Gerard C Et Al., 2023
Gerard C Et Al., 2023
Gerard C Et Al., 2023
Uveal melanoma (UM) is the most common ocular malignancy in adults, associated with the poorest prognosis, with
metastatic disease occurring in up to 50% of patients. In contrast to metastatic cutaneous melanoma, the use of
immune checkpoint inhibitors is associated with poor outcomes in metastatic uveal melanoma (mUM). Tebentafusp,
a bispecific molecule, has recently become the first treatment in decades to improve overall survival for mUM. This
review summarises the existing and emerging immuno-oncology approaches for the treatment of mUM, and
biomarkers of response and resistance to the same. Finally, we propose future research directions that could
maximise treatment benefit to a wider pool of patients with UM.
Key words: tebentafusp, bispecific molecule, metastatic uveal melanoma, immunotherapy, biomarkers
tumour suppressor gene located on chromosome 3p and associated with poorer prognosis.29-32 Primary tumours
plays a role in DNA repair, transcription, regulation of cell with higher TILs had a higher expression of negative im-
death and mitochondrial metabolism.20 It is also implicated mune regulators such as FOXP3, INDO, PD-1, CTLA-4 and
in other cancer types such as renal cell cancer and meso- LAG3. TILs are predominantly CD8þ and express HLA-E,
thelioma.20 In UM, BAP1 inactivation occurs via a two-hit suggesting that they may be CD8þ regulatory T cells
process, loss of chromosome 3 (whole chromosome loss (Tregs).32 These observations may reconcile the negative
in almost all cases) and mutation of the remaining BAP1 prognostic value of TILs in primary UM. However, in UM
allele. Biallelic BAP1 deletion is a less common mechanism metastases, a higher percentage of intratumoural CD8þ
of BAP1 inactivation.20,21 granzyme Bþ T cells are associated with prolonged OS,33,34
Driver somatic copy number alterations (SCNAs) are suggesting that the composition of the immune TME is not
frequent in UM, particularly involving losses in chromo- static during UM progression.
somes 3, 1p, 8p, 6q and 16q, and gains in chromosomes 6p
and 8q.14,22 These SCNAs hold prognostic value. Primary IMMUNE CHECKPOINT INHIBITORS IN UM
UM tumours which are diploid for chromosome 3 and
Before tebentafusp, no therapies had been shown to
harbour 6p gain are associated with low metastatic risk and
improve OS in mUM. In a large meta-analysis, chemo-
tend to co-occur with EIF1AX or SF3B1 mutations. Loss of
therapy was associated with an OS of 10 months.35 Selu-
chromosome 3, found in w55% of UMs, is linked with high
metinib, a MEK inhibitor, is the only tyrosine kinase
metastatic risk and poor survival.23 Accordingly, 83% of
inhibitor tested in a phase III trial to date but failed to
monosomy 3 (M3) UMs harbour BAP1 mutations.14 Gains in
demonstrate benefit.36 Only a small percentage of patients
8q and losses in 1p, 8p and 16q further stratify patients
benefit from anti-cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen
with M3 into higher-risk categories (Figure 1).
4 (CTLA-4) and anti-programmed cell death protein 1 (PD-1)
Transcriptional differences can also distinguish metastatic
agents, and we review this evidence below.
