AGRIBOT - RF Based Farmer Friendly Agricultural Robot With Automatic Seed Dispensing System

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO : 2236-6124

AGRIBOT -RF based farmer friendly Agricultural Robot with

automatic seed dispensing system

G.E BABU associate professor mechanical dept, PACE INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY AND

Abstract: the data. By using that data different operations

in farming will be performed by the robot.
Agriculture is a backbone of our nation.
Farmers are looking for new ways to implement
technology to reduce costs and labor hours. One
Chapter 1
of the ways to farmers to explore new
technologies in farming comes from the RF 1. INTRODUCTION
tractor. This is something to explore new The major occupation of the Indian rural
technologies in farming and is quickly gaining people is agriculture and both men and women are

popularity from agriculture research companies equally involved in the process. Agriculture has been
the backbone of the Indian economy and it will
around the country.
continue to remain so for a long time. It has to
RF remote controls these tractors. By using dc support almost 17% of world population from 2.3%
motors the tractor can be moved forward and of world geographical area and4.2% of world’s water

reverse direction, Also this robot can take sharp resources. The present cropping intensity of 137%

turnings towards left and right directions. This has registered an increase of only 26% since 1950-51.
The net sown area is 142 Mha. The basic objective of
project uses AT89S52 as its controller.
sowing operation is to put the seed and fertilizer in
Most of the things done during farming are rows at desired depth and spacing, cover the seeds

plough, watering and seeding. For performing with soil and provide proper compaction over the

all these operations lot of manpower is needed. seed.

The recommended row to row spacing, seed
So, by using RF tractor all these things can be
rate, seed to seed spacing and depth of seed
done easily. Transmitter, Receiver, RF Encoder
placement vary from crop to crop and for different
and RF Decoder are the RF modules using. The
agricultural and climatic conditions to achieve
switches are interfaced to the RF transmitter
optimum yields and an efficient so wing machine
through controller. The status of the switches should attempt to fulfill these requirements. In
continuously read by encoder and sends the data addition, saving in cost of operation time, labor and
to RF transmitter and the transmitter transmits energy are other advantages to be derived from use of

Volume 7, Issue VII, JULY/2018 Page No:362

International Journal of Research ISSN NO : 2236-6124

improved machinery for such operations. A Seeding or sowing is an art of placing seeds in the
traditional method of seed sowing has many soil to have good germination in the field
disadvantages. This paper is about the different types
of methods of seed sowing and fertilizer placement in f. Irrigation
the soil and developing a multifunctional seed sowing Watering the crops for its growth and development.
machine which can perform simultaneous operations. - Surface irrigation.
- Drip irrigation.
- Sprinkler irrigation.
1.1 Introduction - Rain dependent irrigation.
Agriculture is the art and underlying science in
production and improvement of fieldcrops with the
g. Germination – seed develops into a two leaf
efficient use of soil fertility, water, labor and other
stage, tiny plant.
factors related to cropproduction. It is the most
important enterprise in the world. About 70% of
h. Thinning – only one plant is retained in each pit
Indian populationsare either farmers or involved in
by plucking the excess seeding. One healthy seeding
some agricultural related activities
is left and other seeding is plucked to support the
complete resources of water, fertilizer and spacing
1.2 Steps Involved In Agriculture for single plant.

a. Seed selection i. Filling – if there is no germination in some pits;

Among varieties of crops, a suitable crop has to be when some seeds fail to germinate, then seedling is
selected for cultivation. plucked from where it is excess and planted at the
empty space.
b. Land preparation j. Weeding: The process of removing the
It involves tilling, ploughing and furrows and ridges unwanted plants in the field to ensure complete
formation utilization of resources only to the crop.
- Manual weeding (once in 3 weeks).
c. Fertilizer application: organic fertilizer is - Before sowing, field has to be ploughed well to

applied during ploughing, chemical fertilizeris remove all weeds.

applied before sowing and during vegetative stage. - After germination tiny weeds area removed using
weeding blade.
- After vegetative stage weedicides are sprayed.
d. Seed preparation
Chemical weeding – spraying of weedicides like
Seeds are treated with fungicides like carbendazim
"pendimethalin" of 1 litre is mixed with 200 litres of
before sowing.
water for onehectare. Spraying during weeding will
prevent formation of weeds during next one month.
e. Sowing

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO : 2236-6124

k. Vegetative stage – maximum growth of plant  The eight stepsare to start fabrication.
takes place in this stage.  The ninth step is to make proper balance
sheet of work done.

l. Flowering stage: plant starts producing flowers  The last step is the testing of machine.

in this stage.

