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A Research Presented to the Faculty of Lilingayon

National High School (LiNHS)

In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements in

Practical Research 2

General Academic Strand (GAS)-12

November, 202
Certificate of Originality

This is to certify that this study contains no material which had been

accepted for the award of any other higher degree in any tertiary institution

period. To the best of the researchers’ knowledge and belief, this research

contains no material previously published or written by another person, except

when due reference in the text of this research.

Ronald Jem R. Relente

Neil Angelou A. Gayola

Joey L. Bahian



The researchers wish to extend their gratitude and heartfelt

appreciation to the people who shared their assistance and support at the

various stages in making this research successful one.

To Mr. Kris Joy Dela Pina, the researchers’ Practical Research 2

subject teacher, for his patience, guidance, unrelenting support and

understanding that contributed in finalizing this study.

To Engr. Geoffrey Buctolan, school head of Lilingayon National High

School for allowing the researchers to conduct the study in the school.

To all the Grade-12 GAS and TVL students from Lilingayon National

High School who served as the respondents of this study and patiently

answered the questionnaire and active participation in giving the needed

information during the conduct of the research.

To Mr. Kris Joy Dela Pina and Mr. Rolf Jairuh Inductivo, the advisers of

the respondents, for allowing the researchers to conduct the study in their

advisory class.

To Mrs. Maryfe Armecin, Personal Development subject teacher of

Grade 12, for allowing the researchers to obtain the Personal Development

Grade of the respondents that served as the basis of academic performance

in the study.

To the classmates of the researchers, whom they have shared their

struggles and hard time with, on the process of making this study.

To the parents and family of the researchers, for the love and

understanding, financial assistance and care even in their struggle making

this study possible.

Above all, to our Almighty God, who provide the researchers sufficient

knowledge, courage and guidance to make this research work truly and


Ronald Jem R. Relente

Neil Angelou A. Gayola

Joey L. Bahian


Table of Contents
Certificate of Originality......................................................................................i
Abstract............................................................................................................ 1
Chapter 1..........................................................................................................2
The Problem..................................................................................................2
Introduction................................................................................................... 2
Statement of the Problem.............................................................................3
Objective of the Study...................................................................................3
Significance of the Study...............................................................................4
Scope and Delimitation.................................................................................5
Definition of Terms........................................................................................5
Chapter 2..........................................................................................................5
Theoretical Framework................................................................................. 5
Review of Related Literature.........................................................................5
Family Background....................................................................................5
Support System.........................................................................................6
Theoritical Framework...................................................................................6
IPO MODEL..................................................................................................7
Research Paradigm...................................................................................... 7
Hypothesis.................................................................................................... 8
Chapter 3..........................................................................................................9
Research Design...........................................................................................9
Locale of the Study....................................................................................... 9
Respondents of the Study...........................................................................11
Research Instrument...................................................................................11
Data Gathering Procedures.........................................................................11
Statistical Techniques.................................................................................12
Chapter 4........................................................................................................14
Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data......................................14
Chapter 5........................................................................................................21
Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation.............................................21


Parental involvement plays a crucial role in a learner’s academic performance

and overall educational outcomes. It refers to the active participation, support,

and engagement of parents in their child’s education and school-related

activities. However, it is important to note that parental involvement should not

be associated with controlling or pressuring the learners. Instead, it should be

a supportive approach that respects the learner’s individual needs. This study

aimed the determine the relationship between parental involvement and

academic performance among Senior High School Learners of Lilingayon

National High School for school year 2023-2024. The method of research

used in the conduct of the study was the correlational method. It was used to

Identify the significant relationship between parental involvement and

academic performance of the learners. A structured self-made questionnaire

was used in gathering the data. It was first submitted to the Practical

Research 2 subject teacher for evaluation, judgement and approval to validate

the content before it was administered to the respondents. The findings of the

study showed that there is no significant relationship between parental

involvement and academic performance of the learners.

Chapter 1
The Problem

This chapter presents the introduction of the study. It includes the

statement of the problem, objective of the study, significance of the study,

scope and delimitation of the study.


. Parental involvement plays a crucial role in a learners’ academic

performance and overall educational outcomes. It refers to the active

participation, support, and engagement of parents in their child’s education

and school-related activities. Research has consistently shown that parental

involvement positively influences a learners’ academic success. In addition,

parents who actively support their child’s education, creates a supportive

learning environment and enhances the learners’ motivation, self-esteem, and

overall well-being. However, it is important to note that parental involvement

should not be associated with controlling or pressuring the learners. Instead, it

should be a supportive approach that respects the learners’ individual needs.

