Reading and Writing SKills - M1
Reading and Writing SKills - M1
Reading and Writing SKills - M1
Module 1:
Patterns of Written Text
This module of Patterns of Written text is divided into four topics namely:
Topic 1 – Narration and Description
Topic 2 – Definition and Exemplification & Classification
Topic 3 – Cause & Effect and Comparison & Contrast
Topic 4 – Problem-Solution and Persuasion
What’s In
In your English Grade 10, you had already learned how to write argumentative
and informative essays and even speeches for public speaking. Let’s go back to the
foundation of an essay which is a paragraph.
A paragraph is a group of sentences that convey an idea. Each sentence
works together as part of a unit to create an overall thought or impression. It
has three parts: topic sentence, supporting sentences and clincher.
What’s New
Let’s take for example the situation of Elmer. He has a friend in Malaysia. His friend,
Ahmad, wants to know more about his school. He will be transferring soon here in
General Santos City. He then asks Elmer the steps and process of enrolment.
Elmer then starts to enumerate the process before he can finally be able to reply to
Read the following sentences of:
1. Submit documents in the Registrar.
2. Take an exam.
3. Talk to the principal and the guidance counselor.
How did it feel to read the sentences above? Would this be enough for Ahmad to
understand the process of enrolment in Elmer’s school? It’s a bit confusing, right? It’s
because the steps don’t include enough details for Ahmad to know exactly what he
should do. However, it’s not always simple to organize or develop ideas, and sometimes
there’s more than one way. That is why, learning the methods and ways in supporting
ideas is very important.
What Is It
When you write a paragraph about your favorite tourist destination, your
opinions on a certain issue, or your thoughts in the advantages and disadvantages of
social media, you are unconsciously using these writing patterns. However, when you
become conscious of the patterns and use them effectively, you can be able to develop
your ideas well.
Let’s get to know more of these patterns. Are you ready? Let’s start!
Narration and Description
Let’s learn the first two patterns of written text, Narration and Description.
In this narrative paragraph, for the most part, logical sequence of actions supplies
the narrative sequence: "They strolled in the mall. . . They went inside the department
store. They ate at their favorite restaurant." Because of the linear arrangement of these
sentences on the paragraph, the reader assumes the actions take place in sequence.
However, here and there, transitions such as yesterday, next, after that, after a long day,
were needed to emphasize important time relationships.
Key Points
Here are some key points for you to remember about Narration:
emphasizes the
what, when,
and where
happened action words
narrate or tell a transitional
story words
characterized a
You may go back to some parts of the topic that you find difficult to understand. If
you’re done, let’s proceed to the next pattern.
characteristics. Subjective description is used in fiction wherein a writer uses his
own perspective to describe a person, an event or a thing.
Key Points
Here are some key points for you to remember about Description:
use powerful
adjectives and
use effectively
the five senses
characteristics and subjective
or details
That’s excellent! You did a very good job in this topic. You may go back to some
parts that you find difficult to understand. Hope you learned so much about Narration
and Description and how to use them in writing paragraphs.
Definition, Exemplification and Classification
Hello there! Welcome to our second topic. You will learn the next patterns of written
text: Definition, Exemplification and Classification. Are you ready? Let’s start!
Key Points
Here are some key points for you to remember about Definition:
defines a term or a
concept by its
function, example,
explains a origin or effect.
comprehensive Subjective
understanding Definition and
of a concept, a Scientific
term or an Definition
You may go back to some parts of the topic that you find difficult to understand. If
you’re done, let’s proceed to the next patterns.
Exemplification and Classification
In this paragraph, the writer began with a main idea about how to be awesome
on a first day in college then discussed the subcategories of that topic. Being
awesome on a first day high was being categorized into these secondary ideas, ‘being
friendly’, ‘responsive’ and ‘easy-going’. As you observed, there were transition words
used such as in that case, first, for example, as long as, and basically, as each
category is being explained through sample situations. That’s where exemplification
pattern comes in.
