Perillaje de Ecocardiografía

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Article Transesophageal echocardiography:
Instrumentation and system controls
Mahesh Prabhu, Dinesh Raju, Henning Pauli
Department of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne, NE7 7DN, UK

ABSTRACT Transesophageal echocardiography (TEE) is a semi-invasive, monitoring and diagnostic tool, which is used
in the perioperative management of cardiac surgical and hemodynamically unstable patients. The low degree
of invasiveness and the capacity to visualize and assimilate dynamic information that can change the course
of the patient management is an important advantage of TEE. Although TEE is reliable, comprehensive,
credible, and cost-effective, it must be performed by a trained echocardiographer who understands the
indications and the potential complications of the procedure, and has the ability to achieve proper acquisition
and interpretation of the echocardiographic data. Adequate knowledge of the physics of ultrasound and the
TEE machine controls is imperative to optimize image quality, reduce artifacts, and prevent misinterpretation of
diagnosis. Two-dimensional (2D) and Motion (M) mode imaging are used for obtaining anatomical information,
while Doppler and Color Flow imaging are used for information on blood flow. 3D technology enables us to
view the cardiac structures from different perspectives. Despite the recent advances of 3D TEE, a sharp,
optimized 2D image is pivotal for the reconstruction. This article describes the relevant underlying physical
principles of ultrasound and focuses on a systematic approach to instrumentation and use of controls in the
practical use of transesophageal echocardiography.
Received: 08-01-12
Accepted: 03-03-12 Key words: Cardiac ultrasound, instrumentation, system controls, transesophageal echocardiography

Transesophageal Echocardiography (TEE) PRINCIPLES OF ULTRASOUND

has rapidly become a powerful monitoring
technique and diagnostic tool for the Echocardiography uses ultrasound (US) to
perioperative management of cardiac surgical create real-time images of the cardiovascular
and hemodynamically unstable patients. It system in action. [3] Two-dimensional (2D)
is a semi-invasive procedure that should be and Motion (M) mode imaging are used for
performed by a trained echocardiographer, obtaining the anatomical information, while
who understands the indications and the Doppler and Color Flow imaging are used for
potential complications of the procedure.[1] information on the blood flow.
TEE is used to visualize the anatomy of the
heart and thoracic aorta, assess global and Sound is a mechanical energy transmitted in
Access this article online regional cardiac function and detect the the form of pressure waves causing alternate
Website: presence of intracardiac air during cardiac rarefaction and compression through the
PMID: surgery.[2] Adequate knowledge of the physics medium. [4] Piezoelectric elements emit
of ultrasound and TEE machine controls is ultrasonic waves that are partially reflected
10.4103/0971-9784.95080 imperative to optimize the image quality, back from layers of different tissue densities.
Quick Response Code: reduce artefacts, and prevent misinterpretation These vibrations are transformed back into
of the diagnosis. The aim of this article is to the electrical pulses, which are converted by
explain the underlying physical principles the scanner into a digital image. Distance is
and focus on the instrumentation and use of measured by computing the time taken for the
controls in the practical use of transesophageal reflected US beam to return to the transducer.
echocardiography. The scanner lights up the appropriate pixels

Address for correspondence: Dr. Mahesh Prabhu, Department of Cardiothoracic Anesthesia and Intensive Care, Freeman Hospital, Newcastle Upon Tyne,
NE7 7DN, UK. E-mail: [email protected]

144 Annals of Cardiac Anaesthesia    Vol. 15:2    Apr-Jun-2012

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Prabhu, et al.: Transesophageal echocardiography: Instrumentation and system controls

on the screen, based on the measured distance, with

a brightness scale proportional to the strength of the
echo. When all the echoes are recorded on the screen, a
grayscale image is obtained. These images are produced
continuously in ‘real time’ by the computer.[5]

An ultrasound should be used prudently using the, ‘as

low as reasonably achievable’ (ALARA) principle, in
order to minimize the bioeffects.[6] This can be done
by limiting exposure time and using the lowest output
intensity needed to attain good image quality. The
bioeffects include thermal and mechanical effects.
The thermal bioeffects are the result of a rise in focal
temperature caused by the absorption and scattering
of US by a biological tissue.[7] The mechanical effects Figure 1a: Photo of a transducer

include a movement of cells in a liquid, electrical

changes in cell membranes, and shrinking and
expansion of bubbles in a liquid (cavitation).[8,9]


The cardiac ultrasound machine comprises of three

components: The transducer, the display and recording
unit, and the echocardiography unit.

