Imperial Cnty Hydrology Manual 10-9-18
Imperial Cnty Hydrology Manual 10-9-18
Imperial Cnty Hydrology Manual 10-9-18
Hydrology Manual
October 2018
Prepared for:
Imperial County
Department of Public Works
155 South 11th Street
El Centro, CA 92243
Prepared by:
1 Introduction 1-1
1.1 About This Manual .......................................................................................... 1-1
1.2 Manual Organization ....................................................................................... 1-1
1.3 Hydrologic Procedure Guidance ...................................................................... 1-2
1.4 Acknowledgments ........................................................................................... 1-2
5 Bibliography 5-1
Appendix A-1
List of Figures
Figure 2-1. Depth-Area Reduction Factor Curves for Imperial County ......................... 2-3
Figure 2-2. Depth-Area Reduction Factor Curves for Imperial County (5 to 50 ........... 2-4
Figure 2-3. Nested Storm Pattern with 2/3, 1/3 Distribution ....................................... 2-6
Figure 2-4. Design Storm Hyetograph Construction ..................................................... 2-7
Figure 2-5. Completed Design Storm Hyetograph Example ....................................... 2-10
Figure 3-1. Most Hydraulically Remote Point ............................................................... 3-2
Figure 3-2. Street Gutter Geometry............................................................................ 3-10
Figure 3-3. Street Gutter Flow Velocity (San Diego County, 2003) ............................ 3-11
Figure 3-4. Rational Method Calculation Subareas .................................................... 3-15
Figure 3-5. Rational Method Example Site ................................................................. 3-20
Figure 3-6. Modified Rational Method Example Site .................................................. 3-25
Figure 4-1. Composite CN with Connected Impervious Area (USDA, 2010) ................. 4-6
Figure 4-2. Composite CN: Unconnected Impervious Areas, Total Impervious .......... 4-7
Figure 4-3. Imperial County S-graphs ......................................................................... 4-15
Figure 4-4. HEC-HMS paired data creation ................................................................. 4-16
Figure 4-5. HEC-HMS S-graph data entry .................................................................... 4-17
Figure 4-6. HEC-HMS basin default settings ............................................................... 4-18
Figure 4-7. HMS subbasin creation tool...................................................................... 4-18
Figure 4-8. HMS subbasin area settings...................................................................... 4-19
Figure 4-9. HMS S-graph loss settings......................................................................... 4-19
Figure 4-10. HMS S-graph transform settings ............................................................ 4-19
Figure 4-11. HMS Meteorologic Model creation ........................................................ 4-20
Figure 4-12. HMS Meteorologic Model settings ......................................................... 4-20
The goal of Imperial County, California, is to provide flood protection for all habitable structures and other
non-floodproofed structures, consistent with Imperial County ordinances and design criteria. This manual
is intended to provide guidance and recommendations on computational techniques and criteria for the
estimation of runoff, discharges, and volumes for use in hydrology study submittals to the County. It is
not a substitute for sound engineering judgment. This document is not intended to provide guidelines for
the design of drainage structures, but rather the estimated flows to be used in the design of such
structures. For guidance with sizing and designing hydraulic structures (e.g., detention basins, storm
drains, curb and gutter), consult Imperial County Department of Public Works for the latest design criteria.
The County’s Engineering Design Guidelines Manual provides specific recommendations for
retention/detention basin sizing including the minimum precipitation depth to consider for the 100-year
storm and requirements for drain time. If any proposed development drains to an Imperial Irrigation
District (IID) facility, the design will need to meet IID standards and is subject to IID review/approval.
It is not the intent nor purpose of this manual to inhibit sound innovative design or the use of new
techniques. Therefore, where special conditions or needs exist, other methods and procedures may be
used with prior approval.
• General Description: This segment provides a brief overview of the topics covered in the section.
• Subsection(s): Each section contains sub-sections of main concepts relevant to the larger section.
The sub-sections explain the techniques or concepts necessary to perform the desired task or use
a certain hydrologic method.
• Tables and Figures: Related tables and figures are generally located immediately adjacent to the
text to which the Table or Figure refers.
• Examples: Example problems demonstrating the use of methods described in a section are
located at the end of the section.
• Equations: Equations utilized in a section are numbered according to the section number and
order of appearance of the equation in the section.
• Related Equations: Previously defined equations related to a topic of discussion are referenced
by the equation number.
The choice of hydrologic method should be dictated by the intended use of the result. The Rational
Method was originally developed to estimate runoff from small areas and assumes a uniform distribution
of precipitation over the study area. This is a major reason the Rational Method is applicable only when
areas are less than or equal to 640 acres (1.0 square mile). The Rational Method should not be used in
circumstances where there is a junction of independent drainage systems. In these instances, the
Modified Rational Method should be used to analyze the junction(s) of the independent drainage systems.
The Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Hydrologic Method should be used for watersheds
greater than approximately 640 acres (1.0 square mile) in size.
1.4 Acknowledgments
This hydrology manual was prepared by WEST Consultants, Inc. (WEST) on behalf of the Imperial County
Department of Public Works. As part of the WEST team, Hromadka and Associates, Inc. provided quality
control reviews and content recommendations. Review comments were incorporated based on input
from the Imperial County Department of Public Works and the local engineering community.
Imperial County is within the Sonoran and Colorado Desert region with high temperatures and an average
annual rainfall of 3 inches (U.S. Climate Data, 2016). Storms in Imperial County can be classified as general
storms and local storms (Caltrans, 2007).
General storms are usually frontal or convergence storms that typically move in from the Pacific Ocean
and produce light rain over relatively large areas. These storms normally occur between October and
May, with most occurring in January and February. Although not as common, general storms that occur
in the summer are often tropical storms. Typically, the mountain areas receive more precipitation than
the lower desert areas.
While general storms bring a large volume of water over time, local storms are small and intense,
producing higher peak rainfall amounts. Local thunderstorms can occur in Imperial County at any time of
the year but are most common and most intense during the summer months (June to September). They
develop as warm, moist tropical air drifts northward and northwestward from Mexico and the Gulf of
California, and are sometimes enhanced by moisture and atmospheric circulation drifting northward from
tropical storms off the west coast of Baja California. These local thunderstorms can produce very heavy
rain for short periods of time over small areas, causing very rapid runoff from small drainages. The result
may be flash floods, which can lead to loss of life and substantial property damage. A significant
percentage of the largest runoff is likely caused by summer thunderstorms over small basins with drainage
areas generally less than 20 square miles.
Because both general storms and local thunderstorms may cause significant runoff in Imperial County,
both the 6-hour design storm and the 24-hour design storm should be analyzed when applying the NRCS
method (Chapter 4). The design storm that produces the largest peak discharge (or volume, when
appropriate) should be selected for use in the runoff calculation.
When applying the Rational Method, the storm duration for the rainfall intensity parameter will be equal
to the time of concentration (Tc) (Chapter 3).
Rainfall depth and intensity at a point can be obtained using the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) online Precipitation Frequency Data Server (PFDS): NOAA Atlas 14, Volume 6, encompasses Imperial County and was
updated in 2011. The NOAA Atlas 14 online tool uses an interactive map or user provided
latitude/longitude, once the state has been selected. The required return interval will be dictated by the
An assumption of the Rational Method is equal intensity rainfall over the entire drainage basin. For this
reason, when using NOAA Atlas 14 for the Rational Method, multiple points within the watershed should
be evaluated and the highest value used.
The NRCS Method, for larger areas, requires an average rainfall over the entire watershed. The
recommended method to obtain the average precipitation over the watershed is to use GIS software. The
PFDS (link above) provides gridded rainfall estimates under the “Supplementary information” tab. Once
the recurrence interval and duration are selected, the gridded data can be downloaded. The data will
cover the Southwestern United States, which includes Imperial County. Average rainfall can be
determined using a georeferenced shapefile of the watershed.
Convective storms are not uniformly distributed in space, typically having a higher rainfall intensity at the
storm center and decreasing intensity toward the storm edge. Similarly, general storms tend to have
rainfall depths that vary through the spatial extent of the storm.
