Social Factors and Social Media Usage Activities On Customer Path 5A Continuity Due To E-Marketing Communication
Social Factors and Social Media Usage Activities On Customer Path 5A Continuity Due To E-Marketing Communication
Social Factors and Social Media Usage Activities On Customer Path 5A Continuity Due To E-Marketing Communication
The customer path 5A approach proposed the customer's personalization and communication on social
media marketing. The previous studies suggested the influence of customer's social factors were age,
gender, income, and occupation on customer path 5A due to X's e-marketing communication. This study
added social media usage activity. However, the previous study did not analyze the customer's role in path
5A phase continuity. This study examined the influence of social factors and social media usage activity on
the consumer path 5A continuity due to restaurant X's e-marketing communication. The research method
was quantitative, with a survey of 400 samples. The samples were taken from Instagram followers and
average monthly visitors of restaurant X in 2021, or 11,400 people. The one-way ANOVA tests found that
customers' social factor was significantly different in influencing customer path 5A was the occupation.
The social media usage activity was another factor influencing customer path 5A was the internet
spending category. The two customer factors influenced the partial customer path 5A category and did not
denote the customer path 5A phase continuity as the previous study suggested. Further research is
needed to explain the reason for the discontinuity between each customer Path 5A's phase.
Indonesian people use the internet the most for social media. The use of social media is in line
with changes in consumer behavior who are interested in e-marketing communication (Ancillai et al.,
2019; Bălteanu, 2019). Social media has opened opportunities for every producer to influence customers
(Dwivedi et al., 2021; Prasath & Yoganathen, 2018). Free social media allows small businesses to create e-
marketing communication (Lee, Kang, & Namkung, 2021; Soedarsono et al., 2020; Harun & Tajudeen,
2020). Social media has been used for marketing various products such as luxury products (Khan, 2018;
Oliveira & Fernandes, 2022), coffee shops, and restaurants (Lee, Kang & Namkung, 2021; Soedarsono et
al., 2020) or non-commercial products (Rachman, Mutiarani & Putri, 2018; Motta & Barbosa, 2018). E-
marketing communication-based in the digital era is the driving force for updating the marketing concept
*Corresponding author.
E-mail: [email protected] (Agustina Multi Purnomo)
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2023, pp. 11-24 12
(Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017: 25-26; Guven, 2020). Social media's product personalization and
communication features support marketing by promoting and communicating (Hughes & Fill, 2007;
Varadarajan et al., 2022). Ten years later, product personalization, consumer character, and the
development of digital technology prompted the birth of the marketing 4.0 concept and then marketing
5.0 (Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017; Martinez-Ruiz & Moser, 2019). Offline marketing is shifting to
online marketing. Producers are limited in influencing customer decisions. Marketing emphasizes the role
of customers in influencing other customers (Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017: 25; Hwang & Kim,
2020). This shift left the marketing mix concept and AIDA to be customer path 4A and then 5A (Kotler,
Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017: 31). Customer path 5A consists of the Aware, Appeal, Ask, Act, and Advocate
phases. The e-marketing communication was driven by awareness of the advocacy phase (Kotler,
Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017: 43; Sofi et al., 2018; Hwang & Kim, 2020). The awareness phase is the initial
phase that shows the customer's awareness of a product. The awareness phase denoted that customers
received information about products from the media and advocacy from other parties. The prospective
customer has seen the advertisement regarding the related product, and they have experience with the
related product. The appeal phase narrows the list of information in the minds of potential customers with
more specific product-related information. The customer is interested in a particular product, and the
customer sets considerations about the specific product in the appeal phase.
Prospective customers will ask friends for suggestions, look for product reviews, contact the call
center, compare with other products and try the product directly. The customer buys the product, uses it
for the first time, complains if something does not fit, and gets service in the action phase. Customer path
5A ends with an advocate phase. Customers use the product continuously, repurchase, and suggest
products to others in the advocate phase (Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017: 41-42; Lin, Tseng, & Shirazi,
2022). The advocate phase is not always positive but can also be harmful if the customer is disappointed
with the product (Harisandi & Purwanto, 2022; Hwang & Kim, 2020). The activities in each phase were
the customer path 5A's indicators (Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017: 41-42; Fadillah & Retnaningsih,
2020; Herlina et al., 2020; Hwang & Kim, 2020).
