Induction Machies Model Question Paper

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TED (21) 4033 Reg.

(Revision – 2021)
A23-2103230088A Signature ………………….



[Maximum Marks: 75] [Time: 3 Hours]

I. Answer all the following questions in one word or one sentence. Each question carries
‘one’ mark.
(9 x 1 = 9 Marks)
Module Outcome Cognitive level

1. In core type construction, the transformer core surrounds the M1.01 R

winding. Is the statement true or false?
2. The magnetic leakage flux in a transformer is represented in M1.04 U
equivalent circuit using --------------
3. Write the equation for all day efficiency of a transformer. M2.02 R
4. Transformers are normally rated in ------- M2.02 R
5. The speed of the rotating magnetic field is known as--------------- M3.01 R
6. Recall the equation for frequency of emf induced in rotor in a M3.01 R
three phase induction motor.
7. Write the equation of starting torque of a three phase induction M3.02 R
8. Name a starting method that is used for three phase induction M4.02 R
9. Name the method of braking in which the phase sequence of M4.03 R
supply to the induction motor is reversed

II. Answer any eight questions from the following. Each question carries ‘three’ marks.
(8 x 3 = 24 Marks)
Module Outcome Cognitive level

1. Explain the working of a transformer with figure. M1.01 U

2. Explain the concept of ideal transformer. M1.03 U
3. Draw the Phasor diagram of a practical transformer at no load M1.03 R
4. Explain the polarity test on a single phase transformer with diagram. M2.01 U
5. List any three necessities of parallel operation of transformers. M2.04 R
6. Explain the production of rotating magnetic field in a three phase M3.01 U
induction motor.
7. Derive the equation of slip at maximum torque condition in a M3.02 U
three phase induction motor.

8. Draw the power stages of a three phase induction motor. M3.03 R
9. Sketch the circuit diagram for carrying out no load test on a M4.01 R
three phase induction motor.
10. List any three speed control methods used for a three phase slip M4.03 R
ring induction motor.

Answer all questions. Each question carries ‘seven’ marks

(6 x 7 = 42 Marks)
Module Outcome Cognitive level

III. A 10kVA, 1100V/ 110V, 50Hz single phase transformer has 500 M1.02 A
turns on the high voltage side. If the effective cross sectional area
of the transformer core is 100cm2, determine.
a) The number of turns on the low voltage side.
b) The maximum value of flux density in the core.
c) Approximate value of full load currents in low voltage and
high voltage side.
IV. A 5kVA 230/115V, 50Hz single phase transformer has a high M1.04 A
voltage winding resistance of 0.9Ω and a leakage reactance of
2.5 Ω. The low voltage winding resistance is found to be 0.3 Ω and
leakage reactance is found to be 1.2 Ω. Determine the equivalent
winding resistance and reactance referred to
a) Low voltage side
b) High voltage side
V. Explain the Open circuit test in single phase transformer with the M2.01 U
help of circuit diagram and equations.

VI. Explain briefly the working of current transformer and potential M2.03 U
transformer with the help of diagrams.
VII. Explain the different cooling methods used in a transformer. M2.04 U
VIII. Explain with circuit diagram the test to determine efficiency M2.02 R
by applying direct load.

IX. Explain the torque slip characteristics of a three phase induction M3.02 U
X. Explain the equivalent circuit of a three phase induction M3.04 U
indicating the significance of each element in the circuit.
XI. Construct the circle diagram for a 14.92 KW, 440V, 50 Hz, M4.01 A
3 phase star connected induction motor and determine the full
load line current and power factor. The test results are as
No load test (line values): 440V, 10A, 1.524 KW,
Blocked rotor test (line values): 200V, 50A, 6.928KW.
XII. A 400V, 50Hz, 3 phase star connected induction motor with the M4.01 A
following test results:
No load test (line values): 400V, 9A, 560W
Blocked rotor test (line values): 210V, 36A, 4820W
Determine the no load power factor, power factor at blocked
rotor condition, magnetizing reactance per phase, total
leakage reactance per phase referred to stator (X01), total
resistance of motor per phase referred to stator (R01).
XIII. Explain the working of a DOL starter with the help of a neat M4.02 U
XIV. Explain the construction of a double cage induction motor with M4.04 U
the help of a neat diagram.



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