Dance Like A Butterfly
Dance Like A Butterfly
Dance Like A Butterfly
K.3 The student will sing a variety of songs of limited range alone and with others, including
1. […] using echo and ensemble singing; and
2. singing at the appropriate time following a musical introduction.
K.5 The student will perform rhythmic patterns that include sounds and silences using the voice.
IV. Objectives:
As a result of the instruction, students will be able to:
1. Sing their part of the song with correct pitches and rhythms with 80% accuracy
2. Stay silent when they are not supposed to be singing with 90% accuracy
3. Complete the movements of the song with 95% accuracy
V. Materials
VI. Prerequisites
Students must be able to:
VII. Procedures:
Steps in Teaching:
Introduction (5 min)
- Powerpoint slide with world map and Cameroon. “We are here, and Cameroon is all
the way over here!” Next slide, these are a bunch of different things we can find in
Cameroon. Ask students if they can name some of the things on the slide
- Sing the first half of the song with the original for the students
- Before singing the second half, let the students know that the second half is the part
they’ll be singing
- Sing the second half of the song with the original lyrics
Motions (3 min)
- Ask the students to demonstrate their butterfly dances
- Put the motions to the song and perform it
- Suggest changing it and dancing like an airplane for the second iteration of the song
- Put the motions in and perform
- Ask students if a butterfly is loud or quiet. Perform again with dynamics. Continue
implementation of dynamics for other iterations.
If time allows
- Ask the students for suggestions for different things we can dance like
- Have the students repeat iterations of the song but with dynamics (piano, forte)
VIII. Assessment:
1. Sing their part of the song with correct I will watch and listen to the students as they
pitches and rhythms with 80% are singing and dancing throughout the
accuracy lesson, stopping to clarify when needed.
2. Stay silent when they are not supposed
to be singing with 90% accuracy
3. Complete the movements of the song
with 95% accuracy
XI. Adaptations:
There are no students with special needs in this class, but if there were, I would wear a
microphone for students with hearing impairments, adapt the lesson to not involve walking
around for students who cannot walk or move around easily, and change the motions to be more
localized for students who have trouble moving their arms around.