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Nature-Based Solutions &

Re-Naturing Cities
Final Report of the Horizon 2020
Expert Group on ‘Nature-Based Solutions
and Re-Naturing Cities’

Research and
Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Directorate I — Climate Action and Resource Efficiency
Unit I.3 — Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
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Towards an
EU Research and Innovation policy agenda for
Nature-Based Solutions &
Re-Naturing Cities
Final Report of the Horizon 2020 Expert Group on
'Nature-Based Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities'

Directorate-General for Research and Innovation

2015 Climate Action, Environment, Resource Efficiency and Raw Materials EN
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Luxembourg: Publications Office of the European Union, 2015.

ISBN 978-92-79-46048-7
doi: 10.2777/440514

© European Union, 2015.

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Elizabeth Olympic Park, 2012; p 11: © LIFE98 project NAT/A/5422, Photographs of Danube floodplain, Austria,
2005 (top) & 2006 (bottom); p 13, top: © Ruimte voor de Rivier - Rijkswaterstaat Realisatieteam West, Aerial
photograph of Noordwaard, The Netherlands, 2015; p 13, bottom: © Ruimte voor de Rivier - Rijkswaterstaat
Realisatieteam West, Photograph of De Noordwaardpolder, The Netherlands, 2009; p 15 top: © Foto Furter,
Photograph Parsenn, Switzerland, 1945; p 15 bottom: © Peter Bebi, Photograph Parsenn, Switzerland, 2007.
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY ................................................................................................... 4
INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................................ 5
SOLUTIONS.................................................................................................................. 8
RECOMMENDED RESEARCH & INNOVATION ACTIONS ......................................................16
CONCLUSIONS ............................................................................................................21
ANNEX 1: DEFINITION OF NATURE-BASED SOLUTIONS ....................................................24
ANNEX 2: THEMATIC GOALS .........................................................................................25
Annex 2a: Enhancing Sustainable Urbanisation ........................................................25
Annex 2b: Restoring Degraded Ecosystems .............................................................29
Annex 2c: Developing Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation ...............................31
Annex 2d: Improving Risk Management and Resilience .............................................33

1. Nature-based solutions harness the power and sophistication of nature to turn environmental,
social and economic challenges into innovation opportunities. They can address a variety of
societal challenges in sustainable ways, with the potential to contribute to green growth,
'future-proofing' society, fostering citizen well-being, providing business opportunities and
positioning Europe as a leader in world markets.
2. Nature-based solutions are actions which are inspired by, supported by or copied from nature.
They have tremendous potential to be energy and resource-efficient and resilient to change, but
to be successful they must be adapted to local conditions.
3. Many nature-based solutions result in multiple co-benefits for health, the economy, society and
the environment, and thus they can represent more efficient and cost-effective solutions than
more traditional approaches.
4. An EU Research & Innovation (R&I) agenda on nature-based solutions will enable Europe to
become a world leader both in R&I and in the growing market for nature-based solutions. For
this, the evidence base for the effectiveness of nature-based solutions needs to be developed
and then used to implement solutions. Both need to be done in conjunction with stakeholders.
The potential for transferability and upscaling of solutions also requires further investigation.
There is also a need to develop a systemic approach that combines technical, business, finance,
governance, regulatory and social innovation.
5. Four principal goals have been identified that can be addressed by nature-based solutions:
− Enhancing sustainable urbanisation through nature-based solutions can stimulate
economic growth as well as improving the environment, making cities more attractive, and
enhancing human well-being.
− Restoring degraded ecosystems using nature-based solutions can improve the
resilience of ecosystems, enabling them to deliver vital ecosystem services and also to
meet other societal challenges.
− Developing climate change adaptation and mitigation using nature-based solutions
can provide more resilient responses and enhance the storage of carbon.
− Improving risk management and resilience using nature-based solutions can lead to
greater benefits than conventional methods and offer synergies in reducing multiple risks.
6. Based on the four goals, seven nature-based solutions for R&I actions are recommended to be
taken forward by the European Commission and Member States:
− Urban regeneration through nature-based solutions
− Nature-based solutions for improving well-being in urban areas
− Establishing nature-based solutions for coastal resilience
− Multi-functional nature-based watershed management and ecosystem restoration
− Nature-based solutions for increasing the sustainability of the use of matter and energy
− Nature-based solutions for enhancing the insurance value of ecosystems
− Increasing carbon sequestration through nature-based solutions
This report was produced by the Horizon 2020 Expert Group on 'Nature-Based Solutions and Re-
Naturing Cities', informed by the findings of an e-consultation and a stakeholder workshop.

An EU R&I agenda on nature-based solutions is an essential component to greening the economy
and achieving sustainable development. To contribute to the development of this R&I agenda, the
Expert Group on 'Nature-Based Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities' was commissioned. Since the
nature-based solutions concept is relatively new, the Expert Group developed an appropriate
definition, before considering the opportunities for nature-based solutions.

Nature-based solutions – what are they?1

Nature-based solutions aim to help societies address a variety of environmental, social and
economic challenges in sustainable ways. They are actions which are inspired by, supported by or
copied from nature. Some involve using and enhancing existing natural solutions to challenges,
while others are exploring more novel solutions, for example mimicking how non-human organisms
and communities cope with environmental extremes. Nature-based solutions use the features and
complex system processes of nature, such as its ability to store carbon and regulate water flow, in
order to achieve desired outcomes, such as reduced disaster risk, improved human well-being and
socially inclusive green growth. Maintaining and enhancing natural capital, therefore, is of crucial
importance, as it forms the basis for implementing solutions. These nature-based solutions ideally
are energy and resource-efficient, and resilient to change, but to be successful they must be
adapted to local conditions.

Nature-based solutions – why now?

Seizing the momentum for change: We are living in a time of great opportunities for
addressing societal challenges, such as increased urbanisation, economic inequalities and climate
change, and for ensuring our society is protected from foreseeable future changes. After much
investment in studies of how nature works and how it benefits all people, we can now use this
knowledge to turn these challenges into actions for sustainable and green growth. Nature-based
solutions involve innovative governance, institutional, business, and finance models and
frameworks, leveraging both public and private funding. They also involve working beyond 'silos'
and engaging with others across disciplines and sectors, as well as systemically involving all
stakeholders, including citizens. All of these ideas are largely becoming recognised.

A growing awareness of the value of nature: There is a growing interest and awareness within
the business community2 of the value of managing and maintaining biodiversity and ecosystem
services, as a business opportunity and as an essential means to reduce economic risks by
ensuring the continued supply of vital resources. The burgeoning number of international3,
national4, regional and local5 policy initiatives for the conservation and sustainable use of the
natural environment are evidence of the realisation by policy makers of the importance of nature
to society. Civil society also is increasingly recognising the benefits derived from nature for
enhancing well-being, as seen in the numerous bottom-up initiatives, particularly in community
efforts to bring nature back into urban areas. Finally, the science and research community is
currently focusing on 'people and nature', generating knowledge for resilient and adaptable socio-
ecological systems.

Business has an opportunity: Infrastructure spending amounts to about 3.8% of global GDP,
equivalent to US$2.6 trillion in 2013, and could grow to US$3.4 trillion per year through 20306. In
a time of fiscal austerity, cost-effectiveness has become critical. As a result governments are
interested in identifying cost-effective alternatives to grey or technology-based infrastructure to
tackle challenges arising from biodiversity loss, climate change, more frequent natural disasters
and rapid urbanisation. Nature-based solutions have demonstrated financial advantages due to a

See Annex 1 for a more elaborated definition
e.g. World Business Council for Sustainable Development, The Natural Capital Coalition
e.g. Sustainable Development Goals, United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction
e.g. UK Natural Environment White Paper (2010) Government’s aim to be the “first generation to leave the
natural environment in a better state than it inherited”
e.g. Freiburg Green City
WBCSD (2015)

reduction in initial capital expenses and on-going operational expenses and they have been used
strategically to recapitalise ageing resources. For example, the City of Philadelphia found that the
net present value of green infrastructure for storm-water control ranged from $1.94 to $4.45
billion, while grey infrastructure benefits ranged from only $0.06 to $0.14 billion over a 40-year
period7. Nature-based solutions also offer more opportunities than 'grey' infrastructure, as they not
only increase the resilience of society to external economic and environmental stresses, but
contribute positively to human health and well-being. These components are essential for
sustainable competitiveness.

Europe as an inspiration and world leader in markets: Although significant questions and
knowledge gaps remain, Europe has extensive pools of knowledge, scientific expertise, skills and
technological capability relevant to nature-based solutions. Local examples abound. What is
needed is to enhance the evidence-base and rationale and to implement nature-based solutions at
a greater speed and a wider scale. The aim of the EU R&I policy on nature-based solutions is to
position Europe as the world leader, both in R&I on nature-based solutions and in the global
market for nature-based solutions. This will be done by developing, demonstrating and replicating
innovative nature-based solutions and establishing a European evidence base (see Annex 3 in the
full report available online) to support their market deployment, as well as exploring new
governance, institutional, business and finance models which leverage both public and private
funding. It also seeks to set the scene for their application in other EU policy areas, but also by
Member States, business and civil society.