risk, using a 15-gene signature; ‘class 1’ tumours are asso-
ciated with low risk (5-year risk 4%), while ‘class 2’ tumours
are associated with high risk (5-year risk 51%).24,25 Tumours Clinical evidence
bearing a ‘class 2’ signature are associated with a In early-phase trials of patients with mUM, ipilimumab was
dedifferentiated phenotype; they share features with associated with an overall response rate (ORR) of 0%-
neural/ectodermal stem cells and have reduced expression 6.5%.37 Reported ORRs with anti-PD-1 in case series are
of melanocytic genes. Class 2 tumours correlate with M3 between 0% and 12%.38-40 Recently, anti-PD-1 has acted as
and BAP1 mutations.14 Tumours with a ‘class 1’ signature the predominant control treatment in first-line (1L) phase III
are transcriptionally closer to normal uveal melanocytes. trials in mUM, and was associated with an ORR of w5% and
Based on these findings, a classification system to predict 58% survival at 1 year.6
metastatic risk, incorporating secondary driver mutations, Two single-arm phase II trials with ipilimumab and
key chromosomal aberrations and gene expression profiles nivolumab combination (IpiNivo) in mUM have been re-
(GEP), has been proposed (Figure 1).14,15,26-28 ported to date. The GEM-1402 trial included 52 treatment-
In contrast to other cancer types, the presence of naive patients with favourable clinical features, such as M1a
tumour-infiltrating lymphocytes (TILs) in primary UM is disease (64%), normal lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) (68%)
TCGA subset A B C D
Metasta c risk
Figure 1. Classification of metastatic risk. TCGA, The Cancer Genome Atlas. Adapted from Smit et al.,26 Robertson et al., Cell 2018,14 Royer-Bertrand et al.,15 Jager
et al.,27 and Vichitvejpaisal et al.28
and extrahepatic metastases (58%).41 The ORR was 11%, A high tumour mutation burden (TMB) is associated with ICI
median progression-free survival (mPFS) 3.0 months and response across multiple cancers, and TMB >10 mutations/
median OS (mOS) 12.7 months. Another IpiNivo trial of 35 Mb has received Food and Drug Administration approval as a
treatment-naive and previously treated patients reported tumour-agnostic indication for pembrolizumab.51 UM has the
an ORR of 18% and an mOS of 18 months, despite being a lowest TMB (average 0.5 mutation/Mb) amongst solid tu-
higher-risk population (M1a 49%) compared to GEM-1402. mours, which translates to a low number of tumour neo-
A retrospective report of 89 patients treated with IpiNivo antigens derived from somatic mutations (such as single
showed an ORR of 11%,42 with durable responses up to 22 nucleotide variants, and insertions and deletions).52 This
months.43 Taken together, responses to IpiNivo, whilst translates to limited subtrate to generate antitumour immu-
observed in patients with mUM, are infrequent. nity, with notable exceptions. Patients with SF3B1-mutated
No trial has directly compared IpiNivo and single-agent tumours may associate with increased number of neoantigens
anti-PD-1 in mUM. Acknowledging the limitations of cross- generated by alternative splicing.53 A case series of 58 patients
trial comparisons, IpiNivo does not appear to provide with SF3B1-mutated tumours reported a trend to superior
benefit beyond single-agent anti-PD-1 (1-year survival 56% mOS (20 months) and 1-year survival (74%) post-ICI compared
versus 58%, respectively), although longer follow-up is to historical controls.54 Outlier ICI responses have been
needed to assess durability of response.6,44 Critically, Ipi- described in patients with MBD4 loss-of-function germline and
Nivo has a higher toxicity risk compared to anti-PD-1 somatic mutations.55 MBD4 encodes a glycosylase involved in
monotherapy (grade 3/4 toxicity 69% versus 43%).45 If Ipi- DNA damage repair;56 mutations in MBD4 result in hyper-
Nivo does provide additional benefit to a subset of patients, mutated tumours, and by extension a higher likelihood of ICI
biomarkers are urgently required to identify them to mini- response.57,58
mise excessive toxicity in all comers. Other markers, such as interferon-g (IFN-g) signatures, TIL
count and decreasing circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) on
Predictive biomarkers of ICI response and resistance therapy, have been reported to associate with a numerically
higher ICI response rate, albeit in small patient numbers.57,59
Few predictive biomarkers for ICIs have been identified
Programmed death-ligand 1 (PD-L1) expression correlates
prospectively in mUM. Retrospective efforts have been
with anti-PD-1 response in various cancer types.60 mUM is
conducted in small, heterogeneous populations which
associated with a lower rate of PD-L1 expression compared to
largely lacked statistical power, highlighting the need for
metastatic CM (mCM, 5% versus 26%).34 This may also partly
internationally collaborative approaches in rare cancers.
explain its poorer response to anti-PD-1, although to our
In the GEM-1402 study, LDH <2.5-fold of the upper limit of
knowledge no studies have compared PD-L1 expression in
normal was associated with superior PFS following IpiNivo.41
mUM responders with non-responders.
