Fatica 2013
Fatica 2013
Fatica 2013
Although the central role of RNA in cellular func- to specific RNA or DNA target sites5,7,8. This dual activ-
(miRNAs). Small non-coding tions and organismal evolution has been advocated ity is shared with small ncRNAs4, such as microRNAs
RNAs of ~22 nucleotides that periodically during the past 50 years, only recently has (miRNAs), small nucleolar RNAs and many other small
are integral components of RNA received a remarkable level of attention from the nuclear ribonucleoprotein particles (BOX 2). However,
RNA-induced silencing complex
(RISC) and that recognize
scientific community. Analyses that compare transcrip- unlike small ncRNAs, lncRNAs can fold into complex
partially complementary target tomes with genomes of mammalian species (BOX 1) have secondary and higher order structures to provide greater
mRNAs to induce translational established that approximately two-thirds of genomic potential and versatility for both protein and target rec-
repression, which is often linked DNA is pervasively transcribed, which is in sharp con- ognition5,7,8. Moreover, their flexible8,9 and modular 10,11
to degradation. Among the
RISC proteins, AGO binds to
trast to the <2% that is ultimately translated into pro- scaffold nature enables lncRNAs to tether protein fac-
miRNA and mediates the teins1,2. Moreover, the degree of organismal complexity tors that would not interact or functionally cooperate if
repressing activity. among species better correlates with the proportion of they only relied on protein–protein interactions5,8,12–14.
each genome that is transcribed into non-coding RNAs Such combinatorial RNA-mediated tethering activity has
Department of Biology and (ncRNAs) than with the number of protein-coding enhanced gene regulatory networks to facilitate a wide
Biotechnology “Charles
Darwin”, Sapienza University
genes, even when protein diversification by both alterna- range of gene expression programmes (FIG. 1) to provide
of Rome, Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, tive splicing and post-translational regulation are taken an important evolutionary advantage5,7,8. This complexity
00185 Rome, Italy. into account 3. This suggests that RNA-based regula- is likely to be further expanded by differential splicing
Institute of Molecular tory mechanisms had a relevant role in the evolution of and the use of alternative transcription initiation
Biology and Pathology of the
National Research Council,
developmental complexity in eukaryotes. sites and polyadenylation sites by lncRNAs, thus increasing
Piazzale Aldo Moro 5, 00185 The range of ncRNAs in eukaryotes is vast and the number of tethering-module combinations.
Rome, Italy. exceeds the number of protein-coding genes. Besides the The expression of lncRNAs has been quantitatively
Istituto Pasteur Fondazione different families of small ncRNAs4, a large proportion of analysed in several tissues and cell types by high-
Cenci Bolognetti, Piazzale Aldo
Moro 5, 00185 Rome, Italy.
transcriptomes results in RNA transcripts that are longer throughput RNA sequencing (RNA-seq) experiments,
Center for Life Nano Science than 200 nucleotides, which are often polyadenylated and it was generally found to be more cell type specific
@Sapienza, Istituto Italiano di and are devoid of evident open reading frames (ORFs) than the expression of protein-coding genes5,6,8,15–17.
Tecnologia, Sapienza — these are defined as long ncRNAs (lncRNAs) 5–7. Interestingly, in several cases, such tissue specificity has
University of Rome, Viale
Regina Elena 291, 00161
Many roles are emerging for lncRNAs in ribonucleo- been attributed to the presence of transposable elements
Rome, Italy. protein complexes that regulate various stages of gene that are embedded in the vicinity of lncRNA transcrip-
Correspondence to I.B. expression5,7. Their intrinsic nucleic acid nature confers tion start sites18–20. Moreover, lncRNAs have been shown
e‑mail: on lncRNAs the dual ability to function as ligands for to be differentially expressed across various stages of
proteins (such as those with functional roles in gene differentiation, which indicates that they may be novel
Published online regulation processes) and to mediate base-pairing ‘fine-tuners’ of cell fate5–7. This specific spatiotemporal
3 December 2013 interactions that guide lncRNA-containing complexes expression can be linked to the establishment of both
recognition of the target by base pairing, they can mod-
Fibrillarin ulate translational control, examples of which include
ψ Dyskerin ψ Dyskerin
positive regulation by the ubiquitin carboxy-terminal
RNA hydrolase L1 antisense RNA 1 (Uchl1‑as1)42 and nega-
IncRNA gene
H3K27me3 complex
IncRNA gene
B Trans-acting IncRNAs modifying
IncRNA gene IncRNA
Transcriptional regulator
PRC2 REST complex
H3K27me3 H3K4me3
Bc Jpx
Xist promoter
◀ Figure 1 | Models of nuclear lncRNA function. Examples of long non-coding RNAs for a naturally occurring antisense transcript in gene
(lncRNAs) that regulate transcription in cis (part A) and in trans (part B), by recruiting expression regulation. Furthermore, Xist activation also
specific transcriptional regulators onto specific chromosomal loci, are shown. requires the lncRNA Jpx 62, which induces Xist tran-
Aa | lncRNAs that are involved in dosage compensation and genomic imprinting scription through the sequestration of transcriptional
include X‑inactive specific transcript (Xist), Kcnq1 overlapping transcript 1 (Kcnq1ot1)
repressor CTCF38 (FIG. 1Bc).