The EU R&I agenda on “Nature-Based Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities” is focused on new and
innovative nature-based solutions to societal challenges, but also builds on and supports other
closely related concepts and policies, such as the ecosystem approach, ecosystem services,
ecosystem-based adaptation and mitigation, and natural, green and blue infrastructure.

Stratus Consulting (2009) A Triple Bottom Line Assessment of Traditional and Green Infrastructure Options
for Controlling CSO Events in Philadelphia’s Watersheds (Stratus Consulting, Boulder).

The expert group identified four goals that offer exciting opportunities for promoting systemic and
sustainable nature-based solutions, which will help Europe to achieve its aim of being a world
leader in responsible innovation, while meeting the needs of society. The four goals are: enhancing
sustainable urbanisation, restoring degraded ecosystems, developing climate change adaptation
and mitigation and improving risk management and resilience8. The recommendations are not just
for the EU, but also for application at the national and sub-national levels.

Goal 1: Enhancing Sustainable Urbanisation (Annex 2a)

Currently, 73% of Europe’s population live in cities and this is projected to increase to 82% by
2050, resulting in over 36 million new urban citizens9. This will pose a range of challenges for
cities, including resource availability and equitable economic growth. The quality of urban
environments is also at risk, necessitating their sustainable development and regeneration in order
to provide citizens with healthy and liveable conditions. This also represents a business
opportunity, for all actors that will need to be engaged with, in meeting the extensive demands for
new construction and renovation of housing, infrastructure, and other facilities.

Nature-based solutions for sustainable urbanisation rely in large part on natural areas and features
in and around cities to perform essential ecosystem services. They provide multiple strategic
opportunity areas, which can be categorised under three main interconnected challenges and
trends. Firstly, nature-based solutions support economic development in urban areas, which is
highly dependent on the amount and quality of natural resources available, such as water for
sanitation, drinking and manufacturing. The sustainability concerns in cities could drive the
emergence of new business models, which decouple economic growth from resource depletion and
the uneven distribution of resources. This would build on the circular economy and increased
reliance on local resources, leading to greater efficiency in the use of energy and materials. In
addition, the regeneration of neglected urban spaces can improve business and residential areas,
as multifunctional design with nature can create new dynamic spaces that increase land and
neighbouring property values, thus attracting investors, whilst improving citizens’ well-being.

Secondly, sustainable urban planning with nature-based solutions has a positive environmental
impact. It provides opportunities for adaptation to climate change, thus increasing urban resilience
to risks, such as droughts, floods and heatwaves, as well as opportunities for small-scale climate
mitigation through increased carbon storage. It can also reduce pressure on peripheral natural
areas, for example, waste water can be treated closer to residential sources and provide
satisfactory near-home recreation opportunities that diminish the need to travel for contact with

Thirdly, nature-based solutions contribute to the social dimension of sustainable urbanisation. For
example, green space availability can be related to people’s perceived happiness and general
health, while having green space nearby appears to reduce the incidence of costly forms of illness,
such as heart disease, obesity and depression. In England, the benefits of urban greenspaces for
physical and mental health have been estimated to reduce treatment costs by £2.1 billion4. Such
benefits appear to be stronger for vulnerable groups: children, elderly, and people of low socio-
economic status. Parks, urban farms and community gardens provide places for people to be
physically active and to meet others. Moving nature-based solutions higher up the urban design
and planning agenda is a major opportunity to prepare our cities for the future, providing an
innovative ecosystems approach that can contribute to the resilience and economic growth of a city
and to human well-being.

Resilience addresses the capacity of a system to absorb shocks and disturbances and undergo change in
order to maintain approximately the same identity (see Annex 2d for further details)
UN (2014)

The Queen Elizabeth Olympic Park, located in East London and a formerly deprived area, has been
at the heart of a major urban regeneration plan, in view of the 2012 Olympic Games.
Photos show parts of the area before and after the regeneration.

Goal 2: Improving the Restoration of Degraded Ecosystems (Annex 2b)

In Europe, significant areas of ecosystems are being lost or degraded as a result of human
activities. For example, between 60% and 70% of European wetlands have been completely
destroyed10.The drivers of loss and degradation vary according to the ecosystem and location, but
the key pressures include agricultural intensification, grey infrastructure expansion, pollution of
brownfield sites, hydrological modifications to water bodies, the intensification of forestry practices
and, generally speaking, climate change. These affect the ecosystems’ ability to function, deliver
ecosystem services and meet other challenges, such as water purification, soil erosion protection,
flood damage control, carbon sequestration and the provision of liveable places and recreational
opportunities that contribute to human well-being, economic stability and physical security.
According to economists, each year we lose 3% of GDP due to the loss of biodiversity and nature,
which costs the EU €450 billion11. Whilst the first priority is to prevent further degradation of
ecosystems and avoid unsustainable use of natural resources, the restoration of at least 15% of
degraded ecosystems is now a global and European goal.

A strategic opportunity is the growing interest and awareness of the need to maintain, and also to
restore, the functionality of degraded ecosystems and their services. It is seen as an essential
ingredient within future business investments for generating revenue and by society wishing to
improve the attractiveness of landscapes and cities, which would generate investment and other
economic benefits, as well as contributing to human health and well-being.

There is growing evidence that ecosystem restoration can also play a key role in increasing
resilience to impending risks and threats. For example, coastal restoration makes coastal
communities more resilient to sea level rise and storms by re-initiating natural sedimentation
processes, and forest restoration protects against floods and mitigates runoff and landslides, for
example, by stabilising slopes. Restoring forest ecosystems through afforestation or change in
management can, amongst other things, significantly contribute to CO2 sequestration, achieving an
additional sink of 90 to 180 MtCO2/yr12 and reduce the risk of landslides and avalanches in
mountainous areas resulting in high cost savings (e.g. between €1.5 to 2.5 billion per year in
Switzerland13). Such actions not only contribute to the stabilisation of ecosystems, but also can
generate benefits exceeding investment costs in the long term. In Cambridgeshire, U.K., the
conversion of drained, intensively farmed arable land to a wetland habitat resulted in a net gain to
society of €160/ha/yr for a one-off investment in restoration of €1.900/ha14. Restoring and
enhancing such habitats can also provide wider benefits, for example, boosting local tourism
including related economic activities), providing employment and education opportunities and
augmenting biodiversity conservation.

Revenga, C. et al. (2000) Pilot Analysis of Global Ecosystems, Freshwater Systems. World Resources
Institute, Washington, DC
EC, DG Environment (2015)
IPPC (2007). Forestry. In Climate Change 2007: Mitigation. Contribution of Working Group III to the Fourth
Assessment report of the IPCC
UNFCCC (2011)
Peh et al. (2014) Benefits and costs of ecological restoration: Rapid assessment of changing ecosystem
service values at a U.K. wetland. Ecol Evol. 4(20): 3875–3886.

The restoration of the natural dynamics of a Danube floodplain to the east of Vienna was aimed at
protecting riverine habitats and species but also at moderating floods and droughts. Photos show
the floodplain before and after the hydrological restoration, which included the removal of all
artificial elements to generate a natural river bank structure

Goal 3: Developing Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation (CCAM)
(Annex 2c)

Addressing climate change is a challenge as its impacts on Europe are likely to increase and it
affects all aspects of the environment, economy and society. For example, the annual damage of
climate change to the EU economy, measured as GDP loss from today’s conditions, could be
between €20 billion for a 2.5°C scenario and €65 billion for a 5.4°C scenario with high sea level
rise15. There are two responses to climate change: adaptation that seeks to reduce the impacts
and mitigation to decrease CO2 emissions or energy demand or increase carbon storage. Climate
change is also one of the main drivers of ecosystem degradation and loss, often affecting the
ability of nature to provide solutions to the challenges our society faces. Since climate change is an
over-arching and cross-cutting challenge, there is a need to develop integrated nature-based
solutions that address both adaptation and mitigation and can be applied across different sectors
and/or goals and challenges.

One important strategic opportunity area is integrating grey with green and blue infrastructure, so
that more traditional methods of management, for example water management in urban areas, are
complemented or enhanced by using nature to increase their contribution to CCAM, as well as their
social and economic benefits. Improved natural resource management by “zero waste” production
is another critical area relevant to CCAM. Here, waste is seen as a resource and nature-inspired
and nature-supported solutions can be applied, so that the use of resources is circular, with closed
nutrient, gas, water and energy cycles, whenever possible. This could include re-designing human-
made infrastructure and production systems as natural ecosystems or developing nature-based
“frugal technologies” for lowering energy use.

The investment in CCAM nature-based solutions, such as developing low cost, low maintenance
and low carbon emissions solutions to climate change mitigation will enhance the cost-
effectiveness of responses to societal, environmental, and possibly economic challenges. This can
also be achieved, for example, by investing in new approaches such as bio-inspiration and
biomimicry, to enhance carbon sequestration through techniques, such as carbon
biomineralisation, as well as learning from how nature adapts to extreme events.