As Senior High School (SHS) Researchers, this research will be

beneficial for the learners and parents of the learners. This research will be

intended to ascertain if there is a relationship between parental involvement

and academic performance. A study conducted by Ho (2003) supports this

research to further understand the influence of parental involvement to the

learners’ academic performance in school, as well as how different factors like

parent occupation and income impact these opinions on overall benefit to high

school learner.

Understanding the relationship between parental involvement and

academic performance is crucial for educators, and parents themselves.

Recognizing the positive impact of parental involvement, stakeholders can

work together to create a culture that encourages and support parents in

actively engaging in their child's education. Lastly, promoting parental

involvement can lead to improved academic outcomes, increased graduation

rates, and a more prosperous future for the learners.

Statement of the Problem

The purpose of this study was to determine whether there is a

relationship between parental involvement and academic performance of the

learners. Specifically, it seeks to answer the following:

1. How can parental involvement in terms of family background and

support system affect the learner’s academic performance?

2. What are the academic performance of the grade 12 GAS and TVL

learners on their personal development subject of their first midterm grade of

the School Year 2023-2024?

3. What is the relationship between parental involvement and academic

performance of the learner?

Objective of the Study

This study aimed to determine whether parental Involvement has

significant relation to the Academic Performance of the students. It aims to:

1. Analyze the effects of Parental involvement in terms of family

background and support system.

2. Identify the Academic Performance of the learners.

3. Determine the relationship between parental involvement and

academic performance of the learners.

Significance of the Study

The significance of this study provides a useful contribution who will

utilize the findings and the recommendation presented. This study will also

offer research-based information to the following:

To the community, it will let them know that they are also one of the

supporting and the uplifting foundation of a student life. In addition, it will help

them inspire and empower the children to develop a good academic


To the school, the result of this study will help them know the situation

of their learners especially about their academic performance. Furthermore, it

will help them adjust to a better and refreshing environment for the learners.

To the teachers, it will help them realize that not all students have good

environment in home and understanding. It will also help them have a better

and easier learning procedures.

To the parents, it will help them have a better insight and have a better

understanding about their children's situation especially with their studies. In

addition, it will help them build a strong and healthy relationship between them

and their children.

To the learners, it will help them be motivated and improve their

academic achievement, self-esteem and their behavior.

To the future researchers, for them to have a new idea based on the

result of this study if they plan to make research about Relationship between

parental involvement and academic performance.

Scope and Delimitation

The scope of this study is confined to 60 General Academic Strand

(GAS) and Technical Vocational Livelihood (TVL) learners enrolled at

Lilingayon National High School (LiNHS), located within the Division of

Valencia City, for the school year spanning from 2023-2024. The data

collection process will be restricted to acquiring responses from learners’

through a questionnaire devised by researchers, which aims to determine how

parental involvement affected their academic performance in Lilingayon

National High School (LiNHS).

Definition of Terms

The following terms are defined as either theoretical or operational to

supply clarity as these words are utilized in this study.

Academic achievement. Academic achievement refers to the

performance outcomes in intellectual domains taught at school and university.

Family background. Family background refers to income, educational

attainment and jobs of parents.

Support system. Support system a strong influence of a group,

especially of a family.

Parental involvement. Parental involvement refers to the active

participation of parents in their child’s education and overall well-being. This

can include attending school events, helping with homework, engaging in

communication with teachers, and supporting a child’s learning and

development at home. It plays a crucial role in fostering a positive and

supportive environment for their children.

Chapter 2

Theoretical Framework

This study deals with the review of related literature and studies which

were found relevant to the present study. It also includes conceptual

framework, the research paradigm, and the hypothesis of the study to sum up

ideas and concepts that will help the researcher in conceptualizing the

variables of the learners.

Review of Related Literature

A number of studies have been carried out to identify and analyze the

effect and relationship of parental involvement to the learners’ academic

performance in various centers of learning. This will show how family

background, support system, and peer-pressure will affect the learners’

academic performance.

