Experiment 5 - Rotational Inertia of Ring, Disk and Dumbbell
Experiment 5 - Rotational Inertia of Ring, Disk and Dumbbell
Experiment 5 - Rotational Inertia of Ring, Disk and Dumbbell
Rotational Inertia for Ring, Disk and Dumbbell:
Theoretically, the rotational inertia, I, of a thick ring about an axis passing through the
center is given by;
1 2 2
I R = M R ( R1 + R 2) (1)
Where MR is the mass of the ring, R1 is the inner radius of the ring (see in Fig. 1), and R2 is
the outer radius of the ring (see in Fig. 1).
The rotational inertia of a disk is given by;
1 2
I D= M D R (2)
Where MD is the mass of the disk and R is the radius of the disk (see in Fig. 1).
If we assume the two mass pieces to be point masses, the rotational inertia of a dumbbell is
given by;
2 2
I Dumbbell =M 1 r 1 + M 2 r 2 (3)
Where M1 & M2 are the masses of the dumbbell while r1 & r2 are the distances from the
center of dumbbell to center of rotation (see in Fig. 1).
To find the experimental rotational inertia of the ring, disk and dumbbell, a known torque is
applied to the ring, disk and dumbbell. The resulting angular acceleration, α, is measured.
Since τ = I α,
I= (4)
Where τ is the torque caused by the weight hanging from the string which is wrapped
around the 3step pulley of the apparatus.
τ =r F (5)
Where r is the radius of the pulley about which the string is wound, and F is the tension in
the string when the apparatus is rotating.
Apply Newton's Second Law for the hanging mass, m (see in Fig. 2). Note that the positive
direction is chosen to be down.
∑ ⃗F =ma mg−F=ma (6)
Solving for the tension in the string gives
F=T =m ( g−a )=m(g−rα) (7)
As, a = r α, where "a" is the linear acceleration of the string. The linear acceleration a of
the hanging mass is the tangential acceleration, aT, of the rotating apparatus. Once the linear
acceleration of the mass (m) is determined, the torque and the angular acceleration can be
obtained for the calculation of the rotational inertia.
Solving the Eq. 5 for applying torque gives;
τ =r F=r T =rm(g−rα ) (8)
Substituting Eq. 8 into Eq. 4 and ignoring friction in the pulley, it can be shown that the
moment of inertia I of the rigid body with the rotating pulley system is given by
τ rm(g−rα) gmr
I= = = −m r 2 (9)
α α α
Where m is the hanging mass, r is the radius of the middle pulley used on the sensor, g is the
free fall acceleration (9.8 m/s2), and α is the angular acceleration of the rigid body.
pulley. When hanging mass pull the string, the rod rotates about the axis of the 3-step
2. Plug the Rotary Motion Sensor into the interface.
3. In PASCO Capstone, create a graph of angular velocity vs. time.
A. Measurements for the Theoretical Rotational Inertia
1. Find the masses of the ring, disk and dumbbell together with the thumb screws using the
mass balance.
2. Measure the inside and outside diameters of ring and then calculate the radii R1 and R2
3. Also measure the diameter of the disk and then calculate its radius R.
4. Finally measure the distances (r1 & r2) from center of dumbbell to axis of rotation of
B. Measurements for the Experimental Method
1. Finding the Acceleration of the Ring and Disk
a. Put the ring and disk on the Rotary Motion Sensor along with the Alignment Guide that
centres the ring on the disk. To find the acceleration of this combination, put about 20 g
over the pulley and record the angular velocity versus time on a graph as the mass falls
to the table.
b. Use the curve fit button on the graph to find the straight line that best fits the data. Use
the mouse to select the part of the graph where the mass was falling, so the line will be
fitted only to this part of the data.
c. The slope of the best-fit line is the angular acceleration of the apparatus. Record this
d. Remove the ring and repeat this procedure with only the disk on the Rotary Motion
Sensor. Change the mass that is hanging over to pulley to about 15 g.
2. Finding the Acceleration of the Dumbbell
a) Set the two mass pieces flush with the ends of the rod and lock it with the thumbscrew.
