PDF 01may24 0319 Splitted
PDF 01may24 0319 Splitted
PDF 01may24 0319 Splitted
Agricultural Growth
The people must be acquainted with the methods to sustain and increase agricultural growth with
damaging the environment. High yielding varieties have caused soil salinity and damage to
physical structure of soil.
The word resource means a source of supply. The natural resources include water, air, soil,
minerals, coal, forests, crops and wildlife are examples. All the resources are classified based on
quantity, quality, re-usability, men’s activity and availability.
Natural resources are naturally occurring substances that are considered valuable in their
relatively unmodified (natural) form. A natural resource’s value rests in the amount of the
material available and the demand for it. The term was introduced to a broad audience by E.F.
Schumacher in his 1970s book Small is Beautiful.
are problems of water logging due to over irrigation. In some areas, there is no sufficient water
for industry and agriculture. Thus, there is need for conservation of natural resources.
Forests are one of the most important natural resources and a part of biosphere since these are
natural assets on this earth. Forests predominantly composed of trees, shrubs, woody vegetation
etc… Approximately 1/3rd of the earth’s total land area is covered by forests. Forests are
important ecologically and economically. Ecologically forests are to be considered as earth’s
lungs because they consume CO2 and release O2which is required for sustaining the life on this
earth. The poisonous gas CO2 is absorbed by the trees of forests and reduces the global warming
and helps to continue hydrological cycle, reduce soil erosion. Forest ecosystems are extremely
good & hold a good quantity of water.
Economically forests provide timber, fodder to grazing animals, firewood(conventional fuel),
bamboos, rubbers, medicines, gums, resins, food items etc.