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Middle School

Math Solution
Course 1

Student Edition
Sandy Bartle Finocchi and Amy Jones Lewis
with Kelly Edenfield and Josh Fisher

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ISBN: 978-1-60972-889-2
Student Edition

Printed in the United States of America

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Manifesto • FM-3

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Middle School Math Solution Authors

● Sandy Bartle Finocchi, Senior Academic Officer
● Amy Jones Lewis, Director of Instructional Design
● Kelly Edenfield, Instructional Designer
● Josh Fisher, Instructional Designer

Foundation Authors (2010)

● William S. Hadley, Algebra and Proportional Reasoning
● Mary Lou Metz, Data Analysis and Probability
● Mary Lynn Raith, Number and Operations
● Janet Sinopoli, Algebra
● Jaclyn Snyder, Geometry and Measurement

● Lumina Datamatics, Ltd.
● Cenveo Publisher Services, Inc.


Special Thanks
● Alison Huettner for project management and editorial review.
● Jacyln Snyder and Janet Sinopoli for their contributions to the Teacher’s
Implementation Guide facilitation notes.
● Victoria Fisher for her review of content and contributions to all the
ancillary materials.
● Valerie Muller for her contributions and review of content.
● The members of Carnegie Learning’s Cognitive Scientist Team—Brendon
Towle, John Connelly, Bob Hausmann, Chas Murray, and Martina Pavelko—for
their insight in learning science and review of content.
● Bob Hausmann for his contributions to the Family Guide.
● John Jorgenson, Chief Marketing Officer, for all his insight and messaging.
● Carnegie Learning’s Education Services Team for content review and providing
customer feedback.
● In Memory of David Dengler, Director of Curriculum Development (Deceased),
who made substantial contributions to conceptualizing Carnegie Learning’s
middle school software.

FM-4 • Acknowledgements

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Mathematics is so much more than memorizing rules. It is learning to reason,
to make connections, and to make sense of the world. We believe in Learning
by Doing(TM)—you need to actively engage with the content if you are to
benefit from it. The lessons were designed to take you from your intuitive
understanding of the world and build on your prior experiences to then learn
new concepts. My hope is that these instructional materials help you build a
deep understanding of math.

Sandy Bartle Finocchi, Senior Academic Officer

My hope is that as you work through this course, you feel capable—capable
of exploring new ideas that build upon what you already know, capable
of struggling through challenging problems, capable of thinking creatively
about how to fix mistakes, and capable of thinking like a mathematician.

Amy Jones Lewis, Director of Instructional Design

At Carnegie Learning we have created an organization whose mission and

culture is defined by your success. Our passion is creating products that make
sense of the world of mathematics and ignite a passion in you. Our hope is
that you will enjoy our resources as much as we enjoyed creating them.

Barry Malkin, CEO

Acknowledgements • FM-5

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Table of Contents

Module 1: Composing and Decomposing

Topic 1: Factors and Area

1.1 Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes
Writing Equivalent Expressions Using the Distributive Property ......................M1-7

1.2 All About That Base...and Height

Area of Triangles and Quadrilaterals ..............................................................M1-15

1.3 Slicing and Dicing

Composite Figures..........................................................................................M1-29

1.4 Searching for Common Ground

Common Factors and Common Multiples......................................................M1-39

1.5 Composing and Decomposing Numbers

Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor.................................M1-51

Topic 2: Positive Rational Numbers

2.1 Thinking Rationally
Identifying and Ordering Rational Numbers ..................................................M1-71

2.2 Did You Get the Part?

Multiplying and Dividing with Fractions .........................................................M1-83

2.3 Yours IS to Reason Why!

Fraction by Fraction Division ..........................................................................M1-93

Topic 3: Decimals and Volume

3.1 Length, Width, and Depth
Deepening Understanding of Volume ..........................................................M1-115

3.2 Which Warehouse?

Volume Composition and Decomposition....................................................M1-131

3.3 Breaking the Fourth Wall

Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms and Pyramids........................................M1-143

3.4 Dividend in the House

Dividing with Volume and Surface Area .......................................................M1-165

FM-6 • Table of Contents

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Module 2: Relating Quantities

Topic 1: Ratios
1.1 It’s All Relative
Introduction to Ratio and Ratio Reasoning .......................................................M2-7

1.2 Going Strong

Comparing Ratios to Solve Problems .............................................................M2-25

1.3 Oh, Yes, I Am the Muffin Man

Determining Equivalent Ratios .......................................................................M2-37

1.4 A Trip to the Moon

Using Tables to Represent Equivalent Ratios..................................................M2-57

1.5 They’re Growing!

Graphs of Ratios .............................................................................................M2-69

1.6 One Is Not Enough

Using and Comparing Ratio Representations .................................................M2-85

Topic 2: Percents
2.1 We Are Family
Percent, Fraction, and Decimal Equivalence ................................................M2-109

2.2 Warming the Bench

Using Estimation and Benchmark Percents ..................................................M2-123

2.3 The Forest for the Trees

Determining the Part and the Whole in Percent Problems ...........................M2-137

Topic 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

3.1 Many Ways to Measure
Using Ratio Reasoning to Convert Units .......................................................M2-165

3.2 What Is the Best Buy?

Introduction to Unit Rates .............................................................................M2-185

3.3 Seeing Things Differently

Multiple Representations of Unit Rates.........................................................M2-199

Table of Contents • FM-7

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Module 3: Determining Unknown Quantities

Topic 1: Expressions
1.1 Relationships Matter
Evaluating Numeric Expressions .......................................................................M3-7

1.2 Into the Unknown

Introduction to Algebraic Expressions ............................................................M3-23

1.3 Second Verse, Same as the First

Equivalent Expressions ...................................................................................M3-35

1.4 Are They Saying the Same Thing?

Verifying Equivalent Expressions ....................................................................M3-53

1.5 DVDs and Songs

Using Algebraic Expressions to Analyze and Solve Problems ........................M3-67

Topic 2: Equations
2.1 First Among Equals
Reasoning with Equal Expressions ..................................................................M3-87

2.2 Bar None

Solving One-Step Addition Equations ..........................................................M3-107

2.3 Play It In Reverse

Solving One-Step Multiplication Equations ..................................................M3-119

2.4 Getting Real

Solving Equations to Solve Problems ...........................................................M3-135

Topic 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

3.1 Every Graph Tells a Story
Independent and Dependent Variables .......................................................M3-155

3.2 The Power of the Horizontal Line

Using Graphs to Solve One-Step Equations .................................................M3-183

3.3 Planes, Trains, and Paychecks

Multiple Representations of Equations .........................................................M3-193

3.4 Triathlon Training

Relating Distance, Rate, and Time ................................................................M3-207

FM-8 • Table of Contents

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Module 4: Moving Beyond Positive Quantities
Topic 1: Signed Numbers
1.1 Human Number Line
Introduction to Negative Numbers...................................................................M4-7

1.2 Magnificent Magnitude

Absolute Value ................................................................................................M4-23

1.3 What’s in a Name?

Rational Number System ................................................................................M4-35

Topic 2: The Four Quadrants

2.1 Four Is Better Than One
Extending the Coordinate Plane.....................................................................M4-57

2.2 It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane…It’s a Polygon on the Plane!

Graphing Geometric Figures ..........................................................................M4-73

2.3 There Are Many Paths…

Problem Solving on the Coordinate Plane .....................................................M4-87

Module 5: Describing Variability of Quantities

Topic 1: The Statistical Process
1.1 What’s Your Question?
Understanding the Statistical Process ...............................................................M5-7

1.2 Get in Shape

Analyzing Numerical Data Displays ................................................................M5-25

1.3 Skyscrapers
Using Histograms to Display Data ..................................................................M5-47

Topic 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

2.1 In the Middle
Analyzing Data Using Measures of Center .....................................................M5-71

2.2 Box It Up
Displaying the Five-Number Summary ...........................................................M5-87

2.3 March MADness

Mean Absolute Deviation .............................................................................M5-105

2.4 You Chose… Wisely

Choosing Appropriate Measures ..................................................................M5-117

Glossary .................................................................................................................. G-1

Index ........................................................................................................................... I-1
Table of Contents • FM-9

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Lesson Structure

1. Learning Goals
Learning goals are
stated for each lesson
to help you take

ownership of the
learning objectives.

2. Connection
It’s All
Each lesson begins with
a statement connecting
what you have learned
with a question to Introduction to Ratio and
Ratio Reasoning
Return to this question
at the end of this
lesson to gauge your
Write a fraction to represent each • Distinguish between additive and multiplicative
situation. relationships between two quantities.
1. the number of boys in your math • Understand the concept of a ratio: a ratio represents
class compared to the number of a multiplicative comparison between two quantities.
students in the class • Write ratios in different forms and use ratio
2. the number of girls in your math language to represent relationships between
class compared to the number of two quantities.
• Distinguish between part-to-part and
students in the class
part-to-whole ratios.
3. the number of students in your
• Understand that fractions are part-to-whole ratios
math class that are absent today
between two quantities.
compared to the total number of
• Understand that percents are part-to-whole ratios
students in the class
between a quantity and 100.
4. the number of students in your math
class that are in attendance today KEY TERMS
compared to the total number of • additive reasoning
students in your class • multiplicative reasoning
• ratio
• percent

In elementary school, you made many comparisons using addition and subtraction. You
2 answered questions like, “If Johnny has 9 apples and Suzie has 12 apples, who has more
apples?” Is there another way to compare values?
LESSON 1: It’s All Relative • M2-7

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FM-10 • Lesson Structure

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3. Getting Started
Each lesson begins
3 Getting Started with a Getting Started.
When working on
Predict the Score the Getting Started,
use what you know
The Crusaders and the Blue Jays just finished the first half of their about the world, what
basketball game. you have learned
previously, or your
Halftime Score Final Score
intuition. The goal is
Crusaders 30 ? just to get you thinking
and ready for what’s to
Blue Jays 20 ? come.

1. Predict the final score. Explain your reasoning.

M2-8 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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Lesson Structure • FM-11

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4. Activities
You are going to build
a deep understanding
Additive and Multiplicative
4 1.1 Reasoning
of mathematics through
a variety of activities
Robena and Eryn each predicted the final score of a basketball
in an environment game between the Crusaders and the Blue Jays.
where collaboration 1. Analyze each prediction.
1.2 Comparing Quantities
and conversations a. Describe the reasoning that Robena and Eryn used
are important and to make each statement.
The school colors at Riverview Middle School are a shade of bluish green
expected. and white. The art teacher, Mr. Raith, knows to get the correct color of
Robena AC T I V Ibluish
TY green it takes 3 parts blue paint to every 2 parts yellow paint. NOTES
Halftime 1.3 Final Ratio Hunt
I think the final
You will learn how to Score Scoreare different ways to think about this relationship and make
There score will be
comparisons. One way the
is to score
draw a picture or model.
solve new problems, Crusaders 30 60 double
BlueBJays From
20BRatios can40bethe model, at you
make comparisons of the different quantities.
but you will also learn B found all around
Just consider two different quantities.
even in your classroom!
• blue parts to yellow parts
why those strategies Y Y
• yellow parts to blue parts
TheinMeanings of Ratios
work and how they are Eryn 1.4
For example, how many students
• blue parts to total parts
your class are wearing
How many students in your class are wearing another type of shoe?
• yellow parts to total parts
Halftime Final I think the
connected to other 1. Use aScore
Score ratio to describe
Each comparison
the relationship given.
is called a will
ratio. A ratio is a comparison of two
play hard enough
strategies you already Crusaders 30 50The Lanterton
a. Writenarrowed
that usesMiddle
a part-to-part to
stay 10comparing
is adopting
The first two comparisons
the number
a new nickname. They have
are part-to-part
of Tigers or Lions.
ratios becausetheir you aresearch to the following
comparing the individualtwo names:
quantities. The last
know. Blue Jays 20 students wearing
40To choose a sneakers
ahead of the
nickname, to
theythe number
conducted of
AC T I V I Ta students survey and
Y school-wide
two comparisons are part-to-whole ratios because you are comparing
Blue type
Jays.of shoe. Special of parts.Types of Ratios
wearing a different
one tallied all the(either
of the parts
or yellow) to the total number

Remember: So you are

Each homeroom analyzed the results of the school-wide survey and
Suppose Mr. Raith needs 2 parts blue paint and 5 parts yellow paint
to make greenthe results in a different way.
never in doubt
Consider each statement.
• It’s not just about what a ratio b. Write a part-to-part
1. Compare the
ratio comparing the number of
a ratio6Aof blue and yellow Homeroom
Homeroom paint in Mr.6BRaith‘s
represents students wearing a form,
shoe__aother than sneakers to the
answer-getting. . . . label all
b. Which team had a better second
in fractional
by writing
does not have the
half in each
allb ,possible ratios
for each
• There
wearing sneakers.There were
for Tigers
is an type.
• He ate __ of
80 percent chance of rain tomorrow.
2 80 more votes for
the cake.
quantities with a.outnumbered the votes for Tigers than
5 Lions.
The process is the units of
same meaning
by a aratio
of 240 to 160.
ratio is also
part-to-whole ratios is 7 percent.
tax in Greenmont
• Three-fourths of the class is absent.
important. measure! a fraction. This is
one reason units are
The situations described are examples of special types of ratios:
c. Write a part-to-whole ratio comparing the number
• Making mistakes critical when writing
of students wearing sneakers to the
fractions and percents.
total number of
What in
students is the difference
class. What is the difference
is a critical part of between the part-to-part
Homeroom 7A
between when you• write
the part-to-whole
1: It’s All Relative
Homeroom M2-97B
a ratio using the total number of parts,
ratios that you wrote? youratios
are also thatwriting a fraction. A fraction can be used as a ratio that
you wrote?
learning, so take The votes for Tigers 3 out of 5 votes were
shows a part-to-whole relationship.for Tigers.
outnumbered votes for Lions
risks. AL6_SE_M02_T01_L01.indd 9
d. Writeby a ratio of 3 to 2.ratio comparing the number of
a part-to-whole 1/8/19 7:09 AM

students wearing a type of shoe other than sneakers to

• There is often more
the total number of students in the class.

than one way to M2-12 • TOPIC 1: Ratios part : part part : whole
part part
solve a problem. part whole

AL6_SE_M02_T01_L01.indd 12 1. Describe the meaning of each statement. Then identify which1/8/19 7:09 AM
describe ratios, and if so, whether the ratios are part-to-part
Activities may include or part-to-whole ratios.

real-world problems, LESSON 1: ratio

A percent is a part-to-whole It’s All where
• whole
M2-13 is equal to 100.

sorting activities, Percent is another name for hundredths. The percent symbol “%”
means “per 100,” or “out of 100.” Therefore:
worked examples, AL6_SE_M02_T01_L01.indd 13 1/8/19 7:09 AM

35% means 35 out of 100.

or analyzing sample 35
35% as a fraction is ____
student work. 35% as a decimal is 0.35. LESSON 1: It’s All Relative • M2-15
35% as a ratio is 35 to 100,
or 35 : 100.
Be prepared to share AL6_SE_M02_T01_L01.indd 15 1/8/19 7:09 AM
You can shade 35 of the 100 squares on the
your solutions and hundredths grid to represent 35%.

methods with your M2-18 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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FM-12 • Lesson Structure

C01_SE_FM.indd FM-12 1/12/19 8:13 PM

5. Talk the Talk
Talk the Talk gives
5 TALK the TALK you an opportunity
to reflect on the main
Writing and Classifying Ratios ideas of the lesson.
There are several ways to compare two quantities and write ratios.
• Be honest with
Ratios yourself.
With a Colon

In Fractional Formpack.
part : part part : whole
c. There are 3 blueberry muffins to every bran muffin in a
part part
j • Ask questions to
clarify anything you
don’t understand.
• Show what you
1. Consider the statement: There are s sixth grade band know!
members and t total sixth graders. NOTES
2. A survey of sixth graders with pets revealed that
c students prefer cats and d students prefer dogs.
a. Writed.a part-to-whole ratio using colon14
Don’t forget to revisit
Of the 30 students in chorus, of them play the piano.
Think about
the quantities a. How would you compare these two statements using
the question posed
you are part-to-part ratios? on the lesson opening
page to gauge your
b. Write a part-to-part ratio using colon notation.
e. The students planted 22 yellow daffodils and 10
b. How would you compare these two statements using
white daffodils.
part-to-whole ratios?

3. Analyze each statement. Determine whether a part :

part or a part : whole relationship exists. Explain
your reasoning.

M2-20 • TOPIC 1: Ratios a. There are 9 girls for every 2 boys in art class.

AL6_SE_M02_T01_L01.indd 20 1/8/19 7:09 AM

b. Three out of every five students in art class will help

paint the mural in the library.

M2-22 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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LESSON 1: It’s All Relative • M2-21

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Lesson Structure • FM-13

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6. Write
Reflect on your work Assignment
and clarify your
thinking. 7
6 Write
5. Assign_num_list Remember
6. Assign_num_list
Describe two ratios in the real Assign_para
A ratio is a comparison of two quantities using division.

7. Remember world. Write about at least one

part-to-whole ratio and one
A part-to-whole ratio compares a part of a whole to the total
number of parts.
Take note of the key part-to-part ratio.
A part-to-part ratio compares parts.
concepts from the A part-to-whole ratio is a fraction.

lesson. A percent is a fraction in which the denominator is 100.

8 Practice
8. Practice The Lewis brothers just joined MovieQ, a club that provides them with free movies based on a list that they
Use the concepts pre-select. The boys work together to pick the first 10 movies for their list, each brother adding to the list
based on their favorite type of movie. John David puts 5 sports movies on the list; Parker chooses 3 war
learned in the lesson to movies; and Stephen adds 2 comedies.

solve problems. Write the ratio in colon and in fractional form to express each relationship.
1. sports movies to war movies

9. Stretch 2. comedies to total movies

3. war movies to comedies Review
Ready for a challenge? Stretch
4. sports movies to total movies 1. A right rectangular prism is shown.
5. Assign_num_list
1. comedies to sports movies
6. Assign_num_list
2. war movies to total movies
2 cm
10. Review 3
7 cm
1 cm
Remember what you’ve Stretch

9 a. Determine the volume of the prism. b. Determine the surface area of the prism.
learned by practicing During the 2015 regular season, the Pittsburgh Pirates won 98 baseball games, 53 of which were won in
their home stadium. The regular season includes 162 games.
concepts from previous 2. Estimate each sum or difference to the nearest whole number. Then calculate each sum or difference.

a. Cristina wants to purchase four items at the b. Jada and Tonya ran a 400-meter race. Jada ran
lessons and topics. Write a ratio for each and identify it as part-to-whole
1. number of games won to number of games sporting
or part-to-part.
lost goods store. The items she wants to the race in 75.2 seconds. Tonya ran the race in
2. number of games won to number of games are soccer cleats for $24.99, shin guards for 69.07 seconds. How much faster did Tonya run
3. number of games lost to number of games soccer socks for $4.49, and a soccer ball
played the race?
4. number of games won at home to number $19.95.
awaywill the four items cost?
5. number of games won at home to number of games won
3. Determine each product.
3 3 __
a. __ 4 9 3 __
b. 2 ___ 2
8 5 10 5

LESSON 1: It’s All Relative • M2-23

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M2-24 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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FM-14 • Lesson Structure

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Problem Types
You Will See


Determine the quantity in pounds that is equivalent to When you see a

4.5 kilograms.
Worked Example:
● Take your time to
Scaling Up Unit Analysis read through it.
3 4.5 ● Question your own
2.2 lb
4.5 kg ______ understanding.
( 1 kg ) ● Think about the
1 kg 4.5 kg 4.5 kg connections
______ 5 ______ ______ 2.2 lb
2.2 lb ? lb 1 ( 1 kg ) 5 9.9 lb between steps.

1 kg
______ 4.5 kg Ask Yourself:
5 ______
3 4.5
2.2 lb 9.9 lb ● What is the main idea?
● How would this
4.5 kg 5 9.9 lb
work if I changed
the numbers?
● Have I used these
strategies before?

Thumbs Up Thumbs Down Christopher and Max want to determine

the number of miles in 31,680 feet using
When you see a When you see a unit analysis.
Thumbs Up icon: Thumbs Down icon:
● Take your time to ● Take your time to Max
read through the read through the
1 mi
correct solution. incorrect solution. 31,680 ft _______ = 6 mi
5280 ft
● Think about the ● Think about what
connections error was made.
between steps.
Ask Yourself:
Ask Yourself: ● Where is the error?
● Why is this ● Why is it an error? Christopher
method correct?
● Have I used this
● How can I correct it?
5280 ft
31,680 ft ______
1 mi )
= 167,270,400 mi

method before?

Problem Types • FM-15

C01_SE_FM.indd FM-15 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Who’s Correct
Tim and Dan love cereal, but don’t want spend a lot of
When you see money. After scanning the aisle in the grocery store for the
a Who’s Correct lowest prices, the boys make the following statements.
• Tim says, “I found Sweetie Oat Puffs for $0.14 per
● Take your time to
ounce. That’s the cheapest cereal in the aisle!”
read through the
• Dan replies, “It’s not cheaper than Sugar Hoops!
● Question the strategy
or reason given.
The unit price for that is 6.25 oz per dollar.”
● Determine correct or
Who is correct? Explain your reasoning.
not correct.

Ask Yourself:
● Does the reasoning
make sense?
● If the reasoning makes
sense, what is the
● If the reasoning does
not make sense, what
error was made?

FM-16 • Problem Types

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The Crew

The Crew is here to help you on your journey. Sometimes they will remind you
about things you already learned. Sometimes they will ask you questions to help
you think about different strategies. Sometimes they will share fun facts. They are
members of your group—someone you can rely on!

Teacher aides will guide

you along your journey.
They will help you make
connections and remind
you to think about the

The Crew • FM-17

C01_SE_FM.indd FM-17 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Habits of Mind

Mathematical Practices
The types of activities within this book require you to make sense of
mathematics and to demonstrate your reasoning through problem
solving, writing, discussing, and presenting. Effective communication
With practice, you
and collaboration are essential skills of a successful learner.
can develop the
habits of mind
Each activity is denoted with an icon that represents a practice or pair
of a productive
of practices intentionally being developed. To help develop these
mathematical thinker.
habits of mind ask yourself the types of questions listed as you work.

▶ Make sense of problems and persevere

in solving them.
This practice is
evident every day Questions to ask:
in every lesson. ● What is this problem asking and what is my plan for answering it?
No icon used. ● What tools do I need to solve this problem?
● Does my answer make sense?

▶ Reason abstractly and quantitatively.

▶ Construct viable arguments and critique the
reasoning of others.

Questions to ask:
● What representation can I use to solve this problem?
● How can this problem be represented with symbols and numbers?
● How can I explain my thinking?
● How does my strategy compare to my partner’s?

I hope that every once in a while you will see something that you weren’t quite expecting.
These are my favorite parts! Because I ,3 being confused at first, and then figuring it out.

Josh Fisher, Instructional Designer

FM-18 • Habits of Mind

C01_SE_FM.indd FM-18 1/12/19 8:13 PM

▶ Model with mathematics.
▶ Use appropriate tools strategically.

Questions to ask:
● What expression or equation could represent this situation?
● What tools would help me solve this problem?
● What representations best show my thinking?
● How does this answer make sense in the context of the original problem?

▶ Attend to precision.

Questions to ask:
● Is my answer accurate?
● Did I use the correct units or labels?
● Is there a more efficient way to solve this problem?
● Is there more sophisticated vocabulary that I could use in my explanation?

▶ Look for and make use of structure.

▶ Look for and express regularity in repeated
Questions to ask:
● What characteristics of this expression or equation are made clear through
this representation?
● How can I use what I know to explain why this works?
● Can I develop a more efficient method?
● How could this problem help me to solve another problem?

This book is your place to record your thoughts, your conjectures, your mistakes, your
strategies, and your ‘ah-has’ about the mathematics you need to learn this year. Don’t
erase when you make mistakes; cross it out so that you can still see your original
thinking. Learn from your mistakes and grow your brain.

Kelly Edenfield, Instructional Designer

Habits of Mind • FM-19

C01_SE_FM.indd FM-19 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Academic Glossary

There are important terms you will encounter throughout this book. It is
important that you have an understanding of these words as you get started
on your journey through the mathematical concepts. Knowing what is meant
by these terms and using these terms will help you think, reason, and
communicate your ideas.

Related Phrases ANALYZE

● Examine Definition
● Evaluate To study or look closely for patterns. Analyzing can involve examining or
● Determine breaking a concept down into smaller parts to gain a better understanding
● Observe of it.
● Consider
● Investigate
Ask Yourself
● Do I see any patterns?
● What do you notice?
● What do you think? ● Have I seen something like this before?
● Sort and match ● What happens if the shape, representation, or numbers change?


● Show your work Definition
● Explain your calculation To give details or describe how to determine an answer or solution. Explaining
● Justify your reasoning helps justify conclusions.
● Why or why not?
Ask Yourself
● How should I organize my thoughts?
● Is my explanation logical?
● Does my reasoning make sense?
● How can I justify my answer to others?

FM-20 • Academic Glossary

C01_SE_FM.indd FM-20 1/12/19 8:13 PM

REPRESENT Related Phrases

Definition ● Show
To display information in various ways. Representing mathematics can be done ● Sketch
using words, tables, graphs, or symbols. ● Draw
● Create
Ask Yourself ● Plot
● How should I organize my thoughts? ● Graph
● How do I use this model to show a concept or idea? ● Write an equation
● What does this representation tell me? ● Complete the table
● Is my representation accurate?

ESTIMATE Related Phrases

Definition ● Predict
To make an educated guess based on the analysis of given data. Estimating first ● Approximate
helps inform reasoning. ● Expect
● About how much?
Ask Yourself
● Does my reasoning make sense?
● Is my solution close to my estimation?

DESCRIBE Related Phrases

Definition ● Demonstrate
To represent or give an account of in words. Describing communicates ● Label
mathematical ideas to others. ● Display
● Compare
Ask Yourself ● Determine
● How should I organize my thoughts? ● Define
● Is my explanation logical? ● What are the
● Did I consider the context of the situation? advantages?
● Does my reasoning make sense? ● What are the
● What is similar?
● What is different?

Academic Glossary • FM-21

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C01_SE_FM.indd FM-22 1/12/19 8:13 PM

The lessons in this module build on what you already know about area, number
properties, and volume. You will learn to approach a problem by decomposing (taking
apart) or composing (putting together) objects and numbers. You will examine the
relationships between numbers and shapes, using area models to solve problems. You
will strengthen your skills with fraction operations and use decimal operations to solve
volume and surface area problems.

Topic 1 Factors and Area M1-3

Topic 2 Positive Rational Numbers M1-67
Topic 3 Decimals and Volume M1-111

C01_SE_M01_INTRO.indd 1 1/12/19 8:13 PM

C01_SE_M01_INTRO.indd 2 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Factors and Area

Architects, city planners, landscape gardeners, and others determine areas using measuring and multiplication.

Lesson 1
Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes
Writing Equivalent Expressions Using the Distributive Property . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M1-7

Lesson 2
All About That Base...and Height
Area of Triangles and Quadrilaterals . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M1-15

Lesson 3
Slicing and Dicing
Composite Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M1-29

Lesson 4
Searching for Common Ground
Common Factors and Common Multiples . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M1-39

Lesson 5
Composing and Decomposing Numbers
Least Common Multiple and Greatest Common Factor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M1-51

C01_SE_M01_T01_INTRO.indd 3 1/12/19 8:13 PM

C01_SE_M01_T01_INTRO.indd 4 1/12/19 8:13 PM
Carnegie Learning Family Guide Course 1
Module 1: Composing and Decomposing
TOPIC 1: FACTORS AND AREA Where have we been?
This topic integrates numeric concepts
In previous years, students have learned
like the Distributive Property with the
about area and number properties as
geometric concept of area. Students use
well as simple closed shapes such as
their flexibility with decomposing shapes
parallelograms and triangles. All of these
to decompose numbers into factors
concepts are used in this topic to connect
and to apply the Distributive Property
composing and decomposing shapes to
to compute products efficiently. From
composing and decomposing numbers.
their knowledge of rectangles and area,
students also develop the formula for
Where are we going?
the area of parallelograms, triangles,
This topic sets the stage for seeing
trapezoids, and composite figures.
structure in numbers and shapes.
Finally, students use their knowledge of
Recognizing different structures will be
factors to determine greatest common
important when dealing with fractions,
factors and least common multiples
decimals, percents, and algebraic
of numbers.
expressions and equations later in
the course.

Using Area Models to Represent Products and Factors

An area model shows the product of two factors, such as 5 3 27. The model can be
decomposed to show that the product of the numbers can also be decomposed.


5 3 27 5 135

20 7 5 3 27
5 3 (20 1 7)
(5 3 20) 1 (5 3 7)
10 0 1 35 5 135

TOPIC 1: Family Guide • M1-5

C01_SE_FG_M01_T01.indd 5 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Myth: "I don’t have the math gene."
Let’s be clear about something. There isn’t a gene that controls the development of
mathematical thinking. Instead, there are probably hundreds of genes that contribute
to it. A recent study suggests that mathematical thinking arises from the ability to
learn a language. Given the right input from the environment, children learn to speak without
formal instruction. They can learn number sense and pattern recognition the same way.

To further nurture your child’s mathematical growth, attend to the learning environment.
You can think of it as providing a nutritious mathematical diet that includes: discussing math
in the real world, offering encouragement, being available to answer questions, allowing your
student to struggle with difficult concepts, and providing space for plenty of practice.


Talking Points Key Terms

You can further support your student’s numeric expression
learning by asking questions about the A numeric expression is a mathematical
work they do in class or at home. Your phrase containing numbers and operations.
student is learning to think flexibly about Distributive Property
multiplication, area, and number properties. The Distributive Property states that for any
Questions to Ask numbers a, b, and c, a(b 1 c) 5 ab 1 ac.
• How does this problem look like altitude
something you did in class? The altitude of a parallelogram is the
• Can you show me the strategy you used perpendicular distance from the base of
to solve this problem? Do you know the parallelogram to the opposite side,
another way to solve it? represented by a line segment.
• Does your answer make sense? Why?
greatest common factor (GCF)
• Is there anything you don’t understand?
The GCF is the largest factor two or more
How can you use today’s lesson to help?
numbers have in common.
Some Things to Look For
Look for real-life examples of shapes that are least common multiple (LCM)
composed of two or more different shapes. The LCM is the smallest multiple (other
How can you estimate the entire area? than zero) that two or more numbers have
in common.

M1-6 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

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Taking Apart 1
and Shapes
Writing Equivalent Expressions Using
the Distributive Property


Calculate the area of each • Write, read, and evaluate equivalent numeric expressions.
rectangle. Show your work. • Identify the adjacent side lengths of a rectangle as
factors of the area value.
1. 6 in. • Identify parts of an expression, such as the product and
the factors.
• Write equivalent numeric expressions for the area of a
15 in. rectangle by decomposing one side length into the sum of
two numbers.
• Apply the properties of operations, such as the Distributive
Property, to rewrite the product of two factors.
• numeric expression
9 yd
• equation
• Distributive Property
12 yd

You have learned how to operate with numbers using different strategies. Sometimes taking
apart numbers before you operate can highlight important information or make calculations
easier. How can you use these strategies to express number sentences in different ways?

LESSON 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes • M1-7

C01_SE_M01_T01_L01.indd 7 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Getting Started

Form of 24
Consider the number 24. What comes to mind?

1. Write five different numeric expressions for the number 24.

In mathematics, a
group of symbols that
make a mathematical
statement is called
an expression. A
numeric expression
is a mathematical 2. Share your numeric expressions with your classmates.
phrase that contains
numbers and a. Did you and your classmates use common strategies to
operations. write your expressions? Explain.

b. How many possible numeric expressions could you write for

this number?

3. What do you notice about the collected set of numeric

expressions representing 24?

M1-8 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L01.indd 8 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Connecting Area Models
1.1 and the Distributive Property

Consider the equation 5 3 27 5 135. An equation is

a mathematical
An area model to represent the product of 5 and 27 is shown. sentence that uses an
The area is 135 square units. equals sign to show
that two or more
quantities are the
same as one another.

Remember that
an area model is a
Let’s think about other ways to represent this area. rectangular array of
identical rows and
1. Draw a line to split one side length of the area model into identical columns.
two parts to represent the area of 135 square units a
different way. Label the dimensions of the smaller regions
in the area model.

2. Calculate the area of each of the two smaller regions. How

does the sum of the two smaller regions compare to the total Don’t forget
area of 135 square units? to use
to group

3. Rewrite the original equation 5 3 27 5 135 with an equivalent

equation to represent the model you drew.

a. How can you rewrite the original product by substituting

the sum of the two lengths making up the split side?

LESSON 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes • M1-9

C01_SE_M01_T01_L01.indd 9 1/12/19 8:13 PM

b. How can you rewrite the total area as the sum of the areas
of the two smaller regions?

Think about other ways you could split one of the factors and write a
corresponding equation. What would the equation look like if you split
one of the factors into more than two regions?

4. Mark and label at least 2 more ways you could divide the
area model. Write the corresponding equations. Then verify
that the sum of the smaller regions is still equal to 135.

5. Reflect on the different ways you can rewrite the product

of 5 and 27.
Select one of your area models to complete the example.

5 3 27 5 5( 1 ) How did you split the

side length of 27?

5 (5 ? ) 1 (5 ? ) What are the factors of

each smaller region?

5 1 What is the area of

each smaller region?

5 What is the total area?

M1-10 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L01.indd 10 1/12/19 8:13 PM

You just used the Distributive Property!

The Distributive Property of

Multiplication over Addition states that a
for any numbers a, b, and c,
a(b 1 c) 5 ab 1 ac.
b c

6. Explain the Distributive Property using the area model shown.

You can also use

grouping symbols
to show that you
need to multiply
An example of the Distributive Property. each set of
factors before
4 (2 1 15) 5 4 ? 2 1 4 ? 15 you add them,
(4 ? 2) 1 (4 ? 15).

You can read and describe the expression 4(2 1 15) in different ways.
For example, you can say:

• four times the quantity of two plus fifteen,

• four times the sum of two and fifteen, or
• the product of four and the sum of two and fifteen.

You can describe the expression 4(2 1 15) as a product of two

factors. The quantity (2 1 15) is both a single factor and a sum of
two terms.

7. Write an equation in the form a(b 1 c) 5 ab 1 ac for the other

area models you created in this activity.

LESSON 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes • M1-11

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Interpreting a Real-World
Situation Using the
1.2 Distributive Property

Tyler is setting up the gym floor for an after-school program. He

wants to include a rectangular area for playing volleyball and another
for dodgeball. He also wants to have an area for kids who like to play
board games or just sit and read. The gym floor is 50 feet by 84 feet,
or 4200 square feet.

1. Create a diagram to show how you would split up the gym

floor. Represent your diagram using the Distributive Property
and write an explanation for the areas assigned to each activity.


Recognizing the Distributive Property
Identify each statement as true or false. If the statement is false,
show how you would rewrite it to make it a true statement.

1. True False 3(2 1 4) 5 3 ? 2 1 4

2. True False 6(10 1 5) 5 6 ? 10 1 6 ? 5

3. True False 7(20 1 8) 5 7 1 20 ? 8

4. True False 4(5 1 10) 5 20 1 10

5. True False 2(6 1 11) 5 12 1 22

M1-12 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L01.indd 12 1/12/19 8:13 PM


Write Remember
Describe how the Distributive There are many ways to rewrite equivalent expressions using
Property can be explained properties. The Distributive Property of Multiplication over
in terms of composing and Addition states that for any numbers a, b, and c,
decomposing numbers. a(b 1 c) 5 ab 1 ac.

Decompose each rectangle into two or three smaller rectangles to demonstrate the Distributive Property.
Then write each area in the form a(b 1 c) 5 ab 1 ac.

1. 122 2. 122

3. 244

Evaluate each expression using the Distributive Property. Show your work.

4. 6(12 1 4)
5. 10 1 4(2 1 20)
6. 7(4 1 19)

LESSON 1: Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes • M1-13

C01_SE_M01_T01_L01.indd 13 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Decompose each rectangle into two or three smaller rectangles to demonstrate the Distributive Property.
Then write each area in the form a(b 1 c) 5 ab 1 ac.

1. 1 2. 1
6 9
2 6

1 1
2 3

Calculate the area of each rectangle.

1. Width 5 5 feet 2. Width 5 10 feet

__ 2
Length 5 3
foot Length 5 __

3. Width 5 15 inches 4. Width 5 20 inches

__ 2
Length 5 3
inch Length 5 __

M1-14 • TOPIC
Numbers and Shapes

C01_SE_M01_T01_L01.indd 14 1/12/19 8:13 PM

All About 2
That Base . . .
and Height
Area of Triangles and Quadrilaterals


Write 3 different • State and compare the attributes of different shapes.
expressions to describe the • Explain that the area of a parallelogram is the same as
total area of this rectangle. that of a rectangle with the same base length and height.
• Derive the formulas for the areas of triangles, parallelograms,
and trapezoids by composing or decomposing the various
shapes into rectangles, triangles, and other shapes.
• Apply the techniques of composing and decomposing
shapes to solve real-world and mathematical problems.

• parallelogram
• altitude
• variable
• trapezoid

You can take a shape apart and put it back together in a different way without changing its area.
How can you use composition and decomposition of shapes to reason about the areas of shapes
and to derive formulas for the areas of common shapes?

LESSON 2: All About That Base . . . and Height • M1-15

C01_SE_M01_T01_L02.indd 15 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Getting Started

In the 20s
Consider each figure.

An attribute
is a
to describe
a figure.

1. Can you name each figure?

2. Describe the attributes of each shape. Are there any attributes

that are shared across the different shapes?

3. Each shaded figure shown has an area of exactly 20 square

units. Show how you know.

M1-16 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L02.indd 16 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Investigating the Area
2.1 of a Parallelogram

In this activity you will investigate the area of a parallelogram using

what you know about the area of a rectangle. A parallelogram is a
four-sided figure with two pairs of parallel sides and opposite sides
that are equal in length.

1. Cut out a parallelogram from the grid at the end of the lesson. A rectangle is a
special type of
2. Cut your parallelogram into pieces so that it can be parallelogram.
reassembled to form a rectangle. Tape your rectangle in the
space provided.

Parallelogram Rectangle

In a parallelogram, any of the four sides can be labeled as the base.

The altitude of a parallelogram is another name for the height of a
parallelogram. The altitude of a parallelogram is the perpendicular
distance from the base of the parallelogram to the opposite side,
represented by a line segment.

3. Label the base and height of the parallelogram and rectangle.

LESSON 2: All About That Base . . . and Height • M1-17

C01_SE_M01_T01_L02.indd 17 1/12/19 8:13 PM

4. How does the height of the parallelogram relate to the height
of the rectangle? How does the length of the base of the
When you write parallelogram relate to the length of the base of the rectangle?
a sentence to Explain your reasoning.
explain your
be sure to
express a
complete idea.
Your sentence
should make
sense standing
alone. 5. Describe the relationship between the areas of a parallelogram
and rectangle that have the same base and height.

6. Use the terms base and height to describe how to calculate the
area of a parallelogram.

In mathematics, one of the most powerful concepts is to use a letter

A variable is a
to represent a quantity that varies, or changes. The use of letters,
letter that is used to
called variables, helps you write expressions to understand and
represent a number.
represent problem situations.

7. Write the formulas to calculate the areas of a parallelogram and a

rectangle. Use b for base and h for height.

M1-18 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L02.indd 18 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Investigating the Area NOTES
2.2 of a Triangle

The base of a triangle, like the base of a parallelogram, can be any

of its sides. The height, or altitude, of a triangle is the length of a
line segment drawn from a vertex of the triangle to the opposite
side so that it forms a right angle with the opposite side.

altitude B

B base C C base A A base B

Sailboat racecourses are often shaped like triangles. The course

path is defined by buoys called marks. When the course is
triangular, the marks are located at the corners, or vertices, of the
triangle. Here is a sample course with the marks numbered.


3 START/ 1

Race officials need to know the area inside the course so that they
can plan for the number of spectator boats that can anchor within.

LESSON 2: All About That Base . . . and Height • M1-19

C01_SE_M01_T01_L02.indd 19 1/12/19 8:13 PM

The triangle
represents a sailboat 2
racecourse. Each
square on the grid
represents 0.1 mile by
0.1 mile.

3 1

1. Estimate the area of the triangular course in square units.

Justify your estimate.

2. Use two sides of the triangle to draw a parallelogram on the

grid. How does the area of the parallelogram relate to the area
Use a of the triangle?
to draw your

3. Calculate the area enclosed by the triangular course.

M1-20 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L02.indd 20 1/12/19 8:13 PM

4. Label a base and height of the original triangle in the diagram.
Describe how to calculate the area of any triangle in terms of
the base and the height.

5. Suppose you create a parallelogram using a different side

of the triangle. Does this change the area of the triangle?
Explain how you know.

LESSON 2: All About That Base . . . and Height • M1-21

C01_SE_M01_T01_L02.indd 21 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Investigating the Area
2.3 of a Trapezoid

You have seen that taking apart, or decomposing, a parallelogram

forms a rectangle. And putting together, or composing, two triangles
also forms a parallelogram. Composing and decomposing can help
you think about the shapes differently in order to determine their
areas. In this activity you will take apart and put together shapes to
determine the formula for calculating the area of a trapezoid.

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with two bases, often labeled b1 and

The variable b
b2. The bases are parallel to each other. The other two sides of
represents a base,
a trapezoid are called the legs of the trapezoid. An altitude of a
but a trapezoid
trapezoid is the length of a line segment drawn from one base to the
has two bases. So,
other and perpendicular to both.
subscripts are used to
distinguish between
the two different
bases; b1 and b2 are
not equal in length.

1. Label the bases of each trapezoid as b1 and b2.

Cut out two of the trapezoids at the end of the lesson to show how
to determine each area.

M1-22 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L02.indd 22 1/12/19 8:13 PM

2. Marcus cut out and composed two trapezoids into a
parallelogram to figure out the exact area of one trapezoid.
Show what Marcus did to determine the area. Think about
how the
new shapes
formed relate
to the original

3. Zoe folded the trapezoid so the bases aligned, cut along

the fold, and rearranged the parts to form a parallelogram.
Show what Zoe did to determine the area.

4. Angela decomposed the trapezoid into two triangles to

determine the exact area. Use this trapezoid to recreate
Angela’s strategy.

5. Describe how to calculate the area of any trapezoid in terms of

the two bases and the height.

LESSON 2: All About That Base . . . and Height • M1-23

C01_SE_M01_T01_L02.indd 23 1/12/19 8:13 PM


All Three Shapes

1. Draw each shape and then label a base and height. Next,
write the formula to calculate the area of each. Use A for
the area, b for the length of the base, and h for the height.

parallelogram triangle


2. Show that the two triangles have the same area.



3. Write a paragraph that will convince your readers that the

two triangles have the same area.

M1-24 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L02.indd 24 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Shape Cut Outs
Extra shapes are included.

LESSON 2: All About That Base . . . and Height • M1-25

C01_SE_M01_T01_L02.indd 25 1/12/19 8:13 PM

C01_SE_M01_T01_L02.indd 26 1/12/19 8:13 PM

5. Assign_num_list Remember
6. Assign_num_list
Define each term in your own Assign_paraa triangle, or a trapezoid can be
The area of a parallelogram,
words. Assign_para
determined by composing or decomposing it into one or more
shapes with an equal total area.
1. height of a parallelogram
2. height of a triangle Area of a parallelogram 5 bh
Area of a triangle 5 12– bh
Area of a trapezoid 5 12– (b1 1 b2)h

Answer each question for the given figure.
1. Identify a base and corresponding height for the 2. Calculate the area of the parallelogram.
given parallelogram. Determine the area of the

32 yd

1. Assign_num_list
2. Assign_num_list
14 yd

3. Identify a base and corresponding height 4. Calculate the area of the triangle.
for the given triangle. Determine the
area of the triangle.

20 mm

Assign_para 11 mm

1. Assign_num_list
2. Assign_num_list
3. Assign_num_list

1.2 A Using Tables to Represent Equivalent Ratios • M-27

LESSON 2: All About That Base . . . and Height • M1-27

C01_SE_M01_T01_L02.indd 27 1/12/19 8:13 PM

5. Identify the two bases and the height 6. Yvonne cut a picture into the shape of a
for the given trapezoid. Determine the trapezoid to place into her scrapbook.
area of the trapezoid. The picture is shown. What is the area of

Write Remember
the picture?

1. Assign_num_list 5 in.
2. Assign_num_list
Assign_mid 4 in.

7 in.

1. What each
Answer is thequestion
area of afor
parallelogram that has a base of 4 34– ft and a height of 1 13– ft?
the given figures.
1. Calculate the area of the triangle.
Assign_num_list 2. Assign_num_list

10 m 10.54 m
8.66 m

11 m

Use the Distributive Property to write an equivalent addition expression for each.
3. Identify a base and corresponding height 4. Assign_num_list
1. 6(9 1 1)
2. (14 1 3)7
3. 12– (7 1 10)

Decompose each rectangle into two or three smaller rectangles to demonstrate the Distributive Property.
Then write each in the form a(b 1 c) 5 ab 1 ac.

4. 192 512


M1-28 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L02.indd 28 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Slicing and 3
Composite Figures


Use a formula to determine the area of each figure. • Decompose composite
1. 2. geometric figures into
rectangles, parallelograms,
10.5 m 7 cm and/or triangles to
determine their areas.
• Solve real-world problems
22 m
11 cm by decomposing shapes
into triangles and
3. 35 yd rectangles.

30 yd
• kite

65 yd

You know how to calculate the area of triangles, rectangles, parallelograms, and trapezoids.
How can you use what you know about the areas of these shapes to determine areas of
more complex shapes?

LESSON 3: Slicing and Dicing • M1-29

C01_SE_M01_T01_L03.indd 29 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Getting Started

Let Me Count the Ways

To calculate the total area of an oddly-shaped region, one strategy
is to divide the region into smaller familiar regions and then calculate
the area of each familiar region.

1. Draw lines in each figure to divide the figure into smaller

familiar shapes. Then name the familiar shapes that make up
the total figure.



M1-30 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L03.indd 30 1/12/19 8:14 PM


3.1 Area of a Kite

A kite is a quadrilateral with two pairs of consecutive congruent

sides where opposite sides are not congruent.
So, it can't just
4.1 cm
look like a kite.
1.7 cm
In mathematics,
A C kite has a
1.7 cm very specific
4.1 cm

The area of a kite, like that of other quadrilaterals, can be

determined by decomposing its shape into smaller familiar shapes.

Mr. Gram sketched the kite shown. He asked his students to add a
line segment that would divide the kite into two familiar figures.

Molly’s kite James’s kite

1.7 cm 4.1 cm 1.7 cm 4.1 cm

1.7 cm 1.7 cm
4.1 cm 4.1 cm

1. Describe each student’s strategy and identify any additional

information you would need to calculate the area. Would you
rather use Molly’s or James’s diagram to compute the area of
the kite?

LESSON 3: Slicing and Dicing • M1-31

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2. Use the information given to calculate the area of the
kite using both Molly’s and James’s strategies.
We use capital
letters to Given:
describe a line AC 5 5 cm BD 5 2.5 cm
segment. The AE 5 1.1 cm BE 5 1.25 cm
letters AC CE 5 3.9 cm DE 5 1.25 cm
indicate the
length of the Kite ABCD
line segment 4.1 cm
1.7 cm
that goes from
the point at A A C
to the point 1.7 cm
4.1 cm
at C.

3. Which method do you prefer for Question 2, Molly’s or

James’s method? Why?

M1-32 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L03.indd 32 1/12/19 8:14 PM


3.2 Area of Complex Figures

Decompose the composite shape in each image into parallelograms,

triangles, and/or trapezoids to calculate the approximate area of
each. Show your work.

1. Suppose a gallon of paint covers about 400 square feet.

How much paint would you need to paint the entire back of
this house?

10 ft
18 ft

12 ft
9 ft

50 ft

2. Suppose that carpeting costs $1.20 per square foot.

How much would it cost to carpet every room in this house
except the kitchen?
35 feet

10 feet 5 feet Dining

Kitchen room 8 feet

10 feet
14 feet

10 feet

12 feet

LESSON 3: Slicing and Dicing • M1-33

C01_SE_M01_T01_L03.indd 33 1/12/19 8:14 PM

3. Estimate the area of France.





Bay of


Ligurian Sea


Mediterranean Sea
0 35 75 mi

4. Estimate the area of Namibia.






0 50 100 mi

M1-34 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L03.indd 34 1/12/19 8:14 PM

5. The figure shown is composed of a rectangle and four congruent
trapezoids. Determine the area of the shaded region.
80 cm
22 cm

30 cm


6. The figure shown is composed of a rectangle and a hexagon.

The length of each side of the hexagon is 2 centimeters.
Determine the area of the shaded region.

2 cm


LESSON 3: Slicing and Dicing • M1-35

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Use Your Powers of Mathematical


1. Determine the area of the shaded triangle inside the

square. Explain your strategy.

10 in.

10 in.

3 in.

3 in.

2. Create a presentation of your solution strategy for

the class.

M1-36 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L03.indd 36 1/12/19 8:14 PM


Write Remember
Define composite figure and The area of a composite figure can be determined by decomposing
draw a picture of an example. it into familiar shapes and then adding together the areas of those

1. Calculate the area of the composite figure. 2. A city wants to create a garden according to the
plan below. Calculate the area of the garden.
20 in.
6m 12 m
7 in.
7 in.

10 m 8m

12 m



5m 4m

5m 3m

3. In the given kite, AE 5 6 ft, CE 5 6 ft, BE 5 9 ft, 4. In the given kite, SZ 5 10 yards, WZ 5 10 yards,
and DE 5 15 ft. Determine the area of the kite. TZ 5 12 yards, and RZ 5 32 yards. Determine
the area of the kite.



LESSON 3: Slicing and Dicing • M1-37

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Calculate the area of each shaded region.

1. The figure is composed of 2 kites. 2. The figure is composed of 2 congruent triangles

Given: MR 5 RS 5 5 feet, ST 5 PT 5 10 feet, and a rhombus.
and NS 5 QS 5 12 feet.

4 in.

5 in.
4 in.

4 in.

1. A patio is built in the shape of a trapezoid, as shown. Determine the area of the patio.
15 ft

8 ft

6 ft

2. Calculate the area of the given triangle.

4.5 m


3. Calculate the area of the given parallelogram.

4.5 ft

20 ft

4. Determine the area of a square picture that has a side length of 14 cm.
5. Use the Distributive Property to write an equivalent addition expression for 5(17 1 20).

M1-38 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L03.indd 38 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Searching 4
for Common
Common Factors and Common Multiples


List all factor pairs for • Identify the factors of numbers and the common factors
each number. of two whole numbers.
• Identify the multiples of numbers and the common
1. 42 multiples of two whole numbers.
• Write and evaluate numeric expressions using the
2. 56 Distributive Property to model composing and
decomposing the areas of rectangles.
3. 84 • Rewrite the sum of two whole numbers with a common
factor as a product using the Distributive Property.
4. 91
• common factor
• relatively prime
• greatest common factor (GCF)
• multiple
• Commutative Property of Multiplication
• least common multiple (LCM)

Just as you can compose and decompose shapes, you can compose and decompose
numbers using factors and multiples. How can you use shapes to see relationships
between numbers?

LESSON 4: Searching for Common Ground • M1-39

C01_SE_M01_T01_L04.indd 39 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Getting Started

How Many Rectangles Can You Build?

Understanding the area of rectangles is helpful when learning
about factors. A rectangular area model is one way to represent

Your class is going to create area models for each number: 12, 15, 16,
and 20. For the number assigned to you by your teacher, use the grid
paper at the end of the lesson to create and cut out as many unique
rectangles as possible with the area of your assigned number. Label
each rectangle with its dimensions.

Number assigned to me:

1. List the dimensions of all of the rectangles that you created for
your assigned number.

2. How do you know if you have created all of the possible

rectangles with the given area?

3. How are factors represented in your rectangles?

4. List all of the factors of the number that you were assigned.

M1-40 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

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Using Rectangles to
4.1 Determine Common Factors

For this investigation, select a partner who has created area models
for a number different from the number assigned to you.

Together with your partner, combine one of your rectangles and one
of your partner’s rectangles to make a bigger rectangle. If possible,
use this method to create additional rectangles.

1. Complete the table with the information from each larger

rectangle created by you and your partner.

Number assigned to me Number assigned to my partner

Dimensions Dimensions Dimensions Area of the Larger Total Area

of Smaller of Smaller of the Larger Rectangle as a Sum of of Larger
Rectangle 1 Rectangle 2 Rectangle the Smaller Rectangles Rectangle

l 3 w1 l 3 w2 l(w1 1 w2) A1 1 A2

2. How are the dimensions of the larger rectangle related to its

total area?

3. For each larger rectangle you and your partner created,

write a numeric expression that relates the dimensions
of the larger rectangle to the sum of the areas of the
smaller rectangles.

LESSON 4: Searching for Common Ground • M1-41

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Consider any factors that are shared between your number and your
partner’s number. These are called common factors.

4. How are the common factors represented in the larger

rectangles that you and your partner created?

5. How are the common factors represented in the numeric

expressions that you and your partner wrote?

6. List the common factors of the two numbers.


4.2 Prime Factorization

Suppose you are looking for the common factors of 56 and 42, but
you do not have grid paper or scissors to create rectangles. Is there
another way?

One way to determine common factors is to 56 5 2 ? 2 ? 2 ? 7
use prime factorization. Start by writing each 42 5 2 ? 3 ? 7
number as a product of its prime factors.
A factor tree is a
way to organize the Organize the prime factors into a table, where only shared factors
prime factorization are listed in the same column.
of a number. Choose
any factor pair to get
Number Prime Factors
started. 56 2 2 2 7
2 9
42 2 3 7
3 3 The common factors of the two numbers are the numbers that are
18 5 2 ? 3 ? 3 in both rows and the product of the numbers that are in both rows.

The common factors of 56 and 42 are 2, 7, and 14.

M1-42 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L04.indd 42 1/12/19 8:14 PM

1. How do you know that 14 is a common factor of 56 and 42?

2. Why is there a space between 2 and 7 in the top row of

the table?

3. Create a table to identify common factors.

a. Identify all of the common factors of 54 and 84.

b. Of the common factors, which factor is the largest?

The greatest common factor (GCF) is the largest factor two or Two numbers that do
more numbers have in common. not have any common
factors other than 1
4. Rewrite each numeric expression using the Distributive are called relatively
Property and the GCF. prime.

a. 56 1 42

b. 54 1 84

LESSON 4: Searching for Common Ground • M1-43

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4.3 Common Multiples

Rectangular arrays can also be used to determine multiples and

common multiples.

A multiple is the
Consider the area model for 6 ? 8 5 48.
product of a given
whole number and
another whole

The Commutative One way to think about the area model is to analyze the collection
Property of of columns. As you look at how the area model builds from left
Multiplication states to right, the addition of each new column creates a multiple of 6.
that for any numbers So, column 1 alone is a 6 3 1 rectangle, which represents the first
a and b, the product multiple of 6, which is 6. By adding column 2, the rectangle is now
a ? b is equal to the 6 3 2, which represents the second multiple of 6, which is 12. The
product b ? a. whole rectangle represents 6 3 8, or 48.

1. List the first eight multiples of 6 by labeling each column of

the area model.

Next, think about the area model as a collection of 6 rows. The first
row alone creates an 8 3 1 rectangle, which represents the first
multiple of 8, which is 8. Including all rows of the 8 3 6 rectangle
represents the sixth multiple of 8, which is 48.

2. List the first six multiples of 8 by labeling each row of the

area model.

M1-44 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

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While 48 is a multiple shared by both 6 and 8, it is not the least
common multiple (LCM). The LCM is the smallest multiple (other than NOTES
zero) that two or more numbers have in common.

3. Analyze the multiples of 6 and 8 that you labeled on the area

model. Identify the least common multiple of 6 and 8.

As demonstrated by the rectangular array, for any two whole numbers

a and b, a common multiple is a ? b. However, this number may not be
the least common multiple of a and b.

4. Determine the least common multiple of 6 and 9.

a. List the first 9 multiples of 6.

b. List the first 6 multiples of 9.

c. What is the least common multiple of 6 and 9?

5. Determine the least common multiple of 7 and 8.

6. Using prime factorization, how can you determine whether the

least common multiple of two numbers is the product of the
two numbers, or is less than the product of the two numbers?

LESSON 4: Searching for Common Ground • M1-45

C01_SE_M01_T01_L04.indd 45 1/12/19 8:14 PM


Bringing It Back Around

Answer each question to show how to use the Distributive
Property to decompose numbers.

1. Consider the sum 36 1 24.

a. Express the sum 36 1 24 as many ways as possible as

the product a(b 1 c).

b. How can you use factors to determine if you have listed

all possible products a(b 1 c) that are equivalent to
36 1 24?

2. Suppose you have a composite figure composed of a

rectangle and another parallelogram with a shared side.
The area of the rectangle is 72 square centimeters and the
area of the parallelogram is 84 square centimeters.

Explain how to use factors and multiples to determine all

possible dimensions a, b, and h for the figure.

M1-46 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

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Grid Paper

LESSON 4: Searching for Common Ground • M1-47

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C01_SE_M01_T01_L04.indd 48 1/12/19 8:14 PM

1. Match each definition to its corresponding term.
a. a rectangular arrangement that has an equal i. factor pair
number of objects in each row and an equal ii. array
number of objects in each column iii. Commutative Property of Multiplication
b. the product of a given whole number and another iv. factor
whole number v. multiple
c. two natural numbers other than zero that are
multiplied together to produce another number
d. one of the two numbers being multiplied together
in a factor pair
e. changing the order of two or more factors in a
multiplication problem does not change the product

2. Select the word that makes the following statement true. Then, use complete sentences to explain your
choice: The LCM of two numbers is (always, sometimes, never) the product of the two numbers.

Numbers can be decomposed into a product of their prime factors. Numbers can be composed into
multiples. Numbers can be compared by their greatest common factor and their least common multiple.

1. Consider the numbers 18 and 30.
a. List all of the factors of 18.
b. List all of the factors of 30.
c. What factors do 18 and 30 have in common?
d. What is the greatest common factor of 18 and 30?
2. Consider the numbers 54 and 72.
a. Complete a prime factorization of 54 and write it as a product of primes.
b. Complete a prime factorization of 72 and write it as a product of primes.
c. Put the prime factors of 54 and 72 into a table.
d. What are the common factors of 54 and 72?
e. What is the greatest common factor of 54 and 72?
3. For each pair of numbers, determine the least common multiple and at least one other common multiple.
a. 3 and 5 b. 4 and 6 c. 8 and 12

LESSON 4: Searching for Common Ground • M1-49

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1. Determine the LCM for each group of numbers. 2. Determine the GCF for each group of numbers.
a. 4, 8, 14 a. 8, 27, 35
b. 9, 15, 18 b. 20, 90, 50

Determine the area of each figure.
1. 12 m 2. In the given kite, SZ 5 WZ 5 10 yards,
TZ 5 12 yards, and RZ 5 32 yards.

16 m

6m W

3. The polygon is a rhombus. 4.

5 yards
2 yards 8 yards
12 yd

11 yd


7 ft

7 ft

M1-50 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L04.indd 50 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Composing and 5
Least Common Multiple and
Greatest Common Factor


Write the prime factorization • Determine the greatest common factor of two whole
of each number. numbers less than or equal to 100.
• Use greatest common factors and the Distributive
1. 21 2. 30 Property to rewrite the sum of whole numbers 1–100.
• Determine the least common multiple of two whole
3. 42 4. 59 numbers less than or equal to 12.

Number relationships are useful in solving everyday problems and in mental arithmetic.
Understanding these relationships will deepen your knowledge of how the number system is
structured. How can you use LCM and GCF to compose and decompose numbers?

LESSON 5: Composing and Decomposing Numbers • M1-51

C01_SE_M01_T01_L05.indd 51 14/01/19 6:37 PM

Getting Started

Beads, Beads, Beads

Emily has three bags of different types of beads. She wants to split up
the beads into mixed packages to share with her friends. She wants
each package to have exactly the same number of each type of bead
with no beads left over.

Spacers Round Rectangular

40 count Beads Beads
72 count 24 count

1. What is the greatest number of packages that Emily can

assemble? Describe the collection of beads in each package.

M1-52 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

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Calculating the Greatest
5.1 Common Factor

In the previous activity, you determined the greatest number of

packages that Emily could make from three different types of beads.
In other words, you were looking for the greatest number that is a
factor of the three other numbers (40, 72, and 24).

One way to determine the greatest common factor is to start by

listing all the prime factors of each number. The table shows the
prime factorization of 24, 40, and 72.

Number Prime Factors The table is

24 2 2 2 3 organized to show
40 2 2 2 5 each prime factor in
72 2 2 2 3 3 its own column.

1. Analyze the table and circle the common prime factors.

The greatest common factor is the product of the common

prime factors.

2. What is the greatest common factor of 24, 40, and 72?

3. What is the least common factor of 24, 40, and 72?

4. Rewrite the numeric expression 24 1 40 1 72 using the

Distributive Property and the GCF.

LESSON 5: Composing and Decomposing Numbers • M1-53

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5. Determine the greatest common factor of each pair.
NOTES a. 36 and 48 b. 37 and 81

6. Rewrite each numeric expression using the Distributive

Property and the GCF.

a. 36 1 48 b. 37 1 81

Using GCF and LCM
5.2 to Solve Problems

Remember that common factors help you think about how to divide,
or share things equally. Common multiples help you think about how
things with different cycles can occur at the same time.

1. Ramon and Justine are watching different broadcasts of

a parade on television. The broadcast Ramon is watching
airs commercials every 17 minutes. The broadcast Justine is
watching airs commercials every 14 minutes. Both broadcasts
started at 7:00 a.m. and are scheduled to end at 9:00 a.m.
When will commercials air on both broadcasts at the same
time? Explain your reasoning.

M1-54 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L05.indd 54 14/01/19 6:37 PM

2. Two cyclists ride on the same circular path. The first rider
completes a lap in 12 minutes. The second rider completes a
lap in 18 minutes. Both riders start at the starting line at the
same time and go in the same direction. If the riders maintain
their speed, after how many minutes will they meet again at
the starting line? Explain your reasoning.

3. Dr. Abramson and her assistants are working on three different

experiments using water. Each experiment lasts for 15 minutes.
For the first experiment, the water level must be checked
every 12 seconds. For the second experiment, the temperature
of the water must be checked every 30 seconds. For the third
experiment, the color of the water must be checked every 36
seconds. In minutes, list the times all three experiments will
need to be checked at the same time.

4. The students in Mr. Michael’s art class are decorating a booth

for Harvest Day. They have blue cloth that is 60 inches long,
gold cloth that is 48 inches long, and white cloth that is
72 inches long. They want to cut all of the cloth into pieces of
equal length.

a. What is the greatest possible length of the pieces without

having any cloth left over? Explain your reasoning.

b. How many pieces of each color cloth will they have?

LESSON 5: Composing and Decomposing Numbers • M1-55

C01_SE_M01_T01_L05.indd 55 14/01/19 6:37 PM

5. Boxes that are 16 inches tall are being stacked next to boxes
that are 20 inches tall.

a. What is the shortest height at which the two stacks will be

the same height? Explain your reasoning.

b. How many boxes will be in each stack?


5.3 Making Connections

Recall that numbers that are relatively prime have no common

factors other than 1. These number pairs can show
interesting patterns.

1. For each pair of numbers, determine their product, their least

common multiple, and their greatest common factor.

a. 12 and 10 b. 9 and 15

c. 9 and 10 d. 5 and 9

M1-56 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L05.indd 56 14/01/19 6:37 PM

2. Consider the GCF and LCM of the pair 9 and 10 and the pair
5 and 9. NOTES
a. What relationship do you notice between the product,
LCM, and GCF of the pairs of numbers?

b. Write a sentence to describe your conjecture. Test your

conjecture by determining the product, LCM, and GCF of
additional pairs of numbers between 1 and 20.

LESSON 5: Composing and Decomposing Numbers • M1-57

C01_SE_M01_T01_L05.indd 57 14/01/19 6:37 PM


In Summary
Answer each question to summarize what you know about
greatest common factors and least common multiples.

1. Can you always determine the greatest common factor

of any two numbers? Explain your reasoning.

2. If the greatest common factor of two numbers is 1, what

can you say about the numbers?

3. Can you always determine the least common multiple

of any two numbers? Explain your reasoning.

4. If the least common multiple of two numbers is the

product of those numbers, what can you say about the
two numbers?

5. How can you use the GCF and the Distributive Property
to rewrite the sum of two numbers?

M1-58 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L05.indd 58 14/01/19 6:37 PM


Write Remember
Write a definition for each term Common factors help determine how to divide or share things
in your own words. equally. Common multiples help determine how things with
different cycles can occur at the same time.
1. least common multiple (LCM)
2. greatest common factor (GCF)

1. Ronna is a quality control engineer in a car parts factory. Part of her job is to make sure the parts
are the right size.
a. In one section of the factory, two machines mold different parts that will eventually be put together in
an assembly plant. The first machine makes a part every 12 seconds, and the second machine makes
a part every 45 seconds. Ronna decides to test these parts each time they both come out of the
machines at the same time. How often does Ronna test the parts? Show your work and express your
answer in minutes.

2. Mr. Ellis runs an after-school program for nine- and ten-year-olds. Each day the children participate in an
activity or sport and receive a snack. One afternoon, 56 nine-year-olds and 42 ten-year-olds attend the
after-school program.
a. Mr. Ellis wants to divide the group into basketball teams so that each team has the same number of
nine-year-olds, and each team has the same number of ten-year-olds. How many different ways can
he divide the group?
b. What is the greatest number of teams Mr. Ellis can make so each team has the same number of
9-year-olds and the same number of 10-year-olds?
c. Do you think Mr. Ellis should make the greatest number of teams he can? Explain your reasoning.

1. Create your own word problem that requires an LCM to solve. Show the solution.
2. Create your own word problem that requires a GCF to solve. Show the solution.

LESSON 5: Composing and Decomposing Numbers • M1-59

C01_SE_M01_T01_L05.indd 59 14/01/19 6:37 PM

1. Consider the numbers 18 and 28.
a. Sketch all distinct area models for the number 18.
b. Sketch all distinct area models for the number 28.
c. Use your area models and the Distributive Property to rewrite the expression 18 + 28.
2. The base of the triangle is labeled. Draw a segment that represents the height of the triangle.

3. Determine the area of the given figure composed of a parallelogram and a triangle.

8 ft

3 ft

9 ft

M1-60 • TOPIC 1: Factors and Area

C01_SE_M01_T01_L05.indd 60 14/01/19 6:37 PM

Factors and Area
• numeric expression • trapezoid • multiple
• equation • kite • Commutative Property of
• Distributive Property • common factor Multiplication
• parallelogram • relatively prime • least common multiple
• altitude • greatest common factor (LCM)
• variable (GCF)


1 Taking Apart Numbers and Shapes

A numeric expression is a mathematical phrase that contains numbers and operations.

An equation is a mathematical sentence that uses an equals sign to show that two quantities
are the same as one another.

There are many ways to rewrite equivalent expressions using properties. The Distributive
Property states that for any numbers a, b, and c, a(b 1 c) 5 ab 1 ac.

For example, you can use the Distributive Property to rewrite the expression 4(2 1 15).

4 (2 1 15) 5 4 ? 2 1 4 ? 15


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2 All About That Base . . . and Height

A parallelogram is a four-sided figure with two pairs of parallel sides, with each pair
equal in length.

The altitude is the height of a geometric figure. In a parallelogram, it is the perpendicular

distance from the base to the opposite side. The area of a parallelogram is equal to
b ? h, where the variable b represents the base and h represents the height. A variable is
a letter that is used to represent a number.

For example, in this parallelogram, the base, b, is 20 feet and

the altitude, or height, h, is 12 feet.
12 ft
Area of a parallelogram 5 bh
5 (20)(12)
5 240 square feet 20 ft

The area of a triangle is equal to __
bh. The base of a triangle can be any of its sides.

The height, or
altitude, of a triangle
is the length of a line B
segment drawn from altitude altitude altitude
a vertex of the triangle
to the opposite side B C C A A
base base base B
so that it forms a
right angle with the
opposite side.
For example, in this triangle, the base, b, is equal to 2 yards and the
altitude, or height, h, is equal to 1.5 yards.
1 1.5 yd
Area of a triangle 5 __
5 __
5 1.5 square yards 2 yd


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A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with two bases, often labeled b1 and b2. The bases are
parallel to each other. The height is the perpendicular distance between the bases. The area
of a trapezoid is equal to __
2 1
(b 1 b2)h.

For example, in this trapezoid, one of the bases is 8 meters and the other base is 12 meters.
The altitude, or height, h, of the trapezoid is 9 meters. 8m

Area of trapezoid 5 __
2 1
(b 1 b2)h
1 9m
5 __
(8 1 12)(9)
5 __
5 90 square meters 12 m


3 Slicing and Dicing

A kite is a quadrilateral with two pairs of consecutive congruent sides where opposite sides
are not congruent. The area of a kite, like that of other quadrilaterals, can be determined by
decomposing its shape into smaller familiar shapes.

Area is additive. The area of a composite figure can be determined by decomposing it into
familiar shapes and then adding together the areas of those shapes.

For example, in Kite ABCD, BE 5 ED 5 1.25 cm, and AC 5 5 cm. B

1.7 cm 4.1 cm
Area of Kite ABCD 5 Area of Triangle ABC 1
Area of Triangle ADC C
1 1
5 __
(5)(1.25) 1 __
(5)(1.25) 1.7 cm
4.1 cm
5 3.125 1 3.125 D
5 6.25

The area of Kite ABCD is 6.25 square centimeters.


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4 Searching for Common Ground

When two or more numbers are factored, any factors that the numbers share are common
factors. Two numbers that do not have any common factors other than 1 are called relatively
prime. The greatest common factor (GCF) is the largest factor two or more numbers have
in common.

One way to determine common factors is using prime factorization.

For example, you can use prime factorization to determine common 56 5 2 ? 2 ? 2 ? 7

factors of 56 and 42. Start by writing each number as a product of its 42 5 2 ? 3 ? 7
prime factors.

Organize the prime factors into a table, where only shared factors are listed in the
same column.

Number Prime Factors

56 2 2 2 7

42 2 3 7

The common factors of the two numbers are the numbers that are in both rows and the
product of the numbers that are in both rows.

The common factors of 56 and 42 are 2, 7, and 14.

The greatest common factor of 56 and 42 is 14.

A multiple is the product of a given whole number and another whole number. The
Commutative Property of Multiplication states that for any numbers a and b, the product
a ? b is equal to the product b ? a. The first eight multiples of 6 and 8 are given.

6: 6, 12, 18, 24, 30, 36, 42, 48

8: 8, 16, 24, 32, 40, 48, 56, 64

The least common multiple (LCM) is the smallest multiple (other than zero) that two or more
numbers have in common. The LCM of 6 and 8 is 24.


C01_SE_TS_M01_T01.indd 64 1/12/19 8:17 PM


5 Composing and Decomposing Numbers

The greatest common factor is the product of the common prime factors.

For example, the GCF of 24, 40, and 72 is

Number Prime Factors
2 3 2 3 2 5 8.
24 2 2 2 3
When using GCF and LCM to solve problems,
40 2 2 2 5
remember that common factors help you think about
how to divide, or share things equally, and common 72 2 2 2 3 3
multiples help you think about how things with
different cycles can occur at the same time.

For example, a local bus arrives at the stop near Aaron’s house every 15 minutes. An express
bus arrives at the same stop every 9 minutes. Aaron sees both a local and an express bus
arrive at the stop at 10 A.M. What is the next time that he would expect to see both buses
arrive at the stop?

The problem is asking about when the two different cycles of the buses will occur again at the
same time, so you can use the least common multiple of 15 and 9 to answer the question.

The multiples of 15 are 15, 30, 45, 60, 75, . . .

The multiples of 9 are 9, 18, 27, 36, 45, 54, . . .

The least common multiple of 15 and 9 is 45, therefore the two buses should arrive at the stop
at the same time every 45 minutes. The next time Aaron would expect to see both buses at
the stop is 10:45 A.M.


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C01_SE_TS_M01_T01.indd 66 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Positive Rational Numbers

A flood gauge measures how far above normal the surface of the water is.

Lesson 1
Thinking Rationally
Identifying and Ordering Rational Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M1-71

Lesson 2
Did You Get the Part?
Multiplying and Dividing with Fractions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M1-83

Lesson 3
Yours IS to Reason Why!
Fraction by Fraction Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M1-93

C01_SE_M01_T02_INTRO.indd 67 1/12/19 8:14 PM

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Carnegie Learning Family Guide Course 1
Module 1: Composing and Decomposing
TOPIC 2: POSITIVE RATIONAL Where have we been?
NUMBERS Students began their formal study of
The focus of this topic is fraction division.
fractions in grade 3. They understand
Students review fraction and decimal
fractions as numbers and can reason about
comparisons and multiplying with
relative sizes of fractions. They have learned
fractions prior to working with fraction
to add, subtract, and multiply fractions.
division. Algorithms for fraction division
Students also know how to divide whole
are addressed in this topic, but bear 1
numbers by unit fractions (e.g., 6 4 __ ) and
in mind that students may not achieve
unit fractions by whole numbers (e.g., __ 4 3)
fluency within the timeline allowed for 4
this topic. Fluency requires time and
practice. Although this topic represents
Where are we going?
By learning multiple division strategies and
the culmination of students’ learning
using estimation and mental strategies,
about operations with fractions, they will
students can choose the most efficient
continue to develop fluency with fraction
strategy for a given problem.
operations throughout the course.

Throughout grade 6, students will operate

with positive rational numbers. Students
who have mastered plotting and ordering
positive rational numbers on a number line
will be prepared to plot and order the full
set of rational numbers on a number line
and as pairs on a coordinate plane.

Using Bar Models to Represent Quotients with Fractions

3 1
A bar model can show the quotient of two fractions, such as __
4 __
. The division
__ 3
expressions asks, how many 4 s are in 4 ?

1 1 1
4 4 4

3 3 1
There are 3 one-fourths in __
, so __
4 __
5 3.

TOPIC 2: Family Guide • M1-69

C01_SE_FG_M01_T02.indd 69 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Myth: "If I can get the right answer, then I should
not have to explain why."
Sometimes you get the right answer for the wrong reasons. Suppose a student is
asked “What is 4 divided by 2?” and she confidently answers “2!” If she does not
explain any further, then it might be assumed that she understands how to divide whole
numbers. But, what if she used the following rule to solve that problem? “Subtract 2 from 4 one
time.” Even though she gave the right answer, she has an incomplete understanding of division.

However, if she is asked to explain her reasoning, by drawing a picture, creating a model, or
giving a different example, the teacher has a chance to remediate her flawed understanding.
If teachers aren’t exposed to their students’ reasoning for both right and wrong answers, then
they won’t know about or be able to address misconceptions. This is important because
mathematics is cumulative: new lessons build upon previous understandings.

Ask your student to explain his or her thinking, when possible, even if you don’t know
whether the explanation is correct. When children (and adults) explain something to
someone else, it helps them learn. Just the process of trying to explain is helpful.


Talking Points Key Terms

You can support your student’s learning by benchmark fraction
practicing with them. Students are learning Benchmark fractions are common
1 1
to divide with fractions. This involves dividing fractions, like __ or __
, you can use to
whole numbers by fractions, fractions by estimate the value of other fractions.
fractions, and fractions by whole numbers.
complex fraction
Some Things to Look For A fraction is complex if it has a fraction in
When comparing two fractions, students numerator, denominator, or both.
often assume that the fraction with the
multiplicative inverse
smaller denominator must be the smaller
The multiplicative inverse of a number __
fraction. This is not always true! b
is the number __
a , where a and b are
Remind your student to take their time nonzero numbers.
as they work with fractions. Fractions can
be tricky!

M1-70 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_FG_M01_T02.indd 70 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Thinking 1
Identifying and Ordering
Rational Numbers


Determine the fraction represented • Understand that counting numbers, fractions,
by the shaded part of each grid. If and decimals are rational numbers.
necessary, rewrite in lowest terms. • Identify properties of rational numbers.
• Identify models for rational numbers.
1. 2. • Fluently compare and order rational numbers.

• positive rational number
• benchmark fraction

3. 4.

You have learned about whole numbers, fractions, and decimals. How can you compare
these types of numbers?

LESSON 1: Thinking Rationally • M1-71

C01_SE_M01_T02_L01.indd 71 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Getting Started

How Many Can You Name?

You have learned about many different types of numbers. List as many
types of numbers as you can. Give an example of each number type.

Identifying Positive Rational
1.1 Numbers

You can group numbers in many different ways.

1. Cut out the cards at the end of this lesson. Sort the cards into
Keep these
different groups. You may sort the cards in any way you think
cards when
is appropriate, but you must sort them into more than 1 group.
Give each group of cards a title.
finished. You'll
need them in a
Explain how you sorted the numbers and diagrams on the cards,
future lesson.
including why you gave each group its title.

2. Compare your groupings with your classmates’ groupings.

Create a list of some of the different ways to group the numbers.

M1-72 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L01.indd 72 1/12/19 8:14 PM

3. Vivianne grouped these cards together. What reason could she
give for why she put these cards into the same group? NOTES

, __
, 0.2

4. Danika and Josh explained how they sorted the numbers.

I grouped these numbers together because they all
represent whole numbers.
8 _
_ 5 __10 0
8 , 5 , 5 , 1, 0 1

a. Show why Danika’s reasoning is correct.

b. Identify other numbers or diagrams that belong in

Danika’s group.

I grouped these numbers together because they
are all equal.
_3 , _3 , _3
5 4 8

c. Explain why Josh’s reasoning is not correct.

d. Identify pairs of cards which show equal values.

How many pairs can you find?

LESSON 1: Thinking Rationally • M1-73

C01_SE_M01_T02_L01.indd 73 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Writing Positive
1.2 Rational Numbers

A positive rational number is a number that can be written in the

form __
, where a and b are both whole numbers greater than 0.


Is 0.75 a rational number?

To write a decimal like 0.75 in the form __
, where a and b are both
whole numbers and b is not equal to 0:

• Read the decimal using place value.

0.75 seventy-five hundredths

• Write the decimal as a fraction.

0.75 100

75 a
The fraction ____
is written in the form __
, where a is equal to 75 and
b is equal to 100. The numbers 75 and 100 are both whole numbers
greater than 0.

So, 0.75 is a rational number.

1. Show that the decimals 0.6, 0.1, 0.2, and 0.325 are positive
Any decimal greater rational numbers.
than 0 that has a
limited number of
nonzero digits after
the decimal point (like
0.5) or whose digits 2. Which numbers, if any, that you sorted are not positive
repeat in a pattern rational numbers? Explain your answer.
(like 0.3333 . . .) is
a positive rational

M1-74 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L01.indd 74 1/12/19 8:14 PM


1.3 Benchmark Fractions

Benchmark fractions are common fractions you can use to estimate

the value of fractions.

0 __
Three common benchmark fractions are __
1 2
, 1 , and __

0 1
– 1

A fraction is close A fraction is close A fraction is close

to 0 when the to __
when the to 1 when the
numerator is very numerator is about numerator is very
small compared to half the size of the close in size to the
the denominator. denominator. denominator.

1. Name the closest benchmark fraction for each fraction given.

4 8 6
a. __
b. __
c. ____

5 7 7
d. ___
e. ___
f. ___

5 14 12
g. __
h. ___
i. ___

___ 5 3
j. 17
k. ___
l. __

2. Write the unknown numerator or denominator so that each

fraction is close to but greater than 0.

( ) ( )
a. _____
b. _____

8 7
c. _____
( )
d. _____
( )

LESSON 1: Thinking Rationally • M1-75

C01_SE_M01_T02_L01.indd 75 1/12/19 8:14 PM

3. Write the unknown numerator or denominator so that each
fraction is close to but less than __

( ) ( )
a. _____
b. _____

8 7
c. _____
( )
d. _____
( )

4. Write the unknown numerator or denominator so that each

fraction is close to but less than 1.

( ) ( )
a. _____
b. _____

8 7
c. _____
( )
d. _____
( )

5. Describe the relationship between a and b when the

fraction __

a. close to 0. b. close to __
. c. close to 1.

6. Compare each pair of fractions using benchmark fractions.

An inequality is a
Insert a . or , symbol to make the inequality true. Explain
statement that one
your reasoning.
number is less than
or greater than 11 5 5 5
a. ___
b. __
another number.

7 5 5 7
c. ___
d. ___

7. Compare the fractions in each pair. Think about how close the
fractions are to 0, __
, or 1.

5 7 14 7 1 1
a. __
and ___
b. ___
and __
c. __
and ___

M1-76 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L01.indd 76 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Ordering Rational Numbers
Felipe and Corinne ordered the rational numbers 0.8, 0.06, and __
from least to greatest using different strategies. Felipe used
benchmark numbers, and Corinne used equivalent fractions.

1. Use Felipe’s strategy of benchmark numbers to order the

rational numbers from least to greatest.

2. Use Corinne’s strategy of equivalent fractions to order the

rational numbers from least to greatest.

3 5
3. Use any strategy to order the rational numbers 0.6, __
, and __
from least to greatest.

4. List the fractions in each set in ascending order.

1 ___
a. __ , 1 , __
1 __
8 11 9 4 7 5
, 1 , __
1 __
,1 4 ___
b. __ , 4 , ___
5 10 12 7
4 __

3 ___
c. __ , 3 , __
3 __
8 11 9 4 7 5
, 3 , __
3 __

5. What do the fractions in each part of Question 4 have

in common? Explain how you determined the order of the
fractions in each.

LESSON 1: Thinking Rationally • M1-77

C01_SE_M01_T02_L01.indd 77 1/12/19 8:14 PM


Close to Half
Consider the fractions shown.
5 ___
__, 7 , __ , 10
2 ___
9 13 7 11

1. Write the fractions in ascending order. Use what you

know about benchmark fractions to determine the order.
Explain your reasoning.

M1-78 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L01.indd 78 1/12/19 8:14 PM

___ 3
__ 5
__ 3
__ 1
12 5 6 4 5

__ 3
__ 1
__ 2
__ 4
3 8 4 3 5

__ 8
__ 8
__ 5
__ 10
8 8 4 5 5

0.4 0.6 0.1 0.2 0.06

0.75 0.5 1 0 0

LESSON 1: Thinking Rationally • M1-79

C01_SE_M01_T02_L01.indd 79 1/12/19 8:14 PM

C01_SE_M01_T02_L01.indd 80 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Write Remember
Describe a way to compare A positive rational number is a number that can be written in the
two positive rational numbers form __
, where a and b are both whole numbers, and b is not equal
that are not written in the to 0.
same form.
An inequality is a statement that one number is less than or
greater than another number.

Order the rational numbers in each group from least to greatest.
1. 0.09, 0.1, ___
5 __
2. __, 5 , __
6 8 2

3 __
3. 0.55, __
5 3

1 4
4. 4.2, 3.10, 4__
, 3.01, 2.3, 2__
, 3.017

5. 6.84, 8__
, 6.34, 6__ , 8 3 , 8.15
1 ___
4 10
3 3
6. 1.98, 0.23, 0, 1.89, 1__
, 1.02, __

7. 2.35, 2.54, 2.01

3 8 1
8. 9.3, 5__
, 9.90, 9___
, 3.78, 3.9, 5__
9. 0.02, 0, 6.98, 2___
, 2.2, 6.89, 2.01

Use reasoning to compare the fractions. Do not use common denominators.
Explain your reasoning.

13 17
1. ___
3 6
2. ___
7 9
3. ___

LESSON 1: Thinking Rationally • M1-81

C01_SE_M01_T02_L01.indd 81 1/12/19 8:14 PM

1. In a video game, a character needs to shine a light through two spinning wheels that have holes in them.
The first wheel makes a complete rotation in 7 seconds. The second wheel makes a complete rotation in
9 seconds. The holes are lined up at 0 seconds. How many seconds will pass before they are lined
up again?
2. Your aunt’s club is planning to sell small bags of different types of beads to people who want to make
their own bead jewelry. The table below lists the different types of beads and how many they have.

Type of Bead Quantity

Oval bead 24
Metal bead 18

The club wants to divide these beads into bags so that each bag has exactly the same number of oval
beads and metal beads. What is the greatest number of bags that they can make so that all of the beads
are used and there is the same number of each bead in each bag?
3. Determine each sum or difference.
1 2
a. __
1 __
7 6
b. __
2 __

M1-82 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L01.indd 82 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Did You Get 2
the Part?
Multiplying and Dividing with Fractions


Write the least common multiple (LCM) of • Model and interpret the multiplication
the numbers in each pair. of fractions.
• Model, interpret, and compute the
1. 3, 4 quotient of a whole number divided by a
fraction or mixed number.
2. 2, 4 • Interpret the remainder when dividing
a whole number by a fraction or
3. 8, 3 mixed number.

4. 15, 6

5. 14, 7

You have used area models to represent the products and quotients of whole numbers. How
can you use area models and a variety of other models to represent products and quotients
that involve positive rational numbers?

LESSON 2: Did You Get the Part? • M1-83

C01_SE_M01_T02_L02.indd 83 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Getting Started

Return of the Area Model

Previously, you used an area model to represent products, to
determine factors, and to list multiples of given numbers. In the same
way that area models represent whole number multiplication, area
models can represent fraction multiplication.

1 1 1 1
The expression __4
3 __
means to multiply __4
and __
. When you multiply
a fraction by a fraction, you are calculating a part of a part. You can
represent the product of two fractions using an area model.
1 1
Let’s consider an area model for __4
3 __
and what it represents.
To represent __
one side of the model, 4
divide the model into 2
four equal parts along 4

the vertical line. Then 1

shade __
. 4

0 1 1

To represent __2
along the other
side, divide the model along the
horizontal line into two equal parts.
__ 1 1 Then shade __ .
3 __
5 __

The area of the overlapping region is the product of the fractions.

2 3
1. Estimate the product __
3 __
Show how the
algorithm for fraction
multiplication gives 2. Represent the product using the area model.
the same product as
the model. 0
0 1

M1-84 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L02.indd 84 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Multiplying with Mixed
2.1 Numbers

Let’s look at two methods for multiplying mixed numbers.

2 1
Dawson is thinking about how to determine 3 __
3 2 __
. He is
trying to remember a model he used when he learned how to
multiply whole numbers.

He multiplied 25 3 34 first to remember the method, and then

applied the same strategy to multiply the mixed numbers.


25 × 34
30 4 600
box1_txt 150
20 600 80 80
+ 20
5 150 20 850

2 1
3__ __
3 × 24
_ 6
2 4
__ 9
3 4 = 12
3 6 _
4 4
__ 16
3 = 12
2 2
_ 4
_ 2
__ + __ __
12 = 12
3 3 12 27 3
= 6 + __ __
12 = 6 + 2 12
1 1
= 6 + 2_ _
4 = 84

1. Describe the model Dawson used to calculated the product of

two mixed numbers.

LESSON 2: Did You Get the Part? • M1-85

C01_SE_M01_T02_L02.indd 85 1/12/19 8:14 PM

2. Lezlee’s correct method is shown. Describe how she
NOTES calculated the product of two mixed numbers.

2 1
3 __ _
3 x 24
9 __
11 __
__ 99
3 x 4 = 12
= __
= 8_4

3. Which method do you prefer, Lezlee's or Dawson's? Why?

The teachers at Riverside Middle School decide to make trail mix

for an upcoming field trip. Ms. Hadley shares her new tropical trail
mix recipe with the other teachers. She named it Hawaiian Trail Mix
Extravaganza. The recipe for 1 batch is shown.

Hawaiian Trail Mix Extravaganza

3 1
3 __
cups of macadamia nuts 2 __
cups of almonds
1 1
2 __
cups of pumpkin seeds 1 __
cups of sunflower seeds
3 5
3 __
cups of dried cherries 2 __
cups of honey
5 1
4 __
cups of popped popcorn 4 __
cups of raisins
2 3
1 __
cups of corn syrup 2 __
cups of granola

Feeds 12 People

M1-86 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L02.indd 86 1/12/19 8:14 PM

4. The sixth grade teachers are each going to make 3 batches of
Hawaiian Trail Mix Extravaganza. For each ingredient, first use
benchmark fractions to estimate how many cups of each are
needed. Then calculate the exact answer. Show your work.

a. almonds Estimate:

b. popped popcorn Estimate:

c. macadamia nuts Estimate:

5. There are more seventh grade students than sixth grade

students. The seventh grade teachers determine that they
are each going to make 4 __
batches. For each ingredient, first
estimate how many cups of each are needed. Then calculate
the exact answer. Show your work.

a. raisins Estimate:

b. sunflower seeds Estimate:

c. pumpkin seeds Estimate:

LESSON 2: Did You Get the Part? • M1-87

C01_SE_M01_T02_L02.indd 87 1/12/19 8:14 PM


2.2 Whole Number ÷ Fraction

Division often means to ask how many groups of a certain size are
contained in a number.


The expression 12 4 3 means you are trying to determine how many groups
of 3 are in 12. A physical model and number line model are shown.

Physical Model Number Line Model

0 12

1 group of 12 1 group of 12

0 3 6 9 12

4 groups of 3 4 groups of 3

12 4 3 5 4

There are 4 groups of 3 in 12.


When you divide with fractions, you are asking the same question.
The expression 2 4 __
is asking how many halves are in 2.

Physical Model Number Line Model

– 1
– 1
– 1
– 0 1 1 11 2
2 2 2 2 – –
2 2

1 1
There are four __
parts in 2, so 2 4 __
5 4.

M1-88 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L02.indd 88 1/12/19 8:14 PM

1. For each problem situation, first estimate the answer. Then
draw a diagram and write the appropriate number sentence.

a. How many students can be served with 4 cups of trail mix if

each student gets __
of a cup of trail mix?

b. How many __
-cup servings of trail mix can you make with
4 cups?

c. How many __
-cup trail mix servings can you make with
4 cups?

d. Do you notice a pattern? Explain your reasoning.

2. You have 4 cups of trail mix. If each student receives:

a. __
cup, how many students are there?

b. __
cup, how many students are there?

c. __
cup, how many students are there?

d. __
cup, how many students are there?

e. What patterns do you notice? Explain your reasoning.

LESSON 2: Did You Get the Part? • M1-89

C01_SE_M01_T02_L02.indd 89 1/12/19 8:14 PM

3. Jamilla is throwing a small party. She has 4 pizzas and
decides that everyone at her party should receive a serving
3 2
size that is __
of a pizza. Jamilla says she has 6 __
but Devon says she has 6 5 servings. Draw a diagram of the
situation, and solve for the quotient to determine who is
correct. Then explain why one person is not correct.


NOTES Reasoning with Division
1. How is the quotient of 12 4 __
related to the quotient
of 12 4 3 ? Explain your reasoning.

2. Determine the quotient for each. Then, describe any

patterns that you notice.

1 1 1 1
6 4 __
6 4 __
6 4 __
6 4 ___

M1-90 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L02.indd 90 1/12/19 8:14 PM


Write Remember
Describe a way to estimate Division often means to ask how many groups of a certain size are
the quotient of two fractions contained in a number. So, 6 4 __
can mean, "How many groups
or mixed numbers. Provide an of __
are in 6?"

Calculate each product or quotient.
2 1 3 2
1. 2__
3 3__
2. 8 4 __
3. 10 4 __

4 1 3 1 2 1
4. 3__
3 2__
5. 1__
3 6__
6. 5__
3 4__

1 1 2 3
7. 2__
3 7__
8. 5 4 __
9. 4 4 __

Jennifer is buying school supplies for her 3 children, and they each have their own list.
Mia: 15 pencils, 2 erasers, 4 colored markers
Cooper: 16 pencils, 12 pens, 10 colored markers, and 2 erasers
Tyler: 20 pencils, 10 erasers, and 10 sleeves of stickers

Single Pack

Assorted Colored Markers $0.73 per marker $4.56 for 8 markers

Erasers $0.18 per eraser $0.75 for 6 erasers

Pencils $0.93 per pencil $10.45 for 12 pencils

Assorted Stickers $1.07 per sleeve $5.27 for 5 sleeves

Assorted Pens $0.72 per pen $6.85 for 10 pens

Jennifer has budgeted $75 to spend on supplies. Is this an appropriate amount based on the cost list?
Explain your reasoning.

