Chapter 31 Blood
Chapter 31 Blood
Chapter 31 Blood
• Rbc
• Platelet
• lipids
• Immune particles
• Hormones
• Water
• Salts
• Unknown substances
Blood as a Circulatory Fluid & the Dynamics of
Blood & Lymph Flow
• Introduction
• The circulatory system supplies inspired O2 as well as
substances absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract to the tissues,
returns CO2 to the lungs and other products of metabolism to the
kidneys, functions in the regulation of body temperature, and
distributes hormones and other agents that regulate cell function.
• The blood, the carrier of these substances, is pumped through
a closed system of blood vessels by the heart. The blood flow to
each tissue is regulated by local chemical and general neural
and humoral mechanisms that dilate or constrict its vessels.
• Blood is a specialized type of connective tissue, red in color,
syrupy fluid which has specific gravity 1.055 and the viscosity
2.5 times that of water.
• Blood is alkaline (PH=7.4) and appear scarlet
red when taken from arteries and purplish from
• When old red blood cells are destroyed by tissue macrophages, the globin
portion of the hemoglobin molecule is split off, and the heme is converted
to biliverdin.
• In humans, most of the biliverdin is converted to bilirubin and excreted
in the bile.
• The iron from the heme is reused for hemoglobin synthesis.
• Exposure of the skin to white light converts bilirubin to lumirubin, which
has a shorter half-life than bilirubin.
• Phototherapy (exposure to light) is of value in treating infants with jaundice
due to hemolysis. Iron is essential for hemoglobin synthesis; if blood is lost
from the body and the iron deficiency is not corrected, iron deficiency
anemia results
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