The previous study focused on the customer's characteristics in customer path 5A of social media
marketing communication in food or restaurant products. The customer's characteristics were the social
factors from a sociological digital marketing perspective (Fussey & Roth, 2020; Pazhouheshfar, Biabani, &
Behboudi, 2021; Ghasem Nezhad, Majidi Ghahroodi, & Jalilvand, 2022). Digital subculture emphasizes
customer personalization regarding gender, age, and their role as netizens in disseminating information
(Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017: 26, 31; Fadillah & Retnaningsih, 2020). Females were potential as
market share and the young generation in mind share (Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017: 26). The
previous studies found that youth responded more quickly than the elder (Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan,
2017: 41; Tan, Ojo & Thurasamy, 2019). Different age or generation has different 5A phase customer
paths and communication patterns on social media in purchasing food products (Dabija et al., 2018;
Hwang & Kim, 2020; Mas’adi et al., 2022). The income variable influenced phase customer paths 5A and
customer's attitudes (Chou et al., 2020; Hwang & Kim, 2020). The previous study did not pay attention to
the occupation variables. The occupation was the sociological aspect of digital customers’ lifestyle analysis
(Belanche, Flavián, & Pérez-Rueda, 2020; Hoang, Blank, & Quan-Haase, 2020; Kaur & Kochar, 2018).
Therefore, this study proposed that the customer's social factors (gender, age or generation, occupation,
income) are related to customer path 5A (H1).
Previous research has not added elements of social media usage activity. The addition of elements
of consumer behavior in social media has the opportunity to examine the effect of consumer activities in
using social media on consumer path 5A. Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan was not explained the netizen's
behavior in disseminating information. Using internet-based media is an element in assessing customer
behavior (Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017: 26; Waris et al., 2022). Customer characteristics have
different information search and alternative evaluation behavior (Voramontri & Klieb, 2019; Karimi,
Holland, & Papamichail, 2018). The differences in information search behavior (social media usage
activity) significantly influenced customer behavior (Ryan et al., 2017; Voramontri & Klieb, 2019). The
Indonesian Internet Service Provider Association surveys 2019-2020 focused on internet spending and
the length of time spent using social media.
Therefore, this study examined the behavior of using social media with indicators of spending on
internet shopping per month, length of time using social media in one day, activities using social media,
and frequently used social media features. These social media usage activities and features denoted how
the respondents used social media. Therefore, this study proposed that the customer's social factors are
related to the customer's social media usage activity and the customer path 5A (H2 and H3). However, the
previous study did not analyze the customer's role in path 5A phase continuity as Kotler, Kartajaya &
Setiawan (2017) suggested. The e-marketing communication was driven by awareness of the advocacy
phase (Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017: 43; Hwang & Kim, 2020). The connectedness between the
awareness of the advocacy phase in each customer's social factors and using social media behavior
indicated the continuity in the customer path 5A. Therefore, this study proposed that the customer's social
factors and social media usage activity relate to each phase in the customer path 5A (H4). This study
examined the influence of social factors and social media usage activity on the consumer path 5A
continuity due to restaurant X's e-marketing communication on Instagram. The research questions were
1) was there a relationship between the customer's social factors with the customer path 5A; 2) was there
a relationship between the customer's social factors with the customer's social media usage activity; 3)
was there a relationship between the customer's social media usage activity with the customer path 5A; 4)
there was there a relationship between the customer's social factors and the customer's social media
usage activity with each phase in the customer path 5A. The study results contributed to developing a
restaurant's e-marketing communication strategy that considered various social factors and customers'
social media usage activity.
The research's subject is restaurant X in Bogor Regency. Bogor tourism was characterized by
culinary service growth (Purnomo, 2020, 2021). The restaurant has three branches in Cipanas Cianjur
Regency, Cisarua-Puncak, Bogor Regency, and Jl. Setiabudi Bandung. Two restaurant locations were in the
heavy traffic tourist area with a weekend visit pattern (Cipanas and Puncak). Therefore, restaurant X's
study location is in the Puncak area, Bogor Regency. Visits to restaurants in tourist areas are related to
tourist visits (Bustamante, Sebastia & Onaindia, 2019; Hakim, Suryantoro & Rahardjo, 2021). The only
very well-known restaurants are deliberately visited by tourists (Daries et al., 2021; Hakim et al., 2021).
Congested traffic conditions and difficulties in reaching specific restaurant locations cause tourists to
choose the most accessible restaurant or the restaurant that has attracted tourists' attention before
making a tourist visit. Restaurants need adequate e-marketing communication support to become
consumers' choices (Bustamante, Sebastia & Onaindia, 2019; Kim & Hwang, 2022).