Transesophageal echocardiography transducer

The multiplane TEE probe is essentially a modified
Figure 1b: Close up of the body of a transducer
gastroscope with a motor-controlled ultrasonic
transducer at its tip [Figure 1a].

The main component consists of a phased array of

piezoelectric crystals (up to 128 for a 2D probe and 2500
for a 3D probe), which function both as the transmitter
and receiver of ultrasonic waves [5] [Figure 2]. The
commonly used transducer material is ceramic lead
zirconate titanate. The piezoelectric crystal oscillates at
a specified resonant frequency in response to an electric
field and emits ultrasonic waves. Conversely the crystal
converts the reflected ultrasonic waves into electric
pulses. Pulse repetition frequency is the number of
pulses per unit time. The electrodes conduct electrical
energy to the crystals and also record the voltage from
the returning echoes. Backing or damping materials help Figure 2: Components of an ultrasound transducer
to dampen the extraneous vibrations of the piezoelectric
elements.[5,10] which can be controlled by the large and small control
wheels. Each wheel has friction brakes that hold the tip
The standard connector is plugged and locked into the position without locking it.
machine slot. The handle contains two control wheels
and array rotation buttons [Figure 1b]. It is crucial that The probe position and orientation can be changed
the tip of the probe should be aligned in the neutral by maneuvring the probe using the two control
position during movement, to prevent tissue damage. wheels. The large wheel flexes the tip of the probe
The body of the tube includes an articulating section, anteriorly (anteflexion) and posteriorly (retroflexion).

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Figure 4: Mid-esophageal four-chamber view at 0° multiplane angle displaying

the sector with a frame rate of 41 Hz, depth of 18 cm, 2D gain at 80, and focus set
at the level of the atria. LA - Left atrium; RA - Right atrium; RV - Right ventricle;
and LV - Left ventricle

Miniaturized multiplane micro probes are equipped

Figure 3: Terminology used to describe the manipulation of the probe and with most of the features of adult TEE probes with a
transducer during image acquisition. Reproduced with permission from
Shanewise, Cheung, Aronson et al. ASE/SCA Guidelines for Performing a frequency of 4.2-7.4MHz.
Comprehensive Intraoperative Multiplane Transesophageal Echocardiography
Examination. J Am Soc Echocardiogr 1999;12:884-900 Image display
Conventionally, the transducer is located at the apex
of the triangular field of display. In the mid-esophageal
position, at 0°, the patient’s right side is depicted on the
left side of the display and vice versa [Figure 4]. Upon
rotation of multiplane angle to 90°, the anterior and
posterior structures are depicted on the right and left
side of the display respectively.

Field of view
The field of view (FOV) is the plane or area scanned by
the ultrasound transducer.

The sector is a fan-shaped image with the narrow end
displaying objects closer to the transducer and the wider
Figure 5: Diagram of a sector showing progression of scan lines section showing the more distant structures. The region
of interest (ROI) should be kept as close as possible to
The small wheel allows for lateral flexion or side-to- the TEE probe. 2-D imaging is displayed on a gray scale,
side movement of the tip. In addition, the probe can with the high amplitude signals being ascribed a white
be advanced or withdrawn in a vertical fashion into color and low amplitude a black color. The shades of
the esophagus and stomach or manually turned to the gray form a picture of the heart in a sector.
left or right with respect to the esophagus[11] [Figure 3].
The array rotation buttons turn the mutiplane angle Scan lines
from 0 to 180°. The piezoelectric elements can be Each piezoelectric element of the transducer transmits
electronically rotated either clockwise or anticlockwise a US pulse along a line. All echoes from the structures
using the multiplane angle control, to enable viewing along this line are received, thus producing a scan line
of the heart in any desired plane. The newer probes whose length is the image depth.[12] The ultrasound
are enabled to suppress the electrocautery artifacts. beam then moves on to the next scan line position where
Paediatric probes are of smaller diameter (5-7mm) and the process is repeated [Figure 5]. Increased scan lines
higher frequency (5-10MHz) with greater flexibility. improve the resolution of the image.

