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Introduction To Smart Grid

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COURSE TITLE 191EE546 / Introduction to Smart Grid 3 0 0 3
UNIT - I Introduction to Conventional and Futuristic Electrical Power Systems 9
Basics of electrical systems, laws of physics, applicability of KVL and KCL, formation of grid and concept of infinite bus, control
of active and reactive power, control of voltage and frequency, generators and loads and their requirements, Infrastructure of
conventional electrical networks, Main characteristics of conventional electrical networks.
UNIT - II Comparison between Smart Grid and conventional electrical networks 9
Evolution of Electric Grid, motives behind developing the Smart Grid Network, Definitions, Characteristics and Benefits of the
Smart Grid, Functions of Smart Grid Components.
UNIT - III Smart Grid System 9
Renewable Energy Resources, Sustainable Energy Options for the Smart Grid, Issues Associated with Sustainable Energy
Technology, Storage Technologies, Benefits of Energy Storage Systems (ESS), prediction requirements in power systems and role
of smart grids.
UNIT - IV Smart Grid Measurements and Communication Technologies 9
Smart Meters – Key Components of Smart Metering, Smart Appliances, Advanced Metering Infrastructure (AMI), IoT and smart
grids, Wireless Sensor Networks, Smart Grid Communication Technologies – Wireless and Wired, Cyber Attacks and Power
System Security, Smart Grid Cyber Security.
UNIT - V AI, Machine Learning and Big Data in Smart Grids 9
Concepts such as MINLP, Approach for Network Reconfiguration and Dispatch in Distribution Systems, Multi-Objective
Optimization Methods for Solving the Economic Emission Dispatch Problem.
On completion of the course, students will be able to
Compare conventional and smart power grid characteristics.
Apply engineering – to know about smart electrical grid.
Select and employ various sensing technologies, networking and communication technologies to electrical
CO3 power grid.

Identify problems and offer solution using computational techniques.

1. Salman K. Salman, Introduction to the Smart Grid: Concepts, Technologies and Evolution, The Institution of
Engineering and Technology (IET), 2017.
2. Ahmed F Zobaa (ed.), Alfredo Vaccaro (ed.), Computational Intelligence Applications in Smart Grids -
Enabling Methodologies For Proactive and Self-Organizing Power Systems, Imperial College Press, 2015.
3. Robert C. Qiu and Paul Antonik, Smart Grid using Big Data Analytics - A Random Matrix Theory Approach,
Wiley, 2017.
4. Janaka Ekanayake, Kithsiri Liyanage, Jianzhong Wu, Smart Grid: Technology and Applications, John Wiley &
Sons, 2012.
5. James Momoh, Smart Grid: Fundamentals of Design and Analysis, John Wiley & Sons, IEEE Press, 2012.
1. Clark W. Gellings, The Smart Grid, Enabling Energy Efficiency and Demand Response, CRC Press, 2012.
2. Ali Keyhani, Design of smart power grid renewable energy systems, Wiley IEEE, 2015.
3. Siddhartha Kumar Khaitan, James D. McCalley, Chen-Ching Liu (ed.), Cyber Physical Systems Approach to Smart
Electric Power Grid, Springer, 2015.
4. Relevant recent literature, journal articles, web resources, standards and codes, 2010.
Components of the Smart Grid:

Components of the Smart Grid have been defined using the following basis:

● Standards adaptation

● Technical components’ perspective

● Technical perspective

● Conceptual reference model perspective

Composition of Smart Grid based on standards adaptation:

It has been recognized by electrical utilities that development and adaption of open
standards are essential for a Smart Grid to ensure interoperability and security. In
this context, the Smart Grid is assumed to comprise of: (i) a ‘‘utility electric
system’’ which consists of several
eral individual systems, including generation, transmission,
distribution, and customer systems within the utility, (ii) other entity
systems comprised of the many unique customer systems, services provider systems, systems,
and resources supplier systems, and (iii) an overall macro system
such as a wide area control system and RTO/ISO systems. Linking ‘‘utility systems,’’ other
entity systems and macro systems together results in the Smart Grid
which is a ‘‘System of Systems’’ as illustrated in Figure 3.1.

