6 Grade 2 Term Excel
6 Grade 2 Term Excel
6 Grade 2 Term Excel
Unit 3: Our Countryside
Date: Teacher`s name: Ybrayeva A
Grade: 6 «В» Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Learning some map reading skills. Things to see in
Learning objectives give an opinion at sentence and discourse level on an
increasing range of general and curricular topics; independently specific information and
detail in short, simple texts on a limited range of general and
curricular topics; spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for
a limited range of familiar general topics and some
curricular topics use speaking and listening skills to solve
problems creatively and cooperatively in groups;
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Read for specific information, to listen for sequence and
order of events, to tell about their experiences
Most learners will be able to:
Read for specific information, to listen for sequence and
order of events, to tell about their experiences
Some learners will be able to:
Read for specific information, to listen for sequence and
order of events, to tell about their experiences
Previous learning Unit revision
Planned Planned activities Learners’ activities Evaluation Resources
Beginin ORGANISATION MOMENT: Ss suggest what this
g Introduction of Learning and module is about.
5 min Lesson Objectives
What’s in this module?
Read the title of the module
Our countryside and ask Ss to
suggest what they think it
means. Go through the topic
list and stimulate a discussion
to prompt Ss interest in the
Warm-up: Teacher asks Learners read and Individual
learners to read and drills drills pronunciation. avaluation
Middle To present new vocabulary Ss listen and repeat Verbal Class CD
30 min Draw Ss’ attention to the chorally or evaluation
pictures and ask various Ss to individually
read out the geographical
feature each one shows.
Play the recording.
To match places to Ss identify which of
continents them are the same as Verbal
Present the continents and then the features in the PPP
explain the task. Go through pictures. http://www
the list of places and elicit .download-
whether Ss know any of them. esl.com/ton
Read out the example, and then guetwisters
elicit answers form Ss around /easy/easyt
the class. ongue.html
Play the recording. Ss listen
and check their answers. Ss describe pictures
To describe pictures Mutual
Direct Ss’ attention to the avaluation
pictures and ask various Ss
around the class to describe
Ask them to imagine they are
there and elicit what they
might be able to see, hear, Learners work in
smell, etc. pairs. They have a Individual
Pre-listening: vocabulary pile of cards. The avaluation
work task is to take a card
Differentiation: 1) teacher may and translate the
provide learners with word. If the answer
additional time to work with a is correct, a learner
dictionary before they start the keeps the card. Who
game. 2) more able learners has more cards, is a
can explain the words to the winner.
peer to guess. Learners listen to
each sentence and
draw the picture.
While – listening: Dictation Learners add more
Teacher dictates the text. details to their
pictures and write 3-
Post – listening: 4 sentences to
Teacher recommends to use describe them.
prepositions of place.
End Reflection Learners discuss Self-
5 min Teachers opens the slide with their results with assessment
learning and lesson objectives. peers. After that they
Home task: to learn the new can share their
vocabulary experience with the
Saying goodbye whole group.
LESSON 30 School-lyceum №36 after A. Tazhibayeva
Unit 3: Our Countryside
Date: Teacher`s name: Ybrayeva A
Grade: 6 «В» Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Learning some map reading skills. That is my village
Teacher tells learners that s/he is Ss can write words Individual
going to describe the garden of on the garden if avaluation
his/her grandparents/sister’s in they don’t want to
England and that they have to draw.
listen and draw. Keeps it simple
and use some of the vocabulary
from the warm up task.
FA: teacher holds up a prepared
sketch for learners to compare
their drawings with.
LESSON 33 School:
Unit 3: Our Countryside
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Learning about the flora of Kazakhstan. (This relates to
Biology and Geography)
Learning objectives use speaking and listening skills to solve problems
creatively and cooperatively in groups ask simple questions to get information about a growing
range of general topics use appropriately an increased variety of present and past
simple active and some passive forms on a growing range of
familiar general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Make up 1 simple riddle and questions
Answer some questions of their peers
Most learners will be able to:
Make up 2-3 simple riddles and questions with learnt vocabulary
and recommended structure
Answer most questions of their peers
Some learners will be able to:
Make up 2-3 original riddles and with learnt vocabulary and
appropriate grammar
Answer all questions of their peers
Previous learning Learning about the flora of Kazakhstan. Countryside nature
Value links Be friendly, be responsible
Planned Planned activities Learners’ activities Evaluation Resource
timings s
Begining ORGANISATION MOMENT: Learners check Verbal PPP
5 min Introduction of Learning and riddles to revise evaluation
Lesson Objectives learnt vocabulary.