m. Pesticides spraying – When the crops are
infested with pests use pesticides.
Mahesh R. Pundkar [1] stated that the seed sowing
machine is a key component of agriculture field.
High precision pneumatic planters have been
developed for many verities of crops, for a wide
 To achieve proper distance in two seed in planting range of seed sizes, resulting to uniform seeds
and sprying mechanism for proper nutrition and distribution along the travel path , in seed spacing.
growth of plants. M.A. Asoodar [2] another agricultural researcher
 To make this machine which operate manually for determined the effects of different seeding technique
small farmer and machines and also different rates of oilseed rape
 To provide this machine in lowest cost and light in application on seeding emergence plant establishment
weight. and final grain yield.
 To adjust proper depth in variable soil in any P.P. Shelke [3] concludes that bullock drawn planters
whether condition are becoming necessity for sowing as the skilled
workers for sowing are almost diminishing. Planting
1.3 Methodology distance and plant population are crucial factors in
To make agriculture project we follow this steps maximizing the yields of crops.
Singh (1971)[4] revealed that by using a seed drill for
 The first step is to go to the farmers and find
wheat crop there was an increase in yield by 13.025
the problems faced by them.
percent when compared with the conventional
 The second step is to choose a problem. method, it also revealed that by using a seed drill for
The third step is to visit to agriculture industry. wheat crop, a saving of 69.96 per cent in man-hours
 The fourth step is toAnalyze the problem& and 55.17 percent in huliock hours was achieved
their solution. when compared, with the conventional method.
 The fifth step is the selection of Design of Umed Ali Soomro at al. in Pakistan has evaluated
gear for proper seed distance. three sowing methods and seed rate in a four
 The sixth step is to find which mechanism is replicated RCBD method and concluded that drilling
to suitable in lowest cost. method of sowing at seed rate 125
 The seventh step is to find all components kg/ha is optimal for yield and quality of wheat grains,
we require in proper dimension. because the said sowing method and seed rate

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distribute seed uniformly and desired depth which the development of dual mode solar powered
provide appropriate depth for seed germination and insecticide and fertilizer spraying machine.
crop establishment.
The main goal of M.A. Asoodar [2] another
agricultural researcher determined the effects of
different seeding technique and machines and also A sprayer is a mechanical device used to spray the
different rates of oilseed rape application on seeding liquid like herbicides, pesticides, fungicides and
emergence plant establishment and final grain yield. fertilizers to the crops in order to avoid any pest.
Sprayer provides optimum utilization of pesticides or
any liquid with minimum efforts. Dusters and
CHAPTER 3 sprayers are generally used for applying chemicals.
Dusting is the simpler method of applying chemicals
3.1 seeding and spraying machine,
and dusters are best suited for portable machineries

Introduction: and this usually requires simple equipment. But these

devices are less efficient than sprayers, because of the
Day by day the population of India is increasing and low retention of the dust. The invention of a sprayer
to fulfill the need of food modernization of brings revolution in the agriculture or horticulture
agricultural sectors are important. Due to chemical sector, this enables farmers to obtain the maximum
fertilizers the fertility of soil is decreasing. Hence agricultural output. They are used for agriculture
farmers are attracted towards organic farming. By spraying, garden spraying, weed and pest control,
mechanization in spraying devices fertilizers and liquid fertilizing and plant leaf polishing. There are
pesticides are distributed equally on the farm and many advantages of using sprayers such as easy to
reduce the quantity of waste, which results in operate, maintain and handle, it facilitates uniform
prevention of losses and wastage of input applied to spread of the chemicals, capable of throwing
farm. It will reduce the cost of production. It will chemicals at the desired level, precision made nozzle
reduce the cost of production. Mechanization gives tip for adjustable stream and capable of throwing
higher productivity in minimum input. Farmers are foggy spray, light or heavy spray, depending on
using same traditional methods for spraying requirement. Sprayers are available in different
fertilizers and pesticides. Conventionally the spraying verities. In Indian farms generally two types of spray
is done by labors carrying backpack sprayer and pumps are used for spraying; hand operated spray
fertilizers are sprayed manually. They are doing seed pump and fuel operated spray pump. out of which
sowing, fertilizers and pesticides spraying, cultivating hand operated spray pumps are most popular. The
by conventional methods. There is need of main drawback of hand operated spray pump is that
development in this sector and most commonly on the user can‟t use it continuously for more than 5-6
fertilizers pesticides spraying technique, because it hours since he gets tired after such a long duration.
requires more efforts and time to spray by traditional Also the fuel operated spray pump requires fuel
way. To solve these problems this project deals with which is expensive and availability of fuel at rural

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO : 2236-6124

areas is difficult. At the same time it exhausts carbon addition of external RAM, ROM, and I/O ports
dioxide as pollutant which is harmful to our makes these systems bulkier and much more
environment. In such situation we should think to expensive, they have the advantage of versatility such
move towards some non-conventional energy. that the designer can decide on the amount of RAM,
Considering it, solar energy would be one of the ROM and I/O ports needed to fit the task at hand.
A Microcontroller has a CPU (a
3.4 Objectives of the project microprocessor) in addition to a fixed amount of
RAM, ROM, I/O ports, and a timer all on a single
•To utilize renewable energy sources for the purpose
of pesticides sprayer. chip. In other words, the processor, the RAM, ROM,
I/O ports and the timer are all embedded together on
•To reduce the discomfort occurs to the farmers
one chip; therefore, the designer cannot add any
during spraying.
external memory, I/O ports, or timer to it. The fixed
• To create the awareness to the farmers about the
amount of on-chip ROM, RAM, and number of I/O
renewable energy sources.
ports in Microcontrollers makes them ideal for many
•To eliminate environmental pollution by using applications in which cost and space are critical.
natural energy source.

