5e - Western - GM Binder
5e - Western - GM Binder
5e - Western - GM Binder
Steel Grit
If you have light armour proficiency, it also allows
you to calculate your unarmored AC as 10 + your
Dexterity modifier + 1/2 your proficiency bonus.
If you have medium armour proficiency, it also
allows you to calculate your unarmored AC as 13 +
your Dexterity modifier (max 2) + 1/2 your
proficiency bonus.
If you have heavy armour proficiency, it also allows
you to calculate your unarmored AC as 15 + 1/2
your proficiency bonus (no Dexterity modifier).
While doing so you have Disadvantage on
Dexterity (Stealth) checks.
You can change which calculation you use as part
of a short or long rest.
The following backgrounds presented in the Player's
Handbook and other official sources can be taken by Weird
West characters, requiring little to no changes in their flavour
text in order to conform to the setting:
Archaeologist (ToA)
Anthropologist (ToA)
City Watch (SCAG)
Cloistered Scholar (SCAG)
Far Traveler (SCAG)
Folk Hero
Urban Bounty Hunter (SCAG)
Uthgardt Tribe Member (SCAG)
Additionally, the following modern background is available
for characters in a Weird West game.
The doctor background covers all forms of medical
professionals or anyone that uses anatomical and biological
knowledge to treat others
Optionally, you could include rural healers using their
knowledge of natural resources to treat ailments and injuries.
Skill Proficiencies: Medicine, plus your choice of one from
among Insight, Persuasion and Animal Handling
Tool Proficiencies: Herbalism kit
Languages: One of your choice
Feature: Bedside Manner
Doctors are almost universally seen positively. They can gain
the trust of almost any intelligent creature that is sick or hurt
if they present themselves as willing to help. Even hostile
creatures will often let a doctor approach them to render aid.
This effect is instantly negated if the doctor or their
companions acts with hostility.
Equipment If use
and i
Currency Fire Modes (RoF)
Weird West currency comes in the form of cents (¢) and Firearms possess one or more firing modes. Most firearms
dollars ($). Both dollar and cent coins come in many are either Single Shot.
denominations, but tracking all ten denominations would be Single (I). When taking the attack action, this weapon
a bit confusing. The game only tracks 1 cent pennies, 10 cent functions normally.
dimes, 1 dollar gold coins, and 10 dollar eagle coins. Semi-Auto (S). When you take the attack action with a
semi-auto weapon, you can use a bonus action to make a
Coinage Notation Cent Value Dollar Value bonus attack with that weapon. You don't add your ability
1 copper penny CP 1 1/100 modifier to the damage of the bonus attack, unless that
modifier is negative.
1 silver dime SP 10 1/10 Full Auto (A). As an action, you can use this firearm to
1 gold dollar GP 100 1 perform a 3 attack burst against a single target.
Each attack must be made against the same target as the
1 platinum eagle PP 1,000 10 previous one, and you cannot choose to forgo any of the
Besides coinage, characters may also find banknotes on Once you miss with any of these attacks, all subsequent
their travels. Like gemstones in a normal game of D&D, attacks also miss.
banknotes are used as a stand-in for currency amongst the Alternatively, you can use it to perform a wide spray against
wealthy and in larger cities. Like gemstones at a jeweler's, a 10-foot-cube area. This consumes 10 pieces of ammunition
banknotes can be exchanged for coins at a bank. Bank notes and allows you to hit multiple targets in the area.
are worth only 94% of their face value when exchanged, as When you spray an area, you can make a separate attack
the bank keeps 6% of their value. against each target within the area, up to a maximum of 10
Firearms targets. Each target hit by this attack takes damage as
If you have fewer pieces of ammunition in the firearm than
are needed to make all of the attacks, then you only make as
All firearms are Simple Weapons, with the exception of the many attacks as you have pieces of ammunition left.
gatling gun, which is a martial weapon.
Caliber New Properties
Each firearm require a different caliber of ammunition. Many weapons have special properties related to their use, as
Ammunition other than the listed caliber cannot be used with shown in the Weapons table.
that type of firearm. Double-Barrel. When you take the attack action with this
weapon you can expend an additional piece of ammunition to
Noise deal an additional die of damage.
Unless a firearm has the Suppressed. property, shots from a Spread. When attacking a target within half this weapon's
firearm can be heard a number of feet away equal to 10 x the normal range, roll an additional damage die and add it to the
maximum damage roll on the weapon, such as 60 feet away weapon’s damage. When fired at long range, you may apply
for a weapon that deals 1d6 points of damage. the attack roll to an additional creature within 5 feet of the
target. Roll damage against the secondary target separately.
