Glad Tidings: Who Do You Say That We Are?
Glad Tidings: Who Do You Say That We Are?
Glad Tidings: Who Do You Say That We Are?
Who Do You Say That We Are? Collected mottos from several CSM documents: Uniting people in personal faith and social responsibility. No matter who you are or where you are on lifes journey, you are welcome here. Open and Inclusive. God is Still Speaking! With Gods help, we will move forward. Imagine Whats Possible! Dear Sisters and Brothers, Over the past two months, I have had the opportunity to meet with many of you in small neighborhood gatherings hosted at members homes. Ive gotten to hear some wonderful stories about the histories of Central and St. Matthew as well as stories of how some folks came to attend the congregation - - be it Central, St. Matthew, or the unified Central St. Matthew. While it was fun to hear about why folks started coming here, I want to understand why folks continue to come here! In a city where scores of worshipping options are available, and in a time when church (or denominational) loyalty is not always a deciding factor, what draws you to this congregation, and what makes you stick with it? Simply, what is unique about our congregation? When I posed this question to the groups, a similar theme cut across geography, generations, and membership background. What I heard is that many of you feel a strong sense of welcome, of being cared about, being included, and being united despite differences - - that there is truly a sense that we are a Church Family! Now, the challenge of being a church family comes when we seek to welcome in new members to that family. I think Central St. Matthew is, perhaps, better positioned to welcome new folks - - each bringing their own expectations, gifts, and needs - - than other congregations. Precisely because we are a united and blended congregation, we are living the reality that the congregational culture changes when new members join. A church can take one of two approaches to new members: Assimilation or Integration. With assimilation, we welcome new people in so long as they fit into our mold or are willing to be shaped. With integration, we welcome new people and not only help to find a fit for them, but accept that we can and will be changed by sharing in the common journey. As time goes on, the strength of the influence of our individual legacies will decrease as we evolve in our identity as Central St. Matthew members. So much like a marriage, the individual identities - - while key to who we are and where we are now
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- - will meld into a third common and shared identity, a third entity with its own traditions, values, culture, and history. As we exist in this unique intersection of honoring the past, living in the present, and shaping the future, we have the opportunity to claim who we are and who we want to become. Five questions guide us in that direction: What What What What What are our core values? makes us stand out among other faith communities in New Orleans? makes us stand out among other United Church of Christ congregations? are we doing, saying, or living out that is unique to our congregation? do we believe God is calling us to do and be as a congregation?
Friends, I charge you to prayerfully consider these questions, and to share your responses with one another. Together, we are moving forward in faith, empowered by the Holy Spirit, embracing a new day at Central St. Matthew. Anything is possible. Blessings and Peace,
October Sermon Series During the month of October, we will have a short sermon series focused on mental health and physical disabilities. The week of October 9-15 has been recognized in the United Church of Christ as Access Sunday and Disabilities Awareness Week. October also includes awareness efforts sponsored by the National Alliance on Mental Health, World Federation for Mental Health and Depression Screening Day. To this end, two sermons will highlight the biblical (historical) perspective of mental health and physical disability compared to modern (medical) insights. Next, we will look at the stigma that is present with disability and illness, and examine our attitudes. Lastly, we will consider our own bodies and our state of health. October October October October 2: Take Up Your Mat: Physical Disability in the Bible 9: Demons VS Disability: Mental Health in the Bible 23: The Other is Our Brother: A Person With 30: Tending to the Temple
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Update contd
New Name, Same Game Imagine Whats Possible: Renewing & Rebuilding to Serve All of Gods People! Your Steering Committee and the campaign sub-committees have been hard at work making contacts with funders, reviewing architectural drawings, exploring service providers, and praying, praying, praying about our process! Some specific updates: 329 North Tonti is in track to be completed this fall. We will dedicate the building on October 15th as a part of a grand Central St. Matthew weekend of events. Dr. Davis is assembling an advisory team to re-launch the Good Gang - - the former Central Boy Scout program. The Quiet Phase of the capital campaign is underway. This is where letters are sent to individuals who could potentially pledge foundational amounts to our campaign. The Active Phase of the campaign - - when pledges are widely solicited - - will begin by the end of October. Many of the city-required structural renovations (roof, flooring, siding) on 2415/17 Bienville (former Central Office) are completed. The Trustees and Governing Council have authorized an offer to Providence Community Housing (PCH) for the 5-plex, single, and double on Bienville. PCH is a local agency building affordable housing in the Iberville and Lafitte neighborhoods, and would convert the Bienville properties into affordable housing for families. At the time of publication, this sale has not been finalized.
Thank You to all of the members who hosted and attended our Neighborhood Gatherings over the past months. Thanks especially to our hosts: John, Sylvia, and Mike Warren; Nancy Marks; Leslie and Gil Wilson; Carol and John Etter; Michelle DAquin and Vicki Weeks; and Karen and Rodney Plummer (with food from the Timptons!). What gracious hospitality, and what a wonderful way to get to know many of you a bit better!