This will place the two mass pieces at equal distance d = 18.0 cm from the center of
rotation, as shown in Fig. 3. Note that the distance from the center to one of the edges is
18.0 cm and the height of the mass pieces h = 2.0 cm. Therefore aligning the end of the
mass piece exactly to the edge of the rod will make d =18.0 cm.
b) To find the acceleration of this combination, put about 20 g over the pulley and record
the angular velocity versus time on a graph as the mass falls to the table.
c) Use the curve fit button on the graph to find the straight line that best fits the data. Use
the mouse to select the part of the graph where the mass was falling, so the line will be
fitted only to this part of the data.
d) The slope of the best-fit line is the angular acceleration of the apparatus. Record this
e) Remove the ring and repeat this procedure with only the disk on the Rotary Motion
Sensor. Change the mass that is hanging over to pulley to about 15 g.
3. Finding the Acceleration of the Rotary Motion Sensor.
In Step 1 the Rotary Motion Sensor is rotating as well as the ring and disk. It is necessary
to determine the acceleration, and the rotational inertia, of the Rotary Motion Sensor by
itself so this rotational inertia can be subtracted from the total, leaving only the rotational
inertia of the ring and disk. To do this, take the ring and disk off the rotational apparatus
and repeat Step 1 for the Rotary Motion Sensor alone. Note that it is only necessary to put
about 5 g over the pulley in Step 1.
4. Use the Vernier Caliper to measure the diameter of the middle pulley and calculate the
radius of the middle pulley.
6) Theoretical and Experimental Results
Measurements for the Theoretical Rotational Inertia:
Mass of Disk = MD = 105.6 g = kg
Disk Diameter = cm = m
Disk Radius = R = cm = m
Mass of Ring = 102.6 g = kg
Ring O.D. = cm = m
Ring I.D. = cm = m
Outer Radius = R2 = cm = m
Inner Radius = R1 = cm = m
Mass of Alignment Guide = 5 g = kg
Masses of Dumbbell together with the thumb screws = M1 = M2 = g= kg
Distances from center of Dumbbell to axis of rotation = r1 = r2 = cm = m
Calculate the theoretical values of the rotational inertia of the ring, disk and dumbbell using
Equations (1), (2) and (3).
Rotational Inertia of Ring:
1 2 2
I R = M R ( R1 + R 2)
IR = kg m²
Rotational Inertia of Disk:
1 2
I D= M D R
ID = kg m²
Rotational Inertia of Dumbbell:
2 2
I Dumbbell =M 1 r 1 + M 2 r 2
IDumbbell = kg m²
Measurements for the Experimental Rotational Inertia
For disk with ring & pulley, slope α = ± rad/s/s for 25 g (r = )
For disk with pulley, slope α = ± rad/s/s for 25 g (r = )
For pulley alone, slope α = ± rad/s/s for 5 g (r = )
For rod with dumbbell & pulley, slope α = ± rad/s/s for 25 g (r = )
For rod with pulley, slope α = ± rad/s/s for 25 g (r = )
1. Calculate the experimental value of the rotational inertia of the ring, disk, and pulley or
Rotary Motion Sensor together using Eq. (9).
gmr 2
I Disk +Ring + Pulley = −mr
α (Slope)
r = radius of pulley = m; m (hanging mass) = 20 + 5 = 25g = kg
2. Calculate the experimental value of the rotational inertia of the disk and pulley or
Rotary Motion Sensor together using Eq. (9).
gmr 2
I Disk +Pulley = −mr
α (Slope)
r = radius of pulley = m; m (hanging mass) = 20 + 5 = 25g = kg
3. Calculate the experimental value of the rotational inertia of the dumbbell, rod and
pulley or Rotary Motion Sensor together using Eq. (9).
gmr 2
I Dumbbell +Rod +Pulley = −m r
α (Slope)
r = radius of pulley = m; m (hanging mass) = 20 + 5 = 25g = kg
4. Calculate the experimental value of the rotational inertia of the rod and pulley or
Rotary Motion Sensor together using Eq. (9).
gmr 2
I Rod +Pulley = −m r
α (Slope)
r = radius of pulley = m; m (hanging mass) = 20 + 5 = 25g = kg
5. Finally, calculate the experimental value of the rotational inertia of the pulley or
Rotary Motion Sensor alone using Eq. (9).
gmr 2
I Pulley = −m r
α (Slope)
r = radius of pulley = m; m (hanging mass) = 5 g = kg
6. Subtract the rotational inertia of the combination of the disk and Rotary Motion Sensor
from the rotational inertia of combination of the ring, disk, and Rotary Motion Sensor.