LESSON 2: Did You Get the Part? • M1-91

C01_SE_M01_T02_L02.indd 91 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Review Class
Portion of Reading
1. A school participates in a reading contest. Minutes
The table shows each sixth grade class’s portion 5
Mr. Karlie
of the grade’s total reading minutes. Order the classes 12
from the greatest number of reading minutes to the least. Ms. Jacobs 1
Explain your reasoning.
Ms. Suarez 4

Mr. Mitchell 1

3 __ 5
2. Order the fractions __ , 4 , __
7 5 9
and __
from least to greatest. Explain your method.

3. An artist is weaving a rectangular rug to match the pattern shown in the figure. Calculate the area
of the entire rug.

Gray 1 foot

Red Yellow 3 feet

Gray 1 foot

5 feet 6 feet

4. You are making a kite out of nylon fabric. Study the diagram. 24 in.

How much nylon fabric will you need to make the kite?
12 in.

36 in.

5. Estimate and then calculate each product.

a. 625 3 34 b. 1014 3 59

M1-92 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L02.indd 92 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Yours IS to 3
Reason Why!
Fraction by Fraction Division


Use benchmark fractions to • Model the division of fractions using area models and on
estimate each product. a number line.
5 1 • Compute and interpret quotients of fractions and
1. 2__
3 3__
8 interpret remainders.
8 7
2. 3__
3 2___
• Divide with mixed numbers.

6 1
3. 9__
3 4__
4 1 • complex fraction
4. 6__
3 2__
9 • reciprocal
• multiplicative inverse
• Multiplicative Inverse Property

You have learned how to multiply and divide with whole numbers and positive rational
numbers. How can you apply what you know about operating with these numbers to
understand how to divide two fractions or mixed numbers?

LESSON 3: Yours IS to Reason Why! • M1-93

C01_SE_M01_T02_L03.indd 93 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Getting Started

All in the Fact Family

Write the multiplication-division fact family for each rectangular array.




4. For each fact family, which numbers represent the side lengths
of the area model? Which numbers represent the area?

M1-94 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L03.indd 94 1/12/19 8:14 PM


3.1 Fractional Fact Families

Collect all the diagrams you sorted in the lesson Thinking Rationally.
Just like fact families for whole-number area models, you can also write
multiplication-division fact families for models involving fractions.
Consider the model shown.

The shaded area represents the

fraction ___
, because 1 rectangle is
shaded of the 20 total unit rectangles.

1 The height of the shaded rectangle is __
of the height of the model.

1 The width of the shaded rectangle is __
5 of the width of the model.
1 So, the shaded area of the rectangle
1 1 1
represents the product __
3 __
5 ___

1. Write a multiplication-division fact family for the model.

2. Describe how the model shows the division of fractions.

3. Write multiplication-division fact families with fractions for the

remaining diagrams that you sorted. Show your work.

LESSON 3: Yours IS to Reason Why! • M1-95

C01_SE_M01_T02_L03.indd 95 1/12/19 8:14 PM

3.2 Fraction Strip Models

You can also use fraction strip models to represent fraction division.
3 1
For example, this model shows __ 4
4 __
. The division expression asks,
__ 3
how many 4 s are in 4 ?

1 1 1
4 4 4

3 4 __
1. What is the quotient: __ 15?
4 4

2. Write a sentence to describe the answer.

3. Write a sentence to describe what each division expression is

asking. Then, draw a fraction-strip diagram to represent the
division problem. Finally, calculate the quotient and write a
sentence to describe your answer.

3 4 __
a. __ 1 1 4 __
b. __ 1 3 4 __
c. __ 1
2 4 2 8 4 8

M1-96 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L03.indd 96 1/12/19 8:14 PM

4. How can you check each of your answers in Question 3 to make
sure you were correct? Explain your reasoning. NOTES

5. Mason has 3 of a foot of ribbon. He needs to divide the ribbon
into 6-foot pieces. How many pieces can he cut from the ribbon?
Write a division problem to represent this situation. Use the ruler
to answer the question and show your work.

inches 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30


3.3 Dividing Across

In the same way that you can “multiply across,” or multiply the
numerators and multiply the denominators, to determine the
product of two fractions, you can also “divide across” to determine
the quotient of two fractions.

7 1
Determine the quotient: __
4 __

Divide the numerators. Then divide the denominators.

7 1 _____
4 __
= 78 4

= __

LESSON 3: Yours IS to Reason Why! • M1-97

C01_SE_M01_T02_L03.indd 97 1/12/19 8:14 PM

3 1
Amy and Sandy used different ways to calculate the quotient __
4 __

_ 1
4 4 3
_ 9
__ 1
_ 4
4 5 12 3 5 12 I can determine equivalent
fractions and then divide
__ 4
__ 944
12 4 12 5 12 4 12
5 _____
5 __94

_ _1
4 4 3

_ 1
_ 3
4 4 3 5 4

1 4
3 _3
5 _4 3 I just divide across. If I get a
3 3_4
fraction over a fraction, I can
make the resulting denominator a 1.
5 1

5 4

M1-98 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L03.indd 98 1/12/19 8:14 PM

A complex fraction is a fraction that has a fraction in either the
numerator, the denominator, or both the numerator and denominator.

1. Study Sandy’s and Amy’s methods.

a. Which student wrote complex fractions?

b. How are the methods different? How are they alike?

2. Calculate each quotient by dividing across.

Rewrite any improper fractions as mixed numbers.

3 1 3 1 5 2 7 3
a. __
4 __
b. __
4 __
c. __
4 __
d. __
4 __


3.4 Multiply by the Reciprocal

The reciprocal of a
number is also known as
the multiplicative inverse
When you reverse the numbers in the numerator and denominator
of the number. The
of a fraction, you form a new fraction called the reciprocal of the
multiplicative inverse
original fraction. a is the
of a number __
b , where a and
number __
1. Which number is its own reciprocal? a
b are nonzero numbers.
The product of any
nonzero number and its
multiplicative inverse is 1.

2. Which number has no reciprocal? Explain your reasoning.

The Multiplicative
Inverse Property
a ? __
states: __ b 5 1, where
b a
a and b are nonzero

LESSON 3: Yours IS to Reason Why! • M1-99

C01_SE_M01_T02_L03.indd 99 1/12/19 8:14 PM

3. Alexa wrote the reciprocal of the mixed number incorrectly.
Explain why she is incorrect and provide the correct reciprocal.

Given 3_
The reciprocal is 3_

Karen said, “I wish everything could be as easy as dividing by 1.” She

5 3
tried her “dividing by 1” method to determine the quotient __8
4 __

“If I can turn the divisor of __
into 1, then the problem can be solved. I can
3 4
multiply both fractions by the reciprocal of __ 4
, which is __
, to create 1.”

4. Analyze Karen’s method for dividing fractions. Describe the

steps in the dashed circles.
__ 3
4 __
5 __
Division is rewritten as a fraction.
__ 4
5 __
? __34
__ __
4 3
5 __ 5 __
__ ?4 __ ?4
8 3 ____
8 3
5 __3 __4 5 1
4 3

5 __ 20 5
5 __
8 3
? 4 5 ___
5 __

5. Write a rule based on Karen’s method that you can use to

calculate the quotient in a fraction division problem.

6. Calculate each quotient.

5 1 4 1 1 1 3 1
a. __
4 __
b. __
4 __
c. __
4 __
d. ___
4 __

M1-100 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L03.indd 100 1/12/19 8:14 PM


3.5 Dividing with Mixed Numbers

Let’s consider how to make a bag of trail mix that has a weight
greater than 1 pound.

If you have 5__
pounds of trail mix, how many bags can you make so
that each bag contains 1__

Analyze each student's method.

I drew a model for 5 __32 .
How did Carla
3 know she
4 needed to
5 divide her
1 ’s?
model into __
2 1 1 6
3 3 3

I knew that I needed 1__65 groups, so I divided my model to

show __61 ’s. Because 1_65 5 __611 ,

I then marked off groups of __611 .

1 1
2 3 groups of _611
and one __61 part
5 3
left over.

The remaining __61 part is actually __111 of a group.

So, I can make 3__111 bags of trail mix.
LESSON 3: Yours IS to Reason Why! • M1-101

C01_SE_M01_T02_L03.indd 101 1/12/19 8:14 PM

I wrote a division sentence, and then converted both
mixed numbers to improper fractions.

2 5 17 11
4 1 __ 5 __
4 __
6 6
17 6 34
5 __
? __
5 ___

5 3 _111

So, I can make 3 _111 bags of trail mix.

1. Karen converted the mixed numbers to improper fractions.

How did Carla represent this same step?

2. Describe how Karen changed from division to multiplication.

Solve each problem. Show your work and be sure to label

your answer.

3. The cook in the school cafeteria made 47__2
cups of mashed
potatoes. If there are 1 4 cups of mashed potatoes in a serving,
how many servings did she make?

4. One of the most beautiful hiking trails in the United States is

Glacier Gorge in Rocky Mountains National Park. The hiking
trail through Glacier Gorge is 9__
miles round trip. If you hike
1 5 miles an hour, how many hours will the round trip take?

M1-102 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L03.indd 102 1/12/19 8:14 PM


Going (Almost) Numberless

1. Complete each statement with greater than, less than, or
the same as.

a. If a quantity greater than 1 is divided by a value

between 0 and 1, the quotient will be
the original quantity.

b. If a quantity between 0 and 1 is divided by a value

greater than 1, the quotient will be the
original quantity.

c. If a quantity between 0 and 1 is divided by a value

between 0 and 1, the quotient will be
the original quantity.

2. Complete each statement with always, sometimes,

or never.

a. If a mixed number is divided by another mixed number,

the quotient will be greater than 1.

b. If a fraction between 0 and 1 is multiplied by

another fraction between 0 and 1, the product will
be less than 1.

c. If a whole number is divided by a fraction between 0 and

1, the quotient will be less than 1.

d. If a fraction between 0 and 1 is multiplied by a mixed

number, the product will be greater
than 1.

LESSON 3: Yours IS to Reason Why! • M1-103

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3. Consider the quotients __ 1
4 __ 5
and __ 4 2.
6 2 6

a. Describe how these quotients are different.

b. Write a real-world problem that can be solved using

each division.

M1-104 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L03.indd 104 1/12/19 8:14 PM


Write Remember
Explain how an area model One way to divide two
__ 1 341
can represent the division of fractions is to divide across: 4
4 __
5 _____
two fractions. 5 31

Another way is to rewrite the

division problem as multiplication
__ 1 3 4
by the reciprocal of the divisor: 4
4 __
5 __
3 __
5 4 53

Calculate each quotient.
2 4 __
1. __ 1 7 4 __
2. __ 1
5 3 8 4
3 4 __
3. __ 1 15 4 __
4. ___ 3
4 6 16 4
7 4 __
5. ___ 1 5
1 4 __
6. 1__
12 3 8 6
3 4 __
7. 5__ 1 1 4 1__
8. 7__ 2
8 4 3 3

1 3
Write a word problem that could be modeled by the quotient 2__
4 __

LESSON 3: Yours IS to Reason Why! • M1-105

C01_SE_M01_T02_L03.indd 105 1/12/19 8:14 PM

1. A triathlon competition consists of swimming, cycling, and running. Not all races cover the same
distances. According to USA Triathlon, the international distance triathlon consists of ___
mile swimming,
4 1
miles cycling, and 6__
miles running. One of the most famous triathlons is an Ironman competition.
Competitors in an Ironman competition must swim 2___
times farther than competitors in an international
distance triathlon.
a. Use benchmark fractions to estimate how far competitors must swim in an Ironman triathlon. Show
your work.
b. Calculate the exact distance competitors in an Ironman triathlon must swim. Show your work.

2. Ling is a camp counselor at a local summer camp. She is in charge of the weekly craft activity for 40
campers. She plans to make fabric-covered frames that each require __
yard of fabric. The camp director
gave her 6__
yards of fabric remnants for this project. Does Ling have enough fabric for her craft activity?
Show your work.

3. Write the prime factorization for each number. Then, determine the greatest common factor.
a. 28, 32

b. 40, 100

4. Draw a model to determine each quotient.

a. 4 4 __
b. 2 4 __

M1-106 • TOPIC 2: Positive Rational Numbers

C01_SE_M01_T02_L03.indd 106 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Positive Rational
Numbers Summary
• positive rational number • multiplicative inverse
• benchmark fraction • Multiplicative Inverse Property
• complex fraction
• reciprocal


1 Thinking Rationally

A positive rational number is a number that can be written in the form __
, where a and b are
both whole numbers greater than 0.

Any decimal greater than 0 that has a limited number of digits after the decimal point (like 0.5)
or whose digits repeat in a pattern (like 0.3333 . . .) is a positive rational number.

For example, is 0.75 a rational number?

To write a decimal like 0.75 in the form __
, where a and b are both whole numbers and b is not
equal to 0:
• Read the decimal using place value.
0.75 seventy-five hundredths

• Write the decimal as a fraction.

0.75 100
75 a
The fraction ____
is written in the form __
, where a is equal to 75 and b is equal to 100. The
numbers 75 and 100 are both whole numbers greater than 0.
So, 0.75 is a rational number.

C01_SE_TS_M01_T02.indd 107 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Benchmark fractions are common fractions you can use to estimate the value of fractions.
0 1 1
Three common benchmark fractions are __
, __
, and __

0 1
– 1
A fraction is close to 0 when A fraction is close to __ when A fraction is close to 1 when
the numerator is very small the numerator is about half the the numerator is very close in
compared to the denominator. size of the denominator. size to the denominator.

An inequality is a statement that one number is less than or greater than another number.
7 __
For example, write an inequality comparing the fractions __, 1 , and __
8 4

Using Benchmark Fractions Using Equivalent Fractions

__ 1 7 35
is close to the benchmark __
, or 1. __
5 ___
__ 0 1 10
is close to the benchmark __
, or 0. __
5 ___
__ 1 2 16
is close to the benchmark __
. __
5 ___
1 2 7
So, __
, __
, __


2 Did You Get the Part?

You can use area models to multiply mixed numbers or you can write the mixed numbers as
2 1
improper fractions before multiplying. For example, calculate the product of 3 __
3 2 __

Area Model Improper Fractions

6 2 1 11 9
3 __
3 2 __
5 ___
3 __
2 __
__ 9
4 5 ___ 99
4 12 5 ___
__ 16
3 6 3
__ 5 ___ 33
4 3 12 5 ___
2 2
1 ___ 5 ___ 1
__ 4
__ 2
___ 12 12 5 8 __
3 3 12 27 3
5 6 1 ___
5 6 1 2 ___
1 1
5 6 1 2 __
5 8 __


C01_SE_TS_M01_T02.indd 108 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Division often means to ask how many groups of a certain size are contained in a number. When
you divide with fractions, you are asking the same question. Examine the models shown.

Physical Model Number Line Model

1 1 1 1 0 1
– – – – – 1 11
– 2
2 2 2 2 2 2
1 1
There are four __
parts in 2, so 2 4 __
5 4.
The expression 2 4 __
is asking
how many halves are in 2.

4 4
In another example, the expression 6 4 __
can mean, “How many groups of __
are in 6?”
There are 7 whole groups of __
in 6 and what is left over
is half of a group of __ 4
. So, 6 4 __ 1
5 7 __. 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
5 5 2


3 Yours IS to Reason Why!

You can write multiplication-division fact families for models 1

involving fractions.
For example, the shaded area represents the fraction ___. The height of the
20 1
shaded rectangle is __
the height of the model and the width of the shaded
rectangle is 4 the width of the model.
1 1 1
So, the shaded area of the rectangle represents the product __
3 __
5 ___
. 1
1 1 1 1 1 1
Therefore, ___
4 __
5 __
and ___
4 __
5 __

You can also use fraction strip models to represent fraction division. For example, this
3 1 1 3
model shows __4
4 __
. The division expression asks, how many __
s are in __

1 1 1
4 4 4
3 3
__ 1
4 4
4 __


C01_SE_TS_M01_T02.indd 109 1/12/19 8:17 PM

You can “divide across” to determine the quotient of two fractions.
7 1
For example, determine the quotient: __
4 __
7 1 741 7
Divide the numerators. Then divide the denominators. __
4 __
5 _____
5 __

__ 1
You may sometimes write a complex fraction while dividing across. A
4 __
complex fraction is a fraction that has a fraction in either the numerator,
__ 1 3
the denominator, or both the numerator and denominator. You can use 4
4 __
5 __
the reciprocal of a number to change a complex fraction to a rational 3
number. 3
__ 3
3 __
5 _____
1 4
__ 3 34
The reciprocal of a number is also known as the multiplicative inverse of 3
a b 9
the number. The multiplicative inverse of a number __
is the number __a, 5 __
where a and b are nonzero numbers. 1
5 __
a b
The Multiplicative Inverse Property states that __
3 __
a 5 1, where a and b
are nonzero numbers.

Another way to determine the quotient of two fractions is to multiply 3

__ 1 3 3
4 __
5 __
3 __
by the reciprocal of the divisor.
9 1
5 __
5 2 __
You can use any of these methods to divide mixed numbers as well.

For example, if you have 5 __
pounds of trail mix, how many bags can you make so that
each bag contains 1 __
pounds? Write a division sentence and then convert both mixed
numbers to improper fractions.

2 5 17 11
5 __
4 1 __
5 ___
4 ___
5 ___ ? 6 5 ___
17 ___
3 11
5 3 ___

Multiply the dividend by the reciprocal of the divisor.

Write the product as a mixed number.


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Decimals and Volume

The Louvre Pyramid in Paris was designed by Chinese-American architect I.M. Pei.

Lesson 1
Length, Width, and Depth
Deepening Understanding of Volume . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M1-115

Lesson 2
Which Warehouse?
Volume Composition and Decomposition . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M1-131

Lesson 3
Breaking the Fourth Wall
Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms and Pyramids . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M1-143

Lesson 4
Dividend in the House
Dividing with Volume and Surface Area. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M1-165

C01_SE_M01_T03_INTRO.indd 111 1/12/19 8:14 PM

C01_SE_M01_T03_INTRO.indd 112 1/12/19 8:14 PM
Carnegie Learning Family Guide Course 1
Module 1: Composing and Decomposing
TOPIC 3: DECIMALS AND Where have we been?
VOLUME Students began learning about decimals in
This topic builds on students’ prior
grade 4 and 5. They have experience using
knowledge of volume, area, and decimal
concrete models and place-value strategies
operations. Students are introduced to
to operate with decimals to the hundredths
the language of prisms and pyramids so
place. In grade 5, students learned how to
that distinctions can be made as they
calculate the volume of a right rectangular
solve volume and surface area problems.
prism by filling it with cubes and eventually
Through problem-solving activities with
by using the formulas V 5 lwh and V 5 Bh.
volume, students review addition and
subtraction of decimal numbers and
Where are we going?
continue operating with decimals, with
Students will use decimal operations to
the eventual goal of fluency. Students
solve real-world and mathematical problems
decompose three-dimensional solids
throughout the remaining modules of
into two-dimensional nets and compose
this course. Fractions and decimals are
solids from nets. Students review
encountered more frequently than whole
whole-number and decimal multiplication
numbers in daily life, so students should be
and learn how to long divide with whole
comfortable and confident solving problems
numbers and decimals.
that require operating with such numbers.

Using Nets to Construct Models of Solid Figures

A net is a two-dimensional model that can be folded into a three-dimensional solid.

The net shown is the net of a cube, which is a

rectangular prism that has 6 square faces that are the
same size. The net helps to show the entire surface
area of the cube.

3.1 in. 3.1 in.

TOPIC 3: Family Guide • M1-113

C01_SE_FG_M01_T03.indd 113 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Myth: Asking questions means you don’t
It is universally true that, for any given body of knowledge, there are levels to
understanding. For example, you might understand the rules of baseball and follow a game
without trouble. But there is probably more to the game that you can learn. For example, do
you know the 23 ways to get on first base, including the one where the batter strikes out?

Questions don’t always indicate a lack of understanding. Instead, they might allow you to
learn even more about a subject that you already understand. Asking questions may also
give you an opportunity to ensure that you understand a topic correctly. Finally, questions
are extremely important to ask yourself. For example, everyone should be in the habit of
asking themselves, “Does that make sense? How would I explain it to a friend?”


Talking Points Key Terms

You can further support your student’s polygon
learning by asking questions about the work A polygon is a closed figure that is
they do in class or at home. Your student is formed by joining three or more line
becoming fluent with decimal operations segments at their endpoints.
and gaining experience with two- and
three-dimensional measures such as square
A polyhedron is a three-dimensional
and cubic units.
figure that has polygons as faces.
Questions to Ask
• How does this problem look like
An edge is the intersection of two faces
something you did in class?
of a three-dimensional figure. An edge
• Can you show me the strategy you used
will always be a line segment.
to solve this problem? Do you know
another way to solve it? vertex
• Does your answer make sense? Why? The point where edges of a three-
• Is there anything you don’t understand? dimensional figure meet is known as
How can you use today’s lesson to help? a vertex.

M1-114 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_FG_M01_T03.indd 114 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Length, 1
Width, and
Deepening Understanding of Volume


Determine the least • Determine the volume of right rectangular prisms
common multiple of the with fractional edge lengths using unit cubes with unit
numbers in each pair. fractional dimensions.
• Connect the volume formulas V 5 lwh and V 5 Bh with a
1. 2, 10 unit-cube model of volume for rectangular prisms.
• Apply the formulas V 5 lwh and V 5 Bh to determine
2. 3, 8 volumes in real-world problems.
• Fluently add, subtract, and multiply multi-digit decimals
3. 6, 14 using the standard algorithms.

4. 10, 15 KEY TERMS

• point • edge
• line segment • vertex
• polygon • right rectangular prism
• geometric solid • cube
• polyhedron • pyramid
• face • volume

You know about three-dimensional figures such as cubes and other rectangular prisms. You
also know how to operate with positive rational numbers. How can you use what you know
to calculate measurements of any rectangular prism, even one with fractional edge lengths?

LESSON 1: Length, Width, and Depth • M1-115

C01_SE_M01_T03_L01.indd 115 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Getting Started

Common Figures
Cut out the cards found at the end of the lesson. Sort the figures into
two or more groups. Name each category and be prepared to share
your reasoning.

M1-116 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L01.indd 116 1/12/19 8:14 PM


1.1 Name that Figure

Poly means
It is important to speak a common language when studying mathematics. “many” and
hedron means
A word you may have used in the past may actually have a more “face.” So, a
precise definition when dealing with mathematics. For example, polyhedron is a
the word point has many meanings outside of math. However, figure with
the mathematical definition of point is a location in space. A many faces.
mathematical point has no size or shape, but it is often represented
by using a dot and is named by a capital letter. A line segment is a
portion of a line that includes two points and all the points between
those two points. Knowing these definitions will help you learn the
meanings of other geometric words.

Recall, a polygon is a closed figure formed by three or more line


A geometric solid is a bounded three-dimensional geometric figure.

A polyhedron is a three-dimensional solid figure that is made

up of polygons. A face is one of the polygons that makes up a
polyhedron. An edge is the intersection of two faces of a
three-dimensional figure. The point where multiple edges meet is
known as a vertex of a three-dimensional figure.

Let’s revisit the different figures you sorted.

1. Sort the figures into one of these three categories and
explain your reasoning.

Polygon Polyhedron Neither

LESSON 1: Length, Width, and Depth • M1-117

C01_SE_M01_T03_L01.indd 117 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Three polyhedra are shown. face

face face

Figure A Figure B Figure C

Figure A is a right rectangular prism. A right rectangular prism is a

A unit cube is a cube
polyhedron with three pairs of congruent and parallel rectangular faces.
whose sides are all
1 unit long.
Figure B is an example of a cube, which is a special kind of right
rectangular prism. A cube is a polyhedron that has congruent squares
as faces.

Figure C is an example of a rectangular pyramid. A pyramid is a

polyhedron with one base and the same number of triangular faces as
there are sides of the base.

When you have 2. Describe the different faces of each polyhedron.

more than 1
vertex, you say
3. Study the right rectangular prism. Identify the three pairs of
congruent parallel faces.

4. Study the cube.

a. Describe the locations of the cube faces you can see and
the locations of the faces you cannot see.

b. What do you know about the length, width, and height of

the cube?

c. Describe how the cube is also an example of a right

rectangular prism.

M1-118 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L01.indd 118 1/12/19 8:14 PM

5. Compare the numbers of faces, edges, and vertices of the cube
and the other right rectangular prism. Write what you notice. NOTES

6. Study the rectangular pyramid. How do the faces of the

rectangular pyramid differ from the faces of the
rectangular prisms?

7. List examples in the real-world objects that are shaped like

right rectangular prisms or pyramids.

Volume of Rectangular
1.2 Prisms

Volume is the amount of space occupied by an object. The volume

of an object is measured in cubic units.

The volume of a cube is calculated by multiplying the length times

the width times the height.

Volume of a cube 5 l 3 w 3 h

1. Calculate the volume of each cube with the given side length.
9 1
a. ___
centimeter __
b. 13 centimeters

2. Suppose a cube has a volume of 27 cubic meters. What are

the dimensions of the cube?

LESSON 1: Length, Width, and Depth • M1-119

C01_SE_M01_T03_L01.indd 119 1/12/19 8:14 PM

To determine the volume of a rectangular prism, you can also pack
the prism with cubes. You may have done this in elementary school.

Consider the rectangular prism shown. What do you notice about the
side lengths? Can you determine its volume by packing it with cubes?


1 in.

1 1 3
To determine the volume of the right rectangular prism with dimensions 1__ 2
3 __
3 __
you can fill the prism with cubes. However, the unit cubes that you may have used in
elementary school will not work here. Instead, smaller unit cubes with fractional side
lengths are required.

Assign a unit fraction to the LCM(2, 4) 5 4

dimensions of each cube. Use the least
So, each cube will measure
common multiple (LCM) of the fraction 1
__ 1 1
in. 3 __
in. 3 __
denominators to determine the unit
fraction. The volume of each unit cube is
cubic inches.

Determine the number of cubes length width height

needed to pack the prism in each 1 1 1 1 3 1
1__ 4 __ 56 __ 4 __ 52 __ 4 __ 53
dimension. 2 4 2 4 4 4

Determine the number of cubes that 6 3 2 3 3 5 36

make up the right rectangular prism.

1 36
Multiply the number of cubes by the 36 3 ___
5 ___
volume of each cube to determine the
volume of the right rectangular prism. 5 ___

The volume of the right rectangular prism is ___
cubic inches.

M1-120 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L01.indd 120 1/12/19 8:14 PM

3. Interpret the worked example.

a. How was the number of cubes needed to pack the prism in

each dimension determined?

b. Instead of cubes with a width of __
inch, suppose you used
cubes each with a width of 8 inch. How does this change the
volume of the rectangular prism?

4. Use the method from the worked example to determine the

volume of each rectangular prism.
3 1 1
a. b. 1__
in. by 2__
in. by __

2 in.

4 3

LESSON 1: Length, Width, and Depth • M1-121

C01_SE_M01_T03_L01.indd 121 1/12/19 8:14 PM


1.3 Volume Formulas

You have calculated the volume of a rectangular prism using the

formula V 5 lwh, where V is the volume, l is the length, w is the width,
and h is the height. You also know that the area of a rectangle can be
calculated using the formula A 5 l ? w.

Consider the two formulas:


If B is used to represent the area of the base of a rectangular prism,

then you can rewrite the formula for area: B 5 l ? w.

Now consider the two formulas:

You can use the formula
V 5 Bh to calculate the Using both of these formulas, you can rewrite the formula for the volume
volume of any prism. of a rectangular prism as V 5 B ? h, where V represents the volume,
However, the formula for B represents the area of the base, and h represents the height.
calculating the value of
B will change depending In order to calculate the volume of various geometric solids you will
on the shape of the need to perform multiplication. In this activity, you will calculate the
base. volume of rectangular prisms with decimal side lengths.

Consider the right rectangular prism shown.

It is good practice to
estimate before you
actually calculate. If
you have an estimate, 10.1 m
you can use it to
decide whether your 7.3 m

answer is correct. 32.64 m

M1-122 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L01.indd 122 1/12/19 8:14 PM

To calculate the volume of the prism, first calculate the area of the
base, B, by multiplying 32.64 meters by 7.3 meters.

Kenny said, “I use estimation to help place the decimal point correctly
in the product.”


The area of the base is 32.64 meters 3 7.3 meters. decimals as
you would with
He estimates his two numbers. whole numbers.
Then place the
32.64 is close to 30 decimal point in
7.3 is close to 7 the product.
30 3 7 5 210

So he knows his product is close to 210, but larger since he rounded

down. Next, he calculates the product of 32.64 3 7.3.

3 7.3

Kenny knows the product will be close to but greater than 210, so
he must place the decimal point after the 8. The area of the base of
the rectangular prism is 238.272 square meters.

1. Calculate the volume of the right rectangular prism.

LESSON 1: Length, Width, and Depth • M1-123

C01_SE_M01_T03_L01.indd 123 1/12/19 8:14 PM

2. Each number sentence represents the base, B, times height,
h, of different rectangular prisms. Complete each number
sentence by inserting a decimal point to show the correct

a. 53.6 sq. ft 3 0.83 ft 5 44488 cu. ft

b. 7.9 sq. cm 3 0.6 cm 5 474 cu. cm

c. 0.94 sq. m 3 24.9 m 5 23406 cu. m

3. Casey thought that using a pattern would help her understand

how to calculate the product in a decimal multiplication

a. Complete the table.

Problem Product Problem Product Problem Product

32 3 100 3.2 3 100 0.32 3 100

32 3 10 3.2 3 10 0.32 3 10

32 3 1 3.2 3 1 0.32 3 1

32 3 0.1 3.2 3 0.1 0.32 3 0.1

32 3 0.01 3.2 3 0.01 0.32 3 0.01

32 3 0.001 3.2 3 0.001 0.32 3 0.001

b. Describe any patterns that you notice.

M1-124 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

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4. A rectangular prism with B 5 26 square centimeters and
h 5 31 centimeters has a volume of 806 cubic centimeters.
Use this information to determine the volume of the other
rectangular prisms.

a. 2.6 sq. cm 3 31 cm b. 2.6 sq. cm 3 3.1 cm

c. 0.26 sq. cm 3 3.1 cm d. 2.6 sq. cm 3 0.31 cm

e. 0.26 sq. cm 3 31 cm f. 2.6 sq. cm 3 0.031 cm

g. 0.026 sq. cm 3 0.31 cm h. 0.26 sq. cm 3 0.31 cm

5. Look at the patterns in Question 4.

a. How can some of the rectangular prisms have the

same volume?

b. How can you tell without multiplying which rectangular

prisms will have the same volume?

LESSON 1: Length, Width, and Depth • M1-125

C01_SE_M01_T03_L01.indd 125 1/12/19 8:14 PM


Fractionally Full
1. Determine the volume of a right rectangular prism with
1 1
dimensions 1__
feet 3 1 foot 3 __
foot using the unit fraction
method you learned in this lesson.

2. Haley makes earrings and packages them into cube

1 1
boxes that measure __6
-foot wide. How many __
cubic boxes can she fit into a shipping box that is 1__
__ 1
by 3 foot by 3 foot?

3. The school athletic director has a storage closet that is

1 2
feet long, 2__
feet deep, and 6 feet tall.

a. She wants to put carpet in the closet. How much

carpeting will she need?

b. The athletic director wants to store cube boxes that

are __
foot wide. How many boxes will the storage closet

4. Estimate the volume of each right rectangular prism. Then

calculate its volume.

a. 0.1 ft

1.9 ft

14.1 ft

b. 2.5 ft

4.2 ft

9.3 ft

M1-126 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L01.indd 126 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Figure 1 Figure 2

Figure 3 Figure 4

Figure 5 Figure 6

Figure 7 Figure 8

LESSON 1: Length, Width, and Depth • M1-127

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C01_SE_M01_T03_L01.indd 128 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Write Remember
Suppose a rectangular prism has fractional edge lengths. The volume of a rectangular
Describe how you can determine the dimensions of cubes that prism is a product of its length,
will fill the rectangular prism completely with no overlaps width, and height:
or gaps. V 5 l ? w ? h.

1. Consider the right rectangular prism shown.

5.75 cm

2.25 cm
8.5 cm

a. List the numbers of faces, edges, and vertices of the rectangular prism.
b. Estimate the volume of the rectangular prism.
c. Calculate the volume of the rectangular prism.

2. Calculate the volume of the rectangular prism with each set of given dimensions.
a. 7 in. 3 4 in. 3 2 in.
b. 5.2 cm 3 5.2 cm 3 12 cm
c. 11.3 cm 3 3.5 cm 3 10.1 cm
d. 4.5 m 3 9 m 3 6.7 m
e. 2.2 ft 3 5.5 ft 3 15 ft

Calculate the volume for the triangular prism.
6 cm
5.2 cm

10 cm

LESSON 1: Length, Width, and Depth • M1-129

C01_SE_M01_T03_L01.indd 129 1/12/19 8:14 PM

1. Elena wants to put together some of her favorite songs on her computer. She wants to store 60 minutes
worth of music. Elena wonders how many songs she will be able to include. She looks online and finds a
source that says the average song length is 3__
minutes. If this is true, about how many songs will Elena be
able to store? Show your work.
2. Ling is a camp counselor at a local summer camp. She is in charge of the weekly craft activity for 40
campers. Ling plans to make fabric-covered frames that each require __
yard of fabric. When Ling sets up
for her craft activity, she measures the four separate fabric remnants her director gave her. The table
shows how much of each fabric she has. How many campers can use plaid fabric? Show your work.

Fabric Amount (yards)

Plaid 12
Tie-dyed 1__
Striped 2__
Polka-dotted 1__

3. Represent each product using an area model. Then calculate the product.
3 1 1 3
a. __
3 __
b. __
3 __
1 1

0 0

0 1 0 1

4. Determine the GCF of each set of numbers. 5. Determine the LCM of each set of numbers.
a. 72 and 30 a. 10 and 12
b. 30 and 54 b. 8 and 9

M1-130 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L01.indd 130 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Which 2
Volume Composition and


Calculate each product. • Fluently add, subtract, and multiply multi-digit
decimals using the standard algorithms.
1. 0.5 3 0.5 2. 0.1 3 0.9
• Determine volumes of figures composed of
rectangular prisms.
3. 0.3 3 0.9 4. 0.8 3 0.7
5. 0.7 3 0.7 6. 0.4 3 0.4 • composite solid
• trailing zeros

7. 0.6 3 0.7 8. 0.6 3 0.8

9. 0.3 3 0.2 10. 0.2 3 0.8

You have calculated areas by composing or decomposing complex shapes into familiar
shapes. How can you used this same idea to determine the volume of composite solids?

LESSON 2: Which Warehouse? • M1-131

C01_SE_M01_T03_L02.indd 131 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Getting Started

Measuring Water
You have two empty containers, each with a different volume, as
shown. You also have a source of water.

5 gallons
3 gallons

(1155 in.3) (693 in.3)

1. Using just these containers, how can you measure out a volume
of exactly 4 gallons (924 in.3)?

M1-132 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L02.indd 132 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Adding and Subtracting
2.1 Volumes

As part of Let’s Build Together, an organization that builds recreation

The bench is a
centers for communities in need, your class is building a concrete
composite solid. A
bench for use in a community garden.
composite solid is
made up of more
Your class has been provided with a drawing of your assignment.
than one geometric
You need to determine how much concrete is needed to construct
the bench.

1.2 meters

1.2 meters
1.2 meters

1. How might you determine the amount of concrete needed to

construct your group’s bench? What information do you need
to know?

Sofia and Hunter propose different strategies for determining

the volume of the bench. Sofia’s strategy requires the addition of
volumes and Hunter’s strategy requires the subtraction of volumes.
Because of the decimal side lengths of this bench, let’s start by
reviewing how to add and subtract with decimals.

LESSON 2: Which Warehouse? • M1-133

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Let’s consider adding decimals.


3.421 1 9.5 1 12.85 5 ?

Before calculating the sum, estimate the answer so you know the
Estimating first
approximate sum.
helps you check
your answers. You
3 1 10 1 13 5 26
know what answer
to expect.
To calculate the exact sum, line up the decimals so that like place
values are in the same column. You can use the decimal point as
a reference point to help you align numbers in the correct
place-value column.

1 12.85

The estimate of 26 and the sum of 25.771 are reasonably close, so

the sum appears to be correct.

2. Lijo says that he can write 9.5 as 9.500 to help calculate the
Lijo added trailing
sum 3.421 1 9.5 1 12.85.
zeros to his decimal
numbers. Trailing a. How does this help Lijo calculate the sum?
zeros are a sequence
of 0s in a decimal
representation of a
number, after which
no non-zero digits b. How might Lijo rewrite 12.85 in this sum?
follow. Trailing zeros
do not affect the
value of a number.

3. Summarize how to add decimals.

M1-134 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

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You can use a similar algorithm for subtracting decimals. Let’s
consider two different subtraction problems.


18.205 2 3.91 22.4 2 8.936

First, estimate the 18 2 4 5 14 22 2 9 5 13

answer so you know
the approximate

Then, line up the

7 11 10 1 11 13 9 10
decimals so that like 1 8.2 0 5 2 2.4 0 0
place values are in 23 . 9 1 0 28 . 9 3 6
the same column and
1 4.2 9 5 1 3.4 6 4

Compare the answer The estimate of 14 The estimate of 13

to your estimate to and the difference of and the difference of
check your work. 14.295 are reasonably 13.464 are reasonably
close, so the close, so the
difference appears to difference appears to
be correct. be correct.

4. Analyze both subtraction problems.

a. What do the subtraction problems have in common?

b. What is different about the subtraction problems in the

worked example?

5. Summarize how to subtract decimals.

LESSON 2: Which Warehouse? • M1-135

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Let’s go back to determining the amount of concrete needed for your
group’s bench.

1.2 meters

1.2 meters
1.2 meters

6. Sofia proposes that the class decompose the bench into

rectangular prisms, calculating the volume of each prism, and
then adding up the volumes. Use Sofia’s strategy to determine
the volume of the bench.

volume is
measured in 7. Hunter proposes that the class first calculate the total volume
cubic units. of a 1.2 meter cube. Then, they can subtract out the portion
of the cube that forms the seat of the bench. Determine the
volume of the bench using Hunter’s strategy.

M1-136 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L02.indd 136 1/12/19 8:14 PM

8. Compare the volume calculated using Sofia’s strategy with the
volume calculated using Hunter’s strategy. NOTES

9. How are Sofia’s and Hunter’s strategies for determining

the volume of composite solids like the strategies used to
determine the area of composite figures?

Fluency with Decimal
2.2 Operations

You have seen that you can add, subtract, and of course multiply
positive rational numbers, like decimals, to determine volumes. Let's
apply what you know to solve problems.

1. Determine the volume of the figure.

0.7 cm

1.4 cm

2.1 cm

0.7 cm

0.7 cm
1.4 cm

LESSON 2: Which Warehouse? • M1-137

C01_SE_M01_T03_L02.indd 137 1/12/19 8:14 PM

2. Regina is building a hot tub next to her swimming pool.
The interior dimensions are 6 feet by 7.5 feet. It includes
solid bench seating on all four sides. The bench has a width of
1.5 feet. The bench is positioned 1.75 feet from the ground and
2.25 feet from the top as shown.

6 ft
7.5 ft
9.5 ft 8 ft
2.25 ft
1.5 ft

4 ft 1.75 ft

a. When the hot tub is filled, the water level will be 0.25 feet
from the top. How much water will it take to fill the hot tub?

b. How many cubic feet of concrete is needed to build the

hot tub?

M1-138 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L02.indd 138 1/12/19 8:14 PM

3. Calculate the volume of each figure. Show your work.

0.6 mm

0.6 mm

0.45 mm

0.5 mm

1.5 mm 0.9 mm


0.6 cm 0.4 cm

0.4 cm
0.4 cm
1 cm

LESSON 2: Which Warehouse? • M1-139

C01_SE_M01_T03_L02.indd 139 1/12/19 8:14 PM


The Volume Warehouse

A business is shopping for warehouse space. Two of their choices
are shown.
Warehouse A

67.5 ft
68.2 ft

15.8 ft

9.1 ft

65.5 ft

Warehouse B
34.4 ft

128.8 ft
64.8 ft

8.8 ft

67.2 ft

131.2 ft

36 ft

The total cost each month for space in Warehouse A is $0.25 times
the number of cubic feet used. The total cost each month for space
in Warehouse B is $0.15 times the number of cubic feet used.

1. Which warehouse space would you recommend? What

information would you need to make this decision? Write
your findings in a report to your Director of Finance.

M1-140 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L02.indd 140 1/12/19 8:14 PM


Write Remember
Explain how you can estimate You can add and subtract decimals the same way you 3.421
the sum or difference of two or add and subtract whole numbers. Line up the decimal 9.5
more decimals. points and then add or subtract. 112.85


1. Estimate each sum or difference to the nearest whole number. Then, calculate the exact sum or difference.
a. 4.78 1 67.13 1 3.83 b. 5.8 1 7.009 1 45.2
c. 56.02 2 3.76 2 15.27 d. 25.91 2 12.72 2 0.97

2. Subtract to determine the volume of the figure. 3. Add to determine the volume of the figure.
0.9 m 0.5 in.
0.7 in.
0.9 m
0.8 in.

0.2 m
0.5 in.
0.2 m
1.2 m 0.9 in.

Calculate the volume of the right prism with the given base.


6 cm

5.5 cm

8 cm

LESSON 2: Which Warehouse? • M1-141

C01_SE_M01_T03_L02.indd 141 1/12/19 8:14 PM

1. Consider the Rubik's Cube.
a. Calculate the volume of one of the tiny cubes making up the
Rubik’s Cube. Show your work.
b. Calculate the volume of the Rubik’s Cube using your answer
to Question 1. Then calculate the volume using the volume 57 mm
formula. Show your work.

2. Ms. Hendrix said that when she was a girl she used to make
mixed cassette tapes with her favorite songs. One side of Ms.
Hendrix’s cassette tapes had 22__
minutes of available space. 57 mm
a. How many 4__
-minute songs could Ms. Hendrix record on 57 mm

one side of a cassette tape? Show your work.

b. Use estimation to help explain how you know your answer to
Question 3 is reasonable.

3. Calculate each product.

2 4
a. __
3 __
1 12
b. __
3 ___

M1-142 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L02.indd 142 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Breaking the 3
Fourth Wall
Surface Area of Rectangular Prisms
and Pyramids


Calculate the area of each composite figure. • Represent solid figures using
1. 10 yards two-dimensional nets made up of
rectangles and triangles.
2 yards
• Use nets of solid figures to determine
6 yards the surface areas of the figures.
• Solve real-world and mathematical
4 yards
2 yards problems involving surface area.
• Fluently multiply and divide multi-digit
decimals using standard algorithms.

2. 5 in. KEY TERMS

8 in. • net
14 in. 14 in. • surface area
6 in. 6 in. • pyramid
• slant height
5 in.
5 in.

You know how to determine how many cubic units fill a rectangular prism. How can you
calculate the number of square units it takes to cover the outside of a prism?

LESSON 3: Breaking the Fourth Wall • M1-143

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 143 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Getting Started

Breaking Down a Cube

A net is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional
geometric figure. A net is cut out, folded, and taped to create a
model of a geometric solid.

1. Cut, fold, and tape the cube net found at the end of the lesson.

2. Are there other nets that form a cube? Circle the other 11
cutouts that can form a cube.

3. How did you determine which are nets of cubes?

4. What do all of the nets for a cube have in common? Consider

the number of faces, edges, and vertices in your explanation.

M1-144 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 144 1/12/19 8:14 PM


3.1 Nets of Rectangular Prisms

A net has all these properties:

• The net is cut out as a single piece.

• All of the faces of the geometric solid are represented in the net.
• The faces of the geometric solid are drawn such that they share
common edges.

The surface area of a polyhedron is the total area of all its You can think
two-dimensional faces. about surface
area as the
Consider the cube you created. total area
covered by
1. How is the area of a face of a cube measured? Analyze the
the net of the
two responses and explain why Leticia is incorrect in
her reasoning.

This is a 3D figure, which means that its
measurements are cubic units.

Surface area is still measuring area, which is always
measured in square units.

LESSON 3: Breaking the Fourth Wall • M1-145

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 145 1/12/19 8:14 PM

2. Describe a strategy that you can use to determine the surface
area of a cube.

2 in. 3. Consider the cube net shown. Calculate the surface area.

4. What is the surface area of a unit cube?

5. Let's consider a different rectangular prism.

a. Use the net to estimate the surface area of the right

rectangular prism.

4.3 cm

2.9 cm

5.7 cm

b. Calculate the surface area of the right rectangular prism.

Explain your calculation.

M1-146 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 146 1/12/19 8:14 PM

6. Calculate the surface area of the solid figure represented by each net.

a. b.

2.9 ft 3.5 ft

5.1 ft
1.9 m

0.5 m

0.5 m

7. Draw a net to represent each solid figure. Label each net with measurements and
then calculate the surface area of the solid figure.

a. b. 1.4 in.
5 m
35 m 8
1.0 in. 2.03 in.

LESSON 3: Breaking the Fourth Wall • M1-147

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 147 1/12/19 8:14 PM


3.2 Prisms and Pyramids

The base of a prism does not have to be rectangular. The base of a

prism can be a triangle, pentagon, hexagon, and so on.

A pyramid is a polyhedron with one base and the same number of

A slant height of
triangular faces as there are sides of the base. The vertex of a pyramid
a pyramid is the
is the point at which all the triangular faces intersect.
distance measured
along a triangular
face from the vertex
of the pyramid to the
midpoint of an edge
of the base.

1. Analyze the figures shown. Then complete the table using the figures.

Figure A Figure B Figure C Figure D

Is it a Prism Number Number Number

Figure Shape of Base
or Pyramid? of Faces of Vertices of Edges

M1-148 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 148 1/12/19 8:14 PM

2. Write the names of Figures A, B, C, and D from your
completed table. NOTES

3. Label each net with the name of the solid it forms.

a. b.

c. d.

LESSON 3: Breaking the Fourth Wall • M1-149

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 149 1/12/19 8:14 PM


3.3 Nets of Other Solids

1. Locate the nets for the triangular prism and triangular

pyramid at the end of the lesson.

a. Measure the edge lengths of each net with a centimeter

ruler. Label the lengths.

b. Calculate the surface area of each solid figure.

c. Cut out, fold, and tape each net.

Before folding d. Name each solid.

the net, can
you guess
what the solid 2. Calculate the surface area of the solid figure represented by
is going to each net.
look like?

8.5 in.

12.5 in.

15.5 in. 12.5 in.


0.8 m 1.1 m

0.8 m

M1-150 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 150 1/12/19 8:14 PM

3. Draw a net to represent each solid figure. Label each net with
measurements and then calculate the surface area of the
solid figure.


5 cm

4.1 cm
4.1 cm

b. The slant heights are all equal. The height of the base is 5.2 cm.

10 cm

6 cm

c. 2.04 cm

2.04 cm

2.04 cm

LESSON 3: Breaking the Fourth Wall • M1-151

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 151 1/12/19 8:14 PM


3.4 Surface Area Problems

Scents-R-Us produces candles in a variety of shapes. To produce

each candle, the company first creates a mold, and then pours hot
wax into the mold. When the hot wax cools and solidifies, the mold is

Candle Mold A Candle Mold B

5 in. 5 in. 2.5 in.

2 in.

5 in. 5 in. 4 in.

5 in. 4 in. 4 in.
4.33 in.
2 in.

5 in. 4 in.

Candle Mold C Candle Mold D

4 in.
4 in. 6 in.

4 in. 5 in.
6.05 in. 2.5 in. 6.05 in.
2 in.

3 in.

4 in.

3 in. 6 in.

M1-152 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 152 1/12/19 8:14 PM

1. Classify the shape of each candle based on the candle mold.

a. Candle Mold A

b. Candle Mold B

c. Candle Mold C

d. Candle Mold D

2. Use each candle mold to answer each question.

a. Calculate the surface area of each candle.

b. How could Scents-R-Us use the surface area of the candles

to determine how to price each candle?

LESSON 3: Breaking the Fourth Wall • M1-153

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 153 1/12/19 8:14 PM


Volume or Area?
1. A rectangular prism has a height of 6 feet, a length of
7.5 feet, and a width of 5 feet.

a. Draw a net of the rectangular prism and label its


b. Calculate the surface area of the prism.

2. Consider the net of the triangular

pyramid shown. The net is composed
of 4 equilateral triangles, each with
a side length of 4 meters and a
height of approximately 3.5 meters.

a. Label the pyramid with its


b. Calculate the surface area of the pyramid.

3. Explain in your own words how to determine the surface area

of a pyramid.

M1-154 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 154 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Cube Net

LESSON 3: Breaking the Fourth Wall • M1-155

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 155 1/12/19 8:14 PM

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 156 1/12/19 8:14 PM
Triangular Prism Net

LESSON 3: Breaking the Fourth Wall • M1-157

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C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 158 1/12/19 8:14 PM
Triangular Pyramid Net

LESSON 3: Breaking the Fourth Wall • M1-159

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 159 1/12/19 8:14 PM

C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 160 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Match each definition to its corresponding term.

1. The amount of space occupied by an object a. polygon

2. A regular polyhedron whose six faces are b. polyhedron
congruent squares c. cube
3. The total area of the two-dimensional surfaces that d. unit cube
make up a three-dimensional object
e. surface area
4. The distance across a circle through its center
f. volume
5. A geometric solid that is made up of polygons
g. point
6. The intersection of two faces of a polyhedron
h. line segment
7. A closed figure formed by three or more line segments
i. geometric solid
8. A two-dimensional representation of a three-
j. faces of a polyhedron
dimensional geometric figure
k. edge of a polyhedron
9. A cube that is one unit in length, one unit in width, and
one unit in height l. vertex of a polyhedron

10. A bounded three-dimensional geometric figure m. net

11. A portion of a line that includes two points and all the n. diameter
points in between those two points
12. The polygons that make up a polyhedron
13. A location in space
14. The point where the edges of a polyhedron meet

The surface area of a polyhedron is the sum of all the areas of the faces of the polyhedron.

LESSON 3: Breaking the Fourth Wall • M1-161

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1. Name the solid figure formed by each net. 2. Draw a net that will form each solid figure.

a. b. a. b.

3. Calculate the surface area of the cube. 4. The pyramid shown has a square base and
1.8 cm congruent triangular faces. Calculate the
surface area of the pyramid.

5 in.

6 in.

5. Estimate and then calculate the surface area of a rectangular prism with a length
of 9.06 ft, a width of 4.11 ft, and a height of 6.2 ft.

A pentagonal prism has pentagons as bases. Each base can be divided into 5 congruent triangles.
Determine the surface area of this pentagonal prism.


6 cm

5.5 cm

8 cm

M1-162 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

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1. Kendra is a huge fan of Broadway musicals. She wants to record some of her favorite shows. The table
shows the musicals she has chosen and how much space they each take up in megabytes.

Musicals Disc Space (megabytes)

Annie 109.785

Beauty and the Beast 131.642

Into the Woods 79.4

Les Miserables 192.27

Shrek – The Musical 117.005

a. Calculate the total amount of memory the musicals will take up. Show your work.
b. How much out of 700 megabytes will Kendra have left after she records her musicals? First estimate,
then calculate the answer. Show your work.

2. Determine a rational number between the rational numbers in each pair.

a. Adult male polar bears measure 2.5 to 3 meters tall.

2 2.5 3

3 1
b.The weights of newborn polar bear cubs range from __
to __

0 3 1 1
– –
8 2

3. Determine each sum.

a. 1.009 + 6.965
b. 3.25 + 0.003

LESSON 3: Breaking the Fourth Wall • M1-163

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C01_SE_M01_T03_L03.indd 164 1/12/19 8:14 PM
Dividend in 4
the House
Dividing with Volume and Surface Area


Estimate each quotient. • Fluently divide multi-digit whole numbers and decimals
using long division.
1. 268 ÷ 5 • Solve real-world problems involving volume.
• Solve real-world problems involving surface area.
2. 1181 ÷ 23

3. 844 ÷ 11

4. 2883 ÷ 46

In elementary school, you learned strategies to divide two whole numbers. In this course,
you learned how to divide fractions by fractions. How can you use a standard algorithm for
dividing whole numbers and decimals to solve problems?

LESSON 4: Dividend in the House • M1-165

C01_SE_M01_T03_L04.indd 165 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Getting Started

Dimensions of a Tank
are small The Think Tank designs and creates customized tanks and aquariums
organisms for oceanographers. A team of oceanographers who study the
that drift in characteristics of plankton requested several tanks that have a volume
the ocean, of 240 cubic feet and bases with various areas, but they didn’t give
too weak to any heights. Provide The Think Tank with tank heights using the
swim against information given.
the ocean's
current. They 1. B 5 10 square feet
serve as food
for many
larger marine

2. B 5 15 square feet

3. B 5 46__
square feet

M1-166 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L04.indd 166 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Division of Decimals
4.1 and Whole Numbers

As you demonstrated, if you know the volume of a right rectangular

prism and the area of the base you can divide to determine the height.
Likewise, if you know the volume and the height of a rectangular
prism, you can calculate the area of the base. If the volume of a right
rectangular prism is 3.57 cubic feet and the height is 3 feet, what
strategy can you use to determine the area of the base?

You can use hundredths grids to model dividing decimals.


Let’s consider 3.57 ÷ 3.

First, represent 3.57. Shade 3 hundredths grids to represent 3.

Shade 5 columns in a fourth grid to represent 5 tenths. Then shade
7 more squares to represent 7 hundredths.

Next, divide the shaded model into 3 equal groups. To do this,

divide the 3 hundredths grids into 3 equal groups. Then, divide the
57 hundredths into 3 equal groups.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3

One whole grid and 19 small squares are in each group. So, 3.57 ÷
3 = 1.19. Therefore, the area of the base of a rectangular prism with
a volume of 3.57 cubic feet and a height of 3 feet is 1.19 square feet.

LESSON 4: Dividend in the House • M1-167

C01_SE_M01_T03_L04.indd 167 1/12/19 8:14 PM


You can also use a standard algorithm to divide 3.57 ÷ 3.

5 tenths divided into 3 equal groups 2 tenths and 7 hundredths is

is 1 tenth in each group with 2 tenths 27 hundredths. 27 hundredths
left over. divided into 3 equal groups is
9 hundredths in each group with
0 hundredths left over.
3 ones divided into 3 equal
groups is 1 one in each 1 ∙ 1 9
group with 0 ones left over.
3 3 5 7 quotient

divisor 23 dividend
0 5
2 3
2 7
22 7

1. Compare the two worked examples.

a. What is the area of the base of the right rectangular prism?

An algorithm is
a step-by-step b. Describe how the hundredths grid model represents
procedure for different parts of the standard algorithm.
completing a
calculation. A
standard algorithm
is a specific and c. Why does the standard algorithm show subtracting 3 from
commonly accepted the 3 ones in the dividend?

M1-168 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L04.indd 168 1/12/19 8:14 PM

d. What does the 05 represent in the standard algorithm?

e. What does 27 – 27 represent in the standard algorithm?

Use the hundredths grid model to help you explain.

2. The volume of a right rectangular prism is 26,112 cubic feet and

its base has an area of 256 square feet. What is the height?
Examine each solution. What did Dustin do incorrectly?

Morgan Dustin
I used my strategy The height of the prism
from earlier.
should be 12 feet.
256)26,112 The height of the
1 2
2256 right rectangular 256)26,112
512 prism is 102 feet. 2256
2512 512

3. The area of the base of the rectangular prism is 1.19 square

feet. Calculate the width of each rectangular prism with the
given length.

a. Length 5 2 feet b. Length 5 3 feet c. Length 5 4 feet

LESSON 4: Dividend in the House • M1-169

C01_SE_M01_T03_L04.indd 169 1/12/19 8:14 PM


4.2 Dividing Decimals

You have seen how to divide decimals by whole numbers. Let’s think
about how to divide decimals by decimals.

1. Look at these division problems.

56 70c}}}
560 700c}}}
5600 7000c}}}}

a. How are the divisors and dividends in the last three

problems related to the first problem?

b. Calculate all four quotients. What do you notice

about them?

c. What happens to the quotient when the dividend and

divisor are multiplied by the same number?

2. Which of the division expressions shown have the same

Remember the quotient as 475 4 25? How do you know?
definition of division:
a 4 b 5 __
. Therefore, a. 4.75 4 0.25 b. 47.5 4 0.025
you can use what you
already know about
equivalent fractions
to determine which
expressions have the
c. 0.475 4 0.25 d. 0.0475 4 0.0025
same quotient as
475 4 25.

M1-170 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L04.indd 170 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Let’s investigate an algorithm for dividing a decimal by a decimal.

You already know how to divide a decimal by a whole number. You

also know that if you multiply or divide both the dividend and the
divisor by the same number, the quotient remains the same.


The diagram shows 7.7 ÷ 3.5.

The first step is to rewrite the division sentence so the divisor is a

whole number. Multiply both the divisor and dividend by 10. This
changes the value of both numbers.

77 divided by 35 is 2 70 tenths divided by 35

with 7 left over, because is 2 tenths with 0 left
2 × 35 + 7 = 77. over.

2 ? 2
Place the decimal
3 ? 5 ? 7 ? 7 ? 0 point in the quotient.

27 0
7 0

27 0

3. Examine the worked example.

7.7 77
a. Explain how the worked example shows that ___
5 ___

LESSON 4: Dividend in the House • M1-171

C01_SE_M01_T03_L04.indd 171 1/12/19 8:14 PM

b. Why does the diagram show subtracting 70 from the 77 in
NOTES the dividend?

c. What does 70 – 70 represent in the diagram?

4. Rewrite each division sentence so the divisor is a whole

number. Then calculate the quotient using long division.

a. 59.5 4 0.1 b. 0.0145 4 0.5 c. 19.36 4 3.2

M1-172 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L04.indd 172 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Problem Solving Using
4.3 Volume and Surface Area

Let’s apply what you have learned about decimal operations to solve
problems with volume and surface area. Be sure to
1. The surface area for a cube is given. Calculate the area of each before you
face of the cube. calculate!

a. 36.45 square inches b. 768 square feet

c. 59.94 square centimeters

2. Marjorie uses a loaf pan to make cornbread. The pan is 8.5

inches long, 4.5 inches wide, and 2.5 inches deep.

a. The pan has a volume of approximately 6.6 cups. What

is the approximate volume of each cup in cubic inches?
Estimate and then calculate your answer. Show your work.

b. The cornbread Marjorie makes fills only half the depth of

the loaf pan. How much cornbread does Marjorie make?
Give your answer in cups and cubic inches.

LESSON 4: Dividend in the House • M1-173

C01_SE_M01_T03_L04.indd 173 1/12/19 8:14 PM


A Short Long Division Activity

Use the standard algorithm to determine each quotient.

1. 5168 4 646 2. 331.25 4 53

3. 9.44 4 2.95 4. 6.85 4 0.5

For each division statement given, write two division statements

that have the same quotient.

5. 50.32 4 7.4 5 6.8 6. 10.4 4 2.6 5 4

M1-174 • TOPIC 3: Decimals and Volume

C01_SE_M01_T03_L04.indd 174 1/12/19 8:14 PM


Write Remember
Describe what is meant by the In a division sentence, if you multiply the dividend and the divisor
operation of division. by the same number, the quotient remains the same.
7.7 ÷ 3.5 = 2.2

77 ÷ 35 = 2.2
___ 77
= ___

Estimate each quotient. Then calculate the quotient using long division. Round to the nearest hundredth.

1. 51.68 ÷ 8 2. 93.45 ÷ 6.23 3. 29.988 ÷ 2.04 4. 38 ÷ 7

5. 49.7 ÷ 25.3 6. 118 ÷ 26 7. 24.4 ÷ 8.3 8. 603 ÷ 98

The volume of the trapezoidal prism is 1279.152 cubic feet.
Determine the height of the trapezoid base.

4.1 ft

? ft 25.2 ft

10 ft

1. Mary Alice has decided to give her best friend a candle for her birthday. To wrap the candle, she spends
$2.50 on a rectangular sheet of wrapping paper that is 24 inches by 19.5 inches. How many square inches
are in one rectangular sheet of wrapping paper?

2. Calculate the surface area of a Rubik’s Cube that has a width of 57 millimeters.
3. Determine the area of a triangle that has a height of 4 feet and a base of 6__

4. Determine the quotient.

3 1
÷ 1__
5. Determine the product of each.
a. 3.01 × 5.8 b. 1.2 × 1.2

LESSON 4: Dividend in the House • M1-175

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C01_SE_M01_T03_L04.indd 176 1/12/19 8:14 PM
Decimals and Volume
• point • edge • composite solids
• line segment • vertex • trailing zeros
• polygon • right rectangular prism • net
• geometric solid • cube • surface area
• polyhedron • pyramid • pyramid
• face • volume • slant height


1 Length, Width, Depth

The mathematical definition of point is a location in space, often represented using a dot and
named by a capital letter. A line segment is a portion of a line that includes two points and the
points between those two points.

A polygon is a closed figure formed by three or more line segments. A

geometric solid is a bounded three-dimensional geometric figure. A poly-
hedron is a three-dimensional solid figure that is made up of polygons that
are called faces. An edge is the intersection of two faces and a vertex is
the point where the edges meet. face
For example, Figure A is a right rectangular prism, which is a polyhedron
with three pairs of congruent and parallel faces.

Figure A


C01_SE_TS_M01_T03.indd 177 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Figure B is a cube, which is a polyhedron that has six congruent squares face
as faces.


Figure B

Figure C is a rectangular pyramid. A pyramid is a polyhedron with face

one base and the same number of triangular faces as there are sides face
of the base.

Volume is the amount of space occupied by an object. The volume

of an object is measured in cubic units. A unit cube is a cube whose face
sides are all 1 unit long. Figure C

The volume of a rectangular prism is a product of its length, width and height: V 5 l ? w ? h.

For example, to determine the volume of the right rectangular prism shown with the given
dimensions, you can fill the prism with cubes, but smaller unit cubes with fractional side lengths
are required.

1 in.

_3_ in.

1 in.


C01_SE_TS_M01_T03.indd 178 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Assign a unit fraction to the LCM(2, 4) 5 4
dimensions of each cube. Use the 1 1 1
So, each cube will measure __
in. 3 __
in. 3 __
least common multiple (LCM) of the
fraction denominators to determine The volume of each unit cube is
the unit fraction. 64
cubic inches.

Determine the number of cubes length width height

needed to pack the prism in each 1 1 1 1 3 1
1__ 4 __ 56 __ 4 __ 52 __ 4 __ 53
dimension. 2 4 2 4 4 4

Determine the number of cubes that 6 3 2 3 3 5 36

make up the right rectangular prism.
1 36
Multiply the number of cubes by the 36 3 ___
5 ___
volume of each cube to determine the
volume of the right rectangular prism. 5 ___

The volume of the right rectangular prism is ___
cubic inches.
You can use the formula V 5 Bh to calculate the volume of any prism. However, the
formula for calculating the value of B will change depending on the shape of the base.
In a rectangular prism, B 5 l ? w.


2 Which Warehouse?

A composite solid is made up of more than one geometric solid. You can decompose
a composite solid into more than one polyhedron in order to determine its volume.

For example, to determine the volume of the composite

solid shown, you can decompose the solid into two
rectangular prisms and calculate the volume of each.
1.3 m
Volume of larger prism 5 1.9 3 2.8 3 2.7 5 14.364 m 2.2 m
2.7 m
Volume of smaller prism 5 1.3 3 2.8 3 0.5 5 1.82 m3
2.8 m

3.2 m


C01_SE_TS_M01_T03.indd 179 1/12/19 8:17 PM

To calculate the sum or difference of decimals, line up the decimals so that like 14.364
place values are in the same column. Use the decimal point to help you correctly 11.820
align. 16.184
A trailing zero was added to 1.82. Trailing zeros are a sequence of 0s in a decimal representa-
tion of a number, after which no non-zero digits follow. Trailing zeros do not affect the value of
a number.

The volume of the composite solid is 16.184 cubic meters.


3 Breaking the Fourth Wall

A net is a two-dimensional representation of a three-dimensional geometric figure.

A net has all of these properties:
• The net is cut out as a single piece.
• All of the faces of the geometric solid are represented in the net.
• The faces of the geometric solid are drawn so that they share common edges.
The surface area of a polyhedron is the total area of all its two-dimensional faces.
For example, you can use the net to calculate the surface area of the right rectangular prism.

Determine the area of each unique face.

4.3 cm 4.3 cm 3 5.7 cm 5 24.51 cm2
2.9 cm 3 5.7 cm 5 16.53 cm2
2.9 cm
4.3 cm 3 2.9 cm 5 12.47 cm2

Determine the sum of all faces of the right

rectangular prism.

2(24.51) 1 2(16.53) 1 2(12.47)

5 49.02 1 33.06 1 24.94
5.7 cm 5 107.02
The surface area of the right rectangular
prism is 107.02 cm2.


C01_SE_TS_M01_T03.indd 180 1/12/19 8:17 PM

A slant height of a pyramid is the distance
slant height
measured along a triangular face from the
vertex of the pyramid to the midpoint, or
center, of the base.


4 Dividend in the House

You can use a hundredths grid to model dividing decimals, such as 3.57 4 3.

First, shade hundredths grids to represent 3.57.

Next, divide the shaded model into 3 equal groups.

One whole grid and 19 small squares are in each group. So, 3.57 4 3 5 1.19.

Group 1 Group 2 Group 3


C01_SE_TS_M01_T03.indd 181 1/12/19 8:17 PM

You can also use a standard algorithm to divide 3.57 ÷ 3.

5 tenths divided into 3 equal groups 2 tenths and 7 hundredths is

is 1 tenth in each group with 2 tenths 27 hundredths. 27 hundredths
left over. divided into 3 equal groups is
9 hundredths in each group with
0 hundredths left over.
3 ones divided into 3 equal
groups is 1 one in each 1 ∙ 1 9
group with 0 ones left over.
3 3 5 7 quotient

divisor 23 dividend
0 5
2 3
2 7
22 7

If you multiply or divide both the dividend and divisor by the same number, the quotient
remains the same.

7.7 4 3.5 5 77 4 35
___ 77
5 ___

You can use what you know about dividing with decimals to solve problems about volume
and surface area. For example, suppose the surface area of a cube is 48.24 square inches.
Calculate the area of each face of the cube.

6 48.24

Since a cube has six congruent square faces, each face has an area of 8.04 square inches.


C01_SE_TS_M01_T03.indd 182 1/12/19 8:17 PM


The lessons in this module build on your experiences solving addition and multiplication
word problems and representing real-world situations on a coordinate plane. In this
module, you will consider different ways quantities can be related to each other. You will
learn about ratios and proportional relationships and reason about these relationships
using various models, such as double number lines, ratio tables, and graphs. You will
learn about percents, unit rates, and conversion rates

Topic 1 Ratios M2-3

Topic 2 Percents M2-105
Topic 3 Unit Rates and Conversions M2-161

C01_SE_M02_INTRO.indd 1 1/12/19 8:14 PM

C01_SE_M02_INTRO.indd 2 1/12/19 8:14 PM


Artists mix paints in specific ratios to produce different colors. Graphic designers and web developers use these
mixtures, too. They can specify a color with an RGB value: a specific mix of red, green, and blue.

Lesson 1
It's All Relative
Introduction to Ratio and Ratio Reasoning . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M2-7

Lesson 2
Going Strong
Comparing Ratios to Solve Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M2-25

Lesson 3
Oh, Yes, I Am the Muffin Man
Determining Equivalent Ratios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M2-37

Lesson 4
A Trip to the Moon
Using Tables to Represent Equivalent Ratios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M2-57

Lesson 5
They're Growing!
Graphs of Ratios. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M2-69

Lesson 6
One Is Not Enough
Using and Comparing Ratio Representations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M2-85

C01_SE_M02_T01_INTRO.indd 3 1/12/19 8:14 PM

C01_SE_M02_T01_INTRO.indd 4 1/12/19 8:14 PM
Carnegie Learning Family Guide Course 1
Module 2: Relating Quantities
TOPIC 1: RATIOS Where have we been?
Students begin this topic by learning
Students enter grade 6 with experience
about ratios as multiplicative
contrasting additive and multiplicative
comparisons, contrasting them with
patterns and relationships. In prior grades,
additive comparisons. "More than" and
they wrote number sentences to represent
"less than" are examples of additive
multiplicative and additive scenarios.
comparisons, whereas "twice as many"
Students’ knowledge of equivalent fractions
and "one half as many" are examples
from elementary school provides the
of multiplicative comparisons. Students
foundation for their developing
learn about quantitative relationships
understanding of equivalent ratios.
represented by ratios and the different
ways to represent ratios. They are
Where are we going?
introduced to percent as a special ratio,
This topic provides the basis for future
namely an amount per 100. Students use
learning of proportional relationships and
their initial understandings of ratio to
slope. Students also graph equivalent ratios
model and determine equivalent ratios.
on the coordinate plane, a prerequisite for
To generate and display equivalent
the more in-depth study of proportional
ratios in real-world and mathematical
relationships and direct variation in grade 7.
problems, they use tape diagrams,
double number lines, scaling up and
down, tables, and graphs.

Using Double Number Lines to Determine

Equivalent Ratios
A double number line shows two connected number lines. The number lines are connected
by equivalent ratios. For example, this double number line shows that 3 corn muffins for
$2.50 is equivalent to 6 corn muffins for $5.00.

0 2.50 5.00 7.50

Cost ($)

of corn
muffins 0 3 6 9

TOPIC 1: Family Guide • M2-5

C01_SE_FG_M02_T01.indd 5 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Myth: There is one right way to do math
Employing multiple strategies to arrive at a single, correct solution is important in
life. Suppose you are driving in a crowded downtown area. If one road is backed up,
then you can always take a different route. If you know only one route, then you’re out of luck.

Learning mathematics is no different. There may only be one right answer, but there are
often multiple strategies to arrive at that solution. Everyone should get in the habit of saying:
Well, that’s one way to do it. Is there another way? What are the pros and cons? That way,
you avoid falling into the trap of thinking there is only one right way, because that strategy
might not always work or there might be a more efficient strategy.

Teaching students multiple strategies is important. This helps students understand the
benefits of the more efficient method. In addition, everyone has different experiences and
preferences. What works for you might not work for someone else.


Talking Points Key Terms

You can further support your student’s ratio
learning by asking them to take a step A ratio is a comparison of two quantities
back and think about a different strategy by division.
when they are stuck. percent
Questions to Ask A percent is a ratio whose denominator is
• What strategy are you using? 100. Percent is another name for hundredths.
• What is another way to solve rate
the problem? A rate is a ratio that compares two quantities
• Can you draw a model? that are measured in different units.
• Can you come back to this problem
after doing some other problems?
A proportion is an equation that states
that two ratios are equal.

M2-6 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_FG_M02_T01.indd 6 1/12/19 8:13 PM

It’s All 1
Introduction to Ratio and
Ratio Reasoning


Write a fraction to represent each • Distinguish between additive and multiplicative
situation. relationships between two quantities.
1. the number of boys in your math • Understand the concept of a ratio: a ratio represents
class compared to the number of a multiplicative comparison between two quantities.
students in the class • Write ratios in different forms and use ratio
language to represent relationships between
2. the number of girls in your math
two quantities.
class compared to the number of
• Distinguish between part-to-part and
students in the class
part-to-whole ratios.
3. the number of students in your
• Understand that fractions are part-to-whole ratios
math class that are absent today
between two quantities.
compared to the total number of
• Understand that percents are part-to-whole ratios
students in the class
between a quantity and 100.
4. the number of students in your math
class that are in attendance today KEY TERMS
compared to the total number of • additive reasoning
students in your class • multiplicative reasoning
• ratio
• percent

In elementary school, you made many comparisons using addition and subtraction. You
answered questions like, “If Johnny has 9 apples and Suzie has 12 apples, who has more
apples?” Is there another way to compare values?
LESSON 1: It’s All Relative • M2-7

C01_SE_M02_T01_L01.indd 7 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Getting Started

Predict the Score

The Crusaders and the Blue Jays just finished the first half of their
basketball game.

Halftime Score Final Score

Crusaders 30 ?

Blue Jays 20 ?

1. Predict the final score. Explain your reasoning.

M2-8 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L01.indd 8 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Additive and Multiplicative
1.1 Reasoning

Robena and Eryn each predicted the final score of a basketball

game between the Crusaders and the Blue Jays.

1. Analyze each prediction.

a. Describe the reasoning that Robena and Eryn used

to make each statement.

Halftime Final I think the final
Score Score
score will be
Crusaders 30 60 double the score
Blue Jays 20 40 at halftime.

Halftime Final I think the
Score Score Crusaders will
play hard enough
Crusaders 30 50
to stay 10 points
Blue Jays 20 40 ahead of the
Blue Jays.

b. Which team had a better second half in each prediction?

LESSON 1: It’s All Relative • M2-9

C01_SE_M02_T01_L01.indd 9 1/12/19 8:14 PM

One of the students used additive reasoning to make her comparison
and the other used multiplicative reasoning. Additive reasoning focuses
on the use of addition and subtraction for comparisons. Multiplicative
reasoning focuses on the use of multiplication and division.

c. Which student used additive reasoning and which used

multiplicative reasoning?

Vicki and her nephew Benjamin share the same birthday. They were
both born on March 4.
Vicki: “Today I’m 40 years old, and you’re 10.
I’m 4 times as old as you are!”
Benjamin: “Wow, you’re old!”
Vicki: “Yeah, but in 5 years, I’ll be 45, and you’ll be 15.
Then I will only be three times as old as you.”
Benjamin: “I’m catching up to you!”
Vicki: “And 15 years after that, I’ll be 60 and you’ll be
30. Then I’ll only be twice as old as you!”
Benjamin: “In enough time, I’ll be older than you, Aunt

2. Is Vicki correct about how their ages change? Is Benjamin

correct in thinking that he will eventually be older than
his aunt?

M2-10 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L01.indd 10 1/12/19 8:14 PM

3. The table represents the different statements from this
problem situation. Let V represent Vicki’s age and B represent
Benjamin’s age.

a. Complete the last column by identifying each relationship as

either additive or multiplicative.

Verbal Numeric Relationship

Today I’m 40 years

V 5 40, B 5 10 V 5 B 1 30
old, and you’re 10.

I’m 4 times as old as

V 5 40, B 5 10 V 5 4B
you are!

Yeah, but in 5 years,

I’ll be 45, and you’ll V 5 45, B 5 15 V 5 B 1 30
be 15.

Then I will only be

three times as old as V 5 45, B 5 15 V 5 3B

And 15 years after

that, I’ll be 60 and V 5 60, B 5 30 V 5 B 1 30
you’ll be 30.

Then I’ll only be

V 5 60, B 5 30 V 5 2B
twice as old as you!

b. At any point in this age scenario, which relationship does

not change?

LESSON 1: It’s All Relative • M2-11

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1.2 Comparing Quantities

The school colors at Riverview Middle School are a shade of bluish green
and white. The art teacher, Mr. Raith, knows to get the correct color of
bluish green it takes 3 parts blue paint to every 2 parts yellow paint.

There are different ways to think about this relationship and make
comparisons. One way is to draw a picture or model.

B B B From the model, you can make comparisons of the different quantities.

• blue parts to yellow parts

Y Y • yellow parts to blue parts
• blue parts to total parts
• yellow parts to total parts

Each comparison is called a ratio. A ratio is a comparison of two

quantities that uses division. The first two comparisons are part-to-part
ratios because you are comparing the individual quantities. The last
two comparisons are part-to-whole ratios because you are comparing
one of the parts (either blue or yellow) to the total number of parts.

So you are Suppose Mr. Raith needs 2 parts blue paint and 5 parts yellow paint
never in doubt to make green paint.
what a ratio
1. Compare the quantities of blue and yellow paint in Mr. Raith‘s
mixture by writing all possible ratios for each type.
. . . label all
quantities with a. part-to-part ratios b. part-to-whole ratios
the units of

What is the difference What is the difference

between the part-to-part between the part-to-whole
ratios that you wrote? ratios that you wrote?

M2-12 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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1.3 Ratio Hunt

Ratios can be found all around you, even in your classroom!

Just consider two different quantities.

For example, how many students in your class are wearing sneakers?
How many students in your class are wearing another type of shoe?

1. Use a ratio to describe the relationship given.

a. Write a part-to-part ratio comparing the number of

students wearing sneakers to the number of students
wearing a different type of shoe.

b. Write a part-to-part ratio comparing the number of

students wearing a shoe other than sneakers to the
number of students wearing sneakers.

c. Write a part-to-whole ratio comparing the number

of students wearing sneakers to the total number of
students in the class.

d. Write a part-to-whole ratio comparing the number of

students wearing a type of shoe other than sneakers to
the total number of students in the class.

LESSON 1: It’s All Relative • M2-13

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Let’s go on a Ratio Hunt!

2. Search around your classroom for at least 3 pairs of quantities

to compare. For each pair:

• Identify the two quantities that are being compared using

• Write all possible part-to-part and/or part-to-whole
comparisons of the quantities.
• Identify each ratio as part-to-part or as part-to-whole.
• Be prepared to share your treasures from the Ratio Hunt with
the class.

a. Quantities being compared:


b. Quantities being compared:


c. Quantities being compared:


M2-14 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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1.4 The Meanings of Ratios

The Lanterton Middle School is adopting a new nickname. They have

narrowed their search to the following two names: Tigers or Lions.
To choose a nickname, they conducted a school-wide survey and
tallied all the votes.

Each homeroom analyzed the results of the school-wide survey and

reported the results in a different way.

Homeroom 6A Homeroom 6B
The votes for Tigers There were 80 more votes for
outnumbered the votes for Tigers than Lions.
Lions by a ratio of 240 to 160.

Homeroom 7A Homeroom 7B
The votes for Tigers 3 out of 5 votes were for Tigers.
outnumbered votes for Lions
by a ratio of 3 to 2.

1. Describe the meaning of each statement. Then identify which

describe ratios, and if so, whether the ratios are part-to-part
or part-to-whole ratios.

LESSON 1: It’s All Relative • M2-15

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Let’s consider the results reported by Homeroom 7A:

Fractional form
“The votes for Tigers outnumbered votes for Lions by a ratio of 3 to 2.”
simply means writing
the relationship in
This comparison is an example of a part-to-part ratio expressed in
the form __ . Just
b words. There are two other ways you can express this part-to-part
because a ratio
looks like a fraction
does not mean With a Colon In Fractional Form
it is representing
3 votes for Tigers : 2 votes for Lions 3 votes for Tigers
a part-to-whole
2 votes for Lions

Next, let’s consider the results of the student vote as reported by

Homeroom 7B: “3 out of 5 votes were for Tigers.”

2. Complete the part-to-whole and part-to-part ratios written

in words. Then write each ratio with a colon and in fractional
form. Label all quantities.

Part-to-Whole Ratio

In Words With a Colon In Fractional Form

3 out of 5 votes
were for Tigers.

out of 5 votes
were for Lions.

Part-to-Part Ratio

In Words With a Colon In Fractional Form

votes for
Tigers for every
2 votes for Lions.

2 votes for Lions

for every
votes for Tigers.

M2-16 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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Finally, let’s consider the results of the survey as reported by
Homeroom 6A: “The votes for Tigers outnumbered the votes for
Lions by a ratio of 240 to 160.

3. Complete the part-to-whole and part-to-part ratios written

in words. Then write each ratio with a colon and in fractional
form. Label all quantities.

Part-to-Whole Ratio

In Words With a Colon In Fractional Form

votes out of votes

were for Tigers.

votes out of votes

were for Lions.

Part-to-Part Ratio

In Words With a Colon In Fractional Form

votes for Tigers

votes for Lions.

votes for Lions

votes for Tigers.

4. Based on the survey, which mascot name was preferred?

LESSON 1: It’s All Relative • M2-17

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1.5 Special Types of Ratios

Consider each statement.

Representing a ratio
in fractional form, __
, • There is an 80 percent chance of rain tomorrow.
does not have the • He ate __
of the cake.
same meaning as • Sales tax in Greenmont is 7 percent.
saying a ratio is also • Three-fourths of the class is absent.
a fraction. This is
one reason units are The situations described are examples of special types of ratios:
critical when writing fractions and percents.
Notice that when you write a ratio using the total number of parts,
you are also writing a fraction. A fraction can be used as a ratio that
shows a part-to-whole relationship.

j Ratios

part : part part : whole

part part
part whole


A percent is a part-to-whole ratio where the whole is equal to 100.

Percent is another name for hundredths. The percent symbol “%”
means “per 100,” or “out of 100.” Therefore:

35% means 35 out of 100.

35% as a fraction is ____
35% as a decimal is 0.35.
35% as a ratio is 35 to 100,
or 35 : 100.

You can shade 35 of the 100 squares on the

hundredths grid to represent 35%.

M2-18 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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1. Each hundredths grid represents a whole. Write a fraction
and a percent to represent the shaded part of each grid.

a. b.

c. d.

e. f.

LESSON 1: It’s All Relative • M2-19

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Writing and Classifying Ratios

There are several ways to compare two quantities and write ratios.


With a Colon part : part part : whole
part part
In Fractional Form
part whole


1. Consider the statement: There are s sixth grade band

members and t total sixth graders.

a. Write a part-to-whole ratio using colon notation.

b. Write a part-to-part ratio using colon notation.

M2-20 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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2. A survey of sixth graders with pets revealed that NOTES
c students prefer cats and d students prefer dogs.

a. How would you compare these two statements using

part-to-part ratios?

b. How would you compare these two statements using

part-to-whole ratios?

3. Analyze each statement. Determine whether a part :

part or a part : whole relationship exists. Explain
your reasoning.

a. There are 9 girls for every 2 boys in art class.

b. Three out of every five students in art class will help

paint the mural in the library.

LESSON 1: It’s All Relative • M2-21

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c. There are 3 blueberry muffins to every bran muffin in a
variety pack.

Think about d. Of the 30 students in chorus, 14 of them play the piano.

the quantities
you are

e. The students planted 22 yellow daffodils and 10

white daffodils.

M2-22 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L01.indd 22 1/12/19 8:14 PM


5. Assign_num_list Remember
6. Assign_num_list
Describe two ratios in the real Assign_para
A ratio is a comparison of two quantities using division.
world. Write about at least one Assign_para
A part-to-whole ratio compares a part of a whole to the total
part-to-whole ratio and one Assign_para
number of parts.
part-to-part ratio.
A part-to-part ratio compares parts.
A part-to-whole ratio is a fraction.
A percent is a fraction in which the denominator is 100.

The Lewis brothers just joined MovieQ, a club that provides them with free movies based on a list that they
pre-select. The boys work together to pick the first 10 movies for their list, each brother adding to the list
based on their favorite type of movie. John David puts 5 sports movies on the list; Parker chooses 3 war
movies; and Stephen adds 2 comedies.

Write the ratio in colon and in fractional form to express each relationship.
1. sports movies to war movies
2. comedies to total movies
3. war movies to comedies
4. sports movies to total movies
5. Assign_num_list
1. comedies to sports movies
6. Assign_num_list
2. war movies to total movies

During the 2015 regular season, the Pittsburgh Pirates won 98 baseball games, 53 of which were won in
their home stadium. The regular season includes 162 games.

Write a ratio for each and identify it as part-to-whole or part-to-part.

1. number of games won to number of games lost
2. number of games won to number of games played
3. number of games lost to number of games played
4. number of games won at home to number of games won away
5. number of games won at home to number of games won

LESSON 1: It’s All Relative • M2-23

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1. A right rectangular prism is shown.

2 cm
1 cm
7 cm 3

a. Determine the volume of the prism. b. Determine the surface area of the prism.

2. Estimate each sum or difference to the nearest whole number. Then calculate each sum or difference.

a. Cristina wants to purchase four items at the b. Jada and Tonya ran a 400-meter race. Jada ran
sporting goods store. The items she wants to the race in 75.2 seconds. Tonya ran the race in
buy are soccer cleats for $24.99, shin guards for 69.07 seconds. How much faster did Tonya run
$12.99, soccer socks for $4.49, and a soccer ball the race?
for $19.95. How much will the four items cost?

3. Determine each product.

3 3 __
a. __ 4 9 3 __
b. 2 ___ 2
8 5 10 5

M2-24 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L01.indd 24 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Going 2
Comparing Ratios
to Solve Problems


Use reasoning to compare • Apply qualitative ratio reasoning to compare ratios in
each pair of fractions. real-world and mathematical problems.
• Apply quantitative ratio reasoning to compare ratios in
6 8
1. __
and __
real-world and mathematical problems.
• Compare and order part-to-part and part-to-whole ratios
7 5
2. ___
and ___
represented verbally, pictorially, and numerically.

4 4
3. __
and __

You know how to write a ratio as a comparison of two quantities. How can you compare two
ratios to make decisions in real-world situations?

LESSON 2: Going Strong • M2-25

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Getting Started

Lemony-er Lemonade
Tammy’s glass of lemonade has a weaker tasting lemon flavor than
Jen’s glass of lemonade. The shaded portion in each glass represents
an amount of lemonade.

Tammy’s Glass Jen’s Glass

1. If one teaspoon of lemon mix is added to both Jen’s and

Tammy’s glasses, which glass will contain the lemonade with
the stronger lemon flavor? Explain your reasoning.

M2-26 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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2.1 Qualitative Comparisons

In this activity you will compare ratios without measuring or counting

quantities. When you reason like this, it is called qualitative reasoning.

1. The shaded portion in each glass represents an amount of

lemonade. Answer each question and explain your reasoning.

a. Beth’s glass of lemonade has a weaker tasting lemon

flavor than John’s glass of lemonade. If two ounces of water
is added to Beth’s glass and one teaspoon of lemon mix
is added to John’s glass, which glass will contain the
lemonade with the stronger lemon flavor? Beth’s Glass John’s Glass

b. Jimmy and Jake have glasses of lemonade that taste the

same. If one teaspoon of lemon mix is added to each glass,
which glass will contain the lemonade with the stronger
lemon flavor?
Jimmy’s Glass Jake’s Glass

c. Jack’s glass of lemonade has a stronger tasting lemon

flavor than Karen’s glass of lemonade. If one teaspoon
of lemon mix is added to Karen’s glass and one ounce of
water is added to Jack’s glass, which glass will contain the
lemonade with the stronger lemon flavor? Jack’s Glass Karen’s Glass

LESSON 2: Going Strong • M2-27

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2. Choose the correct statement to complete each sentence and
explain your reasoning. If the answer cannot be determined,
explain why not.

a. If Luke plans to use four more tablespoons of orange

mix today than what he used yesterday to make the
same amount of orange drink, his orange drink today
would have:

• a stronger tasting orange flavor.

• a weaker tasting orange flavor.
• a mix that has the same strength of orange taste
as yesterday.

b. Dave and Sandy each made a pitcher of orange drink.

Sandy’s pitcher is larger than Dave’s pitcher. Sandy used
more orange mix than Dave. Dave’s orange drink has:

• a stronger tasting orange flavor.

• a weaker tasting orange flavor.
• a mix that has the same strength of orange taste as
Sandy’s drink.

c. If a race car travels more laps in less time than it did

yesterday, its speed would be:

• slower.
• exactly the same.
• faster.

M2-28 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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2.2 Comparing Comparisons

The 6th grade students are making hot chocolate to sell at the
Winter Carnival. Each homeroom suggested a different recipe.

The “T” in each

HR 6A HR 6B recipe stands
2 cups milk 5 cups milk
for Tablespoon!

3 T cocoa powder 8 T cocoa powder

3 cups milk 4 cups milk
4 T cocoa powder 7 T cocoa powder

1. Consider the given recipes to answer each question.

a. Use reasoning to determine which recipe has the stron-

gest chocolate taste and which recipe has the weakest
chocolate taste.
b. Show how you used ratio reasoning to order the recipes.
Identify the ratios that you used as part-to-part or part-to-
c. Create a poster to explain your answer and strategies to
the class. Prepare to share!

LESSON 2: Going Strong • M2-29

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Ordering Part-to-Part and
2.3 Part-to-Whole Ratios

Suppose your class is in charge of providing punch at the upcoming

open house. The Parent-Teacher Association bought lemon-lime
soda and pineapple juice to combine for the punch, but they did not
tell your class how much of each to use. Your classmates submitted
suggestions for how to make the tastiest punch.

Cut out the punch ratio cards at the end of the lesson. Order the cards
from the least lemon-lime concentration to the most lemon-lime con-
centration. If you think more than one card describes the same ratio of
The shading, or lack lemon-lime soda and pineapple juice, group those cards together.
of shading, of each
cup represents the
difference in the type
of concentration.
lemon-lime soda pineapple juice

1. Describe the strategies you used to sort and order the cards.

M2-30 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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Put Me In, Coach

A soccer team has been awarded a penalty shot at the end of a
tie game. If they make the penalty shot, they will win the league
championship. The coach is considering three players to take the
penalty. Amber has taken 4 penalty shots this season and has
made 3 of them. Lindsay has taken 6 penalty shots and made 4.
Li has taken 3 penalty shots and made 2.

1. Which player would you recommend take the penalty shot?


LESSON 2: Going Strong • M2-31

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Punch Ratio Cards

For every lemon-lime soda, there is a

pineapple juice.


One-fourth of the punch is

lemon-lime soda.


Half of the mixture is pineapple juice.


Lemon-lime soda :
Pineapple juice 5 4 : 5


For every lemon-lime soda, there are For every lemon-lime soda, there are
two pineapple juices. 1__
pineapple juices.


Three-fifths of the punch is pineapple

Pineapple juice : lemon-lime soda 5 3 : 1

LESSON 2: Going Strong • M2-33

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Write Remember
Write two recipes for hot One ratio can be less than, greater than, or equal to another ratio.
chocolate, each with a different
ratio of chocolate mix to water
or milk. Describe how the two
recipes are similar and different.

Megan is making fruit punch using fruit juice and ginger ale. She tries different combinations to get the
mixture just right. If the ratio of fruit juice to ginger ale is too high, the punch is too fruity; if the ratio is too
low, the punch is too gingery.

For each attempt, write a ratio Megan can try next time.
1. She tried 16 cups of fruit juice and 4 cups of ginger ale. That was too fruity.
2. She tried 10 cups of fruit juice and 8 cups of ginger ale. That was too gingery.
3. She tried 10 cups of fruit juice and 1 cup of ginger ale. That was too fruity.
4. She tried 8 cups of fruit juice and 4 cups of ginger ale. That was a little too gingery.
5. Based on Megan’s attempts in Questions 1-4, what might be a good ratio of fruit punch to ginger ale?
Explain your thinking.

Which of the given recipes will make cookies with the most chocolate chips per cookie? Order the recipes
from the least chocolate chips per cookie to the most chocolate chips per cookies. Explain your answer.
Recipe 1: 1__
cups of chips for a batch of 2 dozen cookies
Recipe 2: 1 cup of chips for a batch of 18 cookies
Recipe 3: __
cup of chips for a batch of 12 cookies

LESSON 2: Going Strong • M2-35

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1. During the spring sports season, students at Hillbrook Middle School have the opportunity to either play
baseball, run outdoor track, or play lacrosse. Of the 75 students at Hillbrook who play a spring sport,
30 run track, 25 play baseball, and 20 play lacrosse. Write the ratios and determine whether a part-to-part
or part-to-whole relationship exists.
a. track runners to baseball players
b. track runners to total number of athletes

2. Determine the area of each face of a cube with the given surface area.
a. 306.6 m2 b. 450 in.2

3. Determine each sum.

1 2 5 1
a. __
1 __
b. __
1 __

M2-36 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L02.indd 36 1/12/19 8:14 PM

Oh, Yes, 3
I Am the
Muffin Man
Determining Equivalent Ratios


Choose the correct statement to complete • Use drawings to model and determine
each sentence and explain your reasoning. equivalent ratios.
• Reason about tape diagrams to model
1. When the manager at Sweets-a-Plenty
and determine equivalent ratios.
Bakery decides how many bakers are
• Define and use rates and rate reasoning
needed to bake muffins for a given day,
to solve ratio problems.
she needs to consider the total number
• Use scaling up and scaling down to
of muffins needed for the day.
determine equivalent ratios.
a. Making fewer muffins with more • Use double number lines to solve
bakers will take: real-world problems involving ratios.
• less time.
• an equal amount of time. KEY TERMS
• more time. • equivalent ratios • scaling up
• tape diagram • scaling down
b. Making more muffins in a shorter
• rate • double number
amount of time requires:
• proportion line
• fewer workers.
• an equal amount of workers.
• more workers.