Rainfall values are selected from point depth duration frequency curves in standard resources like NOAA
Atlas 14 as described in Section 2.2. This is the expected rainfall depth at one location in a watershed for
the specified duration and frequency. Because storms are not uniformly distributed in space, point rainfall
is typically higher than aerially-averaged rainfall depths. Depth Area Reduction Factors (DARFs) are used
DARFs are represented by a set of curves relating the DARF to watershed area and return interval. The
DARF curves for Imperial County are presented in Figure 2-1 and Figure 2-2 (NOAA, 1973). DARF values
range from 0 to 1.0 (shown as 0 to 100 percent on the figures) and reduce the point value to an average
areal estimate. After watershed rainfall depth has been determined for the appropriate return interval,
the rainfall depth should be reduced using the DARF value from Figure 2-1, Figure 2-2 or Table 2-1
corresponding to the watershed size and rainfall duration. If the watershed size is not represented in
Table 2-1, select the next size smaller watershed, interpolate or use Figure 2-1 or Figure 2-2. For
watersheds smaller than 5 square miles, use a DARF equal to 1.0. If the watershed is larger than 400
square miles, use the value for 400 square miles. In the case of durations less than 30 minutes, use the
30-minute DARF value. For durations greater than 24 hours, use a DARF equal to 1.0.
See Figure 2-2
% of Point Precipitation
0 50 100 150 200 250 300 350 400
Drainage Area (square miles)
% of Point Precipitation
95 6-hour
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50
Drainage Area (square miles)
Figure 2-2. Depth-Area Reduction Factor Curves for Imperial County (5 to 50 square miles)
When the Rational Method is used, equal distribution of rainfall is assumed and only the peak discharge
resulting from the rainfall is estimated. When the NRCS Method is used, there is no assumption of evenly
distributed rainfall and the method may be used to estimate a runoff hydrograph (discharge varies with
time). Because rainfall may vary over the runoff time period, the temporal distribution of the rainfall
event becomes important. The temporal distribution of the rainfall is when the rainfall occurs throughout
the storm event. The time distribution of rainfall during a storm can be represented graphically as a
hyetograph, a chart showing increments of average rainfall during successive units of time during a storm.
The rainfall distribution adopted for this manual is a nested storm pattern, based on the United States
Army Corps of Engineers (USACE), Hydrologic Engineering Center (HEC) Training Document Number 15
(HEC TD-15), Hydrologic Analysis of Ungaged Watersheds Using HEC-1 (USACE, 1982). A 24-hour nested
storm shall be used for flood flow computations. The peak of the nested storm will occur at hour 16 of
the 24- hour storm. The nested storm will be distributed about hour 16 of the 24-hour storm using a (2/3,
1/3) distribution. The nested storm pattern with 2/3, 1/3 distribution is presented in Figure 2-3.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24
Storm Time
Creation of the 24-hour nested storm rainfall distribution requires rainfall depths for increments of storm
duration from the selected computation interval through 24 hours (e.g., to create the nested storm using
a 15-minute computation interval, rainfall depths are required for durations equal to 15 minutes, 30
minutes, 45 minutes, 1 hour, 1.25 hours, and so on through 24 hours). The computation interval is the
period of excess rainfall (D) and should be less than or equal to twenty percent of the time to peak (0.2Tp).
Excess rainfall is the volume of precipitation that falls at any intensity exceeding that which can infiltrate
and Tp is the time to peak runoff in the watershed, which is discussed in Section 4.2.5.
Total rainfall amounts for the appropriate 6-hour design duration and/or 24-hour design duration shall be
obtained from the NOAA Atlas 14 PFDS as described in Section 2.2. For durations not available from the
NOAA Atlas 14 PFDS, log-log interpolation with the nearest duration values may be used to estimate the
rainfall for the duration. If the watershed area is greater than 10 square miles, the rainfall depth for each
duration must be adjusted using the appropriate depth-area adjustment values based on the watershed
area from Table 2-1. For durations less than 30 minutes, the 30-minute depth area adjustment value is
used. For durations greater than 30 minutes and not equal to durations with data available in Table 2-1,
depth area adjustment is interpolated by linear interpolation between the surrounding data points.
To obtain the 2/3, 1/3 temporal distribution, sort the ordinates of the hyetograph into the 2/3, 1/3 order
of distribution. The first ordinate is the peak rainfall ordinate. This peak rainfall ordinate occurs at hour
16.0 of the 24-hour storm. The second rainfall ordinate occurs at 16.0 hours - 1D, the third rainfall
ordinate occurs at 16.0 hours - 2D, and the fourth rainfall ordinate occurs at 16.0 hours + 1D. The
sequence continues alternating two ordinates to the left and one ordinate to the right as presented in
Figure 2-4. Creation of such a design storm is required for use of the NRCS Method to determine runoff
from watersheds larger than 640 acres (1.0 square mile.) A method using HEC-HMS to perform the
calculations is described in Section 4.4.
Create a 100-year, 24-hour storm hyetograph. Assume the watershed area is 7,400 acres and the Tp is 5
hours. The center of the watershed is located at approximately 33.1130°N, 115.8755°W.
Because Tp is 5 hours, the duration D is 1 hour (D = 0.2Tp). The gridded point precipitation data for the
100-year, 24-hour storm are downloaded from NOAA Atlas 14 as described in Section 2.2. The duration,
D, is 1 hour, so required point precipitation frequency estimates are all durations from 1 hour to 24 hours.
Available durations are: 60 minute, 2 hour, 3 hour, 6 hour, 12 hour and 24 hour.
Using GIS software, the watershed boundary is delineated and an average point precipitation in the
watershed is estimated for each duration using the gridded point precipitation data. Average point
precipitation for this example is presented in Table 2-2.
Duration 60 min 2 hr 3 hr 6 hr 12 hr 24 hr
Average Watershed
1.58 1.98 2.23 2.67 3.13 4.00
Precipitation (in)
To create the hyetograph, rainfall depths for each multiple of the Duration D not provided by NOAA
Atlas 14 are estimated using log interpolation. This is accomplished as follows:
Precipitation values for hours 1, 2 and 3 were obtained directly from NOAA Atlas
14. The 4th and 5th hour precipitation amounts must be estimated using log
interpolation between hour 3 and 6, however. This is accomplished using the
a a
� � �1 - � (2-1)
x = x2a+b x1 a+b
a b
x1 = 2.23 x2 = 2.67
a = (4-3) = 1 b = (6-4) = 2
x1 = 2.23 x2 = 2.67
a = (5-3) = 2 b = (6-5) = 1
2 2
� � �1 - �
x = 2.67 1+2 2.23 1+2
This is repeated until point precipitation values for all hours not available from NOAA Atlas 14 have been
estimated. The watershed area is greater than 10 square miles (7,400 acres = 11.6 square miles), so a
depth-area reduction will be applied by multiplying the DARF value and the point precipitation for that
time period yielding the depth area adjusted precipitation for that time period. The hyetograph ordinate
for each time period may then be determined as the difference between the hourly depth-area adjusted
precipitation values. Results are summarized in Table 2-3.
Duration rainfall amounts are the hyetograph ordinates in Table 2-3 arranged in descending order in a
2/3, 1/3 fashion centered on hour 16, i.e., hour 16 = 1.48 inches, hour 15 = 0.41 inches, hour 14 = 0.27
inches, hour 17 = 0.14 inches, hour 13 = 0.15 inches, etc. The resulting, completed hyetograph is
presented in Figure 2-5.
Duration Rainfall (inch)
0 6 12 18 24
The Rational Method (RM) is a mathematical formula used to determine the maximum runoff rate from
a given rainfall. It has particular application in urban storm drainage, where it is used to estimate peak
runoff rates from small urban and rural watersheds for the design of storm drains and small drainage
structures. The RM is recommended for analyzing the runoff response from drainage areas up to
approximately 640 acres (1.0 square mile) in size. When independent drainage systems are present within
the watershed being analyzed using the RM, the Modified Rational Method (MRM) should be used in
order to combine the flows of the independent systems at junctions (see Section 3.4). When the
watershed size exceeds 640 acres the Natural Resources Conservation Service (NRCS) Hydrologic Method
should be used (see Section 4).