Presence of liver metastases is another potential clinical
The presence of intratumoural CD8þ T cells is a prog-
biomarker. Pan-cancer studies have shown that patients with
nostic and predictive marker of ICI response in CM and
liver metastases respond poorly to ICIs, independent of other
other cancers.60 However, in UM liver metastases, CD8þ T
factors.46 Patients with liver metastases have lower levels of
cells are few in number, which may contribute to ICI non-
peripheral and intratumoural T cells, with impaired efficacy.46
response. Digital spatial profiling studies have identified
In mice, liver metastases diminished the number of circulating
peritumoural fibrotic areas that facilitate T-cell exclusion in
activated CD8 T cells, while immunosuppressive hepatic
mUM.61 Conversely, CD4þ T cells and CD163þ tumour-
macrophages promoted CD8 T-cell apoptosis, fostering sys-
associated macrophages (TAMs) are more prevalent,
temic resistance to ICIs.46 Thus, mUM’s liver tropism may
contributing to an immunosuppressive TME.61
partly explain its poor response to ICIs: 90% of patients with
mUM will develop liver metastases, and 50% will have liver
metastases only.5,47 A pooled analysis compared patients with Emerging immune checkpoints and other rational
mUM treated with IpiNivo with matched historical controls.48 combinations
In patients with extrahepatic disease only, IpiNivo was asso- Intratumoural T cells express immune checkpoints indica-
ciated with survival >3.2 times longer than historical treat- tive of exhaustion that may be leveraged as therapeutic
ments, suggesting that this subgroup derived benefit from targets (Figure 2). In mUM, lymphocyte-activation gene 3
IpiNivo.48 However, in patients with hepatic disease, there was (LAG3) is the most expressed immune checkpoint.62-64
no difference in survival between treatments. Another retro- Mechanistically, LAG3 expression inhibits T cells by
spective cohort of 178 ICI-treated patients supported these lowering the pH around the T-cell immune synapse, which
findings; patients with extrahepatic metastases trended to disrupts CD8 and CD4 signalling and activation.65 LAG3
longer OS than patients with hepatic metastases only (18.2 expression is enriched in high-risk UM with epithelioid cell
versus 6.1 months, P ¼ 0.07).49 In the broader population, 10% type, M3, BAP1 loss88 and higher T-cell infiltrate and
of patients with mUM have extrahepatic disease only,50 but TAMs.62 Therefore, targeting LAG3 may synergise with anti-
are overrepresented in the mUM IpiNivo trials (20%);49 thus PD-1 inhibition. In 1L mCM, treatment with relatlimab (anti-
we speculate that these trials may overestimate survival out- LAG3) with nivolumab was superior to nivolumab alone
comes post-IpiNivo. (PFS 10 versus 4 months).66 However, in a single-arm phase
CD3 gp100
Tumor cell
PD-L1 PD-1
Gal-3/LSEC n/ LAG3
Dendri c cell
Figure 2. Molecular targets in early-phase immuno-oncology trials in metastatic uveal melanoma (mUM).
ctDNA, circulating tumour DNA; CTLA-4, cytotoxic T-lymphocyte-associated antigen 4; LAG3, lymphocyte-activation gene 3; PD-1, programmed cell death protein 1;
PD-L1, programmed death-ligand 1; TME, tumour microenvironment.
