Bod Final
Bod Final
Bod Final
At this time, members of the public will be given an opportunity to address the Board concerning items
within the subject matter jurisdiction of the Board. Members of the public may also address the Board
about a particular Agenda item at the time it is considered by the Board and before action is taken. If the
item is on the Consent Calendar, please inform the Board Secretary before action is taken on the
Consent Calendar and the item will be removed for separate consideration.
The Board requests, but does not require, that members of the public who want to address the Board
complete a voluntary “Request to be Heard” form available from the Board Secretary prior to the meeting.
a. June 3, 2019 Special Board Meeting
b. June 5, 2019 Workshop Board Meeting
c. June 5, 2019 Special Board Meeting
d. June 19, 2019 Regular Board Meeting
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Regular Meeting Agenda July 17, 2019
a. MWDOC Revenue/Cash Receipt Register as of June 30, 2019
b. MWDOC Disbursement Registers (June/July)
a. Combined Financial Statements and Budget Comparative for the Period
ending May 31, 2019
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Regular Meeting Agenda July 17, 2019
Recommendation: Authorize the General Manager to: (1) Enter into a consulting
contract with Herndon Solutions Group (HSG) in the estimated
amount of, and not to exceed $4.4 million (costs are contingent
upon final Participating Agency commitments and include a
10% contingency for Phases 2 & 3).
a. Phase 1 - $412,000
b. Phase 2 - $2,289,000
c. Phase 3 - $1,685,000
(2) Enter into Letter Agreements or Contracts with up to 28
of our participating agencies (including two of the three cities)
for cost recovery of the expenditures; (3) Authorize MWDOC’s
commitment to the AWIA process at an estimated cost of
$131,000 (includes the 10% contingency), with combined funds
from engineering, WEROC and finance to be provided; and (4)
Hire a part-time temporary position within WEROC to
coordinate the consultant’s efforts with Participating Agencies.
Position will be charged back to participating agencies.
3 Page 3 of 213
Regular Meeting Agenda July 17, 2019
Note: Accommodations for the Disabled. Any person may make a request for a disability-related
modification or accommodation needed for that person to be able to participate in the public meeting by
contacting Maribeth Goldsby, District Secretary, at (714) 963-3058, or writing to Municipal Water District
of Orange County at P.O. Box 20895, Fountain Valley, CA 92728. Requests must specify the nature of
the disability and the type of accommodation requested. A telephone number or other contact
information should be included so that District staff may discuss appropriate arrangements. Persons
requesting a disability-related accommodation should make the request with adequate time before the
meeting for the District to provide the requested accommodation.
4 Page 4 of 213
Item No. 1a
At 9:00 a.m., President Barbre called to order the Special Meeting of the Municipal Water
District of Orange County Board of Directors of MWDOC at District facilities, 18700 Ward
Street, Fountain Valley, California. Director Dick led the Pledge of Allegiance and Secretary
Davanaugh called the roll.
Mr. Bob McVicker, Candidate the Division 3 vacancy, addressed the Board, highlighting his
passion for the water industry and his positive rapport with MWDOC’s member agencies.
He advised that he would embrace the opportunity to visit the agencies within Division 3,
and would consider the option of filling the vacancy on a limited-term basis. The Board
thanked Mr. McVicker for his comments.
General Manager Hunter announced that Mr. Khanh Nguyen had removed his name from
the candidacy pool for Division 3.
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Minutes June 3, 2019
President Barbre raised the issue of possibly holding a special election to fill the unexpired
term for Division 3 (in lieu of an appointment); the Board generally concurred to proceed
with the appointment process.
Director Thomas made a MOTION, which was seconded by Director Dick, to appoint Larry
Crandall as Director, Division 3. The MOTION failed by a vote of 3-2. Directors Barbre,
Dick, and Thomas voted in favor; Directors Yoo Schneider and Tamaribuchi opposed.
Director Tamaribuchi made a MOTION, which was seconded by Director Yoo Schneider to
appoint Bob McVicker as Director, Division 3.
The Board then discussed Candidate Bob McVicker, including his qualifications and
possible conflicts of interest (if any) due to his work as a consultant in the water industry.
Legal Counsel Byrne advised that he was not aware of any conflicts of interest.
Director Yoo Schneider advised she would be supporting Mr. McVicker’s candidacy.
Director Dick commented that although he originally supported a different candidate, he
would prefer that the choice for appointment remain with the MWDOC Board, rather than
being referred to the Board of Supervisors (in the event the MWDOC Board is not able to
make an appointment). As a result, he would be supporting Mr. McVicker’s candidacy as
The MOTION to appoint Bob McVicker as Director, Division 3 failed by a vote of 3-2. With
Directors Dick, Yoo Schneider, and Tamaribuchi in favor, and Directors Barbre and Thomas
Director Barbre made a MOTION, which was seconded by Director Thomas, to appoint
Mathew Forester as Director, Division 3. The MOTION failed by a vote of 2-3. Directors
Barbre and Thomas were in favor, and Directors Dick, Yoo Schneider, and Tamaribuchi
were opposed.
Director Barbre made a MOTION to appoint Janet Nguyen as Director, Division 3. Said
MOTION failed for lack of a second.
Director Dick suggested this matter be deferred and that the Board continue to work toward
a solution so that this issue is not forwarded to the Board of Supervisors.
President Barbre, with the Board’s concurrence, recommended the Board hold a special
meeting on June 5, 2019 (following the Workshop Board Meeting) to again consider this
President Barbre asked that Government Affairs Manager Heather Baez research whether
(in the past) the Board of Supervisors had to make an appointment in lieu of an election.
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Minutes June 3, 2019
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at
9:16 a.m.
Maribeth Goldsby, Secretary
3 Page 7 of 213
Item No. 1b
June 5, 2019
At 8:30 a.m., President Barbre called to order the Regular Meeting of the Municipal Water
District of Orange County in the Board Room at the District facilities located in Fountain Valley.
Mesa Water Director Jim Atkinson led the Pledge of Allegiance and Secretary Goldsby called
the roll.
Adan Ortega MET Director, Fullerton
Brent Yamasaki Metropolitan Water District of So. California
Jose Vergara El Toro Water District
Mark Monin El Toro Water District
Mike Dunbar Emerald Bay Service District
Steve LaMar Irvine Ranch Water District
Doug Reinhart Irvine Ranch Water District
Peer Swan Irvine Ranch Water District
Paul Cook Irvine Ranch Water District
Paul Weghorst Irvine Ranch Water District
Jim Atkinson Mesa Water
Stacy Taylor Mesa Water
Don Froelich Moulton Niguel Water District
Jose Solorio Moulton Niguel Water District
Kelly Rowe Orange County Water District
John Kennedy Orange County Water District
Adam Hutchinson Orange County Water District
Saundra Jacobs Santa Margarita Water District
Dennis Erdman South Coast Water District
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Minutes June 5, 2019
President Barbre inquired whether any members of the public wished to comment on agenda
ITEMS RECEIVED TOO LATE TO BE AGENDIZED - Determine need and take action to
agendize item(s), which arose subsequent to the posting of the Agenda. (ROLL CALL VOTE:
Adoption of this recommendation requires a two-thirds vote of the Board members present or,
if less than two-thirds of the Board members are present, a unanimous vote.)
President Barbre inquired as to whether there were any items distributed to the Board less
than 72 hours prior to the meeting.
Director Dick expressed some concern with the proposed $200,000 expenditure for the
California Resilience Challenge (on the MET Board Consent Calendar). He also highlighted
the proposed $1.26 million expenditure to purchase insurance coverage for MET’s Property
and Casualty Insurance Program, the proposed $696,000 expenditure for the Colorado River
Board and Colorado River Authority, as well as reporting that MET is interviewing the final
candidates for the Ethics Officer position.
City of Fullerton MET Director, Adan Ortega, concurred with Director Dick’s concerns relative
to the California Resilience Challenge expenditure and he also commented on the California
WaterFix activities.
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Minutes June 5, 2019
The Board received and filed the report that was included in the packet of materials; no
presentation was made.
Mr. Brent Yamasaki (MET’s Interim Chief of Operations) presented an overview of MET’s 2019
Annual Operating Plan and Emergency Delivery concept.
Mr. Yamasaki advised that MET’s Annual Operating Plan (Plan) provides a framework for
strategic operations and continued reliability, as well as a tool to communicate expected future
operations to help MET’s member agencies and partners better prepare for the upcoming
year. He provided an overview of the Plan, how it was developed, the analyses of balancing
operations through varying conditions (as well as being prepared for a range of conditions),
maintaining a high level of storage reserves, and supply and demand balance. Mr. Yamasaki
also provided an overview of the Water Surplus and Drought Management Plan (WSDM) and
how the WSDM Plan provided guidelines to prioritize the use of storage in shortage conditions,
and the replenishment of storage in surplus conditions.
Mr. Yamasaki then presented information regarding the potential concept for emergency
deliveries of member agency water supplies (utilizing the MET system in an emergency),
noting that this concept is intended to provide MET’s member agencies the ability to deliver
water supplies through MET’s system under specific emergency conditions in which MET is
physically unable to make deliveries to an operable existing member agency service
connection due to damage associated with a natural disaster or other catastrophic event, for a
period greater than seven days. Included in his presentation were emergency scenarios and
examples. He noted that emergency water deliveries should be considered in a proactive and
measured way (before a major emergency), that emergency deliveries must not displace other
agency efforts to prepare for emergencies, that amendments to MET’s Administrative Code
will be required, and that this will be presented to the MET Board in June (as Information item)
with anticipated action by the MET Board in July.
Following discussion, the Board thanked Mr. Yamasaki and received and filed the report as
No additional information was discussed; the Board received and filed the staff report.
Maribeth Goldsby
Board Secretary
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Item No. 1c
At 10:19 a.m., President Barbre called to order the Special Meeting of the Municipal Water
District of Orange County Board of Directors of MWDOC at District facilities, 18700 Ward
Street, Fountain Valley, California. Director Dick led the Pledge of Allegiance and Secretary
Davanaugh called the roll.
Adan Ortega MET Director, Fullerton
Brent Yamasaki Metropolitan Water District of So. California
Jose Vergara El Toro Water District
Mark Monin El Toro Water District
Mike Dunbar Emerald Bay Service District
Steve LaMar Irvine Ranch Water District
Doug Reinhart Irvine Ranch Water District
Peer Swan Irvine Ranch Water District
Paul Cook Irvine Ranch Water District
Paul Weghorst Irvine Ranch Water District
Jim Atkinson Mesa Water
Stacy Taylor Mesa Water
Don Froelich Moulton Niguel Water District
Jose Solorio Moulton Niguel Water District
Kelly Rowe Orange County Water District
John Kennedy Orange County Water District
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Minutes June 3, 2019
Mr. Nicholas Dibs addressed the Board regarding the Division 3 Director appointment,
urging the Board to appoint Mr. Bob McVicker.
Mr. Mathew Forester, Candidate for the Division 3 vacancy, addressed the Board, provided
an overview of this background, highlighting the diversity in his background in
business/leadership which he believed would be an asset to the Board.
President Barbre advised that the proposal to appoint a Director for Division 3, as the result
of the vacancy created by the resignation of Wayne Osborne, was before the Board for
Director Tamaribuchi made a MOTION, which was seconded by Director Yoo Schneider, for
the Board to appoint Bob McVicker as Director for Division 3.
Directors Dick and Thomas each stated that they would now be supporting Mr. McVicker as
Director, Division 3; they each thanked all of the candidates who applied.
Following discussion, and by a vote of 4-1, the Board adopted RESOLUTION NO. 2087
appointing Robert R. McVicker as Municipal Water District of Orange County’s Division 3
Director. Said RESOLUTION NO. 2087 was adopted by the following roll call vote:
There being no further business to come before the Board, the meeting was adjourned at
10:40 a.m.
2 Page 13 of 213
Minutes June 3, 2019
Maribeth Goldsby, Secretary
3 Page 14 of 213
Item No. 1d
At 8:30 a.m., President Barbre called to order the Regular Meeting of the Municipal Water District
of Orange County in the Board Room at the District facilities located in Fountain Valley. Director
McVicker led the Pledge of Allegiance, Director Thomas conducted an invocation, and Secretary
Goldsby called the roll.
Jose Vergara El Toro Water District
Peer Swan Irvine Ranch Water District
Jim Atkinson Mesa Water District
Stacy Taylor Mesa Water District
Don Froelich Moulton Niguel Water District
Kelly Rowe Orange County Water District
Greg Mills Serrano Water District
Dennis Erdman South Coast Water District
Rick Shintaku South Coast Water District
Brooke Jones Yorba Linda Water District
Christine Carson Aleshire & Wynder
Director Jim Atkinson (Mesa Water) thanked MWDOC for support on the California United Water
Symposium to be held) June 26-28, 2019 in Auburn, California.
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Minutes June 19, 2019
President Barbre inquired as to whether there were any items distributed to the Board less than
72 hours prior to the meeting.
President Barbre, along with General Manager Hunter, presented awards to Heather Baez for five
years of service to the District, and Kelly Hubbard for fifteen years of service to the District.
President Barbre stated all matters under the Consent Calendar would be approved by one
MOTION unless a Director wished to consider an item separately.
Upon MOTION by Director Thomas, seconded by Director Tamaribuchi, and carried (5-0), the
Board approved the following Consent Calendar items. Directors Barbre, Dick, McVicker,
Tamaribuchi, and Thomas and voted in favor; Directors Finnegan and Yoo Schneider were
The following Committee Meeting reports were received and filed as presented.
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Minutes June 19, 2019
MWDOC Summary of Cash and Investment and Portfolio Master Summary Report (Cash
and Investment report) as of April 30, 2019
Combined Financial Statements and Budget Comparative for the period ending April 30,
The Board authorized the General Manager to enter into professional services agreements not to
exceed $160,000 with: (1) The Plant Nerd, Inc. and EcoTech Services to provide landscape
design assistance; (2) The Plant Nerd, Inc. and TerraWorks Studio to provide landscape
maintenance assistance; and (3) Other firms (to be determined) who demonstrate they are
qualified to do the work and agree to a competitive fee structure.
The Board authorized staff to update the Administrative Code for Section 9500.
The Board approved the proposed Pay Structure Schedule, adjusting the District salary ranges by
3.8%, as approved during the budget process.
The Board approved entering into the subject agreement for improvements to the MWDOC
administration building electrical system: (1) Made a CEQA finding that the project is categorical
exempt under: Class 1-Existing Facilities; (2) Awarded AVRAM Electric “MWDOC Electrical
System Rehabilitation Project” construction contract in the amount of $213,883.00; (3) Authorized
the General Manager to enter into a license agreement with OCWD to install and maintain
underground electric utilities and related equipment on OCWD property, and pay OCWD a one-
time license fee of $1,148.00.
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Minutes June 19, 2019
Director Thomas expressed concern with the legislation, noting that it allows the fund to be set
up, but is not clear as to funding sources. He believed this may eventually allow a “tax” to fund
the “fund”; Director Barbre concurred.
Director McVicker made a MOTION, which was seconded by Director Dick, to adopt a support
position on SB 200 (Monning) the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund. Said MOTION
failed by a vote of 3-2. Directors Dick, McVicker and Tamaribuchi voted in favor; Directors
Thomas and Barbre opposed; and Directors Finnegan and Yoo Schneider were absent.
Upon MOTION by Director Thomas, seconded by Director McVicker, and carried (5-0), the Board
adopted an oppose unless amended position on AB 402 (Quirk), State Water Resources Control
Board: local primacy delegation: funding stabilization program. Directors Barbre, Dick, McVicker,
Tamaribuchi, and Thomas voted in favor. Directors Finnegan and Yoo Schneider were absent.
Upon MOTION by Director Dick, seconded by Director Thomas, and carried (4-1), the Board
voted to adopt a support position on H.R. 2313 (Huffman). Directors Dick, McVicker,
Tamaribuchi & Thomas voted in favor; Director Barbre opposed; and Directors Finnegan and Yoo
Schneider were absent.
Upon MOTION by Director Thomas, seconded by Director McVicker, and carried (5-0), the Board
authorized the extension of the contract with Ackerman Consulting for specialized services.
Directors Barbre, Dick, McVicker, Tamaribuchi & Thomas voted in favor; Directors Finnegan and
Yoo Schneider were absent.
