By Laws Constitution Ministry of Altar Servers Talugtug

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The Constitution and By-Laws of the Ministry of Altar

1. The official name of the group is MINISTRY OF ALTAR SERVERS (M.A.S), a ministry
of young men dedicated to serve at liturgical services in the parish and to promote Christian
fellowship through spiritual formation.
2. The Ministry of Altar Servers is a subordinate of the Worship Ministry and is directly under
the Parish Priest.
3. The Ministry of Altar Servers is compliant to the norms and guidelines set by Universal Law
(Canonical and Liturgical) and of the Diocesan Ministry for Liturgical Affairs of the Roman
Catholic Diocese of San Jose de NuevaEcija.

The Ministry of Altar Servers aims to:

1. Form young men as responsible stewards of liturgy and of the parish.

2. Prepare them as future servant-leaders of the Church.
3. Instill in them love for God and for the Church through formation series.
4. Foster fellowship and unity with fellow servers.
5. Imbue vocation promotion and awareness as priests, religious, and consecrated lay.

A bonafide altar server must be:

1. A good Catholic in faith and deed.

2. Willing to commit oneself to perform the duties and responsibilities as Altar Server.
3. Willing to grow spiritually through this ministry by participation in diocesan and parish
formation programs.
4. Physically and mentally fit.
5. A recipient of the Sacraments of Baptism and Holy Eucharist.
6. Recommended and approved by the Coordinator and/or by the Officers after having passed
evaluation or observation.
7. The aspirant must first fill out an application form, and afterwards will be interviewed by the
Coordinator and the formator/s.
8. The aspirant must undergo four (4) sunday of observation.
9. The aspirant will be evaluated and screened by the Officers and to be endorsed to the Parish
10.A bonafide resident parishioner.
11.If a member is previously inactive, but wishes to join formally the ministry, the individual
has to undergo evaluation as prescribed by the Coordinator. The individual will be approved
only after passing the evaluation and interview.
12.If an aspirant lives outside the parish but wishes to apply as altar server, the aspirant needs to
secure first Permission Letter from the domicile parish priest. Upon approval and referral by
the parish priest through explicit writing, one will be then allowed to apply. Failure to
present recommendation letter from the parish priest will forfeit the application.
13.If a member transfers residence outside the parish, the member will be allowed to remain as
altar server for a maximum of three (3) months of transitory period starting from the date of
transfer. After the transitory period, one has to secure Permission Letter from the domicile
parish priest before being allowed to serve.
14.An applicant lacking in any of the given qualifications, as the Coordinator may deem
necessary, may be denied admission to the ministry.
15.The aspirant’s parents must sign the application or membership form of their child as a sign
of their consent in permitting him to join the ministry.

1. The term of an altar server is one year in consonance with the Ministry Year.
2. A server may renew membership for the next Ministry Year, as determined by the Officers,
and if one attended the formation program given by the Diocesan Ministry for Liturgical
3. The term of Officers, including the Coordinator, is 3 years in duration. Their term of office
may be extended depending on the discretion of the majority of all the members or of the
Parish Priest.

1. The Parish Priest is the head formator in the ministry, in its activities and guidelines. As
spiritual father and chief adviser, he is entailed to cater the spiritual and holistic growth of
his servers through regular monitoring and formation series as provided by the parish.
Moreover, the Parish Priest has the foremost right to be informed of and to grant permission
to any activities or guidelines being observed or proposed in the group.
2. Assisting the Parish Priest in providing formation series and assistance to the ministry is the
formator, a competent individual who undergo liturgical formation from recognize institute
of liturgy. They can either be a parochial vicar, guest priest, deacon, assigned or visiting nun,
religious brother, seminarian, or any lay person as requested or instructed by the Parish
Priest. There can be more than one formator in the group, depending on the need or function
to assist in.

Another role of the formator, or one of them in the group, is to serve as Spiritual Director to guide
the spiritual life of the members, helping them to be more close to Jesus and to instill love for the
Church, Family, Studies, and Charity. He will also help lead the members in celebrating more
sincerely the Eucharist, go to confession, and attend to spiritual direction. He must possess good
and orthodox Catholic foundation-formation.

(Former seminarians or religious are not recommended to become formators or advisers for spiritual, emotional,
moral and security reasons.)

