrogen gas, and some react with iron

species which causes the reduction of Fe3+ to Fe2+ (Mahmoud et al., 2004). Iron

reduction can be considered complete once the solution changed from red yellowish

to violet. This transformation color can also indicate the reduction of Ti4+ from TiOCl2

to Ti3+ from TiCl3. This reduction Ti4+ /Ti3+ takes place due to reaction itself with HCI,

iron powder, and the nascent hydrogen. The reactions of additional hydrogen and

reaction of nascent can be described in equation bellows:

𝐹𝑒 + 2𝐻𝐶𝐼 = 𝐹𝑒𝐶𝐼2 + 2𝐻 Eq. 29

𝐻 + 𝐻 = 𝐻2 Eq. 30

2𝑇𝑖𝑂𝐶𝐼2 + 2𝐻𝐶𝐼 + 2𝐻 = 2𝑇𝑖𝐶𝐼3 + 2𝐻2 𝑂 Eq. 31

2𝑇𝑖𝑂𝐶𝐼2 + 2𝐻𝐶𝐼 + 𝐹𝑒 = 2𝑇𝑖𝐶𝐼3 + 𝐹𝑒𝐶𝐼2 + 2𝐻2 𝑂 Eq. 32

Meanwhile the existence of Ti3+ from TiCl3 will keep dissolved the Fe3+ to Fe2+

into the solution even no more reaction of nascent hydrogen and the iron powder to be

filled in. The reaction can be ascribed in Equation 33 below. This reduction is even

further active since the consequences of the broken grain structure of the ilmenite due

the reaction itself between ilmenite with acid proton from the beginning. All the reaction

can be claimed that the reaction is chemically controlled.

𝑇𝑖𝐶𝑙3 + 𝐹𝑒𝐶𝑙3 + 𝐻2 𝑂 = 𝑇𝑖𝑂𝐶𝑙2 + 𝐹𝑒𝐶𝐼2 + 2𝐻𝐶𝑙 Eq. 33

However, it doesn’t until after 60 minutes of leaching as it starts to control

through diffusion reaction of the mass transport through a thickening product or solid

layer on the surface, which more fits to Equation 23 and Equation 24. It can also be

illustrated in Figure 4.31 which means that the gradual removal of Ti3+ from the solution

was the sign of ongoing oxidation to the Ti4+ state. As stated by Mahmoud et al., (2004),

the hydrolysis of the dissolved titanium species is liable to the decrease in the total

titanium concentration in the solution after it reaches its highest point. TiOCl2 exists as

the most common species of titanium at the HCl concentration being used. The

hydrolysis of TiOCl2 can be explained through equation 34. At this stage, the Ti4+ is in

solid form corresponds that is in appearance of white hydrated TiO2 precipitates on

ilmenite particles where it can be proved in Figure 4.32.

𝑇𝑖𝑂𝐶𝐼2 + 𝐻2 𝑂 = 𝑇𝑖𝑂2 + 2𝐻𝐶𝐼 Eq. 34

The kinetic equations as functions of time revealed that it only gives perfectly

straight lines from 0 to 60 minutes meaning it does follow the model for Equation 22

(Refer to Figure 4.23-4.26). Again, this can be illustrated by referring to Figure 4.31

where this can be claimed that the reaction is chemically controlled. Nevertheless, it

doesn't happen until 60 minutes of leaching since this begins to control by mass transport

through a thickening product or solid layer on the surface via diffusion reaction. This

can be inferred that the dissolution reaction was not controlled wholly by the chemical

reaction for involving on the mineral's surface and titanium and iron dissolution rates

have a good correlation with the diffusion kinetic Equations 23 and 24.

These presumptions can also be affirmed using SEM/EDX analysis before (refer

Figure 4.31) and after leaching (refer Figure 4.32). Figure 4.31 illustrates particles of

the raw ilmenite sand before used as a feed. According to EDX data, this raw ilmenite

consists of severe types of elements such as at particle A appears in grey colored grain

consisting mainly of silica while particle B can be indicated it is ilmenite due to the

reasonable content of iron and titanium in the grain.

After 4 hours of leaching, the observation on the surface of ilmenite residue

has been made as shown in Figure 4.32. It can be seen that there is a solid layer forms

on the surface of the particles, that prevents further ilmenite dissolution. Through this

evidence, it can be confirmed that shrinking core model can be implemented into this

leaching analysis where the rate of reaction is under diffusion controlled after certain

period of time of leaching. The overall activation energy of the reaction was

determined to be 32.3 kJ/mol Fe and 30.2kJ/mol Ti where it can encapsulate that the

diffusion of Fe2+ ions out of the ilmenite into the lattice appears to be the source of this

activation energy.