The RM can be applied using any design storm return interval (e.g., 100-year, 50-year, 10-year, etc.).
Precipitation estimates are based on National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) Atlas 14.
Precipitation frequency estimates for the required storm frequency and duration can be attained via the
NOAA Atlas 14 online Precipitation Frequency Data Server (PFDS) as described in Section 2.2.
The RM formula estimates the peak rate of runoff at any location in a watershed as a function of the
drainage area (A), runoff coefficient (C), and rainfall intensity (I). The intensity is a function of the rainfall
duration and is determined for a duration set equal to the time of concentration (Tc), which is the time
required for water to flow from the most hydraulically remote point of the basin to the location being
analyzed. The RM formula is expressed as follows:
Qp =C·I·A (3-1)
C = runoff coefficient, proportion of the rainfall that runs off the surface (no units)
For practical purposes the unit conversion coefficient difference of 0.8% can be ignored.
The RM formula is based on the assumption that for constant rainfall intensity, the peak discharge rate at
a point will occur when the raindrop that falls at the most hydraulically remote point in the tributary
drainage basin arrives at the point of interest. The most hydraulically remote point is the location from
which drainage will take the longest to arrive at the point of interest. Figure 3-1 demonstrates this
157 156
155 154 153 152
Path A 146
Length = 1,800 ft 145
Time to Reach Point of Interest = 0.45 hr
Point of Interest
Path B
Length = 1,200 ft
Time to Reach Point of Interest = 1.10 hr
(most hydraulically remote point)
Unlike the Modified Rational Method (MRM) (discussed in Section 3.4) or the NRCS hydrologic method
(discussed in Section 4), the RM does not create hydrographs and therefore does not add separate
subarea hydrographs at collection points.
1) Peak flow occurs when the entire watershed is contributing to the flow.
4) The storm frequency of peak discharges is the same as that of I for the given Tc.
5) The fraction of rainfall that becomes runoff (or the runoff coefficient, C) is dependent
on the return period.
6) The peak rate of runoff is the only information produced by using the RM.
The runoff coefficient (C) corresponds to the percentage of rainfall that becomes runoff. An estimated
value for C may be determined from Table 3-2 or Table 3-3. Table 3-2 provides ranges of runoff coefficient
values based on land use. Table 3-3 provides urban runoff coefficients based on land use and soil type.
Soil type determination should be done using a method approved by the County prior to work being done.
If the County has no preferred method at the site, two possible methods are soil testing at the site or
using the USDA NRCS Web Soil Survey online tool available here: An appropriate runoff coefficient (C)
for each type of land use in the subarea should be selected from Table 3-3 and multiplied by the
percentage of the total area (A) included in that class. The sum of the products for all land uses is the
weighted runoff coefficient ∑(C·A). Good engineering judgment should be used when applying the values
presented in Table 3-3, as adjustments to these values may be appropriate based on site-specific
Table 3-2 and Table 3-3 provide approximate runoff coefficient values for various development types. In
urban areas the runoff coefficient can also be estimated based on the percent of impervious area and the
percent of open space based on the following formula:
The values in Table 3-3 are typical for most urban areas. However, if the basin contains rural or agricultural
land use, parks, golf courses, or other types of nonurban land use that are expected to be permanent, the
appropriate value should be selected based upon the soil and cover and approved by the County.
The determined runoff coefficient (C) is for storm return periods up to 10 years. Less frequent, higher
intensity storms tend to generate more runoff requiring a modification to the runoff coefficient. For these
storms, the adjusted C value is obtained by multiplying C by the appropriate value in Table 3-1. The final
runoff coefficient may never exceed 1.0. (If the modified runoff coefficient exceeds 1.0, use the value 1.0.)
Soil Type
NRCS Elements Structure(s) Utilization A B C D
Undisturbed Natural Terrain (Natural) Permanent Open Space 0* 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35
Low Density Residential (LDR) Residential, 1.0 DU/A or less 10 0.27 0.32 0.36 0.41
Low Density Residential (LDR) Residential, 2.0 DU/A or less 20 0.34 0.38 0.42 0.46
Low Density Residential (LDR) Residential, 2.9 DU/A or less 25 0.38 0.41 0.45 0.49
Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 4.3 DU/A or less 30 0.41 0.45 0.48 0.52
Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 7.3 DU/A or less 40 0.48 0.51 0.54 0.57
Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 10.9 DU/A or less 45 0.52 0.54 0.57 0.60
Medium Density Residential (MDR) Residential, 14.5 DU/A or less 50 0.55 0.58 0.60 0.63
High Density Residential (HDR) Residential, 24.0 DU/A or less 65 0.66 0.67 0.69 0.71
High Density Residential (HDR) Residential, 43.0 DU/A or less 80 0.76 0.77 0.78 0.79
*The values associated with 0% impervious may be used for direct calculation of the runoff coefficient as described in Section 3.1.2 (representing the
pervious runoff coefficient, Cp, for the soil type), or for areas that will remain undisturbed in perpetuity. Justification must be given that the area will
remain natural forever (e.g., the area is located in Cleveland National Forest).
DU/A = dwelling units per acre
The rainfall intensity (I, inches/hour) is the rainfall rate for a duration equal to the time of concentration
(Tc ) for a selected storm frequency. Once a particular storm frequency has been selected for design and
a Tc calculated for the drainage area, the rainfall intensity can be determined from the NOAA Atlas 14
Point Precipitation Frequency Estimates as described in Section 2.2. Interpolation will likely be necessary
to obtain the rainfall intensity corresponding to Tc.
The time of concentration (Tc) is the time required for runoff to flow from the most hydraulically remote
part of the drainage area to the point of interest. The Tc is composed of two components: initial time of
concentration (Ti) and travel time (Tt). Methods of computation for Ti and Tt are discussed below. The Ti
is the time required for runoff to travel as sheet flow across the surface of the most remote subarea in
the study, or “initial subarea.” Guidelines for designating the initial subarea are provided within the
discussion of computation of Ti in the following section. The Tt is the time required for the runoff to flow
in a watercourse (e.g., swale, channel, gutter, and pipe) or series of watercourses from the initial subarea
to the point of interest. For the RM, the Tc at any point within the drainage area is given by:
Tc = Ti + Tt (3-4)
Methods of calculation differ for natural watersheds (non-urbanized) and for urban drainage systems,
however, if TC is estimated to be less than 5 minutes, use 5 minutes in natural or urban watersheds. When
analyzing storm drain systems, the designer must consider the possibility that an existing natural
watershed may become urbanized during the useful life of the storm drain system. Future land uses must
be used for Tc and runoff calculations, and can be determined by consulting with the County.
The initial time of concentration (Ti) is typically based on sheet flow at the upstream end of a drainage
basin. Sheet flow is the shallow mass of runoff on a planar surface with a uniform depth across the sloping
surface. This usually occurs at the headwater of streams over relatively short distances, rarely more than
about 400 feet, and possibly less than 80 feet. Maximum overland sheet flow lengths based on land use
and slope are provided in Table 3-4. Suggested initial Ti values based on average C values are also provided
in the table. Alternatively, the initial time of concentration (Ti) may be estimated using Equation (3-5)
Ti = (3-5)
S1 ⁄ 3
C = runoff coefficient (use Table 3-3 or Equation (3-3) and modify using Table 3-1 according
to the return period )
S = surface slope, %
The sheet flow that is predicted by the FAA equation is limited to conditions that are similar to runway
topography. Some considerations that limit the extent to which the FAA equation applies are identified
2) Parking lots at the extreme upstream drainage basin boundary (at the “ridge” of
a catchment area). Even a parking lot is limited in the amounts of sheet flow it can
produce. Parked or moving vehicles “break-up” the sheet flow, concentrating runoff into
streams that are not characteristic of sheet flow.