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Prabhu, et al.: Transesophageal echocardiography: Instrumentation and system controls

Frame image also stops the transmission of the ultrasound

Each frame represents a total sweep of the US beam and and prevents the probe from overheating and possible
is made up of a complete set of scan lines depending tissue damage.
on the number of individual piezoelectric elements in
the transducer.[12] Trackball
This control is a stationary pointing device that contains
Frame rate a movable ball rotated with the fingers or palm, similar
The frame rate (number of images recorded every to using a mouse on the PC. It is used for moving
second, i.e., Hertz) provides a seamless, continuous, Doppler boxes to the desired location and for measuring
moving ‘real time’ display.[13] The highest frame rate and annotating.
possible should be sought as a lower frame rate lends
a ‘swimmy’ quality to the moving image. In order to Image acquisition, storage, and archiving
maintain a higher frame rate, the smallest FOV that Quantitative assessment of the chamber dimensions,
allows the display of the region of interest, should be valve area, regurgitant orifice area, peak velocity, and
employed.[14] area under the curve of the Doppler trace, provides
useful, objective information for echocardiographic
Depth evaluation.
This control alters the vertical FOV of the image, and
is used to get the ROI into view. Increasing the depth Callipers
increases the time taken for the signal to return back The buttons for callipers and the trackball measure
to the transducer, thereby decreasing the frame rate, the distance between two points. This can be used for
and vice versa. measuring chamber dimensions, diameter of the aorta,
valve annulus, left ventricular outflow tract, and so on.
Zoom is used to magnify and improve the resolution Trace
of the selected ROI, by decreasing the sector size This function is used to trace the object of interest and
and increasing line density. The entire FOV is used quantify the delineated area.
to display the enlarged ROI image. This function is
invaluable in the investigation of valvular morphology, Recording unit
pathology, and relatively small pathological masses, Recorded echocardiographic images can be used for
such as, vegetations. It can also be employed to improve storing, manipulation, and comparison. The recording
measurement accuracy, when measuring smaller can be done on paper, tape, and optical or hard disks.
structures.[14] The digital frame grabbing system obtains continuous,
high quality, cine-loop recording.[17] The images can be
Most ultrasound scanners feature one or more zoom digitally transferred to a central server for storage via a
modes. In a receive zoom mode, the ROI is selected network connection. The DICOM (Digital Imaging and
via trackball control and then magnified. Receive zoom Communications in Medicine) format is a standard
is a post-processing function that simply enlarges the for handling, storing, printing, and transmitting
pixels within a selected ROI, without improving the information in medical imaging. [18] This enables
fundamental resolution, akin to a magnifying glass. comprehensive archiving, comparisons, including off-
An acoustic or transmit zoom is a pre-processing site access, and requisite security.
function that digitizes the image data in the selected
region at a higher density, by increasing the data Echocardiography unit
bandwidths, to provide a higher resolution zoom Before starting the TEE examination, the preliminary
image.[16] checks include electrocardiography monitoring,
entering patient verifiable data for easy identification
Freeze and archiving, connecting and selecting the appropriate
The freeze button freezes the real-time display and transducer probe, and finally choosing an appropriate
retains it in the digital memory, in a sequence of TEE preset.[16] Timing of the cardiac cycle from the ECG
the immediately preceding frames. Scrolling the can be critical in making the proper interpretation of
frames will allow selection of the appropriate image an echocardiogram, especially with spectral Doppler
for study, annotation, and archiving.[15] Freezing the displays.

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The echocardiography unit combines two component by twice the original and a decrease of 3 dB will halve
technologies: Imaging (Two-dimensional imaging and the power- the 3 dB rule.[23] Minimum power which
M-mode) and Doppler (continuous wave, pulse wave, is consistent with good image quality should be used.
and color-flow Doppler mapping). The individual
components that execute the different modes of imaging Thermal Index (TI) is an estimate of risk from thermal
are a video display unit and a power source.[19] effects of US and is defined as the ratio of total acoustic
power to that required to raize the temperature by 1°C
System controls under defined assumptions.[9]
Power is the rate of energy delivered in a sound wave.
Intensity is the concentration of power within the Mechanical Index (MI) is an estimate of risk from the
cross-sectional area of the US beam.[20] There are several non-thermal effects and is the amount of negative
system controls that can be used to obtain a good image acoustic pressure within an ultrasonic field. It is defined
by using minimal acoustic intensity. These controls can as the peak negative pressure divided by the square root
be divided into three categories: of the ultrasound frequency. Values of indices less than
1 are generally considered safe and though a high index
Direct controls reading is not proportional to a bioeffect, every effort
The Power control has a direct impact on acoustic must be made to reduce the chances of a high index.[5]
intensity and is used to select the minimal intensity
levels required to produce an optimal image.