Director Tamaribuchi advised that although MWDOC MET Director Larry McKenney had originally
indicated a desire for MWDOC to nominate him to the ACWA Region 10 Board, he has now sent
a letter withdrawing his interest in doing so. President Barbre asked that the letter be distributed
to the Board. No member of the MWDOC Board expressed an interest in running for the Region
10 Board. No action was taken.
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Minutes June 19, 2019
Upon MOTION by Director Dick, seconded by Director Thomas, and carried (5-0), the Board
authorized President Barbre, or his designee, to cast the District’s ballot in favor of candidate
Greg Mills (Serrano Water District) for the CSDA 2019 Board of Directors Election – Southern
Network Region, Seat B. Directors Barbre, Dick, McVicker, Tamaribuchi & Thomas voted in
favor; Directors Finnegan and Yoo Schneider were absent.
Upon MOTION by Director Dick, seconded by Director Thomas, and carried (5-0), the Board
authorized President Barbre, or his designee, to cast the District’s ballot for the SDRMA Board of
Directors. Directors Barbre, Dick, McVicker, Tamaribuchi & Thomas voted in favor; Directors
Finnegan and Yoo Schneider were absent.
Mr. Rick Shintaku (General Manager, South Coast Water District) thanked the MWDOC Board for
setting the foundation for the Doheny Desalination Project, which falls directly in line with the
recently published OC Reliability Study, as well as MET’s Integrated Resources Plan. He
encouraged support for AB 1752, and invited the Board to attend the Doheny Deslination
Project’s final draft EIR hearing scheduled for Thursday, June 27, 2019 at 6:00 pm.
Director Barbre suggested the co-author of the legislation also be mentioned (Assemblyman Bill
Upon MOTION by Director Dick, seconded by Director Thomas, and carried (5-0), the Board
adopted a support position on AB 1752. Directors Barbre, Dick, McVicker, Tamaribuchi &
Thomas voted in favor; Directors Finnegan and Yoo Schneider were absent.
General Manager Hunter advised that the General Manager’s report was included in the Board
General Manager Hunter advised that he would be attending the Doheny Desalination Project
final draft EIR hearing on June 27th.
Mr. Hunter also distributed lapel pins to the Board (with MWDOC’s logo), as well as a plaque from
the County of Butte Board of Supervisors thanking MWDOC for the assistance provided during
the “Camp Fire”.
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Minutes June 19, 2019
The Board members each reported on their attendance at the regular (and special) MWDOC
Board and Committee meetings. In addition to these meetings, the following reports were made
on conferences and meetings attended on behalf of the District.
Director Thomas noted his attendance at the OC Water Summit, the ACWA conference, the
Special Board meetings regarding the Division 3 vacancy. He noted he would be attending a Girl
Scout event at Santa Margarita Water District.
Director Tamaribuchi reported on attending the regularly scheduled MWDOC meetings except the
Executive Committee, (Planning & Operations, Administration & Finance, and Public Affairs &
Legislation Committee meetings, as well as the Workshop and Regular Board meetings), the OC
Water Summit, the WACO meeting, the MNWD/BIA Water & Housing Forum, and a meeting with
representatives from OC CoastKeeper.
Director McVicker reported on attending the regularly scheduled MWDOC meetings (since his
appointment on June 5th), including the Administration & Finance and Public Affairs & Legislation
Committee meetings. He also attended the Mesa Water District Board meeting, and will be
attending the ISDOC luncheon to be held later in the month.
Director Dick reported on attending the regularly scheduled meetings (Planning & Operations,
Administration & Finance and Executive Committee meetings, and Board and Workshop
meetings), as well as the Special meetings regarding the Division 3 vacancy, Urban Water
Institute planning meeting, MET’s Solar Cup event, the WACO Planning and WACO meetings,
the MET employee service luncheon, the OC Water Summit, the ISDOC meeting, a meeting with
Supervisor Chaffee’s office, the Garden Grove Legislative Committee meeting, the MET
Executive Committee meeting, the MET Board and Committee meetings, and the MET Caucus.
Director Barbre advised that he submitted a written report to Secretary Goldsby. He noted that
the written report included the following meetings in his capacity as MET Director: the Poster
Awards Ceremony at Discovery Cube, the MET Committee day (late), a meeting with Scott
Maloni (Poseidon), the MWDOC/MET Director caucus (early), a meeting with the BUREC
Commissioner, a meeting with MET Chair Gloria Gray, and the Regional Water Quality Control
Board hearing regarding Poseidon issues. He also noted that he was invited to testify at the
House National Resources Subcommittee on Water, Oceans, and Wildlife. In his capacity as
MWDOC Director he attended the following meetings: the Executive, Public Affairs & Legislation
(May and June), and Planning & Operations Committee meetings, the Workshop Board meeting,
the Special Board meetings regarding the Division 3 vacancy (including interviews), a meeting
with Tustin Councilman Bernstein, the OC Water Summit, a meeting with Jim Barker, and he
attended the Placentia Library Commission meeting. Director Barbre noted he also attended the
Fairmont Booster Pump Station Dedication ceremony.
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Minutes June 19, 2019
Although, no additional topics for future agendas were requested, President Barbre asked Mr.
Hunter several questions relating to the General Manager’s responsibilities relative to the Board
members and staff (e.g., relating to compliance with the Personnel Manual, Conflict of Interest
Laws, campaign disclosure, residency laws, travel and expenses, and personnel training
At 9:08 a.m., Legal Counsel Winterswyk announced that the Board would adjourn to closed
session, for a conference with Legal Counsel Winterswyk on the following matter:
At 9:51, a.m, Legal Counsel Winterswyk exited the meeting, and the Board adjourned to closed
session for a conference with Legal Counsel Christine Carson on the following matters:
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Minutes June 19, 2019
The Board reconvened at 10:38 a.m., and President Barbre announced that no reportable action
was taken in closed session.
There being no further business to come before the Board, President Barbre adjourned the
meeting at 10:39 a.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Maribeth Goldsby, Secretary
Page 22 of 213
Item No. 2a
Also Present:
Director Brett Barbre
Director Jeff Thomas
Jose Vergara, ETWD
Peer Swan, IRWD
Jim Atkinson, Mesa Water
Stacy Taylor, Mesa Water
Mike Markus, OCWD
Larry and Sarah Crandall
Mathew Forester
Bob McVicker
Director Yoo Schneider called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.; Director Dick led the
Pledge of Allegiance.
Director of Water Use Efficiency, Joe Berg, advised that staff is proposing to reinstate
landscape design assistance into MWDOC’s portfolio of landscape programs and to add a
landscape maintenance component. Mr. Berg stated that staff composed and distributed a
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Planning & Operations (P&O) Committee June 3, 2019
Request for Proposals (RFP) outlining the desired services and schedule for the MWDOC
Landscape Design and Maintenance Assistance Program, and is recommending that the
Board approve entering into contracts with (1) Plant Nerd and EcoTech services to provide
landscape design assistance, (2) Plant Nerd and TerraWorks Studio to provide landscape
maintenance assistance, and (3) other firms (to be determined) who demonstrate they are
qualified to do the work and agree to a competitive fee structure.
Discussion ensued regarding the cost differences between North and South Orange County
agencies, with Director Dick highlighting his belief that all agencies should pay equal costs.
Upon MOTION by Director Tamaribuchi, seconded by Director Dick, and carried (3-0),the
Committee recommended the Board authorize the General Manager to enter into
professional services agreements not to exceed $160,000 with (1) Plant Nerd and EcoTech
services to provide landscape design assistance, (2) Plant Nerd and TerraWorks Studio to
provide landscape maintenance assistance, and (3) other firms (to be determined) who
demonstrate they are qualified to do the work and agree to a competitive fee structure.
Directors Yoo Schneider, Dick, and Tamaribuchi voted in favor. This item will be presented
to the Board on June 19, 2019.
Upon MOTION by Director Dick, seconded by Director Tamaribuchi, and carried (3-0), the
Committee received and filed the report as presented.
The Committee reviewed the status reports for Engineering, WEROC and Water Use
Efficiency (WUE
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Planning & Operations (P&O) Committee June 3, 2019
Director Tamaribuchi also requested that a status update on the small non-compliant water
systems be included in the Engineering matrix next month.
Director Tamaribuchi noted he would like a better understanding on the impacts of the
Public Utilities Commission (PUC) de-energization on first responders in local government;
particularly impacts to Orange County. It was noted that Kelly Hubbard would include this in
an upcoming meeting.
There being no further business to be brought before the Committee, the meeting adjourned
at 8:45 a.m.
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Item No. 2b
Jointly with the
June 12, 2019 – 8:30 a.m. to 8:59 a.m.
Conference Room 101
Also Present:
Director Megan Larry Dick
Director Megan Sat Tamaribuchi
MWDOC MET Director Linda Ackerman
MWDOC MET Director Larry McKenney
Peer Swan, Irvine Ranch Water District
Marwan Khalifa, Mesa Water
Neely Shahbakhti, El Toro Water District
Director Thomas called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. In the absence of Director
Finnegan, Director Yoo Schneider sat on the Committee.
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Administration & Finance Meeting Minutes June 12, 2019
Following review of the Financial Report, upon MOTION by Director Yoo Schneider,
seconded by Director Thomas and carried (3-0), the Committee recommended the Financial
Report for approval at the June 19, 2019 Board meeting. Directors Yoo Schneider,
Thomas, and McVicker voted in favor.
Upon MOTION by Director Yoo Schneider, seconded by Director McVicker and carried
(3-0), the Committee recommended approval of the Amendment to Administrative Code
Section 9500 at the June 19, 2019 Board meeting. Directors Yoo Schneider, Thomas and
McVicker voted in favor.
Mr. Hunter noted that the pay structure adjustment presented in the staff report is to the
salary schedule only (which was approved during the budget process) and not an
adjustment to individual salaries. Additionally, the revisions to the pay structure included
additions of the new Water Loss Control positions which were also approved during the
budget process.
Staff was directed to remove the word “COLA” from the pay structure, as it is not applicable.
Upon MOTION by Yoo Schneider, seconded by Director McVicker and carried (3-0), the
Committee recommended approval of 2019-20 Pay Structure Adjustment at the
June 19, 2019 Board meeting. Directors Yoo Schneider, McVicker and Thomas voted in
Charles Busslinger reviewed the bid process for the necessary electrical improvements as
well as the selection criteria process. The electrical work is required before other building
improvements can be started. The staff report was reviewed which outlined project bidding
information, bid summary, license agreement requirements with OCWD and a financial
summary for the work.
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Administration & Finance Meeting Minutes June 12, 2019
Upon MOTION by Director McVicker, seconded by Director Yoo Schneider and carried
(3-0), the Committee recommended approval of the contract for electrical system
rehabilitation work at the June 19, 2019 Board meeting. Directors Yoo Schneider, McVicker
and Thomas voted in favor.
Staff was directed to hold a pre-construction meeting to review the schedule of work to
minimize potential change orders and minimize the disruption of work by staff during
work/construction activities.
Mr. Hunter noted that the market research was conducted at the request of the Board,
following questions whether the cost effectiveness of the improvements proposed were
warranted, versus the cost of moving the District office to a new location. The Committee
reviewed and held discussion on the listing of potential buildings for sale, square footage,
office space needs and cost.
There being no further business to be brought before the Committee, the meeting adjourned
at 8:59 a.m.
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Item No. 2c
Director Dick called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m. Upon the absence of Director
Thomas, Director Barbre sat on the committee. Director Barbre exited the meeting at
9:37 a.m. and Director Tamaribuchi sat on the committee.
No public comments received.
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Public Affairs and Legislation (PAL) Committee Meeting Minutes June 17, 2019
a. Federal Legislative Report (Barker)
Mr. James Barker reviewed his report included in the packet noting that this week top
congressional leaders, both Democrat and Republican are going to the White House to try
to strike a budget deal. The relevance to MWDOC is the language contained in the Energy
and Water Appropriations bill includes the Doheny Beach Desal project’s $8.3 million
funding. Mr. Barker also highlighted draft language of a bill, which is being circulated by
Senator Feinstein and Republican Senator Gardner - this measure would reauthorize the
2016 WIIN Act.
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Public Affairs and Legislation (PAL) Committee Meeting Minutes June 17, 2019
Upon MOTION by Director McVicker and seconded by Director Barbre and carried (2-1) the
Committee recommended the Board vote to adopt a support position for SB 200 (Monning)
the Safe and Affordable Drinking Water Fund. Directors Dick and McVicker voted in favor
and Director Barbre opposed. This item will be presented to the Board on June 19, 2019.
Government Affairs Manager Heather Baez stated that the State Board has recently given
indication that they believe in order to adequately fund the LPAs in the rest of the state that
they are going to need to enact a small fee from all water providers, not just LPAs. She
went on to say that even though the fee would be a small amount from our ratepayers, it is
basically a water tax.
Upon MOTION by Director Barbre, seconded by Director McVicker, and carried (3-0), the
Committee recommended the Board adopt an oppose unless amended position on AB 402
(Quirk) State Water Resources Control Board: Local Primary Agencies, Funding
Stabilization. Directors Dick, McVicker and Barbre voted in favor. This item will be
presented to the Board on June 19, 2019.
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Public Affairs and Legislation (PAL) Committee Meeting Minutes June 17, 2019
Upon MOTION by Director McVicker, seconded by Director Tamaribuchi, and carried (3-0),
the Committee recommended the Board discuss/support Director Larry McKenney’s
nomination run for the ACWA Region 10 Board and to determine whether any of the
MWDOC Directors had a desire to be nominated. Directors Dick, McVIcker and
Tamaribuchi voted in favor. This item will be presented to the Board on June 19,, 2019.
Director Dick stated that he felt confident in nominee Greg Mills’ (Director at Serrano Water
District) qualifications for this seat. Director Mills spoke to promote his candidacy for the
California Special Districts Associations, Southern Network Region, Seat B and said he
would be honored to serve in this way.
Upon MOTION by Director Tamaribuchi, seconded by Director McVicker and carried (3-0),
the Committee recommended the Board support Serrano Water District Director Greg Mills
for the California Special Districts Associations, Southern Network Region, Seat B, as well
as, authorizing President Barbre, or his designee, to cast the District’s ballot. Directors
Dick, McVicker and Tamaribuchi voted in favor. This item will be presented to the Board on
June 19, 2019.
Mr. Hunter advised that MELTWATER will provide MWDOC with unlimited news & social
media monitoring with unlimited interactive and exportable reporting.
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Public Affairs and Legislation (PAL) Committee Meeting Minutes June 17, 2019
He also advised that MWDOC signed a two-year contract with MELTWATER at a 57.5%
Director Dick requested that MWDOC provide information on MELTWATER and its stability.
Mr. Hunter stated that he would provide this information at the Board Meeting on June 19,,
Director Tamaribuchi asked that Mr. Syrus Devers include in his next report, information on
why MWDOC originally opposed SB 204 and why they are now supporting it.
Director Larry McKenney requested that an informational discussion take place regarding
groundwater recharge. He stated that it is a hot topic around the state and it is confusing.
Syrus Devers responded that he might have some resources to assist with that
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Public Affairs and Legislation (PAL) Committee Meeting Minutes June 17, 2019
There being no further business to be brought before the Committee, the meeting adjourned
at 9:57 a.m.
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Item No. 2d
jointly with the
June 20, 2019, 8:30 a.m. to 9:16 a.m.
Conference Room 102
Committee: Staff:
Director Barbre, President R. Hunter, M. Goldsby
Director Finnegan, Vice President (absent)
Director Dick
Also Present:
Director Thomas
Director McVicker
At 8:36 a.m., President Barbre called the meeting to order. In the absence of Director
Finnegan, Director Thomas served on the Committee.
No public comments were received.
At the beginning of the meeting, Staff distributed the draft agendas for the upcoming month.
The Committee reviewed and discussed the draft agendas for each of the meetings and
made revisions/additions as noted below.
Although no new items were added to the agenda, the Award of Contract re Americas
Water Infrastructure Act was moved to the Administration & Finance Committee agenda.
No new items were added to the agenda. Staff was asked to confirm that the full
deposits/payments have been made to the OPEB account.
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Executive Committee Minutes June 20, 2019
No new items were added. Discussion was held regarding the LAFCO election, and
whether the Board had the desire to direct President Barbre’s vote in the election; Mr.