4) Flat slopes are prone to meandering flow that tends to be disrupted by minor
irregularities and obstructions. Maximum Overland Flow lengths are shorter for flatter
slopes (see Table 3-4).
Rural or Natural Areas - The FAA equation is applicable to these conditions since (0.5% to 10%) slopes that
are uniform in width of flow (e.g. flow depth and velocity are not being greatly affected by widely varying
1) Most hills and ridge lines have a relatively flat area near the drainage divide.
However, with flat slopes of 0.5%, minor irregularities cause flow to concentrate into
2) Parks, lawns and other vegetated areas have slow velocities that are consistent
with the FAA Equation.
Table 3-4. Maximum Overland Sheet Flow Length (LM) in feet and Corresponding Ti Estimate in minutes
Because the rainfall intensity, (I), depends on TC and TC is not initially known, the computation of TC is an
iterative process. An initial estimate of TC is assumed to be Ti, computed from Equation (3-5). The initial
estimate of TC is then used to obtain I from the Intensity-Depth-Frequency (IDF) curve for the locality. A
more complete TC is then computed from Equation (3-5) by incorporating travel time (Section
The TC which incorporates Ti and Tt is then used to select a new rainfall intensity and TC is calculated again.
If the first and second calculated TC are not the same, a new rainfall intensity is determined and Equation
(3-5) is used to calculate TC again. The process is repeated until two successive TC estimates are the same.
Sheet flow is the first type of flow to occur when a rain drop falls on the most hydraulically remote point
of the basin. This is typically followed by shallow concentrated flow and eventually open channel or pipe
flow. The shallow concentrated flow time and open channel or pipe flow travel time together comprise
the total travel time (Tt). Both of these are determined by calculating the velocity of flow and dividing by
the travel length. Per Equation (3-4) when added to the initial sheet flow time, one obtains the time of
concentration Tc.
Because the velocity normally changes with change in flow rate or slope, such as at an inlet or grade break,
the total Tt must be computed as the sum of the Tt’s for each section of the flow path. Figure 3-2 is a
typical street gutter cross section and shows two possible flow depths: (1) all flow is contained in the
concrete section adjacent to the curb and (2) flow fills the concrete portion of the gutter and extends out
onto the asphalt. For street gutter geometries sufficiently similar to Figure 3-2, use Figure 3-3 to estimate
shallow concentrated flow velocity. To estimate shallow concentrated flow velocity for other land covers,
use Equation (3-6). To estimate average velocities in channels or pipes (or street gutter geometries not
sufficiently similar to Figure 3-2), use Equation (3-7) (Manning’s equation).
When flow is through a closed conduit where no additional flow can enter the system during travel, length,
velocity and Tt are determined using the peak flow in the conduit. In cases where the conduit is not closed
and additional flow from a contributing subarea is added to the total flow during travel (e.g., street flow
in a gutter), calculation of velocity and Tt is performed using an assumed average flow based on the total
area (including upstream subareas) contributing to the point of interest. The Manning equation is typically
used to determine velocity. A reasonable initial estimate of average discharge for small watersheds is 2
to 3 cfs per acre, dependent on land use, drainage area, slope, and rainfall intensity.
Street Slope (%)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 20 30 40 50
Discharge (cfs)
Example: Q = 5.5 cfs, Street Slope = 4%
Then, Flow Depth = 0.32 ft and V = 4.8 ft/s.
Figure 3-3. Street Gutter Flow Velocity (San Diego County, 2003)
Shallow concentrated flow begins when sheet flow ends, without a well-defined channel, and with flow
depths of 0.1 to 0.5 feet. Shallow concentrated flow continues until justification can be made for defining
it as an open channel or pipe flow. Engineering judgment may be called for in deciding where shallow
concentrated flow ends and open channel flow begins. Equation (3-6) can be used to estimate shallow
concentrated flow velocity (FHWA, 2013):
V = 3.28·k·√S (3-6)
Table 3-5. Shallow Concentrated Flow Intercept Coefficients (k) (FHWA, 2013)
Land Cover k
R = hydraulic radius (cross sectional flow area divided by wetted perimeter), feet
S = slope, foot/foot
Table 3-6. Typical Manning’s Coefficient (n) Ranges for Channels and Pipes (FHWA, 2013)
Material Manning’s n*
Closed Conduits
Concrete pipe 0.010 - 0.015
Corrugated Metal Pipe (CMP) 0.011 - 0.037
Plastic pipe (smooth) 0.009 - 0.015
Plastic pipe (corrugated) 0.018 - 0.025
Pavement/gutter sections 0.012 - 0.016
Small Open Channels
Concrete 0.011 - 0.015
Rubble or riprap 0.020 - 0.035
A common mistake in urbanized areas is to assume travel velocities that are too slow. Another common
error is to not check the runoff peak resulting from only part of the catchment. Sometimes a lower portion
of the catchment or a highly impervious area produces a larger peak than that computed for the whole
catchment. This error is most often encountered when the catchment is long or the upper portion
contains grassy open land and the lower portion is more developed.
This section describes the development of the necessary data to perform Rational Method (RM)
calculations. Section 3.3 describes the RM calculation process. Input data for calculating peak flows and
Tc’s with the RM should be developed as follows:
1) On a digital elevation map (DEM) or topographic base map create a drainage map of existing
b) Mark drains, including drains adjacent to the delineated drainage area and overland flow
paths. (Mark existing and proposed drains if evaluating existing and proposed conditions,
otherwise mark existing drains for an existing conditions study and proposed drains for a
proposed conditions study.)
3) Divide the drainage area into subareas by locating significant points of interest. These divisions
should be based on topography, soil type, and land use. Ensure that an appropriate first subarea
is delineated. The first subarea is the area that is most hydraulically distant and whose runoff will
4) Working from upstream to downstream, label subareas and subarea drainage outlet locations.
5) Determine the areal coverage in acres (A) of each subarea in the drainage area.
6) Determine the length and effective slope(s) of the flow path in each subarea.
8) Determine the runoff coefficient (C) for each subarea based on Table 3-3 or Equation (3-3). If the
subarea contains more than one type of development classification, determine a weighted
average for C in the subarea. In determining C, use future land use taken from the applicable
community plan, Multiple Species Conservation Plan, National Forest land use plan, etc.
10) Calculate the (C·A) value(s) for the subareas upstream of the point(s) of interest. Determine C
for each subarea based on guidance in Section 3.1.2
Using the developed input data, calculation of peak flows and Tc’s should be performed as follows:
1) Determine Ti for the first subarea. An example is presented as Subarea A1 in Figure 3-4. Use
Table 3-4 or Equation (3-5) as discussed in Section Additional travel time (Tt) to the
downstream end of the first subarea should be added to Ti to obtain the Tc if the flow path in the
first subarea is longer than the maximum length for sheet flow. Refer to Section
2) Determine I for the subarea using NOAA Atlas 14. If Ti is less than 5 minutes, use the 5 minute
time to determine intensity for calculating the flow.
3) Calculate the peak discharge flow rate for the subarea, where
4) In case the downstream flow rate is less than the upstream flow rate, due to lower I resulting from
the long travel time that is not offset by the additional subarea runoff, use the upstream peak
flow for design purposes until downstream flows increase again.
7) Continue with step 2, above, summing subareas and corresponding C values, until the final point
of interest is reached.
# of subareas
Note: The MRM should be used to calculate the peak discharge when there is a junction incorporating
flows from independent subareas into the drainage system.
Subarea A3 Subarea A1
Subarea A2
Subarea A4
Subarea A5
The first scenario occurs when a highly impervious section exists at the most downstream area of a
watershed and the total upstream area flows through the lower impervious area. When this situation
occurs, two separate calculations should be made.
1) Calculate the runoff from the total drainage area with its weighted C value and the intensity
associated with the longest time of concentration.
2) Calculate the runoff using only the smaller less pervious area. The typical procedure would be
followed using the C value for the small less pervious area and the intensity associated with the
shorter time of concentration.
The results of these two calculations should be compared and the largest value of discharge should be
used for design.
The second scenario exists when a smaller less pervious area is tributary to the larger primary watershed.