The total population in this study is the Instagram followers of Restaurant X (10,000 people) plus
the average monthly visitors of restaurant X in 2021 (1,400 people). Calculating the number of samples
using the Slovin formula at the level of 5% denoted that the number of research samples is 400.
Researchers distributed questionnaires to Instagram followers and visitors who know the Instagram of
Restaurant X to ensure that respondents fill out the questionnaire due to Restaurant X's e-marketing
communication on social media. The researcher sent a questionnaire to Instagram followers via direct
message on Instagram restaurant X and filled it out indirectly for restaurant visitors. Questionnaires that
meet the analysis requirements are 400 units. This amount has fulfilled the number of samples at 5%. The
measurement used a Likert scale (1=strongly disagree, 2=disagree, 3=neutral, 4=agree, 5=strongly agree).
The midpoint (neutral) of 1-5 points on the Likert scale is recommended for ordinal scale measurement.
The neutral choice allowed free respondents choice according to their opinion (Alabi & Jelili, 2022;
Chyung et al., 2017).
Test the validity of the questionnaire using Pearson's Product Moment correlation technique on
60 respondents. The validity test results found the r count ≥ r table value. Each indicator's R table value
was 0.273, and r counts were 0,533-0,822. This value indicated that the questionnaire questions were
valid because the r count ≥ r table value in alpha 0,05. The questionnaire reliability test used Cronbach's
Alpha. The reliability of a variable construct was acceptable if it had a Cronbach's Alpha coefficient value >
0.60 and an alpha more significant than the r table (Taber, 2018; Bujang, Omar, & Baharum, 2018).
Customer Path 5A has Cronbach Alpha 0.755 value or reliability (Taber, 2018; Bujang, Omar, & Baharum,
2018). Research data processing consists of three stages. First, describe the percentage of customers'
social factors. Age was two categories, Z and Y generation. The respondent who has aged in X and baby
boomers generation was limited, so it was deleted from the age group. Income categories referred to
Bogor Regency regional minimum wage 2021 as a research site. The social media usage activity category
referred to Instagram as a restaurant's marketing e-communication media. Second, examine the
relationship between customer's social factors with the customer's e-communication marketing usage
with the Pearson chi-square test and cross-tabulation. Third, examine the relationship between
customer's social factors and customer's social media usage activity path 5A with one-way ANOVA and
Fisher LSD (BNT).
Agustina Multi Purnomo / Social Factors and Social Media Usage Activities on Customer Path 5A Continuity Due to E-Marketing
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2023, pp. 11-24 14
Table 1. Customer’s Social Factors and Customer’s Social Media Usage Activity
Respondent Characteristics Amount Percentage (%)
Male 221 55.25
Female 179 44.75
< 25 years 183 45.75
> 25 years 217 54.25
The income per month (in a million IDR)
Less than 4.217.206 280 70
More than 4.217.206 120 30
School 155 38.70
Employee 167 41.75
Entrepreneurs 60 15
Others 18 0.45
Internet spending per month (in IDR)
50.000-100.000 211 52.75
100.000-150.000 129 32.25
Upper than 150.000 70 15
Length of time using Instagram (in one day)
Less than one hour 71 17.75
1-2 hours 166 41.50
2-3 hours 91 22.75
More than 3 hours 72 18
Instagram usage activity (choose more than one)
Product/service buying 19 4.8
Product/service sales searching 40 10.0
Product/service searching 104 26.0
Personal activity posts in Instagram’s feed or story 219 54.8
Others 18 4.5
Others 11 0.5
Based on Table 1, most respondents used Instagram to post personal activities and Instagram
stories and feeds. 26% of Respondents were searching for a product/service. Respondents rarely bought
and searched product sellers on Instagram. Instagram usage activity data indicated that Instagram was
more appropriate for introducing products than selling products. Respondent Instagram features used
data that denoted respondents' potential to share and promote a product. Respondents usually used
Instagram stories and fed to share their activities. The activity could suggest the restaurant's product to
the respondent's Instagram followers, or it was in the advocate phase.
The researcher did Fisher LSD (BNT) further test to analyze which occupation has a different
influence on customer path 5A. Table 3 found that the employee and school significantly influenced
customer path 5A in alpha 5%. İt means the employee and school categories were the occupation
categories significantly different from the customer path 5A.
The Relation Between Customer’s Social Factors and Customer’s E Social Media Usage Activity
The Pearson chi-square tested the association between customers' social factors and social media
usage activity. Table 4 denoted that gender significantly influenced the length of time. Therefore, age,
occupation, and income significantly influenced internet spending, length of time, and Instagram usage.