A good example of a CCAM nature-based solution that meets several objectives and challenges is
floodplain restoration. For example, the floodplain of the Noordwaard polder, Netherlands is being
restored as part of the "Room for the river" programme16. The programme will provide climate
change related flood protection for four million people, most of them in cities, improve the
environmental quality for people and nature, and to increase recreational facilities and boost the

Ciscar, J. et al. (2011) Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 108, 2678-2683.
Ruimte voor de rivier (2015)

The restoration of the floodplain of the Noordwaard polder, the Netherlands, will provide climate
change-related flood protection, improve the environmental quality for people
and nature, increase recreational facilities and boost the economy.
Both photos show the situation after depoldering, which has left more room for the river.

Goal 4: Improving Risk Management & Resilience (Annex 2d)

Europe is exposed to a range of natural and technological hazards, including drought, extreme
temperatures, floods, industrial and transport accidents, landslides and avalanches, storms,
volcanoes and wildfires. In the EU, between 2002 and 2012, numerous such events generated
80,000 fatalities and €95 billion in economic losses17. Whilst fatalities are predominantly due to
extreme temperatures, 40% of the damages and 50% of the total population affected are due to
floods. As human populations and activities are concentrated in exposed areas, such as cities, with
climate change, the damages could reach unbearable levels. Estimations of the expected annual
damages in Europe by the 2080s from coastal flooding are €17.4 to 25.4 billion (currently €1.9
billion) and from fluvial flooding €97.9 billion (currently €5.5 billion)18, unless strong prevention
and adaptation policies are implemented.

The implementation of nature-based solutions offers major opportunities to reduce the frequency
and/or intensity of different types of hazards. Therefore, they should form part of a range of
measures and actions in integrated risk management, as they can provide more advantages than
conventional methods. They combine multiple functions and benefits, for example, pollution
reduction, carbon storage, biodiversity conservation and the provision of recreational activities and
economic opportunities. In the short term, these more continuous benefits are important and need
to be demonstrated to ensure a widespread involvement of politicians and private companies in the
implementation and funding of such solutions.

Nature-based solutions also offer synergies in reducing multiple risks (for example drought and
floods) and meet the objectives of different European regulations, for instance the Flood Directive
and the Water Framework Directive, as well as contributing to climate change adaptation and
mitigation. A further strategic opportunity is the development of the methodology and empirical
studies of the insurance value of ecosystems, i.e. the value of the sustained capacity of
ecosystems to maintain their functioning and production of benefits despite any disturbance.

Cities are particularly concerned with improving their risk management and nature-based solutions
are attractive, as in the long run they can be more cost-effective. There are a number of new
approaches for the implementation of nature-based solutions including integrating living systems
with built systems through innovative combinations of soft and hard engineering. Heat stress in
cities can be addressed by increasing green spaces and using green walls and green roofs. These
measures could reduce temperature by up to 10oC in Mediterranean areas. All of these approaches
can also contribute to reducing flood risk and air pollution hazards, reducing energy demand in
buildings (by 10-15%) and improving quality of life.

Centre for Research on the Epidemiology of Disasters (CRED)
European Commission, DG Environment (2014) Study on Economic and Social Benefits of Environmental
Protection and Resource Efficiency Related to the European Semester.

Improved protection against natural hazards, including avalanches, through intentional
afforestation, adapted forest management (densification) and additional technical measures in
Parsenn (Switzerland) between 1945 and 2007

Seven (7) priority nature-based research and innovation actions to meet societal challenges in the
above four goals have been identified.

Urban regeneration through nature-based solutions

Changes in land use, neglected land and abandoned areas are challenges
for many cities. Urban regeneration through nature-based solutions
offers a context for innovative interventions for green growth.

Nature-based solutions have an important role to play, for

instance, through supporting the implementation and
optimisation of green, blue and grey infrastructure. Green
infrastructure can contribute to cutting energy and resource
demands and costs, as trees provide cooling and insulation and
reduce the urban heat island effect, and green roofs and green
walls can decrease the need for heating and air conditioning. Co-
benefits include reduced air pollution, flood control, and recreation.
Planners are now seeking to exploit space more effectively through
finding new uses for underused and unused land and grey infrastructure,
often using nature-based solutions. The Promenade Plantée in Paris, where an elevated freight rail
line was transformed into a park and plans for the use of underground space for underground
parks in New York (Low Line)19 are good examples. Possibilities for sustainable urban growth also
can be found in the conversion of abandoned land into urban farms and community gardens and
the regeneration of former factory sites through the bioremediation of toxic soils and subsequent
transformation into green space. Parco Nord in Milan is just one of many examples.

Efforts to identify and implement nature-based solutions may also drive the re-examination of the
economic basis of the cities and provide openings for businesses to innovate in the revitalisation of
derelict urban and fringe areas. This may in turn drive innovation in business models which are
driven by sustainability concerns in cities and which decouple economic growth from resource
depletion and uneven resource distribution. Cities can serve as laboratories for innovation,
experimentation and testing the effectiveness of nature-based solutions, with a view to maximising
a range of environmental, social and economic co-benefits for all. Existing city networks can
facilitate the replication of demonstration projects and up-scaling capacity of interventions.

Nature-based solutions for improving well-being in urban areas

With millions more people needing housing, services, workplaces,

infrastructure and institutions by 205020, the potential impacts of
development decisions are unparalleled. By integrating nature-
based solutions into urban design and planning, increasingly large
and dense cities can improve human health and well-being, while
offering ecological and economic co-benefits.

An increasingly strong evidence base shows the positive effects

of access to green spaces and good-quality landscape on health,
well-being, social cohesion and community support. Using nature-
based solutions to enhance neighbourhood spaces can stimulate
healthy physical activity and promote the development of social ties,
as citizens are attracted outdoors to utilise public spaces together and
in greater numbers feel safer to move around freely21. Even a permanent
1% reduction in the sedentary population of the UK could deliver up to £ 1.44bn a year in

The LowLine (2015)
UN (2014)
Coley, R.L., Kuo, F.E., and Sullivan, W.C. (1997) Environment and Behavior, 29, 468-494, and Wacquant,
Loïc (2010) ‘Urban Outcasts’, Polity Press.

economic benefits, equivalent to £800 per person, through social benefits and reduced health
risks22. In the future, the challenge for urban planning will not just be in squeezing the most out of
the space, but in squeezing the most out of the experience of urban life and green spaces that can
bring important benefits in delivering a more livable urban environment23. Therefore, there is a
need for demonstration projects which show how the multiple social benefits, and other co-
benefits, of nature-based solutions can be most effectively realised through the systemic
integration of nature-based solutions into urban planning.

Urban planners need to promote the flexibility of spaces and services, but also to stimulate change
through adaptability and innovation. This means reconsidering the natural and built environment
and the attitudes of officials and citizens. Those engaged in creating healthy places, such as public
health professionals and landscape architects already widely recognise urban greening as an asset
that has enormous potential to improve health and well-being24. The search for locally suitable
nature-based solutions will provide a context in which these professionals also can explore the
flexibility of spaces and services, and in turn stimulate change through adaptability and innovation.
Nature-based solutions also appear to resonate with the urban publics, and citizen empowerment
and citizen-driven innovation are crucial to capitalising on the potential benefits of nature-based
solutions for urban social regeneration. New forms of stakeholder engagement and citizen
participation in urban design and planning must be explored in order to harvest these innovative
capabilities, resources and cooperation.

Establishing nature-based solutions for coastal resilience

Coastal habitats are iconic and of considerable economic and social

importance across the EU, protecting against floods and erosion,
while providing livelihoods for many individuals through tourism
and fishing. With sea level rise, isostatic change (the tendency for
some areas to sink) and increasing flood risks there is growing
awareness that the cost-effectiveness of hard engineering (e.g.
the provision of built coastal defences) has to be discussed.
Alternatives, including soft engineering options such as restoring
salt marshes, have been shown in many cases to be highly
relevant in reducing flood risk, while other options may reduce
the risk of coastal erosion. These more nature-based options can
have multiple benefits, for example, in attracting tourists, increasing
natural productivity and thus fish stocks, benefiting wildlife and
improving water quality.

New evidence shows that substantial changes have been and are being experienced by many
intertidal and subtidal habitats25. For example, oyster reefs were once ubiquitous in estuaries but
many of these have now disappeared and the extensive sea grass beds are also largely gone.
Studies have shown that that these had substantial roles in settling sediment by providing physical
structures and improving water quality through the filtration by oysters, mussels or clams26 and
oxygenating it through photosynthesis.

Restoration of coastal habitats has tended to be neglected compared to other habitats and there is
considerably greater uncertainty regarding the most suitable methods for these habitats compared
to well-established approaches, such as tree planting or creating wetlands, for purely terrestrial
habitats. There is a considerable need for scientific research and the development of innovative
methods to identify the cost-effective means of restoring coastal habitats and assessing the
associated co-benefits.

CJC Consulting (2005) Green Spaces for Physical and Mental Health: Scoping Study. Forestry Commission
Hartig, T. et al. (2014). Annual Review of Public Health, 35, 207-228.
Landscape Institute (2013) Public Health and Landscape: Creating Healthy Places, Landscape Institute, UK
Airoldi, L. and Beck, M. W. (2007) Loss, status and trends for coastal marine habitats of Europe:
Oceanography and Marine Biology Annual Review, 45, 345-405.
Zu Ermgassen, et al. (2013) Quantifying the loss of a marine ecosystem service: filtration by the Eastern
Oyster in US estuaries: Estuaries and Coasts, 36, 36-43.