Differentiation: less able
learners are provided with
pictures or cards with words.
Middle Pre-speaking: Learners write 3-4 Individual
30 min Teacher gives each learner a questions to the avaluation http://
picture 1 or 2. picture. E.g. they resources.
Differentiation: 1) Less able use a modal verb campnavi
learners are provided with can or any structure gator.com
models. to revise. /things-to-
FA: Teacher monitors, checks do-while-
order and appropriate tense of camping/,
questions. https://ww
Mutual w.visitlak
Speaking: Learners show avaluation egeorge.c
FA: learners are given keys for their picture to the om/campi
peer-assessment. partner and ask ng/island-
FA: teacher monitors retelling questions. camping
and takes notes of good use of
language as well as errors.
Peer – assessment: learners are
provided with criteria for peer
assessment. They have to write
advice or recommendation for
their peer.
Differentiation: less able
learners can use models or
useful language
Post – speaking:
Learners with the same picture
come together. They have to
choose the best\ most
interesting\ longest and etc. Individual
question. Learners do the task avaluation
To practise pronunciation of
situational language
Play the recording.
Pay attention to Ss’
pronunciation and intonation Mutual
and correct as necessary. Learners listen and avaluation
To listen for specific repeat chorally
information and/or individually.
Read the rubric aloud. Play the Individual
recording. Learners listen and avaluation
To learn synonymous phrases follow the text in
Read out the phrases. Refer Ss their books and find
back to the dialogue and elicit the information
the synonymous ones from
various Ss around the class.
End REFLECTION Learners choose Self-
5 min The tree of wishes one assessment
Apple- I have known much
Flower- I have understood
much information. It was very
useful information.
Leaf- Today some questions
were not clear for me.
Home task: to write a short
email about a place where you
Saying goodbye
LESSON 34 School:
Unit 3: Our Countryside
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Learning about the fauna of Kazakhstan. Animals in the
Learning objectives give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of
general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Use some topical vocabulary when speaking on farm animals
Discuss on some functions and uses of farm animals
Most learners will be able to:
Use most topical vocabulary when speaking on farm animals
Discuss on most functions and uses of farm animals
Some learners will be able to:
Use less-frequent topical vocabulary when speaking on farm
Discuss on functions and uses of farm animals without support
Previous learning Learning about the flora of Kazakhstan. (This relates to
Biology and Geography)
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Org moment: Greeting students. Learners Verbal PPP slides
10 min Setting the aim of the lesson: evaluation
answer 1-2
The aims of the lesson are given in PPT: the
develop vocabulary on countryside questions
using vocabulary to speak about farm
Teacher continues the topic on PPP slides
countryside (nature). Teacher asks what 3-4
learners did in the previous lesson.
After learners answer, teacher puts up
several pictures of farm animals. Teacher
asks learners to guess the topic of
today’s lesson using phrases written by a
teacher on the board.
Teacher may ask the following
What do you see on the board?
Why did I choose these animals?
What do they have in common?
Where do they live?
Which are useful animals?
Middle Vocabulary work Learners Individual Appendix
25 min Learners get a hand-out to match animals do the avaluation 1
with their pictures. task
Next teacher names 3 animals (dog, cow
and sheep) and asks why people keep
these animals. Teacher elicits learners’
answers who share it with the class. http://
Differentiation. learnenglis
Teacher may support with less able hteens.briti
learners useful language : Dog gives shcouncil.o
protection and loyalty\Cows give milk rg/
and meat\Sheep give meat and wool. vocabulary
Speaking /beginner-
Learners in pair do a concept map on a vocabulary
farm animal. Teacher shows one Mutual /animals
must avaluation
example of it. make a PPP
map on
A4 paper
with a
While – speaking:
FA: learners are given criteria for Learners listen to
peer-assessment. each other and
take some notes.