Informally comparing ratios, or qualitatively comparing ratios, is important. However, there

are many instances when you need to make more specific comparisons. How can you use
equivalent ratios in order to compare ratios more precisely?
LESSON 3: Oh, Yes, I Am the Muffin Man • M2-37

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Getting Started

Which Has More?

Consider the given representations to answer each question.
Explain your reasoning.

1. Which dinner order has more pizza?

Order 1 Order 2

2. Which pattern has more stars?

Pattern 1 Pattern 2

3. Which pile of laundry has more shirts?

Pile 1 Pile 2

4. Which type of reasoning did you use for each question—

additive or multiplicative? Explain why.

M2-38 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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Using Drawings to Model
3.1 Equivalent Ratios

Kerri and her friends are going hiking. Kerri invites her friends to
meet at her house for a quick breakfast before heading out on their
hike. Kerri wants to offer muffins to her friends.

1. She knows that one muffin combo has four muffins that can
feed four people.

a. Draw a model showing the relationship between the

muffin combo and the number of people it will feed.

How do your
models show
a relationship
b. If Kerri invites 6 friends, how many muffin combos will she between two
need? Draw a model to show how many muffin combo(s) quantities?
she will need, and explain your answer.

c. If Kerri has 2 __
muffin combos, how many friends can she
feed? Draw a model to show how many friends she can
feed, and explain your answer.

LESSON 3: Oh, Yes, I Am the Muffin Man • M2-39

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Let's consider a different variety pack.
In one muffin variety pack, two out of every five muffins are blueberry.
blueberry muffin

2. Draw a model to answer each question. Explain your reasoning.

a. How many muffins are blueberry muffins if there are a total

of 25 muffins?

I think I see a
pattern? Do you
see it? b. How many muffins are blueberry muffins if there are a total
of 35 muffins?

c. How many total muffins are there if 8 muffins are blueberry?

As you solved these problems, you determined equivalent ratios.

Equivalent ratios are ratios that represent the same part-to-part or
part-to-whole relationship.

M2-40 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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3.2 Tape Diagrams

The local bakery sells muffins in variety packs of blueberry, pumpkin,

and bran muffins. They always sell the muffins in the ratio of
3 blueberry muffins : 2 pumpkin muffins : 1 bran muffin. Don't forget to
label each
1. Write the ratio that expresses each relationship. Identify each quantity with
as a part-to-part or a part-to-whole ratio. the unit of
a. blueberry muffins to total muffins

b. pumpkin muffins to total muffins

c. bran muffins to total muffins

d. blueberry muffins to pumpkin muffins

e. bran muffins to pumpkin muffins

f. blueberry muffins to bran muffins

A ratio can be represented by drawing the objects themselves,

but they also can be represented using a tape diagram. A tape
diagram illustrates number relationships by using rectangles to Pumpkin
represent ratio parts. A tape diagram representing the ratio of
each type of muffin is shown. Bran

2. What does each small rectangle represent in the given tape


LESSON 3: Oh, Yes, I Am the Muffin Man • M2-41

C01_SE_M02_T01_L03.indd 41 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Tape diagrams provide a visual representation of ratios, but they also
Remember, in this
can be used to solve problems.
scenario the ratio
of muffins in each
variety pack is always
3 blueberry muffins : Suppose you purchase an 18-pack of muffins. How many blueberry,
2 pumpkin muffins : 1 pumpkin, and bran muffins will you purchase?
bran muffin.
There are 6 muffins represented in the tape diagram, and you want
18 total muffins that are in the same ratio.

Therefore, to determine how many muffins you need to maintain the

same ratio, you can divide 18 by 6.
18 4 6 5 3

Therefore, each rectangle will represent 3 muffins.

Blueberry 3 3 3

Pumpkin 3 3

Bran 3

From the tape diagram, you can see that there are
9 blueberry muffins, 6 pumpkin muffins, and 3 bran muffins.

3. Is the ratio 9 : 6 : 3 equivalent to 3 : 2 : 1? Explain how

you know.

M2-42 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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4. Suppose you purchase a 36-pack of muffins. Use the tape
diagram to illustrate how many blueberry, pumpkin, and bran NOTES
muffins you will receive.




5. Suppose you wanted 20 pumpkin muffins in your variety pack.

How many total muffins will be in your variety pack?
Complete the tape diagram to determine the answer.




LESSON 3: Oh, Yes, I Am the Muffin Man • M2-43

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6. The table shows the number of muffins in specific sized variety
packs. Complete just the missing cells in the columns for the
6-pack and 36-pack of muffins.

Total Number of Muffins 6 12 18 24 36

Number of Blueberry Muffins 9

Number of Pumpkin Muffins 6

Number of Bran Muffins 3

7. Analyze the completed columns in the table.

a. What do you notice about the numbers?

b. How could you have determined the number of each type

of muffin in the 18-pack without using the tape diagram?

c. How could you have determined the number of each type

of muffin in the 36-pack without using the tape diagram?

d. Use what you noticed about the numbers in the table to

complete the remaining columns for the number of each type
of muffin in a 12-pack and in a 24-pack of muffins. Explain
your strategy.

M2-44 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L03.indd 44 1/12/19 8:15 PM


3.3 Rates and Proportions

One of the rounds at the Math Quiz Bowl tournament is a speed

round. A team of four students will represent Stewart Middle School
in the speed round of the Math Quiz Bowl. One student of the team
will be chosen to solve as many problems as possible in 20 minutes.
The results from this week’s practice are recorded in the table.

Number of Correctly Solved Problems

in a Specified Time

Kaye 4 problems correct in 5 minutes

Susan 7 problems correct in 10 minutes

Doug 1 problem correct in 2 minutes

Mako 3 problems correct in 4 minutes

1. Explain how Tia's reasoning and Lisa's reasoning about who

should compete in the speed round are incorrect.

Susan should definitely compete in the speed round
because she correctly solved the most problems.

It took Susan the longest time to complete her
problems. She should not compete in the speed

LESSON 3: Oh, Yes, I Am the Muffin Man • M2-45

C01_SE_M02_T01_L03.indd 45 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Each quantity in the table is a rate. A rate is a ratio that compares
two quantities that are measured in different units. The rate for each
student in this situation is the number of problems solved per amount
of time.

Kaye’s rate is 4 problems correct per 5 minutes. This rate can be
written as:
It's important
to line up the 4 problems correct
__________________ .
units when 5 minutes
writing equal
2. Write the rates for the other three team members.

a. Susan b. Doug c. Mako

When two ratios or rates are equivalent to each other, you can write
them as a proportion. A proportion is an equation that states that two
ratios are equal. In a proportion, the quantities composing each part
of the ratio have the same multiplicative relationship between them.


For example, you know that Kaye got four problems correct per
5 minutes. So, you can predict how many problems she could
answer correctly in 20 minutes.
problems correct 4 5 16
minutes 5 20


Kaye can probably answer 16 problems correctly in 20 minutes.

M2-46 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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When you change one ratio to an equivalent ratio with larger
numbers, you are scaling up the ratio. Scaling up means you multiply
both parts of the ratio by the same factor greater than 1.

4 16
3. Use the definition of a ratio to verify that __
is equivalent to ___

Remember, one way to represent a ratio is in fractional form. It

doesn’t matter which quantity is in the numerator or denominator; it
matters that the unit of measure is consistent among the ratios.

You can write the proportion in a different way.
minutes 5 5 20
problems correct 4 16

34 This is the
same strategy
you used in
4. Determine the number of problems each student can probably elementary
solve in 20 minutes. Explain the scaling up you used to school to write
determine the equivalent ratio. equivalent
Susan Doug Mako

5. Which team member is the fastest? Who would you pick to

compete? Explain your reasoning.

LESSON 3: Oh, Yes, I Am the Muffin Man • M2-47

C01_SE_M02_T01_L03.indd 47 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Scaling Up and
3.4 Scaling Down

The muffin variety packs baked by the Healthy for U Bakery come in
a ratio of 2 blueberry muffins to 5 total muffins.

1. Scale up each muffin ratio to determine the

unknown quantity.
blueberry muffins 20 blueberry muffins
a. 5 ____________________
5 total muffins ? total muffins

2 blueberry muffins 30 blueberry muffins

b. ___________________ 5 ____________________
5 total muffins ? total muffins

blueberry muffins ? blueberry muffins
c. 5 ___________________
5 total muffins 100 total muffins

2 blueberry muffins 50 blueberry muffins

d. ___________________ 5 ____________________
5 total muffins ? total muffins

blueberry muffins ? blueberry muffins
e. 5 ___________________
5 total muffins 15 total muffins

blueberry muffins 28 blueberry muffins
f. 5 ____________________
5 total muffins ? total muffins

M2-48 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L03.indd 48 1/12/19 8:15 PM

When you change a ratio to an equivalent ratio with smaller
numbers, you are scaling down the ratio. Scaling down means you Remember the

divide both parts of the ratio by the same factor greater than 1, or definition of division,
multiply both parts of the ratio by same factor less than 1. Scaling a 4 b 5 a ? __.
down a ratio often makes it easier to understand.

2. Scale down each ratio to determine the unknown quantity.

3 people ?
a. _________ 5 ________
9 pizzas 3 pizzas

2 hoagies 1 hoagie
b. __________ 5 _________
6 people ?

100 track shirts _________

_______________ ?
c. 5
25 people 1 person

60 tracks ?
d. _________ 5 _____
5 CDs 1 CD

3 tickets 1 ticket
e. _________ 5 ________
$26.25 ?

12 hours
__________ 4 hours
f. 5 ________
720 miles ?

20 hours of work 1 hour of work

g. _________________ 5 ______________
$240 ?

3 gallons of red paint ?

h. ________________________ 5 _______________________
2 gallons of yellow paint 1 gallon of yellow paint

LESSON 3: Oh, Yes, I Am the Muffin Man • M2-49

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3.5 Double Number Lines

You know several strategies to determine the relationship between

An interval is the two quantities: drawing models, building tape diagrams, and scaling
amount of space up or down. You can also use a double number line to visualize
between two these relationships. A double number line is a model that is
tick marks on a made up of two number lines used together to represent the ratio
number line. between two quantities. The intervals on each number line maintain
the same ratio.

The Muffin Man Bakery offers two types of muffins—corn or

cinnamon raisin. It costs the bakery $2.50 to make 3 corn muffins.

The scale for each

number line is The ratio $2.50 : 3 corn muffins is shown on the double number line.
different, but the
interval is the same 0 2.50
for both lines. Cost ($)
of corn
muffins 0 3

You can see other equivalent ratios of cost : number of corn muffins
by continuing to label each interval.

0 2.50 5.00 7.50

Cost ($)
of corn
muffins 0 3 6 9

1. State the two new ratios of cost : number of corn muffins

shown on the second double number line.

M2-50 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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2. Describe the interval represented on each number line.

3. Use the double number line to determine equivalent ratios.

a. Plot the new ratios. Explain your calculations.

0 2.50 5.00 7.50

Cost ($)
of corn
muffins 0 3 6 9

b. What is the cost of making 12 corn muffins?

c. What is the cost of making 15 corn muffins?

d. What is the cost of making 18 corn muffins?

e. Describe any patterns you notice between the cost and the
number of corn muffins made.

LESSON 3: Oh, Yes, I Am the Muffin Man • M2-51

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4. One pound of bananas costs $0.64. Use the double number
lines to determine the cost for each quantity of bananas.

0 1
bananas (lb)

cost ($)
0 0.64

a. 2 __

b. __

c. 2 pounds

5. The cost for The Muffin Man Bakery to make 4 cinnamon raisin
muffins is $3.20. Use the double number line to determine
equivalent ratios and answer each question. Explain your

Cost ($)
Number of
raisin muffins 0

a. What is the cost to make 8 cinnamon raisin muffins?

b. How many cinnamon raisin muffins are made for $12.80?

c. What is the cost of making 12 cinnamon raisin muffins?

M2-52 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L03.indd 52 1/12/19 8:15 PM

6. It takes 1 cup of sugar to make 12 oat bran muffins. Use the
double number line to determine equivalent ratios and answer
each question. Explain your calculations.

Cups of
of oat
bran muffins 0

a. Plot the given ratio on the double number line.

b. How many oat bran muffins can be made using __
cup of
__ 1
sugar? 3 cup of sugar? 1 2 cups of sugar?

c. How many cups of sugar are needed to make 3 muffins?

15 muffins? 9 muffins?

LESSON 3: Oh, Yes, I Am the Muffin Man • M2-53

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Make a Choice
Answer each question by using pictures, a tape diagram, or a
double number line. Show all of your work and explain why you
chose your strategy.

1. A T-shirt store keeps 7 white T-shirts on the shelves for

every 3 purple T-shirts on the shelves.

a. How many white T-shirts are on the shelves if there are

15 purple T-shirts on the shelves?

b. How many purple T-shirts are on the shelves if there are

49 white T-shirts on the shelves?

c. How many white shirts are on the shelves if there are

40 total shirts (purple and white) on the shelves?

2. A grocery store advertises 4 pounds of apples for $6.00.

a. What is the cost for 3 pounds of apples?

b. What is the cost for 1 pound of apples?

c. How many pounds of apples can you purchase

with $40.00?

Circle the question that your teacher has asked you to present to
the class. Write at least 3 sentences to tell your classmates how
you completed the work.

M2-54 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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5. Assign_num_list Remember
6. Assign_num_list
Compare and contrast tape Equivalent ratios Assign_para
are ratios that represent the same part-to-part or
diagrams and double number Assign_para
part-to-whole relationship.
line models for representing ratio Assign_para

relationships. Use an example in A proportion is an equation that states that two ratios are equal. In
your description. a proportion, the quantities composing each part of the ratio have
the same multiplicative relationship between them.

Scaling up means you multiply both parts of the ratio by the same
factor greater than 1.

Scaling down means you divide both parts of the ratio by the
same factor greater than one, or multiply both parts of the ratio by
the same factor less than 1.

1. Ms. Yoto is putting together bags of fruit that contain 1 pear for every 2
apples. For each ratio given, create a picture module. Then, calculate the
answer from your model, and explain your reasoning.
a. How many apples are in the bag if there are a total of 9 pieces of fruit?
1. Assign_num_list
b. How many apples are in the bag if there are a total of 15 pieces of fruit?
2. Assign_num_list
c. How many pieces of fruit are there if there are 8 apples in the bag?
2. When creating playlists for dances, DJ Lew likes to maintain a ratio of 4 hip hop songs : 3 country songs :
1 slow song.
a. Create a tape diagram to represent this ratio.
b. Suppose DJ Lew has 40 songs on his playlist. Use the tape diagram to illustrate how many hip hop,
country, and slow songs are on the playlist.
c. Suppose DJ Lew wants to put 36 hip hop songs on the playlist. How many total songs will be on the
playlist? Use a tape diagram to determine the answer.
3. Scale up or scale down each ratio to complete the proportion.
2 teachers 8 teachers 12 inches ?
a. ___________ 5 __________ b. _________ 5 _______
26 students ? 1 foot 18 feet
________ ? 18 pencils 108 pencils
c. 5 _______ d. __________ 5 ___________
1 year
Assign_para 3 years 1 box ?
1. Assign_num_list
$40 ? 1200 boxes ?
e. __________ 5 _________ f. ___________ 5 ___________
15 gallons
2. Assign_num_list 3 gallons 9 truckloads 3 truckloads
3. Assign_num_list
280 beats 70 beats 520 cm 260 cm
g. __________ 5 ________ h. _______ 5 _______
4 seconds ? 5.2 m ?

LESSON 3: Oh, Yes, I Am the Muffin Man • M2-55

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4. A mason is a person who builds structures with bricks, stone, cement block, or tile. A mason usually uses
mortar to hold the bricks together. A general rule of thumb in masonry is that 2__
bags of mortar are
needed for every 100 cement blocks.
a. Complete a double number line to determine the amount of mortar needed for each quantity of
b. How many bags of mortar will a mason need for 350 blocks?
c. How many bags of mortar will a mason need for 50 blocks?
d. With 12__
bags of mortar, how many blocks can the mason lay?

Scale up or scale down each ratio to complete the proportion.
7 cups of red dye ?
1. ____________________ 5 ____________________
10 cups of yellow dye 25 cups of yellow dye
? $42
2. _______ 5 ______
175 in. 50 in.

47 feet ?
3. ___________ 5 ___________
60 seconds 45 seconds

1. In planning for the upcoming regional girls’ tennis tournament, Coach McCarter looked at her players’
statistics from the previous 2 months.
Sarah: 7 matches won, 3 matches lost
Sophie: 6 matches won, 4 matches lost
Grace: 7 matches won, 4 matches lost

Based on their records, which player should Coach McCarter choose to attend the regional tournament?
Explain your reasoning.

2. Hydrate sports drink calls for 7 scoops for every gallon of water. Sarah thinks the drink is too weak, and
she wants to change it. Describe how she can change either the number of scoops or the amount of
water to make the drink stronger.

3. Decide whether each amount is more closely related to volume or surface area.
a. the amount of air in a room
b. the amount of wood in a dog house.

4. Determine each product.

2 7 1 4
a. __ 3 __ b. 4__ 3 3__
5 3 6 5

M2-56 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L03.indd 56 1/12/19 8:15 PM

A Trip to 4
the Moon
Using Tables to Represent
Equivalent Ratios


It takes 1 cup of milk to make a batch of • Create and reason about tables of
8 pancakes. equivalent ratios.
• Use known values in a table to determine
1. How many cups of milk does it take to equivalent ratios.
make 16 pancakes? • Solve problems by reasoning about
graphs, diagrams, and tables of
2. How many cups of milk does it take to equivalent ratios.
make 4 pancakes?

3. How many pancakes can be made with

4 cups of milk?

You have created equivalent ratios using pictures, tape diagrams, double number lines, and
scaling up or scaling down. Are there other strategies you can use to determine equivalent

LESSON 4: A Trip to the Moon • M2-57

C01_SE_M02_T01_L04.indd 57 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Getting Started

I’m Your Density

Population density is a ratio that compares people to square miles.
The graph shown gives the approximate population density of four
U.S. states in 2015.

1. Which of the states shown has the greatest population density?

Which state has the least population density? Explain what this
means in your own words.

= 200 people

= 1 square mile

North Carolina

New Jersey


2. What is the population density of your state or your city?

How does this compare with other states or cities?

M2-58 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L04.indd 58 1/12/19 8:15 PM


4.1 Introduction to Ratio Tables

Gravity is a natural force that attracts objects to each other. Gravity

is the pull toward the center of an object like the Earth, a planet, or
the Moon. Your weight on the Earth is the measure of the amount of
gravitational attraction exerted on you by the Earth. The Moon has a
weaker gravitational force than the Earth.

The ratio of weight on Earth : weight on the Moon is approximately

60 lb : 10 lb.

You can use ratio tables to show how two quantities are related.
Ratio tables are another way to organize information.


The table represents three equivalent ratios of weight on Earth (lb) :

weight on the Moon (lb). Think about how
the numbers in
The ratio of 60 lb on Earth : 10 lb on the Moon is given. the table relate
to each other.

Weight on Earth
60 30 90
Weight on the
10 5 15
Moon (lb)


LESSON 4: A Trip to the Moon • M2-59

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1. Verify that adding the two existing equivalent ratios 60 lb
on Earth : 10 lb on the Moon and 30 lb on Earth : 5 lb on the
Moon produces the equivalent ratio 90 lb on Earth : 15 lb on
the Moon by analyzing the quotient of each ratio.
What do you notice?

2. Can you show a different strategy to determine the ratio of

90 lb on Earth : 15 lb on the Moon?

3. Howard, Carla, Mitsu, and Ralph each determined the weight

of a 120-lb person on the Moon.

a. Compare Howard’s and Carla’s strategies.

I can scale 60 up to 120 by multiplying by 2, so then I
must also multiply 10 by 2 to get 20.

Weight on Earth
60 30 90 120
Weight on the
10 5 15 20
Moon (lb)


I also got the ratio of 120 lb on Earth : 20 lb on the
30 lb on Earth : 5 lb on the Moon

120 lb on Earth : 20 lb on the Moon

M2-60 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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b. Explain Mitsu’s reasoning. Then verify the ratio 120 lb on
Earth : 20 lb on the Moon is a correct equivalent ratio.

I used the weights for a 30-lb person and a 90-lb person
to obtain the weight of a 120-lb person.

Weight on Earth
60 30 90 120
Weight on the
10 5 15 20
Moon (lb)

So that means 120 lb on Earth : 20 lb on the Moon.

c. Explain why Ralph’s reasoning is not correct.

The difference between 90 and 120 is 30, so I just
added 30 to 15 and got 45. +30

Weight on Earth
90 120
Weight on the
15 45
Moon (lb)

I got the ratio of 120 lb on Earth : 45 lb on the Moon.

LESSON 4: A Trip to the Moon • M2-61

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4. Mitsu said, “I see another equivalent ratio when I look at the
way Carla showed her work.”

30 lb on Earth : 5 lb on the Moon

120 lb on Earth : 20 lb on the Moon
150 lb on Earth : 25 lb on the Moon

Is Mitsu correct? Explain her reasoning.

5. Use the table to show a different calculation for the ratio of

150 lb on Earth : 25 lb on the Moon. Explain your reasoning.

Weight on Earth
60 30 90 120 150
Weight on the
10 5 15 20 25
Moon (lb)

Using Equivalent Ratio
4.2 Tables

The 6th-grade pizza party is planned for tomorrow. Tracy is in

charge of ordering the pizza for 450 students. The pizza parlor said
two pizzas will serve 9 students. Tracy made a ratio table to help her
determine how many pizzas to order for 450 students.

1. Explain Tracy’s strategy and determine the number of pizzas

Pizzas 2 10

Students 9 45 450

M2-62 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L04.indd 62 1/12/19 8:15 PM

2. Complete the table to show the number of pizzas to order
given the number of students. Explain your calculations.

Pizzas 2 10

Students 9 45 450 135 270 225 900 1350

3. Use your table of values to answer each question.

Explain your calculations.
Think about
a. How many students will 12 pizzas feed? how to use
the ratio of
10 pizzas :
45 students
to help you
figure out the
other pizza
b. How many students will 20 pizzas feed?

c. How many students will 90 pizzas feed?

LESSON 4: A Trip to the Moon • M2-63

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Parts and Wholes in
4.3 Ratio Tables

Remember, the school colors at Riverview Middle School are a shade

of bluish green and white. The art teacher, Mr. Raith, needs to mix
different quantities of the green paint for several school projects.
It takes 3 parts blue paint to 2 parts yellow paint to create the bluish
green color. Carla needs 5 total pints of the bluish green paint, so
she used 3 pints of blue paint and 2 pints of yellow paint.

Mr. Raith thought that the art students needed a table to help
determine the correct amount of each color of paint for different
projects—both large and small.

1. Complete the table with the correct amounts.

Explain your reasoning.

Amount of Bluish Green

5 pints 15 pints
Paint Needed

Yellow Paint 2 pints 8 pints

Blue Paint 3 pints 12 pints 18 pints 1.5 pints

2. Examine Sally’s answer. Explain what is wrong with her


If I want 15 pints of bluish green paint, then I will need
to add 10 to the original 5 total parts of bluish green
to get 15. So, I should add 10 to each of the other
numbers too to get 12 pints of yellow and 13 pints
of blue.

M2-64 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

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Charlie said, “The table is helpful, but it cannot list every amount we
might need for every painting project. I think if we multiply __5
the total amount of bluish green paint we need, we can determine
the amount of yellow paint needed. If we multiply __ 5
times the
total amount of bluish green paint we need, we can determine the
amount of blue paint needed.”

3. What do you think about Charlie’s method? Is he correct or

incorrect? Explain your reasoning.

Charlene said, “I am thinking about this in a different way. The

amount of blue paint is always 1__
times as much as the amount of
yellow paint.”

4. Is she correct in her thinking? Explain your reasoning.

Clifford said, “My thinking is related to Charlene’s. The yellow paint

is __
of the blue paint.”

5. Is Clifford correct? Explain your reasoning.

6. How does Clifford’s thinking relate to Charlene’s thinking?

LESSON 4: A Trip to the Moon • M2-65

C01_SE_M02_T01_L04.indd 65 1/12/19 8:15 PM


Lollipop Recipe
Consider the recipe for making one batch of lollipops.

2 cups granulated sugar

cup light corn syrup
cup water
teaspoon flavoring oil

1. The table represents the ratio of ingredients used to make

lollipops. Complete the ratio table. Explain your calculations.

Number of Batches 1 2 5 10

Sugar (c)

Corn syrup (c)

Water (c)

Flavoring Oil (tsp)

2. For each number of batches, describe how you can use

addition to determine the amount of each ingredient needed.
a. 3 batches b. 7 batches

3. For each number of batches, describe how you can use

subtraction to determine the amount of each ingredient
a. 3 batches b. 7 batches

M2-66 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L04.indd 66 1/12/19 8:15 PM


Write Remember
Describe how addition can be You can use a table to represent, organize, and determine
used with ratio tables to create equivalent ratios. You can use addition and multiplication to create
equivalent ratios. Use examples equivalent ratios.
in your explanation.

Each table represents the ratio of yellow daffodils to white daffodils for different garden displays.
Complete each ratio table. Explain your calculations.
Yellow daffodils 9 36 45

White daffodils 15 90

Yellow daffodils 7 28

White daffodils 6 12 42

Yellow daffodils 32 16

White daffodils 48 6 12

Yellow daffodils 5 1 9

White daffodils 3 30

Yellow daffodils 105 84 21

White daffodils 20 60

Yellow daffodils 55 22 77

White daffodils 25 10 5

LESSON 4: A Trip to the Moon • M2-67

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Complete each double number line.

1. 0 $40 2. 0 $11

0 50% 0 20%

3. 0 245 4. 0 605

0 70% 0 100%

1. In tennis, an ace is a legal serve that cannot be returned and is not even touched by the opponent’s
racket. Cecelia has an excellent serve. Last week, Cecelia hit 7 aces in 2 matches.
a. If she plays 6 matches in the regional tournament, how many aces should she expect? Show your work.
b. If she plays 10 matches in the regional tournament, how many aces should she expect? Show
your work.

2. The winning time for the middle school 4-person 100-meter relay was 62.59 seconds. Suppose that each
runner ran exactly the same amount of time. What would the time be for each runner?

3. Spring Hill Park is on a rectangular piece of land that measures 0.75 mile by 1.25 miles. Draw and label a
rectangle to represent the park. Then determine the area of the park.

4. Determine each product.

a. 25 3 0.31
b. 7.05 3 3.72

M2-68 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L04.indd 68 1/12/19 8:15 PM

They’re 5
Graphs of Ratios


A tree grows at a constant rate of 3 feet • Plot ratios and equivalent ratios on a
per year. coordinate plane.
1. Write a ratio to represent the amount • Read equivalent ratios from graphs.
of growth in feet : the number of • Use ratio reasoning to determine
months. equivalent ratios from graphs.
• Recognize the graphical representation of
2. Create a double number line that
equivalent ratios.
describes the growth of the tree every
12 months over a 48-month period.
Key Term
0 • linear relationship

So far, you have used scaling up or scaling down, tables, tape diagrams, pictures, and
double number lines to determine equivalent ratios. How can you plot pairs of values on a
coordinate plane and determine equivalent ratios?

LESSON 5: They’re Growing! • M2-69

C01_SE_M02_T01_L05.indd 69 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Getting Started

Growing Rectangles
Consider a rectangle with a short side of length 2 units and a long
side of length 3 units.

• In the first table, add the indicated number of units to both the
long and short sides of the original rectangle.
• In the second table, multiply each original side length by the
given value.
• For each rectangle, determine the ratio of the long side length :
short side length.

Original 12 units 13 units 14 units

Long side 3

Short side 2

Ratio 3:2

Original 32 units 33 units 34 units

Long side 3

Short side 2

Ratio 3:2

M2-70 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L05.indd 70 1/12/19 8:15 PM

1. What do you notice about the ratios for rectangles formed by
adding to the sides of the rectangle?
Scale the
ratios down
in order to
compare them.

2. What do you notice about the ratios for rectangles formed by

multiplying the sides of the rectangle by a given value?

LESSON 5: They’re Growing! • M2-71

C01_SE_M02_T01_L05.indd 71 1/12/19 8:15 PM


5.1 Analyzing Rectangle Ratios

Analyze the rectangles at the end of the lesson.

You have 2 copies
of Rectangle A.
1. Cut out each rectangle and sort into at least two piles.
You need both for
Share your sorts and your criteria.
Question 6.

Ava’s Group 2. Determine the side lengths of each rectangle.

Short Long Ratio Label each rectangle with the length of its short side and the
length of its long side.
3. Ava grouped together Rectangles A, C, E, F, G, and J. What
C do you think was her reasoning?

4. Gabriel’s sort was similar to Ava’s but he included Rectangle
A with Rectangles B, D, H, I, and K. What do you think was his

Gabriel’s Group

Short Long Ratio

A 5. Complete the table for Ava’s Group and Gabriel’s Group.

Write the ratios in fractional form, comparing the length of
B the short side to the length of the long side. Compare the
ratios in each table. What do you notice?

M2-72 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L05.indd 72 1/12/19 8:15 PM

6. Stack each group of rectangles with the smallest rectangle on
top so that their longer sides are horizontal and their lower left
corners align. What do you notice?

a. Ava’s Group

b. Gabriel’s Group

7. Attach each set of stacked rectangles to the appropriate

coordinate grid, with the lower left corner of the rectangles
at the origin of the grid.

Ava’s Group
Short Side

Long Side

y Gabriel’s Group
Short Side

Long Side

LESSON 5: They’re Growing! • M2-73

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8. Label the coordinates of the upper right corner of each
rectangle. What do you notice about the coordinates in
relation to your ratio?

9. Draw a line through the labeled points on each graph. What

do you notice about which ordered pairs each line passes

Just as equivalent ratios can be represented using tables and double

When a set of number lines, they can also be represented on the coordinate plane.
points graphed on The ratio _x is plotted as the ordered pair (x, y). When you connect the
a coordinate plane points that represent the equivalent ratios, you form a straight line
forms a straight line, that passes through the origin, such as with Ava’s Group. In contrast,
a linear relationship non-equivalent ratios are those represented by points that do not
exists. create a straight line through the origin, like Gabriel’s Group.

M2-74 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L05.indd 74 1/12/19 8:15 PM


5.2 Graphing Equivalent Ratios

Let’s investigate how you can use a graph to determine other

equivalent ratios, and see how all the representations are connected.

Stephanie runs a website for a local sports team that gets 50 views
every hour. The table shows the ratio time : website views.

Website Views 50 100 150 200

Compare the
Time (hr) 1 2 3 4 labels on the
double number
line and the
The double number line shown represents the same data. labels on the
x- and y-axis.
0 50 100 150 200 What do you
views notice?

0 1 2 3 4

You can also represent equivalent ratios on a coordinate plane.

Number of Views
y of Stephanie’s Website

Website Views

100 2 hr : 100 views
50 1 hr : 50 views
0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (hr)

1. Label the remaining ratios on the graph.

LESSON 5: They’re Growing! • M2-75

C01_SE_M02_T01_L05.indd 75 1/12/19 8:15 PM

You have used
various strategies to Consider the question: How many views will Stephanie’s website
determine equivalent have in 6 hours?
You know 4 different equivalent ratios from the original graph.
• drawing pictures
The graph shows how to use the two ratios 2 hr : 100 views and
• tape diagrams
4 hr : 200 views to determine the equivalent ratio 6 hr : 300 views.
• scaling up or down
• ratio tables, and Number of Views
• double number y of Stephanie’s Website
lines. 400
300 6 hr : 300 views

Website Views
250 100 views
200 2 hr

0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Time (hr)

Stephanie’s website will have 300 views in 6 hours.

2. Describe how to determine how many views Stephanie’s

website will have in 7 hours given each representation.

a. using the graph

b. using the table

c. using the double number lines

M2-76 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L05.indd 76 1/12/19 8:15 PM

One way to analyze the relationship between equivalent ratios
displayed on a graph is to draw a line to connect the points. You can
also extend the line to make predictions of other equivalent ratios. So, you are
Sometimes, all of the points on the line make sense. Other times comparing
when you draw a line, not all the points on the line make sense. time and views
of a website.
3. Draw a line through all the points you plotted on your graph. Do fractional
Do all the points on the line you drew make sense in this values make
problem situation? Why or why not? sense?

4. How do all the representations—tables, double number lines

and graphs—show equivalent ratios? How are they similar?
Describe some of the advantages of each representation.

LESSON 5: They’re Growing! • M2-77

C01_SE_M02_T01_L05.indd 77 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Using Ratio Graphs
5.3 to Solve Problems

Augie burns 225 calories for every 30 minutes he rides his bike.

Calories Burned 1. Complete the table to chart the number of calories

y Bicycling
burned for different amounts of time. Then plot the
500 table of values on the graph.

400 Calories Burned

Calories Burned

300 Time (min) 30 10 60 50

200 2. Use your graph to answer each question.

100 a. How many minutes would Augie have to bike to

burn 150 calories?
0 x
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (min)

b. How many calories can he burn if he bikes for 25 minutes?

Drawing a
line may help
you see the

3. How was the graph helpful? Were there any limitations when
using the graph to determine values?

M2-78 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L05.indd 78 1/12/19 8:15 PM


To Graph or Not to Graph

Go back and examine all the graphs in this lesson.

1. What is similar about all of the graphs?

2. What is different about all the graphs?

3. Describe how you can use a line to analyze equivalent

ratios. What are the benefits and limitations of using a
graph to display and interpret ratios?

LESSON 5: They’re Growing! • M2-79

C01_SE_M02_T01_L05.indd 79 1/12/19 8:15 PM

4. Complete the graphic organizer to demonstrate your understanding of ratios.




x 0

M2-80 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L05.indd 80 1/12/19 8:15 PM



LESSON 5: They’re Growing! • M2-81

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C01_SE_M02_T01_L05.indd 82 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Write Remember
Compare the graph of a ratio Just as equivalent ratios can be represented using tables and
relationship with the graph double number lines, they can also be represented in the
of a relationship that is not coordinate plane. The ratio _x is plotted as the ordered pair (x, y).
represented by a ratio. How are
they similar and different? Use an When you connect the points that represent the equivalent ratios,
example to explain. you form a straight line that passes through the origin. In contrast,
non-equivalent ratios are those represented by points that cannot
be connected by a straight line through the origin.

Create a graph to represent the values shown in each ratio table.
1. 2.
Weight (pounds) 1 2 4 5 Time (hours) 1 3 5 7
Cost (dollars) 3 6 12 15 Distance (miles) 25 75 125 175

3. Time (minutes) 15 30 45 60 4.
Time (seconds) 1 10 15 20
Calories 80 160 240 320 Data (Mb) 10 100 150 200

5. 6.
Time (minutes) 15 30 45 60 Time (minutes) 1 5 6 10
Distance (miles) 1.5 3 4.5 6 Height (feet) 6 30 36 60

Stretch y

Create a scenario that could be represented by

the relationship on the given graph. Describe the 20
quantities, label the axes, and identify at least 4
equivalent ratios.

0 2 4 6 8 10

LESSON 5: They’re Growing! • M2-83

C01_SE_M02_T01_L05.indd 83 1/12/19 8:15 PM

1. Ellen loves to make her own clothes. With 45 yards of cloth, she can make 5 dresses. Create a double
number line to explain your reasoning for each question.
a. If Ellen has 72 yards of cloth, how many dresses can she make?
b. If Ellen is going to make a dress for herself, how many yards of cloth does she need?

2. A customer used a $10 bill to pay for a 39-cent candy bar. Simone returned 61 cents. What mistake did
Simone make? Explain how she should correct her mistake.

3. A grocery store is selling ground beef for $1.89 per pound. How much does it cost to buy 2.5 pounds?

4. Use estimation to place the decimal point in the correct position in each quotient.

a. 2.1)48.72 5 232 b. 8)204.8 5 256

M2-84 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L05.indd 84 1/12/19 8:15 PM

One Is Not 6
Using and Comparing Ratio


• Use graphs to compare ratios.
1. Use the double number line to create • Read and interpret ratios from graphs,
a ratio table. double number lines, and tables.
0 30 60 90 120
• Use ratio and rate reasoning and multiple
ratio models to solve problems.
• Compare representations of additive and
0 50 100 150 200
multiplicative relationships.

2. Create a scenario that fits the data

on the double number line and ratio
table. What ratio is associated with
your scenario?

You have used a variety of tools to determine equivalent ratios. How can you compare the
different representations as you solve ratio problems?

LESSON 6: One Is Not Enough • M2-85

C01_SE_M02_T01_L06.indd 85 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Getting Started

Just-Right Ratios
Yana’s dad is trying to make his own bread. But each time he tries,
the bread is either too dry because it has too much flour or too runny
because it has too much water.

Flour Water Dry /

(cups) (cups) Runny y

11 4 dry

3 5 runny

6 2 dry

10 9 runny

8 8 runny

10 4 dry

10 5 dry

12 9 runny

15 8 dry

5 4 runny x

1. Use Xs to graph each attempt that was too dry. Use Os to

graph attempts that were too runny.

2. Estimate a ratio that is “just right” and graph the ratio.

Explain your reasoning.

3. Compare your graph with your classmates’ graphs. Did you all
create the same graphs?

M2-86 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L06.indd 86 1/12/19 8:15 PM


6.1 Comparing Ratio Graphs

The adult ticket price for admission into the Rollerville Amusement y Admission Prices
Park is $15. The table and graph show the ratio number of adult
tickets : cost.
Adult Tickets 1 2 3 4 50

Cost ($)
Cost ($) 15 30 45 60 40
The Rollerville Amusement Park has different charges for 20
students and pre-school age children. Student tickets are 10
$10. Pre-school age children tickets are $5. 0 x
1 2 3 4 5
1. Complete each table. Tickets

Student Tickets 1 2 3 4
Cost ($)

Pre-School Tickets 1 2 3 4
Cost ($)

2. Plot each set of equivalent ratios on the graph. Use a n for

the student tickets : cost ratios and a for pre-school tickets :
cost ratios.

3. Draw three separate lines through the points that represent

each ratio. What do you notice?

4. Do all the points on the line you drew make sense in this
problem situation? Why or why not?

5. How can you tell by looking at the three lines which cost
to ticket ratio is the highest and the lowest?

LESSON 6: One Is Not Enough • M2-87

C01_SE_M02_T01_L06.indd 87 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Choosing a Strategy to
6.2 Solve Ratio Problems

You know different ways to think about ratios. So, you can use
different strategies to solve problems.

y 1. The graph shown represents the number of gallons

of water used for the number of times a toilet is

a. Write each point on the graph as the ratio of

gallons of water used : number of flushes.
Water (gallons)



b. What do you notice about each ratio?

5 10 x

c. How many gallons of water would be used if the toilet

How do you was flushed 8 times? Explain the method you used.
know this graph
ratios? d. How many times would the toilet be flushed to use
18 gallons of water? Explain the method you used.

e. Did you use the same method to answer each question? If

not, why?

M2-88 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L06.indd 88 1/12/19 8:15 PM

2. The graph shown represents the number of gallons of water
used for the number of loads of laundry washed.

a. Write each point on the graph as the ratio of y

gallons of water used : number of loads of


Water Used (gallons)


b. What do you notice about each ratio?



c. How many gallons of water would be used 5 10 x
for 7 loads of laundry? Explain the method Loads of Laundry
you used.

d. How many loads of laundry can be done if 45 gallons of

water are used? Explain the method you used.

e. Did you use the same method to answer each question? If

not, why?

LESSON 6: One Is Not Enough • M2-89

C01_SE_M02_T01_L06.indd 89 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Comparing Ratios with
6.3 Double Number Lines

Showerheads come in various styles and allow different rates of

water to flow. The ratio gallons of water : time is given for three
different showerhead models.

The first showerhead uses 20 gallons of water for every 5 minutes.

0 20

0 5

A second showerhead model uses 25 gallons of water for every

10 minutes.

0 25

0 10

A third showerhead model uses 8 gallons of water for every 5 minutes.

0 8

0 5

1. Which of the three showerheads used the least amount of

water per minute?

2. Explain your reasoning using double number lines.

M2-90 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L06.indd 90 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Additive and Multiplicative
6.4 Representations

Two different jogging situations are given on the next two pages,
along with a diagram showing the current relationship between the

1. At the end of the lesson, there are diagrams, equations,

graphs, and verbal statements that each match one of the
situations. Cut them out and tape them in their appropriate
location. Then explain why each representation describes
that relationship between the two joggers.
a. Choose the diagram that shows the relationship between
the joggers after 5 minutes.

b. Choose the equation that represents the relationship

between the two joggers.

c. Choose the graph that models the relationship between

the two joggers.

In a proportion, the
quantities composing
each part of the
ratio have the same
d. Choose the type of relationship that exists between the
multiplicative relationship
two joggers.
between them.
A multiplicative
relationship is also
known as a proportional

LESSON 6: One Is Not Enough • M2-91

C01_SE_M02_T01_L06.indd 91 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Two joggers are running at the same speed.
Diagram of the current position of the two joggers.

J1 J2

Diagram of the two joggers after 5 minutes.




Graph Explanation:

Verbal Statement


M2-92 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L06.indd 92 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Jogger 2 runs twice as fast as Jogger 1.
Diagram of the current position of the two joggers

J1 J2

Diagram of the two joggers after 5 minutes.




Graph Explanation:

Verbal Statement


LESSON 6: One Is Not Enough • M2-93

C01_SE_M02_T01_L06.indd 93 1/12/19 8:15 PM

In Goes the Kitchen Sink
You are given the ratio 6 red marbles : 9 blue marbles. For each
model in the graphic organizer, write two ratios equivalent to the
given ratio: one with numbers larger than the given and one with
numbers smaller than the given. Show how you can use each
model to determine the equivalent ratios.



6 red marbles :
9 blue marbles


M2-94 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L06.indd 94 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Cut Out for Activity 6.4

J1 J2

J1 J2

J 2 5 J 1 1 10 J2 5 2 J1

Distance Traveled by Jogger 2

Distance Traveled by Jogger 2

Distance Traveled by Jogger 1 Distance Traveled by Jogger 1

Ratio Relationship Additive Relationship

LESSON 6: One Is Not Enough • M2-95

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C01_SE_M02_T01_L06.indd 96 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Write Remember
Describe the advantages and disadvantages You can use a number of different models, like
of using double number lines, tape diagrams, graphs, tables, double number lines, and tape
equations, tables, and graphs to write, represent, diagrams to analyze ratios and ratio relationships
and compare ratios. and to solve problems.

1. Use a graph to answer each question.
a. Serena is driving to the mountains for a b. Cisco is exercising. The graph shows the ratio
summer camping trip. She is traveling at a calories burned : time for Cisco. How many
constant rate of 45 miles per hour. The graph calories did Cisco burn in 30 minutes?
shows the ratio time : distance. How far has
Serena traveled after 4 hours? Calories Burned Exercising
Distance Traveled by Serena
Calories Burned

Distance (miles)


0 x
15 30 45 60
Time (minutes)
0 x
2 4 6 8 10
Time (hours)

2. A recipe calls for 2 eggs for every 5 cups of milk. How many eggs were used if 20 cups of milk were used?
Draw a double number line to answer the question.

3. Alberto is in charge of making lunch at

a summer camp. He knows that 3 tuna Casseroles 1 3
casseroles will serve 15 campers. How many Campers 15 30 35
tuna casseroles should Alberto make to serve
35 campers?

LESSON 6: One Is Not Enough • M2-97

C01_SE_M02_T01_L06.indd 97 1/12/19 8:15 PM


Stretch Remember

Cups of lemon-lime concentrate

1. Assign_num_list
Four recipes for lemon-lime punch are represented Assign_para
Carlos’ recipe
2. Assign_num_list
on the graph shown. Which recipe has the strongest –6
Bobbi’s’ recipe
taste of lemon-lime? Which recipe has the weakest Assign_mid
–4 Adam’s recipe
taste of lemon-lime? Use the graph to explain
your answer. Zeb’s recipe

–0 x
2 4 6 8 10
Cups of club soda

Answer each question for the given figures.
1. Morgan
1. Assign_num_list 2. Assign_num_list
and her friends are testing their typing skills. Morgan took an online typing test to compare her
typing speed with her friends’ speeds. During the 2 minute test, she typed 144 words. Her friend, Elizabeth,
took a longer test; she typed 150 words in 3 minutes. Their other friend, Ruth, typed 65 words in 1 minute.
a. Create a ratio table to show each girl’s typing speed for 1 through 6 minutes.
b. Plot each set of equivalent ratios on a coordinate plane. Use × to denote Morgan’s typing speed, □ to
denote Elizabeth’s typing speed, and ★ to denote Ruth’s typing speed.
c. Draw three separate lines through the points that represent each ratio. What do you notice?
d. Who is the fastest typist? Who is the slowest typist? Explain how you can tell by looking at the three
lines on your graph.

2. Morgan uses her typing skills to write a research paper for her history class. When she hits “Print,” she
realizes that her printer is broken—for every 5 pages she attempts to print, the printer messes up 3 of
them! Create a ratio table to display the number of pages her printer would mess up. Then create a graph
3. for
your a baseofand
table corresponding
values. height
Be sure to label the axes and4.title
the graph.
3. Determine the surface area of each figure based on the measurements of its net.
a. b. 3.7 cm
4.5 cm

4.5 cm 3.7 cm 4.5 cm 3.7 cm

4.5 cm

5 cm
7.3 cm

4.5 cm

M2-98 • TOPIC 1: Ratios

C01_SE_M02_T01_L06.indd 98 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Ratios Summary
• additive reasoning • equivalent ratios • scaling up
• multiplicative reasoning • tape diagram • scaling down
• ratio • rate • double number line
• percent • proportion • linear relationship


1 It’s All Relative

Additive reasoning focuses on the use of addition and subtraction for comparisons.
Multiplicative reasoning focuses on the use of multiplication and division.

A ratio is a comparison of two quantities that uses division.

For example, an art teacher knows it takes 3 parts blue paint to every
2 parts yellow paint to create a certain shade of bluish green. This is Y Y
represented by the model shown.

A part-to-whole ratio compares a part of a A part-to-part ratio compares

whole to the total number of parts. individual quantities.
3 to 5 is a part-to-whole ratio comparing 2 to 3 is a part-to-part ratio comparing
blue parts to total parts. yellow parts to blue parts.

With a Colon With a Colon

3 blue parts : 5 total parts 2 yellow parts : 3 blue parts

In Fractional Form In Fractional Form

3 blue parts
__________ 2 yellow parts
5 total parts 3 blue parts


C01_SE_TS_M02_T01.indd 99 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Fractional form simply means writing the relationship in the form __
. Just because a ratio looks
like a fraction does not mean it represents a part-to-whole comparison. Only a part-to-whole
ratio is a fraction.

A percent is a part-to-whole ratio where the whole is equal to 100. The percent symbol “%”
means “per 100,” or “out of 100.”

35% means 35 out of 100.

35% as a fraction is ____
35% as a decimal is 0.35.
35% as a ratio is 35 to 100, or 35 : 100.


2 Going Strong

One ratio can be less than, greater than, or equal to another ratio.

For example, the shaded portion in each glass represents an amount

of lemonade. Suppose Jimmy and Jake have glasses of lemonade that
taste the same. If one teaspoon of lemonade mix is added to each glass,
Jake’s glass will now contain lemonade with a stronger lemon flavor. The Jimmy’s Glass Jake’s Glass
ratio of lemon mix to lemonade is greater in Jake’s glass because he had
less lemonade in the glass to begin with.

The cups represent different ratios of lemon-lime soda to

pineapple juice in two different punches.
Punch A Punch B

lemon-lime soda pineapple juice

The concentration of lemon-lime soda in Punch A is __ 6
. The concentration of lemon-lime soda
in Punch B is 5 . Punch B has a greater concentration of lemon-lime soda.

M2-100 • TOPIC 1: RATIOS

C01_SE_TS_M02_T01.indd 100 1/12/19 8:17 PM


3 Oh, Yes, I Am the Muffin Man

Equivalent ratios are ratios that represent the same part-to-part or part-to-whole
relationship. You can use a tape diagram to help determine equivalent ratios. A tape
diagram illustrates number relationships by using rectangles to represent ratio parts.

For example, the ratio of muffins in a variety pack is Blueberry

3 blueberry muffins : 2 pumpkin muffins : 1 bran muffin
and is represented by the tape diagram shown. Pumpkin

To determine how many of each type of muffin are in an 18-pack
of muffins, you need to maintain the same ratio. Since there are 6 Blueberry 3 3 3
muffins represented in the tape diagram, divide 18 by 6.
Pumpkin 3 3
Since 18 4 6 = 3, each rectangle will represent 3 muffins. The ratio
Bran 3
of muffins in an 18-pack will be 9 blueberry muffins :
6 pumpkin muffins : 3 bran muffins.

A rate is a ratio that compares two quantities that are measured in different units.

For example, Kaye can answer 4 problems correctly in five minutes.

4 problems correct
This rate can be written as _______________
5 minutes

When two ratios or rates are equivalent to each other, you can write them as a proportion.
A proportion is an equation that states that two ratios are equal. In a proportion, the
quantities composing each part of the ratio have the same multiplicative relationship
between them.

You can predict how many problems Kaye could

answer correctly in 20 minutes.
4 16
Kaye can probably answer 16 problems correctly in 5 20
20 minutes.


C01_SE_TS_M02_T01.indd 101 1/12/19 8:17 PM

When you change one ratio to an equivalent ratio with larger numbers, you are scaling up.
Scaling up means you multiply both parts of the ratio by the same factor greater than 1.
When you change a ratio to an equivalent ratio with smaller numbers, you are scaling down.
Scaling down means you divide both parts of the ratio by the same factor greater than one, or
multiply both parts of the ratio by the same factor less than one.

A double number line is a model that is made up of two number lines used together to represent
the ratio between two quantities. The intervals on each number line maintain the same ratio.

For example, the ratio $2.50 : 3 corn muffins is 0 2.50 5.00 7.50
Cost ($)
shown on the double number line. You can see
other equivalent ratios of cost : number of corn of corn
muffins by continuing to label each interval. muffins 0 3 6 9


4 A Trip to the Moon

You can use ratio tables to show how two quantities are related. Ratio tables are another way
to organize information.

You can use a table to represent, organize, and determine equivalent ratios. You can use
addition and multiplication to create equivalent ratios.

For example, the table shown represents three equivalent ratios of weight on Earth (lb) :
weight on the Moon (lb). The ratio of 60 lb on Earth : 10 lb on the Moon is given. One
equivalent ratio was determined by dividing the original ratio by 2. Another was determined
by adding two equivalent ratios.

Weight on Earth (lb) 60 30 90

Weight on the
10 5 15
Moon (lb)


M2-102 • TOPIC 1: RATIOS

C01_SE_TS_M02_T01.indd 102 1/12/19 8:17 PM


5 They’re Growing!

Equivalent ratios can also be represented on the coordinate plane. The ratio _x is plotted as
the ordered pair (x, y). When you connect the points that represent equivalent ratios, you
form a straight line that passes through the origin. In contrast, non-equivalent ratios are those
represented by points that do not create by a straight line through the origin. When a set of
points graphed on a coordinate plane forms a straight line, a linear relationship exists.

For example, the table charts the number of calories Valerie burns for different amounts of time.

Calories Burned 240 80 480 400

Time (mins) 30 10 60 50

The values are plotted on the graph.

Calories Burned
y Bicycling


Calories Burned




0 x
10 20 30 40 50 60
Time (min)

The graph shows that Valerie would burn 200 calories after bicycling for 25 minutes and that it
would take between 35 and 40 minutes of bicycling for her to burn 300 calories.


C01_SE_TS_M02_T01.indd 103 1/12/19 8:17 PM


6 One Is Not Enough

You can use a number of different models, like graphs, tables, double number lines, and tape
diagrams to analyze ratios and ratio relationships and to solve problems.

For example, by comparing the graphed lines that represent each ratio of number of tickets:
cost, you can tell that the cost to ticket rate is the greatest for adults because it has the
steepest line. Likewise, the cost to ticket rate is the lowest for the pre-schoolers because it
has the least steep line.

y Admission Prices

Cost ($)

Pre-School Age
0 x
1 2 3 4 5

M2-104 • TOPIC 1: RATIOS

C01_SE_TS_M02_T01.indd 104 1/12/19 8:17 PM



This image can represent the 75-day development of a carrot in 15-day increments. Each stage represents ___
75 , or 20%,
of the carrot’s growth.

Lesson 1
We Are Family
Percent, Fraction, and Decimal Equivalence . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M2-109

Lesson 2
Warming the Bench
Using Estimation and Benchmark Percents . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M2-123

Lesson 3
The Forest for the Trees
Determining the Part and the Whole in Percent Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M2-137

C01_SE_M02_T02_INTRO.indd 105 1/12/19 8:15 PM

C01_SE_M02_T02_INTRO.indd 106 1/12/19 8:15 PM
Carnegie Learning Family Guide Course 1
Module 2: Relating Quantities
TOPIC 2: PERCENTS Where have we been?
In this topic, students transition from
Students have used the relationship
thinking about ratio relationships in
between decimals and fractions to write
general to focusing on a special ratio
decimals as fractions, and they have used
relationship: percent. Students learn
benchmark fractions and decimals to
that a percent can be defined multiple
understand ordering of numbers. This topic
ways: as a ratio; as a decimal to the
provides students with similar experiences
hundredths place; and as a part-to-
using this new representation: percents.
whole relationship in which the whole
Because percent is a special ratio, students
is 100. Students use their knowledge
continue to use the strategies and
of fractions and decimals and their
reasoning developed in the prior topic to
intuitive understanding of percents to
solve percent problems.
write and compare rational numbers
written in these three different forms.
Where are we going?
They complete number lines of
Percents are very useful, not only in
common fractions, decimals, percent
mathematics, but in everyday life and work.
equivalences, connecting to prior work
In grade 7, students will use the foundation
with benchmark fractions and decimals.
they establish here to solve more advanced
Throughout this topic, students continue
percent problems, including problems
to develop their fluency with whole
involving discounts, tax, interest, percent
numbers, fractions, decimals, area,
increase or decrease, and tips.
and volume in the context of solving
mathematical and real-world problems.

Using a Hundredths Grid to Represent a Percent

A hundredths grid is a 10 by 10 grid of squares, which are shaded
to show different percents. Hundredths grids emphasize that
percents are ratios of amounts to 100. When the entire grid is
shaded, it represents 1 whole, or 100%.


TOPIC 2: Family Guide • M2-107

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Myth: Students only use 10% of their brains.
Hollywood is in love with the idea that humans only use a small portion of their
brains. This notion formed the basis of the movies Lucy (2014) and Limitless (2011).
Both films ask the audience: Imagine what you could accomplish if you could use
100% of your brain!

Well, this isn’t Hollywood, and you’re stuck with an ordinary brain. The good news is that
you do use 100% of your brain. As you look around the room, your visual cortex is busy
assembling images; your motor cortex is busy moving your neck; and all of the associative
areas recognize the objects that you see. Meanwhile, the corpus callosum, which is a thick
band of neurons that connect the two hemispheres, ensures that all of this information is kept
coordinated. Moreover, the brain does this automatically, which frees up space to ponder
deep, abstract concepts like mathematics!


Talking Points Key Term

A common error that students make when benchmark percents
working with part-to-whole ratios (like A benchmark percent is a percent that is
percents and fractions) is to forget about commonly used, such as 1%, 5%, 10%,
the whole. Look for ways to remind your 25%, 50%, and 100%.
student about this common mistake.

For example, this model shows 24 shaded

squares. Students might say that 24% is

But the whole is not 100, it’s 40. So, ___ ,
or 60%, is shaded. Also, more than half is
shaded, so it has to be more than 50%.

M2-108 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_FG_M02_T02.indd 108 1/12/19 8:13 PM

We Are 1
Percent, Fraction, and Decimal


Rewrite each fraction as an • Write equivalent fractions, decimals, and percents.
equivalent fraction with a • Model percents as rates per 100 on a hundredths grid.
denominator of 100. • Explain the similarities and differences among percents,
fractions, and decimals.
1. ___

2. __

3. ___

4. __

You have learned that percents are special types of ratios. How are percents like another
special type of ratio—fractions? You also know that fractions can be written as decimals.
How are percents like decimals?

LESSON 1: We Are Family! • M2-109

C01_SE_M02_T02_L01.indd 109 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Getting Started

They’re All Part of the Same Family

Percents are everywhere! Write one or two sentences to explain the
meaning of each statement.

1. Big Sale! 25% discount on all regularly priced items.

2. There is a 60 percent chance of snow tomorrow.

Where else
do you see
used in the
real world?
3. The star of the high school basketball team makes 80 percent
of her free throws.

4. I scored an 80% on the 20-question test.

M2-110 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L01.indd 110 1/12/19 8:15 PM


1.1 Determining Equivalences

The sixth grade class is planning a field trip to Philadelphia.

To decide which historical site they will visit, the 100 sixth-graders
completed a survey.
1. The results of the survey are provided in the table. Complete
the Ratio, Fraction, Decimal, and Grid columns with these
representations of the survey results:

• a ratio using colon notation

• a fraction in lowest terms
• a decimal
• a shaded grid
• an equivalent percent

LESSON 1: We Are Family! • M2-111

C01_SE_M02_T02_L01.indd 111 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Ratio Fraction Decimal Grid Percent

Which excursion would you like to take while in Philadelphia?

35 of the students
chose the Liberty

22 of the
students chose

30 of the students
chose the National

13 of the students
chose the Betsy
Ross House.

0 of the students
chose Reading
Terminal Market.

Are you planning on going on the trip?

100 of the
responded Yes.

M2-112 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L01.indd 112 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Recall that a percent can be a special part-to-whole ratio with a whole
of 100. You can also think of a percent as a fraction in which the
denominator is 100.

Percents, fractions, and decimals can be used interchangeably.

WORKED EXAMPLE The percent symbol

15 3
You can write 15 out of 100 as the fraction ____
or ___
. “%” means “per 100”
or “out of 100.”
Written as a decimal, 15 out of 100 is 0.15.

Because percent means “out of 100,” 15 out of 100 can also be

written as 15%.

2. Express each of the ratios in the survey as a percent in the last

column of the table.

3. Write a summary of the results of the student survey

using percents.

4. Look at the percents and the decimals you wrote for

Question 1 to determine a pattern. Use this pattern to
describe how you can write any percent as a decimal.

LESSON 1: We Are Family! • M2-113

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5. Write each percent as a decimal.

a. 80% b. 3%
Remember, a
percent tells
you how many
hundredths. c. 12.5% d. 125%

6. Write each decimal as a percent.

a. 0.4 b. 0.07

c. 0.7381 d. 1.52

Use the
scaling up
method if the When the denominator is a factor of 100, scale up the fraction to
denominator write it as a percent. When the denominator is not a factor of 100,
is a factor of you can divide the numerator by the denominator to write the
100. fraction as a decimal, which you can then write as a percent.

7. Write each fraction as a percent. Round your answer to the

nearest tenth of a percent.
4 3
a. __ b. ___
5 10

3 3
c. __ d. __
8 2

M2-114 • TOPIC 2: Percents

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8. Label each mark on the number line with a fraction, decimal,
and percent. Make sure your fractions are in lowest terms.

0 1


Fraction 0 3 1

Decimal 0.0 0.66 1.0

Percent 0% 100%

0 1

1 7
– –
Fraction 0 2 8 1

Decimal 0.0 0.125 0.625 0.75 1.0

Percent 0% 25% 37.5% 100%

0 1

—1 2 —7

Fraction 0 10 5 10 1

Decimal 0.0 0.2 0.5 0.9 1.0

Percent 0% 30% 60% 80% 100%

LESSON 1: We Are Family! • M2-115

C01_SE_M02_T02_L01.indd 115 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Reasoning with Ratio and
1.2 Percent

On Saturday, Melanie won 3 out of 4 of her tennis matches at the

Redstone Tournament. On Sunday, she won 1 out of 4 of her matches
at the Mesa Tennis Tournament.

Each student summarized Melanie's record over the weekend.

Remember, you
can write both
part-to-part and
Melanie won 100% of her matches!
part-to-whole ratios
__ 1 4
in fractional form and + __ = __ = 1
4 4 4
in colon notation.

Labeling ratios with

units is important.
Melanie won 50% of her matches!
3 matches won
___________________ 1 match won
4 matches played on Sat
+ ____________________
4 matches played on Sun
4 matches won
= __________________
8 total matches played

Melanie won 4 out of 8 matches played.

3 matches won : 4 matches played on Saturday

1 match won : 4 matches played on Sunday

4 matches won : 8 total matches played

1. What is wrong with Patrick’s reasoning?

2. How did Laura make her reasoning explicit?

M2-116 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L01.indd 116 1/12/19 8:15 PM

3. What is the same about Laura’s and Jonathon’s reasoning?
What is different? NOTES

4. Why do Laura's and Jonathon answers make sense?

Matching Percents,
1.3 Fractions, and Decimals

It’s time to play The Percentage Match Game. In this game, you will
use your knowledge of percents, fractions, and decimals.

Rules of the Game:

• For this 2-person game, 1 person needs to cut out the cards
located at the end of the lesson.

• Lay out all the cards facedown.

• The first player chooses any card. That player then turns over
another card to see if it is an equivalent match. If the value on
the two cards are equivalent, then the match is put into the
player’s pile. The first player then picks again and repeats the
process until a match is not found.

• If the first player does not have an equivalent match, turn the
cards back over. It is the second player’s turn. The same process
for picking and matching cards described is now followed by the
second player.

• Continue taking turns until all possible matches are made.

• The player with the greater number of correct equivalent

matches wins the game.

LESSON 1: We Are Family! • M2-117

C01_SE_M02_T02_L01.indd 117 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Family Resemblances
Percents, fractions, and decimals can be used interchangeably.
The chart shows some common equivalent fractions, decimals,
and percents.

Common Equivalent Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

__ 1
__ 1
__ 2
__ 1
__ 3
__ 2
__ 3
__ 4
5 4 3 5 2 5 3 4 5
__ __
Decimal 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.75 0.8

1 2
Percent 20% 25% 33__% 40% 50% 60% 66__% 75% 80%
3 3

1. How are percents similar to decimals? How are percents

and decimals different?

2. How are percents similar to fractions? How are percents

and fractions different?

3. How are percents similar to ratios? How are percents and

ratios different?

M2-118 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L01.indd 118 1/12/19 8:15 PM

__ 3
___ 6
___ 30%
5 10 10

0.6 1
__ 60% 33%

__ 2
__ 12.5%

8 6

___ 1
__ 1% 50%
10 2

0.1 2
__ 10%

66.6 %

__ 3
__ 2
___ 6
5 4 10 8

__ 0.75 2
__ 75%
4 8

C01_SE_M02_T02_L01.indd 119 1/12/19 8:15 PM

C01_SE_M02_T02_L01.indd 120 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Write Remember
Define percent in your own Percent can be used to represent a part-to-whole relationship with
words. Then describe how to a whole of 100. The symbol % means “out of 100.”
write fractions and decimals as

1. Label each mark on the number line with a fraction, decimal, and percent. Make sure your
fractions are in lowest terms.

0 1
1 3
Fraction 0 1
5 5

Decimal 0.0 0.4 1.0

Percent 0% 80% 100%

2. The table shows the portion of sixth graders at your school who have a particular number of siblings.
Complete the table by representing each portion as a part-to-whole ratio, a fraction, a decimal,
and a percent. Make sure your ratios and fractions are in lowest terms.

Number of Siblings Ratio Fraction Decimal Percent

0 3

1 20%

2 3:8

3 0.24

4 or more

LESSON 1: We Are Family! • M2-121

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Write each percent as a fraction and as a decimal. Explain your strategy.

1. 117% 2. 1048%
3. 0.15% 4. 0.0593%

1. Ellen loves to make her own clothes. With 45 yards of cloth, she can make 5 dresses. To accessorize her
new dresses, Ellen decides to order textured stockings from an online store. The graph shows the costs of
orders of stockings.

y Cost of Stockings



Total Cost ($)





0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Number of Pairs of Stockings

a. If Ellen has 18 yards of cloth, how many dresses can she make? Create a double number line to show
your answer.
b. If Ellen wants to make dresses for 6 cousins, how many yards of cloth does she need? Create a double
number line to show your answer.
c. Write each point on the graph as a ratio of number of pairs of stockings : total cost of the order.
d. How much would an order of 8 pairs of stockings cost? Explain the method you used.

2. Use the standard algorithm to determine each quotient.

a. 885 4 6 b. 9218 4 330

M2-122 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L01.indd 122 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Warming 2
the Bench
Using Estimation and Benchmark Percents


Compute each product. • Order fractions, decimals, and percents.
• Estimate the percent of a quantity shaded in a model.
1 3 350
1. ___
10 • Use benchmark percents to calculate common percents
1 3 350 of quantities.
2. ____
100 • Estimate percents using benchmarks.
1 3 670
3. ___
1 3 670
4. ____ • benchmark percents

You have used reasoning to calculate areas, volumes, decimal and fractional values, and
equivalent ratios. How can reasoning be used to solve percent problems?

LESSON 2: Warming the Bench • M2-123

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Getting Started

Putting It All in Perspective

In your opinion, what does each famous quotation or saying
really mean?

1. “Genius is one percent inspiration and ninety-nine percent

-Thomas Edison

2. “Success is 99 percent failure.”

-Soichiro Honda

3. “You miss 100 percent of the shots you never take.”

-Wayne Gretzky

4. "Always give 110%. It's the extra 10% that everyone

-Frank Sonnenberg

M2-124 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L02.indd 124 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Ordering Fractions,
2.1 Decimals, and Percents

Each student has been given a note card that contains a number
Think about all of
expressed as a fraction, decimal, or percent.
the different ways to
express your number.
As a class, order the set of numbers from least to greatest.

1. Explain the strategies used by your class to order the numbers.

Noah and Dylan were assigned the numbers 0.0¯ 6 and 0.1% but
they disagreed on which was larger. Noah says that 0.0¯ 6 is less
than 0.1, so 0.06 is less than 0.1%. Dylan says that since 0.1%
is the same as as 0.001 and 0.001 is less than 0.0¯6, 0.1% is less
than 0.06.

2. Who is correct? Explain your reasoning.

3. Order the numbers from least to greatest.

1 , ___
0.99, __ 3 , 70%, 4.3%, 0.81, 0.64
17 , 95%, 25%, __
9 20 8

LESSON 2: Warming the Bench • M2-125

C01_SE_M02_T02_L02.indd 125 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Estimating Percents from
2.2 Pictures

You know that 100% means one, or the whole, and 50% means half.
You can estimate a lot of percents when using a visual model.

A laptop computer uses an icon of a battery on the toolbar to show

how much power is left in the battery. When you glance at the icon,
you can get a good estimate of how much battery life remains before
you need to recharge the battery.

1. Estimate how much battery power remains by writing the

percent under each battery icon.

a. b. c.

Are your
the same
as your
partner's? d. e. f.

2. Estimate the shaded part of each circle shown, and write it as

a percent.

a. b. c.

M2-126 • TOPIC 2: Percents

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d. e. f.

3. Estimate the shaded part of each model, and write it as

a fraction, a decimal, and a percent. Write the fraction in
lowest terms.

a. b.

c. d.

Can I determine
the percent
shown if the
shading isn't all
together and the
parts are not all
e. f. the same size?

4. Describe the strategies that you used to make

your estimations.

LESSON 2: Warming the Bench • M2-127

C01_SE_M02_T02_L02.indd 127 1/12/19 8:15 PM


2.3 Benchmark Percents

A benchmark percent is a percent that is commonly used, such as

1%, 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, and 100%. With fractions and decimals,
benchmarks can be used to make estimations. With percents,
however, you can use benchmarks to calculate any whole percent
of a number.


50% 50%

25% 25% 25% 25%

you worked 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
with the
fractions of 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10% 10%
1, and 1.
0, 2

1. Use the tape diagram to state each relationship.

a. How is 50% related to 100%?

b. How is 25% related to 100%? How is 25% related to 50%?

c. How is 10% related to 100%? How is 10% related to 50%?

M2-128 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L02.indd 128 1/12/19 8:15 PM

2. Continue the pattern from the tape diagram to state
Remember that
each relationship.
1% = 0.01.
a. How is 5% related to 10%?

b. How is 1% related to 10%? How is 1% related to 5%?

3. Use the benchmark percents to determine each value

if 600 is 100%.

a. 50% b. 25%

c. 10% d. 5% e. 1%

LESSON 2: Warming the Bench • M2-129

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4. Use your calculator to determine the percent of each number.

a. 1% of 28 5 b. 10% of 28 5

c. 1% of 234 5 d. 10% of 234 5

e. 1% of 0.85 5 f. 10% of 0.85 5

g. 1% of 5.86 5 h. 10% of 5.86 5

i. 1% of 98.72 5 j. 10% of 98.72 5

k. 1% of 1085.2 5 l. 10% of 1085.2 5

M2-130 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L02.indd 130 1/12/19 8:15 PM

5. What patterns do you notice in your answers in Question 4?

6. Write a rule to calculate 1% of any number.

7. Write a rule to calculate 10% of any number.

8. Use the patterns you recognized in Question 4 to calculate

each value.

a. 10% of 45.21 b. 1% of 45.21

c. 10% of 0.72 d. 1% of 0.72

e. 10% of 2854 f. 1% of 2854

LESSON 2: Warming the Bench • M2-131

C01_SE_M02_T02_L02.indd 131 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Determining Percents using
2.4 Benchmarks

Deciding how much tip to leave a server at a restaurant is one way

that percents are used in the real world.

Akuro eats at the Eat and Talk Restaurant and decides to leave a 15%
tip. Akuro says, “I can easily calculate 10% of any number, and then
calculate half of that, which is equal to 5%. I can then add those two
percent values together to get a sum of 15%.”

1. Is Akuro’s method reasonable?

2. How much should he leave for a tip of 15% on $16.00?

3. What is 15% of each restaurant check total given? Explain

how you calculated your answer. Round to the nearest
hundredth if necessary.

a. $24.00 b. $32.56 c. $47.00

You can determine any whole percent of a number by using 10%, 5%,
and 1%.

4. How can you use 10%, 5%, and/or 1% to determine each

percent given? Explain your reasoning.

a. 18% b. 25% c. 37%

M2-132 • TOPIC 2: Percents

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5. Calculate each value using 1%, 5%, and 10%.

a. 27% of 84 b. 43% of 116

c. 98% of 389 d. 77% of 1400

e. 12% of 1248

6. About 12% of the United States population is left-handed.

Use this estimate to determine about how many left-handed
students there would be for each class of the given size.

a. 150 students
So, if 12 percent
of the U.S.
population is
b. 200 students what percent of
the population is
right-handed or
c. 375 students

LESSON 2: Warming the Bench • M2-133

C01_SE_M02_T02_L02.indd 133 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Brain Weights
A chimpanzee’s brain weight can be compared to the brain
weight of other mammals. Assume that the weight of an average
chimpanzee’s brain is 400 grams. The table provides the average
brain weight of various mammals as a percent of a chimp’s
brain weight.

Lion Sheep Cat Rabbit Human Bear

Weight as a
60% 35% 7% 2.5% 350% 119%
of a Chimp’s
Brain Weight
Brain Weight

1. Order from least to greatest the brain weights of the

mammals in the table, along with the chimpanzee, based
on percents.

2. Use benchmarks to determine the average brain weights

for each animal. Show all of your work.

3. Does the order of the percents match the order of the

brain weights? Why or why not?

M2-134 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L02.indd 134 1/12/19 8:15 PM


Write Remember
Explain how to use benchmark Benchmarks percents—1%, 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%, and 100%—can
percents to order and estimate be used to perform mental estimation and calculation of percents.
the value of other percents. Values of benchmark percents can be added and subtracted to
calculate the value of other percents.

The students at Penncrest Middle School sold various products for a fall fundraiser. The table shows the
percent of profit the school earned and the total amount sold for each type of product.

Product Percent Profit Amount Sold

Candy 65% $6400

Wrapping paper 40% $1200

Stationery 50% $900

Calendars 25% $3120

1. Use benchmark percents to calculate the amount of profit the school earned on the sale of each product.
a. Candy
b. Wrapping paper
c. Stationary
d. Calendars

2. Suppose that the students also sold $4500 worth of pens and pencils, which earned a 42% profit.
Calculate the profit the school earned on pens and pencils.

LESSON 2: Warming the Bench • M2-135

C01_SE_M02_T02_L02.indd 135 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Assume the weight of an average chimpanzee’s brain is 400 grams. If the average hedgehog’s brain
weight is 0.8% of a chimp’s brain weight, use benchmark percents to determine the average weight of a
hedgehog’s brain.

1. Complete the table. Write each as a fraction, decimal, and percent.

Fraction Decimal Percent





2. Miss Jenn is the teacher of a preschool class at Kids Unlimited Daycare. She must split the children’s time
between playing and learning. For every 30 minutes, the children will spend 18 minutes playing and
12 minutes learning. Complete the table of equivalent ratios.

Total amount of time 30 90

Playing time 18 144

Learning time 12 48

3. Use the standard algorithm to determine each quotient.

a. 8302 4 28 b. 39.13 4 4.3

M2-136 • TOPIC
A Trip to the Moon

C01_SE_M02_T02_L02.indd 136 1/12/19 8:15 PM

The Forest 3
for the Trees
Determining the Part and the Whole in
Percent Problems


Complete each equivalent • Use ratio and rate reasoning to solve percent problems
fraction. involving determining the part, the percent, and
the whole.
6 • Solve percent problems involving determining the part,
1. __ 5 _____
8 12 given the whole and the percent.
• Use ratio reasoning to estimate the value of the whole in
15 percent problems.
2. _____ 5 ___ • Solve percent problems involving determining the whole.
16 40

3. ___ 5 _____
15 10

You have learned how to use benchmarks to determine the percent of a number, but what
if you only know the part and the percent? How can you use your knowledge of percents to
determine the whole amount?

LESSON 3: The Forest for the Trees • M2-137

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 137 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Getting Started

The Big Picture

When you study problems in terms of ratios, like percents, it is
important to think about the whole as well as the parts. The whole
is not always 100 or 1. And if the whole changes, this changes
the percent!

1. Consider the picture of triangles.

a. If the picture shown is 100% of the triangles, draw 50% of

the triangles.

b. If the picture shown is 30% of the triangles, draw 100% of

the triangles.

2. The given rectangle represents 25% of the whole figure.

a. Draw a rectangle that represents 50% of the whole figure.

M2-138 • TOPIC 2: Percents

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b. Draw a rectangle that represents 75% of the whole figure.

c. Draw a rectangle that represents 100% of the whole figure.

3. The figure shown represents 75% of the whole figure.

a. Draw 25% of the figure.

b. Draw 100% of the figure.

LESSON 3: The Forest for the Trees • M2-139

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 139 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Calculating a Percent
3.1 of a Quantity

Mr. Goodwin, the sixth grade math teacher, asked the class to
determine 25% of 44. Five different student responses are shown.

Since 25% of 44 means multiplying __
100 times the
quantity, I used the fraction method.
____ 1
= _.
100 4
Then, I multiply _ • 44 = 11.

I like decimals much better than fractions.
25 = 0.25
0.25 • 44 = 11

25% is easy to do in my head. 50% of 44 is 22.
1 1
25% is _ _
2 of 50%, so 25% of 44 is 2 of 22, which is equal to 11.

Since 25 is the same as _
, I just divided by four.
44 ÷ 4 = 11

I prefer to use the benchmarks of 10% and 5%.
10% of 44 = 4.4.
20% is 2 . 10% = 2 . 4.4 = 8.8.
5% is half of 10% = 2.2.
Therefore, 20% + 5% = 8.8 + 2.2 = 11.0

M2-140 • TOPIC 2: Percents

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1. Discuss each student method used.
A more efficient
method is one that
a. When is Kendra’s method most efficient to use?
requires fewer steps
or simpler steps to
determine an answer.

b. When is Hank’s method most efficient to use?

c. When is Ryan’s method most efficient to use?

d. When is Simon’s method most efficient to use?

e. When is Pamela’s method most efficient to use?

LESSON 3: The Forest for the Trees • M2-141

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 141 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Ellen said, “All the methods are correct, and everyone got the correct
NOTES answer, but what if Mr. Goodwin gave us the problem 32% of 732?”

• Kendra said, “My fraction method is not as easy this time.”

32 ____
____ 5856
732 _____
? 5 5 234.24
100 1 25

• Hank said,
“32% 5 0.32
0.32 ? 732 5 234.24
My method is not any more difficult this time.”

• Ryan said, “I can still estimate . . . , but my answer will be close, not
1 1
exact. 32% is close to __3
and __
of 732 is 244.”

• Simon said, “I don’t have an easy fraction to use for 32%, so my

method works only for certain percents.”

• Pamela said, “I can still use my method.”

32% 5 10% 1 10% 1 10% 1 1% 1 1%
10% of 732 5 73.2 1% of 732 5 7.32
73.2(3) 5 219.6 7.32(2) 5 14.64
219.6 1 14.64 5 234.24

2. Which method do you prefer with this particular percent of a

quantity problem? Explain your thinking.

3. Determine the percent of each quantity.

a. 7% of 80 b. 15% of 55

c. 12% of 320 d. 8% of 300

M2-142 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 142 1/12/19 8:15 PM

e. 75% of 240 f. 37% of 120

g. 150% of 27 h. 12.5% of 64

Determining the Whole with
3.2 a Double Number Line

Karla is in charge of designing a way to keep a running total of the

money raised by her homeroom for the Food Bank project. As of
today, her homeroom has raised $240, which is 60% of their goal.


Karla decided to use a double number line to record the money

raised and the percent of the goal raised.
0 $40 $240
Money Raised ($)

Percent of Goal
0 10% 60% 100%

The bottom number line represents the percent of the

homeroom goal. The top number line represents the amount
of money raised.

Karla’s homeroom has raised $240, which is 60% of the goal.

LESSON 3: The Forest for the Trees • M2-143

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 143 1/12/19 8:15 PM

1. How did Karla determine the value that corresponds to 10%?

2. If $240 is 60% of the homeroom goal, what is 100% of the

goal? Explain how you determined the answer.

3. Which way of reporting is more informative: the amount of

money raised, or the percent of money raised? Explain your

4. Complete each double number line to represent the goals of

the other sixth grade homerooms using the information from
the table. Write the equivalent dollar amount for each percent

Homeroom 6A 6B 6C 6D 6E 6F

60% of Goal 240 144 288 168

100% of Goal 400 360 120

M2-144 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 144 1/12/19 8:15 PM

a. Homeroom 6B

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

b. Homeroom 6C

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

c. Homeroom 6D

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

d. Homeroom 6E

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

e. Homeroom 6F

0% 10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100%

LESSON 3: The Forest for the Trees • M2-145

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 145 1/12/19 8:15 PM


3.3 Wholes in Proportions

You can use proportions to determine the whole in percent



Carlos is told that 65% of the students, or 78 students, prefer

pizza for lunch according to a recent survey. He wants to know
how many students were surveyed. He drew the model shown
to visualize the problem.

part whole
0 78 ?

0% 65% 100%

He then wrote the proportion and determined that 120

students were surveyed.
Notice that 65 and
100 have a common part 78 65
______ __
= ____
factor of 5. whole ? 100
When analyzing a 45 36
ratio, always look for {___
{ 78
13 __
what the numerator {20{
= =
and denominator
have in common. 45 36
___ 65
= ___
120 100

1. How did Carlos determine the total number? Explain Carlos’


M2-146 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 146 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Instead of scaling down and then scaling up, it is more
efficient to scale up from the start. I can use the
structure of this proportion to determine the scale
Since 78 ÷ 65 5 1.2, I can scale up in one step by
multiplying by 1.2.
__ 65
{ 5 ___

100 3 1.2 5 120
___ 65
120 5 100

2. Use Oscar’s method to determine the unknown value.

____ 126
5 ____

3. Determine the whole in each situation. Explain your reasoning.

a. The best player on your school basketball team makes 60%

of her free throws. If she scored 90 points in a season on
free throws, which are worth one point each, how many free
throws did she attempt?

b. You got a quiz back and your teacher wrote 116, and 80% at
the top. How many points was the quiz worth?

LESSON 3: The Forest for the Trees • M2-147

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 147 1/12/19 8:15 PM

c. Sandy made a 30% deposit on the purchase of a computer.
She gave the clerk $168. What is the price of the computer?

d. Your friends ate at a restaurant and left a $2.40 tip. They left
a 15% tip. What was the cost of their bill before the tip?


3.4 Wholes in Problems

An accountant is reviewing a store’s financial statements. But some

of the information is missing. All of the employee names, their bonus
percent, and bonus amounts should be listed in the table.

Employee Name Bonus Bonus Total Sales

Percent Amount
Kiesha 18% $540
Tonya 21% $3657.14
Ruth 15% $650
Mario 10% $3250
Joseph 23% $678

1. Help the accountant by determining each employee’s bonus

amount or total sales. Complete the table and show your work.

M2-148 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 148 1/12/19 8:15 PM

2. Gareth liked Hank’s method for calculating percents of a
number and thought it would work for calculating the whole.
He said that if you can multiply to determine the part of a
whole, maybe you can divide to determine the whole when you
know only the part.

He gave this example:

Percent Whole Part Unknown Value

20% of $1500 is 0.2 3 1500

20% of is $300 300 4 0.2

Is Gareth correct? Does this always work? Explain your thinking.

3. Determine each value.

a. 15 is 25% of what number? b. 15 is 30% of what number?

c. 45 is 75% of what number? d. 16 is 20% of what number?

e. 36 is 40% of what number? f. 6 is 15% of what number?

g. 27 is 30% of what number?

LESSON 3: The Forest for the Trees • M2-149

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 149 1/12/19 8:15 PM

4. A department store recently had a big sale where the prices of
items were marked 25% off of the regular price. Now that the
25% OFF the sale is over, Tremain needs to mark each of the items back up
regular price to its original price. The items and their sale prices are listed in
means 75% the table. Help Tremain complete the table.
OF the regular
Item Sale Price Original Price

shirt $24.00

pants $36.00

sweater $59.95

suit $299.00

sports coat $159.95

5. The department store realizes it isn’t making enough money.

The store manager decides to mark up prices by 20%.

Complete the table with the new price for each item.

Item Original Price New Price

shirts $22.00

pants $29.00

shoes $65.00

jackets $50.00

M2-150 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 150 1/12/19 8:15 PM

6. The department store orders toasters from a company that
produces three different models of toasters. The company
has found that the percent of each shipment that is defective
differs by model. Model A’s defect rate is 2.5%, Model B’s
defect rate is 1.75%, and Model C’s defect rate is 3.2%.

On a particular shipment, the company forgets to mark the

total number shipped of each model. You only know that you
received 5 defective Model A toasters, 7 defective Model B
toasters, and 16 defective Model C toasters. How many of each
model were shipped?


3.5 Wholes in Geometry

You can apply what you have learned about wholes, percents, and
ratio reasoning to solve percent problems in geometry too.

1. Corinne’s new dog pen is a rectangular pen that measures

12 yards by 4 yards. She reduced the area of her old
rectangular dog pen by 60% after adopting out 6 puppies.
List some possible dimensions of Corinne’s old dog pen.
Explain your reasoning.

LESSON 3: The Forest for the Trees • M2-151

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 151 1/12/19 8:15 PM

2. The tank shown is 75% full of water.

a. What is the height of the tank? Explain how you solved the

5.5 cm
7.5 cm

18 cm

b. Suppose the outside of the tank is covered with paper only

up to the water level. What percent of the total surface area
of the tank would be covered? Round to the nearest whole
percent. Be sure to include the top of the tank in the total.

M2-152 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 152 1/12/19 8:15 PM

3. Linda wants to make doggy treats for 3 in.
her dog John Henry. The center 20% 4

of each treat will be peanut butter.

The rest will be a biscuit made from
a mixture of wheat flour, eggs, and 1 in.
mashed bananas. What is the total
volume of the doggy treat, including
the peanut butter? What is the volume 3 in.
of just the biscuit?

4. The area of Parallelogram A is 25% of the area of

Parallelogram B. What is the height of Parallelogram B?
Show your work.

7.5 cm

18 cm 16 cm

Parallelogram A Parallelogram B

LESSON 3: The Forest for the Trees • M2-153

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 153 1/12/19 8:15 PM


Try and Try Again

For each question, demonstrate two different ways to determine
the answer.

1. Leah’s goal is to score a 90% on the upcoming science test.

If there are 40 questions on the test, how many does Leah
need to answer correctly?

2. Today, Antonio made 40% of the burritos sold during

the lunch rush at work. If he made 28 burritos during this
time, what is the total number of burritos made during
the lunch rush?

Plan a presentation of your 2 solutions. Talk about how they are

the same and how they’re different.

M2-154 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 154 1/12/19 8:15 PM


Write Remember
Compare different ways to Percent problems often have a part, a percent, and a whole.
determine the whole in a percent When you know the part and the percent, you can use a variety of
problem: using double number strategies to determine the whole.
lines, writing a proportion, and
using division.

1. A manager at the department store keeps track of “points” for each employee. Employees earn points
by being on time for work and for keeping the department neat. On a particular day, he gives “smile”
points for each time an employee smiles at a customer. He recorded the smile points that each employee
received, along with the total points for that employee. He had a problem with his computer, though, and
some of the entries were deleted. Help the manager complete the table.

Employee Smile Percent of Total

Name Points Total Points Points
Garrett 15 5%

Ricardo 8% 325

Brent 6 2%

Lin 21 6%

Danielle 45 12%

2. The Music Department of a department store sold 12 jazz CDs last month. Jazz sales during that month
made up 2% of the Music Department’s total sales.
a. Determine the number of CDs that the store sold during that month.
b. Suppose that the store sells 14 jazz CDs during the next month and the percent of sales from jazz CDs
is still 2%. What is the total number of CDs that the store will sell?
3. Calculate each value.
a. 12 is 20% of what number? b. 28 is 35% of what number?
c. 84 is 42% of what number? d. 32 is 80% of what number?
e. 35% of 60 is what number? f. 25% of 132 is what number?
g. 5% of 40 is what number? h. 15% of 80 is what number?

LESSON 3: The Forest for the Trees • M2-155

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 155 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Bob ate at a restaurant one night with 2 friends. The cost of his meal was 10% of the cost of the 3 meals
before the tip. Four receipts from the restaurant that night are shown. Some of the groups gave an 18% tip
and some gave a 15% tip, but you’re not sure which is which.
1. Which guest was Bob, and where was he sitting?


Guest 1: Guest 1: $38.45

Guest 2: $18.00 Guest 2: $34.81

Guest 3: $12.00 Guest 3:

Tip: $4.96 Tip: $14.65


Guest 1: $18.22 Guest 1: $35.11

Guest 2: Guest 2: $35.05

Guest 3: $41.00 Guest 3:

Tip: $11.74 Tip: $15.90

1. Jai has a 28% free throw rate in basketball. That means when he shoots a free throw he makes a basket
28% of the time. Jai shoots 120 free throws in a season. How many baskets is he likely to make? Use
benchmark percents of 1% and 10% to help you determine the answer.
a. What is 1% of 120? b. What is 10% of 120?
c. What is 20% of 120? d. What is 8% of 120?
2. In Tampa, Florida, the sun shines about 66% of the year. About how many days does the sun shine in Tampa?
3. Bill is painting his room a certain shade of green. The paint is a mixture of 3 parts blue paint to 2 parts yellow
paint. To get the correct shade of green, how much yellow paint should he add to 6 quarts of blue paint?
4. LaShaya answered 9 out of 10 questions correctly on her math quiz. Her twin sister LaTeisha answered 22 out of
25 questions correctly on her math test. Did they have the same ratio of correct problems to total problems?
5. Determine each product.
a. 0.6 3 95 b. 210 3 0.75

M2-156 • TOPIC 2: Percents

C01_SE_M02_T02_L03.indd 156 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Percents Summary
• benchmark percents


1 We Are Family!

Percent can be used to represent a part-to-whole relationship with a whole of 100. The symbol
“%” means “out of 100.” You can think of a percent as a fraction in which the denominator is 100.

Percents, fractions, and decimals can be used interchangeably.

15 3
For example, you can write 15 out of 100 as the fraction ____
or ___
. Written as a decimal, 15 out
of 100 is 0.15. Because percent means “out of 100”, 15 out of 100 can also be written as 15%.

When the denominator is a factor of 100, When the denominator is not a factor of
scale up the fraction to write it as a percent. 100, you can divide the numerator by the
denominator to write the fraction as a decimal,
3 20 which you can then write as a percent.
{ 0.625
__ 80
5 ____
5 { 100 8)5.000
2 48
3 20 20 5
2 16
____ 5 80% 2 40

0.625 5 62.5%


C01_SE_TS_M02_T02.indd 157 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Common Equivalent Fractions, Decimals, and Percents

__ 1
__ 1
__ 2
__ 1
__ 3
__ 2
__ 3
__ 4
5 4 3 5 2 5 3 4 5

__ __
Decimal 0.2 0.25 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.6 0.75 0.8

1 2
Percent 20% 25% 33__% 40% 50% 60% 66__% 75% 80%
3 3


2 Warming the Bench

When ordering numbers expressed as fractions, decimals, and percents, you can first write the
numbers in the same form before comparing.
For example, to order the numbers 0.88, 90%, and ___
from least to greatest, you can
write each number as a percent.
88 17 85
0.88 5 ___
5 88% ___
5 ____
5 85%

The numbers in order from least to greatest are ___
, 0.88, and 90%.

You can estimate percents when using a visual model.

For example, the shaded part appears to be about __ of the whole circle, and
__ ≈ 33%.

A benchmark percent is a percent that is commonly used, such as 1%, 5%, 10%, 25%, 50%,
and 100%. With fractions and decimals, benchmarks can be used to make estimations. With
percents, however, you can use benchmarks to calculate any whole percent of a number.


C01_SE_TS_M02_T02.indd 158 1/12/19 8:17 PM

For example, determine each value if 400 is 100%. a. 50% 50% is half of 100%.
There is more than one way to use benchmark 1
400 3 __ 5 200
percents to determine the values.
b. 25% 25% is half of 50%.
You can determine any whole percent of a number 200 3 __
5 100
by using 10%, 5%, and 1%.
c. 10% 10% is one-fifth of 50%.
For example, what is 28% of 500? 200 3 __
5 40

28% 5 10% 1 10% 1 5% 1 1% 1 1% 1 1% d. 5% 5% is half of 10%.

10% of 500 is 500 3 ___ 1
, or 50. 40 3 __
5 20
5% of 500 is 50 3 __
, or 25. e. 1% 1% is one-fifth of 5%.
20 3 __
1% of 500 is 25 3 __
, or 5.

50 1 50 1 25 1 5 1 5 1 5 5 140
28% of 500 is 140.


3 The Forest for the Trees

Percent problems often have a part, a percent, and a whole. When you know the part and
the percent, you can use a variety of strategies to determine the whole.

One strategy is a double number line.

For example, Karla’s homeroom raised $240 for charity, which is 60% of their goal. Karla uses a
double number line to record the amount of money raised and the percent of the goal raised.

0 $40 $240
Money Raised ($)

Percent of Goal
0 10% 60% 100%


C01_SE_TS_M02_T02.indd 159 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Karla’s homeroom has raised $240, which is 60% of the goal.

To determine the value that corresponds to 10%, Karla divided the amount raised so far by 6:
$240 4 6 5 $40.

Since 10% 3 10 5 100%, she can multiply $40 by 10 to determine the homeroom’s goal:
$40 3 10 5 $400.

You can also use proportions to determine the whole in percent problems.

For example, Carlos is told that 65% of the students, or part

_____ 78 ____
__ 65
78 students, prefer pizza for lunch according to a recent ? 100
survey. He wants to know how many students were 45 36
surveyed. {{
65 ___
____ 13 __
He wrote a proportion and determined that 120 students {20{?
= =

were surveyed. 45 36
78 ___
___ 65
120 100

These strategies can be used to solve geometry problems as well.

5.75 in.
For example, the tank shown is 75% full of water. What is the height 7.5 in.
of the tank?

The volume of the water can be calculated using the formula V 5

Bh. where the B is equal to the area of the base, and h is equal to 8 in.

the height of the water in the tank.