When this scenario occurs, two sets of calculations should also be made.
1) Calculate the runoff from the total drainage area with its weighted C value and the intensity
associated with the longest time of concentration.
2) Calculate the runoff to consider how much discharge from the larger primary area is contributing
at the same time the peak from the smaller less pervious tributary area is occurring. When the
small area is discharging, some discharge from the larger primary area is also contributing to the
total discharge. In this calculation, the intensity associated with the time of concentration from
the small less pervious area is used. The C coefficients for the larger and smaller areas should be
determined independently of each other; the larger primary area C coefficient should not include
the smaller, less pervious tributary area. The portion of the larger primary area to be considered
is determined by the following equation:
Where: AC = most downstream part of the larger primary area that will contribute to the discharge
during the time of concentration associated with the smaller, less pervious area,
TC2 = Time of concentration associated with the larger primary area as is used in the first
The purpose of this section is to describe the steps necessary to develop an analysis for a small watershed
using the Modified Rational Method (MRM). It is necessary to use the MRM if the watershed contains
junctions of independent drainage systems. The general process description for using this method,
including an example of the application of this method, is described below. (Another option is to use
available software acceptable to the County that performs these calculations.)
The engineer should only use the MRM for total drainage areas up to approximately 640 acres (1.0 mi2)
in size. If the overall watershed will significantly exceed 640 acres, then the NRCS method described in
Section 4 should be used. The engineer may choose to use either the RM or the MRM for calculations for
up to an approximately 640 acres area and then transition the study to the NRCS method for additional
downstream areas that exceed approximately 640 acres. The transition process is described in Section 4.
The general process for the MRM differs from the RM only when a junction of independent drainage
systems is reached. The peak Q, Tc, and I for each of the independent drainage systems at the point of
the junction are calculated using the RM. The independent drainage systems are then combined using
the MRM procedure described below. The peak Q, Tc, and I for each of the independent drainage systems
at the point of the junction must be calculated using the RM prior to using the MRM procedure to combine
the independent drainage systems. After the independent drainage systems have been combined, RM
calculations are continued to the next point of interest.
Calculate the peak Q, Tc, and I for each of the independent drainage systems using the RM at the point of
the junction. These values will be used for the MRM calculations.
At the junction of two or more independent drainage systems, the respective peak flows are combined to
obtain the maximum flow out of the junction at Tc. Based on the approximation that total runoff increases
directly in proportion to time, a general equation may be written to determine the maximum Q and its
corresponding Tc using the peak Q, Tc, and I for each of the independent drainage systems at the junction.
The general equation requires that contributing Q’s be numbered in order of increasing Tc.
Let Q1, T1, and I1 correspond to the tributary area with the shortest Tc. Likewise, let Q2, T2, and I2
correspond to the tributary area with the next longer Tc. Continuing ranking Q’s, Tc’s, and I’s according to
increasing Tc, until all contributing drainage areas to the junction are ranked. If only two independent
drainage systems are combined, only Q1, T1, I1, Q2, T2, and I2 will be in the equation. Combine the
independent drainage systems using the Junction Equations (3-11):
T1 T1 T1
QT1 =Q1 + Q2 + Q3 +⋯+ Qn
T2 T3 Tn
I2 T2 T2
QT2 =Q2 + Q1 + Q3 + ⋯+ Qn
I1 T3 Tn
I3 I3 T3 (3-11)
QT3 =Q3 + Q1 + Q2 +⋯+ Qn
I1 I2 Tn
In In In
QTn =Qn + Q1 + Q2 +⋯+ Q
I1 I2 In-1 n-1
Calculate QT1, QT2, QT3, up to QTn. Select the largest Q and use the Tc associated with that Q for further
calculations (see Note #1 and Note #2 below for options). If the largest calculated Q’s are equal (e.g., QT1
= QT2 > QTn), use the shorter of the Tc’s associated with that Q.
This equation may be expanded for a junction of more independent drainage systems using the same
procedure. In general, when the Q from a selected subarea (e.g., Q2) is combined with Q from another
subarea with a shorter Tc (e.g., Q1), the Q from the subarea with the shorter Tc is reduced by the ratio of
the rainfall intensities (I2/I1); and when the Q from a selected subarea (e.g., Q2) is combined with the Q
from another subarea with a longer Tc (e.g., Q3), the Q from the subarea with the longer Tc is reduced by
the ratio of the Tc’s (T2/T3).
Note #2: In the upstream part of a watershed, a conservative computation is acceptable. When the
times of concentration (Tc’s) are relatively close in magnitude (within 10%), use the shorter Tc for the
intensity and the equation Qp = ∑#n=1
of subareas(C
n ·An )I.
A developer is sizing a storm inlet for a site that is to be developed. Plans are to develop the site with
single family residential homes on ½ acre lots. For this example, a 50-year return period will be used.
From topographic data and a field survey, the area of the drainage basin upstream of the culvert is found
to be 41.9 acres. In addition the following data were measured or determined from proposed plans:
Figure 3-5 is a sketch of the site with key Rational Method calculation points defined in Table 3-7.
Node A103
Node A104
(storm drain inlet)
Node A105
Location Description
After a review of topography and site development plans, key data is summarized in Table 3-8.
Ti = =9.5 minutes
The length of overland flow was determined to be 570 feet. The first 100 feet is sheet flow and the
remaining 470 feet is shallow overland flow. The travel time (Tt) for this portion is determined using
Equation (3-6). The natural area is nearly bare so an intercept coefficient (k) of 0.31 is assigned. The slope
is 3.5%.
V = (3.28)·(0.31)·√3.5=1.9 feet/second
Rainfall intensity determination is an iterative process based on the total Tc. The sheet flow and shallow
overland flow travel time is 13.6 minutes (9.5 minutes + 4.1 minutes). Rainfall intensity is determined
using NOAA Atlas 14. Using the latitude and longitude of the site, NOAA Atlas 14, the 50-year rainfall
value for 10 minutes is 0.573 inches and 15 minutes is 0.693 inches. After interpolating to obtain an
intensity value for 13.6 minutes, I = 2.96 inches/hour.
Travel time in the gutter is a function of discharge and slope and can be determined using Figure 3-3.
Discharge in the gutter is from the area along the length of gutter flow in addition to the sheet flow and
shallow overland flow contributing areas. The area contributing to sheet flow was determined to be 0.4
acre. The area contributing to shallow overland flow is determined to be 11.5 acres. Since soil type and
land use are the same, the runoff coefficient for the shallow concentrated flow is determined to be the
same as for sheet flow. Use Equation (3-9) to estimate discharge at the upstream end of the gutter:
The area contributing flow directly to the 1,500 feet of gutter is determined to be 30 acres (denoted as
AA103-A104). The gutter is not a closed conduit and velocity in the gutter depends on discharge. For this
reason, travel time in the gutter must be determined in an iterative fashion. To find velocity, assume an
average Q over the gutter length (discharges for small watersheds typically range from 2 to 3 cfs per acre,
depending on land use, drainage area, slope, and rainfall intensity), and proceed as follows:
1) Assume the average discharge in the gutter is the upstream discharge plus the average inflow into
the gutter along the watercourse
(AA103-A104 )
QAVG = QA103 +(average Q per ac)
V = 5.6
1,500 feet
Tt-gutter = = 267.9 seconds =4.5 minutes
4) Calculate time of concentration, Tc from sheet flow, shallow concentrated flow and gutter flow
5) Re-determine rainfall intensity using NOAA Atlas 14 and a time of 18.1 minutes. After
interpolation, I = 2.59 inches/hour.
7) Since the assumption of average runoff of 2.5 cfs was incorrect, make a different assumption and
9) Assume a different average discharge per acre (1.55 cfs/acre, this time)
10) Using the new gutter discharge, slope and Figure 3-3
V = 5.1
1,500 feet
Tt-gutter = = 294.1 second =4.9 minutes
12) Re-calculate time of concentration, Tc from sheet flow, shallow concentrated flow and gutter flow
13) Re-determine rainfall intensity using NOAA Atlas 14 and a time of 18.5 minutes. After
interpolation, I = 2.57 inches/hour.