and Airn (antisense Igf2r (insulin-like growth factor 2 receptor) RNA). These lncRNAs
induce the formation of repressive chromatin through the recruitment of DNA
Xist, which is transcriptionally regulated by a
methyltransferase 3 (DNMT3), which induces DNA methylation; Polycomb repressive network of pluripotency factors, may also have an
complex 2 (PRC2), which produces histone H3 lysine 27 trimethylation (H3K27me3); important role in differentiation. Indeed, both the
and histone lysine N-methyltransferase EHMT2, which is responsible for producing homozygous and heterozygous conditional deletion of
H3K9me2 and H3K9me3 (REF. 56). Ab | HOXA distal transcript antisense RNA (HOTTIP) Xist in mouse haematopoietic stem cells produced an
functions through the recruitment of the MLL1 complex, which drives the formation of aberrant maturation of haematopoietic progenitors in
the activating H3K4me3 mark30. Ba | HOXA transcript antisense RNA (HOTAIR) is a females63, which resulted in the development of blood
trans-acting regulator of the HOXD genes12. It is characterized by a modular scaffold cell cancers and in accelerated death. Aberrant XIST
structure that allows the recruitment of two distinct repressive complexes, PRC2 and expression has been observed in human cancers, which
the H3K4 demethylating complex KDM1A–coREST–REST (lysine-specific histone
further suggests that alteration in the X inactivation
demethylase 1A–REST corepressor 1–RE1-silencing transcription factor) on the same
genomic region11. Bb | The pluripotency RNAs lncRNA-ES1 and lncRNA‑ES2 associate
process contributes to tumorigenesis.
with both PRC2 and the transcription factor sex-determining region Y-box 2 (SOX2),
which suggests that these lncRNAs control embryonic stem cell pluripotency by Genomic imprinting. Imprinted genes generally asso-
silencing SOX2‑bound developmental genes14; this function is alternative to OCT4- ciate in clusters and are epigenetically marked in
and SOX2‑dependent activation of pluripotency genes. Bc | The lncRNA Jpx (Jpx sex-dependent ways during male and female game-
transcript, Xist activator) that binds to the transcriptional repressor CTCF inhibits its togenesis; they are subsequently silenced on only
binding to the Xist promoter, thus activating Xist transcription38. one parental chromosome in the embryo. Imprinted
regions encode different species of ncRNAs, includ-
ing lncRNAs that, in many cases, bind to imprinted
X chromosome inactivation. The identification of regions and are directly involved in silencing 56. These
X‑inactive specific transcript (XIST) as a regulator lncRNAs are generally long (more than 100 kb) and
of X chromosome inactivation in mammals provided function in cis. The best-characterized example at both
one of the first examples of a lncRNA that is directly the genetic and the molecular levels are the lncRNAs
involved in the formation of repressive chromatin 56. Kcnq1 overlapping transcript 1 (Kcnq1ot1) and Airn
Xist deletion in mice causes a loss of X chromosome (antisense Igf2r (insulin-like growth factor 2 recep-
inactivation and female-specific lethality 57. Various tor) RNA). These lncRNAs are paternally expressed;
studies both in mice and in mouse embryonic stem they function by repressing flanking protein-coding
cells (ESCs) — a major model system for X chro- genes in cis and are involved in early development
mosome inactivation — have demonstrated that, in in mice56. The loss of function of these lncRNAs in
female cells, Xist acts in cis by inducing the forma- the embryo is not lethal — paternal inheritance of a
tion of transcriptionally inactive heterochromatin loss‑of‑function allele results in a loss of imprinting
on the X chromosome from which it is transcribed56. and in growth defects, whereas maternal inheritance
Xist is required only for the initiation and not for the of this allele does not affect imprinting or growth64–66.
