DOH DOLE CSC Jao2023 0001 - OfficiaL
DOH DOLE CSC Jao2023 0001 - OfficiaL
DOH DOLE CSC Jao2023 0001 - OfficiaL
of the Philippines
APR 05 2023
No. 2023 -_
In 2017, the Department of Health (DOH), with the Department of Labor and Employment
(DOLE) and the Civil Service Commission (CSC), issued the Joint Administrative Order
(JAO) No. 2017-0001 or the “National Occupational Health and Safety Policy Framework”
to guide the development and implementation of occupational health and safety interventions
in both the private and public sectors. In 2018, Republic Act (RA) No. 11058, or “An Act
Strengthening Compliance with Occupational Safety and Health Standards” was enacted
which further mandates work establishments to implement health and safety programs for all
Filipino workers. The Joint Memorandum Circular No. s. 2020 was later issued to provide
specific occupational health and safety standards to address the dangers of injury, sickness,
or death and to prevent loss or damage
of properties by adopting safe and healthy working
When RA No. 11223 or the Universal Health Care (UHC) Act was enacted in 2019, it
mandated the DOH toscale-up health promotion interventions across life stages and settings.
Relative to this, the DOH Administrative Order No. 2021-0063 or the “Health Promotion
Framework Strategy (HPFS) 2030” was issued to provide the framework, direction, and
the school, and the workplace. Following this strategy, the framework for Healthy Workplace
is developed to ensure that health promotion measures are instituted in the workplace to
promote and protect the workforce’s health, safety, and well-being.
Consistent with recommendations from the World Health Organization (WHO), this policy
recognizes workplaces as an important action area for health promotion and disease
prevention, not only to prevent occupational diseases and injury but also to assess and
improve workers' overall health. The International Labour Organization (ILO) also states that
health promotion in the workplace complements occupational safety and health measures as
part of the combined efforts of employers, workers, and relevant authorities to improve health
and well-being of Filipinos at work.
In line with this, the DOH, DOLE, and CSC, jointly issue this Order in accordance with their
respective mandates of ensuring health, wellness, and safety in the workplace, through health
promotion strategies and interventions.
This Order aims to provide a framework for promotion, establishment, and strengthening of
Healthy Workplaces in support of the implementation of the UHC Law. Specifically, it aims
1. Set directions and provide key strategies to guide the development and implementation
of settings-based health promotion policies, plans, and programs for the Filipino
workforce; and
roadmap on health promotion, which shall be the basis of the implementation of health
promotion in the country, nationwide, and locally.
C. Healthy Workplace — refers to a workplace in which the workers and managers
E. Workplace - refers to the office, premises, or worksite, where the workers are
habitually employed and shall include the office or place where the workers who have
no fixed or definite worksite, regularly report for assignment in the course of their
A. Implementation of this Order shall require updating of relevant issuances, technical
guidelines, manuals of operation, and/or other related management tools among the
lead agencies. Workplaces shall be provided with necessary and appropriate support to
enable the operationalization of key strategies to create healthy workplace within their
B. Health promotion policies, plans, and activities in the workplace shall be guided by the
action areas of the Ottawa Charter for Health Promotion, namely, developing healthy
public policies, creating supportive environments, strengthening community action,
developing personal skills, and reorienting health services. Broadly, policies, plans, and
activities for the healthy workplace shall also be guided by the areasof influence of the
WHO Healthy Workplace Model, including physical work environment, psychosocial
work environment, personal health resources, and enterprise community involvement.
C. The goals of healthy workplace shall likewise focus on the improvement ofindividual
health literacy and health-seeking behaviors on the following priority areas identified
in the HPFS 2030, namely: 1) Diet and Physical Activity, 2) Environmental Health, 3)
Immunization, 4) Substance Abuse, 5) Mental Health, 6) Sexual and Reproductive
Health, and 7) Violence and Injury Prevention.
D. Continual improvement processes shall be integrated into all healthy workplace settings
to ensure adaptability and sustainability of interventions. Annual assessment and
review of improvement plans shall be conducted for this purpose.
E. ThisOrder shall ensure the promotion of health, safety, and well-being of workers who
are with disabilities, critically ill, senior citizens, pregnant and lactating mothers,
indigenous people, indigents, rebel returnees, individuals who are
part of the Lesbian,
Gay, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer (LGBTQ+) community, and other vulnerable
individuals in the workforce.
