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JMSCR Vol||06||Issue||11||Page 741-744||November 2018

Impact Factor (SJIF): 6.379
Index Copernicus Value: 79.54
ISSN (e)-2347-176x ISSN (p) 2455-0450
DOI: https://dx.doi.org/10.18535/jmscr/v6i11.131

Glycaemic Control and Complications

P. Rajeshwari , P.R. Prasad , M. Nagaprasanth3*, Salma Mahaboob R4
1 2
Associate Professor in Biochemistry at Fathima Institute of Medial Sciences, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh,
Professor in Biochemistry at Apollo Institute of Medical Science and Research, Chittoor, Andhra Pradesh,
Assistant Professor in Urology at Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar,
Telangana, India
Assistant Professor in Biochemistry at Fathima Institute of Medial Sciences, Kadapa, Andhra Pradesh,
*Corresponding Author
M. Nagaprasanth
Assistant Professor in Urology at Chalmeda Anand Rao Institute of Medical Sciences, Karimnagar,
Telangana, India
Email: [email protected]

Introduction Insulin is usually required for treatment i.e

Diabetes mellitus complications a group of patients are insulin dependent. Due to the above
metabolic disorders presenting with features this diabetes is also called as brittle
hyperglycemia resulting from insulin deficiency diabetes.
or decreased glucose utilization and increased It is sometimes divided into two types
glucose production. The metabolic abnormalities Type IA: It is due to an autoimmune reaction and
of diabetes mellitus causes secondary immunological markers such as antibodies to beta
pathophysiological changes in multiple organ islet cell glutamate decarboxylase and insulin
system resulting in increased morbidity and itself are present.
mortality. Type IB: Immunological markers of
autoimmunity are not seen in this type. It is
Types of Diabetes Mellitus therefore considered an idiopathic disease.
Type I DM
It is due to pancreatic beta cell destruction leading Type II DM
to insulin deficiency. It is more common in It is characterized by variable degree of insulin
children, adolescents and young adults usually resistance impaired insulin secretion and increased
below 30 years. These subjects are genetically glucose production. It is preceded by a period of
susceptible and are prone to develop ketosis. abnormal glucose homeostasis classified as

P.Rajeshwari et al JMSCR Volume 06 Issue 11 November 2018 Page 741

JMSCR Vol||06||Issue||11||Page 741-744||November 2018
impaired fasting glucose or impaired glucose 4) Central Obesity
tolerance. Typically it develops with increasing 5) Accelerated cardiovasscular disease.
age but again age is no bar and can occur in obese This is probably due to post receptor signaling
children and adolescents also. defect in target tissues e.g skeletal muscle.
The early terminology of insulin dependent and
non insulin dependent diabetes mellitus is not Complications of Diabetes Mellitus
used now because type II patients also ultimately Hyperglycemia has wide spread effects on
require insulin. different organs and vascular system leading to
various complications.
MODY: Maturity Onset Diabetes of Young Acute complications
This type is characterized by early onset of 1. Diabetic ketoacidosis
hyperglycaemia impaired insulin secretions and 2. Hyperglycemic hyperosmolar state
autosomal dominant inheritance. Several types of Chronic complications
MODY are known depending upon the genetic Micro vascular
defects in beta cell functions. They are all 1) Retinopathy and macular odema leading to
characterized by insulin resistance and present blindness
like type II DM. 2) Neuropathy– Sensory, motor and
Gestational Diabetes autonomic
Insulin resistance seen in late pregnancy may lead 3) Nephropathy – leading to end stage renal
to IGT and frank diabetes called gestational disease.
diabetes mellitus. Most subjects revert to normal Macro vascular
glucose tolerance after delivery but have increased 1) Coronary artery disease and MI
risk of developing DM in future. 2) Cerebrovascular disease stroke etc
Diagnosis of Diabetes Mellitus 3) Peripheral vascular disease.
According to WHO guidelines any one of the Others
following is sufficient to diagnose DM. 1) Cataract and glaucoma
1) Fasting blood glucose levels > 126 mg% 2) Infections – foot ulcer, osteomyelitis etc
2) PPBS levels >200 mg% 3) Skin infections – Candida and other fungal
3) Random blood glucose levels > 200 mg% infections
with symptomes of diabetes mellitus.
Normal Blood Glucose Levels Diabetic Ketoacidosis
FBS: 100 MG % It is the most dreaded acute complication resulting
PPBS [2hrs] : 140 mg% after 75gm glucose load from uncontrolled diabetes mellitus leading to
Impaired glucose Tolerance serve hyperglycemia. It is characterized by
FBS : 101 – 126 mg % dehydreation, hyponatremia, hyperkalemia,
PPBS [2hrs]: 140 - 200 mg% after 75gm glucose acidosis and increased anion gap. common clinical
load features are nausea, vomiting, pain abdomen,
tachycardia, letharginess and CNS depression
Insulin Resistance Syndrome with hyperventilatin. Patients breath often has a
Also known as metabolic syndrome or the fruity odour of acetone. Ketone body test is
syndrome X, it is characterized by strongly positive in urine.
1) Insulin resistance [increased blood glucose Assessment of Glycemic control
levels inspite of decreased insulin level] It is done by monitoring blood glucose and
2) Hypertension glucosylated haemoglobin. Blood glucose levels
3) Dyslipidemia indicate the recent glycemic status while HbA1c

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