maintenance of X inactivation, and its spatiotemporal These studies showed that multiple repressive pathways
expression must be properly controlled56. Xist induces regulate imprinted gene silencing by lncRNAs during
the formation of repressive heterochromatin, at least development, and that the extent of silencing along the
in part, by tethering PRC2 to the inactive X chromo- chromosome varies in different tissues26,27,66. For exam-
some25. However, parallel PRC2‑independent pathways ple, during embryonic development, Kcnq1ot1 func-
have been recently demonstrated in both mouse and tions by establishing and maintaining repressive DNA
Dosage compensation
human ESCs58,59. methylation on surrounding genes, whereas, in the
The process that ensures
equal levels of X‑linked gene The interaction between Xist and chromatin may placenta, it functions by recruiting the repressive his-
expression in males (XY) and involve, among others, transcriptional repressor tone modifiers PRC2 and the H3K9 methyltransferase
females (XX). protein YY1 that is thought to function as a recruit- EHMT2 (also known as G9a) on genes that are located
ment platform for Xist by binding to its first exon34. further away from the imprinted region66. It is worth
Genomic imprinting
Epigenetic silencing of genes
Moreover, it has been recently shown that Xist itself noting that, in the establishment of transcriptional gene
on the basis of their parental is able to recognize the three-dimensional conforma- silencing by cis-acting lncRNAs, continuous transcrip-
origin, which results in tion of the X chromosome41. Notably, Xist expression tion might be more important than the production of
monoallelic expression. is itself controlled by other lncRNAs in both a positive mature RNA. This has been elegantly shown for Airn,
and a negative manner 56. One of the best-characterized which is expressed from the paternal chromosome and
A histone lysine Xist regulators is its natural antisense non-coding is antisense to the Igf2r gene. Airn functions in cis to
methyltransferase that is transcript Tsix. Tsix counteracts Xist expression by silence the paternal Igf2r allele, whereas the maternal
responsible for dimethylation inducing repressive epigenetic modifications at the Igf2r allele remains expressed. In embryonic tissues,
and trimethylation at histone Xist promoter 56. The loss of Tsix function in vivo Airn silences paternal Igf2r through a mechanism that
H3 lysine 9, which creates
epigenetic marks that
resulted in ectopic Xist expression, aberrant X inacti- does not require a stable RNA product but that is based
predominantly correlate with vation and early embryonic lethality 60,61. These mouse on continuous Airn transcription, which interferes with
transcriptional repression. models showed, for the first time, an important role the recruitment of RNA polymerase II29. By contrast,
in the placenta, mature Airn recruits EHMT2 to induce lncRNAs to regulate a gene cluster. The in situ produc-
the formation of repressive chromatin65. Altogether, tion of regulators at their site of function is intrinsically
these studies showed that a single lncRNA could work more robust than dedicated trans-acting proteins. Thus,
by different mechanisms depending on the cell type, it is not surprising that the use of cis-acting lncRNAs
which might reflect the presence of either different to silence gene transcription is an evolutionarily con-
interactors or chromatin modifications that influence served mechanism and is not restricted to complex and
lncRNA functions in diverse cellular contexts. These multicellular organisms, as in the case of yeast cryptic
examples also show the advantages of using cis-acting unstable transcripts67.