Barbre advised that he had already cast the District’s ballot (per Board action on May 15,
e. Executive Committee
Director Dick referenced the invocation conducted at the June 19th Board meeting, noting
that the District had never previously conducted one. He suggested legal counsel provide
guidelines, so that the District stays within the law. The Committee concurred and also
recommended that in the event the Board adopts a policy regarding invocations, they be
limited to Board meetings. President Barbre referenced the U.S. Supreme Court ruling
regarding invocations, noting he would distribute it to the Board. It was noted that a policy
discussion regarding invocations would be placed on the July 10, 2019 Administration &
Finance Committee agenda.
Discussion ensued regarding OC-70 metering issues, the Doheny Desalination Project Final
Draft EIR hearing, and the OCWD basin storage discussions with Moulton Niguel Water
Discussion ensued regarding the recent Attorney General opinion regarding Director
Compensation/retirement plan contributions and the amount of money credited back on
MWDOC’s billing from Best, Best & Krieger regarding this issue; the Committee determined
no further discussion was needed.
The Executive Committee reviewed and approved a late Business Expense Report from
Kelly Hubbard.
There being no further business to be brought before the Committee, the meeting adjourned
at 9:16 a.m.
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Item No. 3a
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Item No. 3b
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Item No. 3c
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Item No. 3d
PARS Post-Employment Benefits Trust 5/1/2019 to 5/31/2019
Rob Hunter
General Manager
Municipal Water Dist of Orange County
18700 Ward Street
Fountain Valley, CA 92708
Account Summary
Beginning Balance as Ending
of Balance as of
Source 5/1/2019 Contributions Earnings Expenses Distributions Transfers 5/31/2019
Investment Selection
Investment Objective
The dual goals of the Moderate Strategy are growth of principal and income. It is expected that dividend and interest income will comprise a
OPEB significant portion of total return, although growth through capital appreciation is equally important. The portfolio will be allocated between
equity and fixed income investments.
The dual goals of the Moderate Strategy are growth of principal and income. It is expected that dividend and interest income will comprise a
PENSION significant portion of total return, although growth through capital appreciation is equally important. The portfolio will be allocated between
equity and fixed income investments.
Investment Return
Annualized Return
Source 1-Month 3-Months 1-Year 3-Years 5-Years 10-Years Plan's Inception Date
Information as provided by US Bank, Trustee for PARS; Not FDIC Insured; No Bank Guarantee; May Lose Value
Past performance does not guarantee future results. Performance returns may not reflect the deduction of applicable fees, which could reduce returns. Information is deemed reliable but may be subject to change.
Investment Return: Annualized rate of return is the return on an investment over a period other than one year multiplied or divided to give a comparable one-year return.
Account balances are inclusive of Trust Administration, Trustee and Investment Management fees
Headquarters - 4350 Von Karman Ave., Suite 100, Newport Beach, CA 92660 800.540.6369 Fax 949.250.1250
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Municipal Water District of Orange County
Item No. 3e
Cash Flow as of 06/30/19
Jul 2018 Aug 2018 Sep 2018 Oct 2018 Nov 2018 Dec 2018 Jan 2019 Feb 2019 Mar 2019 Apr 2019 May 2019 Jun 2019 TOTALS
Cash - Beginning Balance $ 280,031.97 $ 273,554.92 $ 407,387.74 $ 170,892.71 $ 70,974.64 $ (267,020.46) $ (231,676.04) $ (243,188.18) $ (199,074.20) $ (255,903.10) $ (281,461.19) $ (590,152.88)
BUREC 4,605.00 111.00 102,395.93 162,953.35 6,090.00 $ 276,155.28
City of Brea -
City of Buena Park 222.00 211.00 433.00
City of Fountain Valley 222.00 1,376.29 663.05 111.00 222.00 333.00 111.00 222.00 3,260.34
City of Fullerton -
City of Garden Grove -
City of Huntington Beach 598.99 40.00 638.99
City of La Habra 222.00 222.00 444.00
City of San Clemente 3,244.99 9,442.99 1,683.99 3,312.00 1,245.00 3,694.36 2,149.28 854.55 603.00 580.00 26,810.16
City of San Juan Capistrano -
City of Santa Ana -
City of Tustin -
City of Newport Beach 3,343.80 1,980.57 2,314.05 91.45 94.75 162.00 222.00 485.05 8,693.67
City of Orange 444.00 913.75 1,134.10 173.85 428.00 111.00 444.00 222.00 3,870.70
City of Westminster 333.00 539.00 555.00 666.00 111.00 111.00 222.00 2,537.00
County of Orange -
Department of Water Resources 32,990.80 1,398.60 34,389.40
East Orange County Water District 34,722.01 34,722.01
El Toro Water District 774.00 2,544.00 4,063.10 290.00 104.00 1,928.80 883.99 1,164.99 130.00 134.99 12,017.87
Irvine Ranch Water District 8,271.11 47,878.73 11,080.04 98,495.70 108,980.16 11,960.75 31,806.10 14,474.81 34,189.42 3,475.77 21,566.57 392,179.16
Laguna Beach County Water District 15.00 30.00 45.00 30.00 120.00
Mesa Water District 66.82 197.98 170.00 140.00 356.00 284.01 140.00 1,354.81
Metropolitan Water District 191,093.43 27,066.04 14,020.41 204,584.98 94,158.08 15,553.87 546,476.81
Moulton Niguel Water District 38,341.68 7,726.23 10,281.98 10,872.48 21,400.00 32,011.70 53,277.39 51,455.67 27,631.02 7,531.69 13,425.97 273,955.81
Orange County Water District -
Santa Margarita Water District -
Trabuco Canyon Water District 605.76 18.98 100.00 145.78 114.04 984.56
Yorba Linda Water District 284.07 211.85 333.00 111.00 939.92
Miscellaneous Revenues
Miscellaneous -
Interest Revenue 2,228.14 1,587.30 3,815.44
Total Revenues 91,568.53 262,233.99 13,297.02 134,140.44 128,321.65 172,720.95 246,434.71 238,792.63 76,074.61 193,748.07 12,652.24 53,814.09 $ 1,623,798.93
Budget Based Tiered Rates, Raftelis 2,220.00 1,050.00 1,800.00 11,960.00 730.00 5,150.00 2,080.00 24,990.00
Droplet 8,250.00 8,250.00
Golden State Water Company -
City of Huntington Beach -
Laguna Beach CWD -
Metropolitan Water District 28,091.13 25,193.39 87,250.95 24,411.51 24,769.89 21,283.68 211,000.55
Mission RCD 20,060.11 18,627.78 13,404.64 2,770.71 2,324.45 2,121.45 5,774.85 1,529.67 5,570.97 72,184.63
Multi Family HET Direct 4,800.00 75,975.00 100,275.00 81,300.00 127,420.00 389,770.00
Pollard Water 44,516.38 3,045.00 3,045.00 50,606.38
Recycled Water On Site Retrofit program 11,099.50 1,384.50 12,484.00
South Coast Water District 18,800.00 18,800.00
Spray to Drip program 690.45 4,310.08 5,308.76 1,129.60 1,320.58 413.25 567.80 1,060.00 1,609.06 2,033.84 9,849.13 926.95 29,219.50
SMWD 34,905.00 34,905.00
Turf Removal 32,139.00 58,464.60 177,399.11 117,228.82 337,478.95 30,263.28 154,566.83 58,814.62 100,324.71 216,762.32 287,406.45 42,128.33 1,612,977.02
Water Savings Incentive Program 15,000.00 15,000.00
Miscellaneous Expenses
Interest Expense 67.77 1,197.58 1,265.35
Salary & Benefit 5,563.51 1,700.00 1,785.00 1,275.00 2,040.00 1,020.00 425.00 510.00 1,275.00 15,593.51
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Total Expenditures 98,045.58 128,401.17 249,792.05 234,058.51 466,316.75 137,376.53 257,946.85 194,678.65 132,903.51 219,306.16 321,343.93 56,876.25 $ 2,497,045.94
Cash - Ending Balance $ 273,554.92 $ 407,387.74 $ 170,892.71 $ 70,974.64 $ (267,020.46) $ (231,676.04) $ (243,188.18) $ (199,074.20) $ (255,903.10) $ (281,461.19) $ (590,152.88) $ (593,215.04)
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Municipal Water District of Orange County
Combined Balance Sheet
As of May 31, 2019
Cash in Bank 107,749.96
Investments 13,399,865.68
Accounts Receivable 19,950,166.79
Accounts Receivable - Other 152,967.14
Accrued Interest Receivable 97,155.71
Prepaids/Deposits 227,523.77
Leasehold Improvements 3,735,829.68
Furniture, Fixtures & Equipment 563,307.34
Less: Accum Depreciation (2,978,329.24)
Fund Balances
Restricted Fund Balances
Water Fund - T2C 1,003,955.82
Total Restricted Fund Balances 1,003,955.82
Designated Reserves
General Operations 3,341,910.36
Grant & Project Cash Flow 1,500,000.00
Election Expense 608,000.00
Building Repair 385,407.45
OPEB 297,147.00
Total Designated Reserves 6,132,464.81
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Municipal Water District of Orange County
Revenues and Expenditures Budget Comparative Report
General Fund
From July 2018 thru May 2019
Annual Budget
Month to Date Year to Date Budget % Used Encumbrance Remaining
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Municipal Water District of Orange County
Revenues and Expenditures Budget Comparative Report
General Fund
From July 2018 thru May 2019
Annual Budget
Month to Date Year to Date Budget % Used Encumbrance Remaining
Salaries & Wages 240,090.52 3,133,776.23 3,522,982.00 88.95% 0.00 389,205.77
Salaries & Wages ‐ Grant Recovery 0.00 (3,837.94) (6,300.00) 60.92% 0.00 (2,462.06)
Salaries & Wages ‐ Recovery (1,071.00) (9,139.20) 0.00 0.00% 0.00 9,139.20
Director's Compensation 15,903.84 240,807.30 255,360.00 94.30% 0.00 14,552.70
MWD Representation 8,107.84 150,840.39 145,920.00 103.37% 0.00 (4,920.39)
Employee Benefits 85,110.18 968,192.71 1,108,564.00 87.34% 0.00 140,371.29
CalPers Unfunded Liability Contribution 0.00 207,000.00 207,000.00 100.00% 0.00 0.00
Employee Benefits ‐ Grant Recovery 0.00 (875.57) 0.00 0.00% 0.00 875.57
Employee Benefits ‐ Recovery (204.00) (1,740.80) 0.00 0.00% 0.00 1,740.80
Director's Benefits 10,054.78 85,735.47 94,767.00 90.47% 0.00 9,031.53
Health Insurance for Retirees 4,048.74 56,405.25 70,519.00 79.99% 0.00 14,113.75
Training Expense 339.98 8,004.21 25,000.00 32.02% 18,000.00 (1,004.21)
Tuition Reimbursement 0.00 2,856.28 5,000.00 57.13% 0.00 2,143.72
Temporary Help Expense 0.00 0.00 5,000.00 0.00% 0.00 5,000.00
Personnel Expenses 362,380.88 4,838,024.33 5,433,812.00 89.04% 18,000.00 577,787.67
Engineering Expense 42,296.39 306,799.09 330,000.00 92.97% 257,274.07 (234,073.16)
Legal Expense 28,171.68 201,482.04 255,000.00 79.01% 53,517.96 0.00
Audit Expense 0.00 19,380.00 29,000.00 66.83% 0.00 9,620.00
Professional Services 85,822.53 916,299.44 1,430,758.00 64.04% 327,482.25 186,976.31
Professional Fees 156,290.60 1,443,960.57 2,044,758.00 70.62% 638,274.28 (37,476.85)
Conference‐Staff (725.00) 21,981.06 42,880.00 51.26% 0.00 20,898.94
Conference‐Directors 770.00 14,196.31 24,930.00 56.94% 0.00 10,733.69
Travel & Accom.‐Staff 4,925.76 51,931.02 99,600.00 52.14% 0.00 47,668.98
Travel & Accom.‐Directors 3,000.36 27,154.25 51,750.00 52.47% 0.00 24,595.75
Travel & Conference 7,971.12 115,262.64 219,160.00 52.59% 0.00 103,897.36
Membership/Sponsorship 0.00 139,755.53 141,662.00 98.65% 0.00 1,906.47
CDR Support 0.00 47,044.26 47,044.00 100.00% 0.00 (0.26)
Dues & Memberships 0.00 186,799.79 188,706.00 98.99% 0.00 1,906.21
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Municipal Water District of Orange County
Revenues and Expenditures Budget Comparative Report
Water Fund
From July 2018 thru May 2019
Annual Budget
Month to Date Year to Date Budget % Used Remaining
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Municipal Water District of Orange County
WUE Revenues and Expenditures (Actuals vs Budget)
From July 2018 thru May 2019
WUE Projects
Revenues 1,439,593.07 2,972,135.00 48.44%
Expenses 2,530,035.62 2,972,135.00 85.13%
Excess of Revenues over Expenditures (1,090,442.55) 0.00
Revenues 392,299.67 489,160.00 80.20%
Expenses 327,002.35 489,160.00 66.85%
Excess of Revenues over Expenditures 65,297.32 0.00
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Item No. 5
Staff recommends the Board of Directors to authorize the General Manager to enter into
professional services agreements with EcoTech Services, Inc. and Large Plumbing to
provide pressure regulating valve testing and replacement services at a cost not to exceed
The proposed Pressure Regulating Valve Replacement Pilot Program (PRV Pilot Program)
will utilize contracted plumbers to replace non-functioning PRVs at single-family residences
that are within high-pressure areas. By reducing pressure, plumbing fixtures in the home will
flow at lower rates, thereby reducing water use, and piping will be protected, lowering the
likelihood of leaks. This PRV Pilot Program will function as a water-saving and leak-
prevention effort and, in addition, MWDOC will perform a technical evaluation of the
Program. This analysis will provide valuable insight to the water savings potential of the
Program, filling a void in applicable research, and will be shared with other agencies
interested in implementing similar programs. If significant water savings are found, staff will
evaluate the most effective long-term program implementation framework for broader
It is estimated that PRVs have a useful life of ten to twelve years. When PRVs fail, they
usually fail in the open position, thereby increasing indoor water pressure to street pressure.
As a result, all plumbing fixtures, appliances, and leaks are likely flowing at higher rates
causing an increase in water use. Replacing a defective PRV will reduce home pressure for
indoor water use, thus preserving and protecting water using devices, appliances, and piping.
The California Plumbing Code requires homes and businesses to have a pressure
regulating valve (PRV) when the water supply pressure or street pressure is 80 psi or
[a] limit of 80 psi (551.6 kPa) is the maximum static pressure of any water
supply system. The reason for this is to reduce water hammer,
unnecessary use of water, splashing, excessive discharge of pressure
relief valves, and to protect appliance and fixture valves and mechanisms
from pressure that exceeds their design limits. Any installation with
pressures above 80 psi will require a pressure regulating valve to limit
the pressure to 80 psi or below.
All of the plumbing contractor’s proposals described their capabilities to perform the
required services of the PRV Pilot Program. All were deemed qualified to perform the
services based on verification of their credentials, proposed cost, and references. Table 1
below lists the plumbing contractor and their fees to replace a defective PRV.
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Page 3
Table 1
Pressure Regulating Valve Fee Structure
MWDOC proposes to hire two licensed Contractors, Large Plumbing and EcoTech Services,
Inc. to perform the needed services of the PRV Replacement Program. Approximately 560
sites in high-pressure-zone-designated neighborhoods in Orange County will be offered PRV
testing. These areas will be identified by the participating water agencies, and it will be the
responsibility of the licensed Contractor(s) to determine if the existing PRV has failed and, if
applicable, replace it with a new PRV.
Table 2 outlines the unit costs for sites receiving a PRV Replacement and sites
receiving a PRV Test. PRV Replacement sites include PRV testing, and parts and labor
for replacing a malfunctioning PRV. PRV Test sites receive only a PRV Test when a
Test result verifies a properly functioning PRV.
Table 2
Unit Costs for Sites Receiving a PRV Replacement and
Sites Receiving a PRV Test
Research Evaluation
The PRV Pilot Program will serve as a data collection and analysis effort that will include a
Program evaluation to supplement the limited data available regarding water savings
associated with PRV replacement. The evaluation will quantify water saved through the PRV
Pilot Program and analyze the spatial distribution and density of homes in need of PRV
replacement, ultimately contributing to determining the feasibility of a future PRV
Replacement Program. It is roughly estimated that 30% of visited sites may not need a PRV
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Page 4
replaced; however, this PRV Pilot Program will provide an opportunity to gather data to firm
up this number, determine the amount of water saved when a PRV is replaced, and provide
awareness of the issue to the homeowner.