Post – speaking:
FA: teacher monitors their Learners discuss
discussion and keeps notes of the question: Is
good use of language and life on the farm
common errors. hard? Why? Why
To practise pronunciation of
situational language Learners listen
Play the recording. and repeat
Pay attention to Ss’ chorally and/or
pronunciation and intonation and individually.
correct as necessary.
LESSON 36 School:
Unit 3: Our Countryside
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Researching and presenting a labelled map of information
about our country (This relates to Geography and Computer
Learning objectives use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and
exploring a range of perspectives on the world ask simple questions to get information about a growing
range of general topics give an opinion at sentence level on a limited range of
general and curricular topics recount some extended stories and events on a limited
range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Answer 1-2 questions about the picture with support
Annotate the text and complete the table 80 % correctly
Most learners will be able to:
Answer 3 questions about the picture with support
Annotate the text and complete the table 90 % correctly
Some learners will be able to:
Answer 3 questions about the picture independently
Annotate the text and complete the table 100 % correctly
Previous learning Learning about the fauna of Kazakhstan
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resource
timings activities s
Begining Organisation moment: Learners Verbal
10 min Introduction of Learning and Lesson discuss the evaluation
Objectives questions in
Warm-up: pairs.
Teacher demonstrates the picture of
village. Then teacher asks learners
some questions about it.
Differentiation: less able learners are
provided with useful language
according to their needs.
Middle Pre-reading: vocabulary work Learners Individual
25 min Teacher provides learners with the text. scan it for avaluation
Differentiation: unfamiliar
1) Less able learners may ask their words. They
peers about the meaning of unknown should
words. underline/
2) teacher may provide learners with highlight
additional time to work with a them.
dictionary. Learners
While – reading: text annotation read the text
Teacher introduces the criteria. complete the
Learners work independently. They table
read the text and annotate it in the
following way:
_____ activities to do in the village
_____ places in the village
_____ emotions and feelings of people
After that they complete the table in the
appendix 3.
Scaffolding: if it is the first time for
learners to annotate the text, teacher
should show how to do it.
FA: learners are given keys for peer-
assessment. Learners
retell the
Post – reading: retelling the text text as a
OR learners work in a group of 3 Chain
people: the 1st learner tells about recounting: Mutual
activities to do in the village; the 2nd avaluation
one learner
learner’s task is to tell about places in – one
the village; the 3rd learner tells about sentence.
emotions and feelings of people.
Learners are recommended to ask
questions to their peers to help them in
retelling the text. They have to answer
the question: Do you want to live in this
village? Why? Why not?
FA: teacher monitors retelling and
takes notes of good use of language as
well as errors.
Differentiation: 1) teacher gives time
for creating a plan.
2) less able learners can use their
annotation notes.
End REFLECTION Learners Self-
5 min ‘suitcase’ – I know the material; ‘meat stick the assessment
grinder’- I need to repeat the material. smiles to the
Students answer the concept questions: column and
What did you take from the lesson? answer the
What tasks were interesting to do? concept
What were the problems? questions
Were the criteria of the lesson realized?
Home task: To prepare a quiz on the
world’s oceans . Look up information
on the Internet using the key word
‘oceans’ in the search bar or in
encyclopaedias, atlases or other
reference books.
Saying goodbye
LESSON 38 School:
Unit 3: Our Countryside
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Unit revision
LESSON 39 School:
Unit 4: Drama and Comedy
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: TV programmes, films and cartoons
(Peer assessment)
- Tell about TV programmes in Then learners have PPP slide
your life. Answer the following to tell their partner 6
questions. about the TV
What type of programme programmes.
is it?
What is it about?
What are the characters
What do they do?
Why do you watch/ like
They use learned words and
phrases in their speech
They talk about TV
programmes they like and/or
They cover all the points in the
Learners should Mutual
Post - speaking write names of their avaluation
Teacher prepares a short quiz classmates to match
using information from learners information.
speaking. Teacher asks
questions like: Who likes to
watch sports on TV?