II study in mUM, combination relatlimab and nivolumab of immune escape; although IDO inhibitors have not been
resulted in an ORR of 10% with an OS of 11.2 months, and trialled in mUM, and mCM, they have failed to demonstrate
no durable responses.67,68 Further biomarker and trans- benefit.72
lational work is underway. Combination pembrolizumab and entinostat [histone
Other T-cell exhaustion markers such as T cell deacetylase inhibitors (HDACi)] has been investigated in
immunoglobulin and mucin domain-containing protein 3 mUM. HDAC co-regulates gene expression by repressing
(TIM-3) and T cell immunoreceptor with Ig and ITIM do- transcription. HDACi open chromatin, increase tumour anti-
mains (TIGIT) are also expressed by intratumoural T cells in gen and HLA-I expression and can reduce myeloid-derived
mUM.63,64,69 Early trials targeting these checkpoints stem cell function and deplete Tregs in the TME.73,74 In a
[IMCAGN02390 (NCT03652077) and tiragolumab phase II trial of entinostat and pembrolizumab in 29 patients
(NCT05483400), respectively] are underway across various with mUM and favourable prognostic features (M1a 59%),
tumour types (including mUM).70 Table 1 highlights key ORR was 14% (4/29 patients), mPFS 2.1 months and mOS
early-phase immuno-oncology trials in progress in mUM. 13.4 months, similar to previous anti-PD-1 monotherapy
Although primary UM and liver metastases do not ex- cohorts.75 Therefore, it is unclear whether these responses
press indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO, an immune were driven by anti-PD-1 therapy alone, or if HDACi provided
checkpoint) at baseline, treatment with IFN-g in UM cell any additional benefit. Once again, understanding of biology
lines up-regulated IDO.71 This may be another mechanism and biomarkers to stratify patients is urgently needed.
Clinical trial title (NCT) Mode of action/drugs involved UM cohort or Status Molecular inclusion
basket trial criteria
A study of RO7293583 in participants with Bispecific molecule targeting TYRP-1 UM cohort Active, not TYRP-1-positive
unresectable metastatic tyrosinase related obinutuzumab pretreatment recruiting melanoma.
protein 1 (TYRP1)-positive melanomas HLA agnostic
Safety and efficacy of IMC-F106C as a single Bispecific molecule targeting PRAME UM cohort Recruiting HLA-A2*02:01
agent and in combination With checkpoint anti-PD-1
inhibitors (NCT04262466)
FS118 first in human study in patients with Bispecific molecule targeting LAG3 Basket Recruiting NA
advanced malignancies (NCT03440437) and PD-L1
Nivolumab plus relatlimab in patients with Anti-LAG3 and anti-PD-1 UM cohort Recruiting NA
metastatic uveal melanoma (NCT4552223)
A safety and tolerability study of INCAGN02390 Anti-TIM-3 Basket Recruitment NA
in select advanced malignancies completed
Autologous CD8þ SLC45A2-specific T Autologous CD8þ SLC45A2 T cells UM Recruiting HLA-A2*02:01 or
lymphocytes with cyclophosphamide, with cyclophosphamide, aldesleukin HLA-A*24:02
aldesleukin, and ipilimumab in treating and ipilimumab
patients with metastatic uveal melanoma
RTX-240 monotherapy and in combination with Red cells expressing 4-1BB and Basket Recruiting NA
pembrolizumab (NCT04372706) IL-15TP anti-PD-1
IKKb-matured, RNA-loaded dendritic cells for IKKb-matured, RNA-loaded UM Active, not NA
metastasised uveal melanoma (NCT04335890) dendritic cells recruiting
Intrahepatic delivery of SD-101 by pressure- TLR9 agonist UM Recruiting NA
enabled regional immuno-oncology (PERIO),
with checkpoint blockade in adults with
metastatic uveal melanoma (NCT04935229)
LAG3, lymphocyte-activation gene 3; NA, not applicable; PD-1, programmed cell death protein 1; PD-L1, programmed death-ligand 1; UM, uveal melanoma.