Volume of water 5 5.75 3 7.5 3 8 5 345 cubic inches

The volume of 345 cubic inches is 75% the volume of the whole tank.
Set up a proportion and scale up to determine the volume of the tank.
3 4.6
The volume of the tank is 460 cubic inches.
{ ___
5 345
{ ?
Divide the volume of the tank by the area of its base to
determine the tank’s height. 3 4.6

460 4 43.125 5 10.67 inches


C01_SE_TS_M02_T02.indd 160 1/12/19 8:17 PM


Unit Rates and Conversions

Most car models are sold all over the world, not just in the United States, so their speedometers show both miles per
hour (mph) and kilometers per hour (km/h).

Lesson 1
Many Ways to Measure
Using Ratio Reasoning to Convert Units . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M2-165

Lesson 2
What Is the Best Buy?
Introduction to Unit Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M2-185

Lesson 3
Seeing Things Differently
Multiple Representations of Unit Rates . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M2-199

C01_SE_M02_T03_INTRO.indd 161 1/12/19 8:15 PM

C01_SE_M02_T03_INTRO.indd 162 1/12/19 8:15 PM
Carnegie Learning Family Guide Course 1
Module 2: Relating Quantities
TOPIC 3: UNIT RATES AND Where have we been?
CONVERSIONS Students enter grade 6 with experience
Students learn that converting within
converting among different-sized standard
and between systems of measurement
units within a given system of measurement.
involves the use of conversion rates,
Students use strategies from the previous
another special type of ratio. To convert
topics – tables and double number lines – to
units of measurement, they use double
complete conversions, moving from
number lines, ratio tables, scaling up
multiplicative reasoning to ratio strategies to
or down, and unit analysis. Students
unit analysis. As students continue in the topic,
use models to illustrate the meaning of
they use all of the strategies developed in the
a unit rate, with each quantity as the
previous topic to solve unit rate problems.
denominator. They solve a variety of
unit rate problems, determining which
Where are we going?
unit rates make sense in the context
This topic provides the foundation for
of a problem. Students evaluate prices
important ideas in algebra and science:
to determine the better buy and solve
slope and dimensional analysis. In grade 7,
problems involving constant speed.
students will use their understanding of unit
Finally, they analyze scenarios and clearly
rate to represent proportional relationships
identify the unit rates from tables and
between quantities. They will use unit rate
to write equations and graph proportional
relationships, developing an informal
understanding of slope.

Using a Coordinate Plane to Visualize Unit Rates

Unit rates can be graphed on a coordinate plane. 36

For example, this graph shows the unit rate $7.50 per 32

item, which is approximately 0.133 item per dollar.
Moving up and down the line and reading the

coordinates will give you equivalent rates. 16


8 (1, 7.5)
(0.133, 1)
0 1 2 3 4 5

TOPIC 3: Family Guide • M2-163

C01_SE_FG_M02_T03.indd 163 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Myth: Just watch a video, and you will understand it.
Has this ever happened to you? Someone explains something, and it all makes
sense at the time. You feel like you get it. But then, a day later when you try to do
it on your own, you suddenly feel like something’s missing? If that feeling is familiar,
don’t worry. It happens to us all. It’s called the illusion of explanatory depth, and it
frequently happens after watching a video.

How do you break this illusion? The first step is to try to make the video interactive. Don’t
treat it like a TV show. Instead, pause the video and try to explain it to yourself or to a friend.
Alternatively, attempt the steps in the video on your own and rewatch it if you hit a wall.
Remember, it’s easy to confuse familiarity with understanding.


Talking Points Key Term

You can further support your student’s unit rate
learning by asking questions about the A unit rate is a comparison of two
work they do in class or at home. Your measurements in which the denominator
student is learning to work with unit rates has a value of one unit.
and measurement conversions.

Some Things to Look For

Look for real-life examples of conversions,
like inches to feet, days to years. Any time
you ask about a measurement in different
units, you’ll need to do a conversion with
ratios and rates. When your student con-
verts a measurement to different units,
ask them to explain whether their answer
makes sense.

M2-164 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

C01_SE_FG_M02_T03.indd 164 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Many Ways 1
to Measure
Using Ratio Reasoning to Convert Units


Answer each question about a common • Use ratio reasoning with double number
measurement conversion. lines to convert measurement units.
1. How many inches are in 1 foot? • Use ratio reasoning with ratio tables to
convert measurement units.
2. How many feet are in 1 yard?
• Use scaling up or scaling down to convert
3. How many grams are in 1 kilogram? and transform measurement units
4. How many milliliters are in 1 liter? appropriately.
5. How many centimeters are in 1 meter? • Use unit analysis to convert and transform
measurement units appropriately.
6. How many fluid ounces are in 1 cup?
7. How many quarts are in 1 gallon? KEY TERM
8. Which units in Questions 1–7 are • convert
part of the U.S. customary system of
measurement and which are part of the
metric system?

In previous grades, you have worked with the U.S. customary system and the metric system
of measurement. This year, you have also learned about ratios. How can you use ratio
reasoning to convert from one measurement unit to another in order to solve problems?

LESSON 1: Many Ways to Measure • M2-165

C01_SE_M02_T03_L01.indd 165 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Getting Started

Customary to Whom?
In the U.S., customary You’ve learned about the relationships between inches and feet, feet
units are primarily used for and yards, quarts and gallons, meters and millimeters—to name a few.
business, personal, and
social purposes. Sciences, 1. Name a U.S. customary system unit and a metric system unit
including the medical field, that would be an appropriate size to measure each object
use the metric system. or quantity.

Object/Quantity U.S. Customary System Metric System

Your height

Length of your pencil

Distance from your school to the beach

Weight of your math book

Amount of water in a bottle

Amount of water in a swimming pool

2. Circle the most appropriate measurement for each item.

a. The weight of a dog b. The amount of gas in a car's tank
• 15 pounds • 50 milliliters
• 18 ounces • 2 kiloliters
• 1 ton • 55 liters
• 25 fluid ounces • 12 kiloliters
c. The height of your d. The height of a basketball hoop
classroom • 3 meters
• 90 inches • 70 centimeters
• 1 mile • 500 millimeters
• 2 yards • 1 kilometer
• 12 feet

M2-166 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

C01_SE_M02_T03_L01.indd 166 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Reasoning About Unit
1.1 Conversions

You can use more than one measurement to describe the same
length, weight, or capacity. For example, you may say that a football
field is 100 yards long or 300 feet long. You could also say that the
football field is about 90 meters long. In each case, the lengths are
the same—you just say them in different ways.
When you convert
There are many situations in which you need to convert measurements a measurement to a
to different units. To convert a measurement means to change it to different unit, the size
an equivalent measurement in different units. of the object does not
change; only the units
1. Name a situation in which converting one measurement to and the number of those
another would be necessary or useful. units change.

Before you start converting units, it is useful to estimate the number

of units to expect in a conversion. A few estimates comparing
common metric and U.S. customary measures are given.
• One meter is about the same length as one yard.
• One inch is about 2.5 centimeters.
• One kilometer is a little more than half of a mile.
• One foot is about 30 centimeters.
• One liter is about the same as one quart.
• One kilogram is a little more than 2 pounds.

LESSON 1: Many Ways to Measure • M2-167

C01_SE_M02_T03_L01.indd 167 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Use the estimates given and your knowledge of metric and U.S.
customary measures to answer each question.

2. The numeric value of which measurement will be greater?

a. The length of a table in inches or in feet

b. The length of a table in meters or in centimeters

c. The length of a table in meters or in yards

d. The distance from school to your house in miles or

in kilometers

the numeric e. The weight of your math book in kilograms or in pounds
values of these
may be different,
the size of 3. How did you decide which value would be greater in Question 2?
each object is
the same no
matter how it is
4. Estimate each measurement conversion.

a. The distance to Toronto is 548 km. About how many miles

is that?

b. You order 5 kilograms of food pellets for your guinea pig.

About how many pounds are you ordering?

5. Describe the strategies you used to estimate each

measurement conversion in Question 4.

M2-168 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

C01_SE_M02_T03_L01.indd 168 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Because most conversions compare two quantities using multiplicative
strategies, the conversion estimates provided and the conversions
within systems that you already know can be written using ratio
language. They can also be written symbolically in terms of equality.

Ratio Language Symbolically The ≈ symbol means

that the two values are
For every inch, there are
1 in. ≈ 2.5 cm approximately equal.
approximately 2.5 centimeters.
For every meter, there is
1 m ≈ 1 yd
approximately 1 yard.
For every foot, there are
1 ft ≈ 30 cm
approximately 30 centimeters.
For every 12 inches, there is
12 in. 5 1 ft
exactly 1 foot.
For every 1 kilometer, there are
1 km 5 1000 m
exactly 1000 meters.

When a conversion ratio is presented for use in converting between Because conversions
units of measure, it is often written as an equation: 12 in. 5 1 ft. compare two quantities
12 in.
However, it can also be written as a ratio in fractional form: _____ . that are measured
1 ft
in different units,
6. Rewrite each common conversion using ratio language and as a conversion ratios can
ratio in fractional form. also be called
conversion rates.
a. 3 ft 5 1 yd b. 5280 ft 5 1 mi

c. 1 lb ≈ 0.45 kg d. 4 qt 5 1 gal

e. 1 m 5 100 cm 1 m 5 1 mm
f. _____

Because these measurement conversion are ratios, you can use ratio
reasoning to convert between units. For example, you can determine
the number of miles in a 10-kilometer race or the number of fluid
ounces in 500 milliliters of a solution.

LESSON 1: Many Ways to Measure • M2-169

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Using Double Number Lines
1.2 to Convert Units

When you learned about ratios, you learned how to use double
number lines to determine equivalent ratios. You can also use
double number lines to convert from one unit to another.

Although you may not have realized it before, many rulers are set up
as double number lines and can be used to convert between inches
and centimeters.

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1 2 3 4 5

1. Determine which scale represents inches and which

represents centimeters. How did you decide? Label the scales
on the ruler.
Can you think
of other real-
world examples
of double
number lines?

2. Use the ruler as a double number line to determine each

approximate conversion.

a. 1 cm < in.

b. 1 in. < cm

c. 5 cm < in.

d. 3 in. < cm

M2-170 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

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You are baking cookies at your friend’s house. After searching the
cupboards and drawers, you cannot find the measuring cups, but you
can find the tablespoon.

3. Use the double number line to determine how many

tablespoons you need of each ingredient in the recipe.

0 16
You should
Cups write a
0 1
rate for
a. 2 cups of sugar
cups and
from the
3 cups of flour information
b. 1 __
4 given on the
double number
1 cup of raisins
c. __

4. Suppose you had found the cup but not the tablespoon. Use
the double number line to determine how many cups you need
if the recipe calls for 2 tablespoons of vanilla extract.

LESSON 1: Many Ways to Measure • M2-171

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You want to redecorate your bedroom and need to measure the room
for new carpeting, paint, and a border on the walls. You realize that
you have only a meter stick. You measure the room, but you need to
know the dimensions in feet to purchase the materials. You record
these measurements:
• The length of the room is 5 meters.
• The width of the room is 4 meters.
• The height of the room is 2.5 meters.

5. Use a double number line to determine the measurement of

1 meter < 3.28 feet
each dimension in feet.

a. length b. width c. height

Using Ratio Tables and
1.3 Scaling to Convert Units

You can use ratio tables, as you did when determining equivalent
ratios, as another strategy for converting units.

1. Complete the ratio table by converting between pounds and


Pounds 1 2 1
1__ 1
4 2

Ounces 16 4 6 40

2. What strategies did you use to determine the missing values?

M2-172 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

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3. Complete the ratio table by converting between milliliters
and liters.

Milliliters 1000 100 50 1 575

Liters 1 0.5 0.01

4. What strategies did you use to determine the unknown values?

Ratio tables are nice tools for converting within a given system of
Most conversions that
measurement. Scaling up or down is a similar strategy for determining
require moving between
equivalent ratios that can be more easily used to convert from one
the U.S. customary
unit of measurement to another.
and metric systems are
approximations, so, in
You will use the common conversions shown in the table to convert
general, you will use
between customary and metric systems.
conversion rates rounded
to the nearest hundredth
Length Mass Capacity in your calculations.

1 in. 5 2.54 cm 1 oz 5 28.35 g 1 pt 5 0.47 L

1 cm 5 0.39 in. 1 g 5 0.035 oz 1 L 5 2.11 pt

1 ft 5 30.48 cm 1 lb 5 0.45 kg 1 qt 5 0.95 L

1 m 5 3.28 ft 1 kg 5 2.2 lb 1 L 5 1.06 qt

1 mi 5 1.61 km 1 gal 5 3.79 L

1 km 5 0.62 mi 1 L 5 0.26 gal

1 m 5 39.37 in.

1 in. 5 0.0254 m

1 m 5 1.09 yd

LESSON 1: Many Ways to Measure • M2-173

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Scaling up or down is another strategy that you already know that can
NOTES be used to convert between units.


You can use scaling up to determine how many kilograms are in

2.5 pounds. Because you want to determine the number of
kilograms for a specific number of pounds, use the conversion
1 lb
rate 1 lb 5 0.45 kg or _______
0.45 kg.


1 lb 2.5 lb 1 lb 5 2.5 lb
______ 5 _____ 0.45 kg 1.125 kg
0.45 kg ? kg

1 lb
5. Why was the conversion rate _______
0.45 kg
used rather than the
2.2 lb
rate _____
1 kg

Use scaling up or down to answer each question.

6. The school cafeteria has eight very large cans of tomato sauce
for making pizza. Each can contains 2 gallons of sauce. Is there
more or less than 50 L of sauce in these 8 cans?

M2-174 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

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7. Tyrone, the quarterback for the Tigers Football team, can
throw a football 40 meters. Jason, the quarterback for the
Spartans, can throw a football 45 yards. Who can throw
farther? How do you know?

8. Molly says that she is 1.5 meters tall. Shawna is 5 feet tall.
Molly says that she is taller, but Shawna disagrees. Who is
correct? Explain your reasoning.

9. Larry weighs 110 pounds, Casey weighs 98 pounds, Shaun

weighs 42 kg, and Jamal weighs 52 kg. Place the boys in
order from the least weight to the greatest weight using
pounds and kilograms.

10. Karen has a gold bracelet that weighs 24 grams. She wants
to sell the bracelet, but she needs a minimum of one ounce of
gold to sell it. Can Karen sell her bracelet? Why or why not?

LESSON 1: Many Ways to Measure • M2-175

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Using Unit Analysis to
1.4 Convert Units

To use scaling up or down to convert one unit to another, you set

In unit analysis, note how up a proportion and use the conversion rate based on the given
how the units are carried measurement that you are converting. In another strategy, unit
through all calculations. analysis, you are multiplying by a form of 1 to rewrite the given
Units are divided out in measurement in a different unit.
the same way that factors
can be divided out.
desired unit
Given unit 3 ___________
given unit Determine the quantity in pounds that is equivalent to
5 desired unit 4.5 kilograms.

Scaling Up Unit Analysis

3 4.5
2.2 lb
4.5 kg ______
( 1 kg )
1 kg
______ 4.5 kg 4.5 kg 2.2 lb
5 ______ ______ ______
2.2 lb ? lb 1 ( 1 kg ) 5 9.9 lb
1 kg
______ 4.5 kg
5 ______
3 4.5
2.2 lb 9.9 lb

4.5 kg 5 9.9 lb

1. Analyze the worked examples.

a. Both strategies used a form of 1 to determine the equivalent

number of pounds in 4.5 kilograms. How is the form of 1 used
in scaling up different from the form of 1 used in unit analysis?

b. Why are the labels for kilograms crossed out in the unit
analysis strategy?

M2-176 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

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Christopher and Max want to determine the number of miles in
31,680 feet using unit analysis. NOTES

1 mi
31,680 ft _______ = 6 mi
5280 ft
31,680 ft ______
1 mi )
= 167,270,400 mi 5280 ft

2. Explain why Christopher’s answer is not reasonable.

3. Explain what is different in how Christopher and Max set up

their multiplication problem. What is important about how the
units are arranged in the conversion rates?

Use unit analysis to convert each unit of measurement. Check to make

sure your answer is reasonable.

4. A giraffe is 18 feet tall. How tall is the giraffe in inches?

LESSON 1: Many Ways to Measure • M2-177

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5. A giraffe is 174 inches tall. How tall is the giraffe in feet?

6. The length of the school playground is 32 yards. How many

feet long is the playground?

A marathon is a long-distance foot race with an official distance of

42.195 kilometers (26 miles and 385 yards) that is usually run as a road
race. Larger marathons can have tens of thousands of runners. Most
of these marathon runners are not professional marathoners but run
to raise funds for various charities.

7. Although a marathon is a popular distance for a race, there

are many other distances in which runners can train to
race. Complete the table shown by writing the unknown

Race Kilometers Miles

Short Distance 5

Medium Distance 10

Medium Distance 20

Half Marathon 13.1

Ultramarathon 100

Ironman Triathlon Swim 2.4

Ironman Triathlon Bike 112

M2-178 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

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Conversion rates are also common in other contexts, like currency.
During the 2016 Summer Olympics, the currency exchange rate
between the U.S. dollar and the Brazilian real (pronounced “ray-all”)
was $1 US for every 3.17 BRL.

8. Alejandra’s family went to the Rio de Janeiro Olympics and she

budgeted $500 to spend while she was gone.

a. Write the conversion rate: US 5 BRL.

b. Did Alejandra budget more or less than 500 BRL? Explain.

c. How many BRL could she spend in Rio de Janeiro?

d. After Rio de Janeiro, Alejandra's family traveled to Mexico,

where 1 BRL was equal to 5.92 pesos. If Alejandra had 295
BRL remaining, how many pesos did she have?

LESSON 1: Many Ways to Measure • M2-179

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9. Emma is preparing to re-carpet her room. She measured the
room to be 6 yards long and 8 yards wide. When she got to
Area is
the carpet store, all of the measurements were in square feet.
measured in
square units a. Determine how many square yards of carpet Emma needs to
because it buy to re-carpet her room.
the space
inside a two-

b. Determine how many square feet of carpet Emma needs to

buy to re-carpet her room. How can you check your answer?

M2-180 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

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Larger or Smaller?
1. Compare the two conversions. How are they similar?
How are they different?

3 yd 9 ft

3 ft 1 yd
1 yd 3 ft

2. When you convert a measurement with smaller units to a

measurement with larger units, does the number of units
increase or decrease?

3. When you convert a measurement with larger units to a

measurement with smaller units, does the number of units
increase or decrease?

LESSON 1: Many Ways to Measure • M2-181

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NOTES 4. What information is always needed to convert between
measurement units?

For each conversion, explain which strategy you prefer to use and
then convert the units.

5. 12 gal 5 L

6. 240 oz 5 lb

7. 0.380 km 5 m

8. 324 in 5 yd

M2-182 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

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Write Remember
Explain how to convert from More than one unit can be used to describe the same length,
one unit to another using weight, or capacity. To convert units means to change a
ratio reasoning. measurement to an equivalent measurement in different units.
You can use models, ratio reasoning, and unit analysis to convert
units using conversion rates.

Use any strategy to convert between the specified units.
1. Janine will be traveling to Botswana, where the unit of currency is called the pula, which means “rain” in
the local language. Suppose, $1 is equivalent to 7 pula.
a. If Janine has $500 to spend in Botswana, how many pula will she have to spend?
b. The safari lodge where she is staying in Chobe National Park costs 434 pula each night. What is the
cost per night in dollars?
c. When she goes to dinner at the safari lodge, the bill comes to 91 pula. How many dollars did Janine
spend on dinner?
2. Jonah is going to the hardware store for his Uncle Frederick. He needs to buy 4 yards of electrical wire
and 14 quarts of liquid nails.
a. The store only sells wire by the foot. How many feet does Jonah need?
b. The store only sells liquid nails by the gallon. How many gallons does Jonah need?
3. Jin Lee is volunteering at a zoo and is helping weigh a penguin’s egg. The egg weighs 0.15 kilogram.
a. Is this more or less than the average weight of 145 grams? Explain.
b. If Jin Lee expands the penguin area to be about 500 meters wider than it is now, how many more
kilometers wide is the area?
4. Harold is buying a new car. Some of the cars he has researched provide measurements in the U.S.
customary system and some provide measurements in the metric system.
a. One car manufacturer reports the mass of the car to be 3307 lb. How many kilograms is this?
b. Another manufacturer recommends that the owner change the oil every 12,075 kilometers. After how
many miles should the owner change the oil?
c. Harold is a tall man and prefers cars with high ceilings. One car lists 43.3 inches of headroom and
another car lists 99.3 centimeters of headroom. Which car has more headroom?
d. He is concerned about the fuel tank capacity of the new car he wants to buy. He commutes a long
distance to work every day and does not want to constantly be filling the tank. He finds 3 cars that he
likes online. The Skyte has a fuel capacity of 19 gallons. The Madrid has a fuel capacity of 64.4 liters,
and the Cougar has a fuel capacity of 63.6 quarts. Compare the fuel tank capacities of the cars using
both gallons and liters. Order the cars from least to greatest fuel tank capacity.

LESSON 1: Many Ways to Measure • M2-183

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5. A group of 4 campers must navigate through the forest using compasses, topographic maps, and other
devices. They scatter and each of them travels to a different location. Using the clues below, determine
how far it is from the start to each point on the map.
• The distance to point A is 1.5 kilometers.
• It is 0.5 more miles to get to point B from the start than to point A.
• The total distance to points A and D from the start is 3.1 miles.
• The distance from the start to point C is twice the distance from the start to point B.
a. How many kilometers is it from the start to each location?
b. How many miles is it from the start to each location?
6. A zip line activity is part of an obstacle course that a group of students must get through together.
There are several zip lines on the course, the longest of which is about 72 meters long. How can this be
stated using the most appropriate unit in the customary system? Show your work.

Anthony measured the dimensions of a rectangular box to be 45 cm by 35 cm by 2 m.
1. Determine the volume of the box in cubic meters.
2. Convert the volume of the box to cubic centimeters.

1. At Union Middle School, 99 girls, or 33% of the girls, play basketball. How many girls attend Union
Middle School?
2. Kasey gets a 35% employee discount on anything she buys at The Foot Parade. If Kasey got a $5.25
discount on her new flip-flops, how much did they cost originally?
3. Mr. Hawkins manages a small store called Action Sporting Goods. He wants to make sure that his store
is stocked with enough equipment for all of the community sports. He surveys 240 of his customers and
asks them to choose the one sport that they’re most likely to buy sports equipment for this season.

a. How many of the surveyed

Sport Percent of Responses
customers will need baseball
Basketball 30%
Baseball 20%
b. How many of the surveyed
Football 35%
customers will need wrestling
Wrestling 15% equipment?

4. Estimate each quotient to the nearest whole number. Then calculate the quotient.
a. 0.796 4 9.95 b. 23.84 4 6.4

M2-184 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

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What Is the 2
Best Buy?
Introduction to Unit Rates


Determine each unknown • Write unit rates.
quantity. • Use unit rates to solve problems involving unit pricing
and better buys.
1. 18 arrows
________ 162 arrows
5 _________ • Use unit rates and unit rate language to make comparisons.
3 bows ? bows
• Use unit rates to solve problems involving constant
2. 18 arrows
________ 5 ?_________
3 bows 1 bow
• Calculate unit rates.
8 shoes ? shoes
3. ________ 5 __________
80 socks 1600 socks
8 shoes 1 shoe
4. ________ 5 _______ • unit rate
80 socks ? socks

Ratios and rates are useful in a variety of real-world situations. Most of your previous work
with ratios involved writing equivalent ratios, but ratios, specifically unit rates, can be used to
answer many different types of questions. How can unit rates be used in comparisons and
to determine which deal is a better buy?

LESSON 2: What Is the Best Buy? • M2-185

C01_SE_M02_T03_L02.indd 185 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Getting Started

Which One Would You Buy?

Marta and Brad go to the store to buy some laundry detergent for
a neighbor. They see that the brand she wants comes in two
different sizes:

26 fluid ounces for $9.75

20.5 fluid ounces for $7.25

1. Which size should Marta and Brad buy? Explain the reason for
your decision.

M2-186 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

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Using Models to Estimate
2.1 Unit Rates

As you learned previously, a rate is a ratio in which the two

quantities being compared are measured in different units.
A unit rate is a comparison of two measurements in which the You may have
numerator or denominator has a value of one unit. encountered
unit rates at
One way to compare the values of items is to calculate the unit rate the grocery
for each item. store. Unit
rates can help
Marta estimated unit rates for two detergents this way: you determine
which of two or
more items is
Marta the best buy.
The larger bottle of detergent is about 25 fluid ounces
for about $10.

1 fl oz
$10 $2
So, each fluid ounce costs about ______, which is ______,
25 fl oz 5 fl oz
or _____.
1 fl oz

The smaller bottle of detergent is about 21 fluid ounces for

about $7.

1 fl oz
$7 $1
So, each fluid ounce costs about ______, which is ______,
21 fl oz 3 fl oz
or about .
1 fl oz

That means that you pay less for each fluid ounce of
the smaller bottle of detergent, so it is the better buy.

LESSON 2: What Is the Best Buy? • M2-187

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Brad estimated the unit rates this way:
For the larger bottle of detergent, you spend about $10 for
about 25 fluid ounces.
25 fl oz


So, for each dollar you spend on the larger bottle of

25 fl oz 2.5 fl oz
detergent, you get about ____ ____
$10 , or $1 .

For the smaller bottle of detergent, you spend about $7 for

about 21 fluid ounces.
21 fl oz


So, for each dollar you spend on the smaller one, you get
21 fl oz 3 fl oz
about ____$7 , or ___
$1 .

Because you get more detergent in the smaller bottle for

each dollar you spend, the smaller bottle is the better buy.

1. Marta and Brad both chose the smaller bottle of detergent

as the better buy, but for different reasons. Explain the
differences in their reasoning.

2. Calculate the actual unit rate for each of the two sizes of
detergent in two different ways.

M2-188 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

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2.2 Writing Unit Rates

Unit rates can be written with either quantity as the unit.

1. Each situation relates a quantity and a price. Calculate the

two different unit rates associated with each situation:
price per item and number of items per dollar.

a. A bottle of 250 vitamins costs $12.50.

b. A pack of 40 AAA batteries costs $25.95.

c. A package of 24 rolls of toilet paper costs $16.25.

d. A box of 500 business cards costs $19.95.

2. Not all unit rates involve money. Write two different unit
rates associated with each situation.

a. The 5 goats eat 12 tomatillos.

b. The exchange rate is 10 U.S. dollars for every 9 euros.

c. The average stalactite grows 30 mm every 10 years. A stalactite is a

formation that hangs
from the ceilings of
d. Sandy buys 500 coffee pods every year. caves.

3. For each part of Question 2, identify which unit rates are

useful in discussing the situation.

LESSON 2: What Is the Best Buy? • M2-189

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The unit rate needed to solve a problem is often asked for in
the question.

4. For each situation, identify the unit rate that would answer
the question. Explain how you decided which unit rate
to write.

a. How many tomatillos did each goat eat?

b. About how many euros is each U.S. dollar worth?

c. How much does each stalactite grow in a month?

d. How many coffee pods can Sandy use each week?

Using Unit Rates to
2.3 Determine the Best Buy

Movie theater popcorn is sold in notoriously large quantities. The

smallest size popcorn usually contains at least 2 servings of popcorn.
And, when you're eating all of that popcorn, you have to get a drink!

1. Compare the prices for various sizes of popcorn sold at the

local movie theater.

Mega Bag (32 oz) $10.24 a. What is the unit rate price per ounce for
Giant Bag (24 oz) $6.00 each bag of popcorn?
Medium Bag (16 oz) $4.48
Kid’s Bag (8 oz) $2.40

M2-190 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

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b. What size popcorn is the best buy? Explain your reasoning.
Bottle 1 Bottle 2

2. Bottles of water are sold at various prices and in various

sizes. Write the price of each bottle as a ratio, and then
as a unit rate. Which bottle is the best buy? Explain how
$0.39 per $0.57 per
you know. 12 oz 24.3 oz

Bottle 3 Bottle 4

3. Use unit rates to determine which is the better buy.

Explain your reasoning. $1.39 per
$0.70 per
128 oz
a. 22 vitamins for $1.97 or 40 vitamins for $3.25 33.8 oz

b. 24.3 ounces for $8.76 or 32.6 ounces for $16.95

4. On a recent trip to the state fair, you saw a sign for the price
$1 for 2 tosses
of the ring toss.
$2 for 5 tosses
Which “deal” should you take? Explain your reasoning. $5 for 10 tosses
$10 for 25 tosses

LESSON 2: What Is the Best Buy? • M2-191

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Using Unit Rates
2.4 to Make Comparisons

The local paper published these rates on gas mileage for a few
new cars.

Avalar can travel 480 miles on 10 gallons of gas.

Sentar can travel 400 miles on 8 gallons of gas.
Comstar can travel 360 miles on 9 gallons of gas.

1. Change each rate to a unit rate so that it reports miles per

So, which car one gallon of gas.
is better? Do
I want the a. Avalar
car with the
lowest unit
rate, like with b. Sentar
the popcorn
c. Comstar

2. How did you calculate each unit rate?

3. How can unit rates help you to compare these cars?

4. Guests at a dinner play are seated at three tables. Each table

is served large, round loaves of bread instead of individual
rolls. Each person at the table shares the loaves equally.

Table 1 has six guests and is served two loaves of bread.

Table 2 has eight guests and is served three loaves of bread.
Table 3 has 10 guests and is served four loaves of bread.

M2-192 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

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a. Predict at which table the guests will get the largest
serving of bread.

b. Determine how much bread each guest at each table will

receive. Was your prediction accurate?

5. Kalida can run 3 laps in 9 minutes. Sonya can run 2 laps in

7 minutes. Who is the faster runner? Make a
before you begin
calculating, and
then use ratio
6. Peter and Kyu are making mini-cakes for the school bake reasoning to
sale. Peter makes 5 mini-cakes every 25 minutes. Kyu makes answer each
3 mini-cakes every 10 minutes. If they both continue to make question.
mini-cakes at the same rate for the same amount of time,
which boy will make more cakes?

7. On Monday, the school cafeteria sold 4 chocolate milks

for every 10 white milks. On Tuesday, the cafeteria sold
1 chocolate milk for every 3 white milks. On which day did
the cafeteria sell more chocolate milks per number of white
milks sold?

8. A tour bus drove 120 miles in 2 hours, and a school bus drove
180 miles in 3 hours. Which bus drove faster?

LESSON 2: What Is the Best Buy? • M2-193

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Problem Solving
2.5 with Unit Rates

Unit rates are helpful when solving problems about constant speeds.

1. In the spring, the gym teachers at Stewart Middle School

sponsor a bike-a-thon to raise money for new sporting
equipment. Students seek sponsors to pledge a dollar
amount for each mile they ride.

a. Nico can ride 12.5 miles per hour. At this rate, how far will
he ride in 5 hours?

b. Grace can ride 14.75 miles per hour. At this rate, how far
will she ride in 6 hours?

c. If Leticia rides 56.25 miles in 5 hours, how far will she ride
in 7 hours?

d. Emil got a cramp in his leg after riding 27.5 miles in

2 hours and had to stop. If he hadn’t gotten the cramp
and had continued to ride at the same rate, how far would
he have ridden in 3 hours?

2. Beth, Kelly, Andrea, and Amy are all training for the
local marathon.

a. Beth can run 6.5 miles per hour. At this rate, how far will
she run in the first 3 hours of the marathon?

b. Kelly runs 13.5 miles in 2 hours. What is her rate?

M2-194 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

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c. Andrea is the slowest runner in the group. She can run
5.5 miles per hour. At this rate, how many miles will she
run in the first 3 hours of the marathon?

d. Amy wants to run the 26.2 miles of the marathon in 4.5

hours. At what rate will she have to run to reach this goal?

e. At a workout designed to increase speed, Beth runs

800 meters in 2__
minutes. Kelly runs 1600 meters in
4 2 minutes. Who ran the fastest in this workout?

3. Maya left her notebook on the bus and her friend Ariana picked
it up for her. On Saturday, they decide to meet to give Maya
her notebook. They live 7.5 miles from each other and plan to
walk and meet between their homes. Ariana can walk 3 miles
per hour; Maya can walk 4.5 miles per hour. Maya makes the
suggestion, “It will take the same amount of time if you stay
put, and I run 7.5 miles per hour.” Is Maya’s suggestion correct?

Unit rates are also useful when calculating the price of multiple items.

4. Complete each table.

a. Carpet is sold by the square yard. Classroom carpet sells

for $10.50 per square yard.

1 yd2 40 yd2 50 yd2 100 yd2


b. Pink Lady apples are sold by the pound. One pound of

Pink Lady apples costs $2.99.

1 lb 2 lbs 5 lbs 10 lbs 20 lbs


LESSON 2: What Is the Best Buy? • M2-195

C01_SE_M02_T03_L02.indd 195 1/12/19 8:15 PM

c. Purchases in your county have a 7 percent sales tax added
NOTES for every dollar of the purchase price.

$1 $5 $10 $20 $50 $100


5. How did you use a unit rate to complete each table in

Question 4?


Shopping for Cereal

Tim and Dan love cereal, but don't want spend a lot of money.
After scanning the aisle in the grocery store for the lowest prices,
the boys make the following statements.

• Tim says, “I found Sweetie Oat Puffs for $0.14 per ounce.
That’s the cheapest cereal in the aisle!”

• Dan replies, “It’s not cheaper than Sugar Hoops! The unit
price for that is 6.25 oz per dollar.”

Who is correct? Explain your reasoning.

M2-196 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

C01_SE_M02_T03_L02.indd 196 1/12/19 8:15 PM


Write Remember
Define the term unit rate in your Unit rates that involve money, like $1.25 per pound, or speed,
own words. like 60 miles per hour, are very common. But not all unit rates are
about money or speed.

1. Write a unit rate for each situation.
a. 254 words typed in 4 minutes.
b. 5 trays with 90 ice cubes.
c. 4 hot dogs eaten in 45 seconds.
d. 8 hours to drive 528 miles.

2. Shawna needs to buy apples to bake pies for the fair. She needs 13 pounds of apples. At one market, she
finds apples selling for $1.89 a pound. At another market she finds a 15-pound bag of apples for $26.99.
Which market has the better deal?

3. Dylan needs to buy new contact lenses. His ophthalmologist sells 8-lens boxes in packs of 2 for $52 and
10-lens boxes in packs of 4 for $120. Which option is the better deal?

4. Pets R Us claims in their advertisement that they have the best price in town for ChowChow dog food.
They sell 20-pound bags for $16.95. Stuff4Pets also claims to have the best price in town for ChowChow
dog food. They are selling 30-pound bags for $24.95. Which store has a valid claim?

5. During his last race, Bryce biked 43 kilometers in 2 hours. If he maintains that same speed, how far will he
travel in 3 hours?

Describe how sales tax can be a rate. Determine the sales tax for your state or a nearby state and calculate
the costs of different items after applying the sales tax.

LESSON 2: What Is the Best Buy? • M2-197

C01_SE_M02_T03_L02.indd 197 1/12/19 8:15 PM

1. Determine each conversion.
a. 24 in. 5 cm
b. 6 qt 5 c
c. 18 ft 5 m
d. 5 mi 5 km
e. 2.5 m 5 in.

2. At Union Middle School, 99 boys, or 36% of the boys, play basketball. How many boys attend Union
Middle School? Show your work.

3. At Union Middle School, there are a total of 250 girls, 22% of whom play basketball. How many girls at
Union Middle School play basketball? Show your work.

4. Determine each value.

a. 7% of 26
b. 28% of 90

M2-198 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

C01_SE_M02_T03_L02.indd 198 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Seeing Things 3
Multiple Representations of Unit Rates


For each graph, determine if it represents • Represent and identify unit rates using
equivalent ratios. Explain your reasoning. tables and graphs.
1. y
y • Recognize that (x, 1) and (1, y) are both
points on the graph of a unit rate.
• Graph unit rates in real-world
situations involving unit pricing and
constant speed.
• Compare unit rates based on
their graphs.
x x

y y
3. 4.

x x

You know about special ratios called rates and have used unit rates to convert measurements,
determine the better buy, and solve problems about constant speeds. How can you use
graphs of rates to solve other types of problems?
LESSON 3: Seeing Things Differently • M2-199

C01_SE_M02_T03_L03.indd 199 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Getting Started

The Need . . . for Speed

In cars, a speedometer shows the driver the rate at which the car
is moving—its speed. Many speedometers are like double number
lines arranged in a circular shape. The top number line on this
speedometer shows the rate in miles per hour (mph), and the bottom
number line shows the rate in kilometers per hour (km/h).

60 80 100
40 80
160 120
km/h 200



Use the speedometer to estimate.

1. At about what rate, in kilometers per hour, is the car moving if

it is traveling at 60 miles per hour?

2. At about what rate, in miles per hour, is the car moving if it is

traveling at 60 kilometers per hour?

3. About how long would it take to drive 90 kilometers at

55 miles per hour? Explain your reasoning.

M2-200 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

C01_SE_M02_T03_L03.indd 200 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Unit Rates in Tables
3.1 and Graphs

The 6th grade chorus made and sold their own mixture of Trail Mix
trail mix at basketball games to raise money for an upcoming Cost ($)
Weight (lb)
trip. During the first basketball game, they sold 1 lb bags for
$2.80. They got many requests to sell different sized bags 0.25
of their trail mix. The group decided to vary the size of the
bags, but wanted to make sure that the cost-to-pounds rate
stayed the same.
1. Complete the table to display the cost for various
quantities of trail mix. Create a graph from your table
of values. Be sure to label the axes and name the 1.25

In a unit rate, one or both of the values are 1.

2. Identify two points on the graph that

represent unit rates. Write each unit rate in
words and explain its meaning.

3. Explain how your graph displays equivalent rates.

LESSON 3: Seeing Things Differently • M2-201

C01_SE_M02_T03_L03.indd 201 1/12/19 8:15 PM


3.2 Unit Rates and Dimensions

A rhombus is considered a Golden Rhombus when the diagonals are

A diagonal is a
in a very specific ratio, known as w or phi (pronounced "fi" or "fee").
line segment that
A Golden Rhombus is shown and your task is to determine the ratio
connects opposite
of the diagonals.
vertices of a polygon.

A Golden Rhombus
Look around
your classroom
to identify
tools besides
a ruler that
you can use to
measure the
lengths of the


M2-202 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

C01_SE_M02_T03_L03.indd 202 1/12/19 8:15 PM

1. Use standard and non-standard tools to measure the lengths
of the diagonals using 6 different units of measure and record
them in the table. Be sure to include inches and centimeters as
two of your units.

Unit of Length of Length of

Measure Diagonal GO Diagonal RM

2. Graph the lengths of the diagonals on the coordinate plane.


3. Use a ruler to connect the ratios
Length of Diagonal GO

plotted on the graph. Describe

the pattern that the points appear 15
to follow.


5 10 15 20
Length of Diagonal RM

4. What does the pattern of ratios on the graph tell us about the ratios?

LESSON 3: Seeing Things Differently • M2-203

C01_SE_M02_T03_L03.indd 203 1/12/19 8:15 PM

5. Write two unit rates that relate the length of diagonal GO and
NOTES the length of diagonal RM.

6. Describe where you can locate the unit rates on the graph.

7. Suppose you measure the Golden Rhombus in units called

"ujeni". Use the unit rates to answer each question.

a. If the length of diagonal GO is 15 ujeni, what is the length of

diagonal RM in ujeni?

b. If the length of diagonal RM is 15 ujeni, what is the length of

diagonal GO in ujeni?

M2-204 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

C01_SE_M02_T03_L03.indd 204 1/12/19 8:15 PM


3.3 Graphing Rates

Opened in 1887 and designed to move coal workers from their

An incline is like a trolley
homes atop Mt. Washington down to the coal factories along the
that goes up and down a
river in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, the Duquesne Incline still serves as
a mode of transportation for commuters who live in the area.

Jasmine takes the incline to work each morning. The incline is

800 feet long, and it takes 90 seconds to ride from the top of
Mt. Washington to the bottom.

1. Identify which of the following statements are true.

Explain your reasoning for each.

a. Jasmine travels approximately 178 feet every 20 seconds.

b. She travels approximately 600 feet per minute.

c. In 75 seconds, Jasmine travels approximately 750 feet.

d. She travels approximately 44 feet every 5 seconds.

e. She travels 8.9 feet per second. y

2. Plot the correct ratios from Question 1 on the

coordinate plane. How can you use the graph
to verify correct and incorrect statements from 700
Question 1?
Distance (feet)





0 20 40 60 80 100
Time (seconds)

LESSON 3: Seeing Things Differently • M2-205

C01_SE_M02_T03_L03.indd 205 1/12/19 8:15 PM

NOTES Once Upon a Unit Rate
Write a story with unit rates that corresponds to this graph.
Include 3 questions and their answers that can be solved using the
graph. Be prepared to share your story with the rest of your class.

Distance (feet)

8 (1, 7.5)
(0.133, 1) x
1 2 3 4 5
Time (seconds)

M2-206 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

C01_SE_M02_T03_L03.indd 206 1/12/19 8:15 PM


Write Remember
On a graph of equivalent rates explain what each described point You can represent rates and unit
represents. rates in a variety of different
• the point with an x-coordinate of 1 ways—in tables, on graphs, and
• the point with a y-coordinate of 1 in stories and other situations.

Graph the rates in each pair on a coordinate plane. Explain whether or not the rates are equivalent.

48 oz ____
1. ____
3 lb
, 64 oz
4 lb
150 mi _____
2. _____ , 525 mi
2.5 hr 8.75 hr
$4.50 _____
3. _____
, 6

10 _____
4. ___ , 12
$7 $8.40

5. 200 cm ______
, 400 cm
90 km ______
6. _____
1 hr
, 180 km
2 hr

Acceleration is a rate that compares speed with time. Gravity, for example, is acceleration at 9.8 meters
9.8 m
per second per second, or ____
. When an object is in free fall, its speed at any moment is caused by
acceleration due to gravity. How fast, in miles per hour, is a body in free fall moving after 4 seconds?

LESSON 3: Seeing Things Differently • M2-207

C01_SE_M02_T03_L03.indd 207 1/12/19 8:15 PM

1. A banquet hall is preparing for a wedding with 312 guests. If one table will seat 8 guests, how many
tables will be needed for the wedding?

2. Lynn is traveling in Mexico. She exchanges $200 for pesos. If the exchange rate is 19.29 pesos per
US dollar, how many pesos should she expect to receive from the exchange?

3. Use benchmark percents to calculate each value. Show your work.

a. 35% of 142
b. 22% of 864

4. One popular item at the school store is scented pencils. The pencils come in packs of 24 from the retailer.
Write an algebraic expression that represents the total number of pencils the store has available to sell.

5. Determine each sum.

a. 4.0842 1 13.87 1 6.371
b. 12.89 1 7.45 1 3.005

M2-208 • TOPIC 3: Unit Rates and Conversions

C01_SE_M02_T03_L03.indd 208 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Unit Rates and
Conversions Summary
• convert • unit rate


1 Many Ways to Measure

There are many situations in which you need to convert measurements to different units. To
convert a measurement means to change it to an equivalent measurement in different units.
When you convert a measurement to a different unit, the size of the object does not change;
only the units and the number of those units change.
Conversions can be written using ratio language. They can also be written symbolically in
terms of equality.

Ratio Language Symbolically

For every inch, there are approximately 2.5 centimeters. 1 in. < 2.5 cm

For every meter, there is approximately 1 yard. 1 m < 1 yd

For every foot, there are approximately 30 centimeters. 1 ft < 30 cm

For every 12 inches, there is exactly 1 foot. 12 in. 5 1 ft

For every 1 kilometer, there are exactly 1000 meters. 1 km 5 1000 m

A conversion ratio is also called a conversion rate because two quantities that are measured
in different units are being compared. For example, you can write the ratio of inches to feet in
12 in.
fractional form: ____ .
1 ft
Because these measurement conversions are ratios, you can use ratio reasoning to
convert between units, such as double number lines.

C01_SE_TS_M02_T03.indd 209 1/12/19 8:17 PM

For example, the double number line shown represents the ratio of tablespoons to cups.

0 12 16 24

0 3 1 1

Using the double number line, you can determine that there are 12 tablespoons in __
cup or that
there are 1 2 cups in 24 tablespoons.

Using a ratio table is another strategy for converting units. For example, this table represents the
ratio of pounds to ounces.

__ 1 1 3 1
Pounds 1 2 4

Ounces 16 32 4 20 8 6 40

1 5
You can add values in different columns to determine new equivalent rates.

Scaling up or down is a similar strategy for determining equivalent ratios that can
more easily be used to convert from one unit of measurement to another.

For example, you can use scaling up to determine how Scaling Up

many kilograms are in 2.5 pounds. Because you
1 lb
______ 2.5 lb 1 lb 5 2.5 lb
want to determine the number of kilograms
0.45 kg
5 _____
? kg 0.45 kg 1.125 kg
for a specific number of pounds, use the
1 lb
_______ 32.5
conversion rate 1 lb 5 0.45 kg or 0.45 kg.

You can also use unit analysis to determine the quantity in pounds that is equivalent to
4.5 kilograms. In unit analysis, you multiply by a form of 1 to rewrite the given measurement
in a different unit.
Unit Analysis

2.2 lb
4.5 kg (______)
1 kg
4.5 kg ______
_____ 2.2 lb
5 9.9 lb
1 ( 1 kg )

1 kg
______ 4.5 kg
2.2 lb
5 9.9 lb
4.5 kg 5 9.9 lb


C01_SE_TS_M02_T03.indd 210 1/12/19 8:17 PM


2 What Is the Best Buy?

A rate is a ratio in which the two quantities being compared are measured in different units. A unit
rate is a comparison of two measurements in which the denominator has a value of one unit.
One way to compare the values of products is to calculate the unit rate for each item.
For example, a brand of laundry detergent comes in two different sizes: 26 fluid ounces for
$9.75 or 20.5 fluid ounces for $7.25.

The larger bottle of detergent is about 25 fluid ounces

for about $10.

1 fl oz
$10 $2
So, each fluid ounce costs about ______
25 fl oz
, which is _____
5 fl oz
or _____
1 fl oz

The smaller bottle of detergent is about 21 fluid ounces for

about $7.

1 fl oz
$7 $1
So, each fluid ounce costs about ______
21 fl oz
, which is ______,
3 fl oz
or about .
1 fl oz

That means that you pay less for each fluid ounce of
the smaller bottle of detergent, so it is the better buy.

Unit rates can be written with either quantity as the unit. In the example above, the unit rate
was determined as the price per fluid ounce. It can also be written as the number of fluid
2.5 fl oz
ounces per dollar. For the larger bottle of detergent, you get about _______ , and for the smaller
3 fl oz
bottle of detergent you get about _____ .

C01_SE_TS_M02_T03.indd 211 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Unit rates are helpful when solving problems about constant speeds.

For example, suppose Sara can ride 50 miles in 4 hours. At this rate, how far will she ride in
7 hours?
50 miles
_______ 12.5 miles 12.5 miles 87.5 miles
4 hours
5 ________
1 hour
1 hour
5 ________
7 hours

Scale down to determine the unit rate. Then scale up to determine the equivalent rate needed
to solve the problem.


3 Seeing Things Differently

You can represent rates and unit rates in a variety of different ways—in tables, on graphs, and
in stories and other situations.
For example, the 6th grade chorus is selling bags of trail mix in various sizes to raise money for
an upcoming trip. The group wants the ratio of cost-to-pounds to stay the same no matter the
size of the bag. They decide to sell 1 lb bags for $3.20.
The table shown displays the cost for various quantities of trail mix. These ratios are plotted on
the graph and connected with a line.

Trail Mix
Cost ($) 8.00
Weight (lb)
0.25 0.80 6.40

0.5 1.60
Cost ($)

0.75 2.40
1 3.20 2.40

1.25 4.00 0.80

0 x
1.5 4.80 0.5 1 1.5 2 2.5
Trail Mix Weight (lb)

The graph displays equivalent rates because each ordered pair that falls on the line is a
multiple of (x, y) and is equivalent to the ratio _x . You can use the graph to determine that
the unit rate cost : weight is $3.20 per pound and that the unit rate weight : cost is about 0.3
pound per dollar.

C01_SE_TS_M02_T03.indd 212 1/12/19 8:17 PM




The lessons in this module build on your knowledge of numeric expressions, patterns,
and operations, which you developed throughout elementary school. You will use
properties of arithmetic and apply them to algebraic expressions. You will investigate
equations and graphs and develop strategies to make sense of and reason about
unknown quantities in real-world and mathematical problems.

Topic 1 Expressions M3-3

Topic 2 Equations M3-83
Topic 3 Graphing Quantitative Relationships M3-151

C01_SE_M03_INTRO.indd 1 1/12/19 8:15 PM

C01_SE_M03_INTRO.indd 2 1/12/19 8:15 PM


Emojis in emails and chat messages show different expressions. Mathematical expressions are a little different. But you
probably already knew that.

Lesson 1
Relationships Matter
Evaluating Numeric Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M3-7

Lesson 2
Into the Unknown
Introduction to Algebraic Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M3-23

Lesson 3
Second Verse, Same as the First
Equivalent Expressions. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M3-35

Lesson 4
Are They Saying the Same Thing?
Verifying Equivalent Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M3-53

Lesson 5
DVDs and Songs
Using Algebraic Expressions to Analyze and Solve Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M3-67

C01_SE_M03_T01_INTRO.indd 3 1/12/19 8:15 PM

C01_SE_M03_T01_INTRO.indd 4 1/12/19 8:15 PM
Carnegie Learning Family Guide Course 1
Module 3: Determining Unknown Quantities
TOPIC 1: EXPRESSIONS Where have we been?
In this topic, students develop their
Students enter grade 6 with knowledge of
understanding of variables and algebraic
factors and properties of numbers. They
expressions. They also formalize their
have used the Commutative and Associative
knowledge of powers and evaluate
Properties in first and third grades and the
expressions involving whole number
Order of Operations, although formal
exponents, expanding their application
terminology may not have been used.
of the Order of Operations to include
These properties, along with the Distributive
exponents. Students compose algebraic
Property, were reviewed in previous lessons
expressions from verbal statements,
in this course. During elementary school,
decompose expressions into their
students wrote expressions with whole
component terms, and evaluate
number exponents for powers of ten, and
algebraic expressions for given values
they wrote numeric expressions to record
of the variable. They use algebra tiles
verbal descriptions of calculations.
and properties of arithmetic and algebra
to form equivalent expressions, just as
Where are we going?
they did in previous lessons with numeric
This topic provides the foundation for future
expressions. Students also use tables
work with algebraic structures, including
and graphs to determine if expressions
algebraic equations and inequalities and
are equivalent, and they write algebraic
their representations. Expressions are the
expressions to model and solve
foundation of equations. Expertise in writing
real-world and mathematical problems.
expressions enables students to write
and solve equations for many real-world
and mathematical problems. As students
continue in the course, they must be able to
evaluate expressions and determine whether
expressions are equivalent.

Using Algebra Tiles to Model Expressions

Algebra tiles are used to model expressions with variables. For x 1
example, this model could show the combination of the
x 1
expressions x 1 1 and 2x 1 1. The sum can be written, even
when the value of x is not known. The model shows that the
sum is 3x 1 2.
TOPIC 1: Family Guide • M3-5

C01_SE_FG_M03_T01.indd 5 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Myth: “I learn best when the instruction matches
my learning style.”
If asked, some people will tell you they have a learning style – the expressed
preference in learning by seeing images, hearing speech, seeing words, or being
able to physically interact with the material. Some people even believe that it is the teacher’s
job to present the information in accordance with that preference.

However, it turns out that the best scientific evidence available does not support learning
styles. In other words, when an auditory learner receives instruction about content through a
visual model, they do just as well as auditory learners who receive spoken information. Students
may have a preference for visuals or writing or sound, but sticking to their preference doesn't
help them learn any better. Far more important is ensuring the student is engaged in an
interactive learning activity and the new information connects to the student’s prior knowledge.


Talking Points Key Terms

You can support your student’s learning by Order of Operations
resisting the urge, as long as possible, to Evaluate expressions inside parentheses,
get to the answer in a problem that your then exponents, then multiply and divide
student is working on. Students will learn from left to right, then add and subtract
the algebraic shortcuts that you may know from left to right.
about, but only once they have experience in variable
mathematical reasoning. This may seem to A variable is a symbol, often a letter, that
take too long at first. But if you practice represents a quantity that varies.
asking good questions instead of helping
algebraic expression
your student arrive at the answer, they
An algebraic expression is a mathematical
will learn to rely on their own knowledge,
phrase involving at least one variable, and
reasoning, patience, and endurance when
sometimes numbers and operation symbols.
struggling with math.
A coefficient is the number that is multiplied
by a variable in an algebraic expression.

M3-6 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_FG_M03_T01.indd 6 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Relationships 1
Evaluating Numeric Expressions


Write each power of ten as • Interpret a number raised to a positive integer
a product of factors. Then power as a repeated product.
calculate the product. • Identify perfect square numbers and perfect cube numbers.
• Write and evaluate numeric expressions involving
1. 102 5 5 whole-number exponents.
• Model numeric expressions with two- and
2. 105 5 5 three-dimensional figures.
• Evaluate numeric expressions using the
3. 103 5 5 Order of Operations.

4. 104 5 5 KEY TERMS

• power
5. 10 5 5 • base
• exponent
• perfect square
• perfect cube
• evaluate a numeric expression
• Order of Operations

You have written and evaluated expressions equivalent to given numbers. Besides the four
operations—addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division—are there other structures
that can be used in numeric expressions?

LESSON 1: Relationships Matter • M3-7

C01_SE_M03_T01_L01.indd 7 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Getting Started

Expression Challenge
Recall that an expression in mathematics is a number or a combination
of numbers and operations. The number 8 is an expression, and
2 3 2 1 4 is also an expression. Both of these expressions are equal
to 8.

1. Write an expression that is equal to 10 using only four 2s and

any number of math symbols.

Is there more 2. Write an expression that is equal to 8 using only four 3s and
than one way any number of math symbols.
to write each

3. Write an expression that is equal to 20 using only one 2 and

two 4s and any number of math symbols.

M3-8 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L01.indd 8 1/12/19 8:15 PM


1.1 Square and Cube Numbers

Just as repeated addition can be represented as a multiplication

problem, repeated multiplication can be represented as a power.
A power has two elements: the base and the exponent.

2 3 2 3 2 3 2 5 24
power exponent You can read a power
base in different ways:
“2 to the fourth
The base of a power is the factor that is multiplied repeatedly in the power”
power, and the exponent of the power is the number of times the “2 raised to the
base is used as a factor. fourth power”

1. Identify the base and exponent in each power. Then, write

each power in words.

a. 75 b. 48

Remember that the area of a rectangle is calculated by multiplying

its length by its width. Because all sides of a square have the same
length, the area of a square, A, is calculated by multiplying the In the power s2,

length of the side, s, by itself. The formula for the area of a square, the base is the side

A 5 s 3 s, can be written as A 5 s2. length, s, and the

exponent is 2.
In the same way, to calculate the square of a number, you multiply
the number by itself.

2. Write the area of each square as a repeated product, as a

square number, and as an area in square units.

a. b.

2.75 m

9 cm 9 cm

2.75 m

LESSON 1: Relationships Matter • M3-9

C01_SE_M03_T01_L01.indd 9 1/12/19 8:15 PM

c. d.
5 in.

5 in.

7 ft 7 ft

Some of the areas that you wrote in Question 1 are called perfect
You can read 32 as
squares because they are squares of an integer. For example, 9 is a
“3 squared.”
perfect square because 3 3 3 5 9. Another way you can write this
mathematical sentence is 32 5 9.

Recall that the volume of a cube is calculated by multiplying its length

In the power s3, by its width and its height. Since the length, width, and height of a
the base is the side cube are all the same, the formula for the volume, V, of a cube can be
length, s, and the written as V 5 s 3 s 3 s, or V 5 s3.
exponent is 3.
In the same way, to calculate the cube of a number, you use the
number as a factor three times.

3. Write the volume of each cube as a repeated product, as the

cube of a number, and as a volume in cubic units.

a. b.

2 cm
4 in.

2 cm 4 in.
2 cm 4 in.

c. d.

3 ft
5 mm
5 mm
3 ft 5 mm
3 ft

You can read 63 as

A perfect cube is the cube of an integer. For example, 216 is a
”6 cubed.”
perfect cube because 6 is a whole number and 6 3 6 3 6 5 216.

M3-10 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L01.indd 10 1/12/19 8:15 PM


1.2 Modeling Expressions

Previously, you may have thought about expressions as recipes.

Remember, a
For example, the expression 2 1 2 might have meant “start with 2
numeric expression
and add 2 more.” But as a relationship, 2 1 2 means “2 combined
is a mathematical
with 2.”
phrase that contains
numbers and
The Expression Cards at the end of this lesson contain a variety
of numeric expressions and models that represent numeric
expressions. Cut out the Expression Cards.

1. Consider the different structures of the expressions and

the models.

a. Sort the models in a mathematically meaningful way.

b. Sort the expressions in a mathematically meaningful way.
c. Explain how you sorted the Expression Cards.

2. Match the numeric expressions with the models. Select two

pairs of cards and explain why each expression matches
the model.

Now it’s your turn!

3. Think of a numeric expression. Draw a model to represent

that expression. Trade your model with a classmate and write
the numeric expression that represents their model. When
you both have written your answers, trade back and check
your work!

LESSON 1: Relationships Matter • M3-11

C01_SE_M03_T01_L01.indd 11 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Writing Equivalent
1.3 Expressions

The diagram can be used to determine perfect squares.

Daniel drew on the diagram to show that the expression
(4 1 4)2 is equivalent to 82.


13 2 44
1 4 2 69












11 2
10 2

12 2

15 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15

How can you 3
use the grid
to determine
the square of 5
any number 6
from 1 to 15? 7







1. Explain why (4 1 4)2 is equivalent to 82 and not equivalent to

42 1 42. Then use the diagram to write other expressions that
are equivalent to 82.

M3-12 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L01.indd 12 1/12/19 8:15 PM

2. Write an equivalent numeric expression for each perfect square.
a. 6² b. 122

To evaluate a numeric expression means to simplify the expression

to a single numeric value.

3. Use the diagram to rewrite the expression (7 2 3)2 1 (10 2 7)2

with fewer terms. Explain your work.

4. Use the diagram to write four numeric expressions.

Then explain how to evaluate each expression.

The table shows the cubes of the first 10 whole numbers.

13 5 1 23 5 8 33 5 27 43 5 64 53 5 125

63 5 216 73 5 343 83 5 512 93 5 729 103 5 1000

5. Write two more equivalent expressions for each. Show how

to evaluate the expressions.

a. 53 b. 23

LESSON 1: Relationships Matter • M3-13

C01_SE_M03_T01_L01.indd 13 1/12/19 8:15 PM

1.4 Evaluating Expressions

Consider the numeric expression 2 ? 52.

1. Shae drew a model to represent the expression.

Explain how Shae’s model represents the
expression. Then evaluate the expression.
5 5

2. Doug and Miguel each evaluated the expression differently.

2•5 2 • 52
2 • 5 5 10
5 2 5 25
102 5 100
2 • 25 5 50

a. What does Miguel’s solution tell you about how to

evaluate a numeric expression with both multiplication
and exponents?

b. Draw a model to represent Doug’s solution. Explain how

the model is different from Shae’s.

Parentheses are symbols used to group numbers and operations.

You can think about expressions inside parentheses as a single

3. This model represents the expression (6 1 4) ? 3.

6 4

a. Evaluate the expression represented by 6 4

the model. 6 4

M3-14 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

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b. Draw a model that would represent the expression
6 1 (4 ? 3) and evaluate the expression.

c. Compare the models and the expressions. How does

moving the parentheses change how you draw the model
and how you evaluate the expression?

4. Consider the numeric expression (5 1 3)2.

a. Draw a model to represent this expression.

b. The numeric expression was evaluated in two different

ways, resulting in two different values. Determine which
solution is correct. Explain why one solution is correct and
state the error that was made in the other solution.
Solution A Solution B
(5 1 3)2 (5 1 3)2
5 82 5 25 1 9
5 64 5 34

5. Consider the numeric expression 3 ? (7 2 2).

a. Draw a model to represent this expression.

b. The numeric expression was evaluated in two different

ways, resulting in two different values. Determine which
solution is correct. Explain why one solution is correct and
state the error that was made in the other solution. Cross
out the incorrect solution.
Solution A Solution B
3 ? (7 2 2) 3 ? (7 2 2)
5 21 2 2 5 3(5)
5 19 5 15

LESSON 1: Relationships Matter • M3-15

C01_SE_M03_T01_L01.indd 15 1/12/19 8:15 PM

6. A band is playing at a local restaurant for a total of 8 Fridays and
will be paid after their last performance. The band advertises
their 8 appearances in the local newspaper for a total cost of
$400. If the band makes $500 for each appearance, which numeric
expression correctly shows the amount of money each of the four
members will earn? Explain your reasoning.

Expression A Expression B
(8 ? 500 2 400) 4 4 8 ? 500 2 400 4 4


1.5 The Order of Operations

We can use
"Please Excuse
There is an Order of Operations, an order in which operations are
My Dear
performed when evaluating any numeric expression. The Order of
Aunt Sally"
Operations is a set of rules that ensures the same result every time an
to remember
expression is evaluated.
Order of Operations Rules
and Division, 1. Evaluate expressions inside parentheses or grouping symbols.
and Addition 2. Evaluate exponents.
and 3. Multiply and divide from left to right.
4. Add and subtract from left to right.
Keep in mind that multiplication and division are of equal importance
and evaluated in order from left to right. The same is true for addition
and subtraction.

M3-16 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L01.indd 16 1/12/19 8:15 PM

I like "Pink A mnemonic
Elephants may help you
Must Dance remember
Around the order. The
Snakes" better. important
Is that OK? thing is to
WHY the order
of operations

Evaluate each expression using the Order of Operations.

1. 28 4 22 2 36 4 32

2. 12 1 (25 4 5)2

3. (122 2 48) 3 2

4. 168 4 23 1 33 2 20

5. 10 4 (5 2 3) 1 23

LESSON 1: Relationships Matter • M3-17

C01_SE_M03_T01_L01.indd 17 1/12/19 8:15 PM


Order of Operations
Determine whether or not each expression was evaluated
correctly. Show the correct work for any incorrect answers.

1. 18 4 2 ? 32 2. (15 1 10 4 5) 1 8
18 4 2 ? 9 (15 1 2) 1 8
18 4 18 17 1 8
1 25

3. 60 2 (10 2 6 1 1)2 ? 2
60 2 (10 2 7)2 ? 2
60 2 (3)2 ? 2
60 2 9 ? 2
60 2 18

Each numeric expression has been evaluated correctly and

incorrectly. For those that have been evaluated correctly, state
how the Order of Operations was used to evaluate the expression.
For those expressions that have been evaluated incorrectly,
determine the error that was made.

4. 2(10 2 1) 2 3 ? 2 2(10 2 1) 2 3 ? 2
2(9) 2 3 ? 2 2(9) 2 3 ? 2
18 2 3 ? 2 18 2 6
15 ? 2 12

5. 4 1 32 4 1 32
419 72
13 49

6. (2 1 6)2 (2 1 6)2
82 4 1 36
64 40

M3-18 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L01.indd 18 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Expression Cards
✂ 3

332 (3 3 2)2 3 (3 1 2)3

3 2

2 32 3 3 (2 1 3) 2

2 2

3 1 22 (3 1 2)2

2 3 2

33 1 23 2 3 3

3 2


3 33213 32 1 22 3

3 2 2

LESSON 1: Relationships Matter • M3-19

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C01_SE_M03_T01_L01.indd 20 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Write your own mnemonic for the Order of Operations.

Memorize the first 15 squares and 10 cubes.

Perfect Squares

12 5 1 22 5 4 32 5 9 42 5 16 52 5 25
62 5 36 72 5 49 82 5 64 92 5 81 102 5 100
112 5 121 122 5 144 132 5 169 142 5 196 152 5 225

Perfect Cubes

13 5 1 23 5 8 33 5 27 43 5 64 53 5 125
63 5 216 73 5 343 83 5 512 93 5 729 103 5 1000

Use the Order of Operations to evaluate each numeric expression.
1. 42 ? 3 2. 33 2 14 4 2 1 5
3. 17 2 23 4. 144 4 62 ? 8 1 22
5. 32 4 42 6. 24 2 3 ? 5 1 9
7. 9 1 52 2 2 ? 32 8. 112 2 7 ? 6 2 43 4 2

Evaluate each power raised to a power.
1. (32)2
2. (52)4
3. (43)2

LESSON 1: Relationships Matter • M3-21


C01_SE_M03_T01_L01.indd 21 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Graph each rate in the given pair on a coordinate plane. Explain whether or not the rates are equivalent.
15 cups flour 5 cups flour
1. _____________ , _____________
8.25 cups sugar 2.75 cups sugar
245 mi ______
2. ______
3.5 h
, 150

Calculate each conversion.

3. 4 grams 5 milligrams
4. 6400 ounces 5 pounds

Determine each sum.

6 1
5. __
1 3__
2 1
6. 1__
1 4__

M3-22 • TOPIC 1:
3: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L01.indd 22 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Into the 2
Introduction to Algebraic Expressions


In the school cafeteria, soft pretzels sell for • Write algebraic expressions to represent
$1.25 each. Determine how much money real-world and mathematical situations.
the cafeteria earns in each situation. • Match algebraic and verbal expressions.
1. On Monday, the cafeteria sold 14 soft • Identify parts of an algebraic expression
pretzels. using mathematical terms.
• Evaluate algebraic expressions at specific
2. On Wednesday, the cafeteria sold
values of their variables.
35 soft pretzels.
3. On Thursday, the cafeteria sold 50 soft
• variable
• algebraic expression
• coefficient
• term
• evaluate an algebraic expression

You have written and evaluated expressions made up of numbers, but often expressions are
made up of numbers and letters. What situations can be represented by expressions with
letters and how do you evaluate them?

LESSON 2: Into the Unknown • M3-23

C01_SE_M03_T01_L02.indd 23 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Getting Started

Do You Speak Math?

Rewrite each statement using symbols.

1. fourteen more than six

2. six more than fourteen

3. seven less than thirteen

Which 4. thirteen less than seven

can be written
in more than 5. twenty-three subtracted from thirty
one way?

6. thirty subtracted from twenty-three

7. the quotient of twelve divided by four

8. the quotient of four divided by twelve

9. one-fourth of twenty-eight

10. two to the seventh power

11. seven squared

M3-24 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L02.indd 24 1/12/19 8:15 PM

AC T I V I T Y Writing Expressions NOTES
2.1 with Variables

Consider the quantity that changes as you think about the situations
in Question 1.

1. A school lunch costs $1.85 for each student. For each situation,
write a numeric expression to determine how much money is
collected. Then evaluate the expression.

a. Fifty-five students purchase a school lunch.

b. One hundred twenty-six students purchase a school lunch.

c. Two hundred thirteen students purchase a school lunch.

d. One thousand five hundred twelve students purchase a

school lunch.

2. Write a sentence to describe how you can determine the

amount of money collected for any number of students buying
school lunches.

In Question 1 there is one quantity that changes or varies—the

number of students who bought school lunches. In mathematics,
letters are often used to represent quantities that vary. These letters
are called variables, and they help you write algebraic expressions to
represent situations. An algebraic expression is an expression that
has at least one variable.

3. Write an algebraic expression to represent the total amount

of money collected for any number of students buying school

LESSON 2: Into the Unknown • M3-25

C01_SE_M03_T01_L02.indd 25 1/12/19 8:15 PM

A number that is multiplied by a variable in an algebraic expression is
called a coefficient.
If a coefficient
is not shown, it 4. Identify a coefficient in the expression you wrote in Question 3.
is understood
to be 1. So, the
coefficient of
x is 1.
5. The cost to rent a skating rink is $215 for a two-hour party.
The cost will be shared equally among all the people who
attend the party. For each number of attendees, write a
numeric expression to determine how much each person will
pay. Then evaluate the expression.

a. 25 attendees b. 81 attendees

c. 108 attendees

d. Write an algebraic expression to represent how much each

person will pay to attend the skate party.

6. Jimmy has three 300-minute international calling cards.

a. Complete the table to determine how many minutes are left

on each card after each call.

Minutes on Card Duration of Call Minutes Left on Card

300 33 min
300 57 min
300 1 h 17 min

b. Write an algebraic expression that represents the number of

minutes remaining after each call on each card.

M3-26 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

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7. Write an algebraic expression to represent each situation.
Identify the coefficient(s).

a. Ben is selling tickets to the school play. How many will he

have left if he starts with t tickets and sells 125 tickets?

b. A plane descends to __
of its cruising altitude, a. What is its
new altitude?

c. A cube has an edge length of s.

i. What is the volume of the cube?

ii. What is the surface area of the cube?

d. Used paperback books cost $6.25 each with an additional

shipping and handling cost of $8.75. What is the cost of
x books?

e. Chairs cost $35, and sofas cost $75. How much does it cost
to purchase x chairs and y sofas?

8. Write an algebraic expression to represent each

word expression.

a. the quotient of a number n divided by 7

b. 5 more than c

LESSON 2: Into the Unknown • M3-27

C01_SE_M03_T01_L02.indd 27 1/12/19 8:15 PM

c. m less than 9
d. one-fourth of a number n

e. fourteen less than three times a number n

f. six times a number n subtracted from 21

g. one-fourth of a number n minus 6

h. ten times the square of a number w divided by 12

AC T I V I T Y Matching Algebraic and

2.2 Verbal Expressions

Let’s play Expression Explosion! You teacher is going to hand out

cards. Your goal is to identify the written or algebraic expression that
corresponds to your card.

Record your pair of matching algebraic and written expressions.

1. How can you be sure that you have found the correct match?

M3-28 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L02.indd 28 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Parts of Algebraic NOTES
2.3 Expressions

As you learned previously, an algebraic expression contains at least

one variable and sometimes numbers and operations. A term of an
algebraic expression is a number, variable, or product of numbers
and variables.


Consider the expression 3x 1 4y 2 7.

The expression has three terms: 3x, 4y, and 7. The operation
between the first two terms is addition, and the operation between
the second and third term is subtraction.

The first term is 3 The second term is 4 The third term is a

multiplied by the variable x. multiplied by the variable y. constant term of 7.

3x 1 4y 2 7

1. Consider two algebraic expressions: 8 1 5x and 8 2 5x

a. Identify the terms in each algebraic expression.

b. Identify the operation between each term in each

algebraic expression.

c. What is the same in both expressions?

d. What is different in the expressions?

LESSON 2: Into the Unknown • M3-29

C01_SE_M03_T01_L02.indd 29 1/12/19 8:15 PM

2. Identify the number of terms, and then the terms themselves
for each algebraic expression.

a. 4 2 3x

b. 4a 2 9 1 3a

c. 7b 2 9x 1 3a 2 12

Evaluating Algebraic
2.4 Expressions

To evaluate an algebraic expression means to determine the

value of the expression for a given value of each variable. When you
evaluate an algebraic expression, you substitute the given values for
the variables, and then determine the value of the expression.

1. Write a sentence to describe the meaning of each algebraic

Don’t forget to
expression. Then, evaluate the algebraic expression for the
use the Order of
given value.
Operations when
evaluating an
a. 3x 2 4, for x 5 10 b. 11 2 s, for s 5 2
algebraic expression.

c. 10 2 z, for z 5 8 d. 5 2 __ , for y 5 2

M3-30 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

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e. 7 1 5a, for a 5 20 b , for b 5 8
f. __

2. Complete each table.

a. b.
h 3h 2 2 m 11m

2 0

__ 2
3 3

5.1 4

__ 1.7

c. d.
z 2z 1 1
___ p 0.5p

1 0

2 1

5 1.5

11 2.5

LESSON 2: Into the Unknown • M3-31

C01_SE_M03_T01_L02.indd 31 1/12/19 8:15 PM


Expression Construction
1. Construct an algebraic expression for each description.

a. There are 2 terms. The first term is a constant. It is

added to the second term, which is a product of a
number and a variable.

b. There are 4 terms. The first term is a variable divided

by 11. This is added to a second term, which is a
constant. The third term is a second variable multiplied
by three-fourths. The third term is subtracted from
the first 2 terms. The last term, a different constant, is
added to the other 3 terms.

c. The cube of a variable subtracted from a constant and

then added to the square of the same variable.

d. A number multiplied by the square of a variable minus a

number multiplied by the same variable minus a constant.

It is your turn to challenge your classmates!

2. Create a description for an algebraic expression and

swap descriptions with a classmate. After you receive the
algebraic expression back from your classmate, answer
Question 3.

3. Did your classmate write an expression that fits

your description?

M3-32 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L02.indd 32 1/12/19 8:15 PM


Write Remember
Complete each statement with the correct term: algebraic Whenever you perform the
expression, variable, evaluate an algebraic expression, same mathematical process
constant, coefficient. over and over, you can write
1. A(n) is a letter used to represent a quantity a mathematical phrase, called
that varies. an algebraic expression, to
2. A(n) is a number, or quantity, that a variable is represent the situation.
multiplied by in an algebraic expression.
3. A number, or quantity, that does not change its value is called
a(n) .
4. A mathematical phrase involving at least one variable is called
a(n) .
5. To means to determine the
value of the expression.

Write an algebraic expression to represent each situation.
1. A T-shirt costs $5.99.
a. How much will you spend if you buy x T-shirts?
b. Evaluate your expression to calculate the amount of money you will spend if you buy 4 shirts or
10 shirts.
2. You have 7 folders and you want to put the same number of pages in each folder.
a. If you have a total of p pages, how many pages will be in each folder?
b. Evaluate your expression to calculate the number of pages in each folder if you have 147 pages or
245 pages.
3. You have a coupon for $5 off your total bill at Mama’s Meals on Main.
a. How much will you pay after using the coupon if your bill was b dollars?
b. Evaluate your expression to calculate the amount you will pay if your bill was $23.45 or $54.83.
4. You have already read two and a half hours for the Read-a-Thon.
a. How long will you have read if you read an additional h hours?
b. Evaluate your expression to calculate the amount of time you will have read if you read 3 or 5__
additional hours.

LESSON 2: Into the Unknown • M3-33

C01_SE_M03_T01_L02.indd 33 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Write an algebraic expression that represents each verbal expression.
5. six times a number plus 3
6. four times a number subtracted from 2
7. a number squared divided by 2 and added to 16
8. five plus a number and then multiplied by 8

Identify the number of terms and then the terms themselves for each algebraic expression.
9. 6y 1 14
10. 7x 2 3y 1 12z
11. 104a 1 224b

Evaluate each algebraic expression for the given value.

12. 34 2 y2 for y 5 5
13. m3 1 18 for m 5 2
d 1 42 for d 5 70
14. __

Farmer Lyndi raises chickens and goats.
1. Write an expression for the total number of animal legs on Lyndi’s farm.
2. How many animal legs are on the farm if Lyndi has 16 chickens and 6 goats?
3. Suppose Lyndi counted 74 animal legs on the farm. How many of each animal might Lyndi have
on the farm?

Evaluate each numeric expression.
1. 56 4 8 1 3 ? 6
2. 9 ? 8 2 29 1 30 4 15 2 15

Determine which is the better buy.

3. $12.99 for 42 ounces or $2.99 for 10 ounces 4. 3 pounds for $5.00 or $1.50 per pound

Determine at least two equivalent ratios for each given ratio.

2 eggs 20 red
5. _____________ 6. _______
5 cups of milk 12 blue

M3-34 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L02.indd 34 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Second 3
Verse, Same
as the First
Equivalent Expressions


Evaluate each expression. • Model algebraic expressions with algebra tiles.
• Simplify algebraic expressions using algebra tiles.
1. 5 4 __ • Simplify algebraic expressions using the associative,
commutative, and distributive properties.
2. 0.24 4 0.6 • Apply properties of operations to create
equivalent expressions.
(14 1 8)
3. ________ • Rewrite expressions as the product of two factors.
14 8
4. ___ 1 __
• like terms
5. What do you notice • Distributive Property
about the answers to • equivalent expressions
Questions 3 and 4?

You have evaluated numeric expressions and written and evaluated algebraic expressions.
How do you combine algebraic expressions, like you did with numeric expressions, into as
few terms as possible?

LESSON 3: Second Verse, Same as the First • M3-35

C01_SE_M03_T01_L03.indd 35 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Getting Started

Packing for a Camping Trip

Jaden and Jerome, twin brothers, are packing for a weekend camping
trip. They lay out the following items to go in the suitcase.

Jaden: Jerome:

1. How many shirts and pairs of pants is each brother packing?

Together, how many shirts and pairs of pants are they packing?

Shirts Pants




M3-36 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L03.indd 36 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Your teacher has provided you with algebra tiles.

2. How can you use algebra tiles to model the number of shirts
packed by each brother and the number of shirts they
packed together?

Algebra Tiles and Combining
3.1 Like Terms

As you may have seen in the previous activity, when using algebra
tiles to model situations and expressions, it is important to have a
shared meaning for each differently-sized algebra tile.

Your teacher will hold up each differently-sized algebra tile and tell
you the conventional value of each.

1. Sketch each tile and record its value.

Your addition
should each
have 3 terms.
2. Represent each numeric or algebraic expression using
algebra tiles. Write an addition expression that highlights
the different tiles used in the model. Then, sketch the model
below the expression.

a. 3 b. 3x c. 3x2

LESSON 3: Second Verse, Same as the First • M3-37

C01_SE_M03_T01_L03.indd 37 1/12/19 8:15 PM

In an algebraic expression, like terms are two or more terms that have
the same variable raised to the same power. The coefficients of like
terms can be different. Let’s start our exploration of combining like
terms with a review of the properties of arithmetic and algebra that
you will use to combine terms.

The expression you wrote in each part of Question 2 was made up

of like terms. All tiles that are the same size and have the same value
represent like terms.

3. Given the algebra tile model, write an addition expression that

highlights the different tiles in the model. Then, if necessary,
combine like terms and write the expression using as few terms
as possible.

x 1

x2 x 1

x 1

When I 1
combine like
terms using
models, I just
group all the
same tiles
together. 4. Analyze the last expression you wrote in Question 3.

a. How many terms are in your expression with the fewest

terms? How does this relate to the algebra tile model?

b. What is the greatest exponent in the expression?

c. What is the coefficient of x in the expression? How does this

relate to your algebra tile model?

M3-38 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

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5. Consider the model.

x x
y2 y2
x x


a. Write an addition expression that highlights the different

tiles in the model.

b. Rearrange the tiles to combine all of the like tiles. How many
terms does your expression have now?

c. Write the new algebraic expression represented. So, combining

like terms
means to add
or subtract
6. Represent the algebraic expression 3x2 1 x 1 2 using algebra terms with the
tiles. How many types of tiles are needed? same variables.
Like 3x 1 5x.
That’s 8x.

Algebra tiles are helpful tools for combining like terms in algebraic
expressions. However, because they only represent whole number
tiles, they cannot be used to model all algebraic expressions.

7. Use what you have learned about combining like terms to

rewrite each algebraic expression with as few terms
as possible.
1 1
a. 2x 1 3x 2 4.5x b. 3__y 1 2 1 4y 1 1__
2 4

3 3
c. 4.5x 1 6y 2 3.5x 1 7 d. __x 1 2 1 __x
4 8

e. 5x 1 2y 1 __x2 2 3x

LESSON 3: Second Verse, Same as the First • M3-39

C01_SE_M03_T01_L03.indd 39 1/12/19 8:15 PM

Algebra Tiles and the
3.2 Distributive Property

Let’s use algebra tiles to explore rewriting algebraic expressions

When you are
with the Distributive Property.
speaking about an
algebraic expression x 1

that is grouped 1 x 1 1
together with
parentheses, use the
words “the quantity.”
For example 2(x 1 3)
in words would WORKED EXAMPLE
be “two times the Consider the expression 5(x 1 1). This expression has two factors:
quantity x plus three.” 5 and the quantity (x 1 1). You can use the Distributive Property to
rewrite this expression. In this case, multiply the 5 by each term of
the quantity (x 1 1). The model using algebra tiles is shown.

This model is
just adding the
x 1
quantity x 1 1
five times! 1 x 1

1 x 1

5 1 x 1

1 x 1

1 x 1

5(x 1 1) 5 5x 1 5

M3-40 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L03.indd 40 1/12/19 8:15 PM

1. Analyze the parts of the mathematical expressions in the
worked example. Explain each response. NOTES
a. Which expression, 5(x 1 1) or 5x 1 5, shows a product of
two factors?

b. How many terms are in 5x 1 5?

c. The number 5 is a coefficient in which expression?

2. Create a model of each expression using your algebra tiles.

Then, sketch the model and rewrite the expression using the
Distributive Property.

a. 4(2x 1 1) b. (3x 1 1)2

LESSON 3: Second Verse, Same as the First • M3-41

C01_SE_M03_T01_L03.indd 41 1/12/19 8:15 PM

3. Rewrite each expression using the Distributive Property. Then,
Ah, so I combine like terms if possible.
a. 2(x 1 4)
like this:
2(x 1 2)
2?x1 2?2
2x 1 4
b. __(6x 1 12)

c. 2(x 1 5) 1 4(x 1 7)

d. 5x 1 2(3x 2 7)

e. 2(y 1 5) 1 2(x 1 5)

f. __(4x 1 2) 1 8x

So far in this activity, you have multiplied expressions together

using the Distributive Property. Now let’s think about how to
divide expressions.

M3-42 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L03.indd 42 1/12/19 8:15 PM

How do you think the Distributive Property will play a part in dividing
expressions? Let’s find out.
I know that
4. Consider the expression (4x 1 8) 4 4, which can also be multiplication
4x 1 8
rewritten as ______
. and division
are inverse
a. First, represent 4x 1 8 using your algebra tiles. Sketch the operations.
model you create. So, I should
start thinking
in reverse.

b. Next, divide your algebra tile model into four equal groups.
Then, sketch the model you created with your algebra tiles.

c. Write an expression to represent each group from your

sketches in part (b).

d. Verify you created equal groups by multiplying your

expression from part (c) by 4. The product you calculate
should equal 4x 1 8.

LESSON 3: Second Verse, Same as the First • M3-43

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Let’s consider the division expression from Question 4.

To rewrite the WORKED EXAMPLE

4x 1 8
expression, divide You can rewrite an expression of the form ______
using the
the denominator into Distributive Property.
both terms in the
numerator. 4x 1 8 ___
_______ 8
4x __
5 1
4 4 4
5 1x 1 2


4x 1 8
So, _______ 5 x 1 2

The model you created in Question 4 is an example that shows

that the Distributive Property can be used with division as well as
with multiplication.
2x 1 6y 1 4
5. Consider the expression ____________.
a. Use algebra tiles to represent the division expression.

b. Rewrite the division expression using the Distributive

Property. Then, simplify the expression.
2x 1 6y 1 4 ____
____________ 2x 6y 4
5 1 ____ 1 ____

c. Verify that your answer is correct.

M3-44 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L03.indd 44 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Zachary thinks he can simplify algebraic expressions that use the
Distributive Property with division without using algebra tiles. He
6 1 3(x 1 1)
wants to rewrite __________
in as few terms as possible and proposes
two different methods.

6. Analyze each correct method.

Method 1 Method 2
6 + 3(x + 1)
________ 6 3(x + 1) 6 + 3(x + 1) 6 + 3x + 3
3 = __
3 +
= ________
3 3
3x + 9
= 2 + (x + 1) = _____
3x 9
=x+3 = __
3 + 3

= x + 3

a. Explain the reasoning used in each method.

b. Which method do you prefer. Why?

LESSON 3: Second Verse, Same as the First • M3-45

C01_SE_M03_T01_L03.indd 45 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Factoring Algebraic
3.3 Expressions

You have used the Distributive Property to multiply and divide

Using the Distributive
algebraic expressions by a given value. The Distributive Property can
Property to write
also be used to rewrite an algebraic expression as a product of two
an expression as
factors: a constant and a sum of terms.
a product of two
factors is also known
You can write any expression as a product of two factors. In many
as factoring.
types of math problems, you often need the coefficient of a variable
to be 1. Let’s explore how to use the Distributive Property — without
algebra tiles—to rewrite expressions so that the coefficient of the
variable is 1.

1. Consider the expression 3x 1 6.

a. Identify the coefficient of the variable term.

b. Use the Distributive Property to rewrite the expression as

the product of two factors: the coefficient and a sum
of terms.

c. How can you check your work?

M3-46 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

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Using the Distributive Property to rewrite the sum of two terms as the
product of two factors is also referred to as factoring expressions. In
the expression 3x 1 6, you factored out the common factor of 3 from
each term and rewrote the expression as 3(x 1 2). In other words, you
divided 3 from each term and wrote the expression as the product of
3 and the sum of the remaining factors, (x 1 2).

You can use the same strategy to rewrite an algebraic expression so

that the coefficient of the variable is 1 even if the terms do not have
common factors.

WORKED EXAMPLE Remember, you can

Let’s rewrite the expression 4x 2 7 so the coefficient of the multiply or divide any

variable is 1. expression by 1 and

not change its value.

To rewrite the expression, factor out the coefficient 4 from each

term. The equivalent expression is the product of the coefficient
and the difference of the remaining factors.

4x 7
( )
4x 2 7 5 4 ___ 2 __
4 4
5 4(x 2 )__

2. Use the Distributive Property to check that the new expression

is equivalent to the original expression in the Worked Example.

3. Rewrite each expression as the product of two factors.

Check your answers.

a. 4x 1 5 b. 8x 2 3

c. __x 2 4 d. 1.1x 1 1.21

LESSON 3: Second Verse, Same as the First • M3-47

C01_SE_M03_T01_L03.indd 47 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Simplifying Algebraic
3.4 Expressions

Rewrite each expression using the Distributive Property.

32 1 4x
1. ________ 2. 15x 2 10

3(x 1 1) 1 12 1 1
3. _____________ 4. 2__ 1 __x
3 2 4

Rewrite each algebraic expression in as few terms as possible.

5. 3x 1 5y 2 3x 1 2y 6. 4x2 1 4y 1 3x 1 2y2

7. 7x 1 5 2 6x 1 2 8. x2 1 5y 1 4x2 2 3y

M3-48 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L03.indd 48 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Rewrite each algebraic expression by applying the Distributive
Property and then combining like terms.

9. 4(x 1 5y) 2 3x 10. 2(2x 1 5y) 1 3(x 1 3y)

4x 1 6y
11. 3x 1 5(2x 1 7) 12. ________ 2 3y

3x 2 9y
13. 3(x 1 2y) 1 _______ 14. 2(x 1 3y) 1 4(x 1 5y) 2 3x

LESSON 3: Second Verse, Same as the First • M3-49

C01_SE_M03_T01_L03.indd 49 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Write Right
Mr. Martin asked his class to write expressions equivalent to
7(3a 1 5b) and 8 1 3(2x 1 5) and got 5 different responses for
each. For each response, determine if the original expression was
rewritten correctly. For those not rewritten correctly, describe the
mistake that was made in rewriting the expression.

1. 7(3a 1 5b)

a. 10a 1 12b

b. 7(3a) 1 7(5b)

c. 21a 1 5b

d. 21a 1 35b

e. 7(8ab)

2. 8 1 3(2x 1 5)

a. 8 1 3 ∙ 2x 1 3 ∙ 5

b. 23 1 6x

c. 11(2x 1 5)

d. 8 1 6x 1 15

e. 13 1 6x

M3-50 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L03.indd 50 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Write Remember
Describe 3 different ways that To rewrite an algebraic expression with as few terms as possible,
you can use the Distributive use the properties of arithmetic and the Order of Operations.
Property to rewrite expressions.
Provide an example for each. An algebraic expression containing terms can be written as the
product of two factors by applying the Distributive Property.

1. Represent each algebraic expression by sketching algebra tiles. Rewrite the expression in a fewer
number of terms, if possible.
a. x2 1 2y2 1 5 b. y2 1 3y 1 1 1 y

2. Rewrite each expression by combining like terms.

a. 4.5x 1 (6y 2 3.5x) 1 7 (
b. __
y 1 __
x 1 __
) 1 (__
x 1 __
2 )
3. Nelson is going on an overnight family reunion camping trip. He is in charge of bringing the wood for
the campfire. He will start the fire with 6 logs and then plans to add 3 logs for each hour the fire burns.
a. Represent the number of logs he will use as an algebraic expression.
b. Suppose the family decides to stay for 2 nights next year. Write the expression for the number of logs
they would need for 2 nights.
c. Create a model of the situation in part (b) using your algebra tiles, and then sketch the model.
d. Rewrite the expression in part (c) using as few terms as possible.
e. Nelson’s cousin believes they will only need one-third of the firewood Nelson brings for one night.
Represent this as an expression and then use the Distributive Property to rewrite the expression.
f. There are several family members who will be visiting for the day only. The campground charges $6
per car, plus $2 per visitor. One of the families brings a coupon for $3 off their total fee. Write the
expression that represents their total cost for the day. Define the variables.
g. The two oldest uncles at the reunion insist on paying the bill for the daily visitors. They will split
the bill equally. Represent the amount of money each uncle will pay as an expression. Then use the
Distributive Property to rewrite the expression.

4. Rewrite each expression by applying the Distributive Property and combining like terms.
12y 1 16x
a. 7(2x 1 y) 1 5(x 1 4y) b. 9x 1 6y 1 ________
6(x 1 1) 1 30
c. ___________

5. Rewrite each expression as a product of two factors, so that the coefficient of the variable is 1.
a. 6x 1 7 b. __

LESSON 3: Second Verse, Same as the First • M3-51

C01_SE_M03_T01_L03.indd 51 1/12/19 8:16 PM

1. Simplify the algebraic expression to include as few terms as possible.
3[2x 1 4(5y 1 1)] 1 __
4 [
8y 1 12 (__23x 1 __16)]
2. Rewrite each algebraic expression as the product of two factors, such that the coefficient of the term with
the highest exponent is 1.
a. 2x2 1 5x 1 1
3 3 2
b. __
x 2 9x2 1 __
x 1 10
c. 2.6y2 1 3.9y 2 12.48

1. Sheldon Elementary School has a school store that sells many items including folders, pencils, erasers,
and novelty items. The parent association is in charge of buying items for the store.
a. One popular item at the store is scented pencils that come in packs of 24 from the retailer. Write an
algebraic expression that represents the total number of scented pencils they will have available to sell.
Let p represent the number of packs of scented pencils.
b. Another popular item at the store is animal-themed folders. Each pack of folders contains 6 folders.
The store currently has 4 packs in the store and would like to order more. Write an algebraic expression
for the total number of folders they will have after they order more folders. Let x represent the number
of packs of folders they buy.
c. The latest fad is animal-shaped rubber bracelets. The bracelets come in a pack of 24. Write an
algebraic expression that represents the cost of each bracelet. Let c represent the cost of a pack
of 24 bracelets.

2. Determine which rate is faster.

a. 185 miles in 3 hours or 490 miles in 8 hours
b. 70 miles per hour or 100 kilometers per hour

3. Calculate the volume of each solid formed by rectangular prisms.

a. 2 cm 2 cm b. 2 yd 2 yd

2 cm 4 yd

2 cm 2 yd
6 cm
6 cm 1 yd
6 yd
1 cm 1 cm

M3-52 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L03.indd 52 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Are They 4
Saying the
Same Thing?
Verifying Equivalent Expressions


Determine which pairs • Compare expressions using properties, tables,
of ratios are equivalent. and graphs.
Explain how you know. • Identify when two expressions are equivalent.
• Determine if two expressions are equivalent.
1. 5:7 and 100:140

2. 42:48 and 14:15

3. 105:100 and 20:21

4. 9:12 and 60:80

You know how to use the Distributive Property and combine like terms to write equivalent
expressions. How can you determine if two given expressions are equivalent?

LESSON 4: Are They Saying the Same Thing? • M3-53

C01_SE_M03_T01_L04.indd 53 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Getting Started

Property Sort
Cut out the Property Cards located at the end of the lesson.

On each card is one representation of a property of numbers or

operations that you have used in the past to rewrite and evaluate
numeric expressions.

1. Sort the cards according to the property named or illustrated

on the cards. Create a table that shows your final sorting.

2. Using complete sentences, write an explanation for how each

picture illustrates its property.

M3-54 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L04.indd 54 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Determining Whether NOTES
4.1 Expressions Are Equivalent

Two algebraic expressions are equivalent expressions if, when any

values are substituted for the variables, the results are equal.

While it’s not realistic to test each expression for every possible
value for the unknown, you can examine the characteristics of each
expression in the different representations:

• a table of values
• rewritten expressions using the properties
• a graph of both expressions

Let’s explore each representation.