Indirect controls
The controls of imaging mode, pulse repetition
frequency (PRF), focus depth and frequency have
an indirect effect on acoustic intensity. 2D imaging
mode disperses energy over the entire scanned area
but Doppler concentrates energy in a particular area.
Increasing the rate and time of the ultrasound signals
increases the time-averaged intensity value.

Receiver controls
Receiver controls such as gain, dynamic range and image
Figure 6: Mid-esophageal AV short axis view. LA - Left atrium; NCC - Non-
processing influence ultrasound without affecting the coronary cusp; LCC - Left coronary cusp; RCC - Right coronary cusp;
intensity output. Hence they should be optimized first TV - Tricuspid valve; PV - Pulmonary valve
before increasing the power.
Table 1: Commonly used echocardiography controls
Another classification of these controls can be 2D Pulse wave Continuous Color Doppler
based on the time of modification of the signal. imaging Doppler wave Doppler
Power Sample volume Beam axis Color box size
Preprocessing controls modify the analog and digital size and placement placement and placement
signal prior to storage in the computer memory whereas Frequency Trackball Trackball Trackball
postprocessing controls manipulate the image after its Depth Scale Scale Color scale
entry into memory.[21] Focus Baseline Baseline Color map
Gain Gain Gain Color gain
Two-dimensional imaging TGC Sweep speed Sweep speed Baseline
2D imaging helps to image the heart motion in real- LGC Depth Depth Filter
time enabling detailed morphological and functional Sector Frequency Frequency Measurement
size and trace
assessment [Figure 6]. It also helps quantitative
Zoom Measurement Measurement
assessment of cardiac dimensions and provides the and trace and trace
framework for M-mode and Doppler imaging.[22] The Compression Reject Reject
various control buttons used to get an optimal image Reject Invert Invert
are described in Table 1. Persistence Filter Filter
Freeze Angle correction Angle correction
Transmit power Measurement
Most machines describe power in terms of decibels and trace
(dB). An increase of 3 dB increases power or intensity

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The frequency of most TEE probes is between 3.5-7.5
MHz. A higher transducer frequency improves
resolution but lacks depth penetration whilst a
lower frequency diminishes resolution and improves
penetration.[17] The highest possible frequency that
allows adequate penetration upto the ROI should be
used in two-dimensional (2-D) imaging.[14]

Focusing the US beam by mechanical or electrical means
helps to optimize resolution. The area of interest should
be in the “near field” between the transducer and the
focal length as the resolution is highest in this region.
Therefore repositioning of the focal zone is particularly
important when performing 2D measurements and
examination of specific regions of interest.[14]

Gain is the degree of amplification of the returning
US signal.[20] The gain button alters the “brightness”
of the whole image by adjusting the amplification of
Figure 7: Mid-esophageal AV short axis view. In the image the a arrow highlights
all returning echo signals. Minimal gain should be a low gain setting of 20; and the coaptation line between NCC and LCC is not
used to provide an optimal image with good quality visualized. In image b, the gain is set too high at 100. LCC - Left coronary cusp;
NCC - Non coronary cusp; RCC - Right coronary cusp
without dropout or blooming of signals[14] [Figure 7]. As
a rule of thumb, fluid and blood should appear black,
myocardium a medium grey and the pericardium and
calcification, a bright white color on the grey scale.

Time gain compensation (TGC)

As the US beam passes deeper through tissue, there
is a steady loss of transmitted intensity caused by
attenuation of ultrasound. TGC toggles amplify the weak
returning signal proportionately to the time delay and
increase the gain for that particular depth [Figure 8].
Near field gain is usually set low and the farfield gain
is set high to compensate for the energy loss. Therefore
the primary function of TGC is to ensure signals of
similar magnitude at different depth are displayed at Figure 8: In this mid-esophageal four-chamber view, the TGC toggles at the
same amplification.[20] level of the ventricles have been manipulated to illustrate the high gain at that
particular depth (arrow)

Lateral gain compensation (LGC)