Family Background

Angella’s (2018) research revealed that being a single parent has a

negative impact on academic performance. On the subject of parental

education, it was determined that the parents’ level of education have an

effect on the academic performance of their children. Additionally, it was

found that the parents educational background had a consistent, direct impact

on the students’ cognitive and academic development. A similar study of

Porumbu and Necsoi (2023) disclosed that when a child was eight years old,

his or her educational goals and levels of achievement were determined by

how well-educated their parents are.

Support System

Students who lack supportive parents have to struggle on their own.

This is not only affected their performance but at the same time negatively

affected their self-esteem. However, students’ have a better attendance

record when they have supportive parents who help them prepare them for

school every day. Also, students have a better performance in completing

their homework and submitting it on time because of the help and assistance

at home (Fedina, 2019).

Students whose parents continue in school have better attendance and

behavior, get better grades, show better social skills and adjust better to

school. Parent involvement also more safely prepares these students to

develop a lifelong love of learning (Casey, 2022). In addition, Durisic and

Bunijevac (2017), also states that the trust and respect between the home,

school and community should be mutual. Also, the school needs to have a

connection on parents and community members in the education of students

through positive partnership programs in order to express the importance of


Theoretical Framework

The theory that the researchers used in this study is the Social

Learning Theory. This theory developed by Albert Bandura, suggests that

children learn by observing and imitating the behaviors of those around them,

including their parents. According to this theory, parental involvement in a

child’s education, such as providing resources, setting expectations, and

engaging in academic discussions, can positively influence their academic

IPO Model

Input Process Output

Name Questionnaire Correlating the

Parental Data Collection between
Involvement parental
involvement and
Learners’ Organization of academic
academic responses of the performance of
performance on students. the Senior High
their first midterm School(SHS)
to specify the
grade, S.Y. 2023-

Figure 1: IPO Model

Research Paradigm


Parental Involvement Academic Performance

Midterm grade of the

-Family Background Grade 12 GAS and TVL
learners in their first semester
-Support system grade on Personal
Development ,S.Y. 2023-

Figure 2: Research Paradigm


There is a significant relationship between parental involvement and

academic performance in terms of family background and support system of

the Senior High School (SHS).

Chapter 3


This chapter presents the methods used in the study. It includes the

research design, locale of the study, research instrument, data gathering

procedure and statistical techniques used in the study that will utilized in the

whole conduct of this study.

Research Design

This study utilized the descriptive-correlational research design. It is

used to identify the significant relationship between parental involvement and

academic performance of the Senior High School (SHS). The researchers

distributed 60 copies of questionnaires to the selected Grade 12 GAS and

TVL learners served as the respondents of the study.

Locale of the Study

This study was conducted at Lilingayon National High School (LiNHS),

barangay Lilingayon Valencia City Bukidnon. The school is approximately ten

(10) kilometers away from barangay Bagontaas, the nearest barangay from

national highway. Lilingayon National High School (LiNHS) was currently

occupied by one (1) school head, six hundred seven (607) learners, twenty-

five (25) teaching and two (2) non-teaching teachers.

Figure 3: Map showing the Locale of the Study

Respondents of the Study

The respondents of this study are the Grade 12 GAS and TVL learners

from Lilingayon National High School (LiNHS). The researchers used simple

random sampling which simply means that all respondents are chosen in a

simple random way.

Table 1. Distribution of the Respondents of Study

Respondents No. of students Percent (%) Sample
Grade 12 TVL Learners 39 56% 34

Grade 12 GAS Learners 31 44% 26

Total 70 100% 60

Research Instrument

The data was gathered using a questionnaire and the questionnaire is

the main instrument of this study. The researchers will distributed 60

questionnaires to random learners to achieve variations of data, valid and

honest answers. Then, the researchers did the simple random sampling in

which a subject of individuals are chosen randomly, all the same probability. It

was a process of selecting a sample in a random way.

Data Gathering Procedures

Before conducting this study, the researchers asked permission to the

school head permitting that this study was for academic purposes only and

will not impose any negative effect to the school premises. After the approval,

the researchers will now distribute the questionnaires to the chosen

respondents during their vacant time.

Statistical Techniques

The data obtained from the survey is organized using SPSS program.

The researchers used the Likert scale method to correlate the relationship

between parental involvement and academic performance of the Senior High

School (SHS).

Chapter 4

Presentation, Analysis, and Interpretation of Data

This chapter contains the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of

data gathered from the respondents. The order of presentation is based on

the order of specific problems in the statement of the problem.