This will be the rotational inertia of the ring alone.
I Ring =I Ring+Disk + Pulley −I Disk +Pulley = kgm2
7. Subtract the rotational inertia of the Rotary Motion Sensor from the rotational inertia
of combination of the disk and Rotary Motion Sensor. This will be the rotational
inertia of the disk alone.
I Disk =I Disk +Pulley −I Pulley = kgm2
8. Subtract the rotational inertia of the combination of the rod and Rotary Motion Sensor
from the rotational inertia of combination of the dumbbell, rod, and Rotary Motion
Sensor. This will be the rotational inertia of the dumbbell alone.
I Dumbbell =I Dumbbell+ Rod+ Pulley −I Rod +Pulley = kgm2
9. Compute the percent error for rotational inertia of ring and disk to compare the
experimental values to the theoretical values.
|I exp−I Cal|
% Error= ×100
I Cal
7) Questions
1. Which object had the greater rotational inertia?
2. Which object was harder to accelerate?
3. Were the theoretical values within the uncertainties of the measured values? If not,
why not?
Experiment Title:
Name: _______________________________
Instructor: ____________________________
Signature (Instructor):
1. Experiment Objectives:
2. Basic Equations of Experiment Theory:
1 2
I D= M D R
ID = kg m²
5. Finally, calculate the experimental value of the rotational inertia of the pulley or
Rotary Motion Sensor alone using Eq. (9).
gmr 2
I Pulley = −m r
α (Slope)
r = radius of pulley = m; m (hanging mass) = 5 g = kg
6. Subtract the rotational inertia of the combination of the disk and Rotary Motion Sensor
from the rotational inertia of combination of the ring, disk, and Rotary Motion Sensor.
This will be the rotational inertia of the ring alone.
I Ring =I Ring+Disk + Pulley −I Disk +Pulley = kgm2
7. Subtract the rotational inertia of the Rotary Motion Sensor from the rotational inertia
of combination of the disk and Rotary Motion Sensor. This will be the rotational
inertia of the disk alone.
I Disk =I Disk +Pulley −I Pulley = kgm2
8. Subtract the rotational inertia of the combination of the rod and Rotary Motion Sensor
from the rotational inertia of combination of the dumbbell, rod, and Rotary Motion
Sensor. This will be the rotational inertia of the dumbbell alone.
I Dumbbell =I Dumbbell+ Rod+ Pulley −I Rod +Pulley = kgm2
9. Compute the percent error for rotational inertia of ring and disk to compare the
experimental values to the theoretical values.
|I exp−I Cal|
% Error= ×100
I Cal
Final Lab Report Template
Title Page
The title page of your Lab report should include the following information:
a) NUTECH Logo
b) No. and Name of the Experiment
c) Submitted To: Name of the Instructor
d) Submitted By: Individual Member Name with respective registration No.s
e) Date of Experiment Performed
1. Objective:
Objective of the practical will be explained in this section. For example, this practical is used to
determine different types of strength.
2. Apparatus:
Write the name of the apparatus used in the experiment.
3. Theoretical Explanation:
Explain the theory behind the practical or experiment. It can include ideal diagrams used in theory
and graphs etc.
4. Explanation of Procedure:
Pre explanation of the practical
5. Observations and Calculations:
The Calculation and observation during the experiment which includes reading and noting down the
measurements, draw concerned tables shown in the demonstration and class lecture.
6. Results and Analysis:
In this portion, you will describe what is achieved during experiment. Analyze and discuss the
practical. Use graphical representation if any. All calculation using formulas and demonstration of
graphical portion of the practical should be explained in this section.
7. Precautions:
Note the necessary precautions of respective practical.
a) Comments about the result.
b) Whether we have achieved the desire result or not. Deduction of the practical.
c) Conclusion of the practical.