2007performance Simulation of Metal Hydride Hydrogen Storage Device With Embedded Filters and Heat Exchanger Tubes
2007performance Simulation of Metal Hydride Hydrogen Storage Device With Embedded Filters and Heat Exchanger Tubes
2007performance Simulation of Metal Hydride Hydrogen Storage Device With Embedded Filters and Heat Exchanger Tubes
Received 6 June 2007; received in revised form 7 August 2007; accepted 8 August 2007
Available online 29 September 2007
A practical metal hydride based hydrogen storage device would consist of many filters to distribute hydrogen gas and heat exchanger tubes
to cool or heat the hydride bed depending on whether hydrogen is being absorbed or desorbed. This paper presents the simulation of such a
device with LaNi5 as the hydriding alloy. A study of the geometric and operating parameters has been carried out to identify their influence
in the hydriding performance of the storage device.
䉷 2007 International Association for Hydrogen Energy. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Keywords: LaNi5 ; Metal hydride; Heat and mass transfer; Simulation; Hydrogen storage
(ii) Multiple heat transfer tubes and filters embedded in the areas of the alloy. Each tube could be identified as a nucleus
metal hydride bed in a cylindrical container. for the reaction fronts to propagate into the unsaturated region.
When all reaction fronts meet one another at the same instant,
The single tube design has been widely studied in literature the bed is left with the least amount of unsaturated alloy. Such a
referred above, mainly to understand the heat and mass transfer configuration could be considered as the most efficient in terms
mechanisms. Even though this can yield good heat and mass of hydriding performance.
transfer performance, it is poor from the overall system weight The reactor considered in the present study has an outer
point of view. For mobile applications requiring large hydro- container of radius ‘r1 ’, in which cooling tubes of radius ‘r2 ’
gen storage quantities, low overall system weight is an essential are arranged in a triangular configuration. Filters of radius ‘r3 ’
requirement. A well designed multiple tubes and filters config- are placed at the centre of each triangular arrangement. The
uration provides the possibility to optimize the system weight centre to centre distance between the cooling tubes is termed
for given specifications. In the light of the above, a parametric as the pitch distance ‘s’.
study of a hydrogen storage device with embedded filters and Various assumptions made for the simplified treatment of the
heat exchanger tubes highlighting the influence of important problem are given below.
geometric and operational parameters on the hydriding perfor-
mance of the device is presented in this paper. (i) Hydrogen is assumed as an ideal gas as the pressure within
the bed is moderate.
2. The physical model (ii) Effect of hysteresis and plateau slope is neglected in sim-
ulation as their corresponding values for LaNi5 is very
The metal hydride storage device considered in the present small [12].
study is shown in Fig. 1. The device contains several tubes and (iii) Natural convection and radiation effects within the bed
filters spaced uniformly inside a cylindrical shell. Hydrogen are neglected.
storage material evenly packed within the cylindrical storage (iv) The hydride bed is assumed to have uniform porosity and
vessel forms the reaction bed in which the cooling tubes and is isotropic. Brittle metal hydride materials upon cyclic
filters are located. Heat transfer fluid is circulated through the hydrogenation asymptotically reach a minimal particle
cooling tubes to carry away the reaction heat generated in the size [13]. Therefore, effect of powdering and variation in
sorption process. The filters serve the purpose of distributing porosity is more pronounced in the early stages of absorp-
hydrogen evenly within the bed. Reiterating the fact that ab- tion. After a certain number of charge–discharge cycles
sorption process will be faster in the close vicinity of cooling the variation in porosity with time is insignificantly small.
tubes and it will be saturated earlier than the rest, we can vi- (v) Pressure drop within the bed is negligible.
sualize a smooth interface, known as a reaction front which (vi) Local thermal equilibrium is assumed between the gas
demarcates the fully hydrided portion from the rest of the un- and solid within the bed. Non-local thermal equilibrium
saturated regions. As time proceeds, these reaction fronts move effects are confined to cooling tube wall and hydrogen
outwards from the periphery of cooling tubes to the unsaturated filters. However, its overall effect on the performance of
4980 G. Mohan et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 4978 – 4987
Table 1
Thermo-physical properties of LaNi5 and hydrogen [8,10,16]
Table 2
Parameter values used in the present simulation study
3. Problem formulation
the device is minimal [14]. In most bulk portions of the
bed, local thermal equilibrium is still valid. So it may be 3.1. Mass balance of metal
justified in simulation.
