Life Processes - Nutrition Class 10
Life Processes - Nutrition Class 10
Life Processes - Nutrition Class 10
Ihe naintenance of living organisns must go on even at the conditions, when they are not
physically active. Even when we sit idle and during sleeping. this maintenance job through
cells functioning has to go on. The life process includes the activities performed by the
different organs to maintain the body.
Some of the life processes in the iving beings are described bekow:
> Nutrition
The process of obtaining encrgy through consumption of food is called as nutrition.
> Respiration
The process of acquiring oxygen through breathing and make it available to cells for
the process of breaking down of organic substances into simpler compounds is called as
Transportation is the process by which the food and oxygen is carried from one organ
to other organs in the body.
Ih is the process by which the metabolic waste by-products are removed from the
different organs and released out from the body.
The process by which an organism takes food and utilizes it is called nutrition.
Organisms need energy to perform various activities. The energy is supplied by the nutrients.
Organisms need various raw materials for growth and repair. These raw materials are provided
by nutrients.
Materials which provide nutrition to organisns are called nutrients. Carbohydrates, proteins
and fats are the main nutrients and are called macronutrients. Minerals and vitamins are
required in small amounts and hence are called micronutrients.
Autotrophic Nutrition: The mode of nutrition in which an organism prepares its own
food is called autotrophic nutrition. Green plants and blue-green algae follow the
autotrophic mode of nutrition.
Heterotrophic Nutrition: The mode of nutrition in which an organism takes food from
another organism is called heterotrophic nutrition. Organisms; other than green plants
and blue-green algae follow heterotrophic mode of nutrition.
Autotrophic organisms are able to produce organic matter from simple inorganic materials.
They consequently create their own food-but require a source of energy to do this.
> Photoautotrophs harvest energy from hight to produce organic matter.
> Chenoautotrophs use energy from inorganic reactions in the environment to drive the
creation of organic matter.
TYpes OF Nutrition
(autos :self ; trophos : feed) Obtains energy through
Use simple inorganic substances intake &digestion of
and either light energy organicsubstances
(photosynthesis) or chemical (animal / plant tisssue)
energy (chemosynthesis) to
synthesise food.
Heterotrophic nutritrion is typical of animals. These organisms eat organic matter in other
organismnseither alive (as hunters) or dead (as scavengers).
Saprotrophic organisms are the decay organisms. They digest dead materials using enzymes
that they secrete externally. Fungi and many bacteria are saprotrophes.
Parasites (biotrophs) feed on living organiss without killing them.
Heterotrophic nutrition can be further divided into two types, viz. saprophytic nutrition and
holozoic nutrition.
o Saprophytic Nutrition: In saprophytic nutrition; the organism secretes the
juices on the food. The food is digested while it is still to be ingested. The digestive
food is then ingested by the organism. All the decomposers follow digested
nutrition. Some insects; like houseflies; also follow this mode of nutrition. saprophytC
o Holozoic Nutrition: In holozoic nutrition: the digestion happens inside the
body of
the organism, ie. after the food is ingested. Most of the animals follow this mode of
autotrophic heterotrophic
(e.g.. nitrogen
cycle bacteria)
(some bacteria.
(green plants,
some protists,
purple sulfur
holozoic parasitic
(most animals, (some bacteria,
carnivorous plants, fungi. protists,
some protists) animals. plants)
Green plants prepare their own food. They make food in the presence of
provides energy. carbon dioxide and water are the raw materials sunlight. Sunignt
where food is made. and chloroplast is the Ste
Host Slem
stored food
in other parts
of the plänt.
traps i4ht turns iodine
nergy to dark blue
make foxod
Water Sluce
Carbon Dioxide
Water and carbon dioxide are taken
from the environment. Glucose is
formed and oxygen is released.
Heterotrophic Nutrition: When an organism takes food from another organism, it is called
heterotrophic nutrition. Different heterotrophic organisms follow different methods to take and
utilize food. Based on this, heterotrophic nutrition can be divided into two types:
Saprophytic Nutrition: In saprophytic nutrition, the digestion of food takes place
before ingestion of food. This type of nutrition is usually seen in fungi and some other
microorganisms. The organism secretes digestive enzymes on the food and then ingests
the simple substances. Saprophytes feed on dead materials and thus help in
decomposition dead remains of plants and animals.
digestve bread (food)
digested food
is absorbed by rhizoid
Holozoic Nutrition: In holozoic nutrition, the digestion of food follows after the
mgestion of food. Thus, digestion takes place inside the body of the organism. Holozoic
nutrition happens in five steps, viz. ingestion, digestion, absorption, assimilation and
Ingestion: The process of taking in the food iscalled ingestion.
Digestion: The process of breaking complex food substances into simple molecules is
called digestion. Simple molecules;thus obtained; can be absorbed by the body.
Absorption: The process of absorption of digested food is called absorption.
Assimilation: The process of utilization of digested food: for energy and for growth and
repair is called assimilation.
Egestion: The process of removing undigested food from the body is caled egestion.
Amoeba Pseudopodia The food is enclosed
senses food. surround the food. in a food vacuole
(food + water).
Enzymes from the Food is di gested and Undigested
cytoplasm are soluble materials are
secreted into the absorbed and
waste is
food vacuole. assimilated (used up). expelled.
galbladder -pancreatic duct
duodenum -commonbile duct
transverse colon -small intestine
ascending colon descending colon
COCum sigmoid colon
appendix rectum
anus anal canal
Stomach: Stomach is a bag-like organ. Highly muscular walls of the stomach help in churning
the food. The walls of stomach secrete hydrochloric acid. Hydrochloric acid kills
which may be present in food. Moreover, it makes the medium inside stomach as acidic.germs
acidic medium is necessary for gastric enzymes to work. The enzyme pepsin; secreted in
stomach; does partial digestion of protein. The mucus; secreted by the walls of the stomach
saves the inner lining of stomach from getting damaged from hydrochloric acid.
Small Intestine: It is a highly coiled tube-like structure. The small intestine is longer than the
large intestine but its lumen is smaller than that of the large intestine. The small intestine is
divided into three parts, viz. duodenum, jejunum and ileum
Liver: Liver is the largest organ in the human body. Liver manufactures bile; which gets stored
in gallbladder. From the gall bladder, bile is released as and when required.
Pancreas: Pancreas is situated below the stomach. It secretes pancreatic juice which contains
many digestive enzymes.
Bile and pancreatic juice go to the duodenum through a hepato-pancreatic duct. Bile breaks
down fat into smaller particles. This process is called emulsification of fat. After that, the
enzyme lipase digests fat into fatty acids and glycerol. Trypsin and chymotrypsin are enzymes
which digest protein into amino acids. Complex carbohydrates are digested into glucose. The
major part of digestion takes place in the duodenum.
No digestion takes place in jejunum. The inner wall in the ileum is projected into
finger-like structures; called villi. Villi increase the surface area inside the ileumnumerous
so that
optimum absorption can take place. Moreover, villi also reduce the lumen of the ileum so that
food can stay for longer duration in it; for optimum absorption. Digested food is absorbed by
Large Intestine: Large intestine is smaller than small intestine. Undigested food goes into the
large intestine. Some water and salt are absorbed by the walls of the large intestine. Afer that,
the undigested food goes to the rectum; from where it is expelled out through the anus.
Flow chart of human digestive system
Food Mouth Buccal cavity Pharynx
Anus Rectum
Bile Pancreas