Table 1.0: Support System

Indicators Mean Standard Remarks

E(x) Deviatio
1. My parents do not care 3.2 .68 Agree
whether I do good or bad in
2. My academic performance 3.27 .69 Agree
decreased because of my
parent’s support.
3. My parents encourage me to 3.43 .72 Strongly Agree
do well in school.
4. My parents are always 2.53 1.03 Agree
present in school.
5. My parents have a positive 2.15 .99 Disagree
relationship towards my
teacher, and it helps me
have high academic success
6. My parent’s involvement 2.8 .82 Disagree
towards my education has a
positive impact on my
academic performance.
7. My academic performance 2.55 1.02 Agree
decreased without my
parent’s support.
8. My parents are providing me 3.02 .79 Agree
with enough learning

Remarks Range Value

4. Strongly Agree 3.27-4.00

3. Agree 2.51-3.27
2. Disagree 1.75-2.51
1. Strongly Disagree 1.00-1.75

Table 1.0 shows the respondents support system. The question

number 1 shows that most of the students agreed that their parents does not

care whether they do good or bad at school because of the mean= 3.2 and

standard deviation SD= .68. A mean tells what is the average value while

standard deviation is a measure of how disperse the data is in relation to the

mean, and high standard deviation indicates data are more spread out.

In addition, statement number 2, “My academic performance

decreased because of my parent support” (M=3.27, SD=.69), statement 3,

“My parents encourage me to do well in school” (M=3.43, SD=.72), statement

4, “My parents are always present in school.” (M=2.53, SD=1.03), statement

5, “My parents have a positive relationship towards my teacher, and it helps

me have high academic success rate.” (M=2.15, SD=.99), statement 6, “My

parent’s involvement towards my education has a positive impact on my

academic performance.” (M=2.8, SD=.82), statement 7, “My academic

performance decreased without my parents support.” (M=2.55, SD=1.02),

statement 8, “My parents are providing me with enough learning resources.”

(M=3.02, SD=.79).

It shows that most of them is encourage by their parents to do well in

school with the highest mean 3.43 and the lowest is the indicator statement 6


Table 1.1: Family Background

FAMILY BACKGROUND Frequency Percentage
Income Low income 49 81.67%
Lower middle class 10 16.67%
Middle class 1 1.6%
Rich 0 0%
Total 60 100%
Occupation Laborer 14 23.3%
Farmer 44 73.3%
Civil servant 2 3.3%
Total 60 100%
Parent’s Elementary level 16 26.7%
Education Elementary Graduate 8 13.3%
Attainment Highschool level 10 16.7%
Highschool graduate 9 15%
College level 12 20%
College graduate 5 8.3%
Total 60 100%

Table 1.1 shows the respondents family background. In terms of

income, out of 60 respondents 49(81.67%) of them has a low income,

10(16.67) of them has lower middle income, and 1(1.6%) of them has an

average income. Next, in terms of occupation, the results show that

14(23.3%) are laborer, 44(73.3) are farmer, and 2(3.3%) are civil servant. In

addition, in terms of parent’s educational attainment, 16(26.7%) finished

elementary level, 8(13.3%) graduated in elementary, 10(16.7%) finished high

school level, 9(15%) graduated in high school, 12(20%) are on college level,

and 5(8.3%) are college graduate.

Table 2: Academic Performance of the Learners

Category Frequency Percentage % Description

74% and below 0 0% Did Not Meet

75-79% 0 0% Expectation

80-84% 2 3.3% Satisfactory

85-89% 4 6.7% Very Satisfactory

90-100% 54 90% Outstanding

Total 60 100%

Sample *N=60
Grade Scale Descriptor Remarks

90-100 Outstanding Passed

85-89 Very Satisfactory Passed
80-84 Satisfactory Passed
75-79 Fairly Satisfactory Passed
74 and below Did Not Meet Failed

Source: DepEd Order (DO) no.8, s.2015

Table 2 shows the learners academic performance. It can be seen that

out of 60 learners, 54(90%) got 90 above or outstanding performance,

4(6.7%) learners got 85-89% or very satisfactory performance, 2(3.3%) got

80-84% or satisfactory performance and no one got 79% below.

The result shows that 90% of the learners have outstanding

performance while the other 10% got below the outstanding performance.