Identifying the components of the Smart Grid in this way helps in distinguishing between two
types of interfaces as follows:

(i) Intersystem interfaces: These are the interfaces linking the various systems.
Strictly speaking, they are the interfaces between the boundary of the utility’s
transmission, distribution, and customer systems and the boundary of another
entity’s systems or devices. For example, this could be the interface between a
utility meter and customer device, or between utility grid management system
and RTO system.

(ii) Intra system interfaces: These are the interfaces within a utility system. In
other words, these are the interfaces within the boundary of the utility’s system of
transmission, distribution, and customer systems. For example, this
could be the interface between a utility meter and a utility communication
network or a utility fault detector and distribution management system.

The most significant customer value that can be derived from standards
application in interoperability is that related to ‘‘inter-system’’ interfaces. This may
be illustrated by the following examples:

● The interface between the smart meter and plug-in electric vehicle (PEV) requires the
adaptation of an ‘‘inter-system’’ standard.

● Service providers must have a standard ‘‘inter-system’’ interface to be able to access

customer data from utility back-office systems for web presentation through an application
programming interface (API).

● It is essential to have ‘‘inter-system’’ standards adoption to enable in-home energy

displays, energy smart appliances, smart thermostats, and energy smart home automation.

Composition of Smart Grid based on technical components’ perspective:

According to this approach, the Smart Grid is viewed as a highly complex combination and
integration of multiple digital and non-digital technologies and systems. Its main
components, as illustrated in Figure 3.2, consist of: (i) new and advanced grid components,
(ii) smart devices and smart metering, (iii) integrated communication technologies, (iv)
software programs for decision support and human interfaces, and (v) advanced control
(i) New and advanced grid components

Example of such components include advanced conductors and superconductors, imprimproved

electric storage components, new materials, advanced power electronics, and distributed
energy generation. Introduction of such components would improve the efficiency of energy
supply and increase the reliability and availability of power.
(ii) Smart devices and smart metering

Smart devices and smart metering include sensors and sensor networks. Sensors are usually
fitted at different locations on the grid. For example, they may be fitted at transformers and
substations or at customers’ homes. Sensors play an extremely important role in the area of
remote monitoring and consequently facilitate demand-side
demand side management. This in turn
promotes new business processes such as real-time
real pricing.

As sensors and sensor networks are normally fitted all ov over

er the place along the grid,
they are able to monitor the functioning and the health of grid devices, monitor temperature,
detect outages, and power quality disturbances. This enables control centers receiving
accurate information about the actual condition
condition of the grid as soon as the grid is subjected to
any change. Consequently, maintenance procedure can be carried out immediately after the
occurrence of a disruption and therefore moving away from interval-based
interval based inspections.
Smart meters are normally fitted at customers’ premises. They can play an
important role. They provide real-timereal time determination and information storage
of energy consumption and also provide ‘‘the possibility to read consumption
both locally and remotely.’’ Additionally, they they can detect power fluctuations
and power outages, allow customers to remotely apply limits on energy consumption, and
permit the meters to be switched off. This results in important
cost savings and consequently enables utilities to prevent electricity theft. t
Using smart meters help electricity providers to have a better picture of
customers’ energy consumption and consequently help them gaining accurate understanding
of energy consumption at different points in time. This in
turn enables utilities to establish demand-side management (DSM) and
accordingly developing new pricing mechanisms. This makes it possible to decide the price
of energy according to real-time costs taking into account peak power loads. Also price
signals can be transmitted to home controllers or customers’ devices which consequently
enable evaluation of the information and power. This results in customers becoming more
interactive with electricity suppliers and therefore benefits from an increased visibility into
their energy consumption habits.

(iii) Integrated communication technologies:

Information generated by smart sensors and smart meters needs to be

transmitted to processing locations via a communication network. Such a communication
network must be of a high-speed and two-way information flow. The communication
network is formed from the integration of different communication applications and
technologies. These can be classified into communication services groups.

Utilities can choose between multiple and diverse technologies in the area of communication
network technologies. Several network technologies that suit the Smart Grid applications
have been deployed. Examples of such networks include wide-area networks (WAN), which
aim at reaching the customer, and local-area networks (LAN), which are operated at customer
In this context, the distinction made between WAN and LAN technologies to differentiate
between networks used to reach the customer and those at customer sites.
WAN technologies are designed to handle a two-way information flow that suits Smart Grid
environment. Different types of WAN technologies are available. They are capable of
providing both broadband and narrowband solutions for the Smart Grid.

