BSBTEC301 - Desing and Produce Business Documents Style Guide & Logo Template.v1.0.v1.0

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ABC PTY LTD Document Style Guide

Purpose and scope

In accordance with the ABC PTY LTD Information Policy, these procedures describe the
Organisation’s requirements for producing and storing written communication in a consistent format
• appropriate styling
• consistent document handling procedures
• following appropriate protocols.

All staff are responsible for planning, drafting and finalising documents used as written

All written communication prepared by ABC PTY LTD staff should be developed in accordance with
the following guidelines:
• The purpose, tone, format and communication style of the document should be suitable for the
intended audience.
• All documents should be checked for readability, grammar, spelling and sentence and
paragraph construction before they are distributed.
• Copies of documents should be filed in accordance with the information management policies
and procedures.

Document style guide

• All letters are to be sent on ABC PTY LTD letterhead, which requires the document to be set out
with a left and right margin of 2.5 cm and a 7 cm space at the top to accommodate the letterhead.
• All documents are to be left justified.
• Faxes require a cover page, which is prepared on the fax cover template.
• The standard font for printed text such as memos, faxes and letters is Arial 10 point.
• The standard font for digital communication, such as email, is Arial 10 point.
• All letters are to be signed and include the name and position title of the sender.
• All faxes are to be sent with a completed ABC PTY LTD fax coversheet as their first page.
• All correspondence to customers concerning complaints must be authorised by the
Customer Service Manager.
• All internal and external communication requires a subject heading and is to be dated.

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ABC PTY LTD Document Style Guide

• A copy of all written communication is required for filing.

• All communication to customers should address with generic titles of Ms or Mr unless
otherwise advised by the customer.
• All emails require a subject and a digital signature from the sender. There is no company logo
required in the signature, but it is to be set out in the following format:
Your full name
Your position title
25 End Lane
Brookvale NSW 2189

Telephone: (02) 5678 1234

Free-call: 1300 121 212
Facsimile: (02) 5678 1233

• All email correspondence to customers should be copied to the Customer Service

• All email correspondence to customers is to be retained in an archive mail folder.

Logo Sample:

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