lncRNAs with non-canonical structures. A circRNA importance of null-mutant models for uncovering roles for
that is derived from non-canonical splicing of an anti- lncRNAs95. Although Fendrr was suggested to inter-
sense transcript (CDR1AS; also known as ciRS‑7) to act with components of both repressive chromatin-
the cerebellar degeneration-related protein 1 (CDR1) associated complexes (such as PRC2) and activating
mRNA was recently identified in the human brain53, chromatin-associated complexes (such as MLL1) in
as well as in mouse cortical pyramidal neurons and mouse embryos, chromatin immunoprecipitation (ChIP)
interneurons53. Interestingly, this circRNA functions as analysis following Fendrr deletion showed a change in
a sponge for miR‑7 through 70 selectively conserved occupancy at Fendrr-target genes only for the repressive
miR‑7 target sites, thus regulating endogenous miR‑7 PRC2 (REF. 95). Unlike Bvht, Fendrr has a human orthol-
targets54,55. Zebrafish was used to study the in vivo func- ogous transcript FENDRR that, similarly to murine
tion of this circRNA because it has lost the cdr1 locus Fendrr, is also associated with PRC2 (REF. 24).
while maintaining miR‑7 expression in the embryonic
brain during evolution. Embryos that expressed ectopic Skeletal muscle. One of the first lncRNAs that was
CDR1AS developed brain defects and had a smaller identified with a role in myogenesis was Linc‑MD1
midbrain region, which is similar to the phenotype of (long non-coding RNA, muscle differentiation 1).
the loss of miR‑7 function obtained by treatment with This lncRNA is expressed in a specific temporal win-
morpholino oligonucleotides55. Therefore, circRNAs may dow during in vitro muscle differentiation of mouse
also have roles in neuronal function and in neurological myoblasts and was shown to control the progression
disorders54,55. from early to late phases of muscle differentiation by
In conclusion, the multifaceted functions of lncRNAs functioning as a ceRNA. Through competition for
seem appropriate for the complex regulatory demands the binding of miR‑133 and miR‑135, it regulates the
of the CNS, and further studies of lncRNAs may expression of mastermind-like protein 1 (MAML1)
uncover details of even more complex brain function and myocyte-specific enhancer factor 2C (MEF2C),
and of the pathogenetic events that underlie neuro- which are transcription factors that activate late-dif-
degenerative disorders. However, deeper analyses of ferentiation muscle genes21. LINCMD1 is conserved
the differences that are often found between in vivo between mice and humans 96 , and its expression
and in vitro systems, as well as those between different is strongly reduced in myoblasts of patients with
knockdown strategies, are required for a more reliable Duchenne muscular dystrophy21. Interestingly, in these
understanding of lncRNA functions in the development cells, the recovery of LINCMD1 levels rescued the
of the brain and the CNS. correct timing of in vitro differentiation, which sug-
gests a relevant conserved role in the control of muscle
Development of other organs differentiation21 (FIG. 4).
In addition to extensive roles in brain development, More recently, the imprinted H19 lncRNA, which is
lncRNAs are known to function in the develop- highly expressed in the developing embryo and in adult
ment of diverse organs and tissue types, which are muscle, was shown to work as a ceRNA for let‑7 and to
described below. control muscle differentiation. Indeed, the depletion of
H19 caused precocious muscle differentiation — a phe-
Heart. One of the best examples of the importance notype that is recapitulated by let‑7 overexpression97. As
Morpholino of lncRNAs in organ development is provided by two high let‑7 levels are generally associated with increased
oligonucleotides lncRNAs that are involved in mouse cardiac develop- cellular differentiation, it was hypothesized that H19
Oligonucleotides that are
modified to be highly stable in
ment — braveheart (Bvht; also known as Gm20748)94 inhibits let‑7 activity, thereby preventing precocious
the cell; they are used as and Foxf1 adjacent non-coding developmental regula- differentiation97.
antisense RNA to block cell tory RNA (Fendrr)95. These lncRNAs were identified Another lncRNA that is linked to neuromuscular
components from accessing from the mesoderm, from which the heart originates94,95. disease is D4Z4‑binding element transcript (DBE‑T),
the target site for which they
The knockdown of Bvht by RNAi in mouse ESCs which is selectively expressed in patients with faci-
are designed.
and neonatal cardiomyocyte cultures affected cardiac- oscapulohumeral muscular dystrophy (FSHD). DBE‑T
Chromatin specific gene expression and altered development into recruits histone-lysine N-methyltransferase ASH1L — a
immunoprecipitation mature cardiomyocytes94, thus suggesting a possible component of the MLL1 complex — which results in
(ChIP). A method used to role for Bvht in cardiac tissue regeneration after inju- H3K36 dimethylation and in aberrant transcriptional
determine whether a given
protein binds to, or is localized
ries. Bvht was shown to interact with PRC2, which activation of the FSHMD1A (also known as FSHD)
to, specific chromatin loci suggests that it functions by mediating epigenetic locus in patients with FSHD98.