The PRV Pilot Program will be implemented using a combination of funding from
Metropolitan (through their Member Agency Administered (MAA) program) and Grant funds
from both North and South Orange County Proposition 1 IRWM funding.
Table 3 provides a summary of the funding partnership for the PRV Pilot Program.
Metropolitan has approved $132,500 through the Metropolitan-Funded, Member Agency-
Administered funding allocated to MWDOC. This was done through a proposal to
Metropolitan and was approved on March 20, 2019. Proposition 1 Grant Funds requested
total $117,350 from the North (SAWPA) and South (County of Orange) funding areas.
Proposition 1 Projects that include PRV replacement are currently in the funding approval
stage within both of the IRWM processes. Together, the MAA and Proposition 1 funding
totals $249,850.
Table 3
PRV Replacement Program Funding Plan
Total $249,850
Option #1: Staff recommends the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to
enter into professional services agreements with EcoTech Services, Inc. and Large
Plumbing to provide pressure regulating valve testing and replacement services at a
cost not to exceed $249,850.
Fiscal Impact: The proposed PRV Pilot Program will be funded through a combination of
Metropolitan Member Agency Administered (MAA) Program funds and Proposition 1 IRWM
Grant funds, totaling $249,850.00. The MAA funds were approved on Wednesday March
20, 2019 for $132,500. Proposition 1 Grant agreements will be executed in the first quarter
of 2020 and total $117,350 for both the North and South County efforts.
Business Analysis: Allows staff to evaluate a potential new water savings opportunity.
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Page 5
Option # 1
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Item No. 6
It is recommended that the Board of Directors approve entering into the subject agreement
for replacement of the MWDOC administration building computer room air conditioner:
Make a CEQA finding that the project is categorically exempt under: Class 1-Existing
Award ACCO Engineered Systems “MWDOC Computer Room Air Conditioner
Replacement Project” contract in the amount of $75,818.00 (including Alternate #2)
plus 10% contingency.
Staff informed the Board at the January 21, 2019 PAL Committee that recent issues with
the computer room air conditioner led to an investigation that determined the air
conditioning system was quickly reaching the end of its service life and needed to be
replaced. Rosenberg & Associates Consulting Engineers was awarded a sole source
contract to provide technical services, and to prepare plans, specifications, and bid
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Page 2
documents for the replacement of the air conditioning system on a time & materials basis
not to exceed $15,000.
Project Bidding
The job was advertised for bidding, a non-mandatory pre-bid meeting was held, and formal
bids were received from 2 bidders on June 26, 2019. One of the bids was determined to be
non-responsive as the bid was not submitted on the required District bid forms, nor was a
Bid Bond included with the submittal. The apparent low bidder is ACCO Engineered
Systems, Inc. ACCO has previously provided mechanical services to MWDOC with good
results. Staff is in the process of completing paperwork associated with the bid package and
should be fully completed by the time of the Board Meeting.
This work will be completed in coordination with the electrical system rehabilitation work
with anticipated project completion in mid-October 2019.
Bid Summary
1. ACCO Engineered Systems, Inc. Pasadena $75,818
2. Prime Aire, Inc. Chatsworth **$87,100
** Deemed non-responsive, as the bid was not submitted on required District Bid Forms,
and did not include a Bid Bond.
Engineer’s Estimate $85,000
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Page 3
Financial Summary
1. Design, Plans, Specifications and Construction Support Services $15,000.00
2. Construction Contract $75,818.00
3. City Permit $910.83
Total Project Cost $91,728.83
Option #1
Make a CEQA finding that the project is categorically exempt under: Class 1-Existing
Award ACCO Engineered Systems MWDOC Computer Room Air Conditioner
Replacement Project” contract in the amount of $75,818.00 plus 10% contingency.
Option #2
Do not authorize the work. Continue to risk a failure of the computer room cooling
system and possible interruption to business operations for an indeterminate amount
of time until the system can be replaced.
Option #1
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Item No. 7
It is recommended that the Board of Directors authorize the General Manager to:
1. Enter into a consulting contract with Herndon Solutions Group (HSG) in the
estimated amount of, and not to exceed $4.4 million (costs are contingent upon final
Participating Agency commitments and include a 10% contingency for Phases 2 &
a. Phase 1 - $412,000
b. Phase 2 - $2,289,000
c. Phase 3 - $1,685,000
2. Authorize the General Manager to enter into Letter Agreements or Contracts with up
to 28 of our participating agencies (including two of the three cities) for cost
recovery of the expenditures.
3. Authorize MWDOC’s commitment to the AWIA process at an estimated cost of
$131,000 (includes the 10% contingency), with combined funds from engineering,
WEROC and finance to be provided.
4. Authorize the General Manager to hire a part-time temporary position within WEROC
to coordinate the consultant’s efforts with Participating Agencies. Position will be
charged back to participating agencies.
The American Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) requires all drinking water utilities to conduct
a Risk and Resilience Assessment (RRA) of their community water systems and develop a
corresponding Emergency Response Plan (ERP). All drinking water utilities with greater
than 3,000 customers, must complete these efforts and self-certify their compliance within
the next 2 years depending on the size of the agency.
On October 23, 2018, Congress signed into law the America’s Water Infrastructure Act
(AWIA) (S.3021, Law 115-270). Per Section 2013 of Title II, the AWIA requires utilities to
conduct Risk and Resilience Assessments (RRA) of their community water systems and
develop a corresponding Emergency Response Plan (ERP). Upon completion of the RRA,
the utility is to submit self-certification to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency
(USEPA) indicating that the RRA, in compliance with AWIA, is complete. Within six (6)
months of submitting the RRA certification letter, the community water system is required to
submit a self-certification to USEPA for the corresponding ERP. The legislation requires
these documents to be updated every 5 years. The compliance due dates are:
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Page 3
WEROC has taken on this extremely large task to assist participating agencies by creating
a shared services project with a single contract and reimbursement concept in a manner
similar to completion of the Urban Water Management Plans, wherein MWDOC completed
25 plans via a single consultant contract. WEROC has taken the following steps to date:
WEROC reached out to Member Agencies to determine level of interest in a joint RFP
process and contract. Initially 29 of the 31 water utilities in OC indicated their interest,
and 28 have continued to participate at this time. Agencies not participating are:
Anaheim, Golden State Water Company, and Orange County Water District.
WEROC developed, in coordination with our agencies, a Request for Proposals (RFP)
package. This effort took considerable time and effort from staff to organize the effort in
a manner where multiple consultants could be selected, multiple agencies could elect to
participate, or not, and where pricing breaks could be employed for conducting services
for 5 or more agencies by a single consultant.
WEROC received 7 proposals that were technically competitive, but showed a high
range in potential costs (ranging from about $4 million to about $10 million combined for
28 agencies).
In coordination with volunteer representatives from 4 of our agencies, the proposals
were reviewed, evaluated and ranked. This write up will provide a summary and
recommendation for award of contract for all phases of work to one consultant for all
participating agencies. Due to some costs for each phase being shared costs, the final
contract prices for each phase are pending final Participating Agency commitment.
Contract costs presented today are based on the highest contract costs possible.
Due to the overall timeline and deadlines for the project, WEROC staff started the
process of collecting the documents and data that is needed from the Participating
Agencies for all Phases of the project.
Continue to coordinate with our agencies to begin the process of seeking financial
commitments from up to 28 agencies in Orange County. This could result in a contract
on the order of about $4.4 million over the next two and half years.
Project Approach
WEROC staff proposed a 3 Phase process to meet the AWIA requirements. Below is an
abbreviated outline of the proposed consultant’s approach to the 3 Phases. The full
proposed scope of work is attached.
1. Phase 1 Design and Complete a Crosswalk Review – This first task is to determine what
resources each agency already has and what their GAPS are for compliance with the
AWIA RRA and ERP requirements. Phase 1 per agency is estimated at $15,099. The
process is essentially the same for all agencies and is not dependent on the size of an
agency. This task relies on each agency to provide all of their existing documentation
so it can be reviewed to determine its completeness, currency and applicability to the
current standards. This quote is a bit higher than we had originally estimated, however
the consultant has recommended completing this “as a best practices” review, as
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Page 4
opposed to simply a checklist. This extra level of effort and cost was supported by all
reviewing agencies, because they believe it will be a valuable ongoing tool for
emergency planning. The crosswalk will be a living document that is maintained and
updated by WEROC and its participating agencies, including other requirements, such
as SEMS, and evolve into a robust tool for ongoing evaluation and process
2. Phase 2 Completion of the Risk and Resiliency Assessment (RRA) – The recommended
consultant has proposed this as a fixed fee for all sizes of agencies, again because the
process is essentially the same for all agencies. Additionally, the recommended
consultant provided the highest level of services in terms of quantity of assets and
threats to be reviewed per agency. The Phase 2 effort is expected to require the largest
level of effort for both the agencies and the selected consultant. While some agencies
have started to assess cyber and other risks, the RRA will support the assessment and
determination of an “all- hazards” approach to determine the risk and resilience of all
drinking water physical, operational, and cyber assets owned, utilized, or operated by
each participating agency in accordance with industry standards. The RRA will identify
and address the gaps identified under Phase I.
Three workshops will be held with each agency in the completion of their RRA:
Workshop #3 - The draft risk assessment baseline report will be reviewed by the
team and appropriate stakeholders during Workshop #3.
Based on all of the above, a Final Risk Assessment Baseline Report will be
prepared. RRA should be considered to be Protected Critical Infrastructure
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Information (PCII) and each agency is encouraged to work with their legal counsel to
ensure the security of this final product.
Additionally, two to three group trainings will be provided on the RRA process to train
Participating Agency’s on how to update their RRA going forward to continue to meet
the 5 year currency requirements.
3. Phase 3 Emergency Operations Plant (ERP) Update – The level of effort for preparation
of the ERP for each participating agency will vary, depending on the condition and
currency of each agency’s existing ERP. Since each of the agencies are at different
timelines of currency to their ERPs that address all-hazard response protocols, as well
as other related response documents, Phase 3 will be tailored to each agency’s needs.
The chart below identifies the expected level of effort as either Low, Medium or High. All
ERPs will be updated in a manner that is reflective of how MWDOC and participating
agencies do business, but also in a way that aligns with local and state partners existing
plans for coordination, emergency operations, and hazard mitigation.
For completion of Phase 3, one group ERP Kickoff Workshop will be held for all
participating agencies to provide partners with a refresher on the results of the RRA
and how it informs the ERP update; a brief introduction to ERP planning concepts
(tailored to the agency’s level of planning); a facilitated discussion on existing plan
strengths and areas for improvement; and a hands-on work session tailored to the
unique needs of the utility to advance progress on gaps identified.
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Phase 3 will complete with the Final Plan Presentation and Awareness Training on an
agency by agency basis. Depending on agency needs, this awareness level
presentation would be conducted via webinar but could also include local, onsite
support. The presentation will be aligned with the executive summary task that the
utility can use moving forward to continue socializing the ERP with staff.
Staff is requesting the approval of a Part-Time Temporary Employee within the WEROC
Program to assist with the coordination efforts of this project. The Director of Emergency
Services has committed a majority of her staff time to this project to date for several months
and will need assistance to be able to support this program moving forward. The proposed
individual would be an individual with emergency management background and would
assist with project support, to include, but not limited to: the collection and tracking of the
large numbers of documents to be exchanged between participating agencies and our
consultant; remind agencies of due dates and documents needed; and to coordinate
information, meetings and site visits between the participating agencies and the consultant.
The associated costs of the position will be shared between participating agencies
throughout the project.
WEROC has begun the process of circulating cost information with participating agencies to
support them in their budgeting and approval process for these efforts. Participating
Agencies are aware that a portion of these costs are variable based on the final number of
participating agencies and final negotiation of the contract by WEROC Staff with the
Because of the magnitude of costs for Phase 2 and 3, a funding agreement will likely
require participating agency governing body approval. In order to negotiate the overall
contract with our consultant, WEROC is asking for Agencies to indicate their expected
participation in Phases 2 and 3 by July 16, however this is with recognition that their
participation is pending their own governing board approval. If an agency realizes that due
to the costs involved, they will not be participating in Phases 2 & 3, WEROC has indicated
that we need to know as soon as possible. The proposed consultant is setting aside
significant staff time to complete the collective work assignments over the next 2.5 years of
the project timeline. If all agencies participate, the highest total contract fee involved is
approximately $4.4 million.
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Below is an estimate of the expected costs for each Phase per agency. Please note each
phase includes the estimated costs of the temporary employee plus a contingency of 10%
for Phases 2 and 3. We have asked our agencies for a commitment to Phase 1
participation and costs, as well as preliminary commitment to the level of funding for Phases
2 & 3, by July 16. Staff will provide a verbal update to the Board on actual Phase 1
commitments and preliminary Phase 2 & 3 commitments received as of the Board meeting.
Below is the estimated summary of costs.
Below is the expected timeline for Board Review and Contracts or Agreements with the
Consultant, as well as Participating Agencies.
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Many of the proposals were teams made up of multiple consultants to expand each
proposal’s capacity to serve the number of Participating Agencies and to meet the diversity
of the project’s needs. Proposals were received from the following consultants and teams.
Note that Herndon Solutions Group (HSG) is recommended for the contract award, so a bit
more detail has been provided.
1. Herndon Solutions Group (HSG) as the Primary Consultant employs 150 personnel that
specialize in emergency response planning, environmental services and sustainability
management. To handle the capacity of assisting up to 30 agencies, they have
partnered with several subcontractors including:
Athena, a firm specializing in emergency preparedness and response with hands on
expertise and background knowledge of Orange County water and wastewater
agencies, as well as the WEROC program. Athena will serve as the Deputy
Program Manager.
Atlas, a firm specializing in planning, climate adaptation, hazard mitigation and
general safety plan elements.
Applied Engineering Management Corporation, Inc. (AEM), a top risk assessment
leader, AEM developed the commonly used and approved PARRE software
(“Program to Assist Risk & Resilience Examination), the only compliant software
available today.
Horsley Witten Group (HW), a leading edge engineering, planning and
environmental consultant firm. HW is currently providing services to EPA in support
of AWIA implementation, to develop both RRA and ERP tools and guidance to help
utilities in their compliance endeavors.
Ecology and Environment, Inc. (E&E), a fully integrated environmental consultancy
with specialized practices in building resilient communities.
Herndon Solutions Group has worked with each of these sub-contractors on previous
projects and a number of these consultants have worked together on a regular basis.
The overall project team will be organized into 5 teams, all led by a senior staff
member, to provide capacity for working on a number of agencies concurrently.
2. Willdan Financial Consultants, one of four operating divisions within the Willdan Group,
Inc., is a large national firm. This division has particular expertise in emergency
response plans and training. They partnered with West Yost & Associates, who
specialize in water related consulting in California, Oregon and Arizona, and is updating
the AWWA Water Sector Cybersecurity Risk Management Guidance.
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5. Hazen & Sawyer, a national water consulting group, partnered with Zivaro, who
specializes in physical and cybersecurity consulting.
6. ABS Group Consulting, is recognized for providing natural and man-made risk
management and engineering services. In addition to its government, commercial and
private sector clients, the company has a history of successful work in vulnerability and
risk assessment for multi-purpose public utilities.
7. Prestige Analytics, Inc. LLC, proposed only on the Phase 3 work for completion of up to
29 ERPs.
Overall, there was considerable strength and expertise in the various proposals, especially
considering the additional talent added by sub-consultant team members. Many of the
proposals had outstanding firms and assigned project individuals. The proposals were
evaluated based on:
Qualifications, 25%
Schedule, 20%
Approach, 20%
Past Record of similar work, 15%
Costs, 15%
Innovation, 5%
The costs put forth by the various consultants had quite a range. When they were
evaluated on a standardized basis, assuming all 29 agencies were included, the range in
costs for five of the seven proposals were between $4 million and $10 million. Of the two
other proposals, one only covered the Phase 3 portion of the work and another that seemed
too low and lacking detailed expertise, were less than $4 million.
The review group was comprised of representatives from IRWD, South Coast, YLWD,
Santa Ana and MWDOC. After full discussion with the group and evaluating all aspects of
all proposals, the unanimous recommendation was to award the contract to Herndon
Solutions Group. Their proposal had the highest value for the lowest cost of the five highest
ranked proposals.