Consider the two expressions 2(x 1 2) 1 3x and 5x 1 4.

1. Use a table to evaluate each expression for different values

of the variable.

a. Complete the table of values for each value of x.

x 2(x 1 2) 1 3x 5x 1 4

b. What can you determine based on the values in the table?

c. What would you need to know to be able to verify that the

two expressions are equivalent?

LESSON 4: Are They Saying the Same Thing? • M3-55

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2. Rewrite the given expression and identify the property applied
at each step.

2(x 1 2) 1 3x Given

5 2x 1 1 3x

5 x14 Combine Like Terms/Addition

3. Are the two expressions equivalent? Explain.

You can also use a graph to determine or verify if two expressions

are equivalent.

4. Use the table of values to sketch the graph of both expressions

on the coordinate plane.

a. Plot the values for each expression on the coordinate plane. Use
Don't forget
a to represent the values from the first expression and a
to put
for the values from the second expression. Then, connect the
arrows on
results for each expression with a line.
each end of
your line. The
arrows show
that the line
goes on 16
forever. 14




0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

b. How does the graph demonstrate that the two expressions

are equivalent?

M3-56 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

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Now, let’s consider the expressions 2x 1 5 and 2(x 1 5).

5. Use a table to evaluate each expression for different values

of the variable.

a. Complete the table of values for each value of x.

x 2x 1 5 2(x 1 5)

b. What can you determine based on the values in the table?

6. Use the Distributive Property to rewrite the second expression.

7. Are the two expressions equivalent? Explain your reasoning.

LESSON 4: Are They Saying the Same Thing? • M3-57

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8. Use the table of values to sketch the graph of both expressions
on the coordinate plane.

a. Plot the values for each expression on the coordinate plane. Use
a to represent the values from the first expression and a
for the values from the second expression. Then, connect the
results for each expression with a line.







0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

b. What does the graph tell you about the equivalence of the
two expressions?

For each pair of expressions, use a table, properties, and a graph to

determine if the expressions are equivalent.

9. (3x 1 8) 1 (6 2 x) and 4x 1 14

x (3x 1 8) 1 (6 2 x) 4x 1 14

M3-58 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L04.indd 58 1/12/19 8:16 PM

b. (3x 1 8) 1 (6 2 x) Given

5 (3x 1 8) 1 (6 2 x) Commutative Property of Addition

5 3x 1 (8 1 6) 2 x

5 3x 1 2x Combine Like Terms

5 1 3x 2 x

c. y






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

d. Are the two expressions equivalent? Explain using all three


LESSON 4: Are They Saying the Same Thing? • M3-59

C01_SE_M03_T01_L04.indd 59 1/12/19 8:16 PM

10. x 1 3(2x 1 1) and 7x + 3

x x 1 3(2x 1 1) 7x 1 3

b. x 1 3 (2x 1 1) Given


c. y






0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

d. Are the two expressions equivalent? Explain using

all three representations.

M3-60 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L04.indd 60 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Property Management
For each step of the simplification of the expression, identify the
property or operation applied.
Number Property or Operation

1. 10 ∙ 4x 1 3(2x 1 1) Given

5 (10 ∙ 4)x 1 3(2x 1 1)

5 40x 1 3(2x 1 1) Multiplication

5 40x 1 6x 1 3

5 46x 1 3

2. 20 1 (6 1 x) 1 7 Given

5 20 1 (x 1 6) 1 7

5 20 1 x 1 (6 1 7) Associative Property of Addition

5 20 1 x 1 13

5 x 1 20 1 13

5 x 1 33

12x 2 8 Given
3. 7x 1 _______
1 5x

5 7x 1 3x 2 2 1 5x

5 10x 2 2 1 5x

5 10x 1 5x 2 2

5 15x 2 2

LESSON 4: Are They Saying the Same Thing? • M3-61

C01_SE_M03_T01_L04.indd 61 1/12/19 8:16 PM

2(x 1 5) 2 4
4. Rewrite __________
2 x using the fewest terms possible.
Justify each step with a property or operation.

5. How can you use another representation to check that your

2(x 1 5) 2 4
answer in Question 4 is equivalent to __________
2 x?

M3-62 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L04.indd 62 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Commutative Associative
a (b 1 c) 5
Property of Property of
ab 1 ac 5
Addition Multiplication

Distributive (13 ? 2) ? 5 5 5
Property of
Multiplication 13 ? (2 ∙ 5)

5 (10 1 2) 5
6?555?6 Property of 5
5 ? 10 1 5 ? 2

(3 1 4) 1 6 5
a1b5b+a x∙y5y?x
3 1 (4 1 6) 5

(j ? k) ? l 5 (l + m) 1 n 5
2135312 5
j ? (k ? l) l 1 (m 1 n)

LESSON 4: Are They Saying the Same Thing? • M3-63

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C01_SE_M03_T01_L04.indd 64 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Match each term to the best definition.
1. Commutative Property of Addition a. For any numbers a and b, a 1 b 5 b 1 a
2. Commutative Property of Multiplication b. For any numbers a, b, and c,
3. Associative Property of Addition (ab)c 5 a(bc)
4. Associative Property of Multiplication c. Two or more terms that have the same variable raised
5. like terms to the same power.
d. For any numbers a and b, ab 5 ba
e. For any numbers a, b, and c, (a 1 b) 1 c 5 a 1 (b 1 c)

6. Explain what it means for two expressions to be equivalent.

To determine whether two expressions are equivalent, you can create a table of values, graph the
expressions, or rewrite the expressions using number properties.

Determine whether the two expressions are equivalent. Use properties, a table, and a graph in each
problem to verify your answer.
1. 2(3x 1 2) 2 2x and 4x 1 2 2. 1 1 3(3 1 x) and 4(3 1 x)
(6x 1 9)
( 1
3. 2x 1 1 and 2 x 1 __
2 ) 4. _______
+ 4 and 2(x 1 3.5)

Determine whether the two expressions are equivalent. Use properties, a table, and a graph in each
problem to verify your answer.
1. (x 1 5)(2x 1 1) and 2x2 1 5
2. (x 1 1)(x 2 1) and x2 2 1

LESSON 4: Are They Saying the Same Thing? • M3-65

C01_SE_M03_T01_L04.indd 65 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Use the Distributive Property and combine like terms to rewrite each expression.
1. 9(6m 1 3) 1 6(1 2 4m)
3(4x 1 8y)
2. ________
1 2y 2 x

Determine the better buy.

3. 6 car washes for $50 or 4 car washes for $36
4. 10 markers for $2.40 or 32 markers for $7.00

Determine the least common multiple (LCM) of each pair of numbers.

5. 6 and 10
6. 7 and 12

M3-66 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L04.indd 66 1/12/19 8:16 PM

DVDs and 5
Using Algebraic Expressions to Analyze
and Solve Problems


Blake is twice as old as Alec. • Represent real-world
Celia is 3 years older than Blake. problems with algebraic
1. If Alec is 9 years old, how old is Blake? expressions.
• Use variables and write
2. If Alec is 9 years old, how old is Celia?
algebraic expressions
3. If Celia is 13 years old, how old is Blake? to solve real-world and
4. If Celia is 13 years old, how old is Alec? mathematical problems.
5. If Blake is 30 years old, how old is Alec?
6. If Blake is 30 years old, how old is Celia?

You have written numeric and algebraic expressions. How can algebraic expressions help
you solve real-world problems?

LESSON 5: DVDs and Songs • M3-67

C01_SE_M03_T01_L05.indd 67 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Getting Started

Number Magic
Complete the number riddle by following each step.

Step 1: Pick a number between 1 and 30.

Step 2: Add 9 to your number.
Step 3: Multiply the sum by 3.
Step 4: Subtract 6 from the product.
Step 5: Divide the difference by 3.
Step 6: Subtract your original number.

1. Record your answer.

You may need
to complete
the riddle
a couple of
times to get
a sense of the

2. Compare your original number and your result with a

classmate’s number and result.

3. Use properties of numbers to demonstrate why the

riddle works.

M3-68 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L05.indd 68 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Writing Expressions NOTES
5.1 to Solve Problems

Jaret, Haley, Dillan, and Kierstin each collect DVDs. Jaret likes
western movies, Haley likes comedies, Dillan likes action movies, and
Kierstin likes science fiction movies.

Haley says: “I have twice as many DVDs as Jaret.”

Dillan says: “I have four more DVDs than Haley.”

Kierstin says: “I have three times as many as Dillan.”

1. If Jaret has 10 DVDs, determine the number of DVDs for each

friend. Explain your reasoning.

Haley Dillan

Kierstin All four friends together

2. If Kierstin has 24 DVDs, determine the number of DVDs for

each friend. Explain your reasoning.

Haley Dillan

Jaret All four friends together

LESSON 5: DVDs and Songs • M3-69

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3. Let j represent the number of DVDs that Jaret has.

a. Write an algebraic expression that represents the number of

DVDs for each friend.

Haley Dillan

Kierstin All four friends together

The number
of DVDs that
Dillan has b. Use your expression from Question 3, part (a), to determine
is less than the number of DVDs they have altogether if Jaret has:
the number
Kierstin 10 DVDs. 2 DVDs.
has. So, the
expression I
write for Dillan
has to be less 25 DVDs. 101 DVDs.
than k.

c. Write an algebraic expression to represent the number of

DVDs for:

Jaret and Dillan Haley and Kierstin

4. Let k represent the number of DVDs Kierstin has.

a. Write an algebraic expression that represents the number of

DVDs for each friend.

Haley Dillan

Jaret All four friends together

M3-70 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L05.indd 70 1/12/19 8:16 PM

b. Use your expression from Question 6, part (a), to determine
the number of DVDs they have altogether if Kierstin has:

72 DVDs. 24 DVDs.

36 DVDs. 660 DVDs.

c. Write an algebraic expression to represent the number of

DVDs for:

Jaret and Dillan Haley and Kierstin

5. Let h represent the number of DVDs Haley has.

a. Write an algebraic expression that represents the number of

DVDs for each friend.

Jaret Dillan

Kierstin All four friends together

b. Use your expression from Question 9, part (a), to determine

the number of DVDs they have altogether if Haley has:

20 DVDs. 24 DVDs.

50 DVDs. 34 DVDs.

LESSON 5: DVDs and Songs • M3-71

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c. Write an algebraic expression to represent the number of
DVDs for:

Jaret and Dillan Haley and Kierstin

6. Let d represent the number of DVDs Dillan has.

a. Write an algebraic expression that represents the number of

DVDs for each friend.

Jaret Haley

Kierstin All four friends together

b. Use your expression from Question 11, part (a), to determine

the number of DVDs they have altogether if Dillan has:

24 DVDs. 8 DVDs.

20 DVDs. 60 DVDs.

c. Write an algebraic expression to represent the number of

DVDs for:

Jaret and Dillan Haley and Kierstin

M3-72 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L05.indd 72 1/12/19 8:16 PM

More Solving Problems
5.2 with Expressions

Five friends have their own MP3 players.

Jake has 5 more songs on his MP3 than Rick has on his.

Marilyn has half as many songs on her MP3 as Jake has on his.

Lori has 3 more than twice the number of songs on her MP3 as
Rick has on his.

Cody has 3 times as many songs on his MP3 as Marilyn has

on hers.

1. Let r represent the number of songs on Rick’s MP3 player.

Write an algebraic expression that represents the number of
songs on each friend’s MP3 player.

Jake Marilyn

Lori Cody All five friends together

2. Use your expression from Question 1 to calculate the number

of songs they have altogether if Rick has:

a. 15 songs. b. 47 songs.

3. Write an algebraic expression to represent the number of

songs for:

a. Jake, Cody, and Rick b. Marilyn and Lori

LESSON 5: DVDs and Songs • M3-73

C01_SE_M03_T01_L05.indd 73 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Be a Magician!
You started this lesson by looking at a number riddle. Now that
you have explored algebraic expressions, you can think about how
they work.

1. Write the corresponding algebraic expressions for each

step to show why this number trick works.

• Choose a number.
• Add 5.
• Double the result.
• Subtract 4.
• Divide the result by 2.
• Subtract the number you started with.
• The result is 3.

2. Create your own number trick. Then write the

corresponding algebraic expressions to show why it works.

M3-74 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L05.indd 74 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Write Remember
How can algebraic expressions An algebraic expression is a mathematical phrase involving at least
help you to solve real-world one variable and sometimes numbers and operation symbols.

At the end of each school year, Evan cleans out all of the school supplies that have collected in his desk.
He can’t believe how much stuff is in there this year! He has 4 times as many markers as he has pencils.
He has 3 more highlighters than he has markers. He has twice as many pens as he has highlighters.
1. Suppose Evan found 5 pencils in his desk.
a. Determine the number of markers that are in his desk. Explain your reasoning.
b. Determine the number of highlighters that are in his desk. Explain your reasoning.
c. Determine the number of pens that are in his desk. Explain your reasoning.
d. Determine the total number of writing utensils that are in his desk. Explain your reasoning.
2. Suppose Evan found 78 pens in his desk.
a. Determine the number of highlighters that are in his desk. Explain your reasoning.
b. Determine the number of markers that are in his desk. Explain your reasoning.
c. Determine the number of pencils that are in his desk. Explain your reasoning.
d. Determine the total number of writing utensils that are in his desk. Explain your reasoning.
3. Let p represent the number of pencils that Evan has in his desk.
a. Write an algebraic expression that represents the number of markers in Evan’s desk.
b. Write an algebraic expression that represents the number of highlighters in Evan’s desk.
c. Write an algebraic expression that represents the number of pens in Evan’s desk.
d. Write an algebraic expression that represents the total number of writing utensils in Evan’s desk.
e. Use your expression from part (d) to determine the total number of writing utensils in Evan’s desk if
there are 8 pencils.
f. Use your expression to determine the total number of writing utensils in Evan’s desk if there are
12 pencils.

LESSON 5: DVDs and Songs • M3-75

C01_SE_M03_T01_L05.indd 75 1/12/19 8:16 PM

1. A three-digit number with all the same digits can be represented with an algebraic expression:
100 3 a 1 10 3 a 1 a. Use this fact to explain why any three-digit number with all repeated digits
can be divided evenly by 37.

Write an algebraic expression to represent each verbal expression.
1. One-third the sum of a number and two and one hundredths.
2. Sixteen and two-tenths subtracted from two times a number.

Calculate each percent.

3. In Ms. Romano’s math class of 25 students, 8 of the students play a musical instrument. What percent
of the class plays a musical instrument?
4. In Ms. Sobato’s science class of 20 students, 3 of the students are in the school play. What percent of
the class is in the school play?

Determine each whole for the percent and part given.

5. 68 is 32% of what number?
6. 16 is 80% of what number?

M3-76 • TOPIC 1: Expressions

C01_SE_M03_T01_L05.indd 76 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Expressions Summary
• power • evaluate a numeric expression • term
• base • Order of Operations • evaluate an algebraic expression
• exponent • variable • like terms
• perfect square • algebraic expression • Distributive Property
• perfect cube • coefficient • equivalent expressions


1 Relationships Matter

Repeated multiplication can be represented as a power. 2 3 2 3 2 3 2 5 24

A power has two elements: the base and the exponent.
The base of a power is the factor that is multiplied
repeatedly in the power, and the exponent of the power power exponent
is the number of times the base is used as a factor. base

You can read this power in different ways: “2 to the fourth power,” “2 raised to the fourth
power,” or “2 to the fourth.”

A number multiplied by itself is a square. The squares of integers are called perfect squares.
For example, 9 is a perfect square because 3 3 3 5 9. Another way to write this equation is
32 5 9. You can read 32 as “3 squared.”

A number used as a factor three times is a cube. A perfect cube is the cube of an integer. For
example, 216 is a perfect cube because 6 3 6 3 6, or 63, is equal to 216. You can read 63 as
“6 cubed.”


C01_SE_TS_M03_T01.indd 77 1/12/19 8:17 PM

To evaluate a numeric expression means to simplify the expression to a single numeric value.

For example, consider the numeric expression 2 · 52 represented by the

model shown. 5

52 5 25, and 2 · 52 5 2 · 25, or 50. 5 5

Therefore, 2 · 52 has a value of 50.

The Order of Operations is a set of rules that ensures the same result every time an
expression is evaluated.
1. Evaluate expressions inside parentheses or grouping symbols.
2. Evaluate exponents.
3. Multiply and divide from left to right.
4. Add and subtract from left to right.

For example, evaluate the expression 12 4 (4 1 2) 1 42 using the Order of Operations.

12 4 (6) 1 42 Evaluate the expression in parentheses.
12 4 6 1 16 Evaluate the exponent.
2 1 16 Divide from left to right.
18 Add from left to right.


2 Into the Unknown

In mathematics, letters are often used to represent quantities that vary. These letters are called
variables, and they help you write algebraic expressions to represent situations. An algebraic
expression is an expression that has at least one variable.

For example, if a school lunch costs $2.25 for each student, you can write an algebraic
expression to represent the total amount of money collected for any number of students
buying school lunches.

The variable s can represent the unknown number of students buying school
lunches. The algebraic expression is 2.25s.

A number that is multiplied by a variable in an algebraic expression is called the numerical

coefficient. The coefficient in the expression written above is 2.25.


C01_SE_TS_M03_T01.indd 78 1/12/19 8:17 PM

A term of an algebraic expression is a number, variable, or product of numbers and variables.

For example, consider the expression 3x 1 4y 2 7. The expression has three terms: 3x, 4y,
and 7. The operation between the first two terms is addition, and the operation between the
second and third term is subtraction. There are two terms with variables and the third term is a
constant term of 7.

To evaluate an algebraic expression means to determine the value of the expression for a
given value of each variable. When you evaluate an algebraic expression, you substitute the
given values for the variables, and then determine the value of the expression.
For example, evaluate 10 2 __
, for x 5 9.
10 2 __
Substitute the given value for x.

10 2 3 5 7 Use the Order of Operations to evaluate the expression.


3 Second Verse, Same as the First

In an algebraic expression, like terms are two or more terms that have the same variable
raised to the same power. The numerical coefficients of like terms may be different. You can
combine like terms in algebraic expressions by
adding or subtracting terms with the same
variables. For example, 3x 1 5x combines to x 1
make 8x.
1 x 1
Algebraic expressions can be rewritten using
the Distributive Property. 1 x 1

5 1 x 1
For example, consider the expression 5(x 1 1),
which has two factors: 5 and the quantity (x 1 1 x 1
1). In this case, multiply the 5 by each term of
the quantity (x 1 1). The model using algebra 1 x 1
tiles is shown.

5(x 1 1) 5 5x 1 5


C01_SE_TS_M03_T01.indd 79 1/12/19 8:17 PM

4x 1 8
You can also rewrite an expression of the form ______
using the 4x 1 8
______ 4x
5 __ 8
1 __
4 4 4
Distributive Property.
5 1x 1 2
The Distributive Property can also be used to rewrite an algebraic
expression as a product of two factors: a constant and a sum of terms. 5x12
This is also referred to as factoring expressions.

To rewrite the expression 4x 2 7 so the coefficient of the variable is 1, factor out the
coefficient 4 from each term. The equivalent expression is the product of the coefficient and
the sum of the remaining factors.

4x 7
4x 2 7 5 4(__
2 __

5 4(x 2 __


4 Are They Saying the Same Thing?

Two algebraic expressions are equivalent expressions if, when any values are
substituted for the variables, the results are equal.

Creating a table of values, graphing the expressions, or rewriting the expressions using
number properties can help you to determine if two expressions are equivalent.

For example, consider the two expressions 3(x 1 1) 2 2x x 3(x 1 1) 2 2x x13

and x 1 3.
0 3 3
The table of values for each value of x shows that the 1 4 4
two expressions are equivalent. 2 5 5
Using the table of values to graph the two expressions 3 6 6
results in two lines that lie on top of one another, show-
ing that the expressions are equivalent.


C01_SE_TS_M03_T01.indd 80 1/12/19 8:17 PM

You can also rewrite the given expression to show that the two expressions are equivalent.

3(x 1 1) 2 2x Given
3x 1 3 2 2x Distributive Property
x13 Combine Like Terms


5 DVDs and Songs

You can use algebraic expressions to represent, analyze, and solve real-world problems. For
example, let k represent the number of books that Karen has.

Jack has three times as many books as Karen: 3k.

Daniel has 6 more books than Jack: 3k 1 6.

Hannah has twice as many books as Daniel: 2(3k 1 6).

If Karen has 10 books, determine the total number of books the four friends have together.

Substitute 10 for k in each expression to determine the number of books each friend has.

Jack has 3 · 10, or 30 books.

Daniel has 3 · 10 1 6, or 36 books.
Hannah has 2(3 · 10 1 6), or 72 books.

The total number of books the four friends have together is 10 1 30 1 36 1 72 5 148 books.


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C01_SE_TS_M03_T01.indd 82 1/12/19 8:17 PM


In a tug-of-war contest, one side may be stronger, so the two sides would be unequal. Or both sides could be equally
strong. No matter what, these two puppies 5 cute.

Lesson 1
First Among Equals
Reasoning with Equal Expressions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M3-87

Lesson 2
Bar None
Solving One-Step Addition Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M3-107

Lesson 3
Play It In Reverse
Solving One-Step Multiplication Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M3-119

Lesson 4
Getting Real
Solving Equations to Solve Problems . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M3-135

C01_SE_M03_T02_INTRO.indd 83 1/12/19 8:16 PM

C01_SE_M03_T02_INTRO.indd 84 1/12/19 8:16 PM
Carnegie Learning Family Guide Course 1
Module 3: Determining Unknown Quantities
TOPIC 2: EQUATIONS Where have we been?
In this topic, students use their
In the previous topic, students learned
understanding of expressions to create
about expressions. Instruction in this topic
equations and determine if given
asks students to set expressions equal to
values are solutions to equations or
each other and to determine if they are
simple inequalities. Students develop
equal. Students have been solving for
an understanding of the equals sign
missing values in addition and subtraction
as indicating a relationship, not as an
equations since grade 1 and in multiplication
operator. They learn that solving an
and division equations since grade 3.
equation means maintaining equality
However, this topic is likely the first time they
of the expressions on either side of the
have used variables to represent and solve
equals sign. Students analyze equations
for an unknown value in an equation.
and generalize that equations can have
one solution, no solution, or infinitely
Where are we going?
many solutions. Students use bar models
In grade 7, students will expand their
to reason about solving one-step
ability to solve equations to two-step linear
addition and multiplication equations.
equations. By grade 8, students will be able
Bar models are used to emphasize the
to solve a wide variety of linear equations.
importance of maintaining equality.
In high school, students will expand
Students solve a variety of real-world
their skills to include solving exponential,
problems by writing and solving
quadratic, polynomial, and trigonometric
one-step addition and multiplication
equations. All of this work is built upon the
foundation of equivalent expressions that
students begin to build in this topic.

Using Bar Models to Solve Addition Equations

Bar models are visual tools that can be used to solve equations. x 10
For example, this bar model shows that the expressions x 1 10 and
x + 10
15 are equal, so x 1 10 5 15. The top bar can be split into two bars,
x and 10. When this split happens in the bottom bar, with one bar 15

containing 10, it shows that x is the same as 5, so x 5 5. 5 10

TOPIC 2: Family Guide • M3-85

C01_SE_FG_M03_T02.indd 85 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Myth: "Just give me the rule. If I know the rule,
then I understand the math."

Memorize the following rule: All quars are elos. Will you remember that rule
tomorrow? Nope. Why not? Because it has no meaning. It isn’t connected to anything you
know. What if we change the rule to: All squares are parallelograms. How about now? Can
you remember that? Of course you can because now it makes sense.

Learning does not take place in a vacuum. It must be connected to what you already know.
Otherwise, arbitrary rules will be forgotten.


Talking Points Key Terms

You can further support your student’s equation
learning by making sure they eat right An equation is a mathematical sentence
and get enough sleep. Healthy bodies that contains an equals sign. An equation
make for healthy minds, and both diet can contain numbers, variables, or both in
and sleep have significant effects the same mathematical sentence.
on learning.
inverse operations
Inverse operations are pairs of operations
that undo the effects of each other.

M3-86 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_FG_M03_T02.indd 86 1/12/19 8:13 PM

First Among 1
Reasoning with Equal Expressions


Rewrite each • Compose and decompose numeric and algebraic equations.
number as an • Substitute values into equations to determine whether they
addition, subtraction, make the equation true.
multiplication, or • Construct and analyze equations using Properties of Equality.
division expression. • Analyze, write, and graph inequalities.
Use each operation • Determine the number of solutions of an equation or inequality.
• equation • Division Property of Equality
• Reflexive Property • Symmetric Property
2. __
2 of Equality of Equality
• solution • Zero Property of
• Addition Property Multiplication
3. 0 of Equality • Identity Property
• Subtraction Property of Multiplication
4. 100 of Equality • Identity Property of Addition
• Multiplication Property • graph of an inequality
of Equality • solution set of an inequality

You have learned about both numeric and algebraic expressions and how they describe
situations and relationships among quantities. What properties do equal expressions have
and how can you use these properties to reason about solutions?

LESSON 1: First Among Equals • M3-87

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 87 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Getting Started

The Same But Different

1. Write different expressions equal to 4.



Be creative!
different 2. Now write different expressions equal to 4 1 5.
in your
expressions. 4155



3. What can you do to one of the expressions you wrote in

Question 1 to make it equal to one of the expressions you
wrote in Question 2?

M3-88 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 88 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Using Substitution to
1.1 Understand Equality

An equation is a statement of equality between two expressions.

The Reflexive Property of
An equation can contain numbers, variables, or both in the same
Equality says that when
mathematical sentence.
both sides of an equation
look exactly the same,
Consider the equation 8 1 4 5 1 5. It has an unknown number.
their values are equal.

One way to determine the unknown number is to rewrite the

expressions on both sides of the equals sign until they match.

Consider each reasoning strategy that is used to determine the

unknown number in 8 1 4 5 1 5.

The equal sign tells me to perform the operation on
the left in the equation 8 1 4 5 1 5.

8 1 4 5 12 1 5

12 1 5 5 17

Therefore, the unknown number is 17.

I can determine the unknown number in 8 1 4 5 1
5 by rewriting the expression on the left. I can take 1 from
8 and give it to the 4 and keep the value of the expression
the same.
(8 2 1) 1 (4 1 1) 5 15
7155 15
Therefore, the unknown number is 7.

LESSON 1: First Among Equals • M3-89

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I can determine the unknown number in 8 1 4 5 1 5
by rewriting both expressions.

8 1 4 5 1 1 1 4

7 1 1 1 4 5 1 1 1 4

Therefore, the unknown number is 7.

1. What is the unknown number in the equation 8 1 4 5 1 5?

Explain how this makes sense.

2. Explain the error in Rylee's reasoning.

3. How are Clover's reasoning and Fiona's reasoning similar?

How are they different?

M3-90 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 90 1/12/19 8:16 PM

4. Consider the equation 31 1 67 5 1 12.
a. Determine the unknown number by rewriting the
expressions on either side of the equals sign until they

b. How can you check your answer to make sure it is correct?

c. What number property or properties did you use when

determining the unknown number?

5. Use your number sense reasoning to determine each unknown

number. Show your work.

a. 85 1 45 5 1 60 b. 9 1 23 5 1 14

LESSON 1: First Among Equals • M3-91

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 91 1/12/19 8:16 PM


1.2 Solutions from a Set

Equations come in many forms. Because expressions are either

numeric or algebraic, equations can be made of just numbers or
both numbers and variables.

Equations are statements—they may be always true, never true, or

true only for one or more values of the variable.

True for certain

Always True Never True
values of the variable

6 5 10 2 4 10 5 20 x55
x5x x5x12 x 1 2 5 12

When you determine that an equation is never true, you can make
it a true statement by using the symbol ≠. For example, 10 5 20
should be written as 10 ≠ 20.

1. Create at least five different kinds of equations using the list

Expressions of expressions given.


2(x 1 1)
2. Identify your equations that are always true, never true, and
those equations where you don’t yet know whether they are
2x true or false. Explain your reasoning.

2x 1 2


M3-92 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 92 1/12/19 8:16 PM

A solution to an equation is any value for a variable that makes the
equation true. NOTES
3. Sets of values are given. For each set, decide which value(s), if
any, makes each of your equations from Question 1 true.
Show your work.

a. {1, 2, 3, 4}

b. {1, 3, 5, 7, 9}

c. {0}

4. Use the list of given expressions to write the type of

equation described.

a. Write an equation with variables that has no possible

solution. Explain why the equation has no solution.

b. Write an equation with variables that is true no matter what

number is substituted for the variable. Explain why there
are an infinite number of solutions.

LESSON 1: First Among Equals • M3-93

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1.3 Using Properties of Equality

The Addition Property of Equality states that if two values

a and b are equal, when you add the same value c to each, the
sums are equal.

The Subtraction Property of Equality states that when you

subtract the same value c from equal values a and b, the differences
are equal.

Properties of Equality For all numbers a, b, and c

Addition Property of Equality If a 5 b, then a 1 c 5 b 1 c.

Subtraction Property of Equality If a 5 b, then a 2 c 5 b 2 c.

1. Suppose you have the equation x 5 15.

a. Use the Addition Property of Equality to write at least

3 equations that have the same solution.

b. Use the Subtraction Property of Equality to write at least

3 equations that have the same solution.

2. Suppose you have the equation x 1 5 5 1 1 9.

a. Use the Addition Property of Equality to write at least

3 equations that have the same solution.

b. Use the Subtraction Property of Equality to write at least

3 equations that have the same solution.

M3-94 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 94 1/12/19 8:16 PM

The Multiplication Property of Equality states that if two values
a and b are equal, when you multiply each by the same value c,
the products are equal. The Division Property of Equality states
that when you divide equal values a and b by the same value c, the
quotients are equal. The Division Property of Equality is true only if c
is not equal to 0.
Why can’t the
Properties of Equality For all numbers a, b, and c value of c be 0?

Multiplication Property of Equality If a 5 b, then a ? c 5 b ? c.

If a 5 b and c ° 0, then
Division Property of Equality
a 4 c 5 b 4 c.

3. Suppose you have the equation x = 5.

a. Use the Multiplication Property of Equality to write at

least 3 equations that have the same solution.

b. Use the Division Property of Equality to write at least 3

equations that have the same solution.

4. Suppose you have the equation __
x 5 10.

a. Use the Multiplication Property of Equality to write at

least 3 equations that have the same solution. Properties of Equality are
logical rules that allow
you to maintain balance
and rewrite equations.

b. Use the Division Property of Equality to write at least 3

equations that have the same solution.

5. Describe how you can check the solutions of the equations you
wrote in Questions 1 and 3.

LESSON 1: First Among Equals • M3-95

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 95 1/12/19 8:16 PM


1.4 Identifying Solutions

Cut out the cards at the end of the lesson. There are Equation Cards
The Symmetric and Solution Cards. The Solution Cards are shaded blue.
Property of Equality
1. Match the Equation Cards with the Solution Cards.
states that if a 5 b,
Explain how you identified each solution.
then b 5 a. So, x 5 3
is the same as 3 5 x.

2. Which equation(s) have no solutions? Explain how you know.

3. Which equation(s) have an infinite number of solutions?

Explain how you know.

M3-96 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 96 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Equations that have an infinite number of solutions are equations that
are true no matter what value you assign to the variable. These kinds NOTES
of equations often describe important properties of numbers.

Consider each property.

• The Zero Property of Multiplication states that the product of

any number and 0 is 0.

• The Identity Property of Multiplication states that the product

of any number and 1 is the number.

• The Identity Property of Addition states that the sum of any

number and 0 is the number.

4. Study the Equation Cards.

a. Which equation(s) states the Zero Property of Multiplication?

b. Which equation(s) states the Identity Property

of Multiplication?

c. Which equation(s) states the Identity Property of Addition?

5. Three of the Solution Cards did not match any of the Equation
Cards. Write equations that have those values as solutions.

LESSON 1: First Among Equals • M3-97

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 97 1/12/19 8:16 PM


1.5 Inequalities

You can use a number line to represent inequalities. The graph of

an inequality in one variable is the set of all points on a number
line that make the inequality true. The set of all points that make an
inequality true is the solution set of the inequality.

1. Consider the graphs of the inequalities x . 3 and x $ 3.


0 1 2 3 4


Why does one 0 1 2 3 4

graph show an
a. Describe each number line representation.
open point and
the other one
a closed point?

b. Describe the solution set for each inequality.

c. How does the solution set of the inequality x $ 3 differ

from the solution set of x . 3?

M3-98 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 98 1/12/19 8:16 PM

2. Consider the graphs of the inequalities x , 3 and x # 3.

0 1 2 3 4


0 1 2 3 4

a. Describe each number line representation.

b. Describe the solution set for each.

c. How does the solution set of the inequality x # 3 differ

from the solution set of x , 3?

The solution to any inequality can be represented on a number line

by a ray. A ray begins at a starting point and goes on forever in
one direction.

A closed circle means that the starting point is part of the solution
set of the inequality. An open circle means that the starting point is
not part of the solution set of the inequality.

LESSON 1: First Among Equals • M3-99

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3. Write the inequality represented by each graph.

For solution
sets that don't a.
start on an 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19
exact number,
make your best
approximation. b.
10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19

30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39

20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29

4. Graph the solution set for each inequality.

a. x # 14

10 11 12 13 14 15

b. x , 55

50 51 52 53 54 55

c. 2__

0 1 2 3 4 5

d. x . 3.3

0 1 2 3 4 5

e. x fi 4.2

0 1 2 3 4 5

M3-100 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 100 1/12/19 8:16 PM

5. Consider the inequalities in Questions 1 through 4.

a. How many solutions does each inequality have?

b. Can you write an inequality that has no solutions? Explain.

c. Can you write an inequality that has just one solution?

Explain your reasoning.

Does a
6. Explain the meaning of each sentence in words. Then, define a "maximum"
variable and write a mathematical statement to represent each include the
statement. Finally, sketch a graph of each inequality. starting point?

a. The maximum load for an elevator is 2900 lbs.

b. A car can seat up to 8 passengers.

c. No persons under the age of 18 are permitted.

d. You must be at least 13 years old to join.

LESSON 1: First Among Equals • M3-101

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 101 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Not All Variables Are Created Equal

A point at a is plotted on the number line shown.


1. Plot a point to the right of this point and label it b.

a. Write three different inequalities that are true about

a and b.

b. What can you say about all points to the right of point a
on the number line?

2. Plot a point to the left of a and label it c.

a. Write three different inequalities that are true about

a and c.

b. What can you say about all the points to the left of
point a on the number line?

3. Describe the position of all the points on the number line

that are:

a. greater than a. b. less than a.

M3-102 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 102 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Equation Cards

11 1 x 5 11 10x 5 30 x 1 10 5 20
__ x 1 3.5 5 14.25 1x 5 8
3 8

1x 1 6 5 9 x115x 5 5 x 1 __
__ 1 x255x24 x 52
8 2 9

55x15 29 5 x ? 29 x 5 0.1
___ 45 5 5x 10 5 0.1
10 x

x?15x x105x x14541x x 5 __

__ 1x 0x 5 0
4 4

Solution Cards

x 5 10.75 x50 35x no solutions 1

x 5 __

x 5 18 30 5 x x 5 100 x51

95x 1
x 5 __ 64 5 x infinite solutions x 5 0.1
(nine) 4

LESSON 1: First Among Equals • M3-103

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 103 1/12/19 8:16 PM

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 104 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Complete each statement with the correct term.

1. The states that if two values a and b are equal, when you multiply each by
the same value c, the products are equal.
2. A to an equation is any value for a variable that makes the equation true.
3. The says that when both sides of an equation look exactly the same, their
values must be equal.
4. An is a mathematical sentence created by writing two expressions with an
equals sign between them.
5. The is the set of all points on a number line that make the inequality true.

Properties of Equality are logical rules that allow you to maintain balance and rewrite equations.

Properties of Equality For all numbers a, b, and c

Addition Property of Equality If a 5 b, then a 1 c 5 b 1 c.

Subtraction Property of Equality If a 5 b, then a 2 c 5 b 2 c.

Multiplication Property of Equality If a 5 b, then ac 5 bc.

a b
Division Property of Equality If a 5 b, and c ° 0, then __c 5 __c .

Indicate whether each equation has one solution, no solutions, or an infinite number of solutions and explain
your reasoning. If the equation has one solution, determine the solution from the set of values given.

Set of values: {0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 9, 10, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 50, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 99, 100}

1. x 2 3 5 x 1 3 2. 4 ? x 5 20

3. 81 5 9x 4. x + 17 5 55
x 5 21
5. __ 6. 1x 5 x
7. 8 1 x 5 x 1 8 8. 99 5 x 2 1

LESSON 1: First Among Equals • M3-105

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 105 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Model each equality or inequality situation. Then determine each solution.

1. Najid is taller than Emily and shorter than Daniel. Who is the tallest?
2. Sophie is now as old as Jasmine was 6 years ago. Who is older?

1. Define variables and write an algebraic expression to represent each situation.
a. Miguel has three times as many books as Jose.
b. Rosa has 5 fewer bracelets than Maria.

For each situation, examine the given expressions and/or solution strategies.
2. Darian’s band made $500 on one night. They had to subtract costs of $80 and then divide the remaining
money among the band members. If there are 4 members in the band, which numeric expression
correctly shows the amount that each member will make? Explain your answer using the rules for order
of operations.

Expression A Expression B
500 2 80 4 4 (500 2 80) 4 4

3. Darian’s band hires a manager. The manager asks a local park if they can hold a concert on one of the
lawn areas. The lawn can have 20 rows of seats with 20 chairs in each row. The band charges $25 for each
seat. The cost for advertising, the rental of the chairs, and the management fees totals $4000. If the band
is able to fill all of the seats, which solution shows the amount the band will make? Determine the error
that was made in the incorrect solution.

Solution A Solution B
25 3 20 2 4000 25 3 20 2 2 4000
25 3 400 2 4000 500 2 2 4000
10,000 2 4000 250,000 2 4000
6000 246,000

4. Determine each unknown.

5 5 ___
a. __ x 90 5 __
b. ___ 9
6 30 x 2

M3-106 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L01.indd 106 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Bar None
Solving One-Step Addition Equations


Determine each sum • Reason about addition equations.
or difference. • Use bar models to represent one-step
addition equations.
1. 5.67 1 8.73 • Use inverse operations to solve one-step
addition equations.
2. 8.73 2 5.67 • Solve one-step addition equations.

3 1 __
3. __
• bar model
20 2 ___
4. ___ 15
3 4 • one-step equation
• inverse operations

Throughout this course, you have used a variety of tools to solve mathematical problems,
including area models, pictures, tables, tape diagrams, double number lines, graphs, and
expressions. What tools might help you in solving equations?

LESSON 2: Bar None • M3-107

C01_SE_M03_T02_L02.indd 107 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Getting Started

Form of 0
Consider the number 0. What comes to mind?

1. Write five different numeric expressions for the number 0.

Be creative!
Use different
types of
numbers and
in your

Share your numeric expressions with your classmates.

2. Did you and your classmates use common strategies to write

your expressions? How many possible numeric expressions
could you write for this number?

M3-108 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L02.indd 108 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Reasoning About Addition
2.1 Equations

Reasoning about equations and determining solutions with bar

Remember, a solution
models provides a visual representation of the structure of the
to an equation
equations. A bar model uses rectangular bars to represent known
is a value for the
and unknown quantities.
variable that makes
the equation a true

Consider the addition equation x 1 10 5 15.

x 1 10

This equation states that for some value of x, 15 Because the

the expression x 1 10 is equal to 15. This can be
expressions x 1 10
represented using a bar model.
and 15 are equal,
their bars are of
Just like with area models, bar models can x 10
equal length. Even
be decomposed. The expression x 1 10 can be
x 1 10 after the bars are
decomposed into a part representing x and a
decomposed, the
part representing 10. The number 15 can be
15 lengths maintain their
decomposed in a similar way: 15 5 5 1 10.
5 10
The bar model demonstrates that these two
You are dealing with
equations are equivalent.
unknowns. Do not
worry if the lengths
x 1 10 5 15
of the parts are not
x 1 10 5 5 1 10 accurate.

By examining the structure of the second equation, you can see

that 5 is the value for x that makes this equation true.

LESSON 2: Bar None • M3-109

C01_SE_M03_T02_L02.indd 109 1/12/19 8:16 PM

1. Why is the number 15 decomposed into the numeric
expression 5 1 10?

2. Describe how the model in the worked example would be

different for each equation. Complete the bar model for each.
Notice how
the bars a. x 1 10 5 17 b. x 1 6 5 15
maintain the
same length x 10 x
the entire x 1 10 x16
model. 17 15

3. Consider the equation 14 1 x 5 32.

a. Complete the bar model.

14 1 x


b. Write the equation represented by the

decomposed expressions in the bar model.

c. Which value for x makes the equation a true statement?

M3-110 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L02.indd 110 1/12/19 8:16 PM

4. Consider the equation 90 5 x 1 64.

a. Complete the bar model.


b. Write the expression represented by the decomposed

expressions in the bar model.

c. Which value for x makes the equation a true statement?

5. In each bar model, how did you determine how to decompose

the given expressions?

LESSON 2: Bar None • M3-111

C01_SE_M03_T02_L02.indd 111 1/12/19 8:16 PM


2.2 Solving Addition Equations

In Activity 2.1, Reasoning About Equations, you used bar models to

solve one-step equations. A one-step equation is an equation that
can be solved using only one operation. How can you use what you
The Additive learned from creating bar models to solve any equation?
Property Now that you understand the bar model, you can write equivalent
states that for equations with the same structure. While you can use reasoning to
any number m, determine the value for the variable that makes an equation true,
m 1 0 5 m. you can also use the properties and inverse operations to isolate
In other words, the variable. Inverse operations are pairs of operations that reverse
when you add 0 the effects of each other. For example, subtraction and addition are
to any number, inverse operations.
it stays the
same. It keeps WORKED EXAMPLE
its identity!
Solve the equation h 1 6 5 19.

Write equivalent expressions that

h 1 6 5 13 1 6
mirror structure.
Use inverse operations to reverse
h 1 6 2 6 5 13 1 6 2 6
the addition of 6 to h.
Combine like terms and apply the
h 1 0 5 13 1 0
Additive Identity Property.

h 5 13

1. Examine the worked example.

a. What is the solution to h 1 6 5 19?

b. Are there other solutions to the equation? How do you know?

M3-112 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L02.indd 112 1/12/19 8:16 PM

2. Use the same strategy to solve each equation.

a. 35 5 12 1 m b. t 1 24 5 85

3. Analyze Kaniah's strategy to solve the equation 11 5 m 1 7.

When solving the addition equation 11 = m + 7, I can
simply subtract 7 from both sides without first writing
an equivalent equation.

11 = m + 7
11 - 7 = m + 7 - 7

The value for m that makes this equation true is 4.

a. What Property of Equality is Kaniah using in her strategy?

b. How could Kaniah check that her solution is correct?

LESSON 2: Bar None • M3-113

C01_SE_M03_T02_L02.indd 113 1/12/19 8:16 PM

4. Use Kaniah’s strategy to solve each equation. Check to see that
your solution makes the original equation a true statement.

a. 120 1 y 5 315 3 5 x 1 4__

b. 5__ 1
4 2

c. b 1 5.67 5 12.89 d. 2356 5 a 1 1699

7 5 g 1 __
e. ___ 1 f. w 1 3.14 5 27
12 4

g. 13 ___ 3
7 5 c 1 9 __ h. 19 1 p 5 105
8 4

M3-114 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L02.indd 114 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Reasoning About More
2.3 Interesting Addition Equations

1. Braeden thinks that he can use decomposition to reason about

more complicated equations, such as 4x 5 20 1 3x.

Is Braeden correct? Show your work.

2. Think about each algebraic equation. Use reasoning to

describe a relationship between c and d that makes the
mathematical sentence true.

a. c 1 23 5 d 1 14 b. 45 1 c 5 66 1 d

c. c 1 3d 5 2c d. 4c 1 d 1 10 5 8c 1 2d

LESSON 2: Bar None • M3-115

C01_SE_M03_T02_L02.indd 115 1/12/19 8:16 PM


It All Adds Up

1. What does it mean to solve an equation?

2. Describe how to solve any one-step addition equation.

How do you check to see if a value is the solution to
an equation?

3. Write two different one-step equations for each

solution provided.

a. m 5 12 b. 5 5 x

c. 5.6 5 h 4
d. j 5 6 __

M3-116 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L02.indd 116 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Write Remember
Write a definition for each term A solution to an equation is the value or values for the variable that
in your own words. makes the equation true. To solve a one-step addition equation,
isolate the variable using number sense or the Subtraction
• one-step equation
Property of Equality.
• solution
• inverse operations

Use a bar model to solve each equation.

1. x 1 7 5 15 2. 19 5 x 1 13

3. 14.5 5 6 1 y 4. a 1 __ 3
1 5 4 __
2 4

Solve each equation. Check each solution.

5. 34 5 x 1 17 6. a 1 25 5 92

7. 7 __ 3
3 1 b 5 10 __ 1 5 t 1 5 __
8. 24 __ 1
5 4 2 4
9. r 1 3.4 5 13.1 10. 4.21 5 2.98 1 s

Solve each equation. Check each solution.

1. 34 5 x 2 17 2. a 2 25 5 92
3. r 2 3.4 5 13.1 1 5 t 2 5__
4. 24__ 1
2 4

Use the Properties of Equality to write 2 equations that have the given solution. Identify which property of
equality was used.

1. j 5 3 2. 8 5 m

Define variables and write an algebraic expression to represent each situation.

3. Terrance has one fewer sibling than Casey. Kolbie has three more siblings than Terrance.
4. Connor has half as many comic books as Devyn. Isaac has 4 more comic books than Connor.

Rewrite each expression.

2 x 1 __
5. __
6. __( )
1 __
3 5

LESSON 2: Bar None • M3-117

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C01_SE_M03_T02_L02.indd 118 1/12/19 8:16 PM
Play It In 3
Solving One-Step Multiplication


Rewrite each fraction as • Use bar models to represent one-step
a whole number times a multiplication equations.
unit fraction. • Use inverse operations to solve one-step
multiplication equations.
1. __
5 • Reason about multiplication equations.
9 • Connect bar models to the algorithm for solving
2. __
2 multiplication equations.
3. 3__ • Solve one-step multiplication equations.
4. ___

You have solved one-step addition equations using bar models and inverse operations. How
can you use similar strategies to solve one-step multiplication problems?

LESSON 3: Play It In Reverse • M3-119

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 119 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Getting Started

Form of 1
Consider the number 1. What comes to mind?

Be sure 1. Write five different numeric expressions for the number 1.

to write
for 1 that
and division.

Share your numeric expressions with your classmates.

2. Did you and your classmates use common strategies to write

your expressions? How many possible numeric expressions
could you write for this number?

M3-120 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 120 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Reasoning About
3.1 Multiplication Equations

Just as with addition equations, solving multiplication equations

involves determining the value for the variable that makes the
statement true. You can use bar models to understand the structure
of the equation and reason about the solution.


Consider the multiplication equation 2x 5 6. 2x

This equation states that for some value of x, the 6 How do these
expression 2x is equal to 6.
bar models
You can decompose 2x by rewriting it as the relate to the
x x
equivalent expression 1x 1 1x, or x 1 x. bar models
2x you used to
To maintain equivalence, decompose 6 in a similar way. solve addition
6 equations?
The bar model demonstrates that these two equations
are equivalent. 3 3
2x 5 6


By examining the structure of the second equation,

you can see that x 5 3.

1. Why is the number 6 decomposed into the numeric

expression 3 + 3?

Solve each equation using a bar model.

2. 3x 5 12 3. 7x 5 63 4. 4x 5 6

LESSON 3: Play It In Reverse • M3-121

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 121 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Solving Equations with
3.2 Fractional Coefficients

Multiplication equations often include numbers other than

Remember there
whole numbers.
are different ways
to write equivalent 1
Consider the equation __
x 5 2.
__ x
x 5 __
3 1. Explain how this equation compares to the equations in the
previous activity.

1 3
Represent __
x 5 2 as a bar model.
Because you start
with a fractional To solve this equation for x, compose
amount of x, you 3 equally-sized parts to create the whole, x.
have to compose to x
get a whole x. To maintain equivalence, compose
__ 1
__ 1
3 equally-sized parts for the other 3
x 3
x 3
expression, too.
This structure allows you to see the
value of x.

2. Complete the worked example by filling in the missing values.

Then write the solution to the equation __
x 5 2.

M3-122 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 122 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Solve each equation using a bar model.
1 x
3. __
x57 4. __

5. Consider how to use bar models to solve __
x 5 8.
Analyze each strategy. This reminds
me of tape
Vanessa’s Carson’s diagrams.
Solution Solution
x x

__ 1
__ 1
__ __2 x __1 x
3x 3x 3x 3 3

__ 1
__ 8 4
3x 3x
8 4

4 4 4


a. How is Carson’s solution strategy different from Vanessa’s

solution strategy?

b. What reasoning might Vanessa have used in her solution


LESSON 3: Play It In Reverse • M3-123

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 123 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Solve each equation using a bar model.
4 3
6. __
x 5 12 7. __

8. Consider the equation 5
x 5 64.

a. How does this fractional coefficient compare to the

fractional coefficients that you have seen in this lesson
so far?

How do you
know if you need
to compose
or decompose b. Create a bar model and solve for x.
when using bar

Reflect on the equations you solved in this activity.

9. How were they similar? What was common in how you used
the bar models?

M3-124 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 124 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Solving More Complex
3.3 Multiplication Equations

4 1
Consider the equation __
x 5 ___

1. How is this equation different from the equation you solved in

the previous activity?

Compare the two solution strategies proposed by Landon and Zoe.

Landon’s Solution Zoe’s Solution

__ 1
5 x 5 10
4 8 x
Scale __ ___
5 up to 10 .
___ 1
___ _1 x _1 x _1 x _1 x _1 x
10 x 5 10 5 5 5 5 5

8x 5 1 _4 x _1 x
5 5

1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x 1x __1 _1 of __1
10 4 10

8x __1 __1 __1 __1 __1

40 40 40 40 40
1 40

_ 1
_ 1
_ 1
_ 1
_ 1
_ 1
_ 1
8 8 8 8 8 8 8 8

2. Explain Landon’s solution strategy. 3. Explain how Zoe’s solution is similar to

the other equations you have solved
a. What type of reasoning did Landon with bar models.
use at the beginning of his solution?

b. How did he know to write 8x 5 1?

c. Will scaling up always work?

LESSON 3: Play It In Reverse • M3-125

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 125 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Use a bar model to solve each equation.
4. __ 2
x 5 __ 2
5. __ 4
x 5 __
4 5 7 9

6. You learned to solve addition equations by first reasoning

with bar models and then with inverse operations. Now that
you have solved multiplication equations by reasoning with bar
models, how do you think that you can solve these equations
without using the bar models?

M3-126 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 126 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Solving Multiplication
3.4 Equations Without Models

Like addition equations, all of the multiplication equations you have

modeled in this lesson can be solved with one step. You can use the
Properties of Equality and inverse operations to isolate the variable.
What operation is the inverse of multiplication?


Solve the equation 4r 5 32.

4r 5 32

Write equivalent expressions with

4(1r) 5 4(8)
similar structure.
____ 4(8) Use inverse operations to reverse the
5 ___
4 multiplication of 4 and 1r.

1r 5 1(8) Perform division.

r58 Identity Property of Multiplication The Identity Property

of Multiplication
states that for any
number m, m ? 1 5 m.
In other words, when
1. Examine the worked example.
you multiply by 1,
a. Check the solution to 4r 5 32. the number stays
the same.

b. Are there other solutions to the equation? How do you know?

2. Use the same strategy to solve each equation.

a. 8a 5 72 b. 11t 5 132

LESSON 3: Play It In Reverse • M3-127

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 127 1/12/19 8:16 PM

When you worked with one-step addition equations, you used the
Subtraction Property of Equality to more efficiently solve the problem.
Similarly, you can use the Division Property of Equality to solve
multiplication problems.

3. Write the properties that justify each step.

6w 5 90
___ 90
5 ___

1w 5 15

w 5 15

4. Diego and Venita are solving the equation 5 5 __
a. Diego says that to solve 5 5 __ 7
, he would divide by 7.
The value of p that makes the equation true is __ 7
Venita disagrees and says that they should divide
by __
, and the solution is 35. Who is correct?

b. How can Diego and Venita check to see whose answer is


M3-128 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 128 1/12/19 8:16 PM

5. Compare the solution strategies used by Sydney and Kailey.
What do you notice? NOTES

Sydney Kailey
5 x 5 20 __2 x 5 20
5 ___
2 5 ()
__5 __2 x 5 __5 20
1x 5 20 __
2 (5) 1x 5 50
x 5 50 x 5 50

6. Solve each equation. Check to ensure that your solution makes

the original equation a true statement.
a. __
57 b. 18 5 3y

3 5
c. __
h 5 __
d. 3.14s 5 81.2004

1 3
e. 3__
5 ___
w f. 4.2k 5 14.7

LESSON 3: Play It In Reverse • M3-129

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 129 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Reasoning About More
3.5 Interesting Multiplication

Recall that an equation is created by writing two expressions with an

equals sign between them. Equations can be sometimes, always, or
never true.

Consider the equation 7c 5 28d.

1. How is this equation different from the equations you have

solved in this lesson?

2. Generate at least 3 pairs of values for c and d that make the

equation true.

3. What patterns do you notice?

Using number You can use properties of arithmetic and algebra, along with the
sense to rewrite properties of equality, to solve for one of the variables in terms of the
equivalent other variable.
expressions to
solve equations WORKED EXAMPLE
is a valid
strategy. 12a 5 84b
Step 1 12a 5 (12 ? 7)b
Step 2 12a 5 12(7b)
Step 3 a 5 7b

4. Analyze the worked example.

a. Why was 84 decomposed into 12 ? 7?

M3-130 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 130 1/12/19 8:16 PM

b. What property was applied in Step 2?

c. Explain the reasoning from Step 2 to Step 3. Which

property was used?

5. Jesse and Dominic each proposed a solution for the equation

7c 5 28d. Who’s correct?

Jesse Dominic
7c 5 28d 7c 5 28d

7c 5 (7 ? 4)d (__44)7c 5 28d Why is it okay

(4 ? 7)c
______ for Dominic to
7c 5 7(4d) 5 28d 4?
4 multiply by __
c 5 28d
28 __
c 5 4d ()
c 5d

Use reasoning to solve each equation for one of the variables.

6. 18m 5 54n 1t
7. 12s 5 __

LESSON 3: Play It In Reverse • M3-131

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 131 1/12/19 8:16 PM


What‘s Your Strategy?

Each equation in this lesson is written as px 5 q, where p and
q are positive rational numbers and x is the unknown. You have
investigated different strategies to solve these equations.

Analyze each given equation.

• Do you recognize a fact family relationship between the
numerical coefficient and the constant?
• Is the numerical coefficient a whole number? A fraction?
Or a decimal?
• Do you recognize a way to form a numerical coefficient of
1 using a Property of Equality?

2n 5 12 2 x 5 14
__ 3x 5 55 1.1m 5 5.5
1.45r 5 5.9 7h 5 35 __ 3
x 5 __ 3
8r 5 __
4 8 4
1. Sort each equation according to the solution strategy you
think is most efficient.

Use Number Sense Multiplication

Division Property
to Write Equivalent Property
of Equality
Expressions of Equality

2. Provide a rationale for your choice of solution strategy

or strategies.

M3-132 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 132 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Write Remember
Explain how to solve the equation A solution to an equation is the value or values for the variable
px 5 q for x. Be sure to include that makes the equation true. To solve a one-step multiplication
the properties you use in the equation, isolate the variable using number sense, the Division
process. Property of Equality, or the Multiplication Property of Equality.

1. Solve each equation using a bar model.
a. 3x 5 10 x56
b. __
3 x 5 12
c. __ 5 x 5 __
d. __ 2
5 4 3

2. Solve each equation. Check your solutions.

a. 2.1 5 0.5y b. 4r 5 26
c. __ 8b
4 5 __
d. __
9 3 3
e. 14 5 __ f. 3.8x 5 2.736

3. Bertrand invites 21 people to his party and wants to give each guest 3 party
favors. If n is the total number of party favors he will need to order, the
n 5 3.
equation that represents this situation is ___
a. If Bertrand orders 58 party favors, will he be able to give each guest 3 party
favors? That is, is 58 a solution to the equation?
b. If Bertrand orders 62 party favors, will he be able to give each guest 3 party
c. How many party favors does Bertrand need to order? Use the equation to
determine the solution. State the inverse operation needed to isolate the
variable. Then, solve the equation. Check your solution.

LESSON 3: Play It In Reverse • M3-133

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 133 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Like bar models, balances are also used to model equation solving. Consider the balances shown.

On balance A, a water pitcher balances with a juice bottle. On balance B, the water pitcher balances a cereal
bowl and plate. On balance C, three plates balance two juice bottles. How many cereal bowls will balance a
water pitcher?

Solve each equation. Check your solutions.

1. 2.6 1 j 5 7.1
21 5 b 1 __
2. ___
5 4

Rewrite each expression as the product of a constant and a sum of terms.

3. 2x 1 5
1 x 1 __
4. __ 3
2 5

Determine the conversion.

5. 6 inches 5 centimeters
6. 10 kilometers 5 miles

M3-134 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L03.indd 134 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Getting Real
Solving Equations to Solve


Determine each quotient • Use variables to represent quantities in expressions
using long division. describing real-world values.
• Solve problems by writing and solving equations.
1. 435 4 25 • Interpret remainders in division problems.

2. 511 4 30 KEY TERM

• literal equation
3. 860 4 23

You know about expressions and equations and how they often represent the structure
of real-world situations. How can you apply your knowledge to write equations and solve
real-world and mathematical problems?

LESSON 4: Getting Real • M3-135

C01_SE_M03_T02_L04.indd 135 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Getting Started

Equations, Literally
You have already learned a lot of important equations in mathematics.
Some of these equations are literal equations. Literal equations are
equations in which the variables represent specific measures. You
most often see literal equations when you study formulas.

For example, the formula for the area of a triangle, A 5 __
bh, is a
literal equation. The variables in this equation represent the measures
of the area, base, and height of the triangle.

1. Consider the formula for area of a parallelogram.

a. Write the formula for area, A, use b to represent the base

and h to represent the height.

b. Solve the equation for b.

c. Solve the equation for h.

2. The total cost, t, of an online order is the cost of the items, c,

plus the cost of shipping, s.

a. Write an equation to represent the total cost.

b. Solve the equation for the cost of the items.

c. Solve the equation for the cost of shipping.

3. You can calculate the distance, d, of an object traveling at a

constant rate by multiplying the rate, r, by the time, t. Write an
equation in terms of each quantity.

a. distance b. rate c. time

M3-136 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L04.indd 136 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Using Equations to Solve
4.1 Problems

Write and solve an equation for each problem. Show your work and
label your answers. Describe the strategy you used to determine
each solution.

1. Raul’s sister is 6 years older than he is. What is Raul’s age if

Raul’s sister is 19 years old?

2. Approximately ___
of the mass of a medium-sized apple is
sugar. What is the approximate mass of a medium-sized
apple that contains 19 grams of sugar?

3. Oscar made brownies for his class. He tripled the recipe he

normally uses. If he made 36 brownies for his class, how many
brownies does his original recipe make?

LESSON 4: Getting Real • M3-137

C01_SE_M03_T02_L04.indd 137 1/12/19 8:16 PM

4. In June of 2016, for every 20 total emails a person received,
they could expect to get 11 spam emails. If a person received
300 spam emails in one month, how many total emails did
they receive?

5. In Jaden’s town, the middle school has 443 more students than
the high school. If the middle school has 817 students, how
many students are at the high school?

6. The average height of an ostrich, the tallest bird, is 121 inches.

The average height of a bee hummingbird, the smallest bird,
is 2.75 inches. How many times taller is the ostrich than the
bee hummingbird?

M3-138 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L04.indd 138 1/12/19 8:16 PM


4.2 Problems and Puzzles

For each question, write an equation to represent the situation and

then solve it to answer the equation. A situation may require more
than one equation.

1. Kendra bought some back-to-school supplies for $1.70. She

showed them to her friend Naya: 2 erasers for 2 cents each,
5 markers for 4 cents each. She also bought 8 notepads, but she
forgot how much she paid for them. She did not pay sales tax.

Naya said that she was not charged the right amount. How
did she know?

2. The Bermuda Triangle is an imaginary triangle

connecting Miami, Florida, to San Juan, Puerto Bermuda
Rico, to Bermuda. The Bermuda Triangle covers
an area of 454,000 square miles. The dashed line
on the map shows a distance of about 926 miles.
0 Triangle
What is the approximate distance from Bermuda
to Puerto Rico?

Puerto Rico

3. Amit’s school is an unusual school. It has 1677 students in

grades 3–6. There are twice as many fifth graders as sixth
graders and three times as many fourth graders as fifth
graders. Finally, there are five times as many third graders as
fourth graders. How many fifth graders are in Amit’s school?

LESSON 4: Getting Real • M3-139

C01_SE_M03_T02_L04.indd 139 1/12/19 8:16 PM

4. There are two routes Jasmine can take when she bikes home
from school—the long way and the short way. The long way is
times as far as the short way. During one week, she biked a
total of 30 miles from school to home. She took the short way
three times.

a. What is the distance of the short way?

b. What is the distance of the long way?

Interpreting Remainders
4.3 in Solutions

1. The Red Cross disaster relief fund collected 3551 winter coats
to distribute to flood victims. If there are 23 distribution
centers, how many coats can be sent to each center? Marla’s
calculations are shown.

154__9 9
Marla said, “The Red Cross can send 154 ___ coats to each
23 center.” Madison replied, “You cannot have a fraction of a coat.
23)3551 So, each center will receive 154 coats and there will be 9 coats
223 left over.”
2115 Who’s correct and why?

M3-140 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L04.indd 140 1/12/19 8:16 PM

In division problems, the remainder can mean different things in
different situations. Sometimes the remainder can be ignored, and
sometimes the remainder is the answer to the problem. Sometimes the In other words,
answer is the number without the remainder, and sometimes you need you can round
to use the next whole number up from the correct answer. down if you
don't need
2. The Carnegie Middle School is hosting a picnic for any fifth to use the
grader who will be attending school next year as a sixth remainder, and
grader. The hospitality committee is planning the picnic for you can round
125 students. Each fifth grader will get a sandwich, a drink, up if you need
and a dessert. the next whole
number larger
a. The hospitality committee is ordering large sandwiches that than your
each serve 8 people. If 125 fifth graders are coming to the answer.
picnic, how many sandwiches should the committee buy?

b. The committee is planning to have frozen fruit bars for

dessert. If frozen fruit bars come in boxes of 12, how many
boxes of frozen fruit bars should they order?

c. They will be serving bottles of water. Bottled water comes

in cases of 24. How many cases of water will they need? Will
there be any extra bottles of water? If so, how many?

d. The fifth graders will take a bus from the elementary school
to the middle school on the afternoon of the picnic. If each
bus seats 32 passengers, how many buses will be needed to
transport the students? How many seats will be empty?

LESSON 4: Getting Real • M3-141

C01_SE_M03_T02_L04.indd 141 1/12/19 8:16 PM

3. Throughout the year, local businesses collected 28,654 pairs of
NOTES eyeglasses for disaster victims. If they have requests from 236
relief organizations, how many pairs of eyeglasses can each
organization receive? How many pairs, if any, will be left over?


Write Your Own

1. Write your own word problem that can be solved by writing

and solving the equation 2.4 1 x 5 5.

2. Write your own word problem that can be solved by writing

and solving the equation 4x 5 8.

M3-142 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L04.indd 142 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Write Remember
Write a definition of literal In division problems, the remainder can mean different things in
equation in your own words. different situations. Sometimes the remainder can be ignored,
and sometimes the remainder is the answer to the problem.
Sometimes the answer is the quotient without the remainder, and
sometimes you need to use the next whole number up from the

1. Solve each equation. Show your work.
a. 3y 5 18
b. m 1 12 5 29
c. 3g 5 6.3
d. 5x 5 12 1 18
e. 2(a 1 2a) 5 90

For each problem, write an equation to represent the situation and then solve it to answer the question.
2. A rectangular pool has a width of 24 feet. A second rectangular pool has a perimeter of 48 feet, which
is __ the perimeter of the first pool.
3. The local firefighters collect toys to distribute at various give-away events. They have 4569 toys and will
sponsor 129 give-away events. How many toys can they give away at each event? How many toys, if any,
will be left over?

You read a report that says that only ____
of all people who own car dealerships in the country are women.

1. There are about 20,000 people who own car dealerships in the country. How many of them are female?
2. In a group of 2000 people who own car dealerships attending a conference, about how many would you
expect to be female?
3. How did you determine the number of women car dealers, given the total number of car dealers? Use
complete sentences to explain your answer.
4. Write an expression to represent the number of women car dealers, given the total number of car dealers.
5. Write an equation that you can use to determine the total number of car dealers in a certain city, given
that the number of women car dealers in the city is 14.
6. Use the equation to determine the total number of car dealers in the city.

LESSON 4: Getting Real • M3-143

C01_SE_M03_T02_L04.indd 143 1/12/19 8:16 PM

1. Rewrite each algebraic expression by applying the Distributive Property.
a. 3.5(2x 1 1)
b. __
(3 2 4a)

2. Create a bar model to solve each equation.

a. 4x 5 30
b. __
x 5 21

3. Write a different division problem that has the same quotient as the one given. Explain your answer.
a. 36.5 4 0.005 b. 63.196 4 14.8

M3-144 • TOPIC 2: Equations

C01_SE_M03_T02_L04.indd 144 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Equations Summary
• equation • Division Property of Equality • graph of an inequality
• Reflexive Property of • Symmetric Property of • solution set of an inequality
Equality Equality • bar model
• solution • Zero Property of • one-step equation
• Addition Property of Equality Multiplication • inverse operations
• Subtraction Property of • Identity Property of • literal equation
Equality Multiplication
• Multiplication Property of • Identity Property of
Equality Addition


1 First Among Equals

An equation is a statement of equality between two expressions. An equation can contain

numbers, variables, or both in the same mathematical sentence. Equations may be always
true, never true, or true only for one or more values of the variable. The Reflexive Property of
Equality says that when both sides of an equation look exactly the same, their values are equal.
A solution to an equation is any
Always Never True for certain
value for the variable that makes the
True True values of the variable
equation true.
Properties of Equality are logical rules 6 5 10 2 4 10 5 20 x55
that allow you to maintain balance x5x x5x12 x 1 2 5 12
and rewrite equations.


C01_SE_TS_M03_T02.indd 145 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Properties of Equality For all numbers a, b, and c

Addition Property of Equality If a 5 b, then a 1 c 5 b 1 c.

Subtraction Property of Equality If a 5 b, then a 2 c 5 b 2 c.

Multiplication Property of Equality If a 5 b, then a ? c 5 b ? c.

a b
Division Property of Equality If a 5 b and c ° 0, then __ __
c 5 c.

Symmetric Property of Equality If a 5 b, then b 5 a.

Equations that have an infinite number of solutions are equations that are true regardless of
the value you assign to the variable. These kinds of equations often describe important
properties of numbers. For example:

• The Zero Property of Multiplication states that the product of any number and 0
is 0: x · 0 5 0.
• The Identity Property of Multiplication states that the product of any number and 1 is
the number: x · 1 5 x.
• The Identity Property of Addition states that the sum of any number and 0 is the
number: x 1 0 5 x.

You can use a number line to represent inequalities. The graph of an inequality in one
variable is the set of all points on a number line that make the inequality true. The set of all
points that make an inequality true is the solution set of the inequality.

The solution to any inequality can be represented on a number line by a x#3

ray. A ray begins at a starting point and goes on forever in one direction.
0 1 2 3 4
A closed circle means that the starting point is part of the solution set of
the inequality. An open circle means that the starting point is not part of x,3
the solution set of the inequality.
0 1 2 3 4

For example, the solution set of the inequality x ≤ 3 is all numbers equal to or less than 3,
and the solution set of the inequality x < 3 is all numbers less than 3.


C01_SE_TS_M03_T02.indd 146 1/12/19 8:17 PM


2 Bar None

A bar model uses rectangular bars to represent known and unknown quantities.

For example, the equation x 1 10 5 15 states that for some value of x, the
x ⫹ 10
expression x 1 10 is equal to 15. This can be represented using a bar model.

The expression x 1 10 can be decomposed into a part representing x and a

x 10
part representing 10. The number 15 can be decomposed in a similar way:
15 5 5 1 10. The bar model demonstrates that these two equations are x ⫹ 10
x 1 10 5 15
5 10
x 1 10 5 5 1 10

By examining the structure of the second equation, you can see that 5 is the value for x that
makes this equation true.

A one-step equation is an equation that can be solved using only one operation. To solve a
one-step addition equation, isolate the variable using number sense or inverse operations.
Inverse operations are pairs of operations that reverse the effects of each other.

For example, solve the equation h 1 6 5 19.

h 1 6 5 13 1 6 Write equivalent expressions that mirror structure.

h 1 6 2 6 5 13 1 6 2 6 Use inverse operations to reverse the addition of 6 to h.

Combine like terms and apply the Additive Identity

h 1 0 5 13 1 0

h 5 13


C01_SE_TS_M03_T02.indd 147 1/12/19 8:17 PM


3 Play It In Reverse

You can also use bar models to reason about the solution to multiplication equations.

For example, the equation 2x 5 6 states that for some value of x, the expression 2x
2x is equal to 6. You can decompose 2x by rewriting it as the equivalent
expression 1x + 1x, or x + x. To maintain equivalence, decompose 6 in a similar
way. The bar model demonstrates that these two equations are equivalent.
x x
2x 5 6
By examining the structure of the second equation, you can see that x 5 3.
3 3
Bar models can also be used to solve multiplication equations with
fractional coefficients.
1 3
For example, represent __
x 5 2 as a bar model.
To solve this equation for x, compose 3 equally-sized parts to create
the whole, x. To maintain equivalence, compose 3 equally-sized x
parts for the other expression too. This structure allows you to see
the value of x that makes the equation true: x 5 6. 1x 1x 1x
3 3 3

You can also use the inverse operation of multiplication to solve 2 2 2

one-step multiplication equations.
For example, solve the equation 4r 5 32.

4r 5 32
4(1r) 5 4(8) Write equivalent expressions with similar structure.
____ 4(8)
5 ___
Use inverse operations to reverse the multiplication of 4 and 1r.

1r 5 1(8) Perform division.

r58 Identity Property of Multiplication


C01_SE_TS_M03_T02.indd 148 1/12/19 8:17 PM

You can use properties of arithmetic and algebra, along with the properties of equality, to
solve for one of the variables in an equation in terms of the other variable.
12a 5 84b

Step 1 12a 5 (12 ? 7)b

Step 2 12a 5 12(7b)

Step 3 a 5 7b


4 Getting Real

Literal equations are equations in which the variables represent specific measures. You most
often see literal equations when you study formulas. The formula for the area of a triangle,
A 5 __
bh, is a literal equation. The variables represent the measures of the base and height of
the triangle.

In division problems, the remainder can mean different things in different situations.
Sometimes the remainder can be ignored, and sometimes the remainder is the answer to the
problem. Sometimes the answer is the quotient without the remainder, and sometimes you
need to use the next whole number up from the quotient.

For example, the Red Cross disaster relief fund collected 4233 winter coats to distribute to
flood victims. If there are 28 distribution centers, how many coats can be sent to each center?

4233 4 28 5 151___

You cannot have a fraction of a coat, so each center will receive 151 coats and there will be
5 coats left over.


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C01_SE_TS_M03_T02.indd 150 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Graphing Quantitative Relationships

On a long run, runners keep track of their splits. For example, on a half-marathon (13.1-mile run), the runner’s time is
measured at 5 miles, 10 miles, and at the finish line.

Lesson 1
Every Graph Tells a Story
Independent and Dependent Variables. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M3-155

Lesson 2
The Power of the Horizontal Line
Using Graphs to Solve One-Step Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M3-183

Lesson 3
Planes, Trains, and Paychecks
Multiple Representations of Equations . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M3-193

Lesson 4
Triathlon Training
Relating Distance, Rate, and Time . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M3-207

C01_SE_M03_T03_INTRO.indd 151 1/12/19 8:16 PM

C01_SE_M03_T03_INTRO.indd 152 1/12/19 8:16 PM
Carnegie Learning Family Guide Course 1
Module 3: Determining Unknown Quantities
TOPIC 3: GRAPHING Where have we been?
QUANTITATIVE RELATIONSHIPS In grade 5 as well as in previous topics,
Students learn that quantities can vary
students graphed and named ordered pairs
in relation to each other and are often
in the first quadrant of the coordinate plane.
classified as independent and dependent
This topic begins by asking students to
quantities. They solve for unknown
interpret graphs located only in Quadrant I.
values of a variable by analyzing a graph.
It also connects to graphs of equivalent ratios
Students then solve linear equations
and writing inequalities as constraints, which
using the variety of tools available to
students learned about in previous lessons.
them, and they contrast the advantages
and limitations of each. Throughout the Where are we going?
topic, students compare and contrast This topic provides the foundation for the
linear equations of the form y 5 x formal study of independent and dependent
1 c and y 5 cx, and their respective variables, which will be revisited later in this
representations. Finally, they analyze course. In Module 4 and then in grade 7,
three different distance, rate, and time students will continue analyzing different
scenarios and generalize the formula representations of scenarios, but they will no
d 5 rt. Students are expected to use longer be restricted to Quadrant I. This topic
their knowledge of unit rate and unit also combats a common misconception – that
conversion to solve these problems. all relationships between variables are linear –
by exposing students to nonlinear graphs
and scenarios.

y Pretzel Sales
Using a Graph to Visualize 50

an Equation
Amount of Money Collected (dollars)

In this example, the graph models the expression
1.25x, where x is the number of pretzels sold, and 30
1.25x is the amount of money collected. This graph
intersects a horizontal line which represents the ex- 20

pression 10. The x-coordinate of the point at which

the lines intersect represents the solution to the 10

equation 10 5 1.25x, so x 5 8.
0 x
0 10 20 30 40 50
Number of Pretzels Sold

TOPIC 3: Family Guide • M3-153

C01_SE_FG_M03_T03.indd 153 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Myth: Memory is like an audio or video
Let’s play a game. Memorize the following list of words: strawberry, grape,
watermelon, banana, orange, peach, cherry, blueberry, raspberry. Got it? Good. Some believe
that the brain stores memories in pristine form. The idea is that memories last for a long time
and don’t change – like recordings. Without looking back at the original list, was apple on it?

If you answered “yes,” then go back and look at the list. You’ll see that apple does not
appear, even though it seems like it should. In other words, memory is an active,
reconstructive process that takes additional information, like the category of words
(e.g., fruit), and makes assumptions about the stored information.

This simple demonstration suggests memory is not like a recording. Instead, it is influenced
by prior knowledge and decays over time. Therefore, students need to see and engage with
the same information multiple times to minimize forgetting (and distortions).


Talking Points Key Terms

You can further support your student’s discrete graph
learning by asking questions about the work A discrete gragh is a graph of isolated points.
they do in class or at home. Your student
continuous graph
is learning to make connections between
A continuous graph is a graph with no
algebraic representations and graphical
breaks in it; each point on it represents a
representations of mathematical objects.
solution to the graphed scenario.
Some Things to Look For
dependent quantity
Discuss graphs you see online, on
When one quantity depends on another
television, and in print. Talk about what
in a problem situation, it is said to be the
the graph is demonstrating and what two
dependent quantity.
(or more) quantities it is comparing.
independent quantity
The quantity on which the dependent
quantity depends is called the
independent quantity.

M3-154 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_FG_M03_T03.indd 154 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Every Graph 1
Tells a Story
Independent and Dependent Variables


Write an inequality for each • Interpret information about a situation from a
verbal statement. graphical representation.
• Determine whether graphs are discrete or continuous.
1. x is less than 5. • Identify the graphs of situations.
• Identify and use variables to define independent and
2. 4 times g is no more than 9. dependent quantities in real-world problems.
• Write an equation to express a quantity that is the
3. y is at least 2 more than x. dependent variable in terms of another quantity, the
independent variable.
4. 3 less than the product
of 4 and some number KEY TERMS
is greater than another • discrete graph
number. • continuous graph
• dependent quantity
• independent quantity
• independent variable
• dependent variable

Throughout this course, you have analyzed quantities in a variety of ways. Often, the
equation you write to represent variable quantities depends on the question you are
answering. How do you tell what variable quantity is the focus of a mathematical question?

LESSON 1: Every Graph Tells a Story • M3-155

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 155 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Getting Started

It’s Not a Tall Tale!

Write a story to describe the situation represented by each graph.

1. The Water Level in the Bathtub 2. Money in Your Bank Account

y y

Amount of Money (dollars)

Amount of Water (gallons)

x x
Time (minutes) Time (weeks)

M3-156 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 156 1/12/19 8:16 PM


1.1 Match and Analyze

In this activity, you will match a specific graph to a real-world

problem situation.

Cut out the graphs and scenarios located at the end of the lesson.

1. Tape each graph in the box with the appropriate scenario.

Label the axes with appropriate quantities and units.

2. How did you determine which graph matched which scenario?

Even though only
certain points make
sense in the situation,
you can draw a line to
represent the shape
of discrete data.

LESSON 1: Every Graph Tells a Story • M3-157

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 157 1/12/19 8:16 PM

A discrete graph is a graph of isolated points. Often, the coordinates
NOTES of those points are counting numbers. A continuous graph is a graph
with no breaks in it. Each point on a continuous graph, even those
with fractional numbers as coordinates, represents a solution to the
graphed scenario.

3. Which graphs are discrete graphs and which are continuous

graphs? How does the scenario inform you that the graph will
display discrete points or be continuous?

4. Which graph(s) represent equivalent ratios? How does

the scenario inform you that the graph(s) will display
equivalent ratios?

5. Consider the graph in the Rainy Day scenario. Assume that

2 hours after you left home, 1.5 inches of rain had fallen.

a. Explain how the graph illustrates that the rain fell faster
later in the day than at the beginning of the day.

b. Write an inequality statement in terms of the time, t, to

represent when the rain stopped for the day.

M3-158 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 158 1/12/19 8:16 PM

6. Consider the graph in the Toy Rocket scenario. The rocket
reaches a maximum height of 256 feet.

a. Describe the shape of the graph.

b. Write an inequality statement in terms of the time, t, to

represent when the rocket was rising into the air.

7. Consider the graph of the T-shirt Sales scenario. Suppose

there is a minimum order total of $100 when you are ordering
the T-shirts. Write an inequality statement for the number of
There are lots
shirts, n, that must be ordered to meet the minimum
of graphs that
order requirement.
are not lines!

Be sure to keep your graphs and scenarios. You will use them in the
next activity.

LESSON 1: Every Graph Tells a Story • M3-159

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 159 1/12/19 8:16 PM


1.2 Quantities That Change

When one quantity depends on another in a real-world problem

situation, it is said to be the dependent quantity. The quantity on
which it depends is called the independent quantity. The variable
that represents the independent quantity is called the independent
variable, and the variable that represents the dependent quantity
is called the dependent variable.

Consider the scenarios from the previous activity.

1. Use the Pool Party scenario to answer each question.

a. What two quantities are changing in this situation?

b. Which quantity depends on the other?

Which quantity
depends on c. Define variables for each quantity and label them
the other? appropriately as the independent and dependent variables.

2. Use the Fish Tank scenario to answer each question.

a. What two quantities are changing in this situation?

b. Which quantity is the independent quantity and which is

the dependent quantity?

M3-160 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 160 1/12/19 8:16 PM

c. The equation that represents the fish scenario is
w 5 200 2 10t. What do the variables w and t
represent in this equation?

d. What do you notice about which variable is isolated in

the equation?

3. Identify the independent quantity and the dependent quantity

in each of the four remaining scenarios.
Examine the
a. Rainy Day
graphs. Do
Independent Quantity: you see any
between the
Dependent Quantity: independent
and dependent
variables and
b. Toy Rocket the graph?
Independent Quantity:

Dependent Quantity:

c. DVD and Game Rentals

Independent Quantity:

Dependent Quantity:

d. T-shirt Sales

Independent Quantity:

Dependent Quantity:

LESSON 1: Every Graph Tells a Story • M3-161

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 161 1/12/19 8:16 PM


1.3 Total Price and Profit

A store makes 20% profit on the total price of all the items they sell.
Profit is the extra
money for selling Analyze the situation.
items, over and
above the cost of 1. Name the two quantities that are changing.
producing the items.

2. Describe which value depends on the other.

Let t represent the total price of all items sold in dollars, and let p
represent the profit in dollars.

3. Write an equation to represent the relationship between

these variables.

4. Identify the independent and dependent variables in

this situation.

M3-162 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 162 1/12/19 8:16 PM

5. Complete the table.

Independent Dependent
Quantity Quantity

Quantity Name

Unit of Measure



Why do you
99.95 think the axes
are labeled
6. Use the table to complete the graph. with total
y price on the
22 axis and
20 profit on the
18 vertical axis?
Profit (dollars)

0 x
10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Total Price (dollars)

7. Is this a discrete graph or a continuous graph? Explain.

8. On which axis is the independent variable? On which axis is the

dependent variable?

LESSON 1: Every Graph Tells a Story • M3-163

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 163 1/12/19 8:16 PM


1.4 Profit and Total Price

Let’s think about the problem situation in a different way.

Suppose you are operating this store and you know how much profit
you make on each item.

1. Name the two quantities that are changing.

2. Describe which value depends on the other.

Now, we need
to isolate
variable. This is Let p be equal to the profit, and let t be equal to the total price of
just solving a all items sold.
equation! 3. Write an equation to represent the relationship between
these variables.

4. Identify the independent and dependent variables in

this situation.

M3-164 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 164 1/12/19 8:16 PM

5. Complete the table.

Independent Dependent
Quantity Quantity

Quantity Name

Unit of Measure





6. Use the table to complete the graph.


100 Why are the

90 labels on your
80 axes different
70 from the
Total Price ($)

60 previous graph?
0 x
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22
Profit ($)

7. Is this a discrete graph or a continuous graph? Explain.

8. On which axis is the independent variable? On which axis is the

dependent variable?

LESSON 1: Every Graph Tells a Story • M3-165

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 165 1/12/19 8:16 PM


1.5 The Question Matters

The situations in the previous activities, Total Price and Profit and
Profit and Total Price, are similar but presented in two different ways.

1. Complete each summary statement.

Total Price and Profit Profit and Total Price

The depends The depends

on the . on the .

Equation: Equation:

It's important 2. What do you notice about the two equations?

to determine
the goal of the
problem before
you start
3. How does examining this same situation from different
perspectives affect the independent and dependent

4. What can you conclude about the designation of a variable

as independent or dependent?

M3-166 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 166 1/12/19 8:16 PM

5. Compare the two graphs in the activities Total Price and Profit
and Profit and Total Price. NOTES
a. How are they similar and how are they different?

b. What do you notice about the independent and

dependent variables?

Consider another scenario.

Dawson purchased a diesel-powered car that averages 41 miles

per gallon.

6. Suppose Dawson is interested in how far the car travels on a

given amount of gas.

a. Identify the independent and dependent quantities.

b. Define variables for each quantity and identify which is the

independent variable and which is the dependent variable.

c. Write an equation to represent the relationship between the

two variables.

LESSON 1: Every Graph Tells a Story • M3-167

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 167 1/12/19 8:16 PM

7. Suppose, instead, that Dawson runs out of gas on a regular
NOTES basis. He is interested in how many gallons of gas he has
used if he knows how many miles he has driven. Use the same
variables you defined in Question 6.

a. Identify which variable represents the independent quantity

and which variable represents the dependent quantity.

b. Write an equation to represent the relationship between the

two variables.

8. How would you expect the graphs of the two situations to be

similar? How would they be different?

M3-168 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 168 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Create Your Own Story

1. Create a real-world situation to match the given graph.

2. Identify the independent and dependent quantities

in your scenario.

LESSON 1: Every Graph Tells a Story • M3-169

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 169 1/12/19 8:16 PM

NOTES 3. Label the x-axis and y-axis to reflect your scenario.

4. What real-world question could be answered using the

graph based on your scenario.

M3-170 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 170 1/12/19 8:16 PM


y y







0 x
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20


y y

x x
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20

LESSON 1: Every Graph Tells a Story • M3-171

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C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 172 1/12/19 8:16 PM

y y

x x

Pool Party
You have cookies for your team pool
party, but you don't know how many of
your teammates will show up.
How many cookies will each teammate
receive if everyone receives the same
number of cookies?

LESSON 1: Every Graph Tells a Story • M3-173

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C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 174 1/12/19 8:16 PM
Fish Tank
You are draining a 200-gallon fish tank
at a rate of 10 gallons per minute. How
much water remains in the tank at a
specific time?

Rainy Day
When you left home, the rain was
falling at a steady rate. Then, it stopped
raining for a few hours before a sudden
downpour. Finally, it stopped raining.
How many inches of rain had fallen at
different points of the day?

LESSON 1: Every Graph Tells a Story • M3-175

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Toy Rocket
You launch a toy rocket into the air
from the ground and observe its height
through its entire flight. How many feet
high was the rocket at a specific time
after launch?

DVD and Game Rentals

The video kiosk charges $2.00 for DVD
and game rentals. How many DVDs
and games can you rent for different
amounts of money?

LESSON 1: Every Graph Tells a Story • M3-177

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C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 178 1/12/19 8:16 PM
T-shirt Sales
You buy T-shirts to sell for your school.
There is a $25 design charge plus the
cost per T-shirt. What is the total cost
for different numbers of T-shirts?

LESSON 1: Every Graph Tells a Story • M3-179

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C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 180 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Write Remember
Write the term that best completes each statement. The mathematical or real-world
1. In a real-world problem situation, when a quantity does not question asked often determines
depend on another quantity, it is called the . which quantity depends on
In the equation that models the problem situation, this quantity the other. When graphed, the
is represented by the . independent quantity is plotted
2. In a real-world problem situation, when a quantity depends on on the horizontal axis and the
another quantity, it is called the . dependent quantity is plotted on
In the equation that models the problem situation, this quantity the vertical axis.
is represented by the .

1. Determine the independent variable and the dependent variable in each given equation.
a. The equation T 5 75 2 d is used to calculate the water temperature, T, at a depth, d, in a
particular lake.
b. The equation p 5 __t is used to calculate the individual profit, p, made by each of three brothers
operating a lemonade stand with a total profit, t.
2. An online ticket broker charges a flat service fee of $6.50 per ticket sold. You are interested in the total
amount of money you must pay for a given number of tickets.
a. Name the two quantities that are changing in this situation.
b. Define variables for each quantity and identify which represents the independent quantity and which
represents the dependent quantity.
c. Write an equation for the relationship between the two variables.
3. Jana is a runner. When she is training for a race, she averages 8 miles per hour. She is interested in how
far she can run in a given number of hours.
a. Define variables for each changing quantity and identify each as the independent or
dependent variable.
b. Write an equation to represent this situation.
c. Use your equation to create a table of values for this situation.
d. Use your equation and table to create a graph. Remember to label your axes.
e. Explain how you knew which variable to graph on each axis.
f. Rewrite the equation from part (b) with the other variable isolated.
g. With the equation in this form, which variable is the independent and which is the dependent?
Explain your reasoning.
h. Write a question for which the equation in (f ) would be needed.

LESSON 1: Every Graph Tells a Story • M3-181

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 181 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Create two different scenarios that use time as a varying quantity. In one scenario, use time as the
independent quantity. In the other, use time as the dependent quantity. Write a question that could be
answered in each case. Create a graph for each situation.

1. When Sarah goes out to eat, she always tips her server 18% of the bill. She also must pay 7% sales tax
on her dinner.
a. Define variables for the quantities in the situation.
b. Write an equation for the total cost of Sarah’s meal, including tax and tip.
c. Suppose Sarah paid a total of $31.25. How much was her meal?

2. A builder requires a certain number of bricks each time he builds a brick structure. To make sure he has
enough bricks, he always orders 50 additional bricks.
a. Define variables for the quantities in the situation.
b. Write an equation for the total number of bricks ordered.
c. Suppose the builder calculated that the needed 1275 bricks. How many bricks were ordered?

3. Solve each equation and state the inverse operation you used.
a. t 1 4 __
11 y
b. 22 5 ___

4. Write the two possible unit rates for each ratio.

a. 8 cups of sugar for every 2 tablespoons of vanilla
b. $3.56 for 24 ounces

M3-182 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L01.indd 182 1/12/19 8:16 PM

The Power 2
of the
Horizontal Line
Using Graphs to Solve One-Step Equations


Which equations represent • Analyze the relationship between the independent and
proportional relationships? dependent variables in a graph and relate the variables
Explain how you know. to an equation.
• Use multiple representations to solve one-step
1. c 5 2.5n real-world problems.
• Use an inequality of the form x . c or x , c to represent
2. l 5 w 1 25 constraints when solving a real-world problem.

3. d 5 __

4. T 5 100 2 d

You have learned how to solve one-step equations using reasoning and the Properties of
Equality. How can you use graphs to solve one-step real-world problems?

LESSON 2: The Power of the Horizontal Line • M3-183

C01_SE_M03_T03_L02.indd 183 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Getting Started

Selling Pretzels
Nic sells pretzels for $1.25 each at the morning baseball and softball
What are the
games held at the Community Center. At the end of the games he
is supposed to report the number of pretzels he sold and the total
and dependent
amount of money collected.
quantities in
this situation?
Nic sold pretzels on three different mornings, but he only reported
either the number of pretzels sold or the dollar amount collected.

1. Calculate each missing piece of information from his

daily reports.

a. 16 pretzels sold

b. 40 pretzels sold

c. $40 collected

2. Write an equation to represent the relationship between the

number of pretzels sold, x, and the amount of money collected
in dollars, y.

3. Does this situation represent a proportional relationship?

Justify your answer.

M3-184 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L02.indd 184 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Using a Graph to Determine
2.1 Unknown Quantities

In the previous activity, you answered questions and wrote the

equation y 5 1.25x, where x represents the number of pretzels sold
and y represents the amount of money collected in dollars.

The amount of money collected for the number of pretzels sold can
be represented by points on the graph. The graph shows the ordered
pairs corresponding to the three questions you answered about Nic
selling pretzels. The equation corresponding to the graph is One way to analyze the
y 5 1.25x. relationship between
Pretzel Sales ordered pairs displayed
50 on a graph is to draw
a line.
Amount of Money Collected (dollars)

When you model a
relationship with a line, it

30 is up to you to consider
each situation and
interpret the meaning of

20 the data values from the

line drawn on a graph.

In some problem
situations, when you
draw a line all the points
0 x
0 10 20 30 40 50 will make sense. In other
Number of Pretzels Sold problem situations, like
this one, not all the
1. Label the three ordered pairs shown on the graph. points on the line will
make sense.

2. What does each ordered pair represent?

3. Identify the unit rate in this situation. Plot and label it on the graph.

LESSON 2: The Power of the Horizontal Line • M3-185

C01_SE_M03_T03_L02.indd 185 1/12/19 8:16 PM

You can use a graph to determine an independent quantity given a
dependent quantity.


You can use the graph to determine how many pretzels Nic sold
if he collected $10.

Remember, the solution First, locate 10 on the y-axis and draw a horizontal line. This shows
to an equation is any that $10 is the amount of money collected. The x-value of the point
value that makes the where your horizontal line intersects with the graph of 1.25x is the
equation true. If you number of pretzels sold for $10.
are given a graph, a
solution is any point on y
Pretzel Sales
that graph.
Amount of Money Collected (dollars)





0 x
0 10 20 30 40 50
Number of Pretzels Sold

4. How many pretzels did Nic sell if he collected $10?

M3-186 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

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Use the graph in the worked example to answer each question.

5. How many pretzels did Nic sell if he collected:

a. $25.00?

b. $33.75?

c. $75.00?

d. more than $45.00?

e. at least $100.00?

6. Nic reported that on Saturday morning he sold 13 pretzels

and collected $16.25, and on Saturday afternoon he sold 42
pretzels and collected $55.00.

Do you think he reported accurately? Explain your reasoning.

LESSON 2: The Power of the Horizontal Line • M3-187

C01_SE_M03_T03_L02.indd 187 1/12/19 8:16 PM


2.2 Shipping Charges

A flat fee is a one-time An online site sells a single closeout item each day. The items and
charge on each order, prices change daily. The company charges a flat fee of $6.00
regardless of how many for shipping.
items are ordered.
The graph shown represents a model of this problem situation.