End Feedback Learners talk about Self- PPP slide
5 min Home task: draw a picture to what they can do assessment 7
your like cartoon, film or TV after the lesson.
program and then write about it
Saying goodbye
LESSON 40 School:
Unit 4: Drama and Comedy
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: TV programmes, films and cartoons
LESSON 41 School:
Unit 4: Drama and Comedy
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Role-playing and drama
Post – listening:
Learners discuss the following Learners
questions in their groups: discuss the
Which famous writers do you know? questions
Tell about a famous writer from your
LESSON 42 School:
Unit 4: Drama and Comedy
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Role-playing and drama
Learning objectives write with some support about personal feelings and opinions
on a limited range of familiar general and curricular topics; understand most specific information and detail of supported,
extended talk on a range general and curricular topics - use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
talk about a limited range of general topics, and some curricular
topics; - ask simple questions to get information about a growing
range of general topics; communicate meaning clearly at sentence level during, pair,
group and whole class exchanges
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
To read for specific information, to talk about different types of
films, to listen for specific information, to decide on a film to watch,
to write an email
Most learners will be able to:
To read for specific information, to talk about different types of
films, to listen for specific information, to decide on a film to watch,
to write an email
Some learners will be able to:
To read for specific information, to talk about different types of
films, to listen for specific information, to decide on a film to watch,
to write an email
Previous learning Role-playing and drama
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resource
timings activities s
Begining Introducing the learning and lesson PPP
5 min objectives
Warm Up
Teacher shows a number of pictures Learners
and asks learners to guess the topic of guess
the lesson. Teacher gives hints if
Middle Pre –listening Learners fill Mutual Appendix
30 min Students work individually, then they the table with avaluation 1
compare their answers with peers and vocabulary http://
as a whole group. that comes learnengli
Differentiation: teacher may provide from the shkids.brit
additional time for work with a dictionary listening. ishcouncil
Listening Learners .org/en/
Task 1: students put the events in the watch the Individual short-
right order.(Teacher may cut cards story and avaluation stories/
out). follow romeo-
Task 2: True/ False task through these and-juliet
Task 3: Write and draw exercises.
Differentiation: Some students may be
provided with the script of the story.
FA: teacher manages and monitors
learners’ work and keeps reflective
notes about learners’ performance and
learning gaps.
Post – listening:
Learners discuss in the group why Learners
Romeo and Juliet is drama. discuss evaluation
LESSON 43 School:
Unit 4: Drama and Comedy
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Making a poster about favourite film (by Shakespeare)
Post – listening:
Learners Verbal
Learners discuss the following evaluation
questions in their groups: discuss the
Which famous writers do you know? questions
Tell about a famous writer from your
LESSON 44 School:
Unit 4: Drama and Comedy
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Making a poster about favourite film (This relates to Art and
Design and Computer Science)
Learning objectives use common verbs followed by infinitive verb / verb + ing
patterns;use infinitive of purpose on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics - respect differing points of view; - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and
exploring a range of perspectives on the world understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a limited
range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
To learn and discuss values, to practise infinitive and -ing forms, to
do quiz, to write a quiz, to listen and read for gist
Most learners will be able to:
To learn and discuss values, to practise infinitive and -ing forms, to
do quiz, to write a quiz, to listen and read for gist
Some learners will be able to:
To learn and discuss values, to practise infinitive and -ing forms, to
do quiz, to write a quiz, to listen and read for gist
Previous learning Making a poster about favourite film (by Shakespeare)
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resource
timings activities s
Beginin Org moment: Greeting students. PPP
g Introducing learning and lesson
5 min objectives.
Learners discuss the following questions: Learners Verbal
Do you like to go to the cinema? discuss the evaluation
How often do you go to the cinema? questions
What genre do you usually watch?
Middle To talk about a story Learners Appendix
30 min Explain the task and ask various Ss talk about a 1
around the class to tell the rest of the story.
class about a film they have seen.
