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Grammar Booklet 5th Srs 2024

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Extra grammar practice revision B1+ Unit

The passive; have something done; 5 Are you good at fix/fixing broken gadgets?
Gerunds and infinitives 6 Tap the screen to get/for getting the tool bar.

1 Complete these sentences with the passive form 5 Choose the best answers to complete the text.
of the verbs given in the correct tense.
There have been numerous inventions that have
1 A millisecond (define) as a changed the course of history. When the light bulb
thousandth of a second. (1) in the late nineteenth century, for example, it
2 Philosophy (invent) by the Greeks. completely (2) people’s lives. Thanks to brighter
3 I don’t think the study lights, public buildings like libraries and museums
(publish) yet. (3) open after dark, and became very popular.
4 I haven’t got a mobile phone – mine People stopped buying candles and they bought
(fix) at the moment. electricity and (4) to their homes.
5 Who knows when the problem Nothing can stop genius, and cool new gadgets (5)
(solve). Soon, I hope. nearly every day. However, hands up if you’ve ever had
6 Galileo’s discoveries (inspire) by a new brilliant idea and thought to yourself ‘Why (6)
his study of nature. yet?’ For example, (7) second-hand school books
is a great way (8) a bit of money. But who wants
2 Rewrite these sentences in the passive form. to buy books that (9) with a highlighter pen? It
Include the agent only where it is necessary. would be fantastic (10) fading highlighters, that is,
1 They use this device to connect the two networks. highlighters that disappear after a few months. I know
This device . scientists are working on it. But who knows when they
2 They analysed each part of the process. (11) on the market?
Each part .
3 In the future, renewable sources will generate one 1 A introduced B was C has introduced
quarter of the world’s energy. introduced
In the future, one quarter 2 A transformed B was C is transforming
. transformed
4 A teacher who speaks Chinese is translating the 3 A kept B had it kept C were kept
4 A sent the bill B had the bill C had sent the
The instructions . sent bill
5 Who won the Nobel Peace Prize last year? 5 A are being B invent C have been
Who was . invented invented
6 A hasn’t this B isn’t this been C isn’t this
3 Complete these questions with the correct form been invented invented invented
of have/get something done.
7 A to sell B sell C selling
1 I’m tired of my hairstyle so I’m going to
8 A to make B making C make
9 A marked B have marked C have been
2 My grandfather suffers from high blood pressure, so
he (check) once a week.
10 A having B to have C have
3 The email was in French and he
(translate/it). 11 A will put B is put C will be put
4 They (publish/the book)
by the end of this year.
5 I can’t have friends over because my parents
(paint/our house).
6 Before digital cameras were invented, people
(develop/their photos).

4 Circle the correct alternative.

1 I go to run/running in the park every weekend.
2 Recharge/Recharging a battery takes a few hours.
3 It’s important to learn/learning to take responsibility
for your actions.
4 Do you mind to switch/switching on the light?

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Extra grammar practice revision B1+ Unit

