MHT Cet PCM QP - 04
MHT Cet PCM QP - 04
MHT Cet PCM QP - 04
b) 3.3 10-34 kg m/s
11. A uniform rope of mass 6 kg hangs c) 6.6 10-34 kg m/s
vertically from a rigid support. A block d) 6.6 10-30 kg m/s
of mass 2 kg is attached to the free end
of the rope. A transverse pulse of 18. Which of the following has maximum
wavelength 0.06 m is produced at the momentum ?
lower end of the rope. The wavelength a) A 100 kg vehicle moving at 0.02 m s-1
of the pulse, when it reaches the top is b) A 4 g weight moving at 1000 cm s-1.
(in m) c) A 200 g weight moving with kinetic
a) 0.06 b) 0.12 energy of 10-6J.
c) 0.03 d) 0.24 d) A 200 g weight after falling through
one kilometer.
12. A particle is executing simple harmonic
motion with frequency f. The frequency 19. A converging beam of rays is incident on
at which its kinetic energy changes into a diverging lens. Having passed through
potential energy is the lens the rays intersect at a point 20 cm
a) f/2 b) f from the lens on the opposite side. If the
c) 2 f d) 4 f lens is removed the point where the rays
meet will move 10 cm closer to the lens.
13. A particle performs uniform circular The focal length of the lens is
motion in a horizontal plane. The radius a) -30 cm b) -5 cm
of the circle is 10 cm. If the centripetal c) -10 cm d) -20 cm
force F is kept constant but the angular
velocity is halved, the new radius of the 20. If a capillary tube is dipped in water in a
path will be state of weightlessness, then water will
a) 10 cm b) 20 cm a) not rise in the tube.
c) 40 cm. d) 5 cm
b) rise to the maximum available height
14. Two metal plates are separated by 2 cm. of the tube.
The potentials of the plates are -10 V and c) rise to the height observed under
+ 30 V. The electric field between the two normal-condition.
plates is : d) rise to the height below that observed
a) 2000 V/m b) 500 V/m under normal condition.
c) 3000 V/m d) 1000 V/m
21. If universal gas constant is 8.3
15. In Wheatstone's network P = 2 , Q = 2 joule/mole-K and the Avogadro's number
, R = 2 and S = 3 . The resistance is 6 1023, then mean kinetic energy of
with which S is to be shunted in order that the oxygen molecules at 427 °C will be
the bridge may be balanced is a) 415 10-23 joule
a) 40 b) 1
b) 1245 10-23 joule
c) 6 d) 2
c) 1452 10-23 joule
16. An - particle of energy 5 MeV is d) 2490 10-23 joule
scattered through 180° by gold nucleus.
The distance of closest approach is of the 22. A thin mica sheet of thickness 4 10-6m
order of and refractive index 1.5 is introduced in
a) 10-14 cm b) 10-10 cm the path of the first wave. The
c) 10 cm d) 10-12 cm wavelength of the wave used is 5000 Aº.
The central bright maximum will shift
17. What is the momentum of a photon having a) 4 fringes upward.
frequency 1.5 1013 Hz? b) 4 fringes downward.
a) 3.3 10-29 kg m/s c) 10 fringes upward.
d) 10 fringes, downwards.
23. The magnetic induction at a point P 29. A flywheel of mass 20 kg and radius 5 cm
which is at a distance of 2 cm from a long is revolving at a speed of 300 rpm. Its
current carrying wire is 10-6 T. The kinetic energy is
induction at a distance 8 cm from same 25
current carrying wire is a) J b) 2.52J
a) 2.5 10-7T b) 2.5 10-9 T
c) 3.62 J d). 1.62 J
c) 2.5 10-3 T d) 2.5 107T
31. In a region where intensity of electric field
24. The permeability of a metal is 0.01256
is 5 NC-1, 40 lines of electric force are
TmA-I. What is its relative permeability?