Total Cost of an Item with Shipping


Total Cost (dollars)



In this problem 15
situation, do 10
all the points
on the line 5
make sense? 0 x
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Cost of an Item (dollars)

1. Write an equation to represent the relationship between the

cost of an item, x, and the total cost, y. Label the graph of
the line with your equation.

2. Does this situation represent a proportional relationship?

Justify your answer.

M3-188 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L02.indd 188 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Use the graph to answer each question.

3. What is the total cost if the cost of the item is: How does
your strategy
a. $18.00? b. $25.00?
change if the
value is not
visible on the
c. $32.50? d. $75.00?

4. Jeff was considering buying one of the daily closeout items

that costs $23.99. He has a $25.00 gift card. Can he afford the
total cost of the daily closeout item?

5. Suppose the flat fee for shipping changed to $6.80. How would
the graph change? How would the equation change? Would
that change the way you could use the graph to
determine values?

6. How would the graph change if there was free shipping on all
orders where the cost of the item is less than $20.00? Sketch
the graph.

LESSON 2: The Power of the Horizontal Line • M3-189

C01_SE_M03_T03_L02.indd 189 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Plus or Times?

1. Describe the similarities and differences between the pairs

of equations.

a. y 5 5x and y 5 x 1 5
b. y 5 __ 1 1x
and y 5 __
2 2
c. y 5 4.95x and y 5 x 1 4.95

2. Describe the similarities and differences among the graphs

shown. Write an equation for each graph.

Graph A Graph B
y y

x 0 x

Graph C Graph D
y y

0 x x

3. Describe how you can use a graph to solve

one-step equations.

M3-190 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L02.indd 190 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Write Remember
Describe the similarities and differences between Graphs are powerful visual representations of
the graphs of equations represented in the form how quantities are related. You can use a graph
y 5 nx and y 5 x 1 n, where n is any positive to estimate a solution. You can also formally solve
rational number and x and y are unknown quantities. equations to determine exact values.

A shuttle space suit, including the life support system, y
Astronauts’ Weights With and Without
weighs about 310 pounds. The break in the y-axis Shuttle Suit

represents the values from 0–300.

1. What does each ordered pair on the

Weight of Astronaut With

line represent?

Shuttle Suit (pounds)

2. Write an equation to represent the relationship
shown in the graph.
3. Is this a proportional relationship? Justify
your answer.
4. In this problem situation, do all the points on the
line make sense? Explain your reasoning.
5. Determine the weight of an astronaut without the
shuttle suit given that the astronaut’s weight while 0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240 270
Weight of Astronaut Without
wearing the shuttle suit. Shuttle Suit (pounds)
a. 480 lb
b. 467 lb
c. 520 lb
Weight on Earth Versus
The gravitational pull of the Moon is not as great as that Weight on Moon
on Earth. In fact, if a person checks their weight on the
Moon, it will be only __
Weight on Moon (pounds)

of their weight on Earth.
6. What does each ordered pair on the line represent?
7. Write an equation to represent the relationship
shown in the graph.
8. Is this a proportional relationship? Justify your answer.
9. In this problem situation, do all the points on the
graph make sense?
10. Determine the weight of a person on Earth given his 0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
Weight on Earth (pounds)
weight on the Moon.
a. 12 lb
b. 21 lb
c. 36 lb

LESSON 2: The Power of the Horizontal Line • M3-191

C01_SE_M03_T03_L02.indd 191 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Write an equation to represent each of the three segments of the graph shown. List any restrictions in the
possible x-values.



0 2 4 6 8 10 12

Solve for each unknown value.
1. The area of a triangle is 12.5 square feet and the height is 6 feet. Determine the base of the triangle.
2. The area of a parallelogram is 74.8 square feet and the base is 22 feet. Determine the height of
the parallelogram.

Determine the independent and dependent quantities in each scenario.

3. Selena is driving to her grandmother’s house. She travels an average of 60 miles per hour.
4. On her way to work each morning, Sophia purchases a cup of coffee for each of her colleagues and pays
$2.25 per cup the coffee shop.

Use long division to determine each quotient.

5. 1968 4 12
6. 2363 4 139

M3-192 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L02.indd 192 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Planes, 3
Trains, and
Multiple Representations of Equations


Identify two quantities in each • Write and solve equations that represent
situation. Then state which quantity relationships given in tables, graphs,
depends on the other. and situations.
1. Snow is falling at a rate of • Identify independent and dependent quantities
3 inches per hour. represented in tables, graphs, and scenarios.
• Analyze the relationship between the
2. The outside temperature is
independent and dependent quantities in a
increasing at an average of
situation using graphs, tables, and equations.
10 degrees each day.
• Determine whether the data represented in a
3. The car wash generated an graph of an equation are discrete or continuous.
average profit of $8.00 per car.
4. The income from the sale of
movie tickets was $8.50
per person.
5. A dog groomer charges $35 for
every dog.

You have identified independent and dependent quantities in relationships and have
expressed these relationships using equations. How can you relate independent and
dependent quantities in a variety of different situations, using a variety of different

LESSON 3: Planes, Trains, and Paychecks • M3-193

C01_SE_M03_T03_L03.indd 193 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Getting Started

To the Equation-Mobile!
A mobile (MO-beel) is hanging art. It features all kinds of different
objects suspended from string or wire. Balance is important to the
visual effect of mobiles.

Determine what value each shape represents in each mobile.



M3-194 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L03.indd 194 1/12/19 8:16 PM


3.1 Equations from Tables

SnapSmart charges the same price for each 3 in. by 4 in. picture print.

1. The table shows a few orders and the cost of each.

Number Cost
a. What is the cost of one print? Explain how you determined of Prints ($)
the cost. 10 1.20

32 3.84
b. Define variables for the quantities in this situation. Then 50 6.00
write an equation that models the relationship between
these quantities. 110 13.20

c. Create a graph for this situation.




Cost (dollars)


0 x
20 40 60 80 100 120
Number of Prints

d. Tell whether the quantities in the SnapSmart scenario are

discrete or continuous. Explain your reasoning.

e. You can draw a line to show the shape of the graph. Do all
the points on the line make sense in this scenario?

LESSON 3: Planes, Trains, and Paychecks • M3-195

C01_SE_M03_T03_L03.indd 195 1/12/19 8:16 PM

2. The table shows the cost of a particular item.

a. Describe how the cost is related to the number of items.

Number Cost
of Items ($)

1 6

8 48 b. Define variables for the quantities in this situation. Then

16 96 write an equation that models the relationship between
these quantities.
5 30

c. Explain whether the quantities in this situation are discrete

or continuous.

d. Create a graph for this situation.


Cost (dollars)

0 x
2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16
Number of Items

e. What do you notice about the shape of the graph? You can
connect the points to see the shape.

M3-196 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L03.indd 196 1/12/19 8:16 PM

3. Read each situation and analyze the corresponding table of
values. Identify the independent and dependent quantities
in each. Then, write an equation that models the relationship
between the quantities.

a. The total profit made on cutting lawns and the profit made
by each person are represented in the table shown.

Total Profit Profit Made by

Made ($) Each Person ($)

21 7.00

25.50 8.50

45 15.00

b. The number of boxes of cookies sold and the total profit are
represented in the table shown.

Boxes of
Total Profit ($)
Cookies Sold

3 7.50 A table of values

can be represented
5 12.50
vertically or
7 17.50 horizontally.

c. The number of tiles required to complete a job and the

number of tiles ordered are represented in the table shown.

Number of
75 95 115
Tiles Required
Number of
90 110 130
Tiles Ordered

LESSON 3: Planes, Trains, and Paychecks • M3-197

C01_SE_M03_T03_L03.indd 197 1/12/19 8:16 PM


3.2 Equations from Graphs

The graph shows the relationship between the distance of a train

from the station and the time in minutes.

y 1. Complete the table using the points from

the graph.
Distance from Station (miles)

2 2. Define variables and write an equation
0 x to represent the relationship between
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 the quantities.
Time (minutes)

3. How far is the train from the station after 20 minutes?

4. Connect the points to show the shape of the graph. Do all of

the values on the line make sense in this situation?

M3-198 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L03.indd 198 1/12/19 8:16 PM

The graph shows the relationship between the height of a plane and
its distance from the airport in miles.

Height (feet)


0 x
0 50 100 150 200 250 300
Distance (miles)

5. Complete the table using the points from the graph.

6. Write an equation to represent the relationship between

the quantities.

7. What is the height of the plane at 150 miles?

8. Connect the points to show the shape of the graph. Do all of

the values on the line make sense in this situation?

LESSON 3: Planes, Trains, and Paychecks • M3-199

C01_SE_M03_T03_L03.indd 199 1/12/19 8:16 PM

3.3 Equations from Scenarios

Crystal got a job working at the local hardware store making

$8.76 per hour.

1. Write an equation that models the relationship between the

number of hours Crystal worked and how much she earned.

2. How much would Crystal earn if she worked the given times.

a. 5 hours

b. 2__

c. 5 hours and 30 minutes

d. 10 hours and 15 minutes

3. Use your equation to calculate the number of hours Crystal

worked given her total pay.

a. $218.75

b. $293.46

c. $203.67

M3-200 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L03.indd 200 1/12/19 8:16 PM

4. Complete the table.

Time Worked (hours) Earnings ($)







5. Use the table to complete the graph.


Earnings (dollars)

0 x
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45
Time Worked (hours)

6. Connect the points to show the shape of the graph. Do all of

the points on the line make sense in this situation?

LESSON 3: Planes, Trains, and Paychecks • M3-201

C01_SE_M03_T03_L03.indd 201 1/12/19 8:16 PM

7. Jake’s dog eats an average of 40 pounds of dry dog food in
one month.

a. Write an equation to model the relationship between

the number of pounds of dog food and the number of

b. Complete the table and graph.

of Dog
Food (lb) 200

Dog Food (pounds)

2 100


200 0 x
0 1 2 3 4 5
Time (months)

c. Connect the points to show the shape of the graph. Do all

of the points on the line make sense in this situation?

M3-202 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L03.indd 202 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Let Us Organize the Ways

Multiple representations—including drawings or diagrams, verbal
descriptions, tables, graphs, and equations—can be useful in
analyzing and solving problems.

1. Complete the graphic organizer by describing the

advantages of each representation.

• verbal
• table
• graph
• equation

LESSON 3: Planes, Trains, and Paychecks • M3-203

C01_SE_M03_T03_L03.indd 203 1/12/19 8:16 PM




M3-204 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L03.indd 204 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Write Remember
Create an algebraic equation. When a quantity can have values that are only counting numbers,
Represent the equation using it is called a discrete quantity. When a quantity can have any value,
a word problem, a table, and it is called a continuous quantity.
a graph.

1. Lashawna works at the local candy shop. The
Total Weight (lb) Weight of Candy (lb)
bulk candy is sold by the pound. Customers
place the candy they would like to buy in a 2.84
plastic bucket, and then Lashawna weighs it
to determine how much the customer owes.
Before calculating the price, Lashawna must 0.71
subtract the weight of the plastic bucket. The
candy bucket weighs 0.72 pound.
a. Complete the table. 1.71
b. Write an equation that models the
relationship between the quantities in
this situation.
c. Use the table to create a graph of the relationship.
d. Explain whether all points on the line make sense.

2. Lashawna is packaging some bulk candy for

Total Cost ($) Weight of Candy (lb)
a sale. The price is $3.98 per pound.
a. Write an equation to model the 2.50
relationship between the total cost and
the weight of the candy.
b. Complete the table. 4.98
c. Use the table to create a graph of
the relationship.
d. Explain whether it makes sense to connect 9.47
the points on your graph.

LESSON 3: Planes, Trains, and Paychecks • M3-205

C01_SE_M03_T03_L03.indd 205 1/12/19 8:16 PM

A cryptarithm is a puzzle which replaces digits with letters. Your job is to use reasoning to determine what
digits the letters stand for. When two letters are the same, they represent the same digit. When the letters
are different, they represent different digits.

In this famous cryptarithm, the sum is correct. Can you solve it?

1 M O R E

Use the graph to estimate each solution.
1. How long did it take Serena to travel 70 miles? 2. How long did it take to burn 100 calories?

y y
Distance Traveled by Serena Calories Burned Exercising
200 200

150 150
Calories Burned
Distance (miles)

100 100

50 50

0 x 0 x
1 2 3 4 5 15 30 45 60
Time (hours) Time (minutes)

Write each statement as an algebraic expression.

3. five less than twice a number
4. seven and one half more than a number

Solve each equation.

5. 20 5 6x
6. 15.5 1 p 5 44

M3-206 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L03.indd 206 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Triathlon 4
Relating Distance, Rate, and Time


• Use multiple representations to
1. Express 3 hours and 15 minutes as solve one-step real-world and
a decimal. mathematical problems.
• Analyze the relationship between
2. Express 3 hours and 15 minutes in independent and dependent quantities
terms of minutes. using graphs, tables, and equations.
• Summarize the relationship between
3. Express 2.75 hours in terms of hours
distance, rate, and time.
and minutes.

4. Express 2.75 hours in terms of minutes.

You have graphed and analyzed a variety of relationships between two quantities. Some
quantities are often grouped together. One set of such quantities is distance, rate, and time.
What relationship exists between these quantities?

LESSON 4: Triathlon Training • M3-207

C01_SE_M03_T03_L04.indd 207 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Getting Started

Gearing Up for the Olympics

Deazia has her sights set on competing in the triathlon in the 2024
Summer Olympics. A triathlon includes three sports: swimming,
cycling, and running. Deazia must build up her endurance to be able
complete all three events in quick succession!

As part of her training, Deazia will participate in a variety of triathlons

over the next year. The table provides the distances for each leg of
five different triathlons.

Island Olympic
Kid Zone Sprint SuperTri
Escape Style

Swim 1.5 mi 600 m 1.5 km 750 m 2.4 mi

Cycle 18 mi 15 km 40 km 20 km 112 mi
You might
need to
Run 8 mi 5 km 10 km 5 km 26.2 mi
convert units.
that 1 km < 1. What is the total distance covered in each triathlon?
0.62 mi.

2. If Deazia completes all 5 triathlons in one year, how many miles

will she swim during these competitions? How many miles will
she cycle? How many miles will she run?

M3-208 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L04.indd 208 1/12/19 8:16 PM


4.1 Swimming Rate

Swimming is the first leg of the triathlon, so Deazia has trained with
a coach to improve her chance of getting off to a great start.
swimming speed
Deazia’s coach plotted her times and distances from her last few
is a unit rate.
training sessions. Based on the data, the coach drew in a line to
represent an approximation of her average speed.


Distance (kilometers)




0 x
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Time (minutes)

1. Deazia’s little sister thinks that all of Deazia’s (time, distance)

points should be on the line drawn by her coach. Is she
correct? Explain your reasoning.

LESSON 4: Triathlon Training • M3-209

C01_SE_M03_T03_L04.indd 209 1/12/19 8:16 PM

2. Use the graph to determine Deazia’s average swimming rate.
There is a
distance and
time. Deazia wants to know how long it will take her to complete the
swimming segment of each triathlon. She decides to start with the
Olympic Style triathlon, which has a 1.5 km swim leg.


distance 5 __________
______________ 1 km
time 20 minutes

1.5 km 5 __________
__________ 1 km
time 20 minutes

3 1.5

1.5 km 5 __________
__________ 1 km
time 20 minutes

3 1.5

It should take Deazia 30 minutes to complete the swim segment of

the Olympic Style triathlon.

3. Assuming Deazia swims at her average rate, determine how

long it should take her to complete the swimming segment of
the four remaining triathlons.

a. Island Escape b. Kid Zone

c. Sprint d. SuperTri

M3-210 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L04.indd 210 1/12/19 8:16 PM

4. Write an equation to represent the amount of time, t, required
for Deazia to swim a given distance, d. NOTES

5. Write another equation to represent the distance, d, Deazia

can swim for a given amount of time, t.

6. Deazia’s coach surprised her with an entry into a secret

triathlon, the Mystic, last weekend.

a. If she swam at her average rate and completed the swim

segment in 45 minutes, how long was the swim segment?
Explain your reasoning.

b. How could you use a different strategy to verify

your answer?

LESSON 4: Triathlon Training • M3-211

C01_SE_M03_T03_L04.indd 211 1/12/19 8:16 PM


4.2 Cycling Rate

Deazia cycles as a regular part of her training schedule. After each

Wow. She cycles ride, she records her distances and times in a table.
at a consistent
rate. Distance Biked Time
(kilometers) (hours)

5 1

35 3
1 __

90 1
4 __

1. Determine Deazia’s cycling rate in minutes per kilometer and

in kilometers per minute.

2. Deazia would like to predict how long it will take her to

complete the cycling segment of each triathlon. She thinks
she should use the minutes per kilometer rate but her sister
says that she should use the kilometers per minute rate.
Who’s correct? Explain your reasoning.

M3-212 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L04.indd 212 1/12/19 8:16 PM

3. Assuming she cycles at the same average rate, how long
should it take Deazia to complete the cycling segment of
each triathlon?

a. Island Escape b. Kid Zone

c. Olympic Style d. Sprint

In this scenario,
e. SuperTri
time is the

4. Write an equation to determine the amount of time required

for Deazia to cycle a given distance.

LESSON 4: Triathlon Training • M3-213

C01_SE_M03_T03_L04.indd 213 1/12/19 8:16 PM

5. Use your results to create a graph of the time, in minutes, that
Deazia cycles versus the distance she cycles, in kilometers.
Connect the plotted points.





Time (minutes)







0 x
5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
Distance (kilometers)

6. You cannot graph the time and distance for the SuperTri on
this graph. Explain how you know it would be on the line if the
graph were extended.

7. In the Mystic triathlon, the cycling segment is 35 kilometers.

Use your graph to estimate how long it should take Deazia to
complete this segment of the triathlon. Explain your strategy.

M3-214 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L04.indd 214 1/12/19 8:16 PM

4.3 Running Rate

Deazia runs every day as part of her training routine. She averages
9 minutes per mile.

1. Write an equation to determine the amount of time required

to run a given distance.

2. Use your equation to determine how long will it take Deazia

to complete the running segment of each triathlon.

a. Island Escape b. Kid Zone

c. Olympic Style d. Sprint

e. SuperTri

LESSON 4: Triathlon Training • M3-215

C01_SE_M03_T03_L04.indd 215 1/12/19 8:16 PM

3. Use your equation and the results from Question 2 to create a
graph of time, in minutes, that Deazia runs versus her distance,
in miles. Connect the plotted points.





Time (minutes)






0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12
Distance (miles)

4. After competing in the Mystic triathlon, Deazia reports that

Assume that Deazia
it took her 87 minutes to complete the running segment. Use
runs at her average
the graph to estimate the length of the running segment of
rate in this triathlon.
this triathlon.

5. Rewrite the equation in Question 1 in order to determine the

distance traveled for a given amount of time.

M3-216 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L04.indd 216 1/12/19 8:16 PM

6. Use your new equation to determine the actual length of the
running segment of the Mystic. NOTES


Reflecting on Triathlon Training

To analyze the three segments of the triathlons, you used
distances traveled, times traveled, and rates.

1. Record the two equations that could be used to describe

each leg of the race.

• determine the distance, given the time

• determine the time, given the distance

Determine Distance Determine Time




2. What do you notice about the coefficients in the equations?

Why does this make sense?

LESSON 4: Triathlon Training • M3-217

C01_SE_M03_T03_L04.indd 217 1/12/19 8:16 PM

NOTES 3. Write the ratio, including units, represented in the
Determine Distance equation for each segment of the race.

4. Explain why the ratios, or rates, listed in Question 3,

not their reciprocals, are the appropriate rates to use in
determining distance.

M3-218 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L04.indd 218 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Write Remember
Suppose your work partner was absent today. Write at least three The equation that relates
sentences that summarize the relationship between distance (d), distance, rate, and time is often
rate (r), and time (t). Be sure to talk about some of the multiple written as d 5 rt.
representations (verbal statements, graphs, tables, equations) of
the relationship.

1. An airplane takes off and climbs at a constant rate of 1400 feet per minute.
a. Write an equation to model the relationship between the plane’s altitude and the time in minutes.
b. Complete the table.

Time (min) Altitude (ft)



c. Use the equation to determine how much time it takes for the plane to reach an altitude of 3 miles.
2. A helium balloon rises at a constant rate of 200 feet per minute.
a. Write an equation to model the relationship between the balloon’s altitude and the time in minutes.
b. Graph the equation.
c. Use your graph to determine how much time it takes for the balloon to reach an altitude of 700 feet.
3. A car travels on the interstate at a constant speed. The distances are recorded in a table.

Distance (miles) Time (hours)

16.25 0.25

32.5 0.5

260 4

390 6

a. Determine the car’s rate in miles per hour and in hours per mile.
b. Write an equation to determine the amount of time required to travel a given distance.
c. Use the table to create a graph of the time versus the distance traveled.
d. Determine how many minutes it will take the car to travel 43 miles.

LESSON 4: Triathlon Training • M3-219

C01_SE_M03_T03_L04.indd 219 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Alison and her friend are traveling home from New Jersey on Route 28. Alison thinks that taking Route 66
to Route 80 is a faster way home. Alison’s friend says that staying on Route 28 is shorter, so they will make it
home faster. Who’s correct? Which path is faster? By how much?

Route 66
(35 mph)
te 2
Rou mph)

23.3 mi
12 mi

20 mi Route 80
(70 mph)

1. A business subtracts $7.50 from each employees’ gross weekly pay to cover the cost of their uniforms.
a. Define variables for an employee’s gross weekly pay and for an employee’s weekly pay after the
uniform fee.
b. Write an equation that models the relationship between the variables.
c. Graph the equation. Is the graph discrete or continuous?
d. Calculate the gross weekly pay if the pay after the uniform fee was $67.23.

2. Determine each answer using the given formula.

a. The formula P 5 4s is used to calculate the perimeter, P, of a square with a side length, s. Calculate the
length of a side of the square if its perimeter is 34.56 inches.
b. The formula P 5 a 1 b 1 c is used to calculate the perimeter, P, of a triangle with side lengths a, b,
and c. Calculate the unknown side length for a triangle with a perimeter of 52.81 inches and two sides
measuring 16.32 inches each.

3. Calculate the area of each triangle.

a. b. 4.5 m

7.5 in.

18 in.

M3-220 • TOPIC 3: Graphing Quantitative Relationships

C01_SE_M03_T03_L04.indd 220 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Graphing Quantitative
Relationships Summary
• discrete graph • independent quantity
• continuous graph • independent variable
• dependent quantity • dependent variable


1 Every Graph Tells a Story

A discrete graph is a graph of isolated points. Often, those y

points are counting numbers.

A continuous graph is a graph with no breaks in it. Each

point on a continuous graph, even those represented by
fractional numbers, represents a solution to the graphed
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 scenario.


C01_SE_TS_M03_T03.indd 221 1/12/19 8:17 PM

When one quantity depends on another in a real-world problem situation, it is said to be the
dependent quantity. The quantity on which it depends is called the independent quantity.
The variable that represents the independent quantity is called the independent variable, and
the variable that represents the dependent quantity is called the dependent variable.

For example, suppose you are draining a 150-gallon y

Water Remaining in Fish Tank
fish tank at a rate of 15 gallons per minute. How much 200

water remains in the tank at a specific time?


Number of Gallons
In this scenario, the independent quantity is time,
measured in minutes, and the dependent quantity
is the number of gallons of water in the fish tank.
The equation that represents the scenario is
w 5 125 2 15t. The independent variable is t, 50
which represents the number of minutes, and the
dependent variable is w, which represents the
0 x
gallons of water in the tank. 0 5 10
Time (minutes)

Note that the independent quantity is plotted on the horizontal axis and the dependent
quantity is plotted on the vertical axis.


2 The Power of the Horizontal Line

You can use a graph to determine an independent quantity given a dependent quantity.

For example, Nic sells pretzels for $1.25 each morning at the games held at the Community
Center. The amount of money collected for the number of pretzels sold can be represented by
points on the graph. The equation corresponding to the graph is y 5 1.25x. You can use the
graph to determine how many pretzels Nic sold if he collected $10.

First, locate 10 on the y-axis and draw a horizontal line. This shows that $10 is the amount of
money collected. The x-value of the point where your horizontal line intersects with the graph
of 1.25x is the number of pretzels sold for $10.


C01_SE_TS_M03_T03.indd 222 1/12/19 8:17 PM

If you are given a graph, a solution y Pretzel Sales
to the equation represented by the
graphed line is any point on that line.
Nic sold 8 pretzels if he collected $10.

Amount of Money Collected (dollars)

In some problem situations, when
you model a relationship with a
line, not all the points on the line
will make sense. It is up to you to
interpret the meaning of data values
from the line drawn on a graph for
each situation.

0 x
0 10 20 30 40 50
Number of Pretzels Sold


3 Planes, Trains, and Paychecks

You can write an equation from a relationship given in a table.

For example, the number of tiles required

Number of
to complete a job and the number of tiles 60 75 100
Tiles Required
ordered are represented in the table shown.
Number of
80 95 120
Tiles Ordered

The independent quantity is the number of tiles required to complete a job and the
dependent quantity is the number of tiles ordered. By analyzing the table, you can see
that the number of tiles ordered is always 20 more than the number of tiles required. An
equation that models this relationship is y 5 x 1 20.


C01_SE_TS_M03_T03.indd 223 1/12/19 8:17 PM

You can write an equation from a relationship represented in a graph.

For example, the graph shows the relationship y

between the distance of a train from the station
and the time in minutes. A table of values can be 24
completed using the points from the graph. 22

Distance from station (miles)

Time (minutes) Distance (miles)
1 9 16
2 10 14

4 12 12
7 15
If t represents the time in minutes and d represents 6
the distance from the station in miles, then the 4
equation d 5 t 1 8 represents the relationship 2
between the quantities.
0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
You can write an equation from a scenario. Time (minutes)

For example, Deanna got a job working at the post office making $10.25 per hour.

An equation that models the relationship between the number of hours Deanna worked and
the amount of money she earned can be written. Let a represent the amount Deanna earned
and h represent the number of hours she worked. The equation is a 5 10.25h.


C01_SE_TS_M03_T03.indd 224 1/12/19 8:17 PM


4 Triathlon Training

The equation that relates distance, rate, and time is often written as d 5 rt.

For example, Deazia is training for a triathlon. Deazia’s coach plotted her times and distances
from her last few swimming training sessions. Based on the data, the coach drew in a line to
represent an approximation of her average speed.

Deazia’s swimming speed is a unit rate. There y

is a proportional relationship between distance
and time.

Distance (kilometers)
Deazia wants to know how long it will take her to
swim 1.5 km. 2.5
distance 1 km
____________ 5 _________ 2
time 20 minutes

1.5 km
_________ 1 km
5 _________
20 minutes

0 x
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60
3 1.5 Time (minutes)

1.5 km
_________ 1 km
5 _________
20 minutes

3 1.5

It should take Deazia 30 minutes to complete the swimming segment of the Olympic
Style triathlon.


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C01_SE_TS_M03_T03.indd 226 1/12/19 8:17 PM


The lessons in this module extend your understanding of numbers and the number line
to include negative numbers. You will use a number line to represent, make sense of,
and order negative numbers. You will build on your knowledge of the coordinate plane
to construct a four-quadrant graph. Throughout the module, you will analyze and solve a
variety of real-world problems.

Topic 1 Signed Numbers M4-3

Topic 2 The Four Quadrants M4-53

C01_SE_M04_INTRO.indd 1 14/01/19 6:38 PM

C01_SE_M04_INTRO.indd 2 14/01/19 6:38 PM

Signed Numbers

If you think of the surface of the ocean as 0, then a diver is in the negative numbers until he comes back up.

Lesson 1
Human Number Line
Introduction to Negative Numbers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M4-7

Lesson 2
Magnificent Magnitude
Absolute Value . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M4-23

Lesson 3
What's in a Name?
Rational Number System . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M4-35

C01_SE_M04_T01_INTRO.indd 3 1/12/19 8:16 PM

C01_SE_M04_T01_INTRO.indd 4 1/12/19 8:16 PM
Carnegie Learning Family Guide Course 1
Module 4: Moving Beyond Positive Quantities
TOPIC 1: SIGNED NUMBERS Where have we been?
In this topic, students are formally
Prior to grade 6, students positioned
introduced to negative numbers.
whole numbers, fractions, and decimals
Students begin by reflecting the
on number lines and operated with these
positive numbers across zero to build
numbers using number lines as references.
the rational number line. They focus
The opening activities in this topic draw on
on the meaning assigned to positive
this prior knowledge of number lines and
and negative rational numbers, with
numbers’ positions relative to each other.
particular focus on the meaning of 0 in
In previous lessons in this course, students
real-world and mathematical situations.
learned about and ordered non-negative
Students develop an understanding of
rational numbers.
the relationship between opposites and
distance on a number line, leading to the
Where are we going?
concept of absolute value. Throughout
Students will operate on signed numbers
this topic, students continue to develop
beginning in grade 7. The foundation
their fluency with whole numbers,
provided in this topic will enable students
fractions, and decimals.
to develop strategies for operating with
signed numbers. Students will continue
using the ideas from this topic throughout
the remainder of the course. Just as they
reflected the number line to include negative
values, in the next topic students will reflect
the first quadrant of a coordinate plane to
create the four-quadrant coordinate plane.

Using a Number Line to Visualize Opposites

Each positive integer has an opposite, Opposites

negative integer, and vice versa. The negative

Negative infinity Positive infinity
sign reflects a number across 0 on the number –∞ ∞
–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6
line. For example, the opposite of 3 is 23.
Furthermore, the opposite of an opposite is the
original number, e.g., 2(23) 5 3. Opposites

TOPIC 1: Family Guide • M4-5

C01_SE_FG_M04_T01.indd 5 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Myth: Cramming for a test is just as good as
spaced practice for long-term retention.
Everyone has been there. You have a big test tomorrow, but you’ve been so busy
that you haven’t had time to study. So you had to learn it all in one night. You may have
received a decent grade on the test. However, did you remember the material a week, month,
or a year later?

The honest answer is, “probably not.” That’s because long-term memory is designed to retain
useful information. How does your brain know if a memory is “useful” or not? One way is the
frequency in which you encounter a piece of information. If you see something only once (like
during cramming), then your brain doesn’t deem those memories as important. However, if you
sporadically come across the same information over time, then it’s probably important. To
optimize retention, encourage your student to periodically study the same information over
expanding intervals of time.


Talking Points Key Terms

You can further support your student’s opposites
learning by resisting the urge, as long as Opposite numbers are reflections of each
possible, to get to the answer in a problem other across 0 on the number line.
that your student is working on. Students
negative numbers
are encountering negative numbers
The values to the left of zero on the
formally for the first time in this topic. They
number line are called negative numbers
will need time and space to struggle with
and are labeled with a negative sign.
all the implications of working with this
expanded number system. Practice asking absolute value
good questions when your student is stuck. The absolute value of a number is its
distance from zero on a number line.
Questions to Ask
• Let’s think about this. What are all the
things you know?
• What do you need to find out?
• How can you model this problem?

M4-6 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_FG_M04_T01.indd 6 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Human 1
Number Line
Introduction to Negative Numbers


Plot each number on a number line. Then, • Use positive and negative numbers
insert a . or , symbol to make each to describe quantities having
inequality statement true. opposite directions.
• Explain the meaning of 0 in contexts
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 represented by positive and
negative numbers.
3 1
1. __
• Identify and represent a number and its
opposite on a number line.
2. 5.6 5.06 • Represent, interpret, and order positive
and negative integers and other rational
3. 7.65 6.75 numbers using number lines and
inequality statements.

• negative numbers
• infinity

You have used numbers equal to or greater than 0 to represent real-world situations. But
how can you use numbers less than 0 to describe real-world situations?

LESSON 1: Human Number Line • M4-7

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 7 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Getting Started

Number Line Geography

1. What do you know about a number line?

2. Label the number line and be sure to include 0. Then plot and
label a single point of your choice on the number line.

a. Draw a ray, or an arrow, beginning at your point to

represent the numbers larger than the value at your point.

b. Draw a ray, or an arrow, beginning at your point to

represent the numbers smaller than the value at your point.

c. At the ends of a number line, there are arrows going in

both directions. What do these arrows indicate?

d. What do you think is on the number line to the left of 0?

M4-8 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 8 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Investigating Time
1.1 on a Number Line

Let’s use a number line to represent time.

Your teacher will assign students to participate in the activity.

Be sure to record what happens on the number line.

1. For each student, plot and label the point where the student
stands on the number line. Also identify what time is
represented by the point.

Student A: Stand at 0 to represent the time right now.

Student B: Stand at the point that represents 3 hours from now.
Student C: Stand at the point that represents 3 hours ago.
Student D: Stand at the point that represents 5 hours from now.
Student E: Stand at the point that represents 2 hours ago.
Student F: Stand at the point that represents 7 hours ago.
A negative number is

A number line can be created by reflecting the positive numbers written with a negative

across zero. The values to the left of zero on the number line are sign. You can write a

called negative numbers and are labeled with a negative sign. The positive number with a

positive values extend to positive infinity, and the negative numbers positive sign or without

extend to negative infinity. Infinity, represented by the symbol `, any sign. For example,

means a quantity with no end or bound. The number line goes on positive 5 can be

forever in both directions! written as 15 or 5.

Negative infinity Positive infinity

–∞ ∞
–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

LESSON 1: Human Number Line • M4-9

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 9 1/12/19 8:16 PM

2. Describe the change in the values of the numbers as you
move to the right on the number line.

3. Describe the change in the values of the numbers as you

move to the left on the number line.

Consider your class time number line.

4. Describe the locations of the points that represent time

in the future.

5. Describe the locations of the points that represent time

in the past.

6. How would your number line be labeled differently from

one created by a class that starts at a different time?

7. What observations can you make about where a given

number of hours before or after time 0 is plotted? What
do you notice about its distance from 0? For example,
what do you notice about 3 hours before and 3 hours
after now? Or 6 hours before and 6 hours after now?

M4-10 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 10 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Representing Opposites
1.2 on a Number Line

Let’s think more about both sides of 0 on a number line.

Your teacher will model a number line.

1. Create and label a number line according to the model.

2. Plot and label the location where each student stands on the Student Value
number line. In the table, identify the value represented by
the location where the student is standing. A

Student A: Stand at 0.
Student B: Stand at 4.5.
Student C: Stand at the opposite of 4.5.
Student D: Stand at 26.
Student E: Stand at the opposite of 26.
Student F: Stand at a location between 2 and 3.
Student G: Stand at the location that is the opposite of
Student F.

3. Describe the number line relationship of the students who

were opposites of each other.

LESSON 1: Human Number Line • M4-11

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 11 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Opposite numbers are reflections of each other across 0 on
the number line.
There is only
one number • The opposite of a positive number is a corresponding negative
that is its number.
own opposite.
• The opposite of a negative number is a corresponding positive

Attaching a negative sign to a number means reflecting that number

across 0 on the number line.

4. Use symbols to represent the opposite of 4.5 and the value

it represents.

2(4.5) 5

5. Use symbols to represent the opposite of 26 and the value

it represents.

2(26) 5

6. What do you notice about the distance from 0 of

corresponding opposite numbers?

Don’t forget to
label the number
line! 7. What is the opposite of 0?

8. Name the opposite of each number. Then, plot each number

and its opposite on the number line.

a. 1__
b. 25 c. 29.9

M4-12 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 12 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Representing Money
1.3 on a Number Line

Alyson and her friends are trying to decide if they can go to

the movies. Each ticket costs $9.00. After checking their wallets,
each friend comments on how much money they have.
• Alyson: I have $2.50 more than the movie costs.
• Sharon: Oh, I don’t have enough money. I’m $4.00 short.
• Brian: Not only can I buy a ticket, but I have just enough money
to buy the $8.00 snack combo!
• Eileen: If I can find one more quarter, I can go.

Myron and Paulie created different number lines to represent

the scenario.


0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20


–7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13

Analyze each representation of the scenario.

1. What does each point represent on Myron’s number line?

2. What does each point represent on Paulie’s number line?

LESSON 1: Human Number Line • M4-13

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 13 1/12/19 8:16 PM

3. Myron and Paulie are thinking about 0 differently. Explain what
0 represents on each number line.

4. Suppose the four friends decide to go to a matinee instead,

where the ticket price is $7.50.
A matinee is a
movie played a. How would Myron’s number line change?
at a theater in
the afternoon.

b. How would Paulie’s number line change?

M4-14 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 14 1/12/19 8:16 PM


1.4 Temperature Connection

Number lines can also be vertical, like a thermometer or a measure

of elevation.

1. Discuss and write a sentence to describe the meaning of

each statement.

a. The weather forecaster predicts the temperature will be

below zero.

b. A submarine travels at 3000 feet below sea level.

c. Badwater Basin in Death Valley, California, is 86 meters 140

below sea level. 130
2. Mark each temperature on the thermometer shown. 90
a. The highest temperature on record in the United States is 70
134ºF. It occurred in 1913 in Death Valley, California. 60
b. The lowest temperature on record is 280ºF. It occurred at
Prospect Creek Camp, Alaska.
c. The lowest temperature recorded in the contiguous
48 states is 270ºF. It occurred in Montana.
d. The highest winter average temperature in the United –60
States is 78ºF, which occurs in Honolulu, Hawaii. –70


LESSON 1: Human Number Line • M4-15

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 15 1/12/19 8:16 PM

3. Which is colder, the lowest temperature recorded in Alaska
or the lowest temperature recorded in Montana? How do
you know?

4. Yadi and Eric were comparing 25 degrees to 227 degrees.

• Yadi wrote 25 , 227 and justified her comparison by

stating that the further a number is from zero, the greater
the number.

• Eric wrote 25 . 227 and justified his comparison by stating

that the greater temperature will be above the second
temperature on a thermometer.

Who is correct? Explain your choice.

5. Plot each set of temperatures on the thermometer. Then insert
a . or , symbol to make each number sentence true.
a. 226°F 231°F
b. 26°F 217°F
–30 c. 29°F 8°F
–50 6. Order the temperatures from least to greatest.
–70 25°F 233°F 0°F 105°F 240°F 25°F 67°F


M4-16 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 16 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Comparing and Ordering
1.5 Rational Numbers

Helen and Grace started a company called Top Notch. They check
the company’s bank balance at the end of each week. The table
shown represents the first 10 weeks of operation. Overdrafts, or
weeks when they owe the bank money, are represented by amounts
within parentheses. For example, ($25) denotes an overdraft of $25;
they owe the bank $25. Amounts that are not in parentheses are
when they made money.

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Balance $159 ($201) $231 ($456) ($156) ($12) $281 $175 $192 $213

1/2 Number

–450 –400 –350 –300 –250 –200 –150 –100 –50 0 50 100 150 200 250

1. Use the table and number line to answer each question.

a. Write each as a positive or negative number and then plot

the number on the number line.

b. What does 0 represent in this situation?

c. In which week did they have the highest bank balance?

d. In which week did they show greatest overdraft?

2. For each pair of weeks, write an inequality statement to

compare the positive and negative numbers. Interpret the
statement in context.

a. Week 1 and Week 5 b. Week 4 and Week 6

LESSON 1: Human Number Line • M4-17

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 17 1/12/19 8:16 PM

You can compare different types of numbers by plotting the numbers
on a number line.

3. Use the number line to answer each question.

a. Plot each value on the number line.

2 1
220 0 10.5 217__
27.98 12 23 213

–20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20

b. Which of the numbers has the least value?

How do you know?

c. Which of the numbers has the greatest value?

How do you How do you know?
know which
number is d. Order the numbers from least to greatest.
greater by
looking at the
number line? 4. Plot each rational number on the number line. Then, insert a .,
,, or 5 symbol to make each number sentence true.

a. 210.25 215__

–20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20

b. 217 217

–20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20

c. 5__

–20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20

M4-18 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 18 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Putting It All Together

1. What does 0 mean on a number line?

2. What does opposite mean in terms of a number line?

3. Compare the types of numbers. Use what you know about

number lines to explain your reasoning.

a. Which is greater—a negative or a positive rational


b. Which is greater—zero or any positive rational


c. Which is greater—zero or any negative rational


d. How do you decide which of two numbers is greater if

both numbers are positive?

e. How do you decide which of two numbers is greater if

both numbers are negative?

LESSON 1: Human Number Line • M4-19

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 19 1/12/19 8:16 PM

NOTES 4. Your sixth grade cousin goes to school in a different state.
His math class has not yet started comparing integers.
Write him an email explaining how to compare any two
numbers. Be sure to include 1 or 2 examples and enough
details that he will be able to explain it to his class.

M4-20 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 20 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Write Remember
Write a sentence to explain the The rational number line is used to represent positive numbers,
relationship between opposites negative numbers, and zero. The values to the left of zero on the
and negative numbers. number line are reflections of the values on the right across 0.

1. Plot each number and its opposite on the 2. Order the numbers from least to greatest.
number line. 1 4 4 3
0.125 1__
a. 21 b. 0.1
c. 1__
d. 21.9
e. 0.009

3. The Ravine Flyer II is a steel and wood roller 4. The Monster is a roller coaster that uses a design
coaster that takes advantage of the terrain in Erie, similar to the Ravine Flyer II. The Monster reaches
PA, to make the ride more exciting. Although the a height of 120 feet, but then drops to 225 feet.
coaster is only 80 feet high, it follows the line of a Order the highest and lowest points of the two
cliff in order to drop to 235 feet (0 represents the roller coasters from least to greatest.
height of the cliff).
a. Plot the highest and lowest points of the roller
coaster on a vertical number line.
b. Explain why a vertical number line better
represents the problem context than a
horizontal number line.
c. How many total feet does the roller
coaster drop?

5. An amusement park wants to design a coaster

that rises 60 feet above ground and then drops
the same distance below ground through a
tunnel. Represent the underground depth with
a number, and explain its relationship with the
above ground height.

LESSON 1: Human Number Line • M4-21

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 21 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Create a new situation, similar to Activity 1.3 Representing Money on a Number Line, in which zero can have
two different meanings.

Name the two quantities that are changing in each and determine which quantity is the dependent quantity
and which is the independent quantity.
1. Terrence types 80 words per minute.
2. To determine the total weekly wages of his employees, Mr. Jackson multiplies the total number of hours
his employees work by $12.
3. A mountain climber is ascending a mountain at a rate of 5 feet per minute. Define variables and write an
equation that represents the situation. Graph the equation on a coordinate plane.

Perform the indicated operation.

4 2
4. 11__
1 5__
27 3
5. ___
4 __

M4-22 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L01.indd 22 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Magnificent 2
Absolute Value


Plot each set of numbers • Explain the meaning of the absolute value of a rational
on the number line and number as its distance from 0 on a number line.
describe the relationship • Interpret the meaning of absolute value as the magnitude
between the numbers. for a positive or negative quantity in a real-world context.
1. 5 and 25 • Evaluate the absolute value of a quantity.
• Compare and order numbers expressed as absolute
2. 2 34– and 22 34–
value and distinguish absolute value comparisons from
3. 8.634 and 28.634 statements about order.

• absolute value

Numbers can be described by their distance from 0 on the number line. How can you use
these distances to solve real-world problems?

LESSON 2: Magnificent Magnitude • M4-23

C01_SE_M04_T01_L02.indd 23 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Getting Started

Going the Distance

–12–11–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. Plot a point at 27 on the number line.

2. Describe the distance from 27 to 0.

3. Plot as many other points as possible on the number line

that are the same distance from 0 as 27.

4. How many numbers did you plot? Why do you think

this is true?

M4-24 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L02.indd 24 1/12/19 8:16 PM


2.1 Absolute Value as Magnitude

Let’s revisit the number line from the Human Number Line lesson.

Your teacher will assign students to participate in the activity.

Be sure to record what happens on the number line.

• Student A: Stand on 0 and hold one end of the string provided

by your teacher.
• Student B: Hold the other end of the string and stand on the
number line as far as possible from Student A. Are there other
places on the number line that you could stand and be as far
from Student A as possible?
• Repeat this activity with two more pieces of string of different
lengths and two additional students, Students C and D.
Student A will hold the 0 end of each string.

–12–11–10 –9 –8 –7 –6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

1. Compare the locations where each student stood.

a. What do you notice about the distances each time the

students moved?

b. What do you notice about the approximate values for the

numbers where each stood?

Because distance
cannot be negative,
the absolute value of
The magnitude, or absolute value, of a number is its distance from a number is always
zero on a number line. The symbol for absolute value is | |. The positive or 0.
expression |n| is read as “the absolute value of a number n.”

LESSON 2: Magnificent Magnitude • M4-25

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2. Plot 5 on the number line.
a. How far is 5 from 0? b. |5| 5
16 3. Plot 27.2 on the number line.
14 a. How far is 27.2 from 0? b. |27.2| 5
10 4. Explain what each statement means. Name any other values
9 that have the same absolute value, if possible.
7 a. |25| b. |1 56– |
3 c. |0.75| d. |21.36|
–2 Use your investigation and a number line to answer each question.
5. Can two different numbers have the same absolute value?
If so, provide examples.
–11 6. What can you say about the absolute value of
–13 a. any positive number?
–16 b. any negative number?
–19 c. zero?

M4-26 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L02.indd 26 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Interpreting Absolute Value
2.2 Statements

Absolute values are used in real-world applications when you are

interested in only the number and not in the sign of the number.
When you look at temperature changes, you could say the temperature
“fell by,” “decreased by,” or “increased by” an absolute value.

1. Complete the table with an appropriate situation, absolute

value statement, and/or number. For the last row, assign the
correct units to the number based on your situation.

Situation Absolute Value Statement Example
(with units)

The temperature went from 55ºF to 5ºF. The temperature fell by 50ºF. 250ºF

The bank account balance went from

$2500 to $2250.

The bank account balance went from $495

to $615.

The water level increased by

4.9 feet.

During the hike, the elevation went from

1125 feet to 1750 feet.


LESSON 2: Magnificent Magnitude • M4-27

C01_SE_M04_T01_L02.indd 27 1/12/19 8:16 PM

You also use absolute value statements to describe how numbers
compare with other numbers. You often use these statements without
thinking about “less than” or "greater than." Rather, you use words
like “debt,” “lost,” “colder,” “depth,” “above,” “hotter,” or “below.”

2. Complete the table with an appropriate situation, absolute value

statement, and/or example. For the last row, assign the correct
units to the numeric example based on your situation.

Absolute Value
Situation Example
(with units)

A water level less than More than 2__
feet below 23 feet
feet a full pool

An account balance less A debt greater than $30

than 2$30
Par is the
number of
strokes, A weight less than Lost more than 7.5 pounds
or swings, 27.5 pounds of
a golfer is previous weight
expected to
take. A dive to a height less
than 2350 feet

Colder than 10 degrees

below 0

A depth greater than 15 m

A golf tournament stroke

total more than 7 strokes
below par


M4-28 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L02.indd 28 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Using Absolute Value to
2.3 Solve Real-World Problems

1. In many buildings, particularly

outside of the United States, the
ground floor of a building is labeled
as G or Lobby. The first floor of
the building is one floor above the
ground floor. The building pictured ground floor

has a lobby, 10 floors of offices, and

4 floors of garage below the lobby.

a. Melanie has an office on the 9th floor and parks on the

3rd floor below the ground floor. Taylor and Cecelia are
determining how many floors Melanie must go up from her
car to reach her office.
Taylor represents the 9th floor as 9 and the 3rd floor below
ground as 23. Therefore, since 9 2 3 5 6, Melanie traveled
6 floors to get from her car to her office.
Cecelia says that the ground floor to the 9th floor is 9 floors,
and from the ground floor to the 3rd garage level is 3 floors.
Melanie traveled |9| 1 |23| 5 9 1 3 5 12 floors.
Who is correct? Explain your reasoning.

LESSON 2: Magnificent Magnitude • M4-29

C01_SE_M04_T01_L02.indd 29 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Write a numeric expression using absolute values that would
represent each situation. Then calculate the answer.

b. Caleb parks his car on the 2nd floor below ground and works
on the 7th floor. How many floors must he go up from his car
to reach his office?

c. Lucinda is working on the 8th floor. At lunch, she goes to her

car on the 4th floor below ground, and then back up to the
lobby. How many total floors does Lucinda travel?

d. If Damon goes from his office on the 10th floor to a meeting

on the 5th floor, how many floors does he travel and in
which direction?

2. The Top Notch company’s bank balances are shown. The table
represents the first 10 weeks of operation. Overdrafts are
represented by amounts within parentheses.

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Balance $159.25 ($201.35) $231.57 ($456.45) ($156) ($12.05) $281.34 $175 $192.34 $213

a. Use estimation to determine the gains/losses between

consecutive weeks.

b. Between which two weeks did Top Notch have the largest
gain in money? What was the actual gain?

c. Between which two weeks did Top Notch have the largest
loss in money? What was the actual loss?

d. What was the difference between the company’s lowest

balance and its highest balance?

M4-30 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L02.indd 30 1/12/19 8:16 PM

e. Order the estimated gains and losses that you determined

in part (a) from least to greatest. Use a negative sign to

indicate losses.

f. Order the estimated gains and losses that you determined

in part (a) from least to greatest according to their absolute

values. What does the absolute value mean in the context
of this problem?

g. Why are the orders different in parts (e) and (f)?

3. As part of a long-term science experiment, two rulers were

connected at zero and used to measure the water level in
a pond. The connected rulers were placed in the pond so

that the water level aligned at zero. The water level was
measured each week for 10 weeks.

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Water 3 7 3 3 1 1 3
2__ 22__18 1__ 2__ __ 1__ 7
2__ 1__ 22 2___

level 4 8 4 4 8 8 4 16

a. What do the positive numbers represent? What do the
negative numbers represent?

b. Between which two weeks did the water level


change the most? What was the change?


c. Between which two weeks did the water level

change the least? What was the change?

d. How much did the water level change between


Weeks 4 and 5? What was the change?


LESSON 2: Magnificent Magnitude • M4-31

C01_SE_M04_T01_L02.indd 31 1/12/19 8:16 PM


You Absolutely MUST Compare These!

Insert a ., ,, or 5 symbol to make each statement true.
Justify each answer in terms of the definition of absolute value
and number lines.

1. |24.67| |3|

2. |215| |15|

3. |25 10 | |233 23– |

4. |13.45| |227|

5. |215.34| |21 12 |

6. |219 12– | |5.5|

M4-32 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L02.indd 32 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Write Remember
Explain the relationship between The absolute value of a rational number is its distance from
a number, its opposite, and its zero on a number line. Absolute value equations can be
absolute value. used to calculate the distance between positive and
negative numbers.

1. Julio is a wrestler for his high school wrestling team in the winter. Julio needs to stay around 140 pounds
in the off-season. He charted his weight over the summer by listing the differences his weight was from
140 pounds. He uses negative numbers when his weight was under 140 pounds and positive numbers
when his weight was above 140 pounds.

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

14.5 12.1 21.5 20.5 22.5 11.5 23.75 22.8 0 11.3 21.5 25

a. Was the amount his weight varied from 140 pounds in week 4 more or less than the amount it varied
from 140 pounds in week 8?
Insert a ., ,, or 5 symbol to make the statement true. Explain your answer.
|20.5| |22.8|
b. Was the amount his weight varied from 140 pounds in week 6 more or less than the amount it varied
from 140 pounds in week 11?
Insert a ., ,, or 5 symbol to make the statement true. Explain your answer.
|11.5| |21.5|
c. Use absolute values to determine the difference in Julio’s weight from week 7 to week 10.
d. Use absolute values to determine the difference in Julio’s weight from week 8 to week 12.
2. The table shown tracks Julio’s weight changes that he reports to his coach for the first 4 weeks of school.
Complete the table to explain the changes.

Situation Absolute Value Statement Rational Number

His weight went from 140 to

His weight fell by 5 pounds.
135 pounds.
His weight went from 135
6 lb
pounds to 141 pounds.
His weight went from 141
pounds to 140.5 pounds.
His weight went from 140.5
pounds to 139 pounds.

LESSON 2: Magnificent Magnitude • M4-33

C01_SE_M04_T01_L02.indd 33 1/12/19 8:16 PM

3. Weather experts collect many types of data to study and analyze, including extreme temperature
changes. The interior West of North America experiences great temperature changes due to Chinook
Winds. The table shows extreme temperature rises in three cities.

Place Granville, ND Remember
Fort Assiniboine, MT Spearfish, SD
1. Assign_num_list Feb. 21, 1918 Jan. 19, 1892
Assign_para Jan. 22, 1943
Time Period
2. Assign_num_list 12 hours 15 minutes 2 minutes
Temperature Change From 233ºF to 50ºF From 25ºF to 37ºF
Assign_mid From 24ºF to 45ºF

For each city, write an absolute value equation and use it to determine how much the temperature rose.
a. Granville, ND b. Fort Assiniboine, MT c. Spearfish, SD

4. Tyler measured the rainfall and evaporation using a rain gauge in his backyard for 8 days. Tyler marked
his rain gauge with values from 26 inches to 16 inches and filled the gauge with water to the zero mark.
For each question, write an expression using absolute value and then calculate the answer.

Days 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Answer each
Gauge question for0.5
Reading the given
21.3 figures.
3.7 4.2 2.1 20.9 22.4 5.6
1. Assign_num_list 2. Assign_num_list
a. On how many days out of the eight did it rain?
b. Between which two consecutive readings did it rain the most? How many inches were recorded?
c. Between which two consecutive readings was evaporation the greatest? How many inches of water
d. Calculate the gain or loss of water in the rain gauge between days 1 and 2. Express the change in the
water level in the gauge as a positive or negative number.
e. Calculate the gain or loss of water in the rain gauge between days 2 and 3. Express the change in the
water level in the gauge as a positive or negative number.

Write a scenario to represent each rational number.
3. 212
Identify a base 1 corresponding height
1. 2. 24and

3. 7.3 4. 20.7 4. Assign_num_list

1. Use the ., ,, or 5 symbol to complete each statement.
a. 25 28 b. 23 0 c. 5 25

2. Five employees work on the receiving dock at a factory. They divide the number of crates they unload from
each truck equally. Define variables for the number of crates on a truck and for the number of crates each
employee unloads from the truck. Write an equation that models the relationship between these variables.

3. Solve for the variable in each equation.

a. __
5 15 b. y 2 8 5 19

M4-34 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L02.indd 34 1/12/19 8:16 PM

What’s in 3
a Name?
Rational Number System


Represent each decimal • Classify numbers according to their number systems.
or percent as a fraction in • Apply and extend an understanding of whole numbers
lowest terms. and integers to the system of rational numbers.
• Understand ordering of rational numbers.
a. 0.3
b. 2.8 • integers
• ellipsis
c. 4
% • rational numbers
• Density Property
d. 212%

You use many different types of numbers in math class and in the world, including whole
numbers, fractions, and decimals, both positive and negative. How can you organize and
classify different types of numbers?

LESSON 3: What’s in a Name? • M4-35

C01_SE_M04_T01_L03.indd 35 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Getting Started

Sort It Out!
Cut out the cards found at the end of the lesson. Then, analyze and
sort the numbers into different groups. You may group them in any
way you feel is appropriate, but you must sort the numbers into more
than one group.

1. For each of your groups,

• create a title that fits the numbers in that group.

• list the numbers included.
• write a rationale for why you group those
particular numbers.

2. Compare your sort with your classmates’ sorts. Create a list of

the different ways your class grouped the numbers.

M4-36 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L03.indd 36 1/12/19 8:16 PM

3.1 Analyzing Number Sorts

1. Suzanne grouped these numbers together. Why do you think

she put these numbers in the same group?

0, 2452, 9, 24, |23|, 23, 2(29), |2452|

2. Zane had a group similar to Suzanne’s but he did not include

2452 and 23. Why do think Zane omitted these numbers
from his group?

3. Amelia said that she created two groups: Group 1 contains

all the numbers that can be written as fractions and Group 2
contains all the numbers that cannot be written as fractions.
Analyze Amelia’s sorting idea.

a. Which numbers do you think Amelia placed in Group 2?

b. Justine is not sure about Amelia’s sort. She thinks that

all of the numbers can be written as fractions. Is Justine
correct? Explain why or why not.

LESSON 3: What’s in a Name? • M4-37

C01_SE_M04_T01_L03.indd 37 1/12/19 8:16 PM

You have used different sets of numbers, including the set of natural,
or counting, numbers and the set of whole numbers.

4. Identify the numbers from the sort that are in each set.

a. natural numbers

b. whole numbers

Notice the Throughout this topic, you have been learning about the set of
three periods integers. Integers are the set of whole numbers with their opposites.
before and The integers can be represented by the set
after specific {..., 23, 22, 21, 0, 1, 2, 3, …}.
numbers in
5. Identify the numbers from the sort that are included in the set
the set. These
of integers.
three periods
are called an
ellipsis, and
they are used
to represent
infinity in a
number set.
You have also worked with rational numbers throughout this year.
Rational numbers are the set of numbers that can be written as __
where a and b are integers and b Þ 0.

6. Identify the numbers from the sort that are included in the set
of rational numbers.

M4-38 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L03.indd 38 1/12/19 8:16 PM


3.2 Classifying Numbers

There are many ways you can classify numbers. As you saw in the
previous activity, many of the classifications are subsets of other
classifications. The diagram shows the different sets of numbers you
have encountered in your mathematical experiences.

Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers. Integers


Whole numbers are a subset of integers.


Integers are a subset of rational numbers.

Pin the number on the bullseye! Your teacher will direct

students to pin (or tape) a number card to its correct
location in the diagram of the rational number set.

1. For each value, check all

Natural Whole Rational
of the number sets to Number Integer
Number Number Number
which it belongs.







LESSON 3: What’s in a Name? • M4-39

C01_SE_M04_T01_L03.indd 39 1/12/19 8:16 PM

2. Complete the table with the missing examples and descriptions.

Natural Rational
Whole Numbers Integers
Numbers Numbers
…, 23, 22, 21, 0,
Examples 1, 2, 3, ...
1, 2, 3, ...
Counting Natural
numbers numbers and 0


3.3 Density

The Density Property states that between any two rational

numbers there is another rational number. The property is not true
for natural numbers, whole numbers, or integers. For example, there
is no integer between 25 and 26. There is no whole number or
natural number between 12 and 13.

1. Plot the given rational numbers. Then plot and label a rational
number between each pair of rational numbers.
1 2
a. 4__
and 4__

3 1 2 4 1 2 5 1 52 6
3 3 4 4 5
3 3 3 3 3 3

b. 5.5 and 5.6

5 5.1 5.2 5.3 5.4 5.5 5.6 5.7 5.8 5.9 6

c. 0.45 and 0.46

0.4 0.42 0.44 0.46 0.48 0.5

d. 20.45 and 20.46

–0.5 –0.48 –0.46 –0.44 –0.42 –0.4

M4-40 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L03.indd 40 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Complete each rational number line with a partner.

2. Create a number line from 0 to 1. Your goal is to plot and

label a rational number closer to 1 than your partner.

Partner 1: Plot a rational number, A, between 0 and 1 that is

close to 1.

Partner 2: Plot a rational number, B, between A and 1.

Repeat at least 2 more times.

3. Create a number line from 21 to 0. Your goal is to plot and

label a rational number closer to 0 than your partner.

Partner 1: Plot a rational number, A, between 21 and 0 that is

close to 0.

Partner 2: Plot a rational number, B, between A and 0.

Repeat at least 2 more times.

4. Create a number line from 26 to 25. Your goal is to plot and

label a rational number closer to 25 than your partner.

Partner 1: Plot a rational number, A, between 26 and 25 that

is close to 25.

Partner 2: Plot a rational number, B, between A and 25.

Repeat at least 2 more times.

LESSON 3: What’s in a Name? • M4-41

C01_SE_M04_T01_L03.indd 41 1/12/19 8:16 PM


Do They Always Belong?

Determine if each statement is true or false. Justify your answer
using definitions and/or examples.

1. True False All whole numbers are rational numbers.

2. True False All rational numbers are whole numbers.

3. True False All rational numbers are integers.

4. True False All integers are rational numbers.

5. True False All whole numbers are integers.

6. True False All integers are whole numbers.

M4-42 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L03.indd 42 1/12/19 8:16 PM

15 3
0 25.78 2 ___
% 2452

__ 6
__ 6
24 9 7

20.5 0.5 2__ 2.5% 5.78

2 1
23 |23| 2__ 1000

26.41 |6.41| 2(29) |2452| 20.3

225% 1
6 __
25% 0.25% |____
16 |

LESSON 3: What’s in a Name? • M4-43

C01_SE_M04_T01_L03.indd 43 1/12/19 8:16 PM

C01_SE_M04_T01_L03.indd 44 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Write Remember
Define each term in your Rational numbers include all numbers that can be written in the
own words. form __
, where a and b are integers and b is not zero.

1. The set of rational numbers

2. The Density Property

1. Write all the sets of numbers to which each 2. Nadine collects data about some animals.
value belongs. Determine a rational number between each pair
a. The tundra covers about __
of Earth’s surface. of rational numbers. Plot all three numbers on a
b. The average annual temperature is 2188 number line.
Fahrenheit. a. A mole’s runway is between 23 and 212
c. There are 48 varieties of land mammals found inches in the ground.
in the tundra region.
d. The permafrost is a layer of frozen soil that is –12 –9 –6 –3 0
located below Earth’s surface at 21476 feet. b. The musky rat kangaroo weighs between __
e. During the summer months, the low and __
temperature averages about 37.48 F.
0 1 2

c. The percent of change of the Alaskan

polar bear population in the past year was
between 20.33 and 20.32.

–0.4 –0.3

LESSON 3: What’s in a Name? • M4-45

C01_SE_M04_T01_L03.indd 45 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Are there more integers or more natural numbers? Even though there are infinitely many of both, it seems
like there should be more integers than natural numbers. But, actually, there are just as many integers as
there are natural numbers!

If you can show how to assign an integer to every natural number, you will demonstrate that the two sets of
numbers are equal. How do you think this can be done?

1. Write an absolute value expression to calculate the answer to each question.
a. The temperature at 9:00 A.M. was 408. The temperature at 2:00 P.M. was 2108. What was the
change in temperature?
b. You began your hike at 30 feet below sea level. You are now at 200 feet. How far have you hiked?

2. Complete the table for the equation w 5 ___

m w





3. Plot each ordered pair on a coordinate plane.

a. (2, 4)
b. (5.5, 1.75)
2 __
c. (4__
5 5
, 54)

M4-46 • TOPIC 1: Signed Numbers

C01_SE_M04_T01_L03.indd 46 1/12/19 8:16 PM

Signed Numbers
• negative numbers • ellipsis
• infinity • rational numbers
• absolute value • Density Property
• integers


1 Human Number Line

A number line can be created by reflecting the positive numbers across zero. The values to the
left of zero on the number line are called negative numbers and are labeled with a negative
sign. You can write a positive number with a positive sign or without any sign. For example,
positive 5 can be written as 15 or 5.

The positive values extend to positive infinity, and the negative numbers extend to negative
infinity. Infinity, represented by the symbol ∞, means a quantity with no end or bound.

Negative infinity Positive infinity

–∞ ∞
–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6


C01_SE_TS_M04_T01.indd 47 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Opposite numbers are reflections of each other across 0 on the number line.

• The opposite of a positive number is a corresponding negative number.

• The opposite of a negative number is a corresponding positive number.

Attaching a negative sign to a number means reflecting that number across zero on the
number line. The number 0 is the only number that doesn’t have an opposite.
For example, the numbers 6__
, 213, 218.5, and their opposites are plotted on the number line.

–18.5 –13 –6 12 6 12 13 18.5

–20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20

Number lines can also be vertical, like a thermometer or a measure of elevation.

You can use a thermometer to plot temperatures and to compare and order 120
temperatures. In vertical number lines like this one, the greater the value, the 100
higher up on the number line. 80
For example, compare 40 degrees to 260 degrees. By plotting each 50
temperature on the thermometer, you can see that 40 degrees is above 40
260 degrees. Therefore 40 . 260. 20
You can compare different types of numbers by plotting the numbers on a –10
number line. –30
2 –50
For example, the numbers, 26__3
, 10.5, 225, 17, and 0 have been plotted on the –60
number line. Use the number line to order the values from least to greatest. –80

–25 –623 0 10.5 17


–30 –25 –20 –15 –10 –5 0 5 10 15 20 25 30

From the number line you can determine that 225 has the least value because it is the
farthest to the left and 17 has the greatest value because it is farthest to the right.
The numbers ordered from least to greatest are 225, 26__ 3
, 0, 10.5, and 17.


C01_SE_TS_M04_T01.indd 48 1/12/19 8:17 PM


2 Magnificent Magnitude

The magnitude, or absolute value, of a number is its distance from zero on a number line.
The symbol for absolute value is | |. The expression |n| is read as “the absolute value of a
number n.” Because distance cannot be negative, the absolute value of a number is always
positive or 0.

|9| = 9, because 9 is 9 units from 0 on a number line.

|–3.8| = 3.8, because –3.8 is 3.8 units from 0 on a number line.

Absolute values are used in real-world applications when you are interested in only the
number and not in the sign of the number. You also use absolute value statements to describe
how numbers compare with other numbers.

Situation Absolute Value Statement

The temperature went from 55ºF to 5ºF. The temperature fell by 50ºF. 250ºF

The bank account balance went from The balance increased by $245. $245
$550 to $795.

A water level went from 10.3 feet to A water level fell by 3.6 feet. 23.6 feet
6.7 feet.

1 1
A water level less than 22__
feet More than 2__
feet below a full pool 23 feet

A temperature less than 25º F Colder than 5°F below 0 28ºF

An account balance less than 2$100 A debt greater than $100 2$110

Absolute value equations can be used to calculate the distance between positive and negative
numbers to solve real-world problems.


C01_SE_TS_M04_T01.indd 49 1/12/19 8:17 PM

For example, the Top Notch company’s bank balances are shown. The table shown represents
the first 10 weeks of operation. Overdrafts, which are a negative balance, are represented by
amounts within parentheses. What was the gain or loss between Weeks 2 and 3?

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Balance $159.25 ($201.35) $231.57 ($456.45) ($156) ($12.05) $281.34 $175 $192.34 $213

At the end of Week 2, the company had a negative balance of $201.35 and at the end of Week
3 it had a positive balance of $231.57. The company had a gain between these two weeks
because it went from a lesser balance to a greater balance. The gain is equal to the sum of the
absolute values of the two balances.

|2$201.35| 1 |$231.57| 5 $201.35 1 $231.57 5 $432.92


3 What’s In a Name?

Integers are the set of whole numbers with their opposites. The integers can be represented by
the set { . . . , 23, 22, 21, 0, 1, 2, 3, . . . }. The three periods before and after the numbers in the
set are called an ellipsis, and they are used to represent infinity in a number set.
Rational numbers are the set of numbers that can be written as __
, where a and b are integers
and b does not equal 0.

There are many ways you can classify numbers. Many of the classifications are subsets of
other classifications. The diagram shows the different sets of numbers you have encountered in
your mathematical experiences.


C01_SE_TS_M04_T01.indd 50 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Natural numbers are a subset of whole numbers.
Whole numbers are a subset of integers.

Whole Integers are a subset of rational numbers.

The number 2 is a rational number, an integer, a

whole number, and a natural number.

The number 0 is a rational number, an integer, and a

whole number.

The number 211 is a rational number and an integer.

The numbers 12.5 and 2__
are both rational numbers.

The Density Property states that between any two rational numbers there is another
rational number.

For example, consider the rational numbers 20.42 and 20.43 and the number line shown. The
number represented by point A is another rational number that falls between 20.42 and 20.43
such that 20.43 < A < 20.42. Point A could represent the value 20.425.

–0.5 –0.49 –0.48 –0.47 –0.46 –0.45 –0.44 –0.43 –0.42 –0.41 –0.4

The property is not true for natural numbers, whole numbers, or integers. For example, there
is no integer between 225 and 226. There is no whole number or natural number between 12
and 13.


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The Four Quadrants

Air traffic controllers use radar to track tens of thousands of commercial airline flights every day. Controllers use
quadrants to identify the locations, altitudes, and speeds of the many different flights.

Lesson 1
Four Is Better Than One
Extending the Coordinate Plane . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M4-57

Lesson 2
It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane… It’s a Polygon on the Plane!
Graphing Geometric Figures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M4-73

Lesson 3
There Are Many Paths…
Problem Solving on the Coordinate Plane. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M4-87

C01_SE_M04_T02_INTRO.indd 53 1/12/19 8:16 PM

C01_SE_M04_T02_INTRO.indd 54 1/12/19 8:16 PM
Carnegie Learning Family Guide Course 1
Module 4: Moving Beyond Positive Quantities
TOPIC 2: THE FOUR QUADRANTS Where have we been?
In this topic, students explore the four
Prior to grade 6, students represented
quadrant coordinate plane. They use
real-world and mathematical problems in
reflections of the first quadrant on
the first quadrant of a coordinate plane and
patty paper and their knowledge of the
interpreted the coordinate values of points.
rational number line to build their own
In the previous topic, students extended
four quadrant coordinate plane. Students
the rational number line to include
look for patterns in the signs of the
negative values. The opening activities of
ordered pairs in each quadrant and the
this topic access all of this prior knowledge
ordered pairs that lie along the vertical
as students construct the four quadrant
and horizontal axes. After developing a
coordinate plane.
strong foundation for plotting points and
determining distances on the coordinate
Where are we going?
plane, students analyze and solve
This topic provides students with an
problems involving geometric shapes
introduction to the entire real number
on the coordinate plane. They use the
coordinate plane. Throughout the rest of this
knowledge gained throughout the
course and in the coming years, students will
course to solve a wide range of problems
represent relationships on the coordinate
on the coordinate plane, using scenarios,
plane and interpret the meanings of points,
graphs, equations, and tables.
lines, and other graph elements plotted on
the plane. This topic provides the foundation
for those lessons.

The Four-Quadrant Coordinate Plane


The intersection of a horizontal x-axis and vertical y-axis 6

at a point called the origin divides an infinite flat plane Quadrant II 4 Quadrant I
into four quadrants. 3
–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 1 2 3 4 5 6
–2 origin
(0, 0)
Quadrant III –4 Quadrant IV

TOPIC 2: Family Guide • M4-55

C01_SE_FG_M04_T02.indd 55 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Myth: "I’m not smart."
The word “smart” is tricky because it means different things to different people.
For example, would you say a baby is “smart”? On the one hand, a baby is
helpless and doesn’t know anything. But on the other hand, a baby is insanely smart because
she is constantly learning new things every day.

This example is meant to demonstrate that “smart” can have two meanings. It can mean “the
knowledge that you have,” or it can mean “the capacity to learn from experience.” When
someone says he or she is “not smart,” are they saying they do not have much knowledge,
or are they saying they lack the capacity to learn? If it’s the first definition, then none of us
are smart until we acquire that information. If it’s the second definition, then we know that is
completely untrue because everyone has the capacity to grow as a result of new experiences.

So, if your student doesn't think that they are smart, encourage them to be patient. They
have the capacity to learn new facts and skills. It might not be easy, and it will take some time
and effort. But the brain is automatically wired to learn. Smart should not refer only to how
much knowledge you currently have.

Talking Points Key Terms

You can further support your student’s quadrants
learning by asking questions about the work The four regions on the coordinate plane
they do in class or at home. Your student is are called quadrants. They are numbered
learning to use an expanded number system with Roman numerals from one to four (I,
in different contexts and with different II, III, IV) starting in the upper right-hand
graphical representations. quadrant and moving counterclockwise.

Questions to Ask ordered pairs

• How does this problem look like An ordered pair is a pair of numbers that
something you did in class? can be represented as (x, y) to indicate
• Can you show me the strategy you used the position of a point on the coordinate
to solve this problem? Do you know plane. For example, the ordered pair for
another way to solve it? the origin is (0, 0).
• Does your answer make sense? Why?

M4-56 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

C01_SE_FG_M04_T02.indd 56 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Four Is Better 1
Than One
Extending the Coordinate Plane


Plot each point. • Identify the four quadrants of the coordinate
plane and the characteristics of points
A (3, 5) B (0, 4) C (6, 1) D (8, 0) E (0, 0) located in each.
• Locate and plot ordered pairs of positive
and negative rational numbers on the
coordinate plane.
• Determine the relationship between the
4 signs of coordinates of ordered pairs that
3 are reflections across one or both axes.
2 • Use absolute value to determine distances
1 on the coordinate plane.
• Solve real-world and mathematical
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x problems by graphing points in all four
quadrants of the coordinate plane.

• quadrants

You can locate and plot ordered pairs of positive numbers on a coordinate plane. How can
you extend the plane to include ordered pairs of any rational numbers?

LESSON 1: Four Is Better Than One • M4-57

C01_SE_M04_T02_L01.indd 57 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Getting Started

All About Extending

10 Consider the coordinate plane that you have used to graph
9 points where both the x- and y-coordinates were zero or positive
7 numbers.
0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

1. Based on what you have learned about number lines:

a. What do you know about the number line that makes up the
x-axis? Extend that number line and label it appropriately.

b. What do you know about the number line that makes up the
y-axis? Extend that number line and label it appropriately.

2. The point where the x-axis and y-axis intersect is known as the
origin. Label the point of intersection with its coordinates.

By extending the number lines that form the axes, you have created
the entire coordinate plane.

3. How many regions are created when the coordinate plane is

extended to all rational numbers?

The coordinate plane

is often called the
The regions on the coordinate plane are called quadrants. They are
Cartesian coordinate
numbered with Roman numerals from one to four (I, II, III, IV) starting
plane, named for
in the upper right-hand quadrant and moving counterclockwise.
René Descartes.

4. Label each of the quadrants on your coordinate plane.

M4-58 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

C01_SE_M04_T02_L01.indd 58 1/12/19 8:17 PM


1.1 Human Coordinate Plane

Your teacher is going to direct students to stand at certain y

locations on the human coordinate plane. 6
1. For each student, plot and label the point where the
student is standing on the coordinate plane. Then
–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x
record the coordinates of that point in the table. –2

Student Location Student Location

Help each
A H other decide
how to plot
B I the ordered





2. Where did each student always start? How did each

student know which direction to go first?

3. What do you notice about the coordinates of the points that

are in the same quadrant of the coordinate plane?

LESSON 1: Four Is Better Than One • M4-59

C01_SE_M04_T02_L01.indd 59 1/12/19 8:17 PM

y Your teacher is going to select students to plot ordered
6 pairs that meet specific conditions. The students will select
locations that satisfy those conditions.

–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x

4. For each student, plot and label the point where the student is
standing on the coordinate plane. Then record the coordinates
of that point in the table.

Student Condition Location

A Anywhere


D On an axis



5. Compare the ordered pairs you have plotted and identified in

this activity. What is similar about the points you graphed in
each region or axis of the graph?

a. QI: b. QII:

c. QIII: d. QIV:

e. x-axis: f. y-axis:

M4-60 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

C01_SE_M04_T02_L01.indd 60 1/12/19 8:17 PM


1.2 Investigating Reflections

In this activity, you will use patty paper to search y

for specific patterns on the coordinate plane. 6
Reflecting across the x-axis: Place a sheet of
patty paper over the coordinate plane and trace
the axes.
–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x
1. For each ordered pair,
• Plot and label the point on patty paper. –6
• Fold the patty paper on the x-axis.
• Trace the point through the patty paper.
• Label the coordinates of the new point.

a. A (4, 1) A’ ( , ) A’ is read “A prime.”

b. B (23, 4) B’ ( , )

c. C (5, 22) C’ ( , )

d. D (0, 27) D’ ( , )

2. What did you notice about the coordinates of the original

points and their reflections? Write a generalization for how
the coordinates of a point and its reflection across the x-axis
are related.

LESSON 1: Four Is Better Than One • M4-61

C01_SE_M04_T02_L01.indd 61 1/12/19 8:17 PM

y Now let’s investigate reflecting across the y-axis. Place a new
6 sheet of patty paper over the coordinate plane and trace the
2 3. For each ordered pair,

–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x • Plot and label the point on patty paper.

–2 • Fold the patty paper on the y-axis.
–4 • Trace the point through the patty paper.
–6 • Label the coordinates of the new point.

a. A (4, 1) A’ ( , )

b. B (23, 4) B’ ( , )

c. C (5, 22) C’ ( , )

d. D (23, 0) D’ ( , )

4. What did you notice about the coordinates of the original

points and their reflections? Write a generalization for how the
coordinates of a point and its reflection across the y-axis
are related.

M4-62 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

C01_SE_M04_T02_L01.indd 62 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Your teacher is going to select students to plot ordered y
pairs that meet specific conditions. The students will 6
select locations that satisfy those conditions.
5. For each student, plot and label the point where
the student is standing on the coordinate plane. 2
Then record the coordinates of that point in the
table. –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x

Student Condition Location

A Quadrant II

Reflection of A
across the x-axis
Reflection of B
across the y-axis

6. Compare the ordered pairs for A and C. What do you notice

about their coordinates? Write a generalization for how the
coordinates of a point and its reflection across both axes
are related.

LESSON 1: Four Is Better Than One • M4-63

C01_SE_M04_T02_L01.indd 63 1/12/19 8:17 PM

7. For each pair of conditions, plot and label two points. Record
the coordinates of the points.

y a. One point is in Quadrant II. The two points are

6 reflections of each other across the x-axis.


–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x
b. One point is in Quadrant III. The points are
reflections of each other across the y-axis.

c. One point is in Quadrant IV. The points are reflections of

each other across both axes.

8. In general, how are points that are reflections across one or both
axes similar to and different from each other?

M4-64 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

C01_SE_M04_T02_L01.indd 64 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Horizontal and Vertical
1.3 Distance on the Coordinate

1. Consider points A and B. y

a. Use the coordinate plane to determine the B A
distance from point A to point B. 6
D 4
b. Describe how the coordinates of points 2
A and B are similar.
–8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 x
c. Write an absolute value equation using the
E –4
x-coordinates of the points to calculate the
–6 C
F –8

2. Consider points B and F.

a. Use the coordinate plane to determine the distance from
point B to point F.

b. Describe how the coordinates of points B and F are similar.

c. Write an absolute value equation using the y-coordinates

of the points to calculate the distance.

3. Write an absolute value equation and calculate the distance from:

a. point D to (23, 25). b. (27, 24) to (3, 24).

c. (6, 2) to (6, 25). d. point B to (29, 2).

e. (8, 27) to point F.

LESSON 1: Four Is Better Than One • M4-65

C01_SE_M04_T02_L01.indd 65 1/12/19 8:17 PM


1.4 T-Rex Dig

In the T-Rex Dig game, players place the “bones” of their dinosaur
horizontally or vertically on a coordinate grid. Players then take turns
guessing the location of each other’s dino bones using coordinates.
Once a player has located all of the other player’s dino bones, the
game is over.

Let's look at a sample game board and questions that might be

asked to uncover all the dino bones.

1. Use the game board to answer questions about the T-Rex

fossils. (Each grid line is 1 foot long.)

Footprint Mold
C 2
Skull D
–8 E –2 02 K L 6 8 x
Femur –4



a. How long is the T-Rex’s skull? Write an absolute value

equation to justify your answer.

M4-66 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

C01_SE_M04_T02_L01.indd 66 1/12/19 8:17 PM

b. How many coordinates must be guessed to completely
“uncover” the skull?

c. How long is the T-Rex’s femur? Write an absolute value

equation to justify your answer.

d. What is the greatest number of quadrants crossed by any

one fossil?

e. Are any fossils on an axis? If so, identify the axis, the

fossil, and the coordinates of the fossil(s).

As you play the game

2. Your turn! Use the graph paper provided at the end of the ask your opponent
lesson. Use the bottom grid to plot and label your 5 fossils. mathematical questions.
You may want to label some of the coordinates to help For example, you can ask:
you as you play the game. Use the top grid to record the
• Is the femur symmetric
coordinates you ask of your partner.
over an axis?
• How many of your
fossils are vertical?
• Are any of the fossils
on an axis? (But you
can’t ask which axis!)
• Do any of the fossils
share an ending
x-coordinate with
another fossil?

LESSON 1: Four Is Better Than One • M4-67

C01_SE_M04_T02_L01.indd 67 1/12/19 8:17 PM


Determining Coordinates
Use the graph and information provided to answer each question.

• The graph shows the y

locations of point F and
point G.
• Point G is on the x-axis and
F (3, a)
has the same x-coordinate
as point F.

• Point H is located at (24, a).

• The distance from point F to point G is half the distance

from point F to point H.

1. What is the value of a? Explain how you determined

this coordinate.

2. Plot point J so that the distance from point F to point J is

the same as the distance from point F to point H. Explain
how you decided where to plot point J.

M4-68 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

C01_SE_M04_T02_L01.indd 68 1/12/19 8:17 PM

T-Rex Dig Game Board

LESSON 1: Four Is Better Than One • M4-69

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C01_SE_M04_T02_L01.indd 70 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Write Remember
Use the terms axis, quadrant, The Cartesian coordinate plane is formed by two perpendicular
and coordinates to explain how number lines that intersect at the zeros, or the origin. The
ordered pairs that differ only by intersecting number lines divide the plane into four regions,
sign are related to each other. called quadrants.

1. Identify the ordered pair associated with each 2. Plot and label the locations of points P through Z
point graphed on the coordinate plane. on a coordinate plane. Draw line segments from
y point to point, beginning and ending at point P.
8 Describe the resulting figure.
6 P (0, 5) Q (1, 3) R (4, 3)
4 S (2, 1) T (4, 23) V (0, 21)
2 W (24, 23) X (22, 1) Y (24, 3)
x Z (21, 3)
–8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8

3. Plot the ordered pair (a, b) in Quadrant I of a coordinate plane and the ordered pair (c, d) in Quadrant III.
Plot and label each additional ordered pair. Explain how you knew where to plot each point.
a. (2a, b) b. (a, 2b) c. (2a, 2b) d. (2c, d) e. (c, 2d) f. (2c, 2d)
4. The coordinate plane shown represents a map of Paul’s
neighborhood. Each square represents one city block.
Paul’s house is located at point A, which is the origin.
The other points represent the following locations.
B – USA Bank C – Paul’s friend Franco’s house C
D – Gray’s Grocery Store E – Post Office West East
F – Edward Middle School G – Playground E

H – Smiles Orthodontics H

5. Explain how Paul can get to the given destination from his
house if he were to first walk east or west and then walk north
or south. Then, determine the coordinates of the destination South
point and the quadrant in which the point is located.
a. USA Bank b. Smiles Orthodontics
c. Franco’s house d. Playground
e. Post Office

LESSON 1: Four Is Better Than One • M4-71

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6. Identify the ordered pairs associated with B and E. Describe how the ordered pairs are similar.
7. Write an absolute value equation using the y-coordinates of the points to calculate the distance between
B and E.
8. How can an absolute value equation help you calculate the distance from one point to another on the
coordinate plane when the points are on the same vertical or horizontal line?

Create a rectangle ABCD on a coordinate plane that meets the following conditions:

• all four points are in different quadrants

• point A is in Quadrant II with coordinates (2a, b)
• the distance from point A to point B is 3a
• the distance from point A to point D is 4b
• neither axis is a line of symmetry in the rectangle

Determine two rational numbers that are between the two given rational numbers.
12 13
1. 3.4 and 3.5 2. ___
and ___

State the opposite of each number and plot both numbers on a number line.
3. 2 81__ 4. 25.97

Calculate the area of each composite figure.

5. 8 ft 6. 10 in.

5 ft
9 ft 8.5 in.

10 ft 18 ft
6 ft

6 ft
11 in.

24 in.

M4-72 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

C01_SE_M04_T02_L01.indd 72 1/12/19 8:17 PM

It’s a Bird, It’s a 2
Plane … It’s a
Polygon on the Plane!
Graphing Geometric Figures


1. Draw a rectangle that is • Plot points in all four quadrants to form polygons.
not a square. • Draw polygons in the coordinate plane using coordinates
for the vertices.
2. Draw a rhombus that is • Determine the area enclosed by a polygon on the
also a rectangle. coordinate plane.
• Use coordinates to determine the length of a side joining
3. Draw a trapezoid that is points with the same first or second coordinate.
not a parallelogram. • Solve real-world and mathematical problems with
geometric shapes in all four quadrants on the
coordinate plane.

You have determined area and perimeter of common polygons. You have decomposed complex
figures into simpler shapes to determine their area. You have also determined the volume of right
rectangular prisms. How can you use the coordinate plane to determine the area, perimeter, and
even volume of shapes and objects?

LESSON 2: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane … It’s a Polygon on the Plane! • M4-73

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Getting Started

Shape Up!
Your teacher will select students to participate in the activity and
provide them with conditions to plot on the Human Coordinate Plane.

1. For each student, plot and label the point where the student
is standing on the coordinate plane. Use a different color for
y each location. Then record the coordinates of the point
6 where the student is standing in the table.
Location Location Location
2 Student
1 2 3
–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x
–2 B
–4 C
–6 D

2. What shape did your classmates form at Location 1? How can

you prove that they formed the given shape?

3. Record the shape formed at Location 2. Prove that your

classmates formed the shape.

4. Record the shape formed at Location 3. Prove that your

classmates formed the shape.

M4-74 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

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2.1 What Shape Am I?

One advantage of the Cartesian coordinate plane is that it enables

mathematicians to use coordinates to analyze geometric figures.

1. Graph the points on the coordinate plane, and connect the

points to form a polygon.
x y 6
1 22 4
25 22 2
1 3
25 3 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x
a. Identify the polygon formed and –6
justify your answer.

b. Determine the perimeter of the polygon.

c. Determine the area of the polygon.

2. Graph the points on the plane, and connect the points to

form a polygon. y
x y
22 3
3 22
22 23 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x
3 2
a. What polygon is formed? Justify –6
your answer.

b. Determine the area of the polygon.

LESSON 2: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane … It’s a Polygon on the Plane! • M4-75

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3. Graph the points on the plane, and connect the points to form
a polygon. y
x y
22 5
3 23
22 23 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x
5 2

a. What polygon is formed? Justify your answer.

b. Determine the area of the polygon.

Completing Polygons on
2.2 the Plane

1. The points A (22, 4) and B (22, 22) are plotted on the

Remember, a
coordinate plane shown.
parallelogram is a
quadrilateral in which a. Plot and label points C, D,
both pairs of opposite 8
E, and F so that squares
sides are parallel. 6
ABCD and ABEF are formed.
A (–2, 4) 4
b. Determine the area of
each square. –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 x
B (–2, –2) –2
c. Compare your squares with
your classmates’ squares.
Are all the squares the same or different? How do you
know that the squares are drawn correctly?

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2. On the coordinate plane, the line segment y
AB is graphed. 8
a. Plot and label points C and D to form
parallelogram ABCD with a height of
4 units.
–8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 x
A (–4, –2) B (6, –2)
b. Determine the area of your parallelogram.

c. Compare your parallelogram with your classmates’

parallelograms. Are all the parallelograms the same or
different? How do you know that the parallelograms are
drawn correctly?

3. On the coordinate plane, the points A (23, 23) and B (4, 23)
are plotted to form segment AB.
a. Plot and label point C so that a right
triangle is formed. 8

b. Plot and label point D so that an acute 4

triangle is formed. 2

–8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 x
c. Determine the areas of your triangles. –2
A –4 B

d. Compare your triangles with your classmates’ triangles.

Are all the triangles the same or different? How do you
know that the triangles are drawn correctly?

LESSON 2: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane … It’s a Polygon on the Plane! • M4-77

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4. On the coordinate plane, points A and B are plotted to form
segment AB.
a. Plot and label two points to 8
form trapezoid ABCD with 6
a height of 5 units. Your 4
trapezoid should cross into 2
at least 3 quadrants.
–8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 x
b. Determine the area of –4
your trapezoid. –6

c. Compare your trapezoid with your classmates’ trapezoids.

Are all the trapezoids the same or different? How do you
know that the trapezoids are drawn correctly?

Creating Polygons on
2.3 the Plane

Cut out the cards and the grid at the end of the lesson. There are
three types of cards: Number of Quadrants, Polygon, Area. Keep the
cards separate but shuffle each stack and place them face down.

Complete this activity with a partner. One partner should draw

a card from each stack. Based on the cards, each partner must
create the polygon named, across the number of quadrants on the
quadrants card, with the area from the area card. The first person to
correctly complete the task gets a point. Partners should check each
other’s work. The first partner to 5 points wins the game.

If the partner is unable to form the shape using the given conditions
because it is not possible or the student cannot meet the conditions,
that partner loses their turn.

Record your polygons on the grid paper provided.

M4-78 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

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2.4 Outfitting a Playground

You have been asked to advise on the design of a playground for

your local elementary school. The playground is laid out in a grid
with a unit of 1 foot and a merry-go-round at the center of the
playground. Your project is to determine the amount of sand needed
for the fossil dig sandbox and the sand pit under the swing set.

The coordinates for the fossil pit are (218, 27), (210, 27), (218, 213),
and (210, 213).

1. Determine the volume of the fossil pit if the pit is 0.75

feet deep.

2. If the school will fill the pit halfway up with sand, determine
the volume of sand that is required.

3. Each 50-pound bag of sand holds about 0.5 cubic feet of

sand. Determine the number of bags of sand needed for the
fossil pit.

4. Each bag of sand costs $3.80. How much will the sand cost
for the fossil pit?

The coordinates for the swing set sand pit are (15, 2), (40, 2), (15, 28),
and (40, 28).

5. Determine the volume of the swing set sand pit if the pit is
0.5 feet deep.

6. If the school has $250 to spend on sand for the swing set
sand pit, how much of it can be filled with sand?

LESSON 2: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane … It’s a Polygon on the Plane! • M4-79

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Introduction to Coordinate Proof

1. The coordinates of a parallelogram are given. Segment AB
is parallel to the x-axis.
A (–2, a) B (b, 3)

D (c, d) C (8, 1)

a. Determine the values for a, b, c, and d, if possible.

b. Write an expression for the length of segment AB.

c. Determine the vertical height of the parallelogram.

d. Write an expression for the area of the parallelogram.

e. If b 5 5, determine the values for a, c, and d.

Then calculate the area of the parallelogram.

M4-80 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

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Number of Quadrants, Polygon Names,
and Area Measurements

1 Quadrant 2 Quadrants 3 Quadrants 4 Quadrants

Square Rectangle Triangle Trapezoid

Any Parallelogram Any Quadrilateral Any Polygon Rhombus

18 square units 16 square units 20 square units 24 square units

30 square units 36 square units 15 square units 50 square units

LESSON 2: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane … It’s a Polygon on the Plane! • M4-81

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LESSON 2: It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane … It’s a Polygon on the Plane! • M4-83

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5. Assign_num_list Remember
6. Assign_num_list
Explain how to use the One advantage ofAssign_para
the Cartesian coordinate plane is that it enables
coordinate plane and absolute Assign_para
mathematicians to use coordinates to analyze geometric figures.
value to determine perimeter Assign_para
The distance between two points on a coordinate plane can be
and area of geometric shapes. calculated by using the coordinates of the two points.

1. Create and analyze a trapezoid.
a. Plot and label four points on a coordinate plane that satisfy all the conditions listed:

• Each point is in a different quadrant.

• The four points form a trapezoid with only one pair of parallel sides.
• The trapezoid has a height of 9 units.
• One base of the trapezoid has a length of 6 units.
• The second base of the trapezoid has a length of 3 units.
• None of the points are located on an axis.
• The trapezoid is not symmetric to either axis.

b. Determine the area of the trapezoid.

c. Is it possible to create a trapezoid that satisfies the conditions but has a different area? Explain.
2. Assign_num_list
1. Plot and identify four points across at least 2 quadrants that form a parallelogram that is not a rectangle.
Determine the area of the parallelogram.
2. Assign_num_list

3. Plot and identify four points across at least 3 quadrants that form a non-square rectangle. Determine
the area of the rectangle.

1. Assign_num_list
2. Assign_num_list
3. Assign_num_list

1.2 A Using Tables to Represent Equivalent Ratios • M-85

It’saa Polygon on the Plane! • M4-85

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Pick’s Theorem says that the area of a polygon that has its vertices on a
lattice—a field of evenly spaced points—can be calculated as follows:

• Count the number of interior points.