The Ministry of Altar Servers will have a set of Officers who will supervise the activities and
discipline of all the members.
1. The Coordinator is the official head of the ministry.
2. Directs and oversees the activities and guidelines for all the members.
3. Serves for a term of one year unless resigns or is removed from position by the Parish
Ministry Council.
4. Has a full mandate from the Parish Priest and the Parish Pastoral Council.
5. Attends the meetings of the Parish Pastoral Council and of the Worship Ministry. (May
invite two (2) officers at most to join or represent in attending such.)
6. Presides over General Assemblies and other important meetings for the group.
7. May sanction, suspend, or expel any member pending the decision of the Officers.
8. Attends meetings with other altar servers’ coordinators in the diocesan and vicariate level.
Attends meetings of the Liturgical or Vocation Ministry (diocesan/vicariate/parish level).
9. Recomends the membership of any aspiring candidate as altar server to the Parish Priest.
10.Supervises the tasks and responsibilities of the Officers and of the other servers. As Officer,
one also fulfills the same duties as with other Officers.
11.Chosen or elected from among the Officers of the ministry, pending the approval of the

1. The Officers assist in the supervision of the ministry. With the Coordinator, the Officers
implement policies directed to the entire ministry. They assist in the function of the
2. The Officers may be elected or nominated by a majority of all the servers.
3. The Officers function as consultative group of the entire ministry regarding norms, activities,
and schedules.
4. The number of Officers is determined by the need of the Ministry.
5. The Coordinator can be selected only from among the Officers.
6. The Officers safeguard the discipline and order of the ministry especially during meetings
and liturgical services. They may reprimand or call the attention of erring servers.
7. The Officers assess the conduct and deficiencies of the servers. They may consult or report
to the Formators and the servers’ parents/guardians about the conduct of their children.
8. The Officers has the duty to teach or review basic liturgical training to all servers and
9. The Officers have authority over the evaluation and approval of aspirants (including
formerly inactive members) with the recommendation of the Coordinator and be approved
by the Parish Priest.
10.The Officers oversee the maintenance of the sacred vessels and liturgical vestments of the
11.The Officers attend monthly parish formation series, and, a must with the Coordinator,
attend doctrinal, moral, liturgical and spiritual formations in different institutes of formation
or in the diocese or parish level.
12.The number of officers depends on the parish with at least two (2) members to have a


Mandated Schedule
1. All servers who are approved for membership for the new ministry year must attend
Commissioning or Renewal Mass after having attended the basic and renewal formation
program conducted by the (Arch)Diocesan Ministry for Liturgical Affairs.
2. In the Commissioning Mass, aspirants receive and wear for the first time their official
liturgical attire inside the rites of the celebration.
3. The new Coordinator and the new set of Officers have their Oathtaking in front of the Parish
4. Servers must attend all prescribed (Arch)diocesan renewal seminars and meetings as
scheduled from the (arch)diocese. Failure to attend is a grave matter. Hence, the Adviser or
the Coordinator has the right to cancel membership of those who fail to attend the seminar.
5. All liturgical services are considered mandated schedule. Frequent unexcused absences are
considered grave matter and subject to proper sanction or disciplinary action by the
6. Should there be an absence in a schedule, the individual server should make up for his
absences through volunteer service and/or present an excuse letter from parents/guardians.

1. There will be a General Assembly (G.A.) for the entire ministry.
2. The General Assembly is held one or two Saturdays/Sundays of the month. A schedule with
no scheduled Mass. All members are obliged to attend.
3. The Coordinator, assisted by the Officers, presides over the session. The Coordinator must
invite the Parish Priest and the formators to attend.
4. The General Assembly takes place within the parish vicinity.
5. The General Assembly follows a prescribed format
Opening Prayer – to be led by a scheduled member
Sunday Gospel Reading – to be read by the Coordinator
Sharing of Any Member and Any Officer – brief sharing on the Gospel
Summary of Past Meeting – the agenda discussed in the previous G.A. are read by any
Attendance – One of the officers, checks the members who are present and absent.
(Distinguishes those absent servers with (a) valid reason or excuse and those (b) who are
Agenda – Concerns for the session and for any upcoming activities are discussed by the
Open Forum – Servers are free to raise questions or suggestions at the Officers
(The Parish Priest or Formators gives short lecture on a certain topic.)
Closing Prayer – to be led by a scheduled server. If a priest is present, he gives his Final
Blessing to the servers.
6. An Officer, records the minutes of meetings for every General Assembly.

Core Group Meeting

1. The Officers, who comprise the Core Group of the ministry, conduct for themselves a
meeting to plan and deliberate upcoming activities, especially evaluation on present
members and on attendance in liturgical services.
2. Either the Coordinator or Parish Priest summons the meeting for Officers either once every
two weeks or as needed.
3. The Core Group Meeting may adapt the same format of the General Assembly, with the
discretion of the Coordinator.
4. The Core Group Meeting may be held either within the parish vicinity or in another suitable
venue (e.g. house of an Officer)

Formation Series
1. Spiritual formation is at the core of the ministry. Spiritual talks, inputs, seminars, or prayer
workshops may be provided for the group at least once every two months, or as prescribed
by the Parish Priest or the Formators.
2. The Officers with the Formators may program basic and ongoing liturgical and catechetical
seminars for the servers, as prescribed by the Parish Priest or the (Arch)diocese.
3. Servers must participate in seminars or workshops held in the parish, vicariate or in the
4. Frequent absence in formation programs is considered a grave matter and is subject to
disciplinary action by the Coordinator.