Basic components of Smart Grid and its technical infrastructure:

Basic components of Smart Grid:

The Smart Grid can be thought of as a concept by which electrical power system
network getting smarter as a result of integrating different technologies/knowledge
into it. As the Smart Grid continue to evolve, totally new components, including
hardware and software as well as new standards will continue to be developed and
adapted. The following are the basic components of a Smart Grid:

● Generation facilities which may include a combination of bulk generation

plants, distributed generation plants, and/or renewable energy based-generation plants such as
wind, solar, and hydro.

● Transmission network, including transmission substations

● Distribution network, including distribution substations

● Consumer’s load networks

● Information and communication technologies with provision of security to
safely and reliably transmit data. The function of communication technologies
is to ensure connectivity among systems, devices, and applications. Communication
technologies consist of communication networks, media, and
● AMI: AMI is considered as a key component of the Smart Grid that implements residential
demand response and also acts as the principal mechanism
for implementing dynamic pricing.

● Intelligent electronic devices (IEDs)

● Control devices, computer control and distributed control systems

● Smart Grid-enabled home appliances: These are domestic appliances, such as

Smart Grid-enabled clothes dryer, which are enabled by Smart Grid on the
basis of electricity price and other demand signals and therefore help customers to benefit
from the energy saving the Smart Grid environment offers.
Ideally such appliances can be plug-in, registered with the appropriate service
provider through a web portal or toll-free phone call. Such arrangement would
particularly help customers who do not have the necessary expertise and who
are not willing to spend time and money to configure their appliances. An
energy services interface (EIS) should have the ability to communicate with
the Smart Grid-enabled appliances both in the presence or absence of separate
data network in the home. Such communication should require no expertise. It
should work on the basis of ‘‘plug and play’’ and ‘‘auto-configuring’’.
● Smart interfacing devices between the Smart Grid and customers: Such interfacing devices
are particularly important as they represent the most visible part
of the Smart Grid to customers.

An interfacing device consists of two distinct elements; a meter and an ESI.

The main functions of the meter is to (i)measure, record, and communicate energy usage, (ii)
communicate information for outage management, and (iii) enable automated provisioning
and maintenance functions, such as connection or disconnection of service. In cases whereby
customer’s premises contain distributed generation or storage resources the meter’s function
is extended to also include measurement of the flow of power from these facilities into the

As with regard to ESI, it is considered as the information management gateway through

which the customer’s network interacts with energy service providers. Its basic functions
include (i) demand response signaling, for example, it communicates price of
energy unit and critical peak period signals, and (ii) provision of customer
energy usage information to residential energy management service or in home display.

● Internet protocol (IP)-based networks: IP-based networks can be considered as

a basic component of the Smart Grid. It serves as a fundamental element for
the Smart Grid information networks. Existing IP-based networks may be
adapted in the process of Smart Grid deployment. This offers several benefits,
including the maturity of a large number of IP standards, the availability of
tools and applications that can be applied to Smart Grid environments, and the
widespread use of IP technologies in both private and public networks. Additionally, IP
technologies may act as a bridge between applications and the main
communication medium. A key advantage of adopting IP technologies is their
flexibility to allow applications to be developed independent of both the
communication infrastructure and the various communication technologies
that are being used, whether wired or wireless.

● Standards models and protocols: Standards and protocols that support

deployment of Smart Grid are important to ensure interconnection and
interoperability. Identification of existing standards and protocol
documents and/or development of new documents that support the interoperability of Smart
Grid are extremely important in the process of Smart Grid
deployment. In order to build safe and secure Smart Grid that is end-to-end and interoperable,
hundreds of standards are required. Therefore a
special effort is needed to identify and select those standards from the
existing ones which are suitable for the Smart Grid deployment.

● Software and programs for decision support and human interfaces

3.3.2 Smart Grid infrastructure:

The Smart Grid basic infrastructure can be thought to consist of the following four
systems as shown in Figure 3.6:

1. Electrical power system

2. Communication and information system

3. Intelligent protection, automation, and distributed control system

4. Electricity marketing system

Systems 1, 2, and 3, cover the technical aspects of the Smart Grid. While System 4 related to
electricity marketing system. It must emphasize that under Smart Grid environment
interoperability among the various devices within individual systems as well as among the
four systems must be ensured.

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