LGC is similar to TGC except they alter image gain at Compression alters the difference between the highest
specific angle sectors in a direction perpendicular to and lowest echo amplitudes by compressing the wide
TGC. It is useful to image hypoechoic images caused spectrum of amplitudes and fitting them in a grey-scale
by suboptimal positioning [Figure 9]. range. Increasing compression provides a smoother
image with more shades of grey but may increase
Compression unwanted signals i.e. “noize”[Figure 10]. A mid-level
This control determines the spread of weaker echoes compression is usually adequate for optimal imaging.
relative to stronger echoes within the grey scale range
of the system.[15] Dynamic range is the term used to Reject
describe the ratio of the largest to the smallest signals The reject control is an adjustable control that eliminates
measured at the point of input to the display. [20] low-level interference caused by refracted aberrant

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Figure 9: Transgastric mid-papillary short axis view. In panel A the septal and Figure 10: The arrows highlight the compression setting. With low compression,
lateral wall areas are poorly defined. In panel B both wall regions are adequately Panel A displays a grainy image with stark contrast. With high compression Panel
imaged by increasing the lateral gain. PPM - Posteromedial papillary muscle and B provides a smoother image with more shades of gray, but increased unwanted
APM - Anterolateral papillary muscle signals. A mid-level compression is usually appropriate

Brightness, contrast, colorisation, grey scale

These postprocessing controls are all designed to
enhance contrast resolution to produce the most
pleasing and diagnostically useful image.[15]

M-mode imaging
Motion mode imaging is one of the basic forms of
imaging. One scan line provides a single dimensional
“ice-pick” view of the heart and the signal is plotted
as brightness mode against time on the X-axis. The
amplitude of movement of an object and its distance from
the transducer is displayed on the Y-axis[26] [Figure 11].
Figure 11: M mode applied to a transgastric long axis view to quantify chamber
size. LVIDd - Left ventricular diameter in diastole; LVIDs - Left ventricular diameter
in systole; PM - Papillary muscles; PERI - Pericardium The short sampling time ensures a higher sampling
frequency and frame rate, which allows for extremely
ultrasound and electronic “noize”. Care must be taken not accurate measurement and timing of events. M-mode is
to eliminate low-intensity echoes from fresh intracardiac typically used for measurements of the aortic and mitral
thrombi by setting the reject threshold too high.[24] valve, ventricle cavity size and thickness during systole
and diastole and timing of flow patterns in combination
Persistence with color flow mapping.[17,27]
Persistence was the phenomenon of superimposition of
new images on the old fading images in the cathode ray DOPPLER IMAGING
tubes of earlier ultrasound machines.[25] Nowadays it is
a postprocessing control that averages and merges the The Doppler shift is defined as the change in frequency
frames thereby producing a smooth moving image of the of sound reflected by a moving object and is determined
heart. Persistence should be set low to retain temporal by the Doppler equation[28] [Figure 12]. Doppler shift
resolution and a real-time appearance.[24] caused by red blood cells reflecting ultrasound can be

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Doppler frequency(fd)= 2. ft.V.Cosθ

fd = doppler shift
ft = transmitted beam
c = speed of sound in tissue
V = velocity of blood flow
θ = angle of incidence between the ultrasound beam and the direction
of flow.

Figure 12: The Doppler frequency shift (fd) depends on the transmitted frequency
(ft) and the velocity (V) of the moving blood and the angle (θ) between the
ultrasound beam and the direction of blood flow. c = speed of sound in the tissue