Nursery Story Time A Sunday morning story time is being provided in the upstairs nursery room for our youngest worshippers. At this time, our volunteers are Margene Minor, Karen Plummer, Michelle D'Aquin, and Tracey Braden. If you would like to be a part of our Sunday morning story time, please contact Nancy Marks.
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Vital Signs
Financial Update: The budget for the year 2011 is approximately $280,824 and therefore calls for us to collect an average of $23,402 per month to meet our expense and outreach obligations. As of the end of September, this would amount to about $210,618. Between our tithes, offerings and rental income, we have received approximately $189,222 for the nine months ending September 2011. Thank you for your generous gifts, tithes and offerings in support of our churchs ministry and outreach. By the way, please make all checks payable to Central St. Matthew UCC. Credit for cash donations will be given when money is in an envelope, identified, and designated. Envelopes are provided on the Welcome Table and/or from the ushers. If you have any questions, please see Carol or Dale.
Prayer List
Please continue to pray for: -Gary and Karen Arndt -Kyle Carter -Louis Carambat -Melvin Chaix -Ethel Creel -Nellie Crump -Michael Englebracht -Eddie Gebhardt -Mary Graves -Lavera Kelly -Amy Miller -Curry Miller -Catherine Reigert -Verna Sileci -Peter Saunders -Ernest & Mathilde Smith -Dan Zidaru
-the families of Brian Resor, and George Joseph Miller, Monica Shay, Cristi Grigoras, and Dorothea Boldt.
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SECOND HARVEST FOOD BANK The commodity for the month of October is DRIED OR CANNED BEANS Please remember your donations on Sunday.
Listen to the Good News from Central St. Matthew UCC on your iPod, mp3 Player, or on your computer! Announcing the launch of the CSM Sermon Podcast Series - - a new way to listen to and share words of inspiration and meditation from our Sunday services. What is a Podcast? Podcasts are free, downloadable audio recordings. New episodes will be published (posted) weekly. Presently, we are Podcasting our sermons, but future episodes could include special musical selections, bible studies, or other events. How Do I Listen? The Podcast episode can be downloaded to a portable mp3 player (such as an iPod), or you can listen to it on your computer from the websites below. Where can I find the CSM Podcast? To find our Podcasts, you can go to or listen on our website: If you use Apples iTunes music management program, open up the iTunes store and enter central st matthew ucc in the search field. To download the iTunes program for free, visit: You can then subscribe to our Podcast, and new episodes will be downloaded automatically as they are posted! Questions? Contact Chris Mereschuk for more information!
Publication Deadlines If you have something to submit for our newsletter or bulletin,
please note these deadlines: Sunday Bulletin Thursdays @ 9am Monthly Newsletter 15th of the Month @ 9am Please send all submissions via email to Ms. Lisa McKnight: [email protected]
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Mailing Address: 1333 S. Carrollton Ave. New Orleans, LA 70118 Phone: (504) 861-8196 Fax: (504) 861-8197 E-Mail:
[email protected]
Sunday, October 2nd Wednesday, October 5th Sunday, October 9th Tuesday, October 11th Wednesday, October 12th Saturday, October 15th Sunday, October 16th
Worship 10:00am - 11:00am (Neighbors in Need Offering) Choir Rehearsal, 7:00pm 8:30pm Sanctuary Worship 10:00am - 11:00am Board of Deacons, 6:00pm 8:30pm Library Choir Rehearsal, 7:00pm 8:30pm Sanctuary 329 N. Tonti Dedication Bienville Site 1:00pm Bienville St. Festival 11:00am 3:00pm 2nd Anniversary Sunday Service 10:00am 2ND Anniversary Luncheon 11:15am-1:15pm CSM Church Hall Honoring Rev. & Mrs. Alan and Maureen Coe UCC New Orleans Disaster Recovery HUME CENTER Sweets & Treats 4:00 7:00pm CSM Church Hall Board of Trustees, 6:00pm 8:30pm Library Choir Rehearsal, 7:00pm 8:30pm Sanctuary Church Women United, 10:00am 11:00am Lounge ABCT The Good Negro, 7:00pm 8:00pm Worship 10:00am - 11:00am Choir Rehearsal, 7:00pm 8:30pm Sanctuary Fall Family Festival 5:30pm 7:30pm at St. Charles Ave. Baptist Church Worship 10:00am - 11:00am Hume Center Sunday New Orleans Association Meeting 12:30pm St. Pauls UCC Celebration of N.O. Disaster Ministry 2:00pm St. Pauls UCC Worship 10:00am 11:00am (Stewardship Sunday) SILENT AUCTION
Church Office Manager: Ms. Lisa McKnight Office Hours: Tuesday - Friday 10:30 am to 2:30 pm Pastor: Rev. Christopher Mereschuk
[email protected]
Tuesday, October 18th Wednesday, October 19th Friday, October 21st Friday, October 21st Sunday, October 23rd Wednesday, October 26th Friday, October 28th Sunday, October 30th Saturday, November 5th
and on
CENTRAL ST. MATTHEW UCC 1333 S. Carrollton Avenue New Orleans, LA 70118