In accordance with the HPFS 2030, the Healthy Workplace Framework shall focus on
the priority areas and action areas, as provided below:
1. Priority Areas for Health Promotion. All health promotion interventions in the
workplace shall focus on the following priority areas or risk factors:
a. Diet and Physical Activity — Healthy eating habits shall be improved and
physical activity shall be increased to reduce all forms of malnutrition and
prevent development of non-communicable diseases among workers;
b. Environmental Health — Sustainable lifestyles, and disaster-prepared and
resilient workplace settings shall be fostered to minimize environmental risks
and climate impacts on health;
c. Immunization — Vaccine use shall be promoted among workers to reduce the
incidence of relevant vaccine-preventable diseases, disabilities, and deaths;
d. Substance Use — Tobacco use, illicit drug use, and use of alcohol in the
workplace shall be prevented to reduce or eliminate ill-effects or associated
health conditions;
e. Mental Health — Psychosocial and mental well-being among workers shall
be increased and protected to reduce the burden of mental heaith disorders
and incidence of suicide in the workplace;
f. Sexual and Reproductive Health — Positive sexual and reproductive
behaviors among individuals of working age shall be promoted to reduce
unwanted pregnancies, the incidence of HIV infection, and sexually-
transmitted diseases; and
g. Violence and Injury Prevention — Safe and inclusive workplace environments
shall be fostered to eliminate the various forms of violence and injuries,
including interpersonal violence or gender-based violence, and occupational-
related injuries.
2. Action Areas for Implementation. Drawing from the Ottawa Charter and the
WHO Healthy Workplace Model, all health promotion interventions in the
workplace shall be guided by the following action areas:
a. Developing Healthy Public Policies — Legislation, fiscal measures, and/or
organizational policies shall promote workers’ health, safety, and wellbeing
and reduce health inequities;
b. Creating Supportive Environments — The physical and psychosocial work
environments shall be promotive and protective of health;
c. Developing Personal Skills — Appropriate, targeted, and useful information,
education, and life skills shall be provided to workers to enable the adoption
of healthy behaviors, and increase options and control over their own health;
d. Strengthening Community Action — Opportunities and/or platforms for
engaging stakeholders external to the workplace shall be established to
facilitate their active involvement in promoting workers’ health and safety;
e. Reorienting Health Services — Access to primary care services shall be made
available to workers by establishing referral mechanisms and links with
relevant local health systems. Health services shall increasingly shift to
health promotion and disease promotion.
B. Implementation Strategies
1. Governance Structure
a. A National Technical Working Group on Healthy Workplace (NTWG-HW)
shall be convened for the purpose this Order. The NTWG-HW shall oversee
the overall planning, implementation and enforcement, and monitoring and
evaluation of the Healthy Workplace Framework.
b. The NTWG-HW shall be chaired by the DOH, with DOLE and CSC, and/or
other relevant agencies as members.
B. The DOH Centers for Health Development and MOH BARMM shall:
1. Implement capacity-building activities in support of the Healthy Workplace
Framework to LGUs and other concerned agencies including the private sector;
2. Carry out information and advocacy campaigns for LGUs and other relevant
stakeholders in support of the implementation of this framework;
3. Establish network and linkages with the regional DOLE and CSC Offices in the
implementation of this framework;
4. Monitor and evaluate the implementation of the Healthy Workplace Framework
the local level; and
5. Submit annual accomplishment reports to the DOH Central Office.
the Healthy Workplace Framework
Participate in
at the local level;
capacity-building activities in support of the promotion and
development of healthy workplaces within their area of jurisdiction;
3. Coordinate with the DOH CHD in
workplace settings at the local level;
carrying out health promotion interventions in
4. Support the information and advocacy campaigns and related social mobilization
activities for both public and private workplace settings at the local level; and
5. Regularly monitor the implementation of health promotion interventions in
workplace settings at the local level.
3. Ensure that strategic directions, policies, and programs formulated by the NTWG-
HW are implemented through their respective sub-national/regional offices; and
4. Provide technical assistance to local implementers on the planning, policy
development, implementation, monitoring and evaluation of interventions in
healthy workplace.
All agencies shall allocate necessary funding for the implementation of this framework
consistent with their mandate, subject to the usual accounting and auditing rules of the
In the event that any provision of this Order is declared unconstitutional by a competent
court of jurisdiction, the other provisions of this Joint Administrative Order shall remain
valid, in force and effective.
This Order shall take effect fifteen (15) days following its publication in a newspaper of
general circulation and/or upon the filing of three (3) certified copies to the University of
the Philippines Law Center.
Secretary Chairperson
Department of Labor and Employment Civil Service Commission