Key Points
Here are some key points for you to remember about Exemplification and
organizes ideas or
concepts in
classes, groups or
categories based
Exemplification on criteria. These patterns
uses examples further explain
to illustrate and the general
further explain idea in the
an idea. paragraph.
& Classification
Outstanding! You did a very good job in this topic. You may go back to some
parts that you find difficult to understand.
Hope you learned so much about Definition, Exemplification and Classification and
how to use them in writing paragraphs.
Cause & Effect and Comparison & Contrast
Hello there! You’re almost done with the topics in this module. Welcome to our third
topic. You will learn the next patterns of written text: Cause & Effect and Comparison
& Contrast. Are you ready? Let’s start!
Key Points
Here are some key points for you to remember about Cause and Effect:
a paragraph that
emphasizes the
causes begins with
an effect. It
discusses how
discusses why that effect came a paragraph that
something to be. emphasizes the
happens and effects begins
what results a with a cause,
particular then explores
occurrence. the results
You may go back to some parts of the topic that you find difficult to understand.
If you’re done, let’s proceed to the next pattern.
Mikko certainly loves his two best friends, Anton and Abu.
However, they have completely diverse personalities. Although
Anton and Abu both have strict parents, their attitudes are very
different. Anton is very conservative and always careful with his
words. In contrast, Abu is very out-going and is always careless
when he talks. When it comes to hobbies, they are also different.
Anton loves reading books while Abu loves fishing in the river.
However, even though they are totally different, they all agree on one thing, and that
is playing basketball. That’s how they always bond and keep their friendship.
and hobbies. To also show the relationship of ideas, transition words such as
although, however, and in contrast and are used.
Key Points
Here are some key points for you to remember about Comparison and Contrast:
Seprately approach
describes the first
element then
followed by the
second element. Side-by-side
discusses ideas approach
based on how discusses both
ideas are similar items based on
or different to each point of
one another. comparison and
Fantastic! You did a very good job in this topic. You may go back to some parts
that you find difficult to understand. Hope you learned so much about Cause and Effect
and Comparison and Contrast and on how to use them in writing paragraphs.
Problem-Solution and Persuasion
Hey there! You finally made it here. Welcome to our last topic. You will learn the next
patterns of written text: Problem-Solution and Persuasion. Are you ready? Let’s start!
→ A paragraph that uses problem-solution has three main parts: topic sentence
introduces the solution to a problem, body sentences explain the problem and
solution and ending sentence which calls readers to action.
home or even at work. That’s why, before it’s too late, obese adults should take this
into consideration before it aggravates and might lead to more complicated illnesses.
In this paragraph, the writer presented the problem about obesity among adults.
It is already presented in the topic sentence. The body sentences then explained the
problem, stated even the causes of the problem. The phrase, ‘one solution’ signals
the discussion of the writer of resolving the problem followed by a call of action in
the ending sentence to provoke an immediate response from the Filipino adults who
experience obesity.
Key Points
Here are some key points for you to remember about Problem-Solution:
states a
concerning issue
or a problem then
the solution or
what should be
done to solve the
issue. has three main
presents a
parts: topic
problem that
sentence, body
needs to be
sentences and
ending sentence
You may go back to some parts of the topic that you find difficult to understand.
If you’re done, let’s proceed to the next pattern.
→ In this pattern, the writer describes an issue and states his position in the
issue. The writer’s primary goal is to convince the readers to agree with the
argument or claim being raised, based from a particular topic.
→ A persuasive paragraph starts with a topic sentence. It states position or stand
about something. The body sentences explain the reasons supporting the
position or stand, and the closing sentence reiterates or intensifies the thesis
Key Points
Here are some key points for you to remember about Persuasion:
writer’s primary
goal is to convince
the readers to
agree with the
argument or claim
being raised a persuasive
describes an paragraph has
issue and states topic sentences,
his position in body sentences
the issue. and concluding
Excellent! You did a very good job in this topic. You may go back to some parts
that you find difficult to understand. Hope you learned so much about Problem-
Solution and Persuasion and how to use them in writing paragraphs.