To test knowledge learnt in this Learners Individual
module/to do a quiz read the avaluation
Explain the task. Allow Ss some time to questions
read the questions and decide if each and decide if
statement is true or false. each
Alternatively, you may allow Ss to statement is
review the module and find the relevant true or false
information to mark the sentences
True or false?
a. Hamlet’s mother gets married to his father’s Learners Mutual
brother, Claudius. avaluation
discuss the
b. Hamlet sees the ghost of his friend.
c. The ghost says that Claudius killed him with questions
a knife.
d. Hamlet is confused and doesn’t know what
to do.
e. When Claudius watches the play he is very
f. Hamlet knows that Claudius killed his father.
g. Claudius and Laertes want to kill Hamlet.
h. Hamlet and Laertes dance.
i. Hamlet’s mother sleeps from the poisoned
j. Finally, Hamlet knows he must stop
Learners Individual
To consolidate vocabulary learnt in write a quiz avaluation
the module/to write a quiz
Explain the task and allow Ss time to
work in pairs, look through the module
and think of quiz questions.
Tell Ss they can use the quiz in the
previous task as a model. Offer an
example (Shakespeare wrote
Hamlet. [T])
While – making Learners Verbal
Learners make a poster about favourite make a evaluation
film Differentiation: Teacher’s support poster about
individually for more struggling learners. favourite
FA: learners exchange their work for film
peer assessment. Learners tell
Post - making
Learners should tell about their works.
End Reflection “The Bullet Point” technique Learners get Self-
5 min -Learners get the sticky papers, write the sticky assessment
their names on them, go to the board and papers, write
stick the paper on one of the four areas: their names
-Participated actively; on them
-It was interesting;
-Everything was clear;
-I have learned something new.
Home task: to finish your poster about
favourite film
Saying goodbye
LESSON 45 School:
Unit 4: Drama and Comedy
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Creating a cartoon strip (This relates to Art and Design and
Computer Science)
Learning objectives understand independently specific information and detail in
short, simple texts on a limited range of general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
Match names of people with appropriate information with more
Most learners will be able to;
Match names of people with appropriate information with some
Some learners will be able to:
Match names of people with appropriate information with minimal
Previous learning Making a poster about favourite film (This relates to Art and
Design and Computer Science)
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining Org moment: Greeting students. Learners Verbal PPP Slide
5 min Introducing learning and lesson find at least evaluation 1-2
objectives. one person
Lead-in to match the PPP slide 3
Learners are given cards with “Find statement Appendix 1
someone who” task. They have to find
at least one person to match the
statement. Who is the first to complete
activity is a winner.
Middle Pre-reading Learners fill Individual Appendix 2
30 min Learners are given a text. They have the table avaluation
to scan it for the words they do not with
know. They write them down and vocabulary.
look up their meaning.
LESSON 46 School:
Unit 4: Drama and Comedy
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Learning about narrative Structure
Learning objectives use common verbs followed by infinitive verb / verb + ing
patterns; use infinitive of purpose on a limited range of familiar
general and curricular topics - use talk or writing as a means of reflecting on and
exploring a range of perspectives on the world understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts spell most high-frequency vocabulary accurately for a limited
range of familiar general topics and some curricular topics understand most specific information and detail of supported,
extended talk on a range general and curricular topics
Lesson objectives All learners will be able to:
To learn and discuss values, to practise infinitive and -ing forms, to
do quiz, to write a quiz, to listen and read for gist
Most learners will be able to:
To learn and discuss values, to practise infinitive and -ing forms, to
do quiz, to write a quiz, to listen and read for gist
Some learners will be able to:
To learn and discuss values, to practise infinitive and -ing forms, to
do quiz, to write a quiz, to listen and read for gist
Previous learning Learning about narrative Structure
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
Begining ORGANISATION MOMENT: Learners Verbal
5 min Introduction of Learning and Lesson answer evaluation
Warm-up: Teacher demonstrates the
title of the lesson and asks learners to
share ideas what a review is. If it was
taught before teacher may ask about
structure of a review.