Figure 4.31 SEM EDX images of raw ilmenite sand before leaching conducted

Figure 4.32 SEM- EDX result of ilmenite grain particles taken after 4 hours
leaching that is covered with solid layer produced (a) spectrum 1, (b) spectrum 2, and
(c) spectrum 3.



5.1 Conclusion

Mineral characterisation has conducted on the ilmenite sand (IS) located from

the catchment area, Cheniah River, Kelip Hill, Hulu Dungun, Malaysia.

Characterization of raw ilmenite sand was done by XRF, XRD, OM, SEM analyses.

As determined through this data research, chemical analysis reveals that IS has

39.14wt% of TiO2, 34.44wt% of Fe2O3 17.87wt% of SiO2 is still within the range of

ilmenite theoretical value. IS had a small size variance which was quantitatively

verified through particle size distribution analysis data, categorized as a poorly graded

sample since particles appeared to be about a similar size. Most are angular in shape,

with medium sphericity and flaky geometries with a sharp edge proving the weathering

effects. This characterization study's data and information assist in the IS discovery

and creates a design of a viable treatment procedure that will be developed in future

work for the local mineral exploitation. The TiO2 recovery increased significantly ever

since a magnetic field was implemented on the IS samples, leading to a CI sample of

41.53 wt. Even after IS undergoes the pre-concentration process, the magnetic

separation, the CI still has unacceptable content of gangue minerals which can be

clarified as the low grade of ilmenite.

Alternatively, direct leaching technique is applied to upgrade this ilmenite

sample, in a hydrochloric acid leaching system with the presence of reducing agent by

using CI with the size range of -63 +53μm as a feed. In this part, the leaching

experiment was design based on RSM using Minitab 19 software. The leaching

experiment's parameters were HCI concentration, temperature, solid-to-liquid ratio,

and reducing agent concentration (iron powder). The results of the ANOVA analysis

showed that some of the interactions between the variables and the effects of the

individual components were statistically significant. The best parameters were

identified as 9M HCl, 90°C, 0.4g/g iron powder, and 4g/L solid liquid ratio. For Fe

and Ti, the maximum recovery is 96.42% and 97.24%, respectively. For validation,

SEM-EDX was used to assess the leaching residue. As a result, this work demonstrated

that developing statistically based mathematical models for leaching processes might

be valuable for predicting and understanding the impacts of experimental conditions.

To explain the mechanism of the examined leaching process, two parameters

is selected, temperature and HCI concentration. From this analysis, the batch leaching

kinetics of ilmenite in HCI solutions perfectly match a shrinking core model. It reveals

that it only gives perfectly straight lines from 0 to 60 minutes meaning it does follow

the model. This can be claimed that the reaction is chemically controlled. However,

after 60 minutes of leaching, it starts to control through diffusion reaction of the mass

transport through a thickening product or solid layer on the surface. The shrinking core

model can describe the rate of reaction, providing evidence that it is diffusion

controlled. The overall activation energy of the reaction was determined to be 32.3

kJ/mol Fe and 30.2kJ/mol Ti. The diffusion of Fe2+ ions out of the ilmenite lattice

sodium ions into the lattice appears to be the source of this activation energy.

5.2 Recommendations for Future Research

To understand more on the reaction of ilmenite in hydrochloric acid leaching,

other parameters also should be considered such as stirring rate, pulp density, leaching

time, type of reducing agent and variety of size fractions. Extensive study in the present

of mineral or chemical species in selected period should be considered as to elucidate

leaching mechanism.


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Table A Effect of HCl concentration on efficiency of Fe and Ti from ilmenite

Ilmenite dissolution

0.25h 0.5h 0.75h 1h 2h 3h 4h

Fe Ti Fe Ti Fe Ti Fe Ti Fe Ti Fe Ti Fe Ti
6 20.1 8.7 35.6 15.7 52.1 23.0 62.9 27.7 69.3 37.9 75.5 43.6 78.9 43.7
7 24.7 12.3 41.0 24.2 55.6 29.0 65.5 33.1 74.2 46.7 81.9 57.4 86.5 61.9
8 28.6 21.3 48.9 31.2 63.5 37.2 72.7 43.7 82.2 59.3 86.2 67.9 92.4 72.8
9 44.0 39.5 66.6 50.5 77.3 59.8 83.7 66.2 93.7 67.7 96.0 72.4 97.7 74.8

Table B Effect of temperature on efficiency of Fe and Ti leaching from ilmenite

Ilmenite dissolution
T (°C)