crossing per square metre. The number of
a) 104 b) 105
lines crossing per square metre where
c) 2 106 d) 3 105 intensity of electric field is 10 NC-1 will be
25. A 60 electric heater is connected to a a) 20 b) 80
200 V, 50 Hz mains supply. The peak c) 100 d) 200
value of electric current flowing in the
circuit is approximately 32. The resistances in left and right gap of a
a) 4,.7 A b) 5.0A metre-bridge are 20 and 30
c) 7.1 A d) 10 A respectively. When the resistance in the left
gap is reduced to half its value, the balance
26. A metre scale made of a metal reads point shifts by
accurately at 25 °C. Suppose in an a) 15 cm to the right.
experiment an accuracy of 0.12 mm in
b) 15 cm to the left.
1 m is required, the range of temperature
in which the experiment can be c) 20 cm to the right.
performed with this metre scale is d) 20 cm to the left.
(coefficient of linear expansion of the
metal is 20 10-6 / °C) 33. In Rutherford scattering experiment, the
a) 19 °C to 31 °C number of particles observed at an angle of
b) 25 °C to 32 °C 10° is one million per minute. The number
c) 18 °C to 25 ° C of particles/minute at 90° are,
d) 18 °C to 32 °C a) 231 b) 63
c) 58 d) 10
27. In an npn transistor, the base current is
100 A and the collector current is 10 34. Threshold wavelength for lithium metal is
mA. The emitter current is 6250 Aº. For photoemission, the
a) 1.01 mA b) 10.1 mA wavelength of the incident light must be
c) 0.101 mA d) 0.0101 mA ………….
a) More than 6250 Aº
28. The equation of a wave is b) Exactly equal to 6250 Aº
y = 60 cos (1800t - 6x), where y is in c) Equal to or more than 6250 Aº
microns, t in seconds and x in metres. The d) Equal to or less than 6250 Aº
ratio of maximum particle velocity to the
wave velocity of wave propagation is 35. A mass of 20 kg is suspended from a rope
a) 3.6 b) 3.6 10-6 wound on a wheel of diameter 80 cm. The
c) 3.6 10-11 d) 3.6 10-4 torque about the axis of rotation is
a) 39.2 N m b) 78.4N m
29. The ratio of frequencies of oscillations of c) 4 N m d) 2 N m
two simple pendulums is 3 : 4, then their
lengths are in the ratio 36. As the position of an object (u) reflected
a) 9 : 16 b) 16 : 9 from a concave mirror is varied, the
position of the image (v) also varies. For the
c) 3 : 4 d) 4 : 2
values of u from 0 to + the graph between
v versus u will be
39. In Young's double-slit experiment, an
interference pattern is obtained on a
screen by a light of wavelength 4000 A,
coming from the coherent sources S1
and S2. At certain point P on the screen,
third dark fringe is formed. Then the
a) b) path difference S1P – S2P in microns is
a) 0.75 b) 1
c) 3.0 d) 4.5
45. The wave of the wavelength 30 cm and
frequency 100 Hz will be 51. At S.T.P., the volume of 5.5 g of gas is
a) y = A sin 2 (t/0.01 - 30x) 4.4 L. The gas is ………….. .
b) y = A sin2 (0.1 t - 30x) a) NO b) N2O
c) CO d) CO2
c) y = A sin 2 (100t - x/30)
d) y = A sin 2 (0.01t + 30x) 52. Identify the CORRECT statement.
46. A cyclist with combined mass 80 kg goes a) Gold sol is an example of
around a curved road with a uniform speed macromolecular colloid.
20 m/s. He has to bend inward by an angle b) The movement of colloidal particles
0 = tan-1 (0.50) with the vertical. The force under an applied electric potential is
of friction acting at the point of contact of called electroosmosis.
tyres and road surface is [g = 10 m/s2] c) Vanishing cream is an example to oil in
a) 300N b) 400 N water type of emulsion.
