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rack and pinion pneumatic actuator
rack and pinion pneumatic actuator
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DOUBLEY HE: SOAR TS TOROQUETIO an ‘SERIES ¥ . a PART TURN PNEUMATIC ACUTOR y ee INNOVATION OR NOTHINGDOUBLEY For Markets SMABT-U0 pone JROUEMO) _ Surgar industry FOR MARKETS 4 SM10 Pneumatic actuator are installed worldwide across @ range of industries including: = = Je a = Pharmaceutical Industry = Air equipment Double Y has an extensive list of customer ™ Chemical processing fire fighting water references, organized by market segments. The following lists are available from our sales department upon request: = Power plant = Water industry ™ Offshore industry www 2 Double ¥ Valve—— DOUBLEY Technical Data SMWART-TORQUE 10 Design = Normal size ST032 to ST400 m= Output torque 2.5N.M to 12502N.M 1m Temperature range -15C to80C Optional -15C to 150°C (tropic) Optional -50C to 80 (frigid) = Airsupply 2bar to 10bar(Max) = Connection to Valve 1S05211 3845 (Namur) and VDI/VDE 3847 ™ Connection to control valve \VDI/VDE 3845 (Namur) 3 Double ¥ ValveDOUBLEY Features SMARBT-TORQUE 10 Position indicator ‘Mounting for signal unit Compact design Itmakesit easy to see position of valve AccordingtoVDI/VDE 3845 Same dimensions for the double & and protects turning point underneath (Namur) and VDI/VDE 3847 single-acting actuators with compact against dust and ambient. design. This Help to reduce inventory and allows field conversion by adding or removing modular spring cartridges. One-piece shaft ‘Standard one pes steel shaft nickel-plated ‘anti-blow out design. 5$316 availabe. | i Bushing used to reduce friction, increase ipendently-operating setting screws lifetime meanwhile. Teeth on piston racks th the end position individually in a and pinion are accurate checked , low movemeftrange of from +5° to-S*. This feature backlash, and maximum engagement makes Absolutely advantage for ball valve and resulting in overall efficient operation. plug valve during test and adjustment. Sealing ring Selected high quality Stroke limiter bearings and seals that In addition to the end position settir provide a wide operating the Smart torque actuator is option| temperature range, low with a stroke limiter adjustment in friction, and high cycle life. cone direction (open or close). ‘means the rated pivoting angle can be adjusted in a range 15, 30°, 60° to 90° ‘According to Namur i.e. VDI/VDE 3845 Double-piston Double-piston according to the rack and pinion principle with self-centering ‘Aluminum housing is hard piston guide in housing. anodised and additionally ‘Aluminum die-cast pistons Pecouse of different valve and different from the outside and Caps also with hard anodised for torque. Standard square drive, in die-cast aluminum is Double D available, meanwhile-PE coated ‘Mounting Multiple 1SO-Flange patterns per actuator size. Save cost for customer anti-corrosion and better strength. Therefore a much better lifetime than other type. www 4 Double ¥ ValveDOUBLEY Parts And Materials SMARU-TORQUE 10 5 Double Y ValveDOUBLEY Deimensions SMARBT-TORQUE 10 f{ U fal sn po \2 ye 1032 sr0s0-sTo160 ‘sTD400 sS ge Parts And Materials www 6 Double ¥ ValveDOUBLEY i i Double Acting Function Standard rotation =e he When pressure is applied to connection “2”, both pistons move apart from their basic position of O° ‘and move into the 90” switch position. The force from both pistons is transferred onto the pinion “via the toothed rack. Reverse rotation 7p be When pressure is applied to connection pistons move apart from their basic position of 90° and move into the O° switch position. The force from both pistonsis transferred onto the pinion “7a the toothed rack. End position adjustment The pivoting angle can be adjusted in both end positions with the adjustment screws “B” and "ina pressurefree condition by between +5° and-5*. The lock-nuts “A” ensure that the new position is secured. ‘ SMWART-TORQUE TO rl te ‘When pressure s applied to connection "a", both pistons move apart from their basic position of 90° and move into the 0 switch position, The force from both pistons's transferred onto the pinion “2’via the toothed rack. t When pressures applied to connection “4, both pistons move apart from their basic position of ° and move into the 90° switch position. The force from both pistons is transferred onto the pinion “Avia the toothed rack. Double Y ValveDOUBLEY Double Acting Torque SMARBT-TORQUE 10 Double acting torque ratings in N.M. Note: 1 Allthe above data tested in room temperature it should be cfferent when in diferent temperature 2 Forse 32to 160 tested bya solenoid valve with a flow capacity of 00L/min and air supply at 5.Sbar. Different figures due to diferent solenoid valve capacty 3 Forsize 190to 400 tested by a solenoid vale with flow capacity of §1001/min and air supply at Shar Different figures due tocitferent solenoid valve capac. 