BISPECIFIC MOLECULESdTEBENTAFUSP AND EMERGING months, hazard ratio (HR) 0.51] and 1-year OS (73% versus
AGENTS 59%).6 The response rate was 9%, but disease control rate
was higher (46% versus 27%). Notably, IpiNivo was not an
Clinical evidence option in the control arm, although it is unknown if IpiNivo
Tebentafusp is the first drug to demonstrate OS benefit in is superior to anti-PD-1 alone in mUM (see section Immune
mUM. Its use is restricted to HLA-A2*02:01-positive pa- Checkpoint Inhibitors in UM - Clinical Evidence).41,44
tients, representing 50% of people from European Strikingly, tebentafusp improved OS regardless of
ancestry.7,76 It is a bispecific molecule, consisting of a T-cell response. In patients who had progressive disease (PD) as
receptor (TCR) targeting a gp100 peptide presented by HLA- best overall response (BOR), the tebentafusp group had a
A2*02:01, and an anti-CD3 T-cell-engaging domain.6 Gp100 superior mOS (15.3 versus 6.5 months, HR 0.43). This
is a melanocytic lineage-specific glycoprotein widely suggests that radiological assessment is insensitive to OS
expressed by UM cells, up to 100% in primary UM.77 benefit from tebentafusp, and that benefit may extend
Tebentafusp acts by redirecting T cells to tumour cells beyond PD, as it may reshape tumour biology to a more
expressing gp100. indolent course. Notably, 43% of tebentafusp-treated
Tebentafusp is administered intravenously on a weekly patients received treatment beyond progression; the
basis, with an initial dose escalation regimen of over three potential benefit of this approach is currently under
doses.78 Patients are monitored for up to 16 h following the investigation.81
first three doses, to manage cytokine release syndrome
(CRS), which may manifest as hypoxia, hypotension and
pyrexia. CRS is common (89% of patients), but rarely severe Predictive biomarkers of tebentafusp benefit
(grade 3, 1%). Most adverse events occurred during the The tebentafusp trials were accompanied by extensive
early inpatient phase of the treatment and seldom led to multiomic efforts to investigate mechanisms of response
treatment cessation (2%).6 and predictive biomarkers (Figure 3). The development of
The phase II single-arm trial included patients with pre- an early rash was hypothesised to be an on-target adverse
viously treated mUM [second line and beyond (2Lþ)]. Two- effect that may predict tebentafusp efficacy.82 Although the
year survival rate was 37%, compared to 24% in historical presence of a rash during the first week was associated with
controls treated with anti-PD-1 monotherapy.3,79,80 The prolonged OS, it lost statistical significance following
phase III trial investigated tebentafusp in the 1L setting. adjustment for other prognostic factors. The absence of
Compared to investigator’s choice of treatment [comprised rash also did not exclude clinical benefit.6
mostly pembrolizumab (82%), ipilimumab or dacarbazine], A normal LDH and alkaline phosphatase at baseline and
tebentafusp significantly improved mOS [21.7 versus 16 female sex were not significantly associated for tebentafusp
predic ve of improved OS
5G AAA—3′
response; however, they were strongly predictive for sur- TAP2, PSMB8), IFN signatures and GZMB messenger RNA
vival 2 years in multivariate analysis.83 (mRNA). Patients with high baseline expression of UBA7 and
In the 2Lþ trial, whole exome sequencing was carried out GBP1, which are inducible by IFNs, had improved OS
at baseline in 63 tebentafusp patients. Patients with tu- following tebentafusp.84
mours harbouring somatic missense mutations in seven As the molecular target of tebentafusp, gp100 expression
specific genes (including NOTCH4 and UCP1) had longer OS was investigated as a predictive marker. gp100 mRNA and
(HR 0.2, 95% confidence interval 0.1-0.47) when grouped IHC scores were assessed at baseline and following three
together; however, the biological significance of these doses. Patients were divided into gp100-low (lowest quar-
genes is incompletely characterised.84 When grouped by tile at baseline) and gp100-high (the remainder) subgroups.
secondary driver mutations, no associations with response Tumours with high gp100 mRNA had increased CD3 and
or survival benefit were observed. CD8 infiltration after treatment, and increased T-cell acti-
Tumour bulk RNA sequencing, multiplex immunohisto- vation (increased IFN-g, GZMB and PRF1 expression),
chemistry (IHC) and serum were analysed at both baseline whereas gp100-low tumours had minimal change.85 How-
and on-treatment timepoints (post-third dose) in the 2Lþ ever, there was no difference in tumour shrinkage or OS
trial.84 Longitudinally, tebentafusp resulted in up-regulation between gp100-high and -low groups, showing a disconnect
of antigen presentation gene expression (e.g. HLA-I, TAP1, between immune infiltration and clinical benefit. It is likely
Figure 4. Hypothesised circulating tumour DNA (ctDNA) and tumour microenvironment (TME) dynamics following tebentafusp.
