Cash Book-Exercise
Cash Book-Exercise
Cash Book-Exercise
Exercise 1
Exercise 2
From the following information prepare a cash book with Cash Bank and Discount
Balance cash in hand 1500
Balance cash at Bank 14000
Received from Kamal cheque 2450
Purchased Stationary 2000
Bought Furniture from Ranjan groups and Gave Cheque 30000
Purchased goods 1650
Gave Cheque to Mohan and Sons 3000
Deposited cash in to Bank 5000
Paid telephone charges by cheque 2000
Goods purchased from David 5000
Cash paid to him in full settlement 4700
Withdrew from Bank for paying salary 3100
By S Ameelan Page 1
Paid salary 1800
Received a cheque and immediately deposited in to bank 3000
Prepare Three coloumn cash book from the information
By S Ameelan Page 2