Role of Parents and Guardians

1. Parents and guardians play a crucial role in the spiritual and holistic formation of their
children-servers. Hence, they must remind and encourage their children to attend to their
respective liturgical services and other schedules in the ministry.
2. Parents and guardians are encouraged to provide opportunities for their children to deepen
their spiritual growth and participation in parish life, such as personal prayer time in the
family, attendance in parish formation series, or even in instilling vocation awareness to their
3. Parents are obliged to attend Parents’ Meetings when scheduled by the Coordinator.
4. Parents are encouraged to help in financial needs of the ministry when needed.


1. The primary purpose of being an altar server is to serve God and the Church through the
liturgical celebrations (see GIRM 100; 187-193, except distributing or assisting in Holy
Communion), and to become a better Christian and person. Hence, the purpose for serving is
not out of mere desire to earn recognition at school or work, or of peer pressure or any
selfish motives.
2. A server undertakes both liturgical service and spiritual growth. If a member serves at Mass
but doesn’t or seldom attends formation series, the member is driven of impure motive for
serving and, hence, one’s attitude is subject to poor evaluation.
3. A server is a servant of God. A server is expected to live a morally-decent life. Hence,
exemplifies good Christian character whether inside or outside the parish. Committed to
spiritual formation and personal spiritual growth in love for God and for Mary.
4. A server is a servant for the Church. Serves out of love and dedication for the Church.
Respects and lives out the teachings of the Church. Respects, observes, and submits himself
to the direction and guidelines of the diocese and of the parish. Gives total self and
commitment in service. Hence, also prioritizes service above any of one’s busy schedule.
Continues to serve regardless of other personal commitments outside the church.
5. A server is a servant for others. Initiates and fosters good fraternal relationship with fellow
servers. Shows humility and respect to fellow servers, the Officers, and to other parish
workers, even ordinary parishioners or churchgoers. Above all, a good model of service and
modesty to others, especially in his community.
6. A server fulfills one’s liturgical service in accordance to the following:
7. A server attends the following mandatory schedule:
8. Scheduled liturgical service
 Sunday Masses
 Weekday Masses
 Funeral Masses (as requested)
 School Masses
 Street, Area and barangay Masses
 Formation series
 Regular spiritual formation series in the parish
 Annual summer diocesan basic and renewal seminar
 General Assemblies
 All Community Stations of the Cross (a number of servers hold the vessels, the rest joins
in the procession)
 All Holy Week Activities (a number of servers attend to their designated schedule while
the rest simply attend the rites)
 Processions of the Solemnity of Corpus Christi and Christ the King
 Simbang Gabi/Misa de Gallo
 All Fiesta activities


A server should be decent in outlook during liturgical services. Hence he must avoid from wearing:

1. Earrings and bracelets

2. Long or customized hair or fingernails
3. Slippers or rubber shoes
4. Denim/Maong, jeans, any colored pants other than black slacks
5. Wristbands or other distractive ornaments
6. Former (including “inactive”), or expelled servers, unless fully admitted, are not allowed to
serve nor wear the liturgical attire for present members.
7. Servers that are part of any fraternity that is against the teachings of the church, must be
reprimanded and/ must be given advice/formation regarding such matter.
8. Servers who have various vices such as drinking liquors, smoking ( i.e, E-cigarrettes/ vapes
and traditional cigarrettes ) , drugs and other habits that aren’t good for the his wellbeing is
not allowed. If the said server/s continues in doing such an act , he may face sanction ,
cancellation of membership or expulsion.
9. Suspended members are not allowed to serve until they are fully allowed by the Coordinator
to serve again
10.Servers who have been removed from the ministry are not allowed to serve during the
Ministry Year for which they are removed unless they are readmitted for the next Ministry
Year which they apply for.
11.No server can function as Master of Ceremonies without explicit permission from the parish
priest, priest-presider, and must undergo liturgical formation from an institute recognize by
the diocese or formation under the diocese.
12.Aside from the sacristans, servers must ensure that all preparations for Mass are set (e.g.
number of hosts, bell and other vessels). After the Mass, they must help clean and return the
vessels to their respective place of storage.
13.A server handles all vestments, vessels, and parish properties with care.
14.A server is time-bound and sensitive in every schedule he is obliged at. One must attend all
the required schedule in the ministry, whether in the parish or in the diocese for one’s
formation series or liturgical services. If one has valid reason for not attending a meeting or
service, his parents must inform the Coordinator and or a formator at least 6 hours ahead of
his supposed schedule. If he cannot serve, he must make up for the number of services he
missed. One must find a substitute server in the said absence. Failure to comply with this
procedure frequently or having frequent unexcused absences is subject to serious
disciplinary action, as decided by the Coordinator and the officers.
15.A server must have received the Sacrament of Confirmation by the age of 12-15.
16.In case he will not be able to fulfill his duties ahead of time because of certain reasons such
as vacation leave, special classes, or family schedule, a server may take a proper leave of
17.The server and one’s parent must sign a leave of absence addressed to the Coordinator, and
must indicate specific length of time (i.e. date of leave and return) for the said absence.
18.The parent must inform the Coordinator through call or chat concerning the request for
leave, and must provide a valid reason.
19.A server who takes a leave but fails to present a letter or have one’s parent talk to the
concerned persons will be subject to serious disciplinary action as decided by the
Coordinator and the officers.
20.A server who refuses to obey and respect the Parish Priest, Adviser, Coordinator, or any
Officer is subject to severe disciplinary action and, if repeated through explicit aggression,
may face sanction of cancellation of membership or expulsion.

