Lenskart Reduced

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Case Study

About the OrganizaƟon

Lenskart is India’s largest and fastest-growing eyewear company online.
Co-founded by Mr. Peyush Bansal, Mr. Amit Chaudhary, and Mr. Sumeet
Kapahi in 2010, was built with a mission to sell glasses within India to
reduce the massive need for eyesight in what they deem ‘the blind capital
of the world’.

Amidst the process of accomplishing this mission, Lenskart has sprinted

to be India's fastest-growing eyewear business. What set them apart was
their ability to build and leverage tech to create a unique customer expe-
rience across physical stores, online applica ons, and home eye check-up

Lenskart has a young and passionate team of around 3000 employees,

with a PAN India presence. Lenskart is backed by investments from IDG
Ventures, Unilazer Ventures, and TPG Capital. With a growing chain of
offline stores across all ci es in India, Lenskart has also rolled out its
unique Home Eye Check-up service which takes expert optometrists to
customer’s homes/offices for an eye test. Lenskart’s products range from
prescrip on eyewear, branded contact lenses, and sunglasses, all
equipped with the customers’ eye power

© Copyright 2021 NxtGen Datacenter & Cloud Technologies Private Limited. All Rights Reserved.
Problem Statement
From the beginning, the Lenskart team set out to build a great technology
company. As a growing e-commerce company facing nearly 5 million
visitors every month, the technical team faced many challenges; despite
a powerful in-house tech team, scaling infrastructure was never easy, but
when you grow as fast as Lenskart has, the challenges tend to pile up
faster than an cipated. Some of them are listed below.

~ Lenskart was looking for a turnkey solu on that would help them
op mize their infrastructure spends and also be more agile with
their developmental requirements i.e., host their Dev and QA

~ Further, the company’s ERP and internal applica ons were

deployed on their in-house IT infrastructure, and thus were also
seeking a co-loca on facility in tthe Delhi
hee De hi NCR region.
~ TThee e-commerce business
Th bus
nes latency
e s was also facing la
ateency issues in access-
ing the serv
rvers as their Dev, QA,
rv QA an
QA and
roduc on were
were being hosted
in Sin
ngapore. The development te was
team at Lenskartt wa lo
as looking
ooking to
eploy their Dev and QA workloads in
i India.

~ Being
B eing a tech-savvy company, their focus
foccus has been m
o lyy around
open-source technologies as well as th
he Cloud. LLenskart
ensskart team was
h ading to host their en re infrastructure open
infrastruccture on an op
pen stack envi-
ro nment to cut down on license costs
onm costs.

~ Although
A lth gh the Lenskart team was aavailing
t ough instances
nstances to op -
vailing spot in
mize but
mize costs b availability
vailabilityy iissues.
ut faced frequent av s ues.

~ Lenskart internal
LLeenskart has an intern DevOps
all D that
evvOps team tha
at manages all of their
ducc on
od on workloads. The
hee tteam
eam was lo
ea looking for a solu on that is
fully aautomated
fullly auuto
ted an
te and retains
d re
in ffeatures
ns feeatures like third-party integra on
ith tools
t l such
h as Chef,
Ch f Terraform,
T f Jenkins,
J ki etc.t
SoluƟon Rendered by NxtGen
To cope with the above challenges, Lenskart was seeking a Cloud Service Provider which can
offer Datacenter services of managed coloca on along with a turnkey pla orm that can
support the agility of deployment on the cloud. Here are some of the key solu ons rendered
by NxtGen for Lenskart.

~ NxtGen offered a managed coloca on facility at its Faridabad DC for Lenskart’s IT infra-
structure to help them host various internal applica ons.

~ Having an internal DevOps team facilitated the e-commerce business to leverage

NxtGen’s pla orm where today most of their Dev and QA workloads have been hosted.
The team also built automa on over NxtGen Cloud with pla orms like Terraform to
ease the overall workload deployment efforts.

~ Further, Lenskart could now op mize their DevOps and Test environments along with
crea ng and removing VMs instances on the go and as per business needs on NxtGen
Cloud offering virtual machines and container services.
~ NxtGen’s managed cloud service offerings facilitate proac ve monitoring & alerts for
the deployment, further providing visibility into the infrastructure u liza on.

Here’s how Lenskart benefi ed from the deployment of the above-men oned cost-effec ve
solu ons. The results are promising and fulfill Lenskart’s objec ves.

~ Post-migra on from the exis ng CSP to NxtGen Cloud, Lenskart was able to reduce the
cost of their infrastructure spend by almost 25%.
~ The game-changing advantage of u lizing this AI-ready cloud pla orm was flexibility
and scalability..

~ Deploying a pre-produc on environment on the NxtGen pla orm enabled Lenskart to

scale its resources up & down, consequently speeding up any product launches or
releases in the coming future.

~ Lenskart is leveraging NxtGen’s Kubernetes PaaS pla orm to u lize containerized work-
loads for edge-based deployments, the hybrid solu on between the cloud and contain-
er instances providing agility and integra on of different technologies with ease.

© Copyright 2021 NxtGen Datacenter & Cloud Technologies Private Limited. All Rights Reserved.

NxtGen has been a key success partner for Lenskart. We

were looking for a soluƟon to help us opƟmize our

infrastructure cost, NxtGen has been really helpful in that.

We have moved our parƟal workload on NxtGen. We have

also started leveraging their Kubernetes service plaƞorm

where we are moving all our integraƟon workloads.

Rajdeep BhaƩacharya, Head of DevOps, Lenskart

NxtGen partnered with Lenskart and helped them to build an IT infrastructure that is
future-ready so that it can keep pace with the changing business needs and support future
business requirements. NxtGen team also charted a roadmap that aided Lenskart to simplify
and consolidate infrastructure to drive a reduc on in costs, increase speed to market and
ensure an always-on available infrastructure. Lenskart is adop ng NxtGen’s solu on approach
to build more technology solu ons to become future-ready.

© Copyright 2021 NxtGen Datacenter & Cloud Technologies Private Limited. All Rights Reserved.

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