in vivo. regulation of cardiac commitment 94. Notably, Bvht is Moreover, lncRNAs that regulate gene expres-
specific to mice and is not expressed in rats or humans; sion by driving STAU1-mediated mRNA decay have
Duchenne muscular
whether alternative molecular components carry out also been recently linked to myogenesis — sbsRNAs
A severe genetic disorder that roles that are equivalent to Bvht in other mammals is induce mRNA degradation by recruiting STAU1 to
is characterized by the rapid currently unclear. target mRNAs through base pairing with short inter-
progression of muscle In the case of Fendrr, a 60% reduction of expres- spersed elements (SINEs) in the 3ʹ untranslated region
degeneration, which leads to a sion by RNAi in vivo did not show any apparent phe- of target mRNAs (FIG. 2Ab). Remarkably, downregulating
loss of ambulation and death.
It is due to mutations in the
notypes95. By contrast, the knockout of Fendrr resulted the abundance of three of the four sbsRNAs that were
dystrophin gene that prevent in embryonic lethality owing to impaired heart func- tested altered the rate of mouse myoblast differentiation
its production. tion and to deficits in the body wall, thus indicating the in vitro47.
miR-206, miR-31 Linc-MD1 miR-133, miR-1
Expression level
Differentiation stage
•PAX3 •MEF2C •Dystrophin
•PAX3 •PAX7 •MYF5 •MYOD •Utrophin
•PAX7 •MYF5 •MYOD •Myogenin •Myosin
b c
PAX7 Self-renewal
miR-206 Mef2c AAAAA
Late myogenesis
Dystrophin miR-135
MYF5 Early myogenesis
miR-1 HDAC4 Differentiation
MAML1 Differentiation
SRF Proliferation Maml1 AAAAA
Figure 4 | ncRNAs and muscle differentiation. a | A schematic representation of the differentiation stages from
progenitor muscle cells to terminally differentiated fibres is shown. The cells are labelled with the Reviews | Genetics
characteristic proteins
that are expressed at each stage. These include master transcription factors that regulate the switch from one stage to
the following one — such as paired box protein Pax‑3 (PAX3), PAX7, myogenic factor 5 (MYF5), myoblast determination
protein (MYOD), myocyte enhancer factor 2C (MEF2C) and myogenin — as well as the late myogenic proteins dystrophin,
utrophin and myosin123. The graph shows the corresponding temporal expression patterns of selected non-coding RNAs
(ncRNAs). b | MicroRNAs (miRNAs) cooperate with transcription factors to sharpen their temporal expression pattern124;
for example, miR‑206 and miR‑31 repress expression of the self-renewal factor PAX7 and the early myogenic factor
MYF5, respectively. The same miRNAs prevent the early activation of late myogenic proteins, such as utrophin and
dystrophin125. By contrast, late myogenic miRNAs reinforce late differentiation stages; for example, miR‑1 controls the
expression of later myogenic transcription factors MEF2C and myogenin through the repression of histone deacetylase 4
(HDAC4). c | In these circuitries, the role of Linc‑MD1 (long non-coding RNA, muscle differentiation 1) is crucial. It further
reinforces the switch from early to late differentiation gene expression by acting as a ‘sponge’ to limit the repressive
effect of miR‑133 on mastermind-like 1 (Maml1) and of miR‑135 on Mef2c. SRF, serum response factor.
Skin, haematopoietic and adipose development. Roles such as keratin 80 (KRT80), to ensure their expression
for lncRNAs have been identified in the epidermis. and cellular differentiation45 (FIG. 2Ac).