(vii) Thermo-physical properties such as thermal conductiv- Hydrogen entering the alloy bed through filters gets absorbed
ity, dynamic viscosity and permeability of the bed are and converted into metal hydride with associated changes in
G. Mohan et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 4978 – 4987 4981
X 104
Fig. 3. Formation of hydride around cooling tubes during absorption at different time intervals (Tf = 300 K, p = 15 bar, h = 500 W m−2 K−1 , r1 /s = 4
corresponding to N = 55, b = 15 mm, d2 = 20 mm). (a) 600 s; (b) 1200 s; (c) 1800 s; (d) 2400 s; (e) 3000 s; (f) 3600 s.
density. Transient changes in hydride density are attributed to 3.2. Reaction kinetics
both absorption reaction and diffusive transport due to spatial
variation in concentration. As listed under assumptions, con- The amount of hydrogen absorbed is directly related with
stant values of porosity and diffusion coefficient are taken for the reaction rate, and could be given as follows [7]:
simulation. Thereby conservation of mass for the solid phase
Ea P
of the reactor in polar coordinates is expressed in the following ṁ = −Ca exp − ln (sat − s ), (2)
form: RT Peq
where Ca is a material dependent constant, Ea is the activation
js 1 j js energy of the material, sat is the density of hydride at satura-
(1 − ) = ṁ + (1 − )D r tion. The change in volume if any, due to hydrogen absorption
jt r jr jr
is not considered in the computation of density of the bed. The
1 j js
+ (1 − )D 2 , (1) equilibrium pressure is determined by the van’t Hoff relation-
r j j
ship as given below
where s denotes the density of the hydride, D denotes the dif- ln Peq = A − , (3)
fusion coefficient and ṁ represents the reaction term. Transient T
variation in density on the left-hand side is expressed as a sum where A and B are van’t Hoff constants.
of three terms on the right-hand side. The first term represents
the mass of hydrogen absorbed due to reaction. The second and 3.3. Darcy law
third terms of the equation signify the effect of diffusive trans-
port due to the concentration gradients existing within the bed. The following relation represents the flow of hydrogen in
Convection term is neglected in Eq. (1). porous bed. It combines the Darcy law and mass conservation
4982 G. Mohan et al. / International Journal of Hydrogen Energy 32 (2007) 4978 – 4987
Fig. 4. Evolution of temperature in metal hydride bed at different time intervals (Tf = 300 K, p = 15 bar, h = 500 W m−2 K−1 , r1 /s = 4 corresponding to
N = 55, b = 15 mm and d2 = 20 mm). (a) 600 s; (b) 1200 s; (c) 1800 s; (d) 2400 s; (e) 3000 s; (f) 3600 s.
equation for hydrogen. Eq. (5) assumes the existence of local thermal equilibrium be-
tween the solid and gas within the bed. Hence the heat trans-
jg − 1 j jp fer between the two phases is omitted. Radiation heat transfer
+ rg
jt r jr jr to the ambient is also neglected. Heat of formation of hydride
− 1 j jp represents the source term in the equation.
+ = −ṁ. (4) Effective volumetric heat capacity is expressed as follows:
r 2 j g j
(Cp )e = (g Cpg + (1 − )s Cps ). (6)
Darcy law considers the porous bed and the fluid as a single
homogenized media. The velocity vector is determined by the Effective thermal conductivity is expressed as given below
pressure gradient, the fluid viscosity and the structure of the
porous bed. ke = kg + (1 − )ks . (7)
Heat generated due to exothermic reaction causes associated Initially the pressure and temperature of reactor bed are as-
spatial temperature imbalances within the bed. Energy conser- sumed to be uniform. Therefore,
vation equation of the bed could be expressed as given below
p = p0 ; T = T0 ; = 0 at t = 0. (8)
jT 1 j jT 1 j jT
(Cp )e = ke r + ke 2 − ṁH 0 . (5) The boundary walls of the reactor are assumed to be imper-
jt r jr jr r j j meable and adiabatic. The reaction heat is removed from the
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X 104
Fig. 5. Formation of hydride around cooling tubes at 1800 s absorption for different bed thickness values (Tf = 300 K, p = 15 bar, h = 500 W m−2 K−1 ,
r1 /s = 4 corresponding to N = 55, d2 = 20 mm). (a) 5 mm; (b) 10 mm; (c) 12.5 mm; (d) 15 mm; (e) 20 mm; (f) 27.5 mm.
the mass transfer process in the hydride bed include the hydro-
gen gas pressure, hydrogen equilibrium pressure, hydride bed
temperature and the hydrogen concentration in the hydride. A
large amount of heat is generated due to the exothermic hydride
forming reaction. The reaction within the bed is proportional to
the pressure gradient between the gas supply pressure and equi-
librium pressure corresponding to the bed temperature. While
the supply pressure remains constant, the reaction is vigorous
when the bed temperature and the corresponding equilibrium
pressure are lower. The bed temperature increases rapidly dur-
ing the initial phase of the reaction. Heat transfer from the bed
to the cooling media dissipates the heat generated from the
process. Since the thermal diffusion process is comparatively
slower than the chemical reaction, the hydriding rate drops as
the time progresses.