Range Suppressed. The distance at which this weapon's noise
This column list's the firearm's range. The first is the can be heard is halved. Multiple instances of this property are
weapon’s normal range in feet, and the second indicates the cumulative, meaning that the distance is halved again and
weapon’s long range. When attacking a target beyond normal again every time the property is added.
range, you have disadvantage on the attack roll. You can’t Braced. A weapon that has the braced property is designed
attack a target beyond the weapon’s long range. to be fired only when braced on a bipod, or a hard, stationary
surface, such as a low wall. Bracing the weapon requires an
Capacity action or a bonus action (the character’s choice). If the
You can fire a limited number of shots with this weapon character moves after bracing the weapon, or drops the
before you need to reload. Reloading a firearm takes time, weapon, the weapon is no longer considered to be braced.
and the amount of rounds you can load depends on how While a weapon with this property is not braced, attack rolls
much time you invest into it. with it are made at disadvantage unless the character's
By spending an action or a bonus action you can load up to Strength score is equal to or higher than the number in
5 rounds into a firearm. You can spend both your action and brackets.
bonus action on the same turn to load up to 10 rounds into a Covert. You have advantage on Dexterity (Sleight on
single firearm or 5 rounds into two separate firearms. Hands) checks to conceal this weapon.
Firearms, Handguns
Weapon Caliber Cost Damage Weight Range Capacity RoF Properties
Derringer, Remington .41 Rimfire $ 5 1d4 piercing 2 lb. 40/160 ft. 2 internal I Light, covert
Derringer, Sharps .22 Rimfire $ 7 1d4 piercing 3 lb. 40/160 ft. 4 internal I Light, covert
Revolver, S&W .32 Rimfire $ 10 1d4 piercing 2 lb. 40/160 ft. 6 internal I Light, covert
Revolver, Colt .45 Colt $ 17 1d6 piercing 2 lb. 50/200 ft. 6 internal I Light
Revolver, Tranter .577 Tranter $ 30 1d8 piercing 4 lb. 50/200 ft. 5 internal I –
Firearms, Longarms
Weapon Caliber Cost Damage Weight Range Capacity RoF Properties
Shotgun, single 12 gauge $ 25 1d10 piercing 7 lb. 60/240 ft. 1 internal I Two-handed
Shotgun, double 12 gauge $ 30 1d10 piercing 7 lb. 60/240 ft. 2 internal I Two‑handed, double‑barrel
Shotgun, Roper 16 gauge $ 30 1d10 piercing 8 lb. 60/240 ft. 4 internal I Two‑handed, special
Revolving Rifles
Rifle, Colt .56‑56 Spencer $ 30 1d8 piercing 8 lb. 100/400 ft. 5 internal I Two-handed
Lever Rifles
Rifle, Marlin .32 Rimfire $ 25 1d4 piercing 7 lb. 100/400 ft. 20 tube S Two-handed
Rifle, Winchester .38‑40 Win. $ 30 1d6 piercing 7 lb. 100/400 ft. 15 tube S Two-handed
Rifle, Spencer .56‑56 Spencer $ 50 1d8 piercing 8 lb. 100/400 ft. 7 tube S Two-handed
Rifle, Evans .44 Evans $ 50 1d8 piercing 15 lb. 100/400 ft. 26 tube S Two-handed, heavy, special
Breech Rifles
Rifle, Springfield .45-70 Gov't. $ 20 1d10 piercing 9 lb. 100/400 ft. 1 internal I Two-handed
Gatling gun .45‑70 Gov't. $ 1,500 1d10 piercing 150 lb. 100/400 ft. 40 internal A Two-handed, special
Archaic Weapons
Weapon Cost Damage Weight Properties
Simple Melee Weapons
Blackjack 50 ¢ 1d4 bludgeoning 1 lb. Light, finesse
Bowie knife $1 1d4 piercing 2 lb. Finesse, light, thrown (20/60)
Cleaver $1 1d4 slashing 2 lb. Light
Club 10 ¢ 1d4 bludgeoning 2 lb. Light
Greatclub 20 ¢ 1d8 bludgeoning 10 lb. Two-handed
Handaxe $5 1d6 slashing 2 lb. Light, thrown (20/60)
Knuckles 50 ¢ 1d4 bludgeoning 1 lb. Light, covert
Machete $1 1d6 slashing 3 lb. Finesse
Pocket knife $1 1d4 piercing 1 lb. Covert, finesse, light
Quarterstaff 20 ¢ 1d6 bludgeoning 4 lb. Versatile (1d8)
Spear $1 1d6 piercing 3 lb. Thrown (20/60), versatile (1d8)
Sickle $1 1d4 slashing 2 lb. Light
Simple Ranged Weapons
Shortbow $2 1d6 piercing 2 lb. Ammunition (80/320), finesse, two-handed
Weapon Flaws Weapon Modifications
Weapon flaws reduce the value of weapons, making them To add a modification to an item you own, you must first pay
more affordable — though somewhat less useful — than stock a small cost for materials. Then, you must spend a small
models. The final cost of a weapon with flaws is calculated as amount of time applying the changes. This counts as light
follows: activity for the purposes of resting. At the end of the time
period, you must make an ability check using Tinker's tools.
