BSBTEC301 - Desing and Produce Business Documents Style Guide & Logo Template.v1.0.v1.0
BSBTEC301 - Desing and Produce Business Documents Style Guide & Logo Template.v1.0.v1.0
BSBTEC301 - Desing and Produce Business Documents Style Guide & Logo Template.v1.0.v1.0
All staff are responsible for planning, drafting and finalising documents used as written
All written communication prepared by ABC PTY LTD staff should be developed in accordance with
the following guidelines:
• The purpose, tone, format and communication style of the document should be suitable for the
intended audience.
• All documents should be checked for readability, grammar, spelling and sentence and
paragraph construction before they are distributed.
• Copies of documents should be filed in accordance with the information management policies
and procedures.
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ABC PTY LTD Document Style Guide
Logo Sample:
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