c) 800N d) 250 N d) Argyrol is a gold sol used as an eye
47. The electrostatic potential inside a charged lotion.
sphere is given as V = Ar2 + B, where r is
the distance from the centre of the sphere; 53. A compound that has a high negative heat
A and B - are constants. Then the charge of formation is normally
density in the sphere is a) easy to form from its elements and easy
a) 16 Ao b) - 6 Ao to decompose
b) easy to form from its elements and
c) 20 Ao d) -15 Ao
difficult to decompose
48. When the value of R in the balanced c) difficult to form from its elements and
Wheatstone bridge, shown in the figure, is easy to decompose
increased from 5 to 7 , the value of S d) difficult to form from its elements and
has to be increased by 3 in order to difficult to decompose
maintain the balance. What is the initial
value of S? 54. Markownikoff s rule governs the addition
of …………..
a) 2.5 . a) unsymmetrical reagents to
b) 3 symmetrical alkenes
c) 5 b) symmetrical reagents to
d) 7.5 unsymmetrical alkenes
c) unsymmetrical reagents to
unsymmetrical alkenes
49. A galvanometer of resistance 25 is d) symmetrical reagents to symmetrical
shunted by 2.5 resistance. The part alkenes
(fraction) of the total current that flows
through the galvanometer is given as 55. The freezing point of pure benzene is
I 1 I 2 278.4 K. When 4.0 g of a solute having
a) G b) G molecular weight 100 g mol-1 is added to
I 0 11 I 0 11
200 g of benzene, the freezing point of the
I 3 I 4 solution will be …………..
c) G d) G
I 0 11 I 0 11 (Kf of benzene = 5.12 K kg mol-1.)
a) 276.236 K b) 278.400 K
50. The acceleration of electron in the first
c) 279.424K d) 277.376 K
orbit of hydrogen atom is
4 2 m h2 56. The following reactions follow zero order
a) b)
h3 4 2 mr kinetics, EXCEPT
h2 m2 h2 a) decomposition of H2O2(l)
c) d)
4 2 m2 r 3 4 2 r 3 b) decomposition of NH3 on platinum
c) decomposition of nitrous oxide in the d) 51C1 +3H 2O
HIO3 I 5HC1 I 2
presence of Pt catalyst
d) catalytic decomposition of PH3 on hot 63. Identify the CORRECT statement about
tungsten at high pressure the two allotropic forms of selenium.
a) Both red and grey forms are
57. The heats of atomisation of PH3(g) and nonmetallic.
P2H4(g) are 954. kJ mol-1 and 1485 kJ mol- b) Both red and grey forms are metallic.
respectively. The P-P bond energy in kJ
c) Red form is metallic while grey form is
mol-1 is ………….
a) 213 b) 426 nonmetallic.
c) 318 d) 1272 d) Red form is nonmetallic while grey
form is metallic.
58. A compound with molecular formula
C4H4O has all the four carbon atoms and 64. Which of the following is CORRECT for
the oxygen atom in the ring. It also has two [Co(NH3)5Br]Br,?
carbon-carbon double bonds. The a) It is a homoleptic complex.
compound is …………. b) It is a neutral complex.
a) hetero-alicyclic c) It is an anionic complex.
b) hetero-aromatic d) It is a heteroleptic complex.
c) alicyclic
d) homocyclic and aromatic 65. Choose the CORRECT increasing order of
the acidic strength of carboxylic acids from
59. Which of the following is INCORRECT the following.
with respect to given reaction?
C6H12O6 + 6O2 6CO2 + 6H2O
a) This is combustion reaction. a)
b) This is an example of redox reaction.
c) The oxidation state of H remains the
same in the reactant and the product.
d) Change in oxidation state of C is from
0 to —4.