• Add this to half the number of boundary points (circled).
• Subtract 1. Figure A

1. Determine the area of Figure A using Pick’s Theorem. y

2. The coordinate plane can be like a lattice of points. How can you use this
U 5 X
fact to determine the area of the given square?
3. Demonstrate Pick’s Theorem on the coordinate plane using other 2
polygons drawn in all four quadrants. x
–5 –2 0 2 4
V –6 W

1. Calculate the distance of each number from 125. Use positive numbers to indicate the distance when
the number is greater than 125 and negative numbers to indicate the distance when the number is
less than 125.
a. 107
b. 161
c. 87
d. 232

2. Graph the solution set for each given inequality.

a. x . 7.75
b. x # __

M4-86 • TOPIC

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There Are 3
Many Paths ...
Problem Solving on the
Coordinate Plane


Solve each equation. • Solve real-world and mathematical problems by graphing
points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane.
1. 120 1 h 5 315 • Interpret the meaning of points plotted on the
coordinate plane.
2. w 2 17 5 38 • Use equations to solve real-world problems.
• Use graphs relating an independent and dependent
3. __
5 12 quantity changing in relationship to one another to solve
real-world problems.
4. 169 5 13w • List advantages and disadvantages of different
representations for solving real-world and mathematical
problems on the coordinate plane.

Now that you understand how to plot points in all four quadrants of the coordinate plane,
you can solve many more types of problems than you could previously. How can you use
graphs and equations to solve problems?

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Getting Started

Emma’s Birthday
Analyze the graph.

Cards Received
Number of

–5 0 5 x

Days Since
Emma’s Birthday

1. Explain what you can determine about the situation from

the graph.

2. What do the plotted points mean in terms of this situation?

3. Do all of the values on the line make sense in terms of

the situation?

4. Can you determine an equation for the graph?

M4-88 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

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3.1 Weigh In

Julio is a wrestler for his high school team. Although he does not
wrestle during the 12 weeks of summer, his coach would like him
to stay around 140 pounds so that he doesn’t have to work so
hard during the season to stay in his 142-pound weight class. Julio
charted his weight over the summer.

Week 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12

Weight 144.5 142.1 138.5 139.5 137.5 141.5 136.25 137.2 140 141.3 138.5 135


1. Consider the table shown.

a. Which quantity is the independent quantity and which is

the dependent? Explain your reasoning.

b. What is the unit for

each quantity?

c. Which quadrant(s) will you need

in order to plot Julio’s data? Draw
and label your axes. Then graph the

LESSON 3: There Are Many Paths ... • M4-89

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2. The coach was impressed with Julio’s data collection, but he
was interested in how much Julio’s weight varied from
140 pounds each week.

a. Complete the last row of weight differentials, the

differences of Julio’s weight from 140 pounds. Use negative
numbers when the weight is below 140 pounds and positive
numbers when his weight is above 140 pounds.

b. What is the dependent quantity in this situation?

c. Which quadrant(s) will you need in order to plot Julio’s

data for the coach’s request? Draw and label your axes,
including the units. Then graph the data.

M4-90 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

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3. Compare the two approaches taken by Julio and his coach.

a. Compare the independent and dependent quantities.

b. Compare the graphs. What do you notice about the

patterns of the points?

c. Explain the meaning of the x-axis in each approach.

d. Why do you think the coach preferred his approach over

Julio’s approach?

4. Use the table and graphs to answer each question.

a. Between which two consecutive weeks did Julio’s weight

change the most? What was the weight change?

b. What is the difference between Julio’s highest weight and

his lowest weight?

c. Which representation—table, Julio’s graph, the coach’s

graph—did you use to answer the questions? Why did you
make those choices?

d. If you were Julio’s coach, what advice would you give Julio?

LESSON 3: There Are Many Paths ... • M4-91

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An Interesting Day in
3.2 South Dakota

An interesting day of temperature changes occurred in Rapid City,

South Dakota, on January 22, 1943. The table shows the temperature
changes that happened throughout the day.

Time Temperature (oC)

10:30 A.M. 26.7
10:35 A.M. 13.3
12:00 P.M. 15.6
12:05 P.M. 210.6
12:35 P.M. 29.4
12:40 P.M. 10
2:20 P.M. 14.4
2:25 P.M. 28.3

Create a graph of the temperature changes.

1. Which quadrants do you need for your graph? Explain
your reasoning.

2. Draw and label the axes for the graph. Then graph the data
and connect consecutive points.

M4-92 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

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3. Between which two times was the temperature swing

the greatest?

4. Describe the pattern. Why is this called an “interesting” day?

LESSON 3: There Are Many Paths ... • M4-93

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3.3 No Place Like Home

Suppose this graph summarizes Graph A

your day. The x-axis of this graph y
represents time in minutes from D
12:00 P.M., and the y-axis represents C
your distance from home in blocks.
Locations north of your house are –8 –6 –4 –2 2 4 6 8 x
positive, and locations south of
your house are negative. A point A
at the origin represents you being
home at 12:00 P.M.

1. Describe the meaning of each of the four labeled points.

x y Meaning

22 24

0 0

4 2

8 4

2. Adrian and Sierra are discussing how the graph should look
before x 5 26 and after x 5 10. Adrian thinks he should draw
arrows to indicate that the graph continues to the left and
right, respectively. Sierra disagrees and thinks they should
draw segments back to the x-axis. Who is correct?

M4-94 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

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Let’s consider another graph.

3. Write a possible scenario for this graph. Be sure to specify the

units and the meaning of the origin for your scenario.

Natasha and her family took a 3-day trip to her grandmother’s house.
On the first day, they drove 300 miles. On the second day, they drove
350 miles. On the third day, they drove the remaining 200 miles.

4. Create a graph to represent Natasha’s family trip. Be sure to

label your axes with quantities and units and label specific
points that highlight the trip.

LESSON 3: There Are Many Paths ... • M4-95

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Nadja is coordinating the neighborhood Spring Fling. She asks
Matthew to blow up balloons for the event. The graphs shown
represent his efforts.

y Graph 1 y Graph 2

7 7
Volume of Air in the

Volume of Air in the

Balloon (cubic feet)

Balloon (cubic feet)

6 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x
Time (seconds) Time (seconds)

y Graph 3 y Graph 4

7 7
Volume of Air in the
Balloon (cubic feet)

Volume of Air in the

6 Balloon (cubic feet) 6
5 5
4 4
3 3
2 2
1 1
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 x 0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time (seconds) Time (seconds)

5. Analyze each graph shown, and then answer each question.

a. What quantity is represented on the x-axis in each graph?

b. What quantity is represented on the y-axis in each graph?

c. Which quantity is independent quantity and which is

dependent quantity?

M4-96 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

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6. Match each description with the appropriate graph.

a. Matthew blows air into a balloon at a steady rate, then ties

it off when it is full.

b. Matthew blows air into a balloon, and then the

balloon pops!

c. Matthew blows air into a balloon, and then lets the air out.

d. Matthew blows air into a balloon slowly. As the balloon

stretches out, he is able to blow more air into the balloon.
He then ties off the balloon when it is full.

LESSON 3: There Are Many Paths ... • M4-97

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3.4 Pool Level

The graph shows the water level of a pool. The x-axis represents
time, in hours, and the y-axis represents the water level, in inches.
The origin represents 3:00 P.M. and the desired water level.


–8 –6 –4 –2 2 4 6 8 x

1. Label the graph with the independent and dependent

quantities and their units.

2. Create a table of values for the points plotted and describe the
meaning of each.

x y Meaning

M4-98 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

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3. At what rate did the water go into the pool?
Explain your reasoning.

4. Describe a situation that would match the graph.

5. Write an equation for this situation.

6. Why does the graph stop rather than continue infinitely?

7. Using any of your mathematical tools, determine the time

when the pool was 3 inches above the desired fill level. Is
your answer exact or approximate? Explain.

LESSON 3: There Are Many Paths ... • M4-99

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3.5 Water in the Bucket

As part of a science project, Damon collected water in a bucket in

his backyard and is studying the evaporation. Unfortunately, Damon
is a bit forgetful and forgets to take measurements of the water
every day. The first day he remembered was Sunday, which was
4 days AFTER the data collection was to begin. He collects the
following data.

Height of Water
Days Since Sunday

0 27

5 22

7 20

12 15

1. Graph the data. Connect the data values with a line. Be sure to
label your axes.

M4-100 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

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2. Assuming that the water evaporated at the same rate every
day, use your graph to determine the water level the day he
was supposed to start data collection.

3. Assuming that the water evaporated at the same rate every

day, use your graph to determine when the water level was

a. 30 inches. b. 12 inches.

c. 5 inches. d. 0 inches.

4. Explain why you should or should not extend your graph into
Quadrant IV.

LESSON 3: There Are Many Paths ... • M4-101

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Hard Working in the
3.6 Hardware Store

Your friend Aidan got a job working at the local hardware store. He
created the graph shown to track how much money he makes for a
given number of hours.

Pay ($)


0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 x
Hours Worked

1. Create a table of values for Aidan’s graph.

Hours Worked Pay ($)




2. How can you tell, by looking at the graph, whether the graph
displays equivalent ratios? If it does, what is the ratio, or rate,
displayed in the graph?

M4-102 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

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3. Define variables for the hours worked and Aidan’s pay.

4. Write an equation to describe Aidan’s graph.

5. Use the tool of your choice—equation, graph, or a table—to

answer each equation.

a. Approximately how much money did Aidan make if he

worked 15 hours this week?

b. Determine the exact amount of money Aidan made if he

worked 12 hours this week.

c. Approximately how many hours did Aidan work if he

made $50 this week?

d. Determine the exact number of hours Aidan worked if he

made $152.50 this week.

e. How did you decide which tool to use to answer

each question?

LESSON 3: There Are Many Paths ... • M4-103

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3.7 Broken Yardstick

Jason and Liliana need to measure some pictures so they can buy
picture frames. They looked for something to use to measure the
pictures, but could find only a broken yardstick. The yardstick was
missing the first 2__

They both thought about how to use this yardstick.

Lilianna said that all they had to do was measure the pictures and
then subtract 2__
inches from each measurement.

1. Is Lilianna correct? Explain your reasoning.

2. They measured the first picture’s length and width to be

11 inches and 9__
inches. What are the actual length and width?

3. Define variables for a measurement with the broken yardstick

and the actual measurement.

4. Write an equation that models the relationship between

the variables.

M4-104 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

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5. Complete the table of values for the measurement on the
yardstick and the actual measurement.

Measurement with Actual

Broken Yardstick (in.) Measurement (in.)







6. Use the table to complete the graph y

of the actual measurements versus the
measurement taken with the
broken yardstick.
Actual Measurement (in.)




7. Would it make sense to connect the
points on this graph? Explain why or x
why not. 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35
Measurement with Broken Yardstick (in.)

LESSON 3: There Are Many Paths ... • M4-105

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8. Suppose the yardstick was broken at 5 inches instead of

a. Write the new equation for the relationship between the

actual measurement and the measurement from the
broken yardstick.

b. Sketch a graph of the actual measurements versus the

measurement taken with the new broken yardstick on the
graph with the original yardstick.

c. What do you notice about the two graphs?

d. What is the meaning of the x-intercept—the point with a

y-coordinate of zero—on each graph?

M4-106 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

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3.8 The Diver

A freediver is a person who dives into the ocean without the use
Consider which
of any breathing device like scuba equipment. William Trubridge
holds the record for freediving. In 2016, he broke his own record and
would be
dove almost 407 feet into the ocean! Suppose you plan to train as a
freediver and want to beat Trubridge’s record.
1. What are some questions you would ask of Trubridge about or equations.
his dive?

2. Assume that Trubridge ascended and descended at the same

rate of 2.97 feet per second to help you determine how much
time you need to be able to hold your breath to beat
Trubridge’s record.

LESSON 3: There Are Many Paths ... • M4-107

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Your Turn! (0, 0)

2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
You and your group should –2
prepare a presentation for –4 (3, –4)
this problem. –6
–8 (6, –8)
1. Create a situation that –10
can be modeled by –12 (9, –12)
the graph. –14
• Be sure to
determine the –16 (12, –16)
Write at least 3
ratio, or rate, for –18
sentences for what you
how the variables –20 (15, –20)
want to say during your
change in relation presentation.
to each other.
• Describe the
meaning of each
point on the
• Define variables for
the independent
and dependent
quantities based
on your situation.
• Write an equation
to represent the
problem situation.

M4-108 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

C01_SE_M04_T02_L03.indd 108 1/12/19 8:17 PM


Write Remember
Give an example of when you might Graphs, tables, equations, and scenarios provide different
want to use an equation to answer information and allow for various levels of accuracy when
a question and another example of solving problems.
when you might want to use a graph.

1. The gravitational pull of the Moon is not as great as that of Earth. In fact, if a person checks his weight on
the Moon, it will be only __
of his weight on Earth.
a. If a person weighs 186 pounds on Earth, how much will he weigh on the Moon? How many pounds
different from his actual weight is that?
b. Complete the table of values for a person’s weight on Earth, weight on the Moon, and difference of
the two weights. Use negative numbers when the weight is less than the person’s earth weight.

Weight on Earth (lb) 186 168 198

Weight on Moon (lb) 29 21 24

Weight Differential 2155

c. Graph the weight differential versus the weight on Earth. Be sure to label your axes.

2. To keep her students relaxed and focused during tests, Ms. Chappell puts small bowls of candy on each
of their desks. Write a short story to describe each graph.
a. y b. y
Amount of candy in the bowl
Amount of candy in the bowl

x Time x

c. y d. y
Amount of candy in the bowl
Amount of candy in the bowl

x Time x

LESSON 3: There Are Many Paths ... • M4-109

C01_SE_M04_T02_L03.indd 109 1/12/19 8:17 PM

3. The following graph shows the average 4. Sarina’s dog, Bruno, has to go on a diet! Sarina
temperature, in degrees Celsius, in Fairbanks, puts Bruno on a diet plan of daily exercise and a
Alaska. The x-axis represents time in days from special type of dog food. She estimates Bruno will
January 1, and the y-axis represents degrees lose 1__
pounds per week on this plan.
a. How many pounds does Sarina estimate Bruno
y 1
will lose in 2 weeks? In 8 __
8 b. Define variables for the independent and
6 dependent quantities for this situation.
4 c. Write an equation for this situation. (Because
2 Bruno is losing weight, the number of pounds
he loses will be defined as a negative value.)
–8 –6 –4 2 4 6 8
–2 d. Create a table of values for the situation.
–4 e. Complete a graph of the situation.
–6 f. Explain what points in Quadrant I would mean
–8 for Bruno.

a. Label the axes with the independent and

dependent quantities and their units.
b. Create a table of values for the points on the
graph and describe the meaning of each.

x y Meaning

c. At what rate did the temperature increase?

d. Define variables for the quantities that are
changing, and write an equation for this

M4-110 • TOPIC 2: The Four Quadrants

C01_SE_M04_T02_L03.indd 110 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Tell a story to describe the graph.

1. The vertices of a polygon are given. Plot the points on a coordinate plane and connect the points in the
order they are listed. Then determine the area of the polygon.

(24, 21), (23, 22), (10, 22), (3, 0), (0, 4), (22, 3)

2. Create a scenario to fit each numeric expression.

a. |23 1 21|
b. |8 2 3|

3. Evaluate each expression for the given values.

a. 5.2r 1 1.2, when r 5 1.5 and 4.1

1 3 2 9
b. __
t 1 __
, when t 5 __
and __

LESSON 3: There Are Many Paths ... • M4-111

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C01_SE_M04_T02_L03.indd 112 1/12/19 8:17 PM
The Four Quadrants
• quadrants


1 Four Is Better Than One

The Cartesian coordinate plane is formed by two perpendicular number lines that intersect
at the zeros, or the origin. The intersecting number lines divide the plane into four regions,
called quadrants.

The quadrants are numbered with Roman numerals from one y

to four (I, II, III, IV) starting in the upper right-hand quadrant and 6

moving counterclockwise. II 4 I
To plot an ordered pair on the coordinate plane, begin at the origin –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x
(0, 0), and first move the distance along the x-axis given by the x-value –2
of the ordered pair. Move right for a positive value and move left for a
negative value. Then, move the distance along the y-axis given by the –6
y-value of the ordered pair. Move up for a positive value and move
down for a negative value.


C01_SE_TS_M04_T02.indd 113 1/12/19 8:18 PM

For example, the following points are plotted on the y
coordinate plane: 6
A (24, 1)
B (21, 0) E F
C (26, 25) 2
D (2, 23) B
–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x
E (0, 3)
F (5, 3) D

The values of the coordinates of points that are Quadrant II Quadrant I

in the same quadrant will be have the same sign (2x, 1y) (1x, 1y)
before their x- and y-values.
Quadrant III Quadrant IV
(2x, 2y) (1x, 2y)

Reflecting a point on the coordinate plane across the x-axis results in a new point with the
same x-value and the opposite y-value as the original point.

For example, reflecting point A (8, 4) across the x-axis gives point A’ (8, 24). Reflecting point B
(−5, −9) across the x-axis gives point B‘ (25, 9).

Reflecting a point on the coordinate plane across the y-axis results in a new point with the
opposite x-value and the same y-value as the original point.

For example, reflecting point C (3, 22) across the y-axis gives point A’ (23, 22). Reflecting
point D (21, 0) across the y-axis gives point B’ (1, 0).

You can use absolute value to determine distances on the coordinate plane.
For example, the distance from point P to point Q is
|3| 1 |23| 5 3 1 3 5 6 units. 8
The distance from point P to point S is 4 S
|26| 1 |6| 5 6 1 6 5 12 units. 2

The distance from point R to point S is –8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 x

Q –2
|6| 2 |3| 5 6 2 3 5 3 units.
The distance from point Q to point T is T –6
|27| 2 |23| 5 7 2 3 5 4 units. –8


C01_SE_TS_M04_T02.indd 114 1/12/19 8:18 PM

It’s a Bird, It’s a Plane… It’s a Polygon
2 on the Plane!

One advantage of the Cartesian coordinate plane is that it enables mathematicians to use
coordinates to analyze geometric figures.

For example, the points in the table have been graphed on the coordinate plane and
connected to form a polygon.

x y
1 1
5 1
5 24
1 24 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x



The polygon has opposite sides that are parallel and congruent, so it is a parallelogram. It also
has four right angles, so it is a rectangle. The perimeter and area of the rectangle can be
calculated by first determining its length and width. The length of the rectangle is 5 units and
the width of the rectangle is 4 units.
Perimeter: 4 1 5 1 4 1 5 5 18 units Area: 5 3 4 5 20 square units
There is often more than one way to complete a polygon y
on the coordinate plane when given a segment. 6

For example, on the coordinate plane, the line segment 4

AB is graphed.
Plot and label points C and D to form a parallelogram
with a height of 6 units. –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x
(–5, –4) (2, –4)


C01_SE_TS_M04_T02.indd 115 1/12/19 8:18 PM

Two different examples y y
of Parallelogram ABCD 6 6
are shown. Each has
4 4
a length of 7 units
and height of 6 units, 2 2
(–3, 2) (4, 2) (–6, 2) (1, 2)
so they both have an
–6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 x
area of 7 3 6 5 42
–2 –2
square units.
–4 –4
(–5, –4) (2, –4) (–5, –4) (2, –4)
–6 –6

The distance between two points on a coordinate plane can be calculated by using the
coordinates of the two points.

For example, the design of a playground is laid out in a grid with a unit of 1 foot.
The coordinates of the sand pit that will go under the swing set are located at
(215, 7), (210, 7), (215, 21), and (210, 21). Determine the volume of the sand pit
if the pit is 0.5 foot deep.

Plotting the coordinates of the sand pit on a coordinate plane shows that the shape of the
sand pit is a rectangle. Use the coordinates to determine the distance between the points
which will give you the length and width of the rectangle.

Width: |215| 2 |210| 5 15 2 10 5 5 feet

Length: |7| 1 |21| 5 7 1 1 5 8 feet

Area: 8 3 5 5 40 square feet

Volume: 8 3 5 3 0.5 5 20 cubic feet


C01_SE_TS_M04_T02.indd 116 1/12/19 8:18 PM


3 There Are Many Paths…

Graphs, tables, equations, and scenarios provide various information and allow for different
levels of accuracy when solving problems.

For example, the graph given shows the water level of a pool. The x-axis represents time, in
hours, and the y-axis represents the water level, in inches.

The origin represents 3:00 P.M. and the desired water level.


–8 –6 –4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 x

You can create a table of values for the points plotted and describe the meaning of each.

x y Meaning

28 26 At 7:00 A.M., the water level is 6 inches below the desired water level.

1 1
22 21__
At 1:00 P.M., the water level is 1__
inches below the desired water level.

0 0 At 3:00 P.M., the water is at the desired water level.

4 3 At 7:00 P.M., the water level is 4 inches above the desired water level.

8 6 At 11:00 P.M., the water level is 6 inches above the desired water level.

You can use the graph to determine that the water went into the pool at a rate of __
inch per
hour. An equation that represents this situation would by y 5 4 x.


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The lessons in this module build on the data displays that you have used in elementary
school, namely line plots, bar graphs, and circle graphs. You will be introduced to the
field of statistics, the study of data, and the statistical problem-solving process. You will
calculate numerical summaries to describe a data set. You will also learn what separates
mathematical and statistical reasoning—the presence of variability.

Topic 1 The Statistical Process M5-3

Topic 2 Numerical Summaries of Data M5-67

C01_SE_M05_INTRO.indd 1 1/12/19 8:17 PM

C01_SE_M05_INTRO.indd 2 1/12/19 8:17 PM

The Statistical Process

On average, one out of every 25 sheep has black wool. A quick way to estimate the size of a flock of sheep is to count
the black sheep and multiply by 25.

Lesson 1
What's Your Question?
Understanding the Statistical Process . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M5-7

Lesson 2
Get in Shape
Analyzing Numerical Data Displays . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M5-25

Lesson 3
Using Histograms to Display Data . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M5-47

C01_SE_M05_T01_INTRO.indd 3 1/12/19 8:17 PM

C01_SE_M05_T01_INTRO.indd 4 1/12/19 8:17 PM
Carnegie Learning Family Guide Course 1
Module 5: Describing Variability of Quantities
TOPIC 1: THE STATISTICAL Where have we been?
PROCESS In grade 1, students were expected to
In this topic, students are introduced to
organize, represent, and interpret data with
the statistical problem-solving process:
up to three categories. In grades 2 and 3,
formulate questions, collect data,
students created picture graphs and bar
analyze data, and interpret the results.
graphs of categorical data. In grades 4 and
Students will use this process throughout
5, students made line plots to display data
their studies of statistics, increasing the
with fractions. And in grade 4, students
complexity of each step of the process
developed a conceptual understanding of
as they develop their statistical literacy.
angles and angle measurement, allowing
Students use bar graphs and pie charts
them to create pie charts.
to analyze and interpret survey data,
the final steps of the statistical process.
Where are we going?
As students learn about and analyze
In grade 7, students will use the data
dot plots, stem-and-leaf plots, and
displays learned in this topic to compare
histograms, they practice using the four
data distributions. They will use statistical
steps of the statistical process.
problem solving to investigate and draw
inferences about populations. In grade 8,
students will move into comparing two
variables with data.

A histogram is a graphical way to display Number of Floors in the Tallest Buildings
in the Twin Cities

quantitative or numerical data using vertical 30

Number of Buildings

bars. The width of a bar in a histogram 20
represents an interval of data and is often 10
referred to as a bin. The height of the bar 0
10 20 30 40 50 60

indicates the frequency, or the number of Number of Floors

data values included in any given bin. Bins are

represented by intervals of data instead of
showing individual data values.

TOPIC 1: Family Guide • M5-5

C01_SE_FG_M05_T01.indd 5 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Myth: Faster 5 smarter.
In most cases, speed has nothing to do with how smart you are. Why is that?
Because it largely depends on how familiar you are with a topic. For example, a
bike mechanic can look at a bike for about 8 seconds and tell you details about
the bike that you probably didn’t even notice (e.g., the front tire is on backwards). Is that
person smart? Sure! Suppose, instead, you show the same bike mechanic a car. Will they be
able to report the same amount of detail as they did for the bike? No!

It’s easy to confuse speed with understanding. Speed is associated with the memorization
of facts. Understanding, on the other hand, is a methodical, time-consuming process.
Understanding is the result of asking lots of questions and seeing connections between
different ideas. Many mathematicians who won the Fields Medal (i.e., the Nobel prize for
mathematics) describe themselves as extremely slow thinkers. That’s because mathematical
thinking requires understanding over memorization.

Talking Points Key Terms

You can support your student’s learning by categorical data
approaching problems slowly. Students may Categorical data are data for which each
observe a classmate learning things very piece of data fits into exactly one of several
quickly, and they can easily come to believe different groups or categories. Categorical
that mathematics is about getting the right data are also called qualitative data.
answer as quickly as possible. When this quantitative data
doesn’t happen for them, future encounters Quantitative data are data for which each
with math can raise anxiety, making problem piece of data can be placed on a numerical
solving more difficult, and reinforcing a scale. Quantitative data are also called
student’s view of himself or herself as numerical data.
“not good at math.” Slowing down is not
the ultimate cure for math difficulties. But
Frequency is the number of times an item
it’s a good first step for children who are
or number occurs in a data set.
struggling. You can reinforce the view that
learning with understanding takes time, and mode
that slow, deliberate work is the rule, not the The mode is the value or values that
exception. occur most frequently in a data set.

M5-6 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_FG_M05_T01.indd 6 1/12/19 8:13 PM

What’s Your 1
Understanding the Statistical Process


Ms. White asked the 25 sixth • Recognize and design statistical questions and
graders in her class, “How many anticipate variability in data related to the question.
pets do typical 6th graders in our • Differentiate between surveys, observational
class have?” Ms. White summarized studies, and experiments.
the responses in the table. • Describe the four stages of the statistical process.
• Discuss the different types of data that can be
Number of Number of
collected, displayed, and analyzed.
Students Pets
• Analyze and interpret bar graphs and circle graphs.
8 0
4 2 • variability • survey
2 3 • data • observational study
1 38 • statistical question • experiment
• statistical process • bar graph
1. About how many pets does • categorical data • circle graph
each sixth grader in Ms. White’s • quantitative data • frequency
class own? How did you make • population • mode
your decision? • sample

You have been solving mathematical problems throughout this course. Now, you are going
to study statistical problems. How are mathematics and statistics similar and different?

LESSON 1: What’s Your Question? • M5-7

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 7 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Getting Started

In statistics,
Statistical or Not, That Is the Question
variability means
Have you ever wondered, “How much money do professional athletes
that the value of
make?” Or, “How long are the books assigned to sixth graders?” If
the attribute being
so, you have asked a statistical question. If you have sought out the
studied can change
answer to your question, you have engaged in the statistical process.
from one person or
thing to another.
Cut out the questions provided at the end of the lesson. Read
each question and sort them into as many groups as you would like.
Data are categories,
There must be more than one group and there must be at least two
numbers, or
questions per group.
1. Record your groups and the questions in each group.
gathered in response
to a statistical

In this module, you will begin your formal study of statistics and the
statistical process. Statistics is a problem-solving process, also called
an investigative process, because the heart of statistics is about
determining a possible answer to a question that has variability.

Keep your Statistical problem solving begins with a statistical question.

questions. A statistical question is a question that anticipates an answer based
You will need on data that vary.
them later in
the lesson. 2. Which questions from your sort are statistical questions?
Explain how you would expect the answers to those questions
to vary.

M5-8 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 8 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Formulating Statistical NOTES
1.1 Questions

The statistical process has four components:

• Formulating a statistical question.

• Collecting appropriate data.
• Analyzing the data graphically and numerically.
• Interpreting the results of the analysis.

This lesson provides an overview of the statistical process, but you

will continue to use the process throughout your study of statistics.
Statistics is about posing interesting questions that you want to
answer about varying attributes.

Analyze the questions posed by Bianca and Rajan.

Bianca Rajan
“What clubs am I in?” “What clubs do my
“How many students classmates belong to?”
are in the Chess “How many members
Club?” do the clubs at my
school have?”

1. Explain why Bianca’s questions are not statistical questions but

Rajan’s are.

2. What kinds of answers do you expect from Rajan’s questions?

LESSON 1: What’s Your Question? • M5-9

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 9 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Answering a statistical question requires collecting variable data.
Categorical data, or
You will learn about two types of data: categorical data and
qualitative data, are
quantitative data.
data for which each
piece of data fits into 3. Would the answers to Rajan’s questions be categorical
exactly one of several or quantitative?
different groups or

Quantitative data, 4. Gather the statistical questions from the Statistical or Not
or numerical data, activity. Which questions have categorical answers and which
are data for which have quantitative answers?
each piece of data
can be placed on a
numerical scale and

5. For each question, determine if it is a statistical question. If it

is not, rewrite it as a statistical question. Then, state if the data
would be categorical or quantitative.

a. How many text messages did you send and

Just as
receive yesterday?
graphs can be
described as
discrete or
b. What are the most popular school mascots?
data can be
described as
discrete or

c. How much time did you spend watching TV or playing video

games last weekend?

M5-10 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 10 1/12/19 8:17 PM

d. How many hours do 6th graders sleep each night?
Some data, like
area codes, are
numbers but are not
quantitative variables.
This data serves as a
label, or category.

e. What is your favorite sport?

6. Write at least 2 additional statistical questions that you

would be interested in answering. State if the data would be
Don’t worry
categorical or quantitative.
about the
answer to
the question,
if there even
is one. What
would you like
to know?

LESSON 1: What’s Your Question? • M5-11

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 11 1/12/19 8:17 PM

1.2 Methods of Data Collection

For this activity, let’s consider the topic of school lunches.

1. Write three statistical questions that you can ask about

school lunches.




The second component of the statistical process is to collect the

data to answer the statistical question.

A statistical question can be answered by collecting data from

an entire population or, more commonly, from a sample of the
population. A population is an entire set of items from which data
are collected. A sample is a selection from a population.

For example, to answer the question “How tall are 6th graders?”
using the population of all 6th graders, you would need to
determine the heights of every 6th grader in the world. However,
you could choose to answer the question by collecting data from a
sample of 6th graders—the 6th graders at your school.

Three common methods of data collection are surveys,

observational studies, and experiments. In a survey, people are
asked one or more questions. Similarly, in an observational study,
the researcher (you!) collects data by observing the variable of
interest. In an experiment, the researcher imposes a condition and
observes the results.

M5-12 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 12 1/12/19 8:17 PM

You could conduct an experiment to investigate if 6th graders
perform better on an assessment if they read a textbook or watch a
video about the material. You would randomly assign half the students
to read the text and half the students to watch the video. All students
would be given the same assessment. You would compare the scores
of the students in the two groups.

2. For each statistical question you wrote in Question 1, identify

the population and sample of interest.


If you
b. have ever
a science
project, you
have probably
c. conducted an

3. Do you think a survey, observational study, or experiment

would be the best way to collect the data to answer your
statistical questions? Explain your reasoning.




LESSON 1: What’s Your Question? • M5-13

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 13 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Analyzing and
1.3 Interpreting Data

Suppose you are interested in characteristics of sixth graders at

Formulating a statistical your school.
question is Part 1 of the
statistical process. 1. Formulate three categorical statistical questions and survey
your class to obtain a sample.

Collecting data is
Part 2 of the statistical

In the statistical process, after you collect the data, it is time to

Analyzing the collected
analyze and interpret the results. Analysis includes selecting the most
data is Part 3 of the
appropriate graphical display and numerical summaries for your
statistical process.
question and your method of data collection.

You already have experience displaying and summarizing categorical

data using bar graphs and circle graphs.

A bar graph displays categorical data using either horizontal or

vertical bars on a graph. The height or length of each bar indicates
the value for that category.

A circle graph, often called a pie chart, displays categorical data

using sectors, or “wedges,” of a circle. It shows how parts of the
whole relate to the whole and how parts of the whole relate to the
other parts. The area of each sector corresponds to the percentage
of the part in relation to the whole.

M5-14 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 14 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Nicole and Neal were interested in the favorite sports of 6th graders.
They surveyed their class of 30 students. Then, they displayed their NOTES
class’s data in different ways. Analyze each graph.

Favorite Sports
Swimming Football

Gymnastics Basketball
Wrestling Baseball

Favorite Sports
So all

sk ll
Ba all
W ball

na g
Vo t i c s
Sw ack
Ba tba

Gy stlin







2. How are the graphs similar? How are they different?

LESSON 1: What’s Your Question? • M5-15

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 15 1/12/19 8:17 PM

In order to create the graphs, Nicole and Neal determined the
frequency of each response and recorded the frequencies in a
frequency table. A frequency is the number of times an item or
number occurs in a data set. Once the frequency is known, you can
determine the mode. The mode is the value or values that occur most
frequently in a data set.

Sport Frequency (f)

Football 4

Softball 3

Basketball 7

Baseball 2

Wrestling 1

Gymnastics 5

Volleyball 3

Track 3

Swimming 2

Interpreting the data,

or drawing conclusions, 3. What conclusions can you make about the most popular sport
is Part 4 of the in Nicole and Neal’s class? Use the table and graphs to explain
statistical process. your reasoning.

M5-16 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 16 1/12/19 8:17 PM

4. Compile your class’s responses to the 3 survey questions you
asked in Question 1. Record the frequency of each response in
a table. Would your
be different
if you
changed the
order of the

5. Create a graphical display for your assigned survey question.

What conclusions can you make about your class based on
your graph?

LESSON 1: What’s Your Question? • M5-17

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 17 1/12/19 8:17 PM


(Graphically) Organizing the Process

Complete the graphic organizer for the statistical process. In each
section, summarize what you know about the component and
provide examples.

1. Formulate 2. Collect
a Statistical Data


3. Analyze 4. Interpret
the Data the Results

M5-18 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 18 1/12/19 8:17 PM


What is your favorite How many TVs are in What is the most
sport? your house? popular favorite color
in the school?


How far do I travel to What grade did I earn How many siblings do
school? on my last math test? I have?


How many siblings do How tall are 6th How many TVs are in a
6th graders have? graders? U.S. household?

What is your favorite How many clubs are at How tall am I?
color? my school?

What kinds of sports How far do the students What grades were
do 6th graders prefer? at my school travel to earned on the last
get to school each day? math test?

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 19 1/12/19 8:17 PM

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 20 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Match each definition to its corresponding term.

1. an entire set of items from which data can a. data

be selected b. experiment
2. the information that is collected from an c. bar graph
experiment, study, or survey d. variability
3. a question that anticipates variability e. statistical question
4. imposing a condition to test a specific result f. categorical data
5. a method for collecting information by asking one g. circle graph
or more questions h. survey
6. a method for collecting information by observing a i. observational study
phenomenon in action j. population
7. a subset of a population k. sample
8. the value of an attribute, or quality, being studied l. frequency
can change from one person or thing to another m. mode
9. data for which each piece of data fits into exactly n. quantitative data
one of several different groups or categories
10. data which can be placed on a numerical scale
and compared, and can consist of discrete or
continuous variables
11. a graph that shows how parts of the whole relate to
the whole and how parts relate to other parts
12. a way of displaying categorical data by using
either horizontal or vertical bars so that the height
or length of the bars indicates the value for
that category
13. the number of times an item or number occurs in a
data set
14. the observation or value that occurs the most

There are four components to the statistical process:
• Formulate a statistical question.
• Collect data.
• Analyze the data using graphical displays and numerical summaries.
• Interpret the results in terms of the original statistical question and context.

LESSON 1: What’s Your Question? • M5-21

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 21 1/12/19 8:17 PM

1. Determine whether each given question is a statistical question. If not, rewrite it to make it a statistical question.
a. How many people in your class like to play video games?
b. Is pizza your favorite food?
c. What time do you go to bed on school nights?

2. Determine whether a survey, observational study, or experiment would be the best way to answer each
given statistical question.
a. “How many of the students in your class ate breakfast this morning?”
b. “Which students in your school can run a 40-meter sprint the fastest?”
c. “How many students in your class can type at least 30 words per minute?”
d. “How many students in your class ride the bus to school each day?”

3. Determine whether each set of given data are categorical or quantitative. If the data are quantitative,
determine whether they are discrete or continuous.
a. Each student in your math class records their height.
b. The members of the Horse Club list the types of horses they have.
c. The members of the Horse Club list the numbers of horses they each have.

4. Tamara claims that Sweet Grove apple juice tastes better than Juicy Bushels apple juice. Isaac claims that
there is no difference between the 2 types of apple juice. Tamara and Isaac would like to find the answer
to the following question: Do more 6th graders prefer Sweet Grove apple juice or Juicy Bushels apple
a. Is this a statistical question? Explain your reasoning.
b. Explain how this question can be answered with an experiment.

5. The circle graph shows the results of the vote for the new Mascot Vote

school mascot.
a. If 400 students voted, how many students voted for the Cheetahs?
b. Create a bar graph to display the information, in terms of Bears
Tigers 30%
frequency, of each mascot. 35%
c. What conclusions about the question of what mascot should be
adopted can you make based on the graphs?
Mustangs 20%

M5-22 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 22 1/12/19 8:17 PM

In 1945, George Polya published a book about mathematical problem solving. He outlined a four-step
process for problem solving:

1. Understand the Problem

2. Devise a Plan
3. Carry out the Plan
4. Look Back

Research the four steps and explain how the four-component statistical problem-solving process is similar to
and different from Polya’s four steps for mathematical problem solving.

1. Choose the graph that best represents each scenario. Explain your reasoning.
a. Carla fills a mug with tea. Every few minutes Carla takes a drink from the mug.
A. B. C.

b. When Jamal rides his bike up a hill, his speed decreased. When he rides down a hill, his
speed increased.
A. B. C.

2. Use absolute value equations to justify each answer.

a. Determine the distance between the horizontal lines that contain points A (7, 5) and B (24, 28).
b. Determine the distance between the vertical lines that contain points A (7, 5) and B (24, 28).

3. Insert a ., ,, or 5 symbol to make each number sentence true.

a. 29__
29.4 b. 0.006 1%

LESSON 1: What’s Your Question? • M5-23

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 23 1/12/19 8:17 PM

C01_SE_M05_T01_L01.indd 24 1/12/19 8:17 PM
Get in Shape
Analyzing Numerical Data Displays


Mr. Garcia surveyed his class and asked them what • Create and interpret dot plots.
types of pets they owned. Analyze the pictograph • Create and interpret stem-and-
that shows the results of his survey: leaf plots.
• Describe the center, spread,
Pets Owned by Students in Mr. Garcia’s Class and overall shape of a data
(each symbol represents 1 student) distribution.


Cat • dot plot
Fish • distribution
Birds • symmetric
Other * * * * • skewed right
• skewed left
1. How many students in Mr. Garcia’s class own dogs?
• clusters
2. How many students own fish or birds? • gaps
• peaks
3. Can you tell by looking at the pictograph how
• outliers
many students own pets? Why or why not?
• stem-and-leaf plot

You know how to use picture graphs, bar graphs, and line plots to display categorical and
numerical data. What additional plots can be used to display and analyze numerical data?

LESSON 2: Get in Shape • M5-25

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 25 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Getting Started

Rock-Climbing Competition
Ms. Nicholson poses the question “Which grade has the fastest
average rock-climbing time if each student is given one attempt?”

She selects one class from each grade level, times each student as
they climb the rock wall, and records the times. Then she creates data
displays for each class.
Rock-Climbing Times (6th Grade)
Sixth Grade X
Completion Times X X
(seconds): X X X X X
60, 50, 58, 59, 60, 54,
55, 58, 59, 60, 52, 54,
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
56, 57, 57, 58, 60, 60, Time (seconds)
59, 58
Rock-Climbing Times (7th Grade)
Seventh Grade X X X
Completion Times X X X X X
51, 52, 53, 53, 54, 54,
50 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60
54, 55, 55, 55, 55, 55, Time (seconds)
56, 56, 56, 56, 57, 57,
58, 60 Rock-Climbing Times (8th Grade)

Eighth Grade
Completion Times 48 49 50 51 52 53 54
(seconds): Time (seconds)
48, 54, 53, 50, 54,
52, 48, 49, 51, 54, 53, 1. How are these data displays similar? How are they different?
48, 50, 50, 49, 51, 51,
52, 53
2. What can you observe from a data display that you cannot see
from looking at the numerical data?

M5-26 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 26 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Creating and Analyzing
2.1 Dot Plots

The 2014 Winter Olympics were held in Sochi, Russia. While

watching the Olympics, Jessica and Maurice decided to pose
statistical questions about the Games.

1. Jessica asked, “How many medals did the United States win?
How many of those were gold?” Maurice thought a better set
of questions would be, “What is the typical number of medals
won? What is the typical number of gold medals won by a
country?” Who’s correct? Explain your reasoning.

I wonder if
who win gold
medals tend
The table at the end of the lesson lists the number of gold medals to win more
and the total medals won by all medal-winning countries for the medals in
2014 Winter Olympics. general.

2. Analyze the data shown in the table.

a. What conclusions can you make about the numbers of total

medals won at the 2014 Winter Olympics?

b. Are the data in the table categorical or quantitative?

Explain your reasoning.

c. Are the data in the table discrete or continuous?

Explain your reasoning.

LESSON 2: Get in Shape • M5-27

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 27 1/12/19 8:17 PM

One way to describe a set of quantitative data is by drawing a
NOTES graphical display of the data.

A dot plot is a data display that shows discrete data on a number

line with dots, Xs, or other symbols. Dot plots help organize and
display a small number of data points.


This dot plot shows the gold-medal data. The number line
represents the number of gold medals. Each X above a number
represents the number of countries that won that many gold medals.

2014 Winter Olympics Gold Medal Wins by

Medal-Winning Countries

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Number of Gold Medals Won

3. Use the dot plot to answer each question.

a. What do the two Xs above the number 8 represent?

b. What do the five Xs above the number 0 represent?

c. Why are there no Xs above the number 7?

d. Use the dot plot to determine the number of countries

that won medals in the 2014 Winter Olympics. Explain
your strategy.

M5-28 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 28 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Let’s create a dot plot to display the total number of medals won as
listed in the 2014 Winter Olympics data table.

4. Make a plan for creating your dot plot.

a. What will you name your dot plot?

b. What numbers will begin and end your number line?

Why did you select these numbers?

c. What interval will you use on your number line? Why did
you select this interval?

5. Create your dot plot displaying the data for the total medals
won at the 2014 Winter Olympics.

6. Write a brief summary to report the results of your data

analysis back to Maurice and Jessica to help answer their
questions about gold medals and all medals won at the 2014
Winter Olympics.

LESSON 2: Get in Shape • M5-29

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 29 1/12/19 8:17 PM

questions 2.2 Describing Distributions
are part of
analyzing data.
When you analyze a graphical representation of numeric data, you
can look at its shape, center, and spread to draw conclusions.

• What is the overall shape of the graph? Does it have any

interesting patterns?

• Where is the approximate middle, or center, of the graph?

• What does the graph tell me about how spread out the data
values are?

The overall shape of a graph is called the distribution of data.

A distribution is the way in which the data are spread out.

The shape of the distribution can reveal a lot of information about

data. There are many different distributions, but the most common
are symmetric, skewed right, and skewed left.

M5-30 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 30 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Shapes of Typical Distributions of Graphical Displays of Data

x x x
x x x
x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

symmetric skewed right skewed left A peak is usually

the value with the
• The left and right • The peak of the • The peak of the
greatest frequency,
halves of the graph data is to the data is to the right
or one of the values
are mirror images left side of the side of the graph.
with the greatest
of each other. graph.
frequency, and is
• The peak is in the • There are only a • There are only a often surrounded by
middle, because few data points few data points to data values with other
there are many to the right side the left side of the large numbers of
data values in the of the graph. graph. data points.

1. Miko says that the dot plot shown in the previous activity for
the number of gold medals won is skewed right. Do you agree
with her statement? Explain your reasoning.

LESSON 2: Get in Shape • M5-31

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 31 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Examine the dot plot you created for the total number of medals won
by medal-winning countries.

2. What is the distribution of the dot plot? Explain what this

means in terms of the total number of medals won.

When analyzing a graphical display of data, you can also look for any
interesting patterns. Some of these patterns include:

• clusters—areas where data are grouped close together

• gaps—areas where there are no data
• peaks—values that contain more data points than the values on
either side of it
• outliers—data values that lie a large distance from the other data.
Outliers usually accompany gaps in data.

Examine the dot plot you analyzed for the number of gold medals
Gaps usually span
won by medal-winning countries.
multiple possible
data values.
3. Identify any clusters, gaps, peaks, or outliers. Explain what this
means in terms of the number of gold medals won.

M5-32 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 32 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Examine the dot plot you created for the total number of medals
won by medal-winning countries. NOTES

4. Identify any clusters, gaps, peaks, or outliers. Explain what

this means in terms of the total number of medals won.

Another common shape for a data distribution is a

uniform distribution.

Refer back to the dot plots from the Rock-Climbing Competition

activity at the beginning of the lesson.

5. Describe the shape of each dot plot including its overall

shape and any relevant patterns.

LESSON 2: Get in Shape • M5-33

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 33 1/12/19 8:17 PM

2.3 Stem-and-Leaf Plots

At the 2014 Winter Olympics, 88 countries competed in the events,

but only 26 won medals. By contrast, the 2016 Summer Olympics
in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, had 207 countries compete in the events.
Athletes from 80 countries won medals, but only 44 won at least
5 medals.

The table at the end of the lesson lists the total number of medals
won by the top-performing countries in the 2016 Summer Olympics.

1. What comparisons can you make between the number of

medals won at the 2014 Winter Olympics and the number of
medals won at the 2016 Summer Olympics?

2. Do you think using a dot plot would be a good way to

organize and analyze the data in the Summer Olympics table?
Explain your reasoning.

M5-34 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 34 1/12/19 8:17 PM

A numerical data display that can easily display data sets with
a larger range of data values would be helpful to plot the 2016
Summer Olympic data. A stem-and-leaf plot is a graphical method
used to represent ordered numerical data. Once the data is ordered,
the stems and leaves are determined. Typically, the stem is all the
digits in a number except the rightmost digit, which is the leaf.

A stem-and-leaf plot displaying the number of medals won in the

2016 Summer Olympics is shown.

3. Use the stem-and-leaf plot to answer each question.

a. Describe what you notice about the stem-and-leaf plot.

Total Medals Won by Countries
2016 Summer Olympics
0 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 5 5 7 8 8 8 9 9
2 2 8 9
4 1 2 2
The first
5 6
6 7
column in the
7 0 plot represents
8 the stems. The
9 numbers after
10 the vertical line
are the leaves.
12 1

Key: 4 |1 = 41 medals won.

b. What does 7 | 0 mean in the stem-and-leaf plot?

c. What does 0 | 5 mean?

d. How many stems are in the stem-and-leaf plot?

LESSON 2: Get in Shape • M5-35

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 35 1/12/19 8:17 PM

4. Analyze the stems and leaves in the stem-and-leaf plot.

a. How many leaves are in the stem-and-leaf plot?

Why are there that many leaves?

b. Why would a stem have more than one leaf?

c. Why do some stems have no leaves?

d. Why do some stems have the same leaf repeated?

e. Carlos claims that he should write 0s as leaves after

the stems 3, 8, 9, 10, and 11 to show that there are
no countries that have an amount of medals in the
30s, 80s, 90s, 100s, or 110s. Is Carlos correct? Explain
your reasoning.

5. What is the most common number of medals won? How can

you determine this from the stem-and-leaf plot?

To see the distribution

better, rotate the
stem-and-leaf plot
so that the stems 6. Describe the distribution and any interesting patterns you
resemble a horizontal notice in the stem-and-leaf plot. Interpret your findings in
number line. terms of the number of medals won in the 2016 Summer

M5-36 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 36 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Creating and Analyzing
2.4 Stem-and-Leaf Plots

During the 2016 presidential election, media reports sometimes

called attention to the ages of the candidates. This led to Alicia
wondering, “Are these candidates too old to be president?”
Because she wanted to collect and analyze data, she revised her
question: “At what age do presidents take office?”

1. Explain why Alicia’s question is a statistical question.

To answer her question, Alicia collected data on the ages when the
43 former presidents of the United States were first inaugurated. Her
data is presented in the table at the end of the lesson. Put the data
in ascending
To analyze the data, let’s create a stem-and-leaf plot of the former order, from
presidents’ ages at inauguration. least to
2. Make a plan for creating the stem-and-leaf plot. before filling in
the leaves.
a. What will you choose for your stems? Why did you choose
those numbers?

b. How many leaves will you have in your stem-and-leaf plot?

Explain your reasoning.

c. Create a key for your stem-and-leaf plot. Why is

this needed?

LESSON 2: Get in Shape • M5-37

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 37 1/12/19 8:17 PM

3. Create a stem-and-leaf plot to display the age at which each
president was inaugurated.

4. Describe the distribution of the ages of presidents at

their inaugurations.

5. The minimum age to become president of the United States

is 35 years old. How is this requirement reflected in your
stem-and-leaf plot?

6. What was the most common age for presidents to be

inaugurated? Explain using your stem-and-leaf plot.

M5-38 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 38 1/12/19 8:17 PM

The four primary candidates leading into the 2016 presidential
election and their projected ages at inauguration are provided.

7. How would your stem-and-leaf plot change if each person

had been elected?
Gary Johnson 64

Jill Stein 66

Hillary Clinton 69

Donald Trump 70

8. Write a brief summary to report the results of your data

analysis back to Alicia in response to her question about the
ages of presidents at their inaugurations.

LESSON 2: Get in Shape • M5-39

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 39 1/12/19 8:17 PM


Peaks, Gaps, and Clusters… Oh, My!

Consider the six data displays shown.

Plot A

35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50

Plot B Plot C
X X 1 9
X X 2 5 5 9
3 0 2 2 2 2 4 4 5 6 6 6 9 9 9
4 0 0 1 1 2 4 5 6 6 7 7 8 9
5 1 1 1 2 3 4 4 6 7
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
6 9
5|6 means 56

Plot D Plot E

20 25 30 35
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Plot F
3 2
6 1 4 4
7 2 5 7 9
8 0 2 2 5 6 8
9 0 0 1 2 3 3 5
Key: 3|2 = 3.2

1. Which plot or plots illustrate each graphical feature?

a. cluster(s) b. gap(s) c. outlier(s) d. skewness

2. Select a symmetric distribution and explain how you can
make it skewed left or skewed right.

M5-40 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 40 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Use with Activity 2.1, Creating and Analyzing Dot Plots

2014 Winter Olympics All Countries with Medal Wins

County Gold Medals Total Medals Country Gold Medals Total Medals

13 33 Slovenia 2 8

United States 9 28 Japan 1 8

Norway 11 26 Italy 0 8

Canada 10 25 Belarus 5 6

Netherlands 8 24 Poland 4 6

Germany 8 19 Finland 1 5

Austria 4 17 Great Britain 1 4

France 4 15 Latvia 0 4

Sweden 2 15 Australia 0 3

Switzerland 6 11 Ukraine 1 4

China 3 9 Slovakia 1 1

South Korea 3 8 Croatia 0 1

2 8 Kazakhstan 0 1

LESSON 2: Get in Shape • M5-41

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 41 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Use with Activity 2.3, Stem-and-Leaf Plots

Total Number of Medals Won by Top-Performing Countries, 2016 Summer Olympics

Country Medals Won Country Medals Won

United States 121 Ukraine 11

China 70 Poland 11

Great Britain 67 Sweden 11

Russian Federation 56 Croatia 10

Germany 42 Czech Republic 10

France 42 South Africa 10

Japan 41 Cuba 9

Australia 29 Belarus 9

Italy 28 Columbia 8

Canada 22 Iran 8

Netherlands 19 Ethiopia 8

Brazil 19 Serbia 8

South Korea 18 Turkey 8

New Zealand 18 Georgia 7

Azerbaijan 18 North Korea 7

Kazakhstan 17 Switzerland 7

Hungary 15 Belgium 6

Denmark 15 Thailand 6

Kenya 13 Greece 6

Uzbekistan 13 Romania 5

Spain 11 Malaysia 5

Jamaica 11 Mexico 5

M5-42 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 42 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Use with Activity 2.4, Creating and Analyzing Stem-and-Leaf Plots

Age at First Age at First

President President
Inauguration Inauguration

Washington 57 Harrison 55

Adams, J. 61 McKinley 54

Jefferson 57 Roosevelt, T. 42

Madison 57 Taft 51

Monroe 58 Wilson 56

Adams, J.Q. 57 Harding 55

Jackson 61 Coolidge 51

Van Buren 54 Hoover 54

Harrison 68 Roosevelt, F.D. 51

Tyler 51 Truman 60

Polk 49 Eisenhower 62

Taylor 64 Kennedy 43

Fillmore 50 Johnson, L.B. 55

Pierce 48 Nixon 56

Buchanan 65 Ford 61

Lincoln 52 Carter 52

Johnson, A. 56 Reagan 69

Grant 46 Bush, G.H.W. 64

Hayes 54 Clinton 46

Garfield 49 Bush, G.W. 54

Arthur 50 Obama 47

Cleveland 47

LESSON 2: Get in Shape • M5-43

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 43 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Use with the Assignment.

Season Wins Losses Season Wins Losses

2015-2016 48 34 1991-1992 38 44

2014-2015 60 22 1990-1991 43 39

2013-2014 38 44 1989-1990 41 41

2012-2013 44 38 1988-1989 52 30

2011-2012 40 26 1987-1988 50 32

2010-2011 44 38 1986-1987 57 25

2009-2010 53 29 1985-1986 50 32

2008-2009 47 35 1984-1985 34 48

2007-2008 37 45 1983-1984 40 42

2006-2007 30 52 1982-1983 43 39

2005-2006 26 56 1981-1982 42 40

2004-2005 13 69 1980-1981 31 51

2003-2004 28 54 1979-1980 50 32

2002-2003 35 47 1978-1979 46 36

2001-2002 33 49 1977-1978 41 41

2000-2001 25 57 1976-1977 31 51

1999-2000 28 54 1975-1976 29 53

1998-1999 31 19 1974-1975 31 51

1997-1998 50 32 1973-1974 35 47

1996-1997 56 26 1972-1973 46 36

1995-1996 46 36 1971-1972 36 46

1994-1995 42 40 1970-1971 36 46

1993-1994 57 25 1969-1970 48 34

1992-1993 43 39 1968-1969 48 34

M5-44 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 44 1/12/19 8:17 PM


Write Remember
Write a definition for each of term in your own words. Data sets have distributions that can be
described according to their shape.
1. dot plot 6. clusters Dot plots are ideal for small data sets.
2. distribution 7. gaps Stem-and-leaf plots are ideal for
3. symmetric 8. peaks moderately sized data sets, especially if
4. skewed right 9. outliers you need to see the actual data values.
5. skewed left 10. stem-and-leaf plot

The data table at the end of the lesson shows the number of wins and losses the Atlanta Hawks have had
in 48 seasons in Atlanta.

1. Create a dot plot or a stem-and-leaf plot for the number of wins by the Atlanta Hawks. Be sure to name
your plot and provide a key if necessary.
2. Describe the distribution of the data. Include any specific graphical features or patterns. Explain what
your answer means in terms of the number of wins by the Hawks.
3. Create a dot plot or a stem-and-leaf plot for the number of losses by the Atlanta Hawks. Be sure to name
your plot and provide a key if necessary.
4. Describe the distribution of the data. Include any specific graphical features or patterns. Explain what
your answer means in terms of the number of losses by the Hawks.
5. Propose a win-loss record for an upcoming season that would result in a change in the overall
distribution of both plots.

LESSON 2: Get in Shape • M5-45

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 45 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Another type of display used to compare two data sets is a side-by-side or back-to-back stem-and-leaf plot.
1. Describe the distribution of each data set.
2. Then, use the key and the plot to list the numerical data values in each data set.

Data Set One Data Set Two

8 6 4

9 3 1 5 9

9 8 6 5 1 1 0 6 2 7

7 3 2 7 0 0 3 6 6 8 9

5 3 8 0 1 1 2

2 1 9

Key: 1|5|9 = 5.1 and 5.9

1. Write a statistical question about each situation.
a. vacation destinations
b. books

2. Plot and identify 4 points on a coordinate plane that are vertices of a parallelogram. Include points in
more than one quadrant. Draw the parallelogram. Write absolute value statements for the length of the
base and height of your parallelogram. Then, determine the area of the parallelogram.

3. Use long division to determine each quotient.

a. 247 4 8
b. 894 4 12

M5-46 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L02.indd 46 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Using Histograms to Display Data


Use the bar graph to answer each question. • Display and interpret
y numerical data in
Geraldine • Compare data displays.

Caleb • histogram
• grouped frequency table

0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18
Number of Sharks’ Teeth Found

1. Who found the most sharks’ teeth? How many did that
person find?
2. How many total sharks’ teeth did the friends find?

You have used dot plots and stem-and-leaf plots, which are good for small data sets.
How can you display data sets with a larger number of observations?

LESSON 3: Skyscrapers • M5-47

C01_SE_M05_T01_L03.indd 47 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Getting Started

State Parks
There are over 6000 state parks in the United States. The table shows
how many state parks there are in each of the states listed.

State Number of Parks

Colorado 42
Arizona 30
Nevada 24
Georgia 66
Tennessee 56
Alabama 27
Vermont 57
New Hampshire 75
Rhode Island 23

1. Create a bar graph using the data in the table.

2. Create another bar graph with the states in alphabetical order.

How is this bar graph different from your previous bar graph?

3. Suppose you wanted to graph state parks according to the

The remainder of
region of the country. How would your bar graph be different?
this lesson is about
histograms, which
look similar to bar

M5-48 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L03.indd 48 1/12/19 8:17 PM


3.1 Histograms

Minneapolis and St. Paul are known as the Twin Cities because
The graph shown
they are close to each other in Minnesota. Both cities are home to
is a histogram.
flourishing downtowns with tall buildings.
A histogram is a
1. Look at the graph shown. graphical way to
display quantitative
Number of Floors in the Tallest Buildings
in the Twin Cities or numerical data
30 using vertical bars.
Number of Buildings

15 The width of a
bar in a histogram
0 represents an interval
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
of data and is often
Number of Floors
referred to as a bin.
a. How is this graph different from the bar graphs you have
The height of the
used previously?
bar indicates the
frequency, or the
number of data
values included in any
b. What information does the histogram display? Describe given bin.
the data represented in the histogram shown. Look at the
title and the labels on the axes.

c. Are the data represented in the histogram discrete or

continuous? Explain your reasoning.

2. Describe the distribution of the data in terms of the overall

shape and the existence of peaks, clusters, and gaps.

LESSON 3: Skyscrapers • M5-49

C01_SE_M05_T01_L03.indd 49 1/12/19 8:17 PM

The first vertical bar in the histogram represents 8 buildings that have
at least 10 floors but fewer than 20 floors.
statistical 3. Let’s think about how the bars are displayed in the histogram.
might have a. How many bins are shown?
led to the
collection of
this data?

b. Are all the bins the same size?

c. What does the height of each bar represent?

4. Describe the range of floors included in each of the remaining

bins shown on the horizontal axis.

• 2nd bin: interval 20–30

In the second • 3rd bin: interval 30–40

bin, the
numbers 20
and 30 are • 4th bin: interval 40–50
called the
bounds of the
bin. What are • 5th bin: interval 50–60
the bounds of
the 5th bin?

5. If a new building was constructed that had 20 floors, which bin

would change? How would it change?

M5-50 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L03.indd 50 1/12/19 8:17 PM

6. Bella says, “There are 5 buildings represented in the histogram
since there are 5 bars.” Do you agree or disagree with Bella’s
statement? If you do not agree with Bella, estimate how many
buildings are represented in the histogram.

Dot plots show

individual data
values. Histograms
display grouped data.

7. Can you determine how many buildings have 31 floors?

Explain your reasoning.

The range is
the difference
8. Is it possible to determine the number of buildings that have between the
more than 35 floors from the histogram? Why or why not? highest and
the lowest
data value.

9. Is it possible to determine the range of the data set from the

histogram? Why or why not?

LESSON 3: Skyscrapers • M5-51

C01_SE_M05_T01_L03.indd 51 1/12/19 8:17 PM

To create a histogram, data is usually organized into a grouped
frequency table. A grouped frequency table is a table used to
organize data according to how many times data values within a given
range of values occur.

10. Complete the frequency table for the number of floors in the
Twin Cities' tallest buildings.

Floor Intervals Frequency (f )






11. Write a brief summary to report the results of your data

analysis about the number of floors in the Twin Cities’
tallest buildings.

M5-52 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L03.indd 52 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Creating and Analyzing
3.2 Histograms

New York City has over 5800 tall buildings and is home to the fifth
tallest building in the United States, the Empire State Building, which
is 381 meters tall. Not to be outdone, Chicago is home to the Willis
Tower, formerly known as Sears Tower. It stands an impressive
442 meters tall. So how do these big cities stack up to each other?
Are there any similarities or differences in the number of floors each
city’s 20 tallest buildings have?

The tables listing each city’s 20 tallest buildings are provided at

the end of the lesson. Use the tables to create grouped frequency
tables and histograms for each city’s tallest buildings.

1. Complete the grouped frequency tables for the number

of floors in each city’s 20 tallest buildings. Then complete Remember, if a data
the histograms. Make sure that you name your tables value lies on one of
and histograms. the bounds, it should
go in the bin to the
right of that bound.
Number of Frequency Number of Frequency
Floors (f ) Floors (f )

12 12
Number of Buildings

Number of Buildings

10 10
8 8
6 6
4 4
2 2
0 0
Number of Floors Number of Floors

LESSON 3: Skyscrapers • M5-53

C01_SE_M05_T01_L03.indd 53 1/12/19 8:17 PM

2. What is similar about the histograms? What are the differences
between the two histograms?

3. Use what you know about the distributions and patterns of a

graphical display to describe what the histograms say about
the number of floors in each city’s 20 tallest buildings.

Creating a Histogram with
3.3 Continuous Data

Each year, the Empire State Building Run-Up (ESBRU) challenges

runners to race up its stairs. You surveyed runners about their times
at the end of the Run-Up. The results are shown in the table.

Amount of Time to Complete the ESBRU (minutes)

10.4 11.25 15.76 9.81 12.05 18.2

10.52 13.73 13.01 12.75 14.99 11.24
15.0 15.57 16.6 14.8 13.35 12.22

1. Is the data in the table discrete or continuous?

Explain your reasoning.

M5-54 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L03.indd 54 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Shania and Trinh decide to make a histogram for the data set.
The intervals they each want to use for the histogram are shown.

Trinh Shania
9–10 9–10.9
11–12 11–12.9
13–14 13–14.9
15–16 15–16.9
17–18 17–18.9

2. Explain why both Trinh’s and Shania’s intervals are incorrect.

Use a data value from the table to explain.

LESSON 3: Skyscrapers • M5-55

C01_SE_M05_T01_L03.indd 55 1/12/19 8:17 PM

3. Create a grouped frequency table and histogram for the
amount of time to complete the ESBRU.
the size of
the intervals
allows you to
how the
data display

4. Create a second grouped frequency table and histogram for

the amount of time to complete the ESBRU. Use a different bin
width than you used in Question 3. What do you notice?

5. What conclusions can you make about the amount of time it

takes to complete the Empire State Building Run-Up? Use what
you know about distributions and patterns of graphical displays.

M5-56 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L03.indd 56 1/12/19 8:17 PM


Which Plot Is Best?

Throughout this topic, you have created and analyzed a variety of
numerical data displays.

1. List at least one advantage and one disadvantage of using

each type of plot to display numerical data.

Advantage Disadvantage
(or Use) (or Limitation)

dot plot

stem-and-leaf plot


LESSON 3: Skyscrapers • M5-57

C01_SE_M05_T01_L03.indd 57 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Use with Activity 3.2, Creating and Analyzing Histograms

New York City’s 20 Tallest Buildings Chicago’s 20 Tallest Buildings

Number Number
Name of Building of Name of Building of
Floors Floors

One World Trade Center 104 Willis Tower 108

432 Park Avenue 89 Trump International Hotel and 98


Empire State Building 103 Aon Center 83

Bank of America Tower 54 John Hancock Center 100

Three World Trade Center 80 Franklin Center North Tower 61

Chrysler Building 77 Two Prudential Plaza 64

The New York Times Building 52 311 South Wacker Drive 65

One57 75 900 North Michigan 66

Four World Trade Center 74 Water Tower Place 74

70 Pine Street 66 Aqua 82

30 Park Place 82 Chase Tower 60

40 Wall Street 70 Park Tower 67

Citigroup Center 59 The Legacy at Millennium 73


10 Hudson Yards 52 300 North LaSalle 60

8 Spruce Street 76 Three First National Plaza 57

Trump World Tower 72 Grant Thornton Tower 50

30 Rockefeller Center 70 Blue Cross Blue Shield Tower 57

56 Leonard Street 57 One Museum Park 62

CitySpire Center 75 Olympia Centre 63

28 Liberty Street 60 330 North Wabash 52

M5-58 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L03.indd 58 1/12/19 8:17 PM


Write Remember
Write a definition for each term Histograms are used when the data is numerical. Numerical data
in your own words. can be represented continuously in intervals.

1. histogram The intervals in a histogram must all be the same size. The width
2. grouped frequency table of the bar represents the interval. The height of the bar indicates
the frequency of values in the interval.

Jeremy’s scores for the first 20 times he played the card game, Clubs and Swords, are listed.
50, 199, 246, 356, 89, 210, 391, 325, 273, 260, 100, 172, 123, 167, 194, 172, 23, 426, 75, 239

1. Create a frequency table and a histogram to display Jeremy’s scores. Be sure to name your histogram.
2. Describe the distribution of the data. Include any specific graphical features or patterns. Explain what
your answer means in terms of Jeremy’s scores.
3. Create a second frequency table and histogram to provide a different view of the data distribution.

Aviana claims that she can turn any stem-and-leaf plot into a histogram. Is she correct? Provide an example
or a counterexample.

LESSON 3: Skyscrapers • M5-59

C01_SE_M05_T01_L03.indd 59 1/12/19 8:17 PM

1. Describe the shape of each histogram.

a. Amusement Parks, Theme Parks, b. Test Scores for Mr. Watson’s Math Test
Water Parks, and Zoos in the U.S. 10
27 9

Number of Students
21 7
Number of Cities

3 0
0 60 70 80 90 100
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 Test Score
Number of Parks and Zoos

2. A free diver is diving at a constant rate of 0.75 feet per second. Write and graph an equation that
represents the situation.

3. Tell a story to describe the graph.

Money Spent Over Budget ($)

Time (in months)

4. Determine the absolute value of each number.

a. |24.2| 7
b. 11__
8 | |

M5-60 • TOPIC 1: The Statistical Process

C01_SE_M05_T01_L03.indd 60 1/12/19 8:17 PM

The Statistical Process
• variability • observational study • skewed right
• data • experiment • skewed left
• statistical question • bar graph • clusters
• statistical process • circle graph • gaps
• categorical data • frequency • peaks
• quantitative data • mode • outliers
• population • dot plot • stem-and-leaf plot
• sample • distribution • histogram
• survey • symmetric • grouped frequency table


1 What’s Your Question?

Statistical problem solving begins with a statistical question. A statistical question is a question
that anticipates an answer based on data that vary. Data are categories, numbers, or observations
gathered in response to a statistical question. Statistics is a problem-solving process because it
is about determining a possible answer to a question that has variability. In statistics, variability
means that the value of the attribute being studied can change from one person or thing to

The statistical process has four components:

1. Formulating a statistical question.

The statistical question posed should anticipate answers that will vary.
Example: How many members do the clubs at my school have?
Non-example: How many students are in the Chess Club?


C01_SE_TS_M05_T01.indd 61 1/12/19 8:18 PM

2. Collecting appropriate data.

Two types of variable data that can be collected are categorical and quantitative data.
Categorical data, or qualitative data, are data for which each piece of data fits into
exactly one of several different groups or categories. Quantitative data, or numerical
data, are data for which each piece of data can be placed on a numerical scale and

A statistical question can be answered by collecting data from an entire population

or, more commonly, from a sample of the population. A population is an entire set of
items from which data are collected. A sample is a selection from a population.

Three common methods of data collection are surveys, observational studies, and
experiments. In a survey, people are asked one or more questions. Similarly, in an
observational study, the researcher collects data by observing the variable of interest.
In an experiment, the researcher imposes a condition and observes the results.

3. Analyzing the data graphically and numerically.

After you collect the data, it is time to Favorite Sports

analyze and interpret the results. Analysis 8
includes selecting the most appropriate 7
graphical display and numerical 6
summaries for your question and your 5
method of data collection. 4
A bar graph displays categorical data 2
using either horizontal or vertical bars 1
on a graph. The height or length of 0
each bar indicates the value for that
So all

sk ll
Ba all
W ball

na g
Vo t i c s
Sw rack
Ba tba

Gy stlin







A circle graph, often called a pie chart,

displays categorical data using sectors, Favorite Sports
or “wedges,” of a circle. It shows how Swimming Football
parts of the whole relate to the whole Track
and how parts of the whole relate to Softball
the other parts. The area of each sector
corresponds to the percentage of the
part in relation to the whole. Gymnastics Basketball
Wrestling Baseball


C01_SE_TS_M05_T01.indd 62 1/12/19 8:18 PM

To create graphs, you can determine the frequency of each response to a statistical
question and record the frequencies in a frequency table. A frequency is the number
of times an item or number occurs in a data set. Once the frequency is known, you can
determine the mode. The mode is the value or values that occur most frequently in a
data set.

4. Interpreting the results of the analysis.

You can use your analysis to make

conclusions about the data. For example, Sport Frequency (f)
from the graphs and table above you
can conclude that basketball is the most Football 4
popular sport among those that were Softball 3
Basketball 7

Baseball 2

Wrestling 1

Gymnastics 5

Volleyball 3

Track 3

Swimming 2


C01_SE_TS_M05_T01.indd 63 1/12/19 8:18 PM


2 Get in Shape

One way to describe a set of quantitative data is by drawing a graphical display of the data.

A dot plot is a data display that shows discrete data on a number line with dots, Xs, or other
symbols. Dot plots help organize and display a small number of data points.

In this example of a dot plot, the number line represents the number of gold medals won by
countries in the 2014 Winter Olympics. Each X above a number represents a country that won
that many gold medals.
2014 Winter Olympics Gold Medal Wins by
Medal-Winning Countries

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Number of Gold Medals Won

When you analyze a graphical representation of numeric data, you can look at its shape,
center, and spread to draw conclusions.

The overall shape of a graph is called the distribution of data. A distribution is the way in
which the data are spread out. The shape of the distribution can reveal a lot of information
about data. There are many different distributions, but the most common are symmetric,
skewed right, and skewed left.


C01_SE_TS_M05_T01.indd 64 1/12/19 8:18 PM

When analyzing a graphical display of data, you can also look for any interesting patterns.
Some of these patterns include:

• clusters—areas where data are grouped close together

• gaps—areas where there are no data
• peaks—values that contain more data points than the values on either side of it
• outliers—data values that lie a large distance from the other data. Outliers usually
accompany gaps in data.
Shapes of Typical Distribution of Graphical Displays of Data
x x x
x x x
x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

symmetric skewed right skewed left

• The left and right • The peak of the • The peak of the
halves of the graph data is to the data is to the right
are mirror images left side of the side of the graph.
of each other. graph. • There are only a
• The peak is in the • There are only a few data points to
middle, because few data points the left side of the
there are many data to the right side graph.
values in the center. of the graph.

Total Medals Won by Countries A stem-and-leaf plot is a graphical

2016 Summer Olympics method used to represent ordered
0 5 5 5 6 6 6 7 7 7 8 8 8 8 8 9 9 numerical data sets with a larger range of
1 0 0 0 1 1 1 1 1 3 3 5 5 7 8 8 8 9 9 data values. Once the data is ordered, the
2 2 8 9 stem and leaves are determined. Typically,
3 the stem is all the digits in a number
4 1 2 2
except the rightmost digit, which is the
5 6
6 7 leaf.
7 0
12 1

Key: 4 |1 = 41 medals won.


C01_SE_TS_M05_T01.indd 65 1/12/19 8:18 PM


3 Skyscrapers

A histogram is a graphical Number of Floors in the Tallest Buildings

in the Twin Cities
way to display quantitative or
numerical data using vertical Number of Buildings
bars. The numerical data are 20
represented continuously 15
with intervals. The intervals in
a histogram must all be the 0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60
same size. The width of a bar
Number of Floors
in a histogram represents the
interval. The height of the bar indicates the frequency, or the number of data values,
in the interval.

Dot plots show individual data values. Histograms display grouped data. For example,
you cannot determine from the histogram how many buildings have 21 floors, or more
than 45 floors.

To create a histogram, data is usually organized into

Floor Intervals Frequency (f )
a grouped frequency table. A grouped frequency
10–20 8 table is a table used to organize data according to
how many times data values within a given range of
20–30 27
values occur.
30–40 16
For example, this grouped frequency table displays
40–50 5 the data represented by the histogram above.
50–60 4


C01_SE_TS_M05_T01.indd 66 1/12/19 8:18 PM


Numerical Summaries of Data

The size of vertebrates varies widely, from blue whales at the large end to tiny frogs at the small end.

Lesson 1
In the Middle
Analyzing Data Using Measures of Center . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M5-71

Lesson 2
Box It Up
Displaying the Five-Number Summary . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M5-87

Lesson 3
March MADness
Mean Absolute Deviation . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M5-105

Lesson 4
You Chose… Wisely
Choosing Appropriate Measures . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . M5-117

C01_SE_M05_T02_INTRO.indd 67 1/12/19 8:17 PM

C01_SE_M05_T02_INTRO.indd 68 1/12/19 8:17 PM
Carnegie Learning Family Guide Course 1
Module 5: Describing Variability of Quantities
TOPIC 2: NUMERICAL Where have we been?
SUMMARIES OF DATA In prior grades, students determined which
In this topic, students learn about
value in a data set occurred the most. This
measures of central tendency and
measure is the mode. Students build on
measures of variability and when each
that as they learn about other measures
is the most appropriate measure for a
of central tendency: the median and the
given data set. Students may have an
mean. When students learned about
informal or intuitive understanding of
division, they created equal groups, which
“average,” but this topic formalizes the
is a similar construct to mean as “fair share.”
ideas of the mean and median of a data
set. They learn that the median is the
Where are we going?
middle value in a data set and that the
This topic provides students with the
mean can be thought of as a fair share
building blocks of numerical data analysis:
or the balance point of a data set. From
calculating measures of central tendency
there, students learn about measures of
and measures of variability to describe
variability, specifically the interquartile
data. Students will continue to use these
range and mean absolute deviation.
computations, and the reasoning behind
Students analyze data sets, selecting the
them, as they compare data distributions in
most appropriate measures of central
grade 7.
tendency and measures of variability.

Using Models to Determine the Mean of a Data Set

The model shows how fair shares can be used to visualize the mean of a data set.
For example, this simplified data set shows 2 and 6. By moving 2 from the stack of 6 to
the stack of 2, the data are evenly distributed, with 4 in each stack. Thus, the mean of 2 and
6 is 4.

TOPIC 2: Family Guide • M5-69

C01_SE_FG_M05_T02.indd 69 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Myth: Some students are “right-brain” learners
while other students are “left-brain” learners.
As you probably know, the brain is divided into two hemispheres: the left and the
right. Some categorize people by their preferred or dominant mode of thinking.
“Right-brain” thinkers are considered to be more intuitive, creative, and imaginative. “Left-
brain” thinkers are more logical, verbal, and mathematical.
The brain can also be broken down into lobes. The occipital lobe can be found in back of the
brain, and it is responsible for processing visual information. The temporal lobes, which sit
above your ears, process language and sensory information. A band across the top of your
head is the parietal lobe, and it controls movement. Finally, the frontal lobe is where planning
and learning occurs. Another way to think about the brain is from the back to the front,
where information goes from highly concrete to abstract.
Why don’t we claim that some people are “back of the brain” thinkers who are highly concrete;
whereas, others are “frontal thinkers” who are more abstract? The reason is that the brain is a
highly interconnected organ. Each lobe hands off information to be processed by other lobes,
and they are constantly talking to each other. All of us are whole-brain thinkers!

Talking Points Key Terms

You can support your student’s learning by median
asking questions about the work they do in The median is the middle number in a
class or at home. Your student is learning data set when the values are placed in
about the process of framing questions order from least to greatest.
about data and representing data
The mean is the arithmetic average of the
Questions to Ask numbers in a data set.
• How does this problem look like
something you did in class? range
• Can you show me the strategy you used The range is the difference between the
to solve this problem? Do you know maximum and minimum values of a data set.
another way to solve it?
• Does your answer make sense? Why?
• Is there anything you don’t understand?
How can you use today’s lesson to help?

M5-70 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_FG_M05_T02.indd 70 1/12/19 8:13 PM

In the Middle
Analyzing Data Using Measures
of Center


Simplify each numeric expression. • Define the three measures of center: mode,
median, and mean.
1. (13 1 17) 4 2 • Recognize that a measure of center for a numerical data
set is a single value that summarizes all of its values.
2. (29 1 36) 4 2 • Give quantitative measures of center for a data set,
including mean and/or median, and interpret the
3. (48 1 9) 4 2 mode, median, and mean for a data set.

4. (27 1 31) 4 2 KEY TERMS

• measure of center
• mode
• median
• balance point
• mean

You have analyzed, created, and interpreted data displays such as dot plots, stem-and-leaf
plots, and histograms. You have described shapes and patterns in distributions of data
displays. How can you describe a numerical data set as a single value?

LESSON 1: In the Middle • M5-71

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 71 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Getting Started

Describing Data
Analyze each display. Identify the most typical value and estimate the
middle value in each.
What patterns
do you notice 1. Pencils in Backpacks
in the data? X

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Number of Pencils

2. Ages of U.S. First Ladies

(20th Century)
3 1

4 0 3 4 5 7 8 9

5 0 2 4 6 6 6 9

6 0 0 3

Key: 6|0 means 60.

3. Hours Spent Playing Video

Games on Weekends
Number of Students

0 5 10 15 20 25
Hours Spent Playing Video Games

M5-72 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 72 1/12/19 8:17 PM


1.1 Measures of Center

When you analyze a set of data, you often want to describe it

A measure of center
numerically. One way to numerically describe a data set is to use a
tells you how the data
measure of center.
values are clustered,
or where the “center”
There are three measures that describe how a data set is centered:
of a graph of the data
the mean, the median, and the mode.
is located.

The mode is the data value or values that occur most frequently in a
data set.
A data set can have
The median is the middle number in a data set when the values are more than one mode.
placed in order from least to greatest or greatest to least. When
a data set has an odd number of data values, you can determine
which number is exactly in the middle of the data set. If there is
an even number of data values, then the median is calculated by
adding the two middle numbers and dividing by 2.

1. The Olive Street Middle School girls’ basketball team has

a chance to be in the league playoffs. Coach Harris must
determine which of the following 3 players should get more
playing time in the first playoff game. In the past six games,
Josephine scored 12, 12, 6, 26, 4, and 12 points. Shelly scored
3, 2, 8, 17, 10, and 20 points. Chanice scored 15, 12, 13, 10, 8,
and 14 points.

a. Determine the mode for the number of points scored by

each player.

b. Determine the median number of points scored by

each player.

LESSON 1: In the Middle • M5-73

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 73 1/12/19 8:17 PM

c. Which of these two measures of center, mode or median,
would be better for Coach Harris to use in making her
decision? Explain your reasoning.

2. Explain what Lamar

did incorrectly to Lamar says that the
determine that the median is 10 for the
data set 5, 6, 10, 4, and 9.
median was 10.
Then determine the
correct median.

M5-74 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 74 1/12/19 8:17 PM

A Third Measure: Mean as NOTES
1.2 Fair Share

There is a third measure of center that can describe the values in a

data set. This measure of center is called the mean and is based on
leveling off or creating fair shares.


Analyze the two stacks of cubes.

If you were to create two equal stacks of cubes, you would subtract
two cubes from the greater stack, and add the two cubes to the
lesser stack. In doing so, you have created two equal stacks.

LESSON 1: In the Middle • M5-75

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 75 1/12/19 8:17 PM

1. Analyze each stack of cubes shown. Create four equal stacks
of cubes. Record what operations you performed.

a. 2, 3, 5, 6

b. 2, 3, 5, 10

You have to
keep the number
of stacks the

2. Compare your results from parts (a) and (b). How did the
number of cubes in each equal stack change in part (b)?
Explain why this happened.

M5-76 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 76 1/12/19 8:17 PM

A Third Measure: Mean as
1.3 Balancing

In the previous activity, data values were represented by stacks of

cubes. You rearranged the stacks to create equal stacks, or fair shares.
You can also represent quantities on a number line and create a
balance point.


Consider the data set: 2, 6.

2 6


2 6

The value 2 was moved to the right from 2 to 4. To maintain balance,

6 was moved 2 to the left from 6 to 4. The balance point is 4.

When you have

When you are attempting to create a balance on a number line, if all the points at
you move a value to the right a certain amount, then you must also the same value,
move a value to the left that amount. You can move a data value to the number line is
the left and right as much as you like as long as you do the opposite balanced. The value
to another data value. You can start however you like. where the number
line is balanced is
1. What do you think the m represents? called the balance

You can also determine the balance point of a number line with
more than two data points.

LESSON 1: In the Middle • M5-77

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 77 1/12/19 8:17 PM

2. Kathryn determined the balance point of the data set. Record
the operations she used on the blank lines in each step. Label
the balance point in Step 3.

Kathryn’s Method
Data set: 2, 3, 8, 11..

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Step 1

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Step 2

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

Step 3

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11

M5-78 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 78 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Recall the data sets for the number of points each player scored for
the Olive Street Middle School Basketball team.

3. For each data set, determine the balance point on the

number lines shown. Record the steps you used to determine
the balance point.

a. Josephine
Data set: 12, 12, 6, 26, 4, 12

4 6 12 26

b. Shelly
Data set: 3, 2, 8, 17, 10, 20

2 3 8 10 17 20

c. Chanice
Data set: 15, 12, 13, 10, 8, 14

8 10 12 13 14 15

LESSON 1: In the Middle • M5-79

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 79 1/12/19 8:17 PM

The balance point can also be called the mean. The mean is the
arithmetic average of the numbers in a data set.


The mean is calculated by adding all of the values in the data set
and dividing the sum by the number of values.

The mean of the data set for the points Josephine scored is
calculated by:

Step 1: 12 1 12 1 6 1 26 1 4 1 12 5 72
The expression
72 4 6 takes the Step 2: ___ 5 12
72 total points and
divides them evenly You can verify that the mean is 12 because the balance point of the
into 6 games, for 12 data set is 12.
points in each game.

4. Calculate the mean number of points scored by each player.

a. Josephine
Data set: 12, 12, 6, 26, 4, 12

b. Shelly
Data set: 3, 2, 8, 17, 10, 20

b. Chanice
Data set: 15, 12, 13, 10, 8, 14

M5-80 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 80 1/12/19 8:17 PM


1.4 In the Middle

A corporation is awarding grants to local schools to purchase fitness

Statistical Process
equipment. The principal at Sharpe Middle School would like to
• Formulate
submit an application for the grant. If awarded the money, the Question
school would like to add fitness equipment to the gym. • Collect Data
• Graph and Analyze
Before she submits the application, the principal wants to • Interpret
understand how much time the students at Sharpe Middle School
spend exercising each weekday. She decides to give a survey to
15 anonymous students. The results are shown.

0 minutes 40 minutes 60 minutes 30 minutes 60 minutes

10 minutes 45 minutes 30 minutes 300 minutes 90 minutes
30 minutes 120 minutes 60 minutes 0 minutes 20 minutes

1. Identify the statistical question posed in this situation.

Create a display from the survey data. Calculate and interpret
each measure of center. Then write a summary statement
based on your findings.

LESSON 1: In the Middle • M5-81

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 81 1/12/19 8:17 PM


Describing a Numerical Data Set as a

Single Value
In this lesson you learned about three measures of center: mode,
median, and mean.

1. Describe how you can use each measure of center to

describe a data set.

2. What are the most important differences between each

of the measures of center?

3. Which is your favorite measure of center? Why?

M5-82 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 82 1/12/19 8:17 PM


Write Remember
Choose a word to best complete each sentence. There are three measures of
center: mode, median, and mean.
measure of center mode median mean balance point
Measures of center are numerical
1. A for a numerical data set ways of determining where the
summarizes all of its values with a single number. center of data is located.
2. The is the arithmetic average of the
numbers in a data set.
3. When you have all the points on a number line at the same
value after moving data values, this value is called the
4. The is the middle number in a
data set when the values are placed in order from least to
5. The is the data value or values that
occur most frequently in a data set.

1. Determine the mode and median for each data set. What does each measure of center tell you about
the data set?
a. The heights of each of your classmates in inches are 62, 58, 67, 68, 68, 72, 66, 65, 60, 61, 64, 67,
and 64.
b. Yolanda made golf putts from distances of 7 feet, 15 feet, 8 feet, 9.5 feet, and 11 feet from the hole.
c. Everyone in your class reaches into their pockets to see how much change they have. The amounts, in
cents, are 15, 48, 92, 72, 50, 75, 70, 18, 85, 95, 42, 25, 63, 59, 87, 13, 55, 75, 99, and 25.

2. Ms. Zhang’s math class has had 5 quizzes, each worth 10 points. Julian and his friends, Mona and Timi,
are determining who did the best on the quizzes. Their scores are:
Julian: 3, 9, 9, 9, 10
Mona: 6, 7, 7, 10, 10
Timi: 6, 7, 8, 9, 10
a. According to the mode, who did the best on the quizzes? Is the mode a good way to determine who
did best on the quizzes? Why or why not?
b. According to the median, who did the best on the quizzes? Is the median a good way to determine
who did best on the the quizzes? Why or why not?

LESSON 1: In the Middle • M5-83

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 83 1/12/19 8:17 PM

c. Determine the mean score by leveling off. Show diagrams and record your operations.
d. Determine each student’s mean by determining the balance point. Show your steps on a number line
and record your operations.
e. Calculate each students mean score.
f. Who would you say did best on the quizzes? Explain your choice.

3. The rate at which crickets chirp is affected by the temperature. In fact, you can estimate the outside
temperature by counting cricket chirps. As a homework assignment, Mr. Ortega asks each of his students
to count the number of chirps they hear in 15 seconds at 8:00 pm. The results are shown.
36, 37, 41, 39, 35, 39, 35, 39, 42, 37, 40, 35, 36, 37, 42, 35, 37, 37, 38, 42, 41, 37, 41
a. Determine the mode for the number of chirps heard in 15 seconds.
b. What does the mode tell you about the number of chirps heard in 15 seconds?
c. Determine the median number of chirps heard in 15 seconds.
d. What does the median tell you about the number of chirps heard in 15 seconds?
e. Calculate the mean number of chirps heard by the students in 15 seconds.
f. What does the mean tell you about the number of chirps heard in 15 seconds?

4. An estimate of the temperature outside can be calculated by adding 40 to the number of cricket chirps
you hear in 15 seconds. Chelsea used a sample of six calculated chirps:
76, 74, 74, 76, 73, 77
a. Use a number line to determine the balance point to estimate the mean number of chirps. Then,
describe the steps you took to determine the balance point.
b. Calculate the mean from the data values. How does it compare to your answer from part (a)?

1. Create a data set where the mean is greater than the median.
2. Create a data set where the mean is less than the median.

M5-84 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 84 1/12/19 8:17 PM

1. Describe the shape of the distribution of the data shown.

a. 1|4 = 14 b. 4|1 = 4.1

1 4 4 1

2 0 1 5 3 7 8

3 2 2 9 6 0 1 4 4

4 1 4 5 6 7 7 1 3 4 7

5 3 5 7 7 8 0 9 9

9 6

2. The graph represents the total distance traveled in miles. Use the graph to answer each question.



Distance (miles)






0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Time (hours)

a. Write an equation to represent the graph. Define each variable.

b. If you know the number of hours, how can you use the graph to determine any total distance?
How many hours did it take to travel 120 miles?

3. Evaluate each expression.

(8 1 2)2
a. _______
b. 10 1 52 2 3 ? 22

LESSON 1: In the Middle • M5-85

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 85 1/12/19 8:17 PM

C01_SE_M05_T02_L01.indd 86 1/12/19 8:17 PM
Box It Up
Displaying the Five-Number Summary


The scores from an English quiz are • Give quantitative measures of variation, including
displayed in the stem-and-leaf plot. interquartile range, and interpret the range,
quartiles, and interquartile range as measures of
Stem Leaf variation for a data set.
4 0 • Calculate and interpret the five-number summary
5 8 as a measure of variation for a data set.
6 1 • Display numerical data in box plots.
• Describe an overall pattern of data with reference
7 2
to the context in which the data were gathered.
8 3 4 5
Key • measures of variation
5u8 5 58% • range
• quartile
1. What is the median of the data?
• interquartile range (IQR)
2. What does the median describe
• box-and-whisker plot
in the problem situation?

Mean, median, and mode are used to describe measures of center for a data set. Other
characteristics are also important, such as how much the data varies from that center. How
can you use mathematics to describe the variation in a data set?

LESSON 2: Box It Up • M5-87

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 87 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Getting Started

Human Box Plot

You teacher will provide you with an index card and a penny. On the
index card, write the date imprinted on the penny.

1. Consider the data from the class and predict the shape of the
data set. Do you think that it will be skewed right, skewed left, or
symmetrical? Do you think that there will be any clusters or gaps?

On your teacher’s signal, line up with your index card from oldest
date to the most recent date. As a class, discuss how to determine the
following measures.

2. Complete the table for your data set.

Lower Quartile Upper Quartile

Minimum Median Maximum
(Q1) (Q3)

3. Use what you learned in this activity to write descriptions of

each term.

a. minimum

b. lower quartile (Q1)

c. median

d. upper quartile (Q3)

e. maximum

M5-88 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 88 1/12/19 8:17 PM

2.1 The 5-Number Summary

Given the collection of pennies provided by your teacher, line up the

pennies from the earliest imprinted date to the most recent.

1. Describe the variation of the data.

A measure of variation describes the spread of data values. One

measure of variation is the range. The range is the difference
between the maximum and minimum values of a data set.

2. Identify the minimum and maximum values of the data set.

3. Calculate the range for the penny data.

LESSON 2: Box It Up • M5-89

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 89 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Another set of values that helps to describe variation in a data set is
NOTES a quartile. When data in a set is arranged in order, quartiles are the
numbers that split data into quarters (or fourths).

Quartiles are often denoted by the letter Q followed by a number

that indicates which fourth it represents. Since the median is the
second quartile, it could be denoted Q2. The other quartiles are
Q1 and Q3.

4. How do you calculate the quartiles for a data set?

5. How many quartiles does it take to divide the data

into fourths?

In your workspace, divide your pennies into quartiles, leaving a space

for each.

6. Identify the value of each quartile for the penny data in

your group.

a. Q1 b. Q2

c. Q3

M5-90 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 90 1/12/19 8:17 PM

7. For each quartile, identify what percent of the data is below
the quartile and what percent of the data is above the quartile. NOTES
below above

a. Q1

b. Q2

c. Q3

8. What percent of the data is between Q1 and Q3?

The interquartile range, abbreviated IQR, is the difference between

the third quartile, Q3, and the first quartile, Q1. The IQR indicates the
range of the middle 50 percent of the data.

9. What do you think is meant by the middle 50 percent?

10. Do you think it is possible for two sets of data to have the
same range, but different IQRs? Explain your reasoning.

LESSON 2: Box It Up • M5-91

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 91 1/12/19 8:17 PM

11. What is the IQR for your penny data?

To summarize and describe the spread of the data values, you can use
the five-number summary. The five-number summary includes these 5
values from a data set:

• Minimum: the least value in the data set

• Q1: the first quartile
• Median: the median of the data set
• Q3: the third quartile
• Maximum: the greatest value in a data set.

12. Determine the 5-number summary and IQR for each data set.
Explain the process you used to calculate the values and what
they tell you about the data.

a. 24, 32, 16, 18, 30, 20

b. 200, 150, 260, 180, 300, 240, 280

M5-92 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 92 1/12/19 8:17 PM

2.2 Box-and-Whisker Plots

There is a special type of graph that displays the variation in a

data set. A box-and-whisker plot, or just box plot, is a graph that
displays the five-number summary of a data set.

Examine the box-and-whisker plot shown.


Recall that the five-number summary consists of:

• minimum value in the data set
• Q1
• median
• Q3
• maximum value in the data set

Parts of a Box-and-Whisker Plot


whisker whisker

number line

minimum Q1 median Q3 maximum

value value

1. What does the “box” in the box-and-whisker plot represent?

What do the “whiskers” represent?