OS, overall survival.
that not all T cells trafficked into the TME by tebentafusp improved OS. In the 1L study, patients in the lowest CD163 :
are tumour reactive; longitudinal characterisation of intra- CD3 quartile had a superior 1-year OS of 80%, compared to
tumoural TCRs and phenotypes on-treatment is needed. 65% in the rest.88 Across the cohort, tebentafusp increased
Notably, a partial response was observed in one patient serum IFN-g and pro-inflammatory chemokines CXCL9/10
with very low gp100, suggesting that low gp100 expression after each dose.89 In the 2Lþ trial, patients with low pre-
can still generate a response. By IHC, tebentafusp increased treatment serum IL-6, a pro-angiogenic cytokine involved in
CD3 and CD8 infiltration by two- to threefold compared to tumour proliferation, also had improved OS.
baseline in all patients.86 Separately, in a post-mortem Liquid biopsy technologies, such as ctDNA measured
study, metastases from tebentafusp-treated patients had a longitudinally at baseline and on-treatment, has demon-
higher T-cell infiltration compared to non-tebentafusp- strated utility as prognostic and predictive markers across
treated patients.87 This suggests that increased infiltration multiple tumour types, including mCM.51 Within mUM,
may persist beyond tebentafusp treatment, which may ctDNA is detectable in 92% of patients.90 Higher ctDNA
contribute to tebentafusp benefit beyond radiological levels correlate with higher mUM tumour burden, inferior
progression. OS and PFS.90-93
The balance of pro-inflammatory and immunosuppressive In the 2Lþ trial, ctDNA was evaluated at baseline, week 5, 9
influences within the TME may impact tebentafusp efficacy. and 25.90 Tebentafusp reduced ctDNA in 70% of all patients,
In vitro, immunosuppressive CD163þ macrophages inhibited and in 65% of patients with PD as BOR.90,94 Notably, ctDNA
bispecific molecule-mediated T-cell killing of CM cell lines. In levels did not decrease in two out of four responders, sug-
patients with mUM, a low CD163 : CD3 (macrophage/T-cell) gesting that ctDNA reduction is not mandatory for response.
ratio in pretreatment tumour biopsy was associated with The magnitude of ctDNA reduction correlated with OS
improvement; for each 0.1 log reduction in ctDNA, OS yield the molecular profile, as liquid biopsy methods
improved by an HR of 0.8. Patients who achieved ctDNA become increasingly sensitive.
clearance had markedly superior OS with an HR of 0.1. ctDNA There is a critical inequity for non-HLA-A2*02:01 patients
clearance was achieved in 14% of the cohort; most of these who are ineligible for tebentafusp. To address this, bispecific
patients had PD or stable disease as BOR. molecules that are HLA agnostic or cater to broader HLA
Pilot radiomic studies have studied patients who achieve subtypes are in development. RO7293583 is an HLA-
ctDNA reduction despite PD as best response.95 Through agnostic bispecific molecule targeting TYRP1, a melanoso-
unsupervised machine learning, a volumetric signature mal enzyme, currently in early trials for patients with
classified whether PD patients had any ctDNA reduction, TYRP1-positive melanomas (NCT04551352). TYRP1 is
with 81% sensitivity and 63% specificity (area under the expressed in 61% of primary UMs, and is associated with
curve 0.71). This may have utility as radiomics is likely more BAP-1 loss and inferior metastasis-free survival.99 IMC-
accessible than ctDNA, or could be used in combination F106C is an HLA-A2*02:01 bispecific molecule that targets
with ctDNA. PRAME (melanoma antigen expressed in 69% of mUMs100)
We hypothesise that ctDNA reduction may be a superior and is also in early trials (NCT04262466). Other bispecific
measure indicator of survival benefit than radiological molecules targeting key checkpoints such as LAG3 and PD-
response alone, for multiple reasons (Figure 4). Firstly, (L)1 are in development, but are not yet recruiting patients
tebentafusp-mediated immune infiltration of metastases with melanoma.101
may mask low-volume tumour shrinkage, but result in
ctDNA reduction. In patients who live longer despite PD as
BOR, tebentafusp may alter the TME and slow tumour OTHER IMMUNO-ONCOLOGY APPROACHES
growth without tumour shrinkage, thereby reducing
ctDNA. Adoptive cell therapy
Markers beyond radiological response are urgently Adoptive cell therapy (ACT) is one of the first treatments
needed to identify non-responders who are likely to derive that demonstrated durable response in mUM, although the
survival benefit from tebentafusp. Furthermore, it is un- benefit was limited to a small number of patients.102 The
