The log captures connection attempts by a client to Steam servers over various protocols. It shows pings to candidate connection managers, ultimate connection over WebSocket, then disconnection and reconnection attempts over UDP and again over WebSocket as connectivity is lost and regained.
The log captures connection attempts by a client to Steam servers over various protocols. It shows pings to candidate connection managers, ultimate connection over WebSocket, then disconnection and reconnection attempts over UDP and again over WebSocket as connectivity is lost and regained.
The log captures connection attempts by a client to Steam servers over various protocols. It shows pings to candidate connection managers, ultimate connection over WebSocket, then disconnection and reconnection attempts over UDP and again over WebSocket as connectivity is lost and regained.
The log captures connection attempts by a client to Steam servers over various protocols. It shows pings to candidate connection managers, ultimate connection over WebSocket, then disconnection and reconnection attempts over UDP and again over WebSocket as connectivity is lost and regained.