15) Check that conditions relating to exceptions to applying the Rational Method do not exist:
b) There is not a smaller, less pervious area tributary to the larger primary watershed.
Therefore, the estimated 50-year return period peak discharge at the inlet is 32.3 cfs.
A developer is sizing a storm inlet at the junction between a new site under development and two existing,
independent drainage systems. The site under development is the small urban watershed of the previous
example where the RM was applied. The small urban watershed is to be connected to an existing drainage
system comprised by two additional independent watersheds. The total peak flow at the junction
resulting from the contributions of the small urban watershed under development and the two
independent drainage watersheds will be computed using the MRM.
Figure 3-6 is a sketch of the watershed considered for the Modified Rational Method. The watershed is
composed of three independent drainage systems labelled A, B and C. System A is the small watershed
under development considered in the previous example. System B and C are the two additional
independent drainage systems. The three drainage systems have storm runoff that drains to the junction
node labelled D101. The description of the nodes is reported in Table 3-9 and the key data for each system
are defined in Table 3-10. Subareas have been defined based on land use, topography, and drainage
structures, and node numbers have been placed at points of interest. The procedure for calculating flow
at the junction using the MRM is described in the text below.
The flow from System A was computed in the previous example and is equal to 32.3 cfs with a time of
concentration of 18.5 minutes, a rainfall intensity of 2.57 inches/hour and a drainage area of 41.9 acres.
The flow from System B was computed to be 41.7 cfs with a time of concentration of 22.0 minutes, a
rainfall intensity of 2.39 inches/hour and a drainage area of 48.4 acres. The flow from System C was
computed to be 89.9 cfs with a time of concentration of 18.0 minutes, a rainfall intensity of 2.60
inches/hour and a drainage area of 45.0 acres. The computation for each independent system can be
performed with the RM as shown in the previous example. Table 3-11 presents a summary of the results.
T1 < T2 < T3
TC < TA < TB
T1 T1
QT1 =Q1 + Q2 + Q3
T2 T3
QT1 =QC + QA + QB
18.0 18.0
QT1 =88.3+ 32.3+ 41.7=153.8 cfs
18.5 22.0
I2 T2
QT2 =Q2 + Q1 + Q3
I1 T3
QT2 =QA + QC + QB
2.57 18.5
QT2 =32.3+ 88.3+ 41.7 = 154.6 cfs
2.60 22.0
I3 I3
QT3 =Q3 + Q1 + Q2
I1 I2
QT3 =QB + QC + QA
2.39 2.39
QT2 =41.7+ 88.3+ 32.3 = 152.9 cfs
2.60 2.57
TJUN = T2 = 18.5
Therefore, the estimated peak discharge and time of concentration at the junction are 154.6 cfs and 18.5
min, respectively. These estimates could be used to route the peak downstream to a new point of interest
using the RM.
The NRCS hydrologic method may be used for the entire study area, or the RM or MRM may be used for
approximately 1 square mile of the study area and then transitioned to the NRCS hydrologic method using
the procedure described in Section 4.5. The recommended approach for applying the NRCS hydrologic
method is to develop required input parameters for the method and use HEC-HMS software to perform
the calculations.
The NRCS hydrologic method differs from the Rational Method in two fundamental ways: (1) the NRCS
hydrologic method provides a method to estimate the amount of rainfall that is initially intercepted and
does not contribute to runoff (precipitation losses) and an infiltration rate that decreases during a storm
event while the Rational Method C factor determines what proportion of rainfall becomes runoff, and (2)
the NRCS hydrologic method considers the time distribution of rainfall thus enabling the creation of a
runoff hydrograph which estimates runoff discharge over a period of time whereas the Rational Method
estimates only the peak discharge.
The recommended approach to precipitation losses is the NRCS Curve Number approach. Because there
is little observed data for the rainfall-runoff hydrograph relationship in Imperial County, the
recommended hydrograph approach is the synthetic unit hydrograph S-graph technique using calibrated
s-graphs available from nearby, similar regions. A necessary component to utilizing the S-graph is
The storm runoff hydrograph from a drainage area is based in part on the physical characteristics of the
watershed. The principal physical watershed characteristics affecting the relationship between rainfall
and runoff are land use, land treatment, soil types, and land slope. The NRCS method uses a combination
of soil conditions, land uses (ground cover) and land treatment (generally agricultural practices) to assign
a runoff factor to an area. These runoff factors, called runoff curve numbers (CNs), indicate the runoff
potential of an area. The higher the CN, the higher the runoff potential. The CN does not account for land
slope. However, in the NRCS hydrologic method, land slope is accounted for in the determination of
watershed lag time (see Section 4.2.5). The steps for estimating rainfall runoff are:
1) Delineate the watershed on a map and determine watershed physical characteristics including
location of centroid, total length of longest watercourse, length along the watercourse to location
nearest the centroid, soil type, and land use/land treatment,
2) Determine a composite curve number (CN) for the watershed, which will represent the
combination of land use and soil type within the drainage area and describe the proportion of
rainfall that runs off,
3) Determine frequency of the design storm, total rainfall amount for the design storm and
Antecedent Runoff Condition (ARC) for the watershed location,
The CN values in Table 4-1, Table 4-2 and Table 4-3 are suitable for preparing hydrographs in accordance
with the methods shown in Chapters 10 and 16 of NEH-630 and described in Section 4.2 of this manual.
The CN values are based on hydrologic soil group and land use/land treatment. When a drainage area has
more than one land use, hydrologic soil group or hydrologic condition, a composite CN should be
calculated and used in the analysis. It should be noted that when composite CNs are used, the analysis
does not take into account the location of the specific land uses but treats the drainage area as a uniform
land use represented by the composite CN.
Once the accumulation point has been determined, watershed delineation may be accomplished by hand
or using GIS methods. Depending on the size and distribution of soil types, vegetative cover, land uses
and other factors affecting rainfall runoff, it may be necessary to subdivide the watershed into smaller
sub-basins. Ideally, sub-basins would have similar hydrologic characteristics. Each sub-basin will be
analyzed separately, creating runoff hydrographs for each which are subsequently combined creating the
runoff hydrograph for the entire watershed.
Required watershed (or sub-basin) attributes for the NRCS method are: basin area, basin centroid, length
(miles) of the longest watercourse from the accumulation point to the basin boundary, length (miles)
along the longest watercourse from the accumulation point to a point opposite the basin centroid,
average slope (feet per mile) of the longest watercourse, soil hydrologic classification (NEH-630, Chapter
7) and vegetative cover and condition.
Once the watershed and sub-basins have been delineated, hydrologic soil types determined, and
vegetative cover and condition estimated, the Curve Number (CN) can be estimated. The combination of
Table 4-1 through Table 4-3 are from NEH-630 (USDA, 2004) and provide guidance in selecting CN based
on hydrologic complex. The CNs in the table assume the initial abstraction (Ia) is equal to 20% of the total
runoff retention capacity of the watershed (Ia = 0.2S), which is the standard assumption put forth in NEH-
630 (USDA, 2004). Any assumption other than Ia = 0.2S would require determination of different CNs for
the hydrologic soil complexes. When impervious areas are part of the basin, it must be determined if they
are connected or unconnected to the drainage system and treated accordingly. Treatment of connected
and unconnected impervious areas is discussed following Table 4-1. Also note that the CN for some urban
cover types assumes a certain percent imperviousness and these areas should not be double-counted.
Impervious areas:
Paved parking lots, roofs, driveways, etc.