Multi-functional nature-based watershed management and ecosystem

Watershed management and restoration using nature-based solutions can

help to reduce the risk of floods and droughts, while improving water
quality and quantity. Floodplain restoration, for example, can
generate multiple benefits. In the case of the River Elbe and its
tributaries, it had a total economic benefit of €1.2 billion and a
cost-benefit ratio of 1:327. The benefits included protection from
flood damage, improved living conditions for wild species, re-
flooding of carbon-rich soils, reduction of nutrient loads and
landscape improvements. Restoring degraded terrestrial
ecosystems, such as grasslands, arable land and forests, as well
as former industrial and brownfield sites by using nature-based
solutions also can deliver a variety of benefits, including improved
water quality, carbon sequestration, and attractive landscapes. The
restoration of peatlands, for example, can reduce current emissions of 10-
20 t CO2/hectare28 and for England this has been estimated at being worth £570 million over 40
years. It would also improve water supply, as well as species and habitat conservation. Restoration
actions can create recreational areas and jobs too, which serve to sustain human well-being. It has
been estimated that upstream of cities and on suitable lower grade agricultural land, wetland
creation could give a benefit:cost ratio of 3:1 and possibly up to 9:129.

In addition to ensuring adequate institutional frameworks and greater connectivity between legal
frameworks, banks and (health and risk) insurance companies should be approached as key
potential investors given the (insurance) value of ecosystems in relation to other investments and
their function, for example, in mitigating risks to human health and real estate. Particular attention
must be paid to the involvement of society and individuals in restoration actions, with the aim of
re-connecting people with nature, raising awareness of societal benefits and creating a public
demand for restoration actions. In this context, living labs that allow for the development and
testing of new forms of social engagement and financing can be a potential instrument.

Nature-based solutions for increasing the sustainable use of matter and


Nature-based solutions can decrease resource demand through energy

and matter-efficient processes. In cities, green spaces and green
roofs provide natural cooling or insulation. Nature-based chemical
processes, either bio-inspired or bio-supported are already
contributing to a greener chemistry using fewer natural resources
and preventing pollution30. Regarding manufacturing, room
temperature “growing materials” using mycelium and organic
waste have been recently commercialised31, as well as nature-
based 3D printing techniques32.

Also, solutions inspired by nature can improve resource efficiency

by providing a range of alternative sources of energy and matter,
which are based on potentially renewable, organic sources, including
biofuels and biomaterials, artificial photosynthesis or growing algae to
produce hydrogen33. Several studies currently address the possibilities of copying atmospheric

Grossmann, M., Hartje, V. & Meyerhoff, J. (2010): Ökonomische Bewertung naturverträglicher
Hochwasservorsorge an der Elbe und ihren Nebenflüssen. Bundesamt für Naturschutz, Bonn.
Schäfer, A. (2009). Moore und Euros – die vergessenen Millionen. Archiv für Forstwesen und
Landschaftsökologie 43, 156–160.
Natural Capital Committee (2015) The State of Natural Capital. Third report to the Economic Affairs
Swiegers, G. (2012) Bioinspiration and Biomimicry in Chemistry,
Ecovative (2015)
Can 3D Printing Unlock Bioinspiration’s Full Potential? Fermanian Business & Economic Institute, 2014.

carbon photosynthetic sequestration for fuel production (methanol and methane)34. Also, bacteria
can be used in the breakdown of organic matter to produce biomethane and cars fuelled on
biomethane are more efficient than those run on petrol or diesel.

Nature-based solutions and the insurance value of ecosystems

The insurance value of ecosystems35 has to date been largely overlooked

in research and practice and mostly discussed in relation to its role as
a metaphor for the value of resilience. In a world facing greater
uncertainties and in the light of projected climate change impacts,
there is an increasing interest in nature-based solutions, such as
investments in green infrastructure and the restoration of
ecosystems to reduce risks (e.g. of flooding, heat waves). The
insurance value of an ecosystem results from the system itself
having the capacity to cope with external disturbances and
includes both an estimate of the risk reduction due to the physical
presence of an ecosystem (e.g. area of upstream land/number of
downstream properties protected) and the capacity to sustain risk
reduction (i.e. the resilience of the system). There is an urgent need
to scientifically explore methodologies and conceptual frameworks for
assessing the insurance value of nature and to integrate this into the disaster risk management
agenda. This could be done, for example, by working with financial institutions and insurance
companies to develop innovative ways for promoting nature-based solutions for risk management.
One strategy could be to translate risk reduction capacity into value through calculating
benefit/investment ratios in landscape management and restoration. Here, the benefits would
represent the reduced risk and potential lower premiums of land and property insurance policies. A
new legal framework that serves to create incentives for maintaining or enhancing the insurance
capacity of ecosystems should be explored. It would be important to first develop a framework
where the models and data (including downscaled climate change scenarios) capturing the capacity
of ecosystems to reduce risks are made compatible and harmonised with the risk assessment
models and data used by the private insurance sector. Secondly, to develop an economic approach
to understanding ecosystems as representing the stock that generates the flow of services and
explore how to capture the long-term benefits of maintaining and enhancing that stock. Thirdly, to
explore the cultural dimension of the insurance value of ecosystems and people’s perceptions of
risks and insurance.

Increasing carbon sequestration through nature-based solutions

Over the last 30 years, terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems have

stored about a quarter of human generated CO2 emissions36.
Enhancing such carbon sequestration is one of the major issues for
climate change mitigation. This challenge can be addressed by
using methods that increase the biomass of living organisms, as
well as by a range of new nature-based solutions, such as
biosequestration, i.e. the use of living organisms as natural
(longer-term) carbon stores. Some plants can store carbon in
inorganic forms as phytoliths (“stones”). Wheat cultivars, for
example, differ by a factor of 10 in their ability to store carbon in
this way and phytolith carbon biosequestration rates indicate a
substantial potential of about 50mt CO2 equivalent yr–1 37. Biobased

Nanowerk (2009)
Olah, G.A., Goeppert, A., and Prakash, G. S. (2008) Chemical Recycling of Carbon Dioxide to Methanol and
Dimethyl Ether. The Journal of Organic Chemistry, 74, 487–498.
In this context the insurance value of ecosystems is taken as the value of the sustained capacity of
ecosystems to reduce risks to human society caused by e.g. climate change related excess precipitation,
temperature or by natural disasters.
Settele, J. et al. (2014) Terrestrial and Inland Water Systems. In: Climate Change 2014: Impacts,
Adaptation and Vulnerability. Cambridge University Press, Cambridge.

geological CO2 storage techniques using or mimicking microorganisms’ processes to combine
calcium and CO2 to produce minerals, are also under development or are being tested in some
industrial processes38,39.

Parr, J.F. and Sullivan, L.A. (2011) Phytolith occluded carbon and silica variability in wheat cultivars. Plant
Soil, 342, 165–171.
CO2SolStock - Biobased geological CO2 storage (2013)
The biomimicry institute (2015)

Within the overall aim of contributing to greening the economy and making development
sustainable, the Expert Group recommends that the EU Research & Innovation agenda on Nature-
Based Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities encompasses:

The development and deployment of nature-based solutions that maximise cost-

effectiveness and co-benefits
Nature-based solutions address specific demands or challenges, and at the same time they seek to
maximise other environmental, social and economic co- benefits. They represent an effective,
resource-efficient and flexible approach to sustainable and inclusive economic growth, while
improving human health and well-being and the natural environment. They can improve resilience
to natural disasters and offer cost-effective options for adapting to climate change and reducing
pollution. Inspiration and support from nature can stimulate scientific innovation and strengthen
the economy. The goals and research and innovation actions clearly demonstrate the opportunities
to put nature-based solutions into practice. Examples of current nature-based solutions that could
be applied or enhanced are provided in Annex 4 in the online version of this report. They also do
not have clear boundaries and may intersect with other policy areas, such as eco-innovation and
the bio-economy.

The scaling-up of nature-based solutions across Europe, through a better evidence base

There is a clear need to compile a more comprehensive evidence base on the social, economic and
environmental effectiveness of possible nature-based solutions, including a comparison with more
traditional solutions. The evidence base should also address the limits to nature-based solutions:
beyond certain boundaries of environmental change (e.g. in precipitation and temperature) where
even large investments may result in small net effects in, for example, risk reduction. The
importance of actions being based on sound evidence and how this can be achieved can be
summarised in two main recommendations for evidence-based actions and policy-making (see
Annex 3 in the online version of this report):

1. That the evidence on the social, economic and environmental effectiveness of key nature-
based solutions under different conditions is assessed as soon as possible, as a coordination
and support action, but building on existing initiatives. Ideally this should be prior to the
main projects being implemented, to make the subsequent actions as effective as possible.
2. That the nature-based solutions are designed and implemented with the co-production of
scientifically sound knowledge through multi-stakeholder engagement, so that the
experience gained is shared with others.
The results of the research and innovation actions would form an important input to the evidence
base. This would offer the opportunity to test the transferability of various solutions to different
conditions in other regions of Europe, and devise models and large-scale demonstration projects
for scaling up local solutions to tackle larger scale problems. It is important to synthesise and
communicate the results effectively to maximise uptake of the most effective solutions.