4 Allthefiguresin above sheets tested without load from valve. Different load wil change the test resi 5 min = Air volumefopening air volumeclosing air volume) X [Air Suppiy(kpa}+101.3 /101.3 X Action times/min) www 8 Double ¥ ValveDOUBLEY Single Ac 4 SHART-TORQUE 10 Standard rotation 2e fe ‘When pressure s applied to connection "2", both Release the pressure in the inner chamber through pistons move apart from their basic position of 0°, connection “2, the springs push back the pistons ‘move into the 90° switch position and compress into the 0" basic position the springs. ‘The number of springs (5 up to 12 pes. ) must be matched to the control pressure beforehand. Reverse rotation oOo & 53 BF Rint | hola re de ra ‘When pressure is applied to connection “2%, both Release the pressure in the inner chamber through pistons move apart from their basic position of 90", connection “2, the springs push back the pistons ‘move into the O° switch position and compress the into the 0” basic position. springs. End position adjustment dg The pivoting angle can be adjusted in both end positions with the adjustment screws "B” and “" ina pressurefree condition by between +5° and-5*, The lock-nuts “A” ensure that the new 5 position is secured. 0 “s 9 Double Y 10 Double ¥ "DOUBLEY Single Acting Torque SMARU-TORQUE 10 Single acting torque ratings in N.M. ee ? HEBREBEE www 12 Double ¥ ValveDOUBLEY How to Order SMART-TORQUE 10 2 . s® ‘ LPLOEELIE « € s BY & ST10 -D -160-S-S-1-1 Ss standard application -15C-#150C © Cold application “Three position 40 +80 Ss degree travel T_ tropic application 180...180 degree travel -15C-+150C A Aluminum ‘S710... Smart torque actuator S10... Pre seal series butterfly valve QF 11... Quick flow series ball valve F100... Flow contro series globe control ‘Sv....Smart Solenoid valve ‘LB...Smart limit switch box D.... Double acting type Suu. Single acting type 5... Standard rotation 5... Stainless stee! 316 032. Sine 82 re On AB... Aluminum bronze Ooo” shes R.. Reverse rotatio 065... Sie 65 400... Size 400 Air Consumption, Operation time & Weight rtd rad aa. fel ee aula 7 (aaa) fete) Time(sec) C} Er rc | mrs a Era | os rer ee a Erica rr | i Loser Toa Pag Fr | 1254 ee eo stax | 285 | 408 | ra [se sg a an | Brera cra arr a eS Ere eC 55 | 906 [oso Taco Taga Pees EE A | cr STAA00 42.81 62.05 as 8 2835 Note 1 Allthe above data tested in room temperature it should be diferent when in different temperature 2 For size 32 to 160 tested by a solenoid valve with aflow capacity of 400L/min and ai supply at S.Sba. Different figures due to cifferent solenoid valve capacity. 3 For size 190 0.400 tested by a solenoid valve with a flow capacity of S100L/min and air supply at 5.Sbar. Different figures due to aifferent solenoid valve capacity 4 Alte figuresin above sheets tested without load from valve. Different load will change the test result. 5 Umin = Air volumefopening air volumetciosing air volume) x [Air Supply{Kpa}+101.3 101.3 Action times(/min) \ 13 Double ¥ ValveDOUBLEY Actuator Interface SMABT-TORQUE 1O 8 s ty pS . oO Positioner z &} Declutchable gearbox ne) KL Plug valve www 14 Double ¥ Valvea DOUBLEY installation & Maintenance Step 1. Checking the cleanness of the air-supply pi- pes. A filter necessary used upstream of the actuator. Step 2, SM10 actuator are only for ball valve, butter- fiyvalve,plug valve. It is not suitable for other valve application. Step 3. Check the actuator specification on namepla- te and make sure it is suitable for environment inclu- ding temperature , air supply min and max pressure ect. SMWART-TORQUE 10 Installation Step 1 Make sure that both valve and actuator are closed. Use air to feed port “4” to make sure the valve isin close position Step 2. Insert actuator on top of adapter and assembly it, When actuator is on the valve make sure it isin line of pipe. Make it cross line if customer request on it. Step 3, Connect accessories such as limit switch box , solenoid valve, positioner, air gauge and so on, making sure of the real position of the valve. Step 4, Fasten all the bolts and nuts, connect pneumat- ic/electrical feeding and verify correct operation. When single acting used Springs mounting form and quantity will always in below rules: «« Side A Side 8 Air connection 1 It is recommended that periodic checks be performed to make sure that al fasteners remain tight. 2. The actuator is supplied ready lubricated no further lubrication is required. If lubrication is deemed necessary , use EP-1 grease. 3. Under certain working conditions (heavy duty, non-compatible operating media or abnormal opera- ting conditions}internal seals should be checked periodically and replaced when necessary. 4. On spring return actuators, spring fatigue may set in requiring the replacement of springs. Spring sh- ould always be replaced in full sets. 15 Double ¥ ValveDOUBLE Y VALVE CO., ITD. Wuxi: No. 1347 Qianhu Road Hudai Industrial PAU Usa Neng se SDI ra eS RoW eee eur eet tc SORer Steet SOREL SUELICPt 1) ech ene Meee em sae
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