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DAILY LESSON LOG Teacher: SAFANAH M. COTONGAN Learning Area Islamic Values
Teaching Dates and Quarter:


A. Content standard Understand the different situations and important roles of prophet Muhammad (saw) during his adolescent years such as the
series of events during reconstruction of the Ka ’bah, discuss the prophet’s traits, participation and roles from these events and
practice the values derived.
B. Performance Narrate the events Tell the story where Narrate the events Narrate the events Narrate the events
standard during the prophet (saw) showed during the during the during the replacement
rebuilding/reconstruction his trustworthiness rebuilding/reconstruction replacement of the of the Blackstone (i.e.,
of the Ka ‘bah of the Ka ‘bah Blackstone (i.e., settlement of the
settlement of the disputes among the
disputes among the Quraysh)
C. Learning Identify lessons that can Give the importance Give the significance of Discuss prophet’s Identify his character
Competency be derived from this of trustworthiness the Ka’ bah and the participation and role traits
event Blackstone in this event (i.e., trustworthiness,
good relationship with
the community)
II. CONTENT Prophet Muhammad Importance of Significance of the Ka’ Prophet’s Prophet Muhammad’s
Subject Matter (saw) and the rebuilding trustworthiness bah and the Blackstone participation and role good character traits
of the Ka ‘bah in this event
A. References
1. Teacher’s Guide Islamic Values Textbook 4- Islamic Values Textbook Islamic Values Textbook 4- Islamic Values Textbook Islamic Values Textbook
Pages page 28-33 4-page 28-33 page 28-33 4-page 28-33 4-page 28-33
2. Learner’s Material Islamic Values Textbook 4- Islamic Values Textbook Islamic Values Textbook 4- Islamic Values Textbook Islamic Values Textbook
Pages page 28-33 4-page 28-33 page 28-33 4-page 28-33 4-page 28-33
3. Textbook pages
4. Additional Materials Islamic Values
from Learning Resource Textbook 1-page: 57
B. Other Materials
A. Review Showing of pictures: From the story that What lesson did tackle What is our lesson What is our lesson
Old Ka ‘bah vs new Ka we heard yesterday, yesterday? yesterday? yesterday?
‘bah how did Muhammad
(saw) resolve the
B. Establishing the From the picture shown What do you mean by Showing of pictures of Based on the story, Let us get to know
purpose for the lesson above, who do you think the word TRUST? the Ka ‘bah how did Muhammad more about our
build the Ka ‘bah? (saw) resolve the Prophet Muhammad
conflict upon (saw)
rebuilding of the Ka
C. Presenting Listen to the story titled: Do you consider Based on the picture, How old is Playing of audio player:
example/instances of PROPHET MUHAMMAD yourself trustworthy? why did the prophets Muhammad (saw) title: Muhammad, The
the new lesson (SAW) AND THE build the ka ‘bah? when he participated chosen One
REBUILDING OF THE KA rebuilding the Ka Why do you think that
‘BAH page: 28-29 ‘bah? prophet Muhammad
(saw) is considered as
Allah’s (swt) chosen
D. Discussing new Before Muhammad Open your book on Is it easy for the tribe of From your opinion, What do you think is
concepts and practicing (saw), who is the first page 28-29 Quraysh to rebuild again does the presence of the character of
new skill#1 person to build the Ka the Ka ‘bah? Why or why Prophet Muhammad Prophet Muhammad
‘bah? not? (saw) really needed (saw) for him to be
upon rebuilding the Allah’s chosen one?
ka ‘bah? Why or why
E. Discussing new Why was the Ka ‘bah Which part of the What conflict/problem What is his important Let us review again the
concepts and practicing destroyed? story did prophet are being encountered role upon rebuilding story page 28-31
new skill #2 Muhammad (saw) by the people of Quraysh the Ka ‘bah?
showed being based in the story?
F. Developing Mastery How old was Muhammad Who is the first man Did they able to solve the List down those What situation in the
(Lead to Formative (saw) when he to enter the mosque? conflict? participation of story has proven that
Assessment) participated rebuilding Who decided to let prophet Muhammad prophet Muhammad
the Ka ‘bah? Muhammad (saw) (saw) upon rebuilding (saw) is trustworthy?
enter the mosque? the ka ‘bah
G. Finding Practical Group activity: Using a graphic State some possible Write down the Using a graphic
application of concepts Using a graphic organizer organizer, give some situation if the tribe of important role of organizer, give some
and skill in daily living (FLOW CHART) identify reasons why TRUST is Quraysh didn’t prophet Muhammad character traits that
those moral lessons you important to one’s cooperate/unite upon (saw) from the story prophet Muhammad
learned from the story. life. rebuilding the Ka ‘bah. (saw) have.
H. Generalization From the story, we The tribe Quraysh Remember this: What did you learn Complete the sentence;
learned about accepted the decision Rebuilding the ka ‘bah from our lesson? “FROM THE STORY OF
cooperation, hard work, of Muhammad (saw) somehow resolved the PROPHET MUHAMMAD
love for peace and because of his unity bond of the people (SAW) AND THE
peaceful resolution of WISDOM and from Quraysh tribe. If its REBUILDING THE KA
conflict. TRUSTWORTHINESS. not because of the ‘BAH, I LEARNED THAT
Rebuilding of the Ka ‘bah, ……”
it would not test their
I. Evaluating Learning Direction: Arrange the Answer page 32-33 Direction: State some No additional activity Let’s Try this
events of the story by “LET’S DO THIS” significance or Color the balloons that
writing number 1 to 5 importance of having the contain words
Blackstone or Ka ‘bah describing Muhammad
J. Additional activities Assignment: From the Assignment: State Assignment: Research Assignment: No additional activity
for application or story “Prophet some reasons why about why some of the 1. What are the
Remediation Muhammad (saw) and TRUSTWORTHINESS is prophet build the ka character traits of our
the rebuilding of the Ka important. ‘bah. prophet Muhammad
‘bah” How did (saw)?
Muhammad (saw) 2. Who is our
resolve the conflict? creator’s CHOSEN
Justify your answer. ONE?
A. No. of learners
earned 80% in the
B. No. of learners who
required remediation
C. Did the remedial
D. No. of learners who
continue to require
E. Which of my teaching
strategies work well?
F. What Difficulty did I
encounter which my
principal and supervisor
help me solve?
G. What innovation or
localized materials did I

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