The development of new business and investment models and legal and institutional
frameworks for nature-based solutions
Many of the research and innovation actions need further development and testing to establish
how they can be turned into bankable opportunities, scaled up to leverage private capital flows, or
transferred to other locations or actions. In order to be effective, they must also be successfully
embedded into society, business and policy. This will require (i) adequate integrated institutional
and legal frameworks and governance structures, so that the multiple benefits arising from nature-
based solutions are captured, (ii) new business and cooperation models involving the private sector
and enabling long-term financing, including public-private partnerships and market incentives.
These all need to be developed, tested and employed.

The empowerment, involvement and reconnection of citizens with nature to enhance

their well-being
Nature-based solutions offer a tremendous opportunity to enhance well-being and strengthen
community cohesion. Particular attention must be paid to the involvement of society and

individuals in restoration and other nature-based solutions, with the aim of re-connecting people
with nature, raising awareness of societal benefits, and creating a public demand for healthy
natural environments. In this context, living labs that allow for the development and testing of new
forms of social engagement and financing can be a potential instrument.

The Horizon 2020 Expert Group on 'Nature-Based Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities'
The European Commission is developing a Research and Innovation agenda on Nature-Based
Solutions to address some of the most pressing societal challenges of our time. The Horizon 2020
Expert Group on 'Nature-Based Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities' was established with the aim of
engaging in forward looking reflection and contributing to establishing an EU reference policy
framework for Research and Innovation on issues related to green economy and sustainable
development, and more specifically on 'Nature-Based Solutions and Re-Naturing Cities'. This
document has been prepared for the European Commission by the Expert Group. The Expert
Group was established in accordance with the Horizon 2020 Work Programme 2014 for Societal
Challenge “Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw materials”.
The Expert Group was informed by the findings of an e-consultation and a stakeholder
workshop40. It has provided these recommendations on the goals and Research and Innovation
actions for nature-based solutions in the expectation that they will be taken up, not only by the
European Commission, but also by Member States at the national and sub-national levels.
The members of the expert group were:

Wilhelm KRULL, VolkswagenStiftung (Chairperson)

Pam BERRY, University of Oxford (Rapporteur)
Nicolas BAUDUCEAU, European Center for Flood Risk Prevention
Claudio CECCHI, University of Rome La Sapienza
Thomas ELMQVIST, Stockholm Resilience Centre
Terry HARTIG, Uppsala University
Eva MAYERHOFER, European Investment Bank
Sandra NAUMANN, Ecologic Institute
Luise NORING, Copenhagen Business School
Kalina RASKIN, Biomimicry Europa
Egbert ROOZEN, Dutch Landscaping and Gardening Contractors Association
William SUTHERLAND, University of Cambridge
Jurgen TACK, Research Institute for Nature and Forest

The Group of Experts acknowledges the support of the team of the Directorate General for
Research and Innovation of the European Commission, and would like to thank in particular Sofie
Vandewoestijne, Policy Officer, with whom they worked directly.

The reports from the e-consultation and the stakeholder workshop can be downloaded from:

Nature-based solutions aim to help societies address a variety of environmental, social and
economic challenges in sustainable ways. They are actions inspired by, supported by or copied
from nature; both using and enhancing existing solutions to challenges, as well as exploring more
novel solutions, for example, mimicking how non-human organisms and communities cope with
environmental extremes. Nature-based solutions use the features and complex system processes
of nature, such as its ability to store carbon and regulate water flows, in order to achieve desired
outcomes, such as reduced disaster risk and an environment that improves human well-being and
socially inclusive green growth. This implies that maintaining and enhancing natural capital is of
crucial importance, as it forms the basis for solutions. These nature-based solutions ideally are
resilient to change, as well as energy and resource efficient, but in order to achieve these criteria,
they must be adapted to local conditions.

The “nature-based solution” concept builds on and supports other closely related concepts, such as
the ecosystem approach, ecosystem services, ecosystem-based adaptation/mitigation, and green
and blue infrastructure. They all recognise the importance of nature and require a systemic
approach to environmental change based on an understanding of the structure and functioning of
ecosystems, including human actions and their consequences. Nature-based solutions, however,
have a distinctive set of premises: (i) some societal challenges stem from human activities that
have failed to recognize ecological limitations; (ii) sustainable alternatives to those activities can
be found by looking to nature for design and process knowledge. They therefore involve the
innovative application of knowledge about nature, inspired and supported by nature, and they
maintain and enhance natural capital. They are positive responses to societal challenges, and can
have the potential to simultaneously meet environmental, social and economic objectives.

There has been much debate over the components of nature-based solutions and, within the
current EU framework, nature-based solutions exclude methods that artificially alter nature, such
as genetically modified organisms.


Annex 2a: Enhancing Sustainable Urbanisation

1. Challenge, Trend

Currently, 73% of Europe’s population live in cities and this is projected to increase to 82% by
2050, resulting in over 36 million new urban citizens41. Not only does the rapid urbanisation
process affect the availability of resources in European cities, but it also poses challenges to
equitable economic growth42. Due to the ongoing economic recession, European cities are
struggling to integrate economic migrants, which puts further pressure on living conditions, health
and quality of life in cities. We need to rethink our cities, if we are to achieve significant social,
economic and environmental gains. They need to be developed and regenerated, so that they
provide healthy and liveable environments. Thus, when addressing sustainable urbanisation,
including health and well-being, we must consider the social, environmental and economic aspects
of cities and the complex relationship between them.

2. Strategic Opportunity Areas

• Sustainable urbanisation requires increased attention on how human health and wellbeing in
cities can be maintained and promoted. This challenge calls for improved residential design and
transportation systems43, new technologies44, new business models45 and a stronger focus on
healthy urban environments through accessible green spaces and public sites.
• The enhancement of the quality of life is a crucial factor for the sustainability, vitality and
competitiveness of a city. Nature-based solutions can play a pivotal role by in many areas -
ensuring access to basic necessities, as well as supporting health-promoting individual activities
and meaningful interactions among fellow citizens as well as improving the attractiveness of
cities to residents and businesses, thus influencing property value and economic activity and
providing climate change resilience. However, the precise ways in how urban greenspaces can
achieve these outcomes needs further assessment46.
• One of the socio-economic benefits of the greening of neighbourhood spaces is that social ties
and support networks are strengthened, as citizens are encouraged to utilize these public
spaces and be less fearful of moving around freely47. Therefore, there is a need for more
awareness of the benefits of nature-based solutions in public spaces such as parks, squares,
schools, and hospitals.
• Economic development in urban areas is highly dependent on the wealth and quality of natural
resources. This means that we will have to find new ways of maintaining growth that do not
extract and deplete our scarce natural resources, and it calls for business innovation modelling
on how nature-based solutions have the potential to reduce energy and resource costs
drastically and act as carbon sinks to mitigate risks of climate change.
• Nature-based solutions can also be used to tackle increased inequality and unemployment
amongst youth. The economic recession has put an even greater strain on cities and forced

UN (2014)
UN population Division (2010) cited in European Environment Agency, 2010. The European Environment,
State and Outlook 2010, Living in an urban world; European Commission, 2011. Global Europe 2050,
Executive summary
European Commission (7th of July 2014). The urban dimension of an EU policy- key features of an EU urban
McCormick, K., Anderberg, S., Coenen, L., & Neij, L. (2013). Advancing sustainable urban
transformation. Journal of Cleaner Production, 50, 1-11.
Boons, F., Montalvo, C., Quist, J., & Wagner, M. (2013). Sustainable innovation, business models and
economic performance: an overview. Journal of Cleaner Production, 45, 1-8.
Hartig, T., Mitchell, R., de Vries, S., & Frumkin, H. (2014). Nature and health. Annual Review of Public
Health, 35, 207-228.
Coley, R.L., Kuo, F.E., and Sullivan, W.C. (1997). Where does community grow? The social context created
by nature in urban public housing. Environment and Behavior, 29, 468-494.

politicians, administrations, researchers and citizens to think more innovatively in order to
generate sustainable economic growth and inclusion. This presents the opportunity to think and
act in new ways, by viewing cities as innovation hubs for nature-based solutions. Nature-based
solutions in sustainable urban planning are most often linked to the regeneration of derelict
areas, the improvement of recreation facilities and to the general well-being of citizens.
However, they can also be used to stimulate growth and new jobs by encouraging nature-based
solutions, actions and demonstration projects with a strong replication and up-scaling capacity,
using existing city networks to identify frontrunners and followers. This approach can also be
applied to historic districts in cities, as well as derelict industrial sites and run-down urban areas
that can be transformed by enhancing their attractiveness and converting their use. Attention
should also be paid to visionary approaches for innovation cities using nature, such as climate-
adapted and resource-efficient nature-based solutions for improved transportation systems48,
new technologies49 and new business models50. Policies should encourage developers and local
authorities to consider nature-based solutions from the outset of any urban project or strategy.