Support System Performance
Support System Pearson
1 .188
Sig. (2-tailed) .151
N 60 60
Academic Pearson
.188 1
Performance Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .151
N 60 60
Table 3.0: The Correlation Between Support System and Academic


As shown in the table 3.0 support system has no significant relationship with

academic performance with an r-score of .188 which identify a weak positive

correlation. This means that there is no significant correlation between

support system and academic performance

Table 3.1: The Correlation Between Income and Academic Performance

Income Performance
Income Pearson
1 .023
Sig. (2-tailed) .860
N 60 60
Academic Pearson
.023 1
Performance Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .860
N 60 60

Table 3.1 shows the correlation between income and academic performance.

It signifies a weak positive correlation with an r-score of.023. Which means

that there is no significant correlation between family income and academic


Table 3.2: The Correlation Between Occupation and Academic Performance

Occupation Performance
Occupation Pearson
1 .022
Sig. (2-tailed) .866
N 60 60
Academic Pearson
.022 1
Performance Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .866
N 60 60

Table 3.2 shows the correlation between occupation and academic

performance. It signifies a weak positive correlation with an r-score of .022.

Which means that there is no significant correlation between parent’s

occupation and academic performance of the learners.

Table 3.3: The Correlation Between Educational Attainment and Academic

Educational Academic
attainment performance
Educational Pearson
1 .016
attainment Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .902
N 60 60
Academic Pearson
.016 1
performance Correlation
Sig. (2-tailed) .902
60 60
Significance at 0.05
Also, the table 3.3 shows that the correlation between parent’s

educational attainment and academic performance has a weak positive

correlation with an r-score of .016 which means that there is no significant

correlation between parent’s educational attainment and academic

performance of the learners.

With all the variables respectfully; support system, income, occupation

and educational attainment indicating a no significant correlation with the

academic performance of the learners with a p-value of .151, .860, .866

and .902 which is higher than 0.05 that signifies to reject the alternative

hypothesis presented in chapter 2 and in favor to accept the null hypothesis.

This means that all the variables has no significant relationship with the

learners academic performance. This result is anchored to the findings of

Cheung et. al., (2012), states that parental support and learner’s academic

performance have no significant relationship to each other. Therefore, the

discussion of alternative hypothesis that there is a significant relationship

between parental support and academic performance is rejected.

Chapter 5

Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation

This chapter presents the summary, conclusions and

recommendations based on the data analyzed in the previous chapter.

The summary of the findings was investigated on the relationship

between parental involvement and academic performance of the Senior High

School (SHS) learners. Specifically, this study is intended to answer the

effects of parental involvement in terms of family background and support

system to learner’s academic performance, the academic performance of the

grade 12 GAS and TVL learners on their Personal Development subject on

their first midterm grade of the School Year 2023-2024, the relationship

between parental involvement and academic performance of the learners.

Based on our findings, most of the respondents agreed that parental

involvement significantly affects their academic performance. However, there

are some of the respondents who did not agree that parental involvement can

significantly affects their academic performance.

In terms of family background and support system, we found out that

support system and family background specifically income, occupation and

educational attainment does not have a significant relationship with academic


Focusing on the effects of parental involvement on the learner’s

academic performance, it was found that parental involvement does not

significantly affect the learner’s academic performance.

The respondents are aware that parental involvement can affect their

grades as it is indicated in the survey, but no indicators shows that parental

involvement has a significant relationship with academic performance.

Therefore, it is concluded that there is no significant relationship between

parental involvement and academic performance of the Senior High School

(SHS) learners.


It is highly recommended for further research to know how important

parental involvement to the academic performance of the learners. In addition,

the researchers would like to recommend that in order for the learners to have

a high academic success rate, their parents really need to work hard on

supporting them physically and mentally so that their children will have a

brighter future.


Durisic, M., Bunijevac, M. (2017). Parental involvement as a important factor

for successful education.

Rahman, J. (2001). The effects of parent involvement on a student success.

Tam, V. (2003). Parental involvement in primary childrens homework in Hong


Kobugabe, A., (2018). The relationship between family background and

academic performance of secondary school students.

Porumbo and Necsoi (2013). Relationship between parental involvement and

the children’s school achievements

Roy, M., (2019). The role of parental involvement and social, emotional skills

in academic achievement: Global perspectives

Casey, A., (2022). Parental Involvement in your child’s education.


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