known if patients benefit from continuing tebentafusp trial included 21 patients who received unselected (as
beyond progression; further research to determine the opposed to tumour-reactive) autologous T cells.102 This
optimal time to stop therapy for maximal benefit and reflected a moderate-risk cohort; 86% were M1b/1c, 38%
minimal toxicity is required. BAP1 mutated and 85% had extrahepatic disease. The ORR
was 35% with three ongoing responses [up to 21 months
complete response (CR)]. This suggests that tumour-reactive
Future approaches and emerging agents T cells were present in the TME before ACT but were
As tebentafusp increases tumour T-cell trafficking,87 and insufficient to overcome the tumour.102
these T cells may up-regulate immune checkpoints, it may Compared to non-responders, responder TIL products
synergise with ICIs.96 The optimal combination or had a higher percentage (9.4% versus 0.6%) and absolute
sequencing of tebentafusp with ICIs is unknown but their number of tumour-reactive T cells (8.1 109 versus 0.5
potential combined toxicity must be considered. Combina- 109), and higher levels of IFN-g release after exposure of T
tion tebentafusp, durvalumab tremelimumab was cells to tumour cells in vitro. In responders, disease pro-
recently reported in an early 2Lþ mCM study.97 Tumour gression (4/7) occurred only via new metastases; respond-
shrinkage occurred in 49% of patients with primary anti-PD- ing lesions did not later progress. We hypothesise that new
1 resistance compared with 28% in patients with acquired clones may arise following immunoediting and immune
anti-PD-1 resistance. Thus, tebentafusp may sensitise tu- escape mechanisms such as alterations in antigen presen-
mours with primary ICI resistance, but less effectively in tation machinery. New lesions may also arise from a tumour
acquired ICI resistance, suggesting a possible shared clone that was not present in the metastases used to
mechanism of resistance in that setting. As most mUMs are manufacture the TIL product, and thus corresponding
ICI refractory, tebentafusp with anti-PD-(L)1 should be tumour-reactive T cells were not represented. Therefore,
investigated in the 1L, while triplet anti-PD-(L)1, anti-CTLA-4 harvesting a single metastasis for ACT may be limited by
and tebentafusp should be evaluated carefully for toxicity intertumoural heterogeneity. The organ of origin of tumour
relative to incremental benefit. harvest may also impact ACT efficacy; for example, the
We hope that adjuvant tebentafusp trials are on the immunosuppressive TME of liver metastases may yield
horizon. We advocate that such trials should prioritise high- more exhausted T cells compared to other sites.61
risk tumours (such as M3, BAP1 loss, more advanced-stage Novel approaches hypothesise that a more tumour-
tumours or class II GEP) and be stratified by risk groups, to specific TIL product will be superior to an unselected
identify patients who are likely to benefit.4,98 Although not T-cell product.103 Other ACT trials are targeting shared an-
all patients will have tumour tissue available for molecular tigens such as SLC45A2, a highly UM-specific melanosomal
profiling, as biopsy is not mandatory for diagnosis, larger transport protein in patients with HLA-A2*02:01 or HLA-
tumours usually undergo enucleation and will likely capture A*24:02104,105 (NCT03068624). However, such approaches
most high-risk tumours. In future, peripheral blood may also targeting a single HLA-restricted antigen may lead to
immunoediting, with selective pressure potentially leading Tebentafusp is the first therapy in decades to improve OS
to emergence of other subclones. in mUM. Critically, tebentafusp challenges the traditional
response-survival paradigm, improving survival even in non-
Vaccines responders. Predictive markers beyond RECIST are urgently
needed; ctDNA may be suitable, but is not yet widely
Early-phase cancer vaccine trials in mUM have utilised
available in the clinic. Trials involving bispecific molecules
dendritic cells (DCs) loaded with neoantigens derived from
that benefit broader HLA subtypes must continue, so that
autologous tumour RNA. A pilot trial with 5 patients with
the inequity for non-HLA-A2*02:01 patients may soon be
M3 mUM recently reported an mOS of 36 months.106 In one
patient, the vaccine antigen was adjusted following each
Moreover, there are a significant number of immuno-
episode of disease progression, resulting in disease regres-
oncology trials in progress in mUM, raising the promise of
sion and maintained CR at 65 months.
