Application of Magnetic Metal 3-D Printing On The Integration of Axial-Flow Impeller Fan Motor Design
Application of Magnetic Metal 3-D Printing On The Integration of Axial-Flow Impeller Fan Motor Design
Application of Magnetic Metal 3-D Printing On The Integration of Axial-Flow Impeller Fan Motor Design
Electrical Motor Technology Research Center, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan
Department of Mechanical Engineering, National Cheng Kung University, Tainan 70101, Taiwan
This article aims to implement a fan motor design with an airfoil-shaped rotor via the newly developed 3-D printing method.
This integrated design is originated from a flux-switching permanent magnet motor, in which the motor rotor can directly produce
airflow without any external impellers. Such a design and manufacturing process can effectively enhance the robustness of the fan
motor structure and increase its power density. This article adopts 3-D finite element analysis for electromagnetic and fluid field
simulation. Moreover, a new metal 3-D printing method with a low core loss feature during high frequency operation is applied.
Finally, the experimental results with a prototype are presented to verify the designed performance.
Index Terms— 3D printing, additive manufacturing, flux-switching permanent magnet motor (FSPM).
I. I NTRODUCTION problems of the 3-D structure and high frequency core loss.
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S PECIFICATION OF 6 S /7 P FSPM Fig. 3. Integrated motor with airfoil-shaped rotor. (a) Motor. (b) Rotor.
(C) Stator.
rotor skew, the turn angle of the blades would decrease the
torque and power density. To circumvent this, the stator is also
skewed to an angle corresponding to the rotor poles, in order
to maintain the interaction face between the stator and rotor
flux, as shown in Fig. 3(a).
To fit the curve shape of the rotor blades, the stator skew
angle, as shown in Fig. 3(c), would not be a constant value,
which would cause fabrication difficulties to the magnets
between two stator pieces.
While a parallelogram magnet is used to simplify the
manufacturing process, it increases the reluctance and flux
variation of air gap flux density Bg,pk ; therefore, torque ripple
and back electromotive force (EMF) harmonics would also
increase. The back EMF E pk and output torque Tout of the
integrated motor can be verified by the following equations,
respectively, [4]:
E pk = 2π 2 Nt Bg,pk K m K t K curve Dis L e (1)
√ 2
2π Nr
Tout = K m K t K curve η Bg,pk As,rms Dis2 L e (2)
4 Ns
where Nt is the turns per phase; K m is the magnetizing
coefficient; K t is the stator tooth width over the stator pole
pitch; K curve is the coefficient that accounts for the curvature
effect between the new integrated fan motor and straight
rotor FSPM; Dis is the stator inner diameter; Ns and Nr
Fig. 2. Rotor tooth design with airflow consideration. are the number of stator slots and rotor poles, respectively;
L e is the effective motor length; As,rms is the current density;
η is the motor efficiency; and f e is the operation electric
C. Integrated Motor Design frequency.
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Fig. 4. B–H curve comparison of steel sheet and SMC. Fig. 6. Back EMF at 3000 rpm.
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