Defining relative clauses; Non-defining 3 My sister took up ice skating when she was only six.
She has made it to this year’s national finals. (who)
relative clauses
My sister,
1 Complete these sentences with a relative pronoun. , has made it to this year’s national finals.
If you write that, include a second possibility, too. 4 Sunday’s match was the last one of this season. It
1 Can you name a sport is not ended in a draw. (which)
played in the Olympics? Sunday’s match, ,
2 Pelé’s the football player has was the last one of this season.
scored the most goals for Brazil. 5 I joined a Pilates course. I like it a lot. (which)
3 Wimbledon is the career of I joined a Pilates course, .
many tennis champions started. 6 Nadia Comăneci won her first gold medals in Montreal.
4 Volleyball isn’t the only sport is The 1977 Summer Olympics took place there. (where)
Nadia Comăneci won her first gold medals in Montreal,
played in my school.
5 There are many sports people
life has been changed by setting a world record. 5 Choose the best answers to complete the text.
6 2006 is the year Italy won the
World Cup. Rob Pardo, (1) is a top video game designer, says
7 People say that a true champion is someone video gaming should be included in the Olympics.
always tries hard. Video gaming, (2) is also known as e-sport, is
a proper sport because it is very competitive and
2 Underline the relative pronoun when it is not requires very specific skills. Pardo, (3) idea of sport
necessary. is broader than most people’s, agrees that e-sports
1 The trainers that I bought in the sales cost €150. don’t take a lot of physical effort, but, he adds, the
2 This is the player who sent the ball into the goal. same can be said of some of the sports events (4)
3 Grant is the best ski instructor that I have ever had. we watch in the Olympics. In addition, e-sports attract
4 He passed the ball to another player who put it into millions of spectators. In Seoul, (5) a recent major
the basket. final took place, 40,000 people filled the Sangam
5 I still haven’t found a pair of goggles that don’t leave Stadium. Having a sport admitted in the Olympics is
a mark on my face. quite difficult, as chess players have discovered. But
6 You won’t believe the amazing things that she can Pardo says that video gaming is different from chess
do on a skateboard. – a ‘mind’ sport (6) has never been allowed in the
3 Cross out the one incorrect alternative. Olympics – although it needs strategic thinking and
quick reactions. However, those (7) disagree with
1 The students who/which/that want to go climbing
Pardo claim that being a spectator sport is not enough
must sign up before Monday.
and a very popular sport like cricket is not included in
2 The tennis court where/–/that I have booked is within
walking distance. the Olympics. Nor are motor sports, like motor racing,
(8) also requires excellent reflexes and attracts big
3 He failed to catch the ball which/–/whose his
teammate had passed. crowds. Pardo and his supporters should organise a
4 I can’t remember the name of the instructor who/ separate international competition only for e-sports
that/– taught us judo at school. (9) could follow a format like the Olympics and
5 What’s the name of the team when/that/which beat (10) gaming would be the main event, and not
us last year? simply one of many sports.
6 The first time that/–/which I saw a game of rugby I
was six. 1 A who B that C –
4 Use a non-defining relative clause to join the 2 A that B which C –
sentences. Use the words given. 3 A who B whose C who’s
1 The swimming pool is two metres deep. It is open 4 A that B – C A or B
every day from 9am to 5pm. (which) 5 A when B which C where
The swimming pool,
6 A – B that C A or B
, is two metres deep.
7 A which B – C who
2 My favourite gym is called Fitness Centre. I have
been going there for two years. (where) 8 A that B which C A or B
My favourite gym, 9 A that B – C whose
, is called Fitness Centre. 10 A whose B where C which

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Extra grammar practice revision B1+ Unit

Reported speech – statements; 6 The art critic wanted to know

Reported speech – questions and .
commands his/of/in/kinds/materials/what/paintings/used/
the artist
1 Change these sentences into reported speech.
1 ‘I find Macbeth Shakespeare’s most fascinating play,’ 4 Report these commands using ask or tell.
the director said. 1 ‘Buy the tickets online to avoid the queues,’ the tour
guide told the visitors.

2 ‘Tomorrow’s concert will be my last,’ the famous

conductor told the reporters. 2 ‘Don’t touch the sculptures!’ the museum staff told
the tourists.

3 ‘Her self-portraits are more interesting than her still

life paintings,’ the art critic said. 3 ‘Write an accurate description of the painting,’ the
teacher asked her students.

4 ‘I must learn all the lyrics by heart before next week’s

gig,’ Tom said. 4 ‘Play one more song,’ the audience asked the band.

5 ‘I can’t understand abstract art,’ my grandmother 5 ‘Don’t look so frightened,’ the director told the actor.
once told me.