The customer's social factors did not influence Instagram features used. H2 accepted in gender and length
of time; age, occupation, and income in internet spending, length of time, and Instagram usage activity. H2
rejected Instagram features used. There did no relationship between customers' social factors and the
Instagram features used.
Table 4. Pearson Chi-Square Test on Customer’s Social Factors and Customer Social Media Usage Activity
Customer’s Customer’s E Social Media Usage Pearson Chi- df Asymp.
Characteristics Activity Square Sig. (2-
Gender Internet spending 6.444 4 0.168
Length of time 12.104 5 0.033
Instagram usage activity 4.923 4 0.295
Instagram features used 5.000 4 0.287
Agustina Multi Purnomo / Social Factors and Social Media Usage Activities on Customer Path 5A Continuity Due to E-Marketing
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2023, pp. 11-24 16
Although men and women simultaneously significantly influenced the length of time, cross-
tabulation results indicated that males tended to be less in the four-hour group. Based on Table 5, females
took time longer than males to use Instagram. Therefore gender was not influencing Instagram usage
activity, and Instagram features were used. It could not be concluded that females were related to internet
media-based communication behavior.
The age variable significantly influenced internet spending, length of time, and Instagram usage
activity. Cross-tabulation results in Table 6 denoted that respondents aged more than 25 (Y generation)
spent more than those aged less than 25 (Z generation).
Based on Table 7, the respondent's Z generation spent time more than three hours higher than
the respondent's Y generation. Respondent Y's generation's internet spent time was highest in the 1-2
hours group. Respondent Z generation was more potential as the social media market segment referred to
the spent time using Instagram.
Based on Table 8, the respondent Z generation was higher in product and sales searching.
Therefore, the respondent's Y generation was higher in product buying. It was denoted that the
respondent's Y generation was more potential as a buyer. The percentage of personal activity in
respondent's Y generation indicated they were more potential as advocate agents than respondent's Z
The cross-tabulation result in Table 9 denoted that the student respondents spent more than the
other occupation group except in more than 200.000 IDR groups. The employee and entrepreneur group
was not related to internet spending. The groups mostly spent less than 100.00 IDR per month.
The other respondents spent more extended time on Instagram than the other group. The data in
Table 10 denoted that the other group was mainly unemployed and housewife.
Based on Table 11, the other group was the highest percentage of product buying and personal
activity. The entrepreneur's group was the highest percentage in product sales searching and the lowest in
product buying and searching. The product searching was highest in the student group.
Based on Table 12, the income variable denoted higher-income influencing internet spending.
Cross tabulation results clearly show that the higher income spent higher internet package.
Agustina Multi Purnomo / Social Factors and Social Media Usage Activities on Customer Path 5A Continuity Due to E-Marketing
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2023, pp. 11-24 18
Based on Table 13, internet spending was related to the length of time spent using Instagram. The
cross-tabulation result denoted that the higher income was a higher percentage in more than four hours
Therefore, Table 14 shows that the income variable was related to product buying and sales
searching. The higher-income respondents were a higher percentage in product buying and sales
searching. The lower-income respondents were a higher percentage in product searching and personal
The test and cross-tabulation results denoted that the customer's social factors are related to the
social media usage activity in some variables. Females spend more time on Instagram than males.
Therefore the gender variable was not related to the activity that supported e-marketing communication
(Instagram usage activity). The Y generation spent more and product buying than the Z generation. The Z
generation spent more time product searching and sales searching.
The results denoted that older people have more potential as active customers than younger ones.
Therefore, the cumulative number of student group internet spending was higher than that of workers.
The student group could not be denoted as younger than the worker group. The occupation grouping was
limited to exploring the other group with the highest percentage of internet time using and product
buying. The higher income group spent more on internet spending, length of time, product buying, and
sales searching. The lower-income group was higher in product searching and personal activity.
The Relationship Between Customer’s Social Media Usage Activity and Customer Path 5A
The between-subjects effects one-way ANOVA tests in Table 15 found that only internet spending
significantly influenced customer path 5A. H2 is accepted in the internet spending variable.