98 98 98 98
(excluding un-improved right-of-way)
Streets and roads:
Paved; curbs and storm sewers (excluding
98 98 98 98
un-improved right-of-way)
Paved; open ditches
83 89 92 93
(including right-of-way)
Gravel (including right-of-way) 76 85 89 91
Dirt (including right-of-way) 72 82 87 89
Urban districts:
Commercial and business 85 89 92 94 95
Industrial 72 81 88 91 93
Impervious areas can be connected or unconnected to the drainage system and the distinction can affect
the composite CN. From USDA (2010), an impervious area is considered connected if runoff from it flows
directly into the drainage system. It is also considered connected if runoff from it occurs as shallow
concentrated flow running over a pervious area and into a drainage system. If all impervious area is
directly connected to the drainage system, but the impervious area percentages in Table 4-1 or the
pervious land use assumptions are not applicable, use Equation (4-1) or Figure 4-1 to compute a composite
CNC = CNP + � � (98 - CNP ) (4-1)
If runoff from impervious areas flows over a pervious area as sheet flow prior to entering the drainage
system, the impervious area is unconnected. To determine CN when all or part of the impervious area is
not directly connected to the drainage system, use Equation (4-2) or Figure 4-2 (USDA, 2010) if the total
impervious area is less than 30 percent of the total area or use Equation (4-1) or Figure 4-1 if the total
impervious area is equal to or greater than 30 percent of the total area (as the absorptive capacity of the
remaining pervious areas will not significantly affect runoff).
CNC = CNP + � � (98 - CNP )(1 -0.05R) (4-2)
When impervious area is less than 30%, obtain the composite CN by entering the right half of Figure 4-2
with the percentage of total impervious area and the ratio of total unconnected impervious area to total
impervious area. Then move horizontally to the left to the appropriate pervious CN and read down to
find the composite CN.
Table 4-2. Runoff Curve Numbers for Arid and Semiarid Rangelands1
Cover Type A3 B C D
Herbaceous – mixture of grass, weeds and Poor 80 87 93
low-growing brush, with brush the minor Fair 71 81 89
element Good 62 74 85
Poor 75 85 89
Pinyon-juniper – pinyon, juniper, or both:
grass understory Fair 58 73 80
Good 41 61 71
Poor 67 80 85
Sage-grass – sage with an understory of grass
Fair 51 63 70
Cover Type A3 B C D
Good 35 47 55
Cover Type Treatment2 A B C D
Bare soil --- 77 86 91 94
Poor 76 85 90 93
Fallow Crop residue cover
(CR) Good 74 83 88 90
Poor 72 81 88 91
Straight row (SR)
Good 67 78 85 89
Poor 71 80 87 90
Good 64 75 82 85
Poor 70 79 84 88
Contoured (C)
Good 65 75 82 86
Row crops
Poor 69 78 83 87
C + CR
Good 64 74 81 85
Contoured and Poor 66 74 80 82
terraced (C & T) Good 62 71 78 81
Poor 65 73 79 81
C & T + CR
Good 61 70 77 80
Poor 65 76 84 88
Good 63 75 83 87
Small grain
Poor 64 75 83 86
Good 60 72 80 84
C Poor 63 74 82 85
Cover Type Treatment2 A B C D
Good 61 73 81 84
Poor 62 73 81 84
C + CR
Good 60 72 80 83
Poor 61 72 79 82
Small grain C&T
Good 59 70 78 81
Poor 60 71 78 81
C & T + CR
Good 58 69 77 80
Poor 66 77 85 89
Good 58 72 81 85
Close-seeded or Poor 64 75 83 85
broadcast legumes or C
rotation meadow Good 55 69 78 83
Poor 63 73 80 83
Good 51 67 76 80
grass, protected from
Good 30 58 71 78
grazing and generally
mowed for hay
Brush-brush-forbs- Poor 48 67 77 83
grass mixture with
Fair 35 56 70 77
brush the major
element5 Good 306 48 65 73
Poor 57 73 82 86
combination (orchard Fair 43 65 76 82
or tree farm)7
Good 32 58 72 79
Poor 45 66 77 83
Woods8 Fair 36 60 73 79
Good 30 55 70 77
Farmstead – buildings,
lanes, driveways, and --- 59 74 82 86
surrounding lots
Cover Type Treatment2 A B C D
Roads (including right-
Dirt --- 72 82 87 89
Gravel --- 76 85 89 91
1 Average runoff condition and Ia = 0.2S.
2 Crop residue cover applies only if residue is on at least 5% of the surface throughout the year.
3 Hydrologic condition is based on combinations of factors that affect infiltration and runoff, including (a) density and canopy
of vegetative areas, (b) amount of year-round cover, (c) amount of grass or close-seeded legumes, (d) percent of residue
cover on the land surface (good > 20%), and (e) degree of surface toughness.
Poor: Factors impair infiltration and tend to increase runoff.
Good: Factors average and better than average infiltration and tend to decrease runoff.30 to 70% ground cover.
For conservation tillage poor hydrologic condition, 5 to 20% of the surface is covered with residue (< 750 pounds per acre
for row crops or 300 pounds per acre for small grain.)
For conservation tillage good hydrologic condition, more than 20% of the surface is covered with residue (> 750 pounds per
acre for row crops or 300 pounds per acre for small grain.)
4 Poor: < 50% ground cover or heavily grazed with no mulch.
Fair: 50 to 75% ground cover and not heavily grazed.
Good: > 75% ground cover and lightly or only occasionally grazed.
5 Poor: < 50% ground cover.
Fair: 50 to 75% ground cover.
Good: > 75% ground cover.
6 If actual CN is less than 30, use CN = 30 for runoff computation.
7 CNs shown were computed for areas with 50% woods and 50% grass (pasture) cover. Other combinations of conditions may
be computed from the CNs for woods and pastures.
8 Poor: Forest litter, small trees, and brush are destroyed by heavy grazing or regular burning.
Fair: Woods are grazed, but not burned, and some forest litter covers the soil.
Good: Woods are protected from grazing, and litter and brush adequately cover the soil.
Determination of design storm frequency is based on County and project requirements. Once the design
storm frequency has been determined, rainfall amounts can be obtained by following the procedure in
Section 2.2.
Basin conditions at the onset and during a storm can affect the quantity of runoff. Factors including
rainfall intensity and duration, total rainfall, soil moisture conditions, cover density, stage of growth and
temperature can all contribute to variability in the amount of rainfall that becomes runoff. Collectively
these factors are called the Antecedent Runoff Condition (ARC). ARC is divided into three classes: II for
average conditions, I for dryer than normal conditions, and III for wetter than normal conditions. Provided
adequate justification can be made and acceptable conservatism demonstrated, an ARC adjustment to
CNs may be valid. In general a design ARC Class II should be used.
CN values presented in Table 4-1 through Table 4-3 assume an ARC II condition. ARC II CN values and the
corresponding ARC I and ARC III values are presented in Table 4-4.
The variation in rainfall intensity that occurs from the beginning of the storm through the storm peak and
to the end of the storm is represented in the time distribution of rainfall. The time distribution of rainfall
during a storm should be tabulated and can be represented graphically as a hyetograph, a chart showing
increments of average rainfall during successive units of time during a storm. As discussed in Section 2.4,
the rainfall distribution pattern adopted by Imperial County is a nested storm pattern with 2/3, 1/3
distribution. The time to peak (Tp) necessary for determining duration D of the hyetograph should be
determined using the Corps lag method (USACE, 1976). Corps lag (Tl) in hours is expressed by the empirical
Tl = 24 n� � � (4-3)
Tp = 0.862 Tl (4-4)
Where: n̄ = the visually estimated mean of all Manning’s n values for watercourses in the basin,
LC = length along the longest watercourse measured from the outlet to a point opposite the
basin centroid, in miles,
S = slope of the longest watercourse between the outlet and the headwaters in feet per mile,
Descriptive aids for estimating the basin n̄ factor, based on Plate 21 from USACE (1976) are:
n̄ = 0.015, drainage area has fairly uniform, gentle slopes with most watercourses either improved or
along paved streets. Ground cover consists of some grasses with appreciable areas developed to the
extent that a large percentage of the area is impervious. Main watercourse is improved channel or
n̄ = 0.020, drainage area has some graded and non-uniform, gentle slopes with over half of area
watercourses either improved or along paved streets. Ground cover consists of equal amount grasses
and impervious area. Main watercourse is partly improved channel or conduit and partly greenbelt
n̄ = 0.030, drainage area is generally rolling, with rounded ridges and moderate side slopes and no
drainage improvements in the area. Ground cover includes scattered brush and grasses. Watercourses
meander in fairly straight, unimproved channels with some boulders and lodged debris.
n̄ = 0.040, drainage area is steep upper canyons with moderate slopes in lower canyons and no drainage
improvements in the area. Ground cover is mixed brush and trees with grasses in lower canyons.