5 Choose the best answers to complete the text.

2 Circle the correct alternative.
A few years ago a British artist made a shocking
1 Was it Oscar Wilde who said/told that all art was
statement when he said that taking children to art
quite useless?
galleries was a total waste of time. He (1) a national
2 Before the performance started, a voice off stage
asked/asked to the audience to switch off newspaper that parents were arrogant if they (2)
their phones. their children (3) abstract painters like Picasso or
3 You’ve always told/said you didn’t like films with sad Jackson Pollock. However, Picasso himself once said
endings. that it (4) him four years to paint like the great
4 The lead singer told/said the reporters that the band Italian master Raphael but a lifetime to paint like a
had decided to split. child. But he insisted that showing children a Pollock
5 Our art teacher said/told us that people have often painting (5) an insult to the artist. Many figures in
found Impressionism confusing. the art world strongly disagreed with him and said that
6 When the actors on stage asked/told to the ‘art (6) be understood, but felt.’ A national museum
audience to get up and dance, everybody stood up. director said that children can certainly appreciate a
work of art and they can all say (7) they like it or
3 Put the words in order to make reporting not, even if they probably don’t understand it.
1 He asked . 1 A told B said C told to
us/the/was/what/about/conference 2 A think B had thought C thought
2 Her fans wanted to know 3 A couldn’t B could C will
. understand understand understand
would/when/next/out/her/come/album 4 A has taken B had taken C takes
3 She asked . 5 A was B is C has been
6 A mustn’t B hadn’t to C didn’t have to
4 They asked .
7 A when B do C if
5 She asked .

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Extra grammar practice revision B1+ Unit

Modal verbs of speculation and 6 She had phoned/would have phoned me if she
would have lost/hadn’t lost her mobile phone.
deduction – present and past;
Third conditional 4 Look at these situations and write sentences using
the third conditional. Use the words given.
1 Circle the correct alternative.
1 You must have lived in the US for five years to apply
1 ‘Who’s at the door?’ for citizenship. So I didn’t apply.
‘I’m not sure, but it must/can’t be the postman. He
If I .
never comes before 10.’
2 You must be a very good speaker if you want to become
2 ‘What’s the weather like in Germany at the moment?’
a class representative. He is not a good speaker.
‘I don’t know, but if it is cold here in Greece, it
If he .
can’t/must be freezing over there.’
3 It’s easier for someone who is bilingual to learn other
3 ‘How old is Mr Jones?’
languages. I’m not bilingual.
‘Well, it’s difficult to say – he could/mustn’t be 40,
but people say he looks younger than he actually is.’ If I .
4 ‘They’ve been talking about changing the school 4 Queen Elizabeth I probably never married because
uniform.’ she was afraid of losing her power.
‘Really? Well, I wouldn’t mind, but some people If Queen Elizabeth I
can’t/mightn’t like the idea. ’ .
5 ‘Did you know Freddie was into football?’
5 Choose the best answers to complete the text.
‘Yes, and he must/may be quite good if he’s playing
in the school semi-finals.’
We all learn that Napoleon lost to the British in the Battle
6 ‘Is it true that we’re going to have a new head
of Trafalgar, but what (1) if Lord Nelson had not led
the Royal Army? Alternative history tries to answer this
‘Well, it can/could be true, but they haven’t made
kind of ‘what if’ question. Examples of the most popular
any official statements.’
questions include ‘What if the Americans (2) the
revolution war?’ ‘What if the barbarians (3) Rome?’
2 Rewrite the second sentence so that it means the
same as the first. Start with the words given. It (4) not be easy to make speculations about past
events, but it’s interesting. Let’s take the question of the
1 I’m 90% sure the last general election was four
barbarian invasions. If they hadn’t happened, the
years ago.
Romans who had been ruling England for nearly five
The last general election must
centuries (5) to go back to Rome to fight their
enemies. As a result, the Anglo-Saxon tribes (6) to
2 I don’t think she recognised me after so many years.
England and the English language (7) at all. It
She can’t . (8) very hard to imagine a world where nobody
3 It’s possible that the king escaped a dangerous speaks English. However, what language would have
conspiracy. developed from the kind of Latin spoken in Britannia?
The king might . Perhaps a language that might have sounded similar to
4 Perhaps he wasn’t a hero, but he did great things for Spanish or to Italian?
his country.
He may not .
1 A had B would have C would have
5 I’m quite sure his mother had a great influence on him.
happened happen happened
His mother must .
2 A would lose B had lost C lost
3 Circle the correct alternative. 3 A hadn’t B hadn’t invade C wouldn’t have
invaded invaded
1 If we had looked/would have looked at the map, we
4 A might B must C A or B
hadn’t got/wouldn’t have got lost.
2 If she had gone/would have gone to bed earlier, she 5 A wouldn’t B would have C wouldn’t have
wouldn’t have been/hadn’t been so tired. need needed needed
3 We would have gone/had gone skiing if the weather 6 A wouldn’t B wouldn’t C hadn’t moved
would have been/hadn’t been so bad. had moved have moved
4 If they had finished/would have finished their 7 A wouldn’t B might have C must have
homework earlier, they would have come/had come have started started started
to the cinema with us. 8 A must have B mustn’t be C must be
5 If he had gone/would have gone to the party, he had been
met/would have met Laura.