The recommended award of contract with Herndon Solutions Group is in the amount of, and
not to exceed $4.4 million. As noted previously these costs are contingent upon final
Participating Agency commitments. Staff is recommending a 10% contingency for Phases 2
and 3, for potential changes in scope along the way. Lastly, the total estimated costs for
Phase 3 assumes the highest possible level of effort for all agencies. Although Staff does
not expect all Participating Agencies to need this level of effort, it was used in order to
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estimate the highest possible contract amount. Total estimated contract costs per phase is
as follows:
Phase 1 - $412,000
Phase 2 - $2,289,000
Phase 3 - $1,685,000
WEROC staff is working with MWDOC Legal to incorporate language in the MWDOC
standard consultant agreement to ensure clarity of pricing, number of participating agencies
in each phase, and recognition that final participation numbers and therefore final contract
amounts are contingent upon individual Participating Agency approvals. Staff will provide
updates to the Board on final Participating Agency commitments for Phase 2 and 3,
expected by the October MWDOC Planning and Operations Board Committee Meeting.
Option #1
Proceed with the award to HSG to provide necessary services for up to 28 agencies
to comply with the AWIA.
Authorize the General Manager to enter into Letter Agreements or Contracts with up
to 28 of our participating agencies (including two of the three cities) for cost recovery
of the expenditures.
Authorize the General Manager to hire a part-time temporary position within WEROC
to coordinate the consultant’s efforts with Participating Agencies. Position will be
charged back to participating agencies.
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Option #2
Do not proceed with the award, and therefore no need for agreements with
participating agencies or the temporary position.
Fiscal Impact: Likely higher costs for our agencies for compliance and a concern
that the 100,000+ population agencies would struggle to meet their deadlines if
they were to start their own RFP process at this time. The costs for non-
compliance can be assessed at $25,000 per day.
Option #3
Authorize MWDOC’s commitment to the AWIA process at an estimated cost of
$131,000, with a 10% contingency, with combined funds from engineering, WEROC
and finance to be provided.
Fiscal Impact: Estimated cost for MWDOC would be split between WEROC,
MWDOC Engineering and MWDOC Finance Department, as the analysis and
products will have benefits for the WEROC program, as well as for MWDOC. This
is an unbudgeted expense and would be paid from reserves.
Business Analysis: This will assist Staff with other efforts to identify gaps in
emergency and business continuity planning, as well as cyber-security systems,
enhancing WEROC and MWDOC’s overall resilience.
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assigned to a group of agencies (or area), based on the number of agencies awarded to the HSG Team,
geography, agency specific due dates, and information provided during the RFP process.
Each APM will remain with their assigned agencies throughout the entire project and be the single point of
contact for the participating agency contact (PAC). Additionally, the APM will work with the PAC to
develop a core planning team at the start of each phase that will remain the same throughout the duration of
the project. The planning team, in its entirety, will include the APM, PAC, agency core planning members,
dedicated PARRE technician, and assigned ERP planner. Other HSG Team professionals will be assigned,
as needed to support the core planning team, which will remain the same throughout all phases of the
project (Exhibit 4-1).
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following award (including a one-page fact sheet on how to access the website and upload documents).
HSG will also show the PAC how to use the SharePoint site at the “all-hands” meeting. A summary of key
events and deliverables, as well as corresponding task assumptions, are provided in Exhibit 4-2.
Exhibit 4-2. Phase I, Task 1 Key Events and Deliverables
Key Events/Deliverables
§ SharePoint website for each participating agency
§ SharePoint “Fact Sheet”
§ Initial data call
§ Draft compliance crosswalk template
§ Project kickoff with MWDOC project manager
§ Project “all-hands” meeting with participating agencies
§ Comments on draft compliance crosswalk template
§ Final compliance crosswalk template
§ Compliance crosswalk template developed in Microsoft Excel
§ Consolidated comments will be received from MWDOC on behalf of all agencies
§ MWDOC will adjudicate conflicting comments, if applicable
§ Comments will not require a significant re-work of the template
§ Final compliance crosswalk template will be submitted one-time only
§ Deliverables will be submitted electronically
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§ Participating agencies provide all related emergency planning documents in electronic format
§ Consolidated comments will be received from each participating agency
§ Participating agencies will adjudicate conflicting comments, if applicable
§ Comments will not require a significant rework of the crosswalk
§ Draft deliverables will be submitted electronically
§ One, color hard-copy of final crosswalk, per participating agency
§ Two, electronic copies (Microsoft Word and PDF), per participating agency
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• VSAT does not provide customer support. PARRE provides customer support, not only during the
assessment but after its completion. If MWDOC and its participating agencies plan to access the data
in the future and are met with any problems, AEM will be available to support through resolution.
• VSAT stores user data and analysis files in a local web browser; if one cleared their “cookies,” all
data would be lost if it was not previously exported. Data must be saved on a local device then later
uploaded if one wants to update the risk assessment at a later date. PARRE stores all data on a secure
server (with daily backups) and is available to any user at any agency at any time.
Building on the above, the HSG Team will provide MWDOC with a memo outlining available options for
risk assessment development including a description of the solution and expected pros and cons. However,
based on our depth of experience supporting these efforts, the HSG Team recommends the exclusive use of
the PARRE tool based on the reasons stated above. Should MWDOC desire another method, HSG would
need to revise our technical approach, schedule, and pricing. Upon award, the HSG Team can provide
additional information on the PARRE tool to MWDOC and its participating agencies. A summary of key
events and deliverables, as well as corresponding task assumptions, are provided in Exhibit 4-5.
Exhibit 4-5. Phase II, Task 1 Key Events and Deliverables
Key Events/Deliverables
§ Risk Assessment Solutions Memo
§ Confirmation of analysis tool
§ PARRE will be selected as the tool to conduct the risk assessment
§ If a tool, other than PARRE, is selected, a revision to scope, schedule, and budget will be required
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The HSG Team has a proven approach to conduct J100 risk assessments. The APM will facilitate three
onsite work sessions with the participating agencies to assess risk and resilience of the public water system.
An overview of the J100 process is provided in Exhibit 4-7 and our approach is detailed below.
Throughout the process, we will ensure that during the assessments, we are considering the ERP response
concepts from AWIA, as indicated in the RFP.
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an overview of its system. At this meeting, we will also discuss the initial data call, as well as follow-on
data calls throughout the RRA process and the importance of accurate, complete, and up-to-date
information. Concurrent with preparation and execution of the kickoff meeting, the HSG Team will work
with AEM to setup and configure the PARRE databases for each participating agency. Workshop #1
For each of the three workshops under Task 2, the APM will lead with two support staff: one support staff
member will be the dedicated PARRE technician for the participating agency who will “real-time” update
the system throughout the course of the workshop, while the second staff member will be the dedicated
logistics coordinator/minute-taker who will be responsible for working with the PAC to ensure room
logistics are organized in advance, and also take notes on behalf of the APM and PARRE technician.
Further, the workshops will be scheduled, in-tandem with other participating agencies to not only minimize
travel costs but allow for the APMs to coordinate throughout the week and benefit from work at each
other’s participating agencies.
The asset and threat characterization steps of the assessment process will be conducted in the form of
Workshop #1, a two-day, facilitated planning workshop held at the participating agency’s facility.
Workshop #1 has the following objectives:
Asset Characterization. The APM will serve to facilitate with the participating agency to identify which
assets are critical to the sustained and robust operation of the system. This could include grouping of assets,
such as “reservoirs.” The critical assets will be prioritized to determine which assets will initially be
analyzed as being especially critical to operations sustainability. Although not initially assessed, lower-
priority assets are frequently brought into the asset pool as the team gains in-depth understanding of the
risks. The facilitator will assist the team to clearly define and characterize the assets to be included in the
analysis. This step is critical to the success of the project, as it serves as the foundation for risk assessment.
The HSG Team assumes that MWDOC and its participating agencies, at a minimum, have a list of all of
their assets, age, and replacement schedule.
Threat Characterization. The facilitator will help identity significant threats to the system. The threats to
be considered will include the J100-required natural as well as man-made threats that are reasonable for the
system. As the assessment matures, the facilitator will consider dependency and proximity threats that
should be included for full understanding of system exposure.
Identify and Prioritize Threat-Asset Pairs. The facilitator will identify and prioritize the threat-asset pairs
(the basic unit of a probability-based risk assessment) to be initially included in the assessment. Like the
selection of critical assets, threat-asset pairs that are not initially included may be picked-up later in the
assessment process.
Important note on threat-asset pairs. The total number of threat asset pairs is unknown until an
assessment occurs and one understands what threats are of importance to the utility and how the critical
assets might respond. The J100 process’ vetting routine gives priority to the “mission-critical
assets” which are taken forward for full assessment. This approach saves effort on lower-priority pairs
while still achieving a good outcome. To ensure consistency across the organizations, as well as ensure
we are able to meet all deadlines, we are assuming no more than 150 threat-asset pairs, which should
provide a reasonable assessment field for each participating agency to meet the AWIA provision; should
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a participating agency identify more than 150 threat-asset pairs or choose to do more, those will need to
be assessed at a later date.
Identify Countermeasures. The facilitator will work with the participating agencies to identify and
characterize the countermeasures currently in place to protect the critical assets.
Introduce Vulnerability Probability Approaches. The APM will introduce the participating agency to
the various approaches that are available for determining the probability of existing countermeasures
failure. The agency will learn how to complete an expert elicitation evaluation, a path analysis, and a
decision tree analysis. Furthermore, the agency will be introduced to the factors that determine which type
of analysis is the most appropriate approach for each type of countermeasure.
Calculate Overall System Resilience. The facilitator will assist the team in determining its overall system
resilience described in the J100 standard as the Utility Resilience Indicator (URI). Vulnerability Analysis Preparation
The APM will prepare a summary of Workshop #1 for the participating agency to review and comment.
The summary will include information developed during the workshop including the identified critical
assets, significant threats, high-priority threat-asset pairs, existing countermeasures, and baseline resilience.
The APM will also prepare a consequences strawman, providing an initial look at the worst reasonable
consequences to each critical asset should a successful threat materialize against it. Further, the APM will
prepare a vulnerability strawman, evaluating the robustness of the existing countermeasures to attenuate the
consequences of a successful threat attack. Finally, the APM will prepare a list of assignments for
participating agencies to fill-in gaps of missing information that permit data set completion. Workshop #2
The consequence and vulnerability analysis steps of the assessment process will be conducted during
Workshop #2, a two-day, facilitated planning workshop to be held at the participating agency’s facility.
Workshop #2 has the following objectives:
Review and Edit Consequences and Vulnerability Strawmen. The participating agency will review the
consequences and the vulnerability strawmen and validate the direct costs to the utility system, as well as
the estimates of potential serious injuries and fatalities.
DECISION POINT. At this point, an agreed list of critical assets, identified threats, and threat-
asset pairs is required to continue the assessment. Further work on the assessment will not
continue until the participating agency confirms the initial data sets that are to be considered.
Identify Dependencies and Proximity Threats. The agency will identify dependencies that, if interrupted,
have the high potential of causing the system to be unable to meet its mission. In addition, threats to
proximate critical infrastructure that could adversely impact operations will be identified.
Introduction to Risk Likelihood. Identify and calculate the risk likelihoods for the critical asset-threat
pairs. The agency will be introduced to the J100 approaches for determining the threat probability for
directed threats including expert elicitation, conditional assessment, and the use of the proxy measure.
Threat likelihood probabilities for natural-occurring events will be automatically calculated in PARRE
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based on published historical records of event return periods as maintained by a variety of government
agencies. Draft Risk Assessment Baseline Preparation Report
Workshop #2 Summary. The APM will prepare a summary of Workshop #2 for the participating agency
to review and comment. The summary will include the set of anticipated consequence and vulnerability
probabilities, threat likelihood probabilities, and risks for each threat-asset pair.
Draft Risk Assessment Baseline Report. The APM will prepare and distribute a draft report of the risk
assessment baseline. The system’s threat-asset pairs and their associated consequences, vulnerabilities,
threat likelihoods, and risk values will be identified. Workshop #3
The draft risk assessment baseline report will be reviewed by the team and appropriate stakeholders during
Workshop #3. While typically, this is performed via WebEx, due to the volume of participating agencies,
the HSG Team recommends this time is utilized to review the draft report and meet with senior
management. The draft report affords the participating agency the first look at the relative and prioritized
risks for each critical asset and of their systems overall. Based on the HSG Team’s review of this report,
data gaps can be identified, and adjustments made to fully reflect conditions “on the ground.” Draft-Final & Final Risk Assessment Baseline Report
Draft-Final Report. Based on the decisions reached during Workshop #3, the APM will prepare and
distribute a draft-final baseline risk assessment report for review by the participating agency. Upon receipt
of comments from the participating agency on the draft-final report, the APM will incorporate this guidance
and will review the report for content and accuracy. The participating agency will have the opportunity to
adjust, as necessary, during this period.
Final Report. The team will resolve any outstanding risk-calculation issues and adopt the baseline. After
incorporating any input from the participating agency, a final risk assessment baseline report will be
prepared and distributed.
PARRE Baseline Fixed. The baseline will be locked at this point to form the basis against which all
proposed system changes/countermeasures will be measured.
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§ Workshop #3
§ Draft RRA
§ Comments on RRA
§ Meeting with participating agency senior management
§ Draft-Final RRA
§ Comments on Draft-Final RRA
§ Final RRA
§ Anticipates that the level of detail of the analysis could require the assessment of up to 150 threat-asset pairs.
§ MWDOC and its participating agencies, at a minimum, have a list of all of their assets, age, and replacement
§ Workshop #3 will be concurrent with Phase III kickoff meeting
§ Key personnel will attend workshops
§ Participating agency will provide venue for workshops
§ Participating agency will provide consolidated comments on the draft, draft-final, and final report and adjudicate
any conflicting comments, if applicable
§ Draft deliverables will be electronic only
§ One, color hard-copy (bound) for final RRA, per participating agency
§ Two, electronic copies (Microsoft Word and PDF), per participating agency
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for Phase II, the primary materials for Phase III are the G430 and G440 standards. A sample of the
reference documents that support those primary materials, as requested in the RFP, is provided in Exhibit
4-10, as well as a list of other relevant references that could be leveraged depending on the needs of each
ERP (e.g., the RFP states ERPs requiring a “high” level of effort may need to be updated extensively, which
may include local or state specific guidance).
Exhibit 4-10. Phase III Key Materials and Reference Documents
Primary Materials Reference Documents
§ AWWA J100-10 (R13). RAMCAP. Denver, CO. 2013
§ AWWA. Process Control System Security Guidance for the Water
AWWA G430-14. Security Practices for Sector. 2017
Operation and Management. Denver,
§ AWWA. Utilities Helping Utilities: An Action Plan for Mutual Aid
and Assistance Networks for Water and Wastewater Utilities. 2006
§ FEMA Local Mitigation Planning Handbook
§ AWWA M19. Emergency Planning for Water and Wastewater
Utilities, Fifth Edition. Denver, CO. Updated 2018
§ AWWA Water & Wastewater Mutual Aid & Assistance Resource
ANSI/AWWA G440-17. Emergency Typing Manual. 2008
Preparedness Practices. Denver, CO. § AWWA. Utilities Helping Utilities: An Action Plan for Mutual Aid
2017 and Assistance Networks for Water and Wastewater Utilities. 2006
§ FEMA CPG 101
§ FEMA Local Mitigation Planning Handbook
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The HSG Team’s approach to ERP development is designed to reflect the reality that the level of
completeness and compliance is going to vary from utility to utility, but assumes that all participating
agencies have an existing ERP, or similar, that can be used as a foundational document for the plan update.
At a minimum, all planning efforts will include the following key elements:
ERP Kickoff Workshop. This webinar-based workshop will provide partners with a refresher on the
results of the RRA and how it informs the ERP update; a brief introduction to ERP planning concepts
(tailored to the agency’s level of planning); a facilitated discussion on existing plan strengths and areas for
improvement; and a hands-on work session tailored to the unique needs of the utility to advance progress on
gaps identified in Task 1.
Draft /Draft-Final Plan Development. At a minimum, all ERP update efforts will include development of
an ‘AWIA Requirements’ chapter that explains how their RRA, ERP, and other relevant documents meet
statutory and regulatory requirements. Regardless of the level of plan development required, all partners
will receive the support and attention of experienced emergency planners to update their ERP documents.