LESSON 47 School:
Unit 4: Drama and Comedy
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Summative control work for the 2nd term
Learning objectives 6.L6 Deduce meaning from context in supported extended talk on a
range of general and curricular topics
6.R3 Understand the detail of an argument on a limited range of
familiar general and curricular topics, including some extended texts
6.W2 Write with some support about real and imaginary past events,
activities and experiences on a limited range of familiar general
topics and some curricular topics
6.S7 Use appropriate subject-specific vocabulary and syntax to
talk about a limited range of general topics, and some curricular
Lesson objectives Learners read the text on topic ‘Our Countryside’ and answer the
Learner should choose one topic. They should write on topics ‘Our
countryside’ or‘Drama and Comedy’.
Learners are provided with some questions to organize a monologue.
They should provide own experience on topics, using appropriate
subject-specific vocabulary.
Previous learning Learning about narrative Structure
Planned Planned activities Learners’ Evaluation Resources
timings activities
2 min 1.Greeting
2. Lesson objective
SA LISTENING Learners Individual Worksheets
35 min Task 1. Listen to the conversation listen to the avaluation
between Harry and Elizabeth twice. conversation
Mark sentences as True or False. between
A horror movie is scary. Harry and
Harry likes movies about love. Elizabeth
Harry really hates action and twice.
adventure movies. Mark
Fill in the gaps with ONE word. sentences as
Musicals do not sound too __for True or
Harry. False
I heard it's pretty exciting because
nobody can guess who the is. Learners
READING read the text
Task 2. Read the text about Alex’s and circle
hometown. Circle the 3 things Alex
writes about.
Rainy weather in Newquay
Water activities in Newquay
Interesting history of Newquay
Water attraction to visit in Newquay
Tasty meals in Newquay
Location of Newquay in England
Complete the sentences below follow Learners
the sentence structure: complete the
4. Alex likes Newquay because he can sentences
go … 5. While coasteering you should
always take a special instructor with
you because it involves…
Task 3. Choose ONE of the topics Learners
below. Follow the tips for writing. write the
Answer all the questions. topic
Spell topical vocabulary accurately.
Use prepositions of time, location and
Topic 1. Our countryside
Think about your home place (home town or
village) and write some information about it.
Where do you live? Write about its location.
Do you like this town / village? Why?
What is your favourite place in this town /
village? Where is it located?
What can you do in your home town /
village? Write about some winter or summer
activities and sports.
Topic 2. Drama and comedy
Think about your genre preferences and
write some information about your
Do you like watching films on the weekdays
or on Sundays? Why? Can you name your
favourite cinema? Where is it located?
How do you usually get to your favourite
cinema? What is your favourite movie? Why
do you like it? Learners
SPEAKING prepare an
Task 4. Choose one of the cards and individual
prepare an individual talk. Provide talk
own experience on topics, using
appropriate subject-specific
vocabulary. You have 1 minute to
prepare and 1-2 minutes to talk.
End REFLECTION Tree of success Learners do Self-
3 min Green leaf - I totally understand the task assessment
Yellow leaf - I understand the lesson
but I need some helps
Red leaf - I don't understand
Home task: to revise grammar themes
Saying goodbye
LESSON 48 School:
Unit 4: Drama and Comedy
Date: Teacher name:
Grade: 6 Number present: Number absent:
Theme of the lesson: Unit revision
Learners Mutual
To read for structure and order of read for avaluation
events and give a summary of a structure
story and order of
Explain the task and read out the events and
Study Skills box. give a
Allow Ss time to read the text again summary of
and put the events in order and then a story
ask various Ss around the class to give
summary of the story.
Ask Ss to use the Word List to look up
the meanings of the words in the Learners Verbal
Check these words box. listen and evaluation
answer the
To listen for ideas for a story questions in
Go through the plan with Ss. the plan.
Underline the key words.
Explain that these words will help
them do the task. Play the recording Learners Individual
twice if necessary. write a story avaluation
To write a story
Allow Ss time to complete the task in
class. Remind Ss to give their story a
title. Ask various Ss to read out their
stories to the class.
Alternatively, assign as HW and check Learners Mutual
Ss answers in the next lesson. discuss the avaluation
Unit feedback questions
Learners work in pairs, reflect on Unit
and discuss the following questions:
• What skills have you practiced?
• What new knowledge have you
• What was challenging for you?
• What was easy?