Final Cost = Base Cost / (1 + total value of all flaws). On a success, the modification is applied successfully. On a
Low Accuracy
failure, the modification is not applied to the item. On a
critical failure, the modification is damaged beyond repair.
The normal range of the weapon is reduced by one step on If you spend a extra time performing a modification, you
the following chart. The long range of the weapon becomes gain a bonus to the skill check equal to twice the number of
four times its new normal range. hours spent, up to a maximum of +10.
Removing an applied modification is done in the same
15 ft. 30 ft. 40 ft. 50 ft. 60 ft. 80 ft. 100 ft. 120 ft. manner to applying a modification, but the DC for the check
is reduced by 5. On a success, the modification is removed
Restrictions. Ranged or thrown weapons only. successfully. On a failure, the modification is not successfully
Value. 1/2 removed from the item. On a critical failure, the modification
is damaged beyond repair.
Reduced Capacity
The ammunition capacity of the weapon is reduced to the Modification Cost Modify DC Weight
next lowest percentage up the following chart. This flaw can Double-Action Special 14 0 lbs.
be taken multiple times, but it cannot reduce your capacity
below 10% of the original capacity or below 1, whichever is Extended Barrel $ 10 14 +1/4th
higher. Handgun Conversion $ 20 16 -1/3rd
Shortened $ 10 14 -1/4th
100% 75% 66% 50% 33% 25% 10%
Restrictions. Revolvers and Rifles only.
Value. 1/4. Rate of Fire. The weapon loses the Single fire mode and
gains the Semi-Auto fire mode.
Weapon Accessories Restrictions. Revolvers and Revolving Rifles only.
Accessories function similarly to modifications, in that they Cost. Cost of the chosen firearm.
provide some modification to the except they can be applied Extended Barrel
quickly and without a skill check. Applying a modification to
an item is an action. Range. The weapon's range is increased by one step on the
Accuracy chart (See Low Accuracy flaw).
Weapon Accessories Weight. The weapon's weight is increased by 1/4th the
Items Cost Weight weapon's original weight (minimum 1 lb.).
Restrictions. Revolvers, Shotguns, and Rifles only, weapon
Bayonet $ 10 2 lb. must not have the Shortened modification.
Telescopic Sight $ 20 1 lb.
Handgun Conversion
Bayonet. As an action or a bonus action (the character’s Range. The weapon gains three instance of the Low
choice), a character can attach a bayonet to a shotgun or rifle, Accuracy flaw.
allowing the firearm to be used as a melee weapon. A firearm Capacity. If the weapon has a tube capacity, the weapon
with a bayonet can be used as though it were a spear. gains two instance of the Reduced Capacity flaw.
Restrictions. Shotguns and Rifles only. A bayonet cannot Properties. The weapon loses the Two-Handed property and
be fixed to a weapon with the Pistol Conversion modification. gains the Foregrip property.
Restrictions. Shotguns and Rifles only, weapon must have
Telescopic Sight. A telescopic sight can be used to increase the Two-handed property.
the range of a weapon, allowing the user to shoot more
consistently at longer distances. By spending a bonus action Shortened
to line up a shot with your sight, you double the normal and Range. The weapon gains the Low Accuracy flaw.
long ranges of the weapon. Capacity. If the weapon has a tube capacity, the weapon
Restrictions. Rifles only. A telescopic sight cannot be fixed gains the Reduced Capacity flaw.
to a weapon with the Pistol Conversion modification. Properties. If the weapon has the Foregrip property, then it
loses that property. If the weapon is one-handed, then it
gains the Covert property.
Restrictions. Revolvers, Shotguns, and Rifles only, weapon
must not have the Extended Barrel modification.
New Feats
Fast Hands
Your hands are exceptionally fast and nimble, and you can
shoot, load, and aim faster than most people alive.
Your Dexterity score increases by 1, to a maximum of 20.
You treat all single shot firearms as if they were semi-
You add your Dexterity modifier (minimum of 1) to the
number of rounds you can load into a firearm by using an
action or bonus action.
You can fully load a Gatling Gun in a single action or
bonus action.
This document was lovingly created
using GM Binder.