Our planning approach for all plans is centered around the following principles:
• Functional. Build a plan that is compliant, user-friendly, and action-oriented
• Streamlined. Gather relevant and appropriate data and facilitate integration and alignment of plans.
• Risk-Driven. Build on the RRA (balance between all hazard and hazard-specific planning)
• Coordinated. Support operational coordination between utility and key partners (e.g., city
emergency management organization and/or Certified Unified Protection Agency [CUPA]
Final Plan Presentation and Awareness Training. Depending on agency needs, this awareness level
presentation would be conducted via webinar but also include local, onsite support. The HSG Team will
provide partners with an overview of plan content. The presentation will be aligned with the executive
summary task (section 4.3.2) that the utility can use moving forward to continue socializing the ERP with
its staff.
Exhibit 4-13. Phase III, Task 1 Key Events and Deliverables
Key Events/Deliverables
§ Phase III kickoff meeting
§ ERP workshops
§ Draft ‘AWIA Requirements’ chapter
§ Final ‘AWIA Requirements’ chapter
§ Draft ERP
§ Draft-Final ERP (for medium and high)
§ Final ERP
§ Plan awareness training
§ Phase III kickoff meeting will be concurrent with Workshop #3, under Phase II
§ Participating Agency will host workshop
§ Draft-Final ERP deliverable will only be required for “medium” and “high” level of efforts
§ Consolidated comments will be received from each participating agency on the draft, draft-final (if applicable),
and final ERP
Use or disclosure of data contained on this sheet is subject to the restriction on the title page of this proposal.
36 Page 99 of 213
Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC)
AWIA Compliance Crosswalks, RRAs, and ERPs
Date: 17 June 2019
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37 Page 100 of 213
Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC)
AWIA Compliance Crosswalks, RRAs, and ERPs
Date: 17 June 2019
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38 Page 101 of 213
Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC)
AWIA Compliance Crosswalks, RRAs, and ERPs
Date: 17 June 2019
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39 Page 102 of 213
Municipal Water District of Orange County (MWDOC)
AWIA Compliance Crosswalks, RRAs, and ERPs
Date: 17 June 2019
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40 Page 103 of 213
Item No. 8
MWDOC and its agencies became aware of the SCAQMD intent to adopt NEW regulations
when asbestos is present for the repair of pipes or it is included in asphalt materials in
roadways when they need to excavated. The “water industry” found out late about the
potential regulations that were deemed as very intrusive and overreaching regarding the
emergency repair of Asbestos Cement Pipe (ACP) and other construction related to
roadway work. Mesa began organizing a response effort on behalf of all water utilities in
seeking input and suggestions. MWDOC began participating in the process, but since the
organization had already been established by Mesa and MWDOC does not do any work
with ACP or in roadways, MWDOC concurred with Mesa to continue to spearhead the
effort. In other efforts where it benefits all agencies, MWDOC often coordinates and can
even expend funds for such when required to respond. This occurred several years ago
when the County Flood Control was intent on changing their encroachment permits. To
further help in the efforts, MESA brought on technical expertise and consulting assistance to
help organize the efforts, to attend and participate in SCAQMD meetings and to conduct
conference calls or host events inviting all agencies.
MESA has been accumulating costs and has expended $39,000 to date in outside funds
(above and beyond staff time) and although future estimates are hard to make, expects to
expend an additional $19,500 for a grand total of $68,500. The amount MESA has
expended has benefited all water agencies in Orange County; one way of spreading the
costs more proportionately among all water agencies is to seek funding assistance through
MWDOC. MWDOC derives revenue from all water agencies in the County with the
exception of the Three Cities. MESA’s request for only a $20,000 contribution seems very
fair in this instance. MWDOC may want to consider funding a portion of the future costs, as
Option #1
Authorize a $20,000 contribution to Mesa Water toward the BUC efforts.
Option #2
Authorize a different contribution to Mesa Water toward the BUC efforts
Fiscal Impact: MWDOC could make a higher contribution to help spread the entire
$68,500 among all water agencies in Orange County. This would be a policy
discussion among our Board. It could range anywhere from $20,000 to $68,500.
Business Analysis: Provides a greater leadership role for MWDOC in representing our
agencies. Providing a greater amount of funding through MWDOC would more
proportionally spread the costs among the water industry.
Option #3
Do not authorize any contribution to Mesa Water toward the BUC efforts
Fiscal Impact: $0
Business Analysis: MWDOC would be avoiding fulfillment of its leadership role in
representing our agencies.
Option #1
July 10, 2019
Staff recommends the Administration & Finance Committee: Discuss and decide whether
to conduct Invocations at Board meetings, and whether to refer this item to the Board for
The Executive Committee discussed the recent invocation prayer conducted at the June 19,
2019 Board meeting, noting that invocations had not been part of any MWDOC meetings in
the past, and the District lacked any formal policy on the issue.
The General Manager was directed to confer with legal counsel and provide legal guidelines
relative holding regular invocations (for review by the Administration & Finance Committee).
Legal Counsel Byrne submitted the attached Draft Guidelines for the Board to follow if they
elect to include invocations on the Board agenda. President Barbre asked that the 2013
U.S. Supreme Court decision be included for the Committee’s information.
The Board of Directors of the Municipal Water District of Orange County (“District”) may
hold an invocation during meetings of the Board consistent with these Guidelines.
No members of the Board, District employees, or members of the public will be required
to participate in the invocation.
The invocation may not be used to proselytize, advance any one faith or belief, or to
disparage any other faith, belief, or non-belief.
Invocations shall be limited to a reasonable and set amount of time that shall apply equally
to all.
Any Board member who delivers an invocation shall do so from the podium and not the
Except for the individual Board member delivering an invocation, no District officials,
officers or employees will engage in any prior inquiry, review of, or involvement in, the
content of any invocation to be offered.
No District officials, officers or employees will engage in any prior inquiry, review of, or
involvement in, the content of any invocation to be offered.
Page 108 of 213
(Slip Opinion) OCTOBER TERM, 2013 1
(a) Legislative prayer, while religious in nature, has long been un-
derstood as compatible with the Establishment Clause. Marsh v.
Chambers, 463 U. S. 783, 792. In Marsh, the Court concluded that it
was not necessary to define the Establishment Clause’s precise
boundary in order to uphold Nebraska’s practice of employing a legis-
lative chaplain because history supported the conclusion that the
specific practice was permitted. The First Congress voted to appoint
and pay official chaplains shortly after approving language for the
First Amendment, and both Houses have maintained the office virtu-
ally uninterrupted since then. See id., at 787–789, and n. 10. A ma-
jority of the States have also had a consistent practice of legislative
prayer. Id., at 788–790, and n. 11. There is historical precedent for
the practice of opening local legislative meetings with prayer as well.
Marsh teaches that the Establishment Clause must be interpreted
“by reference to historical practices and understandings.” County of
Allegheny v. American Civil Liberties Union, Greater Pittsburgh
Chapter, 492 U. S. 573, 670 (opinion of KENNEDY, J.). Thus, any test
must acknowledge a practice that was accepted by the Framers and
has withstood the critical scrutiny of time and political change. The
Court’s inquiry, then, must be to determine whether the prayer prac-
tice in the town of Greece fits within the tradition long followed in
Congress and the state legislatures. Pp. 6–9.
(b) Respondents’ insistence on nonsectarian prayer is not con-
sistent with this tradition. The prayers in Marsh were consistent
with the First Amendment not because they espoused only a generic
theism but because the Nation’s history and tradition have shown
that prayer in this limited context could “coexis[t] with the principles
of disestablishment and religious freedom.” 463 U. S., at 786. Dic-
tum in County of Allegheny suggesting that Marsh permitted only
prayer with no overtly Christian references is irreconcilable with the
facts, holding, and reasoning of Marsh, which instructed that the
“content of the prayer is not of concern to judges,” provided “there is
no indication that the prayer opportunity has been exploited to prose-
lytize or advance any one, or to disparage any other, faith or belief.”
463 U. S., at 794–795. To hold that invocations must be nonsectarian
would force the legislatures sponsoring prayers and the courts decid-
ing these cases to act as supervisors and censors of religious speech,
thus involving government in religious matters to a far greater de-
gree than is the case under the town’s current practice of neither ed-
iting nor approving prayers in advance nor criticizing their content
after the fact. Respondents’ contrary arguments are unpersuasive.
It is doubtful that consensus could be reached as to what qualifies as
a generic or nonsectarian prayer. It would also be unwise to conclude
that only those religious words acceptable to the majority are permis-
sible, for the First Amendment is not a majority rule and government
may not seek to define permissible categories of religious speech. In
rejecting the suggestion that legislative prayer must be nonsectarian,
the Court does not imply that no constraints remain on its content.
The relevant constraint derives from the prayer’s place at the open-
ing of legislative sessions, where it is meant to lend gravity to the oc-
casion and reflect values long part of the Nation’s heritage. From the
Nation’s earliest days, invocations have been addressed to assemblies
comprising many different creeds, striving for the idea that people of
many faiths may be united in a community of tolerance and devotion,
even if they disagree as to religious doctrine. The prayers delivered
in Greece do not fall outside this tradition. They may have invoked,
e.g., the name of Jesus, but they also invoked universal themes, e.g.,
by calling for a “spirit of cooperation.” Absent a pattern of prayers
that over time denigrate, proselytize, or betray an impermissible gov-
ernment purpose, a challenge based solely on the content of a par-
ticular prayer will not likely establish a constitutional violation. See
463 U. S., at 794–795. Finally, so long as the town maintains a policy
of nondiscrimination, the Constitution does not require it to search
beyond its borders for non-Christian prayer givers in an effort to
achieve religious balancing. Pp. 9–18.
concluded in Part II–B that a fact-sensitive inquiry that considers
both the setting in which the prayer arises and the audience to whom
it is directed shows that the town is not coercing its citizens to engage
in a religious observance. The prayer opportunity is evaluated
against the backdrop of a historical practice showing that prayer has
become part of the Nation’s heritage and tradition. It is presumed
that the reasonable observer is acquainted with this tradition and
understands that its purposes are to lend gravity to public proceed-
ings and to acknowledge the place religion holds in the lives of many
private citizens. Furthermore, the principal audience for these invo-
cations is not the public, but the lawmakers themselves. And those
lawmakers did not direct the public to participate, single out dissi-
dents for opprobrium, or indicate that their decisions might be influ-
enced by a person’s acquiescence in the prayer opportunity. Re-
spondents claim that the prayers gave them offense and made them
feel excluded and disrespected, but offense does not equate to coer-
cion. In contrast to Lee v. Weisman, 505 U. S. 577, where the Court
found coercive a religious invocation at a high school graduation, id.,
at 592–594, the record here does not suggest that citizens are dis-
suaded from leaving the meeting room during the prayer, arriving
late, or making a later protest. That the prayer in Greece is deliv-
ered during the opening ceremonial portion of the town’s meeting, not
the policymaking portion, also suggests that its purpose and effect
are to acknowledge religious leaders and their institutions, not to ex-
clude or coerce nonbelievers. Pp. 18–23.
JUSTICE THOMAS, joined by JUSTICE SCALIA as to Part II, agreed
that the town’s prayer practice does not violate the Establishment
Clause, but concluded that, even if the Establishment Clause were
properly incorporated against the States through the Fourteenth
Amendment, the Clause is not violated by the kind of subtle pres-
sures respondents allegedly suffered, which do not amount to actual
legal coercion. The municipal prayers in this case bear no resem-
blance to the coercive state establishments that existed at the found-
ing, which exercised government power in order to exact financial
support of the church, compel religious observance, or control reli-
gious doctrine. Pp. 1–8.
KENNEDY, J., delivered the opinion of the Court, except as to Part II–
B. ROBERTS, C. J., and ALITO, J., joined the opinion in full, and SCALIA
and THOMAS, JJ., joined except as to Part II–B. ALITO, J., filed a con-
curring opinion, in which SCALIA, J., joined. THOMAS, J., filed an opin-
ion concurring in part and concurring in the judgment, in which SCALIA,
J., joined as to Part II. BREYER, J., filed a dissenting opinion. KAGAN,
J., filed a dissenting opinion, in which GINSBURG, BREYER, and SO-
TOMAYOR, JJ., joined.
No. 12–696
up the Lord Jesus’ and ‘will raise us, in our turn, and put
us by His side’ ” would be impermissible, as would any
prayer that reflects dogma particular to a single faith
tradition. Id., at 34 (quoting App. 89a and citing id., at
56a, 123a, 134a).
An insistence on nonsectarian or ecumenical prayer as a
single, fixed standard is not consistent with the tradition
of legislative prayer outlined in the Court’s cases. The
Court found the prayers in Marsh consistent with the
First Amendment not because they espoused only a ge-
neric theism but because our history and tradition have
shown that prayer in this limited context could “coexis[t]
with the principles of disestablishment and religious
freedom.” 463 U. S., at 786. The Congress that drafted
the First Amendment would have been accustomed to
invocations containing explicitly religious themes of the
sort respondents find objectionable. One of the Senate’s
first chaplains, the Rev. William White, gave prayers in a
series that included the Lord’s Prayer, the Collect for
Ash Wednesday, prayers for peace and grace, a general
thanksgiving, St. Chrysostom’s Prayer, and a prayer
seeking “the grace of our Lord Jesus Christ, &c.” Letter
from W. White to H. Jones (Dec. 29, 1830), in B. Wilson,
Memoir of the Life of the Right Reverend William White,
D. D., Bishop of the Protestant Episcopal Church in the
State of Pennsylvania 322 (1839); see also New Hampshire
Patriot & State Gazette, Dec. 15, 1823, p. 1 (describing a
Senate prayer addressing the “Throne of Grace”); Cong.
Globe, 37th Cong., 1st Sess., 2 (1861) (reciting the Lord’s
Prayer). The decidedly Christian nature of these prayers
must not be dismissed as the relic of a time when our
Nation was less pluralistic than it is today. Congress
continues to permit its appointed and visiting chaplains to
express themselves in a religious idiom. It acknowledges
our growing diversity not by proscribing sectarian content
but by welcoming ministers of many creeds. See, e.g., 160
Opinion Court
Opinion Court
Opinion Court
Opinion Court
not coercive. See App. 69a (“Would you bow your heads
with me as we invite the Lord’s presence here tonight?”);
id., at 93a (“Let us join our hearts and minds together in
prayer”); id., at 102a (“Would you join me in a moment of
prayer?”); id., at 110a (“Those who are willing may join me
now in prayer”). Respondents suggest that constituents
might feel pressure to join the prayers to avoid irritating
the officials who would be ruling on their petitions, but
this argument has no evidentiary support. Nothing in the
record indicates that town leaders allocated benefits and
burdens based on participation in the prayer, or that
citizens were received differently depending on whether
they joined the invocation or quietly declined. In no in
stance did town leaders signal disfavor toward nonpartici
pants or suggest that their stature in the community was
in any way diminished. A practice that classified citizens
based on their religious views would violate the Constitu
tion, but that is not the case before this Court.
In their declarations in the trial court, respondents
stated that the prayers gave them offense and made them
feel excluded and disrespected. Offense, however, does not
equate to coercion. Adults often encounter speech they
find disagreeable; and an Establishment Clause violation
is not made out any time a person experiences a sense of
affront from the expression of contrary religious views in a
legislative forum, especially where, as here, any member
of the public is welcome in turn to offer an invocation
reflecting his or her own convictions. See Elk Grove Uni-
fied School Dist. v. Newdow, 542 U. S. 1, 44 (2004)
(O’Connor, J., concurring) (“The compulsion of which
Justice Jackson was concerned . . . was of the direct sort—
the Constitution does not guarantee citizens a right
entirely to avoid ideas with which they disagree”). If circum-
stances arise in which the pattern and practice of ceremo
nial, legislative prayer is alleged to be a means to coerce or
intimidate others, the objection can be addressed in the
Opinion Court
regular course. But the showing has not been made here,
where the prayers neither chastised dissenters nor at
tempted lengthy disquisition on religious dogma. Courts
remain free to review the pattern of prayers over time to
determine whether they comport with the tradition of
solemn, respectful prayer approved in Marsh, or whether
coercion is a real and substantial likelihood. But in the
general course legislative bodies do not engage in imper
missible coercion merely by exposing constituents to prayer
they would rather not hear and in which they need not
participate. See County of Allegheny, 492 U. S., at 670
(KENNEDY, J., concurring in judgment in part and dissent
ing in part).