Transcriptome sequencing of progenitor and differenti- Relevant lncRNAs have also been identified in
ating human keratinocytes identified TINCR as the most haematopoiesis and adipogenesis99,100. The analysis of
highly induced lncRNA during keratinocyte differentia- lncRNAs during erythroid differentiation of mouse
tion45. TINCR-deficient epidermis lacked terminal differ- fetal liver progenitors allowed the identification of
entiation ultrastructure, including keratohyalin granules lincRNA-EPS (erythroid prosurvival). The knockdown
and intact lamellar bodies. Interestingly, TINCR also of lincRNA-EPS in mouse erythroid progenitors blocked
binds to STAU1; however, unlike the sbsRNAs described differentiation and promoted apoptosis by inhibiting
above, the TINCR–STAU1 complex targets mRNAs that the expression of the pro-apoptotic PYD and CARD
have a 25‑nucleotide ‘TINCR box’ motif, which results domain-containing gene (Pycard) through a mecha-
in the stabilization of differentiation-associated mRNAs, nism that is still undefined99. More recently, lncRNAs
were profiled in mice during differentiation to white and comprehension of the structure, function and evolution
brown adipose tissue. Loss‑of‑function studies identified of our genome. Moreover, despite the burst of interest in
ten lncRNAs that have specific roles in adipogenesis100. identifying new lncRNAs and in setting up new meth-
odologies to characterize their function, a future topic
lncRNAs in environmental and stress responses of interest will be the origin and evolution of lncRNAs.
An emerging function for lncRNAs is their contribution One interesting feature relates to the contribution of
to various genetic programmes that enable response to transposable elements to the genesis and regulation of
different environmental conditions. One of the first and lncRNAs18,20. Their relevance is supported by the discov-
best-studied examples is the regulation of flowering ery that, in vertebrates, transposable elements occur in
in plants. In Arabidopsis thaliana, the transcriptional more than two-thirds of mature lncRNAs, whereas they
repressor gene FLOWERING LOCUS C (FLC) has an seldom occur in protein-coding transcripts. Moreover,
important role in this process by blocking the expression transposable elements were found in biased positions
of genes that are required for the switch to flowering. and orientations within lncRNAs, particularly at their
lncRNAs have been shown to function in FLC regula- transcription start sites, which suggests a role in the
tion in various ways101. The long exposure to cold dur- regulation of lncRNA transcription18,20. Therefore, it
ing winter — a process known as vernalization — seems has been proposed that transposable elements may con-
to induce the expression of a sense transcript from FLC tribute to lncRNA evolution and that they function by
called COLD-ASSISTED INTRONIC NON-CODING conferring on lncRNAs tissue-specific expression from
RNA (COLDAIR). COLDAIR is thought to function sim- existing transcriptional regulatory signals18,20.
ilarly to animal lncRNAs in the formation of repressive Phylogenetic analysis is generally one of the first
heterochromatin through a physical association with approaches to be considered when searching for lncRNA
PRC2 (REF. 102). FLC is also regulated by a set of antisense function. However, bioinformatic analysis tools should
lncRNAs called COLD-INDUCED LONG ANTISENSE be implemented to account for the differential evolu-
INTRAGENIC RNA (COOLAIR) that encompass the tionary pressure that operates on the various lncRNA
whole FLC sense transcription unit 101. These antisense subdomains; such pressure acts either on the primary
RNAs are upregulated in response to cold temperatures, sequence of lncRNAs (for antisense effectors against
whereas they are alternatively polyadenylated in warm RNA or DNA targets) or through their secondary struc-
temperatures103. The use of the proximal polyadenylation ture (for protein-binding domains). In this respect, the
site in warm temperatures is linked to histone demeth- modular scaffold hypothesis suggests that lncRNAs have
ylation in the gene body and leads to reduced FLC undergone extensive molecular bricolage by the gain or
transcription104. COOLAIR transcription is repressed loss of different modules, which provides alternative
in warm temperatures by a mechanism that involves and more complex functions that might be subjected
the stabilization of an R‑loop (that is, an RNA–DNA to evolutionary selection8,9,13,14. Moreover, the degree of
hybrid structure) in its promoter region by the NDX1 lncRNA conservation often does not indicate functional
homeobox protein homologue105. relevance; for example, non-coding genes such as XIST
More recently, a novel lncRNA has been identified and nuclear paraspeckle assembly transcript 1 (NEAT1)
in mice as being activated by a stress signalling path- have undergone rapid sequence evolution while preserv-
way that controls the activity of the mammalian target ing their functional roles106,107, and highly accelerated
of rapamycin (mTOR) kinase, which is an important evolution in ncRNA regions has been suggested to con-
regulator of translation42. The lncRNA Uchl1‑as1 is an tribute to the development of complex structures, such
antisense transcript to the neuron-specific Uchl1 gene, as the brain86,87.