60. According to Bohr's theory, an electron
can move only in those orbits for which
its angular momentum is integral multiple
of ………….
a) h/2cm b) h/2
c) h/4 d) 2h/ c)
66. In the manufacture of phenol from 74. The below given molecular geometry
isopropyl benzene, the important by- corresponds to which of the following
product obtained is molecule?
a) toluene b) acetone
c) ethanol d) acetaldehyde
a) SiC14 b) SF4
67. Which of the following does NOT observe c) XeF4 d) CH4
the Markovnikov's addition of HBr?
a) But-2-ene b) Propene 75. When an unknown amount of solute
c) Pent- I -ene d) But-l-ene (molar mass = 100 g mo1-1) is dissolved
in 50 g of chloroform, the boiling point is
68. The reagent used to confirm the presence raised by 0.30 K. The mass of solute
of five hydroxyl groups in glucose is dissolved in given mass of chloroform is
a) Hot HI b) Bromine water …………. g. (Kb for chloroform = 3.63
c) Fehling's reagent d) Acetic anhydride K kg mo1-1)
a) 4.1 b) 2.0
69. EAN of Zn in [Zn(NH3)4]2 is c) 0.20 d) 0.41
a) 32 b) 35
c) 36 d) 38 76. Select the INCORRECT match:
a) Ionic solid: Cu
70. …………. is used as a catalyst for the
following reaction: b) Metallic solid: Mg
CO + H2O ⇌ CO2 + H2 c) Covalent network solid: Graphite
(Steam) d) Molecular solid: SO2
a) MnO2 b) Fe-Cr
c) Mo/Fe d) Ni 77. Which of the following will NOT give
positive carbylamine test?
71. The rate of the reaction A + B C is 3.6 a) N-Ethylaniline
10-2 mol dm-3 s-1 when [A] = 0.3 mol dm-3 b) Aniline
and [B] = 0.2 mol dm-3. Calculate k if c) Ethylamine
reaction is first order in A and zero order in
d) Pronan-2-amine
a) 0.036 s-1 b) 0.009 s-1
c) 0.18s-1 d) 1.8s-1 78. Hybridisation of C-atom to which -OH
group is attached in the below given
compound is ………….
72. CO2 is more soluble in water than N2, a) spa
because …………. b) sp2
a) it has low boiling point c) sp
b) it is able to form hydrogen bond with d) sp3d2
c) it undergoes chemical reaction with 79. As per IUPAC nomenclature, the name of
water the complex Na3[A1F6] is .
d) it displaces air from water a) sodium hexafluoroaluminate(III)
b) trisodium hexafluoroaluminate(III)
73. When beryllium is ignited in air, the c) sodium hexafluoridealuminate(III)
products are d) sodium hexafluoroaluminium(III)
a) BeO, Be3N2
b) BeO2, Be(NO3)2 80. Identify the INCORRECT statement.
c) BeO2, Be3N2 a) E°cell is an intensive property.
d) BeO, Be(NO3)2 b) AG° is an extensive property.
c) Electrical work done in galvanic cell is
equal to -G° .
d) Ecell must be negative for a cell reaction
if it is spontaneous. Initial Initial Initial rate of
concentration concentration formation of C
81. The conjugate acid of CO32 is (A) (B) (mol dm-3s-1)
0.1 M 0.1 M 1.2 10-3
a) H2CO3 b) CO3
0.1 M 0.2 M 1.2 10-3
c) HCO3 d) H3O+ 0.2 M 0.1 M 2.4 10-3
82. Identify the INCORRECT match. The rate law for the formation of C is
a) Number of corner particles in simple d C
cubic unit cell 8 a) k A B
b) Total number of Bravais lattices 14 d C
k A B
c) Number of face particles in fcc lattice b)
4 d C
k A B
d) Total number of crystal systems 7 c)
d C
83. The number of S - OH bond in thiosulfuric d) k A
acid is: dt
a) 1 b) 2
c) 3 d) 4 89. Drath and Frost developed a green
technology for the synthesis of ………….