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Extra grammar practice revision B1+ Unit

Indeterminate pronouns: some-, any-, 6 That was the biggest discount I have ever seen!
no-, every-; so and such; I wish and I’ve never
If only .

1 Circle the correct alternative. 4 Complete these sentences with the correct form
of the verbs given.
1 Can anybody/everybody here lend me €5? I forgot
my wallet. 1 I wish you (stop) spending so
2 I couldn’t find the receipt nowhere/anywhere, so much money on T-shirts!
they didn’t give me the refund. 2 If only I (not lend) him my
3 I got bored because I had nothing/anything to do all bike, I wouldn’t have to take the bus now.
day. 3 I wish my parents (give) me
4 Did she say something/anything important before I pocket money, I could save for next summer.
came in? 4 If only somebody (help) with
5 Anybody/Everybody can work in a supermarket – these heavy bags.
you don’t need a degree. 5 I wish Dad (win) the lottery,
6 I know my keys must be anywhere/somewhere … he could have bought us a boat.
but where? 6 I wish all those little shops
7 If you have something/everything to say, put up your (not disappear), they were nicer than these big
hand. supermarkets.
8 There was nobody/anybody in the classroom,
because they’d all gone to the gym. 5 Choose the best answers to complete the text.

2 Complete these sentences with so or such. Why is online shopping becoming more and more
popular nearly (1) ? There have never been (2)
1 There was a long queue at the post
many shops in our cities and there has never been
office I had to wait for an hour.
(3) a large variety of items on display in shop
2 I wish my parents had given me some pocket money
windows. So, what’s wrong with traditional shops?
I could buy that T-shirt.
‘Online shopping is cheaper,’ says Tina, a shop assistant
3 I never thought history could be in London. ‘The other day (4) came in, tried on lots
interesting. of shirts, but didn’t buy (5) . He said he would look up
4 We’ve never seen big pizzas before! the things he liked on the Internet! It’s very frustrating. I
5 She’s a nice girl! wish I (6) my job!’ However, there are other reasons
why online shopping is (7) popular. ‘I always shop
3 Change these statements, using the words given. online for things I can find (8) else,’ says James.
Change the words where necessary.
‘I like shopping for things online,’ says Lucy, ‘because
1 My house is really small. I can’t have friends over. when they arrive, it’s like a present! It’s (9) thrill!’
I’ve got Some people say that the main advantage of online
. shopping is convenience. ‘Just think,’ says Alex, ‘No
2 The maths test was very easy. I finished it in less than queues, no pressure, no travel problems … (10) is
one hour. just a click away, even in the middle of the night.’
The maths test was
. 1 A somewhere B everywhere C nowhere
3 The weather was really bad. We stayed in all day. 2 A such B so C really
We had 3 A so B such C such a
. 4 A anybody B everybody C somebody
4 He filled his backpack with too much stuff. He got 5 A anything B everything C nothing
tired after half an hour. 6 A could change B changed C had changed
His backpack was 7 A such an B such C so
. 8 A nobody B nothing C nowhere
5 Dad’s shopping list was really long. He spent three 9 A such B such a C very
hours in the supermarket. 10 A something B nothing C everything
Dad had

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