This case can be distinguished from the conclusions and
holding of Lee v. Weisman, 505 U. S. 577. There the Court
found that, in the context of a graduation where school
authorities maintained close supervision over the conduct
of the students and the substance of the ceremony, a
religious invocation was coercive as to an objecting stu
dent. Id., at 592–594; see also Santa Fe Independent
School Dist., 530 U. S., at 312. Four Justices dissented in
Lee, but the circumstances the Court confronted there are
not present in this case and do not control its outcome.
Nothing in the record suggests that members of the public
are dissuaded from leaving the meeting room during the
prayer, arriving late, or even, as happened here, making a
later protest. In this case, as in Marsh, board members
and constituents are “free to enter and leave with little
comment and for any number of reasons.” Lee, supra, at
597. Should nonbelievers choose to exit the room during a
prayer they find distasteful, their absence will not stand
out as disrespectful or even noteworthy. And should they
remain, their quiet acquiescence will not, in light of our
traditions, be interpreted as an agreement with the words
or ideas expressed. Neither choice represents an unconsti
tutional imposition as to mature adults, who “presumably”
Opinion Court
* * *
The town of Greece does not violate the First Amend
ment by opening its meetings with prayer that comports
with our tradition and does not coerce participation by
nonadherents. The judgment of the U. S. Court of Appeals
for the Second Circuit is reversed.
It is so ordered.
No. 12–696
dhist temple, within the town’s borders, but it was not listed in the
town directory. 732 F. Supp. 2d, at 203. Although located within the
town’s borders, the temple has a Rochester mailing address. And while
the respondents “each lived in the Town more than thirty years, neither
was personally familiar with any mosques, synagogues, temples, or
other non-Christian places of worship within the Town.” Id., at 197.
4 See,
e.g., prayer practice of Saginaw City Council in Michigan, de
scribed in Letter from Freedom from Religion Foundation to City
Manager, Saginaw City Council (Jan. 31, 2014), online at
%20at%20meetings%20letter.pdf (all Internet materials as visited May
2, 2014, and available in Clerk of Court’s case file); prayer practice of
Cobb County commissions in Georgia, described in Pelphrey v. Cobb
County, 410 F. Supp. 2d 1324 (ND Ga. 2006).
5 For example, at the most recent Presidential inauguration, a minis
ter faced the assembly of onlookers on the National Mall and began
with those very words. 159 Cong. Rec. S183, S186 (Jan. 22, 2013).
The principal dissent claims to accept the Court’s deci
sion in Marsh v. Chambers, which upheld the constitu
tionality of the Nebraska Legislature’s practice of prayer
at the beginning of legislative sessions, but the principal
dissent’s acceptance of Marsh appears to be predicated on
the view that the prayer at issue in that case was little
more than a formality to which the legislators paid scant
attention. The principal dissent describes this scene: A
session of the state legislature begins with or without
most members present; a strictly nonsectarian prayer is
recited while some legislators remain seated; and few
members of the public are exposed to the experience. Post,
at 8–9. This sort of perfunctory and hidden-away prayer,
the principal dissent implies, is all that Marsh and the
First Amendment can tolerate.
It is questionable whether the principal dissent accu
rately describes the Nebraska practice at issue in Marsh,6
but what is important is not so much what happened in
Nebraska in the years prior to Marsh, but what happened
before congressional sessions during the period leading up
to the adoption of the First Amendment. By that time,
prayer before legislative sessions already had an impres
sive pedigree, and it is important to recall that history and
the events that led to the adoption of the practice.
The principal dissent paints a picture of “morning in
6 See generally Brief for Robert E. Palmer as Amicus Curiae (Ne
ence 46 (1978).
8 N. Cousins, In God We Trust: The Religious Beliefs and Ideas of the
10 Letter to Abigail Adams (Sept. 16, 1774), in C. Adams, Familiar
Letters of John Adams and His Wife Abigail Adams, During the Revo
lution 37 (1876).
11 Ibid.
12 See G. Wills, supra, at 46; J. Miller, Sam Adams 85, 87 (1936);
cals” and delivered both the Anglican prayers for the day
and an extemporaneous prayer.14 For many of the dele
gates—members of religious groups that had come to
America to escape persecution in Britain—listening to a
distinctively Anglican prayer by a minister of the Church
of England represented an act of notable ecumenism. But
Duché’s prayer met with wide approval—John Adams
wrote that it “filled the bosom of every man” in attend
ance15—and the practice was continued. This first con
gressional prayer was emphatically Christian, and it was
neither an empty formality nor strictly nondenominational.16
But one of its purposes, and presumably one of its
effects, was not to divide, but to unite.
It is no wonder, then, that the practice of beginning
congressional sessions with a prayer was continued after
the Revolution ended and the new Constitution was
adopted. One of the first actions taken by the new Con
gress when it convened in 1789 was to appoint chaplains
for both Houses. The first Senate chaplain, an Episcopa-
lian, was appointed on April 25, 1789, and the first House
chaplain, a Presbyterian, was appointed on May 1.17
Three days later, Madison announced that he planned to
introduce proposed constitutional amendments to protect
individual rights; on June 8, 1789, those amendments
were introduced; and on September 26, 1789, the amend
ments were approved to be sent to the States for ratifica
tion.18 In the years since the adoption of the First
14 Ibid.
15 Ibid.; see W. Wells, 2 The Life and Public Services of Samuel
17 1 Annals of Cong. 24–25 (1789); R. Cord, Separation of Church and
This brings me to my final point. I am troubled by the
message that some readers may take from the principal
dissent’s rhetoric and its highly imaginative hypotheticals.
For example, the principal dissent conjures up the image
of a litigant awaiting trial who is asked by the presiding
judge to rise for a Christian prayer, of an official at a
polling place who conveys the expectation that citizens
wishing to vote make the sign of the cross before casting
their ballots, and of an immigrant seeking naturalization
who is asked to bow her head and recite a Christian
prayer. Although I do not suggest that the implication is
intentional, I am concerned that at least some readers will
take these hypotheticals as a warning that this is where
today’s decision leads—to a country in which religious
minorities are denied the equal benefits of citizenship.
Nothing could be further from the truth. All that the
Court does today is to allow a town to follow a practice
that we have previously held is permissible for Congress
and state legislatures. In seeming to suggest otherwise,
the principal dissent goes far astray.
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
No. 12–696
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
2 See, e.g., Del. Const., Art. I, §1 (1831) (“[N]o man shall, or ought to
be compelled to attend any religious worship, to contribute to the
erection or support of any place of worship, or to the maintenance of
any ministry, against his own free will and consent”); Me. Const., Art. I,
§3 (1820) (“[N]o one shall be hurt, molested or restrained in his person,
liberty or estate, for worshiping God in the manner and season most
agreeable to the dictates of his own conscience”); Mo. Const., Art. I, §10
(1865) (“[N]o person can be compelled to erect, support, or attend any
place of worship, or maintain any minister of the Gospel or teacher of
religion”); R. I. Const., Art. I, §3 (1842) (“[N]o man shall be compelled to
frequent or to support any religious worship, place, or ministry what-
ever, except in fulfillment of his own voluntary contract”); Vt. Const., Ch.
I, §3 (1777) (“[N]o man ought, or of right can be compelled to attend any
religious worship, or erect, or support any place of worship, or maintain
any minister, contrary to the dictates of his conscience”).
Opinion of THOMAS, J.
No. 12–696
No. 12–696
1 That principle meant as much to the founders as it does today. The
2 Because JUSTICE ALITO questions this point, it bears repeating. I do
not remotely contend that “prayer is not allowed” at participatory
meetings of “local government legislative bodies”; nor is that the
“logical thrust” of any argument I make. Ante, at 7–8. Rather, what I
say throughout this opinion is that in this citizen-centered venue,
government officials must take steps to ensure—as none of Greece’s
Board members ever did—that opening prayers are inclusive of differ
ent faiths, rather than always identified with a single religion.
3 For ease of reference and to avoid confusion, I refer to JUSTICE
KENNEDY’s opinion as “the majority.” But the language I cite that
appears in Part II–B of that opinion is, in fact, only attributable to a
plurality of the Court.
Those three differences, taken together, remove this
case from the protective ambit of Marsh and the history on
which it relied. To recap: Marsh upheld prayer addressed
to legislators alone, in a proceeding in which citizens had
no role—and even then, only when it did not “proselytize
or advance” any single religion. 463 U. S., at 794. It was
that legislative prayer practice (not every prayer in a body
exercising any legislative function) that the Court found
constitutional given its “unambiguous and unbroken
history.” Id., at 792. But that approved practice, as I have
shown, is not Greece’s. None of the history Marsh cited—
and none the majority details today—supports calling on
citizens to pray, in a manner consonant with only a single
religion’s beliefs, at a participatory public proceeding,
having both legislative and adjudicative components. Or
to use the majority’s phrase, no “history shows that th[is]
specific practice is permitted.” Ante, at 8. And so, contra
the majority, Greece’s prayers cannot simply ride on the
constitutional coattails of the legislative tradition Marsh
described. The Board’s practice must, in its own particu
lars, meet constitutional requirements.
And the guideposts for addressing that inquiry include
the principles of religious neutrality I discussed earlier.
See supra, at 4–8. The government (whether federal,
state, or local) may not favor, or align itself with, any
particular creed. And that is nowhere more true than
when officials and citizens come face to face in their
shared institutions of governance. In performing civic
functions and seeking civic benefits, each person of this
nation must experience a government that belongs to one
and all, irrespective of belief. And for its part, each gov
ernment must ensure that its participatory processes will
not classify those citizens by faith, or make relevant their
religious differences.
To decide how Greece fares on that score, think again
How, then, does the majority go so far astray, allowing
the Town of Greece to turn its assemblies for citizens into
a forum for Christian prayer? The answer does not lie in
first principles: I have no doubt that every member of this
Court believes as firmly as I that our institutions of gov
ernment belong equally to all, regardless of faith. Rather,
the error reflects two kinds of blindness. First, the major-
ity misapprehends the facts of this case, as distinct from
those characterizing traditional legislative prayer. And
second, the majority misjudges the essential meaning of
the religious worship in Greece’s town hall, along with its
capacity to exclude and divide.
The facts here matter to the constitutional issue; in-
deed, the majority itself acknowledges that the requisite
inquiry—a “fact-sensitive” one—turns on “the setting in
which the prayer arises and the audience to whom it is
directed.” Ante, at 19. But then the majority glides right
over those considerations—at least as they relate to the
Town of Greece. When the majority analyzes the “setting”
and “audience” for prayer, it focuses almost exclusively on
Congress and the Nebraska Legislature, see ante, at 6–8,
10–11, 15–16, 19–20; it does not stop to analyze how far
those factors differ in Greece’s meetings. The majority
thus gives short shrift to the gap—more like, the chasm—
between a legislative floor session involving only elected
officials and a town hall revolving around ordinary citi
zens. And similarly the majority neglects to consider how
the prayers in Greece are mostly addressed to members of
the public, rather than (as in the forums it discusses) to
the lawmakers. “The District Court in Marsh,” the major
ity expounds, “described the prayer exercise as ‘an inter
nal act’ directed at the Nebraska Legislature’s ‘own mem
bers.’ ” Ante, at 19 (quoting Chambers v. Marsh, 504
July 17, 2019
Staff recommends the Board adopt a “support in concept” position for Congressman Levin’s
legislative language for funding support for brackish and ocean desalination projects while
waiting to see the final wording outcome of any legislation that moves forward, particularly
on the use of renewable energy.
Congressman Mike Levin’s office has been working on a draft desalination-funding bill to
support both brackish and ocean desalination projects. The bill essentially provides an
increase in the 2016 Water Infrastructure Improvements for the Nation (WIIN) Act funding
authorization for desalination project grants and attempts to provide sufficient funding for a
25% maximum contribution towards all existing desalination projects listed in the 2016 WIIN
Act, including the Doheny Project. The Congressman has also taken the lead for
developing language for the Energy and Water Appropriations Bill to provide $8.3M towards
the Doheny Project from a BUREC grant process.
The legislative strategy being undertaken is to provide sufficient funding for all of the WINN
projects to be able to receive funding and assuming this bill passes the House,
Congressman Levin wants to amend his bill into the Senate Feinstein/McSally/Gardner
WIIN Act Reauthorization Bill.
Potentially, eight projects noted in the WIIN Act, as well as other projects, could benefit from
the proposed bill. Support of the bill is consistent with our Federal Policy Principles. The
bill would:
Reauthorize the WIIN Act desalination program at $260 million. This would provide
sufficient funding for a 25% federal cost share for the eight currently authorized WIIN
Act projects (including Doheny) as well as additional $100 million for new
desalination projects through FY 2027 given the anticipated interest in new projects
in future years (i.e., roughly half of the cost of the original set of authorized projects).
The bill contains “soft” environmental prescriptions generally modeled on California’s
existing desalination requirements, but they are only covered in a general manner
and leaves environmental compliance up to the State where the project is located
and to Federal provisions.
Initially, the language included a prioritization process that was based on “maximum”
use of renewable energy to power desalination projects. Under current law, Interior
is asked to give some preference to desalination projects that align with the four
factors below. Added in the attached bill is a fifth factor on renewable energy. Input
into the Congressman’s office has resulted in modification of the renewable energy
prioritization to also include greenhouse gas mitigation. The attached language
provides that projects shall be prioritized:
1. for the benefit of drought-stricken States and communities;
2. for the benefit of States that have authorized funding for research and
development of desalination technologies and projects;
3. that can reduce reliance on imported water supplies that have an impact on
species listed under the Endangered Species Act of 1973 (16 U.S.C. 1531 et
4. that demonstrably leverage the experience of international partners with
considerable expertise in desalination, such as the State of Israel; and
5. that use renewable energy to power and/or other greenhouse gas mitigation
measures to reduce the project's overall carbon footprint for desalination
facilities (assumes meaning ocean desalination).
Congressman Levin’s Office has reached out to ask if we would support the suggested
language. South Coast staff has indicated support for the language. Because the existing
language may be changed by the time it turns into legislation, MWDOC staff is suggesting a
“support in concept” at this time.
Attached is the draft language.
Option #1
The Board adopts a “support in concept” position for Congressman Levin’s
legislative language that provides funding support for brackish and ocean
desalination projects.
Fiscal Impact: None to MWDOC, but potentially helps fund projects within Orange
County or MET to help reduce the cost of projects to the local entities and improve
reliability within the MET system.
Business Analysis: The Congressman’s approach fits with MWDOC’s policy principles
in providing funding support for local projects.
Option #2
Do not take a position at this time; allow the bill to be conferenced with the Senate
version before taking a position.
Option # 1
H. R. _______
Mr. LEVIN of California introduced the following bill; which was referred to
the Committee on __________________
To promote desalination project development and drought resilience,
and for other purposes.
1 ‘eligible desalination project’ means any project
2 located in a Reclamation State that—
3 ‘‘(i) involves an ocean or brackish
4 water desalination facility—
5 ‘‘(I) constructed, operated, and
6 maintained by a State, Indian Tribe,
7 irrigation district, water district, or
8 other organization with water or
9 power delivery authority; or
10 ‘‘(II) sponsored or funded by any
11 State, department of a State, subdivi-
12 sion of a State, or public agency orga-
13 nized pursuant to State law, includ-
14 ing—
15 ‘‘(aa) direct sponsorship or
16 funding; or
17 ‘‘(bb) indirect sponsorship or
18 funding, such as by paying for
19 the water provided by the facility;
20 ‘‘(ii) provides a Federal benefit in ac-
21 cordance with the reclamation laws; and
22 ‘‘(iii) meets the following requirements
23 if it is an ocean desalination facility—
24 ‘‘(I) is consistent with state and
25 federal resource protection laws in-
1 cluding the protection of marine pro-
2 tected areas;
3 ‘‘(II) utilizes a subsurface intake
4 or an intake that uses the best avail-
5 able site, design, technology, and miti-
6 gation measures to minimize the mor-
7 tality of all forms of marine life;
8 ‘‘(III) is designed to ensure that
9 the disposal of wastewaters including
10 brine from the desalination process
11 are not discharged to designated areas
12 of special biological significance;
13 ‘‘(IV) is designed and operated in
14 a manner that maintains indigenous
15 marine life and a healthy and diverse
16 marine community;
17 ‘‘(V) does not cause significant
18 unmitigated harm to aquatic life; and
19 ‘‘(VI) includes a construction and
20 operation plan designed to minimize
21 aesthetic, noise, and air quality im-
22 pacts.