which functions in protein ubiquitylation and has roles Another relevant question concerns the non-coding
in brain function and various neurodegenerative dis- definition of a transcript. In fact, it is possible that spe-
eases. Uchl1‑as1 contains an embedded SINEB2 element cific lncRNAs have previously uncharacterized coding
that stimulates Uchl1 translation and thus UCHL1 pro- potential for small peptides (<50 amino acids) with
tein expression under stress conditions42. In particular, biological function. Even if lncRNAs are bound by ribo-
upon stress-induced inhibition of mTOR activity and somes108, it has been recently observed that they show
the resulting repression of cap-dependent translation, patterns of ribosome occupancy that are similar to
Uchl1‑as1 is exported from the nucleus to the cytoplasm, those typical of non-coding sequences, which indicates
where it can base pair with the Uchl1 mRNA and stimu- that this assay is not sufficient to classify transcripts as
late its cap-independent translation. As this activation coding or non-coding 109. Therefore, additional efforts
of UCHL1 expression does not require de novo RNA are required to define the functional implications of the
Phylogenetic analysis synthesis, it provides a rapid response to environmental association between lncRNAs and ribosomes, and to
Comparison of DNA, RNA or
changes. establish whether specific subclasses of lncRNAs with
protein sequences in different
organisms that enables one to coding potential do indeed exist.
establish their evolutionary Conclusions and perspectives Although mechanistic models are starting to emerge,
relationships. The discoveries linked to lncRNA function go far beyond at the core of lncRNA functional studies is the need for
the identification of new mechanisms that regulate gene appropriate model systems for in vivo studies, which
Construction or creation from
expression. The organization of lncRNA-coding loci, should allow a better understanding of the evolution
a diverse range of available which are often finely intertwined with protein-coding and functions of lncRNAs, and their roles in both devel-
things. ones, has added a high degree of complexity in the opment and differentiation. However, owing to the great
variability in the evolutionary conservation or diversifi- the surrounding locus unaffected. Recent designs for
cation of such RNAs, appropriate animal model systems lncRNA inactivation have successfully used the targeted
are not always available. Notably, in a large screen car- insertion of multiple polyadenylation sites, which pre-
ried out in zebrafish, although many lncRNAs shared vents the transcription of full-length lncRNAs29,91,92,111.
characteristics with their mammalian orthologues, Additional novel strategies need to be developed for
only a few of them had detectable sequence similar- generating suitable conditional and loss‑of‑function
ity 110. Even among mammals, conservation might be model systems for lncRNA studies. An important issue
weak; hence, mouse models might not always reflect to consider when analysing loss‑of‑function phenotypes
functions in humans. Moreover, given the highly cell- of lncRNAs in vivo is the possibility of functional redun-
type-specific expression pattern of many lncRNAs15–17, dancy or of compensatory circuitries that would hide
they are likely to elicit differential developmental or their direct activity, similar to what has been observed
differentiation programmes in different organs, as is for in vivo miRNA depletions22.
the case for MALAT1 (REFS 81–83). Therefore, a more The regulation of lncRNA expression is also a relevant
exhaustive knowledge of their activity in different cells topic that has so far been poorly addressed. Besides tran-
and tissues of the body is required to elucidate possible scriptional control, post-transcriptional regulation will
tissue-specific functions. also be a relevant aspect to investigate. Major issues are
One of the most powerful techniques to study the related to understanding how polyadenylated lncRNAs
function of a gene in vivo is to disrupt its expression are retained in the nucleus and to dissecting which pro-
through targeted recombination. However, this meth- tein interactions control the maturation and subcellular
odology requires special consideration when it is applied localization of lncRNAs. For example, it remains to be
to lncRNA loci — their complex structure and frequent determined how some lncRNAs — such as circRNAs
overlap with other transcripts mean that the disrup- or polyadenylated lncRNAs that overlap with primary
tion of lncRNA loci might interfere with the function of miRNA sequences — accumulate in the cytoplasm21,53,54.
nearby genes, thus confounding the interpretation of the Such lncRNAs are much more abundant than previously
molecular causes of any resultant phenotype. Therefore, thought, and the nature of the cis- and trans-acting fac-
gene targeting should be carefully conceived to ensure tors that regulate their biogenesis and cellular localization
a truncation of the lncRNA of interest while leaving are interesting new issues to be studied.
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