Figs. 3 and 4 show the variation of concentration and temper-
ature with time for a typical case. Reaction rate is faster in the
vicinity of the heat exchanger tubes. Away from the tube wall,
the bed temperature rises rapidly to a peak value and decreases
slowly. Hydriding alloy requires large temperature gradients to
conduct the heat of reaction to the heat exchanger tubes due
to its low thermal conductivity. The high temperatures prevail-
ing farther from the cooling tubes increase the corresponding
Fig. 7. Schematic of different reactor configurations used in simulation with equilibrium pressure, thereby reducing the reaction rate. Hence,
different number of cooling tubes at constant bed thickness.
faster reaction rates in the vicinity of the tube lead to higher
saturation levels near the tube. As the reaction proceeds, the
size 0.001 m and finer is generated by defining suitable mesh reaction front progresses from the heat exchanger tube walls to
parameters. Most of the cases involve degrees of freedom in the the unsaturated areas within the bed.
range 50 000–100 000. The software package solves the mass
(convection–diffusion), momentum (Darcy’s law) and energy
equations (transient conduction) in differential form with spec- 5.1. Effects of system configuration
ified initial and boundary conditions. Suitable solver settings
ensure fast convergence of the problem. Grid independence Bed thickness is an important geometric parameter that in-
study is carried out to arrest the variations in results. fluences the performance of any hydrogen storage device. For
thinner beds, the conduction path is relatively short. If the thick-
5. Results and discussion ness exceeds an optimum value, the gain due to higher quantity
of hydride is negated by the increased resistance to heat and
Results are obtained for LaNi5 as the hydriding material. Fast mass transfer. Hence it results in a higher charging duration for
reaction kinetics, low temperature hydriding and its wide appli- the entire bed to get saturated. The above trend is illustrated
cability in storage applications makes it a material of choice in in Fig. 5, which shows the formation of hydride around cool-
the present study. Reaction kinetics and thermo-physical prop- ing tubes for different bed thicknesses. At specified conditions
erty data for LaNi5 are readily available in literature and are of cooling media temperature, charging pressure and number
given in Table 1. The simulation is carried out for various op- of cooling tubes, rate of absorption depends on bed thickness.
erating parameters, the ranges of which are given in Table 2. Fig. 6 shows the influence of bed thickness on absorption of
Performance of metal hydride device with embedded filters and hydrogen. In all cases, the same saturated state of about 1.2 w%
heat exchanger tubes demands the definition of two major geo- H2 is achieved after different time intervals. It is obvious that,
metric parameters namely, bed thickness, b and the ratio of the at lower bed thicknesses the hydride bed reaches saturation ear-
radius of the container to pitch (r1 /s). Once the bed thickness lier. Higher bed thicknesses follow a flatter profile and reach
is fixed to a constant value, r1 /s decides the number of cool- the saturation state much later. Higher bed temperature, lower
ing tubes, N within the bed for a specified system capacity and reaction rate, larger conduction path length and low thermal
configuration. conductivity of the material collectively contribute to the above
Distribution of pressure and flow within the bed is repre- behaviour. For a given bed thickness, both heat transfer and
sented in Fig. 2 for a typical case. Similar trend was seen over reaction kinetics are important in determining the absorption
the complete range of parameters. The spatial variation in pres- time. As reaction kinetics is more material dependent, for a
sure is negligible due to which the convection effects are of specified effective thermal conductivity value, there exists an
less significance. Diffusion plays dominant role in controlling optimum bed thickness satisfying the performance and system
the mass transfer in the bed. The main parameters which rule weight.
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Fig. 8. Formation of hydride around cooling tubes at 1800 s absorption for different values of r1 /s and corresponding numbers of cooling tubes (Tf = 300 K,
p = 15 bar, h = 500 W m−2 K−1 , b = 15 mm, d2 = 20 mm). (a) r1 /s = 3, N = 31; (b) r1 /s = 4, N = 55; (c) r1 /s = 5, N = 85; (d) r1 /s = 6, N = 121;
(e) r1 /s = 7, N = 163.
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