Abstract: Indian banking sector play an important role in economic growth of country. Non-Performing
Assets adversely affect the health of banks. The term ‘NPAs’ first time introduced in economic reforms in
1991, since the reform Indian banking sector has gone through various economic transformation and there
are different phases of NPAs. This paper examined financial performance analysis of public sector banks.
Total 30 years of data were collected from different banks annual reports. In this study, financial
performance will be analysed by using regression model. Net profit will be dependent variable and GNPA
and CD ratio will be independent variable. Results of the study shows that GNPA and CD ratio are significant
with Net profit. GNPA is negatively impacted on Net profit and CD ratio is positively impacted on Net profit.
Keywords: CD ratio, financial performance. GNPA, Net Profit, Public sector bank
The banking sector play critical role in economic growth and development of country. Indian banking
system faced lots of difficulties since independence. In every phases of development, various challenges hit
Indian financial system. Recently, COVID- 19 hit the whole world. In early 2020 it hit India and has badly
affected the growth of various sectors. One of the major sector which affected by COVID-19 is Indian
financial sector or Indian banking sector. Indian banking system which has already faced lots of problem
because of mounting high NPAs, this pandemic create more difficulties. Global market recession and
economic fall down of countries are expected to push up NPAs of banking sector.
The economic growth in India is supported by a wide variety of banking institutions consisting of
public sector and private sector banks. Co-operative banks, foreign sector banks RRBs and other Non-
Banking Financial Companies also play vital role in providing credit facilities. Public sector banks are a
major type of bank in India. Finance ministry, Government of India has held majority of stake i.e. more than
50%. Public sector banks have been merged by the government in last few years. Financial performance is
process of measuring how effectively a company utilizes its assets from primary mode of business to raise
incomes it also measure organizations whole financial health over a particular period of time.
Review of Literature:
(Lotto, 2019) In his research paper, he examines factors affecting operating efficiency of 36
commercial banks. He used multiple regressions model for to estimate the results. According to his model,
bank liquidity and capital adequacy affect positively to bank operating efficiency. (Thiagarajan, 2011), she
tried to analyse profitability of private sector and public sector banks by using correlation analysis and
multiple regression analysis. (Palani, 2019) He made his attempt to study financial performance analysis of
HDFC bank. He used different ratios like profitability ratios, long term solvency ratios and short term
solvency ratios. (Sutan Emir Hidayat & Muhamad Abduh, 2012), in their research paper, they found
factors which impacted on banking performance by using multiple regression models. Return on Assets and
Return on Shareholders’ equity were taken as dependent variable and leverage, loans, GDP; expenses etc.
were taken as independent variables. (Altman, 1977), his mathematical model of Z-Score become well
known tool for financial analysis. (Joshi, 2020), he presented his study with aim of financial performance
analysis by using Altman’s Z-Score model. In his study he developed linear regression model, dependent
variable was Altman’s Z-score and Non-Performing assets, Net Profit and Total assets were independent
variables. The results found that a GNPA/total asset has inverse relationship with Altman’s Z-Score.
Research methodology:
To analyse the Financial Performance of Public Sector banks.
To study the impact of C-D ratio and NPAs on banks Net Profit.
Data collection:
Source of Data:
This project is purely based on secondary data. The data was collected from RBI website and EPW research
foundation official website. The sample includes 30 years data of all Public Sector banks.
Time duration: 1991-2020 (30 years)
Statistical tools and technique: In this project, we use multiple regressions model to identify various
independent variables influencing Bank Profit. For running multiple regression model EViews 11 Student
Version is used.
Dependent variable: Net Profit/loss during year
Independent variables: C-D ratio Gross NPA.
The relationship equation is shown below:
The regression results presented in table 2 show that bank net profit/loss is impacted by C-D ratio and gross
Gross NPA: the results show that the relationship of bank Net Profit with Gross NPA is negative
That means if Gross NPA increased then Net Profit will decrease. And if the level of Gross NPA
reduced then Net profit will increase. P value is less than 0.05 and 0.01. Thus, it is significant at
1% and 5% level
C-D ratio: Net profit and C-D ratio has direct or positive relationship. That mean if the C-D ratio
increase then Net profit goes up and vice-versa. P value is less than 0.05 and 0.01. Thus, it is
significant at 1% and 5% level.
R- Squared value is 0.80 i.e. 80% and adjusted R-squared value is 0.785, i.e. 79%. It indicates
that regression model is well fits to observed data. R- Square value is 0.80 that means 80% of data
fit the regression model.
The value of Durbin Watson test is 1.4 that means there is positive autocorrelation detected in the
F-statistics value also shows that the model is significant.
Table (4) Serial correlation LM test:
The breusch-godfrey test is a test for autocorrelation in the errors in a regression model.
Null hypothesis: No serial correlation at up to 2 lags.
Here results show that P value is not significant at any level of significance.
Thus, null hypothesis is accepted. That means there is no serial correlation found in observed data.
ARCH: Autoregressive conditional Heteroskedasticity, this is used to analyse volatility.
This test normally performed for removing the error from regression test results.
Null hypothesis: Heteroskedasticity ARCH error.
P value for Chi – Square is 0.4804 that means not significant at any level of significance. Thus, we
accepted null hypothesis.
Table (5) Regression result after removing heteroskedasticity error:
After Heteroskedasticity Test, the result of multiple regressions does not change more. Value of R-
squares, F-statistics, and P-value and durbin-watson test are same. But now operating profit is not significant
at 1% level, it is significant at only 5% level. R- Square value is 0.80 that means 80% of data fit the regression
Limitation of Study:
1. Present study considers only public sector banks.
2. There are many factors which affect Net profit or Loss. But present study takes only two variables
i.e. GNPA and C-D ratio.
3. This study take data on yearly basis, but monthly or quarterly data give more accurate results.
Altman, E. I. (1977). The Z-Score bankruptcy model: Past, Present and Future. Financial Crises, New York , 89-129.
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Sutan Emir Hidayat & Muhamad Abduh. (2012). Does Financial Crisis Give Impact on Bahrain Islamic Banking
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