further advances. Tebentafusp may synergise with ICIs;
Next-generation vaccines are now trialling inhibitor of
optimal combinations and sequencing await investigation.
nuclear factor kappa-B kinase subunit beta (IKKb)-activated
Highly personalised treatments such as ACT and cancer
RNA-transfected DCs.107 IKKb activates the nuclear factor-
vaccines have also demonstrated potential for durable
kB pathway, which increases DC expression of co- response in pilot studies.
stimulatory molecules, improves memory cytotoxic T-cell
Given the broad range of survival outcomes in UM, future
response and activates natural killer cells.108,109 In this
clinical trials should stratify patients by prognostic sub-
approach, the DCs are loaded with commonly expressed
groups. The rarity of UM has meant that scientific discovery
UM antigens, RNAs derived from common UM driver mu-
is limited by poor statistical power; international efforts can
tations and autologous tumour RNA, and given with PD-1 or
overcome this. Clinical trials should be paired with multio-
IpiNivo. DC vaccinations may be a novel personalised
mic studies to characterise mechanisms of response and
treatment that can be adapted as acquired resistance
resistance. Collectively, we must collaborate to maximise
the potential of durable responses to successfully bring UM
to the forefront of the immuno-oncology era.
TLR9 agonists
Toll-like receptor 9 (TLR-9) receptors are highly expressed FUNDING
on plasmacytoid dendritic cells (pDCs). When TLR-9 is This work was supported by the Francis Crick Institute,
engaged, pDCs release IFN-a and present antigens more which receives its core funding from Cancer Research UK
effectively, strengthening the antitumour response.110 SD- (CRUK) (CC2044), the UK Medical Research Council
101 is a TLR-9 agonist currently in early trials in mUM, (CC2044), and the Wellcome Trust (CC2044). For the pur-
administered alone or in combination with ICIs pose of Open Access, the author has applied a CC BY public
(NCT04935229). It is delivered by pressure-enabled hepatic copyright licence to any Author Accepted Manuscript
artery infusion and improves drug delivery by overcoming version arising from this submission.
poor perfusion pressure due to abnormal tumour
vascularity. DISCLOSURE
ST is funded by CRUK [grant number C50947/A18176), the
Protein kinase C and MET inhibitors NIHR]Biomedical Research Centre at the Royal Marsden
Combination darovasertib (protein C kinase inhibitor, Hospital and the Institute of Cancer Research [grant number
downstream of GNAQ and GNA-11) and crizotinib (cMET A109], the Kidney and Melanoma Cancer Fund of the Royal
inhibitor) presents a novel synergistic approach that con- Marsden Cancer Charity, the Rosetrees Trust [grant number
verges on the MAPK pathway.111 It is hypothesised that A2204], Ventana Medical Systems [grant numbers 10467,
hepatocyte growth factor signalling may limit darovasertib 10530), the National Institutes of Health (US) and the
activity, but this may be overcome by combination with Melanoma Research Alliance. ST has received speaker fees
MET inhibition. The darovasertib crizotinib phase I trial from Roche, Astra Zeneca, Novartis and Ipsen. ST has pat-
included 35 patients in any line, with an ORR of 31%.112 A ents filed Indel mutations as a therapeutic target and pre-
phase II/III trial of this combination is underway. Single- dictive biomarker PCTGB2018/051892 and PCTGB2018/
agent darovasertib is under investigation in the neo- 051893; Clear Cell Renal Cell Carcinoma Biomarkers
adjuvant setting, following observations of primary tumour P113326GB. PN has received funding from AZ, BMS,
shrinkage in pilot studies.113 Immunocore, Ipsen, MSD, Merck, Novartis, Pfizer, 4SC. All
other authors have declared no conflicts of interest.
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