used to assess the trajectory and speed of normal and

abnormal blood flow by determining flow velocity,
direction and turbulence. The two main types of
Doppler imaging techniques are pulsed wave Doppler
(PWD) and continuous wave doppler (CWD) [Table 1]. Figure 13: PWD applied across the mitral valve inflow. Tracing the typical
hollow velocity envelope is used to calculate Velocity Time Integral, peak, and
mean gradient
Pulse wave Doppler
PWD measures low-velocity flows at a specific point
along the beam axis. The beam axis should be parallel Aliasing
to the blood flow to maintain accuracy. For practical The major limitation of PWD is the maximum velocity
purposes, if the angle between the US beam and the (2 m/sec) that can be measured. A velocity higher than
blood flow is greater than 20°, there is an unacceptable half of pulse repetition frequency (Nyquist limit) will
degree of error in estimating the velocity. PWD is used appear as an ambiguous signal on the other side of the
to diagnose diastolic dysfunction from mitral valve and baseline. This is known as aliasing.[28] High PRF Doppler
pulmonary vein inflow patterns, estimate aortic valve imaging is a technique that combines features of both
area and calculate stroke volume.[27] PWD and CWD imaging which can be used to prevent
PWD uses a single piezoelectric crystal which acts both Frequency
as a transmitter and receiver to measure blood velocity Since Doppler shift is proportional to ultrasound
intermittently at a particular area called as sample frequency, lower frequency transducers are more useful
volume. Adjusting the gate control can increase or as there is less chance of reaching the Nyquist limit.
decrease the size of the sample volume. The trackball is
used to place the sample volume at the area of interest. Reject
Reject function is used to eliminate low-velocity signals
Depth near the baseline by filtering the lower frequencies and
The ROI should be as near the transducer as possible. trace a sleek waveform.
This is because as imaging depth increases, there is a
decrease in the pulse repetition frequency. Invert
The invert button is used to reverse the direction of the
Gain signal display above or below the baseline irrespective
Gain is used to amplify the returning Doppler signals. of the direction of flow.
The audio volume can be used to hear the Doppler shift
to optimize the spectral waveform. Continuous wave Doppler
Continuous wave Doppler (CWD) can accurately
Display measure high-velocity flows (<9 m/second) along the
The velocity is displayed as a spectral waveform on the beam axis, provided it is parallel to the blood flow. It
vertical axis with time displayed on the horizontal axis is used to calculate the grade of stenotic valve lesions
[Figure 13]. By convention, blood flowing towards the and estimates pulmonary artery pressure.[27]
probe is displayed above the baseline and blood flowing
away from the probe is displayed below the baseline. Sampling
The baseline should be adjusted to accommodate the The CWD uses two separate piezoelectric crystals to
complete waveform. transmit and receive signals in order to measure all

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Figure 14: The transgastric long axis view and the CW Doppler applied through
the stenosed calcific aortic valve displays a typical ‘filled-in’ velocity envelope. Figure 15: A mid esophageal, four-chamber view superimposed with color
By tracing the velocity signal the VTI, peak, and mean gradient are calculated flow doppler showing mitral regurgitation. The vena contracta (VC) depicts
the regurgitant orifice. LA - Left atrium; RA - Right atrium; RV - Right ventricle;
LV - Left ventricle
the different blood velocities along the beam axis,
continuously. This makes it difficult to accurately know error. This does not actually change the direction of the
the depth of the reflected signal. The main disadvantage Doppler beam nor does it alter the quality of the spectral
of CWD is its lack of depth discrimination (Range recording. It is preferable to adjust the transducer to
ambiguity). position the beam axis parallel to the blood flow rather
than count on angle correction.
The CWD is displayed as a waveform with a filled- Compression, and the Reject and Invert buttons can be
in spectrum caused by the different velocities being used as for the pulse wave Doppler.
measured along the scan line [Figure 14]. A turbulent
flow, caused by obstruction, results in spectral Color flow Doppler
broadening and increased velocities. The Color Flow Doppler (CFD) provides a striking
display of both blood flow and the cardiac anatomy
Scale factor
by superimposing the PWD flow data on 2D images[29]
The scale control adjusts the range of velocity that can
[Figure 15]. It is useful in diagnosing the abnormal flow
be displayed, and should be set so that the highest
as well as confirming the normal structures.
velocity spectral trace can be displayed without cutting
off the peak of the trace.
Color maps
Sweep speed The PWD used for color mapping, records the mean
This control indicates how fast the spectral waveform velocity data from multiple sample volumes – color
can sweep across the screen. Increasing the sweep packets along each scan line. This velocity data is
speed decreases the number of cycles and increases then color-coded; blue indicates flow away from the
the width of the waveform. A low sweep speed transducer and red is the flow toward the transducer.
shows more waveforms on the screen and is useful to The color bar on the screen provides a reference frame
demonstrate waveform variations caused by respiration for interpreting the colors. The color flow maps are
and arrhythmias. then integrated with 2-D imaging to provide a real-time
Wall filters
All Doppler systems have a variable wall filter control Sampling and depth ― Color sector size and placement
that sets a threshold beyond which frequency signals The size, position, and trackball controls are used to
can be removed from the display. change the width, length, and position of the color
box. The color box, while enclosing the ROI, should
Angle correction be narrow and as close to the transducer as possible.
This control changes the angle calculation in the This prevents aliasing, lower frame rates, and ‘swimmy
Doppler equation by adjusting the beam axis to the images’ caused by the longer time taken to interrogate
direction of assumed flow, thereby minimizing the pulses that are far away from the transducer.[19]