3. Examples of Nature-Based Solutions

• Careful deployment of nature-based solutions in the city can cut energy and resource costs and
act as carbon sinks to mitigate risks of climate change. For example, energy savings from green
roofs have been estimated at around 10-15%51, with a 12% reduction in energy demand
reported for a green roof in the Mediterranean region52, while in cities such as Athens, they
have been shown to be able to reduce high cooling loads in buildings by 66%, with 4-hour
reductions in cooling energy demand being reported53. They may also contribute to improving
human health.
• Increasing the provision of greenspace can ameliorate the temperature of urban areas, thus
reducing heat stress. Urban parks have been found to be able to reduce ambient daytime
temperature by an average of 0.94°C; with an average night-time reduction of 1.15°C54. While
modelling found that a 10% increase in the green area dense urban areas of Greater
Manchester could retain maximum surface temperatures at, or below the 1961-1990 baseline
until the 2080s for all emissions scenarios, thus mitigating the effects of climate change55.
• Living close to green space has a positive influence on several general health indicators for
(including perceived health, stress and disease morbidity)56 and may also reduce crime rates. It
has been estimated that the provision of equitable access to good quality green space for every
household in England could lead to annual savings of £2.1bn in averted health costs57.

European Commission (7th of July 2014). The urban dimension of an EU policy- key features of an EU urban
McCormick, K., Anderberg, S., Coenen, L., & Neij, L. (2013). Advancing sustainable urban
transformation.Journal of Cleaner Production, 50, 1-11.
Boons, F., Montalvo, C., Quist, J., & Wagner, M. (2013). Sustainable innovation, business models and
economic performance: an overview.Journal of Cleaner Production, 45, 1-8.
Bigham, R. (2011). The Little Details. Pollution Engineering, 43(4): 7-7.
Zinzi, M. & Agnoli, S. (2011) Cool and green roofs. An energy and comfort comparison between passive
cooling and mitigation urban heat island techniques for residential buildings in the Mediterranean region.
Energy & Buildings, 55:66-76.
Alexandri, E., & Jones, P. (2008). Temperature decreases in an urban canyon due to green walls and green
roofs in diverse climates. Building and Environment, 43(4): 480-493.
Bowler, D.E. et al. (2010) Urban greening to cool towns and cities: A systematic review of the empirical
evidence. Landscape and urban planning, 97(3): 147-155.
Gill, S.E. et al. (2007) Adapting cities for climate change: the role of the green infrastructure. Built
Environment, 33:115-133.
Hartig, T. et al. (2014) Nature and health. Annual Review of Public Health. 35:21.1–21.22.
Natural England (2009) Our Natural Health Service: The role of the natural environment in maintaining
healthy lives. Natural England Report, Sheffield.

4. Research & Innovation Actions

• Build the evidence base regarding the challenges and the potential socio-economic, public
health and environmental benefits of nature-based solutions within sustainable urbanisation
The potential of nature-based solutions needs further investigation, particularly with regard to
the generation of co-benefits. Measures such as green spaces, street greenery and green roofs
are known to provide a variety of environmental benefits, as well as improve the liveability of
cities, enhance their economic development and contribute positively to the health and social
well-being of urban citizens. However, where knowledge of specific types of benefits is already
available, it commonly requires integrating with knowledge regarding other types of benefits.
Further attention also needs to be given to mapping the opportunities available for new nature-
based solutions associated with buildings and infrastructure in cities, and for improving nature-
based solutions currently in place.

• Research on the effectiveness of nature-based interventions

In addition to organizing and integrating evidence regarding known benefits of nature-based
solutions that have already been deployed, research and innovation efforts should address
possible new nature-based solutions, considering questions about their effectiveness, such as:
i. What combinations and configurations of vegetation in different sizes can maximize
carbon capture and shading provision while also enhancing resident quality of life?
ii. How can mobile green walls be designed and employed to provide opportunities to adapt
and reshape spaces externally and internally, to help control temperature, improve air
quality, reduce demand for building infrastructure, and offer aesthetic appeal?
iii. How can existing grey infrastructure be greened and joined up with existing green spaces
and urban greenery (e.g., street trees) so that cities enable a perception of a green living
environment despite increasing residential densities?
iv. How can interstitial spaces in cities (rooftops, public parks, road edges, and underused
infrastructure) be more extensively used for urban food production?
v. What is the feasibility of vertical farms in cities, and what business models can support
their development?

• Demonstrate the effectiveness of nature-based solutions

Some questions of effectiveness will be best addressed through demonstration projects. Cities
can serve as laboratories for innovation, experimentation and testing of good practices,
methods and tools for the identification of effective of nature-based solutions, which maximise a
range of ecological, social and economic co-benefits. Existing city networks can facilitate the
replication of demonstration projects and up-scaling capacity of interventions.

• Research on how the uptake of nature-based solutions can be encouraged

Changes in policy, legislation and spatial planning are all possible ways of influencing the
uptake of nature-based solutions and there are examples of each of these in practice. How each
of these singly, or in combination, could be used to enhance the uptake and success of nature-
based solutions needs further research. This research should build on the demonstrated
effectiveness of different interventions.

• Developing business models that enable economic growth through sustainable urbanisation,
whilst providing health and social and economic progress for citizens and businesses
Research is needed on the economic gains achieved through nature-based solutions as
components in sustainable urbanisation and how these gains translate into health and social
benefits. Research and innovation efforts are also required to develop approaches (including
financing mechanisms and capital market solutions) to cost-effectively scale up nature-based
solutions, thereby leveraging increased capital flow and fostering partnerships. Attention also
needs to be given to potential systemic changes toward a circular economy, including
demonstration projects on eco-innovative business models and services, such as reuse, repair
and recycling of resources across value chains and ecologically sensitive design of products.

• Identify how nature-based solutions can be enhanced by connecting actors and activities
Nature-based solutions will require tools and methods for engaging with multiple stakeholders
by facilitating communication and dissemination that will establish the ground for future

collaborations, innovations and recommendations. There is also a need to explore how to instill
citizen-driven empowerment, involvement in and ownership of nature-based solutions in cities,
given their general health and social implications.

5. Actors

Europe is faced with a series of global urban mega trends and challenges that require collaboration
of actors, working across different professions and disciplines, sectors, institutions, governments
and national borders. These diverse actors include practitioners, researchers, citizens, grass-root
activists, policy-makers, think-tanks, companies involved in the design, creation and maintenance
of nature etc. Numerous methods and approaches are available to facilitate multi-stakeholder
involvement, including methods of co-creation, crowd-sourcing, taskforce groups, grassroots
initiatives, citizen movements, social innovation community, amongst others. These offer viable
ways of engaging complex multi-stakeholder collaboration in accelerating the identification,
implementation and evaluation of nature-based solutions.

We need to draw on expertise from multiple stakeholders, including actors from the private and
public sectors. To achieve more systemic urban governance, it is important to use a multi-
stakeholder approach. This acknowledges how the individuals, organisations and governments, in
interaction with others, play a pivotal role in identifying new ways, innovations and knowledge for
better cities. There is a need for overarching coordination in order to map, analyse and assess
existing successful business models, financing mechanisms and municipal initiatives to innovate
cities with nature-based solutions, while adopting a systemic, multi-stakeholder and trans-
disciplinary approach. The focus should be not only on capital cities but also on small-medium
cities. Moreover, there is a need to propose and suggest tools and trainings for visionary
architects, practitioners and policy makers.

6. Indicators

As an answer to the claim of sustainability, cities should be approached as labs and hubs for
innovation and experimentation in the field of nature-based solutions. One way to maintain this
development is by encouraging actions and demonstration projects with a strong replication and
up-scaling capacity, relying on existing city networks to identify frontrunners and followers.
Moreover, we need to pay attention to historic districts in cities, as well as derelict industrial sites
and vast urban areas that are not functioning anymore, but can be transformed by enhancing their
attractiveness and converting their use. Strong attention should be also paid to visionary
approaches for innovating cities with nature, combining engineering and scientific approaches (i.e.
eco-dynamic solutions). In addition, the demonstration projects should prove the added value of
NBS for energy efficiency and climate change resilience in particular in contrasting urban heat
island effect and investigating into blue and green solutions, creating recreational areas, improving
air quality and reducing noise. Policies that encourage developers and local authorities to consider
NBS from the outset of any urban project or strategy.

Annex 2b: Restoring Degraded Ecosystems

1. Challenge, Trend

As a result of human activities significant areas of ecosystems are being lost or degraded especially
by fragmentation, change in management, pollution and invasive species. The details of the drivers
vary according to ecosystem type, but the key European pressures include agricultural
intensification, grey infrastructure expansion, pollution of brownfield sites, hydrological
modifications to water bodies, the intensification of forestry practices and, generally speaking,
climate change. The resultant degradation threatens the health of ecosystems and their ability to
function and deliver essential services, such as water purification, carbon storage, soil erosion
protection, nutrient cycling, flood damage control, forest carbon storage, and the provisioning of
liveable places and recreational opportunities. Consequently, degraded ecosystems also jeopardize
human well-being, economic stability and physical security. While the first priority is to prevent
further degradation of ecosystems and avoid unsustainable use of natural resources, the
restoration of degraded ecosystems presents a current major key challenge.