1. The ministry complies with the prescribed liturgical attire for altar servers as prescribed by
the Institutio Generalis Missalis Romani Nos. 336 & 339.
2. For his basic attire, he wears
 Black leather shoes
 Black socks
 Black slacks or pants
 White undershirt
1. Only present members wear the official liturgical attire.
2. Former or inactive members, unless fully admitted, are prohibited from wearing the official
liturgical attire for present members.
3. Servers’ vestment must be distinguished from the vestment of a seminarian or habit of a
religious brother.
4. Aspirants undergoing evaluation period must wear at least white polo.

1. A server who violates any of the guidelines as written herein or instructed shall be given a
corresponding sanction or disciplinary action depending on the gravity of the offense, as
2. Oral reprimand and/or report to parents, if offense is committed once, twice, or thrice or if a
server commits up to three violations.
3. Suspension from service, if offense is committed more than three times or if a server
commits more than three violations.
4. Either cancellation of membership or expulsion, if the server continuously violates the by-
laws and guidelines even after his suspension period, if there has been no improvement in
one’s character, or if one openly disobeys or blatantly shows disrespect, rebellious attitude,
malicious and scandalous acts such as public or sexual immodesty, blasphemy, or
repudiation of authority or of the Church teachings, or other grave offenses as decided by the
5. The following are the policies concerning Suspension Policy:
6. A server who is suspended is not allowed to serve during the given Suspension Period as
prescribed to him by the Officers.
7. Suspension Period may range from at least three weeks to three months.
8. A server who is suspended from liturgical duty is expected to fulfill his obligations such as
going to Sunday masses or helping in his family chores.
9. A server who is suspended is not exempted from attending general assemblies, formation
series, or other important meetings.
10.The Parish Priest, Formators, Coordinator, or a majority of the Officers may impose
suspension on an erring server.
11.After the end of the Suspension Period, the server is subject to approval by the Officers
whether one can serve again or be given extension of the sanction.
12.If there has been no improvement in the character of a server, after having been given
parental or fraternal correction and even suspension, or when commits repeatedly grave
offenses or scandalous acts as discerned by the Officers, one is entailed to either of the
Cancellation of membership – a member is removed from the ministry but may apply either
for the next Ministry Year or after one (1) full year, depending on the discretion of the
Officers. A server who is removed from the ministry is subject to evaluation by the Officers
before one can be allowed to apply for the next term of service.
Expulsion – A server is banned for an indefinite length of time from the ministry. Only the
Parish Priest can lift the expulsion.
13.Frequent unexcused absences during services or meetings may be counted as grave offenses
and are subject either to suspension or cancellation of membership.

81.These by-laws shall take effect immediately upon their adoption and approval of the Parish
Priest, all the Officers and Members of the Ministry of Altar Servers.
82.When effective, these shall supersede all guidelines which may have heretofore have been
addressed to the ministry.
83.Any proposed amendment to any of these by-laws may be initiated by a majority of Officers
and shall be subject for approval from the Parish Priest. The Parish Priest may overrule any
proposed amendment to these by-laws.

Prepared by: Noted by:

Bernard Paul E. Pangalilingan Eng. Jaime G. Madayag II
M.A.S Coordinator M.A.S Adviser

Approved by:
Rev. Fr. Peter E. Albino jr.
Parish Priest

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