84. The total number of d electrons in 'Cu+ a) adipic acid from benzene
ion is b) sucrose from adipic acid'
a) 4 b) 9 c) adipic acid from fructose
c) 6 d) 10 d) adipic acid from glucose
85. Identify the monomers used in the 90. 10 kg of four different gases (Cl2, CH4,
preparation of glyptal. O2, N2) expand isothermally and
a) Ethylene glycol + Phthalic acid reversibly from 20 atm to 10 atm. The
b) Vinyl chloride + Acrylonitrile order of amount of work will be
c) Bisphenol .4 Phosgene a) C12> CH4 > O2 > N2
d) Ethylene glycol + Adipic acid b) CH4 < N2 < O2 < Cl2
c) O2 > N2 > CH4 > C12
86. Which of the following is a primary d) CH4 > N2 > O2 > Cl2
a) Isopropyl iodide 91. At constant temperature, a quantity of an
b) sec-Butyl iodide ideal gas occupies 50 mL at 500 mmHg
c) tert-Butyl bromide pressure. At what pressure, the volume
d) Neopentyl chloride will be 100 mL?
a) 250 mmHg b) 1000 mmHg
87. Which of the following undergoes c) 750 mmHg d) 200 mmHg
substitution reaction?
92. Which of the following is INCORRECT
a) Ethylene + HC1
b) Isobutyl alcohol
a) When IP > Ksp, the salt solution is
c) Methane + C12
UV light
b) Penicillin preparations are stabilized
d) Ethyl chloride
Alcoholic Na0H
by addition of sodium citrate as
88. For the non-stoichiometric reaction c) Kidney stone is developed due to the
2A + B C + D, the following kinetic precipitation of insoluble calcium
data were obtained in three separate oxalate.
experiments, all at 298 K. d) pH of blood in our body is maintained
due to NH4OH + NH4CI buffer. and basic.
a) (I) and (II) b) (II) and (III)
93. …………. is used for silvering mirrors. c) (I) and (IV) d) (III) and (IV)
a) Acetone b) Benzaldehyde
c) Formaldehyde d) Acetaldehyde 99. Which of the following are radioactive?
i. Argon ii. Polonium
94, The least reactive towards nucleophilic iii. Astatine iv. Tellurium
addition reactions is …………. a) i, iv b) ii, iii
a) acetaldehyde b) benzophenone c) ii, iv d) iii, iv
c) benzaldehyde d) acetone
100. Which of the following reagents are
95. Which of the following is/are required in the conversion of phenol to
CORRECT? salicylic acid?
(I) Acidic character: HF > HCI > HBr a) Na2Cr2O7, H2SO4
(II) Thermal stability: HF > HCl > HBr b) CHC13 + aq.NaOH, H+
(III) Bond dissociation enthalpy: HF < HCl < c) NaOH, CO2, H+
HBr d) HNO2, HC1, K2Cr2O7
a) I b) II
96. For the preparation of mixed ethers by
2 x
Williamson synthesis, which of the
following combination will give the best
101. log 2 x dx
yield? a) 0 b) 1
c) -1 d) 2
a) 102. Area enclosed between the curve y2(4 - x)
= x3 and line x = 4 above X-axis is
a) 4 b) 6
b) c) 8 d) 12
1 1 1
If A 2 1 3 , then the sum of the
1 1 1
elements of A-1 is
d) a) 0 b) 1
c) -1 d) 3
f x
104. If dx log log sec x c, then
97. Acetamide on reduction using log sec x
Na/C2H5OH gives f(x) =
a) CH3NH2 b) (CH3)3N a) cot x b) tan x
c) CH3CH2NH2 d) (C2H5)2NH c) sec x d) cosec x
98. Which of the following statements are 105. Which of the following pair of straight
FALSE about lanthanoids? lines intersect at right angles?