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Gain the 2D gray-scale. By tracking the velocity, direction of

Excessive 2-D gain before superimposing the CFD movement and spatial relationship of speckle clusters
should be avoided, as it may obscure the flow. Optimal during a cardiac cycle, strain and strain rate can be
adjustment of the color gain setting is essential, as too measured to quantify myocardial wall deformation.
much gain will result in noise and impair the image
quality and interpretation. A low gain setting will Three-dimensional (3D) echocardiography
attenuate sensitivity and make the image appear smaller The 3D technology enables us to view the cardiac
than the flow jet. structures from different perspectives. Real-time (RT)
3D TEE, using a matrix array probe, interrogates a
Velocity scale volume of tissue and produces pyramidal-shaped
The adjustable velocity scale is calculated by the ultrasound datasets.[31] The 3D image quality depends
machine depending on the depth of the image. When on the quality and number of 2D images used, limiting
the blood-flow velocity exceeds the velocity scale of the motion artifacts and achieving adequate ECG, and
color legend, the machine will continue to represent respiratory gating.[32]
the velocity of the blood flow, but in the opposite
Three-dimensional live mode
direction. This means that once the velocity of blood
This displays a live narrow angle RT 3D volume of
flow in one direction exceeds the brightest red, the
the selected 2D view for single or multiple heart beats
color will instantaneously change to the brightest blue,
with a frame rate of 20 – 30 Hz. The maximum sector
then gradually darken.[19] The velocity scale must be
dimensions are 60°×30° in the lateral and elevational
set to around 50 – 60 cm/second usually. Lower scales
planes, respectively, which can be changed using
increase sensitivity, but promote aliasing. When the
trackball controls. Using physical movements of the
flow is turbulent, some of the velocities will be depicted
probe, this mode can be used to rapidly scan the heart
as a multicolored mosaic signal.
and guide RT interventional procedures.[33]
Baseline Three-dimensional zoom mode
The baseline button helps to shift the zero baseline of This provides a magnified RT 3D image, with sector
the velocity scale. dimensions of 90° × 90° and a lower frame rate of 10
– 15 Hz. Selecting a 3D zoom displays two orthogonal
Smoothing 2D images, which can be modified in the lateral and
Smoothing determines the grade at which the color elevational planes, to accommodate the ROI within
packets merge into the adjacent packets. A low the box. The acquired dataset can then be cropped
smoothing setting will create a speckled flow pattern and orientated to provide excellent spatial resolution
and a high setting will blend the color packets together. for structures such as mitral valves, intraoperatively
[Figure 17].
Tissue Doppler echocardiography
Tissue doppler echocardiography (TDE) uses the Three-dimensional full-volume mode
Doppler frequency shift to calculate low myocardial Although this mode is not an RT imaging modality, it
velocity, to objectively quantify regional myocardial provides a large volume image, with sector dimensions
motion[30] [Figure 16]. of 75°×75°. Selecting ‘Full volume’ displays two
orthogonal 2D images that can be modified in the lateral
Pulsed TDE is similar to PWD, while the color-coded and elevational planes, to accommodate the ROI. Small
TDE display is based on assigning colors to different sub-volumes are acquired over four to seven cardiac
velocities. Lower velocity colors tend to be darker cycles, synchronized, and then ‘stitched’ together to
colors, while higher velocities are represented by display the ‘blob view’. The frame rate varies between 20
brighter colors. This modality has been applied in and 50 Hz, depending on the number of cardiac cycles.
the assessment of regional and global left ventricular The dataset can then be cropped and orientated. The
systolic and diastolic function. TDE is limited by its 3D color flow Doppler can be superimposed on a 3D
reliance on the angle of interrogation. This problem can full volume, using seven cardiac cycles, but it reduces
be solved by 2D Speckle Tracking Echocardiography the frame rate to <10 Hz.
which tracks tissue movement by offline analysis of
acquired ECG triggered image loops. Speckles are small Arrhythmias, electrocautery artifacts, and probe
areas of different brightness and shape contained within movements cause a demarcation line, termed as a

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knowledge of ultrasound instrumentation and settings is

necessary for the proper acquisition and interpretation
of the echocardiographic data.


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