2. Strategic opportunity areas

• With increasing population and expanding resource needs there are increasing competing
demand for land within Europe, whether for agriculture, forestry, energy, transport, industry,
human settlements or for provision of environmental benefits. Restoring degraded land can
reduce this demand by increasing the social and economic benefits to society that such land
• There is growing appreciation of the benefits of restoring ecosystems and establish a green
infrastructure that delivers a wide range of services of benefits to society, such as reduced
stormwater runoff or decreased costs of dealing with extreme temperatures.
• There is growing interest and awareness within the business community of the need to
maintain, and also to restore, the functionality of degraded ecosystems and their services, as
an essential ingredient within business investments for generating revenue.
• There is an increased awareness of and a rapidly growing interest across society in
implementing solutions that increase the attractiveness of landscapes and cities so generating
investment and economic benefits and contributing to human health and well-being.
• It is increasingly appreciated that environmental restoration can play a key role in increasing
resilience to impending threats, such as climate change, by, for example, limiting extreme
temperatures of urban environments and making coastal communities more capable of
withstanding sea level rise.
• Restoration may lead to economic and social regeneration through increasing the environmental
quality of life. Landscape improvements can lead to enhanced investment, greater job
opportunities and reduced social tension.

3. Examples of Nature-Based Solutions

• Enhanced flood alleviation and improved water quality. Reducing the risk of flooding impacting
upon society by the restoration of watersheds, wetlands, woodlands, riverbanks and floodplains,
so delaying the downstream passage of flood flow, enhancing rainfall infiltration into the soil
and increasing flood storage capacity so reducing extent and speed of water runoff. Restored
areas are likely to have further benefits for society including through recreation, tourism, and
increased investment linked to the enhanced human well-being.
• Coastal protection to deal with sea level rise and storm risk. Natural habitats, such as
saltmarshes, dunes and reclaimed coastal areas, that allow natural processes, such as coastal
sedimentation, have often been shown to provide cost effective solutions compared to hard
engineering options. Restoring and enhancing such habitats can also provide wider benefits, for
example to tourism and biodiversity conservation.
• Climate change mitigation. Afforestation and rewetting peatlands, financed through CO2
certificates and public private partnerships (including foundations, schools, public authorities)

and involving a wide range of stakeholders, such as individuals, tourists, schools or business,
can serve to enhance carbon storage and provide a range of simultaneous solutions to society.

4. Research & Innovation Actions

• Synthesise and prepare relevant information for end-users

There is a considerable body of literature on the various means of restoring a range of habitats
including grasslands, wetlands, woodlands, dune and marine habitats, but this information
needs to be collated, synthesised and summarised to make it accessible to practitioners and
decision-makers. Develop and establish platforms for exchange of experiences and knowledge
across Member States.

• Assess the effectiveness of possible restoration intervention options

Develop user-friendly tools to assess the cost-effectiveness of different options for ecosystem
restoration as well as alternative (engineered) options incorporating a combination of
ecosystem services and considering the full range of benefits, including the environmental,
social and economic ones.

• Develop business and investment models and corresponding platforms to create opportunities
for public-private partnerships and (voluntary) market-based incentives for business and
Identify mechanisms to encourage and/or support actors (companies and financial institutions –
banks, pension funds) to invest in and restore/re-nature degraded ecosystems and also create
supporting and adequate legislative and institutional structures to enable investments in
ecosystem restoration.

• Establish demonstration projects to reconnect people with nature and facilitate social learning
Design and initiate restoration projects at a local level that target/re-connect urban and peri-
urban populations, together with children and young people, with nature and facilitate project
ownership, build a sense of community and support shifts in mindsets and behaviours.

• Develop business models to involve health insurance companies in restoration activities

Develop business models and means for collaboration to enhance physical and mental health
e.g. by increasing opportunities for physical activity and facilitating behavioural change. Target
the generation of funds and investments to invest in the restoration of degraded areas, which
can serve as recreational and sport areas and increase mental health.

• Develop business models for mainstreaming restoration into planning and economic decisions
Develop business models incorporating the value of ecosystems and ecosystem services, and
then mainstreaming them into planning and economic decisions.

• Develop innovative methods for delivering ecosystem services

Innovative methods are needed for ensuring the delivery of essential ecosystem services, such
as reducing soil erosion, CO2 sequestration and enhancing coastal protection using nature-
based solutions.

• Find means of leveraging funding

Given that capital flows are constrained by uncertainties around public policies and budgetary
challenges, we need to find a way to leverage capital flows (maybe using EU funds as a

• Applying general methods to local conditions

The variation in soil, climate and hydrological conditions means that there is a need for
determining and guidance on how different restoration methods, including different landscape
patterns, planning procedures and vegetation types, are best fitted to local environments.

Annex 2c: Developing Climate Change Adaptation and Mitigation

1. Challenge, Trend

Climate change is a challenge as its impacts on Europe are likely to increase and it affects all
aspects of the environment, economy and society, therefore, it is relevant to all the objectives in
this report. Also, it is one of the main drivers of biodiversity degradation and loss, often negatively
affecting the ability of nature to provide solutions to the challenges our society faces. Climate
change adaptation and mitigation (CCAM) are different, but complementary strategies for
addressing their impacts forms an over-arching and cross-cutting priority given the widespread
impacts of climate changes. A holistic approach, therefore, is needed in order to integrate solutions
that meet both adaptation and mitigation objectives, harmonises regulations and mainstreams
CCAM into sectoral policies. Nature-based approaches to CCAM present possible solutions, but less
is known about the extent to which CCAM can address not only mean climate change and extreme
weather events, but also other environmental, social and economic challenges. In this context, a
theoretical and empirical exploration of the concept of insurance value of ecosystems is needed.

2. Strategic opportunity areas

A number of innovative nature-based opportunities for CCAM exist, both for further development of
specific methods of CCAM, but also the realisation of the cross-sectoral synergies. These include:

• Developing holistic, integrated nature-based solutions for CCAM, that are applicable across
different sectors and/or challenges, such as integrating grey, green and blue infrastructure and
enhancing the natural components, as well as the social and economic benefits.
• Improved natural resource management by “zero waste” production, where waste is seen as a
resource and the use of natural resources is circular, learning from and thus mimicking natural
ecosystems, such that nutrient, gas, water and energy cycles are closed whenever possible.
This could include re-designing human-made infrastructure as natural ecosystems, using both
nature-inspired and nature-supported solutions or developing nature-based “frugal
technologies” for lowering energy use.
• Enhancing the cost-effectiveness of responses to societal and environmental challenges through
investing in NBS which can address multiple challenges, such as developing low cost, low
maintenance and low carbon emissions solutions to climate change challenges.
• Responsible innovation through investing in new approaches, for example bio-inspiration and
biomimicry, to enhance carbon sequestration through techniques, such as carbon
biomineralisation, as well as learning from how nature adapts to extreme events.

3. Examples of Nature-Based Solutions

• Flood risk management– floodplain recreation can be the/part of the solution to flood risk
through increasing water storage and slowing river response times. It can have multiple other
benefits including: long-term improvement in water quality, increase in wetland habitats and
species and carbon sequestration. The restoration of the flood plain of the Noordwaard polder,
Netherlands is a good example. There is, however, a mitigation trade-off with increased CH4
and N2O emissions.
• Heat stress in urban environments – green infrastructure can decrease temperatures and heat
stress events. Trees are particularly effective, but green roofs and walls, gardens and parks all
contribute, not only in addressing this issue, but also they are a good example of integrated
NBS, as they can improve human health and well-being, biodiversity, reduce flood and drought
risk and store carbon.
• Carbon sequestration for climate mitigation – planting sustainable woodlands can not only
provide a long-term store for carbon, but also they can be beneficial for biodiversity, provide
recreational opportunities and a source of natural products.

4. Research & Innovation Actions

• Strengthen knowledge of the multiple benefits of nature-based CCAM and trade-offs

Knowledge on the trade-offs both between different nature-based CCAM actions and across
other priorities is needed. This will require the assessment and/or improvement of (i) tools that
can assess specific impacts in a particular context, (ii) indicators of impact. Green infrastructure
could provide a good test case.

• Demonstrate how CCAM nature-based solutions can be embedded in local level spatial planning
and decision-making
This could include (i) the creation of living labs within cities, as a demonstration space, empty
of rules where new forms of planning can be tested and demonstrated, and solutions can be
translated to local situations. This would help to build up the evidence on the effectiveness of
NBS in different contexts.

• R&I projects on different forms of carbon biosequestration

These could include assessments of their potential for upscaling and how pilot schemes can be
adapted to different industrial and agricultural settings, as well as to include communities and
households. Also analyse their multiple benefits which could help speed up marketability and
would be a way to ensure other revenue streams to help the translation of the activity into an
income generating action.

• Research on how energy and matter is produced and used by nature

There are many ways in which we could learn from how nature produces matter and uses
energy (e.g. algal systems that capture CO2 or recycle organic waste as a carbon source to
produce feed or new energy, where larger scale demonstration is needed), how nature uses
them efficiently (e.g. buildings with microalgae on the façade which can treat wastewater and
provide other ecosystem services) and how energy and matter flow.