Table 15. Between-subjects effects tests with dependent variable customer path 5A
Source Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Model 6359.373 18 353.299 2514.524 0.000
Internet spending 2.264 4 0.566 4.028 0.003
Length of time 1.457 5 0.291 2.073 0.068
Instagram usage activity 0.234 4 0.059 0.417 0.797
Instagram features used 0.831 4 0.208 1.478 0.208
Error 53.672 382 0.141
Total 6413.045 400
Table 16 shows the Fisher LSD (BNT) further tests found the internet spending groups of 50.000-
100.000 and 150.000-200.000; 100.000 –150.000 and 150.000-200.000; 150.000-200.000 and > 300.000;
were significantly different influencing customer path 5A in alpha 5%.
Table 17. Tests between occupation as a social factor and customer path 5A
Source Dependent Variable Type III Sum of Squares df Mean Square F Sig.
Occupation Aware 1.524 3 0.508 2.067 0.104
Appeal 0.432 3 0.144 0.753 0.521
Ask 0.862 3 0.287 1.718 0.163
Act 2.580 3 0.860 4.831 0.003
Advocate 2.203 3 0.734 3.474 0.016
The one-way ANOVA test on each customer path 5A variable in Table 18 found internet spending
was significantly influencing appeal and advocate in alpha 5%. The internet spending variables
Agustina Multi Purnomo / Social Factors and Social Media Usage Activities on Customer Path 5A Continuity Due to E-Marketing
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2023, pp. 11-24 20
significantly influenced customers' interest and considerations about the specific product, using the
product continually, repurchasing, and recommending the product to others. The test also found that the
length of time significantly influenced the ask and act. The test also found that the length of time indicator
influenced the ask and act phase. Both indicators did not influence the other customer path 5A variable.
Table 18. The customers' social media usage activity variables between-subjects test with dependent
variable customer path 5A
Dependent Type III Sum of Mean
Source df F Sig.
Variable Squares Square
Model Aware 6416.591 18 356.477 1464.806 0.000
Appeal 6393.394 18 355.189 1914.892 0.000
Ask 6288.779 18 349.377 2147.741 0.000
Act 6337.909 18 352.106 1975.355 0.000
Advocate 6367.686 18 353.760 1720.679 0.000
Internet spending Aware 3.270 4 0.817 3.359 0.010
Appeal 3.854 4 0.963 5.194 0.000
Ask 1.216 4 0.304 1.868 0.115
Act 1.594 4 0.398 2.235 0.065
Advocate 3.577 4 0.894 4.349 0.002
Length of time Aware 1.384 5 0.277 1.138 0.340
Appeal 0.640 5 0.128 0.690 0.631
Ask 3.094 5 0.619 3.804 0.002
Act 2.021 5 0.404 2.268 0.047
Advocate 1.974 5 0.395 1.921 0.090
Instagram usage Aware 0.133 4 0.033 0.137 0.968
activity Appeal 0.429 4 0.107 0.578 0.678
Ask 0.484 4 0.121 0.744 0.562
Act 0.269 4 0.067 0.377 0.825
Advocate 1.395 4 0.349 1.697 0.150
Instagram features Aware 1.122 4 0.280 1.152 0.332
used Appeal 0.426 4 0.107 0.575 0.681
Ask 0.291 4 0.073 0.447 0.775
Act 1.671 4 0.418 2.344 0.054
Advocate 1.831 4 0.458 2.226 0.066
Error Aware 92.964 382 0.243
Appeal 70.856 382 0.185
Ask 62.141 382 0.163
Act 68.091 382 0.178
Advocate 78.537 382 0.206
The customer's social factors were only significantly different in influencing customer path 5A in
the occupation category. The researcher added the occupation category. Previous studies on customer
path 5A did not focus on the occupation category (Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017: 26; Fadillah &
Retnaningsih, 2020; Hwang & Kim, 2020; Mas'adi et al., 2022). The finding was identical to the social
research on customer behavior (Belanche, Flavián, & Pérez-Rueda, 2020; Hoang, Blank, & Quan-Haase,
2020; Kaur & Kochar, 2018). However, the finding differed because the occupation category was not
control or intermediate variable (Belanche, Flavián, & Pérez-Rueda, 2020; Kaur & Kochar, 2018). The
occupation category was the significant social factor influencing customer path 5A variables.