LESSON 2: Box It Up • M5-93

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 93 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Box-and-whisker plots can be represented horizontally and vertically.

2. Use the box-and-whisker plot shown to answer each question.

Number of Points Scored
on a Math Test


a. Identify the given values for the points scored on the math
test. Then, explain what those values tell you about the
scores on the test.

• minimum: • Q1:
What percent
of the test
scores are
between Q1 • median: • Q3:
and Q3?

• maximum: • range:

b. Determine the IQR for the test scores. Then, explain what
the IQR represents in this problem situation.

c. How many students took the math test? Explain

your answer.

M5-94 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 94 1/12/19 8:17 PM

d. Karyn says the median should be at 50 because it is in the
middle of the number line. Do you agree with Karyn’s claim?
Explain how you determined your answer.

e. Jamal claims that more students scored between 15 and

40 than between 70 and 90 because the lower whisker is
longer than the upper whisker. Do you agree or disagree
with Jamal? Explain your reasoning.

You can describe the distribution of a box plot in the same way you
described the shapes of stem-and-leaf plots or histograms.

3. How would you describe the distribution of the box plot? Why?

4. Create a box-and-whisker plot to represent the penny data.

First, recall the values of the five-number summary.

a. minimum: b. Q1:

c. median: d. Q3:

e. maximum:

LESSON 2: Box It Up • M5-95

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 95 1/12/19 8:17 PM

5. Use the number line shown to complete the box-and-whisker plot.
Building a Box Plot

• Label the number line.

Include the maximum
and minimum values.
• Place dots above
the minimum and
maximum values.
• Place vertical lines
above the median and
a. Describe the distribution of the box plot.
quartile values. Draw
the box around them.
• Draw lines, or whiskers,
to connect the box
to the minimum and
b. How do the lengths of the whiskers compare? Describe why
maximum values.
you think this is so.
• Name the box-and-
whisker plot.

6. Think about the line of pennies that you created when you
ordered them by imprinted dates and separated them into

a. How many pennies were below Q1? How many pennies were
above Q3?

b. Do these values match the length of the whiskers on your

box-and-whisker plot?

7. Summarize what you can determine about the penny data by

examining the box plot.

M5-96 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 96 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Comparing Box-and-
2.3 Whisker Plots

A newspaper reporter is writing an investigative story about the Wait Time

wait time at two local restaurants. With the help of her assistant, (minutes)
the reporter randomly selected 11 patrons at each restaurant and
The Captain’s
recorded how many minutes they had to wait before being served. Corner
The results are shown.
16 60
1. Create a vertical box-and-whisker plot for the wait times at 22 15
each of the restaurants. Use the same number line for each 12 24
representation so that they can be compared. 20 18
16 23

The First Deck

34 60
44 10
27 52

2. Describe the distributions of each box plot. 26 31

47 48

3. What is the range of wait times? What does the five-number

summary tell you about the spread of the data that the range
does not tell you?

LESSON 2: Box It Up • M5-97

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 97 1/12/19 8:17 PM

4. What do the IQR values tell you about the time spent waiting
at each restaurant?

5. How does the mean wait time compare to the median wait
time for each restaurant?

6. Assume the food prices and service were the same in both
restaurants. Write a brief summary to report the results of your
data analysis back to the newspaper reporter to help answer
their question about wait times in The Captain’s Corner and
The First Deck restaurants.

M5-98 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 98 1/12/19 8:17 PM


Build a Box
1. Analyze the box-and-whisker plot shown. Determine if
each statement is true or false and provide a reason for
your decision.
Boys Girls







a. On average, the girls are taller.

b. The range of heights is greater for the boys.

c. Half the girls are over 165 cm tall.

d. Half the boys are over 172 cm tall.

e. The shortest person is a boy.

f. The tallest person is a boy.

LESSON 2: Box It Up • M5-99

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 99 1/12/19 8:17 PM

NOTES 2. Use the given information to determine a five-number
summary and construct a box-and-whisker plot. Is your data
set the only possible solution? Why or why not?

• The data set has a range of 30.

• The maximum value is 50.

• The IQR is 10.

• The median is closer to Q1 than to Q3.

3. Create a data set to represent the box-and-whisker plot

shown. Is your data set the only possible solution? Why or
why not?


a. Data set with 11 numbers.

b. Data set with 8 numbers.

M5-100 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 100 1/12/19 8:17 PM


Write the term that best completes each statement.

range quartiles interquartile range five-number summary

1. The is the difference between the first quartile and the third quartile.

2. The for a set of data is the difference between the maximum and minimum

3. are values that divide a data set into four equal parts once the data are
arranged in ascending order.

4. A(n) lists the minimum and maximum values, the median, and the quartiles for
a set of data.

To summarize and describe the spread of data values, you can use a five-number summary. A five-number
summary includes 5 values from a data set:

• Minimum: the least value in the data set

• Q1: the first quartile, or the median of the lower half of data
• Median: the median of the data set
• Q3: the third quartile, or the median of the upper half of data
• Maximum: the greatest value in a data set.

The representation of a five-number summary is called a box-and-whisker plot, or simply a box plot.

1. The box-and-whisker plot shows the distribution of scores on a history quiz.

65 70 75 80 85 90 95 100

a. Identify the median of the data and interpret its meaning.

b. Identify the range of the data and interpret its meaning.
2. Answer each question using the data set: 0, 5, 5, 15, 30, 30, 45, 50, 50, 60, 75, 110, 140, 240, 330.
a. Sketch a box-and-whisker plot.
b. What is the median for the data set?
c. What is Q3 for the data set?

LESSON 2: Box It Up • M5-101

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 101 1/12/19 8:17 PM

3. Answer each question using the data set: 10, 10, 10, 10, 35, 75, 90, 95, 100, 175, 420, 490, 515, 515, 790.
a. Sketch a box-and-whisker plot.
b. What do you notice about this box-and-whisker plot?
c. What is the median for the data set?
4. The residents of Summersville, West Virginia, are concerned about people speeding through their town
on US Route 19. The police decide to monitor the speed of the cars that pass through the town at various
times during the day. The data show the recorded speeds in miles per hour of 23 cars at 7:30 am on one
Wednesday morning.
73, 68, 72, 61, 51, 68, 70, 53, 72, 71, 46, 51, 55, 53, 65, 57, 65, 57, 58, 68, 61, 48, 83
a. What is the range of data?
b. Construct a box-and-whisker plot of the data.
c. Interpret each number in the five-number summary.
d. What does the IQR value tell you about the speeds of the cars?
e. If the speed limit through the town is 50 miles per hour, should the residents be concerned based on
this data?
5. San Francisco, California, and Richmond, Virginia, are located at about the same latitude on opposite
sides of the United States. The table shows the amount of rainfall each city gets on average each month.

Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Jul. Aug. Sep. Oct. Nov. Dec.

San Francisco, 4.4 3.3 3.1 1.4 0.3 0.1 0.0 0.1 0.3 1.3 2.9 3.1
CA in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in.
3.3 3.3 3.6 3.0 3.8 3.6 5.0 4.4 3.3 3.5 3.3 3.3
Richmond, VA
in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in. in.

a. Calculate and interpret the range of rainfall for each city.

b. Construct box-and-whisker plots for the average rainfall for each city on the same graph.
c. Compare the rainfall in San Francisco and Richmond. Describe the shape of each box plot.
d. Interpret the IQR for the rainfall in each city.

An arithmetic sequence is formed by adding (or subtracting) the same number over and over.

For example, 2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17 . . . is an arithmetic sequence formed by adding 3 over and over after
choosing a starting number.
1. Create box-and-whisker plots using different arithmetic sequences as data.
2. How are the plots similar?
3. What do you notice about the IQR of each plot?

M5-102 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 102 1/12/19 8:17 PM

1. Determine the mean, median, mode, and range of the set of data. Round your answers to the nearest
hundredth when necessary.
a. 14, 19, 8, 22, 11, 19, 4, 18, 12, 10, 21
b. 55, 24, 73, 108, 39, 46, 72, 100, 92, 32

2. Construct a dot plot for each.

a. Display the number of items purchased by a number of randomly chosen customers at a toy store.
The data are 2, 4, 3, 7, 12, 3, 1, 5, 6, 3, 4, 2, 4, 3, 7, 14, 10, 3, 5, and 9. Describe the distribution.
b. Display the scores on a recent math quiz. The data are 12, 14, 8, 13, 12, 14, 5, 13, 14, 3, 15, 15, 10, 13,
12, 0, 14, 11, 14, 13, and 10. Describe the distribution.

3. Determine each product.

3 4
a. __
3 __
1 2
b. __
3 __

LESSON 2: Box It Up • M5-103

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 103 1/12/19 8:17 PM

C01_SE_M05_T02_L02.indd 104 1/12/19 8:17 PM
March 3
Mean Absolute Deviation


Determine the absolute • Determine the absolute deviations of data points in a
value of each number. data set.
• Give quantitative measures of variation, including mean
1. |24|
absolute deviation, for a data set.
2. |12.5| • Use the mean absolute deviation as a measure of
3. |21.09| variation to describe and interpret data.
2 • Compare data sets using variation and the mean
4. |4__
absolute deviation.
• Summarize numerical data sets in relation to their context.

• deviation
• absolute deviation
• mean absolute deviation

The interquartile range is used as a measure of variation when the median is the measure of
center. How can you measure the variation when mean is the measure of center?

LESSON 3: March MADness • M5-105

C01_SE_M05_T02_L03.indd 105 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Getting Started

We Are the Champions

Coach Harris’s basketball team is advancing to the district
championship. Tamika and Lynn are possible starters for the game.
Dot plots for each player’s scoring over the past six games are shown.

Number of Points Scored by Tamika

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Number of Points Scored by Lynn

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

1. Determine the mean of each data set. Explain what this

number tells you.

2. How are the two data sets similar and different?

3. Explain why the two data sets have the same mean.

M5-106 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L03.indd 106 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Exploring Variation and
3.1 Deviation

Previously, you examined the dot plots of two basketball players–

Tamika and Lynn. Coach Harris needs to choose between Tamika
and Lynn as starters for the game.

Number of Points Scored by Tamika

6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30

Mean 5 12

Number of Points Scored by Lynn What does it

mean for both
players to
have the same
6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 mean? Does
Mean 5 12 it matter who
Coach Harris
1. Based on the dot plots, which player do you think Coach puts in the
Harris should choose? game?

When analyzing a data set, measures of center give you an idea of

where the data is centered, or what a typical data value might be.
There is another measure that can help you analyze data. Measures
of variation describe the spread of the data values. Just as there
are several measures of central tendency, there are also several
measures of variation.

The deviation of a data value indicates how far that data value is
from the mean. To calculate the deviation, subtract the mean from
the data value:

deviation 5 data value 2 mean

LESSON 3: March MADness • M5-107

C01_SE_M05_T02_L03.indd 107 1/12/19 8:17 PM

2. Describe the deviations. Record your results in the tables.

Collect the
data! Tamika Lynn

Describe the Describe the

Points Points
Deviation from Deviation from
Scored Scored
the Mean the Mean

11 15

11 12

6 13

26 10

6 9

12 13

3. What is the meaning if a deviation is positive? Is negative? Is 0?

4. What do you notice about the deviations for each player?

M5-108 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L03.indd 108 1/12/19 8:17 PM

5. Carly claims that the sum of the deviations for a data set will
always be 0. Do you agree? Why or why not?

The sum of all the deviations less than 0 is equal to the sum of the
deviations greater than 0. Because the mean is the balance point, the
sums of data points on either side of the balance point are equal to
each other.

In order to get an idea of the spread of the data values, you can take
the absolute value of each deviation and then determine the mean of
those absolute values. The absolute value of each deviation is called
the absolute deviation. The mean absolute deviation (MAD) is the
mean of the absolute deviations.

6. Record the absolute deviations for the points scored in the tables.

Tamika Lynn

Deviation Deviation
Points Absolute Points Absolute
from the from the
Scored Deviation Scored Deviation
Mean Mean

11 21 15 3

11 21 12 0

6 26 13 1

26 14 10 22

6 26 9 23

12 0 13 1

LESSON 3: March MADness • M5-109

C01_SE_M05_T02_L03.indd 109 1/12/19 8:17 PM

7. Calculate the mean absolute deviation for the points scored for
each player.

8. What does the mean absolute deviation tell you about the
points scored by each player?

9. If you were Coach Harris, which player would you choose to

play in the championship game? Justify your decision.

Variation in Non-Numeric
3.2 Data

statistical Sometimes you can change non-numerical data into numeric data in
question can order to analyze it. Consider, for example, the report cards shown.
I ask about Grades for the courses are assigned to the categories A, B, C, D,
this data? and F, with A being the highest grade.

Luca Eric
Science B Math A
Cultural Literacy A English B
Music C Cultural Literacy C
Math A Science A
English B Music A

M5-110 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L03.indd 110 1/12/19 8:17 PM

1. Explain how you can change the report card data into
numeric data.

2. Determine the mean of each data set. What does each mean
tell you?

3. Determine the mean absolute deviation for each data set.

Luca Eric

Describe the Describe the

Data Absolute Data Absolute
Deviation from Deviation from
Value Deviation Value Deviation
the Mean the Mean

4. Interpret each of the mean absolute deviations.

LESSON 3: March MADness • M5-111

C01_SE_M05_T02_L03.indd 111 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Applying Mean Absolute
3.3 Deviation

The tables on the next page show the heights in inches of ten NBA
basketball players and ten 6th-grade basketball players.

1. Write a statistical question you can answer by analyzing

the data.

2. Create a dot plot for each data set.

M5-112 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L03.indd 112 1/12/19 8:17 PM

3. Complete each table. Then, compare the data sets and
interpret your results.

NBA Players

Describe the
Height (in.) Deviation from the Absolute Deviation








82 Mean absolute
83 deviation and
range are both
6th-Grade Players measures of
Describe the
Height (in.) Deviation from the Absolute Deviation

LESSON 3: March MADness • M5-113

C01_SE_M05_T02_L03.indd 113 1/12/19 8:17 PM



1. Create vertical box plots and calculate the interquartile
ranges for the data sets in the previous activity.

2. Compare the mean absolute deviations and the

interquartile ranges.

a. What does each measure tell you about the data set?

b. How are they the same? How are they different?

M5-114 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L03.indd 114 1/12/19 8:17 PM


Complete each sentence with the correct term.

Absolute deviation Mean absolute deviation Measures of variation Deviation

1. describe(s) the spread of the data values.

2. indicates how far the data value is from the mean.
3. is the absolute value of each deviation.
4. is the average, or mean, of the absolute deviations.

To calculate the mean absolute deviation:

• Determine the mean of the data.

• Subtract the mean from each data value. These are the deviations.
• Record the absolute value of each deviation. These are the absolute deviations.
• Determine the mean of the absolute deviations. This is the mean absolute deviation.

Calculate the mean absolute deviation for each data set.
1. Data set: 4, 5, 9, 4, 8; Mean 5 6
2. Data set: 7, 11, 8, 35, 14; Mean 5 15
3. Data set: 60, 65, 66, 67, 67, 65; Mean 5 65
4. Data set: 22, 26, 29, 23, 26, 21, 28, 24, 25, 26; Mean 5 25
5. Data set: 180, 210, 155, 110, 230, 90, 400, 35, 190, 0, 10, 100, 90, 130, 200; Mean 5 142
6. Data set: 55, 74, 90, 20, 47, 59, 26, 83, 77, 62, 58, 33, 57, 44, 31; Mean 5 54.4

1. Create a data set of 5 numbers that has a mean absolute deviation of 1.
Explain how you arrived at your solution.
2. Create a data set of 6 numbers that has a mean absolute deviation of 10.
Explain how you arrived at your solution.

LESSON 3: March MADness • M5-115

C01_SE_M05_T02_L03.indd 115 1/12/19 8:17 PM

1. The rate at which crickets chirp is affected by the temperature. In fact, you can estimate the outside
temperature by counting cricket chirps. As a homework assignment, Mr. Ortega asks each of his students
to count the number of chirps they hear in 15 seconds at 8:00 pm. The results are shown.

36, 37, 41, 39, 35, 39, 35, 39, 42, 37, 40, 35, 36, 37, 42, 35, 37, 37, 38, 42, 41, 37, 41

Determine the median and mean number of cricket chirps heard in 15 seconds.

2. Patrick recorded the number of emails he sent over two weeks: 11, 5, 6, 9, 10, 5, 4, 2, 9, 10. What is the
median of his data?

3. Order the integers in each group from least to greatest.

a. 0, 115, 235, 32, 2116, 92 b. 22, 31, 25, 27, 0, 90

4. Determine each difference.

a. 2 __ 1
4 2 1 __ 1
b. 3 2 1 __
5 2 3

M5-116 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L03.indd 116 1/12/19 8:17 PM

You Chose . . . 4
Choosing Appropriate Measures


Determine each measure for the data • Determine whether the mean or median most
given in the stem-and-leaf plot. appropriately represents a typical value in a
data set.
Tweets Per Day
• Understand how the distribution of a data
0 23667 set affects the different measures of central
1 0015 tendency and relate the choice of measures of
2 0 center and variability to the context.
4 • Determine when to use the interquartile
5 range and the mean absolute deviation to
Key: 2|0 = 20 describe the variation of a data set.

1. mean
2. median
3. mean absolute deviation

You have learned about different measures of center and different measures of variation.
Which of these measures are appropriate to use for data with different characteristics?

LESSON 4: You Chose . . . Wisely • M5-117

C01_SE_M05_T02_L04.indd 117 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Getting Started

Nothing Changes, Nothing Stays the Same

1. Calculate the median and the mean of each data set.

a. 10 20 30 40 50

b. 10 20 25 35 40 50

c. 10 20 30 40 500

2. Create a box-and-whisker plot for each data set.

What can you

tell about a
data set just
by looking at
the numbers? 3. What patterns in the medians and means do you notice?

M5-118 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L04.indd 118 1/12/19 8:17 PM


4.1 Choosing Median or Mean

The dot plot shows the amount of time Ben's friends spend
exercising on weekdays.

Time Spent Exercising Each Weekday


0 100 200 300

Number of Minutes

1. Ben says, “The mean will be greater than the median in this
data set.” Do you agree with Ben's statement?
Explain your reasoning.

2. Determine the median and mean for the exercise data set.
Explain how you determined each.

3. Would the mean or the median be the better measure to

describe a typical value in the exercise data?
Explain your reasoning.

LESSON 4: You Chose . . . Wisely • M5-119

C01_SE_M05_T02_L04.indd 119 1/12/19 8:17 PM

4. The stem-and-leaf plot shown displays the scores of students
on a 100-point math test.
Student Scores on a 100-Point Test

5 6 8
6 0 1
7 0 0 16 9
8 1 22 5 6 7 7 7 8 9
9 0 1 3 456

Key: 7|1 = 71 points

a. How many students are represented in the data?

b. Describe the shape of the distribution of the data.

Does the skew

of the data
affect the
between the
median and the
c. Do you think the mean test score is greater than, less than,
or about the same as the median score? Explain.

d. Determine the median and mean. Identify which measure

better represents a typical value in the data. Explain
your reasoning.

M5-120 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

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5. The histogram shown displays the number of hours students
spend playing video games each week.

Hours Spent Playing Video Games

Number of Students

0 5 10 15 20
Number of Hours

a. How many students are represented in the data?

b. Describe the shape of the distribution of the data.

c. Identify which measure—median or mean—would

better represent a typical value in the data. Explain
your reasoning.

LESSON 4: You Chose . . . Wisely • M5-121

C01_SE_M05_T02_L04.indd 121 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Mean or Median:
4.2 Which Is Greater?

You have learned about three common distributions of data: skewed

left, skewed right, and symmetric. You have also learned that the
distribution of data can affect the measures of center.

Study the diagrams.

median median median
mean mean mean

skewed right symmetric skewed left

The mean of a data The mean and The mean of a data set
set is greater than median are equal is less than the median
the median when when the data is when the data is
the data is skewed symmetric. skewed to the left.
to the right.

The median is the The median is the

best measure of best measure of
center because the center because the
median is not median is not
affected by very affected by very
large data values. small data values.

The median is not affected by very large or very small data values,
but the mean is affected by these large and small values.

M5-122 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

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1. For each plot shown, first describe the distribution of data.
Then, determine whether the mean is less than, greater than,
or about equal to the median.

a. Height of students in Room 201

5 466889
6 001233456668899
7 00111

Key: 6|3 = 63 inches

b. Number of text messages sent by 6th graders


0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100

Rock-Climbing Times of 6th-Grade Students
Number of Students

40 50 60 70 80 90
Time (seconds)

2. For each part in Question 1, determine whether the median

or mean should be used to describe the center of the data.

LESSON 4: You Chose . . . Wisely • M5-123

C01_SE_M05_T02_L04.indd 123 1/12/19 8:17 PM


4.3 Choosing IQR or MAD

Gold When a participant takes part in the Special Olympics, they receive
Participation a number. The table represents the first 18 people labeled by
Won their participation number and the number of gold medals each
001 6 participant won.
002 14
1. Analyze the data. Calculate the mean and mean absolute
003 1 deviation, and then interpret the meaning of each in terms
004 6 of the problem situation.
005 0

006 0

007 9

008 1

009 1

010 9

011 5
2. Construct a box-and-whisker plot of the data. Then
012 10 determine and interpret the IQR.
013 1

014 2

015 2

016 5

017 4

018 3

M5-124 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L04.indd 124 1/12/19 8:17 PM

3. Shelly says that the median and mean absolute deviation
should be used to describe the data because the mean
absolute deviation is less than the interquartile range.
Is Shelly correct? Explain why or why not.

4. Which measure of central tendency and measure of variation

should you use to describe the data? Explain your reasoning.

5. What conclusions can you draw about the number of gold

medals participants won?

LESSON 4: You Chose . . . Wisely • M5-125

C01_SE_M05_T02_L04.indd 125 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Using Center and Variation
4.4 to Compare

Data were collected from two airlines measuring the difference

in the stated departure times and the times the flights actually
departed. The average departure time differences were recorded
for each month for one year. The results are shown in the two
stem-and-leaf plots.

Difference in Departure Times (minutes)

My Air Airlines Fly High Airlines

Stem Leaf Stem Leaf

0 05 0 78
1 159 1 456
2 006 2 479
3 334 3 02
4 0 4 59
1|5 = 15 minutes 2|4 = 24 minutes

M5-126 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L04.indd 126 1/12/19 8:17 PM

1. Describe the distribution of each data set.

Oh, I remember
plots! There
should be a key
which shows
how to read
2. Determine an appropriate measure of central tendency the data.
and measure of variation for each data set. Then calculate
each measure.

3. What conclusions can you draw from the measure of central

tendency and measure of variation you chose?

4. You are scheduling a flight for an important meeting and

you must be there on time. Which airline would you schedule
with? Explain your reasoning.

LESSON 4: You Chose . . . Wisely • M5-127

C01_SE_M05_T02_L04.indd 127 1/12/19 8:17 PM


All Together Now!

For each data set, calculate the median, mean, IQR, and MAD, if
possible. Explain which measure of center and which measure of
variation best describe the data set.

Pencils in Backpacks

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14
Number of Pencils

2. Ages of U.S. First Ladies

(20th Century)
3 1

4 0 3 4 5 7 8 9

5 0 2 4 6 6 6 9

6 0 0 3

Key: 6|0 means 60.

3. Prepare a presentation of your analysis of the data from

Question 2 to give to the class.

M5-128 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L04.indd 128 1/12/19 8:17 PM


Write Remember
In your own words, describe how When a data set is skewed right, the mean will be greater than the
you would decide whether to use median. When a data set is skewed left, the mean will be less than
the median or mean to represent the median. When a data set is symmetric, the mean and median
the center of a data set. will be approximately equal.

Branson Creek Middle School has decided to make fitness a key message to their students in the
upcoming school year. As a result, they will be participating in a national fitness program. To participate,
they must randomly select 15 students in the 5th grade and record their exercise time each day. The data
(in minutes) are shown.

85, 80, 76, 78, 82, 88, 80, 80, 110, 85, 85, 82, 83, 88, 76

1. Construct a dot plot of the data.

2. Describe the distribution of the data.
3. Determine the median and mean of the data. Explain which measure better represents a typical
value in the data set.
4. Determine which measure of variation to use to describe the spread of the data. Then calculate
this measure.
5. Interpret the measure of variation you calculated.

Cecile is applying for a job. She says that it must be a great place to work because it has a really high
average salary. Explain to Cecile why this average might be misleading. Provide an example set of data to
justify your argument.

LESSON 4: You Chose . . . Wisely • M5-129

C01_SE_M05_T02_L04.indd 129 1/12/19 8:17 PM

1. Complete each table to determine the mean absolute deviation.

Absolute Value of the
Data Mean From the
Deviation From the Mean





Mean Absolute Deviation

b. Deviation
Absolute Value of the
Data Mean From the
Deviation From the Mean





Mean Absolute Deviation

2. Write the coordinates of each point described. Identify the quadrant in which the point is located.
a. This point is a reflection across the y-axis of the point at (7, 1.5).
b. This point is a reflection across the x-axis of the point at (3, 9).

3. Determine each quotient.

3 4
a. __ 4 __
5 5
7 1
b. __ 4 1__
8 2

M5-130 • TOPIC 2: Numerical Summaries of Data

C01_SE_M05_T02_L04.indd 130 1/12/19 8:17 PM

Numerical Summaries
of Data Summary
• measure of center • measures of variation • deviation
• mode • range • absolute deviation
• median • quartile • mean absolute deviation
• balance point • interquartile range (IQR)
• mean • box-and-whisker plot


1 In the Middle

When you analyze a set of data, you often want to describe it numerically. One way to
numerically describe a data set is to use a measure of center. A measure of center tells you
how the data values are clustered, or where the center of a graph of the data is located. There
are three measures that describe how a data set is centered: the mean, the median, and the

The mode is the data value or values that occur most frequently in a data set. A data set can
have more than one mode or no mode. For example, the mode of the data set 12, 6, 12, 26, 4,
and 12 is 12.

The median is the middle number in a data set when the values are placed in order from
least to greatest or greatest to least. When a data set has an odd number of data values,
you can determine which number is exactly in the middle of the data set. If there is an even
number of data values, then the median is calculated by adding the two middle numbers and
dividing by 2.

For example, the median of the data set 15, 12, 13, 10, 8, and 14 is 12.5.


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The third measure of center is based on leveling off or creating fair shares. For example,
if you had a stack of two cubes and a stack of six cubes, you can rearrange the stacks to
create two equal stacks of four cubes each.

You can also represent quantities on a number line and create a balance point. When you have
all the points at the same value, the number line is balanced. The value where the number line
is balanced is called the balance point.

For example, consider the data set 2, 6.

2 6


2 6

The value 2 was moved to the right from 2 to 4. To maintain balance, 6 was moved to the left
from 6 to 4. The balance point is 4. The balance point can also be called the mean. The mean
is the arithmetic average of the numbers in a data set.

For example, determine the mean of the data set: 12, 12, 6, 26, 4, 12.

The mean is calculated by adding all the values in the data set and dividing the sum by the
number of values.

Step 1: 12 1 12 1 6 1 26 1 4 1 12 5 72

Step 2: ___

You can verify that the mean is 12 because the balance point of the data set is 12.


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2 Box It Up

A measure of variation describes the spread of data values. One measure of variation is the
range. The range is the difference between the maximum and minimum values of a data set.

For example, the range of the data 200, 150, 260, 180, 300, 240, and 280 is 300 2 150 5 150.

Another set of values that helps to describe variation in a data set is a quartile. When data in
a set are arranged in order, quartiles are the numbers that split data into quarters (or fourths).
Quartiles are often denoted by the letter Q followed by a number that indicates which fourth
it represents. Since the median is the second quartile, it could be denoted Q2. The other
quartiles are Q1 and Q3. The interquartile range, abbreviated IQR, is the difference between
the third quartile, Q3, and the first quartile, Q1. The IQR indicates the range of the middle
50 percent of the data.

To summarize and describe the spread of the data values, you can use the five-number
summary. The five-number summary includes these 5 values from a data set:

• Minimum: the least value in the data set

• Q1: the first quartile
• Median: the median of the data set
• Q3: the third quartile
• Maximum: the greatest value in a data set.

For the data set 24, 32, 16, 18, 30, and 20, the minimum is
16, Q1 is 18, the median is 22, Q3 is 30, and the Parts of a Box-and-Whisker Plot
maximum is 32. box

whisker whisker
A box-and-whisker plot, or just box plot, is a
graph that displays the five-number summary of
number line
a data set.
minimum Q1 median Q3 maximum
value value


C01_SE_TS_M05_T02.indd 133 1/12/19 8:18 PM

Box-and-whisker plots can be represented vertically as well as Number of Points Scored
horizontally. on a Math Test

For example, in this box-and-whisker plot, the minimum of the
data set is 15, Q1 is 40, the median of the data set is 56, Q3 is 70,
and the maximum of the data set is 90.


3 March MADness

Another measure of variation that describes the spread of data values is deviation.
The deviation of a data value indicates how far that data value is from the mean.
To calculate the deviation, subtract the mean from the data value:

Deviation 5 data value 2 mean

For example, the mean of the data set Data Point 15 12 13 10 9 13

15, 12, 13, 10, 9, and 13 is 12.
The table describes each data point’s from the 3 0 1 22 23 1
deviation from the mean. Mean

In order to get an idea of the spread of the data values, you can take the absolute value of
each deviation and then determine the mean of those absolute values. The absolute value of
each deviation is called the absolute deviation. The mean absolute deviation (MAD) is the
mean of the absolute deviations.

For example, the mean absolute deviation of the data shown in the table is
|3| 1 |0| 1 |1| 1 |22| 1 |23| 1 |1| 10
5 ___
So, the MAD is about 1.67.


C01_SE_TS_M05_T02.indd 134 1/12/19 8:18 PM


4 You Chose… Wisely

The distribution of data can affect the measures of center.

The median is not affected by very large or very small data values, but the mean is affected
by these large and small values. Therefore, the median is the best measure of center when the
data is skewed left or right.

For example, the dot plot shows the amount of time Ben’s friends spend exercising on weekdays.
Time Spent Exercising Each Weekday


0 100 200 300

Number of Minutes

The data is skewed right, so the mean is greater than the median. The median for the data set
is 60 minutes and the mean is 73.33 minutes. The median is a better measure to describe a
typical value in the data.

The measure of central tendency and measure of variation used to best describe a data set
depends on the values in the data set and the spread of those values. If you use the median to
describe the measure of center, you should use the IQR to describe the measure of variation,
and if you use the mean to describe the measure of center, you should use the mean absolute
deviation to describe the measure of variation.

median median median

mean mean mean

skewed right symmetric skewed left

The mean of a data The mean and The mean of a data set
set is greater than median are equal is less than the median
the median when when the data is when the data is
the data is skewed symmetric. skewed to the left.
to the right.


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C01_SE_TS_M05_T02.indd 136 1/12/19 8:18 PM
additive reasoning
absolute deviation
The absolute value of each deviation is called Additive reasoning focuses on the use of
the absolute deviation. addition and subtraction for comparisons.

Example Example

11 2 12 5 21 Vicki is 40 years old and Ben is 10 years old.

In 5 years, Vicki will be 45 and Ben will be 15.
data mean deviaton Vicki will always be 30 years older than Ben.
This is additive reasoning.
|21| 5 1

deviation absolute algebraic expression

An algebraic expression is a mathematical
phrase that has at least one variable, and it
absolute value can contain numbers and operation symbols.

The absolute value, or magnitude, of a Examples

number is its distance from zero on a 4
a 2a 1 b xy p z2
number line.
The absolute value of 23 is the same as the
absolute value of 3 because they are both a The altitude of a figure is the perpendicular
distance of 3 from zero on a number line. distance from a vertex to the line containing the
opposite side, represented by a line segment.
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5

|23| 5 |3| altitude of a altitude of

parallelogram a triangle

Addition Property of Equality

altitude altitude

The Addition Property of Equality states that

if two values a and b are equal, when you add E base H Y base M
the same value c to each, the sums are equal.
altitude of a trapezoid Y
T base R
12 5 12 and 12 1 7 5 12 1 7 altitude
If a 5 b, then a 1 c 5 b 1 c.
P A M base K


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 1 14/01/19 6:40 PM

bar model
balance point
A bar model uses rectangular bars to represent
When you have all the points on a number line known and unknown quantities.
at the same value, the number line is balanced.
The value where the number line is balanced is Example
called the balance point. You can use a bar model to solve the equation
Example x 1 10 5 15.
The top bar can be split
Consider the data set: 2, 6. x 10 into two bars, x and 10.
When this split happens
2+2=4 6–2=4
x 1 10 in the bottom bar, with
one bar containing 10, it
shows that x is the same
15 as 5, so x = 5.
2 6
The balance point is 4.
5 10

bar graph

A bar graph displays categorical data using base

either horizontal or vertical bars on a graph. The
The base of a power is the factor that is
height or length of each bar indicates the value
multiplied repeatedly in the power.
for that category.
Profits from Bake Sale 23 5 2 3 2 3 2 5 8 80 5 1
base base
Profit ($)

10 benchmark fractions
6 Benchmark fractions are common fractions you
4 can use to estimate the value of fractions.
0 Example
Day 1 Day 2 Day 3
Day The numbers 0, __
, and 1 are some benchmark
Profits from Bake Sale
0 1 1

Day 1

benchmark percents

Day 2

A benchmark percent is a percent that is

Day 3 commonly used, such as 1%, 5%, 10%, 25%,
50%, and 100%.
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
Profit ($)


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 2 14/01/19 6:40 PM

box-and-whisker plot clusters

A box-and-whisker plot, or just box plot, is a Clusters are areas of the graph where data are
graph that displays the five-number summary grouped close together.
of a data set: the median, the upper and lower
quartiles (Q1 and Q3), and the minimum and
maximum values. Number of Pets
Example X
30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Data: 32, 35, 35, 53, 55, 60, 60, 61, 61, 74, 74
Minimum 5 32 There are clusters of data from 0 to 1 and from 3
Q1 5 35 to 4.

Median 5 60
Q3 5 61 coefficient
Maximum 5 74 A number that is multiplied by a variable in an
algebraic expression is called a coefficient.

C Examples
14x (g) w 1 2.5
categorical data 3

Categorical data, or qualitative data, are data for

which each piece of data fits into exactly one of coefficient The coefficient is 1 even
several different groups or categories. though it is not shown.

Animals: lions, tigers, bears, etc. common factor
Colors: blue, green, red, etc. A common factor is a number that is a factor of
two or more numbers.

circle graph Example

factors of 60: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12, 15, 20, 30, 60
A circle graph, often called a pie chart, displays
categorical data using sectors, or “wedges,” of factors of 24: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 24
a circle. common factors of 60 and 24: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, and 12
Favorite Ways to Travel
Commutative Property of Multiplication
30% The Commutative Property of Multiplication
Car states that for any numbers a and b, the product
a?b is equal to the product b?a.

__ 2 2 1
29 3
5 3 29 5
3 __3
5 __
3 __5
87 27 ⏟ 2
___ ⏟ 2
1 60
____ 15 15


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 3 14/01/19 6:40 PM

complex fraction cube

A complex fraction is a fraction that has A cube is a polyhedron that has congruent
a fraction in either the numerator, the squares as faces.
denominator, or both the numerator
and denominator.
3 __
__ 7 1
4 __
, 1 , and __
are all complex fractions.
3 2 2

composite solid
A composite solid is made up of more than one
geometric solid. data
Data are categories, numbers, or observations
gathered in response to a statistical question.
favorite foods of sixth graders,
heights of different animals at the zoo

Density Property

The Density Property states that between any

two rational numbers there is another rational
continuous graph

A continuous graph is a graph with no breaks in it. dependent quantity

y y The dependent quantity is the quantity that
depends on another in a problem situation.
Max just got a new hybrid car that averages 51
miles to the gallon. How far does the car travel
on 15 gallons of fuel?
x x number of gallons ⋅ _____
5 miles traveled
The dependent quantity is the total miles
traveled. The number of miles traveled depends
convert on the gallons of fuel.
To convert a measurement means to change it to
an equivalent measurement in different units.
To convert 36 inches to feet, you can multiply:
1 ft 36 ft
36 in.( _____
12 in. )
5 ____
5 3ft

C01_SE_Glossary.indd 4 14/01/19 6:40 PM

dependent variable distribution

The variable that represents the dependent The overall shape of a graph is called the
quantity is called the dependent variable. distribution of data. A distribution is the way in
which the data are spread out.
Max just got a new hybrid car that averages 51
miles to the gallon. How far does the car travel Distributive Property
on 15 gallons of fuel?
miles The Distributive Property states that for any
number of gallons ⋅ _____ 5 miles traveled
gallon numbers a, b, and c, a(b 1 c) 5 ab 1 ac.
g?m5t Examples
The dependent quantity is the total miles 4(2 1 15) 5 4 ? 2 + 4 ? 15
traveled. Since t represents total miles traveled
5 8 1 60
in the equation, t is the dependent variable.
5 68

Division Property of Equality
The deviation of a data value indicates how far
that data value is from the mean. The Division Property of Equality states that
when you divide equal values a and b by the
same value c and c fi 0, the quotients are equal.
deviation 5 data value 2 mean
12 5 12 and 12 4 7 5 12 4 7
discrete graph If a 5 b and c fi 0, then __ac 5 __
A discrete graph is a graph of isolated points.
Examples dot plot
y y

20 20 A dot plot (sometimes called a line plot) is a data

18 18
display that shows discrete data on a number
16 16

14 14
line with dots, Xs, or other symbols.
12 12


8 8 Number of Pets
6 6 X plot
4 4
0 x
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20
0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 X X X X

0 1 2 3 4 5


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 5 14/01/19 6:40 PM

double number line equivalent expressions

A double number line is a model that is made up Two algebraic expressions are equivalent
of two number lines used together to represent expressions if, when any values are substituted
the ratio between two quantities. for variables, the results are equal.
Example Example
0 2.50 5.00 7.50
Cost ($) (x 1 10) 1 (6x 2 5) 5 7x 1 5
Number 12 1 7 5 14 1 5
of corn 19 5 19
muffins 0 3 6 9

E equivalent ratios
edge Equivalent ratios are ratios that represent the
same part-to-part or part-to-whole relationship.
An edge is the intersection of two faces of a
three-dimensional figure.
Example evaluate an algebraic expression

To evaluate an algebraic expression means to

determine the value of the expression for a
given value of each variable.
4x 1 (23 2 y)
Evaluate the expression __________
p for x 5 2.5,
y 5 8, and p 5 2.
• First replace the variables with
4(2.5) 1 (23 2 8)
numbers: _____________
ellipsis • Then calculate the value of the expression:
10 1 0
______ 10
An ellipsis is a set of three periods used to 2
5 ___
5 5.
represent infinity in a number set.
evaluate a numeric expression
{..., 22, 21, 0, 1, 2, ...}
To evaluate a numeric expression means to
simplify the expression to a single numeric value.
ellipsis ellipsis
19 2 4 3 3
equation 19 2 12
An equation is a mathematical sentence that
uses an equals sign to show that two quantities
are the same as one another.
y 5 2x 1 4
2(8) 5 26 2 10
__ 8 4
? 4 5 __
2 __


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 6 14/01/19 6:40 PM

experiment frequency

An experiment is one method of collecting data A frequency is the number of times an item or
in which a researcher imposes a condition and number occurs in a data set.
observes the results.
Number Tally Frequency
A researcher conducts an experiment to Rolled
investigate if 6th graders perform better on an
assessment if they read a textbook or watch 2 llll ll 7
a video about the material. The researcher
The number 2 was rolled 7 times, so its
randomly assigns half the students to read the
frequency was 7.
text and half the students to watch the video. All
students would be given the same assessment
and the scores of the students in the two groups
would be compared.

Gaps are areas of the graph where there are

no data.
The exponent of the power is the number of Example
times the base is used as a factor. Number of Pets
Examples X
23 5 2 3 2 3 2 X X X

0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
84 5 8 3 8 3 8 3 8

There are gaps between 1 and 3 and between
4 and 7.
face geometric solid

A face is one of the polygons that makes up A geometric solid is a bounded three-
a polyhedron. dimensional geometric figure.
Example Example



C01_SE_Glossary.indd 7 14/01/19 6:40 PM

graph of an inequality
The graph of an inequality in one variable is the
set of all points on a number line that make the A histogram is a graphical way to display
inequality true. quantitative or numerical data using vertical
Example bars. The width of a bar represents an interval
of data and is often referred to as a bin. The
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 height of the bar indicates the frequency, or the
number of data values included in any given bin.
Scores on Test
grouped frequency table 20
A grouped frequency table is a table used to 16

Number of Students
organize data according to how many times data 14

values with a given range of values occur. 12

Example 8
Floor Intervals Frequency (f ) 4

10–20 8 0
65 75 85 95
Test Score
20–30 27

30–40 16
40–50 5 Identity Property of Addition
50–60 4 The Identity Property of Addition states that the
sum of any number and 0 is the number.
greatest common factor (GCF) 3
__ 3
6×0=6 4
+ 0 = __
The greatest common factor, or GCF, is the 52 + 0 = 52 0.125 + 0 = 0.125
largest factor two or more numbers have
in common.
Identity Property of Multiplication
factors of 16: 1, 2, 4, 8, 16 The Identity Property of Multiplication states
that the product of any number and 1 is the
factors of 12: 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 12
common factors: 1, 2, 4
greatest common factor: 4 3
__ 3
6×1=6 4
× 1 = __
52 ? 1 = 52 0.125(1) = 0.125


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 8 14/01/19 6:40 PM

independent quantity integers

The independent quantity is the quantity the Integers are the set of whole numbers with
dependent quantity depends on. their opposites.
Example Example
Max just got a new hybrid car that averages 51 The set of integers can be represented as
miles to the gallon. How far does the car travel {... 23, 22, 21, 0, 1, 2, 3, …}
on 15 gallons of fuel?
number of gallons ⋅ _____
5 miles traveled
interquartile range (IQR)
The independent quantity is the number of
gallons. The other quantity (miles traveled) is The interquartile range, abbreviated IQR, is
dependent upon this quantity. the difference between the third quartile, Q3,
and the first quartile, Q1. The IQR indicates the
range of the middle 50 percent of the data.
independent variable Example
The variable that represents the independent 35 = Q1
IQR = 61 – 35 = 26
Q3 = 61

quantity is called the independent variable.

Max just got a new hybrid car that averages 51 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80
miles to the gallon. How far does the car travel
on 15 gallons of fuel?
number of gallons ⋅ _____
5 miles traveled
inverse operations
g ?m 5t
Inverse operations are pairs of operations that
The independent quantity is the number of reverse the effects of each other.
gallons. Since g represents the number of
gallons in the equation, g is the independent Examples
variable. Addition and subtraction are inverse operations:
351 1 25 2 25 5 351.
Multiplication and division are inverse
infinity operations: 351 3 25 4 25 5 351.
Infinity, represented by the symbol ∞, means a
quantity with no end or bound.
Negative infinity Positive infinity
−∞ ∞ A kite is a quadrilateral with two pairs of
–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 consecutive congruent sides where opposite
sides are not congruent.
3 cm
1 cm
1 cm
3 cm


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 9 14/01/19 6:40 PM

linear relationship
least common multiple (LCM)
When a set of points graphed on a coordinate
The least common multiple, or LCM, is the plane forms a straight line, a linear relationship
smallest multiple (other than zero) that two or exists.
more numbers have in common.
The points graphed show a linear relationship.
multiples of 60: 60, 120, 180, 240, 300, 360,
420, 480 . . . Number of Views
y of Stephanie’s Website
multiples of 24: 24, 48, 72, 96, 120, 144, 168,
192, 216, 240 . . . 400
some common multiples of 60 and 24: 120, 350
240 . . . 300

Website Views
least common multiple of 60 and 24: 120 250

like terms 150

In an algebraic expression, like terms are two or
more terms that have the same variable raised to
the same power. 0 x
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Examples Time (hr)

like terms
literal equation
4x 1 3p 1 x 1 2 5 5x 1 3p 1 2
A literal equation is an equation in which the
like terms variables represent specific measures.
24a2 1 2a 2 9a2 5 13a2 1 2a A 5 lw A 5 __
bh d 5 rt
no like terms
m 1 m2 2 x 1 x3
line segment
The mean is the arithmetic average of the
A line segment is a portion of a line that includes numbers in a data set.
two points and all the points between those Example
two points.
Number of Pets
Example X
Line segment AB is shown. X X X

0 1 2 3 4 5
A 01011111111131315
Mean 5 ____________________________
15 2
5 ___
5 1__


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 10 14/01/19 6:40 PM

mean absolute deviation mode

The mean absolute deviation is the average or The mode is the value or values that occur most
mean of the absolute deviations. frequently in a data set.
Number of Pets
measure of center
A measure of center tells you how the data X X X
values are clustered, or where the “center” of a X X X X
graph of the data is located.
Examples 0 1 2 3 4 5

Mean, median, and mode are each a measure of 0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5

center for data.
The mode of the data is 1.

measure of variation multiple

A measure of variation describes the spread of A multiple is the product of a given whole
data values. number and another whole number.
Example Example
Range is a measure of variation for data. multiples of 10:
10 20 30 40 50 …

The median is the middle number in a data set 10 ? 1 10 ? 2 10 ? 3 10 ? 4 10 ? 5 …

when the values are placed in order from least to
greatest or greatest to least.
Multiplication Property of Equality
Number of Pets The Multiplication Property of Equality states
X that if two values a and b are equal, when you
X multiply each by the same value c, the products
X X X are equal.
0 1 2 3 4 5 12 5 12 and 12(7) 5 12(7)
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5 If a 5 b, then ac 5 bc.

median multiplicative inverse

The multiplicative inverse of a number __
is the
number a , where a and b are nonzero numbers.
The product of any nonzero number and its
multiplicative inverse is 1.
3 __ 3
The multiplicative inverse of __
is 73 : __
3 __
5 ___

5 1
: 5 3 __
1 __
The multiplicative inverse of 5 is __ 1
5 __


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 11 14/01/19 6:40 PM

Multiplicative Inverse Property numeric expression

The Multiplicative Inverse Property states: A numeric expression is a mathematical phrase

a __
b a
? b 5 1, where a and b are nonzero numbers. that contains numbers and operations.
Examples Example
__ 7 21
3 __
5 ___
51 53429
__ 1 5
3 __
5 __
multiplicative reasoning observational study

Multiplicative reasoning focuses on the use of An observational study is one method of

multiplication and division. collecting data in which a researcher collects
data by observing the variable of interest.
Vicki is 40 years old and Ben is 10 years old.
Vicki is 4 times as old as Ben. In 5 years, Vicki A researcher is interested in whether or not
will be 3 times as old as Ben. more men or women prefer a certain store. The
researcher observes the number of men and
This is multiplicative reasoning. women who visit the store over a number of hours
and compares the values of the two groups.
negative numbers one-step equation

The values to the left of zero on a number line A one-step equation is an equation that can be
are called negative numbers. solved using only one operation.

–5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 Order of Operations
negative numbers
The Order of Operations is a set of rules
that ensures the same result every time an
expression is evaluated.
A net is a two-dimensional representation of a 44 1 (6 2 5) 2 2 3 75 4 51 Parentheses
three-dimensional geometric figure.
Example 44 1 1 2 2 3 75 4 51 Exponents
A net of a cube is shown.
44 1 1 2 2 3 75 4 5 Multiplication and
44 1 1 2 150 4 5 (from left to right)

44 1 1 2 30 Addition and
45 2 30 (from left to right)



C01_SE_Glossary.indd 12 14/01/19 6:40 PM

outliers percent
Outliers are data values that lie a large distance
A percent is a part-to-whole ratio where the
from the other data in a graph. Outliers usually
whole is equal to 100. Percent is another name
accompany gaps in data.
for hundredths. The percent symbol “%” means
Example “per 100,” or “out of 100.”
Number of Pets
X perfect cube
X X X X X A perfect cube is the cube of a whole number.
The value Example
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7 is an
outlier. 64 is a perfect cube: 4 3 4 3 4 5 64
parallelogram perfect square
A parallelogram is a four-sided figure with two A perfect square is the square of an integer.
pairs of parallel sides and opposite sides that are
equal in length. Examples

Examples 9 is a perfect square: 3 3 3 5 9

In parallelogram ABCD, opposite sides AB and 25 is a perfect square: 5 3 5 5 25

CD are parallel and equal in length; opposite
sides AD and BC are parallel and equal in length.
In parallelogram EFGH, opposite sides EF and
GH are parallel and equal in length; opposite A point is a location in space. A point has no size
sides FG and EH are parallel and equal in length. or shape, but it is often represented by using a
D C dot and is named by a capital letter.
Points A and B are shown.

A B E F A•


Peaks are values on a graph that contain more

data points than the values on either side of it.
Number of Pets

0 1 2 3 4 5

The value 1 is a peak.


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 13 14/01/19 6:40 PM

polygon positive rational number

A polygon is a closed figure formed by three or A positive rational number is a number that can
more line segments. be written in the form __
, where a and b are both
whole numbers greater than 0.
0.75 5 ____
, where a 5 75 and b 5 100
A trapezoid is a polygon. 6 5 __
, where a 5 6 and b 5 1
, where a 5 9 and b 5 11

A pentagon is a polygon.
A power has two elements: the base and
the exponent.
base 62 exponent
A circle is NOT a polygon. power

polyhedron proportion

A polyhedron is a three-dimensional solid figure A proportion is an equation that states that two
that has polygons as faces. ratios are equal.
Example Example
__ 4.5
A cube is a polyhedron. It has six square faces. 2
5 ___


A pyramid is a polyhedron with one base and

the same number of triangular faces as there are
sides of the base.

A population is an entire set of items from which

data are collected.
If you wanted to determine the average height
of the students at your school, the number of
students at the school would be the population.


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 14 14/01/19 6:40 PM

quadrants range
The range is the difference between the
The x- and y-axes divide the coordinate
maximum and minimum values of a data set.
plane into four regions called quadrants.
These quadrants are numbered with Roman Example
numerals from one (I) to four (IV), starting in Number of Pets
the upper right-hand quadrant and moving X
counterclockwise. X
Example X X X X

0 1 2 3 4 5
0, 0, 1, 1, 1, 1, 3, 3, 5
II I 52055
The range of the data is 5.
0 x

III IV rate

A rate is a ratio that compares two quantities

that are measured in different units.
quantitative data The speed of 60 miles in two hours is a rate:
60 mi
_____ 30 mi
5 _____
Quantitative data, or numerical data, are data
for which each piece of data can be placed on a
numerical scale and compared.
A ratio is a comparison of two quantities that
The zoo has 4 lions, 3 tigers, and 6 bears.
uses division.
In 2006, Los Angeles had a population of about
3,849,378. In the same year, Atlanta had a
population of about 429,500.
The ratio of stars to circles is __
, or 3:2, or 3 to 2.
quartiles The ratio of circles to stars is __
, or 2:3, or 2 to 3.

Quartiles are a set of values that describe

variation in a data set. When data in a set are rational numbers
arranged in order, quartiles are the numbers that
split data into quarters (or fourths). Rational numbers are the set of numbers that
can be written as __
, where a and b are integers
Example and b fi 0.
first quartile (Q1) third quartile (Q3) Examples
1 __
24, __
2 3
, 2 , 0.67, and ___
are examples of
Data: 32, 35, 35, 53, 55, 60, 60, 61, 61, 74, 74
rational numbers.

second quartile/median (Q2)


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 15 14/01/19 6:40 PM

The reciprocal of a number is also known as A sample is a selection from a population.
the multiplicative inverse of the number. (See
multiplicative inverse.) Example

Examples If you wanted to determine the average height

3 __ 3
of the students in your school, you could choose
The reciprocal of __
is 73 : __
3 __
5 ___
51 a certain number of students and measure their
heights. The heights of the students in this
5 1
: 5 3 __
1 __
The reciprocal of 5 is __ 1
5 __
51 group would be your sample.

Reflexive Property of Equality scaling down

The Reflexive Property of Equality says that Scaling down means to divide both parts of
when both sides of an equation look exactly the the ratio by the same factor greater than 1, or
same, their values are equal. multiply both parts of the ratio by the same
Examples factor less than 1.
757 Example
a5a 43
__ 1
5 __
relatively prime
Two numbers that do not have any common
factors other than 1 are called relatively prime.
Examples scaling up
Positive whole number pairs that have a
Scaling up means to multiply both parts of a
difference of 1 (4 and 5, 10 and 11, 15 and 16)
ratio by the same factor greater than 1.
are always relatively prime.
right rectangular prism
__ 3
5 __
A right rectangular prism is a polyhedron with
three pairs of congruent and parallel rectangular 33


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 16 14/01/19 6:40 PM

skewed left distribution solution

In a skewed left distribution of data the peak of A solution to an equation is any value for a
the data is to the right side of the graph. There variable that makes the equation true.
are only a few data points to the left side of
the graph.
The solution to the equation 2x 1 4 5 8 is x 5 2.

x solution set of an inequality
x x
x x x x x The set of all points that make an inequality true
x x x x x x x is the solution set of the inequality.
x x x x x x x x x
The solution set for x $ 7 is all the numbers
skewed right distribution greater than or equal to 7.

In a skewed right distribution of data the peak x,7

of the data is to the left side of the graph. There The solution set for x , 7 is all the numbers less
are only a few data points to the right side of than 7.
the graph.
statistical process
The statistical process has four components:
x x x x • Formulating a statistical question.
x x x x • Collecting appropriate data.
x x x x x x x
• Analyzing the data graphically and
x x x x x x x x
• Interpreting the results of the analysis.

slant height statistical question

A slant height of a pyramid is the distance A statistical question is a question that

measured along a triangular face from the vertex anticipates an answer based on data that vary.
of the pyramid to the midpoint, or center, of one
of the edges of the base.
“What sport is the most popular in your school?”
is a statistical question because it anticipates
that the answers will vary since not everyone at
your school is likely to have the same favorite
slant height sport.

“How many students are in Chess Club?” is NOT

a statistical question because there is only one
answer to the question.


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 17 14/01/19 6:40 PM

stem-and-leaf plot survey

A stem-and-leaf plot is a graphical method used A survey is one method of collecting data in
to represent ordered numerical data. Once which people are asked one or more questions.
the data are ordered, the stem and leaves are
determined. Typically, the stem is all the digits
in a number except the rightmost digit, which is A restaurant may ask its customers to complete
the leaf. a survey with the following question:
Example On a scale of 1–10, with 1 meaning “poor” and
10 meaning “excellent,” how would you rate the
Books Read in
food you ate?
Mr. Brown’s Class
□ 1 □ 2 □ 3 □ 4 □ 5 □ 6 □ 7 □ 8 □ 9 □ 10
0 3, 6
1 0, 1, 5
symmetric distribution
3 9, 9 In a symmetric distribution of data the left and
right halves of the graph are mirror images of
4 0, 0, 0
each other. The peak is in the middle because
Key: 1 | 0 5 10. there are many data values in the center.
Subtraction Property of Equality x
The Subtraction Property of Equality states that x x
when you subtract the same value c from equal x x x
values a and b, the differences are equal. x x x x x x
x x x x x x x x
12 5 12 and 12 2 7 5 12 2 7
If a 5 b, then a 2 c 5 b 2 c.
Symmetric Property of Equality

surface area The Symmetric Property of Equality states that if

a 5 b, then b 5 a.
The surface area of a polyhedron is the total Example
area of all its two-dimensional faces.
x 5 3 is the same as 3 5 x.
The surface area of a unit cube is 6 square units.
The cube has 6 faces and the area of each face
is 1 square unit.


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 18 14/01/19 6:40 PM

tape diagram
A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with two bases
A tape diagram illustrates number relationships that are parallel to each other, often labeled
by using rectangles to represent ratio parts. b1 and b2.
Example Example
A bakery sells packs of muffins in the ratio of Quadrilateral ABCD is a trapezoid. Side BC is
3 blueberry muffins : 2 pumpkin muffins : parallel to side AD.
1 bran muffin. The tape diagram represents the
ratio of each type of muffin. B b1 C


Pumpkin A D

unit rate
term A unit rate is a comparison of two different
measurements in which the numerator or
A term of an algebraic expression is a number, denominator has a value of one unit.
variable, or product of numbers and variables. Example
Example The speed 60 miles in 2 hours can be written as
The expression has four terms. a unit rate:
60 mi
_____ 30 mi
3y 1 5xy 1 __
5 _____
The unit rate is 30 miles per hour.

trailing zeros
Trailing zeros are a sequence of 0s in a decimal In statistics, variability means that the value of
representation of a number, after which no non- the attribute being studied can change from one
zero digits follow. person or thing to another.
trailing zeros
A variable is a letter or symbol that is used to
represent a number.
3x 5 81 p z2



C01_SE_Glossary.indd 19 14/01/19 6:40 PM

Zero Property of Multiplication
A vertex of a polyhedron is a point at which
three or more of its edges meet. The Zero Property of Multiplication states that
the product of any number and 0 is 0.
63050 4
52 ? 0 5 0 0.125(0) 0 5 0




Volume is the amount of space occupied by an

object. Volume is measured in cubic units.


C01_SE_Glossary.indd 20 14/01/19 6:40 PM

|| (absolute value), M4-25, solving problems with, Altitude of a trapezoid,
M4-49∠ M4-29–M4-31 M1-22–M1-23
< (approximately equal to), symbol ( | | ), M4-25, M4-49 Altitude of a triangle,
M2-169 Acute triangle, M4-77 M1-19–M1-21
… (ellipsis), M4-50 Adding decimals, M1-134 Approximately equal to (<),
5 (equals), M1-108, M3-112, Addition Property of Equality, M2-169
M4-17–M4-18 M3-94, M3-105 Area
( ) (grouping symbol), Algebraic expressions, of complex figures,
M3-14–M3-16, M3-18 M3-23–M3-31 M1-33–M1-35
[ ] (grouping symbol), M3-16 analyzing and solving of kites, M1-31–M1-32,
` (infinity), M4-9 problems with, M1-63
3 (multiplication), M1-44 M3-67–M3-73 of parallelograms,
2 (negative sign), M4-9, combining like terms, M1-17–M1-18, M1-62
M4-10 M3-37–M3-39 of rectangles, M3-9
% (percent), M2-18 definition of, M3-25 of squares, M3-9–M3-10
1 (plus sign), M4-9 equivalent (See Equivalent of trapezoids, M1-22–M1-23,
, (less than), M1-108, expressions) M1-63
M3-112, M4-17–M4-18 evaluating, M3-30–M3-31 of triangles, M1-19, M1-21,
# (less than or equal to), factoring, M3-46–M-3-47 M1-62
M1-108, M3-112 number riddle, M3-68 Area formulas
,, ., #, $, Þ (inequality numerical coefficients in, Area of a Parallelogram
symbols), M1-108, M3-26–M3-28 Formula, M1-62
M3-112, M4-17–M4-18 parts of, M3-29–M3-30 Area of a Rectangle
. (greater than), M1-108, sequences represented by, Formula, M1-62
M3-112, M4-17–M4-18 M3-29–M3-30 Area of a Square Formula,
$ (greater than or equal to), simplifying, M3-48–M3-49 M1-62
M1-108, M2-100 writing, M3-69–M3-72 Area of a Trapezoid
% (out of 100), M2-18 Algebra tiles Formula, M1-63
algebraic expressions Area of a Triangle Formula,
A factored with, M1-62
Absolute deviation M3-46–M3-47 Area models, M1-84,
definition of, M5-109 algebraic expressions M1-108
of two data sets, simplified with, Distributive Property and,
determining, M5-111 M3-48–M3-49 M1-9–M1-11
See also Mean absolute combining like terms with, representing products and
deviation M3-37–M3-39 factors using, M1-5
Absolute value, M4-23–M4-26 Distributive Property Associative Property
definition of, M4-25 modeled with, of Addition, M3-61, M3-63
as magnitude, M4-25–M4-26 M3-40–M3-45 of Multiplication, M3-63
in real-world applications, Altitude of a parallelogram, in simplifying algebraic
M4-27–M4-28 M1-17–M1-18 expressions, M3-61


C01_SE_Index.indd 1 1/12/19 8:13 PM

B interquartile range Common multiples,
Balance point identified with, M5-94 M1-44–M1-45
definition of, M5-77, median determined with, See also Least common
M5-132 M5-93, M5-94, M5-95 multiple (LCM)
determining, M5-79–M5-80 minimum and maximum Commutative Property
measure of center based values represented in, of Addition, M3-59, M3-63
on, M5-81 M5-93, M5-94, M5-95 of Multiplication, M1-44,
on a number line, quartiles represented in, M1-64, M3-63
M5-77–M5-80 M5-94, M5-96, M5-97 Congruent polygon,
Bar graphs, M5-14–M5-17, range identified with, M4-115
M5-47–M5-49 M5-94 Consecutive congruent sides,
categorical data displayed of waiting times at two M1-31, M1-63
on, M5-14 restaurants, Continuous data,
data displayed with, M5-97–M5-98 M5-54–M5-56
M5-14–M5-16 whiskers in, description of, Conversions
definition of, M5-14, M5-62 M5-93 from metric to customary
Bases units of measure,
of cubes, M1-119–M1-120, C M2-166–M2-169
M1-178 Cartesian Coordinate Plane metric units of measure,
definition of, M3-9, M3-77 coordinate geometry M2-167, M2-169
of parallelograms, analyzed with, Coordinate plane, 717–765
M1-17–M1-18, M1-62 M4-75–M4-76, Cartesian, M4-75
of powers, M3-9, M3-77 M4-115–M4-116 completing polygons on,
of prisms, M1-122–M1-124, ordered pairs graphed on, M4-76–M4-78
M1-148–M1-149, M4-113–M4-114 equivalent ratios on,
M1-167–M1-168, See also Coordinate plane M2-75, M2-103
M1-179 Categorical data extending, M4-57–M4-67
of pyramids, M1-118, on bar graphs, M5-14, four-quadrant,
M1-148–M1-149, M5-62 M4-55–M4-56
M1-178 on circle graph, M5-14, graphing problems with
of trapezoids, M1-22–M1-23, M5-62 multiple representations
M1-63 definition of, M5-6, M5-62 on, M4-87–M4-107
of triangles, M1-19–M1-21, examples of, M5-62 horizontal and vertical
M1-62 identifying, M5-14 distance on, M4-65
Benchmark decimals, Clusters, M5-32 human, M4-59–M4-60
M2-128, M2-158 Coefficients ordered pairs on,
Benchmark fractions, M1-70, in algebraic expressions, M4-60–M4-63
M1-75–M1-76, M1-108 M3-27–M3-28 origin on, M4-56
Benchmark percents, definition, M3-26 polygon plotting,
M2-128–M2-131 of like terms, M3-38 M4-73–M4-81
definition of, M2-128 of variables, M3-46–M3-47, problem solving on,
in estimating percents, M3-80 M4-87–M4-107
M2-132–M2-133 Colons, M2-16–M2-17, M2-99 quadrants on,
Box-and-whisker plots, Common factors M4-55–M4-56, M4-114
M5-93–M5-96 definition of, M1-42, M1-64 visualizing unit rates,
box in, description of, least, M1-53 M2-163
M5-93 prime factorization, x-axis on, M4-58,
comparing, M5-97–M5-98 M1-42–M1-43 M4-61–M4-62,
definition of, M5-93 relatively prime numbers M4-114, M4-117
distribution of, M5-95, and, M1-43 x-coordinate on, M4-58,
M5-97, M5-97 solving problems with, M4-60
five number summary M1-54–M1-58 y-axis on, M4-58,
values identified with, See also Greatest common M4-61–M4-62,
M5-93–M5-96 factor (GCF) M4-114, M4-117


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y-coordinate on, M4-58, measures of center used in, M2-117, M2-157–M2-158
M4-60 M5-71–M5-82 writing as percents,
See also Points on Decimal points M2-113–M2-115,
coordinate plane in adding and subtracting M2-117, M2-157–M2-158
Counting numbers. See decimals, Denominators
Natural numbers M1-134–M1-135 of equivalent fractions,
Cube, M1-144 in division of decimals, M1-75
base of, M1-119–M1-120, M1-167–M1-168 factor of 100, M2-114,
M1-178 in estimating decimals, M2-157
definition of, M1-118, M1-134 multiplicative inverse and,
M1-178 in estimating products of M1-110
face of, M1-145, M1-173 decimals, M1-123 one unit value, M2-187,
net for, M1-145–M1-147, in multiplication of decimals, M2-211
M1-155 M1-123–M1-124 reversing numbers in, M1-99
surface area of, M1-145– placement of, M1-74 Density Property, M4-440
M1-147, M1-173 Decimals, M1-137–M1-140, Dependent quantity, M3-154,
unit, M1-118, M1-178 M1-167–M1-174 M3-160–M3-161,
volume formula of, M3-10 adding (See Adding M3-163, M3-165,
volume of, M3-10 decimals) M3-186,
volume of, calculating, benchmark decimals, M3-222–M3-223
M1-119 M2-128, M2-158 Dependent variable,
of perfect cubes, writing, common equivalent, M3-160–M3-161,
M3-10, M3-77 M2-118, M2-158 M3-222
decimal greater than Deviation, M5-105–M5-110
D another decimal, calculating, M5-105
Data determining, definition of, M5-105
analyzing and interpreting M1-170–M-172 less than, more than, or
(See Data, analyzing dividing (See Dividing equivalent to the mean,
and interpreting) decimals) M5-109
collecting, displaying, estimating (See Estimating zero as sum of, M5-108
and analyzing, decimals) See also Absolute
M5-12–M5-17 fraction-decimal deviation; Mean
continuous, M5-54–M5-56 equivalents, absolute deviation
definition of, M5-8 M2-111–M2-115 Discrete data, M5-28, M5-64
discrete, M5-28, M5-64 vs. fractions, M1-74 Distributions
histograms and, knowledge of, using, on box-and-whisker plots,
M5-47–M5-56 M2-118–M2-119 M5-95, M5-96
line plots and, multiplying (See Multiplying definition of, M5-30, M5-64
M5-27–M-5-29 decimals) on dot plots, M5-32–M5-33
statistical questions in, on a number line, M2-115 on histograms, M5-54,
designing, M5-9–M5-11 operations, M5-95, M5-121
stem-and-leaf plots and, M1-137–M1-139 skewed left, M5-30, M5-31,
M5-34–M5-39 ordering, M2-125 M5-64, M5-65, M5-122
See also Categorical data; ordering from least to skewed right, M5-30,
Quantitative data greatest, M2-125, M5-31, M5-64, M5-65,
Data, analyzing and interpreting M2-158 M5-122
box-and-whisker plots used vs. percents, M2-118 on stem-and-leaf plots,
in, M5-93–M5-98 subtracting (See M5-36,M5-95
five number summary used Subtracting decimals) symmetric, M5-30, M5-31,
in, M5-87–M5-92 survey results on a table M5-64, M5-65, M5-122
mean, median, and mode represented with, used to determine when
used in, M5-71–M5-72 M2-112 mean or median is
mean absolute deviation writing as fractions, greater or less than the
used in, M5-105–M5-114 M2-113–M2-115, other, M5-135


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Distributive Property model used in, M1-109 Equations
decomposing numbers, Multiplicative Inverse bar models in solving
M1-46 Property and, M1-99 addition, M3-85
definition, M1-6, M1-61 number sentences in, cards, M3-103
in dividing algebraic M1-89–M1-90 definition of, M1-61,
expressions, patterns in, M1-89 M3-86, M3-89
M3-43–M3-45 sentences used in, M1-102 forms, M3-92–M3-93
in factoring algebraic simplifying, M1-100 fractional coefficients and,
expressions, Division M3-122–M3-124
M3-46–M3-47 in order of operations, literal, M3-136, M3-147
modeling, algebra tiles M3-16, M3-18, M3-78 solving one-step addition,
used in, M3-40–M3-45 Division Property of Equality, M3-107–M3-115
of Multiplication over M3-95, M3-105, solving one-step
Addition, M1-11 M3-144 multiplication,
real world situation Divisor, M1-168, M1-171 M3-119–M3-131
interpretation using, in dividing decimals, solving, to solve problems,
M1-12 M1-168, M1-182 M3-135–M3-142
rewriting algebraic Dot plots, M5-27–M5-29 using graphs, M3-153
expression, M3-80 analyzing, M5-27–M5-29, See also One-step
in simplifying algebraic M5-41 equations
expressions, clusters on, M5-32 Equivalent expressions,
M3-48–M3-49 creating, M5-27–M5-29, M3-12–M3-13
in writing algebraic M5-41 definition of, M3-47,
expressions, data shown on, M5-28 M3-55, M3-80
M3-40–M3-42 definition of, M5-28 graphs used to compare,
writing equivalent gaps on, M5-32 M3-80
expressions using, graphical display on, properties used to
M1-7–M1-12 M5-31 compare, M1-13, M1-61
Dividend, M1-165–M1-173, mean and median tables used to compare,
M1-181–M1-182 compared on, M5-135 M3-13
in dividing decimals, Double number lines, writing, using Distributive
M1-170–M1-172 M2-50–M2-53 Property, M1-7–M1-12,
Dividing decimals comparing ratios with, M1-61
dividend in, M1-170–M1-172 M2-90 Equivalent ratios
divisor in, M1-170–M1-172, converting units using, coordinate plane and,
M1-182 M2-170–M2-172 M2-103
long division used for, definition of, M2-50, definition, M2-40, M2-101
M1-172 M2-101 drawings used model,
modeling, M1-181–M1-182 equivalent ratios M2-39–M2-40
quotients of, estimating, determined with, M2-5 graphs used to represent,
M1-170–M1-171, percents determined on, M2-75–M2-78
M1-182 M2-143–M2-145 modeling to represent,
remainder in, M1-168, M2-39–M2-40
M1-171, M1-182 E modeling used to determine,
Dividing fractions, Edges M2-39–M2-40
M1-93–M1-102 definition of, M1-114, number lines and diagrams
calculating quotient for, M1-117, M1-177 used to determine,
M1-97 of nets, M1-144 M2-5, M2-51
checking answers in, M1-97 of prisms, M-119, M1-177 rates in, M2-45–M2-46
vs. dividing whole numbers, of pyramids, M1-148 scaling down, M2-49,
M-167–M-169 Ellipses (. . .), M4-50 M2-101, M2-210
improper fractions and, Equals sign (=), M1-108, scaling up, M2-47–M2-48,
M1-102 M3-112, M4-17–M4-18 M2-101, M2-210


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tables used to represent, equivalent (See Equivalent writing as decimals,
M2-57–M2-66, M2-101 expressions) M2-113–M2-115,
tape diagrams and, evaluating, M3-14–M3-16 M2-117, M2-157–M2-158
M2-41–M2-44 model, using, M3-5 writing as percents, M2-18,
writing, M3-12–M3-13 modeling, M3-11 M2-113–M2-115,
Estimates numerical (See Numerical M2-157–M2-158
of conversions from expressions) Frequency, M5-6, M5-15,
metric to customary order of operations and, M5-63
units of measure, M3-16–M3-17, M3-78 Frequency tables, M5-16
M2-167–M2-169 perfect squares and, M3-10 creating, M5-56
of decimals (See Estimating square of a number and, grouped, M5-52, M5-66
decimals) M3-9 vs. histogram, M5-66
in metric measurement, variables and, M3-25–M3-27
M2-167–M2-168 G
of percents (See Estimating F Gallon (gal), M2-165
percents) Face Gaps, M5-32
in standard units of measure, of cubes, M1-118, M1-145 Geometric solids
M2-167–M2-169 definition of, M1-117 definition of, M1-117, M-177
Estimating decimals, of a right rectangular prism, in everyday occurrences,
M1-123 M1-118 identifying, M5-145
quotients of division, See also Lateral face See also Prototypes; Three-
M1-168–M1-169 common dimensional shapes
sums and differences of, Five number summary Gram (g), M1-165
M1-134–M1-135 for analyzing and interpreting Graphical display
Estimating percents, data, M5-89–M5-92 on dot plots, M5-28–M5-29,
M2-123–M2-134 box-and-whisker plots used M5-64
benchmark percents used to identify, M5-93–M5-98 on histograms, M5-54,
in, M2-132–M2-133 human box plot, M5-88 M5-56
as fractions and decimals, values included in, M5-92 Graphs
M2-127 Fluid ounce (fl oz), M2-172 comparing ratio graphs,
using 10%, 5%, and 1%, Foot (ft), M2-167, M2-169 M2-87
M2-128–M2-131 Fractions continuous, M3-158
writing fractions as percents bar models representing discrete, M3-158
in, M2-126–M2-127 quotients with, M1-69 equations from,
Evaluate an algebraic vs. decimals, M1-74 M3-198–M3-199
expression, dividing (See Dividing equivalent ratios
M3-30–M3-31 fractions) represented with,
Evaluate a numerical equivalent (See Equivalent M2-75–M2-77
expression, fractions) of geometric figures on
M3-7–M3-18 fact families, M1-95 coordinate plane,
Experiments form, M2-15–M2-16, M2-100 M4-115–M4-116
definition of, M5-12, M5-62 multiplying (See Multiplying of inequalities, M3-98–M3-99
statistical questions fractions) of problems with multiple
answered through, on number line, M2-115 representations on
M5-13 numerators in (See coordinate plane,
Exponents Numerators) M3-199, M3-204
definition of, M3-9, M3-77 ordering, M2-125 reading and interpreting
in numerical expressions, parts (See Fractional parts) ratios from, M2-78,
M3-10 vs. percents, M2-18 M2-104
Expressions, M3-3–M3-81 product of, M1-84, M1-97 solving one-step
algebraic, M3-23–M3-31 as ratios, M2-18 equations using,
cube of a number and, strip models, M1-96–M1-97 M3-183–M3-189
M3-10 writing, M2-18 unit rates in, M2-201


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Greater than (.), M1-108, intervals on, M5-5, M5-49, Intervals
M3-112, M4-17–M4-18 M5-50, M5-52 on histograms, M5-5, M5-50,
Greater than or equal to ($), organizing and analyzing M5-52, M5-54, M5-66
M1-108, M2-100 data with on number lines, M2-250
Greatest common factor (GCF) range of a data set Inverse operation
definition of, M1-6, M1-43, determined from, for addition, M3-112,
M1-64 M5-51 M3-145
determining, M1-53–M1-54 definition of, M3-112,
listing factors to determine, I M3-145
M1-53 Inch (in), M2-168, M2-209 for division, M3-127
prime factorization used Independent quantity, M3-154, for isolating the variable,
to determine, M3-160–M3-161, M3-112–M3-114,
M1-53–M1-54, M1-65 M3-163, M3-165, M3-127, M3-145
relatively prime numbers M3-222–M3-223 for multiplication, M3-127,
and, M1-43, M1-64 Independent variable, M3-146
solving problems with, M3-154, M3-163, in solutions, M3-112
M1-54–M1-56 M3-165, M3-222 for solving one-step
Grouping symbols ( ( ) [ ]), Inequalities, M3-98–M3-102 equations, M3-145
M3-14–M3-16, M3-18 graph of, M3-98–M3-100, for subtraction, M3-112,
M3-144 M3-145
H number line used to Isolate the variable,
Height represent, M3-98–M3-99 M3-112–M3-114,
of parallelograms, solution set of, M3-98 M3-127, M3-145K
M1-17–M1-18, M1-62 writing in words, M3-101 Kilogram (kg), M2-167,
of prisms, M1-129, M1-167, writing to make an M2-174
M1-178 inequality true, M3-98, Kilometer (km), M2-169
of pyramids, M1-181 M3-144 Kite
of right rectangular prisms, Inequality symbols (,, ., #, area of, M1-31–M1-32
M1-122 $, fi), M1-108, M3-112, congruent sides of, M1-31,
slant, of pyramid, M1-148 M4-17–M4-18 M1-63
of trapezoids, M1-22–M1-23, definition, M1-76, M1-108 definition of, M1-31, M1-63
M1-63 fractions compared with, drawing, M1-31
of triangles, M1-19–M1-21, M1-108 opposite sides of, M1-31,
M1-62 Infinity M1-63
Histograms, M5-47–M5-56 definition of, M4-9, M4-47
bars displayed in, in a number set, M4-9, L
1039–1040 M4-47 Least common multiple
continuous vs. discrete data symbol (`), M4-9, M4-47 (LCM)
on, M5-54 Integers applying knowledge of,
creating, M5-53–M5-54, classifying, M4-39–M4-40 M1-65, M1-120
M5-55, M5-56 definition of, M4-38, definition of, M1-6, M1-45,
data represented in, M5-49, M4-50 M1-64
M5-66 negative, M4-5 determining, M1-45,
definition of, M5-5, M5-49 opposites, M4-5, M4-38 M1-56
displaying data using, plotting on a number line, prime factorization used to
M5-47–M5-58 M4-5 determine, M1-45
distributions on, M5-49, positive, M4-5 solving problems with,
M5-54, M5-56 squares of, M3-10, M3-77 M1-54–M1-56
vs. frequency tables, M5-53 See also Rational numbers Legs of a trapezoid, M1-22
(See also Frequency Interquartile range (IQR), Less than (, ), M1-108,
tables) M5-91 M3-112, M4-17–M4-18
graphical display on, calculating, M5-114 Less than or equal to (# ),
M5-54, M5-56 definition of, M5-105 M1-108, M3-112


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Like terms quartiles, M5-90, M5-133 Multiplying fractions,
combining, M3-37–M3-39 range, M5-70, M5-89, M1-83–M1-92
definition of, M3-38, M3-79 M5-133 benchmark fractions and,
numerical coefficients of, Median M1-70, M1-75–M1-76
M3-38 box-and-whisker plots used methods for, M1-85–M1-87
in simplifying algebraic to determine, mixed numbers,
expressions, M3-38, M5-93–M5-96 M1-85–M1-87
M3-39 choosing, M5-119–M5-121
Line plots. See Dot plots for a data set, calculating N
Line segments and interpreting, Natural numbers
definition of, M1-117, M5-73–M5-74 definition of, M4-39
M-177 definition of, M5-70, Negative integers, M4-5
in polygons, M1-117, M5-73, M5-131 Negative numbers
M1-177 vs. mean, M5-122–M5-123 definition of, M4-6, M4-9,
in quadrilaterals, M1-31 Metric measurement, M4-47
in triangles, M1-62 M2-165 negative sign used to write,
Liter (L), M2-173 abbreviations used in, M4-9
Long division, M1-172–M1-173 M2-173 Negative sign (–), M4-9
centimeter, M2-173 Nets
M conversions in, M2-173 for cubes, M1-113, M1-155
Mean gram, M2-173 converting units by using
as balancing, M5-77–M5-80 kilogram, M2-173 double, M2-170–M2-172
box-and-whisker plots kiloliter, M2-173 definition of, M1-144,
used to determine, M5- kilometer, M2-173 M1-180
93–M5-96 liter, M2-173 determining the whole
for a data set, calculating meter, M2-173 with double,
and interpreting, M5-69 milligram, M2-173 M2-143–M2-145
definition of, M5-70, milliliter, M2-173 for rectangular prisms,
M5-73, M5-80, M5-132 millimeter, M2-173 M1-145–M1-147
determining, See also Measurement of solids, M1-150–M1-151
M5-119–M5-121 Mile (mi), M2-173 triangular prism, M1-157
as fare share, M5-75–M5-76 Mode triangular pyramid,
median and, for a data set, calculating M1-159
M5-122–M5-123 and interpreting, using to construct models
Mean absolute deviation M5-73–M5-74 of solid figures,
applying, M5-112–M5-113, definition of, M5-6, M5-16, M1-113
M5-134 M5-63, M5-73, M5-131 Number lines
calculating and Multiple representations balance point on, M5-132
interpreting, M5-109 of equations, comparing ratios with
definition of, M5-109 M3-193–M3-206 double, M2-90
Measures of center of unit rates, double, M2-5,
for analyzing and M2-199–M2-208 M2-50–M2-56, M2-102
interpreting data, Multiplication human, M4-7–M4-22,
M5-71–M5-85 Commutative Property of M4-47–M4-48
balance point, M5-77, Multiplication and, inequality represented on,
M5-132 M1-44 M3-98–M3-103
definition of, M5-73 Multiplication Property of investigating time on,
See also Mean; Median; Equality, M3-95, M4-9–M4-10
Mode M3-105, M3-199 representing money on,
Measures of variation or Multiplicative inverse, M1-70, M4-13–M4-14
variability, M5-107 M1-99, M1-110 representing opposites on,
interquartile range, M5-91, Multiplicative Inverse Property, M4-11–M4-12
M5-133 M1-99, M1-110 vertical, M4-15–M4-16


C01_SE_Index.indd 7 1/12/19 8:13 PM

Number lines (cont.) Origin ordering, M2-125
visualizing opposites, M4-5 definition of, M4-55 of quantity, calculating, M2-
whole divided into ordered pair for, M4-56 140–M2-143
fractional parts graphed Ounce (oz), M2-173 reasoning with,
on, M1-88 Outlier M2-116–M2-117
Numbers definition of, M5-32, M5-65 sign (%), M2-18, M2-100
classifying, M4-39–M4-40 determining, 1129–1131 Percents, determining
composing and Out of 100 (%), M2-18, decimal equivalent of the
decomposing, M2-100, M2-113 fraction, M2-118, M2-
M1-51–M1-60 158
cube, M3-9–M3-10 P part given the whole
fractional, M3-221 Parallelogram and the percent,
mixed (See Mixed numbers) altitude of, M1-6, M1-17 M2-137–M2-139
multiplicative inverse of, area of, M1-17–M1-18 percent given the part
M1-99, M1-110 Area of a Parallelogram and the whole,
natural (See Natural Formula, M1-27 M2-137–M2-139
numbers) definition of, M1-17, using benchmarks,
negative, M4-6, M4-9, M1-62 M2-132–M2-133
M4-47 Parentheses whole given the part and
prime (See Prime numbers) definition of, M3-14 the percent, M2-159,
rational (See Rational Part-to-part relationships, M2-160
numbers) ratios as, M2-12–M2-16 Perfect squares
reciprocal of, M1-99, in equivalent ratios, M2-40, definition of, M3-10, M3-77
M1-110 M2-101 Pint (pt), M2-173
signed, M4-3–M4-6 ordering, M2-30–M2-31 Points
square, M3-9–M3-10 Part-to-whole relationships, definition of, M1-117,
Number systems, 691–697 ratios as, M2-12–M2-16 M1-177
classifying, M4-39–M4-40 in equivalent ratios, M2-40, Polygon, 826–828
natural numbers in, M4-39 M2-101 completing on plane,
rational numbers in, ordering, M2-30–M2-31 M4-76–M4-78
M1-71–M1-79 Percents, M2-105–M2-160 creating on plane, M4-78
whole numbers in, benchmark, M2-108, definition of, M1-114,
M1-167–M1-169 M2-123–M2-124, M1-117, M1-177
Numerical coefficients, M3-132 M2-128–M2-131, M2- line segments in, M1-114,
158 M1-177
O common equivalent, See also Regular polygon
One-step equations M2-118, M2-158 Polyhedron
definition of, M3-112, M3-145 vs. decimals, M2-117 cubes as, M1-118, M1-178
inverse operations used to definition of, M2-6, M2-18, definition of, M1-114,
solve, M3-112, M3-145 M2-100 M1-117, M1-177
solution to, definition of, determining (See Percents, face of, M1-117, M1-177
M3-145 determining) prisms as, M1-118
Ordered pair estimating (See Estimating pyramids as, M1-118,
definition of, M4-56 percents) M1-148, M1-178
for points on coordinate estimating from pictures, surface area of, M1-145,
plane, M4-56 M2-126–M2-127 M1-180
Ordering decimals, M2-125 vs. fractions, M2-117 Population, M5-12, M5-62
Ordering fractions, M2-125 hundredths grid used to Positive integers, M4-5
Ordering percents, M2-125 model, M2-107 Positive rational numbers
Ordering rational numbers, introduction to, benchmark fractions,
M1-77 M2-107–M2-108 M1-75–M1-76
Order of Operations, M3-6, knowledge of, using, definition, M1-74, M1-81,
M3-16–M3-19, M3-78 M2-117 M1-107


C01_SE_Index.indd 8 1/12/19 8:13 PM

identifying, M1-72–M1-73 Proportions R
ordering, M1-77 definition of, M2-6, M2-46, Range
writing, M1-74 M2-101 definition of, M5-51,
Positive sign (+), M4-9, M4-47 ratios written as, M2-46, M5-70, M5-89,
Pound (lb), M2-173 M2-101 M5-133
Powers wholes in, Rates, M2-45–M2-47
base of, M3-9, M3-77 M2-146–M2-148 definition of, M2-46,
definition of, M3-9, M3-77 Pyramid, M1-148–M1-149 M2-101
exponent of, M3-9, M3-77 definition of, M1-118, in equivalent ratios,
reading, M3-9 M1-148, M1-178 M2-46
Prime factorization, rectangular, M1-118 Rational numbers
M1-42–M1-43 slant height of, M1-148, classifying,
Prism, M1-148–M1-149 M1-181 M4-39–M4-40
base of, M1-148 surface area of, M1-154 comparing,
right rectangular, M1-118, vertex of, M1-148 M4-17–M4-18
M1-177 definition of,
volume of rectangular, Q M4-38, M4-50
M1-119–M1-121, Quadrants Density Property and,
M1-178 definition of, M4-56, M4-40, M4-51
Profit M4-58, M4-113 identifying, M1-71–M1-82
definition of, M3-162 Quadrilateral ordering, M1-77,
and total price, area of, M1-15–M1-16 M4-17–M4-18
M3-164–M3-165 kite as, M1-31, M1-63 plotting on a number line,
Properties parallelogram as, M4-76 M4-18
Addition Property of trapezoid as, M1-22, M1-63 Ratios, M2-3–M2-104
Equality, M3-94, Qualitative data. See choosing strategy to
M3-105, M3-144 Categorical data solve problems,
Density Property, Quantitative data M2-88–M2-89
M4-40–M4-41, M4-51 definition of, M5-6, M5-10, classifying and writing,
Division Property of M5-62 M2-20–M2-22
Equality, M3-95, Quantities comparing graphs of,
M3-105, M3-144 calculating percent of, M2-87
Multiplication Property of M2-140–M2-143 comparing representations
Equality, M3-95, comparing, M2-12 of, M2-85–M2-86
M3-105, M3-144 dependent, M3-154, definition of, M2-6, M2-12
Multiplicative Inverse M3-160–M3-161, double number lines and,
Property, M1-99, M1-110 M3-222 M2-90
Subtraction Property of independent, M3-154, finding, M2-13–M2-14
Equality, M3-94, M3-160–M3-161, in fractional form,
M3-105, M3-144 M3-222 M2-18–M2-19
See also Associative that change, graphs of, M2-69–M2-71
Property; Commutative M3-160–M3-161 introduction to,
Property; Distributive unknown, using graph to M2-7–M2-8
Property determine, meanings of, M2-15–M2-17
Properties of Equality M3-185–M3-187 as part-to-part relationships
for Addition and Quart (qt), M2-173 (See Part-to-part
Subtraction, M3-94, Quartiles (Q) relationships, ratios as)
M3-105, M3-144 definition of, M5-90, part-to-whole, percent as,
definition of, M3-94, M5-133 M2-30
M3-95, M3-143 Quotients as part-to-whole
for Multiplication and using bar models to relationships (See
Division, M3-95, represent with fractions, Part-to-whole
M3-105, M3-144 M1-69 relationships, ratios as)


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Ratios (cont.) S creating, M5-37–M5-39,
vs. percents, M2-100 Sales tax, M2-196 M5-43–M5-44
qualitative comparisons, Sample, M5-12, M5-62 definition of, M5-35, M5-65
M2-27–M2-28 Scaling leaves of, M5-35–M5-36,
rate as, M2-101 scaling down, M5-65
reasoning with, M2-48–M2-49, M2-102 organizing and interpreting
M2-116–M2-117 scaling up, M2-48–M2-49, data with side-by-side,
rectangle, M2-72–M2-74 M2-102 M5-46
representations of, Sets, M3-92–M3-93 stems of, M5-35–M5-36
M2-85–M2-86 Simplify Straightedge, M1-20
scaling down method used algebraic expressions, Subtraction Property of
to find equivalent ratios, M3-48–M3-49 Equality, M3-94,
M2-102 Skewed left distribution, M5- M3-105, M3-144
scaling up method used to 30, M5-31, M5-64, M5- Surface area
find equivalent ratios, 65, M5-122, of cubes, M1-173
M2-102 M5-135 of polyhedron, M1-145,
tables used to represent, Skewed right distribution, M1-180
M2-59–M2-62 M5-30, M5-31, M5-64, of pyramids,
types of, M2-18–M2-19 M5-65, M5-122, M1-143–M1-153
using ratio graphs to M5-135 of right rectangular prisms,
solve problems, Slant height of pyramids, M1- M1-143–M1-153
M2-78–M2-81 148, M1-181 Survey, M5-12, M5-62
written as proportions, Solution Symmetric distribution, M5-
M2-46, M2-101 definition of, M3-93 30, M5-31, M5-64, M5-
See also Equivalent ratios identifying, M3-96–M3-97 65, M5-112,
Ray, M3-99, M3-144 inverse operations used in, M5-135
Reciprocal, M1-99–M1-100, M3-112, M3-145
M1-110 to one-step equations, M3- T
Rectangle, M1-17 145 Tables
Area of a Rectangle from a set, M3-92–M3-93 equations from,
Formula, M1-122 Solution set of an inequality, M3-195–M3-197
building, M1-40 M3-98, M3-144 equivalent ratios
growing, M2-70–M2-71 Square represented with,
ratios, M2-72–M2-74 area of (See Squares, areas M2-57–M2-58
using to determine of) frequency (See Frequency
common factors, Area of a Square Formula, tables)
M1-41–M1-42 M3-9 ratios represented with,
Rectangular prism perfect, M3-10, M3-77 M2-59–M2-62
surface area of, Square of a number, M3-9 unit rates in, M2-201
M1-143–M1-144 Statistical questions, M5-8, Tax, sales, M2-196
volume of, M1-119–M1-121 M5-61 Three-dimensional shapes
Remainders, in dividing answering, M5-10, M5-12 cubes, M1-144
decimals, experiments and, M5-62 geometric solids, M1-117,
M3-140–M3-142 experiments used to M1-177
Right prism, M1-141 answer, M5-62 nets, M1-113, M1-155
Right rectangular prism, formulating, M5-9–M5-11 prisms, M1-148–M1-149
M1-118, M1-177 surveys and, M5-12, M5-62 pyramids, M1-148–M1-149
face of, M1-177 Stem-and-leaf plots, See also Prototypes
length, width, and height M5-34–M5-36 Trapezoid
of, M1-177 analyzing, M5-37–M5-39, altitude of, M1-22–M1-23,
surface area of, M1-180 M5-43–M5-44 M1-63

I-10 • INDEX

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area of, M1-22–M1-23, dimensions and, Volume
M1-63 M2-202–M2-204 adding, M1-133–M1-137
Area of a Trapezoid multiple representations of, of a cube, M3-10
Formula, M1-22 M2-199–M2-200 definition of, M1-119,
bases of, M1-22, M1-63 solving problems with, M1-178
definition of, M1-22, M2-194–M2-196 of a right rectangular prism,
M1-63 using to determine best M1-119
height of, M1-22–M1-23, buy, M2-190–M2-191 subtracting,
M1-63 using to make comparisons, M1-133–M1-137
legs of, M1-22 M2-192–M2-193 Volume formula,
Triangle, M1-15–M1-16 using models to estimate, M1-122–M1-125
altitude of, M1-19–M1-21 M2-187–M2-188 of a cube, M3-10
area of, M1-19–M1-21 writing, M2-189–M2-190 of a prism,
Area of a Triangle Formula, M1-122–M1-125
M3-136 V
bases of, M1-62, M1-148 Variables W
height of, M1-19–M1-21 analyzing problem Whole numbers,
vertices of, M1-19 situations, M1-18, M1-167–M1-169
Triangular pyramid, M1-150 M1-185
coefficient of, M3-26 X
U definition of, M1-18, x-coordinate, M3-153,
Unit cube, M1-118 M1-62, M3-6, M4-68
Unit fraction M3-78
definition of, M1-120 independent and Y
size of the whole determined dependent, Yard (yd), M2-169
with, M1-120 M3-160–M3-161, y-coordinate, M3-153,
Unit rates, M2-185–M2-198 M3-222 M4-68
definition of, M2-164, writing expressions with,
M2-187, M2-211 M3-25–M3-28

INDEX • I-11

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