Exam 200822
Exam 200822
Exam 200822
Exam duration 8:00–13:00. In order to pass, a minimum of 15 points is
required on the exam. The (preliminary) grade requirements are
grade 3 ≥ 15 p, grade 4 ≥ 21 p and grade 5 ≥ 26 p.
You are allowed to use a pocket calculator, but no other material of any
kind. Please answer the problems in Swedish or English.
1. Consider the linear system Ax = b, where the matrix A has the LU
1 0 0 1 1 1
A = LU = 2 1 0 0 1 3 .
−1 1 1 0 0 2
Solve Ax = b, with b = [1, 1, 0]T , by performing one forward and one back
substitution. (2p)
4.a) Construct the Lagrange interpolating polynomial that interpolates the
data below. (2p)
x -1 0 2
y 1 0 1
b) Your friend has sampled a time dependent function f (t) every two
seconds during an hour. Hence, 1801 data points ti , f (ti ) have been
collected, where ti = 2i and i = 0, 1, . . . , 1800.
However, you would like to have the function f (t) evaluated at every
second during the hour. One approach could be to interpolate the
data by a polynomial p(t) of degree 1800. The missing function values
are then approximated by evaluating the interpolating polynomial, i.e.,
f (ti ) ≈ p(ti ) for ti = 2i + 1 and i = 0, 1, . . . , 1799.
Explain why this is a terrible approach in terms of the expected accu-
racy of the missing function values. Suggest a better approach. (2p)
8. Consider the “real valued” test equation
b) Prove that the implicit Euler method is stable for all time steps ∆t
when applied to the “real valued” test equation. (2p)
a) Write out the formula for the Gauss–Seidel iterates xi for the problem
at hand. (1p)
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