The occupation category was not listed as the primary social factor of the customer path 5A
theoretical. Females were potential as market share and the young generation in mind share (Kotler,
Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017: 26, 41). The customer path 5A theoretical focused on gender and age. The
gender and age category has no relationship with the customer path 5A. Although females spent more
time on Instagram than males, females did not have the potential to market share (Kotler, Kartajaya &
Setiawan, 2017: 26; Fadillah & Retnaningsih, 2020). The potency for marketing share (advocate variable)
was in the employee and student category. The difference between an employee and student groups in
influencing customer path 5A has not clearly explained the role of the young generation in mind share
(Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017: 41; Tan, Ojo & Thurasamy, 2019). The younger (Z generation) was
not represented by the student group. This research finding proposed rethinking the significant role of
gender and age variables. The income category was not significantly different from influencing customer
path 5A. It differed from previous research (Chou et al., 2020; Hwang & Kim, 2020). Income and
occupation have a relationship that indicates social status (Belanche, Flavián, & Pérez-Rueda, 2020; Blau,
Duncan, & Tyree, 2019). The test result indicated that income and occupation have a different role in
influencing customer path 5A variables. The two categories have not always related that indicate the same
social status.
The social media usage activity was significantly different in influencing customer path 5A in the
internet spending category. The one-way ANOVA test found that the length of time category significantly
differed in influencing ask and act. The research finding denoted that the netizen's role in disseminating
information (advocate) was in the internet spending category and the length of time only. The netizen has
a role in disseminating information (Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017: 26; Fadillah & Retnaningsih,
2020). The finding was related to the Indonesian Internet Service Provider Association surveys 2019-
2020 indicator (APJII, 2020) that focused on internet spending and the length of time spent using social
media. Therefore, the differences in information search behaviors (Instagram usage activity and
Instagram features used) were not significantly influencing customer behavior as in the previous research
(Ryan et al., 2017; Voramontri & Klieb, 2019). The research finding proposed to use of APJII indicators.
The test result indicated the relation between social factors and social media usage activity.
Gender category related to a length of time. Age, occupation, and income related to internet spending,
length of time, and Instagram usage activity. The finding relates to previous studies that found a
relationship between customer characteristics and information search behavior (Voramontri & Klieb,
2019; Karimi, Holland, & Papamichail, 2018). There did no relationship between customers' social factors
and the Instagram features used. The finding indicated that Instagram features used activity was not
significant social media usage activity. The test between the occupation category and customer path 5A
category found that the occupation category was not significantly different in awareness, ask, and appeal
but significant differences in act and advocate. The same result was found in social media usage activity
and customer path 5A. The different internet spending category was significant in appeal and advocacy,
and the different length of time was the only significant difference in ask and act. The customers did not
need to get the first step before the next steps of customer path 5A. The finding denoted that customers
did not need to be aware first, then ask, appeal, act, and advocate for others. It jumped from the prediction
of customer path 5A that the e-marketing communication was driven by awareness to the advocacy phase
(Kotler, Kartajaya & Setiawan, 2017: 43; Hwang & Kim, 2020). The test result did not find the
connectedness between the awareness of the advocacy phase in each customer's social factors and using
social media usage activity that indicated the continuity in the customer path 5A. This research finding
asked the customer path 5A theoretical to rethink the continuity of each phase as a definite stage.
The discontinuity between each customer Path 5A phase indicated that e-marketing
communication through Instagram cut the aware phase because the respondent was the follower or the
visitor. They were aware of the product. The significantly different in the advocate category denoted that
Instagram was effective as a restaurant's e-marketing communication media extension. Restaurant X's e-
marketing communication on Instagram also suggested that Instagram facilitates the asking phase.
Therefore, the research finding did not explain the discontinuity between the appeal and advocate phases.
Instagram did not facilitate act activity.
The study found differences from previous studies. The customer characteristic variable that
affects customer path 5A was the occupation category only. Previous studies did not suggest that category
is the most important social factor. The social media usage activity that affects customer path 5A was not a
variable that indicated customer information search behavior. This study suggested paying attention to
occupation, internet spending, and the length of time category as the significant social factor and social
media usage activity. The study found the discontinuity of the customer Path 5A phase. The two customer
social factors affect some of the customer's Path 5A without going through the stages that indicate the
discontinuity of the customer's Path 5A phase. The test results indicated that the respondents did not
need to differ in the previous phase to be different in the next phase. Further research is needed to explain
the reason for the discontinuity between each customer Path 5A's phase.
Researchers obtained research data from independent research. Data sources have confirmed all
research data, and there was no potential conflict over the use of the data. The researcher would thank
Agustina Multi Purnomo / Social Factors and Social Media Usage Activities on Customer Path 5A Continuity Due to E-Marketing
International Journal of Social Science and Business, Vol. 7, No. 1, 2023, pp. 11-24 22
Muchamad Ardy Abdulatief A., who supported collecting the data and permitted the researcher to use the
data for this manuscript.
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