23 ‘‘(B) FEDERAL SHARE.—Subject to the re-
24 quirements of this paragraph, the Secretary
25 may participate in an eligible desalination
1 project in an amount equal to not more than 25
2 percent of the total cost of the eligible desalina-
3 tion project.
4 ‘‘(C) STATE ROLE. —Participation by the
5 Secretary in an eligible desalination project
6 under this paragraph shall not occur unless—
7 ‘‘(i)(I) the eligible desalination project
8 is included in a State-approved plan; or
9 ‘‘(II) the participation has been re-
10 quested by the Governor of the State in
11 which the eligible desalination project is lo-
12 cated;
13 ‘‘(ii) the State or local sponsor of the
14 eligible desalination project determines,
15 and the Secretary concurs, that—
16 ‘‘(I) the eligible desalination
17 project—
18 ‘‘(aa) is technically and fi-
19 nancially feasible;
20 ‘‘(bb) provides a Federal
21 benefit in accordance with the
22 reclamation laws; and
23 ‘‘(cc) is consistent with ap-
24 plicable state laws, state regula-
1 tions, and State coastal zone
2 management plans;
3 ‘‘(II) sufficient non-Federal fund-
4 ing is available to complete the eligible
5 desalination project; and
6 ‘‘(III) the eligible desalination
7 project sponsors are financially sol-
8 vent; and
9 ‘‘(iii) the Secretary submits to Con-
10 gress a written notification of the deter-
11 minations under clause (ii) by not later
12 than 30 days after the date of the deter-
13 minations.
14 ‘‘(D) ENVIRONMENTAL LAWS. —In partici-
15 pating in an eligible desalination project u n d e r
16 this paragraph, the Secretary shall comply with
17 all applicable environmental laws, including the
18 National Environmental Policy Act of 1969 (42
19 U.S.C. 4321 et seq.).
20 ‘‘(E) INFORMATION. —In participating in
21 an eligible desalination project under this sub-
22 section, the Secretary—
23 ‘‘(i) may rely on reports prepared by
24 the sponsor of the eligible desalination
25 project, including feasibility or equivalent
1 studies, environmental analyses, and other
2 pertinent reports and analyses; but
3 ‘‘(ii) shall retain responsibility for
4 making the independent determinations de-
5 scribed in subparagraph (C).
6 ‘‘(F) FUNDING. —
14 ‘‘(I) IN GENERAL. —Each initial
15 award under this paragraph for
16 preconstruction or construction of an
17 eligible desalination project shall be
18 approved by an Act of Congress.
1 ‘‘(aa) the Committee on Ap-
2 propriations of the Senate;
3 ‘‘(bb) the Committee on En-
4 ergy and Natural Resources of
5 the Senate;
6 ‘‘(cc) the Committee on Ap-
7 propriations of the House of Rep-
8 resentatives; and
9 ‘‘(dd) the Committee on
10 Natural Resources of the House
11 of Representatives.
Meetings Karl Seckel and Charles Busslinger met with Lisa Ohlund and Jeff Smyth
from EOCWD to discuss the OC-70 billing accuracy. The discussions are in
the process of being moved to an Ad Hoc meeting between MWDOC, MET
and EOCWD to try to expedite resolution of this and other long-standing
issues at the facility.
MET and MWDOC staff met to discuss future OC demands that might be
supplied by MET from their Jensen Water Treatment Plant on the far West
side of the MET system. MET is considering the cost savings from down
rating the plant, but want to make sure they retain the operating flexibility in
their system to meet future demands. Further information will be shared.
Karl Seckel and Charles Busslinger met with South Coast WD staff to advise
them of information contained in the Water Quality Integration White Papers.
South Coast WD and their consultants were aware of the issues in the White
Papers, but it was a good crosscheck to verify.
Charles Busslinger met with MET Capital Improvement Engineers and Mesa
WD to help coordinate projects by both MET and Mesa WD in the same
vicinity. It appears all of the coordination issues will be resolved. The
schedules by both entities are compromised by the upcoming nesting season
restrictions by the Coastal Commission.
MET’s Water transactions through April were 122.9 TAF (9.3%) lower than budget and 3.1
Finance and TAF higher than the 5-year average. Since January, water transactions have been
Rate Issues trending below budget as a result of the wet winter. This is $124.2 million less than
the budget and $85.9 million less than water revenues through April of last year. The
annual water transactions were adjusted at the end of the third quarter to 1.46 MAF,
it is anticipated that transactions will remain on target.
South operations group had several alternatives they thought should be researched by
Orange Dudek and MWDOC. Follow-up on these options will be pursued.
A future meeting with all SOC agencies will be scheduled over the next month or so
Emergency to continue the discussions on cost-sharing facilities and operations that will
Service ultimately involve negotiations directly between SOC Agencies and IRWD. These
Program -
discussions could also involve discussions and negotiations between SOC and other
continued groundwater producers as well. Information being developed by OCWD and
MNWD will be important to the process as well.
Strand Staff from MWDOC and IRWD met to discuss how to capture the benefits that can
Ranch be provided by the development of “extraordinary supplies” from the Strand Ranch
Project Project. The meeting was beneficial in understanding each other’s positions relative
to emergency use and drought protection. Additional work is required based on the
exchange of information and another meeting will be set.
Poseidon Rob Hunter, Karl Seckel and Directors Brett Barbre and Larry Dick attended the
Resources Santa Ana Regional Water Quality Control Board (SARWQCB) meeting on renewal
of the NPDES Permit for the HB Desalination Project. At the June 14, 2019
SARWQCB meeting, the Regional Board staff provided an information item update
on the “Identified Need” for the Poseidon project. In evaluating whether the
proposed location is the “best site feasible”, the Ocean Plan directs the Regional
Board to evaluate, in part, if the identified need for desalinated water is consistent
with applicable water planning documents. In the case of the proposed Poseidon
project, the applicable water planning documents are Municipal Water District of
Orange County’s (MWDOC) 2015 Urban Water Management Plan (UWMP), the
OC Water Reliability Study, OCWD’s Long Term Facilities Plan and other OCWD
planning documents. There was a considerable range of views expressed at the
meeting. One of the reactions from the SARWQCB was that they did not believe
they could permit a project if it was not highly probable that the project would move
forward. The alternative position was noted that it is hard to agree ahead of time to
move forward with the project if the full extent of terms and conditions are unknown.
It is not clear what actions and follow-up will result from this meeting.
The Regional Board schedule for the permit is:
Draft Permit Will be discussed in a Fall Workshop
Final Permit Anticipated issuance by the end of the year
Assuming success, Poseidon would then seek its final permits from the California
Coastal Commission. The next meeting of the Santa Ana Regional Water Quality
Control Board will be held on August 2.
SMWD Santa Margarita Water District continues to focus on diversifying its water supply
Rubber portfolio for South Orange County residents, businesses, schools, and visitors. At
Dams their recent Board meeting on June 21, 2019, they approved a significant
Project (San Environmental Impact Report (EIR) and two Memorandums of Understanding for
Juan ocean desalinization projects.
Watershed The San Juan Watershed Project is being planned in three-phases and has the
Project) potential to develop an additional 4,010 to 8,240 acre-feet per year in addition to
making better use of other natural supplies from the San Juan Groundwater Basin.
SMWD At this time, funding is only being developed for the Phase 1 project. With the
Rubber release of its EIR, the project may break ground in late 2020.
Project (San
Project) -
Doheny South Coast WD released the Doheny Ocean Desalination Project Draft
Ocean Environmental Impact Report (EIR) on May 17, 2018 and the EIR public comment
Desalination period closed on August 6, 2018. Consultant GHD has finished the additional
Project technical studies needed to address the comments received. South Coast WD held a
hearing on June 27, 2019 to consider comments and subsequent approval of the final
South Coast WD is still tracking its Grant award from the Bureau of Reclamation
‘Water SMART: Desalination Construction Projects under the WIIN Act’. They are
in line to receive $8.3 M in funding, however, the funding needs to be included in the
E&W Appropriations list of projects for which the Secretary of Interior intends to
award grants. Congressman Levin is acting as the lead office on this request in the
Water MWDOC is continuing its work on water quality issues that could arise with
Quality and integration of water supply projects into existing water systems. The pH, alkalinity,
Other TOC, bromide, chloramine residual, and other water quality characteristics may vary
Integration among these water sources on a daily, monthly and seasonal basis. Planning needs to
Issues for account for the water quality and operational considerations or risk unintended
Water consequences. Our goal is to understand the issues prior to these projects going on-
Supply line. The White Papers prepared by our consultants will be released in the next
Projects in couple of weeks and a workshop will be held with our member agencies.
Phase 1 – MWDOC has initiated the Phase 1 “Investigation Phase” to develop a specification,
Investigation cost estimate and recommendations for development of a hydraulic model of the
Phase for a regional pipeline system in OC, including water quality modules. The Investigation
Hydraulic Phase includes developing scopes of work required for successful model
Model implementation and recommendations on software selection. Key aspects of the
Investigative Phase include meetings with our agencies and MET water quality staff.
Coordination Ongoing: WEROC, with Michael Baker as the lead consultant, is facilitating 19
with WEROC agencies through the process of updating the Orange County Water and Wastewater
Member Multi-Jurisdictional Hazard Mitigation Plan. Update: The Hazard Mitigation Plan
Agencies was approved by California Office of Emergency Services (CalOES). Staff received
“required revisions” from FEMA (very common for a first submittal) and is working
with participating agencies to provide the additional information requested both
during a working lunch and through emails. A major area of concern in FEMA’s
review is their initial refusal to recognize our city partners within this plan. This
issue was identified in the 2012 update and we believe that we met the expectations
that were communicated to us at that time. Kelly Hubbard is working with the city
participants, the consultant, CalOES and FEMA to resolve this issue. The plan with
revisions and a letter addressing FEMA’s concern with the City Departments was
resubmitted to FEMA on May 1, 2019.
Ongoing: Kelly launched an effort to facilitate a joint RFP and contract with
participating WEROC member agencies to address the new requirements of the
America’s Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA). On October 23, 2018, Congress
signed into law the American Water Infrastructure Act (AWIA) (S.3021, Law 115-
270). Per Section 2013 of Title II, the AWIA requires utilities to conduct a Risk and
Resilience Assessment (RRA) of their community water systems and develop a
corresponding Emergency Response Plan (ERP) by March 31, 2020 for systems
serving population of 100,000 or more. New actions:
The RFP was posted to the MWDOC website and shared via Linkedin and
multiple social media websites on May 15, 2019. A mandatory Preproposal
Conference was hosted on June 4th with fourteen consultants in attendance.
Proposals were due on Monday, June 17th at 10 am. Staff received seven
proposals. A multi-agency proposal review committee met on June 19th. Staff
will be requesting approval of consultant selection at the MWDOC
Administration & Finance Board Committee Meeting on July 10, 2019.
Staff hosted a Kick-Off meeting for participating agencies on June 12. The
meeting was to clarify the requirements of the legislation, the project phases
and deadlines, as well as expectations of WEROC, the Consultant and the
Participating Agency. Similar information was provided at the MWDOC
Member Agency Manager’s Meeting on June 20 as well.
Karl Seckel and Kelly met with the Betty Burnett, General Manager, and Sean
Peacher, Safety and Emergency Manager, of SOCWA, on June 3rd. This is an
annual meeting with SOCWA as a funding agency to discuss the WEROC
budget, WEROC’s goals for the coming year and what efforts SOCWA is
Coordination interested in. Kelly meets with each of the funding agencies for this purpose
with WEROC annually.
Agencies –
Training and Kelly attended the Diemer Treatment Plant Dam Tabletop Exercise on June 20,
Programs 2019. The exercise included MET’s Emergency Manager, Safety of Dams Manager,
and Diemer staff, as well as staff from OCFA, OC Sheriff’s, the City of Yorba
Linda and Yorba Linda Water District. The purpose of the exercise was to discuss
the 3 dams at the Diemer Plant, notification procedures, potential impacts of a
failure and response actions.
Kelly also attended the Initial Planning Meeting for the MET OC Member Agency
Tabletop Exercise scheduled for August. The three cities, WEROC and MET staff
discussed the scenario, attendees and other planning considerations.
Coordination Kelly attended the June OCEMO Exercise Design meeting in Laguna Beach. The
with the committee is planning a countywide exercise for March 2020.
County of
Ongoing: OC OA Alert and Warning Working Group is a new committee to
develop countywide public Alert and Warning policies, procedures and tools such as
request and approval forms. This will be a 6-month planning effort.
EOC Janine Schunk participated in the OA and MET radio tests and WebEOC tests. She
Readiness also facilitated the WEROC monthly radio test.
Janine and Kelly met with ETWD electrical and maintenance staff to do a test drill
of the Draft South EOC Generator Operations Guide. Staff worked through the
guide step by step to ensure it would clearly assist the EOC staff in turning on the
generator and operating it. ETWD staff gave excellent recommendations on how to
improve the draft guidance, including some suggested safety gear that will be added
on site.
Janine and Kelly refreshed the water supplies at the North EOC.
Coordination Ongoing: California Public Utilities Commission (PUC) proceedings regarding the
with Outside Impacts from De-Energization with a Focus on First Responders and Local
Agencies Government. MWDOC has received party status to these proceedings. Party Status
ensures that we receive all communications regarding the proceedings and that our
comments are included officially for consideration. Kelly Hubbard will provide a
staff report at the August Planning and Operations Committee Meeting.
North- On June 17, Rachel Waite attended the North-Central Orange County IRWM
Central Stakeholder meeting hosted by Orange County Public Works. Approximately 15
Orange stakeholders representing 10 agencies were present to discuss the top-ranked
County projects submitted under the Proposition 1 Call for Projects. Information was
Integrated provided regarding the ranking system and the specifics of the recommended top-
Regional ranked projects.
California On June 25, Rachel Waite and Joe Berg attended the web-based CalWEP Research
Water and Evaluation Committee. Rachel presented the results of a water savings program
Efficiency evaluation that analyzed the effectiveness of many of MWDOC’s landscape
Partnership programs. Additional agenda items included:
CalWEP Updates
Research and
Evaluation Conservation Long-Term Framework Needs Assessment
Committee Integration Plan with the Alliance for Water Efficiency Research and
Evaluation Committee
Member Surveys
South Orange On June 26, Rachel Waite, Joe Berg, and Charles Busslinger participated in the
County South Orange County IRWM Stakeholder meeting hosted by the County of Orange
IRWM at the Laguna Hills Community Center. Approximately 20 stakeholders representing
Stakeholder 12 agencies were present to discuss the top-ranked projects submitted under the
Meeting Proposition 1 Call for Projects. Information was provided regarding the ranking
system and the specifics of the recommended top-ranked projects. Rachel gave a
presentation on MWDOC’s top ranked project, which is one of the projects that has
been recommended for funding.
Neutral Output On July 2, Joe Berg and Rachel Davis attended a NO-DES Demonstration hosted by
Discharge the Yorba Linda Water District. Approximately 45 staff from water agencies
Elimination throughout the county attended. ValveTech, Inc. preformed a distribution system
System (NO- flushing demonstration on a pipeline within YLWD’s yard. The NO-DES connects
DES) to the distribution system fire hydrants and circulates the water through a pump and
at Yorba Linda
filter system. This allows flushed water to be recovered and placed back into the
Water District distribution system, avoiding the traditional flushing of water into the street and the
associated negative perception by customers. YLWD is considering utilizing the
NO-DES to maintain water quality within its system.
Member Public Affairs Staff:
Facilitated and hosted a Public Affairs Workgroup meeting on June 27.
Guest speakers from CV Strategies presented on building trust with
ratepayers as agencies navigate through a Prop 218.
Attended the San Clemente City Council meeting with the Wyland
Foundation and Director Schneider to present the City with a certificate of
recognition for their outstanding participation in the Wyland National
Mayor’s Challenge and Orange County breakaway competition.
Attended Santa Margarita Water District Board meeting with Director
Thomas and Rob Hunter to present a certificate of recognition for their
support of the Girl Scouts Water Resources and Conservation Patch
Governmental Affairs Staff:
Provided an update on the Governor’s Budget
Brett R. Barbre
Larry D. Dick
Bob McVicker
Joan Finnegan
Sat Tamaribuchi
Jeffery M. Thomas