0.25h 0.5h 0.75h 1h 2h 3h 4h

Fe Ti Fe Ti Fe Ti Fe Ti Fe Ti Fe Ti Fe Ti
60 14.3 7.3 37.3 13.7 51.2 20.0 58.2 24.9 67.5 34.4 74.3 39.3 77.3 41.5
70 11.6 10.2 21.1 19.0 41.1 26.6 53.5 31.6 69.4 39.9 75.4 44.3 82.9 50.8
80 21.9 21.8 45.8 30.1 61.5 42.5 69.8 48.6 82.4 53.1 85.1 59.2 88.7 63.4
90 44.0 39.5 66.6 50.5 77.3 59.8 83.7 66.2 93.7 67.7 96.0 72.4 97.7 74.8

1. Ibrahim, S.A., Jabit, N.A., Ismail, S. and Ariffin, K.S., 2022. Distinctive
characteristics of Cheniah river sand from Dungun, Terengganu Malaysia.
Materials Today: Proceedings, 66, pp.3008-3013.
Proceeding of the 14th AUN/SEED-Net Regional Conference on Materials 2021 &
4th International Postgraduate Conference on Materials, Minerals & Polymer (RCM &
MAMIP 2021)

Distinctive characteristics of Cheniah river sand from

Dungun, Terengganu Malaysia
Siti Asmidar Ibrahim a, Nurul’Ain Jabit a*, and Suhaina Ismail a, Kamar Shah
School of Materials & Mineral Resources Engineering, Universiti Sains Malaysia
(USM) Engineering campus, Malaysia

Mineral ilmenite sand deposit in the Hulu Dungun, Terengganu, Malaysia, has prompted a huge interest in their
viability as a new resource survey of titanium dioxide feedstock in Malaysia. In accordance with this necessity, this
study is executed to conduct mineral characterisation on the ilmenite sand (IS) located at the catchment area,
Cheniah River, Kelip Hill, Hulu Dungun, Malaysia. Characterization of raw ilmenite sand was done by X-Ray
Fluorescence (XRF) for exploring elements in the sample. Digital microscopy (DM) for optical imaging purpose
with polarizing filterand Scanning Electron Microscope (SEM) analyses were developed for surface morphological
studies. As determined through this data research, chemical analysis reveals that IS has the highest amount of 44.0%
TiO2, and come after with 37.8% Fe2O3, 12.0% SiO2 and other impurity elements such as Mn, V, Cr and Mg. DM
images has the same point of view regarding to the mineral constituents from XRF data wherein majority of the IS
grains display black dark to steel grey colour as the ilmenite and few of colourless quartz. Meanwhile, the surface
morphology from both analyses, DM and SEM can be concluded that IS has heterogenous surface. Most of the IS
grains have angular shape with moderate sphericity and few subrounded and high sphericity. Nearly all of the IS
are found to be associated with iron oxide as displayed through Backscattered image (BSE) from SEM-EDX
analysis. This characterization study's data and information assist in the ilmenite sand discovery and creates a
design of a viable treatment procedure which will be developed in future work for the local mineral exploitation.

Keywords: Ilmenite sand, titanium dioxide, mineralogical characterization


Ilmenite, known colloquially as iron titanium oxide, is among the most significant ores
presently. It is one of several titanium oxides resources that can be profitably exploited[1], [2]. Adding
with Global Titanium Dioxide Market Report (2021), the market rate for titanium dioxide reached
approximately USD 16.98 billion in 2020 and is anticipated to be expand at an 8.3% compound annual
growth rate (CAGR) from 2020/21 to 2028, indicating that it might be in bounteous producers and
consumers by industries around the world for material properties, paints, sheets, beauty products, self-
cleaning products, sunscreen, photocatalytic substances, and other value propositions [1]–[6]. In
actuality, natural rutile supplies, particularly are among the most common sources of titanium dioxide,
have rapidly depleted, prompting the immediate extraction of ilmenite ores for the development of
titanium industries [7]–[10].

Ilmenite contains 40 to % 80% TiO2, whereas other titanium minerals, including such brookite
(TiO2), perovskite (CaTiO3), sphene (CaTiSiO4), and geikielite (MgTiO3) can indeed be encountered in
mineral sand deposits. Rutile comprises 95% TiO2, anatase has more than 95% TiO2, and leucoxene
possesses up to 65% TiO2. Ilmenite (FeTiO3) is perhaps the most critical asset for the production of
titanium dioxide products in the world [11], [12]. Nonetheless, it includes numerical proportions of
impurities including SiO2, MnO, CaO, even V2O5, which can be construed as TiO2 of low grade.

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