Watercourses have moderate bends and are moderately impeded by boulders and debris with
meandering courses.
n̄ = 0.050, drainage area is quite rugged, with sharp ridges and narrow, steep canyons and no drainage
improvements in the area. The ground cover, excluding small areas of rock outcrops, includes many trees
and considerable underbrush. Watercourses meander around sharp bends, over large boulders and
considerable debris obstruction.
n̄ = 0.100, the drainage area has extensive vegetation, including grass, or is farmed with contoured
plowing, and streams that contain a large amount of brush, grass or other vegetation that slows water
n̄ = 0.200, the drainage area has comparatively uniform slopes with no drainage improvements.
Groundcover consists of cultivated crops or substantial growths of grass and fairly dense small shrubs,
cacti or similar vegetation. Surface characteristics are such that channelization dies not occur
In addition, the Guide for Selecting Manning’s Roughness Coefficients for Natural Channels and
Floodplains (USGS Water Supply paper 2339) and Open Channel Hydraulics by Ven Te Chow may provide
supplementary guidance.
Once Corps basin lag time is determined, NRCS lag time (TN) may be determined using (San Diego County,
TN = 0.862 Tl - (4-5)
A hyetograph creation example is provided in Section 2.5. As discussed in Section 2.4, if warranted, the
depth-area rainfall reduction should be applied prior to arranging the incremental rainfall amounts in the
2/3, 1/3 distribution. Tabulated and/or graphical hyetograph representations should be converted to
units of inches per hour if not already determined as such.
Excess rainfall is the precipitation that becomes runoff. To estimate excess rainfall, obtain the partial
duration rainfall values as described in Section 2.2, apply a depth-area reduction factor as described in
Section 2.4 (if appropriate) and use HEC-HMS software, along with CN, percent impervious, NRCS lag (TN)
and the appropriate S-graph to determine the excess rainfall runoff hydrograph. The process is described
in detail in Section 4.4.
As previously discussed, long term rainfall and streamgage data is sparse in the County. For this reason,
the S-graph method has been chosen as the preferred hydrograph calculation approach. From Caltrans
(2007), because no two drainage areas have identical hydrologic characteristics, the runoff patterns from
these areas are generally dissimilar and the time distribution of runoff may differ considerably. Therefore,
direct transposition of the characteristic time distribution of runoff from drainage areas for which rainfall-
runoff data are available to nearby areas for which data are not available is usually not advisable. The S-
graph method uses a basic time-runoff relationship for a watershed type in a form suitable for application
to ungaged basins.
The Desert and Foothill S-graphs of other, local Southern California regions best approximate the
watershed response most likely to be present in Imperial County. The Desert and Foothill S-graphs are
presented in Error! Reference source not found. and tabulated in Appendix A. The Foothill S-graph is for
watersheds characterized by natural channels incised in canyon bottoms with overbank flows confined
near the main channel. The Desert S-graph is for use in undeveloped desert areas. The recommended
approach for hydrograph calculation with the S-graphs is using HEC-HMS (HMS) (USACE, 2016) software.
The process is described in Section 4.4.
Once an HMS project is opened, a basin hydrograph may be estimated using the following steps:
Step 1. HMS paired data creation. Use the “Components” → “Paired Data Manager” to create a
“Data Type: Percentage Curves” named after the S-graph being used, as presented in Figure
Step 2. S-graph data entry. Select the newly created paired data type, select the “Table” data entry
method and copy the proper S-graph values from Appendix A of this manual ensuring values
are copied in ascending order, as presented in Figure 4-5.
Step 3. Use the “Components” → “Basin Model Manager” to create and name a basin model for the
area where the hydrograph is desired. The default basin model settings as presented in
Figure 4-6 are acceptable for basic hydrograph calculation.
Step 4. Using the “Subbasin Creation Tool”, create and name a subbasin, enter the subbasin area,
select “Loss Method” as SCS Curve Number, “Transform Method” as User-Specified S-Graph
and “Baseflow Method” as –None-- as presented in Figure 4-7 and Figure 4-8.
Step 5. Set subbasin loss and transform parameters. As presented in Figure 4-9, select the “Loss”
tab and enter a Curve Number and Impervious % as determined using the methods described
in Section 4.2.2. Do not enter an Initial Abstraction (IN) value. As presented in Figure 4-10,
select the “Transform” tab, select the S-graph created in Step 1 and Step 2 and enter the
NRCS Lag Time determined using the Corps lag method described in Section 4.2.5.
Figure 4-9. HMS S-graph loss settings Figure 4-10. HMS S-graph transform settings
Step 6. Meteorologic Model creation. Use the “Components” → “Meteorologic Model Manager” to
create and name a meteorologic model for the area where the hydrograph is desired as
presented in Figure 4-11. Settings should be as presented in Figure 4-12. On the “Basins”
tab, set “Include Subbasins” to “Yes” as presented in Figure 4-13.
Figure 4-12. HMS Meteorologic Model settings Figure 4-13. HMS Meteorologic Model subbasins
Step 9. Control Specifications settings. The start and end dates and times should be selected to
provide enough time to capture the entire hydrograph. The “Time Interval” setting of the
Control Specifications should be set no greater than the “Intensity-Duration” in Step 7
(5 minutes in this example.). In the example shown, a time interval of 5 minutes is selected.
When peak discharge is of primary importance, a short time interval should be utilized.
Settings should be as presented in Figure 4-16. .
Step 10. Create a Simulation Run. Use the “Compute” → “Create Compute” → “Simulation Run …” to
prepare a model run. Follow the prompts to name the model run, select the basin model
created in Step 3, Meteorologic Model created in Step 6 and the Control Specifications
created in Step 9.
Step 11. Calculate the hydrograph. Select the “Compute” tab, select Simulation Runs and right click
the simulation run created in Step 10. Click compute as presented in Figure 4-17.
Step 12. View the results. The resulting hydrograph may be viewed by selecting the “Results” tab,
clicking “Simulation Runs”, clicking the simulation run created in Step 10, clicking the
subbasin created in Step 4 and selecting “Graph” as presented in Figure 4-18.
Of course, the simulation results from the example are for the 1 square mile watershed used to apply the
proper depth-area-reduction. Final results are obtained by multiplying simulation results by the actual
square mile area of the watershed. The abscissa and ordinate values of the hydrograph are available in
the detailed output. The procedure described for determining a runoff hydrograph is applicable to a single
basin. Analysis of more complicated watersheds requiring subbasins should follow a similar overall
approach and may require the use of junctions, routing reaches, reservoirs, etc. Refer to the HEC-HMS
User’s Manual for further information regarding the use of multiple subbasins.
As discussed in Section 3.1, the engineer should only use the RM or MRM for drainage areas up to
approximately 1 square mile. The NRCS hydrologic method should be used for study areas approximately
1 square mile and greater in size. For study areas greater than approximately 1 square mile, the NRCS
hydrologic method may be used for the entire study area, or the RM or MRM may be used for
approximately 1 square mile of the study area with results then transitioned to the NRCS hydrologic
method solutions using the procedure described below:
3) Begin NRCS hydrograph calculations at the next point of interest. Estimate the travel time, Tt,
from the MRM calculations along the reach to the point of interest, and increase the Tc from the
MRM calculations by Tt. Determine Tp based on Tc using McCuen (1982):
TP = 0.67 TC (4-6)
Perform NRCS calculations as described in Section 4.4 and the total watershed area to the point
of interest.
Brown, S.S., J.D. Schall, J.L. Morris, C.L. Doherty, S.M. Stein and J.C. Warner. 2009. HEC-22 Urban
Drainage Design Manual, 3rd Ed. United States Department of Transportation, Federal Highway
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