•To Work efficiently under different working


• To Decrease the cost of machine

• To reduce labour cost and maintenance cost


 It is multipurpose machine.
 Easy to operate and user friendly.
 Very less pollution on other models.
 It is portable
 Unit cost is very cheap one.
 Maintenances cost is low

Chapter 4

A system designer using a general-purpose
microprocessor such as the Pentium or the 68040 AT89S52 MICROCONTROLLER

must add RAM, ROM, I/O ports, and timers

The AT89S52 is a low-power, high-performance
externally to make them functional. Although the

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO : 2236-6124

CMOS 8-bit microcontroller with 8K bytes of in-  Low power and high noise immunity CMOS
system programmable Flash memory. The device is technology
manufactured using Atmel’s high-density nonvolatile  Low standby current
memory technology and is compatible with the  Three words transmission
industry-standard 80C51 instruction set and pin out.  Built-in oscillator needs only 5% resistor
The on-chip Flash allows the program memory to be  Easy interface with an RF or infrared
reprogrammed in-system or by a conventional transmission media
nonvolatile memory programmer. By combining a  Minimal external components
versatile 8-bit CPU with in-system programmable
Flash on a monolithic chip, the Atmel AT89S52 is a Applications
powerful microcontroller which provides a highly-
 Burglar alarm system
flexible and cost-effective solution to many
 Smoke and fire alarm system
embedded control applications.
 Garage door controllers
Specifications  Car door controllers

Voltage : 3 to 12 volts  Car alarm system

 Security system
Current : 10 to 15 mA
 Cordless telephones
Working Mode : AM  Other remote control systems

Speed : 4 Kbps
Frequency : 315/433 MHz
External Antenna : 315 MHz IMPLEMENTATION(RIDE)

Pin Assignment: RIDE:

RIDE will reference to RIDE6 software

which supports 8051, XA and other derivates. For
ARM, ST7 and STM8 family the software is RIDE7.

RIDE is a fully featured Integrated

Development Environment (IDE) that provides
seamless integration and easy access to all the
development tools. From editing to compiling,
linking, debugging and back to the start, with a
Simulator, ICE, Rom Monitor or other debugging
tools, RIDE conveniently manages all aspects of the
 Operating voltage: 2.4V~12V

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO : 2236-6124

Embedded Systems development with a single user power and use it when the sun raise are not present
interface. by using this device we can spray pest ices to the
herbs and plants and any agriculture spraying it is
economical as compared to the other means used like
petrol/diesel pesticides sprayers. There is no much
maintenance cost and no operating cost as it is using
solar energy it is free of cost and there is no pollution
its working principal is very simple and the it is
economical of the farmers which has one more
advantage that it can also generate power that power
is saved in the battery and it can be used for both for
spraying and well as to light in the house when there
is no current supply.
6.1 Objective of Our Project
The purpose of this project is to provide farmer with The main components used to fabricate the model

multipurpose equipment which implements all the are:

scientific farming specifications and technology to

 Microcontroller
get maximum yield and good quality crops by
 Pump
reducing investment and number of labor.
 DC motor
There are many tractor powered equipment which are
 Battery
suitable and economical only for more than 5 acres of
 Tank
land. There are many hand pulled equipments which
 Nozzle
are only suitable for gardening purpose. Our
objective of making robotic based agriculture  Bevel gear

spraying equipment is suitable for 1 acre to 3 acres of

Chapter 7
land it is both economical and modernized with
scientific methods. Majority of the Indian formers are
This manual seed planter machine has considerable
the land owners of 1 to 3 acres. Hence it is most
potential to greatly increase productivity. Other
suitable for Indian economy and farming techniques.
countries of the world where the two wheel tractor is
the main traction unit in farming. The main task now
6.3 Components of the Equipment
is to promote this technology and have available to
Working principle and fabrication
farmers at an affordable price.
details Newly developed system is also effective as
This works on battery and micro control AT89S52. compared systems available in the market. New
The concoction is accomplished by the use of battery, trans-planter having simple construction and less
that power is dc power its positive and negative number of parts which minimizes the cost of
charges are connected to a batter in order to save the development for it. Total cost required to develop the

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International Journal of Research ISSN NO : 2236-6124

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Volume 7, Issue VII, JULY/2018 Page No:369

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