(I) They have lower heat of atomization than a) 2x2 = y(x + 2y)
transition metals. b) (x + y)2 = x(y + 3x)
(II) They are soft metals with silvery white c) 2y(x + y) = xy
colour and densities of about 7 g cm-3. d) y = ± 2x
(III) They react with water to give the metal
hydroxide and oxygen gas. 106. The equation of the circle with centre
(IV) They form hydroxides, which are covalent (4, 5) which passes through (7, 3) is
a) x2 + y2 - 8x + 10y - 77 = 0
b) x2+ y2- 6x- 8y+ 24 = 0
x 1 x dx
c) x2+ y2 - 8x - 10y + 28 = 0 0
d) x2+ y2- 8x- 10y - 23 =0 1 1
a) b)
1 6 7
107. If sin sin 1 cos 1 x = 1, then the value
3 1 1
c) d)
of x is 21 42
1 1 116. If the plane passing through the points
a) b)
2 3 (1, 2, 3), (2, 3, 1) and (3, 1, 2) is ax + by +
1 1 cz = d then a + 2b + 3c =
c) d) a) 0 b) 1
4 6
c) 6 d) 18
108. If a 3i 2 j 7k, b 5i j 2k and
c i j k , then a b c - 117. The value of cot (- 1110°) is equal to
a) 15 b) 20 a) 3 b) - 3
c) 25 d) 30 1 1
c) d) -
e 3 3
109. x [x (log x)2 + 2log x]dx =
a) ex log x + c b) ex (log x)2 + c 118. The equation 3x2 - 4xy + y2 = 0 represent
a pair of Straight lines whose slopes differ
e x log x
c) xex log x + c d) c by
x a) 2 b) 3
110. The direction ratios of the line which is 1 1
perpendicular to the two lines c) d)
6 2
x 1 y 1 z 1 x 2 y 1 z 3
& 119. Let a 2i j 2k and a i j . If c is a
2 2 1 1 2 2
are vector such that a c c . c a 2 2 and
a) 2, 3, 2 b) 2, -3, 2
c) 2, 3, -5 d) -1, 2, 2 the angle between a b and c is 30°, then
2n !
a) ex cot x + c b) - ex cot x + c a) b) 1
n ! 2 n !
2 2
c) e tan x + c d) - ex tan 2x + c
11 n ! 9, then n = 2n ! . 1
126. If c) 1 d) None of these
10 n ! n ! 4n
11 | P a g e
1 i 3
1 i 3
c) third quadrant d) fourth quadrant
If P (, ) be a point on the line 3x + y = 0
139. Which of the following statement is such that the point P and the point Q(1, 1)
contradiction? lie on either side of the line 3x = 4y + 8,
a) ~ q ~(p q) then
8 8
b) (~ q ~p) (p ~q) a) ,
15 5
c) (p ~ q) ~ p
8 8
d) (p q) ~ q b) ,
15 5
140. The S.D. of 20 items is 15 and if each
8 8
item is decreased or increased by 1, then c) ,
standard deviation will be 15 5
a) 16 b) 17 8 8
d) ,
91 15 5
c) d) 15 2x
15 e sin x dy
146. If y , then =
141. The equation of the tangent to the curve x cos x dx
y = 2x + 2 , that is parallel to the X-axis, e2 x 2 x 1 tan x x sec 2 x
x a)
a) y = 2 b) y = 3 e2 x 2 x 1 tan x x sec 2 x
c) y = 0 d) y = 1 x2
1 tan x e2 x 2 x 1 tan x x sec 2 x
142. Let f x , x , x 0, .
4x 4 2 c)
d) None of these
If f(x) is continuous in 0, , then
2 sin 4 3x
147. lim
x 0 x4
f is
4 a) 9 b) 27
1 c) 81 d) 39
a) -1 b) 148. Let f(x) = x3 + 9x2 + 33x + 13, then f(x) is
a) a decreasing function
c) - d) 1 b) an increasing function
c) an odd function
143. Two coins are tossed. Then the probability
distribution of number of tails is d) an even function
a) X 1 2 3 149. The domain of the function
1 1 1 f x log3 x x2 1 is
4 2 4 a) (-3, -1) (1, )
b) X 0 1 2 b) [-3, - 1) [1, )
1 1 1 c) (-3, - 2) (-2, - 1) (1, )
4 2 4 d) [-3, - 2) (-2, - 1) [1, )
c) X 0 1 2 150. If y = cosec x°, then
1 1 1 dx
P(X) a) cosec x cot x
4 4 2
b) cosec x° cot x°
d) X 1 2 3
1 1 1 c) cosec x° cot x°
P(X) 180
4 4 2 180
d) cosec x° cot x°
144. Region represented by the inequalities
x > 0, y < 0 is
a) first quadrant b) second quadrant ***********
12 | P a g e