• Research on how to translate the adaptation strategies of ecosystems to climatic stresses into
innovative solutions
Research is needed to identify key climate stresses and analyse and map examples of species’
responses (e.g. how trees deal with drought).

• Develop methods and models for analysing the socio-economic benefits of nature-based CCAM
Develop methods and models for analysing qualitatively and/or quantitatively the socio-
economic benefits of nature-based CCAM, both in the short- and longer-term. This could include
also (i) the investments needed to sustain the insurance capacity of ecosystems, (ii) an analysis
of the effectiveness of performance-based contracts, (iii) a comparison of grey, green and blue

Annex 2d: Improving Risk Management and Resilience

1. Challenge, Trend

Our world is exposed to a range of natural and technological hazard types: drought, earthquakes,
epidemics, extreme temperatures, floods, industrial accidents, wet mass movements (landslides
and avalanches), storms, transport accidents, volcanoes and wildfires. Between 2002 and 2013,
within the European Union, numerous events generated more than 80,000 fatalities and several
hundreds of billions euros of damages. Whilst fatalities are, for great part, due to extreme
temperature, floods account for 40% of the amount of damages and 50% of the total population
affected. Without strong prevention and adaptation policies, the damages could reach unbearable
amounts by the end of 21st century, due to the evolution of human activities concentrated in
exposed areas and to the effects of climate change (floods, heatwaves, droughts). Most Nature-
Based Solutions (NBS) should aim to reduce the frequency or intensity of different types of hydro-
meteorological hazards, such as floods, drought, heat waves, forest fires and reduce their impacts,
thus making the system more resilient58. However, it is evident that they don’t offer complete
protection to vulnerable exposed territories/communities and there is always a residual risk of
large-scale potential events. NBS are, therefore, not the only solution for risk management, but
definitely a part of the solutions. They should be considered as a part of a range of measures and
actions from an integrated risk management perspective. However, NBS aiming to improve risk
management are still in an emerging phase.

2. Strategic opportunity areas

The implementation of NBS offers major opportunities. When NBS aim to prevent risk, they often
combine multiple functions and benefits: reduction of pollution, carbon storage, preservation of
biodiversity, recreational activities, and economic opportunities. Moreover, NBS may offer
synergies in reducing multiple risks (drought and floods, for instance) and meet the objectives of
different current regulations in Europe, for instance the Flood Directive and the Water Framework
Directive. Also, they will contribute to climate change adaptation and mitigation. Risk prevention
particularly needs multifunctional solutions. Why? Because investments in risk prevention generate
long term benefits from a statistical perspective (every 10, 30 or 100 years). In the short term,
other kinds of regular benefits are required to ensure a massive involvement of politicians and
private companies in the implementation and funding of such solutions. This is why multifunctional
measures, such as NBS, are great opportunities in the field of risk management. Cities are
particularly concerned due to the high exposure of populations and activities to different kinds of
risks. The implementation of NBS so far has been slow since the evidence base needs to be built,
new approaches in integrating living systems with built systems (innovative combinations of soft
and hard engineering) need to be developed and financial and institutional arrangements need to
be developed to create opportunities, incentives and legal frameworks. Of special interest would be
to develop the methodology and empirical studies of the insurance value of ecosystems, i.e. the
value of the sustained capacity of ecosystems to reduce risks to human society caused by natural
disasters. Promoting ecosystem-based solutions is in itself an innovative way to consider risk
management as an integrated approach, combining different scales and planning perspectives.

The classic definition of sustainable development focuses on how to manage resources in a way that
guarantees equity and welfare of current and future generations, while resilience addresses the capacity of a
system to absorb shocks and disturbances and undergo change in order to maintain approximately the same
identity. While sustainable development is inherently normative and positive, representing an overarching
goal for society, resilience is non-normative since it denotes a property of a system. The desirability or non-
desirability of resilience depends on careful analysis of resilience “of what, to what and for whom”. Further,
resilience is an attribute of a system not of a locality, for example the concept of a resilient city is
problematic unless cities are viewed as open complex systems of systems extending over large spatial
scales. To become meaningful, urban resilience has to address multiple scales, both below and above the
city scale. A too narrow focus on a single city scale may be counterproductive and even destructive, since
building resilience in one city often may erode it somewhere else with multiple negative effects across the
globe (Elmqvist, T. 2014. Urban Resilience thinking. Solutions, 5, 26-30).

3. Examples of Nature-Based Solutions

Today, NBS aiming to prevent risks are implemented in different, often interconnected, areas, e.g.
flooding along rivers (e.g. natural water retention measures, dyke relocation, re-naturing rivers,
buffering areas, restoration of wetlands, woodlands, floodplain, re-meandering), sea level rise and
erosion in coastal regions (e.g. de-poldering, set back of estuarine defences, maintaining dunes
and beaches, salt marshes), heat island effects in cities (e.g. multifunctional green public spaces,
sustainable urban drainage systems), droughts in rural areas (sustainable agricultural practices
and irrigation systems), landslides, avalanches and rockfalls in mountainous zones (reforestation,
rainfall water management, torrents and river management), forest fires (resistant and resilient
species, firebreaks management, human settlements regulation in mountain regions).

4. Research & Innovation Actions

• Developing a technical and scientific evidence base for NBS

− Develop models for (1) calculating different scenarios of risk reduction for different types of
ecosystems (2) analyzing the effects of restoring degraded lands on risk reduction taking
into account the ecosystem capacity (3) analyze the qualitative aspects of ecosystems
needed to sustain the insurance capacity of ecosystems (long-term capacities of
ecosystems to reduce risks in terms of stability and resilience against climate change
− All models should include an explanation of uncertainties and integrate the distinction
between fast and slow catastrophes.
− Explore the capacity of NBS to simultaneously prevent different hazards.
− Develop new innovative integration of living or bio-inspired systems with built designed
systems and implement such NBS within land use planning, integrating several scales.
• Developing decision support tools to foster the implementation of NBS
− Develop protocols, standards, performance tools to assess the relevance of NBS in
economic, social, environmental and welfare terms.
− Develop methodology to evaluate how multiple benefits are distributed between the
stakeholders at different scales.
− Develop methodology to assess the balance between short-terms and long-terms gains.
• Developing financial instruments for NBS for risk management
− Work with insurance companies to develop innovative ways for promoting NBS for risk
management e.g. pooling of insurance between towns/cities/regions, NBS linked to setting
insurance premiums and pay-outs. Develop a methodology to operationalize the concept of
the insurance value of ecosystems. Translate risk reduction capacity into value through,
e.g. calculating benefit/investment ratios where benefits represent the reduced risk and
potential lower premiums of property insurance policies.
− Identify and adapt PES (payment for ecosystem services) schemes specifically designed for
risk management that would link upstream and downstream stakeholders.
− Creating financial incentives to support NBS for risk management e.g. tax breaks, etc.
• Developing new institutional and governance arrangements to facilitate NBS acceptance
− Develop recommendations for governance and decision-making processes, including the
issues of distributional effects and equity at different scales e.g. watershed scales and links
between upstream and downstream, rural and urban areas. Indeed, often some NBS
benefits are not generated on site, but spill over into many places inside and outside the
area where the NBS is implemented, beyond the administrative limits.
− Design new ways to bring together key parties: local governments, investors, engineers,
companies, researchers.
− Develop ways to involve local communities and stakeholders during decision-making

− Assess the effectiveness of different current European regulations (for instance the Flood
Directive or Water Framework Directive) to foster the implementation of NBS.
− Find ways to redirect and mobilize national defence resources to maintain and enhance the
insurance value of ecosystem.
− Develop a new legal framework for insurance industry enabling the implementation of the
concept of insurance value of ecosystem.
• Enhancing the visibility of NBS at every stage
− In the field of research and education:
o Build an accessible evidence base
o Build networks among research groups in Europe
o Explore the limits with new approaches of integrating living systems with built systems
o Make available and accessible the literature review on NBS
o Develop educational curricula on NBS
− In the field of implementation: Develop demonstration sites and large-scale experiments to
demonstrate the relevance of NBS and communicate practical examples.

How to obtain EU publications

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Nature-based solutions simultaneously provide environmen-
tal, social and economic benefits by bringing more nature and
natural features and processes into cities, landscapes and

The Horizon 2020 Expert Group on ‘Nature-Based Solutions

and Re-Naturing Cities’, chaired by Dr. Wilhelm Krull, Secre-
tary General of the Volkswagen Foundation, was established
under the 2014 Work Programme for the Societal Challenge
“Climate action, environment, resource efficiency and raw
materials”. Dr. Pam Berry, Senior Research Fellow at Oxford
University, rapporteur, and 12 other renowned experts, enga-
ged in forward-looking reflection on future orientations for EU
Research and Innovation for Nature-Based Solutions and Re-
Naturing Cities. This report presents their main findings.

Studies and reports

Directorate-General for Research and Innovation
Directorate I — Climate Action and Resource Efficiency
Unit I.3 — Sustainable Management of Natural Resources
Contact: Sofie Vandewoestijne; Birgit de Boissezon
E-mail: [email protected]; [email protected]
[email protected]
[email protected]
European Commission
B-1049 Brussels
doi: 10.2777/440514

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